PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS! `-..sr. Altit.l X 4.1 EX.4., - "NT . I\ TII BRICK BLOCK. 11116.', jtml.srg•tittld haying taken - toe Rooms formerly .7. ":•ufdtaitty - 117. Ult IS now preparedtofurni sh al f wh.) 1, - 1..ir0 with a. ; ,, ,:00d and truthful Portrait: ti.oted fa the oradaction of they:l:font , kinds of i';:q Ire* of tha day, i nAtt,..? trlyielt that ray work is nut et^ .1(,•111, any In thip stedotiof the country. -tat.m..: ills various kftul6 i ta.en at my Itoom* are the 41.1r0 R. 0 TYPEoPIIOTOGRADII, 31EL:11.1 ; QTYPEi ATEILLOGRAP-71 Locket 'Picture• down to the'smalleot nixed miniature Ritz. Transferred Anthrotypeo—the tltord - thing put, for alu ding by NA 41 and part ottltc World without extra Po- - tire. lite 'Pict ntie , aro hold. vlzerons. and expreseive —hot thOse faint, shadrw. , often onld Otiont the ton ntrr. Pieturen taken to all kinds Af weatlier,.tequally ekcept those of young children.' "So pictitre riced be tat - en antes perfect outiqfoction to , In. droe..ing fur a picture. avoidcolors,—roch no blue. iturple,,'curtct, pleb, err. • 3110'.1 other cake well: ac grei,o. bast:, red. snuff. brown. orange. ycllow. etc. rt . " itomenther tit it tit,. place to 3 oar {Acton , ' Is n the Ilrick Itiock, over Iliad, Fn-ter'e.tore. • • ' J. Q. ILIZLETON. • Non use. PA.,N0v.‘24:11. tsuo. DAILY MAIL-ROUTE BETWEEN' .140-ATROSZ ez;FIIIMIDSVILLE. rt4').keitii9 earrrinz, malt. and pavienvra Muntr.utr Ana . !cave Scarle'r lint rl. ht at a. in. ind leave 'Friends % .1.3 Written. in. ' gYi — iiararn ;Ina cast lie,pracared at the Livery Stith. Muntroge, ou rm.1m1,14• timatr. if J. 1). Goonr is,,,_ • . 1 , . 1111 . '.l. HMIIII •& 'SON, ~\ NE thi• mztht.l of inforntinz th eir OLD ! . :CD \P.I . _L. Priend• that thqy havt•j•tv.t. received an Lulciatou to thy Atristtbr Mock of flood., which they BOUWIT FOR CASH, . 2 A ' f - PANIC PRICES', ..SP WILL -SELL TIIEM TO CASH BUYERS, PriC33 Porte:4ly Astonishing: • _ •we hsve not. time to en umerate,urtieles. prietil, but uvitu the public ingamine, and fatii‘ty therui-elveia of tttu trath nt•t* hat we .1 L. A and of eonr 31-e. then nuns. . IEIIII.IAN Pee. 2.lth, 15tin. , CTIOICR Lot 01'F:unit e I :rocerlerjlt,t received and fel Hug Sper cent. belnw formerpricc.. F A.NCY Confectionary for the llolidmy. • V i U r AL.1 :44 7 . 'Ellttld PRODUCE of alI kind,, coe whivh the highest mirket will be paid in Goals, at lipt.lnvil:c, Pa. , MERRIMAN'S. A. REVIEW AND REFUTATION urn HELPETS CRISIS.' (111.131 , .11.T J. DIll1:tr6. • h,4I•.V.kIraLET. fit doable roltiran" ori..ilaallypalilislied pending the political of ;t. Taa •• Inyeth I . 4 a compi, maa 01 all ca.., .01:1 ilottrincs I , y Which a pa'thc ,n.itl ot N.trZlt h . oll) , •en tit/ to poitt• 0101.1. it , pr., I to. 1;1 , trio ;np of the I t re , ldtmtlal cmt. t• .1 Ile • • , ,t.O ul party loot fall. .41. wits nlidelycir. -ty. Iv la. a rantribatinn. of it aa I ail Itiaa aa tar: ntr :0 ,Ithwito the t4.t.:1 or t. tale. 10 C. 11; o rvoahric., Ire 11? 'II: 1 of if- ,entraterk. and cycry impor t tat 3441 ft,!Tol t 3 a-,:u complea‘ ly n oat -11 i, . 1 1 nitliont - sit.lf rin.:y of All the wielonl momtop • I•op, ;, ,:; .ta th,f.i)ly of the arc: i,in.ti • n'alc't ve 1 in d cil Var. As there 11,t no Will Ito p•trtuttlzutly rontortai to h.; 7'1.1....1 I ,ad Itatil the Mina at 111, N0r11; Is 1.. ;ha- , I ft a , tt• taaNltte.tti 4 tat tre tt••t. , l , latiVt . titthe trite 17/::: t't tit ' tt 511:4'2r:1 State 4. most of whom Ort . .v in zith.t or zenoral ;/;, , rnment. the • 1,"1.4 • triwnp: of -eeiouni fan ttici-m both North • I wpm, the dote at all trot , patriot- , to do :.:1 fu thair pot seer to real.c:• tin.ittft betnw-ii ' \.n - ;h anal S nnt h. a n d theTei, probably no more Ole •nt In • tn- re-mlt, than hp .21•1“•r31 'jr. oar 1:1•1 , alio, at -'per. It enmaim , nmonot of i h for occasional' se,T.ral the...price of the pamphlet. to alt I t ric;.• tr, cent- per cum:, or $1 per t- , 1 — , at S, pii,taga prepaid. • A 11r;- C 7 .Tic TIE r.nr.. • .."i1.110.0r0. Ornm? N. Y. HMV Of TIME. I, DEL .111 - 2;, (,".1 ct: - I . --~<.-~ M== sDr.r.a. 70137121 G N 3 TH. T`le Tr tin ' Cr' in ].York t r: • N. 1, - . J..' ' ii,er No.—North Riv. . ••1 - nt 1 a, 1,1.1:, , n) . )7 . 1,,,t Pailnd..-I;,:iia r Kon-:nzil111 ‘ . 7.10 11.1.1 '• in • 1)•1" ,ILW:i•hLIZSGTI. 14.31 L•3l I ? • .? 'if Phil . enn,c11.,.1 . 2.1 ; , 13,•:.15 Iniunteatu uniii 1. f tr :• t • 1! NEEMENI 1 qi e, ,14.111, 9 . 01 Wgivr ( ap. 9.2) Slr,,nd,hurt 10, T 10,11 scar, vale • EISIZZI ......'r,s.ll ,o virz. 19..31. Abittioli. . vit-r q 1i,.. fp.'ll I 11.45 F.1(1417 V:I1C. r"• 11 :131',11. ). , Nielkul. , ,ln. , :b v.1"... , ' 17. - lo i1i . .. 1.1 1.'1: 11,,ptot tutu, I ~... 1:' , .. klla I ezvanck , t , 1.3; :11,mtr,,, 1 :f,,r,1. 1.:,1 ; , :, , w 31i1jard 2.1.1 Gr•tal fi.4(r l!,tntivotv Wail train r.. 161 61 . • 6.12 N 1 . •C ,n 111*.ti. \.•v ^lt. 4,v) mid NI..:10.1;•:... Wtt‘t Ta •13..:;t: t; ; .• Bend wit!. .Ittd vie Erie 7.124 yr r,..c:1 csunvus.ro s; with rt. C::.1 Ott the New Jerre • ,• -11 :tag .A.coolimoD.vrtoN TRAIN. • Live Scranton !S. E. Et. train East arrirp• 1.1.41 :t.(rat send atift.Thl.ll.:ll. Ith - tlcln. '11.301 BendlAp.m.) 2 . 10 balro,c. ' (D. m.)1.1.4). M!!ntroAr. tv,,tat Bcul. • 1.4 I Nictioli‘on. 4.1 i C,lflencitiz with Dunkirk j Fact,wytille. . 5.14 EtveAt! Wost. :It. 2.1.3 1 Lae at Scraliton. 6.3! Tie ArznaLnolatina Trahu dor. not itl , C. scrantun till •*tor the arrival of the .IThenie TraihAna the Lackannnne • i 1 ttla en=hart• thh. ;rivitr IhtKvenfrer , (rule vie Wywninz l'alley a dieert connuethan fur we - • utornmg tr.tho - POT the aeeow aloletiun 4.t wes travel on the frattliern ve..it,a, a pa...e11...rer car will-h: at tarlicxl to the P.lCpr , '-t `r.mig.M rr.ti 1. Scranton at la. el.. till, at str , mtl-- /r: 11..1:merlon. p. m.: H.Mtiruhrz. lc:wet:Junction .3,5: 1 a. m., din! at S:rou,i,barg' , ...2l.l, Scranton t....n;0r.i to and-from Ne•w Turk. will change cart: at turti ot. To and trotn ‘ Pailatlellittin. via. Bet. Del. 11,1: ,ve or I iL•e c tr. ut liupe. For l'itt,tteu. iiinutdon and V , 'itS;•-• di tyre, take L•tak.s itleatiodourglt.R.at Scranton. de.titrt. Arehii till. anti Carbondale take Umuibuu at ::ant tin. Tar ketd tend and tvi__.vzo checked throueth. • duils; Saperilif errierie. W. N. JEShS, Grn. Ticket -lit. Seractca, L . _ • . ickawanna & Bloomsburg B. • B IN N :%111/ uner Nov, 1::.4.11, l'Asftni;er trains will run kJ le fol/JW. ; .I\IOVINa SOUTII l'a ,, jugAr.. detomodatirm '..eats Saari:an, b. 2.7, a. )1. 10.30 ii. Al .11.1a.:4101‘.- 0.3..). - 1,2.15 p. 131 It t.,,,a•t. - -t.,10 I)...nville, 9.1:: A...e.....• a: .N,,:thulll`,?rlatlO at 10.0 J, , MO VI N; N ORT(1 Liace N , rthint•r:lnd, 4.10 p. In. .11urv:11..,• . 5111 Thrd , ..rt, • :', 4:; ' Kin ! , 0)11. . 74.00 : , ..r.l.lton, 9)1.1 Arr 1; 1••373.3, //1:1:r.103 31 S,lO a. In. for to , 1 i•rt with tr.i.o for N. Yuri,. Itirfuratiod • • L.! 7 4 ...:aat,,a ou :176% a; of train from Scar Yuri: at ti„ T.io .5;1111 n •ctA 1r r'tL Dr: ix or. L'ut.trx uma S Vc,, , tern Rdlruotat Scrau ixm, for Nrxr 4.rinedlat, points ca-t. At 12 I ) •rt. it 1.1 with the Cotaixis,altallrottd;for it. 4 a L't Alva ix,t, •id inne,t, with the Piilladelphiu term. on I Nx.:lforrii t' •utral 11.-iiitoadatidErie Railroad for p" tuts re.). and ,;10TIN P. ILSLEY. J. C. WELLS, Oen. Ticket Agt. FANCY FURS. FANCY FURS. John Fareira, • ARCH Street between 'Ult.. and nth., tits.. Zxtteqf 818 Market Se.) platadelplzia. IPOTITEIS, Yds:sursertmmt ld DEnzat: IN ALL terns trAwer Funs, for ticeecertal-Vkildivo ll'ear. liming now mannfnet nr. and in store me . usual -;:e and beautiful . Decor:- cut of all the various vies and finalities of Furs. (anted to the coming Fall al Winter Seasons.. I Juld respect fullyin cite an .r.atuination of my stock • to pnrimse, as lam en-a -;le Inducements. • Atl.mv Fnes filve 'Wen purchased for each, end made compc.timt hands.nnd as-the present wart ley 1 roubles. render it neeciisary that I should dia 1, of at very small oils - ince on cost. • nm:s7ttlott•••l that it will be to the interest - of 'those ._• purctia*lng, to give me* esti: ' ' tr s s - ItlcAlect the name, number And street : Sohn .• (Sew rot Oton,) '413 Arch Street, Philndel - i a. WV. ra. • ./ V, ..'---;itt?:..hilt r:ti: • •• :1010.4.P. 0,4[41,4Eff,'; .sAter DEALER, i '2Ol Wamhiuglonmag • • (tErectly e .oppoSite Washington Market,) TILL cosTistiES,ittotter to the city and i 1.7 c',OuN .trade, all kinds of, FOIMIN Coarse and FICIO SALT, lit the'veryloWest figures; 400 e) sacks and bags. consisting in part of Ash ton'slct lebr.ited brand for table and dairy . use: Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, lirowalow's,&c. - and anuoo bushels Turks Island, tinwares, Cu raco4 tit. Jibes, Lb,bon, Cadiz, bias, Nantes, &A - L s all of v. - Ifich will b.e sold at bargain prices from cess(ils, store pa'd storehouses. . Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assoepieut will .find it to his interest to hall. 1`03.7,-Fitio table ialt.pui up in small bags of diffei,ent .sizesiand constantly op hriad -in ship pirtp,lorder. Also a splendid article of Wick. Groiind salt. in quart boxes. put up and for salai I by tfie , inaniity, in pa _ iti - E4mblished sburgli in 1840 the Only Cothnerriui 'College in. Me ! Union, Conti meted Merehrint. • /I VES6oool,Stadenta have attended It from Thirty different States. 'Fotir Sliver Inedals have been twa cdDuffs sygeni of Book Keeping; slid the new tircularjtoit Issuedeentains lettera from students in Phil adelttlita; Baltimore, El Lottio,`Cincinnati, etc., proving , it to be the best ltnown. NINE First Tremi inns were re cently awarded the Petoriatishlp or Wto IC BUFF. vim Vii blhis associate Prof,, , sor. C. C: Cochran, are undouht ediy the hest penmen in America, !butler's &Maori of In as Book Keeping poet paid •$1,70 Imean's t . ; , ems. of Peninnnship,. , 5,00 Duff hnd Ituncan's New- Selmol cony Itooks., 6 For of Pnif S Cochran's lin4iness and Ornamen tail'enmanslon. with the new circular of 64 pa.g.is, Inclose 2:, a ems in stampa to , 11Cql• a y 3.4• - BUFF .1 SON. . HOSTETTER'S .TONIACH SITTERS. ;The proprietors and manufacturers of IfOS TUTTEICS C.tif..r.BBATED STOMACH ra-r- VrAtS can appeal with perfect confidence to physielanS and citizens, generally of the United States, because the tirade has attained a repu trition heretofore unknown. A few facts - npon this point willspeak more powerfully than vhluntes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery.. The crimson:Oen t3osietter:ll StOlll4Cll Bit ters for the last, year amounted ict'over a ftalf ziiillion and .from its manifest steady increase in times past, it'is evident that during the coming - year the consumption will reach aerie one within bottles. This immense amount • ebultl never have been sold butfar the rare , Medicinal properties contained in' the prepria. tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the. country, where the article, is best known, who not only. recommend the Bitters to their patients, but nie ready null times to give testimonials to its ChiCacyln :lbeases of stomachic derma - quoits stiol . t he diseases resulting the:errant.. Tills is rota temporary mtpularity, obtained 13• extraordinary efforts in the way of trum ji,elting the nnalities of the Bitters, but a solid' et.tinititiore of an invaluable medicine, which it .destined to be as enduring ns time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved nklodsend to regions where fever. and 'ague and various edited bilious complaints have Moned . their victima by hundreds. . To be able to state. confidently that the "Bitters" m.e a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like disenses, is to.the proprietors n source of un- Mloyed pleasure. It removes all mothielinattcr !tom the stomach. : puritiCs the blood, and imparts renewed vitality,to the nervous system, wing it that tone mud fnergy indiepemable fhr She restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, litibby but powerfully; and soon restores them acomlition essen t Mb to the healthy discharge f the functions of tilt ore. rlderly persons etas use the Bitters daily as. rev directions ou the bottle, and they will find in ire stimulant_peculiarly . adapted to comfort declining years. as it is pleasant 'to the palate; invigorating to the bends, excellent us a tonic, dud rejuvenating, generally. - yeitave the evi ence of thou - sands of aged men and women t.ho have eNpericticesl the benefit of usingt his reparation While suffering from stomach de rangentent send general debility ; 'acting under the advice of physicians, they have alinnOoned all deleterious dr u gs and fairly tested tlos merits if this article. A fee. 'words to the sex: There ere certain periods when htir eases are so hatas'sing that many of 'them kind rioter the trial. the relation of Mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the • mother, especially if cliche young, is apt to • forget-her own health' iu her estreme anxiety far her infant. Should the period of lytitei'hity rorrive during the.snmmeeseasen, the wear of body intimitid is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the, r 4 I:er to bear up under her exhausting trials and,'re,ponsihilities. Nursing mat her* gene rally prefer the Bitters - to all other imigora-- tors that receive tile' endorsement orOtysi eintis, because' it is 'agreeable to the taste as. well as certain to give a permanent inedease of holiTy strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred, above, to wit: sufferers froth fever and ague, caused by malaria, (lien-limn, dvi.entery, indigestion, losS of - appetite, and all diseases or derangements of .the stomach, superannuated invalids.; persons of sedentat, occupation, And Purling motbers,!will const4 thele own physical welfare by giving. to Iles-- letter's Celebrated Stomaik-Bitteis a trial. . CAUTION.—We caution .the public against using any of the many iraitationkorcounter- 4.4" 4.r; 6.Sc felts, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CZLEIIIIATEL L%Cn Ifirrens; and-see that end' bottle has the wonis •• Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach titters'' hloWn on the sideof the 'Wale. and stamped On •-fhe metallic .cap cosering` the cork. and „pbserre that ottrantograph signature is on the labeL gzi- Prepared and sold *HOSTETTER & SMITH, 'Pittsburg's. Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, .and dealers generally thr,ougbout the truited States, South Ame rica. and flenr.aar. 1100FLARD'S 1 40 MB D/Cidy TliE Cit- A.T STANDARD 'REMEDIES , of the pment am., Lave acquired their great popularity may through years of trial. rateautdcil satiaLutima • la rcadered Ly them iu all coat 1100PLAND'S CEfIMAN BITTERS. 2.l"cr tompletint. Topeic . pita. Jasandior,. Xcireins Do. natty. Docases.of the Kidneys. awl ¢il tleleten4 urisiu.s,fevtu a di-ordered liver. gr ' steak neer ed the Stoutada and Digrst ire Orgaus, AND WILL ie-ATIVLLT rtr.crter ,17.11e'ff ?DV; 1111.1013! rivat, Ass mu /U11:I AUL our Alumnic tor roof rwcz, oruti perrottla. 7 Ilalsaloic Cordial SILL KIM - ICW CULL C 11 1 .043, Cal. or BoMamma. Pronetala, Wham, .Ceoup, Pneumonia; Pnapiant Consumption, and bas performed the Mort selonishing know.: of• COXFIIIPIED CONSVPIrTION. As a Diarrliceo Cordial! is , unequalklL • Pew:4 Vi ;MOM 1100FLANWS GERMAN NU; bsiuz . siossii throughout Enrow end - Mierks, coedi t cousnisuilation liere...Tbsyorw &hayTs:getable, era preporeil with great exactrolis, toil are suoircualcd. 50 licurr Cathodic Pill cats be Low'. Pita, 2'Chi. per box. 'These MetliCilati .11111; prsparcil by Dr. C. 51. JACZSON 0). and St. Lords; DIo., end wre sold by thp=isti and ds.ilsrs io tosslicincs !everywhere. Iv, sir iLItUrC of C. 31. JACL.SU.3 WSU bo ou the outsillo of each' bottle or hex. . Innur -Errypt.difs Azunstic," pnbli.hedinenallyori trip find molly slgntieottatory.notkes Irani sin pacts coltu:ry. Tune 31.13rman ark Os* Away Ity an ' , our ovate: • ''..".::*11.1.4.:M330-;-- ' -I eaadlr ! ; lamp 011.ba ST. LOUIS HOTEL. CHESI'NUT-ST ABOVE THIRD, !•• •PHILADELPHIA • • _•• • • . • T., • ••; the InGthdintien'elghbnrhntid of the Jobbing Muses . on3larket. , Third. and Chodnnt etreetg, the Milks, Post Office, Merchants Lichantre, ar. • BOARD PER DAY, $1,50. • Aconmtnntiatiou. *hen reqvilmd, on the EUROPEAN PLAN. Roinw Troia 50 ante and npwards. per day, and Meals at a.Flaar-CLete Itaataurant attached tothe hotel. Prices according to the WIN of Fare. • • Tho City Cara take Paseengora :tram any Station TO•er CLOSE' TO the Hotel. • .JYls'Y ts - v - Enknok, French, and German ipnken. • ARE YOU INSURED.? xx. 11334.69.0.1r..11X416.1%7 Ireceiving applleaktose !or Insarance tultio ling Co in p Mile% : • Wyoming INSURANCE Company, • w a li ES- nA It IRE, Ara. Charter Perpetual. Capital.. ..$100,000.: Surplus.... s7,ooo Organized 2Cpronber .1),. 1857. . . , . . . ,a: tt. llou nib. 4 k,. 1 1 . q:llrti l bticki, J.P. Ddatnill, ',Zolm Retchtirtt, ' Havilllttirmin; ellttit I)Mrance. Satu'l Wtu'llmm, , , It I) I.nct)e, Wm S !too!. 1. , H Shoeninkm, Geo P Steele:" HN. tio)t. R. C. Sllllll, Srey. . G. M. TIOLLFINDACW..; Preet.. N. CL'SrximiNa, Trent. L. D. Stiorsutxxx, rice fret._ ETNA. INSURANCE _COMPANY, II artfora, Connecticut. , raid np Capital . ' ' v..-419.ii0n PD .I.ett, 2141190 .02 :N011T11.E1 4 1.1.1 FIRE & LIFE ASI6I.IIANCE COSIPANY, "No. I Moorgzite street, London. Capital, $0,408;1100.....Annuel Revenue, $1.000,000. - Wyt GETTY, Agent, Plilladslplga. ..CONNECTICUT MUTUAL TAPE 'INSURANCE CO3I - PANY of :Hartford. Connecticut. Accumulated _ $3,370,009 00 Any one wiehinz their lives Insured will do well to call. and examine theicmoile of Insoritz..and their rates. which are hetter than.those of anv other mospans, before taking Policies elsewhere. • • h. P. HMO:MAN. ben '603 Mace over Quintile; & Jesstip's store.. MORE, NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE FOOT OF MAIN STREET. rpm , . I•xtensive Furniture Establishment of, 1 SMITH BROTHER, having been refitted ane greatly improved, the, proprietors respectfully annotint'e to the citizens of Montrose and viein ity that they are constantlymaking and keep or. hand O.; LARGEST and HEST assortment of :"TURNITURE To be totind hi the Country. We givti tho.following list orsome nt the nr titles «filets wo till Bell ot irently , re,duret pri,es, for CASII or :%lahogany, _with glas.. flora $l6 to €435. - Iturenik tnnrl.l6'n7 brorafellr tops. fro!, '3lB to :324 ; And' largo assortment, tronilt, 14.11 , $3 l B- - WR4:II Stands, Card Stnndm,Ciirner and Squnr, Stands, of all varietie:4 and prices, froth 75 sent. to ten doliar,s.' • • . , r) un :rowel Racks, Foot4ools,Oftn mnrq. Leutmest. &e. Centr e , Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen and Extension •I'ahles. Chairs.,—Cane and Wood Si•nti,. Rnekern -Cane, Flag, and Wocd:Seats, 44 every variety :ind style. 'Saari. tete a t.i.xtos fuinitdied at.short notir at New• York...prices. - • • 11. heady made enfßiis nn hand nr fur ikhed at Ali ,, rt holier.-11ea•ses Ou.itysi readiness when desired. - . We oviploy !lithe but CAT: r.11;1. and rxenii eneen'WonveEe. -We intend In do oerWolti• IVEEL, and sell it-as Low a. it ran he, W. W. foitILTII. . , . A. synrror; in.; • Ir., R. Fcivi U. •lfnatrne>.lm IRIb. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At lic•ntroso, Penn. WM. lIILTCII, Proprietor, THIS new anti gotnmodions !tote: sitmatt, on Put,li e avenn e. near th' Court I louse,an, lear4 in the yetare of the b u siness portion 4.1 4-nnlro , e. ly Oimph•tra and furnished a n d teat opeffed on Mond a y. the 27th day o• September, . for the aecontntodatipn of the public and travelers. The Propiieinr . :crifii..nt. that is now prepared to entetta.l, g uests in n niannerthai cannot fail In give Complete Satisfaction. Time ttoto - ani Vurnisure are new, ,nd no ox. press has been spared to render it equal. if not 4nperio - r to any similar establishment in this part of the State. }.:t is well supplied with all th recent iinprovenomts - mnd ei4nlorts. and obli'Stiat. waiters will elWays be readytotospend to th. of eu.tomets.. ~Th- e :streonneeted with this House ar. `Mew and Convenient. - 'ill, Pr..riet )r. respectfully solicits the rntrot, ge or his fr tnde",ancl tla. public gpnerally. FR ti . 4 K.:LT:fr. -itiREEI, - NA ONMRO S E . PEN N A , • . .. iit- V T I HE subscriber having ptirchp, e n. 011.• it. refitted and newly furnished th; alai ,hove well known and popular Hole!. PO I 4 prepared to accommodate the tram - cling public and others with all the attention!. Ind conveniences usually found in first-cli-. s I louses. No effort will be spared- by.the P . m,. prielot and his Assistants to make the Hole! .. qua l in every point to any in, the country. • The Bar will always be supplied with to Choicest Liquors:, The Stables, connected"with this. lions are larre. roomy and conyenient.And careful an attentive Healers are always in charge of then! J. S. TAR itt:l3,. COININGE e Rt i _ A .,ol oo lv v " Ps C MS Delicious Took Slimulant, - Especlalle de - signed T for the nee of the Medical Profession and the h icing sne -ceded the so called •• Gins," " Aromatic." • Cordial. "•' Medicated," " Schnapps." 'etc:, Is now en ,reed by ail the prominent physicians. chemists and Coe hyia= pOetteßsing all ihObe INTILINSIC medicinal lit - Witte* (wale and dincenic ) which belo , g, to an OLD and p.l 1Z Pat up in quart bottles and sold ',yell Dreg.. •'stsandOrocers, etc. A. M. BD:INGER [gitabliiihnd rra]Sole Proprietors. oc c] -- No. nitro:id Street, N. T, For safe nt Terrell's - DMZ Store. MOntrose. ES I. *Ems • TAR AND. WOOD NAPTHA re the best Medicine++ the irora for the cure of Coughs and Ccilds, Croup, Bronchitis. festhwas, Difficult Bresthilig, Palpitation of the Heart. For the relief of patients in adCanced *toga of Consumption together With aft Diseases of the Throat and Chest sal which , - predispose to Consumption. P attacks the root of - dbieetee. and makes ths.rell dertroyerourverrth lo tie influence. It alooYrodu ,. ere free enketoratioa, 4 , failures healthy action In the dieeeieed Atucoye- Atemtwane and tie tee. It isrpeculiniy adapted to the radiell et re of AnIBBIA. One dose of Mut infatuate - SYBC7' 'Oen Ores' art , " and consaryently.lee . p.vklot the particular nature qf the dveaee dense.. R ref y alumni • to the WM. wad prompt in efreir. Try it &- de ameineed that it it invaluable in Me cure of !bronchial Alffectlone. li ice dob cents per ttntile. - Prepared only by Pt. A. F.WEYIrETS,and sold by A. Esesursin • d Co.. N. W. corner 9th and POPLAR area,: .Philciard. Pa. For eale in Montrose by ttflai vo AREZ TURRELL Drultille• • VIRPIT AND GRAPE GROWERS two odwerttsement.ol the new yetttement of Vineland th another column. • .vrasons-wiaitrixo A CHANGE bir - CLIMATE' FOU . fLESI.TII, we adirerttsemest vt Vtnetsed serum M. qloylsgrk:; TT to cons ponuated entirely' from GtillOgoth4 JI. hxll loccolon.in ...lab:bawd la.; •SiAnd•al.llodie r lull. taevrp sod sPilslis'i ' br. ell 1 1 ' . bate hm411.4 asi4 to tun. so. sone.' to olth routideiwo la a [II the difealats (or ulactilt Is re,inu.ovlt4l. . - , 1t...1“. ,-.•-eJ tltnnvirin 4 A n within lt, I.zt llro Scow who had el, en• op all l•yroi se l ot roliet..ss P 11011110 . 04 i . mowlicardeortglealta In la) to imiaro••••l•l,mv. 11,e dem% mutt I. ad.Lple.l W. to Alm I,,ngleralliellf of lhel l•dh•lial•ilung IL snit 1..- ~.4 La such quaialthes as to l/ci {,tally oil the Ittrerela. . . . . 101 th,, dlstalmor ra.u . ',jitionent itikle you in thu us* of the LlTlM'fir IV- VIGIORAT6II, sod a , . win cure. LI 7er Carol pia, ote;•E I I lons At , inehe. - by.epe psis , 'z3 efirUlliC DI Arrho.ol. Summer ry. Lleopey, Roar 011ooloeh,lls il tool Cost I wrote, l Clout- ii, 'Cholera, thole . . raMorbotte, 4 6heltira tt ! leer; Jitutstlller. es, eul s oaty be use 4 101 e vr still ir /11 , 41-4, 1115...‘ 0 Nell In, 61. 1 • Itrettly,nalattlea, Ili onaostruile are link - I • clack. _ • A , i trim use to-onov, totattnot, 1i;.54 Urkikti iil Til 71:11z, - Ervic(ntA•ron, •111)T11 TOGF.'IIIE IL. r/iCO 0110 Dol'at A1.51).-- SliaTrORD'S . vAnitipar CATHARTIC. PILL S ., c,l.Uriii, NORD I'll_. al • Pure VegrtnblefiCattruttu, atott- lout Tito to t:L.1..4M CAMICO. Air I.llllat v aud mall Lary, In any climate.-- . - - - The Pflnilly '. Cs , . ' therflePlLL Is., its. 4 re but lailfo Chtbutie ,whfeh th e a...wirer, fur u.e.t to Li prsokes atm. Aden tweet, tan. ; The coeeLently Inervesing dehund - hum Ursa elm • haveleeennedthePiLlet. is nett the eatlefeetioa *Lich A. ,1 ^Wn. hmrthripthey rf: tae,taslodueed mew place tliciii:Viii;;Vie;;;;; s 4;4l4l.l iii - ---' _ 1 lie Profession won knots jel„ that didereSt Cathartics act on iialerent.portims of the pi 'bowels. '.he 1.c:13111.1f C.l- - UsliAntic PI'S I. ....loi- in Ph iltie reteis‘nrc to - . this troll einslilli.iieit ' art,. lie., rom i ,iiiiiite I , films N 0 moiety of the parrot tog!- ' irhte Ettreete. s bleb set alike tat et ery pate at the .j et , I t try card. an•l ere'g so • ood and le la all cal. g e.. niece. a Calletrtte hi heeded. such aa ,De. rstogemettla of the hill oto ear li.111,0111.• era., Palos Ist floe Bork nod Loallos. Conlllves , ean. I' so 1.. and Igarrora. Over ,t.. selatt/e . body, Mia's suililca cold: which frequently. If neglect...l.roil In a foot course-of Fe re.. htik.ll of App.— alto. ' a essLeplloog :nen analog. ll °reca over I s to it oo lv. Ileatleater. 0r... Hemlock., ...-, ..-right lsi Ihr Ismael, ail Ili llso no soon tory l iti Doss-nee, AVioroosa ito Children or *deal ix.' Ithentonalson, ;arrest Poor, fir rof the 11l rood 1 .., and many Aleneaes to rehkh iletth is hsir , ago notmeruust go to-locutioo In this advertise. IWO. 4.h00e. I In 3. .., • . 1 , PRICK TIIMEE 'bIllc1 1 4:* ", i . •ThS. - TA writ lorlot.sirat.or nod VoinlllllrCaa' ' fluoride I.llla err reed:l/4_l , y itt.CLl.t. generally. agY 0n.1.1 to Lolesnle by the 1 rib In nil the I.rpt• to. tic. . S. T. W. ISA N Filllt IS. ,A. I).. - Nlerhireet , ttei awl rie t prltitar, . 335 'fr.:tacitly° 3., NeNv Torts. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE,OF THE KIDNEYS; LlValati 4.:O3IPLAIIIITT. . WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE,. Sou the eatiour cotieetjuent upon a disonienal ,STOMACH Ott LIVES', Snell rtn Indierdion. Ariday of the Stomacti,Collety Palma, Heartburn. leaas .f appetite, Ihwpotaleney. Crertivennea. Wind and Meeding Piles. In .11 Neeeona. Ithennuttie. and Neurateic Affect ione;it bin in mats itirtaneee Nosed hhdily heneflelat, and ju Others /Mortal a dechk•dettee.. 1 hie u: a purely tegetehle compound. rreptnrt on Merrily teiroNAe pdhriyl n, after the inentuT of the celebrated Ihdland Pmdepoor.:lterlelve. Its reputation' at into pro duce,' Its intneturthoibere. the demand comma:Aar with thane rip the Fathet lend ecatteted over the face'of thin tni.d.te roindJy. many of rannu brnuirbt with them and banded d o w n the truditi. , n of lii ',me, It 1, Is errinb: trra-nennt that as truly lorardnful rirtws twat to aartalileriptd. . • It i• pyltlrnloely trylnenaserubrt to those - persona whose eouelltutions may lase been !unwired by the euntlunPris uw o•ardent spirit.. w Idher forms of . dltelpation.. Isi.talitain•one in effect. End. ita way directly Lithe met of lire. thilliing and nillekehin% et rry nerve. mining np the drooping rsirit. and, in tut, batwing per health and vigor la tin 1..5 - NOTll:F..—Wlaw.ret expect! In gel thin a beverage Isla be dirntipbtled: but to the wick, weak and heir inatited. It will pro, e a grateful aromatic euldlat, tosenteed of singular pr•perti , e. • . READ C.AREFULLY2 Ti,. Grin:bin ribcrutrntra Ikerliere's • Rolland I!. put up in half-pint hottlee net,. and retailed at 03t. i1..1.1.0. I , r tottle.. 1.411,4 Yor yrtr.nol Litt. The Brent ,bnu•nnt for thb ttuly erlehr.lted Medielnelim Induced nary buitnllunn, which the balk, r.t.nubt guard .agalust putrlkn.iut• Ara . Pee that out Dams label of carry bottle you buy. Bald 6y Druggists generallp.. It vas - 174 forwarded by Uprose to moot petals. • • SOLT.. rnorittrrons, BENTANIN PAGE, TEL. at CO. - Vhaimareutists and 6bentists PITTSBURGH, Thin nnp-ItS eo°uu,Montrnrir Ly or 3 y - • - AttEl. TURItELI. DruOgie WM. R. II A'N't Ai aperient.. an :detonable preparation of IRON purifi'd of Oxygen and Cirbcm by tom. bunion in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity ,and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaint.. DEBILITY, NES9OOS AFFECTIONS, EMU mellow. DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA; CURTI -PATTON 'SCROFULA, SALT REMY. WIMPY, JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM MENCORTAL CONSEQUENCES,. INTER MITTENT= FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC' READ/WEBS. FEMALE WANNER!. MS. MENSTRUATION warns. CEILOROSIC e PIMPLES ON T.XE FACE, BOUOKNESS OF THE SIDI. etc. The IRON being: ablorbed by the-blood, and thus circulating through the whole system, no part of the lied)! can escape their.traly wonder furinfluence.., 4 The experience of thousands daily proves that no' preparation of Iron can for a moment be comps:xi with it. inKnarities of the blood, de.. pressiiii - of vital-Energy, pale ."-and otherwise sickly iornpl-mone ini.cats its necessity in al. Mon every_ conceivable case. In sill cases of Pma'e debility Crier ehlorkis, etc.). its effects are sieli4tully s enovetneg. lie remedy Las ever. been - discovered. in therwhole history . Of mellielne..which.exerts such Tempt, happy, find tally restorative effects. Gieil appetite, cam plots digestion, rapid acquisition. ofltrength, . with an unseal disposition for active and cheerful exerci.e,'• immediately follow its use. . a grand stomacbirend general redorallire • it has no sorrier and no substitute. j 5.:...: Pat op In neat Eat metal boxes enetelnlit, en rytl. , prtee bn sense pr. boat ebt banes. $4 501 one dozen onus. 44 00. For rate by Detuttlkts getwently. Wall be sent free to 4 ?. 7 7 40 4nese an reerstgof Slut price. AU let. tars, orders • te., sbould no.addrawod to . s now prepared to ewe every mom of fICIIPPULA I Conntry. and be baa a Remedy :for nearly Om Ui to wldch tleeb ie heir. Call at the " • . • GREAT MEDICINE ENE° B RIM atop, ;,;.• 'llitestreeei.49lY 17. MI: VONA ? Eta SNARE': ILA )1. - SIPS Itipientild assortment just resod toe. eithania,ifiattes burners, wkks. etc., a$ Terrell's. SANFOAD'S Iliatutting: : . 11Plana• tormile Weakvies". iessfully as se Orditia• rift*. It will mut boOsias can liilify,On" iitro or, !PrYi' . ra • Clk codatoeuccuorot of giving their loath:Roe/ I niorTft WOW 'Aso SWALLOW, ,r per bottle. Cet.E6I;;VSE6 crokl.,iso itzinza , FOR I=l REsIP 3. P DI .artiOrto,4 ) iii* - • B. LOMB & CO.; General Agents. 339 UROAUWAF.,III V. 11.... The above le a nomaniai "it 416 NW! an each box. • • ABEL -TURREIAL THE, •7190 sinA lA. •• I -.• WPAI/3131111Vit tCEPTIALIC PILLS -9 evtit ditivixes . £U Wh O 'Adititt.rizto 11,EADA.VME TIiAT A. SPEEDY "A fit) SURt - CV.R IS WITHIN TnEnt ritAcn. As these testimonials were sosolieited 'by M g•Prildinc, their glued _unguestibpOle . proof 1" the effiawy of this truly . seieritifie _ . ltAsoxviitz, Cali's., Feb. Eh drn.• SPALDING. --• .. .. • Stn: • : . : • I have tend your Cerballi-Pillt, and i Ma iitent iota that I want-yorrlo send me $ll worth MUM. .• , • . Putt OrPIeAC are for the neighbors. to *bout I gate a 1' Out of the drat box 1 gut from you. , • • • .. Send the Pill* by wall, anditbligo Tont Wt. serv't. •.• - . JAB. Kg:MUM nearfoid,l4., fipaldlor to I wish you to send me one more box of your Capful Pil4; /hays racked a great deatill benvitfrops maw TOurs, napectfullr.: Azcir sivitcnousi; Spruce Creek, lluuting4olvia t ria. Jan. 18 11. Spalding. Sir: ion wilt please Pend me two boxes of your Pills. 8c them immediately. /lespeettuDy rum. 01 - JN.II. SIMONS• P. 9.-! hare used on* to of geoiir Pille, and jtnd Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. Z. t 'teary C. Spaldlng.Evq. . .. - ... `•• ' 1 Pleaae.thad enclosed t‘rentv•ftve eentf, far which fend me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are trily the best pills I have ever tried. • '. 1 Direct •A. STCiVgR, .P. AL 1 , . Belle Tema, Wyandot county, Old% . , . • • - Beverly, Mau.. Pee. p. A. C. Spalding. Esq. I wish for some circulars nr large show bills; to ,b g. -tour Pllls.more particularly before my enstomers. If u have anything of the khol. please send them to me. ) One filmy customers. who sublect to severe sick headache, ((usually [siting two diva). was cured of an Cab tack in oft dour by-your Pig. whieb I sent her. . • Respectfully yo N. . - B .• W. wliarbS. , t Rer.noldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio, 1, Janusry 9. ' • s lenryo. Spalding. 43 Cedar street, T. • - Dear Sir ~ . , • %Close& find twentlivo cents , C-`5,) fat *bleb aendpie hot of "cephalic pillr: Direct to Des. Wu!. Piker; at Revnoldshin. Franklin county, Ohio. • four Pills wort Aka ar charm- -curt Headache almost liutantri. Truly, your,• .Itr. Spa/diny. Sir : .Not lone since I sent toyer! fora box of Cephalic *Rs for therpre of the !ferrous Headache; and Costiveness. and received the• shine. and Doty hud - so gwer (reit 1 mar trelyeert to rout jar more. Plead send by return Mali. Direct to A. It. vWHEELER.. Ypsilanti. Melt. From the Examinee" Wrirfoth Cap lalit piW eceortfpltiti the object Tor which they ttere made, viz.: cure of hcidache in all its forme. ' ' From the Examiner. Norfolk tro. They hare twen. tested In more thane thoneand capes with entire suiTess. Fr! , m the Democrat, .St. Mom!. Minn: If you ere. or have been troubled - with the head4.he., .end fora box of cephalic . pills , au that you may bare them in meat an attack. - - Frain the AdeertiNvr,-Piothlence; R. . , The Cephalic Pill 4 are staid lobe a.remarkithly effective remedy for the headache. and one of the very heft for that vary frequent complaint which has ,very been hits eoyered. • _ From the Wr..lerp R. R Gozette, Cliff We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and Ala harl Cephalic t From the Slur. KtMftrlo. trettre rare that per:ionti taSering with tho headiette who try them, rill itick to theta. FeLin Ihe Nth Pipder. Yew Orliana Try thent: . you that are afflicted. and tee ire our • that •pur te.i.ntony can he added to the already nutairoui list that has mceived benefits thattau other teedidde can produce. . , . . . ; • Frript /he S. Louis Petnnerat: 1 .. 'The I eameirsc: denased.rer the article (cephalic tab) it , rapidly increasing., , • From the Gazrtle, DarrOporl, fottr. Mr. Spalding would net connect Isia name with ren kr tide tin did not know *to"possetts teal merit. Fiftrn the ...ildrertiter, • Proi.idehee, • The testi tnanple their favor Is strut:tr. from the mw respectable quarters, Frn7n the Doily .Vocs . . - Velfport,, Cephatic Pill; aCe ta kin; the place 6 . . t all Wed. 10,23 1 e/t o l CURE q,.._0 01(‘-adf ko . 7 CURE e NervousHeadae6 .4„ -91 E kinds I fileadaci) By the swot these Pilla the periodlcattacke of emus or Sick licadache may bepreyentedi and if takeu at the ,commencement of - an attack. immediate relief (rein plan and sickness will be obtained. " They seldom fall In removing the !Wawa and liqadache to which females are so subject. • They act gently upon the howels„--removing Coitittneu. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, said all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Manlier,. Improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to tht &eget , . Live organs:- anti restoring , . the natural, elasticity and strength of the whole system. • 1— . - The BENUMB PILLS are the result of long Invest!. gation and carefully conducted experiments. havitig been In use many years; during which time they have prf vented Ind relieved a vat amount of pain -,and suffering from Headache, Whether originating in tht :nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomaclh. • .They are entirely , vegetable in their coropositipn;:itid &palm taken at *Mimes with perfect safety withot mak• mg any change of diet, andthe absence of any Asa male cede randsts ft easy to daminfoter 041 0 42 chware.. . Beware, of Counterfeits.] • The genuine haie dye signatures of henry C. S.' lding ...„ oneaeli box, - • , , , ,:' . , Sold by -Drrtz • rhits and other Dealers in.lttedlelii a! A box will be sent 14 mall'prepaid on reeelpto the •,' WiklClaili SS 0622.te5. r ' All orders should be addressed to. •. - _ 1, flENltli C. .1SPA111.1611!orG, , - IS Cied,r.l4tr,et, New Cork. 01'12 i le% ErA elnrtc bottle - or SPA LDINOS PRIIIoOtETI OLVE . 141 a nee red times Its coseanguallt, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIM! SPALDING'S PREPAEED qui/. SPALIYING!S PItr,PARER GLUE SAVE • ECO3IO VT ! gar-A Sett= re Titte Elatres,Note k ".".4sl As accidents will happen,. eien in well regulated liamt lies, ills veey desirable to have IMO Misspend tonna lent way for repairlogfamiture. toys, emekery,ld.e. • SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets nll such emergencies, and no household tan afford to be without lt. • it is always ready, and up to the stick. log point. "USEFUL IN EVENT lIGUSE."I'. - .. N. 8.„4 Brash nfes• emit Bottle. Pricei 25 tents. ..,dddress, • HENRY V. SPALDING, - No. 48, Bader atteet, NeWpTint. . , .-•• , . . .• .- • tutrfo.v.: • :-- - • ' . As torteln unptinetpledpersons are attempt!: . tetioaLit off op the anauspettleg public, lekltatletka of la ohm. I would f.autton all persona let:famine . , ‘ ,. .....- -" pli ' i-,. thalllng..44 see /4 4 !the POI mate , ~,, ~.'-, 4 :) Or tiReILDIWO7II,PATROND 17Z1111411 .. le y on the °reit, *Tom ; a abesimet . woo. MEM ip •r, . ~ : . 3 Irrr ". , Cl, ‘ Greatest IteSiedyiethe World,for . . • RKEUMAT4SkIi s ilitilli PAIN , c .. , ._,.. telit -..... •,-, f - 1 - - A t Foyer y gnellt*darl.", . 4 "..,..,".."' Chills. In rive - it: wet r - . . ' . - Dean iti two to burday• ; ~ -.. c i s . . ' l Burnsmho aealds In ten minutia ; prates,troutidi: and Seises In from one to three days: index:lt:Wien to el* day - Neuralgia, Croeg,.Toutbac ;. he, Barns, in ten Minutes; ' ilemorrtiage.'clerobsia; Mumma; In ten days.: • Braises, Woulids. Tenet, to one to three days; Eariche. Stiff tree*: Agee. in one day . . .. ' - - • • Felons, Broken Direst, Salt Rhstatn, In 3 to . , ski days: Quinsy, Pelpitikt foe. Pleurisy. in tine to ten days ; ' . ' Asttinsa.Bunt;Erystpolas , In die to twenty days; '.: ' 1 Fiestas* Feet' t.lblinistinta Ste Joints, chronic IMO, . notion. Sore Threat, Brasier Fever, and thalami - ' 'made to-wal k ,bt a lem bottles. :. , .This ell. (Iht,Gteth'it) is mild and pleasant, and la s great Family Medicine for children teething /to. Ladles stionlanil msu It., ..It always leases you better than It Ude Sip, and, one bottle Often eines entirely _ . SPFLICTEDI TEARS, AKE) MERV • VitiONE WEEK. Head letter froth Kee.lantes Tenipie. - f- .r Pttu.rinutslita. June Otb. 1856. -Prof. De ( l'auqu; I twee.cen afflicted for thirteen year. rilth Neuralgla of ier painful complaints, and 1 blVf 'men unable to slurp soundly or, walk any distance foe nany years past.) 'sow week Igut a bottle of your Eke, •ric OIL 1116 1111100 t I Kept soundly and well. rind tt. My I rim liked nt.w man:- My wife could not believe. hci les. Your Electric ,0-11. has done In ono week what th, hysielaua of Mad. tphla fatted to do•lti thleteen'yeati. , lapitefully. yours. lIEV, JAMES TEMPLE, 4 I 310 South street. , . . . - • DEA NESS- ,CURED.. •i New Ifsviu, May 19th, 1856. Prof. DU-Drith Mother has been deaf fur 3 rears. After trying meal , thhure, he used your Oils few times. ttid l cured hits nti sly. (.I.IPPORD R. SCItAI.tTON. • Pews:debeall DrnTdete, and at the Depot, 217 iouthEightlt;st, phtlodelphla. , feb2,t cy_ LIFE PILLS, t, PHOENIX . BITTERS;" ror a 'E period 4T l TUrim iL .War p or r anrd en urt he ngritalm e pabli znaintainee' it every part of ti 6101.4 for mediate power 01 restoring' lering under newt) every ktn man frame is liable. The fol lilac variety of Ida man die. Vr.G. MEDICINE , . Are. ~ well GYBE tog tire in and ind stomach,„healthy bile.instead of the stale . I LEXCY, Lou qf .4p-. petile_, Mara)! neat, 11l- Temper. etns• Wit, Languor Laregeneralfyingtorne of Ilysper.:4l, mei/mine of Its cure. COSTIVE] whole length of the Intestines.wi d without violence; allt•lja. r Rive in two days. Ile blood to ®ular circulatie- ition In such cases. and then structions in others. The Li ,m to pure Rizrum. Avsial and GOGE in half that time glen from the mus cle.; and I DROP, And uttinitheuiniF th.3kidn, most delightfully bs these lint ve ever been found a certain re, GRAVEL. Alas We the turnings of the_ .boucle D ac creatures adhere. SCUM! :RATE SORES, by theperfet (Widnes give to the blood ant SCOW' .ADCOMPLEXIONS, by their 1 Ids that feed the skin and -the I , lons . all/ eruptive comillait disagreeable cont.- -'pleximat I The as trt Unit , will effect an I entire cut t striking Improve knent in t 1 ) 11ISIO 17 COLDS and /lir 1 by one dose, or by twit in tb. PILES. —. , . „....... of these medicines, was mired of Piles; ~If SS fears . standirtgby the not of the &I Life Medicines on FEVER AND AGUE.—For this tconrge of the West ern country. thi:se liiodicines will be found stare, Ftwedy and certain reMedyJ Other Medicines leave the system subject ton return of the disease—a core. by these Medi cites Ispermatients4sTry them be sal4ted, and be cum,. Bilious - IP'Arirger mad Liver Complaints. General Debility . L ss of Appetite, and - M Fe males.. of F males.. The NI odlci es 4iro been . used with the .most benedcial results in, ca.st* of. this dcitcriptlon:Rings Evil, and Scrottzla.ln its wont forms. yields to the mild vet powerful 'Action IR these remarkable Medicines. "Night Sweats. Mervin:is Debility. Nervous COmplaints of Fill kinds: Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Conlic, nrc speedily cnred. f . . Mercariailliscattes.-Persons whore natant uti , .ns httrebeeetrsinipairedby,the Injudicious use of klercney. 'will . find these )ledfcines a perfect cure. as they never fail toristlicate fermi the system. all the elites .01 Merrury. infinitclroorter than the most powerful • prepratlons of SSlTSlliwtrills. s 1 -.' 1 , Prepared AVM FtdiOn , ~ . . • • Nri-13. inroprivri . , i . &tS nonADwAr. szw-1 ORX. Vor italic by all Druggists. . I- - - . • - Wm FILLER. - DVS r .E•rox A,' DyspepsitOebriy of the System, Dyspepsia, Dysipsia,ll4ilitit! the Sysltm ,' l~ysgepsla; . Livpi Acidity, • Acidity. Cauplajais, Sick Headache, - - 1- - • • Complilais, Sick Deadaehe, • FLATLI4ENCY, . LOSS OF APPETITE; FLATII4EiIOY; LOSS OF APPETITE, :sad to nu ~ xmbreili digegias aced, fu feed reirdi6rdti, remedy. 7 • TICE (*Tie • . ~ Tr. c: i re attention if the reader to thefoilogin, tx rt letter f P ' &vial, fornierly of Wesleyan Unicervili now of Annapolis, AL • • ' 1 IDOLLTOWN, Conn., Feb. 2el. MD. - - Vasa W. F wpm & CO.—Cinnamon e...-I. Ira male ate 1 tif i lime Orgyrearat Baas sem eerie or eight yeark eine& Harlot watered for twenty -yeas from a &Mt ot tlyairpria, which was attended With f e_ nervous tkidattpe, on an avenge of not here than one day in a lerk, I was Induced„ by the utraetnlledtee , weateadatiar et Dr Cr,,n. 111,to try nee bottle, and it no bestellt w*. Weaved to dierteitatie the ese.t? , ' The twat oaf bottle warranted i bathe/trial, to the utast of Ware rata or dew, with a wad observant, i ri at the arc/nape ilia dlrectiats.. Thu revolt waa, ma 'Amid - ambito it to ban .tboi unial diripektic'eyniptotos' . aid their " de Dm palatal enesequeseni. I believe thilee t llinfre geed an mini change In tbn.babite nt Ini fretful, and upon tie salve ebereleent the diseetive_ orgies.. t; new deem toyed( Ili 'unapt fromilyspepla . an most pone ' Theis Caen bees ebm beep at ter -Ara Wodier re abets id ay family, ' •' • --. • _ - THE 011FGEBIATIF.D BITTERN. .11WiLliSENATE111 •i - cT i rtMin, Tina Co., too., Aug. Mi, MA. . '° 4l f/ .4! :3( !;_.:1? -4 ! ft “ ilir .l ll .' l lt ft t t 1 , 11. 1 .. " 1 ' 4141 4 ftelY iricl Dypreptia,anti hy i n g Mani. ininedies me. _.; amaitentleft fool that filaiwctridmint iiitrood -revolt, I MIS induced, by Dr. F. 11. - Wnito of Mansfield, to Eire the Oreenct ' ".filintra - ; arttial. , t "took two';botilee, , - which give - so - touch relief WWI putritased two ; Mote,Wilith h Willson) , or quite elected a Mire: I inn now wa i ls ciienty-fire yearn 'of ay; and in alai ' Mini pant I?ave • reit tin lottoorsulehre fv.o fill fag. • : I take fat plerisumin recommending thightere to on .aillottid;orith Dygopais and in coacoosinot dloossos, ' A. =BARD i i 1• , yreet Dr. Akita.. Ittire wad eingaistal Blew; In or panilai deildad_ wawa In thpliiiTy and moral ntainition, he., OA eoabdNgr reacmillki Own In inssualla bay, ni de digestive °mum - • Y. tr. of• Dr DISOATCI • - O .. GENATE iN BITTERS. OXYGENATED SITTERS,' = . . PiN- '- PA R ED DY ILVV . . F 0147.2 er.Co.,• . . - i , Is M anse aria . , Roam 'Avid kinri s fau, Dean* aid jiticlutits iii am .. . ! gove* iiii ii riwihog ai teAsibii trioillit krAtintireitiuldnimitwitioni fi Foe:ter, WOO#OII4I U.• liZett ui V t MODS N eboli. Brookl4 by,r4 b. . Wad Ward., Omit ; J ,t 7. Ninsh. t ials.ll—A• as .other (lissom arising from In. net:anal disorders of the stomach, in that established mid sterling rENATED BITTERS, GENATED BITTERS. ble Testimony. Very pip . scito."79 - ur, . . ' 7 - • AUGUITIYS w. eetii 1 AIINS - CATHARTIC . S e. . Are you alek,limble, and cont. platodug? Are yen out of order, • whislyour system deranged; sad :M i feellng at ungomliirtable • en often the prdidereeriessaillneat. -Bonn lit of Richness is creeping upon you,land should be averted by a timely use-of the right remedy. - Take 'Ares Pills, and anna l s • ‘ out thedisordered humors-. pu. tity the blood, and let the fluids Summon nanbstrutted in health gts. "They stimulate the tune- . s: of the body into vigorous sal ity, purify the system kola . .the obstructions which malts • 414 M Me..- • edit antes some. 'where lathe body,and obstructs Its natural flinctions. .These it not relieved, restet son themselves and the _ organs, predating gee. ergagrarationi suffering, . disease. While in this . a on, oppression d by thei getneufr,lake Ayers pills, and see bow directly they restore the natural at. Lion of Ute eyitenf , and with it the buoyant feeling or " health again. What is trim and so apparent in this trivial and eommms complaint, fs alio trne in assay of the deep. Mated' and dangerous disternPere. ' The same purgative eirect expels them. Cansed,by sinitior obstructions and derangements of the leulttunk functions of the body, they arc ra pidly, and m any of them aurely, - eured by the same means.' None who 'know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when sutfering - front the -vilsor " dera they cure. - , .- • • - tiviu t e Statements' from leadiugl. hyslelans in some ?,t` tin principal cities, ad frons_o r well known public per- Frees a AramMr?in,4 )1( i of St. Look, Feb. 4, 041 . • - Du. Aran: Your Pills PIP the paragon of all that Is great, in medicine. They here eared my little daughter oruleerons sores upon her lstads and feet that had proved .incurable for years. 11cr mother has been tong grim . onalyanficted with bloteharand pimples on her akin and.. in her hair. After our eh w an cured, slim alio tried ' Your Pills, and they have 'her. • . - . ' ' - - • . • ; • • 4113. k DOiIODIDGE --.. ..". As es Pass y 'Physics . . From Dr. D. J r .Car't insight, NM Orleans . • n • .fair lillia are the prince ; of purges. Their excellent qualities .surpass Aany cathartic we possess.' They- are mild, but verycertain and effectual In theiraMion on the bowel., which makes them iittvaluablelo us in the daily treatment of disease. ' i• , . . illeidicihe, Illok lielatsebe, Pawl litisaineh. - • ' Trims Dr. Bilmitrit Doyd, liallinuire. beau -Sao. Arts I cannot answer you what rem. plaints I have mandkrithleor Pilielaikm than to say an ant see emir trait seats a muyetice medicine. I place great - dependence on an egual cathartic In-my daily contest with disease; and believing as I do that your Pills Ilford sa the beat we have, !tor course value them highly. . Pi • Pirrsnuna, Pa., stay t, InS. DR. 3. C. AYER. Sir : I lore been ropottediy enrol of the worst headache any body. can ham by doge or rwo 41 , i a mr Pills: It wool tdsztie from a foul otonaatb, they ethiroso ot Dote.; 'Toon: with great respect, -ED. W. ritEnt.r, f • Clerk of Siemer Clarion. Unlatela libionleira I =Liver Cosoplatatoo itosi Dr. Tlfrodore *di, of Sow Tors City. - !tot tnillare your Pills iitindrably. adapted to their pur pose as an apaimt, but I add their benedetal effects upoa the Liver very marked Indeed. They have in my prao tlee etrectualifor the curs or bilious COM - plain 14 Slum any one remedy I,can. mention.. 1 sineerely rgloise that we have at length a purgative whkh.ts wor three min/Memo of the profession and the leap's: DZreo4tii in , Thin INTEMMI, Washington, D. C., 7th Feb., issi. • ant t hire ased,your PIM ite my general and hospital practice error slow you made them,and do nut hesitate to aiy they seethe best cathartic we employ. Their inn. actlol% on the liver_ is quick and decided, 'cense. quenUy they am an admirable remedy fur derangements .of that...organ. Indeed, , l , have seldom found a case or bilious disease so obstinate that it did pot readily yleil to them Fniternally yourv, , , ALONZO PALL, M. ix, .• Physician 011ie Marisa Ho/pilot Draeriatary, Marriirea, Relax, Worms, Frow Dr. T. O. Green, of Chicago Your Pills have had a 134 trial ht my poiellee, and I hold them in'esteent u one of tlieliest aperients I base *Ter found. Their siterattte effect upon the liver makes Them an exiellearremed.r, rhed girt% in small dosei for bilious • clisidatery and diorriozes. Their sugar-coating makes thmtSvery seeeptsble and come:dent for the use Of women and children. t _ _ . '7 .7 Dyspepsia, Isopmirlay of the Blood.. - . . Prost Ser. J. V. Mats, l'alcor of Arleta oturch, Boston. Dn. Arita: I hive used tour Pali...with extra° limes' In my family and ;moms those I am Balled to Ala iiiiitrels; To rigsdatO.}he organs of digertion mad pnrtfrthertdood, they are:,the very best remedy 1 hare ever imown,apd - I itattemtlktegtly reremmewl them to my Mends. • - Yours, J. V. MMES. out, • - - ,Wattaivr, .Wi .•C0.,14. Y., pet 'CI, Itt.D. • Mitt Sum Imo using y ur Cathartic Pills tu my prair tlee, and find them an MN last purm,„ Mee to cleanse the system ands's:if, thejoititatus of Me Wed. - —.MIDI D. MEACHAM, "M. D. Coistlpiatloa, '.Cositivissess, get ptiress I oss, Rheumatism; Gloat, 211 - sasolgto. Dropsy, ,Paralysts, FMB, el }. - • From Dr, T. P. Piruihn, 3fontreaf, Canada. - Too much owlet te saki of year MIN for 'the can or Costieenewt.' IC ottsers of ottr itatendty hare found thew as efficacious as hare, they should join Inc in proclaim ing-1r for the benefit or the multitudes who suffer - front th a t caiutnatat, - which, although bad enough in Itself, Is the progenitor of others that arc worre. 1 believe co, tireness to originate In the liver, but yout fills affect that organ and nate the disease; I Front .11or:' E. Sttt;trf, Phiqician and th - clietti, Deafen. ' 1 find one or two large doses of your rills, taken at the proper time. are excellent piumutires of the natural accretion when wholly or partially, suppressol, and also very effectual to chuutte the gotta& and expel Min/. i., They are so mdch the, best physic we hare that I -recent i mend no other to my 1 patiatta. . • , . , t Anal the Rev. Dr. 'llatiteP eine irdtorlisf I:la.+. Church l PULASKI llottaiSarannah, Ga ., Jan; a, lest. ilfoxonEn Sin: I she be umpnieful for the rdlef your skill has brought mei( I did not report my case to you. A,eold settled' trq my limbs and brought on ex- Ingneurafote pains...which ended in ehrnni. Mrs medians. 'iotwitizatandliirt had the best of I - phyrielal n . , the diem grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent - agent in liailtlmore, Dr. Mackenzie," tried your fills. Their effectirwere slow, but sure. By per•. severing in the Übe of them, I am now entirely well. - , - 13E:NdTE eIIAMBER, Afton Rouge,- la., 5 Dee, 1f45. • Dn. ATEA :I hare both entirely enrol, by your Pills, ,of Rhernantic Grut—a pliLittskl disease that had afflicted me for years. \ • VINCENT -SLIDELL. • • .101 r Most of ihe Pills ; -In market contain Mercury which, although It Calustile remedy in ILIUM! hands, li dangerous in a pnblle pill,from the dread fill consequences that frequently follow it% 'lncautious Use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. . . 1 Price, 25 "coats pentl3crx, or 5 Boxes-for $l. Prepared by Dr.. 1.. C. ATER &. CO., Lovell, Nast ~ • - iviolar.p.c;.t-1 , ... 1 . , . 4 11. n i Y Dandatr:, Araitinan & Swirlier, AilbUrU tcl. l r , , r•": 1 :‘ a dealocb and dr4ggletlieve'cywherc, oc t s cw . . CHIL:DRE 1,116114 • MRS. WINgLOW, • An exiiiiencetiS:unc i mild Feitttle es prsilts . ~t o the attention of mother, her S 0 0 SYRUP. - • FOR- CIIILDREN - TELTIIING, z which greatly faciliMteis pie process of teething, by"sort: cuing the game, relluctug all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and * spasmodic action. and is SIIIIIIS=VO ILEGVILATE THE. BOWELS. R 4Depend- upon it; moth g ' , it will give rest to you. and BELIEF t ,Alitt TR 'TO . ' YOUR INFANTS. We, bmieput up and fithis article for over ten eats, and can any IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of lt, u bat we have never beeriable to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED in a SINGLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, when:timely used. Never did we know an Instance ofdisnatlafitOlon by anyone who had used It. on ibc-cmdriu3 l .Ml are delighted with Its uperatiobn, and speak in tenor rd .commendation of it. boogies! ctrects and medical4l%mi. We sayt in this matter , AVIIAT W E 1)0 E.NOW," afterten years; e.xperienee, and PLEDGE 01 It REPUTATION for the felliliment °Pinball a e hen declare. In almoshevery instance where the infant is Suffering b . , pain and exhaustion, relfef will be found in tfteen to t',. minatesafter the sYrup Is administered. • This valuable preparation is the prescription of one-el the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL_ NURSES la. New England, and ba's ben used with. NEV Eft-FAILIN 0 SUCCESS in ,•, ' :TIIIO . IIIIIAPiTHVOF ,CASES. . IC rdtt 0 - nly reticent tia child from pain, but in v igors t r., -. the stonmeb and borrel4, corrects acidity, and glees ti - .e ;and energy to the wbolcliyatem." It will almost lusty .tly relieve 'GRIPING IN TIN IIinVELS, AND WIND COLIC. and overman convialsioto wit ich..if not speedily mired, end in death. We bellevit it the BEST and SUM:ivy re m. edyln the :WORLD. in:ail-casco of DTSEN3 LEY aid DIAIIIIIIIIEA IN CiIIUDREN, - whether ii art.,. from teething. or front any other canoe. • We would may to all mothers who have a child suffering from cutlet the form:. in complaint.—PO NOT LEr - lwrlP raTEJE,d( Es NOR THE PRE.II7II/CES of. OTILER.k - otand by' w.. 04 you and cone suffering tohlld and the relief that it 111 be BURE-7 . yea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to f o llow th e L " „/ this medicine. If timely. toed. Full directives for nsin - Will accompany each bottle. NOne gcn oar link,* t u. r,,,,,, ' simile .of- CURTIS A PERKINS, New York,-la oT. the outside wrapper. t. Sold by Druggiettstinqughout the world. ' .. sie ... pr o ,„p„rossei,,,, Cedar asirsaylfew York. rnIegB:ONLY CENTS PER 807 TI.E. *. dap y . . For in Swarm* tty.4o) Tnrrell. .., 43 , 274:0132.41.T cr.A.tris.m7 ... . . . HUMAN. MISERY. -- . ' Just Published' in a iekakci 'lrsireiope; Price ES reels. . . a tali: CY CR. ert.vrpwELL, on _ A a Lte c. e cause and cure of Spennstor,. 1p • Coneamptfon, Mental end Physical Debility, Nervousness. Epilepsy ; impair. ed Nutrition of the body :-Lamdtude ; Weakness of the limbs end the took; Indleposition ; hoot of memory; kverelea to NOttletv: late of matted° ; timidity ; selitife• trust; dizzlneee ; headache ; effectione of the eyes; piln • Pies ce the race; involtietaty entleelone. and ?canal in capacity; the enneeenehees of pooh%) indieeretion..te. a , M , hr 'Phis adminthhitleeture clearly • provee that the above enaunterated. often selfotMicted, erne may he re moved without medicide and without son-glen' operations and ehould be F.tad by leery youth and every man in the : ' skrit render seal, to atiyiddrese. tn a plain scaled Sorel ape. on the receipt of Six cents, or two poetatre stamps, by addressing i.1).11. CHAS. J. C. SLINK, . • J1, 30- ' . 1 12 1' re llowei7 New York, Post Box, 43813. . 0314,Meda . ...,Salerwths; Jotk also; ether kicde, of the bestr'reg for ee by .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers