.. - - - POSTIMITtIORTRAITSI O AMIN ' .l6:sa - rs IY TUE - • PRICK BLOCK. Intdereigeed Wing, taken tee Rama formerly =espied by W. B. DEANA, tallow preps:edit' furnish Strike may deers with a good and truthful Portrait - Beteg melApestod in Rut produetiouof the various kinds fttoralof the tiaY,l Ratter myself that my work is net et oulled. by any in this *action otthe cocutry. Among Mentions kinds taken at my Rooms art the AMBR °TYPE, PHOTOGRAPH. MELAINOTYPE, NEILLOGRAPIL Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature lititi e Trintsferred Ambrotypes—the dmest thing out, for V iat 'cit 3 rt to any partof the World without extra 1 041 8", Plot are bold. sigmas, and expressiro -aqt. Moe t. Wow shadows often sold about the woustry: Pictures taken to all kinds 01'1m:whet equally Nppkozeoptthose of young children. to picuiremmi be Mau unless perfect satisfaction is gh - 011., to dressing for a picture, avoid - light 4plom,—each si .biss, parole, scarlet, pink, etc, Most others take well; as grea.black, membernot, brown, orange, yellow, 'etc. • Remethat the place te get Tour "picture" is la the Brick Block, orer Re ad , a Watteau; Foster's store.. - B. JI A AMLETON. - • Mont ow. Pa.. tor. 20th. Ibtle. • ; DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE it FRIENDSVIII.E. , .ClancilE s trViwne.tniiikan, ,I,llrezrz,arsrleVcrer, to Montrose, daily, at To'clock,A. tn. and leave kifends .dile at S o'clock.. p. m. felr Horses and arrtsdescattbo pp:Kilted at the Livery stable of the subscriber In Montrose, onreasonable terms. -iketrose,'Arg. mow.. tf L. D. GOODWIN. J. MAKE thlometkod of informing heir OLD AND NElf Friends that thil have Diet received= addition to the torsos stock of Goods, which they BOUGHT FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES! • AND, WILL SELL TIMM TO CASH, BUYERS, • AT Prices Poribctly Astonishing w• have not time to enumerate articles, or prices, but the public to call; examine, and satisfy themselves of the of sitar, we publish, and of course. then; tw. • , J. L. mERmatAN ,t, sux: Trpaineille, Dec. 10tb, • CHOICE Lot of Family Groceries Just received and sel linglidper cent. below former prices. riat Confer Mourn for ilia Itolidam at MERRIMAN S • rpePRODUCE of all kinds, for which the highest rket prim will be paid In Goods. at oterrlde, Pa. - MERRIMAN'S. A.SEVIEW AND REFUTATION HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS. BY GELITEET I. BEEBE • • =PAIMILE7', consisting of 64 double column gee, was originally published pending , the political canvass °fife°. The '• Impending Crisis,' ie a compi . Won of all the sophisms and milicione doctrine, by which the pablie mind of the North had been no far pois oned as to produce the triumph of the Presidential can didate of the sectional party last fall. It was widely cir , ,Mated gratuitously. by mean, of large contributions . of money. and aid more than any. other thing to deceive the masses of our people. ..In this Rerier end Rlfutation, we take up each of Its chapters separately, and every impor tant assumption iu detail; and refute them so completely that no intelligentperson ran read the pamphlet withont heistg convinced of the falsity of nil the wicked assnmp time of the Helper book and of the folly of the sectional -Melte which has culminated in civil war. As there is no probability that peace will be permanently restored to our distracted land nntil the public mind at the North is dimbased of its erroneous impressions relative to the true character of our Southern sister Staten, most of whomare :now in rebellion against our general governmftt, as the ,result of the triumphOf sectional fanaticism both North and South,—it becomes the duty of all true patrintsTo do all in their power to remove unjust.nrejudiees between the North and South. and there is probable no more effic ient means of accomplishing this result, than by general circulation of onrißefulatiell of Hdper. It rontains large amount of rideable 'statist its. worth. for occasional reference, several , tinles the price of the paitiphlet, to all - intelligent citizens. Price 25 cents per copy, or $t per dozen—sent by mall, postage prepaid. Address G. J. BF.EIIH. Iyllsltm riddictown. Orange Co., N. T. URGE Of TIME I DELAW 4 R, L.4C',4 .11. WEST R' On and after 31onday, Nov. ;WI, - EXPRESS PASSENGUR TRAINS_ ZOVING SOUTH The Might Express Train I Passengers from N.Torh I East en the N. 1 . It R. IL I leave Pier Nu. 2,North Rh , - arrives at Great Bc•nd depot , er.at ja. m.)7.00 at La. m.l 1,11 ; Or foot of Courtland-!-LS,OO connects with the 1 -Enont Philadelphia Express train -for , leave Kensington, 7.10 .11.Y.andrkilad'a i Leave Junction; 11.15 which leave. at 7,20 i Due at Washington, 11,113 Due at. New. Milford, 7,39 ! Oxfo rd , s tp.m.) 11,50 - .Montrose, 8. I llopeAPhil.conectionao.l4 ' Flopbottout, 8,03 i De 1.15 minutes to dinel2.43* ICleholson. • 8.40 ; Columbia, Factoryville, 0,01. Water Gap. 4 1,16 Abington, ' 920: Stroudsburg, 1,30 .Scranton; - - 10, I Tohyhanna, • 2.42 Moscow. - 10,41 ; Moscow, . 3.17 Tobyhanna 11,20 ' Scranton. Scranton. 410 Stroudsburg, 12,32 I Abington. 4.40 Water Gap, D. tn.] 12,46 . , Factoryville, 4. 5 r, Columbia, - -1, 1 Nicholson. - 3,16 Delaware, (15" to dine) 1.25 , Hophottom, 3,33 Hope, (Philatleonnect.) 1,35 1 Montrose, • 6 Oxford. 1,53 1 New-M-Rford, 6.21 Washington, ._-- 1.10 ' Great Bend, - 6,40 Junction, - 2.32 Connects with mail train _New` York. 6.30 West. at ." 6.12 Phaidelphik 6,50 and Night Ex.. West 1.14 'The-Express Train North e uneets at Great Bend With %led-express trains Fast and. West on the Eric 'Road. The 'Express Plvienger Train Smith. connects at the innetioo with the 2.55 p. m. train on the New jersey Ventral Road for Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading, and Harrisburg, At. . _ , • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. leira Scranton at(i.m.)9.soN.Y. Ex. train East arrives- Psetoryville, • 11.00 1 nt Grind. Bend 5t(a.m).11,30 Nicholson, 11,31 Leave Gt. 8endAp.m.)...1.,10 Montrone, (p. m.)14.45 Montrose. 3a Lima Bend. 1.45 Nicholson, 4,15 Connecting with Dunkirk Factoryville, 5.13 Rtpreas 'West. at 2,"V Doe..at Scranton. " 6.30 Tun liceiyminodation Train dries not leave Scranton tilt alto:the arrivaLof the , Nornina Train on the 'Lackawanna and Bloomaburn Railroad. thus Rivkin Passengers from t'ts Wyoming Valley a direct connection for the West by the morning train... For the accommodation or way travel on the southern division, a passenger car will be attached to the Exprees Frelghtirain. leaving Scranton at 4 a.m... due at Stnnuis burg lt, Junction. 3.15 p. Returning, leaves Junction at 3,30 a.m., tine at Stroudsburg 8,20, Scranton 3,30 p. to. Dassengrra to and frtnn \, - n Yore. will chhnze earsitt tuntztiOn. TO and from Philadelphia, Del. lilt Sears or take cars at Hope. ror Pittl•ton., Itingelnn and Wilkes-Barre. take Lack..t Bloono , barglt.R.at ttcranton. For Jeeattp, Archbald. and Carbondale take Omaibtus at Scrinton. Tickets sold and baccaz.e checked thruniZt. - 30FIN11RIS111N, Superintended. W. N. JENKS, Got. Ticket .I.cl. Scranton, Pa. Ladkawanna &Bloomsburg R. R. O 1 4: and after Noe, 95th, le6l, Passenzer trains will run as &Alain MOVLtid SOUTH • • rawager. 1044 Scranton. 5.95 a. x. 10.9 P a; tn. Kingston. 6.130 11.15 p. tn. Rupert. SAO • • • Danville. P. 15 Arrive at - Northumberland at 10:00- • MOVING NORTH Lear*. N'orthnmherland, 4.50 p. m. - Danville. 5.10 Rupert, 5.45 • Kingston. 0,00 145 p. m Arrive at Scranton, 9.00 &id - A passenger train leaves Kingston at 0,30 a, m. for Scranton. to connect with train for N. York. 'Returning trees Scranton on arrival of train from New York dt 4.- p. an. Thclatekavranna X Blomt-burg Railroad connects with eke Delaware. Lackawanna .t Western Railroad at Semn t ort,for Now'York and uterincdi at c points east. _ At Rnportitamneetu with the- Catawisra Railroad, for points both east and west. Atlforthomberlpnd it connect. wi DC the Philadelphia 7trie. and Northern Central Railroad:and Erie Railroad tor *bit. welt mad south. JOITN P.ILST,EY, Soil is i.e. WELLS. Gen. Ticket Agt. , • LIFE MEMORIALS. I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR a lady remarked tiitia a day or two since, as ;aka exhibited' the portrait of an only child, gen, to the "spirit land ;" Ivhich was one of rirefEl33l€37 - _IIIIIIIBII . IIIBROTTPESI lliorti should regret it, had' not secured this piselosis men:weal of that dear one So *might tr#.-! The loved ones are not swaps with WiAid`while we can call them ours, c very :se should wears such a memorial ; capez - ally Mee therein hive them aotruthfulls taken b} _ eat ettecesSial artist,: A. IL - TUBBS' lf Bing. . • nee Wham: & • Albro's 811911111111 Cement, ti* cementing on kinds o ,Leta the Aped China and Maio to the coarse atoms an. AL* woc4 leather, Matals, Marble ite ego . Abel nrrell. Ngnlf halt I . 1 1 2021 R, rnann, WHOLESALE SALT • DEALER, ' 201: WolAiiiigtou4t, -• • (Directly . et pposito ashington ljarket,), vlVBvvoe 'Er orb , • CONTINUES to Offer to the city and' 1.7 COUNI'RY trade; alVkinds 'of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at!the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bagn, consisting in part of Asti ton's celebrated brand fo'r table 'and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshttll's, Brownlow's, &v. and 50000 bushels Turk it Island,' Bonares, Cu racoa, St. Übes, lasliOn; Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c.o all of Nliich will be soldl at bargain prices from vessels, store and stbrehOusea. • ,' Any purchaser within , to select from a good assortment will find ',it !Ibis interest to N. B.—Fine tableisal put up in small bags of different sizes, and , constantly on hand in ship ping order. Also a I splendid article .of ROck Ground salt, in quart boes, put up and for sale - by the quantity, in chseaof five dozen each, • • • • Established ii Pittsburgh in:1840 The Only . Cornini,iiat • Celleji in the Union, ;Conducted- bya Practical 1 • - • ker4hant. • 0v2:1/ 6000 Stndenls have attended it from Thirty different Suttee. tur Saver Medals have been awarded Ihiffs' Systern BOok Keeping: and the new cirenlaijuet Issued con ins letteis from students in Phil adelphia. Baltimore, St Lome, Cincinnati, etc., proylng it to be the beet known{ NINE First Premiums were re cently awdrded the Pettmanehip of Wm IL DUFF, who, with bier:sow:elate Professor; C. C. Cothran, arc undoubt edly the best penmen lh America. Harper's Edition of Due Book Keeping poet paid, $l,llll Duff and Duncsn'e Gotta of Penmanship. ._ 6,p)Duff nod Duncan's New School Copy Books, 6 No's, 54 For samples of Duff &Cochran's Business and.Ornamen tat Penmanship, withnew circular of 61 pages, inclose 21 cerits in stamps to I .1 nor y ,ti*/ • HOS ETTER'S , STOMA " H BITTERS. • ~ The proprieto -,and , imanufacturers of HOS - TETTER'S CEL ' BRATED. STOMACH BIT- . TEES can appea with perfect confidence to physicians and citizenS generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore Unknown. A few facts upon this ,point will siteaki more ,poWerfully than volumes of bare aSsertton or blazoning puffery. _ The conscitaptionjof liostetter's Stomach Bit- . tern fOr the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, at.l. from its manifesb steady increase in times ast.,lit is evident that during the coming year the itorisumption will reach near one million but tles. This immense amount could never have been sold but 'for the rain. medicinal proper les Contained in the prepare= tion, and the sanction of the most. prominent physicians in those 'sections .of' the country where the catkin : is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but / are ready at alb times o give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. • t J This is not a tempo ry popularity, obtained by extraordinary effo is in the way of truln peting the coalit es o the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an must table medicine, which is destined to be aslendt ring as time itself. • Hostetter's Stmac Bitters have proved -1 a Godsend to re ions where fever and ague and various „oth r h, lions complaints have" taunted their vihtimS by hundreds. , To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain curb for', the Dyspepsia and like - diseases, is to thb proprietors a source-of un alloyed pleasurej It r GITS all morbid matter i from the stomach, urifies the blood, and imparts renewed ivital f DI ty to thenervoris system, giving it that trine and energy indispensable for the restoraticin of health. It operates upon the stomach, Bret% and other digestive organs, mildly but powering, anti soon restores them , to a condition essentiafto the healthy discharge 'of the functions jof nature. • Elderly persoris ma'v use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a Stimulantpeculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it I ts pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, . and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi - -dence of thousands of aged , men. and-women who have experiEnced the-benefit Of using this preparation- while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of ph'ysiciiias, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this Itrticle . A :few words to the gentler sex. T ere re Certain periods whin their cares - are no harassing that many of them sink under the trial.l The relation of mother and child is sd absbrbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to fo i rget her own -health in her extreme anxiety for her infant- Shelf d the period of maternity ' 'arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind Is generally aggravated. Here, • _then, is a necessity ter a stimulant to recupe rate the energin of the system, and enable the - mother to bear ,6p wider her exhausting trials and rosponsibilities.l Minting mothers gene rally prefer ill Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi-' clans, bectinse it is -agreeable to .the taste as well as certain to ire e , permanent increase of bodily strength. • , - All those persons, to to whom we have partien : larly referred labov , to wit: sufferers from fever and ague', canted by malaria; diarrhoea, • -dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases orideragements of the stomach,., superannuated! invai . ds,„persons of sedentary 'occupation, 'arty. ng mothers, will consult their own physical Weursinlfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated litomacit Bittersa-triah ' CAUTION -We caution_ the public, against lasing any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask 1 for .Ilettierrea's CELTDH,ATED STOMACH BTITIUS, end see that each bottle has . the-worda."Dri J. Hestetter's Stomach Bitters" ' blown on theaide of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap corning the:cork, !and observe that Ottr autograph signature is on the label: - it Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER it 131•11 TH, Pittsburgh, Pa:, and sold by all druggists, grbeert and, dealers generally throughout = telil States, South Ame rica. and Ott .1, - . . I MOVINO NORTH. D. DUFF - a .SON ~;;;:„.,,-: ~ ~ ~~~ ~ , ,$a al~ , { THE tr. A. REMEDIES ac rogtired tlieir great topulFlty trla tabour ded gatidectitra SZANDAI of the present age, hem only through S L" 4061ii.ANp , s - CERIIIIAN , BITTERS luta. tomisrax crsz Leer Complaint. D7fDr ` gala. Jai:taffies. Neves Deo. Dismal* of the ziancr.. and all diem* ari4lnf froin a iligordored liter, or week peso of 0, f tontael(Land Iftestivo Organs, ' llfD ATLI; POttfITTLY rxrecrt Tlll.oll,rrai, ltllJDiti FElllt, MIS Mut Ato MU, Deo oar AlmaloCc — for . Prixif. Mu, 75 canto per. Bettis lialsamic Cordial . ! WILL 14141 . 11VELT errs =2!12!=1 . Croup, pneathelia„tacipient Cessuroption, and bee perronned the staulablpy COMM ererknonz of ‘ ,CONFIDDIIEI3II CONSUMPTION. As Viantom Car& it's nem:Leib:l Pnicri'N cent, per bottle. • . • NOOFLAND'S GERMAN-Rlll4 • • bdog 441 kitivrn thrixrgici Sit "nape and America, nerds ro commendation :Ins,' axe InselY.s . eireithic,- - 1 1 th prepared with great theciethe, and are sugarcoated. Ith , better Cathartic Pill can be peed. Para, ^l diaper Los. ' Thew indicters an, *Pared by Dr. C. M. Jacuoa & CO, ng:!&&4034 Pay &-&& Pt. Lords., Mo., and an, sold by druggilta aoAdealers; is ipedicthea sietywbers nature of C. /if. orrie,, 11l be on the outside of each bottle at box. r - • '• Di= “Deiriltdireithar," pub li thed-aconely,yon ' will dad bpy and thremendatory notices trots all partial' the n'try.l.-IlialeAlsoanies are given sway by • ear swath -. oettotoax 1.4.3irs riplendid ateortinimt jnfk i rv•vicril, ClAlmniesochadee A hurn , TA. 411c—frit Torrt•WP. - - - LOUIS HOTEL CHESTNUT -ST,;-ABOVE. • PHILADELPHIA,... TN the immediate neighborhood of thesJobbing flouses on Market, Third, and Chestnut stmts. the Banks, Poet Office, 'Merchants Exchange, Zee. , • 130ARD PER DAY, $1,50. .• Accommodation,. when required, on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms from no cents and upwards, per der, mid Meals atFiTIST.CLAIIIS Restaurant attached to the hotel.Frices accordtng.to the lints dram. • . • : Ths City Cars take Puisengers from any Station TO. or CLOSE TO the Hotel. . r37Ett g lisb, French, and German spoken. ARE YOU INSURED? Ts ree!iving applications for Imurance the. follow .ll. lug Companies: yoming INSURANCE Company, WILiCES43AILUE, Pa. Charter • Perpetual:,Orpetua Capital.... 8100,000. Surplus ~. ,(57,600 Organized November 2d, A../. 1857. • DI REcrons G. I. Itollea:Lek, I). O. Driefhach, J. P. Den . nlo, John Reichard, David 'Morgan, ChM , Dorrance, Sarni. Wadhamg, It D Lacoc. Win S Rats, L Shoemaker, Geo P Steele, II IL lloyt, G. M. GocianGLicK, Pre." D:STIOEXAKT.R; Tins 1W( R. C SMUT!". SPC A y. w. G. SrEntria, Treat. /ETNA INSURANCE: COMPANY, Hartfonr„Couneetiqut. ' Paittnp Assets, NORTHERN FIRE fi VFW ASSURANCE COMPANY, No, 1 Moorpte etrect, London. Capital, t 0,2 5,000 kiurnal Revenue, $1,000,000. Wm GETTY, Agent, Philadelphia. CONNECTTHITT.IifUTUAL LIPH:D.SLIILLNCE COM. PANT of Hartford, Connecticut. Arr.mulated Capital. .Any one wipliina,thelr lives insured will do well to call and examine their mode of Insurint , , and their rates. which are better than those of any other company, before taltipg Policiea el.ewhere. h. I'. B 1 keli‘clN oc9 '6Ol. °Mee over - Chutudler‘t: Jeaanp's atom, MORE NEW_ ARRANGEMENTS GREAT. ATTRACTWNS AT THE FOOT or MAIN STREET. ITVIE extensive Furniture Establishment of SIIITIT BROTyERS having, been retitled and g,reatly'improved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens .of Montromiand vicin ity that they arc constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FTJRNITTJRE To tie totWd in the Conntry. Wo give the following list of some of the 'ar ticles 'which we. will sell atsgreatly reduced prices, for CASH or READY PAY: Bureans, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass, from $l6 to $35. • Bureaus with marble or brocatelle•teps, from_ 818.t0.52.3. . And a large assortment, from $5, $lO, 13, 14, to $lB, . - - Wash Stands, Card Stands,,Corner and. Square Stands, of.all varieties and prices., from 75., cents to ten dollars.• Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, FooUdools,Otto mans, Lounges. &c. • - Centre, - Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining; Kitchen, and lixtension'Tables. Chairs—Cane and Wood Seats, Rockers— Cane, Flag, and Word Seats, of -every variety and styld; Sofas, tete a tetes .furnished at:short :laic . at. New York prig Is.. 7 • . . . , N. B. Ready made coffins on hand o r fur 'njshed at short notice.—Hearses always ;n readiness when desired. -We employ none butC.lneetic and - Exrani- ENCED WORKAIF.N. WO intend to do our WonE WELL, and sell it as Lol' as it ,ean be of • W. 'W. A . - E. E{. SMITE!. • Montro.e. Jan: ifith.lB6o.-4711. 'KEYSTONE HOTE L, At • At Montrose, Penn. WM. K. HATCH, Proprietor. THIS now. and commodious Hotel situated - on Public Avenue, near the Court House.* nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fu ly completed and furnished, and was opened on Monday. the 27th day of September, 1858, for the accommodatkin of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident. that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that...cannot fail to give COmplete Satisfnction. The Hotel and Furniture are now, and no ex pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this pa rt st,f the-State. It is well supplied with all the„ /recent improvements 'and comforts, and obliging . waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers. The 'Stables . , connected with this House are New and Convenient.. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friends, and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH.. FL_~ fff 'MONTROSE PENNA. rrl HE subscriber having purchased • - -4 " .4 ' 1_ hfitted and newly furnisheff tn. above well known and popular Hotel is_preparedlo.accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found 'in, first-clas Houses. No effort will be spired by . the Pro prietor and his Assistants •to make the Hotel equal in every point toany in the countryt The Bar will always be supplied with tb• Choicest Liquors. The Stables, conneCted with this .thous are large, roomy and convenient, and carefril attentive Ilostlers ire-always in charge of them J.. 8. !FARRELL. Itipli tl N D G:Err y , „,\,k) uit-bm .cf.. 11113 mitts. DeliCions Tonic Stimnhint, Especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family . , haring - superteded the en called "Ginn," .b Aromatic, ' Cordial,*". Medicated,'" . • Schnapps," etc., In now en domed, by all the prominent phretelans. chemists and eon noissets. at posseseffig all those taragsw medicinal gnnlitigs /tonic and diuretic) which belong to nn OLD and PURE ((IN. Put main quart bottles and gold by all Drug gists and Grocers, etc. A. M. BLNINGER & &0., [Est abli shed in 1718.) • Sole Proprietors. oc 4 y] No. 19 Broad Street. N. For sale at TurrelPs Drug Store, Montrose. N.A . 11 1 .• ESIEN W BIN'S : TAR . IAND • _WOOD NAPTHA - 1121, • • Is flu List Medicine in the Armlet for the cure of Coughs and Colds ' , Croup,: Bronchitis, Asthma, Difticidt Breathing, - , Palpitation of the Heart. For the reliefel patients in adratiend stages of .Consumption together with all• Diseases • ' of the Throat and Chest and which ' - predispose to Consumption. • 71 attacks (he root of dismee, and makes thefea deetroyer raciumb'M its ietituence. it aleoprocito • cie free expectoration. traduce. , healthy action' t • in ihe diseased _Want, Ilinibrani and Unmet: It is peonlicaly adapted to the radical ire of AdTgli.6. "Om dare aphis lamina/de SYRUP often gilts etle and conseventlysteep,which the particular nature of thtdiseasedenia. ' Mr-c isry to the taste, and prdmpt