PORTIAITS, REMITS ! • NEW Assasasuipfra nix • . PRICK BLOCK. PIM undersigned having taken Us Roams Gertnerly opted by A". B. DE.i..88, is noW ptelYarc . dto ftunish so who may desire with a good and trathild Portrait. Being well posted In the production of the cartons kinds of Pictures ot the day, I flatter norself that my work is not excelled br any in thia stolen ethic country. Among the carious kinds taken at my Boom* are the .4.IIBROTYPE, PIIOTOGRAPII, IfELAINOTYPE, 4VEILLOGRApir. Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature Ring. Transferred Ambrotypee—the driest thing out, for sanding lo Post to any part of the Wald without extra = - My Pictures arebold. sigma', and expressive our Olnt. lifeless shadows often sold Oont the eotintry. Pictures taken in an kinds of weather, equally well, except those of young children. No picture need be taken unless perfect satisfaction is given. - In dressing for a picture, avoid - light colors,—inch as blue, purple, scarlet, pink; etc. Most othets take well; as green. Mack: red, anal, brown, orangr&-yellow, etc. Lam' ltemember that the place to get your ..picture" is to the Brick Block, °vet Road, Watrcras & Foster's store. J. B. HAZLETON. Mon nee, Pa., Nov. tab. MO. ,DAILY MAIL AO TE BETWEEN MONTROSE d, FRIENDSVILLE. r4OACRES' carry! ,w• mills and passengers ,between V Montrose and Prlendsvillo. Will tom hlearles Hotel. to Montrone: (WI!. at o'cloch,s. in. and leave Friends. ' villa at 2 o'clock, p. m. horses and - curia:Test= be procin:ed at the T..free7 Ueda of the subscriber Montrose. oh reasonable terms. Montrose., All. IS, Idfs). tf J. D. GOOD, fr =lab= nthr,cdt.u.'?zing s O n lj) rde former stock of Oc:ids. which thti BOITOffT FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES! AND WILL SELL MEM TO CASH BUYERS, AT PriCas Perfbctly Astonishing: Ire hare not time to'etinmerate artlaes., or prices. but Invite the public to tall. examine, and satisfy tbemselver , of the truth of what we publish and of course. then buy. J. L. MERRIMAN & sos. Dpeonallle, Dec. Zt1i.1560. 'CHOICE Lot of Family eiroceries last received and sel lJ ling 2O per cent. below former prieos. FANCY Colatectionsry for the 11 . olida s ?0 , 6 3 i .0;:s FiAItiPRODUCE of all hint* for which the highest market prices will be paid in Goode, at Uptionvillc, Pa. • A REVIEW AND REFUTATION HELPER' IMPENDINGi ET iGILIIET:T J. BEE1S1•. 11111119 P.LNIPILLET, consisting of 64 double column I. pages, was originally published pending the political canvas. of IMO. The ••• Impending Crisle," is scampi, latlon of all the sophismi Ind malicious doctrines by which the pnbl;, oUthe North had been co farpols oned as to pooh-, the triumph - Of the Presidential can didate of the sectional party last fall. It was widely cir culated gmtu tweedy, by means of large contributions , of money. and did more than any other thing to deceive the Masses of our people. In thin A'erker and . Refutation. we take up each of its chapters separatelr, and every iutpor tent assumption in detail, and refute them do cumpletely that no intelligent person ran read - the pamphlet without being convinced of the faleitv mall the wicked assump tions of the helper honk and of the folly of the .Fectiottal strife which has culminated in civil war. As there I. no probthility that 'peace will be permanently Teetered to 'our distracted laud until the public mind at the North is disabused of its erroneons impressions relative to the true character of our Southern sister States, most of whom ale now In rebellion against our general government, as the re. , ult of the triumph of sectional fanaticism both North' and Sonth,—tt becomes the duty of all true patriots to do all In their power to remove unjust preludires between the North and Smith. and there is probahlv no more erne- - teht means of accomplishing this result, than by general cirentation of nor Refutalinn uI IMper.. It contains a large amount of valuable statistics, worth, for occasional reference, several time. the price of the pamphieL to all Intelligent citizens. Price tl.; cenr• per copy, or II per 'dozen—sent by mail; pm-tage prepaid. Address ' O. T. WIESE, jr2s3m .• - id.ll.tovna, Orange Co.. N.Y. ERNE Of TIME DELI irR, LA C'..4 d W ESTr% M I W: %ma. ' 41:rzainn't On and atter Monday, Nov. 9.stii„ - EXI'RESS PASSENGER TRAINS MOVING SOITTR. I )LOVING NORTE . - The Night Express Train I Passairers from ISr.Tork - Salt on thi.N.,..1 . .k, R. 11. , Ware Pier No.R.,North Kir darrkes at Great Bend depot 1 e-r at ja. m.r,00 •at • 11.. ta.j 1,11 .Or foot of coartland-5t,f.,00 connects with the • 1 From Philadelphia • Express . train for . ; leave Kensington, • 'Lie ,N. I'-said Philad'a • , ' I.eare Junction, 11.15 which leaves at *. 7.21' I hue it Waghington, 11.33 Doe at New 'Milford, "',..5 . orf. , rd. (pm)11,56 Montrose, S. llone..t.Pl.lC.conection)l2,l4 llopbottom., 8,21 1 De 1.15 m law ea to ii.nel 2,43 Nienolson, ' 8.40 , Columbia, 1. Factoryvillo, 9.04 ; NV atlT Gap.. 1.16 Abington, - -9,2 J : Stroudsburg. - 1,30 Scranton, - - 10, .1 Tobyhanna, 2,41 Moscow, 10,41 , Mosrow, 8,11 1, on , ..,..........- . TobyUlm& 11.20 1.-c ran tun • ~ 410 Stroudsburg, " 12,32 , Abiurton. 4,40 Water Gap, jp. n 2,1 12, tt; : ractorr.illa, . "Columbia, ' 1, : Nicliolson, 6,16 D,:l.tware„ tls*to dine) 1,05 : . I.lopbottont., 5,38 Elope, illtilad connect.) 1.35 I MOll/1 . 0,C. • 6' 0 tford. 1.59: :CCM' Milford, 6.21 W. 1 ,111 n4ton, g;'.o ' Great Bend, - 6.10 Junction. 2,r4 ! _conner.ts wittrtnail train New York, 5.1.14 Weft. at 6,12 Philadelphia; t;.50 Od'Night Ex. West LI.: The Express Train 'North connects at Great Bend with Sight express trains East and" Went myths Erie Road . r The Express Passenzer Train •iontit.; connects at the Junction with the p.m. train nu the New Jersey Contra! Road for Beall Mauch Chank, Lteadlng. 31141 liarrisbhrg, Le. • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN., Leave Scranton at(i.m.)9.50 I N.Y. K. train East arrives Factory - vale, - 11,01 at Grant Bend at,a.m).11.110 ITicholson; .. 11,30 ',Leave. lit. licud.Q.at.)2.lo Sim:arose. • (p. m.)12.45 1 ISlontrose, ::. Great Band,. ' 1.45 Nicholson, . 4.15 Connecting with Dankirk , Fnctorysilla, • 5,13 - Express West, at 5.36 - , Dee at Scranton, 6,30 The itcommodation Train does not leave Scranton till 'Martha arrival of the Mooing Train oil the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. thus giving Paseengere from the Wyoming - Vailey a slitter connection for the West by the morning For the accommodation of way travel on the routbern dlriaion, a - passenger car will be attached to the Express triel:ht tram. leaving. ticrant en at 4 a. m.. due at Strouds burg 11. Junction. 3,15 p. m.: Returning, leaves Junction a. m., due at Stroudsburg Sun:titbit S, p. Passenzert to and from New York., will change cart at • function. • To and from Philadelphia. via. Bal. IYel. P...R leave or take cart at-Hope. For Pittston. Kinetton and Wilkea.Barcc. talc.. Lark. tr.. Blonnisburg-it.lt.at Snowdon. For dentin., Archbald, and Carbondale take Omaibutht Scranton.. Tickets told and haecarc checked dimmer'. .101I\ BRISSIN. byperintrufie nt. W JENKS, Gat.. Thad .4 gt. Scranton. Pa:. • Lackawannti*Eloomsburg R. R. I I N and after Nor, 115th. 15C1, Pa;senger trains rorlltrou V salaam.: MOVING SOUTH ltifiengtr. 4CC0111.44ti07i Lases Sc:. nton, 5.25 a. N.. 10.30 a. m. iLlugmon, 6.:V 12 . 15 p. m. . Rupert.. 8.40 • - - Danville. • 9.15 Arrive at Northumberland at 10.00 MOVING N'ORTIT Lei?, Northumberland. 4.!10,p. m Danville, &Id Rapert, - 5.15 Kin;f.hton. 104 Arrive at Serautoo, 9.00 A Pa... Banger train leavee non a: ' a. tn. for Scranton. to connect with train for N. York. Returning. learns Scranton on arrival of train from Nen York a 1. IST. tn. The Lackawanna & Bloom.harz Railroad connect. a ith • the Delaware. Lackawanna A- We.tern Railroad at Srmn t onjor New York and intermediate point. ra,t. At Rupertit connects with the Cataw.lass Railroad, for points both ea.t and west. At Northumberland it connect• with the Philadelphia a Brie, and Northern CentralDailroad and Erie Railroad for riots west apd south. , JOES f.. ILSLE.T. Sep'e J. C. WELLS. Gen. Ticket Agt. LIFE MEMORKS '1 WOULDN'T TAKE_ A WORD. FOR THIS,' a lady remarked tons • day or two since, rr she exhibited the portrait ornryonly Oild, gone to the. "spirit land;" which was one of 11113.331361 P WEE MOMS! “ Bow I should regret it, had I not secured this precious memor!al ,of that dear one.' thought we. The loved Ones ire not always , - withAS•o4ll. - Whilis Weran,eall them ours;, every .no should securksoch a memorial :ispeclallv iglee they can have them so truthfullt .taken 'b3 -hatsucsessful artist.- A. B. TUBBS' ,f Bing. mutton. nee Is=nun • & Aibro's Crotn .c rsid Ruston Conent.lor eenentlng sn Mode o aors, from the theetChtna and Glass - to She coarse 'none *are. Alm wood. Leather, Metals. Marble /Cc ter sate by Abel TUrreir Silt, Ali: att = MEE WIIIOLESALE SALT' IiEALER, - 201 Washingtomost, • '' (Directly etiposite Washington Market;) IVerticr Yorli, -1 • TILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and S COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Flail SALT, &Oho Yeti - lowest figures; .40000 sacks and bags, consisting.in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dsiry die; Jeffrey & Dart+, Marshall's, Brownlow'p, die. and 50000 busbels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu. racoa, Bt. Uhesi'Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, all of which will be sold at bargain prices fr;m vessels, store4d storehouses. , ' j Any puraatier wishing to select from a pod assortment wilt' find it to his interest to call. N., liable salt put up in small bag* of different sizes:. and constantly on hand In chip ping order; Mso a splendid article of Rock I Ground salt, ir(9nart boxes, put,up and for side by the qumatit,xii in cases of five dozen wife ' :,••• - ---7 ,./ '/ . ' ' _ -..... ..:, " ,''.,( - 7\ 2 5 „.. t / ..„ •' ' . .4 . , ...-- . . , ablishelB in Pittsburgh *lB4O The Only tornmercial Colleye. in the Union, .fi7anflucted by a' Practical _, 4 Merchant. OilEB 600011i s adente bare ittanded it from 'Mini different Sta . Fonr-Illlwer" Medals have been warded Duffs' 2{item of Book Keeping; and the new circular Just issued contains letters from students in Phil adelphia, BaltimUre, St Lbnis. Cincinnati, etc.. "proving it to he the hest kliown. NINE First Premiums Werner centle awdrded the Pennianship of Wm II. DUFF. who with Ibis associatCProfessor, C. C. Odchran, aro undoubt ear- the hest peniben in America. Barper's Edition Of Duffs Book Keeping post paid, $l.lll Duff and Dill3C3lli Gems of Penmanship, . . 5.00 End and Duncan 3 New School Copy Books; 6 N 0.8,1 84 For samples of Diiff &Cociiran's Business and Ornanien tal Penmanship. with the new circular of 64 pages,indose 2..5 cents in stamp s to uor 4 y }=t 4 , , ' . P. DUFF & SOS . HO STETTEWS STOMACH BITTERS The propil i tors and manufacturers of IIOS:• 'TETTER'S C ELEBRATED STO.MACII BIT% TERS can aPpeal with perfect confidence to physicians aMI citizens generally of the United States, bees* the article . Las attained &rept lotion heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point. will speak ore powerfully than , volumes of bare assertion ar blazoning puffery. The Consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over tt half: - million bot4s, and from its manifest steady increase in ti*es past, it is evident that during the coming *ear the consumption will 'reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never ihave been. sold but for the rare medicinal prfoperties contained iri the prepare.; tion, and thk sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the ari t iele is best-known„ who not only recommend the Bitters to - their patients, but are ready•at till times to give testimonials to ire efficanyin nit : coses of stomachic derangemento and the diseates resulting therefrom. IThis is rot a temporaryy , opularity, obtained by extraordi nary efforts in the way of trum peting the qilalities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of - fan invaluable medicine. which is distined to.bit as enduring as time itself, lfostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend th. regions where frier and ague and varionszlother bilious complaints have counted their victims t,y hundreds. To be able to state' confidently that the '"Bitters" • are a certain:cure for the Dyspepsia and like -diseases, is t',at the proprietors a source ofun: alloyed pleatinre. It removes all morbid matter from the sumach, purifies -the blohd, and imparts renewed: vitality to the nervous system, • giving it tli4 tone' and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomachAiver, and other digestive organs; mildly but Owerfully, and soon restores theni • to aronditioMosential to the healthy discharge of the functiens of nattre. ' . Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per direction* on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulint_peculinrly adapted to comfort declining yegTs, as it is pleasant to the palate; I'nvigorating4o the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating - generally. -- We have the evi dence of thansands of aged men and women who have - experienced - tho benefit of using this'. preparation While suffering from stomach del rangernents and general debility; acting tinder the advice otTiysicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs- and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods When their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under i,te trial. The relation of mother and .child itti so absorbingly tender, that the mother, espebially if she be young, is apt to forget her Oen health her extreme anxiety for her infant. ShOuid the period of maternity arrive during the rummer reason, the wear of body and mid is generally aggravated. here, then, isw mieessitY for a stimulant to recupo rate the energies bf the system, and enable the , mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responiibilities. Nursing-mothers,genti;• rally prefer !Stile Bitters to all other invigonaL tors that ribeive- the endorsement of physit• Mans, 1.) ecatije it 'is agreeable to the taste aa well es ecrttiin to give a permanent increase of bodi.l3. strength. All thosepersons, to whom we have partial larly .referro above, to wit: sufferers from fevertind. ague. caused by malaria, diarrhteo, dysentery, indigestion, loss -of appetite, and all diseasesibr deringemetita of the stomach, grOperannualed. invalids, persons of sedentary occupatiomiend nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Roe-- tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTIOSI—We caution the public againit using any o f .the many imitations or counter fella, but for 11011ITITTZR'S CELZIMATZII &rowans' Birrana, and see that each bottle hail, the words "Orr, llostetter's Stomach Bitterr blown on the eidc of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering -.the cork, and obseriethatiour autograph signature ie on the label.il ea • air Prep and sold by HOSTETTER • SMlTH,:ttsburgh, Pa., end sold by. all ' druggists. isyruce.s, and dealers generally throughout jthe United States, South Amer' rim and Grmany. ' • OF? 4 4 k r I 1100FilarD'S 1: 04431 MED/Ciip h OVI TRE !• 13111:Er. A. a" • STAp7DARII REMEDIES • et the pretent hge, beor acquired thele greet popularity eddy throus years of trial. tubounded egiafactles dafitmdered hy them in aliases.. 00 - FL AND'S" . CERIIIIAN• BITTERS tettf IMMTITLLT Cl;i7L Liver bmyl nt, Dyrycyala, danndioe, ?fervour Do.: iea of the *admen; and all dise4 arising from a disordered liver, or Tea. . . 1 43 p. ID 1 40 sees SD's. Stoma& slid Digestive Orgiisa, roarnmai rathsT • • 11141,411.111115 fEYQ, Ail mai AU Asig.i See oar Mistime for prutif. Data, S 5 cents per Deft* • ,gaii (I's • Balsamic Cordial WILL POSIIIVILT CZ= ltd. Cold!. lir 8 Itrenekiltia. lasamtly Gaup, raemoais,' Incipient Cosisamptios, and he+ pettleinsti the moat eittettlabin: g owes leer hiloitti of CON*ERILICD cossratvrioa. • A. Dlsrebask CcsAlsl It is.unequalla r ,Plists, • per battle - - •- . HOOFIAIID'S _GERMAN being well hs4ris ihruagbout Europe - gad A"erleo, to teurnerid4Son here. They are purely vegetable, ITC . MINIMA i. exactness, nod are augarectted, pet, better ' Pill ean be found. Pant; 25 eta per box; - . Them are prepared by Dr. elf. Jacatoi Ilt Oa, Phll4d pt., and Pt Lem* Mo., suture sold* . . . /wpm* and AWilera,ln medicinal gre.7wbere. The sip . i sitareott i t . JACIIIeII wi ll be on the outside of etch bottle of I .. . • . Incur" les ALlnanae." publWeed annually, You trill ilnd t . 01011). and tnareendatery tretkee from 01 ions opla , .:- 4 4iLlie Alneetars we girwa away b y insoir mig. KIEROSIENVi 'LAMP% A pp l eill aid siiitortiaentjaat Ctlmaiee,stutdca burncrl, agate, ate., at , • ST...LOUIS HOTEL,. - CHESTNUT-ST ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA, - . • - T N the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Rouses 1 on Market. Third, an&Chestnnt streets, the Banke, • PoetOttice, steratutnts Bachand, &c., Be. BOARD PER DAY, $1,50. • Acemninodation,. when requirid, on the EVRoPEAN PLAN. Ranee from 50 cents and upwards, per dax, and Neatest a ittuvr•Cutes B tanrant attached to the hotel. Pzices according to the Bills of Fire. The City Cars take Passau/mkt:rot any Station TO or CLONE TO the Hotel. • '1718•7 EfirEnglisk, Fredeh, and German spoken. ARE. YOU INSURED? 33. 31:33ra.A.1013.1116CarN Is -receiving application. for lotioranee to the follow ing Compotes: Wyoming INSURANCE Company, WILKES-BARRE, Pa. • Charter Perpetual.. eapital.! - ..8100,000. Surpine....B7,ooo • - Organized Sorenther 2d, ,A. D. 1857. Disthroas. G. IL Rollenback, D. 0. Drieableb, J. P. Dennis, John Reichard, • David Morgan, Chas Pommes, Sam'l Wadhanas,• R D Lacoe, Ross, L P Shoemaker, Goo- P *Reels; II Id Hoyt, R. C. Ibrrrn, See y. G. M. Rouznaecic. W. G. STzAuNo, Treat. 'L. D. SIIOLMAKEZ. Vke AK'! /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. • PICA np Capital f 1,500,000 00 Ames, 2,194,100 02 NORTUERN nag a LIFE ASSURANCE coarr.tary,. No. 1 Moingatistreet, L'ondon. dapital, x 6,938 000.... Annual Rercnue.sl,ooo,ooo. Wlt GETTY, Agent, Philadelphia.. cONnancrr MUTUAL LIPS' INSURANCE. COM P.LNY of Hartford. Connoctient. Accitioulatod Capital ° $3,370,000 00-, Any one wishing their lives Insured will do well to call and examine their mode-of insuring, and their rate■. which are better than those of any other company, before taking Policies elsewhere. I. P. BLACK AN. oc9 '6Ol °Mee over Chandler fi Jesgup's store; ..MORE NEW ARRANGENIEN S GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE FOOT oT•MAIN sTarmir. r extensive Furniture Establishment of 1 SMITH Buozuzas having been refitted and great?y improved, the proprietorfr respectftill annourace to the citizens of, Montrose and viein• ity that they are constantly making and keiip of hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of •FUL.MTURE .To be tottu4 in Itte•Conutry. Aye-give the following list ammo of the nr rieles which we will sell at greatly reduced prices, for Casa or READY PAY: • Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass. from $l6 to $35. • Burenon with marble or briwatelle t"p%, Iron. SAS to 824. And n large assortment, from *i $lO, 12, 14, t,i $lB, Wash Stands, Card Stands, Curricr rend Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 15 cents to ion dollars. Do.kS, Divans ,Totrel itncks, Foot.tools,Otto ninnA, Lounges. &c. Centre; Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen tiot Extension Tables. Chturti—=Cane and Wood Seats, Rockers— Cane, Flag. and Wocd Seats, of every varict) and utyle. Sofas, tete a tetesfurnished at short untie tt New York prices. N. 13. Ready made coffins on hand or fur -abed at short notice.—llearses always u readiness when, desired. We employ none but CAREFUL and Ext.En: .ENCEDWontouis. We intend to do our Wnn} "ELL, sad S 6 :I it as Low as it lean hr hfr..nied r .W. SMITIL .1. snare', E. I{. S3l TII. • ~Tontroll.. Jan iBth. 1860.—tf, KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. WM: IL BATCH, Proprietor. satiated 1 and commodious ilotel satiated 1 on Public ft cantle, near the Court flouse,Ane nearly , in• the centre of the business portion of Moi;trose, is now fu 13... completed and furnished and was opened ou Blot - Any. the 27th 'Any. of September, 1353, for the iceommodation of the pulifiC and travelers. 'rite Proprietor feel confident that be is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to 'jive Complete Satisfaction. The Hotel and Furnisure are new, end no rX perse has been spared to render it equal. if not .sapeiior In any similar establishment in this rot- , of the State. It is well supplied with •all th recent improv,myntg_ and comforts. and oblilint: waiters will always be, readyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables eminvetc4l with this :House art New and Convenient. The Proprietor regpectfullyaolieita the patron• 'v ahi.sold friend, and the public generally. 1V If. K ['ATM MONTROSE I .PEN NA. rTHE subscriber htiving purchaled refitted and newly furniAed th, abuyo welL known :Ind Impular hotel. is prepared to accommodate the tray &lag-public and others with aft the attention's and: ,conveniences usually ' found in first-cies, Noises. No 'effort will be spared by the Pro. prieto: and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar, will always be supplied with th' Choicest Liquors. The Stables, coonectod with this Hone are large, roomyand convenient, and careful an? attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them J. S TARREI.I.. (ft p o IN D G 0 F .4 ri y „calk" Miffs Delicions Tonic Stimulant, Esiettially designed 1 for the use of the Medical Profestion and the Family, haying superceded the to called •• Gins;' "Aromatic," — Cordial,"Aledicated.'"' Schnapps." etc.."li now en alorecd by all the prominent physicians, chemists and con noisseurs, AS I)O±SCIAIg all those EtiTUrSISIC medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an OLD and PURE GIN. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all Drug gists and Groccns. etc. A. M. DININGER. ,t &0.. . [Established in 11784 Sole Proprietors, oc4 yl Fo. lit Broad Street, N. T, Porsale at Turrell'i Drug Store, Montrose. 90ittlitt; ESE?" W EMS TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA PllVVila, • IsMi best Medicine in Me world for thccurt of - Coughs and Colds,Croup. Byoubitis, Asthma, DifficUlt Breathing. • • • Palpitation of the Heart. . For the relief of patients in advanced *Wes Consumption together with'ill Diseases of the Threat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption. It attacks the root of disease, and snakes :Well • ' destroyer succum totes-influence. It also prod u. crx five mpectoraticm, induces healthy action in the diseased Artecow , Membrane and tissues. It is peculia. - ly odsp_ted to the radical out of ktITHMA. • • Oneiloseitr this inrFaluatie BY RCP of tem yirit ease andeonsequentlysleep,mhich the particular • nature of (la d imam denies.r It is cery pleasant to the taste, awl prompt in its elects. Try it et . be amvineed that it is.inraligabk in the curs of Afiections. • Price 50 tents per Bottle. -` Prepared only by ,Dr. A. ESS2IOYE/N. andsoldby A. Esentsein, ,d• C0 ,../Y4W. corner wk and POPLAR eked*, Phi/.'l'4. For sale tn•Montrose by snhtity* hie) ABEL TUBBELL -Druggist. ' tralnir.arlt constantly bw conailwr • . Tuner. Drag Store. BANFO7ID'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, ' - lE,VEIIt, DkIrIILITATES. 'Tits compounded sot 'rely' from Gains, sod .o bosbomuo no rOtOblttlald TOO. stYloolord Nolleutte, gooier' tW• approval by all tbot ,taro tOOO Is, not I um, roo Mtee to web aoullt! oleo to a the Wooten broklelt tt Y tae *a It Gas cured tbonoutds g I:thln as last tiro youth Otto bail Onto up rtli Lowe ,of toilet , aa th e numarous ostrollelled to In my Iposiettettembow. Who tan omit Ito adapted to the temperament of tbs t t ottrattuti taking noted to , ed 4 sur-b 'potato, u n to set gently on the Lionel.. Lao Ma direst!. of your .. judgment, gsilde yea to Oa VIGOLIATOB. sad it plaints, fill lens Al- Chronic Diarrhoea. plaints, Dysesite wea(theLlVEßlt wllcere Liver Com. tacks, Dyspepsia. Summer Copt. Stomeehollabliheal Ic, Cholera, Chole• , bedaub:sae. Plata . ry, Dropsy,• Sour , Cortivrpers, Chop iraßlorbirs,Cholera Female Weakness. eesdally as In Ordlna. Onto.. Mallows IICK thousadds tan temittra lii two or three Too en tit csoutossonsot at • lance Jaundice,: si‘am; may b used rut ry Fit=lly Medi- HEADACHE, us twenty minutaii, spoonfuls are flak! tout ' A who too It art gllvlsti their kLiaa.=:Ly la Its OkTor. MIX WATER IN TILE 9IOIITIL WITII Tina INVIGORATOR, AND, SWALLOW 130TIL TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FID [tracts, and put up in r Tight, and will keep • I hurtle Piti.k•gen athleh Um praprletar has than trimly years. Demand from those Wt,, ..3 and the itenaftullno which .'• use, One Induced me to plaza Nthat different Cathartic@ set Inset. - TMARTIC PLL Ilds cell eatebllabed l Net, r i variety of the pleats Vele. '. O . alike on every port of the good and mare lo all eme , needed. alma sa , De.. 4 • Stomach Back ants Los. - and lloreneaa over from sudden cold. whir!, end Ins Inng muse of to. , e . We ' a Creeping !ten. thelandy, Restless.. weight In it he Mind, Dlseasea, Worms In Itheuniallaan. a great diatom to which , o r411741 1 gn in this advertlae• • 'KEE DIMES, senior and Family (*a• Idled by Progetaa generally, and , In ell the In.-ge towns. ,N 1 70111), M. D. Idamatetnrer and et-orrice.; ay. New, fork. Pure itegetablolt; 1.11..A5114 CASEVI; Alt Ist any climate. The Family- t.. Cc hut Retire Cathartic uteri to bla practice more The constautiv Incensing have long itsPd the all express in retard to their them within reaeb of all. The Profession knew alb.'rent portions of the FAMILY CA to., with due reference in been eumpoindet 'tom a table. Extracts, which net .ulmentary canal. and are on where a • Cstbhrttc Is •a, rangements iht of the th e e ee C he o li who s e body freluently, %If neglected ver, Loss of Amp., sotto*. of Cold over eels. Headache. or all lit Ram :notary Children or Adult., Portlier et the Blood flesh Is heir,- too numerous tomb Dose. I tot. • PRICE TB Tho Liver Issirlsco, Chortle Pills are real sold wholeitale by the Trade 111. T. W. SA: 335 Broaaw BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS BRAYED lIOLLAYD REMSDY 101 - - DYSPEPSIA; DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT,, WEAKNESS OF ANY- KIND. FEVER AND ACUE, Asa 11, - , 'aeons 'affections consequent upon • disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, • suen.lndigedlop, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Yakut, tharthuru, Wm of Appetite, Despondency, Coetivennew. illind anti Bleeding Piles. In all Nerrona, Rheumatic, and Neuraig C Affections, it has in numerous instances proved hulAy Leneficial, and in other. elExted a decided ewe. .This is* purely TraetAble compound, prepared on strictly scientific principle; after the manner of the celebrated II.•Iland Profoew.r, therhace. Its reputation at bouts pro. deiced its ultroduction here, the demand commencing with thnso of the Fatherland scattered- over tie face of tide mighty country, tnany,ef whom brought with them cud down tie trnaltnen of its *aloe. It is now o La 9, Amend= puNi, lenerwing Morita OW, susiinnal ~Rues 9121/.0 be acknowledged It 1. particularly recommended to anoie person. wkisse ormstitutions may base been impaired by the ewntlnuons nee Of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally Instantaneous looffect, it finds its way directly. to, the seat of Va.-thrilling and quickening every versa, catalog op the drooping apirit,az4 to fart, infusing new health and vigor In the system NoTlCK—Whoever expecte to find this; alrevertige *l,l M disappointed; Lott to the tick, weak andlow spirited, it will prose a 'grateful aromatic audit'', towered of singular renaidlni propertica. READ CAREFULLY! The nennine highly concentrated Beerhare's Holland Bitters Is put up in half-plut bottles only, and retailed at Os. Ikittaa per bottle, cr Aix bottles for Firs Douala. The great demand for this truly celebrated ?With,* Lae induced luny haatloos, which the !Stalk abould guard agalinst purchasing. • Imo' Betara of lirpositleri. Bee that our cause Is on the Label of erery bottle yeultlyi Bold by Drurgiate generally. It man be forwardsi by Express to moat paints. SOL)S PROP2IZTORB. BENJAMIN PAGE, Mt. & co. it•lirw•orr az)l4, Fhartnacentists and Chartists. PITTSBURGH, PA. Theft BITTERS are sold its Montrose by ud3 7 ABEL TURRELL Druggist if : 24 4 ; Z RENO-AD! • 4 1 , t 1:. ' , Thal* Nab. Al aperient s and stomachic preparation of DION purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com bustion to Ilydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy .in each of the following - cOmplaints, viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CUTION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONS= PATION, SCROFULA. SALT RMUICIMINPI, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS BTh- Tint, zascuitiAL,CONSEQUENCES 4 FEVERS. NEURALGIA. tiazoino • HEAIIIIACEEe. FEMALE WEAKNESS. XIS. MENSTRUATION. WRITES, CELOROSIS. etr., PIMPLES ON TER FACE, ROUGHNESS OF TEE SKIN, eta. The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and thus circulating through the whole system, no • part of the.body can-escape their truly wonder ful influence. • The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be conspired with it. -Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in al most every conceivable cue. In all cases of female debility (fluor album, chlorin* eta), its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition fOr active • and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. , As a grand stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. . _.'• Pet lop In nest did metal boles containing ,50pllla, wire 50 ivies per box t sou hoses, ' II 50; one dosen boxes. 44 00. For sale lir • Drbeildsts generally. Will be sent frail* any eddrese on receipt of thr wive. AU let. ton, orders , etc, should be ' suidsessed . to R. II LOCKE & CX:11• 1 General Agents. • 339 BROADWAY, X Y. X. B.—trhe above Is a tbardaillit of the Niel on each tem - • ABEL TURRELL 11:mz e t=17:cs e a r n e etedy ° lot. nearly F every 11 to which dela is heir. •Call at the • GREAT _MEDICINE EMPORIUM of ABEL TURRELL, and be availed of the benefits dia. pease& Montrose, July .17, 1861. OrOld Medal Sal . ertetus; An y also, ether kthde, of the bestAtinmkrittlicarie I Tan vou.owima maiDoasiantirra as Sn i t • CEPHALIC PII / XS, WILL CON' INOS ALL wao garinTit. YBOY HEADACHE, TELLS' A. SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As these testimonials were uneolieited by Mr • Spalding, they afford unquestionabte proof of the efficacy of this truly scientific die:awry. • . • dfisorritaa, Cosa., Veb. .Va. aratraao. Pax : , • • 1 hivo tried your Cephalic Pills, and /Ma fAew ai veil that I want you to send.meworth mote.. Part of there are for the ne ighbors, to whine' I gave a few out of the first box I got from yon. ! Bend the Pills by mall, and oblige Tour ob't servi. JAS. If KNNKDY. • - - reb. 5. WINZEI! litish you to scud ins one more box of yew Cephslk Pills; /hare evesind a gnat deal itr benifiefrom than. Yours. respectfully. ANN STqINTIOL'SE. • SprucoCreek, lloutiugdon co.. N., Jan. IS. • If. Spa. Mina. . , Sir : You will please send ms two boxes of yoCz Pills. Bond them immediately. Respectfully yours. - . .TNO. B. SIMONS. P. S.—flare we one Ito of pie rot, and fled Mem sztellenl. , . . Belle Venton, Ohio, J. Henry C. SpaltUnn. Please find enclosed twenty-Eve onto. fo i e which send me another box of your Cephalic Pile. They axe truly the hest 'plila I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER. P. M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot county. Ohlo. I' Beverly...Vass, Dec. 9. 11. C. Spalding, Esq. I wi.h for 110 me circulars or large show- 101 e. to bring corm more particularly before my customers. If you hive anything of the kind, please send them to me. - One of my customer'. w•ho Is subject toLa severe sick headache, (usually lasting two darn), was cured qf an of tack in an /lour by your Piss. ivhial 1 sent her. Itespectfully yours. W. F. WILKES. Itcynoldaburg, Franklin Co.. Ohio, t January 9. - 1 ., , ffellflr C. Spalding. ; * No. 18 Cedar street. Y. T. Dm 1 r Sir : . - ' / Inclosed find twenty.firecFnta,;(l.9s.)ll.ir Which send me box,,of "cephalic pills.". Direct to Ker. Wm.. Filler; at Itevnoldsbnrg. Franklin county. Ohio. ; ; • Your Pills work-like a charm—curr I:nada/is ohnort, burlankr. . Truly yours, Writ FILLER. Ypsilanti, MO., Jan. 51 .ltr. .Spaldiny: Sir Not tong since I sent to you for nbox for the cure of .the . Nervous liendache, and Costiveness. And received the fume'. and they ltaci„so goal on (reef I Was induced to send for more. / l'iensi scud by return mall. Direct to „. A. R. pallantl, Mich. From the- Examiner. Norfolh-, Va. .. C pholit Pill accomplbM the object for which they Were made, viz.: cure of headache In all its forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk. Va. They have been tented In more than a Ormond case n ith entire sum& From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn: . If you lien; or have been troubled with the headache, wud for align of cephalic pills, so that you may . have - them in cage of an attack. From the Advertiser, Providence, R. I. The Cephalic Pills are mid to be a rernarhably effective remedy fur the headache, and one of the very beat for Ihnt v,vy -frequent complaint which has eves bees die> covered. . . . Front the Il'estet-n R. R: G'ezett , i, Chiegso We heartily endorse 31.r.Mpil4Ung, and 'his anilvalled Cephalic Pills. rr_ Front the Lilly Slur, Kr/nate/4. Va. We are Pure that pepeas eufferipg with ' the "headache who try them, will stick to them. . - • ' From flit Path. Finder, Nob Orleans.' La. ; • Try them,. you that arc afflicted. and we are sure that your teallmony.can be added 'to tha'already numerals', Hat that has mulled benefits that nu other mediduc eau produce. From Ike St. Louis Democrat. Th. immense demand fur the article (cephalic pills) is rapidly iucrearing. Front the Gazette,. 15avenparf,—Twa. - Mr Spalding sronld not connect hto nano with atiar tiele tie did not know to poetess real tuerlti From the Advertiser, Providepet, 1? 1. The testimony in.t t) elr favor is strong, from lb* most respectable quarters. Frnm the Duely Newt,. Newport, R. 1. Cephalic Pile are taking the place of all kinds. VatliCA, Ar . CURE e cl osslort k As.l ei,‘ CURE -fe Nervous Headache 4 1 7 , CURE i s t 'Llkind%°' By the title of these Pile the periodic attacks of Nerrotts or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if, taken at the commencement of an attack, funnedlate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall in removing the Nausea and Headache_ to which femar%us are eo subject. They act gently upon the bowels.—removing Cbstireness. For Literary 'Wen, Students, Delicate Females, and ail persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a laxative. Improving the appetite. giving tons and vigoi to the diges tive organs, and restoring the natural I elasticity and atrength at the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invti cation and carefully conducted _experiments. having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented end relieved a vast amount of Rain •and suffering from Headache, whether originating In the' Furrow, system, or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirebt vegetable in their composition. and aymbe taken atalltimes with perfect safety without mak mg any change of dia.-and the absence seamy disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them (o children. Bewail) of COuntorfeits. The_genuthe have are idgnatnree of Ilepry C. Spalding onesch box. Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medicine.. A box will be sent Vinton prepaid on receipt of thi F. 17.11.0420 Ste All orders should be addressed to HENRY V. SPALDIING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. rovl2 v 36 t -- . . rairA bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times Its coat annually. -SPALDING% PREPARED GLUE! SPALDINCi'S I'REPAREI GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! s..txx TIIB rur.crus: ECONOMY ! r..{T"A &men rx Tiars Bans NTs."„Ail accidents' will..happen, evenin well regulated final Iles, it is very desirable to have some cheap and CODYCII lent way•for repairing furnitore, toys, crockery, Ac. • SPALDING'S PREPARED - GLIM meets all nth emergencies, and_no household can afford to be without it. It la always ready, and up to the stick ing point. • • "USEFUL MAT fIGUSIL" _ N. B.—A Brush aecompaniee each Bottle. Price 111 cents. Address, //KVA YC. SPALDING, No. 413, Cedar Street, New-York. CAUTION. As ceitain unprincipled persons are Minn top M ' off on the nneuspectingAublic, imitationeo my d Gluft.l would . caution persons to exaMine before pur chasing, and see that the (nil name,' garBP4ILDTN6'6 PREPARED aLEE N jiII Is on the outside wrapper ; etbess . ses vertoding (Neva terkila. Deafiamns Emma° on. filreateet Remedy in the World,for • .RILEIIIIIATI3III, and all PAIN. - . Warranted ,to CUBE - rim aSa Ague in oneelay; - , . I • chub in dye minutes; • 1 Defffneasin twotti four days; Burns and Scalds in ten minutes ;- SPllii3ll.*Onnds and Bruises in from ono to throe days ; liu l r Toot Indanuxuttion in one da Ne igia.Croup. Too e, Berns, in ten minutes; Hem liege, Scrofula, Abs s, in ten days ; Brut „Wounds, Tett:et-I one to three dap. ; , he. Stiff Nock , e, n one. day 'Veldt's, Broken Bleas4 Salt Rheum, In 3 bids days ; Quiutiy, Palpitation. Pleuriny, in one to ton days; -Regina, Gout, Keysitielaa. by dye to twenty days Fr ed Feet' Chilblains, Stiff Joints , chronic Rhea.' matism, Sore Throat, Scatter Fever, and the lame nil& to walk. by a few lbettles. Tblse OIL. (De Death's) is raid and pleasant, and is a gydat Family tal Medicine fors children teething Ac. Ladles should all nse it. Iways leaves yon better ihanilt Ands you, and one - bottle often cures entirely. i• —..,..--I—. - , I APPLIITICD THIRTEEN TEARS, AND CURED. IN ONE 14REK. • 1 Read let or from flee. James Temple. • - _. • Paisainsuenta.June Oth, 1855. Prof. it Gann : I bare been hillicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other paint* complaints, and I hare been n le to sleep soundly Or walk any distance fur manyyirs pact. Last week tot • Willer of your Elec tric Oil. The drat night I slept soundly and well, and to. day.l antlike a new man. 31y , ife could not believe her eyes. Your , Electric on has done In one week what the plualciahs of Philadelphia felled to do In thirteen years. I ' Gratefully yOurs. WIT.JAMES TEMPLE. _LI • 310 South street. , .. / . LIFE PILLS;. . & PH I ENIX BITTERS. 111111FA8 MEDICINES haven iw been before the-public .1: for alperiod of Thirty Years and during that time have maintalbed a high character In almost every part of the tilobe, i fir their extraordinary end Immediate power - of castor! perfect healtirto persons vuffering under nearly every k ind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The f4llowing are among thel distressing variety of hu man disessei'in which the VNETEBLE LIFE.MEDICII\TE Are weirknown to be infillible. DYSPEPSIA, be thorough',cleansing the let and 2nd stomachs, and creating a flow o pure; healthy bile,instead ofthe stale and acrid kind; FLRFDLERSV, Lau gr Ap petite, Lfeartburn, Headache, Restlessness, fil-Thaper„ ,Anx say, .14wrzer nod dfdarieholy,which are general symptom@ 'of llyspepda. vanisb;as a natural consequence of its cure. COrNESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intent' es with a solvent process, and without violence; all viol nt purges leave be bowelstostive In two days. FEVERS of ull kinds, by restoring the blood to ®ular circulation, thro' the process of respiration In such cases, and there solution of all intestinal obstructions in others. .. . .. . . . . . . . The Life Medicines hare been known to cure RHEUM MUM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that, tithe, by removing local inflammation front the mus cles and lignments of the Joints. -- DROPSIEs of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kldheye and bladder; they operate most delightfully or. these traportant omens, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy •for the worst eases of GRAVEL. Also iIiVOItMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels th e slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. O V SY,LCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by thepe ect•purity which these We Medicines give to, the blood and all the bunions. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by thei alterative effect upon theiluids that feed the skin k i and th morbid • stare of which• occasions all eruptive compl nts, 'sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com plexions. • The tole of thede Pills for a very short Unis will effect an entiretre of SALT RHEIIN; and -a striking improve ment t the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and I EVENS& will always be cured by one dose, or by two In_Lthe worst eases. • . : - PILEL—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cnred of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the Lse r yjdfcinisalone. , - WE AND AGUE.- - For this scourge of the West ern codntry, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other Medicines leave the system sniklect to a return of the disease—a cure by these .Medi eines It permanent— Try Mein, be ealitgeol. and beamed. . 81l owl Fevers ,armL. Liver Complaints. Genentl Debility. Loss of Appetite. and Diseases of Fe males.( The Medicines have been need with the Most benendial results in cases of. this description:—Kings Evil, Ind Scrotal:l. in its worst forms, yields to the mild y_et pbwerfnl action. of these remarkable Medicines. Night riwests. Nervous Debilltv. -Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Palpitation of the Mean, Painters' Colic, are speedo cured. - , I Mercurial illsesses.-Persone whose constitutinns have bfrome impaired by the in.indicions use of Memel., will find these Medicines a-perfect cure. as they never fall toe. irate from the systernotththe effects of Mercury, intinit ly sooner than the moil powerful preparations of Sams fills. l a Prepared - and sold by W. B. MOFFAT.. 33.113110ADWA7: New-Yost. r For Sale by all Druggists. _1 - , , later's Balsam of -Wild Cherry., Wistaria - Baliam Of Wild ,Cherry. H Coughs, Cola, Coughs, i - Coughs, Colds,.. Coughs, - • I, • .; lOuna, Bronchitis,iiimuncu, Bronchitis, i. • Asthma , Bronchitis, bantams, Bronchitis. 1., Whooping Cone!, Croup, . • Whooping Cou gh, - Croup, nmunplion, Consumption, Consmnptiou, ' . alConsumption, Consumption, . . ail fib divasu, fled !an unfailing mad" a ready relief, mod a sure ' and speedy cure, its ikd grid andenuet . rsay (wined remedy, • - 'Wistaria Balsam Of Wild Cherry. Hof Wild Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry., • Wall known ad noun rusted sang asthrsturn rink. ation if tin antstry, wan tis ,fiptlesing statserratjar I::fit of awl "Pas& • UAAIOI/1,1, PA., Felt . 16, ISM . -S. W. Powmt .k! Co:, Heston, 1 — Dear Sits: Bailing mined in my family impottint benifits from Online of your valuable niparation, *WAR'S BAL. and or WILD; C1q.1 , 11.1r, 111 affords one .pleasnre M reariliusend it to the public. [ Boon eight years age one of tot daughters seethed tc ,Bone in a decline, and little boss of, bri recovery wen entertnioed. I then pro. tu a Ingle of your excellent Balsam, and twine she 14taken the who's' of the Manson of the bottle then a pot Improvement in her health. I have, In my 4' 4 in dud caw, - made frequent me of four valuable inns, and have always been benefited by it. I Itestori, seating Ors 'public against imposition, is. 'soils taws is • 'gm! led i?.laplaititu Wister's Batson qf W 441 cherry allow tareaglost ti. entstry. JACOB BECHLEIL. ' Virginia Voitimany t - . . Ce*d. fret Me. Noinotnz Notion, if a. 1 - Ezessiser COligt, Riersund. - RICHAIOND, VA., Feb. M. 1660. , .e- Rom lI.W. FOWLS & C,0., Barton,— Gentleman t I +II plasma testify to !the mast merit of your in. Anilable-lung medicine, Nr. - Wurran's BALSAM OP' Wttaa ellialtY, which is likewise . highly valued by • maul of our esteemed chinas, who have tested its sullies hy trial. . Oitsfinade use of this Ba/sam some three yea= since bra violent and distrimiagr cough which baffled UM aqof physician, and, t' my joy, ospoliimoot such Hying niter as to ludo me to ponesere in its use. II ways keep it by me, and .ever find if to be unfelt. ingtin its effects. No medicine that I ham nu used halgivia inch speedy MIS. Yourscraiy, - 't ,VOILDORNE NORTON. • -. . Prom has' dig* Esq. --Hi hiiiiite . ' of tie Xmis Olusti Desk, and ells is rat 6sarn and sub samiSd tbrifilsat .Ntv Jam. , Mons Stows, N. L, Jan. MEND Mears. S. W.,PowLs lii 00,—DooarEllis : Having *sad Dr. Wurtaa's Daiiiint Of WILD cIIZRZIF AD abatis, Main yeas, and Saving rsallzsd Its benatklall nailts In my • Dimly; is SSW& to aid *sun; Is ssisunandling ft to ESNS as • valuable howdy fit cans qt nab law; utiti, angle, ift.., Ind a ,smady which I maids to be entirely laatint l and may be . taint with paint eddy* its mast dalleata Is boaltit, L. Irmo MY raPletf,DYl - . • . ! JERE . IIMMI. ' Beware of vile and tivillika ceiwstafette I Th 6 only Census, Prrej and Macke' &Law has th 4 name of "L BUTTS," mitten with a pen. and the prided urns d the proprietors, " S. W. -FO`` & C 0.," on lit outer wrapper. , jig wk; nfei with l e,i . pg aims of das l'lnvat • 1 sw, or 'Chic am deck 0.4 retiepri Slit" I I • .. iVistar's Balsam of Wild Merry, - Wlstaios Eilsaai of Wild. Cherry, ' raniiiiro sr . 1 . _ EL W. POE & CO I , i i i li . 18 TREMONTI STREET, BOBT.Ot . DISPATCH ! Mu we . • • • • ._ . • I ~ ,D+aggide, maisi, and rtermilits is toory IMO • - 1 asdtits is tis aired Sates 1 • . . terrt"by Abel Tntiell and Head, W tro kat yes ele (L. H. Woodruff, Memel ; A a mmi l itieinds' Brook);; Whitney At Iftesley,_Hattord ; Weed At Wattr Gress Head; tr. C. Olmstead, Dandafl; L. Grillin:Oneitt Bet air I • ,7x17 16--71s _ - CURED, 10nRi*Iz Nay Ilamrs,.. May 19t D - Grath : brother has berm deal for h :3 Ge ars. _lliw 4 many things, he used your Oils few times, r htm entirely. CLIFFORD , CLIFFORD K. 5CR`.1.1.7015. or asio by all Druggla and at the DOpot. n: : , ghth-a fob% 3mcy T f'l4 111 OFF. The Rev . JaCclb Bidder, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, ma 'Car the speedy: cure of the euttiotned tratietleeof Disease: • . • • , Scrotal& and Scrotaloos Aillictlonor t sash as Tumors, • Ulcers,' Sores, Ernipillions,, , Plus plea, Pustules , Blotches, Dens, Dlalsur and all Skin DI OAKLAND, Imi.: edb itme, ifela: ? J. C. ATEn & Co.'.Gents: I feel it my duty to ass. knowledge what your Serseperilla - linalsione far ma. Davin bilterited a Scrofulous Infection, I have saffiewl from 'it In various way. fur years. lismatimei It burst - Ott In Ulcers on my hands and arms ;:, sometimes ft turnedlaward and distressed me at the stomach. Two . yeas ago it broke out on my head andcovered my scalp and are with one sore, which was pelnfillandloalisonms beyond description. I tried many medicines and saver' physkaans, but without much relief from 'tiny thing. Is. bet, the disorder grew worse. At /mill I was rejoiced to read In the Gospel Messer that yo had prepared • an alterative (Sarsaparilla), for ger I knew teem your repu tation that any thing you made must be geed. I sent to , Cineinnati and got it, and need it till It eueed me. I took It, as you advise, in small dons of a teastatmfhl -over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy . ,skin soon began' to -form under the mean which after a while fell off. My akin is non - clear. and a knew by my • feelings that the.dieease hi gone from my eyetsm. VOA . an well believe that I feel what I am saying when 14•i1 • you, that I bold you to be one of the apostles of the n o. . arid remain over gratefully, Yours, 1 •• • • ALFRED R. TALLEY. St. / Anthony , ' Firs, Rose or Erysipelas, - Teeter and Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Ring worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy , . • ' - Dr: Robert M. Feeble writes•ficom Salem, N. Y., leth - . Sept., .1859, that- ho but cured an laysnerete case of' Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsanarills. andstlso a dears's. out attack of „Ifotionant Erysipelas by leige doses orthes same; says be cures the common 'Eruptions by it ma: Staidly. ' s Dronekoeele, Goitre, or Swelled Neck,. ' • Rebel= Sloan of, Prospect, Trim, Writes: "Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre s hideous swelling on the neck, which I Ind suffered from' over two years." . • . I,szteorchma or Whites. Ovarian Tumor" Uterine Ulceration, Female 'Diseases.. Drs `.l. 11. S. Charming, of New York City, writes: o I' most cheerfully comply with the request sf your agent in saying I have found your Sam:paella a ' most excellent alferattee In the numerous compinlaste for.whiels we em ploy such a remedy, tint especially in Female Diseases ' of the Serothlous diathesis. I -have cured many Invet erate cases of Letworriiire by It, and seine Where the complaint witsasuited-by ulceration of the uterus. The ulceration itself 'wag soon cured; Nothing within my knowledge equals it for these remele deningements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes: o A dan gerous ovarian tumor on one of the fannies in my family. . which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has • at length been completely cured by your h extract of Sar saparilla. Our physician thotteiht-noildeg but ractirpa- . Min could afford relief, but he adviecalsthe trial of year Sarsaparilla as the last' resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of:the disease remains." I. - Syphilis and Mercurial Dlsen.:e. ---- New ORI.F.AXi, ehtthhAtrnet, late., Dn. J. C. ATER. Sir: 1 cheerfully edmply With the request of your agent, and report to you items of the - 2 - effects I have realized with your Sarsapnrilla. I have cured with It, In my practice, most of the cone plaints for which It le recommended, and here found its effects truly wonderful it the cure of Venereal otter Mer curio! Disease. One of my patients halyphilitie ulcers In hisehroat, which were consuming Ili.r ogee and the top of his mouth . Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in flee week's. Another was attacked hisee ondary symptoms in his nose; and 'the -ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would ',non reach hula brain and ,1011 him.- But it yielded to my adminletratien of your harioperilin; the 'ulcers healed, end he le well again, not Orcoa me without some disfiguration of the face. A woutenwho bad been treated for the same disorder by mercury 3,101 suffering from this poison in her bones. . '!` hey, heal become so penal- LIM to the weather that on a damp' day; she suffered ex cruciating pain ,in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few creeks. 1. • know from its formula, which youtengent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratery'hot he a greet' remedy consequently, thirst truly, reztrarkable results with It have not surpr ised r me. , i Fraternally yours, G. V. I,IRIIIEII, IL D. . Rheumatism, Gout, Liver donsplalnt. . IsnereenexcE,..Preston Co„ Va.; htli July, le4e. DR. J. C. ATER. Sir: I have been afflicted Willi I:pain ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time. srbieli Walled the skill of physicians, and shirk; to' me - hi spite of all the remedies I could find, until I trted your Slreeparilla. One bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I .nun far better thou before I was attacked. I think it a Wonderful mieficide. J. Fit} AY. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: "1 have hems aft feted for years with an- affection of the Lleer, wide% destroyed my health.. I tried every thing, and everything filled to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from no other muse than .lirongen2ent.os' - , the Liver. Illy beloved pastor. the ltev. Mr: Espy, whiled me to try your Sarsaparille, beentise lie said he knew you. ' and any thing you made was 'worth tree.g. By the bless tog of God it has cared me, and has soflurified my blood &eta mayn a nee man of me. I feel prang again. The best that can be said of you Is not half good enough." Ile-litrres, Cancer Tumors, Eulirgement,- M. ceration, Caries, and Ezfolia: Lion of Cho BOOMS. • 1 4 'Airiest variety of mania:ye been reported - to us where , cures of these formidable comainiets have resulted from • 1 the use of liderremedy, but our space here-will not ad-, mit them. Some of them May be found in. Mir A ineritutru • Almanac, which. the s*:ntrt.t.elon: zoned are pleased to furnish gratis to all who all for them.; ' • Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, _Fits. Epilepsy , „ Blelanelsolg t Neural/Oa. . .. limy remarkable cures of thee's. :trillions here been ' ,• . made by the alterative - power of this meshichns•. It etimu t late* the vital fuuctious into vigoroush action, and Ulu* overcomes disorders whirl' would be supposed .I.cyoutt VIM reach. Such a remedy has long been reqnired by alts necessities of the people, and we are chuikleut that this will do for theta all that medicine am du. Ayer's - . Cherry Pectoral, eon TILE nArip CURE UR . Coughs, Colds,' Influenza,, lloarsrettssi i , Croup, Bronehittl , Incipient Cons unap. lion, and for the Relief of Cons usop.. _ Ova Patients, in advanced . . stages of the Disease. ' '` . This la • remedy so universally known to surpass nor , other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless here to publish the evidence Of its virtues. Its unrivalled - excellence for coughs and cidds. and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it. known throughout - the civilized nations of the earth.• Few are the communities, or .even families, among them who have not some personal experience of Its effects -some living trophy In their midst of Imp victory over the `subtle and dangerous disorders of the: throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder,, and 11. they know, too;the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the +dr . Inca that it did have when making thdeures which ham won so strongly upon the confidence or mankind. Tpparea• by Dr. J. C. AYE/ de CO., Lowell, Han. 'Fur • , I .. r sale heated Turret!, Montrose; (torch & Phinney :Dundaff ; %Veltman .t Swisher. Auburn Centre. and dealers and druggists everywhere. oc' B y csr C I-1 qE7i • 'MRS: WINSLOW,' An experlenceilklu t rs t‘ e nt e i n o d n oFremilualeher44,yhslecrian.K.esento SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the grime. reducing all. inflammation—•w ill allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SLUE TO REGULATE TIDE HOWELL Depend upon it, mothidx, it will cite rest tp you, arid BELIEF. AND HEALTH TO Y t fflt. INFANTS. IKe• have put up and sold this Art kele or over:tit Y et», alnico' seer t•N VALNFIDENCK AND TWAT of it, what we helve never been able to say of anzg rs tather tnetScins H NEVEIt AS IT-FAILED. Eta SIN ' INSTANCIII. EFFECT A CLT RE, whey stately v ever di d w know , an instance of dissatisfaction by anvorie-who bad used it On the contrary, till are del ighta with its over:glom—end, speak In t erme et commendation of its ineffscal effects and, medical vistudt lye say in lido matter •• WIIATWE DO KNOW," after ten year;' experience,drid PLEDGE GUI; REPUTATION for the fulfill m ent of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering bJ pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen to SIX - minutes niter the syrup Is administered.. This valuable preparation is the pre, eript lon of one o; the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL 'NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FALLING( SUCCESS in - _ THOUSANDS OF f/SElls p it not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorate*. the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives to .a and energy to the whole system. it will almost inetst.tly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, ndd overcome convulsions, which, If dot speedily cured," end in death. Wo believe it the BEST and SUREeTrem• edy In the WORLD. in fill cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRIREA IN CHILDREN,. whether' it arises from -teething, or from any other cause. We would say to all . muthars who have a child angering Iran any of the forego complaints—DO NOT 'LET YOUR PREJUDICES NOR TILE PREJUDICES o OTMERS. - stand between 'you.and your suffering child, f i nd thej relief that will be SUltE—yea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow • the 11110 of this medicine, if timely end. Full directions for UMW! will accompany each bottle. None genttlne unless the fact simile of CURTIS & I'EItKLNS, Nes,' York, Is on the. _outside wrapper. , • ' _ Sold by Druggists thronghotff :the Wald, • Pfluelttlerealee,l3 Cedar etre+ NewNorie, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. - d ec 2o y • For sale in Sfontro ge.l by Abel Tuna. • • • HOWARD ASSOCIATION,. PHILADLLPHXA. - Benevolent institution eitablished by ape. cid Endewment. for the Relief of the Sick and Diet reseed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseasekand especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sawa! Organs. - EDICAL ADVICE' givenJ gratis, by the LIM Acting Surgeon, to all whri apply by letter with &description of their condition, (age, occit potion, habits of life. &e.,) and in . cases of ex keine povertv,medicinea furnished free of charge Valuable Reports on Spermaforrhats, and oth er Discuss of the Sexual Organit, sent to the at dieted in sealed letter envelopes, free of. charge Addrese; Dr. 4,13k111in Houghton, Actine Sur germ, Howard Association, No'. 2 South 9th.at Piffled's. Pa. 'Dv order of the Directors: real , snivr, o w Rand, Pack or T. A.: URRELL.