PORTRAITS. PORTRAITS ! AIZAANGIZIENNTS IN TUE, RICK BLOCK, IIE undersigned baring taken tac Rooms formerly ocenpled by It: DE IN:S.:snow prepared toluruish all who may desire, with a good and truthful Portrait. Beluz well posted in the production of the variona kinds of Pictures of the day.l flatter mslelf that my work is not excelled by any in this section °Nile country. Among the various kiudg taken at my Rooms Are the 0 TYPE, PItOTOGRAPII, • MELAINOTYPE, AVEILL p Gl2 A RE. • Locket Pictares - thiwn trithe smallest sized miniature Ring. Transferred !tittbrotypes—the ftuett thing out, for sanding be Poet to any part of the World without extra postage. - Mr Pictures ace bold. vigorotts,andexoressiNu —not those faint, lifeless shadows ; often sold ahont the country. 'Pictures taken in all kinds of weather..ennally well, except those of young children. No *trite need be taken unless perfect satisfactiorr is given: .In dressing for a picture. avoid light colors,—such as blue, parple, scarlet, pink. etc. Most others Lake well; as green. black, red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow. etc. Vir Remember that she place to get. your `. picture" to n the Brick Block, over Bead; Watmas Foster's store. J. 11. 11AZIAMOti. Sou otz. Pa., Nor. 26th, IStid, DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN JNIONTIKISE FRIEthSVILLE. VIOA.CIIES carrying mails and P3.Fetizerm between lJ Montrose and Friend...rifle. will leave .ticarle*gllotcl, In :tinntrolre, daily, at 7 o' clock, a. m. and leave Friend:- rifle at 3 o'clock, it. nt. . artionLes and carriaTcP can I,e prnenred at the Livery Stabie of the tqll,l*Cli her hi Mont/N.ISC, On Mt. - 0111414e tonne. ..lbatr*e, Artjj:itl,lak). T. D. GOOD ;• TAKE thh , method of informing. their OLD AND NFAf Friend• that t hey hate ju-t reedvcd an addition to the former block of tlood.. which they _ BOUGHT'FOR.CAgI, AT PANIC PRICES! ARD AVILL SELL THEM TO CASH BUYERS, Price 3 Perfectly Astonishing: We have not time rn conmernte entiide+, or prieef , . but Invite the paldie to tall, evundne. nod eati•dly them-elve, of the truth of what. e publish, and of nourre. then bun. J. L. MERRIMAN d SON . : rp•morine, Pee. CHOWE Lot of Family ciroceriet‘ JwAt received and %el ling:2;loT cent. below fanner priec%. F ANCY Cunfectionaryfor the I.loliOnrA, nt • 111:111int ANS "our.A.Dar.L - 3. mi:). F ' itm PROpucE of all kind:. G. far which the higheet . market prices will be paid In uoilA. at Umiinville, Pa: It F.IIII.IIIANS. & REVIEW AND REFUTATION • S IMPEPIDING BY GILBERT 3. BEEBE". Tai pANfr , ,,ET, consisting of I'd doable column tiriLtioatly pit 'dished piinil I4T the political canvas? Of iesia. The iropiniainu is a voinid- Lathan of all the sophisms :mil 2:l3iiCioll , l doctrines by wilier% the public mind of the North had been iiirfar pois ;oiled at to prodnea the triumph of the Presidential can -didate of the sectional party last fall. It wan 'll idely cir ealated gratniton-ly, by,...mcan , of home coilaribut ions of 117111;•y. and did more than any other thing to deceit e the misses of oar peopie. In tidy ./:,•ri.or am/ R. : foto/it, We -rake np r tea of its chapters separately. and every impor tant a- , Amptioll to' detail, and relate them •o co:aide:oy that nd intelligent person can read 016 pamtthtet a ithout beitt4 convinced of the falsity of all the 0 leked a•tirup •tions of the helper book ilia of the folly of the sectional -strife which tits culminated in cit As there is no probability that peace. will he permanently rerloreil to oar distracted land until the pnblic mind at the Mirth is • disahused erroneous-impri•s•ions relative to the true character °filar Southern sister State., moat of whom are now in rebellion smallest oar evuaral government, as the result of the triumph of sectioioil :fanaticism h(oth North And South.—lt becomes the duty of all true patriots to do all to their power to remove unjust preindiccv between the North and South. and there is probably no more effic ient mein- of aecomplishiog this re-nit, than It. gown , ' virmilation of oar li..fo , olion.of Weer. It' contains a largo amount of valuable i•talt istics, worth, for iwcw-lottill reference, several times the price of the pamphlet, to all intellieamt citizens. Price cents per copy, or $h per Adi.Z.tt—Attnt by moil. postage prepaid. - Address ' .1. BEEBE. Jyt:ttlzo. eitldietown, Orango Co., N.Y. CHANGE Of ! DELA IV'R, LAC;" 1 d WESTR' XR. R : .ntr4. On and after lloncla ESEE! IXPltEis PxisENGEII Tll.kIN3 113VIIIO s,wra. LIOVING NOILTZ: Tito EKitre,, , Train I Piet-t0v40.r., from N.Vork tta toe N. i. & R. R. ' leave Parr :;tt. +arrive, of (Jr: et dent t- rr at - la. at.] 1.11 ; Or r.aa of ( norflotol-,l,S.C.te I=ll 1.11.au••• , . 1 rnia ',r ; 1,1, i \ eil•-ill;::01.. , . 7.1 , 1 N:•.%.... and Pt, lia V.i ', 1.,...N c.l unr: :urn, • 11,15 - -rilich leuv, at •• :•„d,l i Due :I; NV:..,..,inztir). 11.33 .:)no at : , :o.‘t. Milford, " •7,:ri . tlajor,l. tp.rl I n.r,) 'uilt ra., , . • ' 11,•iu. i Pidl.t•onee.iuu)id.l•l .It , .ott.,ttoui, • 5..:21 ' 11,4.15 I..ftz.ot e: to (liatn.V.; Icie:i.,l%on., N,411 : 0,11110bl:1. J. •Fact oryville. 9.01 i Wat)T G3ll. 1,1 f; Ahinzton, . - 04,1 SI:03)1,1)urg, 3.00 *• , :rantx,n, 10, ; Tut:yl3.7l3a, 2.42 • Moscow.. in, t 1 M , .. 0 . 11,.. 3.17 . Tohy'.l4una • 11,20 SvrAtit,,,i, 410 t•trol4•llnr4; 1:1.31 ' ..1)))))z)mi. 4.1)) Wyrr (hp, [p. 311 12.1)1 I FA) . .;:ary 4 , 1 1!)•. 4.5 G 1 • , ,1n4 1 111... ' I. ! N,rllol-pli. 3.11 i 7. 1 .-I.lmite, (15 - ;to din ,, ) 1.'25 ' nopl , ortoin, It 100.4.00)13d conitvr) ) 1.3.1) NIA Int rO-r. .llZfOrdt 1.5' . ; . NeW 3111tord„ II,21• Wa.hinzt on, Zan' Great l'etr. , l, 6.40 'Jnrirtion, ... tt.fto I ( unneut.. with mail train N. , ,w l',,rn. ti.lni • WeQl.-at . 6.1 t: i'h!liidelphia., il.Sa . and I.Vi'llt Er. West 1,11 Tlit. E.:preer , Train Narth conneet- :it Great 'lend with .Night exreee train., I:aet ;Intl Il'e-1 on the Erie Load_. ... . Ties- L:vpres4 Pt.-ea:ter - Train Sonth. conneste Lt-the Zane:ion ivith-t he 1..:::: p. in train an the New .ler:ey C,ntrai nand ptrl.h•tlilrirmt, 7:l.ati:ll Clutilz.ltcatling,alid Ilarrisburg, Sr. ACCOMMODATION ITAIN. • • ... ,`," Uglyle Scranton atta.m.)9M 1 IST..y. Ex. train Eng arri yrs l'atitor,rrilie, 11.05 fat if mat Beud nt(a.ux).ll.r.o r:irkokon, 11.301 Leave (.t. B.:m a t..p.m.; ii.. 10 I.:untroon, (p, m.. , 12.43' Mon t ros.i!. 305 Groat itrul. ' , 1.•15 Nicluilron. • ' : fklt. Conner:lint!' with Dunkirk , Facturrville. 3.13 Exprir.s'Wrst, at 2.33 I Due at Scranton. 6.30 . Tim Accortun , Klatiou 'fain doe. not Icave scranton t 111 th..r arrival of the Norhing Train on-the Lat..liaxanna liluqm4har,, , Ita;1;0.4 thus aivi 1.8,..e.w;er,. from the Wyamtn...; Valley a direct connection fur the Itio.t by the morning tuba. For the_accornmolltion or sva7.• travel on the etintharn ai,ialo a. a 1,14 , ,,:w.,r ear will he attached to the F.aprees Freigtht train. learierz Scranton 41 4 a. m.. dae at Stroud,— harz 11. Junction. 3. in.: Iteturninq. leaves Junction at 41.50 a. m., due at StroudAnr,4S.W, Scranton 4:,1-Nd p. T.v0.0n.7cr..t0 and from New York.. gill change earF at tunctlon. To and !rout Pitiindclplaa, via. na. Lcl. 11.1 t. leave or take care at Hope. For Pitt.ton. liintrmttot and -Wilke,..Barre, take Lack..k Bitomb-harg_tt.lt.nt fieramon. For -Set , up, Archbald. null Carbondale tatc•Omnilan , ht Scranton. 'Tteltetb cold and baLvdtc:echeVketl throtnna„ A ,4011); riltplisis. Superiamdefit. N..1 - MISS, an. Tickft d fit. Scranton, Pa. .T.Ackawanna, & Bloomsbttrg R. R. o N 2 :v i v i , ller 23th. lbrd, Putenger train!, will run vormil SOUTH: • . Pcusengr. -AcctmMalian I..aare . Scrakton, . 5.35 a. x. 10.30 a. in. Ein.t.v.stOn. ti.:511 12.15 p. in. I:a:p.rt, - S.4U P Inville, - 9.15 AA -rive at N-.rtitualwrland at 10.00 -- MOVING NORTII Learn Nortitnntherland. 4.ai p. m. Danville. ti.to - • . Rupert. Kincoton: /010 -14.5 p. at. A•rive at Scranton, 9.00 , . - 1.10 A Pna.ont4er train leave:4 Kingetun nt 5.10 a. In. for Scranton. to conueet with train for N. York. Returning 1 , .•r0, Scranton un arrival or train (ruin Sew York at 4.- 13 p. in. • Latkawanha k Ith,ona4bnrg Railrnr.:lconnets with t 9e DellWAre.. Lack:.. arum* \t',•-tern IC:lnroad at scran- t on. for Sew Yuri; and iatermediatv potrit. utv , t. At Rupert it enitii ,, et., with the Catan tra Ruilioacl. for points both earit and We4t. At Snitttinnherland it co , ltterts with ace Philadelphia_ ix drle. and'Sorthern C,atral ILtilroad and Erie Railroad ptints west and south. it'brlN P. ILSLEY, .1. C. WELLS. Gen. Ticket A gt. LIFE MEMORIALs • s WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' • lady remarked to uss day or two %ince. as she exhibited the portrait:of an only cbild, gone to the spirit land;" which was one of MT.23 X3/3 lIIIMITABII IMBROITP/S1 .4ho aid regret it, had not secured this previous memor!al of that dear one.r So 'bought .we..... The loved ones are not always with us,and While we can call them otirsievery • one should secure sueVa memorial ; oapecially since th:w e•an have their so trutlifallt taken by that sit.e.Asful treat. ' 7 ).. B. TUBBS . * if Bing . itnton.'. • • dee - • iFarrtztt - Tat •Tar _ BEST 'E MILE MARKET, Cepipretinf 'littera" styles sad prime, ter eale by ; ABEL TL RUM * xvaro...4l~Y&R9, 71191. • t . . *.alt, *lt . *A , t 1.1 ' . Ett:CATIM V 7- 511011h,'-- wiIOI,I4SALE.. -SALT UIEALES t . —..1101 WftSillsigiou•st, - • • (lliOctly,opposite Washihgton Market,) ' "Nlervir Ycorla. - - . ISTILL CONTINUES td offer to the city and ' COUNiFRY trado, all kinds of FOREIGN , Coanse andiFibe SALT, at the very lo‘4st figures; 40000 sack's and bags, consisting in part of Ash-. ' ton's celebtated k brand for table and. dairy dee; 1 Jeffrey & Darcy,-Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e. and 50060 bushels Turks Island, &inures, Cu tacos, St. Ues, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c.„ all of which will be sold at largain - priccs from vessels, store and storehOutes. Any pnrelaser wishing to scleclfrorn a good assortment , ivill - fincl it to his interest to call. ' N. 8.-41ne table salt put up,in small-bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand•in ship ' ping ordet..! Alio a splendid article of Rock 1 tiround salty in boxes, put up and for sale by the quautits. in eases of live dozen each. • , . • (4• , 1, • • • ablished in Pittsb 40 The Out, Conzinerei - ui Co. ein the Unioni Conducted by a• 1, rad Unit. .3ferchant. • ()VER 6000 Students hare attended it' from Thirty Oltrerent Mates. Four Sillier SRednit, AIAVO been manly(' Dutts'..Systcm of Book Reepitte; and the new circular} nst contaids letters frotdistudents in Phil adelphia, Dalt ignore, Si Louis, Cincinnati, etc.. proving it to are th: he'i known. NINE Find i'rcvtiunts-t:etrrc centtyp awdriled the Penmanship 'of Wm It. burp. wko, with his associtite Proft,totr, C.. C. Cochran. aro undoubt edly the best Omen In America.' Harper's Etlititin of Duffs Book Keeping post paid, 1.1 , 11 Dor and Duncten's CCTEIS of Penmanship., . 5.00 Duff and Dolmen's New School l'Opy Books. 6 No's. 51 'For samples of , PulT Cothran's liminess and Oro:linen tat Penmanship:. with the new cirenlarof ci pages, inclose V. 3 cents in stamps to ' lute 4 13,;* P: DUFF .4. SON. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The propiietors and Manufacturers of iiOS-.. TETTER'S CELEBRATED TERS can 4Ppeal. with , perfect confidence .4o physicians :41d eititens generally of the Unitilid States, becaise the article has attained a repo. tation lierct(,fore unknoWn. A few facts upon -this point will speak more powerfully than colonies of hare assertion or blazoning:po:fery. The reasuintition •Tiostettees Stotuacir Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and' from its manifeil steady increase‘in antes past, it is evident that during the coming ; year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. Thislinmense amount could hewer hare been sold but for the rare medicinal priqicilies contained its the prepara iioff, and thtli sanction of the most prominent' physicians its those sections of the country , where the article is best known, who bat only recommend he Bitters to their patients, but are ready at 411 times to give testimonials to its efficacy in alicases of stomachic derangemenili 'end the dise4sem resulting therefrom. ) This is riotla temporary popularity, obtained 2 by extraordinary efforts in the why of truni pet ing; - the qffalities of the Bitters, but a solid esiiinstion clean invaluable medicine, which is destined to he as- enduring as time itself. liesteticr's! Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to; regions . wliere fever and ague end various , ;other bilious complaints have counted their victims by lamdreal.s. To be • able to state _confidently, th't the "Bitters" are a certain lcure for. the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is t.qthe . proprietors a louvre of un alloyed 'pleasure. It remotes all morbid matter from the stinath, purifies the, blood, and imparts reneged vitalityto the nervous system, giving it that; tone and energy indispuisqltle for the rest or4tion of health. -It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly lint poWerfully, and eoon restores them to a condition imettial to the healthy discharge of the fmictiofis of • nature. ; • Elderly pert ons may use the Bitters daily as per direction. on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining yeses, as it is pleasant to . the palate, invigorating th the bowels, excellent as a tonic, tut-1 rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thoulands of aged men and women who have tx,p . arienccd the benefit of using this preparation vidle - suffering from s.tornach de rangements and gcneral.debility ; acting under t 146 advice of tbysicians, they_ - have abandoned all deletcriotif drugs and fairly tested the merits of thil article. few 'words to the gentler sex. ;here cre certain periods when ~t;,eir eraes are' so' harat•J-ing that testy dl theta sink under thi trial. The relation of mother and Child is - 1-co absorbingly tender, that the mother, espectally if she be young, is opt to .forget her ownltealth in her extreme anxiety for her infant:; Should the'peried of maternity arrive duringlhe summer season,' the wear,of body and mina is generally aggravated.: Berm then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recMpe rate the energies of the syStem. and enable the mother to beat up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer tle. Bitters . to' all other invigora-. tors that receive 'the endorsement. of physi cians, becausel_ it is agreeable to the taste as . well as eerie.' to give - a permanent increase of bodily -sire : gib. .111 those p -sons, to whom we haveparticu .larly referrediaboce, to wit: sufferers from ; , fever and'aguit, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery,, indigestion, loss of appetite; and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,,persons of sedentary . occupation , and nuFsing , mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebr4tpcl Sternlieb !litters rt trial. CAUTION.4We caution the publie.against using any of tie many imitations or counter feits, but 'ask ifor Ilesrepren's Cctratiirrn Srouseu Brrrtats, and see that each bottle bas the words "Drj.T. Ilostetter's Stomach Di t tt:rs" blowp on the . /ide of the bottle, and statnied on themetalne cap cov . ering"tke. cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the .. . label. . 1 • ' . t. SG- Prepared and sold by HOATZTTEB. &- warns, Plaitlpurgh, Pa.; and sold by all druggists, grokera, and dealer generally throughout thb United States. South Ame rica. and GerMaga , . . . . . ... PI rs ' - - iCOOFLA.I4D'S • •.t • • • 1410 : ME DIC/At h.. OpP . i , ."40 - 4 5 1 :f.GI- 11. It,: ..A..r ~ STAN/10MM RgafEliVES of the karegent age, bare acqiilre4 their great popularity coity iliFougb yeira of trial. Vtilruualed aatiafaetiou • • ' lii rea m ed I,y theta la all cues. .., - HA-OPLApIrI3 . CERMAN.. BITTERS %.,:m.rusrTmxt crrz 14 , er Complaintl•VrslPePsis. Jaws:nee, Verson, Ds• !day tHatoaca bElbal Mt!mega, . • . al.el all direas4l apriag from a . 4liathlf•yed liver, or weak n..-As ur tLa tloltacb atiD):estireprgabil. 'OD 41 - ILL roarnytir: nrsuy . • nun rou, m►UGCS nut, ;um nnm•Ai) MIL' -}t,. our , AlLuzvac r proof:. .I , 'wer, 75 cent. per BottiL HoollaniS Balsamic Cordial rosmrax; ergs Coughs , Colds, o noaroenao, trombilio,india*o, Croup, Paeddlonia,lncipirg Cadsmbptioi, mud MsperNamed {he moat astociOng cures tier krona p ! • • cospin..*En c9NstliPtiollr. As • Dinitbot% lit l Uta4 1 % 1211 i14 Pi"; 14 °Mt. per bottle. HOWLAND'S -GERMAN-PILL, !wingsetl kn - own cu troughout En* and Americo, needs tanteudetion ere. They are purely vegetable, aro prepared with grey exactneine, and ery sugar-coated. Letter Cathartic 1 , 14 can he wand. ;tact. 25 cte. pet Lox.. • These sugditinea jars, PriVared by - DriC. 31. Jactscat Co..lllll..Whii, and Si. Leal., Ito.. and are. mold 14 draimiets and leafs la n: . ; elicinia ererrahere The sir beim of C.: H. tile outside of eigh • bottle or box. •L To our ..Verryi.eles 'Armen:let tiaibliehed annually, you 101 find teetharne* and ovmmeedetory notices'fyoni party of ;be countl, Show Aloutlaww an:lOA away by all our AWOL • 11DERSON8 WANFDIG A MANGE OF CLINATIC s FOR RFAI,TIL see tdvatisfuneat of :VistaWitt Sam , . . LOUIS-HOTEL, CHESTNUT-ST ABOVE THIRD ,: PHILADELPHIA f • • . , TX the immediate neighborhood. or the JiAtlAng liont.C9 on.ll.tutiret, Third; and Chestnut streets; the. Banks, Port Otlice;fiferchanta Etchauger . . BOARD PER DAY, 51,50. Accommodation, when required, on the ItT3II.OPEAN PLATT. Rooms from :In cents and upwr eds. per day. and Urals rat n ilitES-CLAtk; itePtitUrant at tacked to the Hotel. Prices according to the Bills or Fare,. The City Cars tale Passengers from any_ Station TO or CLOSE TO the Hotel. , lYlti•Y • VD — English, 'French, and German Ypoken. • ARE YOU INSURED ? 32C. 33T.J.4.C,X1CAtt.4161•T. Ts roccivin.; Applications for Insurance in the follow. ing Wyoming INSITRANCE,Company, - . Av IL i IL Es-n UR E, Pa. , . !Charter Perpetual. Capital Simplus $7,000 Organized 2Vorember 2d, A. D. 1857. • 1)11:ECT011S G. M. Tiollenhack, P. G. Driesbach, J. P. benhis. John Itelebanl, Ihtvhl 'Morgan, Chas , florrance, Sarni Wnilhams, I) Lawn. Win S Itoes, L P Shoemaker, Geo P Stectn, 1I %1.110yt,.' it. C. SMITIT, •5,C . 1,4 IMLLEVIIACr.. ArF 1, W. G. STriztaNa, Tiros. L.ll, SITOVMAICEII, rice. Fret ETNA INSURANCE, COSIPANY, linriford, Connecticut. Pala up Capital, nrai.ono A•get4, • 2,191,100 02 NORTHERN FIRE Az. LIFE ASSVIIANCE CEMPAIsIT, No. I :loorgstr. =tree t. Conlon. Capital, $O.'..Y.lS.UN....Annua?. Eevottic. $1.000,000 . . IV)r GETTT.17,..A..g0!, Plailade CONNECTTCUT MIFFAL LIFE INSURANCE of Start Cord. Colutectteut. t 4.370,000 00 Any one wkhine; their lives Insnred will do well in call and exam;tie their mode of Insuring. and their rates. which arc better than thw.e of anv other cOmpan v. before takStm Policies et.ewhere. -, P. BLACKMAN. • ,or 9' . 1:0] O ffi ce over Chandler & Jekmp's store, MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS ATT 'root a r STREET ' . IjfllE extensive Furniture Establishment of SMITH BROTIIF.ItS having been refitted and greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citiiens of Montrose and vicin• ity that theysare constantly making :ad .keep on hand the LARGEST : IInd BEST assortment of FURNITURE To be tettuct In- the •Country. We dice the following,list, cif sorne of the r ' titles which wo will riell at greatly reduced prii•es, for CASH or READY - PAY . : ; • . Bur e aus, Walnut or i'llhogany, with glass.. from, 016 to 535. • Mire:tits with marble or brocatello tops, from SIB to 3 , 14. And a largo assortment, from $3. $lO, 11,, 4, to Vl:ish Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square Stands, of ell varieties. and i:pices, from 75 cents to ten dollars. ' Desks, Divan 4 ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto. gnarls, Lounges, &c: Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitehcn. and 4itension Tables. Chairs—Cane and WooJ Seats, Rockers— Cane s Flag, and Wocd Seats,.of every varlet} anestyle. Sofas, tete a tetes furnished at short :not at New York N. 8. , Ready made coffins on hand orfur nished at short notice.—Hearses always in readiness when desired: We employ none but CAREFUL and Exrnat. ENCED WOIIIOIEN. We intend to do out Wrath and.sell it as Liti it ez afforded W. IN. T • A .53111TE1,31f1..., EZ. S7_llk Jill. sat. 18110.—tf . KEYS - TOME:HOTEL ACl:catrcso, ?coin. 121. Prozwititor. Prim. nets and . t . onimodioas situated on Put , lit. .It - ,tine. ^ ....rt.tut Cavil 1.1 , !0•.,-. and ,early in the cent-, of p;;'rt inn of Mont (0 , 4.. n,-u• comitiet,tl and fornis:tod. and v.o , _opened on Mon(lay.tile day - , tenter,Or:tr, 1 Z,LS. inr acitommotiatinn public and travel:N. rirlo i l 'roptiotor ft.C, tl:at ho is rovx pr,pqrcd tQ entbitiln zuests in a monner that tannof fail to giro ' .Complete SatisPac2ion. The not'4,and Furniture are new, a rA N o e x. Dense has been spared to render it equal. if not superior ti) any similar establishtun t in this prt of the State. It is well supplied. with all the - even t 'improvements and comforts, and obliging waters will always 'be •readyto respond to the call of cuM,lrrwrs. . The Stibks conniTtoil with this i1 , ..11F0 nr Tde and Convenient: • 'The Proprietor retvectfully solicits the patron . . ge of h;_s old frimde, and tin• peLlic gcnerallt•. K tiATcit. fill if MTH M 0 NTR 0 . 5 fi 3 * P E r cv A. nt- subscriber having. Purchased IN:fitted and new!y furnished th( lege =7, ~ h ove well known :Ind popular Hotel, 1111 • - is prepared to accommodate tho - trav eling public and titherS with all tha attentions sad` conveniences usually round in first-clas effort will be spared by the Pro prictof an his Assistants to make the 11. • equal in every pOint to any irt the county". Tile Car will always besui:;vili . with to Choi c est Liquors. The statife4,.connd with this Houn..: are law. roomy and c enient, and careful an , attentive Hostler re alivays in charge of them -J. S. TAItfiELL pI ,„- Jo .T - 01N1 ,...„ 4 4. , 4 , ‘. ,_, • ... ~ •lt . . V I . -0 li "et.. ‘ ,..,,, :: . 1 .. r ''''... '•.;, - . :; . /(1.- .4 ' • ~..6, A. • . - '''' q- . 1 rt,..- Al, 7 --- c :'-xl Lf- ?..:a ..,.... •<^‘,3 i . , - 1,- . i .s . • .!. '•!•-- - : 41 • . C- - ). . \ -- ,IS;;* . A CZ' , -....% C.Ni) -.4- "" THlSDelicious 'finite Stimulant. Especially designed for the uec of the. Medico! Profe4.ion and the Family, Merin , : superceded ihe so cotlel "Gins," "Aromatic." "cordial,' •' Medicated." • • Sellopp4,•• etc., its iamb ea doffed by all the ' , minium:itpliyeiciano. chemists and vol.. nOieseime, as puesela.sing all - thon Istrassuc medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which 'belong to an OLD and PURE GIN. Put up in quart bottles and - sold hp all Drug- gists and Grocers , , etc. . A. M. DININGEIt & &0., - _ I.E.tabliFbed in 17:a.) ' Sole Proprietors. ' .. oc4 y .No.lo Broad Street, N.Y. Poe side at TnrrelPs Druz Store. Montrimc. TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA - h the beet Jledicinsa. M. world fbr ae curs of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation.of the Heart, For the reliefof lxitieats to admen, stages cif Consumption.together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption. allaels the root of disease, and makes thefell destroyer eneettmb to its In/lye:ice. 11 alsoprodu ef4 fru ezped oration, .1: unlaces healthy action in ihe diseased .3tocone Membrane and arms. /t is *ld; szly ada_pted to the radical' etre of AtiTHMA. one dose of this iaraltagde SYRUP eten giros • ease aid consequentlyelesp, which. the particular nature of the dixensedenua. It is veryptca,e,nt to tAe taste, and prompt in its attests. Try it el be convinced that it is invaluaUe in the cure qr Bronchial .A teCliono. Price 5o an& per Protae. Prepared only by Dr, A. RSE.NITELV. and *144 , Eunweia. dt Co., S.W. sonar Oth and P OPLAA' struts, PhUacf a. Pa. For sale In Nontrate by ratV innt) AREL TURRELL Praaaist •• 33Gerc•isea3.e. Tuzßeid. in market, conitantly ou hand, lad at al tow i l e , rice as it CID be obt,fuod of any Deal er in town. Drug Mole. sAzgw'panisr: -L:, INI.IIIGORATCRi • 'f Is romp led entirely from (llama, and I boa bean ome so estalk.lsed lack antandard !I aJletne. kaolin./ awl spornved itlos.d - Mat -. l .ase Mod tt, nod k posers, ti. rte.l to ulth mullance la tv i alf inn dale.ukes lot-0/4n lt Is rerommend.L. - It has curedCroon:tails ra! l uDalti (ho Sat two years irba had Owen up ail hopt--n %." of pent as •dm 'ituausratta unanltchodeertitiuto.sto tnl: roi pe.. , ...5/oitslonr. 1 'ln 41,, , e tilnst be nlapl,l ‘ - s to the temperament At the ltnUrldnal (skim It , and LP, 'cil la au& quany.4.* as to set remit on 11w Rune:s. Let 144 dietaust of your it - pigment cubit! ten In the vie of the Livrat I s - 1 oncrunaToit, and It on tilcare Liver Coln - ' 'plaits, Ilillaus At , . ...mine, Dyspepala,! Chronic I,ll4thorat Bts int mer Com .-i•plulnts,* bison te. ST, Dropsy, Sour ' Stomach, Il i tibltuall Costiveness, Choi. , le, Cholera , 'Chafe.. salllorbisa;Cholerta Irvin tu sm. •Flat ti.• letter s Jau oat lee, Female Weikttess. emoted raw be amt one _.... Iressfully as an Daillent* ry Family Pletll-1 pi eine. ItailleuritillClE lila ,i,il AC fly, ntai 'thenstnda tin terl' Cy 3 In twenty minutes, lii - taro or . three Tea-. spoonfuls are tak.l en at contumleetnent of . attack. j Art who use italic Oiling their ttsttimely 4 In tisfasur. I i MIX .IVAIWIt IN TIIE:'mVTII VITII TIIE IXVIGOIIATOII, ASIA 8 WALLOW lOTA TOGETHER., Pcice Otte 'Dot tar pry llottle.; At,s4t. SANPOILD'S 1 FAMILY CATHARTIC*PILLS,, compiluNinn) mom i Pure Vegetahiel.:itrarte, and put up In ; ••t;LASS EASES, Air Tight, and Will &rep •In any ellniale. . - , 'rt..: - Faintly Ca. • liner! I s e,PlLElaacen. Ile hut active Cathartic , 4 wb,,,,11l {Mar hat • wed in Ida • penetien Infer than twenty 3 tail,. 'the ..neientle Ittenersirn; dentant !M thlne lobo 'h e , ,th ee te ;e4 the IsIY.L., ea „ tn ,„ pr. and the sansfartion Ableh 1 atl eine... In regarJ to their .-• usu. haslnd uccd tun te. place than %Thin the reAelt of all. .$lll4l . l, . Ihe Prot:l4lmi ;cell keen., 01.. that fllCerent Catll6 - 11es net 1 on 116:rent north. -, of tie , trybowel* Va. F.A3llla . CA- 111A . ItT!C I'l I. I. •, hat, will, duo referen, to ' the well e4abllshed fact been 4,llllsiallah.l Gwen 1.e.% vArtety. et the ralta Ve,... .., ta4ia Extruro,..elech acts , ‘ll,ahl, e n terry par I a the nt ..6entary canal.- and alai 1 . 7 1 17:01141 and ante fir all env •1, ea A beer. 'a Cathartic 14 ' twed !) 41 ed, one!) 1)..... i rangentenla of - the 0 11 paunch. Sieept. nes.. Vin: tie In the Ttnek it Lel LOlns, Costiveness. Pal al I 1111 d. Soretteem aver the ' , whale hotly- Croat steidett cdl. Ahlkla 1 fee.itientlY, If reelcete I. roll In a 1 ,, 11g ,ll'i , 01 I. C. %cr. Loss of A1 , ;,.-.- fl tilt, n Vire eying Sen. Anil... Of Cold n vei F. , - 11,i.6.1 5 -, It rid front. Inca., .'n , ...tt'tte, r,'l - 4 •vellizt‘i 111 Ilan Watt. f All In flaw ton tory ••- ISlsenseo. Wnt.ttsa in i Children erlicluilia. 4ici....,„,,,,,,„,... treat i i.vaiaer of the Snood' ee . and many rlL.eloe,tfen which : teal la belr, too alialartalS 160 - 1,, 'mention to ibis rittertlet:- : tutu. Duce. I WI. PlileY THII.EP Dtillr% The Liver I Al.:en,. t.t.rnut lit . Pn . all ; y Ca. ; ll mo re lis I'll IC a 1,N,11e.1 by lthozeSta ~sser.il?y, nut ‘, solJ t. haleaale by the I Cade le alt the tore,. inc.,.l ! .. S. 3'. W. SA NFOlt a). - m. ! v >7., `FOIL apj i'elHeinr, ny . h , ' ,l Y ork. BiERHAYE!S !HOLLAND BITTERS . ' (411 t_ c - I , IP . I - , . ....- . , -..r 1 .T. 70 ' , - VI,. •:.r.,,• ~ ' i 4k , , j 1 :,.4VZ. , A . 1. : '. " . ;• 0 ' A 0..,.. ' .4,-; .ot=ltc, .` ,: . L ,` , - - 7. <'''t' 14' ' % t.l ,p,..,:fit.,;:..-,,, k .„,,, ' : k: 7 r :.P.: ,-, 5 — " ,.. - --,—,--±:i - ~.....? . .g . e . ...„, t......_ _ ~....,3 1, . x......„0,44.,.... _ -...,,.. -.........:„...LvT1E1qAt ---. 4'1* 1 ..: ®~ '.t .1.1 TUE CELECBRATED pPSELOLLA.7 REMEDY TOR ~ D ISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I.iTER costrzwiriT, 'WEAKNESS DP ANY .KI7D, FEVER . AND A4XIE;, Lsitos..tise various a:Tor:liana consequent upon a a:Pi:warred i - i- S 0 31• AC 11 0R • 1.1 X,E It,, ~,11 It" indht-e.dion, Aridity of the-Stonlarlt,Cclirk;; Pains, Ilesethurn. 1,0, of Appetite,- I),rotidooey, c r .stir e on,,a, ttl 'WI and iti". , ,listf.l'iles.f•' In nll Nervous, Ilhemnatir, and Neuralgic Arections, it ha., in tounennte ittitancv4rovra highly Lenetirial, and in others cfltNet....l a tiKhal (lire. This h a purely rope:aide comlannol. pre..l on trictly ael e otif,e toir,llle... Oft, the manner of the ed . tbrattsl .11,41n0d I.rote.or,ll,orhztve. 11, repot:llton at home't6n 'laced its intn.d.zetion lyre, the demand commencing with ' these of the Fatherland ',at fere.] I,virr the fore of thin 'lnightv countro, mat, ,I whom.brought srlfla them 01,a - hatole;l down the trndition of its salve. ft is now r,,,1% - red to tier iinerne in inetelir,i-rmerin9 lteaf. its /ratty scondrrful iOldirirltt/ ri.1,1 rt.odle ocknotetedrd. I It i- pat tient:lrk. recommended to these pcnone whose on , t:totions mac Ir.‘c is to Snil.alr;‘,.lhy the rontinnoon nos of o rdeot.l..it-iti,, or other forts of di...inltioo. tlenerally totutt . ...l as in erect., It :het. itr nay uirettl o, the teat Olin, illl tiling and quid, air,: every n..rva, r.....h.ht; up the , drooping ..plrit, and, in fact, infut.:, , . new health and rigor (n tta• system i Niali:lL—Whin.ni.r on i van to iiiiil this a beverage. tvid he di.n.-pintei: hot to the ',irk, well; :old law ~ , ocattal. it ,ts ill pests a gratt•fol at . ..1,W,, stolid, uxseased of ' , jugular Teatetlinl p"..1,,t. iv,. ' . ... 1 READ CAREFULLY! , 1 1, Tn. Gsnninc highly er.nrentratod 14e7havea liolland ilittora is put up in hairpin: hAtids otity. and retailed at cot Dontsa pot- bottle: cr Fix I,otles for I'IVE LOLLAR-S. The great ,I,lntio f,o- thin truly e•lel....lted 74,s:trine Inn induced 'lan.; irtitaliung, uLielt the ruldic ,Loold guard against I nvimr, or Ttrpo,ltion. SCS itst our same Lou the LT :I of rvvry I,.ttle - 111.1 aold,by DrtirTizta Eeaerally. It can be foreezded by Express*, =oat pmts., SOLE PIIOPEIESORS. BENJANIN PAGE, JR 8: CO. - • •Ehtniraccutists and etemists' . :- PITTSBURGH, PA. _ irhrEe BITTERS lire oM in :.7 mil rose by i ric 4 y_ ABEL , TURRELI. Druaqiit • FiEft )4. 10 , ghalplii N ate : VAI aperient ant stomachic preparation of MON purified orOxygen and Carbon by com bustion in. Hydrogen. of high medical author ity and extras:cif:tory efficacy in each of the fbllowtng complaints , viz.: ;DEDILITT. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. ERA. .CIATIOIC DIARRHEA, COML. RATION. SCROFULA S AT RHEMIL SCURFY, TAIINDICE. LIVER CONFLAINTS RHEUXA TISEL lIEROURIAL CONSEQUENCES. INTER MTV= FEVERS. NEURALG/A. CHRONIC IVEADACHES. MALE WEAKNESS. XIS •NPOISTRITATION, WHITES. MILOROSDI. etc., PIMPLES ON . 7.74, FACE, ROUGHNESS OF • THE FEIN, etc. The IRON bsiux absorbed by the blood, and dins circulating through the whole system, no, ptrt et the body can'ecoops their truly wonder fill induenco, - - The exist: Fazio: thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can, for a moment be compared pith it. Impurities of the blood, de ,premr.on of vital encro, pale and otherwise archly complexions indicate its necessity in al- Most every conceivable. case. In all eases of fehmle debility (fluor albut, chlorosit etc.), its effects are deliglitiully'renovating.- No remedy his ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy, old fully restorative erects . . Good appetite,com plete digestion, rapid acquittal= of strngth, with an unusual disposition for active , and ehe' erful exercise, immediately toile* its use. Oa grand stomachic and general federative it has no superior and no substitute. - tut no In neat at metal boxes containing` LO gifts,, price; no mints per Las t salx boxes, St 30; one dozen boxes.** 00. Far sale by . Ltrutorirts centrally. Won be sent Tree to . D ip &dare-. i reef Opt or the prim. Al lea orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 339 BROADWAY', ff, Y: I.ll—The above is a thtralialle thi ... ?q.t.! CM each box. :ABEL TITRRELL TS nese prepared to cure &ten , eape . of SCROFULA j) ihe rountry, and he baaa Beniedg for nearly every to which %Leah la heir: .Call at the ' • • 1 . . . GREAT MEDICINE EIEPORIIIIii of r ALi LTV:l=a, and be swatted of the beneete, Wa ve - • Montrose, July 17, 1861, NS OF BUSINESS. and winthig chapPlrtt OUT s, foe advertisement of Vineland in another column. . . TOR FOLLOWING ENT/OUSEMENTS OF CEPHILICI PILLS, WILL 'CONVIIitr. , ALT.. W,llO SUFFER YREV,AL il'E - AJJ'A,Clit . g . , THAT A.I SPEEDY- ANI) SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACII. As these testimonials werefinsolicited by Mr. S'palding,,they afford iunquistionage • • , • proof of the efficacy l of this truly scientific di scovery. ' . . ItAIONVILLF," OONN., Feb. S. Jilt. Seem: ago, Sin .. I have tried your Cephalic Pills; and /Ate them so trill that I want-you to +end me $t worth mole. Part of these orator the neighbor+, toikhoin I gemy a few out of the first box I got from yqn. Send the by mall, andoblige , Tour ob't serer, JAS. KITIIIIRDY. GMEZI Ilaveirord, pa:, Feb. S. C. Spaldinx, Sir gI wish you to send me one more, box of your Cephalic ills; 1 Aare reeelred agreed tleal;of benvltfrom.f . hent, Yours, respectfully, ;ANN STC11:110U8E. Spruce Creek, Hantiotoldn co., Pa., Jan. 18. U. Spalalna. ) . Sir You will ple.nse semd me.twa boxes of your them immediately. Bespectfitlly yOnri, .INO. B. SIMONS. P. S.—!hare used ont bo Our Pitts. and find them excellent. Belle Vernon . , Ohio, Jan. la Benxi C. Spalainz, V.sq, • Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another ho of your Cephalic, Pills. They arc truly the best pills I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER. P.M: Belle Vernon, IV i yaudot county, WO. Beverly, Masa., Dee. 9. . U. C. Spalding, Esq. i I wiQh tor some circulars or ItirgU shim hills, to bring your Pills more pin imilarly before , my r icustomers. If you here anything of thu please send them to me. • One of my customers. Ivlio Is. subject to a severe sick headarheansually Nether two clnyiq. Teas coral of an al. No : i n a n ho u r by ! J ove Pile , whicli I sea her.. Respectfully yonrs, • .W. B. 'MIXES. Reynolttsbfirg, Franl:lls) Cn., Ohio, t January. O. 1 Henry C Spaldinr, N. 48 Cedar E.treet, N. Y. • - Dear : Inclosed find twentptive cents. i'25.1 t4r which Fend me box of •• cephalic Direct to Elev. Wm. Finer, at Iternoldsburg. Franklin county. Ohlo. Sour Pi/le Jena like a clarm—curs Headache almost Instanter. Truly yciurni` Wirt FILLER. Ypsilanti, - .Melt., Jan. 21 Mr. Spald Str Net long ~ ineeljsent to you (or a box or Cephalic Pills for the cure.of the Nervous Headache and costli•eneSs. and reeeited the saw, and they Oa so good' an effect 1 was induced to .cad for more. Pleaslaend by'retunt mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER., Mich.• From the Examiner. Xorfon, Va. - Ophalie Pill necomplhi:t the ohjeet rot which thcp ‘.ere Lnatic., viz.: cnre of hendgche In cll ite form.. From Mr Excw,iner, !Norfolk, Vu. . They have been tested in wore, than a timufand cases with entire eumeEs. Fran: the Democrat, S. cloud. Minn If N•ou are..orheve been tronlqed with the headache, i'emt for a %xrc of cephalic pith., that you may have them lu crtte,of MI attack. • Front the Alverti.er.lirovidener . , R. I. ..Me Cephalic 11114 are ,ahl to he a remarkably effective remedy for the beatlitche, and one of the vhry beg for that very In:relent complair.t which has ever been d - covered. From the Tre , lcin R. R. !G'✓tcite, Chicago We heortily eudoNe Mr: Spalding, apd his unrivalled Cephallc Front. fhe 1";111.ey St;ir,ilizatinziltrz. tv,., are oure that tamstnu , ,ulieritig with the hmtlaelte .who try tlit4n, %%111 to ther.t. ' F;.(:7,1 the Pal? I'iigler, -yen , Orleans, La Try them f ypti that are at/lie:ed. and we arc nee that rear teat:ninny can be added to- the hlreadY nonteruus hot that la,, received benedta than° other I - audit:faecal! produce. l'ola Oct' St.:Louia bentocrat. • .The immensedtmnd far the article 4cePhalte pillr) rapidly increarlng. • From the Gazette, .Daenpoi l i ,1410FpnldIng noteouneot h is n r tide he (Ed not know to,pulpeeFreol - From Me Al eerti4e . The te:.titnony in the re4pretable (portent 4 " , • f Providence, R. I. Avar fs t , 4-cmg, from the moot r „,..fe Dully News; 4Von l first,. R. 1. c Pills are faking the place of all kinds.l .41 oft ' E c 4 s ) ;i l Vßad l o l , o sl l l 4n' CURE - ft Nervous Headache 4 7 , CURE Headaattes By the nee of these Pills the periodicattacks of Nervous -or Skk geatfache may be prevented: and if taken at the condnencoment of an attack; immtlliate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. - They seldotu fan in removing the ..lcausea and Ileculache to.which fetnalesare so MubJect. They act gentlYupou the bowels,—removing Coetieeners: For Literary Hen, Students, Delicate Females. and all lersons of eedentary habits. tbey are valuable as a laxative. mproving that appetite, alviqg tone and vigor to the diges tive organs, land restoring the• natiatal elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are thermion of long Investi gation and carefully conducted experiments. having been In use many years, during which time they have prevented andrelle.ved a vast athonntof pain and sneering frpru Headache, whether originatinin the nervous system or from a deranged state of the s to mach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and aymbe taken at alltimes with perfect Safety without mak ingAnyebange of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer thenitochildren. Pow . ore of Counterfeits. The genuino havoilive signatures ofillenrre. Spalding oneach box. I Sold by Druurglsto and other Dealer!: In Medicines. A box Isla be rent by mail prepaid on receipt of the igloo an- tloxatA. .• All orders should be addressed te. , ThE3iltir C, tipALuiNG 48 Cedar Street, New -York. I, ovl2 v 3ch ilrA Blast° bottle otSPALDING'S PREPABED GLUE Lave ten times its cost atuntally..jaa SPALDING'S.PREPARED GLU'E! SPALDING'S: PREPATO GLUE! SPALDING'p PREPARED GLUE SAVE THE PIECES! ECOMO3IY ! _ - far"A Since sir Tose Saves As accidents will happen, even in will regulated Limi- Iles, it la very desirable to have some cheap and conven ient way for repelling fundture, toys, crockery, &c.. - BPAZDINCAS PREPARED.GiLUE , meets all suChememe„, ncies, and no. household can afford to be without it.. 1t Is always ready, and up to the stick ing point. "USEFUL INIEVERY HOFRE.." N. B.—A Brash Accompanies each Bottle. Price 25 cents. -- Address, HEART C. SPALDING, - • No. 48, Coda's /Street, New , Tork. • .. CAUTION, ite certain unprincipled persons are attempt Log to palm off on the aneurpecting peptic. imitations or my .peepared Mtge 1 "maid caution all porton to main*: beforepur g,-and nee that the fall name, • • - _ • FirSPALDINGPAPRIP4,BI4 is an the outside mapper ; d adios me i syllabi aim yaws, . , Gro Do GIEUITEtSIELLI3 --- OTIIIC OIL. . • • atost Romo . yAn ~ tho. World for RHEUMISMIand all PAIN. -. Watrontod - to CUBE _ -, Fever and Ague In one - 4y: • - ; - Ciao In live minutes; , • .—.- • Dnarness:in two to four days; ' • . . - • . Burns and Scalds In tetepluutes ; - Sprains, Wounds end Bruises In from one to three days ; Intlammation In one day ; Neuralgia, Croup, ToOtbache, Burns, in ten minutes; Ileungshage, Scrofula; Abscess; in ten days ; . ruts g,ll. °mll, 'fitter. In one to three days; amehe, stltr Neck, Ague, In one day: • . !clone; Broken Illeast, Salt Rheum, In a to bi a days; . /ninny, Palpitation. Plehrlsy, tn.onc to tenthly' ;.• Asthma, Gout. Ervspietas, In Ave to twenty days; Frosted FCC 0 - Chilbli11111 : Stiff Joints, chronic .Dben rnatism, Sono Tbruat, hcarier Fever, and the lame • made - to walk, by a few bottler), j r • hie OIL, (Dc (truth's) is mild and )7iertiant, and IS A " I great Fatally Medicine for children teething .tc. . Ladies should ail use It. It always leaves you better than It finds You,nud;tme bottle often cures entirely.' • A' • i.ICTED THIRTEEN YEAES, AND CURED 1 , . ,• IN 020 WEER. - . . . - •. , . Read letter from R e v .f Janes Temple. ' • I. Pint.aort.ratu,June nth, HIM Prhf. De GaiTal: I baydbeen afflicted Mr thirteen years with Neuralgia and other painful complaints, and I hate heat] linable to sleep soundly •br walk any distance for mat years past. Last Wrck Igot a bottle of your Elec. t ric R. The first night I.ilept soundly and well. and to.. day I am like a saw wan. ;!' 31y %rife could not bailey° her cyvki Your • Electric Oil has done In one week what the &ye clans of Philadelphia I failed to do in thirteen years. Gratefully yours. . . . ' REV. JAMES TEMPLE, - . 1 MO South street. - DEArNEtt CURED. • NEW MEWS, 3fav 19th, MI. Prof. De Grath lifflodther has been deaf for a voorr. .Aftertrying many things,ihe used your On a.lew timer, and it cured him entirely. • - Ciarior.D It Sat AN-rcym. tar For sale'bi all Dra n .„ , ;oists, and tt 7 the Depot. :IT Sunni Eighth-st, Philad ,l lo 3 :' o A. I V 96 A • • LIFE - PILLS,. & .11101:1iI BITTERS. • TIESE MEDYCISTES have now been before the public. T fora period of nirly }fare, Mid during that tithe have . tiotintahted a high character In almost every pert of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power. of restoring perfect health to persons stitlitriu,„•• under nearly everwhincl of (Unitise to which the human frame is liable. Thelfollowlng are among, the distressing variety of hu man diAeases in which the' - - VEGETEELE LIFE Are well known to be infallible.. - • • DYSPEPS/A, be titorotigidy cleansing the Ist and 2tid stomachs, and creating a flaw of pure,healthy bile,inst cad of the stale and acrid kind' FLATULENCY, loss qj pa ire, I [raffia, rn. HoculacAe.A'allesonesa, Id- 2 owl., .An.r tely, Laminar and ilidandioly; wideliare general symptoms of Dy'spepsia, vanish, its a natural consequence of it scum. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing, the whole lerig,tWot the intestines with a solvent nrOcess, and without violence; all vtoleut pUir'et.leave the howels costive iWiwo. days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood f o a regular circulation, thro' the process of &spit-adult In such cares, and thorn' solution of all intest lint! obstruct {OUR in others. . . The Life 3tedleinee have been known to cure RHEUM. ATISH permanently to three weeks, end GOUT- in holt that time. by removing local inthunsuation from the tans clos and ligaments of the jOin , • • . -DROPSLES or all kinds, by freeing and 'strengthening' thakidneyeand bladder; they operate most delightfully or. these import an t organr, andtence bane ever been found s certain' remedy fur the worit cafes,of gRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging front the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter tomtit:lt d hese creatnrve adhere. _Eiliftpy, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES,..by the per - feet purity which these Life .11 , cdirtnei , giv.ti to the blood and all the humors. . _ SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by-their alterative effect upon the finids that reed the skin , and the, morbid state or ‘i bleb OCCat , IOTIS all eruptive complaints, callow, cluudy,and Other disagreeable "cotu , platens:. . The use of these Nils tor very short time will died an entire cure or SALT RHEUM, and a striking improve ment in the clearness of thq skin. COMMON COLDS and I.IIFUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases.. • " ' PILES.—The original prOprietnr of these medicines. *scan cored of Pile*, of Sa yearn standing by the nee of the Life 3ferlidneA alone. . . FEVER AND M4117.- . --or thin iconrze of the West ern country, these Mediclnosbe fonml'a ilewdy anti certainremedy,Other3tedieinen lea% e the eystem eubjeet to a tetnrii orate disease—a core by three Medi cine. permanent—Try 'kiln. Z, gntidled.ancibe cured. Millions Fever% and Liver Complaints. General Debility. Loss of Appetite, and Diseases of Fe. Males. Thu Mcdletnen has - a been need with the meet beneficial results in curer of this devnititlon :—Kintts Evil, and Scrofula. in itii worst forms: yields to the mild vet powerful action of these rentarhablo 31edieines. Nieht Sweat... Nerione Debilliv, Nervous Complaints of all kind-'.. Palpitation of the heart, rainten• colic, .arc .pre BiHod Complaints, Sick headache, Bilious CemplaintS, Sick Headache; MiiMi . . ... . • FLATULENCY, Lag§ OF APPETITE, F Lli TULENCY, LO§S OF. APPETITE, . and i e numberless other elisertses wising from In. eV:gee:Jon and funchonal 4iiorders of the stomach, find eady relief in that!estaisheel and sterling lan the attention trOke-;•eader to the plowing , rom Piesident Smith, formerly of wate r s g, and 1; 010 of Am6olitt, Md. _Mii3DLEsciw*, Conn., Feb. 2908.59. Fowt.! •& Co.—centlerneu*:—l first hes 'of the Orgrena Ditties some seven or , made eight ) from a f nervous day in omment no ben The 1 extent pf the and the them, A my ITSI organs. es most vice to I ears since. !laving innbred. for twenty 'years lorm or dysperada,'wlich was attended with a headache, on an avc rag6 . or not less than one week, was induced; by the nnprotending fee , dation 'of Dr. Green, t. to try one battle; and If hit was received to , diienntinna the ore." 'tee of one bottle warrinted a farther trial, to the f some three or four, With a eareful,obeercance .rcompanying directicins. • The result - was, an' mire relief front the itsual dyspeptic symptoms it depressing, painfulnsequetices. I believe tiers produced an entire change in the habits of em, and upon the active energies of the digestive I now deem myself ai exempt from Dyspepsia persons. These Ditters have also been of ser ther members of my family. Very regpeethilly yours, , AI:OI.I,STUS IV. SMITII. 1 tam with de . Witty, :Dgf3PATCLI . , doses gi s ts, .Nalers, a ; Merchants in atilt • 'mid city through de country, Prjor ckley Abel Tura Bend, Watrons te n .mon • 1.0- Wcanift; Dimock Amos Brooklyn''__ itaey & Nozley liardnd Weed Woad. Great - J . Olmstead; Dr :1110;4.. Grip:, Great Nab i 1151716-sio • OiTGEIIr.t*ED OXTGENAtEa BITTERS. Testimony. OXYGENATED BITTERS.: OXYGENATED BITTERS. tuenstorm,,llois co, r alfA ug: 25, 1852 L LENIErr,— Artir:Wiering for more than. Misty th lirspepsia, and trying many remedies Me ,ed for that rliscaso without any good mutt, 1., Item!, by Dr. F. 11. White of hismfleld, to giro !are paten, a. trial.— I took two honks. !aro' me .so Mitch rape( that I purrhased two 'irk have pearly or unite effected a cure. lam rly 'evenly-tire yeara of are; and for three . t hare . felt no ioconvenietice front my food. eat pleasure in recomniending the flitter* to all With Dyspepsia and itieoncomitant diseases. A. IIEIsARD From Dr. Vhite. . . ANIFYIET.D, Moja yx,'Pa., Aug. 20, 1858. tneed the Orygrsaq Bitten its ply prattles ded success In debit itY,and general prostration, confidently, incortunrod them in go/wilt/Lilo id dlsoloos of Mo'digeit'lre or/atm. - .• U. D. • OXYGENATED BITTER& OXYGENATED BITTERS. PAIIEDBY )'OiVLE Ir. CO., 18 Trtiniei 13ciPtcza. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILES.- Are you sielc, feeble, aracent• Valuing? Are you out of Order, with youritystemdemuxed, mid your fccihigs uncomfortable ! 'Mac symptoms aro often the prelude to writes illness. Seine fit of sickness is creepluz upon you, And should"be averted to a timely use of the right remedy. •Take Ayer's Pills, and elegem! out the di sordervl h I nor P —pu,„ rift' the blood, mid let the thO.lit move on unobstructed to health Dole. They stimulate the rube.- nous of the body into vfgoreos activity, purify the system from the obstructions .wlilch rumba • disease. A cold settles some. Where lathe body, and obstruct. Its natural futietionS. .These, if not relieved, react upon themielres and the surrotindin'organs, producing gen. oral aggravation, suffering, and disease. While ht thlsi condition, oppressed by the derangements, take.A yea:. and are how directly they restore the natural a tion of the system; and with it the buoyant .feeling. ~r health ngain. Wha t In-true and co apparent In this trl :La and common complaint. in also true In many of the de, p. seated and dangeroua distempers. The same iiurgatlce effect ex‘xin them. 'Caused by similar obntructious and derangements of the natural functions of the body, are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the cams 'means. None who know the virtues of these I'd's, will neglect to employ them when' su ff ering' from the -Maur. Alerts they cure. „ Statements from leading p4olciana In Rome•of the Principal ethos, and: from other well known public per sons. . . Front a For:cart/in:a Merchant of St. Louts, Feb. 4, LW • Dn. Axnu: Yonr: rills me the paragon - of nil that i, great in medicine. They have cured my !Rile daughter of ulerroun sores upon her hands and feet that had pro, ud incurable for'year..• tier mother hair been long gri-r -ously afflicted with blotches and pimples ou her akin and in her hair. After our child *as cured, she All tried your PHU, and they have cured.her. • ! ASA 3101LGUIDG 7 1:. • Al Fanaldy PhYok•- Stria Dr. Cartwright, Neat Orleans.; ' . four rills are the prince of purge,. qualities surpass any cathartic we 11011Pe.t... . 1. 11 y mild, but - very cermiu and eilictual in ti . • bunch.; *bleb makes theuf invaluable. _ to te• in - .H. treatment or disease.' Ileadackep Slck Headache, foul , ql.<, 3' - From Dr. 'Edward Boitl, C. BrAR BRO. ATCR: ICa uitot answer you ',lf r plaints I hare ctrcd•with your -rills better. themi to ...e all Mat tee erer treattrith a purgative medicine. I ',hes great dependence on an effectual cathartic la my daily contest with disense,Rnd bellevitm ns I do that your 1•11111 afford us the best we hare,,l of course value them 111g-bly. • . Etrranttno, Iva., May DR. J. C. ATV:. •Wr : I have been repeatedly cured of the wont hentlae-he any body can have, by a (lose or two of your Ellis. It sevms to arise from . a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. - Yours with gnat respect, ED. W. PREIII..E, •• Clerk of Steamer Clariun. Billowy Disorders Liver Complaints._ From Dr. Thendore Bell, of New gores City. • - Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their mai. pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have hi my peso- tire proved more effectual for-the cure' of bilious rom plainU than any one remedy I can mention: 1 sincerely rejoice that we have qt length a purgative which- is wor thy the confidence of the profession and the people.. • , DEOARTMENT OF Tilt INTERIM, Washington, D. C., 7tii Feb., Slit: I have used your Pills in my general and lith-pital practice ever since you made them, and do nut In-sit:net* say they are the best cathartic we employ.. Their rept jlting action on the liver Is quick And divided, rouse. 'locally they arc an admirable remedy' forderangeinent s of that organ. Indeed, I hate seldom found n cane of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. li:, oftlie . ..ifisrisse Hospital. • Dysentery, DlOrriscea, Relax, Worms. From Dr..r. G. Green, ofehfettoo Your Mils have had, n lung trial in my praetice, tiul I hold them in esteem as one of the best rmerientx l hove ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver mikes. them an excellent remedy, when given in small doves fOr bilious dysentery .and afore/teen. Their FUgaroonting makes them eery acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children. Dyipepsla, Loipurtty of the Blood. j From Ter. J. V. llimes; Pastor of .ddreat Clair • ,flbaloni Tat. AYEtt: I have used ybur Pills with traordinary success In my family and among those I n called to visit In distress. To regulate the organ. of digestion rind the blood, they are the ver • et remedy I Imre ever known, and I cats confidently •reismntnend them to my friends. lours, d. V. MMES. N. , to IVans.tw, 'IVY° i g Co., N.Y.. Oct. 24,1855. DEAc SIR: lam with"' 'our Cathartic Pills in my prac ticccand find them a xcelfent par....naive to cleanse the system andmir(/ lel - atm:Was or the blood. . -_ JOHN 4.111'..AC11A3f. M. D. Consttpa on, Costiveness, Suppression, 'then ;', ottsin, Gout, Nourolgto, Dropsy,- Par .• ysis, F its,, etc. . . _ FroidDr. J. P. Vatlykyt, Montreal, Canada. oo much cannot be' said of - your Pills for the cure of eostireness.lf others of our fraternity have found thin tie efficacious as I hive, they should join me hiproclaim ing_it for the beneflt-of the multitudes who suffer-from that complaint, whieli„:alttiniTli bad enough in itself; is the progenitor of others that arc worse. I believe <, - .1. tireness to originate in the liver, but your rills affect Coat organ and cure the disease. - . • . and hrri. i E. Stetard,.Plapician and ..111diriee, Poston. I find one or two large dopes of your rills, taken at the proper time, arc exLvilpnt promotleco of the natural secretion when wholly or partlally.suppressed, and also very effectual to clea,tsc the Ptontaeh :md•crpe? tr.rrig. They are so mach the bestiifiyale we haye that I reevnrt rner.d no other to toy patient 9. . .rrom the Sec. Dr. ILticl cs, njthe .11"eih6clist Epts.Clturei - rcr.,Astu Ilot3E s Sarannali, Ga., Jan. G, IS 4. llONOttro Stir: I should be ungrntefhl for the roller your skill has brought me if I dld not renOrt ray else to you. A cold settled filmy limbs and brought on ex cruciating neuralgic pains, which CW4,11111 chronic Hull et:elem. Notwithstanding I had the heat of plivoirians, the disease grew worse and worse, until bj , the advice of your excellent ogcnt In 'Baltimore, Dr. 3lncitenzie,l - trled your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By per ieverbq in the use of them, I am now entirely well. SeNATii. CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, S Dce.,\ 1F45. Dn. AYER : I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, or Rheumatic Gout 7 — 'p that loul afflicted me for years. VI:WENT SLIDELL. .fts Most of the Pith In market contain Mercury, r which, although a valuable remedy In skilnil hands, la dangerous in a public pill, front the tirentlnit consequences that frequently follow its Incautious use. Thew contain no mercury or mineral aubiCtance whatever. -Price, 25. cents.per Box, or '5 Boxes for sr. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AT & co., Lowell, Mass !tiro 11. - .\ 1:1.11.I. 41 I• 11 rp Thindaftt ('entt e. riai I yn dealers and druzgl,til eversv. here.. 0,1 la m g n MRS. W INSLOW, An experienced Nurse end reninle l'hyAeinn, presents to- the attention of mother 6. her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CI I I I)I Tl4-' ETII IN G, fzrently facilitates the procc:=4 of teetliiva, Ly Fat eilittg the vunts. retlating'• nil allay ALL yAls, nod spaetuudic actian. :nal is, SUItH•TO "HEGULATE THE DOWELS; Depend upon it, it will give rest to yon, and RELIEF Mai HEALTH TO YOUR ", ItiFAIiTS. We have put op and sold this article for overt en years,- and on say IN,CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH ofjt, what. we have never been Mile-to toy of any other medicine— NFVER lIAS IT FAILED. in a SINCrLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, when t finely used. Never did oe know an Instance oftlissattsfaction by anyone who h,d 11, ,, ed it. On the contrary, all are delight&l with. Its Opera t ions, and speak in trrmsot commendation of itscnagleal caCets and medical virtues. We sa-v 1h thit matter '- WiIAT 110 R.N.:GW:" tau:clew yCati,* experience.. and FLEDGE OUR REPUTATION forihefulfillmentofwhat we to re dcclnre.- Ht alnu4 every Instance where the infant is cute; ing In; pin and exhaustion, relict will be found in 'fittni.m to th: minutes after the syrup Is administered. - 0 - This valuable nrepand lon is the prescription of one of the roo-t,EXPEItIItNCED and SEILLIT L NOIRES in New England, and haibeen used with NEVER FAILING, SUCCESS In' THOUSANDS OF (USES: - It not only retternithe child front pain, but' In vigoratr the ptonmeh end botrel.:rorrecte. acidity. and tr .e and energy to the whale *yawn. It will ahnobt luttomly relieve GRIPING IN Tll3 DOWELS, AND "WIND COLIC, and OvercomeentwulA lons, Ivh let, if not 'opeedlir cured, end in death. We believe it the BEST and rent edr in the WORLD. In all ta,.es. of D'it.4*.:.'lFr,..Y and •llaltirtllCCA IN CIIILItIIEN. whether it a; fr•ee twin teething, nr front any other ranee.. We would "ray to all mots ri who bare a cltild - Autforing front toy often forero imt complaintk , -.•DO NOT LET r 0 rt: -PPE.' VII WE'S NOll THE PRFJUDICES of 0 .7'111.7:.9. ,randlyfi Irlen you and your "inferior child and'the relief that t 11l he AIISOI.ITTELY SURE—to follow the we' of ,thll4 medicine, fltimely, used. Full directions for itrit. , - = :will accompany each bottle. N'oneeennine unto:. the • simile of CUIITIS C 15:ItKINS, New York, la to.: the outside wrapper. - • • Sold by Dnn....gleta thniughont the world. Prlneirial'Ofilee,l3 cedar street, New York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BO!TLE, decta y '.For eula lit Montrose by I , otl TurrOL • wit= GkR.L•tAT cuth.tre333 311,,SERY. Just Pubnshed la a sealed Eliselope ; Price 25 tents, A LECTURE BY 1/If. slit a gi6 L. on the (=se and cure of Spermator-. Three, Consumption, 'Memel and Phl nice! "I"' • • Debility, liervousueas, Enilepay I /repair ed Nutrition of the body ; T;analtnilet Wealkgela or - the limbs and the back.; Indiepoelther; Mks ITlrtnemory; nveralon-to society ;love oreolitude ; timidity; aelf-dla. Mina ; dlezincas ; . headaclio,; offol of the eyes ; plea on the face; Involuntary centralism and aeznal In. capacity; the consequences of youthful indiscretion; &c. Pit — This admirable Winne clearly proves, that the abevo enifreerated. often aelf•rllirted. cella May be re. moved without - medicine and without surgical operations and shouldhe rca4by every youth and every man mu the land. SOnt render seal. to ony address. hitt plain sealed covet. opo. mt the receipt . ot.stx cents, or two volts:to stamps, by addressing . BR: CHAS..t C. KLLNIC. .)n3)—'62.1 .12T Bowery New-York. Bost Box. 45e0. Gold Medal. Salereatus; A Nig , ...,..the !. kiud.,., ! ‘ the beet in matmkellar