The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 14, 1861, Image 2
. • all Tremont. Be Punithed t -At **hat session of the Legislature I so . act was pasaed to pu ni s h - t he mime of treason::-. Since that time there itiSear'edy a county in the State lulu-blob : men have . not been charged with treasonable prac tices. The cry of treason - and traitor has .become. as familiar-as household words. Persons have been branded as traitors ; newspaper 'establishments mobbed for _preaching treason; men imprisoned as traitors; and yet there has' not. been a single prosecution or trial. before a•, Conn of justiceunder the treason law passed - hy she het Legislature. This is a curious. sot, and of two things—eh& er that the charges so freely made were absolutelyTese or that. the _authors of theta had not t he courage totest the truth of their allegations, beton) a ;court of jus. rice. It is certainly surprising that_ so heinous, an offence against the government ihouldhe permitted,to exist, and even to flourish, if we can credit the assertions of a certain class of party newspapers, with out a single attempt to bring the offenders to inetioe. - • - t is true that measures • of extraordi nary vigor have been directed by the Fed eral Governitient, and by. tumultuous as -sem bliee of. ndividuals, commonly 'called . mobs, -against 'au -- Posed traitors. Men • " • km been arrested in the midst of loy al communities, where the laws are in ilia force and the Federal Courts ready to try and punish crime, and incarcerated to for tresses. Whetlier . • the atmosphere of these gloomy precincts is peculiarly fa vorable to the derelopeir.ent of patriot- I ism, or not, 'Certain it is that after a time j tome have been released upon taking the, col4bef allegiance, no wiser as to the crime I laid to their charge or the name of their I accusers, than they were before undergo-j ing this extrajudicial discipline. This may be all right and proper. • We should not pass upon military necessities without some knowledge of facts.. But we sub mit that the system is liable to abuse.— Fe.r viample—if a citizen happens to be --in the road of some other person who en joys the confidence, of the Government, and it would promote the success of some favorite'scheme to get` him out of 'the way for a short season. The confiden tial agent suspects that his enemy is a traitor—and forthwith whispers his sus picions in the ears of some zealous Gov- I - =meat official. The suspected party is ,quietly arrested and silently immured in a fortress where hb - several months in wondering what he has done. At the end of this period he is invited to take the'outh of allegiance, which lc does not hesitate to do, having never harbored a disloyil thought towards the Govern mita. He gains his liberty, .but never knows why he was imprisoned or who Made the inforination leading to biz ar rest., -In the meantime his , business may have suffered 'irretrievable ruin—but he has no redress. He may petition Con gress for damages and wear out many weary years in hanging about the lobby; He may endeavor to discover his secret enemy without Success.. Ile passes throu' I life a-ruined and suspected man without . being able to 'discover why he is suspect- . I ea or who ruined him. This is a suppos able case,, and illustrates the 'danger of_ departing from the well established priori ciples of law—that every man shouted have the opportunity of facing , his :leans= ert of knowing the criffte charged against him of having an impartial trial before a court of justice, and of being convicted before he,is subjected to punishment. _ Take another case which-is not immag inary. • .A;newspaper publishes matter . that certain persons imagine is tre:vena-, ble ; but instead of rnakirlir charges against,: . , .. .. .the proprietor, and bringing him be.fore - court,-these persons take the law in their own - hands, and under cover of night, en ter his office and destroy his materiid.--.• The officers of law wake up, and arrest the proprietor, without inquiring about the - mob—and, also take possession ,cf the material remaining in his es tablishment. He is brouga before court on a charge of treason. The Government prosecutor formally with , draws . the 'suit because he — has \no evidence to sustain. it. The proprietor goes forth'free aria acquitted. But just here ' the Government steps in and in forms him that although he is acquitted and is not guilty of treason, yet ho cat - s• not be permitted to use the United States mails,to disseminate his treasonable pub- Beath:a. • It may be possible, for a man t 9 be entirely innocent of treason, and at-the' same time bP a traitor, but we doh't ex-, actly understand how. _Now we should like-to see alittle open, manV, fair dealing.. .We—should like to see some of the Government prisoners tried; and if guilty punished for their crimes. If they are traitors, the Gior eminent owes it to itself uot,to discharge' them upon taking the oath - - "of allegiance, - beettu,se teen guilty of betraying tlioy, Country would not hesitate to' eornmit, the additional crime of perjury. If-they are not traitors, then they should have'an opportimity of,est'ahlishiug this fact - be fore the United States Court. Throwing the innocent and guilty into a common dungeon does nots-trike us as a proceed ing calculated to. strengthen the Govern ment—thOugh perhaps we have rather a traitorous leaning towards law and -jus tice: These old prejudß , es are hard t( overcome. Then we should like to see • some one of the. thousands, who have been branded as traitors in this State, tried under-the act of last session; oth erwise we are compelled to; infer that these charges have been made for political ,t \ effect, regardless of truth that the au thors are afraid to back th • words by deeds, and submit theiaaccusattio lIR to the • searching scrutiny of law 'and 'justice.- - ratiiot aAd. Union. ar Gen. Hunter, The reported success.. or of Gen. Fremont, is about Sixty years of age. He graduated at West Point . in 1822, the tiventy-fifth in rank a tlass . numbefing forty, and was appointed sec, and lieutenant ot, infantry. Having risen to a first lieutenancy, he was, in 1836, made imptain of cavalry, but shortly after resigned. 1n , 184.4 be rejoined the army se paymastekin which position, with the rank' of major, the preient Administration found him. He accompanied Mr. Lincoln from Springfield, on his :tour . to Washing ton, as far as Buffalo,--where, owing to' the pressure of the.crowd, he suffered a dislocation of the collar bone: Shortly after he was made Colonel of the Third Cavalry, and - then Brigadier GenCral. , He commanded a leading division at the bat tle otßull Run, but wis . wountied so early inihe-day: that he reached. Washington, traveling in an ambulance, almost as soon is Mr. ittiseell. He saw no aerriee in the Mexican liar, nor in any -of our . f Indian or me Norma School at New 3EI - pit*: of November. See card, THE 'HORIEROSE . DEMOCRAT Izzook4wrgrairtn* ADVANC*". 8. 434111.4wriscime, EDITOR, fUI3I.ISHER, ANCi PROPRIETOR. Thanksgi ing Proclamation Trl,tir.O.t .eltery goad gift; is from above and 'comps 'dowp to us from the A lmighty to whop . : it hi inhet, right, and 'the bounden duty bf everY•Penple to 'render thinks for His `lerciei Therefore I, An drewG: Curtin, Governor 'of - the Com monwealth of PennsylVinia,- 'do : recom mend to the -beople of,. this Common wealth, that they set apart Thursday; the tirenty-eighth rof NOvhether, next, as a -day of solemn ll'hanksgiving to , God for having prepared our Om and, Watered our furrows, and blessed the labors of the 'brisbandlnan, and crairned the year with His goodhest!, in ' thei • increase of 'the ground and the gathering ' in of the fruits thereof; so that our barns• are filled with plenty: And foehaVing looked favorably on this Commonwealth, and strengthned the barS other gates; ;and blessed i the children - within her, and. made - men to be of one mind, aid prese6.ed peace ir-her borders 13esiching Him, also, oilbehalf of these. Unite, States, that our beloved country may have deliVerancefrom those Isreat - and apparent.•Ongere wherwith she compassed, lind that He will mercifully still the bitfrages ofperverse, violent; un ruly and rebellions people,and make them clean hearts, and - renew --a right spirit within them, and gile ;them grace. that they may see the erro r tbeir - ways,and I bring forth fruits meetfor repentance:and hereafter, in ail godlinr , :is and - honesty, obediently, walk inholy command= Ime ' nts and in inibmisSion to th e just and manifest enthltrity ofithe republic., that We, leading a quiet 'and, peacable life 'may continually other unid:liim our sacritide of praise and 'thanksgiving. i; A. G. CURTIN. Br the Governor ;-1 EGI Stavin, • Secret:4' of the,Commonwealth. lltrrisburg,Dct. leith,lB6l. _` CW'' The ilusqueliatina :Valley Rifles will leavefor Camprtiti, nest Friday, November 15k11, beflitOn one and two o'clock, p. m: 111 Who have,enliSted,and._ those who nry wish ; to:enlist will meet on Thursday, !lie 14th . .185. - of November, either at Susgnehanna depot,or Montrose, as may be molt convenient. Early Fri: day morning 411 ree=niti at both head quarters, trip be ed*eyedl to New Mil ford, where the company "will •be organ ized., After !: dimier ' the company will take the ears for HarriSburr , l, .*. l * • iWrt The New Yori•k ii:de,iitncirnt of the sixth instant; has the following sensation 'Jut as 'cc p B e ss we have ad vices that Secretary: Seward as expressed the conviction "tliat the "goverlment cannot anceeed in 114 War,. thilt thei Confederacy will probably [be recognized by the Euro pean powers„nd that peace will be the result in sixtvficlanl. In view of this, Mr. Thurlow ha been senf, to England, and if he shalttind the Ministry de termined to reoniae'tlie ConfederaCy,the Administration here; will once for peace." ; • „ HARPE.Teti NAG.timr.—Tlile November number of H:frper'S • Magaztne is a tfrst I class one. Tie opening-, article On bene diet Arnold, Tic illr. LotiSin7, is valualde hikoricaliv, 6d the excelle66llustrations i ii i greatly enhance its interest. There is an instructiVe article', 'with numerons wood cuts, on the New York Assay Office, and Mr. T. B. Thorpe ri;mtributes a pleasant ' f,aper on thei , Fox and, Fox bunters.— -There is a spirited poem, 'The Tenement q - Inuse,' by Fitz - James inirien,,Well. il lustrated, and- there are a - number islotli er articles with - illu - strations. The novels of Thackerny and Trolltipe are continued. Bayard 'Taylor -contributes a ,paper on Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Gotha, brother. of Prince• Albert, and there are a number of good stories and other pleas ant reading. The -various editorial de partments, too, are.well tilled. This num ber closes the twenty-third volume -of Harper, and abetter one Would be hard '24? find. - • is•said-that Scott's lam advice • tolleCtellan Was: "General, do n,of allow youtlelf .to be embarrassed by Men •who do not oompre- Ifend this great qnostion. Carry . out y your own ideas, act upon youf•own ulg ment, and yoti•will conquer,' , and the Gov ernment will be vindicated. ." \ God bless o you." Cam" The folloWing is copied from the United States Post .ofriee lair: Sc.i 2. The great' mail§ are' to 'be closed at the distributing offices not mare than one hour before the time— fixed for their departure ; and all mails :it all other °face§ not more than ',half an hour before that time, unless the departure is betty . een 9 o'clock, p. in. and 5 a. m., in - which case the mail is to be closed at . 9 a. m. fgrA bold spirit ot mutiny I. been expibited by the abolition press on -ac count of Fremont's removal. Read the . , • ' --7-- ..-' I are eager for the sentiment now if that followingfrom theißepuhlican organ it 1 s . .- gond old instrument stands in the• way. Of Honesdale: • . , . . • „ • , t h eir political Mans. It remains- to •be Lincoln has oydere&Fremont to make - a retreat which -Will prove as disasterons 1-se' whether Such'fanaties can control.. as the defeat at Bull's Run . This order is i their party, the .administration ; and . the most mischievous . • Fremont - is the onlY ;nountry. Success-is fir from certain, as public man who has touched the hearts of vet.- - • .• ' • ', the multitude tfirc iifihout the North. Thi intefererice with him is strongly con demned." "The . Administration had better let Fremont alone until. it shall establish a higher claim- titan can now be allowed to eten by partial'. judgment, either for econoniy . ,. - competency or vigor.. The country is indigndrit, not at John C. Fre mont, but at - Abraham Lincoln, Winfield- Scott, and SimOn Cameron. What no- smother's' underneath . the surface,, will soon find public expression unless the Ad rninistrationshall learn to nieetthe great emergency with more-coltrage, resolution and nnpacity."' - Is it not timsksome s:if. these." traitors " were sent , to Fortlgkette ?:''Bot per h•Ta fikaitijainiv amliadia44l4. A Mtuilhiit Lei OZ: A correspondetit of th - al Northeill sylvaniau-sayi : , .." On Sattirday, the;2d inst., a painful eir. eimistanec mitred in Lenox Township, in this county. : 'The partioulsra - far Ats informant- has learned, aro ttif : folloWis!-- .Tefferson Barnes, formerly in- the' liktek: smithing businefi in Susquehanna, but of late keeping Hotel in Lenox, had • hia life threatened by It Mr. Decker, Who - entered his house, it seems, with the deterrnina tied. to satisfy an " old grudge.' After threatening the life of Mr. Barnes, and itppresehing him in his awn house, with a spirit of unyielding deterimination, Barnes drew,a revolver and shot Decker. - Wheth er the shot proved fatal or . not, your;im , forniant esnnot ssy. . Barnes habtened :to ' Harford awl:Ablating the circumstances, gave hltnefif'up to the authorities. * .* arilre hear a different: report ; that Decker, haiing had a difficulty at the house called and.inquired for Barnes, and was told that.he was in the field. Mrs. 8., fearingviol mite sent a little girl oat. with revolveeto her husband,' who, it seems, thought luifoundUse,for it in self defence aPd fired three times . ; wounding Decker in the thigh; top of s the head; and in the chest. Decker then took his team akrl_ went:on towards Wade'slold tavern stand and whipped, or tried to w hip two men whom he-met Drove as far as Cameron's and walked some distance farther. Our i latest report says he cannot live. Barnes lives et " Hell's Half-Acre - ," in Northwestern Lenox, but, does .not keep a licensed tavern. He gaim bail in the sum of SUM. After a legal investigation we shall be ableto, give more reliable report. ...2rßdwin Rogers, late of Brooklyn, has resigned the position of, First Lieut., in bapt...Gates' company, 4th Re;. Pa. 13 V. C.; in emisqueneo of ill health. Fremont's us:moral was announced: the day after the erection, and although threats were made by the abolitionists to raise anew rebellion to destroy .the.- gov ernment, no overt acts were attempted. Evidently . the spiat - was willing, but the flesh was weak. QUERY:-If it is " treason," _punishable with imprisonment,.for 'a man to say that War would not preserve the. Union, what crime oughtit to be for Men to proclaim that this wir cannot-and ought not to save the Union ? Plenty of abolitionists are now making the tatter avowal, .and insisting on emancipation' and.even threat.; ening yebellion at the North. It really looks as if Old AbtS would - yet have to run the risk of standing by the constitution and being sustained by the people, be crushed by an abolition revolution, or of heading an.- emancipation. revolution at the North. He must choose tin- himself; and we hope he may stand ..bY the Old Charter, dud deseryse to be sustained Elections, were held in several:. Stags last week. A Union State ticket : was successful in New York, except q nal Commissioner, for which office three tickets •were run. The Republican'. party adopted all the Union ticker except that, and fun a party man so as to control the ' patromuze. The result was a strife be. tween a Democrat and Republican, re - • sulting in the success of the former. - Is In New Jersey a Democratic tare is elected over-the Itc,publicans, and a sort of Republican Union ticket in Dem- . (Tunic, counties. Massachusetts ,reelects rAndrew, the John Brownite dovernor; who-ran on the Republican ticket. • The official returns mnst 'determine whether a 4epuhlican or Democrat is to be Governor of Wisconsin. Maryland elects a Unioln, ticket without _opposition. C:r ParsOn Land - on who repreSents the abolitionists' of • this district in the Senate, preaChed one of his 'sermons at Lynn, recently. After some preliminaries, ,he declared ghat it "would be necessary if thegoVernment vas Sustained, to pro claim liberty to the slave wherever our banner floats. He maintained that Gen. Fremont in Lis proclamation had struck the 'key note and that nothing short 'of a plain :idoptionof the same principle by the, Government would enable our ship of state to ride triumphantly over the waves of rebellion. A few more Bull, Itun., or .Edward's Ferry affairs be thought would •go 'very far towards advancing , I. public sentiment to the same position." .1 It will be amusing to hear, what such fanatics wilhsay about the 'key note' after hearing that Old Abe declares_ the_.‘Path Tinder' so badly cult of tune - that, despair. ing of getting any. "music of tke :Union" out of him, he has smashed the machine, and,kicked it out:of the band! Abolitionism has long , prayed and hoped that we miglq i be beaten by the South, until frenzy ,drove us into aboli tion ; and they - chuckleover Bull Run and other defeats, hopine; that their continua :tion will lead to their wicked ends. In 1856 Landon declared that "IF the con- stitution sustained the laws ofslarery it ought i to be torn in pieces and trampled under Toot ;" and of course all such men Professional Certificates will be grant ed .those Teachers holding PrOvisional Certificates numbered as follows, at the Teachers Institute to be held in Jacktion I the 2lst, and 22d of this month providedi they will furnish me at that time or heroic '[ a short written thesis or essay on some educational topic to be read at the insti-1 tutee-Nos! 280, 212, 181, 93, 238, 145, 263, 105, 84, 218, 26, 3, 211, 98, 265; 37, I 278; 2,3, 37, 38, 68, 132, 141, )65 145,1 179. With two or - three exceptions the. Provisional Certifimtes .numberedl as above, were granted last spring and this -• , - 4: N. BULLARD; • Montrose; Noy::13. Co. Bret. Ig , Pelue 4 + l *Me = "-Notice to Teachers. !.:•-liati:111111. - IlliWS. - ; The - itiportant intelligence reachetus frOun - iFortietis Monroe that our; grand - I,Taral'expeditiorhave captured two feria At 13eAuforlf;:South Carolina, on Part Roy; •al Island, and,,are in possessien of that, town,-and that the Stars and Stripes are flying froth she Court House. This news was communicated• by a steersman _of a rebel steamer, bearing a flag of truce from Norfolk to .Old Point t6:one.oftheliands of theTnion: if teenier: " .Tlie-offleels_ae •corapanying-the rebel flag of truce_refused tovve Arty *formation on the -Subject.. The rift .written'ttporf sundry, of; Montrose - ;Dein- Ocrat, ,this week, to remind• the sub tiribets that the paper is not paid," for,. ; and that it will be Honorable (and agree able- to tin if otourtfweek.— I Those not Honorable enough to fork over„ will, be let "slide" a few weeks,.wheit is • lot of the oldest and most Rebellien:4 - 1 linquents will get.coreed by low. .Come, now, compromise; pay up, secureeace, ;• and avoid the . "cesta of war ! - . •7•1 Or' - Extract 'frent.. a • letter dated' "Camp . FrankiiniNeV, .written! 'Jos. L. Ross, 2d Seitt, Compaity. F, 27th Reoiment, - N. Y. V. • - Our Brigade is situated in 'Virginia, about three miles west 'of Alexandria in iery pleasant grove . —abeantiful place for our officers' quarters. Brigadier-GeneraLi Slocum, has his-head quarters with our regimmt, which makes it more conven ient fortis than for the other regiments of our Brigade.. Our 'Colonel is rather se-1 vere with us—we hare to go out at nine • o'clock in the morning with our knap, sacks on and drill till no - on ; and we have to go - out on I3attallion drill in the ,after noon and drill till five o'clock ; and it is drill, drill, drill froM nvOrning till. night, every - day through the week: lt,is hard for us, but give me the sold-1(1.'10We till we get - our country saved -from the great rebellion that now exists; and I hope that all onr men who are in the field- will stand by their country till we get the • South subdued and the stars and stripes shall wave . in triumph once_ more all over' our country, and eVery man, woman and chdd.shall respect them - mut he friends once more, mid live in peace:ill , i harmony I in this glorious. Union. We soldiers re- Igirt very much to lose our brave Gencrol !Scott ; but thank God we have got the gallant young McClellan to take his place, and I . think he will lie' as efficient a man ,as Scott ever was, for - he is one of the no hick. men I ever saw., Beery thing is quiet on this side of the Potomac; there is nothing' much going- on just now, ex cept drilling and picket duty. We have a host ,of soldiers here.. It is,est imated that there is 2i30.000 on this side of the Po tomac, and I think there wi'l soon be 300,000. Why liont Our officers make an advance and whip out the - cursed rAels, and let us go home? I think we have mew enong,h in the field to gain the day if thelv would only make a strike. • Ear" Specimen of dirty :lAA:wits' being made upon Old Abe by those who elected him : • • • -- "Mr. Thaddeus Stevens NV :IS recently asked what he thom , ht-of Fremont's re moval ?' Said he--. Sir, I don't, choo.:e 10 commit myself:and beg leave to withhold my opinion until I know how this Adinin istration• stands—whether for . the North or South." - Thad is the 'lepubliean" Congress man from Lancaster county.' It is hoped that phi. Abe will :go for the Ustozr, even if Stevens and party jlon't. -ra".The "NV vilniing and Susi:it:elm:lna Ride Company," left for Ilarrisburg, one day last . week. About. S 4 men.were in ) he company when they left Sexanton,— Ve append the.narnes of the otthsers, and . he privates from this county :. . 1" -- rEp. SIDES, Capt., of Philadelphia. J. H. ,Ls Ist Lient., cf Montrose. E. J. Rica, 2d Lica; of Fuutoryville Montrose, Susq. Co.—Henry 11. Hinds, ". " John 11; Rush, • " Win. 11. Hinds,' " M. 11. Hinds, " Theodore Clink, 16 . " James Clink, " " Adam Clink, " Daniel Devine, 66 " N.•T. Sherwood, , H. NV, Potter, • . . " .W. 8.-Simpson, ft John 'McCauley, " " Luther A. Granger, Harford,_ " G. B. Wilmarth; " Edward 11. Holly, .Springville, " Bently S. Stark, U " • Wm. 11. Osborne, 16 " S . M. Osborne, • " 3.14 'O. Stark, - Bridgewater, " - A. B. Robinson, • 46 ; " Asa S. Harding, " Toslina \V iclson, I( ll 44 Wm. B. lieater, Auburn, John W. Devine, " D. L. 'Rump, Isaac Brutzman, 'Joseph Beeman, E. L. Sutton, Lyman J. Boles, Sumner E. Lines, Edgar Williams, 44 New-Milford, " Forest - Like, " Lenox, • " The following is , a list of Volunteers 'from , Charles Lyman, James Grow, Henry Ranch, Alfred Grow, Orville Speneer, _ Ed.'Severson, Daniel McCracken; Addison Arent', Chas McCracken, Henry B. Roger;, Peter Allen, Nelson H. Gates, Washington Staer, B. A. 'Milk,. Chas. Lambert, , Chas. Brink, .Wm. Larenct, • D. C. Brink, - Peter Hanyob, J; Cokely, J. R. Hanyon, Jas. Carey, Landis Travifr, _ ' 'H. P. Loomis, N. G. Sherman, Geo. Palmer, R. P. Scott, Geo-Sheldon, E. S.- Handrick, S. Ransom. Isaac Strickland, Albert Phillites. ...The following are . the names the Volunteers from Rush: - Warren Turner,- • James Clink, • . Wilber Wilcox, Niithan Sherwood, Samuel Kelsey, Ch-,s. Lung, • N. B. EAfus, Henry Potter, - - Jorden Palmer, John'iteCauley, Geo. - MitChel, -L. A. Granger, Ezra C. Dewers, I. Cook, • - Asa. Hickok, W. B. Simpson, Thonias Hickok, .D. Devine, • H. H. h inds, Williams Potts,: F. 'M. Hinds, o: w. Palmer, WM: H. Hinds, : • • D.W.' Himtsman, Theodore Clink, James Cummings, - JanieS Se4on, - , - • Sheiwooa, J. V. .•• • • - , Aroutig - ,:of the Eller Mfity?' D4patch; 'a ci:434lkTatt*j iritittibißaiin ptifier, 'thus filtsol . l4lo4.minithed . Abtiliti"nists 'of otit' s dity;;jl-It.ii:ifaiihful .14"4" da2oerreotyte Ouss,ofilMliticiana. and We cottimezicr *coitsidertt. / " Thee loudest:monthed • Abolitionists hero proved the greatest cowirdp—and when you hear-a matt say that : lie will' not consent to n termination of this war until, (ttieryvetige ofslavery iser!Uliii4ted-from 'onrsifit, set tin] diitrn as a coward," and -its an Aliolitionist-wholatelihe Coueti tution and the ltturs to a degree as intense [. !Alf kM"...wre areeceasionist mid a rebel. The fact is becoming_every day more ap ' ie ever aghltiltti bless our country, .sthe: "ad ; ministration unit: Lineoln'mnst be sup ' ported firmly upon a constitutional baste i —the Constitution must be'. init.' guide, I our hope and sali•ption, and he who se. cepts the war-upon any either basis, ie • a (traitor at- heart eUemy to - the Gov., erntitent. The time has , passed for the prevalence of ofinions, party tenets and platfoims. He who is tint for his country iR agitinst_it,'and he- whti: is in favor of th's war noon any other than a strict cor stitutional basis; 'great an enemy to the United States as the men now found in arms agaillst - it. - These- are our ifins ; they are true; and the sooner thinkalike the better it would be for our country." - "t_ TERRIBLE DISASTJ*IN, rICANcE.—Tbe forpigp paper's give accounts Ofh, , terrible casualtyitt thti department of (la rd,Prance. -In consequence of a powerful storm—the harsting of a waterspout, according •to some . statetnents=the • mine 'was flooded, and thit sides fell -in. buryin.r all the working men. An explosion. of gas took place at the same time, by which .a portion of the mine was blown up. The number of men missing, and considered as killed by the accident 'is • nearly 300. The casualty took.placemi_tho I3th too. The oazetie de Mudi published the fofl;)wing-aecOunt The mine had been flooded by the, late rains, a land-slip took place and more than one hundred workmen were. either smoth ered or 'drowned.. 'fhe Prefect of the Gard, having been app: iced of the eireilm, w e ances at. ten at-night, left hi 9 . residence., accompaniAid - by several public functiona ries and by the chief engineer of the de partment, and proceeded_to the mine - in a special train. Ooarrivingat the scene of the disaster it, was ascertained that 111 miners were missing, and that 1,80 ,C 0? cubic yards of water had. rushed-into the Mine,- and Tinsed numerous land-slips. - The etigineers are of opinion that it will require three months - , to pump out the water. ,Ti e authorities returned .to Nimes profoundly afflicted. M. Ditmlin bi:rt, the Prefect, immediately opened a sub-c.iption fur the relief:of theriumermis thtnilies who are , reduced to a state of in ' digence by. the death of their hasten - ids and - Public rumor pasts the blame on the' engineers, but the fact is that, a - waterspout burst and caused a torrent, I Whiell.lllShQd the•mine with such vi olence-a• d rapidity that even the overse, era had not time to save theMselves. An exp!osion of gas took place at the dine time, by which a portion of the mine was blown up. Though every means of res, cuing the victims have Devil taken, there is but little probabilty of saving' the lives of those who are buried in the mine. .The utmost that can be done is to bring the dead bodies tO the surface. The number of workmen missing—and considered as killed by the accident is nearly 300. It is said of Columbus that ',to Castile and Arragon he gave a new world." With equal truth it may he remarke'd of Thomas Hodoway, the i:lnstrous medical di•coyer er, that to:Mankind he has ,give a new' inedical syStem.' As the great Genoese believed that in the untracked waters of the West lily a mighty continent, so Hob, loway conceived that In the unexplored recesses of the vegetable kingdom,. were hidden the elements of:neW curatives. , He searched for them, font d,eombined Wein; and his labor accomplished, be proffered: to all the nations two remedies, capable, of reaching and rooting out a maittrity of the diseases incident to the human race.— In Spain, Ad id all the' regions to . which Columbus carried his banner, -as well as throughout the - rest of the known world, these remedies'are iivw used and aprecia ted. Their . inventor luta escaped thejeal onsy which. embitterthe triumphs of immortal .navigator; for Holloway's dis covery t id not add to,the profit of a single natiot my was thrown open; at the. very. out ti to all'elasses in aVelimes. His remedies Were (hinged widely and freely ; they, were made accesible to king and • commoner, noble and peasant alike: The traveler ni. Spanish Ainerica . finds.thent at every stage of his rout, front Cape Horn to NortherOlexiceN' and - agencies for them are established in every city of Spain. They have become the household' medi cines of our people rlanti the state itself has set its seal to them. The considera'= tion in which they are held by all enlight ened nation's is shown by their adoption_ in the leading hospitals of Europe. War 4cm:tints them in the. field ; peace sate- lions them in her sanitary institutions.— . i They are. the medical staples of eiviliza • tion, and experience 11,43 taught eyen bar barians their value. . " James Steaney, ?rrie a Preaohing.' Modern Discovery. ITS WONDERFUL RESULTS "It is asserted by :veracious witnesses that no internal or external diseases can resist their. combined operation, and, there scents to be no question. that they are everywhere supereeding. the ordinary pre scriptions of the • Pat . :tilt y. Against these matters of Pact what can skepticism urge . '? Where is the counter vailing testimony ? i There is not merely preponderance tai' 0 - roofs in : favor of the infallibility of the. tnedicines: • the whide mass of evidence is -On one side, and there is nothing to impeach it, !When all the World tells; one story it must necessarily be true•-. Rio =:==l egr The Register of Wills - -will pre-. sent the accounts of following named estates for.confirmation, on Friday Nrov, 22d,-it being the thist Week of court. Estate of Thomas Bump, late of Clifford deed, Nancy:Burch ladm'r. • , Estate . of James E. Stolle, late 4 of .Por. eat` Lake, - died H. P.Handrick and Reu ben Beebse, adm'rs.' 1' . Estate of Joseph Beebe .of Btidge*a ter, deed, O. S. Beebe, Executor. ' Estate of N. H. Pierson, late of , Frank lin, deed, E. L. Bebe, Estate of Alexander lgaitin, late of Jackson, decti4 HOary . M. Northrup adm'r. - ' • . Estate of James A. - Blaisdell; jaw •of Bridgeirater;dee'd,lipicii n Cobb; adni' , ifatAtisof Soho Thatater late ofitarfird,' +mid, Chathe iTtrigie) , lidokOr. 1` AoCopt CompanY TheStistuti anrui.ValleY * :;;• R h S _- LS NOW ORtIANIZINGAT SOSQIIEHIIIIII DEPOT el., Vilder , lll.o- SuPerYialim of C7.T.IItn TAR -A few more recruits wafited-to fill the Company, whith, by apecial arrangement, 'will be attaallfd to oil, of • Best Reghnente in - the State, Under the etiletieneed, and universally popular COLONEL MEREDITH, Now Commanding Camp Curtin. Head. Quarters and Drill, Room nTIP , Z M:4l, Susqueh'atpab, Depot. • - MAD' . QUARTERS for UOISITROSE • . AT THE-KEYSTONE ROTES: This Company has been aet4pted by the Governor, and. full- authoritY giv en to furnish pay and rations from 'the time of enlistment. Pennsylvania's quota is now tilled, so this is your last chance - . '- - Susquehanoa Depot, Oct. 25, 1861 Jury Lifit—NovEimber Te;.m. GRAND JURY Auburn—Jonathan Bunnell,o. E. Dar- Uri:xli Hollenback, D.D. Wit lard.. • Bridgewater -.11. H. Harrington.- Brooklyn—Daniel Tewksbury, H. W. Kent. Diinciek—Amos -B urdick, jr. Friend:trifle—Samuel Horton: `• Franklin—Charles Warner. Great Bend—Enos Stoddard: • Herrick—Abel Kent, Henry Lyon., • Jackson--Ambrose Benson. 3iitierty—Calvin Markham, S.! Warner. Lenoi—Aaa HOward: Montrose—Solomon Langdon. • Middletown—B.ichard 0 Donnell. • • New Milford—Orestus Susquehanna—James M. Baldwin. • Silver Lake-4euben Meeker,• -Morris McDonnell. Tholuson—Elias Bryant. TRAVERSE •JURORS 7 -star Aub urn —George . car! ing, E. J. Lacey, Alonzo W h ipple: • • • • - Bridgewater—S. Clifford--Ellery Burns, Henry Cudde back,-E. S. Lewis. - • Chocontit—Matheiv Mclnnerny. .Dlindaff—Cliarles Daniels. Ditunck—Lorin Newton. . I • Franklin-,-Edwfird Gibson—Aucob Dutcher. Great. Bctid-r•Galen Newman. . Harford-;- • Oliver Payne,jr.,E.B.Thatch- Or. • Harmony..—Ricitard A. Nebo.. - lessnp—W.• • Faurot. Jackson—Hollis Knowlton,jein Steen . . back. • . - Lenox—Lyman Bell, Wm. D. Miller, -WM. Miller, jr., D. S. Powers. Liberty—G. W. 'Crandall, B. B. South , worth,Tienry A. Truesdell. . • Middletown—Joint S. Davis.: New. Milford'-a-S. - B. Bell. • Bash—D. P. Hibbard. ' • Susquehanna—A. C - Adams,: James T. Ca tenon, James Tillinan,Hiram J. Smith, Le oy Whitaker, Daniel NorivOitd.- homson—Orvis Lewis. T AVERSE JURORS--szcoirD . wax. • po'ficon—t. W. Barton.., , Ararat-L-Thomds Dtrinifn. Auburn—R..S.Divis,Caldwell3l l Mick, in, Albert Seeley. - _ • .- '! • . • v priti,oewater—C. J. curlis• . lifford—J*o Brownell James Low. re Wines Bennett, Datus Stephens, B. F. V elle.. , . - . a ranklin-L-David 0. Turrelf. - : 'orest Lsko7-11nrvey Birdsall. -€ Friendsville=—Ed win Bliss. Gibson—John. :Bennett, Rosman In . • Harford—Pennuel Carpenter. - HerriekCharles Giddings. , • beksen—Predeilek Bryant. Jessup-IByron Lathrop—Charles R.Railey.l - • Lenox—G. 0. Looinis, D. Robinson:, Liberty—Orlando Ross. M‘mtrose 7 -W. L. Allen;A. P. 'Reeler. Middletown—lthamer Dodge, Charles ells, Jeremiah Canfield; Jr. i* - Rush,_-Mathew Dunmore, Ferris Shoe aker, Lorenzo. Williams.. - Silver lalre- 7 •Wni. Meeker, Daniel Murphy. Thomson—Chester Stoddard, Gilbert itter. • ray- The government examination in , . one of tne,horse,contracts in Missouri rodueed the fact thai out of a lot of tour lundred And eleven-horses, for which one undred and twentptive dollaraa head as paid ' Seventy-4x were Sound, five ' • ere dead and three hundred' and thirty • 1 ere either aged stilleal,ripshoned, spay: • • brakfomaiiiridlehadiliai heave,. 1 4:zik , rticuL•r REttUCTION GREAT CROWD E:XPECTtIt AT THE STORES OP • Guttobtrg, ...lostnbaunt, AT . • Montrose, Sumfa County, Pa, ElmiraNew-York, Eusquehanna Depot, Pa. =MI WE pridaiza to our friends sad the public inosteriit that in.eunzequefice of the present presume is the mimeyallairs in the yam,: we Eau purchase FROJI 101010 I'ER R TIII kyurinrr.y. Ilteretore we are 'determined to ores the paige oar • general stork of . READY MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS; STOCW.GOODS ICept.. in ANY COUNTRY Store _ tLta side of Nell' York City, •. At; rices which Defy CoiripOtition as we will sell, for lOALIESME. at: the small advance ti trFe w r i :.e g n t l i above toe z ii ‘ e v Black Frock .Coat worth it 0 for $6,00 Black - .Frock Coat worth .10 for . 1,5 c •131aek Frock Coat worth '1211)r 9,50 Busititss Coat worth ssfor7 Business Coat worth, .0 for 4,00 . - Over.. Coat worth $5 for - *4,00 Over _ Coat worth • 7 . for. 5,75 Over. Coat worth- 10 for . 7,50' • Over . Coat worth 15 for 11,50 • Over Coat worth 20 fur '15,00 Black Pants worth Id - for $3,00 , Black -Pants 3vnrth 5 for. 3,75• ;Black Pants worth 6 .for Fancy Cassimere Pants worth-$4 for $2, Panc:jr Cassimere Pants worth ! 5 for 3, Fancy Cassimere Pants, worth .6 for 4, Black Satin Vest worth $3 for $2,25 Black Sati - Vest worth :4 for 3,00 Black Satin Vest worth 5 for' 3,50 . OVER-SHIRTS & OVERALLS only .31 UNDIR GARMENTS EQUALLY LOW A 1t.1.3.6 Also 'GENTS who wish to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to make some Fair Oue a tutu Christmas hr. liow-Years del sue' tom' . -PttlisENirr, w to am: line assortment or tom`FZTßs;.aai CLOAIi.S,SH.USYLS :TRIMMINGS GOODS .EOll, CAfl which coinprl,es the lavrest and liCst *I Winter has fairly appeared. we invite the attentiOn of PAST=C7~LARS.aY~ sac-. 0 . 711 1 .4011 T OUR ASSORTMENT 'OF DRESS G OOVS: AND, IS ALWAYS LARGE & COMPLETE. COMPRISING 'PLAIN Wt. kelt, 9 141 FAHLY SiLE, Elsa 11YO:Li' , .p of all colors and sha.ecs, IltlikALlNlll%, OUR - STOCK` Or DOMES 1 I.CKS, CANN OT:i3E EQUALLED IN Will f la nutta Good Heavy•Sheetinis, 6 to Bets. per y'd Best Heayy Sheetings, 7 to BAets. pr y-'d DENIMS, from $ to 12i: cents per yard TICKING; from 10 to 11 cents ptr yard GINGHAMS; liom 10to Mots: per yard tALICOES,fast-Olors, 124- Yards ouly $1 • "r Best Merrimack, to yards only $1 Pest ateel Spring Skirts, • `A nice lot—selling at 4 ets.. per spring. , Ladies' Saxony Wool'Vests and - - Drawers: LAMBSWOOL HOSE. ctcpwratrxrries. Of the Latest Styles, &c., tt e. Thankful to the nuraeroua easterners for their generona patronage thitlpast year, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the name. Gultalterg Volrnbannt, . • Altakirosh lla,. &Mir IP4. lOW _ .