The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 14, 1861, Image 3
' - - '-: - , .:: Saiiirs- Siiiii. ''. '-' l .= ' -- z , The sh - eriff: ~sill='offer .tbit following i —Among the recent decisions at the., named. ; lotsof tilla for sale, at the court I • ' 4 rime Court general term of the ..,up , M ' $t d plkibf , em; ofthe l house, in outrose, cut aur a Albany (N Y.,) district,. was B one in •, tier 113thi I'B6l, ut One' n'elook•, - .1V: far:iv of Mr. J. Seabury against,. radfor t d o .! ; The property known, as; the Edward's ' Hotel, at Great Bend.' I Sold as the prop., O. Wait, fl o e seven years subecription the Catskill Recorder and Democrat.—' ertyof L. B. Bull. 1,, ' publish-1 ' The store-house and dwelling, with The decision was in flevor of the pu , halfof land, b , y. stillm . ati erJ and the judgment and costs, we un- . an acre owned. 1 derstand, amount to -between , two and" Fuller, in Franklin. 1. - three hundred dollars. . • 1 The saw mill building, tte., at the • out-1 ---. —Adjutant General Thomas, in 'his rat.-ILe Batleyt - itary op oiii O_beb's Pond, owned by Nathan W. cent report to the Presi , l6iti of•, in South-west, gores the i m ..• I A far of 90 acres in Auburn, owned I by Daniel Barber. Lies contiguous to it. us the opinion of General Sherman.,corn- t mending the Department of Cumberleind,: and the estate of Wm. Cooley. b" orA• Lathrop -John A. Kirkhuff, that tiro hundred thousand troops are necessary for the defense of Kentucky. -I. An acreof land in Herrick, as the prop .— Times in New York are : 'becoming ert.ii of Daniel Ogilea,on the old Newka g , turnpike. rery liftrd, if,we tnayjuilge by the follow- A'farm of 115 acres i near Elisha Lords, ing advertieement iti the Tribune:, t in Lathrop, as the land of A. K. Brink. "inmate--A bituali•un As soa' inl a w ' n 1 ' Also a quantity of land belonging to some respectable fmily. NO objections the Post family. quantity 116 acres in New, to g" t° g• a shot t clistatlce r i i nt 7 tlie co " ntr •Y' Milford, called the Fuller lot. Three Jot 1 For refers lee and ars, - illidreBs 1 of Unimproved land iniGreat Bnd, con! ; * Frank Stuart Postoflice, Williamsburg, : taining4B, 448, and ;401 acres •each. -7 New 17ork. - . , ' • I I These are field in common by I. L Post Thurlow need and A;chbishop and C. L. Wand. And, a number of films,. Huolies have started for Europ e ,to en- houses, and lots in M , ontrose and'Bridge t. deavor to counteract theoperalions of ,thei wate r- Southern entissaries;and prevent nny re- •The'sheriff will alsooffer for sale on cognition of the Southern ConfederacylFriday, Noy. 22d : Seventy five acres of by ei th er France or li ngland‘ ITlle'lgos land in Great Bend, belonging to Ray- , • of I course, in an ofli, ial i mond Alavcs .. -. capacity? in Aubern -A New. It'lle Company is now about 1 A farm of 87 acres s owned ...., to be 'ree.ruited by.,Drs, Seeker and Deni- by IL B. Roberts. I • -.•' '''' -_ - t sun of Meeboopany. i , 1 A let - 42,5 acres belonging to Isaac — . During an examination ; "it medical ' I Stoddard in Great Bend. - Jo n Collins, situated in student being asked. "When 'dues mor- • Two f arms of tilication'ess:•sue ?" he I-lA: e a—Whe n .e o u Rush„ containing 150 and 60 acres, re hoNu ” ? the question, and are ateswei •e,l " speetively. t ' I.• Three lois of land in Dimock,owned by shut up in ,the_. • 17;f- Th.e nwnielit i tht! Korth—arid A the "u -South nlitl° istfiar W. A_ !Artie ; a farm of 180 atir ;five icortais in -,. relieved from wild, fury inepired by acres of land with a grist mill, dic.,there the cry of tlie Aholitiunists tier telnsul-ree. oh ; and'fouracres of litnd at the outlet of . •Lathrop; ,Leke tiou" South, Ilea moment the S'nuth ;will - - subjugate - itself. It noes adiniphuration ! Gen, McClellan approve s the proposi• does not.give relief 'from this ffieht, i the, n tion for a exchange of prisoners and the. next %ill. The' demoniac energy which probability is that a. wholesale exchange ,' how in yires the S eith i, only the- id-pr. ' will soon take place. ; - lei. , ol the Abolition c -y for emmeipatioe, I _, _ ah _. Z{-39. , ~ ..3%lX..A.R.ThiOutiv that is, insurreetien, Take off ;the Abu- , litioni.te. and then sece,sien 1-illiclie SOuth 1 -------=--; —[Express. • `I I I In Smith Bridgewater, Oct.. 9th, by . ~ Rey. J. F. Deans, Mr.,Jastas H. CoEY from St. Ln. is to Sae Fr:inch:co by tee-, —The expense of sending' 1, messn '" ,, and - M a lL iss tria A:RitssEottin, both - , of ~,, ' usheon.: e ~ i • .-.. • . . . '•., • egrsph is i 4 25 tbr ten wordy' and 35 i In South 13redgewater on the 3d. inst., cent., for each additional woid.{ ~ the same Mr. HENRY A. MACK and —Our pick-et lines now teach below. • Ali-s ADELAIDII, SWERT, both of Dirrock.•' Mount Vernon, thus, fur the firtit - tiMe in lt? Montrnse, at the, Kevstcne- Hotel six months, nankin;; a, safe for- 'a aural -Oct. 24th, by Rev. A. 0, W - arren, Mr. A. i American to aisit the grave of i Wa ' i l m 4' C. Darn and Miss A. D'Getarr, both ofl ton. - 1 1 Thompson. —The Si. Louis Democrat, Republienn;7l O tt the 28th ult, at Stillburn Ni-Y., by and other papers believed to bt4undet the Iley„,'W. Riehardsrb, Dr. D.C. ANiY, of, direct control of Gen. FronenntE, b:•eathe New 3filford Pa.,end_Miss KATZ BLAKpi- 1 -rank treason. The i isinuation4 they ( oe.•• • LEE, of Dimook-. , I , taro of a revolt of the whole nogth-west in 1 - In Gibson, on the 31st ult . ., by Rey. E. . . ease q his removal are really nurfel roue. 1 Allen, Mr. Agard H. 13rid;. - mart, of CM -iVe have accounts of, a devastating cinnati, Ohio, and Miss Lydia 3L Chain prairie Sze in the swestern : pert ‘' o. 'Kele- berlin, of Gibson, Pa. scan, sweeping "over the grotttr . pin of l - ~...., -,,. . . _. - - -. -. Deik ° and Dickerson counties, Involving I - -- - x l me 42 ,,,,, mmEgs . I the destruction offences, grain, , hay and , in Auburn, ow theist ult., Mrs. Weal 'utensile, stock, (1,::e. 'tire fire'fi"e s ', Va l s ,,,. kept i k, thy Bennet, relict of Amos Bennet, of away from-Junction greate: , z, ox ,, r , iolis of t he 4 0 .i.:1 1 7.. .:,: i p i. - " u : Revoletionery memory, :wed 88 _ y ears. At the Hospital, in Washington, 1). C.. :Elora p; eyed of a loss o f human' lee. 1 At Bennet. a private in Captain —"An mit-opt wee made in tie:Peril% Gates Co , 4th Reg. Pen. Vol. Reserves. Ment of Engletel do: in;; the reign r ''_Edward Bennet was a volunteer from Jazees the Second, to In ake treason Ale G, eat . Bend; this County. , _ words the stiljeet of crime, bnt it wae re- , sisted by the friend- of CONS' it :164M:a . In Great Bend, em the 26th . ult., Wil libertV,ana defeated; :mil ;u:, tae 1 . timeso 11 :im Buck, aged 78 Yeari• - - it ha:snot been renewed_" - 1 Another piuneer i iboth church and -- A few diva sin. Provost Judge State, has goue peacefully tdt his rest,hav - . „ pp , in. ,in , - , reached an age beyond ;he ordinary Freese, acting as Civil Magktrate, , limit iel-Ftle. - -ted an agent to manege the estate of the • The deceased was born in New Leban. non, no one late Jun. A. :1-ltingt on, at _MountVie- but an oid ..... Jaye ' , eine . in pus ,. on, Columbia county, 157.-Y.. in -1783, and when seven years of age,hin father moved .pession since the owner's death. Gen Me re: , to. Ouquar•lin, (now Windsor) Broome Clellan ordered Gen. 3lontgoinery to county, N. X. and two tears afterwards - quire Judge Freese to di-miss the case to Great 'lend ' , where he has since 'resid- - and- withdraw the anent. . ed. . —The news feom Enrope -at the State , Mr. Buck encountered more hardships Department' is understood to be einiaently and severe afflictinns than ..are;usually in sali44ew". °fficiai cl'P"lches stele r `' lmr- eident in early settlement'e; but possased , ' ate thetorr, imPressinns`given by the gra- i 4 - if an inflexible determiea•ion 'to do his ' phie repoi ts already published in the news- whole duty, he never faltered before the papers. sternest and stormiest difficulties' nor de Unofficial commultications ha fromdfiyal sponde'd amid the darkest amide. As a citizen's of the I:Mt ed w States relitig ins rdship wortlementioning in those days Paris and • Loudon say that in France of peril, he was obliged to go to Wilkes- Prinee Napoleon . 1 . 21 S off :11 reserves harre, sixty miles through almost an tit and dculared that the in.tirrection etinnot , bi.01,..en foreSt to de military duty. prevail, end other letters' eay that Seces . -- , In 1805, he connected himself with the ion is dead in France. 'or at least that it , Presbyterian church in tlaie,plaee,of which ,gives nu eige, of life. 1 - I be ever-erntintied a .cornmuniont ',and —Gen. Frrtnnet's address npon taleinr,; me intained a chrierian eh: racter,unsullie'd leave of the tr,e-ep .4, w hil e i t coqnseis'obe. by the .lirditest reflection Upon his integ dience to the cernmands of hi- foi,•ce..m, ~,,,, or pur i ty. , Ki n d , g ,„ ( ,, r0 „,,, , b mer ‘,_ and dispels the idea that he meditete4 re- lent as he its ~he always had a heart to gistgnce to the Government; is l'e" - r 1 , 1 , e ', feel and, a hand ' tot'snye, mid won all hearts reSS calealmed to foster the spirit c d * ""•'":- that came near him. Truly his wor k in content w - hieh prev a il s s,, an ai,olninf_t de - -life wn, well done, and his example well _ gree in the, AN' k ., 1 Pr, , army. worthy our immitation. _, —The S'''.Letti- Nvw-, The L n!ori Pm - The funeral sermon was prenehed by nal sippre-sed , -,:ine lime te....e , hy"Fre'n"nt hie pastor, Ifey. J. B. ,McCreary, from but since revived, no , .r A ( . 211111'... , ito sly: : ' Eacle-lasts. 3: 20, "All are of the dust, ~ The sul ti ect " f A rm :' . .", nt ' l l' !" this. and all turn t„ dust again,'' in whieh, al liepart meet i s -a rirtw: ll3 ry "pl'it'a`ftm. - amnion wits made to his peaceful cleath,and o le. It itimund;• nitie. In , *.t.--(',1e...t• a •efel a f, e ' tt e z tribute paid to his ehristian and din eputal4 reerme toe, anti ..e soul ; wort h. . . ... p:ete repute will reveal the tact ilia; ?natty , , persons, of•whien better thingsf.Ye_re exel Jtx.„l.ln , h, 0,-t. Bth,Mrs, Joanna Tapper, petted, have, while 1m ii'ing . of Iserfeinrs, sine-of nr. Loring Tupper, iq the 68th the Government, - Leen d il, reittlyi serving year of h e r. age. .4n-Q _ to th. ' - -c,h...1" - - .: '*"" NEWS ITEMS, , . . themselves, to the dei I iment of the tmon '. ~ The deceased was a professor of relig cause, and the s.candal of their. calling.. . lion for nearly flirty years, and at the time I;of.ber death was_a worthy member of the .. Weekly Market_ Repcirta. ! Micidlikown Baptist thureh. Her death NEW.TOIIII W.llOLtadLE i'/UFES. •. 1 Was il'eacellil and triiimphant. No cloud • Wheat Plonr, to bbl., 15,50 €G,SO " 1 . darkened her mind during her-last sick -Rye Flour, _Fe liiil., 4,505 3,85 • I ness; her hope was firm; her vision clear,. Corn Meal, 't./ bbl., '2,806. t,as' I and her tiiith strong.' • . . 'Wheat-, p. lie.;— • - - 1,101....4 1,45 . 1 'Pin hey death th i bereaved husband is alYb. • V. but., ip , orjg 0 ,75 ''called to part with a worthy companion, !Oats, .V ba., (32.1b5) • 0,444 0,35 ~ and his once happy home is now left des ' i r,.orn , .70 bd . ., - -0,4;00 0,70 _ ~i olate-and lonely. Her children have lost Bntter, Al' lb • - 0,20 Q 0,12 '.I one, who to them was the best of moth . •.., _ ch eese, ....v .11 : , . • . 0,060 0,07 . er.S. - - . . . -Tallow, - 1) lb o,°Si 10 I Many relatives and friends mourn her g°, Lard, . - ;t1 lb • 0;O9i80,08 1 loss- . . , In Brooklyn, Oct. 41h,Georg.e W Gere, MONTROSE PRICES cy'RE-'l . r.- ' i . - - -- wtieuvh .. 4 . l, v. eti . s. , ~ whemilocrvwsff.6 , 57 , 50 ,: M. D., only child of H. W. Gere, aged 26 nye__ ...: .. ..... 59 centg i Rye flour ; 2 etrt.:.-cfr,„,,.,lyeari 2 months.. '., • _ • Cora - - 53 ct ' ut '' l eQm meal t i ' c ' ''' ' "s° 'Cm";' .. .•D r. gere - had spared-no pains in. , * pre -'1 Bactwbeat. . Pork r lb ....16 so •,- L —3 I Oats :Scent..., Lard 'fl ih , • 12 eclat , • paling himself' ,for his pr‘Ossion,' and' Boma - • $1.4 , '' I no•tter - 1 To .... 12 - c; to .t Cents.. . Potalom• ...—. 41% , : , til, EgXe- V doe... ,mu . f gave great premise. of usefulness in it.--- , i . - I • . Board of Baler. -Notice in hereby gimm. That the • ;,or and esposure, blighted. his ' earthly! •110, r d o f Relief, composed of the. Arrudate Jadues and • -- I - . • - Oottuty Commbialonerr. wilt meet Al col 2 C0.7111115:1011Gret . pro.spects. - .. . . • •i once, in Moarrooe.. on litoudv. Jul, lot_ 1F,61. at tern kj lei. several inenths of sufferinz, last o'clock, p. in., and on ths first Moudsy or iteb month - ..., L.; • . •ezqise antic- v . l and stmire aphrop,riations ...Drilltt i , he' had „hopes of . iiefiovering his for the relief of Volunteer. and their familim.. under the ' ' • 1 ' health, but this . was only. temporary. When ; provisions of an Att. entitled- -.An Act .t,i cts , ete A Loan sad soprovide for armin7. 01.381:at!. anprovird MaY15.1•5 6 / . lijs s d ifteft se (s liiliti ,11 free:lion) again -pros-I Br onotmor Dwain or 11r..t.ter.' I • ' !rated liiin opoi,bis death bed. • . ~. $26 2] riTPLovnt NT : - !CI'S?. ' ' Annii aiLlwarc.isb!es and .stiffening he .ELCA-..EN'T liiVr4L - IN,1".11:0: I is is lincompliiiiiing, being strong in the I We will pep front - ' l.2s ' e t ' 7s ""''''"i th ' "6 MI tltPew‘cs If' . 1.13 -of a korld's 'salvation. - To bim A to scare Ap... or Mee a etallMii3rion: l'artietilars tent 'I I . -• : • -, - - •,.. free. .+4.4dreNs Etta •:orrso toar,,; - 4 rs..'.l.AxEs,etk , was a precious sustaining faith,that light en! Agora, ;Ifiloo.. Ohio. ' /- i ii -"P ::etl- ap,iiis last hours- and made - him. -re- Mother*, naiad Thla.-Tiv , rolto.ingla au ixtrazt i ... , .„.1 .1 ' r t ' w iiii i ig. to par t an d be v,ith' from a let. r Jai - lieu by Loup:l4(lr of a 114111.14.:hurch to i thilt,l l, , l , ; sin ~ , . _ - the , 102nTai and metkaza... cieicicaili_i L °big.- It says; Christ. 'He was a yonng - ruan of promise ; volumes in favor of that world-rimowood medieine,-,Mna. • i - - WittaLow's Soontern sruer rou catiticr,s TErr als c. ; I ieSpe9tability and ehristia.n- v i rtue. ; :To "'We moan euiveraticeaent in yoiir columet, or Moi. Win- ; hi s farnifi.eonnectiOn,his death - is a eavy . _ sled's Soothing Syrup. Now we peva, word in ~.. '7 , i , i ' • gl-.°"*"TPl/1413 medicine in.*" life. 1) 4 an rent coin - * 4trok-e but .GCld'S grace is suffulent for 9.ll ,„,r i .,„'" 7 :,„„,P 3 ary ac readArs,,, T th u ,a t t l6 ,,," u rt q c ,, b ou,t' . g' - i wz, i . i ."1.1103, I . .lie•lett4fes a, wife , and a 'child:that = t ogeortigzoot sooooroaasuair i . or nr e w tin i C O lm navel' !tatbw . a . 4i4ors,Jrtc. : . ,:. 4o Wier tboa of Noy in a ',apply. '.41,40 11. 7 Ilia 'faiiolo *iii.olo ll 4 ~ ... . .......0 1 s - . . at the Univeradiet . chUrch by *large con- DI SEIOLUT 10 111' i course Of syttiffetik piends, ~ ,*,•-• ' ~ ~, • , 1 .. ~ . , ~ :. ......ame - ..erfasiwiL- mem *tot of iimit a LATIMOP was, disidiedby JL mutual donaent, on the 7 4 d of Omo_ber. The accounts traMS. ~.. sad totes of the late ISM may be futw A ket the More tug Ad - i y - TN Parttime of an order crab* Otiehiuts Court of the' &min e, 2:04.4th. I. D. - TLIROP. ja, County of SusquebanWthe subscriber add expose toicevorae mercantile business will be co:armed by the an. totblic sale, on thspreddies; on Thunday December sth 6 , 6th -,,-, „ d who toooothi n y Iw/owl th e was of OLD 1961, the right title and interest of Mule Whaler. deed and 5.2 %Veltman:lora. bli. RILEY..' Mend to all Mat certain l o t: bandedng itaubure,itnown ay the Catholic Church as follows ; on , the I , North by Pat, Rerlgon. Rut by Felix Reynolds, South by James Donlan, and West by John Bright. cOntanderg ShY Sim mos. or thereabouts, enceptlng therefrom two ' IlCrestadstialictimpthilnt.the Church ,yard'and burying ground, Mad about twenty acres improved. ~, Sale atone o'clooll,P;u1.1 terms, and lowest of dee' d made ledomao4 eel of alet t • i AN Adtier. Bub. Not. CORWII MilliliEll •• , „ • ~ - . .....-. ._,_-• • _ . The 'Trial:, of , 'William T.- Coririn e .. FOB THEMURDER OF Bri WIFE, - CAROLINE S. CORWIN. Car Now in press and toilt be published On • • ',lforidcry Nuirember 11th. • . A tint and complete report of Ibis most thrilling and Important murder Trial—th% aril:cat and most singular, can on the records of interne COUrity, HE LORWIN MURDER TRIAL • • - Phonographically repoited by B. It Winton, Rao, About 100 pages, mum. A limited number haying been published, persons wishing to obtain a eopy will do well to apply at once.. A copy, postage . free, sent by mail on' the receipt of ..S5 tents. . lar"Wholesale pries: $2.63 per dozen. Alt order% aecomparded by the cash, promptly attended to. ROBERT BAUD. • Publishar„ Wilkeabant, Lemma Co., Ps. S. `Administrators' Notice. -111711tFilik4 leiter& of - Adribalstiottlon to the estate or vv.- Nratiat Newtom. tarot Monpose; deed, have been granted to the subecribei a. all perfcLa itidebte,d to ' the said eatate are requestekto !India. Immediate par ; meet, and those having claims or demands against dm r matte ottho said decedent, will in ike Icanwo the name erithent delay to J. B. IIeCOLLIIII, t,d novlit 6w - • E. 'V. NEW. MILFORD NOR, Lk L SCHOOL N. L. 1111WLEY. Principal Intermediate Dep. • rnnur.r. Miss LeiTLE. DIKEDICAN. MUM. fainting;OD & Water Cula Miss MARY KNAPP. Piss B. J. BOYLE.- 'TIIITIO r—ziortme.i. • DItrARTUENT. English.branclies,--ZNrnmon, 8 3 • - Ilighar, •• and rasthetuntics, 4 do 'including Latin and French, 6 'Music and Painting, earta. TILE coNTER TERM of this school vv,lllcotrintenceon WEDNESTMY, NtArEMBER 211 h. and continue" iveeks. Every facility will be afforded the student to ac quire a thorough education. Board mar be procured at $.1.75 per Iveek. Rooms can be obininid at reasonable rates, fur those cvf ihinie to board themselves. For particrilaraitddress the Princi,oal nr ;iireetors.> By nrilvr of the Board. • - GaRRATT, Pres T. BOY LE,.,See. New ,Milford. Nov: 4th. WANTED ! WANTED ! WANTED' hTTILER'S, STORE 1,000 bushels'ot 0:1%9, 10,000 lbs. Fresh Butter, in Tubs or Rolls, 500 lbs:ileeswax, 5,000 dozep Eggs, 500 dozen purrs Good Woolen Socks, CALIELIEE, ' Felt wrricrf TILE Highest Market Price- will be Paid in GOOD GOODS • / RN II • C . 'UV IL 11 la. _ 3fon 3 ro m Nov. 4tll, 1561. - GROVER & BAK-ER'S CEtEBIi'ATED IC'OLTELESS SEWING MACHINES, ron r.A.mnor AND IiAIIttFACTCBING rsz, 495 Broadway, Now-York. kienciesin al: lite principal Citieg and Towns in the United Stotts • The Grocer -4k Baker S. M. CO. - hPg to call the attention of the public to tbcir recently introdu. cod - NOS . L%S3 FANI . LY AND mlNuFAcipaiNG B . BW/ AM .4% :101464 MAKING THE` SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCH These machines combine all the latest useful improve ments in se wing machinery, and nu-highly recommended for their Simplicity of Construction Noiselessness L •. Rapidity; .14tthe of nanagement ; Capatlilt for all kinds of work, And Beautwand Itegtilority of Stitch. Varion• stylus of these raachineS adapted to the house or worlohop will be Nand at the different agencies of the eompanythruughuut the United States. T..eir new .HtITILE- MACHINE FOR TAIIOIS' The latest triumpoor the sewing machine art—noleeless, rapid, and easily operated—will "commend itself to those who ate such machines fur matmfacturing clothing. I GrOver & Baker - Machines, I GIifiYER.&•BAKER STITCH. These justly=celebrated 'machines. adapted to all tile ! wawa of the household and manufactory. contirmero ;maintain the preeminence Which .the almost universal i•verdict of the public Las awarded them. The well•kuown I STRENGTH, ELASTICITY; & lof the Grover Baker Stitch will always insure these machined the preference for familv_use, for the manufac. Lure of sucirgoods as are intended for wear—for me and not :or . Where've!. the G over , Baker Stitch Machines have exhibited and teir yy judged in competition with the leading Seising 31xchines in the market. it:eluding the Wheeler At Wilson t iley -have laudably borne off thOliret premium. • - • • This assertion le Confirmed by the decision of the eon mitsoes of the sLate raire of • 1111LI1i 0 1 1 - l i. • • • ; onto 'and - • . • WittittliCaiaNs recently heid,,which awarded the fret - preMitun to kAt Grovet& Sam Machine over an others in competition. F. B. CLIANDLER, , Agent, tF* Montrose, Pa. Fruit •Tains t _ 88 1/1123T VI TIM YAM= o=ilig r aret, Miss skrulpsiost (arras, br aglow , • • NICHOLSON IiCADIMT. -• • - : NICHOLSJIii„ WYOMING COUNTY; PA. mini Winter, T4tn of Oils Institution n9ll ; commence I 'Monday, Dec. task 1861, and continne typide• ,weeka. oc2.lllo.—ter B. M. lITOrrE, NSWe. Fitt& WINTER . GOODS AT :: - TYLER'S . : FIRST STORE BELOW TARSILS, • 400 . - 44 " X) i%."Sii". (31-dit:03:1 1 ,0 *: 104:1..00 C.IIM FRESII CODFISIL STONEWARE, WOODEN 'WARE,: BROQ)LS, &T., PAINT VARNISH • • •• BRITSRES, BLACK 7 :I . • -. SCRUBING; - ' oth'' • NAIL, a ER BRITSES, ALL . .CREAP. ALCOHOL, TURPEN IN.E,' ek. LAMP BLACK; TALLOW,I. SOAPS - Of every kind but sort l• • AT TYLER'S STORE, 13SST Darning Pula, Kerosene. t atepheMe ; Ail Adamantine, and Sperm Candles, ' C2W 4 Sis i* 4 4 tri li a / t: I S2A 4 IP COD LIVER , Pure Olive; Cantor , anst Metahle OD, for . machinery; also Daricra and-British4oll. I , FOR. THE :HAIR, AND MOUTH. ' A RS. ALLEN'S World's flair Itatorer.ZY 14111mi:en lit Burnett Cocoaine, Leon's Katbarion, one and two I shilllug Hair Tents., Glenira Pperlis and Rose flair Oil, I, Philadelphia and N . Stork Month I vlz.: Parrisien rrapant fik.cert for thp teeth and m and gums. Dalyryplu Month nasti 7 Dental Soap. in, AT. TYLER'S STORE: 313 , 11g:S t I r r. h d i ts i p c. lst . F4 e .off i r u lthile c l a idd a itt Vegetable At Tyler's Store.- • rirTant auk to get trusted n TYLIR'§ STORM Itoictrose, Nor. 4th. • HENRY C.;TYLRR THE WAR CONTIVJED! GREAT BARGAINS PREVAILING, NEW FALL GOODS For Cash and prompt atx months bajora 3E3E. 3E141:TE1,31=1.309V.Ti r would again tall attention to ItisN'ezr and Large stock of fAll NO WINTER 'GOODS! now being received,' and embracing the moat desirable viuletie3 Lades Dress .Goods. In Rich Fa.;l Prints,. Cashmeres. Tambourd-Reps .lughanis and Silks :I Stel• • . Ls. Silk, lirileLe. and /.00lLon'il . Shawls, Rich Ribbons, Runnels. and - Fluwer-S, _Lacteal Clothe, Broadcloths, Cu- Simsres, Rh a very full - stadortment of Staple and Fanek Goods, as uanal In Hardware, Crockery, Iron. • Nails, Pants, Oni. Bouts tta4„ShoeS, Bats and Caps. Clods,Pan , er, Ladies' furs, Buff do Carpetings.,&e., with A new aasoftment of Stoves andarimmtugs Of the "uest quality, made to Order, &c. CV' .16 the stock is large and bought for cash, he 16 fully prepared to conquer e Peace." and secure the-trighest advantage, of the !• to his CILAI.4I.ICiA. 010 are in. vited to range theinsel% es under his "Banners" and se cure the henna, tif the '• right." Flour & Salt, constantly on band New Milford, October,l,S6l. 11. iitluurr. • Administrator's S4le. NOTICE is hereby given T.:vs:lance 'of "an order I of the orphans court of hesquebanna CoMity, to mB directed, I will expose to_pubilc salety Vendok, upon the premises, in the borough of Susquehanna Depl,t, the ful. lowing described incee tereLl f LILO MC:VA:ILO Of Albert Bushnell, deceased. butinded isnd deactibed as fol. lows, to-wit : Beginning at the sooth-e cot co?ner of Ilea. ry Berrine - s\laughter house lot, (so caned) 14 the line of the N. Y. n E. It. I; ladd, theheealong - said Ydrrine'i let North, x' east.ll , e rods.and 1:: links to inn south side or a street, thence ;.long the,same north, 59.3 e 'west, 60 ft. to &Corner, thence, squib cst along lot :id. Iss retoir owned by Gaylord Curds, dee rods and 113( Bolts, to a corner in the aforesaid Railroad Company's Land, thence along the same south, 57.,14• east, sixty feet'• to the piece of beginning. cuntalfilng twenty square rodsi,mofe or less— betng lot ho en Addison Meget a er.rvey tifJ.4l. Smith's land, on - which is a born, tte: ' ALSO—AII the interest of said decedent :ander contract in a certain piece Or parcel of laud situate lm, the town ship of Ararat iu Said county, bounded northerly by lut in possess/en Of the wldote Thayer, and the Dijon lot, (to eafled) in possession of L. 0. Bushnell. east wardly by the pubhu higlittsty leading from the Yellow Sencall Home, to the Wilkes-Baize Turnpike. sou thwardly by lands of C.C. Worth, and westerly'hy lands of tV. htearues Ind G. 0. Bsldwar. containing about tort.-tleo acres; moStle impro ved. Sale of the flrl4 herein described piece tube held on FRIDAY" the 15th day of November, Icel. at_o he o'clbelr, p. nt.: pt the seeorid bereiti described piece, to the prem. lees in Ararat on TIICRSDAY the Istli day ot.Sue., 1 . 561 at one o'clock. p. Tata., of payment cede known On days of bale. JAILES BUSHNI:LL. I .Ararat. October 14th, 1541. Adituntttrator . SUERIFE'S S*l4E., BY Virtue of stultify writs. of execution istued out of the court of Common Pleas of Wyoming county to me directed. I will expose to public sale an tnturday.the Itith day of Novesuber. 11.1. at one e,:cleck. p. ;in. at the court house in the Borough* Tunkhannocir, ho follow. ing described property, to *it.: Al! the right, 4tle Wrest of Dana Stu* in and to the following plFce, parcel or lot of land lying and being In elle townihipief Spring. Ville, Susquehanna county, and thelownstilp Nichol son, Wyoming county, elate of Petro!iyivania t bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the east by highway leading from the Tuukhannoek -Creek to Spring Ville, oa the south by the highway leading from the Delta Church to tha old Montrose turimike, on the west by fands of Nehemiah Oakley and Alonzo Oakley. and on ithe.north bYlands late of Matthias Gord:iniey, decea.edi—contam- Lig about one hundred and twenty acres of land, more or or les, [about twenty-five acres thereof lying In Stasque . - hanna coanty] tibont one. bemired and fireenapres of the hwhole improved [abonrtwenty acres of the limn lying ILE etre-aid inSuegaehuma county improved, but no buildingii or orciiird= in the part lying in -aid Susquehan na comity] bind on hat -part lying in Wyomtpg county there is one two,tory new•framed mime cluing house, one framed' barn. with two cow sheds attached , thOeto, ono framed cider house and cider null. oue smalt framed corn and others:Minya buildings. and one large apple orcirird thereon. 'with the apPurtenalice-. l Seized and oaken in execution at the suit, of; P. M. 03- i turnout and others.; cs. Dana Stark. defending LEVI 11. STEPIIENS,, Sheriff. Sheriff's °Mee. Tunkh,umock, October 11th, Skit. St SQ. tO. CLISSIrIL All) Ai11111:1E - let 4C3E3CC) CIO3E-, mixorutroiso, x=.43.13.31a.. PROF. S. S. HARTWELL, B. A.. PRINCIPAL Mr. I. S. BAKER. let Assistant, et Teacher of-Vnal Music. Mies L. Rich:tide, Instructiuss of French and Drawing. Miss E. . Blackman,: Instructress of Music ou Piano. Mies - A. W. nartwell. Instructress ift Pr Depart ment. C. C. lialsey, M. D, Instructor otAnatomy sax Phyilol . G. Z . . Dimock. M. D.. Lecturer .on - Other Assistants add Lecturers will be esuilcrysd u the Isaats of the scliuol may demit.d. • 11111 Z next Term will beglnon • , . -... Monday, September 9, 136 it . In announcing thetommeneement of, the net Acade mic Year of tinii Institution the trustees are Imppy to state that their expect:a Lions of success for the v,11 , 1 6, en. ded tuieebeen fully'realized, It 1” , now in a irshing condition. and they feel confident in saying to t e public that it Is entirely worthy of the patronage of allisvhn de sire. thoro' mental dieciplineot. the acquisition Of knowl edge. w . liether as a preparation for College, or teaching, or other pursuits. Its patrons may ho found In all pane of the County:and to them reference le made respecting its merits: • . . Tuition per Term of Eleven Wecko. Primary Department I $2 51 IliAher Englkh I fl 00. Lntin, Gima and German, each, I. 4 00. , French, i I 3 00. ~- . ' Enclisk: with and Language- 7 DO. No bill for the above atudleneball-exceed..l. 0 01, Tirasi , ing,. Toral Music. (three lessons per week.) ' i 1 00. kluelemn the Plano, I. 8 CO. Cite of Instrument, t 2 OD. i Board from $2,00 t:o $2450 per week. , The eameconventences as heretofore kw thned wishing to 'hoard themselves. For other information address the Principal at Montrose. W. JESSUP, President. C.F. REAP, Secretary. . iOntrole, Angaasl3,lB6l.—tf , , • _ 3P1.13.1.4fil X.s4I9IOII:ICL, 1:4,181' , A ad every tilos 6 wintery for 1:143117:S. tor loleat za. Sioatroiti.bor nurell i lirtg Store. • Bellinz' . • _ty HAS fAr p •• TURREti DIU s on IS Meg sei z of` h arhWittit= 17froot x • • - 404 "I:44SArit." gm tor Tilvifitaye PTURRELLI vile aid _ • . .t:liiitlienli•-•.-ofr'••• • at,• t ABE No* otters ti Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably comprising the greatest RIETY‘or Most different articles, of any Store - in the Northern part of Penntqlvao nitF, and perhaps of the entire State. An assortment is; kept in about • thirty. differ- Cat branches of,trade, and the -selectiOns are made - from- about fOrfy of the best !louses in New York, and -more than fif q Dealers and Blantifactmws out of New Irork. large proportion orthet Goods .are brought direct fromthe Manufacturers, thus in'suring genuine articles.- -Custom ers on enteringthe Store must-not expect to find everything ,in Sight but nearly ev ery article wanted will in produced by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be .formed by the following general outline, but enumeration is impracticablu. 1 )IZUG3 AND MEDICINES, . • PAINTS-AND • "DYESVIACTS, GROCERIES, • LtQt"ORS, • - V/20CEERr, GLASS-WARE, • TVA LI and W/XD 0 W JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE,,' • PERFUMERY, FANCY-GOODS; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - BRUSHES AMERICAN POCKET KNIdITES, - TABLE CUTLERY, and SILVER PLATED WARE LAMPS, MATERIALS for. MONTS, HARD WARE, BED .CORDS, • -STONE WARE. DRYGOODS, • 'llflßßal2q, WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRAPHS; 'YARN'S/IRS, RMD ,CAGES, • SPECTAGLES,i WHIPS, d;;LASHES, 1,-BAOO. GUNS, PISTQLS, r .. 0 cio. • MEDICAL SALT, . • .SOAP,...POTASJI,d:C., • UMBRELLAS. .• PORCELALF TEETH. The attention of the public is respect fully invited to .16y stock of Goods, bought exclusively 'for casts and:lrill be sold on the same principle fo; low'prices. . ABEL TIJIMELL: .s.lontrose, May Ist, 1801. IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE ,blll7 -- libit.b.2 AT GREAT BARGAINS AT GREAT BARGALSS Be sure, and call at the . Began and call at the see_ A l 9' 4 -. y 1 .1 k • • No. 20 - . 0 7. 11 • c 1. Water St. -42%1 Corner 11.2gham- HIRSCIRIN BROTHERS, • Have received another Large,Lot of New Fail and Wiater, Goods! =taking their t• e largest and bait snorted itock, ever exTubited in Bro•me county. Their ton co. prising the latest stylu that appear to the NOV York .•arket. bay° all been bought for cash, mostly at auctiol sales at large sacrienc; endue sow offered to the pu.lic , rdl=ss of their Value, . at a small advanc-, wbereby wears enabled to eel Bleb Goods almost eoilly low as the price usually paid for cheaper fsbrics, r case read thenfollowbw, let of prices We Are selling G od Detainee for u r . plitig Tim, qintllB , do 15 Rich Orle.,tal Lu trcs, . 16 Plain and figured French merino - es, 56 to ' _1 25 Good .1.11.1ek Silk. wide, for 73 A Vorded and Silk double Broche Shawls, .4 50 'Woolen Double thaw's. . • 345 Handsome cloaks kit Great Entrtinr. , ' - Ali Wool. black hroadclOth, . . All wool colored rloth, A lane variety of i tothe for men's pad bop' rim • Marseilles.BoeoM , 6 . L•tdie, o cotton' ho e, Ladies' ribbed wool do, spar, . ' 00 . Good Steel sprin g skirts.Cs India 'Rubber conbe, - handsome ellk belts,. . ' - 1204 . WiTt. Pfdt mnrmaZes. . : 12X And innumerable 'other Goode-at *lmam proportion. • ... .. _ 13E SLIM ATD CALL AT TUE t. 1382, sirs," before pnrchaeln,elaerhere, as are are yatleSed that thht 1 the only place o secure each EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. . HYREC - , ANNB.tOTHEitS, Ito. 20 Court Street, Sign' of the DEE UtVE. Binghamton,•Ogtober 17, 18,61. _antton, 0 l ibber. . IiARFO ‘1) - DIVERSITY; Miff: Fall Term f this Institution' will commence on j_ Weduesdny. epteuber 4th. The Hinter term on Wednesday Dece her 4th; and the Spring tenn,on Wed. nesdae. February 2th. . ; , .... • Eliida Term onatati of eleven weeks. 13.1F.1 ,2 33.1%1193313. 11.TITIOX.--Comton Branches , including Vocalts3 mnis• lcoo Natural Philosoph y . Chemistry. Physiology and . Book- Keeping,.._. `- 4,001 Algebra, Ocome and Ancient Languages, 6.90 French - ' • - 6,001 • Music on Piano, n ill the War is over " 6,00 Room rent,- -1,60 i :..lixpenses °flied tion room ' .. 1,00 Lectures with geed Aparattla are given every 'Snob room is furnished witha conking etore, bedstead .and table, for those who choose, to board theaseelres. Board can - be /In the neighborhood At two dollari per week. • Pay in advance, r properly eatwat • Buford, Angait 6. 1884 • ' ' . • • HA3.121:110; JS. 0 L. ILILLITS4O,II L. DING. & CO., _ IINEsIXRS int)Goods; Groceries; Itardware. Baady 1.1 Madeelot , Boots& fihnos. Bub: Mu!, - Nicholson ~ • USY- 7111 1...:' , , . . V1.a127-.0 , -1*11"'!81.1r0.0. NEW GOODS. GOODS. E r- - - W NEW - G * 4 NEW GOODS. NEW , ' - '\.' --.-----.-•- ': L. ITARDINOIi CO.'.:S:, NICHOLSON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, .‘ 9 . READY-PAY- CUSTOMER& We are determined no; 10 '6, patont in the tray'of --, .'• LOW • PRICEK3 • inC6 ". PRODUCETa-3.l. l hau*hi ,P C:10 Co 0 3CI,D L. HARDING & CO. Nicholson Depot, May Wi t 1861.-6 m. • • IV fin Late Firm of Baldnin & Flour and Provis ion dealers, willbe con tloned under the name of Allen. eaos & Co. All due the old diin Is In the hands of A. Baldwin for immediate settismeat. -A. BALDWIN, Jal 9th, HAL . 'W. L.ALLL/34. NtW FIRM ALLEN ; :, ..DEANS 11 Under Montrdse . Democrat °Mee, ABE ItECEIVIISTa - - 11Frosh Ground Western PLOIIR evcryl3o days, which n e warrant to give latisfaction as aurimmarket ;if not good returned ac oar expense. ' Feed, • and Buckwheat Flour, SALT AND• PORK, Br Tar LOAD, BARREL or. POUND. HAMS, [Super -Curfell • . • - • Dried Beef, • Smoked Halibut, Drips and SyrUps, _ Molasses - 'and. Sugars,. . TEAS. POFEEE, • SPiCES, EIZO oif S, AND:NAILS, whfeh ire offs! for sale at LOW prices, for READY fAY WAX. „Montrose, July 5, 1853 "T HE UNION' Now and Fotever! THINK, EXAMINE, AND SAVE 25 CTS ON A DOLLAR BY BUYING YOUR SPRING & SUMMER HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE - PEOPLE'S AGENTS, Court St. OitITHAL — ONTE T WeE " STORE tom, N. 1 OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE! NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY: 'wE HAVE A LAndE svics•4l-- . • STAPLE and FANCY DR Y. GOODS, GROCERIES cf: PROVISIONS, HATS AND CAPS, • BOOTS AND SHOES. WALL PAPER; WOODEN WARE, COAL OIL: YAN KEENOTIONS • SKELETON SKIRTS, ' FLOUR, SALT, FISH, NAILS,. PAINTS D OILS, ••• And a great Taitety of articleooo nomm•ous to mention , which ars are bound to sell ••. crhoapei than the Cheapest t wipixrlAr.n..A•ND nrrAn. • Pl 2 OD U CE r takeii7h Exchange for Oath. An Goods cold at . ONE PRICE and NO DEVIATION: • Our sprain of doing tinniness gives satialactlon i - CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS, WUZTIZEU YOU BUY_ Ott \NOT. WE WILL SHOW TOL , BARGAINS r" OF - Er" Small faiora thau&hally relayed, and larger once 12 proportion. . • Yonts. &c.. • 3EL - 41.417/331\T 3311.0.151.. mvir SIILFORD. June sth, 1861. FANCY FURS. FANCY FURS. john .Fareira. ARCII Street between Ith.„ and,?qb., Sts.. (Laic Sid Market 80 Phi!adelphia. Inror-rrat, lisnurArrennti d Dzsurn IN AINDS . .ANCY rrio, for Loottes fees and Children's Wear, laving new manufactur• and In store my. usual rge and besutlftil atiort .cut of all the various Inks and qualities of huts,, ,dapted to the coming. Fall_ and Winter Seasons. I would respectfully invite an atillilation of my stock" and prim; from those intendin c g to parebose, as I am ena bled to o ff er thern_ very desirable Inducements. All 4ny Furshave been purchased fur cash, and made by experienced end canne tenLhands.and u the present monetary troubles " render it necessary tharl should dis pose of my goods at very smdlladvance on cost. •I am satisfied that it will be to the interest of those who design percbaslng, to glee me a call. • rer- Recollect the name, number and street r Sohn racers, (Now Fos' Store,) 718 Arch Street, Ph.ladel phis Sept. I,:lth med. Gm. MANHOOp: HOW LOST, HOW .RESTORED. TI: Published, in Sealed Envelope : On the nature. e ireilfment. and ;ad:cal care of upermatorthera or" em inal weakness, sexual debility , nerv.onsnesa and luvol un mry emissione. producing Impotency, ceneunitition, and mental and physical debility- • - • - • Dy. 11013 T. at. CtIIATERWELL,:I9I.-D. The important fact that the awful cons:ague:aces of: self abutie marbe effectually removed without ft:terra:l medls fines or the dangerous applications of caustics. Instrum ents, medicated bougies, cod other empirical devises, la here clearly deatonstrated,and the entirely new and.higb ly successful treatment; as adopted by the celebrated au thor fully explained. bit:mans of which every one isms. abled to cure himself perfeotly, at the least possible-cost, thereby avoiding elt the edvertimed-noetrums of the day. Theleeturearill prove abco3 to thomMnde and Monsebtle Seat under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address. post Pickett ismelpt of two postage stamps. by addresein; Dr. crr. :T. C. ELYSE, • 1 2 7 Bowery. NewTork. Post Office Box; 4586 1113,axa. & Altiro's o..poti ! .l=csmiatrzogetwindi'es fr - w .44i0 wood. imair. MOODS. MADE TO -Or Dir subsalba take pleasure in anicasellar t g. Mends and customers et Montrose, ;hat en advantage of the unnettellr law teen craw& liatinLieturem they hare made a addition ti usual stock of Watcher Jewelry and goods, sal - are now peps:* to oiler grader bargalas time ewer bls, tore. • EYE i a A 14124 • Binghamton, August Watches—Ladles' Diem** Enameled, sag pilatse.., a splendid article. Also a veriety*Opld aadhilvsatar lish„ American and Swiss, Rusting and Plain, smr.lew. • Gold Chalms—A very awash , . variety of Veet,lieb, Guard and Neck•Chaina. by Rues Earnings sad Breast Plue—Art Waite guise} Game and prices, in seta and single. F Illngs—Dlamond, Ruby, Bigard,,Fautibade and Plain Gold Ringo—s large stock. Brateleta—Gold, Jet, Plated, and ItSlßLl*** ll * alt patterns and pease. Russ Anus. I =vim Ware—Enr7descr:ptloa of SllvesTeelea, sad Spoona. li tpkins Rings, on band, alto Soup and. Gran ladles Cats, Card Cues. Pie, Butter and Fruit Kelm . C2dids as Seta,, warranted goodies coin. Plated Ware-Alleautifuleesortmentor leered's,* Cut" Cake Baskets, Walters, Butter Dishes.= Salta, son*, YOZta, bpooll.lll, Tout Backe, Crop etc..y • Drawl II MAIM. Sleevetc.,e b ßuttons and st tids—A large stark of at patterns and prices. Boadoi—coral 'Necklaces and Armlets; Amber, Cali. Pearl, Gilt. Steel, sad surer Beads. Shell Combs—A good stock et sbellimckend atile .Combs, oleo Lingalo. Born, Ivcrry, and Dreashet Oases Fair mid Tooth Brushes, std, etc. 101741.20191 it ALX4Z.II3II:ICrip Vo. 034 Mows Eqt, 'COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. _ Located ontr_th• SouLaLlosHaa Pau BINGHAMTON -N.'Y.. " • FACIVILTyr _ - O. W. LOWELL, Principal; Profetsor of dor Selena, of Accounts, Practical Aocanatairt, • Author of Lowell'l Treaties upon Ectok•Krep-, lag, Diagrams illtistrating the same. Joys Rams, Commercial "Accountant.-Profeet at Book Keeping and Practical Stathematka. J. J. Cr:aria, Miiiatant Prohamar bathe book Keeping' Department. A. J. WAR NEC, Professor - of Practical and Or baznental Penmanship, Commercial Calealep Boca and Correspondence . LECTURE ftS s Dan!al S. Dicki own, Lecturer olliCelucuer• etal Law and Political Economy. ' fIon.T Rads= 'lialcororLectarer on Contracts Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Ray. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer. on Corannerdat ' Ethics., , • - EXAMEN Co3lllllTTllilles _ ilon..Sherman D: Phelps. loVm. R. Osborn. Eq. Tracy ll...Mu:gab,Erq. ' The obJoct of this College is to afford to aN an opportunity of obtaining a thorongh Duskier* Education. The Books'ead Forme are gitirefally winged' by preeticul acconntauts expreesly for thlis la stitution.nad embrace a!! the recent townie. meets. • ; - - . The comae nelnatretetion zrmprisa every department of bus:meek. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and , practice of Double Entry Book Keeping as applied Co the following kinds of business, viz: General Mu* chandising, .Manufacturing, Banking, Commis* Mon, Steamboating,:ltailroading, Fora ardiag Freighting, Foreign Shipping. iSte. • . . . . YOUNG Can epialify thrmselTes in a short dine. at this Instlta- Uon, to fat important aza lucrative sitnationb. Amp* ratercnCes can be given where ....mob/otos oflB6o are now 11111ng desirable situations inth - salaricsuom SSOO 10 WOO, - ~_2 lll hr .ae n , Proirieturs are in p;s r session of testimordals some of the Commercia:lionses in the State. towboats they have hiraished book-keeper. 3, showing their entire satisfaction and conldence in the ability Mite grad:tubs ottlas Institution. i - ricsxAssurP - ' In all Its tisane/eel, taught bythe most skillful and they. ough masters of the art. No College in the ermartty en: jays a higherreputatbm this department,. Ladies' D.-. part cent entirely separate from that of thegentlemen.. Students can enter College at any time. :So vacations. Time to complete the.cours, frnm A to 10 weeks. Eta dents passing the examination are presented . with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Dlpleina Issued by any Commercial or Classical Institution In the llnlop Assistance rendered to graduates In proOrring sitne.tfons. , For term, of tiltlon, price of beard. testimonial's-et graduates filling address the proprietors foe circulars containing full particulars. • LO~CF.LL it WARNER., ' • Proprietors Binghamton Commercial College, • • Nov. 11, '6o.—y Dir.glramton, R. T.- ifEALTd AND ITS fLEASDRES.. Or Disease With Its Agonies: - cnickorso Motcveloro. 'Thoxica.:- A - • iTli s w ..,,4,.): i! , .::lso r -* ir: 4 - 1 1 .1 ' • ' • • -'• . if T. v-;.;i•::4t ,?., i -,., ~.,;•,.... 4 . • . ,---,,., ~,,,,-.,., tt , i ,„;,--, . ~,„.,-., , ? ..-.3 -,,, .6„ , ,:,,,,.„ P. ilk ; f; . it • . ••-•W= 4 . t l. l' • HOLLOWAY'S PILLs NERVOUS DISORDERS. WIAT_ is more fearful than a breaking flows of Lbw errous system:. To be exclmble or nerrous ins small degree is most distrmsine, for - where can a remedy be founds There is one:—drink tint little wine; beer, or *pints, orfar better, none :lake no cotrve,—weak tes t ring preferable; get all the fresh air you can: Like three or four - Pills every night ; eat Vents of solids, avoiding the use of slope; and if these gf, rules are followed. you-will . e happy :ballad, strongin body,arid:forget yon have nerv e s. piXcatlLdai•es a X3a.77.521t0r05. If there is oue thing more than another for Rhlch thee* Pills are ie their Nut (vim: properties, re their power of cleansing the blood from ail itnpurit=, removing dangerous and suspended secretlane. Bally adopted as the Strand remedy for female cmnpLetnts, they never fail, never weaken% the system, and always bring about what is required. Sick Headache 'and Want of Appetites, These feeting,s Which to:, radslen n±, roast frequently rfaa . from annoyances or trouble, tiont perspiration, or front eating aqd thinking what . is daft for us, thas disordering the stomach and Myer.- These organs must be regultgedo if you with to be well. The Pills, if taken according to thia. printed itoAructions, will quickly restore a healthy attic/a teLboth liver and itomach-, wheat , • follow as a natural eons• neluence. a good app elite and a clear head. In tho East and Wm Inclies.ecidcely, an; oilier medicine is ever used for :Awe disorders. : . - DISORDERS OF TEE XIDNETO. • , In all diseases affectbag these orptro; whether they leo Crete too much or too lit:le water; or whether flitted With stone or gravel, or with aches and e pains settled in the bins over the rvttions of the kidnevs, these Pflhe should be taken according to the.printed..aircrAluna. the Ointment should be well rubbed into the malt of the. back at bed time. This treatment will give/tiniest inamak.. ate relief when ail other means base failed. For Stomachs out of Order. 'So medicine will Mrl effectually Improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all-acidity, occasload.. either by Intemperance or improper dtet. They Teach %be - liver and reduce It to a beaithy action: they never Leg is cutinz all disorders of the liver and stomach. . 114loway's Pills are the best 'remedy knows in the world for the following diseases : Arne, • Fits, . • Sole Throats, Asthma,. • Gout, - Stone mad Oratal,.. Bilious Complabritsitead-rodif4 Sec Blotches on Skin, Indigestion. ..... Tic-Do Bowel CoMplaints, Inflammation, Tumors, Coiled,._ Jaundice, - ;Ulcers, Constipation of the Liver Complalnts,Nenereal Affliction BOwels,, " Lumbago, Worms of all kindir Consumption, " nee, - " Weakness from Debility, , . Rheumaticu, Whatever catiM, ••• Dropsy, = - Retention of dc.,: . &c. Dysentery,' . Vrino, &c.. ac. : ".. Erysipelas, Scrofula; or Elne's Evil, (354 • Female iffenoiallthes, Foyers of ail kinds.. tem"! CAUTION !—N ono are r.ontune unleaa the words "Bob- LOVria.. NEV-rOILE asn - Lonnote," are diecernible tut at watermark In every leaf of the bookbf directions around each pot or box; the .came may Do plainly been by holding iho lnihe A handsome reward will be given In may one renderitg such Information tut may lead to Wet detection ofary: party or parties counterfeiting the =ea. tines or rending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *.• Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Mal den. Lane, New York, and by alj reapectable Druggiate and Dealers In Medicine. throughout ills civilized wea', in la:lkea-et 1,5 cents.. Cl cents, acd itt each. t_vr - .7b ore Is considerable easing by taking larger boner t. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in =cry • disordrr are aftised to each tot . - MEAT MARKET, On Pu6lie dikenue, sear Scarfs's 804. FI, , -constantly on hand a good supply at h MEAT 4 of all kinds. CASH paid for - Heel Cat I le,Ctt I ves,Sheep t and - Mao for Hide, of all kinds. - • • lIENSTOCK 4c HAWLEY. - ligitanet, • - • if.;Rar4ror. Ifontroie, March il)qh !A.-tr. • • • • • , Ayr. vsttuHaricLse* of revs, • • a. ttitlSltii