11.X.A.X;MIALCIVIEUEL A t susquebanua, oh the Ist, by Gayle d Cailis, Esq., Mr. Wm. Lake cif . Jaeksoi, and )1k }Jetta Barnes of Oakland. 1. - At, Sat:quell:mon on the 4th, by Rev. ::1 Patten,gill, Mr. Genrge. l MeDonald of Her vellsville, to Miss Ella.Ayleswo,rth. . . . . 3apa - mezzo. • At Camp Curtin, Feb. 10th, LYMAN, on of Ilefiry and Litey,Giles, aged 17 yea . When the President'first ' hotted l is' proclamation calling for volunteers, Gto. I. (tics, an elder brother of the decca,ed went front this county,. and returned with his company. When I. S. Searle received orders l to 'enlist- a company fur the 12th regiment., George and Lyman en listed.and went to Camp Curtin at , wine!' place the •latter contracted the diseas , congestion of the brain—of which he d ed, after an illness of 21 hours. His rem tins were brought. to Bronklyn fur interment. Thus perished. the first: martyr to ill& Union cause that. Brooklyn has been tidied to lament. The sympathies-ot the ptiblic are tendered to the friends of the dep. rte Patriot, and' it is hoped that he has not died in a dottbtfut cause. , - : , In Liberty, Feb. 23d, Fatter Italie°ll, voim ,, est son of Henry and Lydia Li , add, . aged 3 years, 5 months and 20 days. In Iranklin, Feb. 2Stii James E. win, -son of James and Marth.i M Brown, aged iS years.' Soldier Boaritlr, Arrears I,of Pad;, .fte. , , li:,:cy tipri claim -,t.,,, ~....-h, forl t`o. slofl ittlinty. Itrottot Ity 11:e t :to tti int 10. :11.? ":',•Jr..orvir,.....fpdy ..it, ‘l,-.-...1,,1 50',11.•,. P:troot,-, Willtr., A. or Itetrt. of do-' ~a..,1 .odour. aro otaft Ina to (11 . .1.ir a., 'JIM:. itic atilt .crtt:or from tow: toitlre.tolco In theittt,inc!., an !Invtott thr forro+ttod it' -tri‘rtitat- rottowly ro...ite:vod Ron W 3.1 1, fr4ttott. i5.414Ml tootty to prepare ttutLi ..tlntm• t.`tarty lie In irti,ted to Itit , , CU . . N.1. , N 4 .1 12, '42.-3:n , .IND • TIMOTILY 81.,t0 1 . BRADFoiti) eOUNTYLARC3.:, 4- 1 0 wlisTlinN: MEDIUM ;Clites_t: ed. , GOLD-DROP SEED WHEAT Peas, Beans, and Barlei , for Seed, Field and Sweet Seed , r Jobasn's ana Corn itoek's Garden See4h4for sale DEANS CO. Arontrose; match I 1111,11662 Auditor's Notice. . 11".. In Su•ifa Aug. T. v,. tl.f.t.tcturnable to Jan. Pala Ilrothers. 4 l Term. fi l lt17:•111,-criber. appointed auditor by the G niirt to dis tribute the prozeol, t -heriffs sale, it atle on the M), omued writ. azt..nd to the dude, of the app o:atment, at Mwuro-'..., on Wethousiai... the 2,1 d,y of .' q ;it one p.ht..11 per,ons intere,ted are retiu;recl pie-cut ti plr claim or be tie- Lrr,d from eQuting iu upon •.tiii tend. tahG 41 W:n - SAPONW Tnk: Family Mimi 7.\1:11:,r ! !Kit made lair] ;;unit P tedious oceolopony tact Lox. :"...111 .6 cup of coffee. \ L only by the P.ttn r a Jul t J.Lis) , ll,,,lrr mhr, IyJ v 1 Walutii,.t. Lic:b1141:::oc.11".. DANDELION EO E. 7111IIS Preparation. matte from Ow host 3 re. in recommended ler I 40:1118 as a slittee thins bet-la-az - , for tteita.nli Dynneunta. liras st,sarder-, T. 10.1,1111 ? ... WIIO lett e been comp than don the use or euty, ; ,. 081 ,ithont injurionn effect Oar can contain- the strt•nasati of 0. - tt isnandn of vrdlut entree. Price 23 cent , . - , KGLLOCK'S LEA N, The_purest 11.;F:ING POWDER known. foilmakingliebt, -sweet and nutrit nets — Bread tuid cakes. Prce 15 colts. 31.ittafa,:ture3 hy M. 11. ROLLOCIZ., Cheraid, t.t,irnt r of ftrtill Said by ail Orta.r_tiste and 'lnvent. - rant, I yjc co . 3ae... 2:i414 4 gartilE I>E:S'r IN - Yl.llll " ;" , At 40 Cents per 7 ion.. I Ittarnint: Fluid. and Canaphrnc. Turpentine, , const4ntly Ott hand. at lowest market pricer. • Montrose. Felt. El. TURRELL. Auditor's Notice. rpTIE undereimtecl, haring been eppoirittal an Auditor by the court of eomtetur rfeae of.,stoou county,on mate di e.tribution of the fund aritine from raleuf pet-em:11 peopertr of I.W. Bruckner, br shjria. ale, wilt attend to the duties of hi- appalm.oton at his I oftice in Mont rose, on Frlday. March 'el< at I o'cioet. Ip. m.. at 'which time and place all perome intereeted it said fund will present their elnime of Im debarred" from - cArnim; iu upon said fund. Ifebttoj J. It. MeCO Int, Auditor. • , • . Auditor's Notice . _ - ,-•• milE toidereftrned havinfr heen appointed an Auditor I_ be the Court of COMIIIIIII ile:/!. orlttpltl3lll,7 Counts. to mike di•oribution of the fund Nitell ;rorn the ,'ale lif the root estate Of Dana, Stark, by the„Qheriff' of said coon t,•, wilt rat,;,d to the clatie.'of Kahl' apqointme.nt at the 1 . Office of Smith &Mee., in the borotrzit c f Tanklumnock. on Saint - the. Nlnreli Vi. 151.1., nt to o'clee - ..n.in.. at-which time nod Oar, all te.reon: , interested in :lid fund. nre TM tifi”d to premoit theiretainpf or they rill he deharred therefrom. Ifetilh : lt] V. C. 1 4 ..055, Auditor. Executor's 140 - 111 - OTICE is hereby given to al! petson • .11 figll havi 4 ne. deommit , ilifft-tha estate of S. 11. !line-. ate of 'Brooklyn, tovroahip, t der.eased. that the came Wn be..prv•etill4 to the undenligitOdTorarrangeinentnnth penonns Indebted to said t•tate are requested to make int.nedinte payment. Brooklyn, Feb. 19.1%2.411 Ex,,cenor. NOtice. lIIE COPAUTNEIt-lIIIP heretofore existing tinder the name of BOYD , » WEIB4TEIt nasiiliseolved 1 - 5/1 the ftret day of Feltroary Lott, by tnutual 41311 ” ell,- ' An the notes and accounts are in the bawls o W. 11. Boyd, NA 110 is duly authorizea to settle-the same. AU persons having runsellied account, ,vlllttifer on t- t ,necial f•tvor by ' settling their Accounts very soon. I. t. U. BoYD. February lil,T.U—tvf, . . Li WEBSTEIL . i ' c 3E : t staktialM. ' r' A. lIOL - SE.SND LOT on Chen r street. helot: the 11 Foundry of Sayre Brothers. If ant sold before the First of April next. It ail) be rented. . aloutro,e. Feb. llth. IS‘l2.' Wu. it. BOYD. , Caatroaioaces at Eland. Building material in plenty. Fish and Oysters are plentiful and cheap. Visitors meet expect, hoverer, to see a neer place. Why the Property has not Been Settled Be. sure. • ' This question the reader naturally asks. It I. because it has been litrge tract e by families not disposed tv sell, and being without raliroril facilities they had few inducenn-nu, The railroad has Jetta been opened thro' the property thin seson. for the nest time. \'t,-ih,reareshowneverthelaudinscarriagc, free of expense. and afforded time and opportunity (4 thorough hivustigatiou, Throe who come with s view to ' , attic, should tiring money to secure their purchases, as' loca tions are not held-upon refusal. Toe SAFtsT Tutso IN //AIM TIMESMIere people have. "been thrown out of employment or buyinese, and posit• ens emus:little means or small incomes. is to startthem- Mi CBS htime. 'lltey can buy a piece oi laud at a email' price, and earn more than wager In Improving It, and when it is dear it. is a certain Independence and no lose. A few acres in fruit trees will insure a comfortable lie, in”.- The land is pat down to hoed-time price., and all iitiprCretnenta can-be made eta cheaper rate' than must our other time. - 'hie whole trait. with FIX mike front on the railroad, I. being laid out with fine rind spacious lavenues. with a town in thectintre—fireacrelote In the town eel: tit from giant° Staid: two and a-half acre lots, at from tS4) tO *lt) and town 10t, , 54, feet front by ISO feet deep. at sltal—pay alik• one-Vail cash and,tifft balance within year. is ide upoo hams of twenty titres, or tuure, that fouryware -time is glyrn„, 'ft) NIAIitUrfiCTURERS. the town affords. n fine Open• tug for the SHOE manufacturing business. and other rm. ,ticles„ being near Philadelphia, and the surrounding country has a large population, which affords a - good ;market. This settlement, in the coarse of several years. trill be one fit the /nest beautiful places in the country, and must agreeable ter n residence. it is intended to make it a Vitae and Fruit growing country, AM tads enittlfelf the must prottabie and the beet adapted to the Market. Every advantage and con venience file the settlers will he introduced which will in -ente the prosperity of the place. The hard tunes thee. `out the country will be au advantage. to the settlement; OF it compels' people to resort to agriculture fur a lir . lug. large numbers Of people aro purchasing. and people who desire the best location should visit the place nt once. Improved Land is also for sale. -TlMBEit.—Land can' he bought valuation. or without tint- . Cfer2l.llll3l.22lCarletitaXits,—Tho Aoter"-Vber: , Tire Timber at market valuation. User having been 'restored to health In Vow weeks by 1 The Title in indisputable. Warrantee' deeds • given, very simple remedy. after haring suffert-d reitil yam' clear oral! Ineumbrance, when the money la paid. • I Noardlng eon venielices at hand. with a severe tang affection. t'fild that &tad isenat,Cort,, Letters promptly answered, and reports of Solontet. sumption...-Is anxious to make bi trees tht , Means ;dem. . ' to f ' 4 ' ll° ` "af ' D '.l Insect and Vat. Parry fent, together with the —Vineland t• HI To all (true esire it, he will send a copy of the proseriyo lion le the hind :,-I,enva Walnut s..reet wharf, Pblia- Mon used of charm) with the directions for peeper- del dia. at 9 o'clock, A. Id., and 4P, (unless there e lag and aline the same, which they will dud a Stlitz CUR! , Fort COilltntrrioll. AP , rt!MA,,, Itnonctuent. &c. The only 1 " 1 "" ' " 14 be a e • ha ''a a .r tta:4l ". f" . " ") 4134 ' an the Glass ' boro' and Millvflle untlroad. i t hen yoU lone the can object of the „advert iser Iti sending the Prescriptloa Is to ; jun Vint pa. infinite:or benefit the athlete& and spread Information which LAND I B, p ee e nu m 4v , conceives bit be invaluable. and itufaus every sufferer I will try his remedy, as cost them nothing end may • • kPonnderot 4eGulohY. prove a blianting. REV. EDWARD A. 'WILSON. i VIZILIAttp P. 0.. C'utobertand Count)" N. Febtlautt Willientsltrsh. Kings County. N. Y.• • . • P. S.—Thera is a change of ears at Glassboro', Also • * beware , orstuencrs on the cars from New York and Phi!. 'MASONS Ott Tor BUSUCESP, and wanting. cheap adelpbta to Vincland.lnqulrinit roar bulliP•ogi dontfne L. farms, sae adeartitelpent of Y4ittlind In =Oka, .‘tlott. Sc.• noknsk. tharaary tt. 11103.--431.11 CRITTENOI PaILAD . ELPHIA CONITIERCIAL , _ COLLEGX 1. ...., . ... ;SIM. cornor of:7 - th & C estnut Sts., .. , PHILMYLIPIII t: •I - --- , . . This Intntinion. mlitch, sta.: estahlished in ISII. and w Is no.con.: , equently in the elghig 'th renr of its exlet• ca l ±, ' race. numbers among its gradual' .hundreds- of the' most successful Ilerthant.s and Il Aden Men Of our Country. The ohket.orthe Imnitntion Is so'eltr •3 of r Ord Yo ung men facilities further:Ault pre'patat.oriftir business. ~ , , Th e bi. m mat,_. tan:ztu me.. 80 -V. ellittg. SR aloplicable to the carions‘depaitments of trad - Penmanship. , both plain and ornamental: . C.Ornmerelal - Lan , ., Mathematics, 'avigation. Civil Engineering, Ur slug, Phonography, and Modena Langna;,Ne. The system. of instruction is pe ilar; no classes or set lessons are made floe of. but each lk odona Is taught Ina. Thinally, so that he may cornmenek at one time, nod at tend at schaterer hours are most qttiveitient. • . Cat:am:nes are it. teed an totally after the ISth of April. containing names of the students or the year, and full partici:du+ of terme, it e.. and , may be obtained. at any time by addref,itig the Principal.?, - - In extensive accommodation, wide.anrcad - reputation, and the lengths experience of the Principal: this Institu tion offers facilities superior to any °therm the country. • f•myoung teen wishing to - nrepare,for latisinesa.and to ob tain at the tame time .a Diploma:. which n - 111 prove a rcnaniamdatiun for them to any Ifereauttio House'. . 101?":".rittenden's Series of Treathtotiy.-nn BOnk-keoP inz, now moreoidely circulated than any other.Forl: on the subject, are for sale at the Coilege. . S. IIi ) DGES CRITTENDEN', . Attorney-at-Lou, Irn. copartnership heretofore exist:log=lller thename of DEWITT & RILEY 1s hereby dissolved by Its own Imitation. The book and accounts of the late arm are In the hands of - J. T. W. RILEY. Ail, personbloterested ate respectfully requested to call and settle AT ONf3t., as all ( T eti accounta DUST DE CLOSED ITE" WITHOUT • J. R. DEWITT, Xuntrose, Jan.:ls, J. P. W.' RILEY. Executors • .Notice. ~7OTICE IS HEBERT GIVEN to all persona having demands against the Evtate or ISAAC SIIIITIIIate Brooklyn tosenshlp,decee" , ed. that the same meat he presented -to the undervlgned for arrangement. and all pers,on, indebted to said estate are requested la make Munediafe payment. • • S. K. SMITH, t i Executors:. Jan.lsth.rox. • • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. • .70'0TICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN to MI persons having de ceit r in oti a ltV i n a tli n n i • n ns t h t i b p e d ß :e t :a t :el g i t j tile " s i a l in lit e A L K s:l t z: presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and persons Indebted to anti estate are raituested to make Imniedinte rfyment. Jan. '2:41, tie. , R, O.IIILES, Executor. Great Bend Seminary,- AT . GREAT BEND, DUSQ'A COUNTY, -PA. Who leizwiaa,g - Tos-sks OF Tuts scuouL WILL OPEN ON Monday,. February 24th, 1802, hnci. eon! Inue ELEVhN WEBES, under thaitirectiou of IL CUSHMAN, us-principal. The course of instructiou in all the Itrancitea.is thorougitand practical, A thorou-Ili preparation given to young nom deairing to.eu ter Cuilege. • A teachers clu.s will he,organized at the tOmmente meet of the term, fur the more full training of those wishing to reach; and we:tin-vice renderetrthent in pro caine: situations for the summer: This also will re. celyellsatntction on the theory and practice of teaching,. one harm each day, and have public meetings once in two weeks._ - , . . . _ • R. CUSIIM AN, . M. It. POPE, kSSIS'TA,NT. lION. S. 11. t;ll.l*E, Instruclor to GriCk, Lit to and German. _ IiE. : V: iIeCII:EARY, Chaplain sad Lecturer on rav,tl (IREZN. Twx^ll. , rtlt Primary Deparment. MISS 3t.vrTlL: J. olt XUli,TcacLcrormumcunPluuu • Terms of Tuition- .Primary Departmcutper quarter of eleven weeks, $8 00 Common 11ranches, -a“ - - 050 .1112 her English and Matliematici d0.,_5 00 Natural tkienees, do, '7 00 . I.lnmtage.. Ancient or modern . do., 801 Teachers Normal Clads. . - . do., • • 150 11,1,1 c -on Piano , : . • do., ' 800 1:,,1 of Natio 2 00 The higher branches inclnde the lower, thus : $8 00 per quarter covert all brancheA named,.aboNe, except teach = era class atcd music ou piano.. . -Board ran be obtained with furnished room* at from 13 to $l. t o per work—lights, w:ishing and fuel extra. Student' , wlshine to hoard themselves tan obtain room* in the school building by applying in newton. ontr os e, February 11:, '62.--y1 • • New Arrangement. IIE undersizned continues the btislnese, of the I arm blit,Vrrr t RIGYA, at the old stand, (I.a -thioyS But:Mtg.) mitiary a full stock of , Dry Goods, Hats_andVaps, Groceries, Iron and Nails, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Crockory, - • Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoos, Loather, &c.,. • can constantly befound. • Ile ,cl.ll always he ghttl to sec his old friends and all who wi-h a supple of the above articles. J. DEWLTt llontro,c, enraary 4; • xt.E. naxaux...e..r•Tainis . To England, Troia d and Scotland. 131: MANI illittt'S SON'S DRAFTS. In soma of one puanfl and nonarir, rpnYnbltt. in nil the principal tur 33e of Englund. Inland and Scotiand.fur bitlc by 11. (.70OPEll, S Cu.. BANEV.It!. Jo . Vontrore - vxm• TO ALL. WANTING FARMS. New-lettloznent of Vineland. 1 REM D 1 FOR ILIRD.TIRES A Rare Opportunity in the Best Market, and Most Delightful Sand •Healthful Climateln the Un-. ion. Oily thirty miles south of Phila liellihia. on a, railroad ; being a•• • rich, heavy soil, and highly productive wheat land; Amongst the best in the Garden State of Rewlersoy. IT COIgSISTS acres of GOOD land. divided in- J. to farms of different sizes to suit the purchaser—from ta - t tides and upward:—and is sold at the rate of from tlf• tech to twenty dollars per acre for the form land, paya.. hie one•focrth cash.and the hal:lace by quartcr•yearieme. suill meats, with legal ihterest, within - the • term of four ears. lA. in creat p. I,n riche:as luatn,'sultahle for Wheat, Gras, Patsttew, nitna dui: and rich sandy loam. suitable for NMI. eew-1.fik1Ue1 4 ,1. 1 .11 . 1 , 70 , . all Or Vegetables and root crops, and the great variety of fruit, such as crapes, pcart...peachet. apricots. Neetarines, blackber ries. melatt,, aud.utiter fruits. hest adapted to thei Phila delphia and New York markets. In reaped to the soil and mope there can be no Mistake. aswltitors eau-exam ine both. and none are expected to buy before to doing, u and flndinc these ttatements •correct—tinder these cir cnrattnnett, unlets these ttatements wore correct. there would be noose in their being made: , It in contidered The Best Fruit, Soil in the "Union. ISec reportof Solon - Robinson. Esq.; of the New York Tribons. and the well known wthinm Par ry, of Cinnaminson, New ..I...rtey,whivh will be furuirlied inquire:ol TXX.E. .11•2441.XLIISCMIT. Be looking over it Map the reader - will perceive that it enjoy. the Viet mark, th the C - ttion, and has direct corn inn nicAtion with New Tork and Philadelphiaftrior tf day, being only Shitty-twit mike from the latter. Produce to thin market brings doable thepriee that it does in lora tioue distant from the ejtiee. In this location it can be put Into the - marlet the tame morning it in gathered. and for What the fanner sells he gets the higheet price; n hint grocerlesand other articles lee pureba.ea- lee gets at the hweet *price. In the Street. what he sells bring him a pittance. but for what he bays be pays Iwo price, In locating heretic settle: has mane other advantages. Ile is within a few boors. by milt - oak of all the. great cities of New England and the ?diddle States. Ile is near his old friends and as:dn . :lathier. lie has school for hiseehil dren, divine eervfee, and all the advantages of civilizli tion;..aud he , in near a large city. 7 rI7.IMCE 40X.2.1336X,ALT3Ei In delightful; the winters being': talulirlous and open, whilst the summer, are cite warmer than lit the North.— The location ieupou the line of latitude - with northern Virginia. • • PE.neouell - Syrixu A ellAN4i COF PI:MATE:OR iILALTII. would be much Bete fitted in Vineland. The mildness of the climate and it. l•racing influence. thaties,it excellent ; for ail polnionurv . titfections. dyspepsia. or fierwral ty. Vinitorn notitie adifferencein a few clays. Chills ! ant:ft - it) a urn unknown., . - PluxctrAi T 833 1910 XX., R - EPORT OP OLON ROBINSON, OF TUENE* YORK TRIBUNE, c)7roli SUE VINELAND SETTLEMENT. aVr The renewing in an extract from the _report of . Solon Robinson: Rao.,ubliehed in the New York' Tri bune,if in reference to V eland. All persons - _ can read thin report with intern . 'Advantages ofFarmingnear Itome—Vineland-gle. marks upon Mari—toil, its greist Fertility--,The - Caney of Fertility/Amount ofpropit Proantod— PTactical Evidenc e • . jt In certainlv one of the moat extensive fertile tracts, ,tnan almoat live% tomato, and callable condition fur Pleasant farming that sekuow of thin nide of the west ent prairies. We foul , come of the ()Meat farms appa ;really just as prolitablfproductive as when drat cleared of forest-ally or a hundred years ago. ..• • . The geologiat 'would noon - discover the - cause of thin • coutioukd fertility, illte whole country is a marine de posit, and all tlalongh the soil we found evidencer of c*l careoun substances, laterally In the form of indulated calimireons marl, chow, ng many diptlnet tonne of ancient shells, of the tertiary ft:mutation :and title lowly substance la scattered all through the toil, in a very comtufnuted form, and In the exact condition moat emoly asmirallated by such plants me the %inner &titres to cultivate. !dart. le all its fermi has been need to hirtilize trope in 'England. from the time It was occupied by the Romano: and hi France and Geimany a marl bed in counted on aa a Valnable bed of manure; that can be dug and carted and spread over the field. Row much more valuable then It must, be when funud already mixc4 through the %oil, whehu new particles will be turned up and canin:O.-and transfurrued to the tatner'a use etery time he stirs the earth. 3 -.. Haying then satisfied our minds with the Moist , . they will not he exelted wftli wonder at Peeing judebitable ev idence of fertility of ta soil which In our • situ/111one, hat , hag the name geuerag oliaratterletlce twat leant appearan ces, is entirely unnainmenitive except or ire , productive. twee is promoted Uri:artificial fertilization. • - • A few words about the quality and value of thin laud fur culti‘ation,of yhich we have come strOug proof. Our first visit van' to Witilam D. Wilson, Franklin townaltip..Glonct.eddr comity, who purchased some eight tuner north of altivlße, 'about three yearn . ago, for the purpose of establishing a steam mill, to wort up the tiny ber into lumber, to send off bylbe new railroad, an well an the fireamalandpoal. for which he" built a track a tulle and a half lon* Ile alto furnished sixteen mile* of the road width tiers and bad no doubt made the mill , prolltable, though hie main object was to open a farm s having become convinced that the roil wan valuable for cultivation. In toil he lute nor been disappointed, as i some or lint crops prove. For Maumee. the second time of cropping. We, bushels of potatoes on one acre, worth 1 tat cente - it bushel thine field. 'this year, seven acran, without manure, produced a 56 bushels of oats. lu one acid, the first crop ~ was potatoes, planted among the roots, and yielded 15 Millets. 'the' potatoes,. were duo. and ivheat sown, ant yielder! la bushels; and the stubble turned udder and ei to to buckwheat which yielded Vivi bur:leis; mud then le gronnd was sown to, clover- and timothy, which g ye as a first crop fit Lora per at re. The fertilize applied to these mope were first, ashea lamb clearaigs • savant. 225 pounds of ,01i,, , y),h,0 , i,hat0 .or lime ; third, til)t4 L ani nits Peron bingo:mit ; then 50 bush els of slacked lira Ins hoot spread upon the Clover niece it was mowed , am turned in tor wheat. . • 31r. Wilson's gr wing crop., meal the wheat stubble or the present season, all indicate his land as productive as , any part of the State. At Mary Elarroot, an old style Jersey woman farmer, several miles south of Mr. Wilson:a, we Were no particu larly attack with the fineappearance of a field of conitlist we stopped to huddle of the hired man how It . Wall, pro-. duted. We found that the land had been the -year. but one before in wheat. sown w ith , clover, and this cut one season, funkiest sPring plowed once,,,vvith one ;'pour old nag." and planted with corn. . "Ver, but youth:unwed high. we supposel" see said lu tterrogatlvely, and got , his reply;— !'‘Vattl, you esti, We ,couldn't done. that; 'cattle we hadn't butforty - -ime horse loads altogether. fur 23 acres, and we wanted the most on't for the truck." The truck coney sted'of beets; carrots, cabbage, cumli here, tuellons,".,tl,, and a very productive patch of Lima bean& grown for marketing. Se we were satisfied that the evil was mitilidertile, even unaided by.clover: which .had red the coin i because the ••truck patch' had not been clovered. and 141 been in cultivation long enough to oh. lijerate allsigusiof the forest. Our next VISIt.)IVIIS to the large farm of, Andrew Sharp, five miler north)of Ml:Ovine, from half to a mile east of the railroad, and justabout in the centre of Vineland.— Mr. Sharp commenced work here Iti'Deeetuber. Ism, up on •2:0 acres. In hiss than three years he has got 234 acres cleared arid In crops this season, all well indexed .sud divided itint several tield..avith cedar rail or pole fence ; has built a two-story dwelling, about thirty-nix -or forty rect. anii a emaller houre for farm laborers, and a stable and gratutry and some other out buildinga. .:-.• Considerable!. part of the lantl.wa. cleared for the plow at .Sti dollars anitere, mot on some of it the first crop was buelovhatit. Hided with P 1 bushels In powder per ,acre.— 'Tina crop IllaV the prat in from J my 4th to. 2Uth, tall yields Conn twenty iii thirty bushels per acre. harvested in Nov ' ember : when the bold being sowed with 150 pounds of Pout inn guaMi and needed with rye. yielded lad to 15 bashele per acre and tendon:in, worth of straw. The rye:dabble turned, after knocking oil a large. growth of oak remote'. and &erred R7,t1:11 with .I.IIPhO and PPeatl to wheat. gave{ lb or ta Int.h,•le. The crop which he , Nvas threshing while we were there promises more, of a very plump grain, and the curate IS very heavy: . We went ever the stubble and found the river mid timothy, tromiseed Sowed la.t retain:, on the Wheat with , out harrowthg. lookiug as well as we over saw it upon -any old cultivated farm, and with a little work dune -in the winter to i:lear oft' P(11110 mote and rotten stninpe, and setting "tither to marls perntanent ores, we Will.lm able to cut this crop next year with a .moivinit machine and we will ghat:tweet wo lone per acre, if he will give the oyerpins - cf it overman the estimate. Part of the land was planted With potatoee- for a firm. crop. AA tali 'ylialrti Olst, !minima anti twenty bushels per acre. it en.',4ltuo Paned with any berkels per acre, and needed with wheat and clover,- yielding an average of overly linvlMlstier lucre, and the clover now looks beau tiful. ? , . Othea portion.' have been planted with corn an a first crop. which riettled thirty bertiels of Centime Hint corn. and, the second crop forty bushels, and the third crop, treated ir,oi:ogur, actions, we are sure. no one would estimate balm forty bmhela per acre. Übe re:ldpr will recollect that the writer is now speak ing of Imola perfectly new. and which can scarcely be con. altered in good arable condition.En.] In other caret , the corn Crop of tart year Was followed with oats thin season. not yet threshed, but will average, probably. ha ty„ to fifty buehels. -Sweet ;vital ma, beam , , mellow., a» it in fact, all vegetable,. an well an young peach and other fruit tree. planted thin year. show very plainly thatithis long neglemed tract of land Await! re- main no malinger. and there in uow ,t eironicprobability that it w ill)tiot ; for under the auepicsaef Mr. Until,. it .with be divided into mail tOtti, V itti roads located to ae- ' commodateiall—the nurvevoi in now buns at tide work —and all pereinwers will lie renuiredto bid Id beat cam.: fertablehoti-es,-andnither levee their lota iu unifornAry. , or agree waive without fence, which would be prefers- Me. by whith means a good• population will be eecuredj who wilt establlah churches, reltooTa. elutes. Inilla nia-, chine rhopsantahotnee—homes of American farmers, Prig , ronuded 11) 4 ; gardens, orchgrdr,.fields and comfurte rallciv-! ilized life. , i , Ii any otie.from any demngetnent of brininess. In deeir• one of chairito , his pursuits for life, or who in from any? =tte desirous to arida nest' location and cheap Mime la the countri, and %%homey read and believe what we have tritlV stated, he will do well to go and are for himself what. may he m i ll semis, a two hours ride of Philadelphia, !, . - • f. - . SOLON ROBINSON. j STAND BY YOUR GUNS! 43sipiQF2' 3:).4t&.Nr2ssi WITH 40 1 1100 1100110EKERS limited With Brich-flatst • ti lIIN 4 MO:NTIIS MARCH OP WASHINGTONI 1 . AND .=CAL . V . 3O.E.DiT Maria El fiIt,;AND WIIIIEI GOODS, IKANr. etainav trim ex. GOO RULES THE DAY! etoc k ciAnd irith a plentiful anpply wa.bare purchaead a large " .*. ST4PLE end FANCY DHY GOODS, GWOCERIIs:S tf: P11?0 VISIONS; HA Ps .1217 D CAPS. • 800 WS- AND SHOES, 1 WAiLL PAPER, WOODEN COAL OIL, and LAMPS, • r rA ArgEkNO 710X0 , SKEIETON- SKIRTS, • FLOUR,SALT, FISH, NAILS; PAINTS OILS; And I•o,oo3other articloo toot nmeroas t 6 mention which will lie sold !tvprices that • • :I Defy Compet is, • titoc Dan't Forgot The. Place. Mit If yotilnqn3re of your /1014/0)ml:14 :The Chesip Stine, Tbei will litcariably l lirectyou to • . I HiSYDEN BROTHERS, THE . PEOPLiWAGENTBI‘ • - . ^ 4 --AT TUE— ORIGINAL ".ONE PRICE" STORE! !TOD LICE token in Exchange fni• Vali& raid For run. I HAYDEN B,ROTIIERS. , . KEW'24ILFOILD, Novembar 25th, 1561 111T.A . MTEDA rrspertable person of either l sex In every neighborhood to sell .1. R. Staftordis Ouvc TWA; and auto .1. a. fithltrurtre WON AND SVLPLIVII Pow ngsts. Olive Tar is a thin, transparent fluid; it Is the Ixotretnelly known for (Releases of the throat, lungs, or CMarrh. Also fur diphtheria, Croup, Whoopingeough„ di4. My iron and Sulphur Powders strenr,,then the oyis tern, aid the digestion, and purify thii , blood. 3 have a siktuen page pamphlet containing full eXplArlatiouti, oner one hundred testimonials from:well knoWo promi nent persons, which I will send to any one free hr mail. • - 'J. It. STAFFORD. Chelnfat, ju3a--iy* 43it Broadwyy. N. *WitOWENE • tik.ntli% iplendidiiierfmcatJnittrbefeld. dbitaisles,shFules 114- 4 1 Tor " , Inch* 014 . Tivreirs • • „ • . NEW mai wiNTER . GooDsl. AT - TYLER'S .. STORE T 1 FIRST STORE BELOW TARBELLS..' AMR Of X) 11 . "1P: : fairWisC) C , MII.3EMS/ 'FRESH CODFISH, STONE WARE, • WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, e. , `PAINT 41; VARNISH -BRUSHES, BLACK ING, SCR'UBING, • - • lIAIR,Tooth, . . • and LATHER . • BRUSES, ALL VERY CHEAP. ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, & LAMP ' BLACK, TALLOW SOAPS Of every kind but sovr. • AT TYLER'S STORE, R EST Burning fulTgi. K . cm ' tu aurae.cl ; Tallow, Ad fmuutine , Cr a p? .; r ri 1 4 11 . 4 11.12i.a a 1 IrNOD i.IVER, rote Olive, Captor, and Metallic 011, for marldnery ; also 'Harlem sod Brltlrholl. , . FOR THE HAnh:AND MOITTME ALLEN'S Workr a liair Reatorer, Eylobalsamum /TR Bprout'a Coe-mane, Lyon's Eattusrlon, one a nd two shilling Ilair Tonle, thenn'a Beer's and Roseh air 011, Ppimule-de•Philocome, Philadelphia and M York Mouth %Wash, 'vie.: Parrh , h's Fragrant Ellrer, for the teeth acid and golna.lhdyryinple's Mouth Wash, Dental Soap, lu I 412 1 TTLEIVA - DTORE. Ag o itSE'S Indian Root PilleNrybVtilndlna Vegetablei lil Ellis, Cephalic Pills,—death on Headache.. itrt ntasktoge"mtcaatr gN 'S a ooseNov. 4th. lilie Mt Administrator's Notice litE.REAS letteraof Adminletration to the mutate qt !ditto' Tingley, late of Jackson twp, duccitad, have been trnittled.ta the auhaeriber, all pereone Indebted to the aald conic are rollicked to malt immediate pa*. mutt and thooe having claim* or detuanda aininat tits °mate otttic acid decedent, will make known the sikde Manna delar to TEIONtAS W. TisttLgr, Jai:knot...Jan. Int, 1S61; ' Administrator.' $2511 W.MIPLOVINIIIENT ! fg7.sl, ..01.Cir - MNTIEI 1 1717 . 1%:ZT 3EITA w a Will pay from „tr. to 1175 per month, and all expettailt, to act i VP.kgent - .. Or ft rutorultaiou. Particular. aunt free.: Addreaa Ente*cwinn CURVANY, CO eral Atleut, 31iInn. Ohio, "mitt liiimard of Relkef.—Notice is hereby given. tb*t the puntal.uf Relief. cutupoeci Pf (L( Amtabinte 'lndite+ it'd ('purity Cotnnl t.tiourro. trtii meet at the Cammittabinera• Onle.r. to Nioutruae. Du Monday, ,lust ht, IS( st . two' p. tn.. and on the first Monday of each month the rpart er.t o receive aptteat tune and stake appropriations for the relief of Volunteer* and their families. undue; the pruittilone.otan Act: entitled •-Au Act to crastei Loan and to provide for ermine the State, approved May i• Be ORDIM oi•BOARD OT GROVER Bi, BAKER * - CELEBRAT.FD :VOIS_ELEaS-' ,SEWING MACHINES MILT A till y..A.II.;PACTLT.Itip 17.42, 495 Brotidway, Now-Mk. ..4yencie3 in all Oa principal Cilids and Tomes in the Unit, e I,States The Grovi:e & 13aker S. M. Q 03 . 1, be,g to call - the attention of the pohltt to theif recently tittrodu. tell • NOISELESS . FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING eartisrzwe Illetentltate t HAKIM/ THE SHUTTLE 01: LOCK tITITCH. The:on macbinea combine all the latent ufterni improve ninon. in etwing machinery,tual lire highly re utumended for their . Simplicity of Construction; Noiselessness i • :Rapidity ; Ease of Itlanagetuent; Capacity for ali Itinds:Of work, And Beauty and Itegularity of Stitch. Virionk. kyle. of therm machines ?adapted o the hourle .or wort:Atop will be found at the different a,7ruelea of the company throughout the cnitcd State-. Toeir new SHUTTLE- MACHINE 'FOR TAILORS' USE, the laterd triumph of the sewing machine a4—noinelete.. rapid, and eailly operated—n Ili commend IMelflothure who am such machinea fur manufacturing clothing. Grover & Baker 14chines, 11 AXING THE I • GROVER k .BAKER •STITCII. These Yristly-celebrated..machinee. adaptiA to all the wants of the household end nianulattory continue to maintain the pre - eminence which the :tiniest universal verdict of the public iuts awarded thou. lir well-kuowu. STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, - & QURABILITY, of the Groper & Biker Stitch will alway,s ;DAM': these fanchines the preference for bindle use, for the ratutufac-, tore of such goods as are intended fur wear—fur use anti not for show.- Ve - Wherei ei the Grover & Raker Machines have exhibited., and raise. kidded In cdtapetition with .the leading Sewing Machines in the market. includind .the Wheeler & Nllton, they have invariably borne ta the Anit-pivrolum. - This assertion is crthflrmed by the dectsfon otthe com mittees of the State }airsuf • ULALUIL 0 alit anti - . • • 'MVO 111.11 VM. recently bead. which awarded the, tlrst premium to .the Grover & Baker 3inchine over nil ImM:top competition, F. B. CHANDLER, Agent, tF* • 31.onf.rose, Pa. Holiday G4ods ! W A lVlN9ll.ll.ll7E ' ;t a 4l " , n igai d 4 n •tore, to buy Watches, Jewerly and tiattey'Oo4ds, for • TILE HOLIDAYS The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to their friends, that they have this day returned from New York with an unusually largo and well selected Pf OVIZ of Goods with especial reference to the approaching Festive Season Any person dealrons.of tanking Christmas or New Yeari Present., can find a filch and extensile APPortmOtt to select . from, and at prices that cannot fall to suit. a..iwe buy our Goods excinsivelylor cash, Lind show them with pleasure with. out charge, • E%ANt. Jr ALLEN: . Witches—Ladles' Diamond Etta meted, and plain— s splendid article. Also a variety aril ,hl and Silvoa.r.m:- .lish, American:fad Swisejinutinettet. Plain, very low. Gold CM' las —A vcrytextensive Variety of Vest, rob, Guard and Neck Chains, by J.:VANS It ALLEN. Ear HARP and Breast iPtnit+An infinite varinty of styles and prices, insets and simile. - Finger Itings—Diamonklittby Illigard,Pearl.Scale Chased and Plain Gold ltintp , —a bug stuck."' Bracelets—(fold, Jet, Plated, am (Atli Bracelets of all oat terns and prices. EVANS ALLEN. Silver Ware—Every descriptionmf Sliver Yorks, and. Spoons, Napkins RjArit; on hand able - Soup and 'itravy Ladles. Cups, Card Cases, Pie, inner and Print Knives, Cbildrens* sets. salts. etc.. warninted good as cola. Plated Ware-A Beautiful assortment of ice Pitchers Castors. Cake Baskets. William Butter Dishes, SitrAtra Stilts; Knives, Perks, Spoons, 'Toast ,Itacks, Cups Goblets etc.. etc.; by , Evaln ht., AMEN. Sleeve ilutttlas sod studs-4A large stock of all patterns and Meek Wadi—Corsi Necklaces and Armlete, Anidici„, Coral, Petirl, Gilt, Steel, and elicerlloads.J Shell Combs—A good stock of hack and side Combs. also Buffalo. Born. Ivory, and Dressing Combs Bair and Tooth Ilmslies, eta, etc. • • M1NT41.1%1131 dt '4EI.TaiIIEIZT. - No. 2 Odd F ,. eItOWSI Bali, Binghamton.• 1ig . 4.1,T, by , the nar re l4 S ' l * °T ' l.94 ` d ' TtatnEL{, • ABEL VURIZELL ow of:l'm - for sale ono of the largest and / Wiest selections of 1 1 1 iver offered in Susqu banua County, a Sid probably comprising . the greatest VA WETY or most dill' rent articles of 'thy Store tit the Norther' part ofTentut)lka -1 11 11, and perhaps of the entire State. Au assortment is kept in L bout thirty differ- Cut branched of tradeand the selectiOns are made abou forty of, from , the Vest r Ilousee itiNew York, and more thantfif y Dealers and Mann aeturere out of hew li'm I. A large prop thou of the God are brought direct from the Manufiieturers, thus insuring genuirr articles. Curthm rs on entering theitore must not expect ti find everything i right, but nearly tc e ; et.) article wanted will be produced by imitary. •Some ideajof the Stock may be tornaed by the following general outline, but enumeration is nap aetteable. • DRUGS AND AfRDICINES, P,AINtinS—AND 01.1.8,;1 • Dki sr CTI:Y.S, GROCERI23, LIQ WI ,SDP Tr PAPBR, 9LASS T WARE,. WALL wad JA: WEL I? • - PERFUMERY, SILYE FANCY GOOD , MUSIC, INS TRTIMEXTS, BR USERS AMERICWir P OCKET ENINES, - TABLE C UTLE'R, r am.' SIDS •'R PLATED WA RE I .4.VP S; . • M ATLI:4U S fur L 1•01 ITS, 114 LU) WARE, I - ' , . .LIED CORDS, ...., 1 STONE IVARE, DRY GOODS, . • 1 . - . t MIRRORS, I, .. F WINDO WAN PICTURE GLASS, - . - . LIT OGRAPILS, 1 .. . VARNISHES,i , Elleli , CAGES, -SPA I CTACLES, • i . WHIPS, it LA I SIIES, ERO O.M S • GUNS) PISTOLS, _i• • . A - MUNITION. f C O ., t C ,11120ICAL ln.qi•umoite, li r 0 MEDICAL (1: SALT,. • I SO • 4P, P4ST.A'SII, it C., PORCELAIN TEETH. f n The . attenti n of the public in respect fullyini ited to y stock of Goods, bought - exclusively fo,, r i CARR DOWN, tit* will' be sold on the sable principle for low prices. ABtl L TintRELL.: . Montiose, if ay Ist, 1861,... l. . IF, YOU ; ISH TO *CHASE - 1 1 ' artr Cab Zillt 8 AT GREAT BARGAINS AT GREAT .11.4RG AIN S all at the all at the = Be um and Be sure, and . .I.l ; !Xtre 3 . 4 0 i 7.1;: ; aol • Court " St. Water St. ton. N. Y. • /o i ly 11111 Onfointna, `Zee- No. 20 rri4. Corner g..a, Bluzbam HIRSCH ired another' L.lrego Lot Of DIEME Nov F. ~.. 11 and Winti 11 r. Goods! • 1 . • • making the le o., l the lugest and bold align:led stock, ever exhibited it. Broome county.. i I Vide g00d ... .oxtprisin g .the tat eat Ft,leo thatappear In the NeNir Yorid market, have .alt bee n ' bought for cash, taortly at anc ion IL/leo at lar g e *Wilke, and us anw otrerea to thv,, utlic _ , v legardless of their I ll 'alue, .- - itt a small ad nem, whereby we are e i nabled to sell Rich (k,uds almost' equally low as the .priee tenuity paid for cheaper labri . Pleaso rend the follOWlng list of prices : We arc !cilia • Good DeLabaes fur . , T ki 12X Handsome ' ' do ± . 15 Inch OrieJtalltastres. 1,3 . - 16 Plain and ti and French mertnoca. trto i 25 'Good .Black Silk. wide, for i I 'l5 l 3 Worsted and Silk doable Brocheh4wis, i e shawls. 2 -f, . 450 Doti lc Woolen Do 5 handsomeelalt. at lcreat Bazgalnall . • All Wool bl ck broadcloth, IJ • All wool eoldred cloth, • I: .... A large rarielyof cloths for men's and boys' wear. Marseilles HolOtTlf, ; , . Ladies' colt, a hose,6 Ladles' rildad wool de. 3 pair, 1 1 1 -. flood Steel fining skirts,' . 03 India Rubber combs. 2 . handsome •1k belts. , . • i • 12X Wire Tortni °Mlles. - - - 12,4; And intouni t mtd e. other Goods Mille same proportion. : , tE AND CALL AT TILE "DER IIIVE” owing elrewhere, se WC are matirfled that thtr taco to secure aucN :EXTRAORDINARY berore purr is the only 11.1110AIN P!!! HVLANN 11110TUERS, .• . . ,- .. • No. 21 Court Stroot ! , l • . . M t he of he WEE Ultra. litrightonton.-Oetotter - ri; P4it. i, .1 liAal l oni). . uN vERs t i r r y i . I , 11111 r. Pali Term of this Inttitt ton will commence on• - I'Wedeerds.y. September 4thi,.: The Winter terinon Wedneadty December 4th; andhe Spring term,on Wed nel•day. Pebriory p.ith. • ,- Each Term c °notate of I Immo weeks. I 3:12C.3P3E120161111 1 91. , • -.. TITITIOI.—Comnton Branchee, including' Vocal one. 1 ' • .C, _I S,OO riatoral Philotophy, Chemistry , Phytdology and Book- KeePtog, • • f.i - - 4,1)i) Algebra,loeometry and inelenl Language', • 5.A0 rrench I - i • 5,1' Illogic oil Piano, until titaltr a over - 0,0 1 * Room rent, - Al Espeneqa of Recitation shone e • Lectures with a goo's Apt 4tua are given every Wank, 1 i . Each toom te-forutalted with a cooking etore, - beciltead i and table, tor 'home who choose to hoard themeettes. : • Board can ha had-lathe neitfitburhood at two dollars i per week. • . • : 1 Pay to advance. or properly accured liartdrd, Atignet 8; Mil. ' ' i 1 j fi • REMEDY FOR lIMID 11 hckm thrown net of busim tie locales or small tramline's:lst/ - (SeeSdrentseMent in -smother column of the settle ment of Vineland.] • - f - ~. ~ii. AND PRODUCTIVE . FARM ANDS FOR LE, twenty-two wilds Snalh of Philadelphia. in u State of the Etatl. ' Best cattalo and lotation kem in the Union. .1 _ .' -..-. , -- : • .advettisedient Of TIZMAffle:l • - W e S i the for m 80t WANTED ! ''WANTED. F. WAITED AT TfiElillTOßl .1,000 bushels of Oats, 10,000 lbs. Fresh Butter, in Tubs -of Rolls, • • • • 500 lbs, Beeswax - , - 4,000 doien 500 &ail pairs - Good Woolen Soaks, 116X01500 .a.sszE, Fon vai a leu Tun -- Highest Market Price w i ll. be Paid in - GOOD - GOODS, - SY u. c.iirtriaau• Montrose, so,. Chi, Ista. • THE WAR CONTINUED! GREAT BARGAINS PREVAILING. NEW FALL. GOODS Far Cast' spd prompt six siontho buyers. 3E3. 33T3711.7Rar1"1", apla call attention to itts ;Few and Large stock of flll illo WIRIER GOODS! nom being received, log ssubmcing the most Amanitas suietle• of Wise Diem Goods, In Rich Pall flints, :Cashmeres. lielslankOttotnanNsloMs. hierinoes, • Tsnibourd-Rvpat.. tilughsuntstat Silks ; tet• is Silk, knoche. and Wool Long Shawls, Rich Ribbons, Boanets, - ind blowers, Ladles' elotlui„ Itrotidelottus, Cgs• - ' • shwas, Ate., with a very Atli• imsortmeut pi • CR 0 CKSR r, Staple and Fancy Goods; an usual in Hardware. Crockery, Iron, ' = Walls, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoos, slats and. Caps, Clocks, Wall raper, Ladles' • Pars, Buffalo 'lobes, Carpeting.. arc., with a new assortmeut of Stover and Trimmings of the best quality, made to order, ac., Le. • or As the mock te,larguand bought fur cash, he la fully prepared to conquer a 'Peace," and recurethe highest advantage, of the " War" to hlr.costomirra„ who are la . = cited to move therneetri4 Itiold. htr Iluzi4ers" and cc cure the benefits of the ••litibt:' - Flour & Salt, oonitantly on band October If6l. ' • 11. lIIMIIITT. NEW GOOFS. NEW NEW NEW L HARDING & 'CO'S NICHOLSON DEPOTI - , LIBERAL .DISCGUNi . - Z ___.... o _____ , i We are determined not to be out-dimit iu the way of . ' . :LOW PRICES.' 1 • ALL BINDS 6F praDucE Taken In Exchanlic for G.G090. . L. MUIDING. & CO. Nicholson Depoi; . May ith,. 1801 .-4431 n. r l ii i