reached the west coast, fwelve miles south --- titaloW "'hied in Premint. - - I rity df pickle, tO be . aeceiv r oa- - I iim ---. •• afr 4 Pclsabeah, allaheing unable to pase NIP e catl r beloura letter - written by i brthe koroe ear evidence-which mmnot be' 'tee cape , are dropped anchor, and on the IThWeed to the Albany Evening 1 waisted, constrained to admit that he Seth, -i• made a puree . ); to, the north side i Journal: The letter is dated at - Wash- 'hue signailYtined fo dienhargee with ,use' of the cape in awbale boat, and from an 1 1 ingt?n,and,ile the,writtr is Iv own to hold i fulnelts to the country, or credit to aim. elevation of six hundred feet, obtained a , conhdential relations' with the Adminis- t pelf the duties of hit; station. view to the northward. In that direction tration, its publication is regarded as it fiftefifteenmiles above ice i Cape Isabella, above - Cape coifingation of the reported determi ne remorse was solid and unbroken as far as the e% e 1 1 tion to remorse e General Fremont. It is could reach. ' as follows :--, To the eastward,the - h e av y' pack fee W3B .f _ and impenetrable. To penetrate the ' Since• it cannot be concealed er doll- , Strait under these circumstances with the 1 '4 that - General''Fremout's 1 conduct in view of reaching a practicable point fur ' • Missouri has been the subject of official I future sledge operations with my reduce 1 inquiry, and is now the subject of exe- 1 ed force, (for I had now only five dogs,) 1 anise deliberation, and of popular solid. I was clearly impracticable; and .believang • ( ._:tude' I have Made it my business to . ob- tlmt I was not justified in incurring:Alia t baan, from various • baC reliable sources in.' hea'y expense of another yeses absence , I -formation from which the , people; as jib. without a . prospect of toorrespondinf res. I tors; mar safely render a verdict. In corning, as I hare, to a conclusion ults, I reluctantly abandoned, the field, . and turned southward. . unfavorable m to General Fremont, it is Taking Whale sound on the way; I scarcely necessary to say eat I had, in doing so to " conquer ' my "prejudices." completed the survey of that My re lations with General Fremont have inlet, and obtained there an excellent set been intimate and pleaeant. I believed of-magnetic eleterfninations, and sumo him eminently upright and phttivtie. I photographs of the natives, the glaciers, . thought him well fitted for the high em end other objects of interest. mania with which he was invested, and he After boring through the ice of 361. man •went tbrth with my heartfelt aspirations r vine-Mr for one hundred and MI. miles, that he.would render good service to ou we readied the Southern waters, and en. count» and win glory for himself. " tered,the habor of Upernatik on the 14th Pausing much a n might be said, im• of August. There st e remained ten slats , rgning the sense and . taste of General engaged cluing that time in various scion- • remont, and con fi ning myself to accusa title exploralionss. On the •Ist of bept , ti o / 18 undeniably true, I 'submit' to the ember we reached Gorham' or Lie% ell . ..ts e `, readmi of the Journal some facts which and were there Similarly occupied. 11 dill show them ,how lamentably a fat voted ,wei e • i • eady for sea ngain nn the dth, hut a sueemiun of s. w. gales detained us. General diiappoints the public expects nutil the 17th, when we again put to sea. ; Lions : When General Fremont reached St. and haling a tair wind we were, on the ,2lid, two hundred m miles to the southward Louis he took as his beadquarters,a honse fur which the Government is pa) ing $B,- of Cape Farewell. From that tune until the 9th of October we n encountered cot'' °°° :I S car ' lie surrounded"himself With a numerous • stunt southerly weather, with frequent staff none of whom were residents of gales. When off Haiiila ire sustained • Missouri; organizing, simultaneously, a serious damage, and were obliged' to put body ward pf nearly three hundred horse into that port or repairs. We arc now expect to irate I men, through which access to the-cliief is agaiu ready for sea, and , this port tognorrow. i as difficult as the apiiroach to ft. monarch tn the darkest days of despotism. I have to regret that we could not :lc He has appointed` and commissioned; complish a. greater Nort bine., but situated without the shadow of authority, more as we were with Smith's Strait to cross, tir officers, with the ranks of Col and with a small force at coition mil, I can i „.": 611 Licata mint Colonel, Major, Captain, but regard the summer explorations ^s' ('" Colonel Andrewl, the United fortunate and saccessnil. The field of re- I ' c ''' . ' l ''' . search, althgh nu c Itinitcd than I Lad ' states l''l. ma.4er, was requested' to pay ob n the.-e officers, and upon his refusal to do anticipated, was Low ci er new arid m y ' , IA was tiii.eatened with imprisonment.— observations in different departments of He mas also directed to make an illegal ph:4, eke aid natural science will, I fed of 5100,(436. , assured, meet the approbation of the tran-/ I r l .. The officers belonging to Fremont's patrons of the expedition. stair ar e inteliested in army contracts.— lam well satis fi ed that they will be Captain Haskill; an aid, is a partner of found fully tojustif,,v the) labor and expense Col. Degrafiu mule, hay and other con- Which they have cost. The untbrt tinate accident which occasioned the untimely tracts.. Ca ,t. Totally, a United States commis denth of Mr. Sonntag, eimied a serioVs sary, was ordered to receive and pay ex loss to the expedition. The system of 'which we 1 nrblant pill es for interior mules, from obsentions apd experiments Capt. Haskell anti iipon pi °testing against had planned in con,—rt had already ac was ordered away front his complisbed important additions to Arctic i this ‘Nrsjilg' post b% Gun. Ft eniont. • science, whet) xleath deprived • me of his Ca pt: E..ILID.INiS, of t leneral Fremouts invaluableassistance ; anti w•it lo the duties staff; rtHit cti a contract for blankets incident to Ai cti.! exploration in the field which, on &lit cry. preyed rotten and pressing constantly upon me, I was not worthlesl, and though cc ticum:A wire always able - to execute the plans which we had devised, paid f o r ,e nd sent to the ho, My officer-A. lento ever, ','_ oil _ e 1. ., ', The iikcts.piii dm:A ah) Gen. Fre contributed their best assistanc e : and 't r_ us iii, I ITl') ., nt in Fral l t e ' are ‘‘` )lthivs ''' was by ihem rein red of n`il.nv onerous '-fler Gen. Meilis limited the price to lie paid for °its at 30 cents, corn at 'ie. duties. /am especially indebted to Mi. and hay at 4:17.50, a contract was made - Radcliff, aSiebtallt fl , Il t•TioliK , ', 1,,r his w , itli I; iir:gli.k; „Palmer (Palmer, Cook 41 - zealous assistance in the work at the 0 1 3 , i Co., et t, tilifoi nia notoriety,) at 33 cents sercatory, and for 4,...,15t-thee in taking I for oats : 3o tor corn and i- , 19 tor flay, pliotogranhic ‘lew s ; mid to Messrs. an - intuiting tit the aggt cirite to 5. , 1u0.4C00. Knorr mid Starr I owe obli ,, ations fo•- Ges , c t-al Fremont, on arriving at tit. Talaable aid in collection si eciouna of i Loins, w asanet by Alm aid of Generid It - natural history and other scientific duty. on, ..cebmpa lied by :11.aj M. cf . Phelps, ., I will mendon, in conclusion, that I pm r ibking for •re uku ecuieuts,4moi v, a , not still -of opinion that Smith Sir I ,t can I R nal i . ..rated with A . ti Isli Un der :As alone ''" l ' The intielntedne ss of the quill•tei master's rii m satisfied that it cannot. It is iro,• depth.tment,ll: Gen. Fremont's eciunmancl hope to be able t•N renew the attempt is ell er lour million , . and a halt. •Nwith a small steamer.. With this ' %i t w I This disastrous condilion o t niiil , is ha%e left some stores at Port Icull: ' .., an ibufable td the " malign infitit nee'' of atUpernayik. Californians w•it h w horn General Fremont With",thehope that thiA will tit :d .t.ou became unfortunately conneeted in minim , in the enjoyment health and, I,appi n e,-' operatio . ns, and who 1 r ; 1 frond 0 au i .er. he Pa- I remain, very sit:unit', your fiend sitti J. 1117 _,. eitic on learning that he 'W11.1; VIII.TII , 4eiI servant. s ttli a high, inilitaty command. These I ill ornened men, smile or all of w hoot left I a dark record in California, seem to lia‘t obtained either a N 011 1 unary or const 1 amet. control of the quartermaster and COlll /1114 , 111'3 departidents of Gen. lei 's mil itary district.. The results and co equen cc, are fatal alike to the interests •ot the comit r y • dui die usefulness and reputation of the chminailding Genoa]. They im peach either his head or his heart, and so fat• as he is pi actically concerned. it is not material :which, for whether a wicked or a we.,tz Geiteial, he is unfitted tor so great i trust. Approaching by. Sle*r Stager - 'Abolition organs like the New York Tribtr4 frefess to see in the recent let ter of instruction issued by the Secretary • of War to General Sherman, commander 1 of the forces attached to the Naval ev,pe dition, evidence of an advance by the (4th-ern:nem towards their favorite doe trine of negro. e.mancipation and slauc iii surrection.• have‘read the Secretary's letter caretidly withdut discoverilig in it any material departure from his previon.; letter. to General Butler. Indeed it is little more than a .re-affirmation of that-'! letter. •The Tribanr, howeyer, is ga it! ? encouraged, and exclaims in. the ekee , s , : of its joy:- z --"Wc are cc.ut ant t..4.SLT the ‘"true position ni . • by stage. , , "that. the progress he stc:ndy and w ni - "takeahie. The truth that slavery is the "sole impellingand sustaining- misty ! o fthis "rebellion:---that it is a traitor and n o: - thy "of death—makes itseiffeit Jay aft er,day /'« by larger and Still larger ntajoritics of "those who are' strongly resolved that the "Great Re.publi; shall emerge fro:u ;his "terrible ordeal, stronger and tdore glo "rions than ere:. - • The policy of tb(! Tritaar is to urge the Administration into a crusal.yigainst slareq. and the practical ip:noritig of the war—and` this end his cimte.ot le :T- V:nett by slow Ft:iges. evi.lence of the itdrance it has Mad,: in this direct ion we .quote a portion - of an article pub lished in its columns about the middle of last 'May and ask.our - rearl'ois to contrast it with the extract chore Ituted : , "This war is in truth a war for the pies- `crration of the' Union,.ana not for the destruction of slavery ; : Ind it would al i-mate taany ardent Unionists to pt•rvert it into a war aust siavery. S. - * Our own judgment, confirms the testi-, ninny of cool of .errors that the consiii - ea- . ey againwthelife of the. nation is r.ttlier that of the f ! olitieal a . ..spirants than the slarelfolders of as a l gen eral ritle,.the slavelioltiers have beet but reluctant:backers of Seee4sion, nine-tenths of whose noisittat champions - are us desti: late of Glares .3s of loyalty andpatriot tan:, . The •Trib,ane has T.rckgrosspd far beyond this rational style; and is now laboring to dr4r,tbo Administration along with it..- ra"" The itoantiQs sof spiritualism ore ethomn in the case of two voting marrinci seen of Smriburg, Vt., who left for Cali fornia some _years since, and r.iturtted hom.6 - retteutly, to find their • wires re-mar who haring heard nothing. from them -silica -their departure, applied tO young lady spiritualist, who was very net in describing to them the death and bitritsl , of that husbands, the date ,of the funeral; and the disease of witit - ith they Their_stives supposing this tobe reliable. it-married, and there was a ftm ny dale whet; *lime oaser4 iptebends retuned, " - Nor are thesp i hilts grave as they are, the only 'pnes to'whieh he is obnoxious.— The um. :is being prosecuted by the army tinder hi coMmand in away which recalls. and ,deillens the horrors of vandalism.— Witlionfeompiering traitors, he is. Con- N - ertim , - bikini ;men - into enemies. his line pi' mare li is in:irked and memorized by irppliatiois and ravages whieh-disg.ace an age of eitiliiation. ' We have a letter dated " Tipton, Mo„ Oct. 17," from an observing:. truthful .friend, from whhAi i we take- the folloWing 6- - . - _tract :--- .!, -, • . N'- - - '"Frotti Tilton to \V, - draw the inarc,b ,was one :continuous course ohleva\gation without the leas, regard fir principles pr antecedents. One Union ninii who had kept -five, sons l'ailil joining •fhe secession ' foTees; had Mi.'. plaeoliterally .-r.litteil.. , the: -then of Ashoth:s. and Sigel's di Vision-kill , i n g, pn his fanm alone, , foriy sheep, three cots. tisio siteer.s, iind stealing eight hors ` es. . The eavair l y galloped over . prairies lassoing. innleg, and shooting oxen, sheep* i • and hogS, ..and then thiiekCd them into their already overloaded ivagons. ,Thereis scarcely is 'feathered biped left Within five miles on either side of their march ;, i not a whole looking-glass or an unrifled bureau, O r blanket that has not been seiz i ed.: rot all, this there islio,exeuse, the 1 arms' haying an abundance of provisions and 'stork i • .... . '. . . •.. 1, .The army - has now - reached Warsaw, and can adVance no further, • and never was intended to advance futtliiir: . Pricel and Ms arni,v 'are - to day more than s'ecett ity miles labead .of ours. Fremont-does 1 not expect, and never did expect to over tt . i talichi4 1 ; I . Let the' least disaster happen to us in t.front, -atid ncit a man will ever return to tell th 4 Fitory—for' we shall have . . left be i hind us a maddened, beggared, fatniiihing i_frenzied ipoptitatiOn, in which those . who. i were titian men ten days ago, arc to•day oar most bitter , enemies." . • -•• , - - - : - ....utilin license addi horror to - the legiti mate and - tinavOidable evils of 'war . An :, ariuY that; leaves such , remetutrances,. l r,along italine of march will be forever .e . x3e= I {crated, - 1 -4 ; • ' ' . , r• - '.- /. 1 ,1t - Ili slid to . -reciard these ,things,,/,of a i youth:Al general from whose .career the ' country looked for heroism tempered with Ihumanity, : But :high' as'our.j/hopee .;were j afGetterta Fiethont, , 'eve-,cannot afford; s wherpr-whetherlionkfaittit. or ttrlifiirtime , . .-.,-so_ilool,l4oen4e.joxi . .wisdom , and iptpg.' . • The Situatiot: 'the otivance ofte grand :Iraq Of the West still continues in the direction of . Ark:was,. .General Fremont's head, ter;on,the 28th -alf, -Was located. at - Campl Lyon, Springfleld4eyeral-purtions of hie, command having arrlied there safely on the previoni day. -There_ were no profess ed rebels in:thc .neighb orhood,, none were fonrid.' , ' FThe:StarsaiidStripefie once•prre ware& over l the town, and the troopsweie enthtiSiastieally received by the inhabitants. TWo%rebet Monde 'arc reported 'among the during the Charge made by Itlajor Zaconyi's cavalry. General Priee . anii-pis-_,rebel troops are supposed-to be located near Carthage. The rebels continue active, as -far as ; firing'shots from their .batteries is con cerned, along theNrirginia shore of tho' Loiter -Potomac. 'lt appears that, the rebels at• Shipping Point had been rein forced' by several' regimente of -their troops. - ReconnOsarices continue to be made by the : Vl-lion generals located .- on the Maryland side of.;this .part or the river, with-somewhat sat iSfaet ory.suecess. A - new battery was diseovered* in the iteighbOrhood of Quantico creek. . A merchant of BrOoklyn, recently ar rived from the South,' - gives sem' . inter esting statements from that. region. He reports that :he: luid an interview with Generallicauregardi - at his headquarters, about a mile outside of Richmond, and that the General stated that, as ,far as - he Was concerned,he iireferr6l acting entim ly.on: the defensive, satisfied with the re pulse of the Federal hrmy whenever it made advances of any importance. He - spoke of Colonel Totten and Major lirtlw erten in the highest terms, as they were his superior oilicer•On tie United States Corps of EngmeerS. Also that Mr.-Davis, ‘! President of-the Confederate States," -was at Richmond on Tuesday of the pre vious week, anti, in , a conversation with a number of military officers; stated that his heath was much unproved, anti th at be was able to diseharge, all the duties whieir were imposed upon him. The whole of his remarks will :repay perusal. ' The trial of the captain and erew•ofthe little privateer Savannah for piracy_ may be said to hare `concluded yesterday; the result being that the jury,. after a consul tation of twenty hours, could a! , ree, upon a vet-diet ;,.four members out of the twelve being in savor of an acquittal ; the remainder.i'am4th.sring the prisoners guil ty on atinie oft he' co an t s,OulY. The facts of the ease have been Before the reader on previous occasions, hut abrieldeseription may still be interesting.. The Sacannah,a little vessel:of some fifty or sixty tons, waS fitted out at Charleston. as- a priva .teer, under a commission *OM the rebel government. ..,She got to sea on a Sun tiny in Tune last,apd the next day cap tured the brig Joseph, la en with sugar; • from Cardenas for:Philadelphia. -The 5aL vannall was herself taken the. same -day by the United States brig. Perry, anti her officers am . ' a ere-Ni= of twelve liken Mere sent to this port for trial, The fret oldie offence - was -undeniable, the vessel, as it were, being " caught in the act ;" but the question with the jury v,- s es,'whether . the act was or was not piracy. The. Arno, frtatt Southampton at this port - , brings details•orthe news from En: rope to the 19th of October. Our advi tes state - that • France and:'pain had agreed on a progrionine .of eommen ac tion against the republic of Mexico .Ae cording. to this pth,n, an allied land fore..., numbering six lIJOIIRand 1110, is to be thrown into the interior of the conntry, its commanders having orders to endeav or penetrate to the CaOtal... itselti,. pro vi&d ample satisfaction is not given for all the past :1114;0 injuries conunitted by the Inhabitants 'Of:Mexico against the sub jects te* the Emperor and queep. , -It ap perrs as if the English ectvernment would - content itself with supporting this MOTU inent by a St rOlg 'tiara; delliOnStration in the Gulf. .AlLthe'inoney claims of the executive or people of the three govern ments must be paid hy Mexi6e. Tke French journals intimate that• the -offer of a Prance-HiSpatio protectorate be held out to the petiole. Ex-President Mira Mon had- arrived•in .11 . adritl and will, no" doubt, approve fully of the !Merrell- Lion ~f the great Catholic powers. A de tachment of British engineers •was un der erders for Canada. - The. London Times -expresses the opinion—its own--- that the United States-. Will I.!e reduced by a long continued civil, war, the writer j infmatilig,- perhaps booing that there is istio prospect' of the termination of hostil ities in, our country:----N. Y. Herald , Nor. YEW WAYT4) C4?L.LECT UTII !MTS. —The firm ofikitirrisl.. Cc.," recently It - rmight, snit 84 - rainst certain par-: tiei3 in Alexandria, Va., to recover an amount due for good. The 'royo , t - Clourt„Judf.e Freeze, was called "ntion to .adjndiCate, and the proccedin2 . s are of in terestio every merchant in. Philadelphia and the North.' • The question 'appeared to resolve itself intri this, iii: - --Mhether Alexandria was ruder martial lair,- and • whether, if. such was the case, it was legal far a military court to appoint a eonitnission.-=hold the goods found in the- store liable for the debt—value- them,at such prices as they would bring nit a public sale m: a fair mar -I:et —apprOve the report,of the . Commis sioners, and -dtliver the goods so.apprais ed to the claimants within 'five •days from the issuing of the order. '. The case was carried by the Alexandria merchants to the President and :Cabinet for decision. If the -sustain. ; the action as proposed, Northern merchants - having ', debts due / them by Southern Store-keepers, can col- . i lect them in this-summary manner, as oar forces advance into the .rebellious> / tates . . 1 Isis alleged, upon -what authori€y-we can not say, - that the Secretary z orWar and Attorney-General are both in favor of thee: course strzgesto.l - , .' r4griVe have exantined a d,compared thevario,us lists cif,tiie, killed, and wound-. ed'and missing:at( the -battle of Bail's Bluffs, and weare inclined to The belief thaftbefolloWing figures will' 'not vary midi frOuythe official reports : j . :. . No. ,etga sea ~ 4 , - • 1,901 Killed:. ..° . - .. 223 : . %inded -.,: - -I •' -- r. 161 /Wounded smong prisoners - ,„ . 100 '-- Prisoners nat Rounded , . - , :429 Total ' , 918 To the above must be added the killed Acid wounded of the Third Rhode -island battery,the First United States. artillery, and, the Vfnited States eavalry which will probably swell the pumber to + rime hen ‘dred zed thirtis.einearly my per. teat or the 'Whole fer*eilteged: ' ' _ laslitoNitar limociat fi O - pla mum xi num' , i .• 2.46:,...Ti0a110re,wm00rri ,- ; - ... , .: !i!ptok•.',ftiatiskitk,Aiso.flo*Tp* stomp= iitquiDAy, irovEms 7th. nei. Thanksgiving 'Proclaination. ,117 tors,. every good gift • from above and comes down to us froM the Al : . mightY:tO wbonlit is meet„right,*and the bounden duty of every people' to 'render thanks for Itsmerews ; Thereforel, Curtin,An .drew,G.- Governor of the Com.' mon Weal th of ennsylvania, do recom mend to the people of this COmmon. wealth, thatthey set apart Thursday, the - twenty-eighth of Natember next, a' day of solemn Thanksgiving to • God for haying prepared our corn and watered ohs farrowsond blessed the labors of the husbandman, anktcrowned the year with His goodness,- in the increase of the ground and the gathering in of the fruits thereof, so that our barns arc filled with plenty:- And for having looked favorably on this Commonwe'aith.and-strengthened the burg ofher• mites,' andblessed the children within her, and -made men to be ofime mind, and preserved pc:led in her borders Beseeching Him; also, on behalf' ! of these Hnited titates,ihat our beloved country may have deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherwith she Is compassed, and that Ile will mercifully still the onfrares of perverse, violent, .un rnly and rebellions people,and make them clean hearts, and renew. a right spirit within theM„ and give them grace that they may-see the error of their ways, and' briny , tbrtlifruits meet for repentance. and hereafter, in all godliness and honesty, 'obediently walk in in His holy command ments; and in submission to the just and - manifest authority of the republic, so that - we ; leading 3 quiet anti swayable life may continually offer unto Hint our sacrifice-of praise and thanksgii - ing: 'A. G. CURTIN. By-the Governor : ELI Sr i ir Secretary of the Common Wealth. Harrisburg, Oct. 1f0.18(31. it4P — Court commence at Montrose on Monday, NOvernber ] St continues two week;:. gale of Saturday was very-se vere ':lung tike coaq, - and did nfucl) dam age ; but up Tuesday we have no went tronithe fleet IVliiCh has been outa week, except that it passe d Savannah . •- • ? After Monday s November - 11th, 1 n inth leers. old postage stamps will not -he rerog-- Third. The name sio•ned, to the. T niywil in iircliayment of plistage at this I iirimii_•,:tion,.Niz : "Win. -Schimptille office,—mitil which date • they i•an he ex- l'ivk the-name of.the Colon e l o f any caaeged tor the new issui.. . • ' rment of Volunteers. nt • By order of the P. 0. Depart:net:l, 1 the military serviee.of the United Si . J. M. Nienut s4,s, P. M. lor of the 'State iii Pennsylvania. ; llopbuttont, Pa., Nov. 4th, I ...ail. F'oiirth. We object to the . .pielenee _ ---; - -94,19 9.11119 919.- 9 - 401 . 31 . :11 has been set tip, that tl s is'oper .- SI:•;7 1- The rentlo al of Fremont is still a I may he a return front the 'Thirty-tlftli" intent, - eottnnandeiPhy A. iihitramel matter of doubt; althoterh it has been re- ! tog; ' proinie• Magni:eh as the Pithburr• Ohm,. ported as settled ijpon. The 'abolition i ja ,, , “ f r , t ' he ; ‘ ,,, ,isvi . o ' et . o . ber his.. . t, ;e :s irdoner. pressure is very powerful against it, and 1 ate ,,. - as :u p s ', n: •.. the regiments reernit!ed in _they boast that Old Ala; i bare not Intt , r-1 Alltv•henv comity, - this very reOnickit. of fere. I'Ve shall see. Read a letter from Colonel l•Zehintnielpfennig, - Ltd specifies Thurlow Weed, the 'great Republican vol.: 14 "1" 0- aos, i\liirli 11 - 141 h 1 -4. 4 e 4 . 1 / 3 L l'e - ve long h to that enmity, and terefore lha itieian, hi another column. ':noright to. vote for officers in-thel. city, Our'pairons will please noi t' or ;get that r Me desire a settlementof our suliseription and other. itecourii., before the first of January, next. Those who l 'pay up "before that date will oulibeeharg rd at :al vsallee rates ; .considerri , . Lle untidier can 'save a dollar or two. hy ,: • attenumg promptly;—and a,great min.!: can' save 50 cents. Court week will be a good time to pay the printer: Let 'EVERY O) , TE Who owtg R - :or s 5, feel that we refer to his „ ease s'peeinu .- Z" -- "".The Most unscruptdons attempt. are now beim:-. , made by the abolition fa , natics to aid J 6 -111 Davis to destroy the.l.Tn i ion. In both political and military circles 1 they are laboring artfully and persistently [to lore abolition into the minds - of the people 3TIII upon the Government. :They pray that our arms may meet with revel , . ses until frenzy prompts a-servile war— i and if they'll:46e kcontral of battles, they cord(' •not manage much more fatal ly for the Union, than our generals swam to have done, sp'. far. - But we hope that victory will bre long per - eh itpon the Ban 'Tier of Union, and depress the hopes of fanaticism. ". So sureaS the - constitution . •survives, abolitiouism must die. .',• .• i',._ilf.on Friday. last, Lieutenant-Gert eral Winfield Scott asked leave; to be placed upon the list of retired army ME- i eers, in consequence of bis age, itifirmity;i ece. A cabinet Meeting was held, his re- quest complied with, and Major-General I George 1.3. McClellan - was' notiflcdthat I the command of the U. S. Army 'iwouliii now devolve upon bint. 'lie accepts the position . 'with its great responsibility, and ,I it is hoped•that the-Tearful issue upon the 1 country, maybe; vigorously and- eneraeti- e. . cally tested. - Although the people and •. .soldiers had confidenCe inScott,. yet' hi s age and ill health could, tot but prevent him from exhibiting that - energy andirni nem now demanded ;, :When he yielded ' to the abolition presstre,.arid waa forced into the Bull Min:disaster, -his great pies- . tige in a measnridOparfed from . 11bn,--- McClellan is.thotight to bethe right man for the times, pd if he can prove a match r for-Jeff. David in - la - treasonable atteraptif. I to diVide the - Union, and - the fanatical.ef- I forts _ orrabii .. littoThaierrt to ',pervert the war i • tta.ends, and thu ' s.. destroy . the . , . . government,i brilliant future awaits KM.' IStieees r ta:hii* in upholdin g the Bight I ' . . Gen: Scot( went.tq New York. and j wii tAe A i r li to .gtiropo4 -:Go where belt 4 t!i'.o4':** k bp.l . ,:tr.:.,tbq::o , ii,ol . o' . *riv , iyitti . , te6,-, .'.-- ,;• ,- ,-,.. , .:.j.5..,.1-,'.:; -, '_:.. , -:i. - ~..- - .1.:,: ::. '. " "= Wicked EloitionlrattiL4s - r :, - ' ll l43 .llo Publitan - 'P.l.irtY. - P 3 fnageni: 4 ! - 'ilitadolitiliti l :iiiivejkat heen';;letebted in. *nether graeit.eiectinivfrand;.'designed to 114:41do the vpiidia 4 -rende'red - ' ' agiitiati 60 - 10/70;004. , freeinen. - Ite:ad thcif6l.: 'lowing ,d . ispat4b froO3Vasbitigton : r We weie eliciwn a copy'of an eleotion tally, this morning, which _ _had been ifoi= tvinied'tiPili - eViiitliOnotary at:-Philatiel phia. lt purported to give the retirne of in elm: - held ' in), the: , Thirtyepiii regime; enneylvania volunteere,land was to i , Williain SchimPfiller, co l . and nue: ' y 'John Ilarketein, Clerk, dated at Camp Schiller, on the . other aide er the - Potomite..-- ---On 11k:4:Wirt/IC-re. ttinanfl,ear as follows : _ , .•. For Sheriir. -- Robert -DO TbOtopson, Rettigter: 3leCillioi!gt4 ..-- 'Clerk `of.OrPhatie Court.. Lawrence" ' 32r1Stevenson, • '1393 re:!stirer. 31.cClintoek, . 1119 - .l,Bumm, • i BO7 • City_Commutstoner.- . '-.20 Shee, - 4887 Stat'e Senat or. 1 . Donovan, . Dickinson, - L . 33' There are: no such officers, co - Tingled With 'this reginteilt as named - ahov • There is a . Colonel A. Schirumelpfei and a Captain. Adolphus Von Mamie. the Thirty-fifth. .Pennsylvania regink This regiment is mostly made up - f? Pittsburg, there being hilt few Phill phians in it., CO: S. say.s that only se ty votes were cast in his regiment,• they,were for. the for -Alleglt county, and the returns sent' to Pittstu There is no Colimel in the whole whoSe name (A.Sehimnielpfennig).islr thing like his own, and he believes whole tally paper to have been a flu'. 'deceive the people of Philadelphia. - . Also the protest from two. of the vassers: .y • Jtil.nikcn, PnuAnuirtu.v, Nov. 1, 18111; • •* The undersigned, citizens :31 Philfidel, phi°, appointed brifte•Prothonotay of the Court cif Gnomon Pleas of the et) nit- . ty of Philadelphia, ukhe pit•sent a the k opening ot- the retunis, of the rah iers'. vote east at an election held -tletobr 8, i 86 . 1,, not desiring to be silent with' tteit of what they believe to. be a cross frind,. respectfully presiltt to the Protiumtary the following objection as their pr i ttest armin , t the pretended return contain d in the envelope numbered by the contra tte° • , - , 41,83, 4,, on:insure "one," intrporting i n he the return of the totes east by the "Thir ty nintli'regintent," Penit,iylvania Vlnn tvers. We object to this paper for s the t following reasons : . • First. It is upon itt! face a' re i 0 return only, nnaecompanied-by theta cares (tithe officers authorized and rt iiiied by, law. • . S' . 1' IVI . 1 :. • ' tol _erotio . It eit imports • :te the “Thirty-ttintli 1 Zeginient." it is si . by. one "Win. Sci t imptiller, Colonels' niarttliag,',' a naine which is not-or: not the mute of the Colonel ht the` Tf yegimeilt, ania 'N' and county of Philatie , 1 And, Ihrther, we object to this paper being (] as a return . : front {{ ! the "Thirty-fifth" regiment - , SClim -1111•11110111-1g, bee . aliSe it is publicly k4VO throng:li the neWspapiirs of • the city:-of 'Pittsburg, .(which the undersigned [have seen,) that some- of the comp:tilers'of 140iiintuelpfcnni , r's regiment votediht.the election befit in the various 'camps I near W:e:hinplon,. on the Sth of October last, 'ter eamlidates-for office. of county, itgui their votes have been 1,11 1 ). Aishetl as hi'101)005 properly toy that oi,u ltr., • •Firth. -There are .Other - . oldections to this' paper; contained in envelope .which -the tonlersi2ne4 'refer to only in . this general way bee:tose.Stitlieient has al really been speLitied run the iztthieet ; aril they, therefore, present- to- the I'rothonO 7 tary this proteSt against its reee.ptioti.. If reeeived—notOrionsly fraudulent, as the, ' Afire. thets 4how it. to he,. it opens the door to the repepiion of any return that 'evil-disposed persona see fit to tnattufact• ure• ' and to that eA - .. tetadefelitS the will lof the people as expressed, at a ',solemn ejection. . c J. V. 31 9 erAtaPEN,. .JOIINIt DO WNING cr. • Teachers'omination• "The- examination of teachers:- fOr this county. will he held in • accordance with, the following progtamme: two or' three instmiees ,two'townships have been' put together, irlorder that the'. tions May all be held before any of the winter Schools! cc umence.' Examinations will commence,precisely at 10 o'clock. a.. m, and none will -be examined who do ' not come in before 11, unlesi the • delay, be'unavoidable. Each teacher must bring ' a fourth reader, the kind used- in the DiS triet where the, exauMfatiowis held; he; it is expected 'that each teacher will ,have' reader, two sheets fools 'cap paper,- TO and and , a 3:peeimen of their Writing in coarse-and fine hand.: All who intend to teach during the year, toust Ammo 'for. 'Ward and he examined:- None will be examined pyipttely, Weak attendance np-; on The"examination was impossible, :and old . certificates will'not be: renewed..:. Nov. 7--Thoroson,Sebool Honse,cenfre. " 8---Ararat, CliOreN-C,entre.' • ' 16—Brooklyh, Schoolllouse,ientre. " 12--Ne.wllilfordißorotigh, SehoOl House, Borough. • N0v.20--.Tacklion;Sthool Muse N012..` • A. N. BIJILAIti) Stiperifitendent. • ' --During this month the careful farm; will makeproper preparationa forthe shelter ofhis domestic animals duringthe approaehing m.inter.` A Meek les4.ltian tity of food is requiredby 4 stook. an. imahuif they enjoy a proper. Warmth, nd dairy aninialtiveld, it _or ahot4, ono. thirdmore'Milk btitter. : Punch terry fienßib I Y . saPte ladies were;, less. studious of drefounsAiir, dinuer And. would . *Wier, devote: them== : selyps 0 - drew** the d i nner, would ifor•llinotiraorc ,iitjaketion then to , thelr:p4ruto r ud frieudc 4• 7- ' - '' - ' - :4A --7. 00 : ' - ' - ias4 -- ''' , '.C - 011iPan Y :l l.: y.-- -: ' ,,- ',..J.,!:,,. ..---, : -1.,:_ „ ... .. . . Thoita*dt,(LaNral4.o. i - ,,,7 - R,:i:T , _.:y:,- . :7ctigs IS NOW ORGANIZING AT SllSollillnid DEPOT Pl., Under the S,4ervilioa of "CTiT.7'.MIXTIV I I 6 IIIIEL A few mom recruits wanted to fill 'the Company, Which, by-special arrangement, roil! be attached to one of th• Best Regimente in the State, • • Under thel experienced, and univerrall) t inig 01 ient. 'ram lIMEM COLONEL MEREDITH, Now Coin nranding Camp Curtin. Head Quarters and Drill Room • - a - 7 m 21.3.27 ,Susqueharua Depbt. This Company • los: been accepted - by the Gol.Trnor, • and full authority, giv. • en to furniSh pay and rations 'from- the time of enlistment. - • Pennsylvania's quota is uow 00; so this is :roar last chance. ; = ' . nta rtili cog These from t< distance whO wish the benefit of the 411-111 will bo suiplied with board. at oue of •the Hotels without • ... charge. - EVERY DAY and EVENING Silipieli4ona Depot; 00,25, 1;861 Jury List-14overab3r Term GRAND JURY Auborn-L-.Tonathan E.:Dav= is. rriab D.• D. 1V Marti. 13rirl;tiewIter --11. 11. Harrington.- s. • Ilrooklyn--:Diniel Tewksbury, 11. W. •-• , - DiMock+-Amos aordiek, jr. hrieu~la~'. ; ill~ —Samuel Itort.on.. rraickliit--Charles \Vanier. st,odara. • llerrick, r -Abel Kent, llenry Lt_ oiu JacksonL—Ambro'se Benson. • Libeyty-alvin Markham, S. Warntl'• typos--, : Asa !lowan]. 3lontrose-Solomon tanc , Fion„ •.. 3lid,(llotown-Itieletra New 3lilford—Or,estus Smith. • Susqui4ianha—Jaules 31. Silver tike:—llenbeti Meeker, 31a - fris McDonnell.' • . Bryapt. TRAvEr . ,:sE JURQRS-riusr Enc. Atilirit'L-. George Carling, E.S.•Lacey, Alonzo Whipple.- . - Briklgewater-S. A. Pot N. •-•- Cl;f1014 1 ---," - Ellefy Burni;, Henry - Cedde- Lief:. 'Z.% •Lewi: , - ' , Clikwtiiiiii-Mal.bew 31vInnernY• . Duna:dr-Charles Danicls. '• • . Dinipek-Lorin Newton, Fratlkil! • •••••}:4W:lril Churchill. ;1 (.;;L:oit- i -JaeoliDatelier.• • .• • • - : . Great Ueda-Galen NeWinnit. - , • llarford-OliVer•Faynejr.,E.B.That eh. , er. - - • , . Harniony-zllibliard A;•Webb. •, lessitriW. ,Fattrot: - Javkioillollislin'Owltoii,Johu:Stben-' back - . - i Letiok4Lyman Bell', W.m; D.-Miller, Win..3liirer, jr., D. S. Powers. .• Libert4-G. W. Crandall, B. B. 'South- WOrt 11,110 ry A. Truesdell.'' • . • Middletown-John S. Davis. • Neiv 31ilford-*•-S:11.1Bell.,. • Ittotli- 7 D. P. Hibbard.:. • •• ' : ~ . Sir:4lnel sons-A. C, Adams, James T. Cameron;lamesTillnianafirrim .T. 'Smith., Leroy W4 - italt - er, Daniel -Nor,wood. ' ' ' Titonts 'ilL--Orvis Lewis. : * . • \ TRAtE SE - JURORS - rr-SECOND 'WEEK. W. Ap4ie -L n. W . Barton. • - AraratThom'as Mir - Man. 1 . Atilinrit. S.•Davis,Cattlwell 3F3liek; ins .Alberit Seeley. ••. - • .. ' • - hridtge4.ater•HC. J. Otitis,' --- Ciitfort . l:-JamesßrOWnell. James Low._ ry, - %Vine Bennett; Datus SiephenS, B. F. Wells.. • i :r -.• ' •- ; • FrthikliDavid 0: Tnriell. : . . y Forest Birdsall.ake,Harll : '• 2 . - Friiiiid4ville;-Ed win Bliss. - - ' :... —• Gilson-:-Jolin, • Bennett; Rosman Ing ails: • • ' •;•:- - - .' !* -•' •-• .. • !': •'-*lfirford=Pezinnel Cat Tenter. ! -,- ilerricili-ChArles Giddings. - .: • ''. •Jneltson , -V r rederiek Bryant. ..., ; Jeisitpf•-•Byron. G'?iffitt.,' . : ...., :. • LathroP-Chirleia 11.-Bailes'. ' 1 4 1tiox-+G. o.l.uoinityl.). - itobinion: : : " . ..LibeitiHOrlando ROES:> .. .• , ' • 'btentrcise.;--W.1 4 . Allcirt - ,4'.• P. 'Keeler. • Midill4oWn--Ithamei Dodge, Charles Virells;lereiniali:Canfield, Jr.:. 1 .• ~ -',R,tish•Lithiit; Dunmore, FOOS Sbete inhkei;Lorenzo.Williannt: . '.* ',. '• . - iSiTver'Lake-L-' •Wm - . Meeker, jr.;, Daniel 1 31iiipli,f.;. " , .• -•• : • .• •.. • , . - • ' TTionispn :-.:,Chester • Stoddard; Gilbert - Wittei;*•:lP'•• - • - ••*' .- :- *:::- r ' :!`• -• • :::: •-• . . The, 3ut>lzlo C our i er says, it, h. the aqthirityl - or-l'huilaw,yhed ":thr the ,05.. 6 4 1-o . o ohat Xr+ , .LinOtn Vie int* intense lure that he did- nnt;:urge -the a4ept4oh of On Crittenden , ContriTons= ise reriotitionibf his friends in Congrees.° ./.. ..•':A:'.;_:. t ickFt.:34 4 l.4.irf .. REDUCTION • c • • • • . . fr.') . • Kj GREATCROWII:EXPECTED AT THE'STOREe OF - 6utteubtrg, llosenbaum, k AT Montrose, Suscra County, Pa n , Elmira New-York, Ensquehanna l'a. - W Ed i t; proclaim e l I n a l c m u t !o . q our e u t e r l e e u n; , l t e li st . n and :be .. t tb r l , l t t e i n n re g t' e l money 'Melte In the c+tiee i re P pu r cl aaa GOODS FOIL CASH, 1101 l 10 :0 10 'Eft l'T: LOW II Till; Fanurr 1, • ' Therefore we are detertetned to GMT tlie pitblie oar. .gonce4l stock of REAIII 1111% CI ()THING .DRY : : - . - GO9.DS, wklch compijses the largest and best -4 pi t CTI 0 (340 • • Kept in ANY COUNTRY Store 0414.4de - or :CT York 4'lt; - , - • At Prices whleh pety Corr poti t..ion • as retelll tell. fi , r C7A.1433C..-Aibc Atil3ll ad vanc,, or ten per cent silly,' the whi,lerstfet. We thefullowir.i.GWOLLS at the annexed prices, es:' Black Frock Coat worth .t, 9 46:00 Mark FrOck Coat worth' lO for 7.50 Black - Frock Coat worth 12 lig. 9,50: • Coat Worth: ss . .foi. $2,75 ,Thisinesi+ Cilat wo r th 6-fur 4,0 u - Over Coat worth *5 for Over Coat worth .-7 for, 5,75 , Over • Coat worth 10 •• Over Coat worth 1-5 for 1.J;50 • • Over Coat worth 2t) for - i 5,00 Black Pants. worth .*t for - Black Pants' 'worth 5 for . 3,75 Black - Pattiz; ;tworth . C for , 4,50 Fancy_cassitnere Pants - worth *t-for Fancy-cassinfere Panty ‘rOrtli - :I for Faticy Cassiinett,,Pat)U, - . worth 0 for 4.1. Intel: Satin Vest worth $3 for .*425 - Black - Satin Vest ;worth '4 fur 3,00 Black Satin VeS::t worth . 5 for OVERSHIRTS & OVERALLS Onl - : ,CNi.VIIGARMEN . N EQUALLY A. Wirki kstahly appeartil, we Invftetbe atterainn of • s,, s , ). • *AP - 46..wkrimpt:rra.A....vax.2 - 3r, Alfa GENTS tvl;iivn t , lito avail tltentsomi'or th e oppor tunity to make roma Fair Opea bite • Christmas =or: New-Years -#1 • tom' C •-tv . Pitt:SENT , to oar kuve amortnient of Y s , , _ Ems.! IET 3EL 6$ CLOA K S, Sl - 1 A 'S , Ve LS 110TOttsil i V:s OUR ASSORT3LENT OF oODS. DRESS r - 11ND TRIMMINGS IS Ati‘4l:YS . : LARC;i: COMPI,ETE, COMPRISING • 4,11.14 1111ACK. "Id - . .F.A1,41,1 all colors and shar!es DEINC*, &,V.-64,C. OUR STOCK OF I)IONWSI . ICK, CANNOT. BE: EQUALLED I,I>T. ligkiii.j : .. : 111,-..P11.1.42ff Sheetings; 6 to Bets_. Best . I . le:tq'S6eetings, '1 to Slots.-11r y', DENIMS, from - . 8• to 121 eelit:z s i purl yur, TICKING, from 10 to 15 vents ptr yar( GINGITAW, froM 10 to 13. ots..p . pr. yart cAuput* tiwt_eiAorsi'l2ly4fas $ Best Merritivtok, 10 yakls only $ Pest Steel Spring - Skirts, nice lot- r selling at 4 4t. per spring L a dies , &mom, Wool Irrest-and Drawers. ./ • / • . -/ LAMBS WOOL/H2O . SE, • . za.4.33,30nis cscrktieszairs. , OF the Latest Stylo s dm, ctc. Thankful to thenuineroes cOstomers for th - Or genesoulepatioaathe past yvar, we tevisetfhlir solieit p a , ioutlnnance 0 liutttubtr4 . losenbaum gt. / /