PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS I NEW ARRANGEMENTS IN TI4I 111.11. CK • - BLOEK. an ters!gued haw lug taken toe !towns formerly •A. .u,ned ,V. It. DE, INS. is now prepared to furnish all o an :a ty desire with a 1;0.0 and truthful Portrait. ft"ing wailwawd in the production of theiplous of Picture+ of the day, I flatter myself that my work in not et by any in this scrtion of the country. s k:n.nil the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the .4.IfRROTYPE PHOTOGRAPH, 31ELAINGTITE, ;YEILLOGRAPH. • Lackst Pictures down tn. thesthallest'sized miniature Rutz. Transferred Ambrotypes —the finest thing out, for *.'dung by Post to any part of the World without extra puet.t.N. 3ty Picturesare hold. vigorous. and expressive —nut those faint, lifeless shadows often sold about the soantry: Pictures taken in oil kinds of weather, equally well. except those Miming children. No.picture need he taken unless perfect satisfaction is given. In ,lee. lug fora picture, avoid light colors,—etch as paste, scarlet, pink, etc. Most others take well; as green. black, re I„snntr, brown, orange. yellow, etc. CV' It mtember that the place to get yen: picture" is n the Ilazk Block, over Read, Watrons t Foster's store. • .1: B. HAZLETON. Mon 0it. , , - Pa.,:rov. 2fdit, 1%0. , • DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE• )AC1 . 126 carrying malls and passen;ers betwe.m Nloatrose and Frlendsville will leave lsearle's Mmtros,.. daily, at 1' m. and leave Friends, Mlle It 4 o'clock. p..m. and carriages can be procured at the Livery Static of the subscriber In Montrose..m reasonable terms. ISC , O, H . J. D. GOOD:' J. et. 11E11111RM & SON, \RE this nvz.thod orinformins the OLD AND NEWW b Honda that tkcy tuve Jost tweiregi an addition thc tome; stock or Goods, whith the!, BOUGHT FOR' cAsn, • AT PANIC PRICES! A:ill WILL SZLL 211E31 TO CASH: . BUYERS, Picas 'Perfactly Astonishing: w...% tr.! rani tine to enumerate Articies, or price*. but Invlte.the public to call, examine. and satitly thenntelyet et the truth of what we puhltsh, and of oour.e.. then by. • ' J. L. 'SIERT:MAN S SON. rpsoutille. Dee..9.oth.lSfa • 1.. t eV . =lly Groceric3 just recelyed Azad act -.M per ceot. below former prlce,. F A CT' Cor.fegiotiary for tho ,t . N2i7 P 1 11 1.r*T r :E I -M. rATIM PPODUCH of an kinds, for which the' t!shdt: t xrket be fnald in Goods. Rt rpt.nrillc, Ps. _ MERRIMAN'S. A REVIEW MID REFUTATION OF iriLPEII3 IMPENDING BT GLI.ER.T J. BEET:E II I ; ANINILET. consisting of St donble column Jr:giu.tny published pending the political 1:.!1•1,5 of 16.0. rue •• linpeadin4 Crisl," is a comp!- : te, vi all the sa . phisms and ntalicions doctrines by tri,al of the North had been fimpols -z., I t,i prolaze the triumph of the Presidential can d; ire of ole soottynal part: la,t fall. It was widely Or- t i. 111,1: 1 zratititoasly, by means of large contributions of •ti I,r. t t l.di len se twin auty other thing :o deceits the., if oliipeo ale. Iu tvp.Ecttiteut and .7:{rlitatioq. %cc t tt;.: 011 a of its thaple,s ser l arat‘ili. and every torpor• t is.a.cotio ais tbt ill. and refate them so completely it a int elli_tont o arson can road the ptunphlet without al - mince:lot the falsity of all the wicked asitump• , • ,a; of tit ilaipm• Ronk and of the folly of the sectional -'t ht. eolmtl tied in civil wor. As there is no o i ,h:l ; tys ieo iti he pecalanently restored to 1 ,ar distracted had until' - the pnblic taint at the Northis . . - 4-1 of ,t•• inte•e-t-loh relative to thc. true ..Ithordsisitate , . most .f ivhorn are our _cat ,. ..al ZovOrlan•Alt. the 7 • the tri map!: of sectional fanaticism both North I b •aa no , the :oat:For:all true patriots to do .1. , ,t 't •ir p I•ver 1.• Unin-1 pr: indices, between 1% _is; ',zit had F 4 .111:i. Ind th,reis probably no Moretenic . •at 0:.10; , 11;1'. , :1 1 ( 1 •4 trig ihaa he treneral ,'-.• tt - rioa ottr 1: ,,, e7t007 ric It centaur a 1 - • • n , I'.• •,r wmth, ft.r 4,cfroiollat - ••,• •, ••••••• •ra; •- :e wire. or the pamphlet. to alt s Priitte Y. eciit , per copy, or $2 ;.et S poi taco prepaid. • . A 1-o-a . • G. J. - EEMTE. j s 1 'id:ll/down. Orange-Co., N. Y. tilittitT lf . EIMi ! D.; L:! L C' _I tt- It 77C.V,R. R after Nlonday. Nov. -2:gh, EXP;iEjS PASSENGER- TRAINS 111.3 1 11.513 SOUTH. 1. LOVING NORTH.. I T. :4Ziztit Erzrlru=s Train Pas , .enzer, frimi N.Y :irk Ea-!. .ri 14.1 N. V. S. I:. It. icare I'iErNo.2.Notth 1;11.- •arr!re. ar Great 11,11.1d,p ,, ; t'l :It . tl.t..m.j7.iti at 'a. ra.: %II 1 or coo: rlConrthind-.-.4.2',,:11 ^lin-^t , w':lll'.i., , From I•4lilatle . whis 'A.: 1'.....4 train f-r -',rave Kt•n•tnton, t.:O LC:11, Junction. 11,15 7,2.1 Due at NVar.lxii3.4lpu, 11.83 0 !a.m.], tp m.. Pha.enuectioulls...l I 1 Cola rnl)..t., 92 . Stroud-burg, 1 ), Toby ha nux, rLll Nl9seuw. itaT which . pat at N,ir '1 ,ntr,s... NT ME= . . .. • ~.,a I.`virts; -. 12.. e. • Abinvon. . 1.-t:, W tr..er :: tp. Lp. tn.] 11.1 a , laetorsille, 4.7 , ,i ~.. colainhia. 1.• N ichol-uu. - 5.16 liela•Naro.,ls - to dint) '1:25 llophottion,s.ll‘i i1.7.1r. Pallal.t.tanitet ) 1.:11' .l'oriirtiau. -i; • , ';foci. I.YI ,•New Milford, G. 21 V a,hine: on. :1,10-. Grein 13end, rcto .I , ln,tion.3.slit Ci•nnecto , lithmr,:l trail, - New V )rk... foil , West. at - ti,l2 I'.1:11r1-ilpili,,, 6,50 ttnd Night En. We•t 1.14 T 1 • Ecurosm "nriln North connects at Great 'Rend with Nie'l: expr,is.strairit East and West on the Fmk ltuad. Tit, Exprit.s Ita4et,r,...r Train Sant!', connects at tile Janet:au wish the 2,,fti p. rn. train on the Nine fiercer eittr,tl 'road for Bead chem. 'Mauch Chunk, I:eadina;,. end iLarribbuTc:tc- . . . , AC CO.M.3IODATION TItALNI. i I T.,svc Scfant.iu at,a.m.y.i.53 ; ..N. Y. Es. train East arricra ' ractury) lile, 11.00 i ne - Grnat Bend atia.ml.lLno N Lc:l.ll,mi . 11.301 Leave Gt. Bend. Ton.) -.to \T intro.,. (p. m)1.?.45 i -Montrose, I;u3 . (:re'it Band. -''' 1.45 1 Nictiolioni 4.15 ' C.rlll . ..,CLitl: Willi Bantle: Tacturyvillei .5.111 EciireAri We. , :, at iiii3il ; Dim at T. , crar.toa, R, 3u • The. A i tensmvidation train doe, not leaf c Serrinton till . tiler the arrival of the Mom in g Tl:airt on tlx• Lackawanna ' a , I it; , J eishe-d fiailroaa. i no, giving Bsuiencer, from ; :l i e Wront.:l4, , Valley a do ect custricatian fur tag IVe.,; By ; ti.: m.irninra , train. I' the at-t•olyn.,.lat ion .d• ,v.ty t rAi n 1 on the pnathern. .1i v'.,,itra, it pa4,:s:vr: rtr will he attached to the Fraight trAiu. it.4viu...t Scranton at 4 a. tn.. dot• at.•=tr.wa.,• 'a.^_ 11..1an , n1,111, 3.13 p. 1:to orninz.. anoCt inn at 1,7,10.10 , at str.md-barg 1. n, SLratt:ott. tn. Pasv•az,rs t..• and from New York. wlll cha . nt:a can ;.t %az.: iddi. • To and .from Philadelidtitt, via. Be!. Dcl. B.lt • ‘v, .55 tak. vat', at Hope. For Plakil.ll, trr, tail:, tterantotl. 7 5 ,t ‘ve ‘ t`,.iadd. And 4rd,taittalc take Oinathur at tz.:r iat,u. Ttalizate Sd and bazza....te t•herkvil tti&tuOt. t _ 301I\ tIRIs' Superltdcrd.M. :1..J77;;5. G. 4. TieLf S2ractca, Pa. L9.elcaw . anna & Bloomsburg R. R. Nov ' Pazryn;,•er trains irylirun MOPING SOUTH Pas. , enger. Acra•nuo , lati , yr, ; Lams •-:i. :rant on. - 5.'4', a. "T. 10.1 p n. ni:' , .ii:pl,;,-401.1, • . ii. 39 1:!:15 p. m. • Itttpert, / t. L) 1 'mine, 9.15 Arcire at• :•;_isthamtie.:.na at 10.00 NrovING NORTS7 Ladvt: Narthanaherland., 4.3 , ) p. - 4. • 11.1 , 1villv. • — !i.lo s Itlvi.a.t. 5.4:, i:itnrsioti. , ~U) . st ^rive at 5,:r...mt.,11, 9.9 i) . A l'a+s - rtzar train leave= IZinirston At f.:10 n. In. far Sza•ant .1. to cLtun,ri lvtth train far 7.C. Yt•rk. itettirning I , .vos qarautaa on art.:, al of train from Nut: 'York at 4.- 2 3 P. ra. . i'.l- I.,a,..%.awatin , 4: Tlltm , n.lvire. ntil road r onnrcts with ' t in: Dalai,' ire. 1.301.:1,i - anna.t Western Itiilrundat Scral..• t ua. for New York and illternlrdiat.point, ea-t. '. .. . _ . . !rt it Cu:t..e. with tho Pakilronci, for potat+ Loth cotst nod I:.tros.nnieri rid with the Philnch.lphir *.s:orttiorn Contra; Railroad and Ede Railroad for p tote e Ittild South. .7 ): P. I LSLE'i - . 1. C. WELLS. Gen.Tlclal FANCY FUR'S. FANCY FURS. • • - • J - ohn Yaroira, ARCII Synet bet Ween. • ;th., and .qll., .alc of sle .31arke. (SO Asa • iil.ourrrAcrrcut DEAt.r.tt Ix A 73. KINTS I '/NCY FrFik for Ladies ;, HOOF. ,tand Child - Ives lriar.' aYin,.• now manufactur kud in @tore my utual e and bnauttful minor!. •no nminn.nd4jun t of all- tho' various prepared with' great. et and qualities of Funk.tetterßathartle I'lll ci And to theta - Tang Fall 1 These nte.lieines are i Winter Sentnnt. I op., likiladelldkia la., and id ropeetfullythrlte nn gn im i nat i on or my .tock drug_ ta and deas-rs irrine. a , I nature of C> M. Jac.cox will ...iv Inducements. ' battlepr box. • . All inn havo been purrlitned foe ernin, and m a d.. inour“Eriry/ATO.,tlmanire,'', "'' nn , n. '" cnt n " na '• ftu d, , will And leitimony an tutikmentlit, ,elit:er th at / - • .. . . •ideaoce 41,11 • . lam ....4111.34. that it he to the Interest "s of those n'''''r!°2l',.. I who design phreban(ng - , to give me a call. • Recollect the name. number and *Meet:- John rarrlra. (Nen Fu Stem,) 718 Arch reeenphene, rAndh ,, e,Mtnii.odotey' . Oda:. Sept. 12th Smst, ••• - . cSatr, - .)..alti 1 '- loan I : , trAVIT:M 47. Maliliill i , ' wiliox,EsAr HALT :DEALER. 201 Vashltigton•st, • , •••. : , , (Directly op osite Vtreshiogton Market,) . ..I We. . to. . livir (;21:11.LCONT NUE to offer to the city and 10 COUNTRY trado,'ll kinds of FOR E IGN Coarse and Fine ALT, at the very lowest figures; 40900 sacks and' gs,.cnnoisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated rand f6r table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy , Marshall's, BrownloW's, &c. land 50000 busks s Turks Island, 'Bonares, Cu i.. racoa, tit. Uhes, ishon, eadizilvice, Nantes, &c.., 'all of which will,be soldat bargain prices from vessels, store ana store ousel Any purchasei Wishi g to select from a good assortment will find it': t his interest to call. N. B:—Fino !Ole salt put up in small bags of different sizes, dnirconstnntly on hand in ship ping order. .Alio a. spend ia article Of Rock tiro, ' •- -It up and for sale dozen each: • ..., . r , Establishe4 iq Pittsburgh in 1840 _ - The Only 4,ntertial College in the . Union, COndnetd,d by SS Practical .."-". ;1 lifer hint.: . ilo!llll (t l de l tshTctienl : -. n .. dlrr 1n todr iaetidlla have been &warded Duds' Sysfort of.Spok Sleeping ; and the . new circolarinn l*sned pontainalletters from *tridents in Phil adelphia, Baltimore, St Logi*, Cincinnati. etc.. proving it to be the best k.udwn.7ls,"E First-Frei:n[2ms Arercyc• ceraly awdrdeddhet Peintarmhip of Wm: Ili DUFF; who with}hit:associate Itrofeeshri C. C4ocbran, are wildcat edly die best penmen in America.; , • II niter's Editton-of Duffs Beok KeePing post paid, $1,12 Dall and Thinean'S OMB 01Tanna4aliP• 5,00 Duff arid Se ., bool Copy hooks , a ; 0 . 8. • 54 For Panlnle,. , of Dna & Cochran's Business and Ornamen tar Peurnansbip, with the atilt citonlar of ii 4 pagee, inclose 2i cants in etarapa to . - I - , • • nor 4.) . N. . 1 - , r. DUFF &SON. HOSTATTE RISS STOMACH BMUS The proprietors andltnsnufactureratf HOS TETTER'S`CELEBRATED STOMACH rat- - I TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and ; citircuS generally of the United • States, because the article has attained a repu. Cation heretofore unklown a ~/k -few facts upon • this point will speak more powerfully than tolumes of bare assertion or hi:lroning puffery. The coosuraption of HOstetter's Stomach Bit. tees for the Ist year amounted to over half. million bottles, and from its Manifest steady • 'increase in-tin:ce past,jit is evident that during • the coming year the ,konstitnptien will reach' near ono millio'?:t bottle°. This immense amount could never have beefs sold but for -the rare 'medicinal properties contained'in the preprra. 'tion, and the Sanction of the. most 'prominent physicians in those ,tsections of the country-, where the article is bst knoten, who not only + recent:newt the Bitt to their, patientty_but are ready at all times o give testimotiials to its efficacy itrell cases of !stomachic derangements And the, diseimes. resulting therefrom ; :This IS not a tempotiztry popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities 4 the Bitters, but a solid estimetion of an invalhable medicine, which is , destined to bo y , as enduring as time itself. • Ilostetter's I Stomach•. Bitters lave proved. a Godsend to Eregiotasj where fever and ague • and carious t ether bilious complaints have counted their victims fly hundreds.. To be • able to state !confidetly That the ••11ittera" 11 are a certain pure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to~ the pr yriefors a source of un alloyed pleestire. It removes all tuorbilmatter from the steel), liurifies the blood, and ft imparts rene ed vitality to the nervous system, .ding it tha . tone and alerts indispemable for ,the rester don of health. It opdates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mild'y but po r t werfu4, and soon restores them to a con dit ionkssent in;l' to the healthy discharge of the functiins of nature. , Elderlypersons inly use the Bitters daily as p ... dirnm•nn, ",. the, bctlie, and they will find in it a stimulant peconarty uaapteu 10 lUltga.rili declining yea!rs, as itqs pleasant to the palate, Invigorating to the bee - els:excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. iill have the cvi .-dence of thousands Of aged men and Women' who Lave experienced ill:benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and . ge9ral debility; actitig under . the advice of physicians, they have. abandoned all deleteriohs drugs and fairly tested the • merits of, (Ids article. A. few words to the gentler sex. I There are certain periods n'hen' their cares are so harassingthat many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother ' :Li child in so ale orbiegly tender, that the :::other, especially if she be young, is apt to ' forget . her own healtli in.her extreme anxiety ter her infant. Should the period of maternity artive during the summer season, the wear of body and mipd is geherally aggravated. Here, - then. is a necessity tor a stimulant to recupe rate t he energies of the system, and enable the 'mother to bear up under her exhausting trials end responsibilities) Nursing Mothers gene- - s rally prefer the Bitierg to all -other_ invigora-• tors that Oceice tio•endorseinent ofsphysi -cians, because it ,is, agreeable to the taste es well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily sti•ength.• . All, those?elsonsl to wheelie° Have part len- ' larly referr tl abet*, to wit: sufferers from fever and a/me. caused by malaria, diarrlicea, dyientery, Indigestion, loss Of appetite, and all discs-n. 91 or derangements of the stomach, • superennueted invalids, persems'of sedentary occupation, nd nursing mothers, will consult their own hysieal, welfare by gifing to H os- ' 4,:. teller's:Cele, rated • Stoinach Bitters n trial.. , . CAUTIO:*?..,AVe Caution the public against using any cif- the• Many imitations or counter- , fekts, but nOt "for dlosrurrun's CuLtururun B TOMA Cll BATTEUS, and see that each battle-has the words .4 1 Br. J. libstetter's Stotuftell Bitters" • ' blown' on tie side nf. lho-hOnlo, and .stumped. , on the metallic cal) covering the colic, end observe that our autograph signature is on, the ' • label. 1- ~ t . air Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER : 4 - MUTH,' Ilittsburgb, Pa., and sold by all - druggists, !vocal's, and dealers generally. .. throughout the United-States, south Anio n I tics. and U; -nanny. . FMM 1.11 3,31 4'' gr e:rd s § g r ; HoolliailrS MEDICi d y 040 , 0-. Tr, V.' A. STANDARD REMEDIES of the pteser4 age ,hare acquired their groat popularity way clautigh years of trial. Unbounded satittxtiola . • ECOOPLAND'S GERMAN :BITTERS • • WILL PUSITIrgLi Lircr San nt. Dynn:c . pain, Jaundico. Nervastallei• . DMmasca or th. Mtdriers, - ttlitl aft diser.:..m uin; from a. divortlered liter, or weak .lac tlie il...tornaett nett Digestive Opus, • 'ANT, trILL TrE cal .TELLOWI#EII. CIUCiIS FEVER, An ' fIVEI AC Artt. - Evu eurEnr icr IV:icr, er uts puttle. .! • VIII. I 4:*.1 - 11 , 11-T etas Coughs, Golds, ra• Unmans, Bronchitis, LAMM* • CraaS., rrieusisarda s Incipient Cosawaptioa, .and has psrpFnied qteSnost ostsnistdo;lmpaescr Laims • • a - CONFIRiII*D a Diarriims Cordi4lt Is an . islualled. cads ptr,butga.— . • . HOOFLANDIS . GERMAN: PILL,. being Weil known throughout I:um. aria America, asedi no commeudatluu here.. They arc , purely I,..Ftialge, art primed sedh . great exactness, raid stre - sugar•ce,ted: , TCo tetter.Catlsaine I'lll cau.be fonud. Pr.o", meta. per buts / These medicines are prepared . by 1)r. C. 'al...lxcgsan Philaddpitim, mud " nt. Louie, and are odd /.7 druggists and deatl9rs toineditines everywhere. She sig. nature of C,ll. Jaccaos wilt bat' uu the outside of .x.,als battle pr box. liour - “ErirylATO rinlilialed 'annually', you will Mal Iratiainviy ciatiivarniatory pot k - es from alt Ova away 14 all uus.alpx:e: ,t - euday.l L•y them iu uU casq. llooflond's Balsamic-Cordial - LOUIS-.IIOTEL • CHESTNUT-Sr-ABOVW THIRD, PHILADELPHIA . 1 I 3; the Inimediatc neighborhood of the Johbing Bowies' on Market, Third, and Chestnut Binds, the Banks, !pat °nice, Merchauta Exclutoge, WARD PER DAY; $1,50. - • Accimmodation, 'when required, on the EVROPBAN PLAN. Boontsfrom 60 cents and upwards, per dav, and Meals at a Futs•r-Cuss Restaurant attached to the lintel. Prices according to the Bills of Fare. • -' -The City. Cars take Passengers from arty Station. TO or.CLOSE TO the Hotel.. Ver - Englieh, French, and German spoken, - ARE YOU INSURED ? azir-...s.caraff..sw Ts receiving applications fur Ineurdnee In the follow ' Aug C?mpantett WyontinglNSUßANCECompany, tvluriEs-BannE, Pa. • Charter Perimtual. Capital *lOO,OOO. Surplus.... 137,000 Organised November. 2d, A. .D.. 1857 DIRECTORS Tfollenlvick, D. a Drlesback, j:P. ennle, John Reichard, David Morgan, Chas Dorrance, Stahl Wudlidrris, R D Lacc*, - Itim S.Roes. - L D Shoemaker, Geo P Steele, Ii M llovt Tt- C. .SllTlt, See l/. • G, Bt. TIOLLENTIACIL Prier, W. G:"STEII4.II(4, Trear. L. D. SUOLItAKEIt, Ilea Pre( 2STIGrA' INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartfo'rd - Connecticut; 4, Paid tql Capital I t • $1,509,000 00 - • Asete, ' • 4 .101,10 G 0:1 NORTHERN FIRES LIFE ASSURANCE COMP4NT, No. 1 Meorgato street, London. Capital, t8,'2060 knolls) Revenno;sl.ooo.ooo. Ni'ar .GETTY, Agent. Philadelphia. CONNECTiCCT MCTUAL . LIFE INSURANCE COM. PINT Y of Hertford, Connecticut. Act:nu:minted Capital. Amy one tvishing their lives Insured will do well to call and examine .their .tnode of insuring, and their rate,: Which are better than those of taw other company. 'before taking Policies ciscwher:. YI. P. BLMAYAN. cep • 60] Ottice over chandler Jessup's etc o, MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS IOOT or MAIN STILE.ET. E extensive Furniture Establi.twcnt ul Stont BuontEns having been refitted and gre.' atly' improved; the proprietors •respeeifull. announce to the citizens of *titres° and viein ity that they arc constantly mskingand ket p or, hand the LARGEST and BEST twortment pf FURNITURE . To - be 'timid lii the Century. 'We giro the following list of some of tho ar ticks which wo Will sell 'at gromly redueea prices, for CASII . OI REAbY PAY: . - Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany,. With glass. floe) $l6 to $35. - Brifeaus with marble or brocittelle tops, fr..o it'll to $24.: 'And' a large assortment, from $B. 690, 12. 14. to 818, Wash Stand.a. Card Stands, Cornerand Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ten dollars. , De.ks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto. mans, Lounges, &c. Centre, Card, Pier,,TOilet, Dining, Kitchen, :zri Extension Tables. Chairs—Cane and Wood Seat s , Rockers— Cane, Flag, and Wocd Seale, of eve 4 variety arid Snfns, teto a totes furnished at short nutir, at Neiv i Yo . rk prices. N.. 8. Ready mode coffins on. hand or "fur nkheti at short notice.-1 - karseti slihays roadinens when desired. We elnploy none but CAEEFUL and 1 7 .xrEnt- KCED, WoI:K,2IEN. We intend so do Our W4duic WEst.,•‘nd sell-it as Low as it can b. afforded - W. W. sm rru, A. SY1111'1!, JR., • E. H. SnkTll. - 11'"ntr.tse. Jun. 18th. . i(EYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. wra' . 11. BATCH,' Proprietor. r Fulls - new and commodious llotvl situatrd lon Puldie , Avenue. near the Court I louse.and nearl-(in the centre of the 'business 'portion ..fi :tontrose, is now ftrly completed and furnished. and was opened on Monday„ the 27th. day 1 , 1 I !•loinember, 1858, •for the accommodation of the public and travelers.- The Proprietor feelb ..onfident that he is now prepared to enteita;n :Neste in a manner that canriiit fail to give " Complete Satisfaction. Th 6. Hotel and Furniture are new, and DO e):- p..nse• has been spared to render it•equal. if not .nperior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It ,is well supplied With all thc• , ovent improtrlments and eoMforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the tall of customers. . Thy ItrbL••s connected with this 11.'utse art New and Convenient. The Propric;tor respeetfOliy einlieits the patron o ot hilt Ohl friende;and thi• public generally, IVM. K itA•rrtt. 'EVAKIR (HRH, WI ONTR 0 SE P'E N,P , A. 'cm subserilier having pure.has,,ci 1 refitted andincwly furnished the • WM ~„ ,i3o%'e. well knoWn and popular nolo', s, prepared to accommodate the Ira, - elin,g public and others with all the attention! , and conveniences usually found in first-etas Houses. No effort will be spared by the PrO prister and his Assistantri to make the Hotel rival in - every. point to any iin the country. The Liar will always be supplied with tie Choicest Liquors. _The Stables, connected with this. !lolls are large - , roomy-and convenient, and careful an attentive Hostlers zire always in charge. f them J. S TARBELT. $ 11 11 11114 4 e•ciao,*.ii ,. • • sr .• ", • . TTITS Delicious Tonic Stlinulant. Especially design for the use of the Medical Pforcesion and the Family. lancing duperceded the.so called Gins," "Aromatic," "Cordial,' •' Meditated." "Schnapps," etc.. is now en ',lorded by all the prominent Illissiciane, c hem lota - and con- LoisseurS, as possessing all those tx-rtuNsic medicinal q nal it ;es: I tonic and diuretic) which belong to an UM) and p(JRE GIN. Pat up tit quart bottles and iold al I Dru gitts and Grocers,' etc. A. M. BININGER & &0.. [Established in 1775.] Sole Proprietors,. - cm 4 -j • No. 11111 road Street. N. T; For sale at Turrelre Drug Store; Montrose. N )24 --- • us w ix* • TAR AND WOOD HAPTHA yarraitm, lithibeat Ittelletne In the world for the ciirel Coughs and Colds Croup, Bronchitis. astluna. Difficult Breathing, • 'Palpitation of the Heart. , For the relkr of/patiente in Mee:need rtars of Consumptimi' together with all Diseasec of thelhreat and Chest ruin which predispose to Consumption. - - I( Wiwi" Mei root of ciiefane, and makes (befell destroyer ewe's* , lo its il)tuinee. aleciprod n eer fru expectoration, & induces healthy (talon in the dlisecieed „brawn; Membrane and Mows. peetilivey adapted tothe radical • Mt of .0111,NA. One dose ar Mu invaluable SYRUF'VIen give. ease and Me partindar natareof the dixedee denies. ft feryptearant to Me Mete. and prompt in itr fret*, TM & be convinced Mat it is invaluable in tilesirerf Brueschin I A Ifeceione. Price 50 rent, per Bottle. Prepaiyd 'bay by J. A. ESENIVELK anchold Ply A. Exentrein 4 N. TV: earner oth and POPLAR strati. Phibura. Pa. Par ealin item Owe by mkt) volizel ABEL ,TURIIELL .01140440 XE.erionezie. T HE Satin market, conatantly on band. and at as low 00 2 . 1 . WC C3C Ir obtained of:arSeserc li . tri,lt2g Turrell's $3,570,000 00 AT TIIE - 3A2/r0r4.13::*, 'AVER 'INV no RATO NEN' r,IL, - 1, IT Is ensuposutttcoll rtlt li rl y Cram Ltnirtls, and lundievonAle est ‘I4:AM-ilfurt, a Via:WAN. 3104 whir, Lisa .a dintsportt ed t.r nil dui, n•Mit. a nil it nniv sorted ulthrou4deure itq t 4,ll/1 Wit 4:?1ti... , 11 WC 111441 it is reesinimendeit It h. roved thou...L.! who kid gn rd'ini 'tu n es. unashritedrerliiimiie, Its niyi, The dose must be ud intr,li Individual tuging It, and us act gently no the Rowels. Lot the dletues of your use of dm LALV.Eit I 11. , i cute Liver VS Cativo VS Llyspeissia„l Tsui nt ergo Dropsy, Stine! .Cosill senses, C en - Illorbus, Cholera Stakes, Jau hit is es,aud may be used ry .011111-1 Os; twenty tnluutea; Ili apocii.illa4 aro. tial: l stuck. I who use it arei la lu favor. IISIX ,IiVATEIL :TAW, intiUTII. _WITS! ITOM INV itiCitS AA; D.' SWALLOW 130111 - TOGE•1111US. Pelee Cate Dul!nr per 1:01 [le. th• tiro yerrS An' 11, 11t1I4CrOtj li , m,r44loe,how. lotic tvitil,rwinnlnt of tL~ ed 1L Audit 4tLiuLties.,6 jnilgniont 4•ou In 11in V1(.4011-tT4)R, An d it attni Ittilonn :Ler Chrciutc I.lllnrnthavni, plaint*, Pyscettel• Stionath.floUltnal: Cholera, Choler lilftiot um. Flo/1., IPeinate Wenkorlos:- ecsarully as an 0 rtil alsr , !Ilion.. It nnicnra NICK Itbontands can te.tily,) tit It %no or *hive . "I:n.'n c* nt • ciauxunningnrui giving iticir CestOrn.o7 1=1231111=1 SANFOILD'S CATHAYi b e li PILLS, r 1 „UM)ED •P m x trawls nud put up lit Tight: awl 1v 111 Imeep Pure Vegetable El GLAss CASES, Ali to bay climate., The Filially :CR. Ile but attire C•Untrile use, he Ina practice mere 1 he cell heistle ince. min; hseelban iced the P11.T.• atl expreate in retard to their them within the reach of all. lbe Profession well keoW on denerenttowline* of the the FAMILY CA.- is,. with due reference to been compound/ I' from a table Ill‘trarta. which Oct olmentary meal.. and are es where a .Catliertie is rwitgemrette of the Pala. In Iltr Crsetureeese, Pal .. .whole . body, !re , ' uri3ll y, oeclecte I. e'er. - Late of App- - n Jou oft:old 'over urea, TICAILOCIV., or a ll I..flurre as ft t.,ryl leht trireme ter Ailn , re. Parities,. the Wood; tech Is bele. 1.00 1111 , 11 MU S ., =M. Doer.l tell The biver f i reat TI •11r, I hurtle Pills' are l roni tel.& uLoicsale by the l rade . 8. T. W. SA 11.nrilr Pll.l. ig en* VIA which the pr•pricor late .3 than trimly years. diTIVOti from those who a 2. awl the 'lvett..isoinu ahtih use,La iltaucal meta place Mt a. that dlC'erentCathartles 4ct vi Loaves: . •111AIITIC P,l ' ' this 'sell estALllith , ;,l rat t, r . l variety of the purrht k . e.v... .._.... 1,111,,, ~ , t el ery part of thn W g 1.04 slits, In all cos. CA ecled. stleh Si Di , . De ,W. SI p Bill IA e 11. Nis,' I' . na. , k n' ik Loisist. ni•d litnrettir.• owyr `frnnt .suMen r.ILI, mlitch 01,.1 to u htn4 taunt at Fe llllle,ll trrepleg ',rm. 111.- lweir, Itritt !ex... E 4 .a al ghl 1.1 t •v l . te 11c1:11„ gif lilt, tart, Al Wrist.: II 11111 ti 0tir.11•.... a prent nn , l manydist. tses In n Lich iceto inct:ll,;a In thls ad, es iLfa ^ ; I/I EE. 0111144. .. nt-r 1,11.1 Fattollr . Cst Heti he I)rntglsce serentliy. sithl to all the Lt; r Irmo, 1 NVOTt I), M. If., er at, I Pre...rietoe. ny..Nr•V wry.. B(ERHAVE'S' HOLLAND- BITTERS TUB CF:LEDBATED HOLLAND ILEBEDY FO • P r TSIMP .S.IA I • DISEASE OF THE,KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKN'ESS OF ANY KIND, - ! FEVER.AND AGUE - Ann the Tallow affeehlous eonaequent Kinn a dleorleted STOM.tCII OR LIVEB,I • fad, as indigentimb Acidity of the Stortutrit. Colicky Ilearttont. hieie "id Appetite, Ontiviftwes, Blind awl !Unedited Pile*. •In all Nerrimit, Wen:math and hicumlnic Affection , it lin. to moneremi in•Lincve pros,d highly beneficial, sod h, others etierted n daid,.l sour. Tide las purely degeOile compound. prepared on •liittly Kkiltife pAuriples. after the manner of the Meloated Ilolland Poffemor. 6.erintros. Re reputation rat 11010 e pro. ductal Its Intmlucti,n Lore. the demand contmencit4 sib; thane et the Fatherkunt rrattereil user the . Lao of this mighty country. many of uheln hmoglit with tt,on, mild kandt.ll down Tho tradition of its vu!ne. it it now .V'ered to V, dlihrfritall hntlio, /17.11.4/70 .71/1 truly urrncirrint toolic,nal must be net worintarti. It in particularly recommended to tther persons *hose conerithstone may hare been Lapelled hr the mi t a:non:woe* of ardent .I`ltlotus ... other farm+ of dlseirvltiolf. Geurnd'Y Instantattedue In effect. It coo,. the ..at of tire. thrilling and quickening. every • nerve. raisin= eta drapingstud, Eu'l, Infusing new health nua:slgor In the warm :„NOTlCK.—Whoever expecte to find n hovers= uhl be disappointed; but to the sick. weak and 1, , w rpirite.t. It will pone a grateful =L.:milk cot dial, cueserted of ilti;uhr remedial pnporth a. READ CAREFULLY! Tho Genuine highly coirce)i s trebsl Ihrrh3re's Bitters is put up lo haTirklot I.oltlps onle. nod eotnibel et O. Inns of per bottle, Or XIS bottlee t•r Firs 111111.1104. Rest ilemsoil for thi% truly ri•kl.r.ti , l Mnlirlne ha. iNhttd many imitations, %bias the public t•Lould guard against pnrrisoirif•. Se" Reis:ire of-Irnpisltlon. Fro Ills! our name Is on the laical of every bottle you I•ur. Sold by Dniggists 'generally. It can be fortrardeil by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS 1 BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. &' MANUF4CTV4i - S0 . . pharmaceutists' and 4:1: enlists `PITTSBURGH; PA. Theae BITTER: 4 are cold In Iklentrovq• J.s • De 4 y ABELTURRELI. ,Pruaqi. ECELirdi RtsccoVED! rAoTT's • • t . • Ai aperient api stomachic preparation:of IRON purlfiAd of Owen and Cithen by tem. baitoa in HydroTeo, of hig me'dical antyor _ gy and vatraorili,,ary efficacy in each of /.he following. counta , pc4, vie.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, ERA , CIATION. DYSPEPSIA. ,DIARRHEA. CONSTI PATION.SCR3FULA, SALT RlMild, SCURVY. JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUNA: TISK. MERCIIRTAL , CONSEOITENCES, MIEN, MITTENT _FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC -HEADACHES. MULE WEAKNESS. MIT. MENSTRUATION. -WHITES. CHLOROSIS(V... PIMPLES ON T-1, FACE, ROUG Si OF . THE SEW, - The IRON bin absorbed 'new bleod, and thus circulating thrall - e wholo system) no part of the body can can; their truly wonder. ful influence. . The cairn. e etltouvands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment, be - compared with it. ImpUrities of the ,blood,!de. .railion of vitsl en;rgy, pale and, otherwise sickly compl?xions indicats its necessity iri .al. unit every conceivable caw. In all easel of finsalo debility (Suor albus, chloro:is, etc.); its effect's are deliskiCully sen orating. No remedy boo ever inen discovered, in the whole hiitnry of medicine, Which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, Cam pine digestion, rapid acquisition of strength? with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its Use. ' As a grand atomuliic and;geurral restorative it has'no superior and no substitute. - Put op In neat Rat meta! boxes containing e 0 Oil.. price NJ rents per fox; 111 bajtea, *4 511; one dozen hosts. *4 00. For pale by . Deutal.taAvnerally. Will be sent free to a.yadarees on receipt*, the *Sat. All let. teel, Ol:derg, etc., mould be addretscd ea • , R. LOCKE ik 00 .Geiteral Agents. • 339 BROADW AY, N 1. N.B.—The above is a rae.*Blßle Or Uwe label-on curb bal. , ; •• - ABEL TURRELL - B l.hroCwoggr r Plll'andPlecurc e a r lt r e y m e d ° of y f,r B nen?l i le A rs - % to which h ue Can at the • • t GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM of ABET. TURRELL, and be availed of the bene6 ts penned . * Itlontroge,July 17,;. 1881. "PERSON'S WANTINd A CITANCE OF CLIMATE FOR lIEALTII, Fee adrertfiemeat - OI laztelAnd faros • - TUI FOLLOWING 'WI - DirldnnOLTS 01' tr22[I3EIEVt . ',.CEPILILIC -1 ' PILLS . 9 WILL CONVINCE ALL WlO SUFFER FROM HEAD - Acif.E; THAT A SPEEDY-, AND URE CURE IS WITIIIN . • As these testimonials wrr ,unsulieiteil by Mr. • S!pultling: they afford! unquestionable prorf (f the efficacylq this truly 'scientific ditkcivery. • 2/I.IIIONTILTZ, Cosa;, Feb. 5, Ha. SPALDLNO. ..„ • . , • sin.: • I hare tried yunr Cephalic Pfllp, and.! °tent so wall that. I trent yoa to send utorthntne. - Part or the, , e are for the ncluithnru, towboat gate' few out of the first box I gut tront yOn. . Send the Pills by mall, and oblige _.ToliF j •t i a s e . rv2 iorNioy. • • • ' I. . • norlrford, Pa., Yeti. 5: ' 11. C.; Spalding. . . Sir: . i • .1 wiiii: you Co send me one mote box of yoir 'CEphallc Pins ;1.1/otre receirisda great 40 of benefitfrogn Mem. Youts,revectfully.. . . . ' , - I ANN STOIKIIOVIE. ' , . , _, , 1 Spence Crick , Iluntiugdon cu., ra-. J. 18. U. Spalslintr. 81r: you will please +end me twO boxes of your Pills. Send them immediately. , I • . , j . ItespectndlY You,clit.rstwo,ps, P. 3.—t hats used MOO 0'1(00 Ms. and f ind them scellent. . . , Vernon, , Belle Vernon, Vaio. Jan.l.3. Henry C. Spalding; Ems. I : rielm. find euel..4ed twenty-ve ,cents fur whleb send me another box'or your - Ceynille Mlle.? , Tiny are ,ugly the hest 1.1113 I have ever tried.' , Dlrect . - lA. STOVER. P. M. Belle Vernon.; Wyandot county. Ohlo. ' DeretlY, Aran., Pitt D. 11. C. Spalding. Esq. I wide for somecircnlnrs or 1. rce show bills. to bring vourmort!particolatly hefore my customers. If you love nni thine. of the kiwi. pleaSe send them to me. One of uty'cu.kitners. who IS suhJect to a.ivveru etch h,.;:nhofte, insmillvjastine two_days). was eured of an at lac* In an hourly our Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully yours; • W. 11. WILKES. • Itcynolantinrg: Franklin Co.Ohlo; Jannary. 9. henry C. Spnidirig, Nu. 4.1 Cedar etrect, N. Y; Deur. Sir 10.1°40 Mid %vont plive cont.P. (25.) I .py PCntlnte mx of - ceislyille pIllo." Direct to ItOv. Wm. Filler, at Iternold.totr. k'notkito county. Ohio. i'intr !We - work like a - cliartn=cure Iltatlaehe ablegl ',dank?, Truly y.pUrr. Wm FILLER Mr.,Spedlny. Not. lona Pince I pent to you for n box of re:Phalle Pills for the cure of the Nervous IleMaybe and Costiveness.. aud received the same. :UM th4y. had n. 6064 an effe.xt was 10due....,/ lo stud for inure. - ' irlea:d send by return mall. , Direct to A. R. WIIgELER; ;Ypsilanti. Prom the I.....r , , kiiner Norfolk. Va. • Pilioaccomplilth the olkj!zet for which they were ithide, viz.: cure of heatlicLe in ttll Its_ fortv.,. the Exantiner, They have ben igoted in more than a tittennil meet eittire Fr-ro die D,•innerat. Cloud. alf •If von are, c,r bare been trofibleil with the headache, 4eniflor a box arcephelie pine, eo that_ -yoit may have Illet/1 in case of all Ata,ii. • 1 th.^ .I,lrertiArr.‘,Pi.or;dencr, R I. • The Ceti:talk are-taill't obit a remarkably effect remedy for the headache. and one tithe. very best f that very frequent complaint tridith has c‘cr been d: covered. Prom the 11 - ,,,erp R. le ,G,zetir„ rhirogn Imrtilr cndorc Mr. Spalding. and Lte unrivalled Frani the 1 Iley St,,r..E•Filazaba. rd. t.nre that penoin , ImSering with the headach ,rhu try thetn, gick to them,. /',not th e poh h'iuder .41'eop Orb 17123. LO Try them ! you that - ore afflicted. and we are Mire Ma •Olir re>1:111011V.C.: 11 1 la added to the alread.i unmeron. lot that Lai r...,GetveJ btat..lits that nu ottiertuedicine cat ',matte,. , . _ - .1 7 roM the Si. Law's Democrat. Theim:m * CM,edemund for tbe ' Aiticle (Cephalic pill rapidly iucrcaArg.. F.-ow. the C:hr..tie, •pioroport. lowa. Mr. Spalding ;fluid not entitled. ith an at tick lie did nut know to - po.4teit real merit. Pre,:lef the ~ I,lrertiAer,• R The teZtiniony in their favor le etrong, from the Toil respectable quarters. F;mn. Fluc V), +Rm. ir. cephai ,c Pill: are taking. tile r place ntall kinilP. • . • •• ~ , • c.uRE t e..„ lio. - 15 1 * - 4 1. 4 0eA_ ..c.) ~/ • • c.,- - CURE " N - 61. - . f., • Nervous Headache . CURE.- . e k , S''..."*".- -kin& , ~ HI/M.4 d6:ll. l `;tr* i i a l 0 A s '•-•:c il r -j a • . • By the the usoof these Pillsilieperiosliacks of Terrors,. or ..sick Ilimluche may he prevept6d; and if taken at the comtnenesmetir "fan attack, dnimediate relief from pain and sickness will lietilitafoed. • , • • They seldom fail in ryenbving the rausea aml Ireathtthr to winch females are subject. They act gently }t tin the Rowels,--removing Coetirenen. Flit Literary--ffen, :Mama, Delft:Me Females, and-all persons ofydeutary Addle. they are valuableaS a ht.ratire. itnprovfng the appdite. giving tons and VigAle to the (Nes tiveptcfans, and, restoring the natural elasticity and s eiigtlt of the wholii - systeni. 1 Tite CEPHALIC PILLS tarp the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted exptfritnents, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented slid relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering front Headache, whether originating In the 'farina/ system or (rain a deranged state of the tfonmeh. They are entirely vegetable- In their composition, and aymbe taken at anilines wit h'perfect safety without mak , mg any change of diet. aid Me tiAtenee qany diecsgrefabk Nits router* it eaey . l .. ciadmOliter them to children. Beware of Counterfeits. The genuine Imre fire signidnres of Henry C. Spalding oneaeli box. Sold by litnEmbits and othe'r Dealer"; In-Medicine's. A box will be rent by mall prepaid otrreeelpt of the Ni i rloo - 201 Conti.. All ord6ra should be addreaed to • . . 11P.NIIN C. SPALDINe, • porn r , Cedar Stir telt, New York., gr.% single bottle or SPALRING'S PREPARE!) GLUE • will eare-ten times Hai koitylotuilly.,Ao SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE r SAVE PIECES' ECOM OM Y ! C...47r".4% STITCLI . IN Tlnt SAVE* SINZ.",„4/4 Ae'accidents will happen,' even in well tegidated him! lies, it is very desirible to have Some cheap and convert lent Way for repairing furniture, toys, crockery, &c. • • STALDING"S PREPAI7ED. OLUIi , • meets all‘suchememencleic dno household can afford! to he withouth. /t la always ready, and up to the 'Bch lug point - "VBEfUL LV EEE.RY I 1.10118 E." • N. 13.-4 acconivanles each Bottle. PrieeZ tents- iptltess 'HENRY BPA fin. 48, polar Street, New-York. C. 4 (7./Q.Y. • ' As certain 1:m11 , 4100Ni clement are attempting tnpalmt ' off on the unsuspecting unbife. Imitations or myPreprired• Maw I would caution all perfume to examine Delorepup. chniing. sad see that the Cult name, - • 7 ggi r SPALDING'S ,P147:411ED ozzat.au fe On the *nisi& wtsPPar t all plbeve Goa svfedlini acms-H Parkas. Dociluvinl' 9 0 Xalletlllo OIL. . Grefit,oo4Lerattrixitulikti ~ rld,fer . .'itIIEUBIATBK az& ail 'PAIN. . • Watranied to. CtUriE . Fever and Ague in onOday V ' . • Chills in five Minutes; • ,• . . ' Deane* , in two to fonr days r - M arne and Scald. in ten minutes; Sprains, Wounds and Bruises In from one to three days; • lndammation in orie dar; . -Neuralgia. Croup,.Toothache, Berns, In ten minutes; ' Itemorrkage,ltcrofhla, Abscess. its teu days ; • ' Braises, P. minds, Tester. In one to three days; Eantche.tithrlieelL Ague. in one day ; -.`7•.• '- - Felone„Minken Bleast, Salt ltheutn,tu 3to six days ; • ' (juinsy,-Palpltatio*.Plearlity. la one to ten days • • Asthma, Gunt. EryilPeltkin !+e to Went, days; Frosted Feet* Chilblains. S iff.folitti.chride Shen - matiam. Sdre Throat, Semler Fever, and the lame nestle to Walk. by - it few bottles.- ~ _. This OIL. (De Grath's) Is mild and p leasant, and I. a 'great Family Medicine, for childrentedhlug .te, • Latliesattauld all Me /hi It always leases you better ~ than It find* youoind nie bottle often cures entirely.• AFFLICTED TII KEN YEA 115;r. AND CC RED • IN :c•NE . WEEK. •- ; ' Road letter from Rev:Jame!, Temple. . • '.•:. ', 7., , PIII44AMMTIIIA; Jane 9tth IK55' ' Prof. De GltAtfi :1 hare:Oen afflicted for thirteoryears with Npnralgjannd of er painful complaints, and I have been unable ter sleep oundlY or Wallc any distance for many years past. -La [-week I got a bottle of your Eire dal lil The drat night I slept roundly and well. and to day am like a new Man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Electric Oil lois done In oneweek what the physicians of-Philadelphia failed to do In thirteen years. .. Wattle* -yotms. ' • . , . HEY. JAMES TEMPLE. - .. . . . • • i I 310 South street.-: I .--, 1 ---. ' • . - • - DEAF N E SS - CURED. - r. • , • . • • - KFW nAVIEN. May - 19[h. letd. Prot De Grath : Mbrotiter has been deaf for 3 years. • After trying many things. he used your Oita few times, and it cured him call e1Y..1 ~ • qI.IFFOID) 11.SCRANTO:N. s • „•_. I i -rg. r• For sale br all it , o - ogests„ and at the Depot. en so*ElotilitiThatt&iptiirt. • ' • felitgat cy ' ,I AI 0•' IP .t. rIC ''S -' - LIFE :MIAS, & 1)111)ENIX - BITTERS. rgintAk xtracrsits rove no* been be fbre the public I. fora period of 7:Airty Years. and during that time have maintained : a high character. in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of rasturlng perfect health to pennant suffering under nearly' every kind of diseaseto which the human frame is liable. The following are aMong the distressing - variety of hit. man diseases in whic , h the c ' Lt ir E' (TIT t:•1311E LIFE MEDICINE Are well keosi'n to bc;infalllllle. ' ' . DidEEPRIA,Se tbortitighly drat:shy. the let and d stomachs. and cresting a now of plaredietilltty bile,itiste il of the stale and atridklud'i FLATULENCY, Loss ty Ap - mate, Reartbarn. Ileddaelif, Resflesatess, Ill • l'esnistrr..4.n.r• id y . Languor and Jfc(on dog,. w hichare gvueral sj mptorrs of Dyepepria. Vanish:l as a" naturist CallPaajatallea of its care. COSTIVENESS,. by:cleansing the, whole length of the intestines with a ' , talent prucess, and. Without violence; all violent purges leitie the bowels costive in two days. FEVERs orldi Stalls. by`, restoring the blued to a regular circulatitm, thrts' the:process of restii ration in such eases • and there' solution of all Intestinal obstetutions in otherr, The Life •Metlicinee have been known to cure BErpxyg. ATISA permancnthl in three weeks, and GOUT in half th a t t i me . by removing local intlannuatiou from the mus cles and ligaments ot ihe joints. • .. DEOPSI.ES td all Mods; by freeing w.. 41 drengtheninr (hr kidneys and hil ler; theyoperate ninst delightfully or there Important oll4,aqd hence have ILA yr' IWO! rotkpd L certain' retnedy fo .o worst care ?- of GRAVEL. - Also WaßiitS. byldislutigisig from the turnings of t h e bowels the slimy matter tit which these creatures adhere. ' SCURVY, ULCERS, athrINVETERATE SORES, by ,the perfect purity which there Life iledicinss give'tu.the ,;blood and all the hrintor.Q' - sc,a4Bulle ERIIPTIONs and'llAD CO3IPLENIONS. by tnelrallera i lye effect atom th e fields that feed the skin and the - morbid state of, which occasions all eruptive komplai tits, sallow, kloudy, and other disagreeable coin • plexious.„ - - The use of these I.lls-Itr a very short t ini'd Will effect in entire cure of SALTiItRERM• and a striking Immo* e meld in the clearoess of the : skin. CONNOR COLDS and INFEFENzd 11 . 1[11%0yr be cured by one dose, or by ,ca two in the worst es, i . Pil.E.3.—The original proprietor of there medicines. was cared of• Piles. s lEf 35 years mewling by the use of the Life Medicines alon . - • .! FEVER AND A AlE.—Fo L this scourge of the Wert• era conntry, these 3fediefues will be found a safe, speedy and certain rentedyt Other Medicine* leave the - system 'subject to a return .4 the disease—a care by these Medi cines is permanent-1 7 Try/hero, be satisfiid. and Secured. Bilious "Per drs and Liver Complaints. General Debility. Lbs 4 of Appetite, and Diseases of Fe. males. TheMediclues Mire been re‘ed. with the moit. • in:eat:l3l results its cases of -this description :—liii;g4 Evil, and Scrofula - in its-worst forms. yidlds to the mild vet 'powerful - actien of these remarkable Medicibeg. , Night Sweats. Nertit es Dubin ty, :lemons ('ontp)aints of all kinds. P.alpitataint or thelleart, Veinier& Coll c,..are speedily cere al. I •- -' - Mercurial Iliseasem,Prr , pnP WhOf e con'so i tut ;nn, , have become lineablec ! by the [Warden:es use"of Mere° 7, will find these tedielnert n perfect care. :stoker never till. mei-naivete from site system. all the effects of :Mercury. infinitely SOOMI tn the most powerful preparations of Sarrapaifila. - Prepared undsold hr l i ; W. U. :MOFFAT. - ' - ' 115 ttlt.,oll , ' AY. NtIC-1 tilt*. Yoptlanti, Mich., Jan.:A I=ll For RaJr_b:y all *int gg: ta. _ - D'='S I A, Dyspepsia, Dtbility,6l the , Systein, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, DeLliily of th e , Sysirm, Eyspepda, Liv9loorcipialcit,*oidity, Liver bomplibst; Acidity, • / 11Wocis Complaints, Sick Dudack, Bilious Crplaials, Sick Iliidachr, , FLATULEI.4f, LOSS OP APPETITE, FLATULENY„ . I.OSS OF APPETITE, • and the number:cm ether diseases 'tithing from In. digestion and : fulartionat disorders if the stomach, find !cads reliel t in;that established and sterling tweedy, 1 TI Et . RESISTED BITTERS, - • THEOSINESATED BITTERS./ Bella!)lo Testimony. • • • Ire tall the attitit to to tie filtering. ktter from Presto y of WesleVs traißrsity, cad la Md. - Coon., Feb.2B, 1839.. •-• Stitt W °ILL' & CO. Gentlemen I first made u of the brig nand Bitters some were* en eior•years 'laving. suffered for twenty yearn ' rout a form of dy+pele, which - was attended with a - nervous headache4on an .average of not leas than one day In a week,l w?it induced, by the unpretending me anima:dein* of 1/4 Green, it to try one bottle k and if no benefit was rectived to discinttnote the 'The u of 013. Softie: warranted a further trial, to the client of smne dirt or four, with a careful observance of the' aceompanyt k directions. The result traa, - al almost entire relic the the usual dyapeptie symptoms and their depresairs, painful eurnequences. 1 believe' Stmts . Olden produced no entire change In the habits of my system, and Malin the active energies of the digestive Organ". I now ils4att myself is exempt from Ili 'perste as most wenn% Bitters have 11110 been of set- - vice to other itientiere Cl' my family. • I'm respectfully yclurv, AUGUSTUS W. SMITIL THE ONII,ESATED BITTERS . • THE 031CYCENX3'ED BITTER& • I • • I i • • ' TiogiCol, Pa.; Aug 23, 185& • •GENTLEME74, After su ff ering for more than dirty geese with Dropeen,.and trying natty remedies rec. etnniended for ittai rAaease without any good molt, I was indneed, by fir. n 11. White of Mansfield, to give the °punted ..4titl+l a trial. ; I took two bottles. which gave me noi , unich , retiefthat I purcinteed two 'more - , which hivelnetriyorquite efilreied Iselin. lOm now nearly reveiry.tive yearn of age. amid .for thole months Oft hag no inconvenience front my food. I lake great pie . re in recommending the Bitansio mewl with pistep4a and its concomitanf dilemma A. lIEBARD y_ Dr. White • illatravrev.D; Tioga Co., Pa., Aug. SO, les/1. him awl ,Of !visaged Bitters in my practice with decided euceitei in debility and general prostration, Ike., and con ddel+tly iracommand them In canentLda - tapty,and'illaniasie of Ate digestive many. - Y. /L WIIITE,III.D. • THE OXYGENATED BITTER& 6 THE OXYGENATED •BITTER& Inzpopl BY . W. FOWLS . • • '' 130 1 0 P• • . , • &Obi Drili • 4 44 . 417, an d*thallef f# art • • knee ent4eiti Lirougiosl 'EarFor sole by Abel Terrell and Read, Winton, dr, }roe ter, Montrose ; L. B. Wodirnfr, Blalock ; Amos Bleholr i , Brooklyn ; Whitney drifoxley..Haribrd t Weed & Ward. ilrist Bond; J. o.ioloptead,..,„Dundstr; L. Grillln,Greor Derek, . 9 Join 118.--yie ATMS CATHARTIC PILLS. Are you sick, feeble, 'and cam ;dating t Are you out ororder, with. your system deranged, and ByOoOo!r *clinks • uneomibrtable These .symptol6ll are often the prelude to serious illness: Some St of sickness Is Creeping upon you, and should be averted by a. timely use of do right remody.l Take Ayer ' t rim, and cleanse' outt he disonlered humor' pu rify the blowi r and let the fluids snort T hey betrue the ealth again stimulate Slue ' Vona of the body into vigorous ' activity, purify the spite= from the obstructions which make disease. • A void settles: some where. in the body, and obstructs its natural Anietions. '.These, If notlelieved, react upon themselves and the surroun ding organs, producing gen 1071.daravation nuffering. and disease. While in. this oppre;nted by the derangenienta, take Ayer'a Pills, and see bow dlirectly they restore t ike natural ae• Lion of the system, and wit h . it the, buoyant feeling of health again. ,What is twie sad so apparent in lids id vial and common complaint, Is also true In many of the de. p. seated and dangerous distempers.' The same purgative effect expels them.- -Canted by similar obstructious eel derangements of the natural fanetlotui of thebody, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, awed the same means. .lone * who know the Tidies of these Pills will neglect to employ them when entering from-the Pill, they cure. . Statements. from leading iil4.leians - In some of the principal citlesoind - front other well known peblio per- Pro. us a revredirffep Merchant of 81. loth, Feb: 4, ta l. DR. AT in : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great In medicine. They have cured my Iliad' daughter . of ulcerous Sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years.'' Her mother has-been long griev ously afflicted witieblotahes and pimples on her skin awl In her hair; Alter. our child was CUreli,,Bl.lo Alto tried you - Mlle, isol they have eared her. • --" . : ASA 110llaULDGE. • . .Aa..c Fassily Physic. - From Dr. E. tr. Cariwriekt, New Qrleaii. row rrni are the prince or peeve. Their I•xcetkot qualities surpass any cathartic we possesii. Tliey mild; but very certain and effectual!' their actio n on lhe bowels, which makes them , invaluable to us, In the duly treatment of disease. Headache. Sick Madam tie, Vont . kip math. • • - Prom Dr. Edward Bajat, ealliwora. frwAn Bno. Area: I cannot answer ion- whot eons. plaints I have cured with your pills -better than to my aft-that we tree trent 'aka in:matte medicine.. I pb-re great dependence on an effectual •cathartle ha my •dstly contest with diseene,-end believing es I do that your Pills afford us the best Ire bete. . I of eourseyraloo:lliest I. Ifirs.• Dit. J. C. Avert. Sir E I have been repeatedly cured of . the worst bembillte any body au have, by a dose or two s of, your Pills. It seema to arise from- a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. - - Yours with great rthpeet, ED. W. PRF.BLE, • • - Clerk of Steamer Clarion. . Dillon. Dlsorilito Complaints. From De. Theodore den:Offfeso Fork aly. Not only areyour rillsidnairably adapted Wilhite put , powers an aperient; but I find their beneficial effects upon • the .Liver very marked Indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of in7ious corn- , ptainti than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely Moho that we have at length n_pargntive which la wet , thy the erintitlame of the profesiton and the people. . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEntol:, - ) • Washington, I). C., ah Feb., , I Stu: Iltave used Your PIM in ray general and hospital / practice ever since you made them, and do not liesitatj to/ any they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regd. Ping action on the liver is quick-and derided, mine- ` queutly they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ., Indeed,• I have seldom found a ease of - bilious disease so obstinate that it did not re:day/yield to theni. Fraternally youre, '. ALONZO ItAI.I M. It., l'hysieian of Ike Minim llosialal. Dyitentery, Xliarehnis, Brian, Wont's. Fion br. J. G. Green; of -ChScb r • Yourailla have had a long trial in shy Practice, and I hold them In esteem as one of the heat apetiinits I have ever found. Their alterative effort upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when even in small doses for bilious dysentery and diarrhart. ,l'heir sugarcoating makes them very aemptable And conic:dent tor the uao of women and children./ - , flyspepsia, Of the Bread. • From Rer.J. V. Mies, Pintos of Attend Chord., Roam. DR. ATER: there tried your Pills with extraordi n ary success in my Ounilrand among those I am calleiliTitt7t 'ln distress. ,To term., late the organs - of digestion and purify the blood; theytwe the very best remedy t have ' ever imowi, and I ean confidently meohimend them to my friends. / -.Yours, • 22. V. III3IES. /Warestiv; Wyoming Co-,N. Y., Oct. 21, -DEalt Silt lam living your Cathartic Pills in my Pews - I flee' and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse rho aystratand•purify the fountains of the bloosl, ! / !!! JOHN G. SICACIIA3t,.3I. D. Constipatiosr,• , Costiveness, SnirpresslOn s , ; /Rheumatism.' Gout, Neuralgia. Frollefr Paralysis, Fits, etc. Frets Dr. J. F. Vaughn, Illindreal, Canada. Too much cannot - be said of your Pills for the cure of costiveness.. If others of our fraternity have found them • . as efficacious as I luive, - they should Jointne - tag It for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that conrplainf,.which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worre. I believe cos tiveness to originate In the liver, but your Ms affect that organ and'eure the:dlscase. Prom lire. E. Stuart, Physician and „Ifidirlft, Roston. I,find one or two large doses of yoir Pills, taken at the proper time, are excellent prontotives of - the tiatiirat secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and erpet 'corny. They are so mud, the best physic we have that I recom mend no other to my patients. . I 8 om the Rec. Dr. Hairkis, of the.lldhodiat Fpla. Churzh. rrIARKt IlotsKE, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 5, 185;1. HUMORED Sins - 1 should be ungrateful for the ,relief toskill has brought me if I did not report my. case to you. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on ex cruciating twuraligc pains, which ended in chronic rheu matism. - Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worm until by the advice of • your excellent agent in lialtitnore, - Dr. Mackenzie. I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure.. severing in the use of them, I am now entirely SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, 1414 5 pcS, I X 55. Dn. Argo: I hare been entirely curet,,by your Pills, of linfeursatie Gout-cis' painful disease thatliail afflicted me for . years. .• ; VINC 'NT SLIDELL. ; • No- Moat of the Pills to et contain Mercury, which although a valuable y In skilful hands, is dangerous in a publics pill, the dreadful consequences that frequently follow i oc:solicit's - use. - These cantata no mercury or Mine übstance whatever. Price, 25 ceztts per Box. or 5 Dozes for Si . , Prepared tty'Dr.LT. C. AYER at , Iran. 1 \ ul : R'altm ii S Swie , lirr. Auburn „i• s: , druggytl , cvcry übt:r.,•• uc rS ,L;s• cx~~~ i ~- • T :Mtn b•IR. -;17-INSLOIV, hte e T pe r ienera ;curie and rlzirAli preter.tr to.t.ha aiwtulun ui itko2"'" , hvX S{.l () 111 N G S - 11 1) . 1 , FOg CIOLDitiSrII3.ETIIIN6, • whichgr,eatly Lie ly 'lta* the process , ,olteethtar,.: by soft entog teAncltig all hillarimation—u Ui a;.ray• ALL PAIN an 4 q.aetnotllc actlop,undle . SIGLIE TO - lii.VOLATE • Depend uyou I.l,:tonthern, it veil' give rot to yon, and. .Ja ,, LIEF AND , ;REALTII TO, YOUR INFANTS.. W. have pot up 'and sold this article for over ten ear; and eau say IN CONFIDENCE AND-TItUTII Lf it. vhyt vu have,:iever bees able to say of nay other medalLe— NEVER 11AS 11' FAILED: Ina SING, E INST.‘NVE: tts EFFECT CURE, tritest stratity used. 31.,cer (Ed w 4: an instance of Jissat isfaction by anyone who it On the contrary, All illTCdeliglita it It Its alienator... ni:d speak in terms ot commendation is( its macient creels niet tuedical virtues. We say in this manta... Wilt. Ttl E I,ls KNOW," after ten years' experient r,arad PLI Ut. REPUTATION (or the falfilirnent of w hat we bete th Clare In almost every Instance where the Infant in suCcring pain and exhanstlon; relief will be found in ifteen to minutes after tbe twiny is administered. Thii,valualde preparation ie the prescription of one n' the titoi , t EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NUNfq/S ire New Eniztaudoindlots been used-With NEtEIt"FAILINC , ' SUCCF. 4 .iS In, TIZOCIRANDS OF CASES: `lt Hot wily culluvue the'cbild Crow pniu, but luvbzorii , • the th.lll.Lell anal bowels; correct,. acidity. ant; gi%ps tr awl energy to the whOle pyitern. It (rift altgeet inetr • GRIPINO-nc TILE BOWELS, MID WIND COLIC, and overcome coneulslonsollitch, Itnot speedily eural. nd..hi death.. Wet elleve it,the BESVAnd SUREST rem edy:lu the WORLD. in allwases) of DYSENTERY mud DlAltitliCEA IN.CIIIWREN, whether ft crime (Joni teething, or front any other:canee. would' ray to sill mothars who hovel' child sttftcrine from any of the forero int! complalnts.—DONO r YOl7l 111 EJC II 'ES NOR TB6 P.,IIE'JUMCE.Y.ett OTHERS. eland be w ry you and'your milli..rine child, and the relief that % 11l Le SUREe-yen ADSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the Ls o sit this moliclue, if timely used: Full directions for twin.' will accompany etteh bottle. Nmsecennine unless the f .e -studio of CURTIS b PERKINS, New York, .14 oc the outside wrapper; Sold by Druggists throughentt the world. PrtuetpaCOMie,l3 Cedir street, Neir PRICE ORLY 25 CERT% PER BM TLE,' deelEl y For aninEn . -411ontroses by:Abel Terrl:ft . TSB] GitituLar rcuLtrmin • OF II MAN._MISER.Y. .I.4puukied bt a settled ":01134Pe ; Priv , 21 ants. am LECTURE BY DR. CULVERWELL, on the cantos and cure of Spermator these. pinsutriptlon, Mental and Physical Debility. Nervoneners. Epilepsy ; impair ed Nutrition of the betty i'Laseltude ; Weakness of ,the lit tt, and the hack ; indispostilutt ; loss of memory ; aeorelon triooeletv . ; love of solitude ; timidity ; statd le -trust dizziness.; heruhrabe AP 'alive of the eves: pim ples on the fabe,: Inenlantary enifssPons. and sexual in capscltv ; the consequences of youthful indiscrviltat, &c. ' M"'Thts admliable lecture clearly- proves• that :the above, ennuirierateri, Often self-antlered, evils aloe he tv ineiredtaillteut.medlclno god without surgical operations. And should be read by every youth and every wied in . the . bent nndeieseal, to any addrere. in a plain faced ope, on the rerAlpt of Mx cents, or two postaeo stamps, by ruldressfrig . ' DR. CIIAS. J. C. RUNS. 117 lOwery New York, Post 80x.1,780. . " Gold,Medat. Saleraa . tus; 4 'ND sled, ether Wads, Otte best In market. for Ws. Am by 4..p.)LL TUARP' . .