The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 02, 1862, Image 4

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    MVOS; s
PORTIAtTS , I: : 1
ems; -' k t . latiAsaloadzin .k sit ' ; . i
iwns unibiesigierl hating taken tee Beets retintly
ceekpled B. IDEd.NS. is troated tetra:dab :
holnay desire with a good and.innitral , Pertralt,
Being weligented !tithe production orrhocariouskluds !
s;f, or ?lamella the day,l fatter myatirthat nay hot
' excelled by any in this Frahm of the country I
Among the various kinds talon at ny',Rooms are the
:44VBROT17PE Pit oTbigRAPH,
4 ,-- Locket Pictures down to the smalleat sired miniature
Ring. Transferred Ambrotypes--tbe finest thing ont,,lbr •
sniffing hy rest to any part of the World without extra
pqatage. , ..My Pictures are *a. V 1401911.11,... and expressive !
—MA - those Dint ; litek•ss shadows often sold about thei
country, Pictumalaken In all Linda awe:niter.- equally !
Well; except lb won of young children. •No picture need be ;
taken miles* perfect satisfaction is given.
Ine.dressing for a Picture., avoid light colons.—snch at
. blot, purple, starlet, pink. etc. Most others take well; as
green. black, red, mutt brown, oratgl... yellow. etc. - I
:sr liethember that the Waft , to get your •• picture" is
is the,Brick Block, over Road. Waimea fi Fosfree store. '
Mon oat!, Ps.. Nov. hkii. 7Nnf. .
. •
OACIIES carry:llc malls and pa.engers tween
Muntrnt.o and Friendrville, will leave Scarln't. lint el,
to 'Montrose. daily, at 7 o'cluck.a. m. andleavo Friends
rills at 3 o'clock- p m.•
;alorllcirsei and caress:es can be procured at the Liver,
Btable or the subscriber in Montrose. on reasonable terms.
Moatmst,' dug. 76.1.9411. If J. D. GOOD. •
TAKE this method of Informin7:thele OLD AND NE
Friends that they have jort mceleed an addition to the
former stock of Gtods, which they
Prices Perlbctly Astonishing
We have not time to enumerate artielt , A. or priet , e. lint
invite the public to call. examEne.. and eatikty them,elv.T
of the truth of what we publivh. and of eour.e. then buy.
.1. L. 31E1n - rlll.-vs „t SON.
• Uriaotreille. Dee. toth. tfteoi. -
eiIIOICE Lot of Family Groceries just received and *el
ling %I prr cent. below former prices.'
F kliC Y Confectionary far the Tieiidftio„ at
- •
vim PRODUCE of all kinds, fat' which the highest
market prices will be Enid in Goods. at
Up4owrille.. Ps.
P.1..11P111.J7.12, MOP it•tilitr of 04 doable column
patter. was orizinally published pending the political
cancans of Val . The Impenditnt Crisis,". is a compi
lation of all the sophiamt and malicious- doctrines by
which the public mind of the North had here no far pois
oned as to produce the triumph of the Presidential can
didate of the sectional party latt fall.- It' wits widely cir
culated izratnitously, by means of lame contributions of
money. and did more than any- other thi lig to deceive the
m-isses Q r our people. In this 11,riett and Aftdalion. etc
talcs tit, each of it. , chapters senor:oo,y. and everylropor
tent assmeption in detail. and retoto firm f•O completely
that tie pernon can read the pamphlet without
beta; convinced of.the falsity of all the wicked mummy,
dons of the Ilulpee honk anal of the folly of the occtional
strife which has culminated in civil war. An there it no
probability that pease win be permanently restored to
our distracted land until the pnblie mind, at the North in
disabused of its erroneous imoressiodsrelative th the tree
eliaramer of our Southern s:-te r States. most of whom are
tow in rebellion ?Inn:loot nor .rencrut government. as the
result of the triumph of srctionli fanaticism both North
lad s thcAnty or all trap- patriots to do
all In their power to rmunve nnjnst pre,intlices hetw..en
{be Next, and South. and there in probably no more effic
ient rectos of accoMolishithf this result. than by general
circoilatirm ot.onr /2,Vorafinn or It contains a
lams amount of rateable ntatisrii. worth. for ocranionel
reference. several times lyre price of the patophlet,lo all
intellitnmt .citlfteus. Price al . cents per cop, 0r4.2 per
docce—sentlis mal t pfattage preprtid.,
O. d. war.nE,
id4ll:tosili, Orange Co., N, T.
DEL A-ir.:T,L,Ic
On and after Monday. Nor. 21,111.
; --
The:Night Expre-s ,
Train • Patoongern from N.T.,ri
East on the N. 1. a: P.: IL ' leave Pier No.2,North P.,r
arrices at Great 11:ud depot er at t a. ru.jT,oo
at . ja. re .j 1.11 : Os (tall of Courtland-tt,r,tlO
connects with the , rroto Philadelphia
Express train. for -‘ . ' hare Kensington, 7.14..
N. Y. audPhilad‘a . i Lea ce junction. 11.15
which hearts nt " 7.2 e , Mae at Wa"hington, 11,511
Dne at ;New Milford, - 7,141 1 tltfor.l. tp.m 1 11.50
Sioutfor.c., S. , 11,,p e .t Phitenneelionll9.l4
iiimbottunt, . : 1 ,21 Del.l:, minute to .111:11,43 1
Nieholson. a 1) Columbia, 11. I
Factoryrille,. 5,,t. ,Vater lisp, : 1,16 ,
.tbington, ll ,e 2 . , ` , troadolitirg. 1, , ,Q
Scranton, I , t, = Tub!. hanna, .._, 2,12
Moscow, 10,11 , , r, 3.11
Tobyhanna 11,29 1 Scranton._. 410 I
Stroltdsbmg, 12,al ~ Abington.
Water Gap, 12. ml. 12.4., ra, trr) villa, 4.5'
Columbia, 1, 1 Notit.,lson, f,,l
a- to din.:, 1.25: liopbottota, ~, 5.2.4
Hope, (Purist! connect) 1 .13 ', I‘lori, ros, a
Oxford. I 1 ',... 7', err Ittilford, 6.11
Washinuton, ~ erto i Gm , rt'llenti: 6JO
Junction. ;LI) ,•,mnects , t, Mims!' train
Sew Toth. • , f,tla . V,",.4. at . 0,12
Jlllnd ,,l ,pitia_ ,
___ t, : and Nt..-ht Ex_ West 1,14
Th 4 Expre-n Tr, e North row - tett- cct Great Brad with
Night a:sorest tirlip- Entrap , ' 14,..5t on the Eric Read.
Th- Rcpt.. P.,, , wizer Trair. ‘on,t,„ connects at the
Junction with tip. 251 p. m. train ~ : a the Ni.w Jertee
'entral for 13:th.1.1:vx, Man,liChtdl:.lleadlng:anil•g, Se. _
0 1.!ti.0 . l iTi (P r :... TRAIN
%cave;tva. ll .sl N. Y.Ec. train .F.aivi arrlver
'actor), ill,. • 11.i1a .tI 4..;rani Head atinano.ll.3o
, 1 L,:al I~•^ttb Bitud,ant.) 2,10
foutrofie, (p. 1:1.45 ; Mciatrag.,. 305
;rat, . I:1 I, 4.15
ntnervin.4 Danklrl;_ i Facto:n - 21e; . 5,13
tp: \lYit3, at ' at 0,110
Tae .-11.7:icatunitaiLin "Lill t d. , ra not lehvit Scranton till
.a,r the rival of tlie ,r. 4; tg Trzio on Lackawanna
Itailrna.l. %ha' , Lit Pitai.engers from
14W Wynnalu.; oiler a di., cct fpr the Weal by
the mw. it
.F r the acc.iinino , .l4tiou t.avei on the southern
'lit - wk.:l, a passenger car will be attached to the Express
S`se.)gitt Scranton at 4 a. at.. due at Stroud,
Purr 41. Junction. 3.15 p. ftetnrning. leaves Junction
1t1.050 a. Llll., due at Stroudsburg Scranton 3,23 p.
•-• Pasianzers to sad from New 1 - wk....wi1l chantta cars ,(I
tunctiott. To and front- Pailatic!Mita. via. Bet. Bel. It.ll
:rare ur take cart , at' nape. For l'ittstuu. Kingt.ton and
Allkea Barre. take La.. k,.t Illeam•barr..ll. - t. , crantoit.
Hof .liz.sup; .kmatinid_ aad ewly.dale take Ornallain at
S...rattturt. Ticket.i -OA ttrartaTe becked throuLth.
.3 OLIN 111 t 1 ,4 It IN , siten dent.
N. .11:NE. Gra. f .4 gr. scrantoa, Pa:
LackawannalS: Bloomsburg R. R.
S and after X.,r,tltb. 1,9, l'at4 , :n.,;er tr tin,cn - 11: run
a. tall° wa :
~ 49
l'asmiger. .l: ram:r7aliu:r
Lear' r•.:3 a. it. , 3 1 , 1.3 i
- 8.4 )
.I)anvilkX 9.171
AtTIYO at NOrthatatlocy:Aaa at /0.1.1)
• 310 VlNi; Ntrwri!
ton,. North:miter:ate:, - 4..R0 p. n.
- Danville. • • 410
• Ripen. 5.45
Arrive at Scranton, 9.00
A Pa...actiz.e train lel.‘", F•hcrAzon At In. for
Scranton. to connect with train i“r N. York. Returning
le•cee Scranton ou arrit al of train trout 'New York at l e
15_p. m. -
Tile ni U01110,111 , Z Itaiirceolvirtiects with
; t ai l:l4, mm ,, Lackawanna S Weetern Railroad at SCISLII
kun, fo r NewYorkaud ins•rtnediatepointe ea -4.
At IlapOrt, it COIIIIOO F u•ith• the Catawiasa Railroad. for
points both east and west.
. At Nortlumbertma it connect• with the Philadelphia
eiS.tio.ttlut Northern ecutral Railroad and Erie Railroad
far palms treitand *oath.
;. J. C. WE'LLS. Gen. Ticket AO. _
slidy . remarked to us• or fiS:4 Once,
site exhibited the portrait of an-only child, gone
to too land ; r .which was (trio of •
. ~.
.t-j.i,-i--.4.- IMITIBLE 1111111011PESI
p i.
• .
IlOw"I should regret it, had I , not a4nred
:-*7 - ,,, ,- :iiilitreciona mei:sof:at of that dear one ' So
„.....,,- , -Ught v:e. The loved ones are not tiways
_ i ,Kith us, and whits we ean . eall them ears, every
--- .itatshatattlapeeure suet a memorial; r,speelaliv
s liesithey . can have theni sotruthfulit' taken b . }
'. .:41:itsiie.msfal artist, A. B. TUBBS: * )f. Bing.
• ..---:' ' -
• - % d it 14- 7au a
1* -4 ' •
201 'Math mig .
(Directly oppysite Wishington Maiketj
IVeNrir 'Niro - A*ls4
TILL CONTJNUER to offer te s t the, citv:and
17'COUN1RY grade, all kinds' tif FOR,ErGN
Coil:S(11nd Fine SALT, - St the Very lowest figures;
40000 secliiritB3.esheiiiittg 4 lot part of Ash
ton's c4lebratediiirand for. table and dairy nee;
Jeffrey& Darcy Marshall's, Br,ownlow's,
and 30000 bushcite Turks Island,•- Bonaresi
racea, bt. Übes, Risbon, Cadiz, Ivies, N: rtes, &c.„
all of which willthe sold at lidrgdin prices from
yessels,'store and'storellonses. ,
Any plitrchaseC wishing to select from aped
assortment will !Intl it to his interest to eall.
• N. 11.-IFine 41.0 snit put up in mall bags of
different -sizes' aud , constantly on •hand in; ship
ping mini.' 'Maui t iplepffid article OT Rork
Ground salt, in.tillatt; boxes,put lip and for sale
by the qUantit.r. i....ases_of five dozen each.
t.ablish..3(ll n.Pittsburgli in 1840
The. Only C i dptinereiul College in the
Cl7iiturteet by a • Practical
kerchant: - • ' t
et VIM 6000 Attiticnts have attended it from Thirty
1.1 different States:, Fonr Medal. have been
awarded Duffs* ray 4in of Book 'Keeping: and the new'
ei rcetarjest issuetWntains letters from students I u 1%11-
. 1 . 1 1 41 M. Baltimore: St Lords. ~Clacintutti. etc.. pro% Mg
it to be the best keciSra.. NINE First Premiums werere
rentit awdrded thei,' , Penmatiship of Wm If. DI?FF. who
i HAI* associate Professor, C. C. Cochran, are nndoubt,
tally the best pconarh to itrogtiat.-. "
Harper's Edition oil Puffs - Book Keepin..., ,, post paid, $l,lO
Doff and Duncan', ems of Penmanship, . 500
Parsed Duncan's New /School Copy Hooks. 6"No*s. 54
'or samples of Duff it Cochran** Business and Oniamen.
tat Penmanship, with the new eireolarteGil pages,tncloee.
25 rents in stamps Ho •
nor 4 y „ti• , • • . P.! DUFF k SON:
are ready at all'times to give testimonials to its
efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements
and the diseases resulting therefrom.
:This ie not st'lemporary popularity, obtained
by exteaordinaiy efforts in the • way of trum
peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a ;solid
estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to be its enduring as time itself. •
liestetter's Aitomach Bitters have proved
Godsend-to legions where fever -and ague
and various Oyler - bilious \complaints have
emitted their victims by hundreds. To be
able to- state eenfulently that the "Bitters"
are a certain eh, ro-for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of -a
nnoyed pleasuih. It removes all Merida matter
front the stomach, purifies the blood, and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
giving it that :` , tone and energy indispensable
for the restoration of health. ' It operates upon
the atotuach, 'Hier, and other.digestive organs,
mildly but poWerfully, and soon restores them
to a condit ion essential to thelealthy discharge
of the fanctieds of nature.
'Elderly pertio-ias may use the Bitters daily as
pendirectionB n the bottle, and they will find
in it a siimulaad peculiarly adapted to:comfort
declining year. salt is pleasant. to the palate,
Invigoratinz td the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi 7
dente of thou:tit:lth of aged men and women
who have experienced the benefit of using this
preparation while suffering froni.stomaeletle
rangem eats and general debility; acting under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoned
all deleterietii • drugs and fairly tested the
merits oT thiirattiele. A few words to the
gentler sex. There are certain perieds when
their care; anti's° baraasing that ninny of them
sink under theitrial. The relation of • mother
and child is io absorbingly tender,' that the -
mother, especially if she be young, is apt-to
forgeV her owtihealth in her extreme anxiety
for her infant4Should the period of maternity
errive daring the summer season; the wear of
body and unadis generally aggravated. _Here,
then, is a necessity for a stimulant to- recupe
rate the energies of the system, - nnd enable the
mother to beaeup under her exhausting trialt
and responsibilities. Nursing motheys gene
rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora
tors that ,rettive the
. endcitiement of. physi
cians', because', ia ,agreeable to the taste as
welt as cerialis to gLva a Permanent increase
of bodily str hgth. • •
All'these tons, to whom we have particu-'
lady refs ;Above, to wit; sufferers from
fever antrag
, st, caused by malaria, diarrhcea,
dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and
all diseases tie derange;nents of the stomach, -
superannuated, invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult
their own physical welfare by giving to ilos;
Letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.
CALTTION.: , —.. Vie caution the public against.
using any afi.the many itaitaltions.or counter;
faits, but ask . for Ilosyrrsa's CELEBRATED
STOMACH SI4RES, and see that each bottle has
the words "Lir.J. Hostetter'; stomach Bitters"-
• blown on the.;side of the bottle, and stamped
era . the metallic cap covering the cork,. and
observe that liur,autograph, signature is on the
label. .4*
Prepared and sold by HOSTETTPITt
SMITE, Pittsburgh, Pa.„ and sold - by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers generally,
throughout IheAtnitad - States, South Ame ,
ries. and onOnalar-
I ‹6 - 11 . 7:LS T :V
`1 :. }z. ul
1' .1,1
lee amiGleee to thecoaree
lthLT, Metals. Marble Le,
Xtiel Tarroil.
- - •
The proprietilr ' s and manufactUrers of HOS
TERS can appettl with perfect: confidence to
physicians wad 4tizens generally of the United.
States, because,!the article has, attained a reply ,
Latina heretoforeunknown.A few facts upon
this point zati*speiik more powerfully than
volumes of bare , issert ionor Ms n inepuffery.
The - consumpthib of llostetter's Stomach Bit
ters for the last year anionnted to over a half
million bottles; and from its manifest steady
increase in.tirdiS past, it is evident that during
the coining yekr the egnsUmption will reach
mar ono t 1 .53. 'Mi. irovarrooe aesevell.
could never htilre been sold but for the rare
-medicinal propo-ties contained in the prepara
tion, and — the sUnction of the niogt prominent
physicians in !those sections of the country
where the aril* is best known; who not-only
recommend, thO' Bitters-to their pitients, but
IF. ; 374 i 3 § k g 4 1)1
.=. _ i i - HOOFIAIiIi'S - .
.4 . ,•
- - .
.4.*tt• ll B P/ 0 /4r2p -
7 , r i i c 4 it . I.C. A.'r ~__:. •',- / •
.... •
.1 the nve bare acquired their great peva/aril
_ ' euiy throug :pear* a trbi. ' Vribeuralled aatbfactiost
•la terd:red by them in all ems. i : , ,
)100PLAND'El -
, ..
Jz Ict.l iwilviu aim. 1
ltrre : Dent. DrePoPsia. Jaustake. 2tervals - y,...
b4/i7 , , Doom, of the Elthaeya.
sad :41 dime...4 ' ; . 6414 crop. a dixonlaral liver, or irs k•
cloas of il,n titacuscls and . DlFeglc...Orgius,
• - crno. rosirtcrtr prictrr
mar smarts rink, W tracin AGOL ;
toe c•ir c fa' It Mu, :5 sat per Bottla.i
liaoilaild's Balsamic Cordhir
cum -
Coy l f.ha. Coat . ar Easksaniras,-.Proathitii, In luta"
',Oronp,4lscuponia. pidpieniZonitax:itka,
atl per4il;Wll.tr4pit carrieri4 kam?tra l
ICON.illiXt ED .Ossriti.riow.
As a Diarri4Cartlial It II aafitual.4
1 1 - -
i treti-iliouphout kurope and Awrics, needs
no ctialNie U . tem, They are pond,' exot - iddeiare
pnional waif ana efactu.ak Atakora olproontni.
Lena L•stbsiLie nu be found. • l'aiss,Z etnpeebui.
• Thee suadletan ars purposed by "N. C. hi. Amiga= 4
Cw Phlburs. Pe., ctrl Louis, `Ma, soden sold*
e a nia in Tordlchart averjadoeria" .
satnne .14 a 4. - JA.Maax wit• Co th , F.ootaide •ai,ll
beetle te
In Ous.P.prref.alls Atillalidtf." published ailsoo7,
tied tritlmouy ind eons...estuary .notieen'tono all
Fula of inociva . TiksS4 Alsaueenatuflass wain;
, • all uuk,,S4* _ .
33r...0.1r.C1 111 : ( AXLE" •
Wane %Vilna = hitter' .
/PIE Beet to bail!: and at as
3tipiert did Imo' Omen: :::41*& . ! ir tteas It can be obtained of any, Dealer In tont. -
tramerA, wlekr, etc, at -• " . , Turietra. pr • - • TurrtWo Dru; store: -
. • ,
. .
tincish of thiiinbbing lion ea
I l OtnitarkZ ed _Th i l i rd; anditteistnut OM* Wei
. Xian f ita,
Vost..92icn, Brerchigits Eichange..l44 . kcT;
- •
Accommodation, .vnen retraced, nn ihe:ETMOPEAN
PLAN.: Roomi front 50 cents and mnrards. per day. and
Meal* at a Finar,Ctutas Restaurant attached to the tititc4. -
Prinal accortline , to the 894 of Fare. . .
The aity•Cars tako •Passerigers from any -Btatton
TO or CLOSE TO the Rotel. "-" hiss/
French, and German spoken. ;
S. 313.tailLfairaikEital.20 -
recc , ivinc applications for Insurance In-tho (0117-
log tompantes.
Wyorai3gINSURANCE Company,
IV ILIiES-114111tE, pa.
I,- • .
' I Charter remetual.----
Capital'.. .tlOO,OOO. Surplus, ....87,000
I Organiitcl November .2d, A. 1). 1857.
Si. M. Ilollertback - , D. CL Drleabach, J. P. Dennis, ,
John Reichard,_ David Nor In, Ow Dorrance,
Sam') WedMune," It D Lamle, Wm S Roes.
L D Shoemaker, Geo P Steele. II 31 . Iloyt,
IL C. Sarrrir, &eV. G. M. ITOLT.ENDACK..Praf.
W. O. Sranuan, Trf.i... L. IL Snormanzn,. litterre'l
Itartford, Connecticut. '
raid nr. Capital ' $1,509.000 OQ,
.li.rts • :2,1:4,100 02
No. I Moorgttq streot, London.
Capital; tG,°J9,OOO . Annual Ilerenne, $1.0(10,000.
. Wm GETTY, Agent. Philadelphia.
CONNT.OTICCT 1111,711 AL LIFE rsstniBNTE, C 631-
; P.V.IT of Ilartford.-Connectlx.
Aceninnlatnl Capital. V 1,070,000 00
one wieltitm their lives neared will iio'cell to call
'and examine their mode of roaring.. nod their rate.
whiell,are".betterlban thdi,e plan,' other rompgry:lefore
lalrinfr Policies elsewhere. It P. 111.AChMAN.
oc 9 '6Ol °Zee over Chandler .t Jcseup'e Fiore,
- • AT Tlll.l' , -
rI.IIIE . extensive Furniture Establishment of
SHITH BROTHELS haying been refitted and
,greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully
announce to the citizens of Ito:Aro - se and vicin
ity that they are constantly making and keep Of.
hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of
4 be tOund iu the Country.
Wq giro tiro fyliovring 7;.t. of some of the ar
tides which we will sell at greatly rediteee
price.t,. , for CASH or READY PAir:
liunns, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass.
horn $l6 to $35.,.
Bureaus witli marlde or bromidic tops, from
818 t 0 .824: And a large : assortment, Isim $B.
$lO, 12, 14, to $lB, -
Wash Stands, Card Stands,Cortier and Square.
Stands:, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents
to , ten dollars.
DVAS, Drcara ;Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto•
mans, lounges, 41. e. -
Centre, Gird, Pier, 'Toilet, Dining, Kitchen
and Extension Tables.
Chairs—Cann. and Wfithi Scats, ROCker!l
Cine, Flag, and, Woed Seats, of every vaHet
and style. '
.- . .
• Sofas, tete - s ietes• furnished at short notic
at New York prices.. .
,• N. B. .Ready made coffins nn tr,lnd or fur.
' - niNhed at Short notice.--1 - Nanscs itiways it,
readiness when desired. , .
We esnpley none but Cant Fut. sod k:irr.ra
sscr.n.WenKmEs. W inten_ti to do OUT Wntzs
V'Et.t.,,and sell it as as it can be 'lttforded
. W. W. SniTtliN
A . SMITH, JR.',
E. U. 53131 - 3 K.
Ntentre.e. Jan. ;Alb. 1660.-I.f.
At Montrose, Ponn.
WIVI. H. BATCH, Proprietor.
rplll' new and
. commodious llotel situated
1 on Public Avenue. near the Court tiouse.and
nearly in the centre of the' business portion of
I.l6ntrpi4n, is now to ly completed and furnished.
and was opened on Monday. the 27th .day of
September, 1856, for the acrothmodation et
the. public and travelers. The Proprietor feel,
confident that he is now prepared-to entertain
guests in a manner that cannot fail to give
Complete SatMAction.
The 'Rote :and Furniture are new, and no ex.
prose has been spared' to render it equal, if not any similar establishment in this part
of the Slatti, It is . well suppliediwith alt the
recent improvements and comforts, and iibli g ing
ivnitt.rm . will always be readyto respond to the
call of customers.
The t"tables runnectiql with this 1-I, , nse are
New and Convenient.
The Prntrieter re:.,pectfulty 814144 Ix the patron
Igo of bis old friend , : aad the public gen. ially.
FR/ HUN 1111.1.5 E x
rri subsoui tier having purchased
1 ,
refittaland newly furnished the
"" - above well known and pop:dal-Hotel
es e
is prepared to accommodate the trac•
eling,lpublie,and others with all the attention
and mlnveniences ustially, found -in firiet.clas
Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro
prietot, and his - ASsistants to . make the Hotel
equal in every point to any in the country.
The Bar will always be supplied - With the
The Stable, connected With this Hons
ar.4. large, roomy and &invenient,and careful an?
attentive Waders are always in charge of them •
.1. S. 'Pitt/AEU.
eN ‘AITO k iL
IC) 0
_ .
lIIIIIS DeHelmut Tonid Stimulant. Especially designed
for the of the' Medical Profession and the Family.
having auperceded. the .o called --Uina.""' Aromatic."
"CordLal," Idedicatedi" "Scltatipa," etc.. la now en'
dorsed hp all the prominent physicians. clientints and con
-I,oj•settre. an pOSM. , ..illa all those tsretswc medicinal
qualities(tonic anddi arctic which bolo i tiio an 01,1) and
PLUM Put'bottles an Id by ail Drags
giatattttiroters, etc. A. M.I3INING & &0..
f.Establi.hed iu 1178.1 Sole Proprietor..
VC 4. el I'J Woad Street, N.Y.
For sae at Turrelr llntg Store, Montrose.
1. 1 ~I % _ Thi . lis.:vi
Rtr - 11,01121a 1 •
fi the Lest Merliiite in weeklies the cunt elf .
. Coughs and Colds, Croup,
Bronchitis., Asthma, Difficult Sriathiug,
Palpitation of thelleart. •
no the relief ( 6 , patients tri adoaneed 'toga qf
Consat.ptioa togetherwith all Diseasea
, • • of the Throat and Chest sae which •
predispose to Cousuntptiou. •
' , attaeke the rootelf disease. and snakes (Atte& •
'destroyer *womb toll influence. It alsoprodu
, eiafret ezpeetoration. & inducts healthy action
. in the dictated Mucous 'Membrane andliestiet.
= It ii *Ca adOlitO d to‘ the radical
arc of ASTHYA.
One 411,4 f lhis inreduabla xyarrreengito
ewe andameernintlysteep. whim! the particular
naturi,s(thedisease deniet. /as irrypteataid
Co the "ask, and prompt efecte. Try It 4.
." a:winced that It is insaloatie core .•
Broncbial• Affecßoins. °
~so tes per •Bottle. Prepare , / Oats
Dr. A. E ir SEJ• ITAIN.caul rad by d. gmawein,
• cb.. , Nor. corner 9tle and' POPLAR ilreets,
Rt. For. sale Montrose bp_ ;
pch ir*lns)' c 4IIEL TV812:41., Druggigf.:`
• ! :' , 5; sr .-,: , , j i,. : _: - :,_ : iii., 7 .1 , -..- .•, - --.t il - i• 1 ~,
'-:-:. ,2 ~• t . 13A , Eir onD 95.• -: ',,? . 2,,
T hi compounded est Orel y Irons 0 vs rn s, - sed
I has beetshe au rtststsistund tart,s St-indult 31 red tales. tense
' sod; AxeI:AWE hr;srl •ilsi 't Wm used it. n,4 'rinse re., -.
' *need In sigh maids-as it it 101 l the Caw" for whiit ti
1 - ••
/a his eure.l...iiiierStettg, sites 'tie ittrf titre irers
• teho'hatlfrirre vp alt bow • , rf rer.K. en the unustrorml '.•
onsehertedeertihrlitrsistur , torsts.toeshstir.. - .- .. •
.7bethisto most berstaptea! to the tempe.rarneetof the ..
Indirldeal taking 11, oel us.i pi to !that qussulirs si Is
set gently OS as littrels.. 1 ... . •
Let the distills* of per ; ihketent gals psi hit th e
one of the LIVER I$P ' • VIGOItATOII, sad ii ,
•Irlit ears Liver. C0m.. 3 plaint*, Billisni AO , '
tack!, Dyirepala, ChmuleDlicerhoei,
.S usnmer Com ..., plaints,
ry, Dropsy, Sour Stosnaeh,llahttual
.•Dosti yentas, ChM-, ' le, Cbolera;:tisotea.
ra Morbus, Choi am 1 I nfa 0 t nm, F latu..
- leaps; .4 an sidle e, iVersale Weakness,
'es; sod idAy *tined inm _
.. -- ,,,:cieully is in'Oilltion= , '
ry Faintly: Medi- Ini eine. itelllcdrelliCK
thottionds csrt testify.) Isa
Mil ! or I here Tea..,
en• •t -eulaturgeeinout.
twenty mllucites,
spoonfuls ere ititk-1
glvlNTAAr'taatiammi u
- -
Alt whopso St art
la Its favor. . .
LE , M01:111 WITD
Price One Donna
A Ltif f,
trheti,.antl. put up In
Tight, and Nltl keep
Pure Vegetable 11
In any climate.
5• I the PILL lance:l.
lIV bl rla pmnehney biL.
than twenty pier*. -
simpled from those who
Joandthe wntssnintion which
ttne,lushadtteed canto place
.. .._
The Faintly
tle but attics Cathnrt
turti In lift ..prne,fice More
The ennctantlV
hnvrlnng used the PILL'.
All nap,. In rersed to their
them within the reach of all.
a t ett.LIC - !o3nt catlattllca net . 4 .
*. -111 A RTIC:•-•
4 !lb!, m ell italabßahed fact;
ir k tvadely nr the Ourent.Yeze
..' Ok.ll no emery
_part or the
good and soft In all C• 11-
i,enfol. - 'mat as -ye.
1.1411 omit o h ~ It leat.
Bark and Loin p s.
_ nod ' Samurai over
. firm sudden cold. whir!'
end Ina long ioneatt or Fe.
tile, a Creeping "ten.
lite body, Reid lem,
. weight to I he head:
_.„. - Iltaensettr; Woenia Id
1111 Itheurnalleist,n oilit
„.,, awl many dlseames to trhlett•
WI to mulet, In Ulla advertise.
['IRE lii3llZR.
'rotor and tronillle CO.
died I .t" rtt,a,ltla ernerally, an..l
• In all the ItarTo . lnmer.
.:ti rola). ,11. D.,
Nanatet.trer mat l'rerrl.lnr.
-ay, Now 1 ork.
11 he Profession orbit know
oa durersovis.rtiAa.or the
- CA
slfb doe reforOire to
Men tompOundal from a
labia Exuscht which met
..11nantary canal. MA ore
nF irhere w , Cathartic It
rfiragemento or tiro
hrs.. Palos 6t the
cootivreeso, Polo
the whole body,
freonantly. u uecloettsl,
ter. LOIS of Amt..-
“nllOl. of (bl , l Orr
sorsa. Ileadoelte, or
ail bittern motile).
ChildreWer Aditito,
Poritier ore. Illeiod
flesh Is belt, too nomenms
meat. Dome. I to:i.
The Liver
Pllia "an. Orin
sullxholesale by the :I rob,.
e. T..W. SA
An , . Me rations affections consequent upon a disordered
Such iv. lnditrestion: Acidity of the Stomach,Colicky Pane.
liesirtburm toes of Am wilts.; Despondency, Coatis-sumo,
Mind and Bleeding Pile, In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Nem-etch - .kge,tione. it has iu numerous insbmees proved beneficial. and In others <fleeted a decided cure. -
• Thi• L. a purely vegetskle minimum', prepared on strictly
a-n'solfic priuciples. after -the manlier of the celebrated
Holland Drofe.rer. Rrrhavr. Its reputation at home pro.
d need it. intmduction hem the demand commencing with
the Fatherland scattered over the fare of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with them nut
hamted down tile trmiltion of its value. .10 is nomereled
Ish. ...tmerimn knowing.ant its truly wader ' fut
It iq particularly recommended tr. itlinan nervous wEems
constitutions may hare been imiaired try- the continuous use
of spirits. of other forma of diarimition. Generally
instantsiteona in effect, it duds its way directly to the scat
of life. thrilling anti quickening every nerve, raising up the
droopiu:: spirit, and r in fact, infusing new health and vigor
In the --vstem.
NOTRII.--Whoever expecte to find this a Leverage wit
tr divq,pointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, It
will prove *grateful aromatic avidity tawaeased'of singular
Sna Cbutdoe highly ..vuncentrated lberluvre's, Holland
Bitters ia, put up in halipipt Ivutles only, end retailed at
ON. bottle, or vix bottles for Five Donuts. The
great demaud for tide truly celebrated 3tedicine has luilueed'
many Imitations, %illicit the-public ebould guard against
purchasing. • .
ea- Tu...., of Ttepailtion. Pee.that our tame le on the
label-of every bottle you buyi
Bold by Druggists genes/Alp. It• CM be forvra - ded
by Ezprsas to most points. _
Vharmaccutists and
These BITTERS are Fold in Molar.),
or 4 y , ABEL TURRELI. by .
ail 71 , 1. Np
r 1 t'% !
4 R& ,
.Qe ... 1 ... _,DR.,,,07 I p 0?
haliillittr lillo,
At aperient sal stomachi6 preparation of
IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com- .
bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical author
, ity and extraordinary efficacy in• each of the
following complaint% viz.: . •
DEBILITY. BERMS AriAl.,l ORB, 121.11-
The IRON being absirbed by the blood, and •
thus:cireulating through the whole system, no
part of the body can escape their truly wonder
' tot influence. • . • • • , •
I The experience of thousands daily proves that
no preparation - of Iron ran for a moment be
; compared with it.' Impurities of the blood, de-.
prossion of -vital energy, pals and otherwise
sickly complexions indicate iti necessity in al
most every conceivable case. In all 'cases of
r nraale dobilitY (fluor albus, chlorosis,
I • erects are delightfully renovating. - No remedy
l hat ever been discoveted, in the whole history
J. of medicine, which exerts arch prompt, happy,
; and - fully restorative effects. 'Good appetite, com
plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength.
' with an unusual disposition. - for 'active and •
cheerful exercise, immediately eau
As a grand stomachic and general restorative.
I it has no sapsnior and - no substitute.
• _ rat imp In nest gat metal boxes containing
50 pig., pairs e 0 tents per boa a xis b^sea.
$9 50% one dozen tenser. n. 4 tat. POT . tale tiy
Dru=it.ta generally. Will be, soot freeing
any midair-v.-on receipt of the price. All let.
• lira. orders, ate., should be addresged
• • R.B. LOCKE & Co., •.,
_ General Agents. •
‘. • 33D 130,03.11 WAT. DI Ir.
above Is
label .n onclbribm. ,22 • -• ,
1 ,--• ABEVTURRELL , •
~,113 roivipreparid 'to cure e 9 CM e of fiCROVITA 710
' ate' County , and he boa a i grotedy for DWI] e l f erl 0
LA 11111#4{ PZ , II,h if Intr. eill at the ,
, :,. ii i 3 ,:,,-,k.. , •.,,1
• ' otAlMAiltg4frad be a
:i. peoridizip .f, f.-.r.. , •;';,!".... ' 'KZ 4 pm ma. . •
_„ • . . . ,
doliflctieda„ Le s tefit al in ta . ,rf e t ri.i . t ;
tut, rffitELL' 6
•JJ: - .E.A•ljkiVilE.,
_ •
As theie : testimonials were.ansolieileit. by Mr-.
~Spaldin, they afford unlitestionitble
. proof of the efficacy of this frilly ,
- : scientific .
NR. STAiplettl.
, Silk
. . .
...There tried your Cephalic Pin., and 1 litellusa mita
that -I want }onto send me SS-worth tpore. -:
Part of these are forth° neighbors, to whbm I melt few
out: ortha Mat box I got from yon: , - ,
" - Send the Pills by roan, and oblige - ..
• . Nom ran sere% - • _
- . .
• . ,
rer Bottle.
IL C. 8111004,
• • Sir .
I ;chili you jo send mos anis moie lux ofyour Cephsllc
Plllsflitare received a mai dfal beng.ftfroat Mrs. -
• Yours. respectfully. •
Sprttee Creek, Huntingdon eo., Ps., Jan. IS.
11. Spalding. . ••
You pleare Amid me two,,boxes of your Pills. Send
them Immediately. • _ . -
P. S.-1 tune tired . 'mg t.°. of your Mr. and And Il!ers
I ' Belle Vernon, Ohioh Jan.l£l.
!Teary C. Spalding . . fiSq:
Please and enclosed twenty-Arc eMitA, rot' whirl , send
me another bon or your Cepludic Pills. They arc truly
the hest pills I hove ever tried. , ..
Direct .t. STOVER, P 2 ar. •
Bello Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohlo.
11. C. Spalding:Esti.
I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to 'bring
your Pills more particularly before my customers. If you
have anything of the kind. please send them to_ute.
One nf'my customers, who Is subject to a severe sick
headache, (usually tortilla two days). Watered gran at.
fackln anhotir,byyourPills. which I sept her.
Respectfully yours.
lienry . C. Spalding,
N 0.48 Cedar ttrrei.N. T. .
Dear Sir:
Inclosed find twenty-Ere centa, (25,
.) whi eh 'Pend me
box of •• cephalic pilla."l Direct to 'Rev. Wm. ?War, at
Itemibldftlinrg, Franklin county, Ohio. -
}our Pill/ work like a diarm—cure Lleadaelsz almost
.mr, ,sixsu4% _ _ - • _ _ . .
. . •
STot long since I sent to you fora box of Cephslie Pills
for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costlvencroit.
and received the ,same And they had 4so wolf an eff ect 1
mos In&leed to r i nd for more.
PleaAl send by return mall. Direct to •
.A. ft. W
. , • llanti, Mich.
From the Examiner. Norfolk, Vi'.
Cephalic Pilloaccomplioh the object tor whlch they weie
made; viz.: cure of headache in ull.its [orate.
• .Ma the Examiner, .IVarjaa. Va.
They have 'been tested in more than a thoatsand care
with entire surmise. '
From the Demnerat; .ifinn.
11-von are. - or hove been troubled with the headache.
rend for n box of cephalic pills, eo that you may hare
them in cameo( un attack.
-** Fromi thii Advertiser. Prgridene, R. I.
The Cephalic Pllla are said tone a remarkably effective
remedy for the headache, and one of the very ;heat for
thnt very frtquent complaint tthich bap ever boon
covered. -
From Ile 11 . -i.Atern .11. h. G,zelie 7 Chiecigo•
We !warm:. ainiurse 3tr. ISpaltdd*. and his unrhalled
AVe aro Imre that psm , ons +offering with Jae hr. l o ll Che
Who try thew, will stick to.theru.
Fermi the Path Finder, N e e - Orleans.z...
Try them you that aro aflliuti4ctind "kr are pure that
vow tesiimnny eau be added in the nlready nnuterons
list that had received benefits 114110 other medicine can
• Front the St. Lou is Demotrat.
The Imthentie demand 14r the article (eclat:die pills) le
rapidly lin:reaming. ,•• • -
From the' Cozettr, bavenport, lowa.
Mr. Spalding ri . , , nld not connect ht. name with as ar
tick he did not 1 - ate to piniseol rearmerlt.
From tie i ldeertiser, Prov.blence; R. I.
Thc te..t imony in their thy . or ie Areelr:from the 11 . 10%
taepectable- quarter..
a y the n .,,,,,(*hese tillithe periodic attacks of -Verrone
erhiet Hemftx/ie.'ttly be parented; and if tatvn at the
cosi m enc ,me-gamr ; in :quick. immediate relief from pale
and sick ne.S.Wiii be ilbtz
hue eeldom fall leretnoi i ng, the Xanred and Ileadache
- •
to which females are SO 4,1110C1. .
They - act =MU:mem the howel.,-"emovirizreetireness.
For Literary * Men. Students; Dellents renittlet. , , and all
pertkon•- of sedentary habits. they are valuable ab a laza: ire,
improving the appetite. ;zi vim' (ono and vizor to Ilse diger
dye organs ., and restoring the natural' elastu. 4l 7 and
strength of the whole system: • • •
' The CEPIIALTC PILLS are the reenit of long Investl
-,a, tlon and carefully , conducted evneriments. having . hech
In use many VOUS, during which time Miry hole prevented
end relieved . * riot amount of pain and suffering from
..11eadache..wlit titer originating In the nrrous system ur
from a deranged' State of the stomach.
Thee are amthvlv vegetable in their composition'. and
aymbi takeout alltline* with perfect safety without mak
ing any chapze of diet. And the absence eirany disagreeable
taste rend/sir easy to adadnister Mem loth adren.
' •
aware of CounterfEnts. '
The gleine have five signatures of Ifenry C. Spaldi oe
oneaeh Wet.:
Sold tty DrtizZlets and othzr Water* In Niediclne•.
bu;Rlli be vat by mail prepaid on receipt of the
1111.1.10 os B Cloratel.
• Jui tittlers, should be tuldressedtor . , . . .
roiltv 3ch 4,8 Cedar Str tit" Nevr York.
OftA slnt.lefirittle of APALDING'S
will save ten times its coat
. annually... A 3
Ilaverford, Pp.., Pali. 3.
Beverly, Mast., Des. 9.
Franklin Co., Ohio,
• , January.%
Trali :yours,
'fpsltaatt, Jan.2il7
Prom the Valley Star,. Karaurliz. 1a
From the ...Go:lily-Sum iretepnrt; R. I.
cephalic Pills arc - tatting the place ot'all kinds.. '
V alle t#
At , CURE'
cURE. 'T4
Nervous Headache
4 4 4 / 7 . CURE
SPADI - N - 03 Oii:6116:! - (kr:lt
vel'"A Stunt; in Tzar SATES N'ina:',..ol• •,
As meanie Will "happen. even In well regulated . &mt.
Ms, it la very desirable [tames' in= Sheep aad ennven
fent way tin. repileinglarnltam Wye; eroek - ery, An: •
~• ' SPALDLY Gyrf, REPAILEp. G 41 7 4 . - -
.„ - .. .
il"'etii an' initi < .
enteryeneies,!und nit honeehold can afford
to be without It. It le always ready, and up to the nick
lag point. . . :•••• -
. • 1 , ESAirt /I,%Ayitß r ilorsz..•,--
' N.: 8. , --A Ifinih" in:e:ooiitinleti` each BottiO: Price.%
eo4t*. ',..,' Address.; HYJEff,r-Ze.. IiPALLPL.VO.
1 . o. 4S, Cedisr Street., New-Torh„
• •
e d funojr.•,: - • - • '
( d
,„?..tirtzso , !EPlrti c iPllV l WE l „_ a gel t f t
o o tue unativetinpu le n troth e •,,npurcgo
laue I would cautleilfaltpersofts lo otaudnete7s: re por
chaidalwreito thitt the fat tura*:
••,• •• • 51/1/7si , ..unptrs PREPAREILIZAMiIa
Itontho orgoide wrappeT 5E MlTery sn.wwipairte
v"rjleit, • • , - •
nevalOart, ritritu
,54 1 04.00A,„!4,
t 4,41.
Fero:wand A4TOin onedei;
- ChUla In Live manatee: !
• • Deafttets fn two to f dam - .
- • Brouilindtieuidalztten tniontes
Sprains; W'oUnds '
and Bruises In frotantie to three days
Indammitionin one day; '
• . -Near:tight; (intim, Toothache,.
. — llemoutrage.lertotnla,' Absceas,
%vises, Wontids,'Tettet, In one
FamcheAtiff Neck. Ague. In on
Felons. Broken Blenst, 411Blte
taxi nny, Palpitates: Pleurisy. tai
t AsthmaJliontiEtTsipoina;in • fin
Frirsted Feet* OBE
matisni. Sore Throat, Scarier 1
- made In walk: by a few bottler
This pa. (Ire ()retie.) lir mild a
. great, Family 'Medicine for chili
liidleerntionld all use It. It alma,
than itlitds you, and one bottle;
Mead letterfrsim Rey: Tempi,
• Pnrcso AM= NIL
• Prof. De Gdivw: IhavebeettaMapirthleteen year s
with Neuraldla and other painful nts. and I hare
boon unable aitia
sleep soundly or wal 'any distance for
mad, years past. Last week igot a bottle - afyour
trie OH. The Oral night I slept somidly and. Well, and to
day lam like d new man. My wife konid dot believe her
ler;Your lElertrie OH has done !clone week what the
lelans or Philadelphia felled told° in thirteen years.
' Gratefully lours.! - • •
. iikt.itatcs TEMPLE.
. • 310- South street;
. . , .
li;AFNESii. - CURED.'
Jf New HATEX. May lab,. 1836.
Prot. De COI : - My brother has been.deaf for 3 Years.
.Ater tryingguany.thlngs, be usckyoto oth ,ow• times,
add it s him entirely. • • • •-• • •
iw i tthiatlY.Yists, add at the . Depot. 217
SouthElghtd-at, c - !..
•• I '
, .
• • V F A.T 'IS - . •
- • ' i
i • ..
MIME 31XDICILITES haie now been before the public
1, furs period of Thirty Years, and during that time have
maintained is high character in.- almost every part of the-
Globe for their extraordinary sod immediate power of
restoring pfilect health to persons asffering under nearly
every kind of disease to which the butuan.franW itiJiable.
The folio log arc among the distrtssior variety or hu-
Man dim:muss in which-the . ( ' '
. .
i.. . .
- - ,
I, .
Are'wcll knOwnto be infallible. '
DYSPEPOTAFbe thoroughly cleansing the Ist and 2nd
stomachs. and creating a flow ofre healtbybile,instead
of the stale and acrid kind: ruervi,stiwt. Lou w• Ap
*Me. Ilearthurnafeadachi, Rettittumess, X. Temper, Anx
iety, Langwir dna Afekmeholy, whlcharegeneralsymptoms
of llyspepslhownish, as it natural consequence of its cure.
COSTIYEIfEBB, by cleansing thel whole length of the
intestines with a solvent process, .and without violence;
all violent purgewleave the bowels tostive to two days.
FEVER restoringthe blood to a regular
cirenlation ; lthro' the process of respiration in such cases,
and them' Auden of all intestinalobstructions in others.
The Life Mediehieshave been known to Mae RDESOI.
perinapetiaisl thus weeka,apil
cat of itrejoinls. ,
DRIPPED= kindS, by freeingind strengthen L .
the tuuncysiand bladder ;they operate m ost delightfully or.
these important organs, and hence have .ever been founds
certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.' .
Also WORMS, by dislodging frOm the turnings of the
bowels the Slimy matter to which these dentures adhere. -
the perfect Purity which these Ws Ifedicifica give to .tie
_blood and all the hunidrs.
by their altqrative effect upon tlie fluids that feed the skin
nod the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive
complaints' sallow, cloudy, antlotherdisagreeable com
The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an
entire cure of SALT RHEUM. and a striking-improve
- meta in thd clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS
and INPUENZ A will always be cured by one dose. or by
two in the Worst cases:
PILES.The original prOprietor of these medicines;
waectired cif piles, of 3i year's Standing by the use, of the
Ljfe ,
-FEVER AND AGUE.—Fos thin scenrge of the West
ern countrY, these Medicines will Ix, found a safe. speedy
nditertait4 remedy. ;Other Medicines leave the system
subject to ni return of the disease—a core by these Medi,
eines is peromeent—ny them, be - salt...fled. and be cured.
Balton* Fevers and -Liver Complaints.
General ltljtility, Loss of Appetite, and Disuses of Fe
males. The. Medicines have been used with the most•
beneficial results in 'CM'S of this ;description :—Eings
Evil, and Scrofula. In its worst torus. 'kids to the mild
'vet powerful action of these remaikable Medirines.
Night Swelits„ Ness OCIA Dcbilitr, Nervous Complaints of
all kinds. ;Palpitallon.of the Beast; Painters' Colic,, are
speedily cured. - , •
MorentlidDiaramen.-IPernan whore coustlthtionTa
747 — 1 PP;ea -
tderad i ea t from the sytitinn. nil the effects of Mercury.
infinttely s °tier than the most powerful preparations of
Saresparillit. Prepared and Sold br . •
111. , 1110FITAT.
I ' &T. Bnosnwsr. Nate-Yens:
For Sale br . all Dro^ , glats.
Winter's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.-
COnibs, Colds, Conglis,
toughs, Colds, Coughs;
istlml, Bronchitis, Boarsciress, Bronchitis,
huthm l it,Aronchitis, lioruiencss, Bronchitis.
Whooping Cough,' Croup,
.Whooping Cough,l : Croup,
ConsuMption, Consumptioui Consumption,
Consumption, C,onsmnption,
and al IThe diseases, find an silfailing asitidoy, a
ready rilief, an a sure and speedy cure, in that
great a4d uniceriaay approved remedy,
Wirier's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Babate of Wild Cherry.
The'Bey. Jacob
Wakawen cad leech respeeted iiimensi the !knees piper
intim t • muss j, =arm the fqlleteolg itateseatbr
user rit ;pie afflicted. , , •
LlANCarriti.P.t., Feb. IC, leg..
Mewl. S. W. FOWLZ - a CO., Boston,—Dear Sirs:
Having realized in my bmilyinmottant benefits fmm
the use let your valuable preparation, Wirtns's SAL
AAM OF WILD CUEIKY, it lairds me 'pleasure to
recomminditco the public. Some eight yea= age an.
of my dinghters seemed to- be In a decline, and little
hopes or her recovery were entertained. I awn' pro
cured i .ottle of your eitellent Ilalsato,*and before she
bad tal4n the whole of the contents of the bottle there
was a "Put improvement in her health. I have, in my
individUal" ease, made frequent ,use of your . Militate
medicine, and have alway• - been: .benelited . by it. I
weatel, esatiais tk pita! vast ilassities, U-
M". Oa" e l 7 o4 ra •Wistar's Balms ( f
Wilderry of oat am Oa at !he Fologry.
- Virginia Ve
Catfdatisi. five Me. Nottnoeles NORTON, of W
I `Era:lain. Office, Ricasussi.. '- •
RICHMOND, VA., Fels p.
HMIS. 8. W. Forrte & amtoo,—Gentlemen
I withiplemure testify to the peat 'merit of your in.
rehab lung medicine, thr. WorrAsVa &einem OH
Will,:namtv, which . is 'Minato& highly valued by:
many out esteemed citizens, who here tested its
rattm4by trial. . •
I a made use of this klalsam.some three year; since
forsrhilent and untraveled cough which bathed the
skillog l physicians, and, to myijoy, esperhouted math
gnisifyhig relief as to induce me toiserserete in its nee.
I 'always keep it by roe, and mer dud it to be ussfail
tog In Its effects. No' medicine that I hare ern used
has gian such speedy relieL Youn truly,
From /use SOX
Pruitt el
U. Morrie Ora* Beak, dad sae is yea
hum end midi csteinedikAagteut JYlr Jassy.
1110tOtio?Cee0C,,N. L, Jan. 9,1860
Mean. H. W. FOWL?. t Co.,—Dearain : Minds*
mod*. WISMAR'S RALSAX ON WILD Cttlf tar rat
shoat pane puts, and having realized its hematiciill
nasultel la my family, it affords, to. great pleasure In
re riding it to the public as a valuable nstnedyli
cases. pick pack bogs, aids, mitgar, dr., mid a remedy
'whielk I consider nib* entirely inaocaut,and maybe
taken with perfect safety by the meet delicate ialcialtte.
• • I " Your, vary respectfully,' •
• JIM:3E faktITIL
IX* Beware of. rile, ttetetteetMees counterfeite
Thet a Gettuiste, Pray, and Meth - deal Bahasa has
the of "L wily! written With i Pen,
and the tainted name of Itiet provietore, "8. W.
FOWLE & C 0.." ort the o u ter wriPPer•
. .AD do surer Wilt ay [ (lsms of i e Tiroit.
Tetege, or Ckest, earl obtain Gb retielby "dog
i ll= Baba* of Wild Cherry, -
Bala= . cit Wild Che!ry,
• mum° DT „.., -.- '
El. W: FOWLS & !C0., : '
No4lB. -
- • !
- :' ..
fugolsii .7. ' V. • .
..Droggits,,Deekri, aid ISreignii is everriodis ,-
. .. '. - and ;ts is 14,-**ll alias.
we "
:ijr , Fiti e ale. l 2y Abellaudiesd.iitr;aus & Foe s .
kr.' _._• .... - . ),, prociiirqr, Dimock; Amos Nichol:l'
:-.ANti r& ..11follAty, Milord: WWII & Walk
Greet i , ,,5. fl. itllmstribiL peu:daff: L. Griffin, West
Dowd. ...:- ....., . .. ;1.13: VS -.IP - .•
, ;,1110111 10 '
81/ina,.ln tea ndnatea;
ro t t o: r ilU ;, '
doy ; . •
; Stoat: days;
; one to tendaya ;
r .to Malty days( ;,
Ints,ctironlc Rhos.
mg, and the lame
d pleasant. and is a
di teething ac_
leaves you better.,
edton earns enOreiy.
t 43, -Itl'FD 'CURED
Aye :s.:.Smap •• ,
And 'fin the Specify 'eutcof the Subjoined **tette* of - •
Scrofula, and lkirofetlians Affestlotts, Speia as . •
Tumors, Ulcers, Soma, Erstptioni,DMwm
plea, - Pustules, Blotches.- -Dons, _
*sad allt Skim Dheenses.. . .
()Aleuts n, Ind,. fdls Jude, hitt.
J. C: Mei & Co. Genii: I fled it my slaty to 'so
knOwledge what low- ltantalmilla ha. dead. for •
liming Inherited a Scrofulous Infection„! barb AIIMPAO
from'it in 'rations ways for Wes. = Sdmctlmna ' ft built
out In . lawn: on my lands and Anna ; .sometimes. It
turned inward and dlotreased me at the. &dutch- - Two
amts ago It broke out whit head and enierettnty mxdp
ear, with cme-sore was painfulend loathsome,
beyond description..l tried manymedkines add sera-.'' - •
Physicians, but without much relief froM any thing. Is •
ftet, the disorder grew worse. - At length I wont rejoiced
to read In the Gospel Meescsiger that you had : pillared
. an alteratifit (Sarsaparilla), for .1 knew flom lbnr repts- •
tatien that anything you made mint be' ood. # I !met.
Cincinnati and gotit, and used It till It %mime; 1 took:
It, as you advise, In small doses of a tempoonthloser
month, and used alm ost three bottioserr anal healthy
no began to deem under the .stesh. whirls :after a -
while fell off. My oklu in now clear, and I knewehy .
feelings that the disesole la gone from mrsystlnn. Vow
-am well believe that I feetwhat I am saying When I tell
you, that hold you to be one of the vodkas:l'oe wt.
'and remain ever gratefidly,Yours,, • -
St. Anthonyhi Fire, Rose or ryiiipie - las.
Tetter andll•ll.4lhenm, Scald Head, RUM.
worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.. „f -
Dr. Robert It. Feeble writes from Sakti, N. Y.,llth
-Sept., 1859, - that 'be has cured • an- Inveterate' ease:or
Drops,. which threatened to terminate fatally, by the
persevering use or oar Sarsanarilta. and also a &mg.*, ,
Gus attack of Malignant Eryslytetelf by large doses old*,
sun; uys be cures the common • Areptions by it oint •
y ffironchneele, Goitre, or Switiled •
• Zebulon Sloan 'of,. Crimped, Texas, iroites'it "Threw
bottles of yonr Sarsaparilla Cured me from a Goirre—w
hideout; swellino s on the meek - , which I had uffitsed trolls
over two years. ,
Lencorrhem or Whites i_ Ovarian ,Tumor,.
- Vterinsi - Intimation, female Diseases: • •
• - - Dr. J. R.l3.•Channing, of New York City, sfrrltes
most alteerfally comply with.the request of your knout Ise
faa....8 onus_ Camtaaarilla a:Nang*erNalladdl
alterative In the numerous complaints for 11,01111- •
ploy much a remedy, - but especially In Fevinly DlAmiara
of the ficrofhlooa diathesis: I have eared many. Invet
erate eases of•Leueorrhres by it, and come ?whore tles
complaint wax mused by ukerrittoo_mf the .nftrwo. ~Tins
ulceration itself was‘ soon cured: Icothirm withln
knowledgeequalsr it for these Made deranmneents..
EdwariS. ,Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., wriirit-“ A dm- .
ruins occorion ;omen on one of the females In iny, family,
which. hen defied all the remetikas we could employ, haa
at length been completely cured by your extract orris,-
. manilla. Our, physician thought nothing-bet scathing.
lion could afford relief, but be advised the trial of your
Sarsaparilla ea the last 'resort before cutting. tut it
proved effeetital:• After taking your remedy eight weeks • -
no symptom of the disease remains."
Syphilis and Mercurial Dtassies. • '
New Oturcmcs. :nth Ato-yst, Ism
Du..l. C. A TEM. Sirs 1 cheerfully romp T y. with the
request of your agent, and report to .yoo semi of the
effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. •
have mired with it, in my practice, mon, the cons.
plaints fir which ft-is recommended, and have found tut'
effects truly wonderful in the cure of finererif Mee,
curia/ Disease. One of my patient. hid ,Syphilitlealessea
In his throat, which were consuming. his palale and the
• top of his mouth. Your Sartsparlila, steadily ham:,
' cured him in five weeks. Another we. attached by *ea
ondary symptoms. In Ids' none, anti the Mottation • fold
eaten away a - considerable part of it, so that 1 bellate the -
disorder would soon mach lila brain and kill him. i tt It'
yielded to my administration of your SorscoMril tins .
ulcers healed, and he Is teeth again, not of course 1.4 11014
• some disfiguration of the We. 'A woman wilt) had hem
ILI • • shfspill.,,a weeliaarthr , las.WJAUFF4BBlloB4olBw --
, UV* to the weather that on a damp day she mitered ex.
eructating pain In her jelots awl bones. She, too, was ;
cured entirely bfyour Sarsaparilla in a feiv, yeeka.
know from Its formula, which yam agent gave ine, that •
this Preparation from your laboratory mmtites a greet '
remedy ; consequently , these truly remarkable results
with It have not surprise! me.
• Fraternally yours, G. V. LAI:I3IEIi, 11. D. .
• •
Rheumatism, Goset,Lirer Complaint..
INtarmtnr.:ccx. Freston Co., Ya..oth July,
Me. J. C. ATER, Sir :"I have been canted with optic,-
All chronic Rhenmalinu for a long tints, W 111,1! ImMtel tior
skill of physicians, awl stuck to me in spite of all rho
_remedies I could ftnd, Until I tried emir Sarsaparilla,
bottle acted me In two weeks,, mid restored pre general
health ao much that I am far better Than befine 1 was
attacked. I think it a wouderihl medicine. - .14- Flt HAM
-Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis. writes: knave been
afflicted for years with an afeilion or the Lorrr, wide%
destroyed my health. Itrled every thins!, anderory . thin
failed to relieve me; and I have been hrokerHoum mu,
for some years from no other muse than dcreogement of
• Ole firer., Sty beloved pastor.the lieu. Mr. Esysy,stiviged
me to try your Sarsaparilla, !neaten he said hue kneie you.
; and any thing you made was worth trving, ltY tic blesic • •
I_Jug of God it has eared me,Mul haasi: puriflmy blood -
as to make a new man of ma. 1 - young. again. The
best that can be said of yon la not half good enough:. -
Soklmetto, Cower Tuatara, Enlargement. Di,
eeration, Cartesi and Exfoliation" atth• •
Dosses. - ,• , .
A great variety of OW% have been reported to int wherry
• ewes of- these_tormllable cdorebtints have resulted from
the use of tills remedy, but bur imam here will 'mt. scl
' mit them. Some of them may b'- found in our American
Almanac, which'the below mated art pleased to
furnish gratis to all who call for diem. • I •
..pyspegrorat.- .111 Carrie ENlmearaa,
Inclassebn*. TOWlAralgita• ••
- •
Many remarkable cures of these affect fomf - have 'been ,
made by the alter:dire power of this nteilkine:l It alma:
fates the vital functions into vigorous acticin,and thus
overcomes disorders which. would he imppdsed beyond
its r . each,- Such a remedy bas, long been rennired by the
neoessitiefa the people, and we are mall% that this
will do for them all that medicine can do.
flyer's, Cheny • Pe,ral,
Coughs, Colds, Influensn, Hoarseness. -
, Croup, Broweliftle, Incipient Coissumps
lion, and for the Relief of Contivinsp.
' tire Patients, in advanced
states of the Disease., ,
This is a remedy so universally known to summit imy
other for,the cure of throat anti - long complaint!, that k-
Is useless here to publish the evidence of Its -lanes. • Its
unrivalled (medicate for toughs and mkt', and it. truey .
wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.
-.Yew' are UM communities, or even families, among them
who have not some personal experience of its effects—
some living trophy in their midst of Its vietbry over the .
subtle and dangerous disorders oUtio: throat and lungs. ,
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and
as they know, too, the effects of title remedy,we need not
do more than to assue them that it has note all the vir
tues tha str o ngly ave when making the curet which hay*
won so npon the confidence of mankind. -
Prepared try Dr. J. C. AYER, ti, CO . , Lcaslll, Wass.
For sale biShel. Terrell. Montrose I T'ltura l b ,1- Thinrty •
Ditudaff ; Waltman A Swisher. Auburn Cull re, cad by at
OC , AW. aa4 JNaaati'ali rt 07W-here. , toe 8 y ew
--- f•RET\i'.
An experienM4 Nurse and FOriale Physician, present*
to the slim:than of mothers. hei
SOOTHING S . Yat IT 1 1 , "
- which greatly, facilitates the process of teed:dig. by lett.
ening the „ians. reducing all IndanimatiMa--wlll allay
ALL PAIN nod spasmodic action, and Is
Depend upon it, "midhers; it will give rot to you, and '
• We havered up and-sold this article for tort tea years.
and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRCITII or it, That
we have never been able to say of any other medicine—
EFFECT A CURE, when timely used.•NeveY ditty. knew
an Instance ofdissatisruction by anyone wire hail used IL
On the contrary, all are delhahted with Its operstions,and
speak in tetms 01 comtnendat Mu of its ma,
. • ••.1.1 effects and
medical virtues. 'We ray. to itio matter ""WIIAT WE DM
'KNOW." after ten yearn experience. and MERGE eSUlt
REPUTATION for the fulfillment tit what Welters declare_
In almost every Instance.where the Infant
pain and exhaustion. relief wilibe found-in Arleta 0c2...1
,minutes after the syrup In aliminietered. !
Thin valuable preparation in the prescrirdion Ana all
the mo-t EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL Nritsz..* ita
literiond, and has been used with NE VIED PALLING
Tnors.tsros ow CASES..
It not only relieves the Child frontpallh.hy ibvigaraff 1
the stomach and bowels, tOlliCl4 acidity. a al gives tr,..0
and enert.tylo the whole system. It wlll.alictost Insit.t.tly
relieve A N 1 .
and oyereome r, )11 VIIIIMi,IIIA. Wilkli, if not I:vet:4111Y cured.
end in death, We believe It the BEST cudts•VREST rem
edy in the WORLD. in all r2-e„ •of DVS NTERT sad
.DLUIRIRE.I. , IN ‘IIII.DIIEN, whether t arises' from
isething. or from any othereaulti. .We w td say to all
1 -,,,,, ,r,-, who hare a child Marring from aUy of the ferego
ine moo -laints—DO NOT LET - YOUR ,b,WEJUDICEb
SOD -7 i i i.: PR AVITICES of .0 TIIERS. Stand between
von and your sufferlur. child, and - thereßef that will be
itußE—era AL:sou:Tuts SERE—to .ftirlo* the use of
thin:l'4lomo.. if timely used. Eull directiobs for nein.'
will eceompaur each bottle. . None gecnine n nless the 'Pc
simile,of cCiltt :.: P.):IIKINS, New Ybrk. Is on thf
outside wrapper. • ' - -
Suld by Dim:, istt thronglaint the wothit
Pritte I parOM ce! 3 l3 Cedar street, i New York.
&v./0 -y . • For rule likatont rove by eabel Torten.
. • ,
A DerieVioknt biAtitu,tioU establiquid '&y ;pr.
rid 4ndowntent. for the Relief , of the Sick
and it# i'etrerstikaflided with Irtruientairil
' Epidinlie - Diredses,uild ,eaperitylly_ for the'
' Cure of Discarei of thi Serucil Orsdos.
MI ERICA!. ADVICE' - given . , Ottis, .by die
1V1• Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter
~with a - deacription of-their condition, (age, oven
I ,pation, habits of WV, &c..) and ih - caßen of ex
Creme povertvanedieines lornialiedlree of charge
, iValeable ft eporta'pit Sport:nit oirliere, Ortti oth
.-er Diseases of the SO nal OrganaOarnt to the of
Villoted inle.alrd_letter enielopra.'.4ep of ,ehnige
' , AdtikeiT;ni.'4.klilin litiliahtdi,-Artine Sur
aeon, iloward Aaaoriattor, No. 2 South 9th-at
Phil:yr:4 Pa. at Or ljir of the Diroefora. I or*
.-1. , -- - , 7 ------- ---------L- ,--,7---r----:--
LT. h',E the 11:1:e, Fad;nrround. i •
1771 k Turtirt.t.