The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 07, 1861, Image 4

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    - -.AMUi - 491illArM.'1: - -;.
: r•- • ...,- ic&w: - wapAstiaximaris nt-Talr k • - ----..
RICK : - : : BLOCK: '
Nii iven cott ro deta t : s liti
r ed .
u. b p s xA vini s tsk ,i. on no r
p e. rt ßoo tw th ed a to ioLite i t e i ti y
an who taat desire with a good =a ttnitifni Portrait.
Being writ-posted in the production or the carigne kinds
of Pictures of the day.l flattertnyelf dimity work isnot
sreelied by anyin this patina attn. coantl7.' -- . -
- Antong thevationS kinds my Booms ate the ...
litlibri' - PE PIIOTOdRiI PH. •
. • • ,-
Lndeef rittrres do wn toahn amallest sized miniature
Transferrel'Ambrotypes---the finest thing out. for
lauding by post to itny part of the World without extra
•pOstarf.• my Rican:cure bold, .sigorotui; and exprissive
—not thoselkint, !lifeless shadows „often sold about the
monlitty. • Pictures taken in all kinds of weather. equally
arell;exceplitose of young children. hln,picture tecd be
.takes nntiii perfect satisfaction is given. •
1n dreluithelp s picture. avoid light colots,:—lnich
O. purple, statist, pink, etc.... Mbrkt others take well; ae
Crean. btacli,lodottinfll brown. - orange, yellow, etc: . •
- •
'Remember that the place to get your picture", Is
"India illuck, over Read, \Verrone. , PciatiT's sure.
r ioAcine earring-mal% and- Twiwriger4 between
Montrnae andTriendavilhu Rill tee 3earte'e Hotel,
ha Maatmai &US. at 7 0'4 ,1 04 to. and leave
vale at 3 eauch. p. in: • - •
Erllorses and canine/co be pn , cured at the Lirtry
Staple of the subscriber in Montrose. ntrrenionshleterrns.
Xoydruta Attg,l4 - if .1, P. G 07) . 1175%
• -
rit A ttas metbiia tif Informing thei - rbe.D'ANit :YEW
I—F K rie E
nds that the,* have ju , : receive,' ih telditinn au. the
former goat of pioeids, which they •
• 130L - GaT FOR CASH,
Prices redbatly Astonitlaing
• we haretnot ttrae to enutnernte'art ieleo, or; prices, but
Invite the Onblle to call. examine, and #3.tiety thee-wives
of the truth of Irtist we pubish, and
MEof eour,O. then buy.
Dee. 9 04181-4)
LIOICH Lot ot.Fantili Cr...cries just received antlael
Mgt./per cent. below former prices.
FANCY Confectionary for the tirdidem at
tuna pnontten ;Alin Izinclok, fp; which the highe‘t
1 market priers will be Told Ocods. at .
trpaourillc, ' - ttEItRISIV:S.
sy.l . cmsznr J. urEBE
mats PAMPIILET. consisting oh fit donble GOllamr
pages. was *tic:pally published pending the political
e moss ,The " Impending Crisis." is a compi.
' lation of all the : sophims and Malicious doctrine* lo
which the'publiC"mind of the North hail been en far poii:
cited ss to wrodnee the triumph-of the Presidential can:
didate of tier sectional party lot fall. It was *Web" dr•
cleated gratuitously, by means of Large contributions of
Money. and did snore than any other thing in deceive the
, amines of our pecrpl e. In this Reriew and Bet:foe - ion. we
' take up each of its chapters separately. and every impor.
Sant assumption to detail, and refute them so completely
that no Intelligent person can rend the pamphlet nithont
being convinced of the Welts of all the wicked assun p
, Vona of the Helper book and of the folly of the tectioi al
strife whleh has culminated in civil war. An there 1,
'probability that`peice will 11 - e 'permanently restored to
onr distracted Lind until the politic mind at the North if
disabused of its erroneous impie.sions relative to the true
Character ofonr Sonth:ern sinter States, meat of whom are
now in rehelldonAcsinst oar general government. as the
result ofthe :triumph of sectional fanaticism both North
: • and Sent - 20- 1 U beebm ea the'datv of all trnepatriots to do
:: all in their power to remove widest preindleea betweer.
the North and South. knit : there is probably no more eine.
lent means of accomplishing this result, than by cem!ral
'elrealation of va lu able n 0f.17e1. It a
Iwo =ottani slat isties, nor th, - forDratsional
'reference, several times the price of the pamphlet. to alt
it Intelligent : citizens. Price RS cents per copy, or tt2 per
dozen—sent by mail, postage prepaid.
- Address 3. DEERE. - •
SYSR•tea e' idlletown. Orange Co., N. T.
DE.LA u...i I, TR . ..)? R. Ic
•F • PASSENGERS reach New,York at 4, p. m., in time for
the Hnd..on River, and 1.. 1. Sound i.teamera.
The Expresa Train North connecte at tlreatPcod with
' -ha Moil train for the Writ on the Erie Road.
• . On and after Tburoday, June' 13th, traits .a ill be run
as follows :
. Mast cm i
The r res
b 3
eit Baps
R Trai
b 7. 1 . .
arrives afar :at• fiend derict
- - t at la. m.l 1,111
connects with the
Express train 'for
N. Y. and Phllad'a •
which leaves at " 8,45
• • One at New Milford, 7,03
• .hlontrorre, 7.2.3
Hoilbottom, ' 7.45
111 . Nicholson. • 5.02,
Factoryrille, Sz,
Abington i. 40
fti Scranton; 9.50
A Moscow, • 1+.57
Trr b o Y nt an ib mi urg ' 11,45
'Water Gap , . tp. to ."1 12.07
• Columbia. 12,13 ,
I . 't Delaware, (15• to dine) 10.-.5)
, Hope. (Philadconacct.)l2.:)o •
Bridgeville, • -
• Iltashin e•to •
I , 'unction, • 7,43 '
N New York . • 4.1Y1
t Philadelphia, . 0,50
. „
The Express Passenga T/
Junction with the 2,55 p.
„f•'•; Central Road for Bethlehem,
, Harrisburg, 3c.
Leave Scranton atLe.nt.lo.t.) 1 7.i:. Y. Ex. train Eact arrirnv
ractoryvllle, 10.30!;!!it! Grant Bend ar(,oo
Nicholson; . 11.00 1 Leave Gt. Dend, , ,p.tu.) 1.40
Montrose, - . (p. m.) o'a4s i Moutroac. • un:,
Great Bon& 1.15' Nichol on. r.... 50
Omuta:hag 'with Dunkirk ; Factory' Me, . 4,15
". Exprens Teat.. it :LIS! Due nt Sernuton. . 6,10
' -
The ...licommndat inn Train doer nut lett re Scrim tot tin
altos the arrient of the Morning Train nn theLeclaaanna
and Illoomsbnrs. Railroad, than gi% iug l'tt,gent:ti'rtt from
the Wyoming 1 alley a cfirref co:Ito:V.10u for the West be
the morning train.
For the accommodation of way travel rai the southern
elvieion, a paseen;er car will be attached to the Expree.
'height train., tear' og licranton at 4 a. rm. dne at t•itroude. ,
titimliantictloot. p. Returning. leave:4 Junctio. n
at 3,50 a. m., due andirontlaburg BM, bcrantop C,:a3 p. m:
Pmeanters to and Dom New York. will chawe ears at
Innetion. To and from Elltiladelphla. - vls. Bel. Del. flit
leave or talte cars at !lope. For - Pittston, Kintteton and
Willterßarke. take Lack.&• Blootnebarg Sctimi on.
For Joirop,Archbald. and Carbondale take Oinnlinn. at
Sainton:. Tickets sold and battinme cheeked tbrimg . h.
JO t‘BLN, 'Superirilsea., f.
nnir.S. Oen. nrket apt. tlerant‘di, Pa.
Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. E..
~no: anti after June 13th, - 1 1. Paseenger train s will run
*Pm fallow* :
up. ger , =tot- . I F3utj .; .15 a . '9 1 7 Ac4" lo "vxF 6 . en m.
Kingotou. 7.20
1.00 p. m.
Rupert, P.lO
- 7.14 •
entre tt Nerthumberlaed at 10.23 '
rAw=it Northtonherland, 3.Sp p. in. COOL ta.
" • 4.30
"Depart. ", • • . 8.08. ' 0.40 "
Slogilon, - . .00- " 12M
Arrive at. Scranton, • 3p7, V.Ylr. m.
A Pammagertrato a1%6 icacde King.inn at 8 a. m. for
%canton. taconneet with train for N. York.. Returning
leaves Scranton on arrival of Iran from New York at 3..
45 p. at.
The LiCkatranna S Bloomsburg IbillroadcrmneetA with
the Delaware.lAchawanna Alreatern Ratlww4
at seran
:oo,torSe=Yorkand internettlatepointacast. '
At Ropertltconnocta with the eatawiega ltatiruad, for
joints bath east and west.
5 connect' , with rite "Philatlelplai
- *Ada and liorthato Centraißaitroad aro/Erie Eallroad
Shall wei•atui 4(704..
JOUN P. WAXY. Sop't.
. ..•
s lady remarked lo tie s dey or twri +aloe.
stet exitt4ittt,d the portrait of f un,l)-yhi Id. r ter
to the !!_spirii.lind-;" Tyhieh - wes. nue of
el /Ow labOuld. reirei iCled. I not severed
Adiprerlees ineroonal, of th4Aiettr_one." ' So
11111111 d ere. Thy lered_oneor are not sheave
146 reporid ivliile ire eav Qum, eviry
:die 'Should **lre almb s assatorid4 Repeeially
l ib,A.,te,,e,„teiyilieleeoirottatirliy taken b 3
fru" 0- 4 114 . A', o-1 / . .PWsot- -.73113 g .
' dec
5 11l A
r- - 11t021% 7/.1 511AllE' ,
• 201 11 - ashlsitillost:st,
(Dinetly opposite Washington Miitet,)
New -4 2 - ;•corlk,
TILL Offer to the city and
COUNT AY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
Cearsiand Fine SAL;at. OW very lowest filures;'
40000 secka - and bags, co:Milking in part of Ash
ton's celebrated brand kik Vible and dairy use:
leffrey..ll. Darcy, 51arshalF4, Brownlow n 's,
and 50000 bushels Turks IStand; - Bonares, Cu..
tacos, St. U bee, Lisbon. Cadiz; Ivies, Nantesok.c.„
all of which will be sold at lbsigain prices. from _
, veasebi, store - and storehomies,
Any - tiUriiimief wishing ti, select friim
assortment will'find it to his interest to
N. s.—Fine table salt pat up in small bags of
diffeient eizti4, and constantlyy on hand in -ship.
ping.order. Also a' splendid article of Rork
Groynd salt, in quart boxes; put up and for. sale
by the qtfantity, in eases of five dozen each:
Established' in Pittaliurgh in . 1840
The Only nintmertioi Colle g e in the,-
: Union, Conducted. t ?! , ' a Practical
' . - ' Mei-eheritt,-;
. .
/AVER 60(10 Students littye' attended it from Thirty .
different States. Font miter !Reda,. hare been
awarded Duffs' System of Itiwilt:lieeplng :Arid the new
circular just bowed contains letters from stthlents in Phil
adelphia, Baltimore, St Louli. Cincinnati, etc.. proving
it to lie the best known. NlNE:FifetPremiornA were re
cently awarded the Penmanship. of Wm 11. MIFF, who
with lie associate Professor, C. t'. Cochran, are undoubt
edly the hest penmen in Amerita.
Harper's Edition of Duffs eeping poet paid, 11.:0
Duff and Duncan's. Gems of Pentitanship. . • . 5,00
Dulland DMICIIII . II New School:Copy Books, 6 No's. S 4
For samples or Duff .t•Cochran's Tinniness and Ornamen
tal Penmanship, with the new circtdarof St pages, inclose
rents in stamps to •
/10V 4 y
.}6* iP. - DUFF SON;
The proprietors and matinfactvrers of Ilf S
TERS can appeal with perfect confidence 'to
physicians and citizens generAlly.of the I tilted
States, because the article heti attained a repu
tation.heretofore unknown. A few, ti upon
this point will speak more 4,owtrfulty th.M
volumes of hare - assertion or blazoning putfety.
The. consumption of llostitter'a Stomach Bit
ters for 'the last year amounted to over a half.;
million' bottles, and from :its manifest steady
increase in times 'past, it is evideutthat during
the coming year the consumptionwill reach.
neat: one tuillion - bpt t lee. -This immense amount
coubl.never have been FOl.l :but for the rare
medicinal properties conia,in4d in the preprra
lion, and the sanction-of tho most prominent
physicians in those sections of .the country
where the :article is best known, who not only
recommend the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready at all times to give testimonials to its
-efficacy in :11 cases of Etotuachic derangements
and the diseases resulting ; therefrom.
:This is rota temporary popularity, lebtained
by extraordinary efforts ip the way of trum
peting. the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to be as enduring- an time itself.
. liostetter's Stomach Bitters baveiproved
a Godsend to regions ,where fever and ague
nd various other bilioits complaints. have
mulled their victims 1 . 7, hundreds. To be
able to state confidently that the "Bitters".
„are a certain-cure for the' D,yspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a-source of an
. alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
:from tiles.elomach, relates the -blood, and
ioapsres renewed t itality to;the nervous system,
vying it that tone and energy ind4ensalde
far the restoration of health.: It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestire organs,
mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them
to a condition essential to tlac healthy discharge
of the functions of: nature.
Fameagen from ':.York
I.leave Fier No. 2,lCortb Pic- '
I er st ik. m. 77.0 .
1 Or fool of tocriland-rt. ,, ,c0
From ildla.M.lpbia
I leave Lierwiagton, ",',lO
Leave Junetiou, 11. - . M
Doe at Waahlm , ton. 11.V.4
[Bridgeville; - {p.m.1'12,01
De 1.1.5 minus ea to dinel:2,lA
Columbia, ' 12.43
Water Gap, - 1.00
Stroudnbarg, 1,14
Tobylmuna, 4,27
Tdoscow, • .3.01
Scranton. , .345
Abington.' 4.13
Factoryville, - 4,f .
Nicholreit. 4.50
i Tlopbottdm, -, 6,11
3lomroie., 6,32
New 5111frWd, . 5.511
i • Great Ilmel, COO
COlalletir v. itl‘mall train
Wert, M 3t:.12
1 and Night E 2 . -. Wet 1,14
Sontb, vounenz,i ut the
traiti on the New Jer.ev
ItauchChunk,l4.ladiu.• and Sal
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as .
per directions on the bottle,: and , they will find
in it r. stimulant peculiarlY lidapied ici.contfort
declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate,
Invigorating to the bowel.; excellent is a untie,
and rejuvenating generally: We have the mei
deuce of thousands of 'aged men and women
who'have experienced the'benefit of using this
preparation - while suffering from
rangernents and general debility; acting under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoned
al.l deleterious drugs And ',fairly tested the
merits of: this article. A few words to the
gentler sex. • There; are ertain 'periodtewhen
their cares are AD harassing.that• many Of them
sink tinder the trial. Tic relation of mother
and child is so absorbingly tender, that the -
mother, especially if she be young, is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme anxiety
•for her infant. Should the period of maternity
arrive during the summer, season, the wear of.
body ‘ and mind is generally:aggravated.: Here,
thee, is a necessity for a stimulant to reetipe-`
rate the energies of . ,the system, and enable the
mother to bear up under her exhausting trials"
and responsibilities. Nursing mothers:gene
rallyprefer the Bitters tO ill other invigora
• tors .that receive the endorsement of physi
cians, ie agreeable to the - taste se
well as certain' to give,a permanent increase
of bodily strength. .
All those persona, to whom we have particu
larly referred above, tolwit; sufferefs from
fever and ague, eatmed,bY 'Malaria, (Barrister.,
dysentery, hadigestion, lo ss of appetite, and •
all di-eases or derangements a the stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation,- and utteslugiothers, will consult
their own physical welftire by giving to Hos
tetter*s eelebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.
CAUTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the many iirlitations or counter- .
felts, but ask for llosrSirFa's Ce.t.sunsren
B . IV3IACH BITTEIIB, and senthat each battle has
the words ••• Dr. 7. liostetter'w St °teach lit tens"
blown on the side of the : bottle. and stamped .
on the metallic cap covering , the -eork, 'and
observe that our autograph signature is on the:
label. .
Lir Prepared and aold:by HOSTETTER
SMITE. Pittsburgh, Pei, and sold by all
druggists, grocers. , and :dealers generally
.throughout the United ' States. South Arne' .
ries. and Gesninn.i.
. 0 /iED/C0 4 : 8
of Alio present age, hare aequited their great popularity
only 'through years of trial. *oboonded satisfaction
le rendered by then in all ISM.
Samar Complaint, lirincmcli4Janadiae.ierraas
lailltj.-Dlacsam Ff . *crafters. .
Mad - an diamma mining (rom li . disonlecod liar, or weak
• nom of the Stomrcla and Dlgerolre Oigma,
, A 147) wTU. TOMITTLT ItSVOr?
nun Mai VINO 10111,1, AIM MU All
' oar Almanac for proof. Irma, TA =taper Ikittia
Booßand's bliamle Cor diat
wns. rodni* CCU
Cosets. Colds. es Acenesiiis, &saehit* labssm,
Crag Pasuur.i a. 7.sitiOnt Cloasumpths.
pad bii! - perlbmed the guntr*slalas eons mamas
gii itastries Cordialsis " - hut; 7i cad*
..moonAmn ONO
bibgeo thilli‘hout tunlikand
"g0...° 20 u;"'4 1 k 6 We* "11441"$4002, Ida .
-pereeeit lett!' greit eseetitee aselturie
tsttaVathatticPntru Yuu. YOetrperewr.
• • Thaw theillehree ere prep ty Dr. C. 14 Jaen= 4
Co; Phlleddphie . Ps, end Etc Ude, hhi, and we ode try
&pa*, and deem ie letd4ose eveereliete, Tin ifs,
same et C. Y. Jectees wlq he to the Weide ti< a rc s
. bottle er box. -
hteer 4 &wweiayoriawasur."pdaotiedinorni;
erfll teithenmeatd eeisteentlatery :idea *v= a
• • pelts et Omuta:
I I gonad readstsv!itsetw- ctithoisiwileg
. _
TN the introcdtate nciikhorhood of theJobhing Rapes
l'on Market. ThlnVand, Chestnut' !React* the
!oat Office, Merl lumta Eat:hinge,
BOARD PEit, DAY, 81,50*:;
Accommodation, when reonired, on the EUROPEAN
.PLA.N.:- -Room from 80 cents and upwards. per dayiand
Meals at a FRISS-CLAPS IteetAnrant attachcdto the motel.
Prices accgrdteg to the BIM of Face.
The "city. Cate take Pisiengeialrom atiy Station,
TO of CLOSE T 6 the Hotel. - irs*i
VirEogßsh. French, and Gerona' spoken.
U. P. ;Erzi.a.piipher-siv,
I 8 kninsiice in the_FonOir;
Wyoming INSURANCE Company,.
charter 'Perpetual. _ ,
Capital..: .$/00,060. ' Surphis *7,000
Organized, Not;embet;
_24 ; 4. D. 1857
Tlollenback, D. O. Drieebach, J. P. Dealtlt.
John Itelebard, David Morgan, Chas' Derma.
Sarni Wadhatna, R D Lacoe„ Win S Ross.
L U Shoemaker, Geo P Steele, II M Unyt,
R. C. SIIIITIT, sees, : 6. M. Ilquziesecx. Preal.
W. G. STELILLNa. TIVOS. L. D. Fitomeme.m., - Ilee Pre'
liartfora, Connecticut.
Pnid np Capital $1,500,000 00 .
- 2,104,19011
• No, I Moorgatc•p4reet, London.
• Cndtni, $41,*&;,000 Mlnnnal RtiC/Itle. t 1.000,000.
W.ll GETTY. Agent, Phllidelphis.
RANI' of llnnford. Connecticut. •
Aconnulat.ll Capital f3,3:Relt 00
Any one wiolking their liveo loomed.will do well to Call
•and examine their mode of looming.. and their rater.
which are better than then of any other commoy. before
taking Policies elsewhere. ii. P. BLACKMAN.
Oen 'del • °MCC (MCI' Chandler Jegoon's orate,
THE extensive Furniture Establishment of
SMITH 'BROTHERS. having been refitted and
greatly imp'reved; the proprietors' retpeettelt)-
announce to.the citizens of Mobtroxe and
Ity that. they are constant , Y making and keep on
hand the LARGEST tied REST aA+nrtinent of
To be found in the Costintry
. .
, ..
We give. the following - list 4.l'somo'of the 4 r
:ides' v.'hieh We will sell at greatly reduced
prices; for Casty or. READY PAY :
•Burrau., Walnut or Mahogany, with glass.
flora $l6 to $35. .
Burenus with marble or bruentelle tops, rrmir
818 to 824. . And a large assortment, from $B.
$1'0:12, 1-4, to 8 0.
Wash Stands; Card S.tand*.corner and Square
Stand?, of all . varieties and pricot, froto 75 errits
to ton dbllara, ,
Desk.; Divanri ,Towel Racks, Footatords,Otto.
mans. Lounges. &c. •
Centre ; Card ; Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen.
and Ext.Onsion Tables. .
Chars—Cane and Wood Seat 9. Rockers— ,
Cane, Flag. and ,Word Seats, of every varitt)
and style.
Sofss, tete.s tetes furnished at short notic
at New 'York price,: • _
N. R. Ready made coffins on hand or for
niched at short vtice.— always in
rtlidinens alien tieN.4ed.
elriplay none but emtrrut, and F;XPERI
Es . W 01110.17.111. %Ve intend tado nur Won):
V•'0.1., and sell it' as Low as it can tic ail:irtiti
W. is'. SMITH,
4i.sysirrl9, J 11 .4.
E. R. sli.aT it.
!iTtin,tr.c.e. Jan 18th. 18130.—tf.
• At Montrose, Penn.
WM. It.; BATCH, Proprietor;
PHIS new and commodious Hotel" situated
Politic Avenue, near the Court Flouseoind
nearly in the, centre of the business portion' 'of
Montrose. is now completed and furnished,
_and was opened ou Monday. the 27th day
eptember, 1858, for the aretnattitarkition . of
the public and travelers. 'The Proprietor feels
s•uofident that : , he is now prepared to entertain
ouests in a manner that esnnoi Grit to _ride
"Complete Satisibetion;
The lintel and t•'urni:ure are . new. end no ,x
-pense has been snared to render, it equal. if not
superior to any similar e‘taiblislimeni,in this p4rl.
nfltur State_• It is well supplied with' all the
went improvements and Comforts, and ..ibibling•
waiteri will,alsays. be Outfit) respond to the.
•call et:customers. . • •
- The - htaliles conn - eeted with this Muse are
New and Convenient.
The Proprietor respectfully tiOifeltA tne patron
age of his old friends, and, the public generally.
•• ryi HE sub+eriti•r having pa rchased
OS refitted and newly famished th.•
NM' 4boVP w. • 11 kiiown and pdpular Hotel '
as a
" is prepared to.necommodate the tray . :
ding public and others - with all the - attention-
And conveniences usually found in first.clas
;louses. N. Y . effort will spared by the Pro•'
prielor and.'his Assistants to crake t h ri ll Hotel'
equal in every point to any in the country.
• The Bair Asciil always be supplied with tn.
Choicest Liquors.
The Sttablea,conueeted with this Hone
are large, rooms and cenvenient.anci careful an
.attentive liostlers are always : in charge of then:
Tll\ 'Delicious Tonic Stimulant, Especially designed
Or the use of the Medical ProfessiOn and the Family,
tuiring• imperceded the so called '• " Aromatic:"
"Cordial," .“Medicated,". l` Schnapps," etc., Is now en
domed by all the prominent physicians, chemists and con
hoissenrs, as possessing nil those 1N71.1.!41C medicinal
qualities <tonic and diuretic) which belong to an OLD and
Pt RIC GIN. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all Drug
gists and Grocers, etc. •• A. M. BLNINGER & &0.,
[Established in MI Sole Proprletors t l
oc • No:-19 Broad Street. N. If „
For sale et TurrelP, Drug Store: Montrose. ,
• Is the best Adkins in the waddler the may qf
Coughs and Colds, Croup; • -
Bronchitis. Aithitti, - Difficult Breathing,
Palpitation of the Heart.
For the relict of palientilit'adranced stages of
Consumption together with pU Diseases
of the Throat and Chest and which
predispose to Consumption.
It attacks the soot of disease, and makes theAti
dcstrosfer mama toffs fojtotoes. Italsoptutto•
et.s.fts expectoratkit. - et kidoms Astsay action
in tA4 dLleated ifteows:Jfembiaxs anitarrues.
" .4SMAthe iadir e n,V. •
Ons&mQ/thuidcal bte ßYßPPeftWepitta .,
eassandooewsgstenlystogo. whisht e rnadar
satarsof diseasedeMsr.
to the! fasts, imotpronnie Mei**. , g 6 r
tosfrineed-mmt faralsoMo ULU awe
Bronchial_ 411feet/ow.'
/wegisocanApernotas;" -'-erepared (rid) , bY
Dr. 4'. 1 matlVElN.anetiotdby A. Amain.
Cot.;:./Y. W. sorter Wand POPLA R 'stmts. 7 -
. . Pa, For sale insaia
ssZ ioi
t r r : ;ga . egsbeoC"li4lnt,slybaetrtae"*y,zla,.t)rrr.l6jr:
:i~r'r'rist,.i+x'~s'~i. :, .i,`%tn.'Fy~s rrvsw==~
•,,,:::,.., ,„.,,,,...,,,,,,,,_ ,: ,;,••_.:„,,, , . ."....,.,,,,,_,
ouLocvrEe.------,..._ , . , ::
..;,‘T.lerompnaudethinillity treinbitme.W4
• : A k o alaulanueleastatxlitaWdlUsS,alitaadiudllenticluc,kaawa . .
sot .epowd No . all .:. bun haft' It, end It natele• ~-;
: total to with conlKkate ' ,aU the disease:Plot erblehi It "'-
. ':: , •f.. 5- it tea owed eltbiit th M me:Yeare- i•
Imo bad Oren np all home of tenet as the Inuaafoull
, ansolicitedeertlficaige in to,t perprookmabow.
.. -. lb e dote man b
1.004 pd .to the trolpenttnenter the .
, individual taking t ha- '4-4 pot qvatithies Ittte
.:". urgently ea tbettowila: , ',...-.
'.. Let the dictates of your .
tgale raa
teentheLlVED In- VlClltAl'Ol,!thel, '
' aELeureLLVtrCon i th elote,lllloueAt.•
Macke, ftepepala, Chnlitelhirrherat'
.',,DummerCom. plalntei :Dynnter .
!T. • teipii; !tour SionDthlilabCair.
Ih l oU r ,
es we r,
C h *
o --
le ;o ..ohnl uth i CIM
kIoi• ,'•
: , ranleloe„Cholerol tic4poamai-.rhtu—
l la onr, A .
n nidl
: e r, .
.., FemaleWinkikair
., etiand maybe wad,sae -, tuatalisa se,Dirdhw
:.',Y7 'Famll7 - Sriite! ifii:lteliitheSlClC
llEAot,cltE, till 0014 U 4l ranleMr2) In
tweOtyonlantea.l two or:three Ten
' egthonfols aro=ial- twee enemeweenn uf
I A iwhonie Rare l ilibir th ee tagnotii - .
DOTI! IrOCETIIER. i • . • „ ' , .
Palce One Doper per Doille.
.-', ...- SALN - FOILD'Z'
. .
.. FAMILY - -* I - '
. , .. • CtibtrtlUNDED flinX , . ,
• 'en' Vegetable levlrsiellit, and pro!. up In
CILAiII CASES. Air l'll4ht. nod WIII:lotep
In any ellmate, - - • • " ~. ~
The PIIIMIir Ca- ' •i h Arlie Pilot lit P`• .
tli hot Aetna Cantor... , 1 %kith the poortione boo
nowt In bin practice snore Mtn twenty years.
• - ThoOonolontle aoreaslog , demand teem then who.
barelano nsedthet PILL- •S rat the sattarartim rthloh
all expreott In recionllsl.ltfr •-• "ate, hashulitted wt to plate
them orlthin the mocha all. m • • .
1 betraesalon well Otani e ,, that .111rereut falba:lto' ad.
on dlateent rtionn or the UPI 1-nttele.
Ms; Vitt dna roferonZe tothla troll eotthllolod• foe,
.been eon.wale I from n . rt rotioly of the portal Vete
table ; turtteht, which Set ..."' etilke't. bore 6., or the
...looontory taunt.- oat ore g good and sate In all caw
to -where • Cathartic Is needed.. 1....1. a. D.,
ints.gernenta of the NI oan • e It,
et., Palos 111 (Ito.- Bark al a Loll.
Costlveeett. ~,P n 1.. 'and florettett over
the - whole , body. Non sadden tot& %blob
ftequontly, If noelecte.l. end to a Um;tonne et re
ter. 11•041. Of App... the 11 Celeillott - ,e...
sot lm. of told over ty.elenly, nestles....
in, 11 ^ 1,11 Rel" or . v. ?Ugh. 1.. the head.
all I so Rant ....necry i 11........,, w e n... In
Chltdren or Asln'tv. 41 It henotstalstit a toot
P., Off er athe Blood .... and miry dhaOses In whir h
nosh belt.' In , rirtmerong WI !orient/on In thloirdvertiaa.
intla. Moot. I 111%
_ Plilf.lo. .rivi:n intypi.
, The Liver 1ne14.111111.r am, Faultily Irn.
' shassie Pills are retailed I.y ',merle. centrally. au.l -
Wl4 , T i.le.tle by. the trade la all the btrce leer.
S. T. W. SANFOIt 11, I.
i Mantlf.letirtrarelPreprieter.
335 ilroadsvgiy, - Sew %ark..
1.. Lb. Tarim, Ofeetiong rensegtitlnt neon 1 diaidaW
rnchtniv ludigvition. Acidity of the Stomneh,Oilicke Pains,
neartburn..Love of Appetite, lieepondenc*; Cosiivenesa.
Bond amt Itiecdin4 Piles. In nit NerTont. Rheumatic, and
Neurstine Affections, It her in otnnerone 'mune.. proved
binidy hcoefichtl. and in others effectud a decided elm&
Tip.. a purely veinitatile compound. prepared on strictly
acieutinc principle., after Ilse manner of the erictinitti4
11011.4 ProfeiLeer. therhave. Its reputation at lioniiipro•
d writ ita liitniihNtion here. the demand commencing •ith
throe of the loqieyland scattered othr the far" of (hit
n'unt , S. n..ny df p 9 .m brought with them and
bsilitra din. o the 4410160 n of Its value.' It iJ note erred
ie. :lie on public, Oereirry that its truly nxeuterful
witr/frirnit ricrac, mutt be ocknorc/n/getf,
'Cie particularly recommended to those personsurhoge _
eonstltutiong 'nay have been Impanel by the continuous nee
of ardent spirits, or other forms of Ilissipation, Generally
Inepintenemor In effect, it finds its way, directly to the rent
of lif thrilling no quickening every nerve, raising up the
'droOping gpiritositil; in fact, infusing new health end vigor
In the e)l.ten,
. •
NOTllT...—Whorver oxpreta to Mai Ulla a beverage wld
be ahappuinten; but to ihn pkk. weak and law visited. II
willtprote a 4rntrtul aromatic cuh.tial, tonnessed of singular
reeldl3l properai , a. •
Tie ,Bennius highly concentrated Ilerrhavo's Holland
Bitters is put up in lialr-phit tottleconly. and retailed at
C . ):(1 , DOLLAR per bath', no On I alt‘lea Flirt DOVLIIIJ. The
prit demand for this truly erielot‘ted Medicine ha* indowed
11%4 imitationo, 'stitch the public should guard against
Beware or I mp.isitlon. eve that cur name Lou the
l'utal or every Inure you buy. •
14111 ly Prorrists generally. IL eau be fenrimled
ly ;sprees to most punts..
fithrniactutists and annttists
1.. L . BIT! Eli:, u/.. %IPSO w .liol.lntew lip
,c 4 p ABEL Pretagist.
HEAL 1 = - - !
v i z RENT 0..!,,,,
1 .1 _T.-...'i , 1
. 1 ; . - - 41 0 , : i
". , i" - - - - e•••' , ?-)."'i-..f.: - Itt - ; , ) - ..:,. . •„..„; I
1 .... cc . - ., 1 , 8 - ,' ~
• ' .1- 3 .---•••e,-• • %. iq"...41 . . :. r --7, i
• r ''''r - •';'': - '' - "' * ;" - - I ' , s6G'r.S - :-• -::: -, -.• 1
~.. ( tic•-,.....,...,. , -, 1
.:••••44.,4•„.a... -44 la - 44 :' •-•-• 1
: •7- -.- ,- -. ”7107 , -,471. 3-4 .. • -1%1
~ .i - :'.•:-..- 4_ ..:..;;... , t r e , :,-..,
. ... . .
~,- -. , ,- , - , ..,..... va5r ,, ... , .. , Ax ...,•=w_... - 4 ..„,- .
v . .. 1 -•-,---- __...,.........-___, •-•
-—_ _ •
R.. 609 , -F,-.)
,T ill 5.
aperlent and stomachic preparation of
'MON pnritl.d . of Oxygen and Csrboi by com
bustion irillydroren. of big , t medical anther
ity and eatrannlicary efficacy in each of the
roaming compla'nv.
THE SKIN. etc.
The IRON beta", abeerbzd by the blood.. wed
thus eireulathig throucsh the whole system, ae
park of the body eau cieave their truly wonder
.ful influence.
Tye, that
The experience of thaw—... Ally Free,
as preparation of Irau can for sinomext bs
ompared with it. Impurities of the blood, de.
'Fusion of tiitsl= energy, pals and otherivies•
snekly compl , xions indicate its 11 , VANITdy in al: every ounezi.lLle caw. In. all acts of
fenCe 'debility Ono , : silbsue, thloroia. eta), its
effects are deli. ht'ully onovating. No remedy
' ;has ever limn - discovered, in she whole twee,
,of whieb exerts such Yrimipt, happy,
and fully restorat.Va effects. Good appetite, can
tbgestmn, rapid hequ'irition of streugth,
:with in unusual disposition for active and
; ; cheerful erirciee, immediately follow its use.
!Aa a grand etomachte end' general retturative
lit hat no Superior and no eubstituts. . - •
Pot up In next Sot bulal bedv a enntoleing
fio "nitlK. price 30 eeutz - t to.zes.
rin; o.le dozen hair*. At 00. :nor az* by
: generally. Will he Neut fee* to
iat , y oddeetzon rotelpl or Om prim. 11111 let.
Ord.nle aboo4d bc.lloo std 1 0
• .Chnioral - kocute. -
339 uninDwAy, X
1.13 sawre . Sie • is-,iiiii4lo64lH se a•
,in. touch box.
is now prepared to due every cafe of &Mama:rm..
am Country - , and he bag a Remedy for needy every 11
to width Cosh to heir.. Cell at • .•
of /iBEIr
TIMEELL4and be r ilieNtififitedfa;
paused., ; ; )lotamalsolaly, 11,.1861.
old ledttl.lalfwasittts
ND sloe, otter 'Kee bestatildkeig Orval'
- -.~.•--
(midi flail;
, M!=
--„. • _ " lii - jiT':' , :';'•• - •; - ,--;-z,
~,...,..,-- _ „._,,i,„.. ': _ , 4* , '.
•.. - , Re-A , r,
_• . ,_ 5 ....•..
e ,_:.C.4,..‘,,.......„,:i , „__, , - - ‘
,_:.i.v - :-. , :!i--"f„
:.-4,2 - .. .. cuRE:::6',.
.Ner' ' iolisile -- a - dit - the . '''
''' - '' -- -'" -,, '.. - -' - cc --. 11 - RE'''''.'.'"..- -- ' - :::::::',' J.-1 - .,
Heada ( 1
. . . . . . .
By the use or these Pills the periodicattacks - otitiertcate
orAint Readache May he prevented i and if taken at the
commencement of an attack ; 'mum:dint° relief from pain
and atchneasleill be obtained. • - • -'.. • , - •,
_.. . .
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and ifsadaehe
to which females are !Cr subject. •
Thoyact gently upon the hoWels,—removing f:OIOIFeSESP.
For Literary .Alen, Students.. Delicate Females. and an
peraanalir sedentary habit*. they are valuable as alazatirs,
improving the appetite, giving tons and vigor to the diges
tive °mane. , 'and regoring , the natural elasticity and
strength of the whole arstrm. • - • .• -
The CEPHALIC PILLS are Hui result of long inifeati
;ration and carefully conducted experintents.baving been
in n4e many - years, duringyrhich timetheyhave prevented
and relieved, a vast amount of pain and' suffering from,
Headache, whether originating in the mama system of
from a deranged state of the stoma. .
They are entirely vegeiable in their composition, arid
,itytuhe taken at *Mimes with perfect eafety without trialt
mg any change of diet, and th 4 Owner Van}, 44agriteaLit
taste renders it easy to administer theist tocAildrex.. '
• . Beware of Counterfeits. ;
The r nnine hive five-t•ignaturea ofllenry C: Spalding
onen e Sold hy-Drnallita and other Dealers in Medic!nex t
A box will be, aent by mail prepaid on reeelptof the •
X=rivio lati Cleo=tax.
4!lll orders stsoukl by andres» •
sintorwir v. SP A Luria,
rain v :kb 48 Cedar Street, New York.
WILT. CONVINCE ALL :Ven,t, - §ispyrn, FROM
3' II IT .1
pis these-tratimmthihr otert•unsoliriterl ho Afr .
Spalding they afford unq"tstinnable
proof the.effiScary.of this truly
' srictitific' dieorery.
ittscxTuiar, Cosi., Feb. 5,
itn. 5T14.111140
I have tried your CephaliC Pill*, an& Ink( them ea cal
that I want you to send me $ worth mote. -
Part of them, are for the neighbo. - .., to whom Imes few
out of the fir,4 box I got from you. , ' . .
Send the Pills by, mail; aml obligit .• • .
• , Your obi serer.
naverford. Pa. Pee. b. •
.. . .
11. C. *Spalding. ''
11. -
I wish you to send me onenfore - boz of your Cephalic
Pills ; I Aare rewired it great deal of tang fitly.= aim.
Youm.respectrulll,. - - -
• . .
Spruce 'Creek. Iluntingdon co:, M., Jaz. 13
U. SpaTdiref. .
Sir: • - .. .
You will *age send me two -1:!oxea of your Pills. Send
them immediately.'
.. _
• ltempectfully youi s -4 . 6
srmo,„. o .
P. Mn/ told on 4 do of your I..arot Jeur them
: Belle Vernitn, Ohio, Jan, RS.
Henry C. Spaldin7, E. .
Please find enelo:•ed twenty•ilve cents, for. which send
roe another ha:: of your Cephalic Pills. They tie truly
the hest pills I have ever tried. -
Direct A. STQVEIt, P. M.
Belle Vernon ; Wyandot county, Ohio,
§paltiluz, Esq.
• 1 wi. , l for some circulars or Imre show bills, to brim
your Pill. moyeparticularly before my etedonters. If you
bare swilling of thy Wad. please *mid them to Mo.
One of ow customers, who is subject to a severe sick
headache, (usually bud ine two dues). woe cured of an at
In of hour by your Pule which I sent her.
Respectfully yours,
Itcynuldaburg, Franialln Co.. Ohio, 1
January 9. I
. _
Henry C. Spa!din:. • . .
No. 48 Cedar street: N. V.
Dear Sir: • tr.
ineingett f ind tirentylverentn. (25.) ifir'which - rend me
b.l of - .cephalic pills. " - Direct to Hey. Wm:Filer. at
R ienaidohurg. Franklin count - , Ohio.
tour file work like a ekaiwrs-ourc Ileadarkr almost
Truly yofirs. ' Wm FILLER.
• TPAlanti, .Wtch., Jan. U.
Yr. Spa/dirty. • .
• •
• Sir:
Not long educe I gent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills
for the cure of the Nervous fleadaehe and Coativeneas.
and received the tame, and they had ao good an drat 4
teas induced to - mm[l'or more. .
Pleaal send by return mail. Direct to
A. It. WHEELER, ' - •
- ' Ypsilanti, Mich.
- FrmL th'e Examiner. Norfolk.
Cephalic Piaracennapiteh the object for which they were .
'wade, vit.: cure alumna:he in an Its luny!.
From theE.ranziaer. Norfolk. Va. •
They have been tested in Wire than a thoniand area
with entire aticces6.
Frail the Demopvt: . St. Cloud. 41'inn.
If von are. or have been troabled with the headache,
Pend for a cephalic pike. 'so that you my have
them In cue Of an attack. • ••
From the Advertiser.• Providence, It I.
The Conlinlle Pills are said to be a remarkably effective
remedy for the headache, and one tinkle very best for
that very frequent complaint which has ever been dis
From the We:4cm R R Gezette, Chem,*
We heartily undone Mr. Bpalding,. and Ma unrivalled
Cephalic fills. .
• From the, -.Valley Stor,.Kano . wha.
Wears ante thit peieons eutTering with the headache,
%rho trythem; will etch to them. • •
Front the Path Finder. Yew Orleans. La
Try them you that are aellcted. - end we are are that
Tour testimony can be added to - the alresdy nutgerons
fiat that has rectired bcnetite that nu other medicine can.
produce. _
Fiom the Si. Lords Dinigcrat
taThe lulmeneeinc reasing. demabd Kir the article (c , ephatte pill.), to
picUy , - .
. . .
`From the .Gazelle; "Davenport.. lowa.
Nir.Spoldlim would not taimeet hie name with' in ar
ticle do did not know to poucds root =tit.
Fronkthe .Acreertiser. Providenee..R. I.•
• The tostlmony in their favor le etrong, from the most
respectable quartere. • - - -
From the .DFily Yew.; 11 r etpoort, iL
Cephalic Fill, are takleg the plaeb of alt Wadi.
. . •
• will isaire.ten timer its wit auntially. 4 o -
• . . ,
ECONOMY, . .' - •.
:: ~' %,,%,, , .' DISPATCI/1
. 'IFIrIA &finis' nr Tlita Savai, .
,'. -
As aeeldindearill liippolii, even In viell rep:dated land!
Iles, ills very desirable to hare 'some cheap and warp!,
lent way Tompkins turnikke; toys,,.eroeicery, Sce, :, _
ntel:o such emargeiscies. and no hcitoesol4 etin lebid
to.beirttboin 1t It titAttrape tem% atviltpliFs Wok.:
"V5.X 0 , 7 * ' 07, - ZTAir. l 9 l7 #7 . :±*
;C: Dimity tmtt*Aplttiles autvitotllt' rtatemr
mu!. -...--, - .4ddrfos.•, =layAPALAuva,_ . ,
. , 48. Cody litratt, NaT•Ycalt.-
• -o;,(o7 ** aumpuw to jauk •• •
tis apilnciPle
suape_ 4 =Qouor • .•p i ~ m r
, Asterta..._
u , wisauty:".7.,: •
off q°,Z,„IA
,zivaosl , ••«wrcaziw,:.•,,
et 9 Z4.7-4711 , - 4 •"°f-plizAliiii
'oi~tlp , r:.ur&ba~ tie bg j .
DO 011414M810411 - , :11:71110
• ---,••
Oreateat Reniedy4ti the World,
WarraAted . , , lto, CUBE
r m r ad A g ue !a 4te daY: $
. Chills in Ave minutes; 't •
• -1 Meatneasin two to. sa .fnuvilays; ,
rns and ds in ten mini
Spraina. Wounds and Britian' In from one to three
Indunmatlon in one day;
Notifilikla. Croup, Toothache. Bums, in ten mint
Hemorrhage. Scrofula. Absceseiin ten days , ; ,
&ulna. N ounds. Totter. in one to three days;
Samche. Stiff Neck. Ague. In one der ;
Felons, Broken BliAtgt. Salt !Umtata. In 3 to six ,
thallY. Palpitation. Pleurisy. in ripe to ten day'
thrna,Oont.irystrielas,ht Ave to twenty. IN
boated Feet , chllblalns.-90.1.301„pt5. Chronic
autism Sore Throar, rlei Fiver, and thl
made to walk. by a few twittlim. l
This oil.. OM Grath's) la mild ittidnleamnt. ant
great Family Medicine for children teethingdo.
Ladies should all use it. It rdwaYs leaves you better
Alen It Audi - you. and on nettle often ewes entirely.
letter, Der. James TeMpnc - , • •
• - ' • • PIIII.ADZIANCA.June9th. 11115: '
Trot De Oman I hive been aMicted for thirteen years
with Neuralgia and.other painful codtpllnts. - and I here
been enable to sleep soundly or walk 'any distance for .
many ymnt past. Last week.' gutit bottle of your Elm
tric Oil. The first night I slept soundly and well. and to
day 'I em like i new man. My wife could - not believe her
eyes. • Your. Electric Oil has done in•one week what the
-physicians of Philadelphia failed Id do ilk thirteen years. '
Gratefully- mark.
• ; LIO &rah street.
Ictrw May
Prot De Orath i :My brother has been deaf for :livers.
After Oyler. ninny thincs; he used iota' Oils tow Owes.
and it cared him entirely. -• 1, - - .
F . oreale ratrT to er,l sta, and at the Depot. 217
South Eighth•st. Philadelphia. . ey
DYB P-E - P S I lA,
Dyspepsia - Debility eV the SyStem, kande, -
Dyspepsio, Debility of
,the.Syliem, Dyspepsia,
Liver comigaint, Acidity, .
Liver Complaint , A cidity,
Billoui Complaints, Side- Headache,
, ,
-none Complaints, Sid( &adaeht,
sad tie asaaberien odes : diseasta lariat:xi fame la
&Restive and fseutsceuti dieorde i of the &sea*
fad, ready _relief is atm egaGliiied and sterling
may. , . , •
The use acme bottle warranted i further filar, to the
client of some throe or four, with careful obsewanci
of the accompanying directions. ' The. result was, an
almost entire toner from the usual dyspeptic symptom e
and their depressing, pahlful consequences. I believe
'these Bitters produced an entire armee In the habits of
my system, and upon the active energies of the digestive
amino I now demo myself u exempt from Dyspepsia
u most persons. These Diners bare also' been of up
Tit* to other memberi of my family.
Deverly Hasa, Dec. 9
Reliable cmy„
t .
WI ce/Ithcatiattko" ("aortae? to tie folkoring
idler frau Presiant Smith, fo4terty of Walesa**
Uniarsity, cod ilow of-Anna:4:lAL
Stroin.rrows, Conn., 74.28.1659.
' SITU W /WWI& & eo.—Grat&moat —l . lint
made Saw of the Oxygnsattg Bitters tent" r oman ow
eight" yam niece, Having enQeted Sur tw,enty years
from a (atm of dyerapsla, which was attended with a
nervota headache, on an average of net less than one
day la a weak, I wes indtined, by the ripretendhlg fee
ommandatkin nr Dr. Gwen.. to i try tine Isola, and id
no biaelSt Nap reettivedge diennatinne the nae."
Very respectfully yours,
AUGUS#B w. smart
Otip, Tapp Co.,:Pi4 An 25,,1856
Biltarraff mint, —. After offering. for more than tkittg
gore with Dyspepsia, and trying oniony stmedies rsa
ommended for .tbat disease without - any good result, I
was induced, ETD?. F. 11. White, ' o f Mansfield. to give
the Ozyinetell Bitters a trial. • took two 'Ogles.,
which gave me so much relief tint I purchased two
omit, which have Hearty or quits erected a one. lam
now beady seienty.five yeits of age, .and foi three
months put have felt no inconvenience from my food.
I take gnat pleasure in retionsmending the Bitten total
affitcs•d with Dyspepsia and its itoncomitant diseased.
_ •
- • . .; A. IiEbAIID
Dna Dr. iintite ,
KAiiinnsLv, Tip Co., Pa., .Au g. 183 I:
I have aped the &wrested &tan In my Antic,
with diadatinClWN hi debility aid men) peoettubm,
ike., Sad eenfidendy recommend them In moral air
liSty, lad diduitee of the digeetiMo orgasm"
- F. I U. WiITE..If. D.
PREPARED , BY 11. W. pOWLE C 0.,&
1D Traci:mit Ben.; Boston.
&Li by !Noshes, Dealers,-ad Merduntts ii even
• . •
• - Inns aid dig aroloosa elk comb).
. .
tirFor sale by Abel Turrell and lttnd, N utroue & Pros
ter, Montrose • L. H. WoOdruff, Dirnock ; Amos Nichols.
Brooklyn ; Whitney & Noxley. Ha ford • Weed & Ward.
Great Bend; C. Olmstmal Dander:. L. Griffin, Great
Bend: - . . July 2G—li•
1%1 v rwiT
TRESS IiEDICDTF..S have now been before the !nitrite
fora period of Thirty.rearr, and during that time have
maintained a high character in Omit every part of the
Globe, fur their extraordinary and immediate power of
'restoring perfect health to persons suffering under neatly
every kind of dteesse to which the human frame fallible.
The following are among the distressing variety of he.
man diseases in which the • • '
Are well known to be infallible.
11YOFNPSIA, be thoroughly cleansing theist and find
stomachs, and creating a flow of pnre,bealthyblie,instead
of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Lau qf
pinta Ileartaurit. Headache, RattiNtliten, Temper. Anx
iety, Longww and.ffelanchaly, which are general ay !upturns
of Dyipepela, cants!), as a martini consequence of its cure.
CUSTLYZNESS, by. cleansing the whole length of the
intestines with a solvent process, and without violence;
ally:Went purgesleave the bowels costive in two days.
YIiVEBd ofall kinds, by 'restoring the blood to a regular
circulation, thee' the process of respiration in such eases,
and there solutionorallinteatinal obstructions in others..
ThrLife Medicines have been,known to curealllEU•
permantutly in three weeks, and OOV in - h alf
that time, by =saving Itinihuantatiott from the mus
cles and ligaments of Me ints;
DAWSON at all kinds, y Itheing and itrengthening
the kidneys and bladder ; they operate most delighffully or.
these important organs, and hence have everbeen , found a
certain remedy for the worst capes of WWII..
- Also DIODIKIL by dislodging. from the turnings of the
bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere.
scimYY, lILCEDS, and INVETNItATZ 80RE8, by
lect purity which those /Me Malicious give to the
nd all the human. • . .
by their alterative effect anon the fluids that teed the akin
had the, math* state of which, occasions el 'eruptlte
[ enteldants. cloudy, and otherdlaagreestdo corn.
The use of these Pills fond very short time will effect an
'entire cure of SALTDIRIII and a striking . Improve:
In the clearness t e skin. coltmoir COLDS
and TIFIIENZA will ostlers' ba eared by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
The original proprietor of these medicines, •
etrilesosos Teens standing by theuse of the
el/edieinualp"gqe. t
AND AGlFF,Forithls nonage of the - West;
ern cptudzy..these Medicines will be found a sate, mend .'
andeertiOntentedy. Other Medicines leave the sys_tima
- 1111bitrot to steturnotthe earerty lbw Medi
ciriattip permanent-- Tryelicosi rafitti4. and be eWred•
grid Comisplishitek
Genered tt7Loss or Aptiet e, and Diseases-or Fe
males!.• The {Wallas* have-Ewa ,aead. ,witb Abe most
beneatial testi is In eases ot thicAviregion:lUnge
and iterotiets;faltairrit• totins, Veleta ton', mild
onwaritsl-• action of t pee retes t
Night Sereate. Nervous DebUlty - .Nervons-Comolaintr
9 s ll binal=eitit, loll cittir nita. i!fant.4l:4 . ,Colic, are
hare now=lnailatheit Or the handletons Mid Of Nem ey.
arta And theneiNedlet *WM& ies spaftt - stre.itatboty
=dieyt sfo terfronrtbe ell the e
ienitribnet Utatmost efeete-OrNiescortr
peneseefiztoein , o
lei kin by" •
- •
Are 7on deltabbla; cad •
Mewl .Ant you oalot tele ,
with your eyeless . iaw r
Va li sPas are elms the' -
- .elude serious Maus. Some -
skiness is ereepin r g e z .
and shoat be averted te
17 use of the right ' , •
t=i livd iffilt i r ar ritaiss,
the blood, and let the Zeit
ou mantatrueedia
They sthenthinthefree• . •
it of the body lotairigeretts. nisi; malts.
A ld ; settles some
. where baths body,and °babes
sia l ind . ftriktone,•• . 7 n h i *arit renewed, reset'apea
theneselves and the au onmetwoducing gee
eral aggravation. suffering. althea While Ira lids
ton githi n . oppressed by theraterenalth w Arethe
Plus, and see bow directly - they testae th e ass
thin of the system, and with it ile - batryant reellway
balthsgaing fret is tree and so apparent les fhb Meld •
end common complied, Is also trur in many of the deep
est:id and dangerous Dame. The sameurranative •
effect expels thee , Caned by
se. obstructions mad
derangements of the edema ftdions a the body, they
are rapidly, and many of them setely,tared by the map
meanie hoe who know the virtues of these Pills, erns
neglect to employ them whet saferhsg fr om tWdbor•
der+ they curs
Statements front leding phyekiens in some elflbe
prinelpd tittles, and fr om OW well l keel public - 4e: „ -
sous. • ,
Prom a Fbasarding Aferchae 4 , .8t-Tortfrs're& 4 . 19 11. •
Daktr.n: Your fills ere the patigwonf - all that Is;
great in medicine. 'Me , hare eared volittle slisughter_; •
14 ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that heiprovedi
bearable for years. Her mother has been leg Ethel. -
ously afflicted watts blotches and pimples on herstha and
In her hale> After our child was cured, she , *Lo tried
you Pills, and they hare cared her. _ •
- As a Family Phyate.
• ' From Dr. B. If Cartwright, New Oriemw. . •
Terielffilit are the prince Of purges. Their excellent.
qualities surpass - any cathartic we possess. They are
mild, but rerycestaln and effectual in their action on the- '
bowels, whkh makes them invaluable to es bathe daily .
Utediache, Sick Ileadatehe, read Sleuth,
• Prom' Dr. Edward lloyd,Daltissore. •
DEAR BRO. ATER.: I Gamut answer yeneke, nom-
plaints I have cured with your Pills better then. to say
all dint we ever treat with a purgative siedities. I abuse • •
great dependence on en erected cathartic to my daily
contest with disease, and believing ail do that you
afford us the beater bare, I of course value them highy.
; • Firma:ran, Fa:, MAY 1, 1t3i.
Diu 3.. c.; AYER. Sir :4 have beenrepeatedly cured 51
the worst headarhe any laxly can have, by a dose or ter • _
of your Pile. It etyma - to arise from a foul steuelih r . •
• which they clezuse St Onto.
• yours with great respect,PREHLE,
• , Clerk of Stemser Cksiess...
Billows Disorders—Liver Caimplabits. •
From Dr. Theodore Deli, of New York qty. • •
Not only are year Pills admirably adapted to their per.
pose as an Aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon.
the liver very marked indeed. They have In my prow
the proved more, effectual for the ewe of bilious come
{ plaints than any one remedy I can, mention. l'alneeretr •
rejoice that we barest length apargeUve wide le mot.
thy the confrience• .if the profession and Um people..
' Dersamearr or Tax firrenter;• ' .
• Wash inure,-D. C., Ith Feb., KA:.
Sin : I have used your Pills in my general and bospitail
practice ever sineeycermak Uwe and do nut beatable.
ray they are the beat cathartic we employ. Their lege
'min.., action on the liver Is (pHs and decided, souse. .
quently they are. an adurinabk , remedy for derangement* ,
of that. organ. indeed, I have -mittens feed a case of
bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield is
them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., •
Physician ofthe aftwitie Hospiteg.
. .
•= Dysetetery, Diarrhea, Relax,
Prom Dr. J. (I.,Greers, of Chicago. _
Voni Pills have had a long trial in my practlee;and I
hold them in eiteem as minor the best aperients l have
ever found. • Their alterative effect upon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for
bilious dysentery and diarrhea. Their augaryoulag •
lathes them very axeptable and eCalTenieut for the use
or women and children. •
Dispepsia, Ireaparity et the Bleed.
Prom liee. J. V. mar... Pastor of Adroit March, Bale. - r
DR. ATER: I have used your Pills with extrac
saunas to my family and among those I sraellegiV li rusis ••
In distress. To regulate the. organs of digest/9a Nadi '
purify the *blood, they are the very best remedy 1 hate
ever -known: and I can canfidently reeerrunend them its
say Mende. - Yours, - i J. Y. HIVES. :
' Waitsisr, Wyoming Co., N. Sf., Oee.21.13:111.
DEAR Sue: I am suing your Cathartkr Pills in my prae-
Hee, and and them an excel/eat pm - vaier testleame Hut
system and parity the-fountains ortheMood..
Constipation, costiveness:l suppreisitem,
Ithestatatism Gout, .ffieuraligta, Dropsy.
_ Paral yob, F its, eta. •
` From Dr. J. P. Vaughn . , Montreal, Canada:
Too - ranch cannot be said ofyour Pills forthe cure of
eostirenas. If U t eri of oar fraternity have found them •
- as efficacious ewe, they should Join me in prochte
ing It for the MU of the multitudes who suffer teem
• that complaint, which, although bad enough fa itself, is
the progeniter of others that are worre. a believe es- ,
Menem to originate in the liver, bit your ?nugget that -
organ and cure the disease.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician mid Mideryk, Boston. .
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken a air
proper time. are excellent pr omotives of the natured -
secretion when wholly or partially suppreesed, and also .
very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms.
They are so much the best physic wo have that I teem-
bend no other to my patients.
Prom the pee. Dr. Hawker, of the Methodist Egis. Cheek.
PULASKI Horst, Savannah, Ca, Jan. 5, ISM - .
HONORED hut: should be ungrateful for the Mkt..
your skill has' brought me if I did 'tat report nay ease
to you. 'A cold settled in my limbs and brought on et.-
meeting neurelgtcpains, which ended la chronic rhea.
sigatism. NeWithstanding I bad the best of physicians,
the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of
your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie I tried
your Pills. Their . effects were slow, but sure. .ite•yes ,
Revering in the use of them,l am now entirely We
81201 TE Cuatmen, Baton Rouge, La.,5 Dee., INS. •
Da4 y r r e a :l l6 : I hare been entirely eared, by .your Pills.
of ft matic Gout—a ,painfial disease that had Mesa -
- -me for YEICENT BLIDY.LL.. -
• blld - Moat of the Pills :fn market contain life -
° which; although ,a valuable remedy in *Hirai .hands, is -
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadfal consequences
that frequently follow its incautious use. Thaw coulee
- - no mercury or miaeraisubetance whir/ever.
Priem, 23 cents Der Do*. or 6 Boxes ibr SL _
PriYaked by Dr. 1. C. Alla Dr CO., TATAID.
For turt..h..l
Dandaff; V% Altman Auburn Centre. and by al
dealers and druggists everywhere. - , ' oc b y tw.
An experienced :If urse and Fotnale - P);ypician, presenb
• to the attention of mothers. her -
SO OTH IN G - S':Y,ll U.P,
. -
which - greatly facilitaics the process of teething; by soft,
cning.the gums, reducing all indonmation 7 -will allay
ALL PAIN and spasmodleactlon,:and is ,• • •
Depend upon It, mothers, it will give rest to you. and
We have put nip and sold thli article for over ten years:
and ciduay IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it: what
we have never been able to say of any other matlilOpe •
EFFECT A CURE, when timely nod. Never did we know
an instance anvone who had nod it.
On the contrary. all are delighted with i r t i t i t si ocerations, ind
s p eak itHenns of commendation of Its cal efßicts and
medical virtues . We say in this matter lAT WE DO
KNOW," after ten years' experiezae. and PLEDGE OVA
REPUTATION for the fulliihnent of what we herelleclat4 l .:
In almost every instance where the blast II offering hp
pain and exhaustion. relief will be leant; in Mean to spi
minutes after the syrup is administered.. •
This valusble•preparotun Is the prescription of one ok
Newlangland, and, hss been tool with NEVER rmuss
. • TuoviArms OF -
. .
It not only reljeees the. child from pain,bizt hwigoratt
the itoptaqh.auyi bowele, comets 101111r:end girths tr _e,
egqiir t 9 Rio who sYstein. It will almost instr
relieve -
vaunt() no; THE BOWELS, 'AND WIND' coup;
and examine coprulsioni. which'. if not Ppeedlly Med,
end in death. We believe Jt the BEST and SUREST Turn
ed in the WORLD. in all moms of DYSENTERY and
DIARRIUEA IN CHILDREN. whether - It airless froa
teething, or tram any mher canoe. 'We world say tu alt
motbats who hare a child suffering from any of the foregof .
111Ig momplalnis—DO NOT LET ,YOUR PREJUDIG*T
NOR THE PIINJEtaIaES of 0711ERS. stand between
you and your snaring.. child and the rellefihat will be
SERE—yea AIISOIXTELY S tJßE—to nallow i the use of
thls Medicine. Utize t ely used. Fell .dlreetiour for usirn
will accompany each bottle.. None genuine radees the e"..0.
simile of caltTls & I ItIsINS. New York, Is or. the
outside wrapper. ••• , • . -
Sold by Dragging throughout the world. ' •
Piluelparolll44,lll 11 411;441 P4'w
smo y For sato In ArcirktrAlko'b7 Aunt '
AZ4te - coknt Inatitytion estaiNiacdLy2iiPe 4 ,;,
vial Endamment.loi• the Relief of tie rSick '
and Ilisireaced. alicted 0.N4
"Epidemic,Ditteases. and especiai4 fit" di,
-Cure of Diseases - of ,-
111 EDICAL ADVICE given ih`k
I. Acting - tin rgeon, apply by letter
with a description of Condition, (age. occil _
patois, habits of WOK" •ntl{
trime poser' vanedicineiCluchlshrd fret•ofrhalimi
Valuable Reports on flpertnatorOuss;nedsith
Or'Disessas of the Sexual Oren*, sent - ,to tb. o
fliCted in sialc'd envelopes, fire 91Aborg,
A4drcsa, - Dr... J. Houghton; - Actin:ooi
goon, Howar d Association, • No. 2 Notily pttmA
, Etiprderof the Din4ters'..!;Toill
sAmbythey-misadmi :ii:Ttriaggi-