.. ,„ ~._ .. ~ . . • . I . : i:- War Iritelligent* -' - 1 • \ Bbtir. 7.4:tirtim' ant ..„ - A tattle took . place On `the UPper 1 -Vol. BMWS ichargeS- and ispeeitimtions Potemse et Mondavi. dint week,,be. t against Gen.: Fremont are'l published.— t ween Edward's Ferry and Leesburg, ; The Chargei ;include neglect of duty ' and which lasted from nine o'clock in the ' unofficerlike-Conduct;!,disOhedience, of Or niorniug-Outil eight o'clock in the even. I tiers, conducts nubeeolningin "officer and ing. The forces engaged were the troops . ! a gentleman, 'extravagance and:waste of of Gen. Stone's division, and *Jorge body I ,publie moneys, and despotic anittyranni. of rebels, said to from . 5,000 to. 10,000 4 . cal condueu• -- Among- . thwSpecifications: strop ,under General Evans The .i u l. : are the alleged railnie of Fremont to re-; g. wince - - of Gep. Stone's army. crossed the i pair to St.:loes' anti enter upon, his du.l Potomac in two bodies—into at, Edward's I.t ics--Ins. negleCtin to , reinteree Lyon, Ferry and the other at Harrison's Island Meeker and Mulligan-4LS 'Suffering Brig.' ; - .......avnine o'clock, corning in collision with General llutlbutt, t.a common drunkard," the eneniy, a revere skirmish was kept to continue in command .-his rernsinwto I up until twoo'clock in the afternomi,wher see people *lno :sought '• his presence on -the brigades of Gen . ..* Baker and Gorman matters of iiigant :tidiness-4ns violation crossed the river and went gallantly in- of presidential order in the matter of his. t , iletion. At live o'clock . a large. force of i 30th of Angest proclamation -'-hia iincour- ' the rebel. attacked' the right wing, coni-'l-ageinent oraicers t° hold meetings and' standor by Gen, Baker, who soon fell , writesletterS for p4liCation in prance. of dead while leading his men to_ a charge.-... I himself andlin denunciation of all who Before lie fell he despatched for reinforce- rdiffer' from Ildm 7 --his persistency iii -keep. iments, and . Gen. Stone.came up himself to !Mg disreputable persona in his employ, I . . the Scene of action with a fresh body of Land his unjust suppression ofthe St. Louis' Ana,llliegtVing . Proclamk '-troops. lie found the right wing in dims-l Evening News. There • aro in ~all five I • Whereas: every good gift 'I - order-atter the death of Gen. Baker, and' charges and twerity4wo speeiticatiOns.:—labevesand comes down to us fret the left mint* made good its retreat iu es:- iWe append Cel. Bkdr's second specifics= : mighty ,te whom it. is meet, right eellent order. ' Gen. Stone fell back en i Lion, under i- the . chafge 'of ."disobedience I-bound:eh duty of every people Ilarrison's Island, which lie now holds,to-lOtorders." t It relates to Gen. F. l remont's 1 thanks fOrCilis mercies ; Therefot gcther with all its appteaches.. The af- ! proclamation, whiel l t`. President. Lincoln ! drew G. Curtin, Governor - of ti - t .ir appears to inive, . been a protracted i directed to be Modil l eil' " . 4 • •1 1 monwealill'ofPetinsylviinia, • do; Skirmish :which lasted throughout the I Specijiration 2:—t u the Soar day .of I mend to the people' of this I ( ' day. Only I,soo:men were engaged onAugust, • I gal,. th mid Major General I wealth, that thew set apart Thusl •our side, while it-is stated that the . force ' John C. Fremont Dived tho. following i twenty-eight h 6 . l_November , out of the enemy was very- large,,lcrobably rpro.lamatien: I: :• 'I ,• . ; aay of solemn Thanksgiving, 'to I -from fonr to t , -n thousand. •.- j [Here collars the! proclatnation which having prepared our corn and The rebel army before Washingtol , was modified by - i Ie President with re- ; .mr fiirrows, and blessed the,lab !have agq:ll matbf a backwardinoveinent, I speet to declaring slaves free behinging husbandman, aniltirowued the y desertin - g, Virginia and the Loudon an'4 !to persons in arms, against. the, United ; Ilia goodness, in " the - intweast Eanipton Railroad. The Whole advrillt..'C S.lttte•Sl'• . I ''' . - •.: - ; grontiti and the gathering_ in of .of the rebel army 'were concentrated :it I That on e - the=-ti'Y t , f —;*1801,' the. thereof; so that our barns arch 'Pai4ix. Court, Itonse.:- They have torn iPresident of the I:1 p led States ordered, plenty :• And for having looked up the track of the railroad, •fin. fear that I the :said Major-Gen 4al J.-C. '.Fremont to lon this Coininonwealth and site! Gen-McClellan should use it to • transport I modify the said,' kochunation, so as to : the bats °filer gates, and ble. troops towards and into Leesburg., where make it conform to' an•act :of Congress en -children, within Tier, mid neide in a rebel depot was stationed.. The. Union .: titled,."An •act :to I confiscate 'pro , perty • ()rope mind. and _Preservi'a pea. forces: have oectipied the dserted rebel ; used for insurrectionary pinposes, - ,' rp. I borders ilesee:,hi:or Hirn , a.so, posts, and Gen. Wadsworth, with a FII:all !'proved August .0, 18(31,, , iviiieb the said of these Vat; ed :!:;frits, that ()Ir. Union force, even pursued the "retiring" I • 3laior-General l J. 't,l. -- Fremont has ever ; country !tiny li.:ve•d•oiv,vinee fr - rebels to within a mile of the Cetirt lIons•C, ! sin';.e I . iINI, neglectOd and'rettised to do, ' great.arilslvire:+f_dir , -_ , --s whe when they, bein:- ' strengthened, tio-i;vdl in di'sobeilience of said cooler anti M con- is comprsht'.! nntilhat 7), ;•-' Wl l r and fired, lint, without doing any iil,i•iry.,. I tempt of the authoriiy of the President of • still the , outfa -s "s I‘CPert e^-e, ,' !It is now placed "beyond doubt'that ' the United States. I 1 tidy and rebelli•-•:::A ocorle,..:!•1 the rebels have compete control of they Specifithiion 3‘.---That„ after the order ! clean hearts, -and leaow a it lower Potomac. • Commander Craven, 1 aforesaid of said President of the United , within 'hem, a‘•ll . gi‘".. til'-'lll g Who arrived in the flagship Harriet Lane ; States - commanding ithesaid Major-Goner. I they may see the error of-: heir v ,i at Washington. Tuesday;- reports that al al Fremont so to - Modify , . his said procia- !,bring forth fruits meet for repent - number of vessels bound -, dowlohave beep !minion, he, the said! Fremont., did, en or hereafter, in all godliness and , . stofped, and are hying to under the 'pro; !about the 21 . 444' of September, 1864 I ollediently walk in in His holy., teetton of the flotilivat Indian Head, and I cause to be_printed and circulated 'a large! meats, and in sob:Dist:inn to the that •the Freeborn and Island Belle had ,' number of his proclamations in orirrinal ; manifest anthoril v of dui repnbh , thrown several shells tr ',Monday into the I form, contrary to, the order:oldie Presi z , we. loading a quiet amt peac:No rebel rrdezvons at Mathias point, which : dent of the - United States Mid in contempt , continually offer unto Ilium our si i were answored li,y•ilie, unmasking of a . I . of.his,authority. I . 1 .. praise and thanksgiving. . , i - - A. G..Cll'l battery of, eighteen guns, which briskly I - -.....ip.-„‘-..-______ . _ returned the fire, and completely comp_ Melegrap'aip, Ertiorprisp. . By the Governor: , ' ELI mantled the river 'at that-point. . - New York, net.. - ,f.T.--:-Tite Overland Cal-i . Secretary. of the CoMmon, A`brilliant skirmish has taken place at been ifornia Tekgraph has completed. I, I Harrisbuin _Oct. filth, t sof. - Frederickton, Missouri, in which a par. The following niessagt: . was received ; tion of Gen. Grant's division, minder Col this afternoon : 7 -.- I 1. . 1 ' :-_ - '''A large barn on the Pa g. .. • Plummer, defeated the rebels tinder Gen., . - SAN FIIINCISCG V Oct. 25 ; 18 e- 1 •' I East • Bridgewater, orctipieti.l l : • Low and Jett Thompson, estimated at • 1 To th:. 310 yor V Yetr "York:— ~ 0 I It.is Carter ' was burned down, on Su! , five thousand strow*. LoWe was killed, : San FrVICISCO, to New York gends'gree. , not known bow the fire ol and the losseS;on ti. Union side inchided ' tings, andconi:ratuktes her on the eaiin:.; 3 .- Injor GavitCnntl Captai lyman, Indiana. cavalry. The killed among thi . ! tebels_is Said tol.e .very heavy. Fottr gulls .were calittirod by the. Union'forces. The Unite,l Stites steamer Flag chased aria cap;iirra the Thomas Watson, from -Li verpc,otritii ninf.; blockail? tort cm the 1601 instant. She had a car-i ~..,..,... _ ram• ..o. . go of 11 alai el and blank o ets n treat q,whiela St. Josephs,Oct 0:,-,--The Pacific Tel,e wel'e-seenred by tln , Mag. - • I' raph %vas completed to Sa• n Francisco - I vbsterilav, and was in fine working or4r • The War in Missouri. • 1.1 , 4 eveaing. 'Thil first. thrilugh Ines _,4 ,4 a e l , tieoe.mite, ,01 i.r, the . line, is Oetoter• ''25.-- 7 3.1aj0r Scott, of tivnPral frOin ShiPpen. •‘ - `rionii, . {chief Jus - - Size - ers•st r •rff; who left Warsaw yesterrhy, , 6., of .Califo;nia, in the .absence. 5.'1) - " frau definite and satisfaetory intbr- i„ f the - Governor, to • Abrahatn, Liueohi !nation had I), , eti receive.' at Sivlel 3 s e""'l' i President of tlie United States. tfi4t thellelwisun:ler. Gem nil price had i In consequence 41 the line being closed brOken np tin i:- camp in Cedar county j east of here before !lye rc&eived notice of where he . arrived hest hunday , week, am 1 the line working, last. night, 'we were where it was sal.: he would make a stain' obliged to hold t he message, with others, lid give luttle, and columned t heir . rev lover iiirlit. The entegnqse is a COmplete treat towards the Arkansas line. ' succeSs. - Press d(ispatches. and private . I ':"'''"'' - 's CITY, Oct. ?.). -- ' l - - - 1 81, er ; business forwarde,d fr(fm here up to Milne. i..f the- First :Missouri SeOtit.s, ar- : move o ., eloek last ; I : ii ,.,.. ifj „, ei . e jail before ii, , ,a hire -to.lay on the ste"" 4 " .. N tlx I the public. in 011'4'M - ilia tI i , 1 •Lteinorning, City, and reports' that,, on the 10Th, on e This completion !of th 4 last link of - the . liandrt4 and' fifty of his re . giniciit,- under 1 ; orienu TelegTai l ih c . (cit ,, c „,,,, Bace \l .r' white,"Ti" . " l / 2 01 the r` 4 " 4 =" 7-1- iS," 1 With-the GOhlen:Hdiii, traversing nearly at. Lexinetsm, and recaptured • the l' l "ce Live thonsand mile 4 with one continuous anitall the sick and wounded, together I wire, and bringing those) two points wsth with a quarnity'of gnus, pistols and other 1 in two hours' telegraphic .itime of each . articles, which the rebels, threw feway in i . I other. ~ .- I • . 0 their flight. Two ideees ofsannon.which.; The next westard extension. of 'the I were in the fort, were also captured.— I line. will be, via Biihrin! , •?s Straits, to the The Sioui City te•onght down about - one : Ir i crath o f th.e A mo , r ,e,.„, v ,.,„ :which point hundri:4l of our sick and wounded—among ! the huss'aii Governiren is Already con .,them Colonels White and Grover, udio,. ~, t iuel:,, ,. ii a:v.,. edlnmer, , me,- -- at Moseow. ' are slowly:Tee-reline.. The rebel garrison T! , i , , sil ,,, r .,, , ,., 1 ,,,„ ..„ f, ie , ::,. .:;. D . numbered C.ree hundred. The condi; i, , •ti, ca h ,,,, pr i,j eote j , e ,-1 l ias l e ,„ f or so h mg • of L..x.iinrten is reported as deplorable.— , a t i, l :- :. , adv , ioalintz i , • . Portions ot - the town , have been stripped i , The Completion of tii - O Ameidenw Tele• of everythirip., :ii d • ninny of the inhaliit- graph to the -Ainoor river, will leave ants art.-nctuak sufferiug for the toes- scarcely arvthin - g !thriller to achieve in series of life. ••telegraphic. enterprise. • It will connect l'"1 --1-A; Me., Ott 4e The c "l' t 'l l ' e Of I Anierica with Europe via Moscow. and Creek. is eontirnied. The place was : 4 , Lynniorough lines, either already built or pro, surrounded on the 3 4th by Itrier•Wrig, ‘ lll:s l jeeted, with alkthe impOrtant commercial eaValry, the same that rootet I tile (euets points in China, India. Jeddo in &pan, under Capt. Robbins, and a number of 1 and even 11.1elbontine,,in Australia. -other 'prisoners, bededi l ,g. th e sherit.W OneVerY impiniant feature in this pros the Clunty, were yak:::. A rebid captain ' peel, is the fact, thi;it when the lines to the and lieutenant We - re k:Ile.1 in the nft:ur .!moor areifinishel frogs both •sides,. the near Lebanon, ,and LiM-Col. Somers 1.21:- whole „.„,id „i l l , e ~i,l telegraphic con prisoner:- Ail - the nrispners taken •,,at . nectionovith but• brtv miles of submarine both places, sevent)-feur in number, ll'.ve cable across Behr ng''S Straits. Arrived here. - -.0. .011. +O- -- - " 4r In the skirthish near Lebanon, on the- i SPITI Houton -- r -, eceshes " 1 1 12111, between tiro comp:mies of Major I The Richmond lEnquirer of Friday last, :1137.1 . g0ne fully:fx encr.:4ll; a... 'll'i - lgitt's cavalry and abont four hundred. contains a lettertiom Sam Houston da- ' tempts to vlllify his neighbor rebi.ls.,•previously t•ported, the lattcr lost : ted September 14, which iras written for j sympathisor or otherwh e, wi: sixt:--two killed and .seN einem wounded, I the purposeof delining position, and in ' nition of the So.:Ll:ern emit ] - four It:tort:01v, and thirty-six were taken j answer to an article Which lie saw in , the. be_ marked by, community as ( prisory•rs. :Major W . .tight's loss was only :New York Held atria the 15th or 16th j only raising the cry of " stop one killed and a few wounded, ' • jof August, which states that Gen. Hotts- who is,-at heart, a ditignionist, Ms-sengers say that a scouting party [ ton - has no syinpathy with the rebellion.' boring, here at the North to 1 front Camerf , n, numbering one hundred .He says - that previous to the act of se- !by lying, what Davis is at !tit ' - tnen, have kern taken prilaners by some ' cession of Texas,lhis opposition'to it was : fighting. Alike .traitors, the fo six Itrahlred rebels at 3licabam, Caldwell.; open and avowed•-; but since thett he -has be Meanest, because a coward county.. A detaclunkt of, 400 United,j changed his opinibn, and isnow with the I : is . . . . States troops at Cameron were ready to i South in nil her Mosvements. 'He declared ,1 6..."`"The - Public-desires to .. . . irmrch to the rescue, when the train left. that there'll Howl no Union sentiment is !it is that: whil'e the North h: Another party of front fort Yo sixty reb- I Texas; hoWeverrtiong it;inay have been 1 el. fie ld .estunaten at over hal els-was in-Carroll, county, and bad eapt,l atone time. and that ": the Spartans were : t ' ii wed seventeen of Colonel Morga , i's men. I not more united.indefence.of their eo nn . : (;512,O00) We still continue to Colonel Morgan: had started. in pursuit. : - i try and liberties thait is: Texas united in ! with : a reported numerical :V The Union scouts report the totainntn-l•s'upport, of the Sandie: 1i Confederacy." lot ten to one gentinst us. W . ~ bey oritrtned,rebelin Southeastern. -3f is- ! . ;Lswer, •, Iftheyehels planned i • 1 lloware' of Chearlioiseis. - swirl at six thousand. , . A man di'•ect. front - Gen. Puce army-, ! On Friday hist .A stranger ,•came . irtt.').l ( k.s , m'E'' shourd•sar-tli,ey . allot . _ . ferior so thatthey ' .i . ,„ gp i, atyre i s i n eves- , Honesdale with 1. ve.-y fine yang horse, ''.: numbers, , . says. Jackson's rebel: which he offered 'fOt. sale;: or : trade on. j almost sure of .victory in ever tuon at Stoekton,the count W, seat' of Cedar • . -.• t‘ttntv. which place Ben .7.4.titulloch -.was:: ternis which excitedthe stispicion that the land have the chances, in case . - ;horse was stoleni No' : action :was taken, approaehing,,..with - frant six to twelve thoh- • fortune should - turttamanst t jbV the horongli authbritieis however, ex. 1, . '.' mild reinforeenints for Price. - •'. • • . The statement in the W:lshinc , tiln env- -L- &' .' 1' -'••• ' • , pt t ,:tt the horse,, _. few,. ~ was detained - ti • capmg without a severe def -continues- to -respondence o f t h e Nell Pori: Tribune; I hours by the : stable in I federal - Geier:St that Captain Prince, the commandant lwhlcb he was plit,- While' the pretended i against . stiperior niiniber, we Vert Leavenworth, refuses to recognize ' , owner wig klickkliig up; a - 'purchaser. •• Fi-•nisin so crazy a pine . ica adv . , i s !,nally after entOri threats oflegal proceed-.;g hat . do ttOtl .Gee. Fremont us his superior officer;rnauagers4ant tO 19 !Thal: againit `the five# *man, the stranger • -untrue. - .. ._ obtained steed and pushed on tolLiw- 1 1 ) .6 " ibe° l u., b . his ' . pi shed • ich we 13?" A telegram, Rays that. on :the 25th fey";:isn . FliiliyieeAag two 'Men' from - .E'retimant's May ;nerd, (300 men) headed ; SO4th,Giirion, 7S:use dh — sxma Comity, ,ar -7.310j0r &pm, - made a charge au a i=rived here in pniatut Of the thief. - Being hod:1_010e enemyielbeireamp at Spring- ; put -upon Ili -traxV4 - ;thqy' iironeeded to fed, 2043 , 3 oirt2ooatmag"; fra caraPlately 'Mairley.ithere'he was OreOted - aisd_ the rented „them _olaarthilnita **intim. town 'Profterel OkrVette: „Thirlhiszt hoisted the—naCional r sae .0a- the .Court ; - Airhosen 2 o'll% Is -Howe, and rtstirid .on 'a xeinfOl*teeet -at present confined le onr Ceturty, he has 4mady.iniaid -' ItiraN • pletion of the enterprisss Which eouneets the Pacific with thej Atha :ie. , ( i . both . May the prospth i ty of ,iith cities .1 - )e increased therehy, mai the ' projeetias- of this import:mit worl4rneetj with hohorand reward. • .1 11. F. TrsciirstAxEß,- I.lllavdr of Frah'ciser 7,11 R MORTIWBE =_DEMENRAT Turalf:;mo FEZ AMIE, urn vitro CilZiriXtXTEiCr,J; - EDITOR, PUBLISHER, AND PROPRIETOR. moNneogz, TEVILIMAY,OCTOSEIi . NoVicE.—The aullscribers to the MoN-r -, ROSE -DEMOCRAT, will please - take notice . • I Oat owing to an arrangement by which a new-set of subscription books are to be opened on the — nr - of January : llB62, all accounts duo for the present nd .past years 'haat beiettled before thait time, or orrearape rates scat . clutraftl. -.Novem ber court .will be the, time 'to "square up." Attend to it ! . We haves numSer, of notes and ac counts...of years standing, which we have Marked thus: "To Dc srrrt En log SUED, EINII!!MMEMEMM -•Zl'"One more dEthee to enli atlyer:isc..ment, m this, paper. v:r. This is the last opportt Tire Susq.ilitles, Capt. J leave to-day , for the South. "" It was quite fashionab the campaign fore I;epubliean 1 clainh that those who voted the is ticket were , seeeSl4ionists. 'the State has gone Democratic I majority, the more sensible ot:t cease their cs,y-of "tory "; but tlarin stubix t ruly adhere to fills: dons that Pennsylvania has -re:- against the Union.. We are let whipped parties whine to th content ; but we do not kw . u they Kaye a right to afford aid tbrr to the enenin in this way, If the leaders of the "Southern cy" did not know Govt what s( wicked lit enienate,it Would ly gra - fifying,lO thetwto react of the defeated party. But knavery, we do not take Jeff.l to be tools, and these IZepub may'not therefore, do much slat things . ,lr iiersisted . in, by the leaders to dupe s tlie ma? p:c at the South, to the great Uilibn sent line' :encouragement. of the we trust that all papers 'whit really eng,aged in aiding ; the 5( bellion. will now-cease their wi talk about a Northern .secess A great deal- of past_ slang ca looked, ccuisidering the so whence' it - came; but that o. cd 'who eontinues to holdout the ly covertly, that there party, or other : influence at the I:urth (txeep abolitionists their kin,) . - • fully responsible `at ally of Jeff.. 'We of thelifOrtkhariiow eryttiiiii; to pull .ttie war : vi„! all we i!ow want, pd. iwglit, .sietory , ; *wive dtv't!liolt t yolk Mitt' ill 4 ' yet more eencturAyb .1 " ,ereAret ^f Bull Runs awl Ballaßlu . --7 . r . 'From the War hi-the Gra .: - I TheikiiiitoriteCiain; . - (i., - ‘k-':stii;kiliOlf'; r of -; - .liLeiitat . . - • . ,itriii4;itt• NeW York! last NV - Celt .. brio - Air t'oileral ....ace ! mints of the . battle at iiiinta-.ll,olaisliintr and at the . mciutli : 4 thOlditssiiiippi Wirer.- -'-:' ••- ':-, . •-:- --. Tun YU:4ff killaSTW 11,08.0 The fight occurred on the morning of rOctober 9. . The..Zonavelctimp was shim... ted - Oti Santa - Ittin, Island 1 ithouf Otte Mile! [from Fert.Fieltens, and W . so distributed ti I • S! to'tairatitindrall ' the il . prittiChes•to the is Fort, and,alSofto protect he batteries.— The rebel litices,:one -th %liana five hun 7 , Bred Strong; embarked from !the Flmm- Lcilla wail Yard'in three large steamers, Fund landetl•on•the s.sktial.abOClOnr miles! -• -----7-7-----.--- . . above the eatiip. ' ! lt wait about 2 : a. tn.. C We intend to devote most of our 1. • very} - . • . . • • - , and dark. : ' ] . • tune - daring Noi:ember court, •Io•tho sett li The It chola rapidly . forMed'... their' vol. dement of - nOotnits, generally, and sub= • tuns, and proceetleksiltintli Ito Wards the . . . „. scription neettiaatsilewticularly. ~AuFiii);. Z ottava camp, hoping to effect atkal saC-. have not paid up arc invited' to settle up : rikel: In' this • they ivcreibut partially and. be ready for . ininitig over a No w i successful ; the picket guat4 stationed - . aboUttix, .hundred yards front the eatitp,t; Leaf for the -New-Year. See Jury Lit, 'if you want to send-the money. . •,.diScovered and tired' upon tlterii. - This ! -.-, - .. •- .—...,--4.40.......... • , ,gave the alarm . and saved the regi m ent .`) arum removal of Fremont caoses a ' from annihilation: - The attack of the - en- : Con diversity ( copinion among tho. people . s u er cubt:ins wati simaltancos, and yid- will and a great 'deal: of disaffection is • show n; ! 1 11 % eer i t I l l i t t ' f ! y v .:V 3 e g is ' e l!' , l fi n t i ed li . l l: l o n .- ' fit 1 ..1 1 :: I : by a certain tditSs,, wl,O Ore most for that' leaving-their.ealup in • the ltstids of - the I hot heads silly ' idea •of freeing the' rebel 4- which: they' . 'humedi.itely (anti , 1 slaves. Like lorn they reolini that as a• . - i moto r ed burnitie:. .I .. -I The volittitcor•4 were lerlli' msn•weil matter. - of more value than restoring t h e - - • • • ' 1- ' ' " '•• ' • ~ . : • andColonet Wilson is very t o uch o censured Vnion ; bittLwe remind them of the fact , fo r t h • • fr • . 1. .• .r7Td• • .. , , , e Ille iLl.el.l • ant , mant.o sgt 1 ss 'that Mr. Lincohytas not -yet decided to 'played in"the amints. Ile dill not arrive ! rtbstolett . the Union :mil prostitute his ad-: at the scene of metion Malt all wa.4:ovet Ti! , e camp'of the INs to regunent was O.' . in:nistrat ion to. the fittlil ends of abolition . inoA totally (I . ..siroye4, offieers. and mein . fa,:a • th• - s. Tdbeliat this di ffi culty is to bt. losia , everything. Major Newby had a &Tlored, there 'are now but two sides to i narro w (,cape !'runt p i lit + . li e „„ is c".toose—for or q g Ainst the government.' Coetin,•4l to lila bed (!angerottsly ili at the 1 Where:tit) younStand gentlemen ? Show • time of the . aitatlt,:tatl haying 'beet, :e4;st- i your Mori; t - :ed to : ) ,,i•ss by his servanis, was iii; the . i point of L....111q„.1:1i. gnat te whet ,tee: the .! tehels charged- up to the, dere.% (hen or his servants. wasinstantiv.kii'l, (.1m i the tether LAE% prisoner, The '4l ; :j,lr lev:(1!...1 his revolver awl shot (ye el . the -ebvis through the head, and then ilas'-ier-(r;ick ly out of the house i lte saece(.:lled in Mount ing bis horse, and rode sa* tit;.«ii,.„ l l the Solna ai,al I c ts ,i,,,,..,61 1.4.p1. , :! 4;:a. by the. (Us:Tr .int ed unen:3, t ; m.l:-(4n :. field 'office: wotild hay.. b”011 :I, gre:4 . nr.r.e. F:4 - irt_ Pickens" Was, lri,t •tts! t hue, thor oughly an•ltused,:(llll f-hree e tuppaites of regulars came to Wilson's assist:it:c.c.— It Wag now 0 , 11: turn, and tit' rebels etim meneed 'retreating to their' boats, closely rolloweil by the reglOars,.and.a.'s.nall.num ber of volunteers, keeping tip a 'destruct ii-C fire npon them, killing, and Ivottmling A large number.: The rebel's finally sue 'seeded in reaching their boats but were ' not permitted to depart so easily. Their 1 steamers were abort - five, hundred yards from the bench, and our men poured vol.' ley . opon volley into the crowded' mass, I every 'bullet told, and by the short-14 and I utter conthsion of the enemy it wtey i clearly evident that we hall oOtaluell am pie sail's:l:Zit ion 11(r the insults to our fl og , The regular soldiers behaved nohly,and great. ercilit,i, (ire to Capts:ltobertson and 1-1;1(1, and Lieuts. Seely and Layton for the admirable coolness they displayed in manouvring their respeCtive;eornn,a..ds. The Sly.th regiment r9st ten killed, six teen wounded and iiine:risoilerN ; the regalsrs•lo ; :.t lour killed, 20, wounilea and ten . pris(aiers: ' The 'rebels lint by their own sthteinent, 350 killed, :tvoinid.,%l and missing We took thirty-five, prisoners-, including three doctors, , WllO were re leased. . , igr i An incorrect ' statement; of the 1 . military fund of the dituty ,bayiig appeared itisome ofthe county papere,we git'e a cermet statement, as foliows: Amount of tat: levied, $5436; . 10 Deduct exoneration , . „ and .peret.'to COI. $250 00 Anet expended" to- • ' ,Nov. Ist, :3020 23= 3270 23 . . Leaving in the TrestaWy - , - $2185 87 . We.nre autbOilzed.toatate - that:44- re-; lief to families -of,, volunteers will be con tinned and that the funds noiiin the truaaury, raiSO-fet that pOrpose_areso, tleientibr nextthreepopilis. lis from inithe A!- y', anti the render re 1,. Ai! : he Qom. retiotn- Damon. , day; I.lle Kt, -:01 a God for watered •rs of Oe tear with of the , hefrui:s ' lied with itycirably rgthiene4 • Rsed the en to be ; ,e in her ontiehalr beloved 1 loin those i yit h she ferelfully . ;'ent, mr , ake thon lit: spilt are that The priheinal and heat Invent= /Vt 2 and .OperatiVe DentiA is non' in SZ . e'w inert of truth and. kuetviedge Car We learn that a new ,post e:".lee haz!..been established; in the old yinao: of Great lend, on' the South'Fide of the riv !.er, tailed "Great Bend Villago," . and James B. IlleCt:eary, jr., appointed Post master • ;tyS, ni;ee, awl liollest., onunand• just and that fill , may keriNve of Teachers' Institute'. Tile next meeting' of the Snsq'a Co. Teacher's Institute-will be held in Jack son on the 2lst; 22d, and 2M, days of November next.. The address of the Rev. J. K. Peels will be delivered on Thursday ernoon or evening and followed by the: others nanlid :to deliver .aldresses_ as thought best by the committee on exe cises. Teachers of Stn.q?a • County,. will you not turn out and strive •to have the het Instittlte eve. held the county ? Let• all answer ,v es. iII.TIN". livEn, I, vealth. in Pat rick Ida v ott. iginatcd —see :rn ow or By..ortler of the Committee Oct. 2:st The roll call, ten days after the battle, of the 'lOtir, re g iments, parts 01 which were in the 13111'.4Bluff battle, show nine hundred and,:fifty three missing.— Out ofseenty,four I:ne officers but thirty returned safe,:and of thirteen field Mlle- . ers only ti.fee returned We. (Hillis nine hundred-and fifty-three there may be a few* 24 ix ag. g e •.*y e t who will report them- IL IA uns MEM apers to etnocrat uis that y :t largo le sheets few of Jury List—November Term. thsnitta lly voted eir hearts • whether ands 'com- Anlatrn—Jf'nettlian Blumell,C. E. Dav is, Uria!l 11o11inthaelc. I). D. Willard. I.trid;tewater —II. 11. Ilarriligion. Brooklyu—Daniel Tewksbury, IL W. Kent. Dinmek-- , Aitios littrdiek, jr. Frieade..yille—Santnel Horton. Franklin—cli.wles Warner. • Great 13ens1, 7 =Enos. Stoddanl. ' net - rick—Abel Kent. Henry Lyon. . .Tackson—:Ambrose Benson. • Markham, S. Warner., - Howard. • 3lontriseSolonton I,angdon.. Middletown—Richard O'Dminell. cr ford -Orest: IN StlSqllellaillia—James M. B:lldwin. Silver Lak—llettben 'Meeker, Morris McDonnell., - • Thomson—Elias Bryant. or not.— MEE Tree these ext rtibe- to org,a)v, I all their tvis Cu. lean variis !rm. Still, 11 be used es of peo 7 injury .of t, and the use ; and THAVERSE JUJlORS—itrar • Auhnru—George Carling, E. J. Lacey, Alonz.l 13r:414water—S. A. 'Pett is. BtOns, - .llepry Cudde. 'f:el- E. S. Lewis. Ci!re..nnut--Mathew Mcinnerny. . 1 1 .:!idafr—Charlcs Daniels. • • I.Y•nock---T.orin-Newton. P!-.. , ) - 1:lin---Edward Churchill. C: b)n—.T,acoh Dut -e ISt ewmara. ilqrfurd—Oliver Paynejr.,Eli.Thateli er: Ifaraiony-4.-Richard A. Webb. • . Faurot. linotrlton,John Steen- 1 arc not uthern •ie- •ked]s false one • party. - be (wet : - !tree from t spealaT ilea, oven ; a traitor ,s.atloll, or amays . be held e r.nd ^..i, ,pleen . • . • Lennx--- . -Liman Btll, Wm.• D. W.ler, WM. Miller I jr., D. S . Powers. - Liberty-9. W. Crandall, B. B. Sont.h worth, !teary A. Truesdell. MAdlet(iWn—John S. Davis. ..-Ne*Siiltlird—S. R. Bell. Rush-D:T. Susfineltanna—A. C AdSms; James T. cjameron . „.TamesTillnuin,liim J. Smith, Leroy Whit!iker, Daniel Norwood; Thomson4-Orvis Lewis. :.e riliu at- Ins a secret the feeng deracy 'thief" who is 'thief," and , nod is la- F cc9rnplish, South by i nner would , • i . • know why i TRAVERSE JURORS--szcoit. WEEK. S tbree' in I Al,o'lleon•i-1... W. Barton. ' •I f a million, ; • Ararat—Thomas Burman. ' • : I risk battles I 4uburn---4R. S. Davis,CaldwelOrMick- ce ' o r t wo . , ins, Albert Seeley. cannot ul lkiligewater—C..T. Cuitis, J i Clitford--4a4nes BrOwnell. James Low- these but- 1 rv, Wines Beneetti-Datus Stephens, B. F. ed to us in- , W e ll s . •`might be Franklin4--llavil 0. Torre!). -- .. Lilce---.ilarve , y, - Bircbiall. encounter, Forest 1 the tide of Friendsvii.le--Ed win Bliss. • 1 , _._ , .Gibson-i John" Bennett, Itostuan Ing. tent,. o f es - la's. • - ','" - • - . at. . But as :.„. 1 -Tarfo-A..------Petinuel. Carpentor. pourtbattles • - lferricti4Cly,fies Giddings. -_ • ; cannot ei, I'. Jackson . --Vrederick Bryant; • . , s - we Confess 1 Lt. tssup--:4lvrOu Gritlis.. Latlikoharleti U. Unilet; t the Tebeis . Lenok p-i-t —G.,O, LOoMill., D. blintcin ,- lice to aoi Lurty-49rialito Ross, leaf. of ov- 1 3totitrililt r • t Allen . 4. P... Keeler. pretiely; 'mod 1 llidijk.t.MTp—it itmer,Dofige,, Charles t o = A ,i s ' f ilY4lti t 4,911 1 11 1411 ... e. . . b . , :. , the•_... , will i ..-.. 9.§.!1. - e t y4. 11 .1 0 .,--,:s Paw ' - i nni_gir4 teR: ) - •. far - r k il or iike-,Arm...)feeker jr., Dan iel 'ii444: - 11l 11 Y . ' ' . ' , . . En4nel ; ' Thenleopster -ttosider4. ' beit - ' - Witter. " ''• ' GiIAND JURY. £0 Battio at - Balri Bluff. Near 1 :, . Leethlre: • ..! The Accounts of.T.he unfortunate &Frage merit near Leesburz on :Monday eVetmin , r, . in Which General )3aker Was*killed are ex . . , TiII-: N.VVAL ENtIAGME NT. . I ce - delimit} conflicting.. On .the one hand 'i New Orleans, Oct. 12.—An attack was :it s, represented. that Mir .forces were suet:et:silt], and-gained a niest• int made on the night .of the 1 t.ti instant, on ra:OY the: Unite?l States fleet lying : near . P. - -ttrid stratel:'i" point, and that oar loss the S.-NV. P.l,:s, by tl.e. rebel fleet, co n s i s t_, CS ! were net -really _so , heavy 95 at first rep resented. Other actionms scale ilia . the Mg of six . gun-boats, the battering rant 1 , - - Manassas, alai a large nitvitber a t•tt Ind' le Wa''' a !host serions' disaker —an ships, which filled the river front shore tit rater r"ntk't and that more titan hail' o shore. The United Statesi fleet consisted th,i' tr"olls;engaged on onr,sitle Were kill ii,„..is. ! ,- eiri wountled,:takett -prisoners or drowned of the U. S. steamer I - Rebuilt:id, lattenipting to swim across the Putom nate, Water Witch, slimiri;lswar PrebleHin and Nitteennes, mill store-ship Ni.4lttill- :lei .. . . A dispatch to the New York - W ,, rld gale. The fleet when attiteked, W e re : it 1 anchor itr - sitle tire S. W; Pass. The rant ' s'"': - ~- - -•- . . . m,„„,- ; „, e „ ttie down : „„iih.if te d foul of, Ifite'theails of-the battle of Leesburg ,-. the Richmond, knocking a . hole in her' ll'eights - ate at last known. The force Ai0 .,.„ e - • t t• 1r. , 1* . aft iy :I (T c...red, we int-lie tile Atv eq-.,1.::,r. :it qtnirter ;milt stern, ileMtr but little dttin- wlldeh •erosseti the, Potomac were in. ail . ' • • 1. 0 .1 ....i:. " .. 1' 1 . . , --, age. .. .-' - 1, 1 1 . ' • '' - -= 0 Z.: - -- TO' avoid the firb ships; the silent:lron] 'l l lte-Califoritia, regiment took over of 9' .1.. - il.- 4: ~ rim e. ~ ofi-ers and men six hundred an& ehrlity- . --- . ---; .C-''• - got under weigh, and drifted col the ~. , , river. . . , .; ni ie.' The drowned are about tifty - ',the 2=?'"Z%-171-triXl4::rd-T-AA:i7-XJ "Ws ' 1.1 led thirty •i the peistuterS three itant'll,a,• .11,4 1:1-N rs wit., 0 - -,:. e ! : i ntts ' — The Richinond,Preltle,;and Vinceitues wt -IT- IVA- t.:•.:131! , ..V."! --V I T/ Hr.-- got ashore on the . ..at, (tint Night - mg:II • ' I , i ~ I if. wouniled out. Imuturred ;mit weu- -tuto .; :..ro..maizerlDl.l.lFolrpne' l ulc,, . . I also went itshot..!,) and witte -ash ire, we% I I YrflVe ; total live hundred •ttmd 6e; 'safe. : ehril..oll:l4 ; tit- .. 1 '.1:. •• 7-Y, .;-• vs -- 0 - 1 - . .I, llt. w i,.1 1 , 111t , ,li,v. :ennui one hundred - and' eighty-rottr. \ . i ,re .,;-e.' ,;•:...., i , ''''' '•''. . ' . attacke4 by the rebek, act .t...i Y.; 44 id ?I. 1 tog ati,Y roant:i...4;eto the Vess.:ts'or . lifk. et ; leill• Cio-zgsellt "I ; the T;l•oinativ T .: e" . '-' .. : , ,TOellt.—was take!' t•ristilier. Cd:l. T.l.:vttl any respect.. , • ; , . I Salt one slut, tookefA:et,and that s t ruck -sl. air the river. .111•••• .- Lienteeant-Colonel the Richmond on the < illarter. ' They ; I (r.t a l.ef..:; 1 : 1 iti , ::,iJr was safe. Theloss wee h eater: o Th, t h e vi fl ee ttnes with two , 11' i 1a..! outer iv i zi!tienis is unknOwn. trims she letvite; hove ()vet-holt - Nl' the rest i I Tlte eeem:getne.it tonic 'itimict! on - the .e. t :-. of her armament - , with Iter'eltainti, ancho: s : height nbeve 1 liv,i , ::_iiittg, commencing at much e. ,_ - Mgr o'eleek r... in,. and clintiniiing , till .4c., • to lighten her, Ame bein r t, posed to the rebel tire. ,' •'' ..; thltrh , The iqt.tadron had no one killed or 1 1 All thre,mgli thy.... day . the- - ererne i ail WortIVIVI: The Ith•lemind, I'reltle Zed . 1 4 .0 : 1 ft' in.r sk - cfLiOliti:: snt.tiT. Ott tr .trio Viiketw.tivs were towed off time same <1....5. - -'• j re!'(= , irrtv .- :! tO;uit •ihe. edge of the 1;"1, 'ti by time STeatll ship MeCi Olaf, w1;4.11 . c ,l:- ',1•...,..,-..:'.• _•I.1-1: f•.;...1 y opettiitg, :4,1 . : '. i; porturiely arrived. She re e •siv e ,2 e O i s . :l. 1. ,- Y dense ;‘,-(!otis: - - . erable damage to her stem tr: - .me itt-gi:.l.; j F‘rt).l. , -.....itz6r . . ay.3 twn field pieet;: Of frog them off. The. Ni ,, liii!...::•de •o:nig!tic. - 1; 14 ,1- SCC,O7;(I' /oiot.r• 1,3,1:11.1 hatii•r3.:lll;re , ashore •when the 31.cCiell:in • h... 4, v.rel .. , liisti.l:l:llf.'43 up.t.he Mil and ifreeti;i4 hail : would be pitobabi•-• ; , 01. oti' tilt: !“:::0.. (I.F Pl,..l(llpi•lg . the 1i„..‘4.t a;• Col. him , by .the:aid of the steaitterv,t:•:;;in...etxd ‘rit:l . 4 1 " - • . .1 , .. . - the fleet. a •-• - --to. ; 1 ' _. ; -.Onlft,i - n Itit,ile is!and etlieers - stood be -2 i --•...i0...".-L_____ . tari I r e tuds, • the t...... retreating• early in • • Teach! rel.z.ar , 'D,tif..n ,-- • The examinatiOn of - ieLZlters for this ' ' the fray.. • - -' • • ; :--- T 1 • .enei )- Charged front the woods in , he , 1 county, will be held in accordance with ' - alhdirections, con ei.,4 e . ng• upon our once. , the following-- programme. -In .two or : Tien' Were brave - 1(1'1(.4, but the siatigh , three instances two tolviiships have _- been ! i t .l t : of 00r *St, OfilVerS4llltl tOCTI WIIS NO pot together; in, ortier 4liat the examina fle that th e .Fe,...lernlists were nt last bons may all - be held before any.of • thi! - : c jii p ' - .gen to . retrat-. '; .• .• . 1 winter Schools -continence. ExiMiiiatiini ' The s , tenettt Mit' river side, w - as horri- I will. cotnmence piccisely at 10 o'• - ,.loek. -a. I . le in thee treine•• Tho - Rebels' ciune to m.-, and - none win be exn•aiinea_ who do 1 , ,h -' e etio.e or tlic Intl ; and fired 1. - .. not ePinein Wore li, *Unless . the delay I -• . • • ~. „ • '""Wik al ) " i ur retreating masses.- Tne one boat till be unavoidable:. Each teacher moat britit gI - I and sunk, ::rid' these 1: ho' did not at a fourth • reader, the kind limit in: the' Dis- i temptini neres.4 were forced tit sur triet'where the examination is held, ate it.; r i' • I'l - '7 ''t ''; - 1 - rebels _were nrOw..r.ed in erorsing, is expeCted that eaCh teacher-will have a l 4 e i n t i t e j l i . . tipa , murderous tire redder, two•sheets fools l eap paper, .; pen ion ti ii)4 C? 4 . struggling in the water. :. . and ink,' - and a SpeCimenl of their writin - gt .. The , r i e i tanattt, were gathered in a dismal in todrse.and fine hand. 1 All - who intend 1 , ~..thi,ot! arrison'4lsland,aud the carnage to teach ilttring. the year;'nimist come for- I -eased: • • ' - 1' - •. - , ward and be examirseil.. l None will be I .examined privatelylinlems attendance up- I on the examination weiLirnposible, and old certificates will not be.renewed. Oct. 30—Choeonnt; School Irouse,Clark's ". 1.--Silver Lake,Schnol-llease,Brack- I ney. ' I Nov . SAO°, House, Brook , dale. . ' • Nov. 2--FrattOn, Routh lieltool . House. 9 il•-47.11Teat . Bend, School Muse, Soutkside of the Riven ! 11 ` Nov. .B.—Haimony, *tsp. Depot and Ciaktind, Sniqu.'Depot; • : -Noy.' 7—Tf.komani,Biotioql lionse,Centre. "2 " 8--Ainrat; Chnreli; centre: , ,iB-4.l3inokttnd3ellool lifoot,k.entre. 9 -41:ayr . ..Wftti Bef,l 1044204. n, lan n, • Aflr. BUITARD tilverinferkleiit, Feteppted Company!! MINIM `,iishetik4dohanip,valiey R I LE S • - • - is NOW'ORGANIZING AT -- v . : -, SMORMI DEPOT Pi., Vndei the Supeftleion of. .w.martrivirsimrt few .more recruits ' wanted to nit the yarbk %!!itelii b siieriiit isinuigen.e:4; 'be attached to one of the dam, Regiments in the State, . ! i . . i • • ••• i 1 er the esferieneetl, anti u ni v ersally , - 'ilar : - ' I Loikir.L MEREDITH; w r,);rlr..,llicitnr,.C3 fr,) - . , ..7 rit,tin and Frill .5.1 4 a1 1 .1. ) . . 19-asqueb. !his Company has teen '‘nercpteti,l•l I"C,o‘'ernor, and . 11:11 auLl , lority• • to furnish pay anti ratio:is (rota the e of 'enlist went. t.nnsylvania's..qui)ta is four last clianee: lose fram a distance who wish the etit of the 'drill will be supplied. ' rd at one of • the liotehi . witthout DRILL EVERY DAY and EVENING usquellanna Depot,":Oct. 25,, 1841 • . --_ - .. . . , IprTlK.' stcaufor Eton brings thean:. Liu:icon('iit. of tinl'_ death Of yeiii-Foung, I Eitipo . i . or - of eidini. - The Emperor.' bail been s ick for : alimg,tinie, and-his -demise was therefore.not 'Ainexpecied:. • Re • was iiiirii in 1 B°s sail.,Rseeacled , trio throne •in • II 83 - 1.. - 14 leaves four Gault one , daughter. petit6 sons :Ylli Wel, ilie.eldest, becomes, ' tuperor.- •• - .;I.i -.-- •,- -- , . ' .. 4:l.lpave niiVocated . disunion r for fifteen years," writes Mrs. Beecher Stowe ln, the Earl -,of ..•Shaftsburi,,' ." bemuse I iliollear it: a : p.i..nvinfable..inethed of free ing them,olikfrolit.thei,giiilf....nf., Shivery, I •tindi.:of plinking at; ~the South the seeds•tif 1430„*. ' A na. entice euminopit,tipn : r. She: now ittPefpr** l 6 . •;- tif emanc i pation „ for tee WO OW: Or . .;''fßnili;: - ..rOnitil.;: lead :Aii-!. a 1 deiteaction orthislliiiiia,liiii teat is iihia tea Earl of Shattstairy avow e he .seelES. ca-xt If?,r u u - -RE ElibEr''' i GREAT 0110WHIPECTED ter. STORES , or 6r. - ttr tug,' Ttcstritainn, • • • . 1 - .• Montrose, Z.usq'a otitny, Pa, • Elmira -tiew-:'citk, • I,llrqp.w.-AlLa . • liirEproc6im to bur r.ni: the , in mi. prat ttal the yier...;td yr2, , plae tar money at;viri , it. the e C 21.1 1.1.;20.41VC .• ~~~ F _ ~ ~t: ID - 2. i) LAW ft FCttUrf Therefore we are determloett to - offe4the,publle osi general etoek.of. , READYIIIII.III. Offirifi,; . - ; , ins nosy filled, so - - I' . -:,1-tirties:1 . mtd tat - . Sl.7t' , (3 1i .' C/1 00 i)','3. Kept in ANY cpulcißy Stftri.y.. this,ekle of New York City, At Pricoß ty ri A :w I 1 :4 if:l4 l ;c`l l ;t r l,,,,. t:e holetafe 4 :LT , 4 3.L . 1 1 71 b n fil the fullowieg GOODS at the unuesed prices, vv.: . • Mork Frock Cinit.Worth 6 - 9 for • SC,OO, mark F rol•k Coat - worth 11,r 7,50 •, Bid& Frock Coat Wcyth 12 . for 41,50: Business Coat' wt;rth $5 for I 'Business Coat worth for . 4,0 J Over .Cl•at- -worth v"5 for: , *^ - 4,00 - Over Coat worth 7 for 5,75 . Over Octal. 10 - 7,50- Over Coat. worth 15,Ar 11,5'5 Over 'Coat worth .20 for 15,00 - Black Pants worth - 64 fur 63,C10 - • Black Pants worth 5 , for :L75- ; Black Paul, wo-th , u for . CasAinere ]'Lints -woolt *4 tor - Vaney- - cassintere Pants worth - 5 1;9. tl.. r , Faney Cassimere.Pants I rtli 6 fin- -1;1- - • ' : Itiaek Satin Vest "worai - (43 for Satin Vest worth:l-4.for ISO ;Mack Satin •Vest norths for 3,5 e. .. . • 0 V EII- - S lIiItTS A: f)V HI t wiry 11 13; 4 .: D'R GAlpfsis..yr6 EQ,I:A LILY_L :"; to 'onr largo oto.or:tnont of 1:-Tr t• and ' • , OUR ASSORTMENT OF ; 3 0 OD A N I) , .L.T IS Al. l yAl:ti Lik1: . (7.1: : a i'2o'.‘ll •Lf_t E. CQNII.ItI:;ING -- • •. -• s•'e t': - ti!,.:Pro- Ptift:;. C ITIE ACS% .6z,V CANNOT IiE'2EQUALLED IN . . _ till 11T la. Clog Goisl Sheeting,s, 6401 . 4ei5. her ) Best Heavy Sheeting's, .7A - Sljets. I ;DEN -froni - 8 .to 124 eiMts,per yam' TICKING, from .10 to. :wilts pc GIN CiliAMSO'roni It) i:o3.ets. per •:itii- CALICOEs, fist oolorS, 12},yardi on • " • Best Merrimack, ;10 yards only $l. ' ' Poet steel Srai47 !ilex* , - A nice lot—selLing at 4 eta. per'spriug. Ladies' S*zony Wawa Vests DraWien. • LAMBS WOOLHOSE:, sa-aapribiEs 007!.e9xirris.: Of the Latebt Styles Thankfullo the nunterints;eui.unnqifor. Iheirlenerohs patronage - the past year, we fesmtfully solicit ceptittwee of the iinMe• . : `, anent) erg „ e goitutatiit,*ftt l , Xl4/. - e. rig : Oredvrl.,v? GlO which winprh.e* the! OUR STOCK` OF, DO n's J 1:11CI1