PORTRAITS. PORTRAITS NEW AIIIIINGEILIVITS IN TAE RRACK . -BLOCK. naa. underalgned hallo:: taken toe Room, .forinerly occupied by U. DE O.'S. tenon , prepared so (tarnish all whomsy deelre with a good and truthfol Portrait. Being ;well paged to the production of the rations Mode of Pictures of the day, I flatter mveelf that my work to not excelled by any to this ' , teflon °taw &wry. _ Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the • AAIBROT Y PE, PHOTOGRAPH, .I%AiNOTrPE, -NEIL LOGRAPH. Locket Picture§ down to the smallest sized miniature Ring. Transferred Ambrotyper..-rhe finest thing out, for ,aanding by Post to any partof the World without extra postage. :dr Pictures are bold„-vigorons, and expressive --not tncise taint, lifeless shadowe often sold about the country. Pictures taken innll kinds of weather, equally well, those of soling children. - No picture need be taken unless perfect satisfaction Is given. In dressing for a picture, avoid tight colors,—such as blue. Purple, scarlet„ pink. etc. )tort others take well; as 'green. black, red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow, ete. Ver Remember that the place to get rout...picture' is ache Brick Block. Orer Read, Watson_ t Ko•ter'uetore. J. H. HAZLETON. Mon .ote, 20th, MO. DAILY-MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN • MONTHOSE ifRIENDSVILLE. COACITES_ earryine mill+ and past. enrvi , between . Montrose and Frlend,ville, will leave !liettrle't. lintel, in Monitor.. daily. at 7 o'clock, a. m. and leave Friend, trine at 1 o anek. p. tn. 145 - 11erAes and carrlagea can be procured at the Livery Stable of the ..nb,.erlber in Mont MSC. 'on reaAonable tennb. Xaatro4e. Avg. 16. lti(X). tr J. D. G 0 QD ° MERRINIAR, - _& SON,. 3II)TAX 1 .ethnd ? int)r T tnz t h . - h O n l en%lat,teylveiutrL, :daiu to the former block Cnlods, which they BOUGHT FOR CAM, AT PANIC PRICES! AND WILL SELL THEM TO CASH BUYERS, Pricai Perfectly Astonishing: We hare hot time to en nirwrate sirt or price!, btit Invite the public to Call, e%amlne, and , ati.fylbein,elves of the truth orwhat we publi eh: tool of conD.e. then buy: , J. L. RE/2121MAX 4'; SON. Tice. tith, rimier. Lot of Faintly Groveries ju.t received and eel V ling Al per cent, below former price.. FANCY Confectionary for the liulidAyv, at • AtERRIMANS WANTED. F, 1 ..1e51 PRODUCE of all kin& for which the highest mirket prier, will be paid iu Good,. at UpeUrorille, P.t. 31E.RRI'MANS. & REVIEW AND REPUTATION HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS RT OItBERT J. RIiE conA:Oiug o - of 64 double column 1 pages, W.V. peutling the political eacmnks of Ithtit. The Impending Crl,-1,," b.; a compi lation of all the eophismc and malicium- doctrines by which the public Mind of the %North had been 50 far poie: • earl ac to produce the triumph of the Pre,liiential can didate of the .ectional party last fall.' It was widely cir. calated g:rattahm-ly, by mean- of large contriimtione of money. and did more than any other I laine:o deceive the • masses °tour people. , In this Nrriew od i R,fwation, e take up each of its chapters separately, and every impor tant assumption iu del tih Andrei:lle them to completely that net intelligent person can read the pamphlet willmat being convinced of the falsitr of till the wicked assump tions of the Helper book and of the folly of the sectional strife which It is cpbninated in civil war. As there is no probability that peace will be permanently restored to oar distracted laud until the public mind at the North Is di-talouled of its erroneous iindreseloos relative to the true tbarseter of our Soutlienteleter States, most of whom arc tow in rebellion, anicirst our zeneral government. as the ce•ilt of the tame ph of sectional fanaticism both North and south.—jt hecomes the duty of all true patriots to do ill in their power to remove unju%t prejndice, between the North' and South. and there it probably no mgre etlie• tent ineanlo of aCtoionli.him4 re alt. than by neneral eirenlpion 01 oar R.:fora/Lon (Idler. 1 11 contain , a 111 , 14 amount of valuable f•tati•tic.4, worth, for oeca.lonal reference— ecycral clines the price of the pamphlet. to all Intent:Tent eitlien 4 . Price :Ii cent. per copy. or it per duzen‘Artent by mail, mn-tige prepaid. Adare., jy3s:lm Orango C0., - N: Y. CURE Of TIE DEL. LAC _A d• •Ir Srk'V R. On and Atter- lilandrty, EXI 3 I-11'.:SS GER TIZ.k INS X3VING' SOUTH. 1 LOVING NORTH. The Night Exaress Train i Passengers from N.Ynrk East on the N. Y. .t. It. It.. lenize. Pier.No.n.North lose. arrir....., at Great Beni! 3, , ,,0t er at in. tu.r:,..1 at [a. m.] l-.11 i ( fr co.,t of eritirtintod-st,s.(l connects with tint ... i From Phil.urtnpitin ... Exprass train 'f.ir , leave lien-ington, 7.10 N. Y..ann Philafa ~ I.ea‘eJenetion„, 11.1 n which )circa at ••• 7..21 ; Dne at Washitrzton. 11.= Due at New Milfurd, 7.19 i flinf.pril. I;) m .1.1.:5i Montrose, S. Mow:Phil cot:cc:thin - rte.,. I ' mivates to din:l'2l3 5 . .10 l':0111:111 , LL 1. R9pbattota, .)n, . . .. F. tort' vin, 9.u1 Wan,r,ti:•, , , Abintion, - H.:1,) S:romi,bur;, Semen on, • In, . Tobyhanua, MaiEctvv, lt).11 ' Nlclsrow, Tobyhnnna 11, - 11 ' Ser;autr.n., StrosnlAlitir,% , 12. n ; .‘l,•lniton. Water Gip,- 113.10.1 1.e,46 : Fact;q:. silk. Columbia, 1, I Nichol •vn, _ . .. . Delaware.. 11.1" to aline) 1.2 ' lidpbottign, 1131 e. (Ptilind couilect:) 1.35 ;Mont r.,,,, 0 iforti. 3-n . Now Milford . . Wattlington,. . 2.10 i Grcat Bend. 6.10 ' Junction, 2.:1"2 ; connect, IN Ithmsll train New York. 5.20 1 \Ve.t. at, 0.12 Philadelphia, 1450 i and :iiifitt Ex. Wi..,t 1.14 Tho Ex.pre,. ,, Train North connect, at ;Great itenti Nritt Night expreite train"! Eas4 and We-t on i ... be Erie it,ma. The P.epres Train South. cotatect , at the Jttnction wlth the 2...5r• it. tn. train on the. Ni•te Central 'toad for Bethleh.-ut, Munn (In), Iteadlng. aka Uarrirtntego toe. , • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN .. . • LeA : e Scranton 1it.:a.m.19.59 . ' N. V, Ex. train Eaft nrriceA Futonrifle; 11.4.1 : at lirsat Bcnd atia.m,..11.:10 Nichofaun, " .. 11,31 i bw'o Gt. Dind,tp.n4.) :410 Montrwke. (p. In.? n. 43 ..itioutro-F e„ ' , .303 lest Bend, -1.4 x! Nichnico% ' 4.13 Oannectinc with Dunkirk. .1 Fattorsviiie, 5.12 Exprew•o Wen,t, at 2,3+31 Due at •Scrauton, 6,30 The Accommodation Train does. not leave Scranton till 'Martha arrival or the Arnening Train on the Lackawanna and Bloorrigbarg Railroad. thus giving' aosengeni from the Wyoming Valley a direct connection-for the West by, the morning, train. For the accommodation of iray,trcivel on the southern division. a . ps.ssenn;e7.ear will be attached to the press Freight tram. leaviirz hcranton at In. tn.. due at Stroud , . ba.t...111. <Timm ion, :1,14 p. m.: loaves ;function at 9,74 a. m., clue at Strouthdiurg 0,20, S'erAtiton 3, 4 4 p. in. Passengere to and from New York. will change cars.al, !Inaction. To and from Philadelphia, via. Bel. Ikl. MIL leave or take =mat llope. Fof rittFunt. hingeton and Wilked-Barre,lake Lack. & Itloom,burg IL flat serataton: Fur Jessup. Archbald. and (41.rboudalt: take Omnibue at Scranton. Ticteto ..old and baggage checked through. JOIIN BRISBIN, Supi.rirderdent. W. JENKS. tnr,. Tied Agt, Scranton, Pa. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R.. c k :c and sifter Nov, 9.3 th, IsGl, Paebenger trains will rim -11./Actollown • morrsa sorvi t ~ Passenger. Aervrnodation Lei?* Scranton, • 5.25 a. x. 10.40 a. m. Kiumkton. C. 30 12.15 p. is. - itapmt,, - '8.40 Aam•ille, . 9.15 Arrive at liMthumberland at Moo . ' .'. MOWING -NORTH. Leas* Northumberland, i.!KP p. m. Danville, - • 510 _ Rupert. Kingston, . R.OO - lrrive at Scranton, 9.00 A P.Pteenger train leaves Kintraton at ,P VI • a. m. for Scranton, to connect with train for N. lorit7 Rcturnintr . k , *res Scranton uu arrival Of train front New Turk at 4. 15y m The Lackawanna S Bloornsbnrfr Railr‘radconnecia with the faelaware. Lackawinna Western Railroad at Sclran. t on, for Sew Turk and intermediate point. east. At Report It connect' , with the Catavric, , a Railroad:for pi - Ante both east and went. At Northumberland it connects with' the 'Philadelphia e Rrie. and Northern Central Railroad and Erie Railroad for plititt. Viet , and tenth. JOBS P. ILSLEY. Sap :t. ELLS, Gen. Tick( Jo, . LIFE MEMORIALS'. WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' a lady remarked to us a day, or two since, as she exhibited the portrait of an only child, gone to the ",spirit land ;" which was on e o f TIC3IE3I3IBY • re t , AMBROTTPEi I, • ' , Row I should regret it, hid I ,not secured this precious inemonal of that dear one." So thought We. The loved ones; 'me not always ' with 'us,and can call them ours, every one should secure such a memorial ; especially since they can have them so truthfulh taken by. / that successful artist. A. p. 113313 - -lf Bina! amton. • ci r I Millham &- - Albro's Compattind Hassler; r.etnet„, for cementing all kinds of crocltere. from the finest-China and Glass to the coarse Stops are. £,o mitoti, Leather; Metals, Marble fie. for NW 11, #bel Terrell, . • fititom.* mum; wnoLEsALE -SALir 201 Washingtosi-st, - (Directly bppeaite Washington .Market,) 7'431011r . "SrcorlS., STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUgTitY trode, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and One - $4.1., at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks Ind bags, consisting in part of Asi± ten's celebratbd bkand For table and dairy use; ..tetirey & Darcy, 131arshill's, Brownlow's, &c, and 50000 tiishelit;Turke Island; Bemires, Cu, racoa, St. Uhee, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivica, Nantes, dtc.,., all of which will.be acrid at bargain prices from vessels, attire rind, storehouses. •Any p,orehaser;ntisnlng to select from .11 good assortment *ill find it to his interest to call. - N. 11.—E* tablet salt put up in malt bags of different sizes, anti constantly r.in hand in ship ping order. 4Alsola splendid- article of Rock Ground salt.lin (land bokes, put up and for sale by the quaotity. in cases of five. dozen each. -„•;' ; a blisited in Pittsb 40 The Onljt Crihrinercial Co.. e. in -the Union Conducted by a 1 radical -g.erc/iant. (AVER GOOD lk.ttkleiffs'intre attended 'it from Thirty V/ different States) Four Silver :Witdatic have been warded DittfolSystirn of Book Keeping: and the new circularjust 'slued Out:tint...letters front students in Phil. adelphia. Paltlntort ;;St Louis. Cincinnati, etc., proving it to he the hest knOwn. APSE First P7Olllllllll , were re - . ir awdrtlea ihe , Penmanship of Wm 11. DUFF, who wit tills assoclute Professor. C. C. Cochran, aro undoubt edly the hest pentnett in America. $1„0 'DullHarper'. Editinn of. Duffs Book Keeping. post paid, $ 1 .7 0 'Dull and Duneun's eyns of ,Penmanship. . 5,00 Doff and Dumain's New School Copy Books, 6 No's. 54 For sample4of.Daff &Cochran nosiness and Ornamen. tai Penmanship. %Oh thirucw circular ol 64 pages, inclin:e 1.5 Cent, in stumps:Dl ; • nor 4 Y . I .fe P;IDUR , it SON. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH - BITTERS. The proptieters and menufneturers IIOS TETTEII'S CIII.EBRATED. STOMACIEJSIT TUBS cat l . t aprieal with .perfect jeonfitlence to phyeicianSand citizens g.enerally,of the United , States.,lweausel the article has attained a repu tation heretoftie umknoWn.. A few facts upon s this point; will' speak more powerfully than !volumes of hare assertion or blatening puffery. The rousitnptiph of llostetteeslStomach-13it ters for the last:year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach • near.one nhlliois bet des. This immense amourit could never -11aCe been' sold but for rare medicinal!properties contained in the preprra tion, end ;the sanction of the most. prominent physiciao. in those sections of the country where the article is-best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their paticrits, but ere reatly'at all ;times to give testimonials to its ' ellicaCy lettlleases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. < • 't 'fills is:not a temporary popularity, obtained byestraoHinatty efforts in the way of trum peting, the qualities of - the Bitters. but it solid estimation of. art invaluable reedicine.-whicleis destitted,t;o be as endUring as time itself. ilostetter's Stomach hitters have proved a Godsend. to - regioni where fever and ague and - variOtus other bilious Complaints have Counted their Victims by hundreds. To be able to slate c'onfidently that the . "Bitters" are a certain core for the Dyspepsia and like diseatieS, is to the proprietors source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood. and imparts renewed vitality to ihe nervous system, giving it that, tone Mad energy indispensable ' 'for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly buff powerfully, and soon restores them ! to a conditionessential to the healthy.discharge 1 of thefunctions of nature. • , • ElderlYpersions may use the Bitters daily ai per directions on the bottle, and they will. find -in it a stititulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declininglyears.,, as it is pleasant to t lie!palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent asa tonic, and rejuvenating cemrally. We have th e , eel deuce ofitlionsand - s of aged men and women who have, experienced the benefit _:UT using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangemetits and general debility; acting under I the advice of physicians, they have abandoned. all deleterious drugs and fairly 'tested the el merits of- this article. A few' words to the gentler £7,il. There are certain periods when , their cares are so harassing that-many/of them sink under the trial.' The relation of 'mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother,. especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her itifitet: -Should the period of maternity arrive dnring.the summer season, the wear of hotly and generally aggravated. Bees, then, is d necessity for a' stimulant tet recipe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother tie bear up under her, exhaust inglrials I and restonsibilities.: Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other that receive the entlorSement of physi clans, because it is 'agreeable . to the taste op well as :Certain to give a permanent increase of bodilY strength.' - • All til'etm persons, to when we have particu larly referred above, to wit: -sufferers from fever soil ague, caused by malaria. diarrhoea; dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and r all diseases or derangements of the stomach; s_uperaniauatcd - persons - of sedentary 1 occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their oOn physical welfare-by-giving to tester's Celebrated Sternlieb Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public' against , using, any of the many imitations or counter feits, bit ask for Ilosrnyrsti's CCLXHiLATED . ! Sroiseit Brrrauti,.and see that each bottle hat the words "Dr.J. litrstetter'S Stomach Bittern" blown On the side of the bottle, and Stamped • on the metallic cap coveritig the - Cork, and observethat our autograph- signature is on ihe, label. i; 7repareel and sold byROSTETTES & . BMITIT, Pittsburgh, pa., : and sold by all i druggints, anoint, and dealers generally • throng tortt: the United States. Routh doe ,. trice. 1004 Germany: I.l*, i 2 17 410 4.40 4,56 E,IG ito 'Ol k„, Hoommys . NED/0 * or ,• THE - % QS iE . • . • - STANDARD REMEDIES . of the Oe bent age;. - hate acquit-IA tlirir great popularity - c&y through yearaof trisiL tiabounded satialas Ss louden:lS hy them Su ail Cara. 1100FLAiS'S CERMAN BITTERS wILL POt 4 II7VILI CCU ° 145 p. in 3.40 SL•er 1.6u2,41;41d2:1t. D7ipep■ia, 7►aadloe. 2ferv‘bcie Do. • nutty. Diseases of Via Kidneys. ana d 1 ?iiseases arivlui from a divoralered liver, or sok• fieva of the Stcriusell and iiigevtive Organs, • wns roarrn - rut rarcrxt TM* Mt, 114.11:11$ ftlfti, AND MIS AIM ADDS. ,Sae (14 Mammas for pruot , raid, 75 cents . m totne. Hoofland% BaLsamic Cordial _ . Couit4, Colds. tir Rearstaxessl3ronelida lataaagy Cm* Paeatioak; lacipiaitt Canna *tam, sad lami pei;famted thetzaair nesaishiai, cturtrerkaari , r_ CO 1 • - cotpttimED- IA a Diantuci:Coplizi it la atuallal. Palcz,lb ants . per Lott ~ HOOFLAND'S GERMAN .IqlJ4 bri4.iell kturina tbrmtgliont Elartlye and Anurk2, needs 'Do .cuplentraion 'bent. They are purply Tractable, are prepu4l with great elaetnete. Mid areetwcoatcd. Pio better Cathartic Piu caw be limed Pats; vs eta. pc? box, nese mod/claw are prepared 17 Dr. C. AL' , ,fietteoit-b CO,,Phfladelphia, Pa., and et. Louis, Me., and are Fold by dru=l4.4 and dyable in inolicines eTeiywbere. The str nature If C. 3L emus will be on, the Imitable of rail bottle or box. At! our " Ererginelyz Almanac." pnbllabed annually, you will flied testimony and egmmondatety notice. from all parts at . . the.uutly. The a APoatt+-a are gicea away by oar iteati; • -.••0 IVElitefOß N &MIPS Asplendid assortClentjeet received: Chigralee.shadie L bunters, wirke, etc., a 4 . Terrell's. , ST: LOUIS HOTEL,/ CHESTNUT-ST ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA ~• • I' TN tholmmedlite 'neighborhood attic Jobbing Noises J. on Market, Third, and Chestnut strects,• the Banks, Post °Mc°, 3ferchicats Exchange, .tc., BOARD - PER DAY; 52,50. • • iiketotnmodatton, when required, on the ErRO£E.AN PLAN. Roome hem cent and upwards. per day, and Meats at a F/RAT•CLA.OS Itcitattrant attached to the Betel. Prices according to the Bills of Fare. The tit?" Cars take Passengers from any Station TO or CLOSE TO the Hotel. JY I B*Y CM — English, French, and German spOken. ARE YOU' INSURED ? 13T-241..C3XEM1X...5.XV rl7loVicatlons for In s urance in thefollow itg4n Wyoming INSURANCE Company, w ES. IR A RUE, Pa. . Charter Perpetual Capital.... sloo,ooo. Organized Novembrr 2d, 11. Df 1837., nua•:rrors 0, M. llollenback, D. G. Drl 3 .4bach, J. P. Dennis. John Reichard. David 3lorgatn, t 'has Dorrance, &nal Waritms, R D lacoc. Win ti 14.4. I. D Shoemaker; Geo P Steele, II 31 lluct. R. C. Sx ITII, Seer/. G. N. 1101.1.EREAel:. W. G. - SitituNti. Trca. , , L. D. SHOEMAKER, rke J'u't /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. • PAW np Capital $1.500.000 00 ~101,100 NORTIIERN FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY tie. I Moor-ato pima, London. - _ Cip itti.,oo 13evenpe.$1.000,000. Wn GETTY; dial, Philadelphia. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 420 M PANY of Hatt ford. Connell !cut. , • Aecumulated Capital $1 mow lb Any one wiphituTtheir licerati.sttrt..il will do well to cid' end cicantine their triode of inntring. antl , their rates. which are better than ttot,e of and' other CW1111;1111% before tut:lin:PoHelen elsewhere. 11. P. IILACKMAN. • oc fi :0)] °ince over Chandler &: - Jesoup'e etore, MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT TIIE FOOT OF MAIN STREET. Milli extensive Furniture "Fstablishnient óf SNITLI BnoTttpts having been refitted• and greatly improved, the proprietors .respect fully announce to the citizens of Mots,tro'sc and vicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand' the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FURNITURE To be, found - in the Country. We give the following NA' of some at the nr tides which we will ,ell.'nt grraily reduced priers, for CASH or READV PAY: Ilurrairk; %Valnut or llalogany,' with glass flow $l6 Lg.) $35..., Bureaus with marble ru• rocatelle taps, fr , ;in 818 to $247. And a large assortment, fromSS: 810. 12. 11. to $lB, Wash F,tands, Card Stands,Corne . r and Square Stands, of all varieties and pries , from 7 ct-nts to lot dollars. Desks, Divans .Towel Racks, Pocitstoulh;Otto Lonnaes. &e. Curd, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen and Extension Tables. ' Chatrs..,.t'ane and Wood .Santa, Rockers— Cann,, Flag, and Wocil Seats, of every v. - diety and style. . Solna, tete a tetes fufnished at, short notle . at New York prices. - N. B. • Ready made coffins r. k n hand - or fur. niched at. short notke.-11-wses lHuye readiness when desired. We eviploy none hot CAREFEL and Exer:nt ENCED WOEKDEN: . %'e intend to do our Wow; WELL, and sell it.as Low a. it can loo.niT , rd'ed w. w. A . E. Et. S:11 886.—tt KEYSTONE .HOTEL, At Montrosa, Ponp. WIVI. It, HATCII, Proprietor. rrHIS new and commodious !lute; situate.? .1 .on Public Avenue, nt!'aeltte Court nearly in the-centre of t/te total atn of oLtrose : is 'mow fu lv completed and and iv;' opened ou :Slonday, the 2711) kiaV at September, I P. 553. for th.e.:accomModation'ot The public' and travelers. Ttle oprietor feel. confident that he b, now prepared to guests in n rnnnner that en nnot fail to :live • Complete - Satisfaction. The Hotel and Purnilure are new, ~n,f,r.o-e3 pcnse has been 'spared to render it equal, if not superior-to any. similar establishment in this part :• of the S tate ; . lt is well supplied with a ll th e recent improvements and comforts, and obliginEz waiters will always be realyte respond to the ' .call of customers. The'Stalil••, ennnncth:3 with this iil:,tl4.art. Kew and Convenient. The Pr“pr . ietor respectfully solicits the patron• ige of his old friend?, az..: the public ( , enerally,. Wll. K If iTCI.I, t C. - Jill MONTROSE, s -PENNA. TIIE subscriher having gurchas..,l refitted and newly furnished thi 111 1 6 1 :,hove-well known and popular Hotel, is prepare(' to necomtnothite the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and. convenienees usually - .found 'in fir-Ht.-claw Houses. No .effort will be spared-by the Pro prietor and his' Assistants to make the Hotel equal in - every point to any in the country.. The Bar will always be supplied with,tj e Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this House arerlarge;roothy and eonvenient.and careful ane attentive Hostlers are always in charge. of them J. S. TARRELL. filg R . ...6 ) , . • eV - ' 77%../. • . . 0. . • .S.l • - CZ' ' - 'l.• ''s., - - ', l „' , . ...-,... -,::' -,-,. .1 '4, • G -40 TIfIS Delicious Tonic Stimulant, Especially dmitirnel for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family. haring ntperceded the so called "Gins," " Aromatic," "Cordial" "Medicated." .• Schnapps." ietc.. is nor'- en, domed by all the prominent ph tisiciau,s; rbetnists and eon 'no.isseurit. as possessintr all those txrtitt.isto medicinal qnal Ries (tonic and diuretic) which bolo to to an OLD and PURE DIN. Pat up In quart bottles and sold by all Drug. gists and Grocerta, etc. A. 3L BIN i NG.Eit-tt dip.. .• [E.tablisholl lu 1778.3 Sole Proprietors, • or. 4 y.l No. Viiiimatf Street, N.Y. For vale at TurrelrirDrtz - Store, Montrose. • --- Escni %V EIN , S TAR . AND WOOD NAPTHA ° 211.1 9 TD11212, - • Ii the beat Medicine in the worldfor the cure Of 4111gaghs and Colds; Croup, Ertmehitlit t Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. Bar the ft/kr Qrpatiente in attrancett stages of Consumption together with all Diseases - of the Throat and Chest wan which predispose to Consumption. ff It attacks the root of &erase:and makes thefell - destroyer succumb to ite iny nowt. IlaLppr,,,tu usfjrte expectoration. & Ind tame healthywai wl • its the dimwit( Muciau: iletaltraue and litalta. It is peal/ 4:-.4 adapted to the radical . etre. of MIRKA. One date Vat/ inralualde SIRUP often gires ease and canse7uentlyststp, which the particular nature:if Me dieease debut.- Itisrerypleasont ' Co the taste. ancfpromptin itit c jtecla. Try if Le convinced that it Le intatuahle in the curt of • Bronchial --Affections. • Nice 150kntoper /Milk Prepared only by Dr. A. ESEA lrEat. analaablby A. Alcourein, if Co.. N. Er. corner na and POPLAR streets, - PAilatia, P 3. For sale in Montrose by mhs9 velar) ABEL 777.11.11 ELL itruawist. • - • Er..ekc) -- • - Begin market, constintly on.hand, midst allow 1 11 3riee spit cnn be qbtalned of any Dealer In town. rirliernember,_ Tarre:Ve Drng Sterc. s.arazon.ws LIVER INVIGORATOR! NEVER DIMILITATES. Trio romps) led via tirelr front Grans, aria 'a ssspecome an ..61.1,1,4 lay!, &Standard Ile.lictne. ano*d and appinYndnod! . i t.aYe lined R. and la now re. aor tnj In aMt ea:nub:and Ini we ; all the dASCIWII fur abut, LI l.recomn,ctnt...l.. If . bia cdnq , tlyabnin.be PI., Rho Its.l ab to utt 0d1..1..' ler Ltusolictly.4....rtnic.danin n.} i The+lask!nitt.t bradatne.ll gli in.ll,idua Watt: it..nd .4-i . act gently 11 a tbolnnyc:a. Let the dictate!. or yottri use of the LIVE it Ili ji, - wilt cure Liver 'Coot -I ‘s/ 1 so I orkAi, - Dyspipsin, ! fa /I a ni titer Go at ry, Dropsy, Sou r ' cw .. it..,,....,...0_ so 'Torino+, Cholera i knee, Jo u o II Ir r,l en,sus! may be use.•l II I: c , ',I 'Pasiilfy 1514411 H 141 liE.s....tvi.p., o. ; tweitiy usloSttes, 111 spoOrtfuls aro ink- . annrk. 1 , AA I "wit* use It on' , I Milli:it:4.: - PDX WALTEE IV T❑ TILE INVIGOIOI.I OIL, Toaratinit; • Pilcu One Vol ',ea • S ITT 0 • ' • - • FA3111.11, CATHco3iINARTWspEICtk PILLS - , • riire - Vegetaltle itstrariA, stud put tap In CASEW, Air stud Avila keep Iseuey ellannte. Ifssirtlr PILL lUR cm •Vi which Met to, orimor bus !kin at may p.m., P 1 demand from 111. nor vita 1 4 and llos salbahrlion o Mob us.r.-4,osito*al we to CntM • rtits act The Faintly ll Ca-i rtellee eaartie u•el In las Kalil, more ~ ..I Ow PILL‘i elleg recant to tjai.lo Wlllll3l the NY.tell ,, f A 11.! 'I h. Profe , sleal welt kloow Ott .11:IAn•ttt 1 , 6111n.1s td Ilse the qo, reference In bran enliven:ale I flOlll it table FAlritnlyt. hh'll net, -121nantary canal.awl are ry here a Cattail-de I. rat. genie tale a the up l . a Velem In 11., Ct/A1V,11141%., Pal,, • he ntly sleet y , ,er.4e.04 f ne l. 1. of nkiep.'- ea 11011 off Cold over! .11entlachr, arj all II II ut .sis t.wry CIA Tares* nr Athel p,,rl fire erille 11111011. Lech I . hale. 100 neetere,..; Inkcet. Due, Ito 3. PRICE The LI ver 11.1.1%; T1 . I httrlllr IN I h. are ,t, said w balea , lo tty the tnude - S. T. W. SA . . ' •1111411 Tie lb I I la th:s %yell ertshilflied fact, Ink •,:trlety of the port $i Veg... , `..., alike to every lnu of the t r,..lea t t e d . l l " . n n• s l a ai r a i, f! .. l . ll al ll, v i i . a . : gt 01%i:tell . , 1...1et-pl.. Earls .Lollitli, tittil Ilorenit.in over fl,m stvldrn cola', Whl4l roil i i i At tong mane al Fe tile. n ('rsrplsw , eti- I Illelwity.'ltenflesi. 1 I s. rt ;Ott I" I he licnkl, 11)14 , inst i, .. Woru, in i l4l Jittte , fittinflits.,, a great .... tt.l runny like:mestry.,Whlch lij to mentiou Iti 'll.a ativertile• I , (n . 1117111.1.4. ..-nt.ir nun Paulin,* (a. lii by I)ructr•br 1. ,,, r.a11y, .0 to all the tarp- loivoi.- FO 11, M. D., V. 0,1 p ru p r i et u r ny, Nrw Stir '. 333 firoadav 13CERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TIM CM.EBIZATRU HOLUM) REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF. THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, An•. the etarhits ntreettoto euuseqoent upon n dieorderotl STOZII4CIf OR LIVER, Such it• Aridity Of ttli komorli. Co!tel . ). Pohl/. ilmtitturo. L... of Alpetite, 14-I,to.ft-itry. Milo' :mot Itto,lio, ri!..K. In All Nen. out Itto.toontie. titfft!tvif Affe.-tionQ, ft 11:14 lit 1104.101 .,1 I,l•Cvd I.4.Tntirish Thf+ a pui rtsopouspt prepurrt oo Icily tutotalr p.incf:4o,4 after. the loaner 110 rvklastts+4 Hot hod 14t;r11 vit.. Ito reputation at bottle-pro sturt4 it. insrptuction b, rr. the demoted colletutql..int; nub tom , ' it Ito. Futhrtland tea ttrsel oirt the face of thin rni,ltty a nut. y. niece of ehntostorostAt nrilit them a,13 tl.lll , ird el ee n the trultliou of ito-valne. It is ho t !" •ffrnt .s.l.ricon puGfie , kmirtg i6nt Ito truly semzs:erjul ;•irr . ,:es In rod I, 450. - nr.erktly.rd. - 3, I Irtl. , Warry reermimendol to thtre percent plpy, itu,rtuti , ;iss shut !lase been hal - 401,1AT the toptionnu. tot 1,1 Md. lit 01 other bleu, Or kllnr.lpation. Generally in-1.1:4t.:11 , 01, in enott, it foul. it, Pay slItsull) - to, the tent no.i.inirkm:nnz every nerta vui•hi4 op tbo wiarit, and, in fact, lufusiug pest !seal I b nod tlgur Isk le , Tl , 1114,1 o 10 , troge WI a t. , s, 1 , , av^ ood tho di.o, vt4ocook'd o ' f oillphat rerot :la; 14, ; READ CAREFULLY! Teo Genuine I.lv.illy e nitiretitilte.l it,Prhare`a 11.• llittrra h. pit tip ih isittiee et o'r rer 1 °tr. , . t six t: , 1" FIVE D.ll Loz. The pent le,nn 11.ir this truir ci Nle.llcif, induced Inny inlitationt n 1.(,11 Use el.ould guard egeihet yerviliteil...!. • f. 7 -7 I:e.rtn• nc Trnioxitln. Sve :bat our Calve Ls ou the 14,1 of 4 ,11 . y, ti.,1.1:e Sold by Drnclists generally. , It can be forwarded by 'Express to roost points. SOLE PitOPRIETORS. • • BENJAMIN PAGE, 31t. & CO. parmateutists and (Chemists, . , PITTSBURGH, PA. 'The st. rtirrEms sic r. 01.1 in M. Mt A ISEL TURIELI.' brUaryitl • --- ryt_. vri -1443.1, -41017%..tai , • 4.3 thabilrit 11:=E1= aptriont and stomachii: preparation of TRON vivified of Oxygen and Carbon by com: bitst.m. in Hydropn, of big% mediest author ity and extrairdinary efficacy in each of the following complaint.: vie.: remarry. mtvous AFFECTIONS, EKA„. • CLITION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA. WEST!. . PAT/ON SCROFULA. SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE -LIVER COMPLAINTS RECOIL& TISK. KERCUETAL,CONSEQUENCES, INTER .IIITTENT FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES,_ FEMALE WEAENMS, 31/8. NENSTIWATiON. WHITES. CRLOROSIS, Err. PINPLEB ON - THE FACE, BOUGIMAS OF THE RCM. etc. The IRON bring absorbed by the blood, sad thus circulating through the whole !Tattles, no 'part of the body can escape their truly wonder. ful influence. The experience co . ; thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron 'can for a moment be compared with it. Ina:surities of the blood, de. pression of vit•Al eitngt„ pale "and otherwise sickly coolipl'iloas inel'.cats iti vcwsity in al. mo.,t every conceivable C 3.22. In all caws of f , male debility (door alba!, chlorosis. etc . ..), its erect] are deli F lit'ully leuovating. No remedy - has ever titen discovered, in the whole history of medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, corn . pieta digestion, rapid acquisition - of strength, ,with an unusual distention for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. As a grand stomachicAnd general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Pat sep In neat flat metal boxes containing no pills. pellet SO rents per tins i six boars, *a he; onoelosen homs.O4 Oh. For ode by , Drossists generally'. Will he sent tree to any addems Ott receipt of the Twice. AU let• • Mrs, orders, 411C.011iould_be addressed to R. E. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 339 mtnauwar, N Y. N .13—The above Is et fasnlstale of t 11• 'Orel on each tons. • ABEL .-.TUARE - LL' • I'a . L l e lo j274n u d a t i ' ira.; ° ,747; 0 1. 8 212P - er c iT to which flesh fs heir : Cad et tic GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM or ABEL TUTMEth., and b 4 availed Or the benefithi dis pensed. • • identrete, July 14, 1861. P . • , , ERSONS OUT OP BUSINESS, and wanting cheap col farina, ace advezUmement 'Of Vinelarial .in another farina; WILL coliviricz ALL WHO num= moat 11E . ADA:HE within • the' last two rums . ,ca re:ter. so the nowt/v.ls nkuss,sal , nshos:. • ;tn.ti,o trunpentroont nr.the 'est Wands qUattlaca as W Judgment gnldn you In the V IGOILATIIIit , and It pint tit a, lilt loos AV. iehroole /flit rrhoco, tplattita,al - sante+, Stosuitittolittbituoll ity t'hoteria, Choir locionte Weakness. Ive.tally as art Ortilon. ue. ItoincuroSlCK. thousands tan testify,) In two or Iltrer 'Tea. co at connntikvnient of SPEEDY AND SDSE CURE :IS WITHIN THEIIi. • . - -As these testimonials were un solicited by Afr. • Spalding, they aford unquestionable proof of the efficacy of this truly . scientific,' distoyery. • • - - Atisoiremix,l Cows., Pely.'s, Sesinom. . • , Stu I have tried your Ceplial le Pills. and I lite Them so well that want you to send me If4l Worth mw e. Part of these are fur the neighlxml, to whom I gate a few out of the first hot I got from you , . • Send the Pills by mail, slidoblige. Your ob't sere't, I JAS. KENNEDY, giving thelr testircuory tr MOUTH 'WITH AND SWALLOW pet IlOlltle. lS a' S • flaverford, Pa., Pb.;7 S. 11. C. Spalding.,S: • I wish von to send me one more box of your Cephalic fills; /hare r ceiredagreatdeatgj GenJJftfromGant. Yburi;respeetfoliv, ANN STOIIIIIOUSE. Spruce Creek, Iluntingilort ce., pc. Jan. 18 11. Bpatdln • I ' • . Vet wil l . please send me two bo d es of your Pills. Send the immediately, . Ilespectridly i yours, • • . JNO. B. SIMONS. ' —..lllare tired one bo qj yoUr Pile, and find Mem ex,.. Irt. 1 •t -..--...-4--•—•:• . . 1 . . Belle Vernon, Ditto, Jan. Z. . lien C. Spaldina. Esq. ~ 1 - Please find enclosed twenty-ilvd rents, for which send the another box of pont. - CePluillei Pills. They aro" truly the best pills 1 have ever tried. Direct . A. STOVER. P. It Belle Vernon; Wyandot county, Ohio. Bev .1•1):..311144., ike..o. IL esp-ftnalflin , r, Esq. I wish fur some circillare or_lurge show bills. t o brine, veer Pills more particularly gefort,roy custonfem If you have - anythingOf the kind. please'send thew to rue.. - One of sny CUMulnent, who is subject ton suture nick headache. (usually las Una two elnYs). woe cured of cut at tack in an hour ay your Hits. which I sent her. RespectfullY yours. 1 W. B. WILKES, .• ItcynoldAburg, 'Franklin Co.. Ohio, ) . llenry C.'Spaldlng,, ' Y. ' . January 9. c ::.0.48 Cedar street, N. • • . . I)eur.Sir : ' IncWept' And t*entx , flve cent g; (.1.50 tar which send me box of `• ceptuilic.pllß" Directlo tier, Wm. Enter, at.. Iternoldghurg,Franklin county, Ohio. tour Pills work like a charm-Cure. Headache almost instanter, • Trnty yonre, Wm FILLER. M. Spa(din y. Not long e•inee I rent to you for a box of, Cephalic Pills for the cure of the .Nervous - Ileiduche and Costiveness. and rereteed the and they had so good an "Pet I" wax induced 14 gout for more. Plettslaend by return mail. Pireet to A. It. M'I4EELER. f Ypsilanti, Mich. Front (he Norfolk; 1"0. ophant Pilbtricc'onipliAk the - object for which they were made, Viz.: cure of headache in obi Its formc, Finm the 4rantiner,' Norfolk, Va. _ - They have ix en teetcd.in more than a thousand cases, }s Rh entire ERICCUStI. Fr(im the Dentocrat. St. Clotcelfinn. • . If you arr, or have been tmuiAed with the 'headache, =wild for a Lox of cephalic pille,'eo that you way have th6tn in caee of au attach. o The Cephalic PIN are .•ahl to ite a retaarkahly effective retnet.:y for the he:a:vile. and one of the very beet for that very'reequeut cotoplaiiit which kit .evcr becu...dhs covercil. From the IT - exttrim R. .It. ,Gozet le, Chicago. We licartlS•endonis Mr. Spalding. and i iN nin•lvalfCa • FI:0111 liana:Ulla. Va. We are are that per4nth , NV lib the licad4clle w ho try them, will tack to•theril. • Ifroni the Path Finder. Neto Orliaiis,La. • Try them! you that are atnictcd. and we arclinre that your te,ittnony min tie added 'Co the already numerothi lint that lout recolved betnalt# that nu other medicine can produce. ' j a r { ~ lit the Si, Lodis Don6erat. The initneufLetfornsintl for lhe'arlicle (eephulic pills). is rsphily L From the alZette, Dav(Tport. lowa. fi Mr. l3pahling would not connect his name with an ar title he dldnot know to poolett real merit. . .From th e Advertiser,: Providence, R. I. The textlnniny In their favor le strong', from the molt rmtpectable 41u/fliers. By the use ofittese Pills the periodic of Vinous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at the commencement oral' attack, immediate relief front pain and sickness wit) he obtained. They seldom fail in retnovlng the -tiansea anti headache to whleb feirudes are so subject. TheYaet gently upon the Rowels : -removing Caidireness. For Litera r y ,Yen, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary Attbili.: th eyare vain/161000 keratire Improving the appetite. glvlngtone and vigor to the diges tive organs, and restoring, the natural elasticity and strength of the. whole stem- The CEPILALIC BILLS e the result of loni,s, "Invest!. gallon and atrefullecondnetrd experiments, having been fn ace many years, daring which time they have prevented and relieved a east amount of pain and suffering . front Headache, whether originating In the nerrous system or front a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their iomposithm, and .aymbe taken at alit' mes with perfect safety without mak ing any change of diet, and /he absence Van), disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them tochildren. Beware - of Counterfeits. The genuine have arc sPrnattires of Henry C. Spalding oneach box,. Sold_by Druggists and other Dealers in !tfrdtelnes. • A box will be cent by mall prepaid on recelpt.of the - NozbilLcioz•BB C7oza.t.. orders 6bould be addressed to HENRY C.. SPALDING, rovl2 v Ileb " 48 Cedir Street, New York. re"rA single bottle of .1k111.1111N0:8 GLUE wit{ save [co thous Its cunt;annually...AO SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! • tiAVIt - PIECES!" Ecomosrr . nispAr.di! rfr"A Smcu t t Tiiu Siizp7inez.".,4lEi - As ltacidenes.will happen even in well regulated fami lies, it Is very desirable to h i ve aerie cheap and - eonvek. lent way for repairing furniture, Wye, - crockery, de. • 11.P4LDING'3 P.IIIT44ED GLUE -meets all such emergencies, and no household ekn afford to be without it. ft Is always ready, and up to the atiek log point. " , • • • . .„ &WM .ry EFERY morn:" Bnish aceompaptes each Bottle. Nee '2 . 3 cenle ' 4414e54.- - finl4l'egirssi;V:layorii. . . . • VA MOS. ° Ae certain unprinelpiedpersonsareettemptlng to Wu of on the on suspectingpiddle, Intl tatione of .Prepared Glue, L would caution all persons to sundae beforepte, awing, add see that the full name, • .. rirl)P4Lonva'B PREPARED GLUE,AEI - le on the ontetde Wityport 11l °View are swindling soon- Tu. - FOLLOWING MII3OI44EXTS t Oir WPaI3DIEVZ - • CEPHALIC -PILLS,. TILIT A l'plilaxkti, Bch., Jan.2l From thc.:llliFi , rtiser. Prov;dence„ R. I. kroin the Dqily Yews. Irezowirt, R. 1. Cephalic Pills are-taking tbe,plac;7ofall kinds. Va M elt, dun. c4 .l steado47ll 4.‘ du RE 0 Nervousileackehe 4 77 CURE Ac ,, kin& Headache ,SPALDiNG'S PREPARED GLLTE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! neanawrit , s'Euicentiem. Greatest Umedrin the World,for RHEIIMATAfiI I mutat! PAIN. , . Warranted to Mat Fever and Ague in one day ; - . lu tire Minutes; Deafness - 1n two to foardays; • •-" - Burns and Scalds in ten minutes ;. Sprains, Wounds and Brulima in from one to three days ; Indanitnation in one day.; . _ "Scorer; Croup. Toothache, Moms , in ten minutes; Iletn hap, Scrofula , Abscess, in ten days Bruises, NI, minds, Teller, in one to three days; " Earache, Stiff Neck, Ague, in one day - "Felons, Broken Bharat, Salt libeum, in 3to six days ; tioluriy, Palpitation. Ileerisy, in one to ten days;; . Asthma, Gout, ErynjpclAs, in five to. wenty days; -- Frosted Feet' Chilblains, SOL/Joints; chronic Rhea. • mati.m. Sore Thsvatortearier Fever, and the lame • made tp walk, by a few Bottles. This OIL, (De Orntletw b - Inild and pleasant, and is a great FamilyMcdicine for children teething &c. La_diciabould all use it. It alivays leaves you better - than it Andayou, and one bottle often cures entirely. AVELICTED THIRTEEN YEARS, AND , CERED • ' '.l-K-ON/C, WEEK. Read letter from Roy. James. Temple.- PIIII4ADELPIIIA, June Mk 1855. Prof. De CRATO : I have beespaillicted for thirteen ,yeara with Neuralgia !tad other painful complaints; and t have been unable to• sleep soundly or walk any distance for many year's past. Lastweek Tgut a bottle of youtElec• tric Oil. The MA night .1 slept soundly and well, and to day Inm like^ new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Electric Oil has done in one week what the physicians of Philadelphia failed to au in thirteen years. gratefullY yours. • REY. JAMESltF..yours. TEMPLE, - . 310 South street. ' DEAFNESS CURED. . New llirstr, ?tiny lfltb, 1853. - Prof. De o, v atb : My brother bits been deaf for 3 Years. Atter - trylng.neany Raids, holtsed your 011 a few times, and It cured him entirely. :• .•••, • - 1,1.1P1 , ORD IL SCRANTON. Or For sale by all Drug:lists, and at the Depot, 317 South Eighth-at, Phtladelplda. feblL3m cy IitOVVAT 9 % LIFE 'PILL'S, & PIIOEIIX BITTERS, nn TIES& MEDICO:Fa harp:now been I}efore the public 1 fora period of Thirty Purr, and duinl; that tape have maintained a high character in *lomat every part of the (Hobe, fur their extraordinary. .and Immediatepower of maturing perfect health to pereon a guttering' under nearly every kind of disease to which the liuman frame la liable. The following are tinning the diatresaing variety of hu man diacinies Su which tEe VEGETABLE LIFE lIEDICIIII Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, be thorouild v cleansing the let and 2nd stomachs, and creature 7 a Clow of pure,healthy blie,instead of the stale antracrid kind FLATULENCY, Lou Ap petite. lhariburn. lleadachcc :temper, ?az- Wy. Languor and ..Ifdanetoly.ivhieh are general symptoms of Dyspepsia. vanish; as a natural consennence of its cure. COSTIW,NESS, by cleansing the w hide - length of the intestines with a solvent - process, and withoutNiplence; all violent pur,qes leave the bowels cusUvj in two days. gEvp,BA °fall kinds, by o:Storing the blocid to a - regular circulation, Oro the process of respiration in such cases, and thorn' solution of all intestinal obstrutilons In others. • The Life Met*lnca have seen known to cure RHEUM. AYDIN permanenth in three weekm, and 6CIIIT in half that time, by removing local inflammation flbm the mita. eleo and I igamentt% of tbeJointri. 'DRAPSLES of all kindg. by freeing and strkgthentiir . the kidneyoand bladder; they operate Most delightfully nt. them' , Important or4aps, and hence have es er been found c certain remedy for the wor,4 carer of GRAVEL VORA% by.dielodgitig from the turnings of tht bowel* the clime Matter To which these ereattireg adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INV.ETRRATE SURES, by, the perfeet pueite:whielt thede Life Medicines give to the blood and all thii. SCORBUTIC ERUrTIONiand DA D COMPLEX lONS, by their altenttiye effect mein the fluids that feed the skin and die morbid state'- of which occasions all eruptive' complaints, salloiir, cloudy', and otherdisagreeable com plexions. The use of these Pills•for a very short time will effect .sn entire cure of SALT RHEUM, atfd a 'striking Improve •ment In the clearness of Milt skin. COMMON COLDS and INPONAIZA, will always be cured by one dose, or by MO in the worst cases. . • . • - Plus.—The original proprietor of these medicines; was cured of Piles, of tl3 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone.. FEVER AND. AGITE.=Tca thiA scourge of the. West ern country, these Medicines will he found a safe, speedy rind certain remedy. tither Medicines leave the system subject to a retaru - of the disease--a cure by these 31,111- c:hies 44 pertnanent Try them, be ialitiled; and be cured. Wev,fro-and• Liver , Compiainta. Genl•ml Debility, Loss of Appetite, and Diseases of Fe miles. TheStedicines have been- used with the most he teaclal results in Of this description :—Eings - FAD. and Scrofula. In Its Worst forrosN yields to the mild yet powerful action of these rent:Art:able Medicines. !clot Sweats. Nervous Debility; Nervous t'orriplaints of all; kinds. Palpitation of the heart, Painters' Colic, are sphetlily cured. rilerevlal Dliscamei..LPerson whore constitutions hri,ve become im retired by the in,fedichem nee - of Mercury. W t! find the ,, c 3ledicines n perfect cure. ns they neverftill tb^rndirnre frYm the syst t m. all the effect , a Mercury. In but ely soener.than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. . l'repartrl and -old . la. MOFFAT: • P.no N W A?. L.. 1 For Sale by all Dragzipitir. I~3YS - EP S . lA , • DyApepsin, 7, *ln, Dyspepsiqu.: L'lspepia, Lrlriiily a thtylrm, TPPePsia. Li7er Corn Acidity, Liver Comrdaait, Acidity, Bilious Comp:Oits. Sick &attache, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATI:76:NCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, and the aufrabrrhss other diseases a iain g from in destativn end funetkonal disorders of the stomach, find ready rail in that tstablialad and sterling 'Phi: OxVCEINATED BITTERS, TOE TED -BITTEIFIS. 14liablo Testiwoni. mill the attention of die reader to thefaxing letter from President Smith, formerly of 'redeye* University, and now of Annopolis, did; MIDDLETOWN, Conn., Feb. 23. 1859: rt,in W.. Fowls. ' : /k t lo .—Gentlemen:-1 arat 113411 e thus i.f tiso . Wyrertaled Boners some sof e 0 Of eirnt years since. Having suffered for twenty years tomi a (nit pfdy•pel.ia, which was attended with "a nerrous headache, on on average of not teas than one day in a week, f wee induced, by the unpretending nee ounnendation of Or. GWen, ^to it one WM., and If no !Korth wa. tereivrt to dineontinne the nee." 'item,. orrote bottle wafflided a forthatrial, to lb* event of petite titre,. or Lair, With a careful observance of the pronnion*lng 'direrliemm. The resulS:twas, an alitot.t entire relief frt.m tile iteund dyspeptic I/written' and Their deptertring. iStinful conreettencer., I believe there hirers produced an entire change In the habits of ruy-Rysteirt. and ',eon 41.4 active energies or the digestive organs. 1 11,4 deem myself as CyMilt from Dsepepein .an totter iker.<llut.. These Miters have also been of MX. rice to other member. nrnii • • Very.. ropretfulty ruins, • —AVGISTUS W. 8311T11.. THE O.IfXGENATEEI BITTERS: THE °TIMES AITED BITTERS. 1/ . .tc n, Tinge Co.; Pa., Ang. 43,.1851 - 431zirmtxErr,•-- Aftcrynircrinflbe ,nn* than thirty row with ayorpsia, and trying molly remedies rem ommended lbst diana.r without any good 'rectal, I 'Wag induced, by lie. F. 11. Wittio or Mansfield, to gin; the Orr . znfored, flirter. a• trinl. I tstly two bottles, wkicL gale 10r w, mocit relief that I juntelMsed two Moro, which Imve penny or imite effected a mum. lam now nearly serenty•ato ears .of ner..and for Owes ntouffts pair kasa tell no inconvenience front my food. 1 rats great plioistlie io recommending the Mors loan . iffilrted with Ihrpeptila and Its concondinnt &eases. A. lIEGARD Prom Dr. White. Slam:cmLa!, T'idga 1 have upettlite Oryrtletr4 Iliqtn in rn7 mains with decided PoU.4'7w I . ndelality and general Proctruidn, and rcinddcraly airenmninnd thorn fn general and' dinars, nt . dio dire nive nrganr. THE aTGENATEDiIITirEBS. THE OXYGEIiATEDIBITTEBEI. PREPARED BY 8. W. iotyi.E & co., I 8 Tremont Firret, Rmtmi chid by Druggius,,Peaters, aid iteroltants awy ' bum mid city threerykont tietenisuitrie. IMIT7Por sale by Abel 'retain and Ilesd,Weitrons & Poi - tier; Montrose ; Woodrait Dimock ; Amos !enemies Reboil:lin ; Whitney &-Mosley„ Ilmford't.'Weed & Whrds Great Bead ; J: C. Cllalidiad , Dundaff• L. Griffin, titre , Dead- . ___ce in the body, and obstructs Its sutural ihroctiotts. These, If not relieved, tract upon themselves and - the surrounding organs, producing mil ion, suffering, and diseme. While in s co -Mill ndition, oppressed by the derangements, take -Ayer th ' i s Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural !ac tion of the system, and with It the . buoyant feeling! of health again,/ What Is true and so apparent in this and onamon complaint, is also truc In many of the seated and dangerous distempers. The mme purgatir e effect expelathem. Caused by similar obstructions arid derangements of the natural functions of the body, they ate rapirlif, - And Many of them surely, cured by the Millie means. None who know the virtues of them Pills, Trill neglect to employ them when sufferiwg from the Wok _ ders they care'. ' • - , Statements from leading physicians In some of :the principed cities, and' from other well known. public per sona. Prom a Forcarding Arerchauf of St. Louis, Feb. 4, Dti. Aran: Your Villa nre 7 the tetragon or all great in medicine. They have cured my little dangliter of ulcerous sores upon her handoluid feet that had proved bleared() for years. Her mother has been long oualy afflicted with blotches and pimples on her kin and in her hair. 'After our vidl,l wile cured, she :Also tried. your rll4, a¢d they have clued her. • AliA 31080 RIDGE. Alva Family Physic. "IA Dr. E. yr. Cartwrfght,liew Orieens. • - • four ruts Are lho.Pfinee of 'purge". Their excellent qualities surpass any eatluntin we possess. They. ani s mild, hut very certain and effectual In their netlon me th y bowels, which makes them invalualgo to us lu the (Jelly treatment oFdisease• Headacht, Sick Iles!ditch., Foal stomach. TEAR Iltto.. A Yen : I atnnot ansWer you whit Com- , plaints I, have aired with your better thaw to say air Mat we erer treat with a purgatire meal:ine.,.l illace great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my d ully content With diseuile, and hdierini,7 as I do that your Pills afford us the best we hare, I or course value them highly. Prrrsorno, 3lay I, Ih DR: J. C. Avwit. Sir ; 1 have been repeatedly cured - of the worst hcadaehe any ;body em -have, by a dose or, two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, Which they cleanse at *nu: • ' • Yours with great respect,. . ED. W. l'ltEtti:E. , Clerk of Stennier Clarion. DUloaa Disorders 'Over Complaluts. • From Dr'. Theodore Bell, of .V‘ficr York City. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pit- • pose uan aperient, but t find their beneficial effect., upon the Liver very marked indeed; They lure In my prac the proved more effectual for the cure of bilious Ton:: plaints than any our remedy last mention. 1 sherrely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which Is nor thy the tioutideucc of the profession and the people. ' Dr.r.tirr IIENT or Ttti ISTEitton, • C., 7th SIB: I have used your Pills in my general nut hos p ital practice ever since you made then:Jinni' do nut liesifatetu say they are the best cathartic we emptily. - 'Their regu- I•ting action ou the liver is quick ands decided, fluently they are an admirable remedy lbr derangements of that organ. Indeed,.l 'have sehloinTomid a ca.° of bilifnu diamse so obstinate that it did hot readily yirl lis - them. 4raternallryours, A I.ONZQ HALL ' M. D., Phyiricifin of the ilitrhielLviitd. Atramaterr,'•Dilarriters, Relax, Worms. • Front Dr. - J. G. Green, of Chicago. Your rills have had a lung trial in my pinethr, and I hold them in esteem es one of the best aperiont, I Inn e ever round: Their altenniveeffect upon the them au excellent remedy, when given inismail dons-fur dysentery met Their gugar roati,ig makes them very acceptable and:convenient fur the net of women and children. Dyspepsia, . turapttelti Of the Cloud. Front Rte. J. V. Ilinses, hutOr of Admit rhurrh, Boston. De.../ITXR: I hare used your Pills with extra Ordinary intersuis in my farullymitt artiong,those I tun culled to visit In distress . ' To regulate the Grows of digestion and poetry the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and 1 can 'cottibleutly recommend them to tory friends. , Yours, • .1. V. 111111 , ..5. Wanshor,...Tlyoming IV. Y., Oet. 24, 135. MAR Stitt I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prao. lice, and find them an excellent purgative to chance the system and pertly/he jountaiat of the blotid. JOHN 64 kkIACLIASI, St. 'D. toustipatiert, Costiveness, Suppression, Rheumatism,. Gene, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Paralysis, Fite, etc. From Dr.../. P. lituglinOtontrral, Canada. - Too.inuch cannot be said oryour Pills for thecure of =direness. others of our fraternity have !build them . a. efficacious as I have, they should join me In proclaim: tag 4 for the benefit of the multitudes who stave trim that complaint, which, althoogh .had enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worn.. S believe coo tireness tondighinte inihe liver, but your fills affect thil organ and cure the disease,. Frgni.3frs. E. Stuart,Pkysiciait and .1117hdfr, Boston I And one or two-large doses of your Pale, taken At the Troyer time, are excellent promotive,' of the natural 'secretion when wholly or partially suppresFed, and al , o. very effectual to cicalae the sfoi ~,, erprt They are eo much the best physic we have that I recom mend no other to my patients. . - Front the her. Dr:lfireekes,o'f* the Itethodirt Fpit. ('turd. ri:LA.I:I Horst:. Savannah; Ga., Jan. it, lldt. HONORED I should be ungrateful for the relief your akin has brought me if I did Oat report my cave tosyou. A cold Fettled in my limbs and brought on v:.- cruclaticig nenntlgie pains, which ended in ehroni, 0,0- n:often. Notwithstanding I had the beet of phyr.teisus. the disease grew worse and worse,Until by the advice of your Excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr..3ldekertzte, t trteit your rills. Their effects were slow, but sure. fly per severing in the use of them, lam now entirely *ell. SM , TATE CH-1318E14 Baton llouge, La., 5 Dec., 15it. Dn. AYER I hare been entirely cured, by your Ihtts of-Rheumatic Gout —.6 . phiattit disease that had Afflicted tat for years.' yIIiCET SLIDELL. • I* - Most of the I.llls-In market contain Mercury, which, although A Valuable remedy In skilful hands, Is dangerous In it public pill, from the readlVl consequences that ftequently follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral subatanedwhatercr. . Rice, 25 cents per . Box, or 5 Boxes foi. SL Prepared by Dr. I. C..APPOZ dt, CO., Lovett, ?dui • • ug / un nit. Nobtru,e ; t lit.l cit az. I hill. ry Daudatt:. 'Waltman Swisher, Auburn Centre. aid Iy al &litre and dru=lots evcrYwherc.• • ' oc S y. ctv An enterlehccd 15nne and Pend 0 Phy*tclan f prseenta to the attention of mother*, her • S 0 0 . 'll-1 .GLSYRUP FOI: CHILDREN TEETHING, • which greatly facilitates the recess of teething. by sell ening tbe gum', ' seducing all indantruation—will allay .11,1. PAIN !sad spam.xlic action, and is _ MOIRE TO REGULATE ;THE )BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothete r It will glee rest to you. and REM!' An HEALTH. TO YOUR - INFANTS. We haruput up and sold this article for oi.er ten yearn. and can say IN CONFIDENCE ANL TRUTH ot:it, what we have never been able to say of:any tiLher, medic:lnc- - NEVER UAS IT FAILED. in a SLNOLE INZ 4 TANCE. to EFFECT A CURE, when timely total, die cknor an instance °fines:ll44(lton by anyone who had C-c(1 it. On the contrary. "Ulm delighted with its operations, And speak In terms of coMmendatlon of Its castitWid ewer- and medical virtues. We esy in thin matter "WIJAT W E KNOW." after ten year? eirpesience, ant/PIIIIDGEOCIC REPUTATION lot the fulfillment Owlet, - We here driare. In almost every Instance where the infant is. nutllttlog pain and exhaustion, relief will befound IA flitnen to 2J minutes after the syrup is administered. , Thisvaluablenrepandion is the preserrptlon of one ni the most EXPERIE,NCED And SKILLFUL NURSES In New England, and has been used witk NEVER. FAILING, SUCCESIt in . TITO • VISANDS OF' CASES. • • - It not only relleveo the child froin pain. Init ii,vigorntr the stomach and bowels. correcto'neldity, and tr .r and 'energy to the whole ',pitch/. It will ainithlt initC- 11 Y relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, rAND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions. width: if not speedily cared, end In death. We believe It the.IIEST and St'llEAT rein mtg. in the WORLD. in all Eustis ; of .DYSENTERS and DIARRIDEA IN CHILDREN, whether It aripes Clem teething, or front any other came,' We would sav to all mothara who have a child ontrertne from any attic tbretnu Ing complaints—DO Xo7' LE:7' YOI7I SOR TIII: PIIEJUDICESIAO7,7IERS. . l and be•w •cn yon and your suithring child, and the relief that v lithe tiHRE,..-' yea ABSOLUTELY.SCRE—to tellbw thence of this medicine; it timely used, :reit directions TO urine Wiii/SCCCIMpAnv each hintle. Nona coin Inc unlesa the r.e. simile of CUATIS PERKINS, New York, Is o% the outside wrapper.. Sold by Druggists throughout tlie world. PrlaielparOfflce,l3•Cedar iloWeet, New Work, PRICE ONLY. WEN'S PER BOTTLE. - deceo For ludo In Montrose by Abel Turrell. HOWARD 'ASSOCIATION, - PHILADELPHIA'. A Beni.liolent Institution -established Ly spe. , cid Endomment.for 'the Relief of the Sithi and Distressed. afflicted! teith Virulent an,; Epidemic Diseases,-andi especially fur 1 / 4 9 Cure Of 'Diseases of !hi, Sexual Origins. !UN EMU. ADVICE given gratis, by rhn I.VI Acting Surgeon, tc all who apply by letter with a description of their condition ; we-. era pation, hOit's -of life. &,..y in earl Rof ex treine poyerty.mediidnes furnished free o' charge Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhwa, nue 7 , 1 h er_Diseases orthe Sexual Organs, sent t,, the of flicted la sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Himehton. Aetinp se ) . geon,ifoward Association; Nn. .2 South 2th.st Pa. By order alba Directors. I oeB S ALT, by the Barrel, Sick or Pound F. U. SVIIITE, M.D. AYER'S ATH-ARTIC PILLS. • ire you sick, amide, end eons l" Are you out otorderj, N your syst m e deranged, end • feellnge uncomfortable tete symptonis are often th e lude to serious illness. borne tf alekness Is creeping upon and should be averted by a 'ully use of The sight remedy. ce Ayer's rills, and cleanse thetibtordercd Moneta pu the_blood, nod let - thenulds _..:eon unobstructed in heath =hThe) stimulnte the folic• ot 'the body Into rigorous city, purify the system from obstructions Which mido Isaac. A cold 'kith's . . . _ From Dr. Efiertird, noyd, Pal; incwr ~~- -- L~H~ TEET,HINC, MRS. WINgLOW, /1.. TURRELI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers