Woman's Viendship ' said that there is no better! way of securing. a woman's friendship .than by praising her children, but we think it may be obtainvlbe noble and more honorable means.' Mothers arnuot found Wanting in gratitude to those ivho do theM a ser vice; hence the blessings they ha'e pro nonnceduPen the mime of Mrs. Winslow, who has immorfalisediherself by the', dis tioyerz.gt her Soothing Syrup for Children Teething, which.-not;only ryliefes the Child from pain, but imigoratea the stom ach and bowels,.correct - aciditY, aiid, give tone and energy to the wholesystein. It will almost instantly relieve .'griiiing in thebowels, and. wind-cholie,',ancl over cume convulsions; which, it' not speedily remedied, end in death. ' ~ • . -,. ,-; . 7---,--,-,-.. .. .. , r . ;IN PURSUAN C E Of , an..iiet--"of 'file ... .. General aiSimbly of the.' Cointmanwealtli lof Pennsylvania - entitled an ace relating . • .1 to the elections. of -theCommonwealtkap• I proved the 2d tiatof July, A.; D. ltitqt,- I ; (ELIAS - Ii r :GREEN; High Sheriff :of the; IVounty of Susquehanna, in said Common . .• wealth, do "hereby give notice to -the el,Cct 1. ors of the County aforesaid,that a, genet- I' al elec.tion'itill be held in: staid -Countyl - on I l thel J. . , . i I • SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NE)iT,. (it being the Bth day of mild month,)( at which time the ftillowirim . • ofiieern are, to Ibii elected, to wit: ; ' ' • 'One person' to" fill .the office of 1 , ,,i,5,.. 1 ocrrr .lt-tiot for' the district CompoNil of ' the counties of - Stisquelninna and Breafited. ',I 'l coo persons to -till the office of Aso- Icta'rt: .IcooKs - Tor the county of Stistitte ' hanti. *. • • ,„, ;1 sme.perstm to fill t h e emec of.3lc.macit ; ''' ,-, 01 , TIIIE tiout4E OF. lb.r.rtttrzstxrivti:4 - of Pennsylvania; for-film-County of.Ststi.l , 11 t One person to fill the .ollice of Tituasu It . ... • 1 , ' .illlt WV sa id ‘..ounty. . ; • One person to fill the office. of (~l o 3virts. • ... tifONE.II fin' Still] COIIIIIX-i " •. - • - 11 is . ... . wnexerson-to fill the office. of ityorivit. for sa id C ounty. • ' '.. - - • .Itl I also -gerelty make known g aud. give notice, that the,phtee of holding the . , IGeneral Election in the - several Wards, . , lloroughs and 'l'ownships. within the - co. lot' Sui343l telt:mita are as'follows, - ici - avit t! 1 , . ~ , • ... 1 The'elsctlon for the sit-triel connioreil of the tilwii 'ship of Apolaron will be lichlnt the.lsonsc of jorephllkser be In said township. li 1 • 1' I 1 ci The election for the artr.et,4.l.lll))tNql. 11. I.IP 1M11V11,141 of Ararat w ill behold at the .elistol house near the rrer• b,cterlan church iii raid 1.1W,.,111t/. . i The election f ors the dirt Het composed of Ilse to ,,11 ;' ,11 ill of Noboru will lasr ‘ lielsl atike home of James . Lot! in aid township. . r : The eleel ion for the district compored of Of. Willi . ..hill of Itridgewater will Itelteld at the Court - House in ! the torttustli of Montrose; I 'nu election for thedirtrict c,unposeil of theltorn.lllll Id linroklyn Hill he 14s1:1 . the louse of :lame- O. MM. hod in said uncut-Lip,: . I The elasetien fur lititdirtriet oompoeolyi( theism uShlit ,Of 010,1 u -tut will be held at t fte,r-lsol illiii,i'lleilt /:(1131,1 , iII rk ',.. in raid ton iirtslts. , • . The 'election Ad- the slt-trict romporystl of the 10%11101m hr Clifford trill be • held al the Inoue of .11- Find' in raid tontirlalo. s • 1 The eleciatiforlise di Ariel compo•ssil of Ils•• listrOugh urns:Hl-Lir twill is.:l,...lthit bond:nil hot el In wail Itors o t t als. The election ii.l . 011- di-tri..‘ rwplll/..1-it 411111•110, o'l4l of mott.es: tot tn. iaidal chi. hours: of F- 11. Galli 111 itilill ii'llr11•Iii11. I 1 The election f•sr /he dir'lrist comportld of the toi,voldtitt ,of For. , :/ 1.-die st ill lye held at the honer uf.lishit 5.Tt1,k1111, it raid tosen..litis. 1 t 1 Ti e ' election for the .1;-if 111 Cqll/11.,0.1 of ow t,,,,rt . ship . of Franklin will be held at the schoollsoure near' Jacol/ .Allard. In F. 111.1 Ititvll.lllll. , I [ The election fur 112412-I.'hat cottspaci ot th, florsengls s it - friestdoll! , win Is, held at the school • home in laid lis srough. - • . - - The el,l'li / vil for 11., diarist 4.4444 , ,0ep1 ~fah.• 2.:r. 22 ,124 .4 of 0r,,,, 5 1.11,,,,) ,di Iso 101 l at t'n• 6111,1• fans. i i„ v<. st I p 142,1 by 41.21114'112. Paddock in 1,041 IloWll.lllll. ' • Till'l.l , l !inn for l tio•sli•Arnt 42.2122:2224,0 221 tlto . toutt,thip r op.,rib,on will to Iseld in the..lcasletny building in :aid ' 1...W11,11ip. . . , , I lite ricetion kr Ow dlrtrict•riteapored of the /12 ,1 114.212 of narford will be Itehlai foe I.o,uit• 1. , .:..t N. 'W. 1y.41. droll ill wail too 44442114. - 2 , The rlectioa I.pr site .11 , 16,1 compos,l ot flu- tomb-1111p 01 . 11artnott ss ill b- h.:Mat the both, 4.1 S. 14. torir, , ..iu said too - 11-alp. - . . The elect ion for the district l...wripo,etl Cl ihe townill iis of Ilvick wiii iss iitlifi 111 a Imildtug sseetsisted by .) - 91. 111 Miller In raid wild-hip. The election fin. thr district e•insp•s-esl •sf\the town.lsip ofdackson will be held at the how, of .1..1 . •I•ortserl Is t ' 'ad township... s . . !'. 1• t . election ariti , s1,:•:;,1 let rorap.o .. it of 11, 1 ,,,,,,,,, ' of ..l ' esttup . rtin. K.:old st like house et lonic) l!etlin rl;osi towswhip. . „ ilk, elect lon Tor the district essinpo.ol of the townvhi is of Lenox will be held at th,:hosirt• of Gros .V,, ltrotifert in raid town-lip. ' , Ttleeteenott far d m die dirt Het copoil -s of the lown•l•iit ' : of Littetty sill be held at thy. house of,Dela .11./11t, 113 find township. - ; The eli+tioit foitsio• ditirlet compo-,4 of the ton n-ilia of Lathrop wilt he:Arida Ilse Louse of };stein Lord: In I said towsoatip. '.. - : . I The election Gsr - thc district croupoyeal of the lots ms sip I 'of Middletrrin will he hits / at the `',. I/1 J0...p1t !Mrs I in mid townstitep. • s 'lle election fertile dirtrioteonsposol of the rton.titte. of Montrose w ill lc held at the Court Ilan, iu and - .• ILurniimti- .i , I r1,.....4..,11.ya 'f o r (k.e. 41, ark./ 0.4.424 4 4 4 2 242 .2424 'if the Iteroustit ' `, of' New Milford stiiliselodslat the hone:Col 4'. and J Ts', o ld , 1 . in raid Ilitrougit. . • i - ; I The elecOon (or the ili.-1 riot co savored of tise-i mace+ i p ' of N e w ;ditt o ed will 1,, heist at the 11.111,1)."..11111/ kid bl; < . - . and J. Todd. in the B M utough of Neu ilford. . . 1, 'the eteettoo for ths•dirtrict comports!' of the taitrieship • • ol Oakland trill be held at the hoar, of Robert Nityl, In .., a rstirong.h of smoineltanna. , The election for'llts dl-met s•istosto-std of tilt t•swn4laiss lof Rurh will be hi-d m o tile homc us N: I). supler in "hid i township. '"ja"JEL,IIL S- 2,XXIEL, 'n• I ' - • The election for the di-trio eauttaall or i fir toss 4-ilip Of Sprineedkr will lie heldat th e boo, of Spencer II telt 11EPUEL-iii J es u p, September ' 44. 1 t., io a idsald town -hip. i 1841, Timot lir Devise, At title kit 11 ,y . - ‘tk r o f 1 .r T s tr ..v ei r eettett ht - the 111-triet composed or th.• too 11.1. !1 , 1 Is later - will he heklnt the hooves laze of It Sletret• 1: , - I ! i l ex i n said township.. ' . 1115.110 * 1 i ' • ' . 1 The election for the dirt ri a csaupored ei - the tistranigli The subject of this . short Memo i r ',lied 4 of surrtneliannsi will lt, held ag the im.r•ua-r• of .I.;sisistr al. 1 from injuries receivetl . on' Tues,4ll:tv 4s, ~,I. t i Tillman la :odd It.r,Ava, •- t - he eil calor& ler 'hells/strict cnapored of tlar townskip .10th while he with others were etigazett I ofThom.cin will beln.id at the letitreetClierterStodiOnl in rolling logs. a Imndspilie ne.cidt - tin ' ally i 1 .. 0 "idw'n ' hiP I WAD Make 11E11/ . 1. - 11 11.11 d glee aunts, a. in :old s by the strtfrA, hint with such force 'across ititi per- I r -s 01l ection of the arm - mood act; 1 ant directed, 'that 4,- ' .', cry person except jintlicer of the lwacel 5 ins "'hall 8041 roan rts.to cause the most ti.itrente sinTer- iany office or 3141.111i1111.111 Or profit or tru-t looter the in ,. . until Saturday, when he expired: ' i United Slams_ or of this States or !if any tityikt Met/Ivo r- rated district. whether a tonstobeotoll..l oCirer 421 - "St4eitt. rathi . r. Depae was born anti lived. in shots. or rhan•be employed nod, the 1 , 1:bl-silt, jusiss - , . the •State of Neu - Jersey ~, -, ..r...1 "' il a b out fi r ..., ' i iary or rlll'aZite 11 th'l.3l/1.•111 of Ills- 5i1.11.• I.l' I 11111.7.1 • Stater, or an ett vor incorporated district : and r•iro that years since, when he removed. to this co tut - any member •sf Congrc.r, aud of . th• Stale 1,--.:1-lattil-e, 1 ! and of the select or common council of any cite. a et oss ty, and SO sled lit .1 ess t it it, l le , was 'try 1.41(.4 . 4. 2 •1444 , -ioner- of attr iricorptsrated di-strict. ir by fat iv;:! • getic, thoron7ll-i , oin ! -, business inan,i..... and • 1.4h1e of hnidin7; ,l ' d%ml- in ni the "ante Otto'. the of- . , nee strappinniment 'of Jralge.. lurpectoT or clerk set 'ail?' Isis sudden removal' 101 effect matt v ! anti I eteetihn ul thla Cantata's - y.lth, and thatint lit- tot:sot- 1 0c ; Judge str other fl(lll.'(.ll.l,rtt . te . -orb sleet !lois. ~.13. 1.. 1,0- iA i ' . Las thrown :i tzloont :and sadness orsr the tame to any SIMI,. then to be voted for. • i • ; entire community. Ile, was f or tuany I Ansi by the Nous:tie, Ul atoetuttly it is alto next' "rho „ , te „ , , . • .„ 1. • - duty of tr,••rY lqtnror' SltorLft. Dria, soeritl Aish;iitisist years a member of tits .A 1 el 1)0411S1 Prlfis. f'o- 1 Ju r ist*, ./the 1.4.24re,..4. * 'ont2tahle err lieptiry . i. inotable: ,•••' si . - pal church, and ,are got 1 evidemm.pi Ins.' .. ,, r: , ' 11 )". elottitY• 1.11131:111p Or di•lrlCl ,‘ 1/1011 I hi, 1 1.1., • • , tuonwealtb. whenever balled upon by an officer of tot la_st hours, of a well grotindettliope of MI- eteettert:or hylline . qualified electors thereof, Si, clear la er ny v *L t ritli io tw u s,... h a i i c t lL mi , t h e n t i s i t hre ilts o , b, wi t t m id , o t s ,. . d s ssf in tls; place of grin- r nlollAlit v and eternal life., May . the I.oril . , , nett a way: na sanctify this bereayezieut to the good , of.' to pres,nt 'voters from approachingthe same : and-it shall ~- : be the duty of the respective Courtable of such ward dl - his Cansilv and friends. - • . '-: ''' • ', trio ssr town s hip within this commonwealth, to he press . - In :Rush Allgllttt Nth; Alfred it. Ilan- . i f rut in i person orlky 11eptily, at the place of holding. sleet- I , ions. n such; ward. dirtnet °riots - m.lllp, for the purpore i 140 M, in the 4.7th.year of hi s - acre, i The ;or preservingllte peace as aftire.aid." • t I Also that 141 the lth rectiott of th•• ant of .1......t0b1r Csi. : I deceased was a land husband; an '• affect- titled ••an 1 tit h • - - '." I ... act re at. g tut he s :salmon. and for ti ther innate father - awl'a worthr citizen. I. • I Purposes. Approved April 15// 1510. it I. enacted fiat - ,, ~ the ablee.aid lath reetion._ - •shall not be comdintal a. [to ' pre, eat any Militia officer. or liortnitElt °nicer Irons set . , ow as Judie. Inspector. or Clerk et ate general or 1111.1. r. ' tat Amason in this Commonwealth: - :• Pursuant to theprorision. contained in the 70th m i x.- t hitt orthe art afore-aid. the Judger of the afore-all stis -Irict rhstll re-peet feel?' take . citurgs• or the - errt Ille.at 42 ;of " tett/m4' . ti0...-kci 100 not' th e tr . , r e spect is,. dist rict ., ~,,1 ; produee them at.* rlllfetilit! of one .1 udge from ,-writ yh i Trio, at the court limn,. In ilk; llorystials stf Montt - so, ins , 1111' third day after Its,' day of eleetion It.'lllp the prelobit ens. on Friday thollth day of Octoher neat, il t sr e to of • end perform the Maier required by law of rald .111tigs-I -; Jiro that 1[111•11• a dodge 'by riekne.- or unavoidable al'- '; chient I. unable to attend -aid meet insof Judge-. Oda the certificate or reta l rn itforernid.ritall Ise taken ..1111,..... i 1.111:1' foie of the i ts-pertors or clerk- of ihe elect ion Pf , l i'l district, who Atoll ilo and perforth the dal ies. requir e d of - . 1 said deriv enimble to attend. ' • I i 1 . . . . Also that !t i the tint section of raid act , it i• enseted I 'tliat ••eret•y general and -isycisil'eleetitin -haft Is , sseirf.: I• het seven eight and tett.in the forenssal, anti rliall ront st• ; 1 tie without inteiTtlittion or tolkonrotocitt until to2t,on I O'clock 111 the evening. when thelmilt rile!! be eirr.rd:r • hi , . lurtt.erfilterivil Lii.ui the'iniorlith.T of the .rctrirn I, Judge. , at the (*owl. House Iti Montro.e. to wake nut l o s :. general return- shall be on the first Friday totect•oling he ' 1.i1"IIC1 clvtl . tion, which wl/rbeott the llkit dos of Or J. bta.lhr4, ' The rs , turn Judges oftlte Judi risil district I`lllllTl4 - 111.4 tof • the counties , of ritustpiettantia and. ttraidord, will meet 1 at I the : C.:nut lion,. in Itte Borough of To watch- Ilradbird bounty.ipst Tus•rday October lbili. ll3iil, to perform the ei t .the, enjoirsed liv Ma upon said Judge.. 1 tliven tinder roy - httnitl. at I,sSofilite in the P 40, 40 1 1 . . 14 • Montrore, the 11th day of geptenther. A. D. 1851. and in i the rear of the Commonwealth the eighty•tftlt. I ELIAS V. UNTIES. Sheriff', :I " Sheriffs Qlll•cer.Nfontrosse, September' 10. ISM. , ~ ' ' LAdministtatoirs ' Notie. -... xtrilialgA.l4 lerloriof AilminiatratiOn to tliestate of DCWI4IIS Wukt.txr., late of lAnburn. es-remelt Ilse been granted toe subscriber, i per.oni LOA/ •kited. trt ', the tiaid cellar are , redneatefl to Make itowoltate ply to t.l , : 51 1 1 ,aildthillIe haring. ehdlas r dentatel- againid Oa : estate of the said decedent, will. make know-o the value 1 witis o ll dritiyt) Leen, titspl.' dd. ISOI,--:Gt „ JAS. or i elL Nr.....1(1m . r , 1 NICHOLSON ACADEIIII2' .1 .1 . NICHOLSON WYOMING COUNTY *PENNA. • , .-TuE rail Tertneftitii Instliattou.tent commence do slttinds„)". kieptenter S. 1851, add continue twelve -.Woeits, 114 O.S per week., will pay for-board. room. wash : Ink !raping awl tpition. Rooms 1155 be obtained fpr acne • wishing to board theitattelvcs . ; . it N. STONE, prindia I .. icholson. itignlttli. lOW—WI '' :"-- —I- I lir a i N . .., i . • i . %VALI/ -&IVINP(Iiii: . -tAPER . -1.. i 3000 ROLL! 4 P'"''''''r• , ,t. enhiszrAct!iis zscitc4T r .f3tp3rolo. - Mollitrorte„A'l4, .51101 1414 mu-4e _ _ . _ -among the killed by the Litth l !Platte River bridge, disigter,was Barclay of the John_ Brown raid' notoriety, witt, fire or six men with ' him, who were carbine to: joint goineryN Ran a= Regiment. Weekly market Reports. NAM -YORK. :1%1101.1:SA1.E 1•IICES. Wheat-Flour, :0 bbl., Rye .Flour, bbl., 2,i10e . 13435 - , Corn Meal,- '1) bbL, 2,80 e, i j Wheat, p bu.; - ,00191 1,25` Rye, . p bu., 0,G()(t 10,62, Oats, p bu., (321bs) 0,30(it„ [0,25 Corn, 4 70 . bu.„ . 0,006/: . Butter, p . ll, ' 0,0; (c 10,14 Cheese,. 00.) o,oo@ J 0,07 Tallow,. .1.1 lb - 0,002 (dp, 10 i Lard, ) 11, 0,0910-„b,bii moN - ynosr Nue t.:s et mtENT.; Wheat I/bushel, $l. fit4 l % . I WIlo , 1100im:1 1 1 , 1)10nct ..r...00 Ity e.. ..... .. . .... .. .: 56 cont a , liyo 110 n rll cot ..., 4.r. Corn % - .4ceut, t ( - on' meal lil h.‘r11,10'67, 1,1:: Buckwheat :........ ' I l'ork. - , 1 IT. ..10 r 4 111 cord ek Oats 114 rent.• i Lard 1.1 lh ',1,. cents heaps - slat 1 'i 1 Iturtor I , 11,...13 (i tl - 10 ceo 0 ANamtng. .".... • :MI gent.. 1 1i.g4.. •i) .1o:... ... Io f,...att I. :Motherly' annul Thin. —The follenvitnt,ivati extract !tom a letter written by On. pa.tor of a Itaptspt Ohnrch to the "Journal iad St e,t eneer." Ctneinnattl. Ohio li rns.. trolunier In favor of that world-renowtand ‘lt'insuiter Stxrrn IVO Mr nu r ron Cuit.nninNTrimiry,: We 3ee an itdvertisenwnt in your eolutnite of Una. Witt. slow's Soothintt S3 - rnp. Now we never 'vairl aln oni in faror of mat . pat eat ww4leltie in our life. hut ue {eta pulled to aay to year milder. that thin is no humbinz—wv. aura TRIED It. ram KNOW rt• TO HE ALL IT,CV.it it probaNy . *near the mail niece...4u! ti nil !kV 113,' one, oftim be, t. Tho.e ch have lulliieartant 4°lol m• I.k.:nctki Lily in 3 - ,, ntiply. • y xait ARICANGENTRTS—MoIrf ROSE r. O. .VAIZS,A tiVt—Dailr crn; extvp,ted,; Trout t East and :loath, bs Invid at 7St--:}t V.; (aanday kc,pt..d.f Ansa the Wee.f. Raftnad. at !ni: a. at. Ftatn Illuehattaan dirrat. a very Taerday. l'huria i Lay tlyed Paturdar, at ti , t " p. m. • Fa ma TanUhanavak dirrd. ,vvrry Thnrsday and Satanday. at Sp. to, • From T.mantLl direkt, Tua....dery and satprdaym Daily teem .Frirtlal lac ‘ameda.". , excepted' 31 P• LEA ialoolays esueptc.;th forlthe 1014. math. by railroad. at sa. m. [ - Daily t!unilay exeoPted) for the‘,.!'r.ailr4.ati, at 4 P. in • For ilit . 4:lciLit.Tr ctrectoo - ory !.Imolay, W.[.,P:e7oha,- and rtidy. rOr'reAktlll.l4.:AXl, 7‘ford.ly ,•:14.133- au f, a rt.i • Fur Tem-Inas t 0..? rridac at 7 a m • Pally toe Fri.ladc,ilir 0i1&1y es_ 1t ;L" q. NI. a or I,arcyy4r,o W r 1.1:,:,.; ;I 7' p m.. -1 111 , 01114 arlieller..--Ngek,. tivtl Virt Iteard ut v an! Cu*oity Gym mi.si.bajt.t. tat-rt t:l,. • 14Sondav, .1111 v 1.1. usra.l 32 i 3 .0 ti . 3103k. 32hral the nr,t" o; Tn.igh Chereattcr.to teecire'splieationr and make appTeif,ria: ion; [or the reibrf of Voluratacve and th,ir anti 14!.. 1124er the prerisions of an Act. ..otitled Act to C233re , ,3 t. 313 antW xoriole /re arssiatr.cht 'Skiet , r,s4r,c4rve.t - 11.2p, IS.I ezt tit *inner. op ItuAut, 114tus.r. }M PLOY E NT_,l AL.camxvires VcrBiV"ii,373 •We will pay trout 44::: 7:; ut,,tis h. and nil ripon.t4: es active Az;gg.. yr giv, a cArai calf atoll_ PArtirttlia+, sew tree. .4d4re...t Eta r.tr..i.r.. •Cv cz_u. .I.t. 4 A ANS. Ury yin] A. •I 111L.EILMM.3C.ZL.G.-30W , . On the 1:41.11 in t., in S:ilver by Ekl.:W. C. miatn, Gaitze and Miss Ilsrrio 11.11114.b0i1l Lake. Military it Notace. Every person holding a commission as an officer in the volunteer or militia for ces in the county of Susquehanna, is.' re quesled to take an oath, before me, of al legiance io this State and the. United States, within thirty days from date.—. The Governor has•authority to annul; the commission; of. all persons yellising td take Such oath: C. 3 . 1. . -. I3ri.-cdc Brigade Inspector's Office,. Montrose, Sept. 22,1861, . C .. . . • • ' AtITI()N. ' ' . 1 . • .. . 1 1...1., Vfe lihah. V l 'b iltt ° r ) N itltmuseopivla:l4%l eey ,t V e gl) r.,,,mut1ue0ri4.,..- ur tr:i.r.iztg.r ,p 1 on nck.outus 3.,. I 01;1 payncttlel,4.9 cliae, coutraetiw• affer thh an tr..' 1111;11AILASMIt11. Tilmocli,Na. •plember It, 1.551. --4,,c• I I FANCY TUBS, FANCY FURS. ha Faieira. . Ail lay Farnham been pttraased fur null. nod ,made by experienced and cumpetent hands,and aa the priumit Toonctary troubles render it necessary that I ehould Pose , of thT nendirat very email advance on coat. • • • lam sattened that it will be to the Intereat of thobc who iretweittz, to eve Vie I era. ' bect the name, number - and "trek John Far Ara. Mew Put Blom) Tiß Arch - Street ! Yhttadrl t?de- iZent,.lllth 101: Am; ST. LOUIS. HOTEL. CHLSTNUT.ST ! MOVE - T i • IR D , - -.PHIL ADELPHIA f I '- , - tat of the Jobbing IT <4l/441 Ed arriret t . ThiriC ‘' olikd b =ut streets. the Eastis. ?tot Oboe. Merchants Exchange, &v.. e,. - . . WARD PER DAY, $lO. •Ac o d at uu. when required. or the Eritorwi FLAN. Booms - from GO moo and ariardA• per dim Ahd Veils at 's Iroutr-Ct..m.t. Reitaurant attactrO to the Rota ?rim according to Um Bills of Yam - "• ' • , . thierallon ARCH F?trvet betymin Ili.. and 1.41 d. . gen/ 818. 3UTEA, 11...tictirAertairm DEAL= Ix AU. p.m* Foicr Futm, for bodic., ecanci tying now Manufactur id In estore kmy niMal and beautiful - atz•orl -1 of allhe variant. and qualitlM , of ?am. ded to 'becoming Fail Winter Seseoms. 1 Id respactitille invite an Ilnation of tar etock J pnreliatoi. am ena.. intincenientti. - I Goldoleo, Me kW* o dal ‘ th Salerfetus. 14• D other f e beg in market. for by ABEL TWIIRELL+ HA.s for tale . MetaMe 011. for- Sewing_ Itaa‘ toes. Cloelt it Watch 'OO, Bed Bag. Bat and Moose Pol -1 son, Iloineopanda Ramodles, Pond's Extract:and a great variety et Linicreenta, Bakes. ands, Piasters, and sty cadke - , letyaf Patout Medicines. • ; Fr3-s.3wi'w.-mril SUSQ-. CLASSIOL A MINOILVAL , . at jr•cimizsa. PROF * S. HARTWELL,' B, PRINCIPAL; Mr. I. &Boas, itf.Apilitiant; erandierofVciini RiGniuditflnetrucuisii 01treneb illon M. Blackinon, Initradtaul'orldnelc Guiltily. • Miss A. 'W.filartWell k lnstrutires4 in. Priv:inn Depart cunt. . : C. C. ipetriltidr of 4Gatrir anti 11010.• ',' • Other Aut . :tu er ts end Lecturereill De.onployea u the • want's tthool toy demthYl - , I , r 1 - • • ' T ut: tiara ' ; 4'4lern wilt beOu Monday, Siiptainlitn. 9, 18 6 . 1: In aquatinting the cbtamentattea tot the tiext..tende ic 'UV Of thin Ittatitutihn thie!Ltrioteet are. happy tit mate that their expeetatiosht astute:ea futlll f en• ded havelnifen fully realized... now In - a. flourishing. condition, and they feel confident in saying to the public that if is entirely worthy °film patronageof all who do sirethoeo' mental ,C the acquisition of knowl 'edge, whether as a preparntion fiir College, or teaching, or other pursuits. Its patrons filly he found in all parts orthe County end to them-rererviicc is made respecting Its merits. Tuition per Term of!Eleven Weeks. rrtruary_ l I Depntnteut .-, .:. $2 50. 111,1 her Engi 6 00. I.atin.Greek and (main. each, - 4 00. French - ' 3 00. English. with one Language ' . -.' 7W. No MU for the abovdatudica shall extmcd.... 9 00. Drawing • 2 OD. Yocal MnAle, (three iedPoll6 per neck.)........ - 100. Manic on. the Piano .. 800 I an dttnalruutent,- ' • '' ' 2 00. ' Mattel from t.g.00 i0.r.1,50 per treek. The tattle centerilenees as heretofore for theme triehink to board thentteires, . Fur other lufonnation address thu Principal dt Mi.mtradc;. • Vi J 0331.71", Provident. C. P. RIAD,: Sectetatlyi Muntroue,'Arlguat 13, 181711:—If NEW MILFORD NOIpIAL LOITAIITMF:NT. E. B. HAWLEY, - • livf. N. 1., ititm,sy, - Miss lii.f-uIiEWLitkAN: brltielie.,—eominorLi .rka 11101,1, '• and 11111t11411131.1..4. 4 1 , • do lorlutlind Latin and French, Pri :nary GeV...OHIO) I, bistro mental nod local intiste, ex ?'ho next term of Oils seliool will continence on Wednos , 14.03, -VW Ma 1:,h1 11, wl vont in in , elvven weeks. One primal 1 iinjed. will bent render 01l p.m-Pde assistant,. 10 those lii ore preitaritez to teiieli. Bottril elm lie boil for i per week. Room., for -indents to .hoard Oientselytts Oil reastinalde terms,. Lectures will do. tielirerin d Villiring the , term. For hill iniiilindnr. inquire Of E. IL II;wley. Glb- Neil. or the diceettirs., Nett 31111'okt. I Ity artier of tile Stoard. GLAI2I2.ITT. Pre! . T. HOYLE. SFr. {N.* Nlilford, July 24.1114 11A11FORII.UMVERSITY, 91111 E of t;tl, 1,14/111i11, , , , "in ronn~ .• urr ant Weilestby. September 1311.! The WillWr I,rltl on W • I)eeelel.er 1/ ; and I fie Sp ring irrlll.olt VV.II - February itn Each Term roma:4,lof eleven lrecks. ~~LI~~NB~IS. Brune!Raid iucludiirY. \ r ueAi loot fe_. .......... : . 83,00 Nat ufal mat nook' 4,00 io,niivirl awl .I.firiciit 5.90 Fo.nes. ... : ..... 5,00 Muir ork until flu. War i, lora - . , 6,10 • .. 1,50 Ctlreu-rr,,t ..... 1,00 Lectures with n good Alen atus are given every woek. - -!- . ..1,111...a,m It titrul , to d 'olthr ..00kinz stove. ludNrad and table. rota°, M Ilio iltmmv W lusud 111.1M,11 , eau he had itt the tirighliorli.foll ..at two dollars 'II:1y in advance. or proprrlLi.,ixiirod. flattop]. 1.1110.1,1 s, 1,41., Zarss,. fll/11: VEST ,IlAltliETCompr.litg different I prb,-, by ABEL TT. Moutrww. 11,;znq - AT- TYLER'S.' STORE! FIRST STORE ,BELOW •TARBELLS. riinE ••14-ftla• Vine Patteru: R.:4 Silver sfrel with.., and Rub Shia, nay V o rki. and At Tyler ' s .' Store. i)E`.'r ennlithrll..z• Talkrir .11 AtSamara in,. awl -Sp-rin I'n u Pi N ,Kt if o' ri% aim my INF et, ara;sinihoi g" 4011 LTV EU, Pure mill-Metallic Oil, for 11.attelli FOR THE HAIR, •AND MOUTH. A rns. ALLIiN'S Zsiehatitamntii t'oetiailie.. :in% one and LW.. . lietee snit Roue Nair Oil: aiiii N• York-Mouth nirrill'e FrAtTrant Elizer. Cur the teeth anti and ir,Ditlyrym plc'. Meath t.r Subp, . AT TYLER'S ,STORE., 44 tittsrs oaim, 'Vero.' able Cwpbalic on lle Baehr. 1 19 1 ' AT Tir S 'ORE. , PILE, of IV • 3=0M2. - t - ~ C =I4C)X:, EA, C01)1:1s1I, sToNE WARE, • NVOODEN . PAINT & - vAil - Ntsti lowsitEs: • !NG, scni - BiNG, If A1.11,1%•001, NAIL, anal 1.411 Ell BRUSES,..ALL. - AL(7(MIOL. Tr RPENTLNE O & LAMP BLACK,- TALLOW, SOAPS Of Oevery . • - 7,Tr"Dont nAk to :.•t triMed at. TYLER'S STORE. . Butter pent to N. Y. and pant returned for 2 ere. 3.> Montro.e. Jun. , 5. - HENRY C. TYLER. WE ST~II LIVE ! * *s BIN taI.II.IITON * * 7300 .1F3[1.170, so, - to ((CRT-STREET A Great Chance for BAuGAINSI BROTHERS, At No. 20 Court Street, - BI.NG-liiikTO.N, N. Y., , • Sro 11M4; reci4v lug daily train the late Auction Salm D,2lr titaD2 . • *lnch arc far cheaper than any. yei ;Shred thlF.t l tde - of NowTork. . . . Baying Goods entlrrly 'or• 7A,ttlh a Istnatir at Auction, and having a baser constantly In the market; we aro enablial hyony supeilor adrantages to- Soil Goods at Ruinodo Prices to Others. Tl 4" hAflug9Prehl e s Zral n e,:b l e riffle. IT oa at, as a. Pi NEWEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS THE MARKER AFIX)RDS f6eget to call 'al 20 Saint Street,E 1 I Sligo of ;VET.. i• Binghamton, Atria 13, 1,041... got HE ►ABEL :TURRELL 1144 - offers for sale one of the liugest'and best selections of rt t \7_} g) 0 "3" - • a! Ever offeced m Susquchiintin County, and probably' comprising the , greatest RlETYniinvoitt 'different artielei of any Steen-hi the Wrthern part of Pennsylvit• nia, and porhae of the entire .tune. Au ' assortment is • apt iii about: thirty ifitfer.: ent branches of trade, and the selections nrc made about' forty .'of the. best Houses in New York, - and more Otitt flf ti Dealers and 3lanufacturers out of New. V..ork.. A large.prOportion ortlie Goods are brought direct from the Manufacturers, thus insuring' geiiiiine nrtieles: ers on catering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly cv z cry article wanted will be produced by, inquiry. Some iirea of the Stock may .be fromed by the following genernl outline, but enumeration is impracticable: ' DRUGS- AYD MENUS' ES, • - • PAIXTS AAVD OILS, • D STUFF'S. GROCERIES, "Mg Lr ORS, - CROCKERY, - qL..4s,s-WARE, • . . WALL and jr/it'D 0 W PAPER, JKIVELRY, SIG VAR- WARE, PERFGS fERY, F.,.I.NCY GOODS, USI CAL INSTRUMENTS, -• "MU SHEB :IME RICAN POCKET . .IC,ViiirE.S, .1:47'; CUTLERY and SbL IER PLA TED WARE LAMPS, MATERL L fir LI (IHTS, HARD W ARE, • BED CORDS ' S'TON'E WAR E, • DRY (100D1, . MIRRORS, WIND() Jr AXD PICTURE Gl-1.., I. I 7WOGRAI'HS I .t! 11 - 1111)S, tf• LASHES, GirNs, PISTOU4, AMUNITION. Tis o it - A c L St 7 R611.-1.1 Illerrtment , , S.IL7', 1 1 07:ASIT,. • The ail (liti.fts of the pililie is respect fully invited to my koekof Goods, houfylit xclusively tier cast' vows: and will be ,-old on the same: ininciple tbr low . priees. ABEL TUBBELL. 31otit rose, 3133 .- 14, - 1861. • G ROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRIITED SOISA'LESS SEWING MACHINES, Ptol2 FAMILY AND J - lANUFACIUICIA - .; Usn, 495 Broadway; New 7 York. ..-iyeNefrsh ! 01l the prim-limit Citievctivi .The (;rover .t Baker Sewing noe]twe Company are, now miluCletartne% and have on eSittilitkin At their dif ferent oaleerootnii. =chi:ten making the Shuttle or Lock Stitch • of the mine patterun Anti at the sante aa their i•elehrated Grocer S lktker Stitch Maeblnee, thus the public the advantage of comparing the i.titehee of the the leading machine- and evereking their oar a judgment as to their reppeciKt• DATIT oz. Tine in the onlv eomptin:V that nimmilacturet both kind, M inachluee and therefore the iinb etie that e.A.43 offer tide privilege to the purdin.er. tre speak from crperience when we saav that. after haring tried all the principal sewing machines, We most accord to that of Grover .k Baker the pre-meinence. Those indispensable features of sowi g. strength, not fortuity, and elasticity, all of which are brought out to this Incomparable invention, make it - the first - sewing machine in the country. Others have their good polo LP. hat this combines all, and possesses erect* characteristic necessary to make_ it most deairable.r r. C'hrlitlan Advocate anil loured. - AI THE " MENIT va, PIIttTENCC.—Wv perceive that the Grover Raker Sewing Machine Ie every day growing more and mare in favor, both, for manufacturing and family, purposes--but especially an adapted' to all the require- Hien tn of family use. tither machines, by dint of brazen prlitery and conniving with committe?* at annual fairs, have hi , en thiant forward into the first Plate; buttheyare fast b.dng thin unmerited position. 'lite real merits of the Grover S Baker Machine.are, btaduning m be known in a practical war, and daily in the demand for them la crea,ing, while the demand for heretofore better known: but Inferior machines. in proportionately deerenning. So ft tamp oat in thin. an in mane other inntancen. that 'how enty is-the best policy.' and the right, in the end, comes uppermost. • " A trialof over two yeure ennblre tut'to say wiik the ,greatest confidence that there• le no better machine for -general Family use than Gneker S ltaker's Sewing .1Ia• chine Co. It makes 2 beautiful elastic seam that does nor rip with wear ear washing. runs almost uoieeleeely, i is plain, simple. 'easy to work. and net halite to get out 'l. of repair, faeteut the en& of its own thread. and O•ee • thread,. and silk‘, directly front the spools on which they are txmght,"—.X. Y licukr. Ilrover A. Baker's Nf :tailor: work. In-their peeultar et fteh. and lahrlcs pot together by ft. may wear and drop to pieces from original weakness dr hard usage, hut route aintrt or give way at the scants qie cannot ; they Will. hold together when the cloth or calico around them hangs u rags and , • - • I " The points we - concelye neeissary.and inipor , tent to -meet the wide range of requirements in a machine for family sewing, we find more Mil combined in the Grover d: Baker. viz.: extent of capacity, simplicity; of i cottotztletioa.ease , of management. adVantage of ming thread from two spools without atiemai, buf work. elasticity, durability and regularity of atitelf.umi quietness of movement. We therefore make *Ward to + the Grover Tinker.."—Reportql•Cormallfeei Terustspre Staif 1,110-1240 f11:4.t-bYtAgl Werairg, 1 5 60 .; I • R. CHANDLER, Agent, Teta_ly . c r q '• " 3loutrose,•l'a.' •' D.R=EU:4IM . • Sheet Music. • 1 4.411 ) .. wa.7. istrnagrainri. ques.vrip, AnitC 9 Lip 4,024 ether New Pieteic et.. fr. - SPECT_ICIA'S, .111".00.11S PORCELAIN" TEETII 'Ttnens in thP Undefi State% !- -• NEW 000.1)s., NEW E • - W NEW U GOODS. D SS • NEW Al'= GOODS. L. ItA.RDING: - & r . CO'S, NICHOLSON DEPOT.' LIBERAL DISCOUNT, MADE TO \ r air • .*:1 9 READY-PAY CUSTOMERS. We.are.tieterinintai 'not to ho oat-dune in the way of, . LOW PRICES. --0- ALL KINII3 or' PRODUCE Tokto iu rscleanzes Art CO 4) co)*" I:o D . L.'IWIDING fg, CO; Nicholson Depot, 7 i lidy 711), NC)' X C.M. rilitc. Lite Firm of Baldwin & Allen. Flour and Fro, is -I.l l ou dealers. iWill be rontin nod 'lnductile name of Allen Deans - A: Co. All due the old firm In In the handl( of A Baldwin for intmediate settlement.. A. BALDWIN. July Oth,l4l;l_ i ^^ .W. L. ALLEN. NEW FIRM, • ALLEN, j DEANS it GOet • Under Montrose Democrat Office, A RE R G ECEIVING • - Freith Ground Western FLOUR ditpl...intelf . lie warrant to give t.atin-favt tun tt, any in market i if not good relented at our cspenste. Feed, and Buckwheat - Flour, SALTI AND -PORK I r ugl.oAD,-:13:11.11 - &1.; Pc)I.;N D. HAMS, [Star "Cara): Dried 'beet ..•-• • • • • . Smoked.ltalibut, Drips and Syrups, . Molasses nd Sugars, SPIC'E'S, • BRO MS ' _4 .VD SAILS, tre offer for sale at Lute Prices. for READY PAY Ituntrose July 9, 38rJ. THE UNION' Sow nd Forever ! THINK, EXAMINE, AND SAVII; 25 O'S ON A DOLLAR bi 11. (x_ SPRING:S; - SUMMER ; , 0 0 D . B , • • ._,,,- HAYIY6 BROTHERS, THE PpOPLE'S AGENTS, -AT IR - ORIGINAL 1` ONE PRICE "-STORE! ° OUR sTOC C 'NOW CO3II'LETE! ICI'AY GOODS AIZHIVIG DAILY. E !EWE .1. 1 1 11:UE I , SOii OF— ' IV STAPLE and FANCY DRY iGOODS, GRQ CELIIESA .PRO lONS, • 11.: TS ANN) CAPS, • , ROOTS- _ix p SHOES; - WALL PAIM:R, IrOODEAT! .11%4U . ,--co.IL OIA Y NKEE -NOTIONS . StiFIETOS . r..SKIHTN . FLOIII, , IrLT, FISH, NAILS, - • PAIN S AN : I) 01.1.5, And a great cartel. of artiel4s too natiterOtir . to mention, which we arc hoc r to sell • Cheaper than the Cheopeit ! • • AT Wit n.E.S.t LE AND . •PR OD LACE token hi Eichunge !or goods. 111 Good ! , cold at ONE PRNE iin4 NO. DEVIATION. Our system of going litustuers gicer sateactiou CALL AND EXAMINE OCR GOODS, I: YOU HUY 08. EZERM You BATZGAIN'S UNI - 113A - Ttli Or thankfully received., and larger ones • . Yours, . . Juno Itll rir Small Nvor in proportion... . • NEW MILFOIt r &TING LIBRARY. BY _THE BEST AUTHORS. uNDItED VOLIUIIIIIO4i Corr, Itiography.Trarel± r 7r ., Romance...l:e_ n have the benefit of for week, Believing that obtain the rt.ading, of edch books to jn Parcha.e the woFk.e.' R.,neiero.fut )e to 011ie Much HEW WORKS as will le palate. profitable to in s'self and Int pra ry. For further partibutfink can at SMITIFS NEWS:OFFICE. CIRCUL BEST'VORK ONE II INCI.VDING 11b4 Adventures. Ih . width the public ea .a ,um pen many will prefer t !hie way..ratber tl ettall add from-ti bo of in ter,,ft to tl I provement to the L Mont row, June WAR . POIC & WAR PRICES! SPRING #YLES NOW READY. H. BUR7C~ITT 1, , nom ne&ning a',full and choice vtotk .SPRING_ 1. AND .sIIMMER • including a great fief!' of rich Prints in new. styles. I:lngham*. BrfllLin s, Lawns Chillies, Dress Tlssneirand Darenois • Black, Fancy and Foulard. Flgnred Dress very low'with a falliassortment of Silk. Drootni , Qtaktneme . and Stolla•Shawls ; Mantillas, flusters . Parasols,. Rlelt Ribbons. Bonnets nd Flowers; Mop Skfrta, Broad- - elotha, Casislmers. Summer Staffs. &v..; smith a lane as sortment of other , . „ Staple. and Fancy Goods; Alt sisal iaGroert er, Cri.kery. ir.rdw.re: Iron. Nails, es, Drugs, Boots and Shoes, Data and. Cape, Clarks. CarprOtering, Floor Oil Cloth, lA'all - Paper, I mount and (Litt Wkidow Shades, &o. • The Stock is larr4,- and bonght for Cash -, daring the , present War rantc, ; and will be sold at low-down prices, and on the mast fatonible ti-Tme for Cash, Prodnor., or to rintoptOme - N.D.—Mar and Saltmsnstatttly 'on hand.. 1 . . Mcvi , Milford, may, MC. • La* Btioksi __ • _Li • nwßopYs DIGEST; DiatelJfistice , , Dunlap' Farms graydptcs Fur*. Boa othe at - = 'GOODS. REDUCTION ZaTari GREAT CROWD EXPECTED AT THE' STORES Of - Qin It b r I,lbseithaiim,-k.CO Moqtrose, Susq'a Canty; Pa, Elmira, New-York,,, Susquehanna Depot, Pa. • I WEd , r a lni e n , t o z „ ,; u u t e .u t v r t. ic o uit t 4 h s e n p .t r„ t b li t 'e .. i.uptLlt.c.lu"regluhl• tturhefulTalre to the ettleti M g c eau Dart:lnv • ' 'GOODS - FOR: 1 CASH t - From Erro 21 PER CT: LOWLRIT rormir:l. Tberotoro we are determined to ofeer the public our general trod, of EADY MADE CLOTHING filtliti P.IMPITI.I - 1'.r.di.i,t;.;•,.... ~ r o I dr.tiolo c0:a7:13 i p.,g,,,, o a.. orb:lean, pnblielied temd i rig the . prolltic4 ran,a, of lt-40. 'flo '•lmirehding Cri-d., ' le a comp!- , latimi of all the' , - ..1.1.1-nte and mark-jou, iloctriet.i bf;. - . ,_ tip , .. . ' , which the public mind of the Nor.h had beets so far pOiti . 1 nn.:4l V Cu produce the niumplt of the Prealdential can., Gi . -. I ; dldate of the ...c: bond Forty Ima fall.. it way widely co• , 1,. -i . eg g ] a n t e e r d . , Qt , t i t ir l , t i t. u n i - ,... „.:a ia l an ni nn v a , ne o o ti f ,, l.l r t;rl; c.,,,,,,,,r ize u t. , 4 0,,, :iii , !. .. • 9 nevem° of norpeople. In nit; 'let ice czn;rl746la fife:. At , Left. up .self Of its chapter. eeparateiy, and e% toy impor• 'Mita cumpriaes titre ' ~ tont tvetompfionin ch tall, tool refute them so completely ' • ~.. i that no tracing, nt pereor. can read the tounphlet isithout largest - and best being convinced uf the fal,itv or an the wicked aaannap. : bums of the "Yelper book and of slier folly of the rectiotoo , - -_. .. i strife. which ha, cnlntinated in cit II war. An there Is tai SOCIi.°GOOD44.I' p rob abilit y that peace will b e 0. - •rmanetilly_ restored to , s __ I our distractcl land until the public mind at the North in .. .. , - , y --- . 1. , • • : , • • - : disabused otos erroneous impr,,iont relaticc to the tree . , t characteeof our Soother:. slater Stairs, most of whonaar •-• Kept. in ANY COUNTRY Store now in rebellion against our gen 'oat u.keernenent, toet - Ite ' : thi;t side a xe-4-.1 - pr): (Tv remit of - the triumph of reetional F'na riciem both Nor it ' .. .. i and south.---It been:rte. - the dutyofall trde patriot• to do At Prices Which Defy . Conipetitionj , :i i: e iz lz, niv urfl t o r p i i , t , i. r „, ,.. n i Tzr u le 34. ,; .i. r, i. , ,, , ,,,r a t r, ii . , :m.0 b r e e tw ...gc .,, : lent melds rifaccomplieltifig this result, than by general en. we will tell, for c:.4II..EILIEC i 4 the small advance ' cireulatb,n of our,R.futalloo of Ildper, It contains a of ten per cent above the Whole...ale cost. We wAll . sell ; large amount of valuable statistics, north, for occasional the fUllOrrifig . GOODS at the annexed price's. v.z.: , - ' rcforenco, so.eral time; the price of the pa.)zratlet„ to all ' - i intelligent citizen.. Price 25 cent. t o curl' or 3.. po w Black Frock Coat . wortli # 0 for $6,01 1 . dweu--serit by nrail. oustage prT r otb:.. - ... ' - i;l:tek Frock' Coat worth 'lO tbr '7,50! Address 50 , . fi. .1, AEltin. , r , jyt! - ,131n . - • . a'iddietc,n. °rang.. Co„ N. Y 111:16k Frock Coat- worth . ~ 12 for rt - , . • .„_l--. it4nrriso. JR. Business 'Coat worth ~s.i ,C 1 for. *2,75 i - '-- . , .Business Coat worth 6 for 4,00 -:. • _ - Over , . - . Coat worth *5 ror *4,00 . • . • / . Over Coat worth '.7 Ibr : 5,75 . 1 '''• ~-..i I , " " '""" ...."'N - -Over ('oat 3Ve , rth -10 for ..7 50 -•-. . - /.,;(-:' ".'"------ Over (_'alt ‘vorth 15 for" .11,50' :-- - /s' = %, 'Y'l • - 7/7;;;rz"j" ) Over Coat worth '2O for 15.00 - ; - . • Black • P:tnts worth' /..41 for ',#.3,•n0 ' Black i'ants worth - s ' ;• for - - :I I ', - 5 : . I.11:Nk Pants woillt ;61 -for 4,56' Fancy Cassintere l'ants worth # . 4 for ttit,i Fancy'assitnere Pants wadi) . - 5 for-:3,A t . r , aticv-Cas,sunere Pants worth .6 for 4; 4 Black Satin Vest worth $.3 for tt:',.; o l, . ~ - lilack Satin .\ e-4. worth '''4 for .3,00 DRY Black Satiy`Tent worth ).i for., ti,sO OVER-SHIRTS -& OVERAILgonIy ~3 LT ND'lt GAR3IENTs EQVALLY W later haefuirlyappe;ird.*c lay iie the attention of ci: il. :'"? c6. 4 1f. ci . .1.5)..m , D 4 ' 6 .V.:+o GENT'S ei tth a vajl th..4 - 11,ilee$ of the Opper. t unit y to make P. 1131.! Fair Christmas or . Now-YoOrs ate - te" 'Ur P ES E I%"C to uur Large arnortment of ; ::" - &rF 1:r CLQA tS :S.H4WLS DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS CPMPLETE, &I. . 110eVL4 isind of all colon and shades; IDE lAINES, &C. DOM - EST:I(4(S i CSNXOT BE EQ,VALI,,EDIii; . . Good Heavy Sheetings,l3 to Sets, • per y'd Best Heavy Sheetings, - 7 to OPts. pr, y'd DENIMS, froiit 8 to 12. eeljtsper _yard TICKING; from 10 to J, eeiii:qt.r yard GINGHAMS.frorrt 1 - o'to 1•5, ijts. per yard CALICors f ;,•• 11;e1 54 . 1 • " :.Best MerrimA' eki lo ystrds only Ccottcon.- Mint - toe IA choice article, only 12 mills: • ' Hest. Steel Spring Skirts, - . 7 .A fik•C lot-.--ellieg at 4 its . per,Epksg.. .. 1),,,, , i stinted ri,,,i, .. 1 it. 1,3°,1 I . , . _ • r nwl. ....e..'ured of chat (liar 0n.," St, , JI , ilii. 1tn , v14.16. 1110 . 11101 A Ladies:Samoatt,OgiriolVelup.anu; 11,....0.1 W!.. Pitt. 7 . ii...c..t1 r.l.e. :tit, put tt/Wac., - ..' Drawers. . - j i :. . % I 'well iv:. owl t% bi1,,446.4:41 call thorn ours, - tre'ry . , ~. - . . • i . .. " - -.. -.. - t i•ili• twf),fd 4.;•• lire ~ 3 1, It a tafiziaorial ; 'espulwr LAMBS. WOOL 1405 E . , ,. -. I y.irire thvy van h.iv.• II.,:n! . MI ituo.rully tak et! 1,, , ..- - , _ . .. „ . 'hot nuec r ft.fili pciist, A..H. TV1310.3. of filo:, ,• , , .. - ' iadiUTA , 33O l / 3 1 . ' Crt,PigiljarrX v ii. '* I h al n li t n • ' ' - • • trey ' • Of the Latest Styles,-4..., ,ttze Thankful to the numerous eastonkers tor. their generous patronage past year, we respeetthlly solicit a e : mil:mance •of the same. , Olinttenberg, osninnunj . x on, - 4,7.l,:meofsber MA'AM MILT S. OUR .ASSORTMENT OF ADD COMPRISING 11 , T12' OUR STOCK OF 027 t 4 0. Dank frlVralbserlbers take Pleasure In amiotrtningta their - 11:4irlenots and customers of-Montrose, that having tak tal advantage of the unusually low NM** offered as by . Illitnaletarers, they have made abrgetuldition trytheir lanai stock of Watehea, Jewelry end fancy good., sod are mow prepared to offer greater bargains than ever be rate, • • Enifi & ALL 72; Binghamton, August 2,1881.,.. • . •• . • Wsttalsa. Ladies ' Diamond .Enameled, And • dld article. ai 4 1.150 a:BartentgofaUeld and nd .livelloßwer• list. American ' (Jai& Illkataa—A very enteut, variety of Test, Fob, - Beard and Neck Gleams.-by Evans it Meat. Earliliaga sad Brestat Plan—An Infinite variety , of et and demi, In sets and single. - WHIA'Or Diamond, ftebyatlgard, Pearl,Scale Clasen sad Ptaln Gold Rings—a large stock. Wraeatteta—Oold. Jet; Plated; and HAIR Bracelets iat all pattern. and prices.. Evan* t I Meer Ware-:.Ercry description of Sliver Yorks, and spoons, Napkins Bingo, on band, also Soup and Gravy; Ladles. Cepa. Card Cases, Pie. dotter nett Pratt Knives. Childrens• mils, salts. etc.. warranted dttnd as Oda- Plate& Ware-AB eam Ifni amtort Wein of Ice Pitchers Canons, Cake Basket,. Walters, finder Dishes. Sugars SAM. Knives. Forks, Spoons, Toast Melts. Cope Oobleta etc.. eta, he - Evans it Atter. Sleeve Illations and at ads-4 huge atoel" 211 patterns and privN. Secklait• and Aimlets, Amber. Cora:, Petri. Steel, and .11‘..r - Shell Contbe—A, wind stock of shell back aria'aide Comte.. also Buffalo ; !born, Ivory, and Predator Combs," Mar and Tooth Brushes, - etc, etc: • illrliTAL:lSTfiii •Os "TsX.aZIMIff No• fOddilonre Ihill..l3ltrzhamtofi WANTED! WANTED ET MIR'S STORE. I,o6o:bushels urO:iN, - 10,0U0 Ibs. Fresh Butter, in Tubs oi . . . . -500 lha..l3l.T . swax.; - • ';;;(1 - 04 • - . 600 doer 'pair4 thiuti Woo - lei: Soot, .4%.T../SC) • FOR WHIM TILE Highost will. bei Paid in 44001) - GOODS;. c. trits.ztt. Muuln,le; .ltigur,t . l3. 1:t.61 Executors' Notice, -`firicr, berebv girea, ilJal letter:town:lent/try op on. th,l:l•.t “1117.11,(1 Irrtatnent ofJohlt TWIN of sliver deceaa..d, have been granted to the Bub ..riberl. and all I.er.on Indebted to bald Mate L'• 0. , n - aeotrd ft• th• tt) Muff p.l)lDetil • and thoee elitme. pre. , •at theta daly attencif far aettletat ,t.\)l-ES Me( ill:311CK, Ezewtora • I ". Slicer te..th. 104. A REVIEW AND REPUTATION IMPENDING CRISIS. ny OLT:ENT J, EEEi,) COMMERCIAL COLLEOL Imczted vier the Scpquehanua Vgfif.y EVA . • BINGHAMTON -• FACULTY: . II V:. LIMA; Pruft.:434 Srit•lice of .lectuntts. l'ractical Aecitnntint. 1: A trantr ttr I.l.W , V.Treatie:l upon Buttlz•K t p• ing, iytindrutilw Iftr tztiuo• JI }: A 4 :1. IN. (!i•lht:retrial ACCUSltitittlal, .14 rfmck.Kcepill. , l i ractival Ilathi.ronticA. J. J A•••••istunt l'ottesmur Beak Kvep;n7. I)titartntt•nt: _ • I A. J. WA c:lrri. l'rares.l4..r nr • l ` r4. - tie.iYaod ()r -ontperivil !.7tott,t , tr,•ll3l - (.::.1)s: !VIM. and (:orresp , ttieta.e. • 1.1-.(.7.ri • zt •S. IYtY,irr o u. Olt i %416(11Vv, i. 1%% hrlitira I E-Conot:iy. - ILm. MittAbni Holman. Levi Itri . r N Inert and Bilk E hatig.e. .Irr. E. Atitireits,.J...l.4:•turcr t.' , :ri.trufe.:4', • ErhicA. - ExAMiliiNG ConliiTTEE i. Hon. Sbertn:in. Phelr., Win. H. lYsborn, ' Tracy It.•3lorgan, }l.l. • , •obj.et. •of thisCollego to afford to alk opportunity of obtaining a thorough EftfitinAmi Edniatin., _ _. .. . . . _ The Boas' arill Mains ire carefully arranged by pructie..l acc.nuntanti cxpre..,aly fur this In• utilution awl kiubracio all the rCveut itnpru%e mw6t•t. - Tho otir'it. irt,,:ruaion :;.ntriti.eat eyery aeparfrnent of.l,llW.nemor. The learner 146 tion;ughly tatittitt the ecienee tend praCtici Double Entr3, 'took Keeping as applied; to Oa 1 . ,,1104;ing Linda of buxinet,s, ell: General "Merz Chandisittg, Manufacturing, lianking,-corrimi,e ,,ion, Sleaulln;aling, Furuarding, Freighting., Foreign Shipping, &c. .• YOrNG MEN ran qualify them-elve. in a ebort time, at this tints, to /lit imiuntaot and lucrative efkuations. Ample reference,' can be elveu where graduate,o3llBtlo ore now desirable .iinaiione with ealarfen Iron.) $4.1:0? to VOOtt per annum. • The Vrnprletnr. are in'pn.eZer..ion of ter I imonlals from some of the )11,4 4 'ominer,.l.o flon,ca In the State, ton horn they have fural,liett bent...kceper., t.hmiing their retire sathfactlmi and eon Clence In the ability of thy grathmtc. of this lii,tltution, PENNAN.sII,II' in all its hrenrlv‘4. tenuht -tly the most skillful and thor ough ;lagers of the 'rt. No t.lollegc in the country en joys a high,r repn Lit ion in thl!'departmcnt.. Ladies' De. pertinent omtirely f•cparete from that of tile gentienien, Stud! n Wean unto. College it any time. No vitiations . 'rim!: to complete the course, from 8 to 10 'et Stn: dons passing. tho requisite 'exam Irratfon are , presented o ith the moseeistwritc end cle..mnt engraved Diploma 1.....ned 'kV any Commercial or t lassical institution fu the Union .‘,,n.tancu rendered to graduates in procurit. Furterin, I,4tinn. pri, , e of bond. tet‘timOnial• of grrdrint.o. p€l,liji,rukc, 4ildret.: the proolstorn fur cirenlztrp ,- ontafning felt Finn -Wang. LOWELL 3; - Pmprietore flipghanttim Contmerel4lo , lleg , ; .1-11T:1,31utoir, N. Y LIFE iiVEMORIAIIB. WOIII,O,NIT TAKE kIiNORtO FOR THIS,' lady roti4rki.4 trr 114 3 4'l"' 41' to-o 14, ~rnn, only Ai Id, gong, thi: 4 l.pirii' land," u hi; t r IS 0140 fy} IPrICTXiOE3 St 7 AMBROTYPESI L. IL1R1)ING A; CO vioutritstrinly Gooda, Groeirier, Ilardwasr. Xade;Clo_ Roots & Shoo:, 644. Glue. .tc., At. Nieholoon,Depai t „ Xay ABEL TURRELL .114A6 for oak Bellltmham'a Stimulating Unguent, kr -EMU Whiskers and Mar, tbat brio: oats Huck set of3Vbflikirs. or' Nonstick., In from tom to njtlyt welts; 6ekrieCompound.arnnMreMr Pyrotair . XaattOQiqJuly •17,.16;1 . • . MEEZEMEI