'S' ITEMS -; • • L . •VrCirenlae iketa Mr. Stiwarde- , -The i . —.:...L . _;....: . i 1 1- ..., State Department has issued win/portant'. ;PrOM esti nateti Made within the past ; circular:to. Ger. Morgan . - and -the other few days. it up ears - that the - war . is - how ; Geveriiiir of -• the.loyal . Staten bordering costing the Go lerinuenti . one ;million 'and I on, tbe.,rieacoast•. and thelakesi Urging on a-half of della) I dailv;• - • ; • ~1 1 , ;them tic necessity of putting the Torts- . 8.. 1 {, r. y i t ,..it N i ng to the ' ( iiff e ',...• I, and harbors in a state' of ; clefenee, and` 1 -r-the .Tre ont - StateS fort .; s k per cent, of ',; ; the - ;Mim e ' y I garrisoned b y . the-local milithi, in view of the efforts being made by thel rebel gov- . paid for enroll& ig trocips, 4.te.1. Penniylv. ania:draws secia,ooo. ,• ; . •I - i i ernment to Obtain aid and ienfort foreign i ~ •• t 1 . I , nations. , The • Secretary compliments-: the —The Army l y . cite.—The PhilailOphia i 1 i. States • . s for them prompt land - liberal regiments in service—east 160 votes for I ° : 2 - • • ,f • :Ewing, Dem.,..rfor Sheriff and 'lett' for ' sin sn rt of:the - gorerik appropriation ppo ~ I • - ment, and assures them that i ii the further Thonipson, Re P., for ditto.-- •1 ' ''. • il - 4 i ,- ! 1 , , . prosecution of thirf. good. wor Conyress —lt pa little remark-ahle that:the °Tic- would ' rep sanction-what the Slat sholud do, al accounts of • , 'attics and skitinisties on l i s. !dn. yrs tiesent that ! great-, • 1 and Would pros-ide for reitub rsement. both side e'xecutien was. one by their fire, on their , opponents. Writild it ' not be inttor for both to stop b , gginiand • te ll - only what they know. ! . ' ' •-• ' ; • -.. 1 1 • —TheDubli ; Post reiterate's the assert ,don. that agents Ofthe itinited,State&fiov >eminent are vt i pliKredin Ireland in reeuit - Lite. for the army ; hut it is .thonght; that they are . not very sucCessful ini their .eit forts. 1 ; • i y • • =Grain of '- kittds.iS arriving at Chic, 'ago at the rate 1 two . Millions' of :bushels .. per week, and amount ran,gieg froml s iow being ;reelect!, and embracing th 4— r: - ost , sli - ifahle one, to two trni lions is weekly shipped,l varieties of Ladles Dress 000(le, 111 nith ni rail FrltlitA, Chiefly for the ; port's ,of Engla nd and , slatterns. Delatnes„pttomamVal ...Mclnnes, m C4 TnmhourclAteps., tsinghtuns and bi lks ; Stel. France. i • v , ,• - is. silk. Brochn., and Wool Lon Shawls, Shawls, s. • ',. Web Ribbons, Bonnets, and Flowers, .—lt is stated;; on 1.11 . 4 Itieliniond papers, i Ladies` Cloths, Woodchat/m..10w . • . • ainieres,Ac., ulth a very MR thatthe h= the Confederaie i • • • assortment of I Treasury.Notel have "leen so e:teniively l Staple and FanciGoods counteifeited t 1 at 014 :almost i cease to .- .1- 1 as usual in .circulate, no on being "able to tell the ' 1• Hardware: Crockery,holt. • :truth . front the • Base 1 , ' . ans. Patois. Oils,. Roofs and tihors li Hats andC:llM, Chocks, Wail Banat., tailies' .. —All. the houses iii, the vicinity oft Fen, Berme litubc,, (save isgs;a4.i. web a new assortment of btoves and Trimmings of the best quality, •Lowinsville has'' been Ideserted • by ;their I made to order...tn., 4n.1 ! r... ,: j a /s r h t e. , :st . o:l. ,v i t s ,r liT,T . r e d , b e o , V n t (i fo ,,, r 4 ce. u s i s , h i t h e e 1 1 , 71 1 ,12 . 1 . y t . Rebel inmates. Our soldiers Make very :fee withthe b lards, iViaieh they rip . off , ad vantaes ohhe • - War" to t c ds customhrs, ono arc hi , I cured tt f ic .ialltA t tlle o T , ow e llif . wa , :r , las •lanii ers - and ..e --the! houses and tarns le,' make floorings for tlas - iv I• tents TheY . ;es:ince , a great • Flour &Salt, ceciats.iitlron llan.d artiality for .1. 'ors and window-shutters, - 'Sew linter', Oetobir 1561. ' BCIIRITT. . • :and all ;the .ho i ces, therefore, present "a i • ..very Torlo•ra apil,Oaratice. ' IRCHASE --Some Phil 'delphia ,Donecrats, who liar° kept.rbe 'n of the •electien in the Camps, inake '' 'e majOrity for Mr. Ewing for Sheriff of iilndolphs:), over right • 'hundred.' TheY ; 'iexpre4s itheir' aPprelidns. • ions that the rei,arns Il'ill i not e,corree ,) b • tl • anade out. ; 1 - 1. . I . ; I • —Of the thir v-sir Rcbel prisoeeis to . lie releasecl i ace - oll,ding tO the recent spegial order; only thret took the oath of ' allegi ance. -The othe's took) the oath not ,to bear. arms againtulie rnited States. . . Car The ;)I ,ntreall Advertiser states that before the dlose or navigation, ..this season, the tn ay,:'sinessat Quebec] Will be filled with a n- a l num of ; Mil:it:ire stores : g reater than 0) y.eveli held before, " and i, ) with arms,. cant) ; II and!cluiliments for an . :army of 100,n0. ; inen,l and ammunition sufficient fbr a late years durat ion. • irR The folllnwing i has been \ issued from the headquarters Of the army as' a. special order :-- 1 . 5 , • ' 1- • ' "Fifty-seven o' the Uilited Statess-ohli ers detained -as imisencirs in Illehmond,- having been rele4sed on,' taking .Itn oath not to bear a rnisilagnins't the Statt , s in re bellion. and e.qn4 munlier of thel Iwhion ers 'of war taken front those States and s I , now confined In FlVl,llin, , ton anal Neiv I• - • :- 4 York, will be released On taking the pre,:-. eribed nnth of allecial . are" to the I United States; or an natill not tAI engage in arms •against the Unit4l States. . • . The prisoners to•be "released will be sent, by the first Opporthnity, to Fortress 3lonroe, and thene, ; ntvier a flag of truce, through the Unito Stales lines. , it :sod AVestern journals CC unnecessarily, for flits to say that .1-%.nnsylv iii in Airnishing troops. >ritritivov, that the quota ilijentarhied by the last the Pr&-ident, is full. —Some Easter! • take occasion quit .do not warrant try snia is beliincliiam ~lris stated antitd i i of Pennsylvania, proclamation fro, Weekly Plarkot Reports. AVIIO2.I.:'.4ALE - z . Wheat Flour,j'o".bhl,:, E15,50(it . ,50 Rye Flour, Ff.? bbl:; ) 2,70 K 3,85 Corn Meal, 17f4 Itht. - '2;80(4 '2,85 WhOat, 1,4 C. - I,IOV , 1,45 - but, 0,60 Ct., 0,75 Oats, w. .bu 4 (323T'is) 0,20a'l 0,3.5 ' Corn, 14 blq, • . j 0„50 Rutter, 3i , 1 -0,07 e 0,15 Cheese, Ili 1 1 ; 0,N;:.7. , 0,07 - Tallow, . to , . 0,100,09;40, , Lard, — l4 ;1,11 i 0,091@e,08 110!... - TROSE ' , Wheat {alit:Awl s $l. Rye - b - Gcet Cam sSceil Itaekaheat Oats Potatono, h' iTheitt ttonr bbl $6411 $7,110 ts IlyeZonriTt cwt.. ([O. :2 .. • t^l Corti meal r (Th. 1.:5 ' Pork'? m Iti'il cents is Lard P 12 cents (t. 14 cents is Ecr (10z ....12 ecntEr. a "..3-H . 6 NTROST: P. 0. Ily if and. r exeeptedo'from the iad at lArr. 31. • ' 1 1 .) tram the 'Wee, hy' Rai:road. ! i t. every aesday, Thurrday and ; 1 i ' Tett,. e f el _. Tce*dat., Thureday ,!every T ..ridLy and §atarday at I(aundai l v . scepted) at 64' p. ra. , , - 4,00 Ake bra, Geometry arid '.'. orient Languagee, 5.90 French, , • 5,00 ~•61atir,on flatly, yntil,t4c, War is 0vet,.... ......... 6,00 Room rent, ' - '" 1,50 Ex•wnoce of Itecitation room, - 1,00 teiturea with a gaol. 4paiitus are given- every week. Each room le furnished nith a cooking ' , tore, bedstead and table. fortllme . tati choose to board themeeirea. . .. , . . _ .. Board can be Ilaa In the neighborhood at two dollar:II per wf:elt. Pay In adyetw, or property seared. Birford, Auguat 9,19- 41,- • - 1 - t Wars, MBE BEST I'S THE ILARrET, 'CorapT.Pinc differrai A ttyln and prices. for rule by ABEL TIIHRELL. Moritrr,,e:Aug.uet 11.43: AT TIM STORE ! FIRST STORE .BELOW TARBELLS. TBE —Grape Vine Cradle,"Morgan Pattern; Beet Silver Steel Seyttlee, Snathx, sand Rai; &once, Iley Fofiges and all kinds ar Vermin; • At Tyler's Store. TOLISST Earning Kerosene. CamptiGA ; -11.1 Adamantine, and Sperm Cantles, " PfAi (W 4. ' 4 Air *II sib C 01) LIMA, Pnre Olive, 'Castor. arid Met a lli c 011, for machinery also Harlem and Bilge& FOR THE 'HAM AND - -111013TH. . . ALLEN'S Worlcl'snafellestorer Zylobalsamara ; ; I Burners Com. kin . Lynn's Embed" one and two -Grover it. Baker ' s Mc/tines` irork. , ltti their peculiar shilling Hair Tonic, jlenreartear's andßosetalr Oil. stitch, and !Alban put together by it, may wearand drop Ponisdptle•PhiloconteLPhiladelplAl and li' York Youth ; topipeca ryoro original weakness or hard liege, but come Wash. viz.: Fragrant kliser , for the teeth and tor give way at' the seams they cannot' they' trill and ginnt,Davrimple:s loath . `l•Vash, Dental Soap, I l i lt% together when the cloth or calico sroand them hangs AT TYLER 'S STORE. in rags and tatters.—.V. P../Vrelgt. • - Indian Root Pille,Wrlght's Indian Vegetable 1 :TX Pills, Cephalic Pills, , --cleath on Headache. • • AT TYLER'S STORE A. -3Dre.,r iOrCPCk3DI9I, - FRESH CODFISH,- STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, - .R00.M.5, ~ F &6AI B NT & VARNISH • BRUSHES,. - BLACK- - • WO, SCREBI24.TG, HAIR,Tootb; . . NAIL . aqd -LATHER BRUSES;ALL vERY CHEAP. . ALCOHOL, TURP.ENTINE,k LAMP BLACK TALLOW, _SOAPS • Of.ev.ery kind lint .sorr. - • or-Dont elk to_ght !ruled at Ty - wors wroarc Ettqer pent to N.Y. 'and pails returned for Sere, V lb. Mbrarse,dat*Z. j - BENRY.C. Mae. • Ever offered in Susquehanna County; and,l probably compriaing :the greateSt VA- ' .RIETI or most' different' articles of any Stare in the Northern part of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the 'entire State. An assortment is kept in aborit thirty- differ ent branches of trade, and the seleetioui are made from about forty of the..best Houses in New York, ant more than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New: Bork. A large proportion of time Goods are brought direct, from.the . Manufacturers, • Otis insuring genuine articles. Custoin, ers on.entering the Stare must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly-ev ery article wanted Will producCd by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock . .may be fronied by the following general . outline,but enumeration is impracticable. • • . RUQS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, 9 'ND D;Y STUFFS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS; • CIS CA7eRT, GLASS: IVA RE, WALL and W:117101V PAPER', JEWELRY, SILVER-WARA PERFUMERY, -FANCY 000DS, MUSICAL,' INSTRUMENTS, RR LUSHES AMERICAN POCKET] KNINES,' TABLE CUTLERY • and SILiFER PLATED TARE LAMPS, MATERIALS; fur LIGHTS; HARDWARE, . BED CORDS, • STONE • WARE, DRI ,GOODS, ' MIRRORS, WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRAPHS, VARNISHES, 4lltb CAGES, SPECTACLRS,, WHIP y & LASHES,:. ! BROOMS GUNS, PISTOLS, • • - AMUN I TION. T 0 II CI CO. MEDI CA'L & S URGIU IL instruments, SA.II, P , . r. 0 7' - `IS &C., . . UMBRELLAS: PORC.ELAI3r TEETH. The. attention -of the public is resgeet fillly invited - to Tuy stock of Goods, bought extalusivelv . for CASH nowN, and will be sold on the same- princip - le for lOw prices. . . . ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Mat Ist, 'IBOI. GROVER & ,RAICER'c .CELEBRATED YQISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOS rA.MILY AND SIANUN4OTTMING USE, 495 Broadway, Diew-Yoik. Agencies in all the princiixil Cities and • Towns in the United States. - The Grover Baker Sewing *chine Company are now. manufacturing, and live on exhibition at their air &rent salesrooms. machine" making the Shuttle or Lock Stitch. of the same .patterns and at the same priced as their celebrated Grover t Baker Batch Machines, thus affording the public the advantage of comparing the stitches of the the leading machined and exercising their trim jeidgtnentio to :heir respective merits. This's the only company t: x: manufacture* both kinds of machines and therefore the one that can bffer this privilege to the purchaser. " apeak from salmi:knee when, We say that, after I liming tried all tbe principal eetring machines. we must , accord to that of Grover a Baker the pre-eminence. Those indispensable features of sewing, strength. uni formity. and elasticity. all of which are brought out in this Id coruparable invention, make, it the first sewing I machine In the country. others have their good points, but this combines all. and posaesses every characteristic_ necessary to make it most desirable"—S. alfieflan ..tdra'ate and Journal. " Mears vs. Parrssem—We perecire that the Grover Biker Sett log Machine le beery day grooving more and More in favor, both far manufacturinF 'and family, purpoeee.—but especially ae adapted to aL the, require ments of tardily use. other machines. by dint of ,lirszen puffery and colinit ing with committees at annual faint. havebeen thrust forward Into - the first:place ; but they are fa..t losing this unmerited position. The real merits of the Groter ,t Baker -ILachlne. are beginning to be known in a practical way, and daily Is the ireniand for theta In creasing, while the demand for herkofwelbetter known. but inferior :machines. Is proportionately decreasing. So it tarns out in tills, an 1p many other In Stances, that -hon esty in the best policy , and the right, in the end, cornea unpermont. A trialof °Ter two years enables nil, to sty - with the greatest cdnfidenco that. there id no better. machine for generat Family use than Grover it Baker's .Sowing Xs chine Co. it. makes a beautllul elastic seam that does not rig withscear or washing . runs altnost boiseleasly, is simple, easy to War.. and notalable.to get °id of repair, faststts the ends of its own thread, and nets threads Rod allka directly bob the spools on which they are botight."—.Y. Y. Leask.. . • is "The points we conceiremost nettles), and-impor taut totrunit the wide range of requirements in a naschine fur familyAr wing, we Mid more fully combined in the Grocer &Baker, viz.:. extent of capaidty, sirup:telt,' of etmetrattion, ease of management, ad‘antage of nslogg threid from two spools without re•wintling. strength of wink; elasticity% durability and regularity of stitch, and quietness of movement. We therefore make award the Grover rit Polow:!—Reportqf Ofaingitaw 4f ref 4134104 fitatsfairolBo)—also qf 111.2401 Btaitrairqf 1800. F. B. .CHAND.LER, . Agent, . feta 17 eq. ras. Iltontrose, Pa - • ..tikeet riftrvrisrrwvxriprr, quiz* snr, e. 14U . ottler!New I• , :ta. at apt) . eorextyr3nres. NEW GOODS. GOODS: NEW G - NEW 8 - GOODS. D - GOODS. AT NEW L. HARDING- & CO'S, NICHOLSON,DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, MADE TO t f. ?! 1 •'• • - • • : 9i ) ' READY-PAY-CUSTOMERS. We are'determined not - - - to be out-done lu the way of LOW. PRICES. ALL &INDS OP - pRoDuCE Taken in Exclusive tit Ila r G Cal 0 Cjl 0 D L. HARDING & 00. Nicholson Depot, May Ith,. 1881:'—em, NC:›T'ICI3EI. Tm: Late Firm of Beduin & Allen , Flour and Proels lon dealer ,will be continued under the name of Allen, Deans & Co. Al due the old grin Is In the-hands of A. Baldninfor him:iv:llsta. settlellnent. A. IIIALDVM,". July 9th, 1 , 41. W. L. ALLY,I9. NEW FIRM. ALLEN; DEANS & CO,, Under Montrose Democrat Office, ARE RECEIVING Fresh Ground Westein FLOUR every 80 dawn, which we ' warrant to give satisfaction as any lu market; if not good r.turned at our expense. Feed, and Buckwheat Flour, SALT AND PORK, BY THE LOAD, BARREL on. POI:ND. HAMS, ,Sugar Nardi Dried': Beef, Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, Molasses and Sugars, TEAS. • COFEPJE _ BROOMS, AND NAILS, übich ()tier for weir at LOW PTICCB, for READY PAT ONLY. Montrose; July IX 1&) 'THE UNLON' Now and Forever THINK, EXAMINE, AND, SAVE 25 crs ON A DDLLA3I BY BUYING YOUR ' - - SPRING & SUMMER G. 0.,t ivs9 -,-01 , - HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS. -AT T111:-..- ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! OUR STOCK IS NOW CO3IPLETE! NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. WE_RAVE A LARGE STOCK STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, HATS A ATD: LAPS. ' BOOTS AND' SHOES. WALL PAPER, WOODEN WARE, COAL OIL, YANKEE NOTIONS SKELETON SKIRTS, PLOUR,• SALT, FISH, NAILS, PAINTS A,N D OILS, -- And a great variety-ofarticies too numerous to meation, which weary bound to sell Cheaper' than the Cheapest UT" WHOLESALE AND =TALL. PRODUCE taken in Erchangejor Goats AI Goods bCd4 'at • . - ONE PRICEund NfiDEVIATION. Our system of doing linsiaespi gives satisfaction CALI ANDEX - AMINE OUR . GOODS, wIIETIfEIt YOU BUY. OR'NOT WE WILL SHOW YOU PARGAINS.UNIJEARD•Or O' Small favors thankfally reeelyed, and larger ones In proportion. t.s Yours. bd..' tVsr333n2e 1a14. 7 0 NM MILFORD, Jana sth, lbia. •:• . "CIRCULATING LIBRARY. BEST WORKS.BY THE'BEST AUTHORS. ONE HUNDRED VOLUME% - • iptCLUDING liistory, BlographY.Travels Adventures, Poetry, Tiomanee f ikc., Ac„ LE . which the public asaTharo the benefit ,of for -;„„ a trilling awn per week. Believing that many 14111 prefer to obtain the reading of such books to this taffy. rather than Porch:me the works. If IMICCOllitli I shall add from time to time such NSW WOR.IiB its will -be of interestio the • publle._prolitable to midland im provement to the library. For farther particulars mil at Mont ruse, Jane 45. SMITICS NEWS-OFFICE. Law Books. • rit*RDON'S DIGRST, BMWs Justice, Dunlap's Fora Graydoceireirmi. and OttltTlll at alp 11321•XXTX1V191. MA.NTIOOD. HOW LOST, HOW' RESTOB.ED. Jy I.7ST Pnblisled, in a Sealed Env e lope :On the nature triattnent, and radicaleure of spenttatorrhina or sem inal weakness, sexual debtlitY,neryousness and Involun tary emissions, prodiming impotency, consumption, and Mental and physical debflity. By ROUT. J. COLVEBWELL, M., D. The important tact that the awful :consequences of self abuse mar be effectually removed without internal medi cinal or the dangerous applicationa of caustics, instrum ente. medicated boogies, and other empirical devises, Is here clearly demonstrated,and the entirely new and idgb lisuceesaftil treatment, as adopted hy t or fully explained, by means ofwl'the celebrated an rich every . one Is en a led to eurebbutelf perfectly, stAn least poesible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertlind nostrums of the day. Thelectute will prove a boon terthousaudsandthonsaude 'Sent under seal. M a plain envelope; to any address. part . Fart on receipt of ewo poatage stamps, b* . . Dr. CIL J. C. lILINE, 127 Boriery, New York. ?oat Office Box, 41036 afertheraglialudintaiik—The (4u)IV ut Is an =tract Ova a letter writtea by - the senor Oa Ibt Church to the 'lmes, and Idessenger,"! Chief ,Obto. It nays volumes In Tsear °fault riwid—tftownedraedletno—fdlut. Winer ow's &maim firrwy. son curniaaat • "We mean adrertinesandln your columns of Mtn. Wino Ames Soothing Byron.. Now we benr said a word to door of any Wog Medicine InAar life; but we feel cow gelled to say to your readers that this is no lustatany—wn Bars 'num rt. Ann IMOW tr TOIMI ALL rt cum. his erohably one of the most ettocenfut medicine/ of the &T, l e ceuee aid oarroff be ben. non bo bare babies tant ! do better theo to ley inn leggy, ; dw.y) <3&.Ntal:Aoxil RED U_C TI 0 N. IIONS GREAT CROWD KRUM AT THE STORES. OF 6utteiibtrg, 't.iosenbatim, Cft., Montrose, Susqta County, Pa., Elmira, New-York, Susquehanna Depot, 'Pa. WE proderoto onr ,trtends oath;al public in gena that itt.cousequeuee of the present preeauru to Ule mouzzattitra In the eitles_we can purehaso GOODS FOR CASH, FROM 10TO 10 PER'rT.I,OWER THAN Formerly! Therefore we ere deterinlned to offer the public-our general stock of ' EADYIADE CLOTHING DRY, PO:01)S, which' comprises •the largest and best STOCK; GOODS Kept in ANY COUNTRY Stnre • this eldeor-New Tork.City, &Pride whiclx Defy Competition • ag we WM seri. foiOAJBS the:small advance , of ten pr.rcent above the wholesaio cost., '\n will sell the following GOODS at the aunexed prices. v Black Frock coat Worth . * 9.11 ii• $6,00 Black. Frock Coat worth 10 . for 7,50 Black Frock Coat worth 12 for_ • 9,50 Business Coat worth 85 for.,_ *2,75 Business Coat worth 0 for 4,00 Over . Coat worgk 85 for $4;00: O'er 'Coat- worth ,, 7 for 5,75 Over' Coat worth 10 for . 7,50 - Over Coat .worth 15 for. 11,50 Over Coat worth 20 for 15,00 Black Pants worth'. $4 . for.. 83,09 - Black Pants ' worth 5 for ' • 3,75 .Black Pants worth . 6 for. 4,50 Fancy Cassintere Pants worth-84 for *24 Fancy Cassiznore Pants worth 5 for . 3,i 'Fancy Cassizuore Pants- worth .0 for Black Satin Vest worth *3 for *2,2,5 ' .flack. Satin .Vest worth 4 for 3,00 . Blaek satin Vest worth 5 for :1,50 OVER-SIIIHTS & -OVERALLS 0n1y.,31 . I.7NDTGARMENTS EqUALLY LOW As Winter hae fairly appeared, wolnvite theattert Con of L- cE 3rdsh.rimscPcrx#4shmesr, Also 6F.NTS who wish to avail thernaelvea of the opriOr• Malty to make some Fair Ones nice ' Christmas or Ne*-Irears ". L. tdir PREAEII►T, to our lone assortmezt of Car - *"'" XI 3R. IS, l CLOAKS,SnAIVLS BONNET%. OUR ASSORTMENT 'OF DRESS GOOD►S, AND TRIMMINGS IS ALWAYS LARGE & COMPLETE,, CONPRLSING PLAIN BIA&Cli" and • FANCY SILTS, 51121ilrigalgo _ of all colors and shades, IiAILINIFA I , 6t.C. OUR STOCK IR DOMESTICKS, CANNOT, B . E . P4I.TALLED IN DIMITY RR PREM. ,Goad Heavy Sheetings, 6 to Sets. per y'd Best 'Heavy Sheetings; 7 to Btets, pr y'd DENIMS, from 8 to 124 cents per yard TICKING, from 10 to 15 cents per yard GINGHAM'S, from 10 to 15 cts. per *aid CALICOES; fait colOro, 124 yards *14 : 81 • " Best Merrimack; 10 yards only $1 CYCOVECOXI. iatlEttte. A choice article,, only 121 cents. Pest Steel Spring Skirts, A nice lot—eelling at 4 eta. per spring.. Ladies: Saxony Wool Vests sad LAMB - S. WOOL. HOSE. - gesit=lwrip. Of the, latest Styles, &e., Acc; Thankful to the niimerous customers for their generona patronage the past year, werespectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Getenberl, Toseitbaum Verve, Pa. peyentbn - - •r ‘l4 , , fr-v ,1, 4 . TCIS aubterfbers take ftleaaare friend* aad moment of Afe en advantage s, of the anosaally klanufacturer Jewelry asuestock of Watebea Jewelry are now prepared to u der great, fore. • Blighakttoi,, Amg oat t. 1041. lifratehow—Laalee Dlantond aapktund ankle. :Also a varlet U. American and Swiss, If unfit, Gold eltaalraw—A yer exuayO Guard and :leek flatus. -by ilarithigsand•Breast Plow- o! la, In aud *isagie _ r Sanger Ingia--IHarneud.Rntry..ltlgard.PruVa Chased ancl Phan Bold Itlugs-a large stuck. aratneletn-Gold. At. !latest. and 17A1B.Brseelsta all_wittrans and Otos.' •Evaxa t Attars !Inver Waro--Eves7(leerrlor I os of Silver Torke..rast Spoon& Napkins Mfrs, on hand. also. Mani and limy. Ladles. Ceps. Card Lases. Ph. tints.* and Fran Lent.a. Chlldrens' sets. salts. Ste., warranted good as enln. • Plata* Ware Al3eentfrnlae.ortmentof len Marts. Ctf %WY, Cake Baskets. Withers. Batter 'Dbdtes. Asyut's, Salts, KXI/1-01, Forks, Spout.s. Toast Banks. Caps Gobkrss etc.. etc.. by ETA*/ it Auss.. Sleeve Illuttois *tad stods-a large stock alai patterns and prices. beauts-Cora - Neeklacee and Araleta, Pearl. Oat: Steel. and silver Beuds. Shell Combs-a.rood doe* et ebell tack . Pamb4,o,liso 110.21a0. gorn. I% my. and Dreolug Hair and Tooth Brushes. etc.. etc. . zrmaavis idb dazazazllli r No. 9 Odd Yeiluwir 1141. Dlngtatet: WANTED ! WANTED iIiNTED.ITTIIIIII-STOIII - 1,000 bushels'd Oat',. • . ' 10,000 lbs. Fresh Butter; in Tub. or Roth,t . • , 500 lbs. Beeswax; - - 5,000 dozen ,Eggs, • ,500 dozen pairs Good Woolen Sookft. A LBO 4:7-ESJSZE. ..FOll WIIIOI TAB Highest Market Price will le - _ • , Paid: in • . ;'• uk)op GOODS, x.ntrose, I . E±ecliitors''• Notice.. oTicgi„ here* given:that !ever. te.,tememan; up. 4.1 on the brit tentameat o ' fJohn Tterny; let* of Silver Lake' &cooed, bast Ixer, granted to the stk. V . acribers:and al 1 persona Indebt.ti to maid estate CM re. questrd to made Immediate payment : and those baelzw, claims, to present them duly atteo.4 or icilltrocat • JAMES MeCORMICK.. CBRISTOPUER BY NE, ri C tirt " l Sneer Lake, Angort mob, lar,i.. trf A' REVIEW AND REFUTATION HELPER'S .IMPENDING 'CRISIS. Hl' GILZERT .J. r:XE81".•. (r ll ll9 PASIPIILET. conalsang of 014 doable c,.ltemeA AL pages. was originallypubitshed pending the canvass of 1.8r.0. impending Crisis , is a cocant lation of all the -sophism and malicious doctrine* lit which thepublic mind of the North had been so tarps'," oned as to produce the triumph of the President' raw , dldate of the sectional party Liar fall,. It wan %lat.! cif eulated gratultonsfY, by means of largo comributions-of - money. and did more thou any other thing to deceive 11.•• massea cif our people. In this no feu' nu t Ile sdation. take no each of its elnimen. ,eparntelc. zed every. taut assumption in detail, and refute them so neat:it:to:l that no,intelligent person can reed the pamphlet nlthelt being convinced of the EN& of all the wick,* ft.prapp bona of the lielper book and of V:e folly of the section.... strife which hao culminated in civll •'.l.* there istc protabillry that ii - eace will be permanently riatoreitto • one distracted land until the 'mac mind at the Non is disahneed °rite erroneous Impressions relative' to the trt character of our Southern shit er StnieS. moat of whom or , now in rebellion ngalnq our gen en.' government. as th , result of the triumph of stztional fanaticism both Nom and South-,—lt beeorn.t tho duty of all true patriots:ode all in their power pre'udiees betnewn the North urn South, and there proh4lv do more ate ' lent means of ac,omplishimtthtc ro.ntt. Than by groat eiieulation of oar,R,ficiori...,4 er Hefper, It contain, {'large auloant of valuable statistics, worth, for ocaudoca Crerefente..trrerai tile.?. the pr;•-e ef !lie pamphlet, intelligent cillten 7 ; . Price 6;, cent. - ~er clop.). euren- - -aent by mat!: ket:%., prepai . d . . • Address , ' ti.. 7. REMY:. • • r[...r-nimo, I) Iddletowsi. Orange T - - , •-• ,/ , '?/74 - VA , • r COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located-over tleScir,qr.ellaximaTallerßant BINGHAMTON N. Y. FACULTY: • D. W. LOWELL, Prlncipril, Profomor D. Ncivnee of Accounts, Practical Accountafet, A u:b.kr pftitpwcirb Tactics opon Bunk -K , ep . iaz Diagrams illuefruting the tame. Jous RANKIN', Commercial Aceonntant. of Book Keepinz and Practical 31athrtnatirs. CLT.7,19, - Asisislunt Professor in the -116.t.k Keeping Departrueni. • • A. J. WstisEr., Professor ~g_Preiical sed.nr- narnertml Penm anship, COmmereini C.len:a• lions and Correepotdence. CECTt Att. 7iS : flea. Daniel S. Dick irson, Lecturer on Cumir.re- cial Law and Political Economy. . . Hun.- Random.l3alc&n, LectuCer - on Contract% Promissory 'Notes and Bill.' of Exchange. Androwq, Lecturer on Comm reia.,7l LNG COMMITTEE Hoe. Sherman 1); Phelps Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy- R. 'Moron, Esq. . The object of this College is to ;Tura to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Uesiaes Education. • The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly. for this In. stitution and embrace all the recent ..imprr , ve. - aaents. . The course of instruction comprises everr departnient •of business. The learner wilt ir• thoroughly taught the selenee and, practice .•f Double,Entry Book.Keeping - ns applied to the folidvring kinds or business, viz: General . Mer chandising, "Banufamaring, Banking, Commis sion;" Steamboating, Railroading. Forwarding. - Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &u. YOUNG MEN . . Canonelify thamaelves lu a short time. la 6[l, Institu tion. to till important and ineratire sitnations. Atorie references can be giren where graduates of Theirsrs.eosr filling d esl nthle *lntel lints rth salaries tram Mt to Irrttet per 81:11311.III. The Proprietors are in posseesion of tartigroniala from some of the first Commercial )losses In the State, to wants they have furnished butg-keepers, *hawing theft entire eatisfactiortand confidence la the aidlltyolthe graduates of this invtltUtioli. • ..... : PENUANSIIIP In all its branches, taught by the tnoolsicilltnl and - Sher ough masters of the ext. 'No College In the connu7 en joys bigberreputat Inn In this &par" tment. Ladies' be parunent entirely separate from tiutt of .thogentletnec. Stadentina enter College at any time. %o vocations. Time to complete theseatroix, (hits 8 to 10 seam. to dents parsing the• requisite examination are presented ' with the mon elabotste and etelptnt engnitt.ll--Diplen,a honed by any Corm:km(la! or'Clanicallostitntion In the Union. Aintigtanca rendered to graduatot in procuring. uttuationt. • For term. of tuition. peep of hnerd, testitrionfe. of graduate. ailing positions..ke. addremii the proprietor. S r eirenhon-eoutuiniou full particulars. LOWELL .tr • WARNER', • TmErteters BilleiamSo6 Croomettial eolier.r. Moir. 8. - Iting6eent6o, N. T. LIFE MEMORIALS. ' I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR a lady remarked to us n - day-or two airier, a. - ,she exhibited the portrait of an only child, gee. 'to the "spirit land;"- which was one et • tr1:11E133313 7 _ . 4 , flow 1 ehonld regret it, had 1 rot aerated this pircions momeest of that dear one.' ::;t1 thought we. 'The loved ones are nut alway, with as, and while We can call them oun., every . one should secure such a memorial; especially sham they esn have them so truthfully taken by ,that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS. ef„,Biag. hiatten. ' • '_ 47et _ .L. HARDING 41-, - CO., . inESS tot DtiGoolis. Groceries, Hartssue. Wad) D Xittirpothing, Boots a Moos; tiosß, Glass, at.. bc. Me6edsoo Despot s Day ivrilihara.. & .Albrols Camtioand Rusabta Cement. for eemenetag lama F , erociMry. from this lutes . Cbims Gina' to kw coar.i st o ne Alte.wond. trobv, !feud*. Mame . 101" 'llk 17 ••• , ~, • • , Abtl Tanya I=3