. ---. —Tbe election. in •Ithode• Wand . oa ,tha 2sl re...,4lte'd it Ilie sueeestlatthe•:Dettio• cra ii e ntol CettitiiittiOnal - 111Pioti . .. ticket, hvadeti by Govprpqr Spragnei .37fie . , L 4 , 2, istrittire wits him carried by gke:itame, par iy. -This secures the electiOtt-Pl n' . Demo critic -17. S.. senator tiF4-speeeed Hon, James F. sitipuotts, Retightioan t whose term expims•on the 4th of March, 1 . .883,' -.--The Dominant partr'.4. dm United States Snnatt., by the di:44step, , vote '61 . 29- to 14 , have passed , their perpipptori bill tin' the immediet e abolition'i"„f nlaeery,in the District of - 4.lt:lttinhin i . etT7.- proposi tion for gradual emanligtitlonand for • the Submission: of tbe. - qiaisitiok.7 to - the . ' vote of the people of the .Di. - triei having been indignantly rejected. • -. . 1 —Large numbers of chattOls are being daily removed front. the :Diiitriet. If it continues thirty.days longer,lin the.. same. ratioohere willnot be rentarnin e ,n. In the District of Columbia a single slice. • „ • .-,The new order - nbolishirig recruiting stat ions in the different States has created quite a'stir in military circle* The coun try has now in the field. BO iays cOinget ant, authority, at least two lii6lred thou sand more troops than thereits any neces sity flit.. This order closes one hun area and seyenty fire recruiting stations in Pennsylvania alone. •-•=-The writinfrof letters by ,soldiers in the army of the'Potoniac i ..n4w advanced Virginis, is prohibited by order from headquarters. how ions this "rule will be entiorced it is - impossible tb.v.. Those ,vlii)-kive friends in the army and receive no letti!rs will tunierstapd reason..,, . . - —General liashrod John'lon, who was captured at Fort DouelsotOnd .who -Af terwards made his estne„ i treated With contempt in the South and icfutted A com mand; because he broke his - praole - jof honor. , Secretary. Stanton will alOotr earresPwr dent et the loyal American g apers AO ac company the :zrniy, but mt' foreitn re; porters, inasmuch as theyublish..every t king, whether detrimentalfor not. to the United States, and their pages eatimt be controlled, but reach us in tt few weeks. MILLtN - Ertv,:—We take Ocasnrein lean ing the attention of Milliners, tO the 1111 inert and Straw t.loodsl hlotise of 11. Ward, No's. 103, 105 ik 10,7 North 2nd St. whose ntivertianient appeart in another 'column. 4 The Confentillons and 'Experience et awln• l'ab.ished for the Mmetit mullets a 'wuninir, mud a - ca Iloon t.. young man who barer frofn Nersromi Debility. prom .tat.. Decay..tc.: +lmplying at ithe same the meant , Setrenrel.'"lty one who has awed himself. aful t being net to great erpent‘e througs medical impo.itiow and qumkery. y enclosing* po-t paid, addreFfed en elope longle conies martte . had of the - anther. NATHANLEG .11..kY1FAIlt, Esq., Bedford, Klng,s Co. N. Y. trattliftyr 116X.EL.W1L3V1L=.0N..43-330. In New 'ALI rorti, on the 3tll inst., by Rev. Wm. N. Tower, Mr. Ctilvitt Brush, - of °A land, and INliss Ann 11. Mackey, of New 3[ifford. =OE AILT.I2t 9. Dic.l in theDinigia,4 Itospital, Washing ton, D. C., March 10th, of camp fever I Mr. 1.47.,:kita M. llniloibat*, a private in Capt. uompanj., (13) . Fourth regiment, P. C.,'agell - 22 years, Ginonths anti 22 . . d:Rs. ilisfuneral will be attended at the UP- Clinfli", in Meshoppen, ; next .S.lzitiay, at 2.o'eloek, p. m. Sermon by I:ev. A. 0. Warren, of Montrose. -At tkaufort, South Carolina, op the loth . ult., of congestive fever, 'Edward son of N. K. -and Henrietta ti mom,. of New 31ilfortl, aged 18 years, 8 mom It awl seven. days. • , . The It deceased was . member of . Capt. li.moc': 's coin! any; and much respT;ted be Mlieers and men. , . . Death is a melancholy event under any. circumstances, to bereaved friends; but eheciallyts it,..so wheh our loved Ones die away fromhome-and are buried in a stnive laud. It was a sad day when Ed ward left - our forest home and we bade hint„the last farewell; but from the -first: he had smut adesire to eulTst- that we co'd not bid him stay,% as we knew our beloved country had need of him. So - with a Vessing we• saw litn• depart from our midst, little dreaming that so soon le, wotild be cAlied to lay down his - life far: fro:a home aini friends. It seems - hard to. think him dead ; bat therd are hearts and iitmi, J s a: desolate as ours, anti God only knows how many more are yet . to bit be reave.d. But though Tight to weep, it is wroo• to mourn ; we only . knout : death mast invade our .bouseholiN the fondest ties must be broken, the brightest hopes mast fade. _ The present indeed is 0, may the future be bright with a Fath er's blessing. No chastening is' joyous.— Tile memory that liv e s prrund-ti; e grave o f oar dead bOy is sad -And tearful ; the •triekeit heart heaves with emotions too big fir utterance when we thinkghat never ag a i n eali we watch his ecimiug footsteps. Tne cup of bereavement is bitter,the hour is dark, and, a pall 'of desolation bangs heavily upon our hearts and home. • • E'seentrix"s Notice. • OTICE Is hereby ;leant° persons htnin; ernands a-,..11u5t the eatateof Caleb earmult, late of Clhocontit town-top • decealed, that tlfa acme mnat`be pre,•ented to the undendved for settletnent,and all pereone Indebted to •et d enate are rattnested to nexte Immediate payment: Chownut, April SAIWI CARMALT, Ex*K.- SEED POTATOES. Ps:keit Bunirs: TIVILKLET'A QIEEDLINGS Balkier's Seedling Potatoes were ratted from theseed k,all, in 131.5. .and hare bean heeded for several years and an: now ackliowlexteeAl by all who hare tried them to be Ihe Meet to the irorld fur general cult nation; being large b.•: hhy. verF prodact Ire and ea nal.tn the best in quality. Fur wle In lloutrose by ALLEN. D-EANS L BENTO La3M, - 'V DB Palate:a' use`—a anbetllute turpentine. and at nant:bluaapr , tut atle-by ABEL TLUGent:l - liiite9rniliZyp`a-TALdr.,,gtrn.RIAKICUti r.ifnbars ComplOutg - and all Myer:arra nf the 'Wood. fur talc, at n'boletale turd-retail, bs .ABEL TUFWELL. . • Aclaninistrator'.g Notice. ETTEIts of administration to the_ e.tate - of the late I Pet er./.ot.A.mt.' of thidgewater..lutring bden granted t•V.I /12:1a,ived. atipersonA Indebted to 'said - sedate r,ltw.ted to make immediate payment. and those httm.:.j.ll.ll.l4aj.tin4 the name will prudent them to. • JACKSON,', • .Brht:tewater, March 2:.4h,1662. • Admiuistiatile. TIMM & MYER SEEM LARGE Anti nowt =be,- For SALT; Fri Ef.EWtY ittrit RIM Now 'Milford & STRAW , G 0 0 .13. Wcp:lfip"„er`eYtti"ol'Urreitt'ftAlltplarstliktial ""SADr Nov. 103, 104 ant * MI, Nortbilocoad•ete; above rah, philadelphi a , A we:l k.•!uctedliumk rrt tLIVIERT aid Mum GOODS! Sr, every yarlity.of thn joust ItufartaLlmna, Lid mond a td most fashionable *tyro.. Our Straw Depitmette will comprise every of Armuits 'Mite, and Trimmings to be found to thatlSne, of the la , teet and most approved ehapcp and styles. haaleiticgan sarly call.or oft • ler, may*. • . 'Yowl, ally.. '• •at 41,411111/1 ABEL:TURRELL Now. offers %.• ,' ~, --. , . , „.. - .._..(.. for .t i.,(i..,l e ' 0 i1 n .., 1 t , .o , f_ ,4 , he 1.. - r g ,_ s, t , • A 4 , f • , 4 best selections., of .:„ , EVer offered- in Susquehanna County, and probably, comprising the greatest VA RLET% or Most • different =articles of any Store in-the Northern 'part of.Pennsylra ►iia, and perhaps:of the entire State. An assortment is kePt in about thirty differ ent branehes of trade, and the selections are made from about forty of 'the best - Houses in •New York, and, more-than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers• out of New York. _A large proportion of eye • Goods are brought direct froni the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on entering the Store Must not expect to' find everything in sight, but nearly, ev ery article Wanted be produced by inquiry, Some idea of the Stock maybe formed by the following general outline, but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, ." DYE STUFFS, 0R CEkIES, • , ~ - . LIQUORS, ' : . CROcKERT, GLASS-WARE, , - . WALL and WIND 0 itr PA ?4VR, JEWELRY, ; , _ . SILVER-WARE, • PERFUMER I', FANCY . ..GOODS, • .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 'BRUSHES AMERICAN •POCHET K NINES, • TABLE CUT,LERY• arkl • ••• SILVER PLATED WARE LAMPS, - MATERIALS for LIGHTS, HARD WARE, • BED CORDS, . • STONE .WARE, DRY- OOODS,- • MIRRORS, 'WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGItAP HS, f VARNISHES, BIRD CAGES, - • SPECTACLES,- WHIPS, & LASIIKS, . GUNS, PISTOLS; ARM NIT 1.0 N , .TOBACCO. MEDICAL 4 su.R ! 5; , icAL, puttrementx, SALT, SOAP, POTASII, UMERELL4S. PORCELAIN TEEM, In short, Rearly every thing, to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight:the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to , conduc'e to the real and substantial•comfortsof life. L The -attention of the public is respect fully invited to my.stock ofGoods, bought exclusively for cssit nOwN, and be sold_ou the same principle for low prices: ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, April ist,l 862. • LUBRICATING OIL, :Fon All Kinds onitaohlbem for *ale by ABEL Vi.111161.L. TyRRELL , s , puR 4 . TIMEIIIII.II CLOYEII SEED! . yolz. SALE U)7 . ABEL -711,11RELL. • MONTROSE CRIT TEN DEN'S PIILADELPIIIA congiERcIAL COLLEGE, N.E. corner of 7th & CheStnut Sts., PIIILADELPULL This institution. which was established in 1.444. and Is now diaseuneutty in the eighteenth year of Its exist ence, numbers *mow its graduates taindretth of the most sheet:idol Melllianta and Business lien of our Country. •The object of the lottitutlon f s snlely to afford voting . men facilities for thorough preparation fur business. The bratintLst.iught are. ilkok-keeping, as applicable to the varnmedepartments of trade; Penmanship. both plain mid ornamental: Commercial Law, MOIIIeMatICI , , NariglaluD, Civil Engineering; Drawing, Phonography. and Modern Languages'. Tbeeyetent of tostraction is pecullar:.'no dimes or set lessons are made naeof, hot each student is taught DA!. %ideally, en that be may commeneest any time, and at. tend at whatever boars are most convenient. Catalugnee are issued annually after the lsth of •AprP, mintaining names of the itudents.for the year, and full Partienlars ot terms, ..t.c.„ and may bc obtained at any tincsamy addressing the Princinal. - • la extensive* accommodation. whie•spread reputation, and the lenuthy'experience of the Principal, this. Institu t ion offers facilities superior toany other ID the conntrr, for young men wishing to "prepare for business.and to ob tain at the came time a. Diploma. which will proye a recommendation for them to any Mercantile Home. CAPPCrittcuden's Series of Treatises on Book-keep ing, now mon: widely circulated Mum any other work on .tbe sultleet, are for sale at the C.ollene. • S. DODOES CMITTENDEN, .I.ltornergl-Law, • Prttertest., . . saaaua.'ja. o L. UALLISTSAD. L..IIAIWING at CO., INEALERS in Dry Goods. on:ice-rim Ilardwkre, /heady JJ SlAde:Cluthing,- Boots & Shoos; Sash, 01144, ac. Nicluitsou Dina; May • hITaACTS 'NAVE been TIM& to stipply 21» the 'Mimi Troops with -ill wittier clothing. but no , public prhvislon has as yet .been announced fur dressing _ THE.,HOME GUARDS, and the rest of mankind. But the cold weather retain& the reir E iiat the f_ . • oral Tiger, Groves,. attends to that business iu a neat. prompt. and durable matinee And it stioniti'be remembered that ' - NO " SLIODDY",„ WORK comes frunrhif. Skop. Garments Ctogethcr with THE: UNION STITCH.! . Paining disanion.Ont,of the question. All who have ha d bad FlTh buuld all and on me and avoid future danger. : Cutting dope right. for ready pay. Remember the place. I:hier.-Dow? Wppite 4 1 1 fl&ear4 - ef'slotel The latest fasloone always on hane„ and Ini - rictiont sheen inmsuldyg up. • tTrigetettitett.- tlrreek von' Ittnitrose, Jou, tattoras. SISQ, CO. CLIS*li, AID 101111-11, 4 033COGIPT-a : , Bt. Ilacbiciaxclwese, Mionzzeir. PROF,S.S.*HARTWELL B. Ac - PRINCIPAL ' LS. UACCItAOI. MlLS'it, St Tamara VoadDint4e, litho, Ittehtude.lnotrtictrees of F/I:lJat stud Drawing. Inset,. Blackman. inftructress of Idu.k. un Kam: ' ,"Xl.s A. 'W. Hartwell: Instruetiress PrienarT,Depart 'meat. •C. C.lLalsey.M. Laetrutor of Azatomy and rhydiol. Other Atnttiftnnte abd Leetnters ini'elpployeA 'is the wantspj the echuul may dttuand. • 11~ lIE next Tertai eiil begiuufk Monday; February 24, 18 62. ititapect-osi-•thla 'Upturn/am •• oleo arMatece are bop, to ~ state 'that .the r: expo:3loms of aticeose have men . fully realized, It is now in a floturiehfur - condition. Mid they:feel confident in raying to the pubile that it is eatirelyworttkruf the pntaamM.B of ail who de si . meutaidiacipline, t. acqn titian of kmeiel ei a preparation far College. or teaching. or uthor punit:its. Ito patron. may be found In all parts °Rho County sun to them - reference is made respecting lib~nerl t om ; • • • ilbilitSpiod iprik 'reirjairginll2olritai Weeks. • 4129 1 411 8 1 1 )71iti .... .. 50. * „ `-• Latin. Greek anA.Gernino, each:, „ 4 00. . Frorteh • DO; Enalioti. with one Language, 7 60, O hilt fur a studies/gin - al exceed ... de, lirawinfr9 00. Vocal Music, ahreoloomane per reek.) 1 00. Music on the rhino Xs' orlnstrentent. ' " OD. Board trpm VI.OO. to ifg,so per. week. The semeconeentesces as heretofore** those wishing to board thew/elves. For othevtofornsatton Address Om 'Prizsip!it at . Xontrose; : • W; MVP, ;WOO. . - 41cOurte• rgt•rsiagy tt r lee:.—tl RECRUITS yrAzdzppo.aTnziceibimuninNT ... the , .."RoundheadS Colonel I,llBlllol Stevens' Ihisade, STATIONED AT :BEAUFORT, S. C., ji doe, kealthi lotnitlo n ; good rot' bni, plenty or oranges and other Milt. The rindenigncd will also receive retrain for any Reg ; 'went in the deld. I . 7 . • inntonenee on the day of enlistment, and inb uilt!, it#cuirilllm , furnished Awn. the ',saute date. - FoiErither particulars enquire at ray reodeieous at P. RUMS' Law °Mee ; Sitscinehatina Depot, Pa. sr. W J, RUNTER. • ' Pint Lieut., 100th Reg. Pa. Vol. Iteernltlngonuer. Snognebanan Depot. Morel 17.180 . 1. • Soldiers Bounty; Arrears of Pay, to. • ikr.l. ANY claims now exist for the *lllOO bounty, 1/ jlntntrit by the Government, also for arrears arm due dowelled ioldiefs. Parents, widow or heir, of dr ceased soldieri, are entitled to drew the same. The sub'. scriber from lon eiperienee in the business, and hating the forms aud instructions recently received from Wadi. Ington, is low!Ceady to prepare and forward all such cisima as maybe latrnsied to his tare. March I*, 'et —sin • • L. P. FITCH. • • , A . 41,.. • . 0 1 0 - • ) • 0 • Tuft appended extract from the circularof Lonberbaelc .Glibert &Co., successors of Mooney, Cohn d Co., In the general Ilaidarare and Cutlery 011011e1FAI, will explain itself; and I cannot permitthis opportunity to Pass with out again tendering my hearty limas tothe many Mer• canine and trading friends Who have au liberally exten ded to me their custom and Influence, since int business Interests have been mostly In the city of New York: and I still Invite them. as well as those Attu bare not found It convenient to do so, to favor me with their patronage. In return for a determination to and promise to please. If possible. Itl. C. TYLER.. Montrose March sth, 185 t N. B. C. TYLER.; has ipeciaed Interests alth to, time:meals with our pretlece, , surs, MOONEY—CONE it CO., and would - be happy to see his old friends oireeeive their which we wilLeiecute in the very beet teen. ncr In hie abtettce. • ' • LOUDERBACE„ GILBERT & • rata! 23 Park Row, oapoalte the Astor Rouse. COPARTS - ERSIIIP heretofori existing under the Paine of BOYD b WEBSTER was dissolved on the first day of February last, by mutual consent.- AU - the notes and accounts are in the hands of W. Boyd. who is drily authorised to settle ttiesame. All persons having unsettled accounts will confer no us a special favor by settling theiraccounta very soon,' W. D. BOYD February 13,'g3—w6 A. 1 .. wEssisit. C:o.3n.Ldek.MEM e . A HOUSE AND LOT on Cherry street. below the 11. Foundry IA Sayre Brothers. If not told beforo the First ol'April next, it will be rented. Montrose. Feb. WM. IL BOYD. 1 9 acVstr4 • --) _3) AND TIMOTHY.. SEEM BRADFORD COUNTY LAI:GE, and WE MEDIUM Clover Seed.• GOLD•DROP -SEED WHEAT, - Boas, Beans, and Bailey for Seed, Fieldand Sweet Seed Corn, Shakers; ltisle;fs, - Johnson's and Contstocles•Garden Seed s ,for sale by ALLEN, DEANS CO. 3lontrose, March 11 th,.1802. BROOMS - SAPONIFIER: T fi ntre a i n nal ' ‘, ' N4tt• r 4 11,*1. be rectiona accompany each box. Soap la as =ally made as a cup °lmage. Ifaunfaccured ouly tiy Vac Pates/tem, Peoo'a Stitt .11 , 2itat:,re , rri.ty ff,! , ,mpany, - mho lyjw • tVainnt•at. Phlladelphla. DANDELION COFFEE. . . THIS Preparation. made from the beat Sava Coffee, Is recommended by Thy,lcians es a superior. Nntrltious beverage. for Gene.tal Dcapepvla, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who !malice:l compelled to aban don the use of coffee St Ili nee thN without njarioaa cifikt One can contains the strength of-two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 2.lcent:. Fur sate in•Muntrose by Abet Turret'. • • .ICOLLdell'.% LEVAIN. The pureat,twErs:o POWDETi known. for ralkingllgbi, Sweet and nntritions Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. 21anatactateil by M. IL KOLLOCK. Chemist. . Corner of 117.,43 and Chestnut-.la; Ptliadalphla. Sala by ail Dra.,•-it.ta anti Procyre. nah6 lyjceo • • 33-eircsser ie, - . - ar TIIE BEST IN 3141:K1ET,'...m • At 40 Cents per Gallon. Also itnt - tiliv, Fiala, and Campbene, ,Splri ts turpetline, d.c..conitatttlr on band, at lowest mark,t price+, „. Montrose, Feb. ABEL 'TERRELL. piERSONS OUT OF 13USI.YESS.. and ranting cheap farml, see advertl.e•mcut of Vineland in :kg other cohtino. • Great - Bend Seminary. AT GREAT BEND, SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA. Phi> eiraz-12144- Teoz-zia. OE. THIS SCHOOL WILL OPEN ON 2tlonday, February 24th, 1862, and cowinue ELEVEN WEEKS, nude? the direction (AIL CUSHMAN. na principal. Tine course of inetmction iu all the branclice,ie thorough and practical. i thurou;h z preparation given to young men deeiring to enter College. '- A teachers clue will he organized at: tlic commence % mentor the term, for the more full training of those wishing to teach; and sieslatauce renderedlhern In pro. curing altnatlone,for.the eummer... This claw will re ceive instruction on the theory and practice of teaching, one hoar eackday, and have public meettoponee in two weeks. , Wir4.43-62.7.t3r. CUSIIII.IN, 'Pni.caraL ;II; ff. lf! )1 3 E, AsstATAN - T. 110 N. S. B. CHASE, A. IL, Instructor 1n Greek. Lat in and oermau. REV. J, B. McCEtArtY, Chaplain and Lecturer on zporml !teepee. • ' MISS A. Ir GRSEN..Tcacher of Primary Deparrnent. MESS WATTLE J. - 011ANGg,Teacticr of mualnon Piano • - Terms of Tuition. • .. . Primary Department,perquarter•of clerin week, $B-00 Common lirancher --- -••- •"• 150 Higher Engllati aid Matliematics do.. ,: 500 Natilml encts- • - : . do., -' 7 , 00 Tegvulgea. Ancient or modern : . • d 0.,.. '-',. ROn cbitre -Normal ciase . .... do.. ' -1 53 Mmlc on Piano - di‘., — 004 rse of Piano do.,' t Cr.) The higner brantlieP include tlie loweriPthne: $$ 00 per grimier covers all nranchea named, abOve, except teach er* chum and magic on piano. Board'oin be obtained yrith rural...bed room,. At from $2 12 to $2. 50 per week-J.ltabts, witAblng and feel extra• st Adepts wjAlthitt to board dhemeelrea Can obtain rooms Jo the Paltry) bulldfinf hr aOrdyindo aeaborn Montroee, Febroary • New Arrangenent, -- TtinderslgneTl continue* th e bepitwee , of the J. 2:m of DEW! rT 2 RILEY, at Vie old etand. (La thrup's Zulfdlug.) where 3,f:dieted: of Dry Goods, Hats and Gaps, Groceries, ' Iron and Nails, Hardware; Paints and Oils, Crockery, Yankee' Notions, Boots and Shoes. Leather, its., . . can coakantly be tonnd.l . . He will alsraya bellad to eel: hie old &Mods and aft who with a *opp}r of the above artielev. J 11. DEWITT. Huotttaia, ""ebruars 4..1362. HAIIFORO UNIVERSITY. ....,........-- .. . V HE Fall , Toiln of tide luetitutlan will commerce an .1.- WeducidaY . t.t.epternher 4th: 'The Whiter , term ou Wednebdav Deeetnber 4th; and the Spring terrn,uri Wed rtes.day. Fthrnaty I.lth. .- ..Ett4.h•testrtotaitiots'oreleven,:iireekii, • 33.11C—FolEIZTESZIES. I'LITION.- . -t.1.. tairuou Branches, facia/ling . Vocal mrs - is: ' e;3,0.0 Natural Philosophy, eittordatry. Physiology and 13ooa• Keeplug, -• ' .. 4,00 Geometry Algebra, Bdomry and Ancient Languages 5.90 French, 0 00 Mimic on 'piano. until the Waris os'er - • B Room rent. ' - , ' 'l , .60 00 Expensesotitecitation room, ' - • 1.00 Lectures with a goof Apai otos are given -every wait. -,... • Each room le t nruiphett with a cooking etore, bedstead and table. for Bowe who ehome 4.0 board tliem,elsee. Board eon be had. In the neighborhood at two dollare per week.' ' ' • • Pay in advance, or properly 'seamed. - - • : - Ilarford, ‘ Avtatl9,l66l. ' . . ATIVREDY FOR it %RD T'lld Ml:there people here tk-ell thrown oat of !mein err. and Ooreeea come lit tle taaat or emq)l lacomes.ia to make then!elyea a home. tSett &dean. toonipt VW:Wilt.) . , . • . - .. isamail• ill another column 'of the settle- ItPsff , 'ARDPft' OThtlfitlPE ?mot LANDeIp% FOR SAM nien4wo Mid Routh of Philadhia. in the (Roden Stain O ty f Wind.. Snit cltainte sad Wililioo (or markets in the Union.. • '-• re, alrinii,lert or 7 inmiant i - ' Notice. I=l WANTEDI WANTED=!-- WAITED IT TILER'S -STORE. ,of)0 bushels of Oats' . • 1.0,000 lbs. Fresh Butter, in Tubs 'or Rolla,' lbs. Beeswax, .5,0 5000 dozen Eggs, ' 500 dozen pairs Good Woolen Socks, ALl T aniCk FOR NVUICH THE Highest Market 'Price be Paid in - .GOOD GOODS CrIIEILsER. Runyon, Nov. 4th. 1861. GROVERA BAKER . , . • CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAIIILIC - AND iIeI.IVFACII7MG USE, iii=ll 495 Broadway, , Nciw-York. Agencies in all the principal Cities and 7Viinf in the Unitit .States. . The Grover (t. Baker S. M. Co:.beg to can the ... Attention of the publle.to their recently hurodu cud • ' NOISELESS HUNAN AND - MANUFACTURING SII I NSTS% 11401111X,1151, .ti:ING THE SIICTTLE OR LOCK smcn. Tbesetnachines combine all the Latest useful improve mesh in seal - a; machinery, snd , arehlrhljrecommended 11,r their Shapllclty of Construction; Solselessaess ; 'limpidity; • . Ease of 111anaitensensi Capacity for all klads of work, And Beauty and Regularity of-Stitch. Parlous styles of these machine* , adapted tattle house or worlmbop will be tumid at the different agencies of ttie company throughout the United States: Tads new SHUTTLE MACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE, The latest triumpn of the secriut utschint art--solseleis. rapid; and esstty operated—wilreorsime4l Itself to those who n/4: aueh machines tut amotifaetttringtiothing. Grover & Baker filachizes, WAKING TILE GROVER & BAKER STITCH. There justly-celebrated machines, adapted to all the wantr•of the hi:lilac:hold and manufactory, continue to maintain the pre-emlocnce which the almoet unlveraal verdict of. the public has awarded them. 'The wclttuown STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, ii•OURABILIiY,. of Grovel. & Daher Stitt& will always insure theae num h' nes the preference tor family oae, for the mintage .ture of such goads as ere intended for wear—fur use ano not for elviw. - 1019 — Wherever the rarer a Baker Stitch Machines have exhibited" and fairly Judged in competition with. the leading SetylnirAfachlnoa In the market. 'Deluding_ the Wheeler ff. Pt ilson, they tare invariably borne off the argt premium. This assert ion is euntirmed by the decision of the tom- Mitteell of the State Fairs of • "[LUTA 0 111,16, Onlo;ana : M G recently held, which awarded' the first piemium to _ the °rover & Baker Machine over MI others in competition. F: B. C4ANDLEB, tt"R - Montrose, Pa. STAND BY YOUR GUNS! 3D.ELNTIM! WITH 40,000 110011OCKERS Armed With Brick-Date :WITITIN 4 3IONTFIS 3IARCII OY WASHINGTON! Firteffilirghsy UkVIE• A it RAN EU %)AB4Ol egolVnalOnt GOLD RULES THE DAY! • And *ltta plentiful supply wihave purchased a large SOck of ' • STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, -- GROCERIES cf• , PROVISIONS, • •.7 HAY'S AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. KALI, PAPER. WOODEN. WARE, COA OIL, and LAMPS, - YA.VIFRN rariarv's . - . . SKELETON SKIRTS, _ FLOUR, SALT, FISH, NATLS,,, PAINTS AN D ,OILS, And n,obl other articles taanzuncroasio kaption.which *lir be said at paces that mill "• • Defy -Competition. • Don'trorgot Tho Piece. But it you twillreooyonfneighborsfor , ' -; The Cheap Store, they w3l inviolably direct you to HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, •••••AT ORIGINAL ONE PRICE" STORE! PRotincle tokeit iu Rickpitge for Goods. 'Cash Paid For rani. Et4kYDEN ,BRQTHERS. ]IILPORD.Io};eib.•r 25tb: W- . ANTED—A respectable person of either rex in every 'neighborhood to e.ll d. m - ,suorord-e OLIVE TAD, and AIM d, R. ster.,rd.. nips AND NCLPINUIt POD , Dans. Olive Tar le n thin. tninsparent field:- It Is the best remedy known fur diseases of the throat, Ittnes.or Catant. • Also tor diphtheria. Croup, tt'hooping Cough. &e.. )1 Imp arid Aalphur Powders ettehgthen the sys tem. aid the digestion, and purity the blood: Itiaro a sleteen pinm pamphlet containing full esplanatiemt and oYer one hundred testimonials from well known prcisni tent parsocis, which I will rend to one. free by mail. -, • - - • J, It, a rAFFORD. Chemist, , • : 442.11Nadwyr, 31SLer i CO, • Bea in aka, coestaittiy bard. ad am kis wpries as it an lieratelised et say.flealer i t terra. ilrikannbar Trail Deg Scots. „ t - 1F;4011. , i .- .:Y.iltit-,-pto-fimmitist. ..: H i: : .,.!--.:- '. : :,..i.:1 : ,...•.! : , : .....- t.:l Oroti.-14000:-4- • ATORVAT DAROINS AT OR AT BARGIINS Be sure anti call at the ,Be sure and call - at that Bingham Ha I No. -1 - '' . • .. 1 ' I. l' making tkielr's the largest and best assorted sto ok , ev er exhibited In Broome county. I 1 Thee:goods comprising theAtest sty l es thatappear In the NoW York market, have all been bought for cull, Mostly at auction sales at Large i sacridce. Ind eta letlw offered to the public l' .; 1 - I- _ -. Regardless o lair Value, ,I t i ' ! • . . . . at a smell advance. whereby wean enabled tor II Rich 1.. Good almost equally km as the price usliallY3Pald Iror cheaperiabrics. i Please read the following fist of prices: We are selling Good DeLainiWtoe 7' 7 i 3 013 X Handsome ~ - 'ao . ~ la . Rich Oricital Lutree, ' • i ~ f 10 Plain and awned. french In Des, 66 to - '- I. ;22 Good Black Silk; wide. for , 15 Worsted and Silk double cheated*, 1 450 WoolenDonble shawls,l. 225 Haudsomechaks at Great cs„ ' ' • I 1 . , All Wool black broadcloth, " ; 150 ""'"ww.' -All-wool colored cloth. .• i 5 1 .7 X • A large ruiety of moths for eltell and boys - weir. Marseilles Bosoms, • g Ladle!' cotton hose, . pii i r ' i g _ Ladles' ribbed wool do, 3 . - -. . . 3 69 Good Steel SprLog skirts, India. Rubber combs. • handsome silk-belts, .1 t m :., 15 Wtre,Port laminates. . -' _ . i . 1 -- '1234 And innumerable other Goods arthesame Wit Itlot, t. I DESIRE AND CALL 'AT , TIIB `BEE MFR." before porcbsslng.elsetrberJ;as we areoatisfrilithet Mlle Is the only place to ses . l74 such - EXTRAORDLNARY BARGAINS. I I No. 20 Court Strleet ! 1 SlBor ~h 1 e 8" *lC* ' Otrighwaton, October /T.llBOl. • : , I REPORT OF sqLoil RozillsoN, _ _ OF TEE NEW TORE frususE. I croft V!N tAND . 'SET T WE T. r. The following is an extract from the .of Solon Robinson. 8.411.. pnbilidued In the New York Tr.t• gnat. hareteren.ce to "inland. AU persona can read . this reporawith interest. ‘. Advantages ofFartaingnearlisme—Vinslind-'-, Be marks niieuXarl—Coll. its great FerticittytTho Cants of Fertilitreant of Crops Prnduseti - PrictlealEvidonee, It Is certaitily One of thciltnost extensive !elle ratty, loan almost level potition, and suitable con Mob for pleasant terming that we know of this aide of ;the; wittl ern prairies. .We futindaPme orthe oldest farms lam rently just as profitably ptbductiee as when ,firat cleared or forest fifty ore hundred Years ago. „ 1 -1 The geologist would toun discover the ca'se of this continued fertility. Theiwholc country iiett finite ?de. posit. andall through the roll we found evidee _es Of-aal 'eareotus substances, generally In the form oil indalated calcareous marl. thew ing,itor.ny distinct forma - kr anent *hello. °raw tertiary formatiou :and Dula marlystitittance It scattered ad through the soil, in a very etmminitted form, and in the exact coatUtion most easily assimilated by each plants as tits tarter desires to cultivate. • Marl. in all its forms bas} been used to fertilise crops in England. from the time iti was occupied by thin ßomans: and fu Frazee and biermany a marl bed Is coluuted on as a valuable bed of manure. that can be dug end 'carted andlipread over the field. 1 -Rote much more va uable then it must bewhen found already mixed throng l the si,ul. where new particles will ',he turned up tine h poseu. and transformed to theowneris ate every titee tits the earth. . 1 . I . • . Having then satisfied our minds With Thu Cense., they will not be etcited with Wunder at seeing indubitable as. Idenee of fertility of a toll which to taw- situation*, has. tug the same general characteristics, oral least app' fl ees, Is entirely ttnremunerative except as its p uctivo• nese Is promoted by artificial fertilization. jJ A few words about thermally and value ot this land for cultivation, of which We hate some strong proof. • , thwart' Otis was to William D. Wilsba, Franklin township, 010m:ester cou'uty, whti purchased oomb eight maws north of Milellle , Aetna three years aeti, for :the purpose of establishing a *team mill, to work hp the tim ber tato lumber, to send eff by the oew railrohd, he well au thalrevrood and coal. forwhibb he' built' a. track a mile and a half long: lid also furnished sixteen mile* of the road whlth ties, and lied no doubt made the mill profitable, though his main object use to open a farm, I LISVIIIg become convinced that the suit was yaltutble fur - cultivation. In this' he y r not been disappointed, as some or his crops prove: For Instance. the second time of cropping, AA bushels IA potatoes on one acre; worth tauceott bushel Inthefleld. This. year. seven; acres, without manure, produced= bushels of oats. lln one field, the flan crop woo !Potatoes, planted ;anallg the roots. and yielded 75 bathe's. The potatocal weedug; and tvheateown, and yiehled,l6 blisheit ; and the is tubble7 turned under atar too nto buckwheat wbichlyielded • bushels; and then the gr ound , was sown to ielover and timothy; which gave as a first crop hi( tone per at re. • The fertilizer* uppliedito Horne crops wereArst", ashes from clearings ; second.; 413 pounds of talierphosphate ,, --of ; atkapoundt Peruvian guano ; then po bush- 1 sit of slacked lime has been spread upon Meclover since it was mowed. and turnedinfor wheat: - ; • .1 , dlr. Wllson't growinglcrops. and the wheat *Ribble of the present season. all Indicate his land as productive as any part of the State. 4 , Atibuy Barrow's. an Id style Jersey woman farmer, l several miles south of . Wilton's; we were so platten- ' tarty struck with the Ana appearance of a fieldbfeum,that we romped to Inquire of the hired man how ,41 was pro duced. We found that theland had been the year but one before in wheat toWn with clover, and this-1 mi. onet season, and last spring plowed once, with one - poor old nags" and planted with corn. - Yes, bin you matiureil high, we supposei l wdeaid In terrogatively. and got his reply -Waal, you eve, we iouldn't done that; 'cause we hadn't but ftirty-one horreloads altogether. far r acres, and we-wanted the most on't fur the track." The truck colts *tett rif beets, carrots. ashlar mem tiers, mellow , . At., audio very productive pate lot Lima beans, grown for markthing. S., we were satitged - that the soil wit not infertile, even unaided by clover, which bad fed the corn, becante the "tr.;ck puma". had not hem cluvared. and had been In cultivation long though to ob literate alisigns of the forest. ' ' I 1 Our next Vitit was toithe large farm of-Andre w Sharp. 'live miles north from half to a idle! cost of the railroad. and just about lo.the centre .of Vineland.— Mr. ntutrp commenced Work bare In December. leas, up on agti acres. In less than three years be ilutsl-gut 2.14 acres cleared and in trope this imam]. all Well , Inclosed anddividellibto several fields, with cedar rail lor pole fence ; haus haat a two-atory dwelling, aboht thirty•six or forty feet, and a smaller house (or farm laborer., and a stable and granary andlrome other outbuildingt, • Considerable part orthe land' was clearer for the plow nt gg dollars in acre. a4d on-some obit the drat drop' was buckwheat. limed with r buthels In ponds acre.— Tldt true may be put I from July n th to • and yields from twenty to thirty b shels fair acre, ha tad in Nov ember • when the land heinrsowed with 150 pounds of Peruvian guano and seeded with rye. yielded 12 to 15 bushels per acre atridteti dollars worth of !straVv. The rye stubble turned. alit& kuocking off a large growth of ,oak sprouts. and &toted aitain with guano and seeded to wheat, gave la or linlaushels. The crop Whic be was threshing white we were there promises me. 4 f a very plump-grain. and the *Ault very ' heavy.`' We trent over the stabble and found the. elver and ttmothy.tront seed ounted last spring. on the wheatwith out, harrowing. looking as well as we ever', saw it upon any old cultivated farms and with a little vrork 1 dons the winter to clear OEI some routo and rotten stumps, and setting stakes to mark permanent onea, we will be able to cut the cropom.t. year with a mining 1 machine and we will gvaranteeawo tont per acre, it; he Iwill give the oserplus if it ore rrh is the estimate. 1 . Part of the land WAS planted with potatoas for a' drat crop, which yielded out hundred sad twenty • blithe's per acre,: It, was then limed with fifty busheltlperticre, and seeded with wheat and - clover, yielding au - average of over 15 Imelda per nett; and the chirer no* loOkt beau tiful._ I - Other aortlantliava been planted with corn Its a first • ..h_. , p(......", ilflV'' r , .... Crop. which 034detkliirts burhels of yellrov flint cern, and the secood crop fatty bustrele. and the third, treated 110 poen& °lmmo. we are cure nu tine Would estimate below forty bushels per acre. ; L - [The reader will redallect that the writer is nriw speak ing of /ands. perfectly 0 ea% and which Can I(carctly.bs con sidererlin good arabld r conditlon.—Faxj .1' ; In rithm• dracathe cons cn?p orient year iwas; followed .with wip e this season' not yet threahod, 14t will ay.rrag,e, prohablyforty to Pit yAinebels. Sweet patatdes, henna, 'mellows; and in fact, ill vegetables. id.l , Cil Ps yortag peach and other'fruit *replanted this. re r. show vary plainly that this lung eglected tract of "-land ibonid re. main Au 110101101%, So there is now a a rrpuyilrobahllity ' that% will not ; forunder the auspices oP, Sir Landis, if will be divided Into small lute, with roads flocatted to cc; commortate all—the ,ahrveynt Is now busy at pile work —and all purchat ere Wili be required to bitild f vent tern. fortable bottles, and tither fence their Intel% nntformity, or re.±rere to live writhe:int fence. which Would he prefera ble, by which means - Is good pripulation Will he secured who willestablish thittches. ,seboolo, stores. Mills, ma. china shape and homes—homes of American fa rmere. cur. rounded by gardens, breharda, fields and Comforts of dm.. Hired 111 b. i 0 if anyone. from artyderabgement ()ghostliest. is dealt. one' ofehinginghis pnranits for life, or who Is iron any came destrone to linU a new location andkbeap borne in the eountry, and tatutmay read and belie* wliat we have 'Way anted. he will 4o well logo and;see for himself what vi a 7 b ° , grli wit4kiP *ir>lionril Sidon? itilseleinbia. . I —. isouatratorinsoN FIRST STORE BELOW- TARBELLS. AMR of =stir. ca-chemms, 531r111.01DMIELINIM, FRESH CODFISH, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS,, eke.; PAINT it VARNISH BRUSHES, BLACK SCRUBINO, • lIAIR,Tooth; NAIL, Arid LATHER ' - • 'BRUSES, ALL VERY CHEAP. ALCOHOL; TURPENTINE, da LAMP BLACK, TALLOW, 'SOAPS. • Of every kind but, soFT. : • AT TYLER'S .STORE. B EST Barn t laf i lial i tt sin, Kero rm & u el l ' e Znaltenei • CEA sinV Ina lr USlZEnii • • COD LIVER, Pure 011 re. Castor, and Metallic 011, for machinery; also Harlem and British OiL FOR THE HAIR, AND, MONTH. lit RS. ALLEN'S World's Bair Restorer, ZylobalsaMtuw Cocoaine, Lyon 's _ Katharion , one and twd shilling Hair Tonic, Glenn's Rear's and Rose Hair 00. Pornadc•de-Phlloconie. Philadelphia and ti* York Month Wash. vit.:. Parrish's Fragrant Milner. for the teeth and and gams, Dalyrymple's Mouth Wash, Dental Sospotc. , AT . TYLER'S STORE. ANORSE'S Indian Root Plifs,Wright's Indian Vegetable.. at Pills, Cephalic Eitis.death on Headache. • elirDont ask to get trusted at 'TYLER'S STORE.' t. Montrose:Roe. 4th. HENRY C. TYLER. Are.' ukt St i 1 f S t. St. li. t IRS , 1 Lot Qf , de: THE WAR CONTINUED! NEW FALL GOODS For Cask , and prompt sir. mouths buyers. H. xrcrpt.xtrirms, would again all attention to bit Near aid Large stock of now being received. and embracing the *lost desirable varieties of Ladles Dress Good, in Rich Fell Fritts, ~ _ • Cashmeres. DclainmOttoman.Valoes. Merin/wee, Tambonrd•Reps.. Gingham and Silks ; Std.. • la. Silk. [troche. and Wool Lon a Shawls, . Rich Ribbons. Bonnets. and Flowers, - • Ladies' Cloths. Broadcloths, Cos allures. d.e., with a very frill • assortment Q . • Staple and Fancy goods, as wand in • Ilardware. Crrickery. Iron. • 'Nails, Paints, Boots and Shoe., • • flats and Caps, Clochr, Wall Paper, Ladies' - 'Purr, Buffalo Itobes, Carpeting's. die.. with a new . assortment of Stover and Trimming* of the best quality. • made to order. ,tc.. ,tc. Mr . ".fis the stock is large and bought for cash. he is rally prepared to conquer a %Peace." and secure the highest advatita,qes of the " War" to.hls customers. who are in vited to range themselves under hlr " Banners" and se cure the benclits of the "Fight." . • • naoiinmiE;, Flour & Salt, constantly on'hand Nor Maim* October 1861. U. utnnirr. NEW =GOODS. NEW • • NEW 0 G 'GOODS. • 0 D • S! NEW - • GOOD S LAIABDING -&; CO'S. NICHOLSON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, 8 --- - 9 r---o 7— ~ . We are•deternmined not io - Xii — out=done in the way of , . • ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE nkea Exchanze for G CO, 0 C), O. D L. itiutprivor isa. co. , • isliehblson Depot, May 7th, 1861.—;78m NEW. FIRM ALLEN, DEANS & .00i t Under' Montrose Democrat Office, , A. RE. RECEIVING Fresh Ground Western F1,01:111 every ea days, which we warrant to glee satisfaction as any iu market; if not good returned at onrexpense. Feed;,.2.nd Buck*heat, Flour, SALT AND PORK, ' By yily. LOAD, BARREL ou POUND. gam [Sugar Cdrcdr Dried Beef, 'Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, - Kelm** ;and. Sugars,, . -. • . .• TEAS. • COPEE E. SPICES,. BROOMS, AND :WAILS, which ive opt fur rate at Low Prlces.-for TOADY PAY ONLY, • Montrose, July p. 1810 - ' . 0 • MAI 3Ten Women and Children at T 'EVANS & ALLEN'S Jewelry store, ' l l tolay Watelms,lowerlyttnd Fancy Goods, fur THE HOLIDAYS - t . .The,auhsciihers take pleasure In annennelng to their friends—that they have this day returned from NewYorti with an unusually large and well selected stock of Goodea with especial reference to the approaching Festive t ea`sonl Any person desirous of tnalring etuistinas. or' Now 1. ears. Prqsents, tan find a rich and eatensireassortnient to select from,' and at paces that one n ut fall to *nit, as we buy taut Goods exclusively fur tail, and show them with pleasure with out charge, EVANS & ALLEN. 1 Wintehea—ladies' Illarnand Enameled. and plalre.-I a ertiendid article. Also a variety of Gold and 311 v Enfoi t lish: American and Saila. Bunting end pima, re." low. Gold Chalon—A very extensive varlet:rot Veer, Polir Guard and Neck Chains, by p., vatc , & liar ttlnau and Ilrearrt Pine--An !naafi° varlet of strict, and prices, lit setsand dame. Witmer Illagn—biamond. Ruby. ltigartil, Pt e l,Snlo Chased and Plain Gold Rinms...a large stoat. Haisealega—Gald. Jet, Plated, and ITATR.Bracelcrs .all Pattern* and prices.. -Rearm & ALVEN. i Sliver Ware--Every description of Enver Parks. and Spoons. Napkins Rings, on hand also Soup and Gam* Ladles. Cups, Card Cases. Pie, Butter and Fruit Maya., Children!' eels. salts. etc.. annantettanod as cola. !. Plated Ware-A Beantitatassortment of lee Pitchers Castor*. Cake Basket*. Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sturm* delta, Naives, Forks, Spetotti, Toast Racks, Cops Goblets etc.. ate., by • Eroas Sleeve gluttons and atada--A large stack tif patterns and prices. Saada—Cond Neeklacesand Armlets , Amber , Cara], Pearl, Gilt. Steel, and sneer Beads, 15ball Covialba—A toed stook of shell hack. and Oda Combs,. arse Bneslo. MIT7I: Ivory, and Dressing Comb. Bair and Tooth Brushes, eta., etc. 1 Mr 174403147611 tt>d .111.raiditiM iPe. 1-0014 Pelham, !VI, BinglnmtiA. GREAT BARGAINS' PREVAILING. GOODS. N - E MADE TO READY-PAY .CUSTOMERS. LOW PRICES. , - /, ___.........,; _/,;- - kizm COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located crrer the Susquehanna Valley bank. BINGHAMTON N. Y. - •• FACIAL i rlfs . " IX W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of Ito Science of Accoents, -Practical Accounts! 0. Author of Treaties upon Book4ie ay lug; Diagkams illustrating the same.. Joao. RANEIN, Commercial Acceontatit, Prates's of Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics. 'J. J. CURTIS ' ASSittIIIIIi , PrOJCSSOr in.the But. k Keeping Department.. , • - A. J. Wstutrac, Professor 61 Practical and Or namental Ponmanithip, Commercial Cillll4 , 1,1013 and Correspondence. lion. Daniel S. Dickicaon. Lettiner• on Commer cial Law 'and Political Economy. Hon. Ransom Dakota. Lecturer on Contract. - Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Col:mere/al Ethics: • EXAM/111AG COXIMITTEE: Hun. Sherman I). Phelps, Wilt. K. Osborn, Es 4 Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. ,The objcet of Chia college Is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. . The Books and Infirm are carefully, arranged by practical accountants •expressly for this la akilution'and embrace all,the recent improve• ciente.. The course of,•instruction comprises every department of bus:mess— The leatner_.wil I be thoroughly taught the . science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keepine.as applied to• the following kinds of business, viz : General Mey chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis sion: Steathboaling, Railroading, Forwarding Freighting, Foreign Shipping, YOU :i0 MSS Canned'HY themselves In &Short time. at this .Institn• Lien. to Alllmportant and lucrative itilliatitrac - Ample references can be given where gradnatea of lit° are now tiling desirahlesltuations with salaries nom POO to $lOOO per annum. The Proprietors era in possession of tesUmonfals from come or the arrt Commercial Houses In the State. to whom thee have famished book,keepers. showing their entire tatiaraCtioa and coin:deuce in the , ablllty (Atha graduates et this I/plaintive. • MiIIANBIII7 In all Its branches. taught by the most eltitlfur and theta ongh masters of the'ret.. Ifu College In the counts - en joys.a higher reptant inn in this department. Lid De partment entirely separate Um that of thegcntlemen. Students can enter College at any time. Zs° vacations. Time to complete the comae, from 8 .lo 10 'reeks. Eto• dents passing the requisite examination etc presented with toe must elaborate and elegant engraxed Piplov.s Issued beiany Commercial or Clueskal Institution In the Union. Aaoaetaece rendered to graduates In procuring -situations. , rur terort of tuition, price of hoard—tcatirrionials of .grailaatee pocitlens.ac. addrees the proprietors for - elreulars costar:Out full starlit-Wars, LOWELL it . WARNED., Nov.roprietor* Binghamton Commercial College. N • B. "Gowe-y - ' • Binghamton.N. 4. VIrqELBI x *o ' Ail. W.ANTING watts. ,New Settlement of Vineland. 1 REMEDY FOR HARD TIME& A. Mare , criporttiniiy in the Bert Market. iad Zest Dclighttul and Healthful Climate is the En ' ion. , Only thirty miles south oi_Phibs• dolphin, on a railroad ; being a rich, bean soil, - and highly • productive wheat land; Amongst the best in the Garden Elate of Nus,,Torse7. T. T CONU 2fl STSof.OOO acres of GOOD lard. illvhied ;e -farme of diEvreitt rizetto Suit the pureha.er—from re) scree upwards—and k *Old dt the Tate of from ff. teen to tv.enty dollura per sere fur the flirm Int& paz.s. ole bue•fourth ca.b.and the batnreetv qtarti.r.}ettrly thll.lment,i, With legal letvreut,,withl.i the tuna of tuts ,T 1133 fiIICAXMA . . la. in great pait.a rich clay Icam,aultahle for rf7,ral.Crom and PotatocA—al.o a dark and rich candy loam, 'citable for corn, 6 weet-potatoes, tobacco, all trod, of vegetable. afid root..erore, and the great variety or fruit, anth sa grapes. pears. poachei, apricots, Nectarine.., •dackber.. ries. melon.; and other fruit., b eet ' dapted to the, Mlle • delphia and Nett' York markets. In re.nect to the soli Ila crops there con he no mistake , as via:tars Chtl !LW a bnl.h, trall,lallie are exnet.ted to hay before ro doinr, and Ending these st.tteincuts correct—under these ch.- cumitancse. unless these Ptatements were correct, dint srould be no use In their being ro.de. It is considered The 'Best Fruit Soil in the, Union- [See report of Solon Rubinson. Ef.q.. - of the ?Cow York .Tribune, and the well known n:ricultnri,t. William Par rt. of Cinnanii.uson,NeWJeriej,%hich will be fOrrilabsd 14quirers.) . TIME 2:141C41.11.33.3E1T. - • . By looking over a map the reader "willperceive that it enjoys the Lea morlst in the Union. acid has direct cum municut ion with New York and Philadelphia twice a das, heingouly thirty-two miles frOto the latter. Produce in, this market brings double the price that It does-in toes-, 001111,111stant 'fru= the cities: In this location it can tint into the market the same morning it is gathered. and for what the farmer sells ne gets the higheg price 4 roceries and other articles he mirebases he gets at the inwest prico. In.the West. what he cells brings him a pittance, but for what he buys be pays two prices. 4n locating here the settler L'ld matte other advantages. Do is within a few hours. by railroad, of all the 'great cities of Djew England and the iddlebtates. Be is near his - old friends and assotiat ton.. lie has school for his chit. ilren, divine servictvand all-the advantages of chilli-a lien, and he is near a large city. wr.II3CIZ Is - delightful ; the wintcre being sill:therms and ova, iChilet the el - untere are no warmer than in the North.--• The location le upon the line of lathed. with northern Virginia. - • l'ElteetiS WANTINC/ A CIIkKGZ or CLTMATl,4llnzaimr. thebe much benelitted in Vineland. The mildneee cf the clitnato and its bracing influence. makes it excellent. for II pulmonary affections. dyrpeptia, •or general Visitors will notice A difference Inn fen dare. .-(,AI it utelferers are unkuou-n, . . , ! - - Conveniences at Nand. ! Building material Is plenty, , Fish and oysters are - plentiful and cheap. Viritur s t must expect. however, to seen new place. Why the Property Lae not Been Settled Be. ' • tme. - , . i This quettlon the reader natorally..a.sks. It'is became . It has been held in large tracts by families nut disposed ; lto sell, and being. without railroad facilities , they had fair' indticements. The kailrold has jest been opened thro' • ;the property this season, for the first time. i Visitors are shown over theland inamrriage. free of !expenae, and ittforded timat'and opportunityfur theroc b -ii drivestigation. - Those who cone with • Clew to, settle. :should bring money to secure their ppchaser, as lots itions are not held upon refusal. ! Tun Sarstri Tams: ii; !Isms Tine*. te hem people haio bsela thrown envoi , employ mein or 'business. anil.ixess ess ;+orrie little mean: or 1144 Inc( int r., le to flcrl liar.- i :area a home. - They canisay a piece °Hand et a small 'price, and earn more titan wages in improving it. and . when it to done it if, a certain independence and no lore. : A few acres. In fruit trees will Insure a comfortable Hy- - leg, The land input down to birrlAhnoe pricer, and all Improvements can be made at a cheaper rate than moot env other-time. - The whole tract, with six mile's frou! on the rill:end, Is beinft fail out with fine and spacious avenues. - with a town In tin- centre—wee:tete lots-in the town tell at from *IO to $201; two and a-half acre iota, at front P , nto $1:11 and tont' lota ish feet front by 150 feet deep.at filtat—pay. able one-hall cis:, and the balance within a year. It Is - only noon farms of twenty acres., or more, that fear years time/A ^,iveh• To 3i.% N UFA crumEll:3; :he town affords a tine open inn for t lir SUM , . manuleelutlT.L; lanslncrs, end other sr , ticleo, being Pear PhilndOphhi. and the surrounding, I country hab.a large .popuiation, which aLords a veva, market. 1 • This settieraent; In the'es.nrs'e of several year*, will I* one of the most twan tiful places in the cunntrT, and melt agreeable fur a residence. It Is Intended to treiee it a Vino and Trutt „,;n•sewingt. country, ini.this eultnre is the most profitable - and the best adapted to the:market. Evers' adtantare and .-•or -1 ventenee for the Fettteri will be introduced is hitt will in rare the prosperity oldie place.- The bard tames. thro'- oat the country will he au advantage -to the tenement, i as it compels, people to retort to apiculture fir - a liv- - ing. . . . .. . Ler= number,' of people are p'erettasiez. and people who desire the heat location-thould VI Si 6 the pare a t once. improved Sand is also for tale. TIMINER.--Laild can be bought with or without tim ber. Th• Timber at Market, vulsation., The Title 14.11u1 lapittabte. Warrantee- dceda Prat. dear of all intualartasce. when the money Is paid. - Tkairdingeouvenlenees at hand. - Letters promptly allow crud, soul rcpoita of holon rob !robot and Wus....ParrylAint, together telBa the 'Vineland Rural." • 'Route to the land :—Leave . AValnat e.rett stl.srf, Phlia delphia; at 9 &cloak, A. M.. and 4 P. M.. tnnlets there should he a thence rf konr.) - for Vineland. on thr Glass. born' and htnlyttle Ralltoad.. 11; hen lon Imre the cam . at Vineland htatlonjust opened. izeulre for K. LANDIS, Poetrnetter, Founder of the Colony. VINELA7fr) P. 0 ., ConOTrland County N. J. , • P. P.Ttirre change ot carrot Obtathorce.. Alto borer...cash:where on the mire Crum New Tort. ant anclphtl to Vlueland,tequiring your basincei, destine t ion. .te. Jenuau 2. Ih42.—uni •• • ABEL TURRELL ria,gpf4;te4j,iti,Pdgitilnis,,„l-41114.:TAirrilvti; set nrlVbilNess, corn NumFtuche, In froui.slx In - cfgr. e wea k e; rou. Compountl,adllre ANT Vyretatery. . itiobtroo,daly T. K1 4,17.hy the Zblrs.l.St•et pr Tool 1. 71111M1 • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers