The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 19, 1861, Image 4
PORTRAIT& PORTRAITS ! NZIV, ARTCANGE3LEN. TS Ili THE BRICK BLOCK. nrtltE undersigned having taken the Rooms formerly oocepted by W. B. DEANS. is n ew prepared to furnish all who May desire with a good and truthful Portrait. •• Being wellposted in the prbductlon of the various kinds of Pictures of the day,l flatter myself that my work isnot excelled by any ift this section of the country. • - Among the various kinds taken akpay Booms are the AMBROTYPE, PHOTOGRAPH, AfEL.AINOTYPE, ArEILLOGRAPH. -.Locket Pictures down to the enudlest sized irolnititnre Transferral Atobriitypes' '—the finest thing out, for sanding by Post to any part of the World :without extrs postage. Mv Pictures are bold rigorous, and expressive —not those taint, lifeless shadows often cold about the country.. Pictures taken In nll kinds of weather. equally well, excoptthose of young children. No picture , need be taken Wets perfect satisfaction, is given. In dressing fora picture. avoid light colorn,—such - as blue, purple, scarlet, pink, etc. Most others take well; u green, black, red. smut brown, orange, yellow, etc. Vl — Remember that the place twget your "picture" is in the Brick Block, ever head, Watrous &Poitteee store. : . I. B. HAZLETON. Montrose, Pa., Nov. Bhh:lStid. _ THE SUBSCRIBER, ILAVING PUR chascd the stock of _ lORIMILUt 'own :A* A. N. BULLARD, lakes this method of Informing those who fake the paperx." that he stock has again been removed to the old stand; Won' the 6 riorescoorzt , t " 'rho= ht will be most heppt to wait upon those who may mot him with a call: ANY BOOK PBLISILED - (warin pri7 '11) can be obtatnedby.leacir4 _your orders. with the price of the book publisher:e name at the dealt. Altai, any article in .the 'Book and Stationery" line. NEWS OFFICE. — IPIFAIIPER'S, Gfsley's, Peterenn's. Atlantic. U. or any of the popular Magazines of the day. N. Y. .N. Y. Weekly, Mercury, Clipper. Flag. Wilkes , Sfar, and all the Illustrated Papers for tale. -.Va.:* num. hers guPPneft• 84 . 001, HOOKS-All tho old and now editions. BLOIS. BOOKS—A very nice assortment. CIITLHILY.—Tip top article of American. GOLD PERS-Very Flub ones, Ladies & Gents.' P . I6 a „:[KERYA.VT. Harrison's and others. • 111:1 1 VE - ME 40.4eLiar-0, and I will endeacor to hAVO " a emle eve to your interet4". 'and one to my Own. Yours, evidently, - • 111.. 33C. /91162XTIEE. MONTROSE, PA., Srptember let, 1860.—tr 'DAILYIVIAIL ROUTE BETWEEN • MONTROSE it FRIENDSVILLE. OACHES Carrying mail! and Mill leave between C'Monttose and rnendsville, Mill leave Searle's Hotel, in Montrose. daily, 'at. 7 o'clock, a. m. and leave Vrienda. - vine at 3 o'clock, p. m. - 100^11orses and cama s es can be procured•arthe 'Avery Stable of the subscriber in Montrose, on reasr.nable terms. Montroko, Aug.l6, LrtO. tt .7. D.. GOODWIN. TAFIT en t s i ll t i n n e t t t h Ary t r a l v n e r' i l o stl g ee t Pr e e l i r t ) n i. a n dii . l; l fo n n IOW! former stock of Goods, which they BOUGHT FOR. CASH, AT PANIC' PRICES F 'AND WILL SELL THEM TO CASH BUYEIIS, •AT Prices Fade . ' ctly Astonishing,! We have not time to en =erste articles; or prices,' tint invite the-pablic to all. px.amine, and satiFfy themselves of the truth of what we publish, and of course, then but - . - a. L. MERRIMAN & SON . . 4lllisonville, Dee... Atilt, CHOICE Lot of Family Groceries just recciTed and eel ling Z) per cent. tielowformer pricer, rneConfeclionary for tho lioli.da33A.:lttytimANs, WALINT WARM PRODUCE of t. 31 kinds. -for widen the highest .12 market prices Nt ill he puid in G00d..., at Upsonville, Pa. MERRTMANS. MEAT MARKET . On Pub& "U./woe, near Scarle's Hotel. EhEP constantly on hand a good supply of 7" of all kinds. CASH paid for IfeetCattle,Calve...4,lnicep,aud ILianatrx. Also for Hides of All kinds. • HENSTOCK 5.1.1-I,AWLEY. B.' T. Ii£NST(PCN. N. ILAWLET. Montrose, March 30th. 's9.—tf. CHANGE OF TIME I BUMMER --ARRANGEMENTS. DELAME,LAC-..-1,1: WESTRN R. 12 • t t . • „ . IiDISSENGEUS mach New York at 4. p. in,, in time for -the Hudson Rilref. and L. L Sound steamers. The Exprcvt Train North Connects at Greatliend with the mall train (dr the West on the Erie Ituad. On and after numbly, Jnae lath, =ins will be run as follows: EXPRESS • PASSENGER TRAINS 40TING OIITH. The Night Exemfts Tinto East on the N. Y. - ..t. R. R. arrives at Great. Bend depot at - _ (a.. ni.J 1,11 cionneete with the Express train for -N. Y. and Philter& which leaves at " 6.45 Dee at New Mliford, 7.03 liaittrose, 7.53 Heptottom, 7.45 Nicholson. . 0.02 Factorysilic, - - • x.2s Abington, ' Ei.4o Scranton,.. • 9,^,ANoscow, 9.57. Tobyhanna 10,357 Stroudsburg, 11,40 Water Gap, [p. m.) 10.00 feolurabLs. 12,16 .Delaintre_, (15" to dine) 12,45 :Ed Hy HoMhilad c0ni1eet.)1122.54 ,56 'Wgton, . 1.53 Junction. 1,40 New York, 4.00 Philadelphia, 6,50 The Express Pii..enger .T :Junction with ,the 2.55 p. in Central Road for Bethlehem, liarrisburg, &e. .. , AcCO3IIIIODA TION TRAIN. Lease Scranton atta.m.19.51 Factory:llle, ' 10.40 Nicholson. 11.00 Montrose, (p. 12-)12J5 Great Bend, 1.15 , Connecting with Tinn.klrk Express West, at 2.381 1 N. Y. E. :min Ea, , t arrircg At Gnat 134!nd atia,m),ll,:so LC.S.Ve “t. 8end.q .. ..m." 1,40 310ntr0...., • - '217, Nicholson. 8.50 Fuclory,ille, 4,45 Due at Scranton, 6,10 The „Accommodation Train doee not leave Scranton till after the arrival of the .3fornino Tr'nin on the Inticawanna and Eloomsbnrr. Eallrond, thita giving nuo , engers from the Wyoming .Valley a elirecrevunection for the West by. the morning train. . - - - For the accommodation of way travel on the Fonthern dirizion„ s Useseenger car will be , attached to the ExpremF Freight train, leaving Scranton at 4 a. m.. due at Strouth.. burg It, Juba:Jun.3,ls p Itettuming. leaven Junction at LSO m., duo at Strouth.burg, IVA .Seranton 8;35 p. m. . • Passengers to and from New York, will amaze ears at Junction. • To and from Philadelphia, via. JieL Del. R.R loam or take cam at hope. i"or Pittston, Kingston and ill:km-Barri, take Lack. a , BloomsburglLß.at Scranton. For Jessup. Anti - mid, and Carbondale take Omnibus at iSeranton. Tickets sold and baggage checked through. Jew JOHN Superintendent. N:JENKS, Gru.. Tick" A f t. Scranton. Pa. ABEL TI3ItRELL _ now prepared earn CYCry case of SCROFULA 'in Ts Country, and be bats a Remedy for nearly every. 11 to 'which : tees its heir. ()ill at the GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM of ABEL TURRET ^ •I, be 'availed of the benefits din. • penned. Montrose, July 17, 1861. • Lackawanna & Bloontsbutg R. B. rvi , and after June 13th, Ir4l, Phreenger `trainesell run trfellowal \ . - NOvIN - a sourn.l • . - , Prima*. Aernmodation Lean • . Scranton, - 6.15 a. x. . 10.20 a. m.- filnggon. 1.20. , • 1.00 p. m. Rupert. ' 0.10 6.20 Danville, - 9:45' 7.411 Amin. e.t...Nortlnunbarland at 10:20 . • 8.55 MOVING IcIORTIL Lease ' Northumberland, . 8.50 p. m. 4.03 a. iii: —..„. Maurine., At - .Hapset. •• . 5.08 . ' - „ 6.40 - Ilk Kingston..l2o7 c , aunton. I sle 8.03 • - &Alp. M. train also leaves Kingston at. 8 a. - m. for , !meet with train for N. York.. Returning. - s c h • arrival of train from 3.• - - . 43 • or bed- loomsbusg Railroad minneets with nna & Western italiroad at Saran • iyuei iot . , atertnedlatepoints east. Ing caw with lite .ettlawissa Railroad, for •• - Lite CO . It mimesis with the Philadelphia organ i ze Central Rallnaad and Erie Railroad th. . .. tmehlirsJ. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Er.p't. Saturday 1 Ticket Agt. ... ~ ',lre the neftl-.A WIIOLESALE: t 201 ittesUington-s, . . , .(Directly opposite Washington Market,) rkr-ew "Vol STILL cdsTiNuEs birder to tfie'cite and COUVIRY tiide, all kinds of FORMS Coarse and Fine SALT, St the very lowest figures; 400001 sacks and bags, Consisting in pail of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy,. lltarshalt's,- Brownlow's; &e, ant 50000 'bushels; Tu l lis Island, &mares, Cu rums, St. Übes, Lisbon, i Cadiz, Inca, Nantes, &c:,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and Storehouses. Any pUrchaser select from a-good assortment will find it 'to his interest to .call. N. B.—Fine-table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, rind constantly an hand in ship ping order. Also a splendid article of R.oek Ground salt, in quart boxes, put lip 'and 'for safe by the quantity, in cases of-five dozen each. • } • ezkf? s Established i Pittsburgh in 1840 The Only CrilinzeT cial College in. the . • niion,. Conizictcd by st. Practical iferchant. () lin 6000 Students liCvo attended. it from Thirty differeut - States. 'Four Silver Medals Imre been awarded Duffs' Syet.em of Book Keeping: and the new eircularjust 'sena containalettess from etudentain Phil adelphia; • Baltiniore. St JAnis. Cirminnati, etc, proving it to be the best known. NINE First Premiums Were're cently audnied , the Penmanship of Win U. DUFF, who with his associate Professor, C. C,Cochron, are undoubt edly, the best pentoeni in America.. liarper'iNditioe of Draft's Book Keeping post paid, sl,l'o Dultand Duncan's (10ms of Penman:hip,. . 5.00 Duff and Dnucad'e Nei,: School Copy Books, 6 No's, 54 For oamplcs of l)nd Cochran's Business aid Ornamen tal Penmaneltip,iwitltthe new circular of 64 pages, inclose t'..s cents in stamps to • nor 4y)* • .P. DUFF & SON. FLAGS! UNION FLAG MANUFACTORY, S. E. cOR". FOURTH & UNITED STATES ILES I UNION BADGES OF VARIOUS STYLES ler SIZES, Mrs. L. 3.. BIXBY, A L: c fJ ustreturned from Newyork choice, HoUfhl , anieivnseassortor hall k winter L-11-11-114 I Is ready to furnish the Ladies of Montrose & vicinity with FASHIONSEtB lONNETS! as rood and as rich as ran be purchased anywhere, She keeps the very nicest goods, such as, cannot fail to please the most difficult. Prices-very reasonable. The Ladies are inviteeto call and examine her Goods. Mr - Rooms opposite Mott's Saloon,-(silecond floor,), fain strect, Montrose, Pa. 1 [sep27tf IT Is compounded entirely froth Cams. atul has heaorne an eon b1,!....1(te.V, it stataa et Med tem.% known and Kitimat-eft , by all that' have nand it. and Is cow re. surtel to nnh contil.encc of it i all the 4..evea for which It la recommended. I I ~,It lat, enrol thanaands4 jaa , within the last two ..years vb., hat mien up all hopes; le - ter miler. as the nmieroum uns.:lciteireriglcatesinm its ,meae-aamn show. Ibe dose moot he adaraeu Fs :la the temperament of the in all - latll/ outlet - Lana es • cc is seen quarMeea as to act gently on cher...4 i 2 ' : 1,1 the theist.. of your: - juic - mrat &Id° you is tin ' use or the LIVER 1N..1„,,,, VI GOVATOII, sod!! WillearnLiver Coin.' %,” (plaints,. Bilious At tacks, Dyspepsia;l 0 1 Chionic Dlarrhocn, Sum me r Cons- 1 plaints, Dysente ry, Dropsy, Soar,' Stontach,llabitual Costiveness, Chol-: ' le, Cholera, Chole. raMorbois,Cbolerai llnfant um. Flatu. leliee, Jain ndive,! ih`cinale %Yeakisess. s, said may be abed sod •Icessrally as an Ortilltin. -" r 7 rurally Illedi-i Aicine. Itailleure SICK 11VA LI ACIIE, (~ 62 haasanda can testify,) In • twenty minute., if . `-• t wo or three Tea spoonfuls are tak-;. •cat at c . fle eoccosset of attack. . Ail whouse It arz i ' giving their testimony la la facor. - i • _ . I I IIX. ' WATER. I?, Tut DlOtiTti \VITO Tint INVIGORATO R ,- AND. , SWALLOW BOTII TOGETIII:it. ' . .. Price One Bellew per Bottle. • • . • 41..50. SANPORIPS. XOTING NORTH Pas.engers from .N.York leave Pier No. 2 ,North Rlv er at . in. m. 11,00 Or foot of Coartland4t,S.oo From Philati , lphia leaVe Ren,ington, . 7,10 Leave &Landon, 11.20 Due at, Waxhington, 11.29 Bridgeville. (p. 41.) 12.01 Ilope.fThiLconectiOnll2,ol DeLl5 minutes to dinel2.l6 Polumbia. i 1246 i Water Gab, - 1,00 • ISudsburg,- 1,14 T tro obyhanna, . 2,27 Moscow, - 3.01 Scranton, - 345 I Abington. ' 4.18 Factorp 4 ille, . ,32 Nicholson. - 4,50 Ilopbottom, 5,11 Montrose, - 5,32 New Milford, 5,52 Great Bend, . ' 6,10 Connects with mail train West. at 6,12 an Night E. West 1,14 rain Sonth, connects at the train on the New Jersey: Mauch Chunk, Reading, ana PIOIIDIDON'S DIGEST, Einn's indict., Dnidap's Forms Graydon's Tonna. 4nd:others, at nod 1 ISIMMITIEIC'EI. 1 I ' . i• i . Salt, - - --. c*all, 1 ".:' Stilt Fl: tRYIAI' V,' Oir.dsli; - FLAGS! G. 8. HARRIS, OF ALL SIZES; ALSO, SANZ'ORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER. IDEBILITATES. , • PAMELA' CATHARTIC PILLS, DUI FROM MUNI; Pure Vegetable-F. (MASS CASES, Ai in any climate. The Partin)* Ca ne bat settee Cathartic used' if, tai prarthie more The constantlytherosainp have lone wed:he PII.Lb ell express le regard io their therri +sahib the resell of all. The PrOailliio.l /1 know ' ens different worths • of the The FAMIL Y.CA-1 , tut., old, due retermw to been eomposodd from a table Extract.. which art alimentary canal. Sad are es where a. Cathartic .to rangementa tot the new, Pains in-the Costivenese, Pal n the whole body, frequently, If . nexleiteth rer. Lose 'of Appe satin,. ofCold over west, Headache, cyr all inflammatory Children or Adttl t 4 2 Portlier of the • Ulmou thishis heir, loontiMerorts meat. poses, I t 0.% PRICE The Liver Isaylgt, thartle Pills ire refal sold wholesale by th e Trade S. T .W . .SA .335 RerOadvt an w&U l .lre n andp W *hart le PILLis a gen*. which the proprietor .haa Plthan twenty yeaint. tier:land' frimi dame who • n a and the eatiaramion able). „ „Int haa has (adored Meta plats ..• is Pe that dlnrentßstbartiesitet PI N.Vrell .. • ' - TiIAIITIC PI I. L this wall established Amt, D variety of the pored Vega alike on eVery_part of *be Iggoad and umiak) all ens, needed, -such as De- Skarn be h„ itleepl.. Bark and ' . Lolna, and gamine,. aver from snthlen cold, which end to n long miume of le. Mlite aCrcephog t•ett litelohly, Restless-, Eweight In the head, Dlarasee. Warms In Rheum atient,a treat 'D an,l many dt•vnatei to which . to menthe In this advertise. RTE DIMES. '... ratnr ntld Family C./4- %Ird by Drtvrigis rmnerally, maul la all the }arta Own.. • • NFORD, M. D. IlauuNcturer and P;orrielor, sty, .New York. - IFFtil?Fkk4k9 1100FLAND'S Is t M %OA«. ED/Chy 47/ TEE G 12, IE •Ti• STANDARD REMEDIES" of the present'age, Lose acre their groat popularity only thro4ll yarns of trial, tritounded satisfaction - is rentlered by'tbent to allnasos. _ HOOPLAND'S GERM AN BITTERS Potarrizr crez „ Liver Complaint; Dyspepsia. ?mattes, Menage Da. • isditfr.'Diseesea of the Itidissw, • . and ail diaenaei arising from a dlSorderceriver, or weak• tem of the Stomach and Digesiive Organs, irna..posmnta. PIET nUSW nvat, WOOS filElt, MID Met An AIDE Fro our Almanan:ipc proof. • Pam; 1•5 cents per Dottie.' . HoofiandPs Balsamic Cordial !ILL POILIIII:ELT Ct Coughs. Coils, oiitousenesa, Scandals, lansass, Croup, Pncicnestis„ Incipient COarnsption, and bee' perS3rtued ;the moot astonishing cures over known .to3ipxnpizu CONSVMPTIO*. Ale • Di;lrrbies Coidial it is vuleqnstled. 11ccs, 715 cents per bottle. • , , • HOOFLAND'S CONAN PILL,. , , . , . . being well known thenugbont Anrepeard Monica, Mob no commendation; here. Thy ore purely vegetable, are prepared with great extertnese. ax are angspcoated • lie better Cathartic Pill can ho &mud. :Pam, Zeta. par bon. There ennikiriei are prepared by Dr. O. !Lamm & Co, piarktphia, pa., and PG Louie, Elo; .and ire sold by druggists and dealers in niedichni evet7vber6; Thu r i g . nature of d...m. Jituox ill be on the otiteAde of each bottle arbaii. ' 1 ~ - -- . .In ow oiheihtegirs. , firiaxer.,"publhhedseircally,yee . will And testimony and conimeedstay notices from 411 sarteof the hotultiy. - Therm Jlltintate ate gleinaway by tt 9; . . , • . EsENwEiirs -..- . TAR- 11_11UgUil AND - WOOD' NAPTHA -, ' • - i i,4r Is the best Medicine in the vat or the cure of ' ".. Coughs and Colds up, . !Bronchitis , Asthma, Dific t Breathing,' Palpitation of the licart. - - For the retie, of patient* in aiirlaneed stapes Of. Consumption together wittyf all Diseases ' • of the Throat and Chest find which. - - predispOse to'Corismniption: . It attacks the root of disease, dull snakes thefell i , deetroyer succumb loft* butt:clic*. Italsoprodu s us free expectoration, 4: induce* healthy action in - ihe dieeneed c .llnixaut Ileinbrgne. and Items& It is peouliuly adapted tkthe radical . cue of AoTHAIA.- One clam of tAis raluctile srAurgfetri 9tres myna& eonserientlyel, tehtett the particular nntureof the dawn denies. .11;ta-feri 'dement . to the taste,and prompt in its era*. rey it & AC etnetineett that U ie inraluablp in the cure of Atic!ctions. Brone4iill Prier 50 cent per Bottle. Primarcd only by - Dr... 4. ES.E.VIVELV. roui.soktlSSt.d.ElTentreln, corner 9th and POPLAR etreete, PAi/ad'a, Pa. For.ealc in Moritrwaby 1n429 soled ABEL TUlal ,'LL Bruoirt. NEW • GOODS • ivTEW moons , JUST REbEnIED AT' SUMMEIOVILLE, BOITC:Irr LOOP Fo CASH !. Please 'give tis:i call and w will shoWyon 'BARGAINS! U. suirpirkiv & co.- §urnmersyille; April 14, 1861.-3 i ARE YOU INSURED ? xx. 33T-4.4I.4C4CIULELN I s te r,:inv . l% , l7 . l . leations for Instirunre in the follow- Wyoming INSURANCE Company, Charter PerpetuaL • Capita....sloo,ooo. Suiplus... ,$7,000 Or:ganizot- November 24 A. D. 1,857 • DIttECTORSI • o.lLllenbaek, D. 0. Driegbn4b, J. P. Dennis. John Rziollaril, David ' (lint; Detrance, Sarni Wadhams, R D Lacoe. Win S hots. L D Shoemaker, Gee P 31 Hoyt, IL C. SMITII, Seey. Ci. U. 11.1LT.IVNTIACE. Pres'l, W. G. STERLLtiG, Treas. L. 1). S.l.oE3Leg.klt, :ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, flartfotd, Conn4cticut. Paid up Capital $1.509.000 00 Assets, ; ",191,100 CO. NORTIIERN FIRE & LIFE ASSIMANCE COMPANY No. I Mobrgate street: Dukin. Capital, togli,ooo....Annlial Ilevenue,s4,(t9,ooo. Wat GETTY, • CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. - 11FErINSURANCE COM PANY of I.lstford. Connecticut. 1: Accumukited C4pit.4l t r . $ 3,FG0,000 00 Any one wishing their lives Insnrecl will do well to gall and examine their mode of inhuting, • and their rules. . Which are be tt er than those of any *other companF, before taking Polld elsewhere. ff. P. BLACKSIAN. oe 9 '6Ol Offire over Chandler & Jessup's atom, • • TrO 4.4 o • G x i N .THIS Illencloict Tonic Stimulant. Especially detianed for the rise - of the Medical Prollaltion and the Fatnily. having supt7ceded the to rolled r (tins," " Aromatic." "'Cordial,'•• Medicatqd," "Scimmips," etc:, Is now en dorsed by all the prominent phybiclanit,rheinlsto antlcon noisserirt, as potsessinz all [Lot?. INTRINSIC medicinal qnalitiet. I tonic and dturidie4 which relonn to an OLD and "ME GI d. Pot up in quart trotaes and .old by all Drag e Oct sna Gmnral,, ate. • A_ .t-13, • tkl.ttablithed in 1.1 - 1 I Sole I'mprietors. or 4 .v 7 No. in Broad Street, N. Y,' Forsale nZ Turrepi Drug tore,l Montrose. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS -GREAT ATTRACTIONS . . AT TIIE • .FOOT OF MAIN STREET. lIE extensive PurnittaM Establishment of BROTIIERa having been refitted and greatly 'improved, the proprietors respectfully anmiunro to the citizens of .I‘lontrose and viein ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand 'the LARGEST and BEST assortment of - FITRNITURE - .T Q be found in tbe Country. We give the following list of some of the ar ticks which we will sell ZaL greatly r4abeed prices, for CASK Or READY PAY: . . Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass. ' from $l6 to 835. Bureaus With marble or lirocatelle tops, from 518 to 824. And a large lissortment, from $6. $l9, 12, 14, to 818, - Wash Stands, Card StanA, Comer and Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from '75 cefita to ten dollars: 'Desks, Divans ',Towel Ratiks,Footstools,Otta-• mans, Lounges,:&e. I • Centre, 'Csrd, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen. and Extension Tables. Chairs—Cane Ind Wool Seats, Rorkera— , Cane, Flag, and .Wocd• Scats, of &cry variety and style. - Sofas, tete a. tetea. furnished at short. notic at New - York prices. . . N. B. Ready made -coMns on hand Or fur. niched at short ncitice.--ilearses always Jr readiness when desired. •-• • We employ none but ,C4nr.frrt. and ExrEni , Earn) WoRRNIEN. We int;enel to do our WoBE WELL, and sell it as Low .1.4 it can he afforded .1153.111T1LJR.., E.IR. fi:gurn, Montrose. Jan. 18th. I 860.1 f. . KEYSTONE HdTEL 'At Montrose, Penn. H. BATCH; Proprietor. rrulS new rind commotion Hotel situated •1. on Public Avenue. neirthe Cqiirt liouse,and nearly in the centre of the! business portion of • .41ontrose, is now fu ly completed and furnishi-d, rind was opened on Monday, the 27th day of September, 1858, fur the accommodation of the public and .travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that be is now, ilrepared to enterta:n guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete.SatisfOction.•.• The HoteFand Furtiisurn are new, and no ex pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar- estaplishment in this part .of the State. it is well Supplied with all the recent improvements and cOmforts, and obliiring waiters will always tre re i dyto respond to-the cal I mato - Mere. The Stables conneeted with this House are • • New-and Con venient. - The PrOprietor respectfu lly solicits the patron ago of his 914 friendr, and the public generally. !WM: K. HATC.H. • f /41 11:2 " k NOW - , MONTR OS'E P.ENNA - : - T Hg subscriberhavingpnichased • refitted and:newly furnished thk . - r i g above well known and popular Hotel. - is prepared to.aecorornodate the tray .•eling, public and.others with all the attention. and conveniences nanallyli found in first-clas Houses.. No effort will tie spared by the Pro. prietor and' his Assistant , to niake the Hotel egual in. every point to any, in'the country. • The lbw will'alwayslbe - supplied with thp 'Ch nicest Llijnors. . The Stable', connected With this House are large, roomy and couvenlent,and careful an?, attentive. Hostlers are always in charge of them ' TARRELL.. ABEL . TURRELL .AS for sale, Metallic .011; , for Basing Machines,' Helm& & Watch Oil, Bed Bag, Rat and Mouse Poi, Mezt, Homeopathic Meatedies, Pond's Extract, and a great variety of Liniments, Beres, Pale, and. Meters, and an .endless yariety of Patent Medlidnes. I LOUIS - 110TEL,` • . CHESTNUT , ST ABOVE. THIRD, 'IPHILADELP-HIA • 'TN the irnmediato - neighborbood of the ;ebbing MUMS Lou Market, 'MAI. , and Chestnut streets, the Ranks, PoSt.Opee, Alen:rite litchanga.;&c., - .te. . BOA 4 - PER - DAY,111,50: Accommottathnt. _when required, on the'EtiROPEAN °PLAN. Booms front 50 cents and upwards, per day, and Ilealsat a Ftwer-ct.ass 'Restaurant attathedtotho Rota -Prices according to the Bala of pare. - The City Catittake Paisongere trovi auk . Station TO or CLOSE Tti.the noteL' WWI eirEnglishr, French, and ptelllllAll • • Affijeted,' Read! - • • lILLTAVS'S COMPOIIND SOLD' Van for Mir PILES to warranted toafrect a Cain In every ease, andln all atages of the disease, or tbe money will be refunded. (',Fall directions accononny each bottle.- For sale be Abel:Tnrrell. Montrose; 0. G. Merapstead; Brooklyn T. J.illabcock, Vinod:• Fennel Carpenter, Marford ; G. C. Wlllitims, Jackson : J. M. Blocrim, DondoiF A. B.:Merrill, llopbottom ; A.J. Merrill, Scranton. c:)..EJ6ivrxxvxc".zwrzl: This to to cert if.r, that Mrs. Emory has been afflicted for N•carg past with that distressing complaint known es the h and that, Mavi ng failed in set:tiring relief frortiva. rhos Physicians. She WOK induced from reports to try Mr. Williams'." Pile Selution," which we obtained at one of Ids'Arrencies Tankhannock. Pa. The result has bemi the most faro:0)14'; The trial was Made with it last fall., and after using as directed for a few days, what see have good .reason ti , think 'OAS a permanent cure was effected. Several other rases of a similar nature in this vicinity havensiM it with like results. - With Mr. Williams motto "no cure no pay s'every one thus afflicted will certainly do well to try it. t, B. B. EMORY, Pastor of _IL I:. Church, Titukhanneck, Wyoming CO.. Pa. June sth, INXI. tf. Mark ;These Facts! THE TESTINIQNY OE THE WHOLE WORLD! Hoiloay's Ointment ! Bad Legs, Bad Breastai, Bores and Ulcers.. A . T.I. descriptions of sores arc remediable by the prop -1 - er and diligent use of this inestimable preparation. To attempt tii corn bad tn. o by plastering the edges of the wound together lea follY pfur should the skin unit,, a boggy di,eased Condition remains underneath to break out with tenfold:fury itt a few days. The only rational and successful triMtment. as_ halicated by nature, is to re duce the intLinuilation in and alhalt the wound..and, to roothe the nt , lghlioring . parts by rubbing In plenty of the Ointment as saltqs forced into meat. Diptheiia, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet and other Foyers. • 4 1 , ..0f the alMve diseases may be cured by well rub bing the Ointment, three times a day, .Info the chest, throat and neck df the patient; it will soon penetrate and • give immediate ..retief, ittetteiste taken by the mouth must operate tiptin the whole system ere its influence can befell m nny local part, whereas the Ointment will do ita work at once. Ni'hoi•ver trie,. the =mem in the above manner fur the diseases named, or any similar disorders affecting the cheit and throat, will ntid themselves feller ed as by a charm, Allis,'Fisttula. Strictures. Tut tbov elps of complaints will be removed by nightly - fomenting the parts with warm water, and then most 'effeetnally rubbing-in the Ointment. Persona buffering from these direct:l complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progres.. It should he under stood that It is not snitch-Id merely to tenor the Oint ment on the affected pails; but it m ust be well rubbed in for some'conriderable t too or three times a day, that it mac taken lntp the sxstem, Whence it will remove any hidden note or Wound his effectually as though palpable P. the eye. There ilgain bread and water poultices, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do great service. This Is the only sure treatment for feniales, cases of cancer in the' stomach, or where there may be a general bearing dcitym. • .ludiscrotions of Youth :--Soros and. Ulcers. 1 - 3 1 r ( n,fi e ,t. ijaiv...4c.t.g i lso n :j:l . e;7 l l,o w t i t t s i t7fr t e a e h l i N t - Y nn b i e l the ]'ills he taken nialit nod mornint as recommended In the in the printed imtrUctions. When treated in any other way they Only dry np in one vine to break out in another: wheieas,t his Ointment will remove the humor front the r.y.tem: and Irate the patient a 1. - loirtlll, , , and hCalthy being. It will require time with. the use of the PAN to ensure aiacting.eure. Drorsioal Sw'clJoints."s, Paralysis and - Stiff Joints o urilorair aTiove coin:A:time differ widely in oriCir s .; and nature, yet thee nil cequlre treatment. Many of the worst" caee?• of such disesuies, will yield in a r oat:rim - UN ely short enact. of time a hen this - ointment iii dffieently rubbed intl the parts affected, even after oCerv'ettivr means have fitted. in all curious maladies the Has diould be taken according to the print, ed directions accompanying each box. D. 1 . 11 11. a o;n:frnani.axad should he used it. thi , following cases: Bad Leg., • Chiego-foot, Fistulas, Rid Ilrea,ts, 't • Chilblains. - (Soot; • Burns, Chapped Hands, Lumbago, . Glandular SwellingsConts,lSoft) - Bite of Moschetecs, Cancers, • Rheumatism, and Sand-PlieS, ,Contiacted and Scads, Coco-bar. Stiff Joints, Sore Nipples, Sore Throats; Skin Diseases, 1, Scurvy, Dore n00d,,, Tumore, .• Ulcers, WentisS, YaWs &c. &c. &c. CAUTION !--:None are gedutne unless the words "VOL: LONvAY. New -YORK AND LONDON'," Awe: disicernible as a water-mark in erery-leaf of the book of directions around each pot or ban the same may be plainly seen by holding the leqj to the iiyht. Abmcieomereward will he given to any one rendering such - information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines .‘r vending the same, knowing theta to be spurions. Sold at the Manufactory of Profe,eor 110I.LOWAY tO Malden Line, New York, and by all respectable Druegists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the ei‘silized world, in boxes at Si cents. 112 rent , .. and 31 each. Per'. There is considerable saving lir taking larger boats• N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disnrd. r vre afiSied tc• each, box. E!CERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. TIIE . CELEDItATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR- P,IFSPgPSIAi, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITER conpz.ALuvr. WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, Arsithe varicSse affections consequent upon 4 dLsordered STOMACH OR LIYER , Such as Indigna tion, Acidity of the Stomach,Goticky Pains, I.lnartburn. Lies of Appetite, Desg.. , pndency. Costiveness, Blind and Plbeding Piles. In all Neaons,ltheismatic, and Iceurairic Affections, it has in 'numerous, inremees proved highly benellclal., and in othereeffected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetalAe compound, prepared on strictly ecientific principle:, after the =inter of the celebrated Holland Profirnsar. Ikerhave. Its reputation et home pro. dured its introduction hero, the demand commencing with three of the Fatherland scattered over the facts of this mighty couubry, many of whom brought with them and bonded down . , the tradition of its value. It is now offered to the Anotric#77 public, 1 - nouing Vial It, truly'lmam.- Ail medicinal virtues smut be acknowledged. It is 'partienlarly recommendoi to those persona whose oaneltutiOns mayhave born Impaired by the continual:ulnae of ardent sphits or other forms of dissipitlon, Generally instantaneouvin effect, it ands its way directly to tire seat of life thrillirig and guickening every nerre, raising up the drooping spirit,and, in fact, infasing new health and vigor in She system; NOTlCE.—lrhoever expects to find this a beverage wit] be dlsappolnio: but to the sick, weekend low spirited, it will prove a grateful aronpstic coedlal, ocesessed of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly conreutrated Bcerhave'slutd Bitters is tat - - up Basalt-plat bottles only, and retailed at ONZ Musa per bottle, or six bottles for Ylcs DOUAI& This great demand terMils truly celebrated Medkine has induced may imitations; 'stick the public should guard against purchasing._ /GT Beware of knpudtion. Pee that our saute is on the label of every bottle you buy. - Bold by DMiggisis aerally. It can be forwarded by Express to most poin t ';.I3I:ILE PROPRIETORS. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. , yeaaraa:olllNG .Fhanirattutisto and (thentiblis. PITTSBURGH, PA. -Tbeee BrItERS arc cola in bnintrose by oe 4 y' ABEL TURRELI. Druggist .31ANITOOD. . _ HOW • EOST HOW RESTORED. „ Just Priblished, in a * Sealed Ittivelope : On thensture,: treatment, mdradial cure of epermatorrho, a or sent inel weakness; sexual debility, nervousness an I introban tary emissions, inducing Impotenmand mail re well ea physical inrity... By BOBT. J. CULVER IL D., Auflior ilte"Green Doak.” &e. The work renowned author, in t admirable Locture,elearly prose, a from hie own experienee that theawfol consequences i self-abuse mail be eftrxtually removed withoutmediclue rut without dangerous oatmeal operations, boogies, :1 stmmenta, rings or cordial, pointing out, a mode or .e• re at once certain end' effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hinmelfehtegy,pri,- nefelY. and ritdicady This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thonminds. - • Sent under ecru in &plain envelope, to any 'Karate. 'Ad pal, on .Xmlaript or two postage stamps, by addree4 Jag D r . ELME, • 127 130.717, New York. Poet CIL 01Bee Box, 4t . . 410 eka Oat d,:okadeeiTt CURE `fto Nervous Headache , . , 41 7 , CURE 1 .E• ci (3 ' n ReWiallketm By the use of these Pillsthe periodic attacks of Nereus or Biek Headache may be.prevented : and if taken at the commencement of an attack, innnediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. • . They seldom fail in removing theßmarea and headache to whichfenudes arc so subject. ! Theyact genii:ft:pen the imwels,—retinrringeastiveneas. For literary Nen, Students, Dellinte.Females, and all persons of sedentary halite, they are valuable as taamliae, improving the appetite, Riving tone and vigor to the diges• live organs, and restoring the natural . elasticity and strength o f whole system. to The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long inyeati• gation and carefully , conducted ea periments. having been louse many years, during which tithe they have prevented tnd relieved a vast amount of paint and suffering froth Headache, whether originating Inthe nervous system or from a deranged state of the etomao. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and aymbo taken at alltintei with perfect safety without mak ing any chatige of diet, and the abseliee of any disagreeattht taste renderS it easy to administer them to children. Beware of Coun i erfeits.. The genuine have tire signatures of Henry C. Spalding oneach hot. Sold by - Druggists and other Dealers to Medicines: A bog will he scut by mail prepaid on receipt of the I =w ric,c, 261 Allotherii should he addressed td HENRY CJ SPALDING, ovlti v Bch 48 cedar Str New.Voik. THE FOLLOWING ENDORS EMENTS OF • ,I T ,Pal l briffilVt CEPHALIC PILLS , WILL CONVINCE. ALL WHO SUFFEP. FROM 1 - IFABACHE, EOM SPEEDY AND SURE CURE • IS. WITHIN THEIR REACH. • As these testimonials were tinsdieitect by Mr .Spalding. thiy afford unriestionohk proof of the efficacy of this truly , scientific discbuery. • • .31Aisor, Co.,NN Feb. 5, (n. SpALIMME SIR . I have tried your Cephalic Pills. and /lib Them so well that X want you to sendtne $2 worth mote. _ Part of these are for the nelghborti, to whom I gavon few out of the first box I got from you. Send the rilla by mail, and oblige Your ob't seret. 1 JAS. K.ENNED' Y. Ilaverford, Pa., Feb. 5. - H. C. Spalding. 81r: i • I w'falt ypu to send me one moreibox of roar Cenbittle Pills; /tame receired a great deal 42(14.mA:from Mem. • • Yours, respectfnlly. ANN STOIK1101.751:. Spruce Creek, Iluntingdon Co., Pa., dm 18. U. Spalding: • Sir: You will pleaae send me two boaes of your Pills. Send them immediately. ' Respectfully yours. - ... 4110. B. SIMONS.. P. S.—)heat used one be of yoUr Pitts. ancrjrnd them exeelknt. . ! ' Ilene Vernon:Olthri, Jan. 25. Beery C. Spalding, - Esq. Please find enelosed twents , five, cents, for which` sem me another bps. of your Cepludici Pills. They are trul the best pills I have Over tried. i Direct Al STOVER, P. M. • - Belle Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohio. Beveily,.lfais., Dec. 9. It. C. Spalding, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills, *to brie .vour Pills more particularly before my customers. If yo have anything of theklnd, please Send them to me. One of my customers, who Is subject to a severe sic headache, cusuallylasting two days). watt cured of an a tack cat hour by your Pills. which I sent her. Respeetfraly yours, W. B. WILKI23: - - I Reynoldsburg,Tklin ran Cp., Ohio, t January 9. . Henry C: No. 4.9. Cedar street. N. Y. . Dear Sir Inclosed tlnd twenty-five cents; M.l for which send m box of " cephalic pills." Direct to Rev. Wm. Filler, a Irevnoldsburg, Franklin county. Ohlo. Your Pills work like a chlarm7 . —cure 'Headache al instanter. ' - Trult - yonis • Ypsilanti, 3fiCA., Jan. 23. Mr-Spalding.. Sir Not long since I sent to you of 'Cephalic Pit for the cure of no Nervous Ileadache.and Costivenes and received the same, and they had so good an drect era, induced to 'send for more. I Pleas' send by return mail. , Direct to • - A. R. WHEELER. • Ypsilanti, Mich. Franz the Examiner.', Arorfolk, Va. Cephalic Pilisaccompligi the object for which ttiey werel l made, viz.: cure of headache In all tie forma; . . From the Examiner,, l Norfolk. Va. They have been tested in more thait a thoneand - cam with entire tutees& . From the Democrat, St. Cluud, Minn - If you are, or have been troubled ivith the licadach send for a box of cephalic pills, 'so that you may ha them in case of an attack. - - . From the .Acirertiser. Providence, .R. I. The Cephalic Pills are said to n remarkably cliectiv , remedy for the headache, and one of the very best fo! that very.frequent complaint which has ever been di) ,covered., From the IVeiterrt. R. R.i Gazelle, Chicago) We heartily endorse - Mr. Spaldlag, -and his nnrivalle. Cephalic From the ,Valley Kanatehix, Va Wean:, sure that persons suffering with the headache who try them, will stick to them. • From the Path Finder; New Orleans. La. Try them! you that addedl*, and we a vour teslimony can be to the alreadynumerous lint that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. , • .........k.....4. - 1 , ~ From the St. Loafs Democrat. The Immense deman' ti for the article (cephalic pills) is rapidly increasing. I - t .i - From 11w Gazette,. Davenport, lowa. Idr. Spalding would not connUct tils name with an ar tido he did not biow to possess', real merit, , Froni the . :Ad vereiser, IProvidence, R. t The testimony In their favor la strong, from the moll respectable quarters.' 1 • From the Daily Newe Newporl, R. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the'plate of all Wails. IltrA singlet:l6We of SPALDII4'I3'S ItItEPATtEIt inn; will save ten times its cost anunally.„,air SPALDING'S.PRETAItI3I) GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE!. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE TEE imers Ecomoril -_ DISPATCH AS to - TzitsSavzs Stra.",ja As - accidents will happen,. even in well:est:listed:mu - lies, Uhl -very desirable to WINO seine cheapand conven- t lent way for repairing furniture, toys; crocke ry, ac. •, SPALDING'S PREpA.RED GLUE • meets - all such erttergenclee, and no household an affo to be without it. It is always ready, and up to the stick: ing point.„ • • , ".• - " Miff k ffffE." N. 11.-4 Brash' accompanies each Bottle. Price cents: Address,:' DENNY C. SPALDING. - No. 48, cedar Street, IN owitork. 2, . ' . .; . • •' . • - 04 t/TIPX .4s - ee iSaha unprincipled perwim are **tem to paha off on the uneospecting.pubile„ imitations my Glee, I would caution all persons, to examine began cbautng, amines that the MI wale, • • ADIPISPALDINCTO PREPARED 6LUJrI ...... is on the outside wrapper ; all gthere are swindling co teethe. nOGINATIEVOICILZIOTIIIO OM, pitateisi ROW' lit, World,for t it. rl.RliFitillATl luidall.PAlN [ - -visitsaitit , to,cuiLEL. . ~... ~... . .. ..... . .. reretand - Aguis In 0 0 dikii ''.'l;';.. .. -.. , . . Mils indiva ULIDUL6I; , ' ,,, ' : ' ~ I'''•', _. , , „Do deal itt. two to - foridsis ;' . • • imd if 1 :-,. - . -.: :- - 'Minuend Scslde in ten minutes; Bpraina,Wo and 13rsdires in ecoin one to three days ; i Indammatio t o day; ,, - ~ •-.- : • - . • I ' Neuralgia, Croup, :Toothache, Bums, in ten minutes; r Ifemorrhsge,Scrofela, - Abscess, in ten days I - - Brtitsee, - Wourids;Tetter, - in one to three days; Parache t fitiff !leek. Ague. In one day; Felcms,Nroken Bleast; Salt Rheum, In 3 to six days t lialtle3', Palpitation: Pleurisy in one to ten days; theta, Gout. Erysipelas, iu Orb to twenty days; Frosted Feet' Chilblains", SUE Joints., chronic Tibor ' autism; Sore.Throst; Semler. Fere; and the lame • made to walk by a few bottles- .- . - •• . ~. -- . .: ' 1 . This OIL, (Be Grath's) is mild and pleasant, and is a great FamilyNedicinefor children teethingact. • Ladles should all use it: It always leaves you better I . than it nadir:Ai, and one bottle often cures entirely. ' • , • ~_ .- , • •, ..'. : .' ' • E` than t,, 2 TEARSi AND' CUBED . ' ' •IN : GNE 'WEBB: .' ' peed letter from Rev: James Temple. " • ' ' .k k , • i • . . s - Purzinstenta. June oth, 1865. LeProf. Donna= :. I havebeen alillicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia - and other painful complaints, and I have en unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for !many years Teat. Last week .I got a bottle :of your Elec. Inc OIL The gist night I slept roundly and well, and to -Iday I am like a new man. :11iy wife-could not believe her eves. Your Electric 'Oil has done in one week what the piassicians of Philadelphia Tailed to do in thirteen years. • . • Gratefully yours. • . IUW. 'JAMES TEMPLE, • • - • • 810 .South street, 1 . •. DEAFNESS CURED. - • 17'n‘r ilatrirx 'May 19th, 1859. Prof. De Grath : idyl:M[6er has been deaf for 11;vears. After trying-many things, be used yoar Oils fenntinaes and it cured him entirely. CLWFORD . R. SCRANTON'. Or For sale by tiU Druggists, and at the Depot, 217 South Eighth-st, Philadelphia. fcbglam cy I,IIr:SPEPSI A, Dyspepsia, Debility of the -System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia,lDebillty of the System, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acidity,. Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bilious COmplaints, Bicklade, .Haas Complaints, Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, - FLATULENCY, LOSS or APPETITE, and the ntanberteis other diseases arias — ig from In tHgeshioa and functional disorder, of the stomach, find ready relief in 'that eitayished and sterling remedy, • THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, F;l i >ll)*Tri ('411012134 if Di zT:I We call the attention of the reader to the foUowing letter front Prait‘t Emith, formerly of Wesleyan University, and nor of Annapolis, Md. lIIIDDLLTOWN, Conn., Feb. 28,4859. szTn W. POW= & Co.— Gentlemen : I Ent made 'use of the Orygenated Bitters some seven or eight years sines. Having suffered for twenty yeah . froth a forth offfinimpsia, which *as attended with a nervous headache, tm, an avenge of not less titan ono day In a week, I was Ittneed, by the unpretending the- • onimendation of Dr. Green, "to hi one bottle, and II no benefit Was received to disomtinne the use." The use of one bank, warranted a further trial, to the i extent of some three or bur, with careful observance of the accompanying directions. The result wu, an almost entire relief from, the usual dyspeptic symptoms and their depressing,' painful consequences. I believe these Bitters produced tut entire change in the habits of my system, and upon the active energies of the digestive organs. I now.deem myself as exempt from Dyspepsia as most persons. These Bitters have also been of s.r vita to other members of my family. - Very respectfully yours, ' AUGUSTUS' W. ShUru. i THE OXYGENATED BITTERS.. ,THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. , litczpiOnn, Tiogi Co., Pa., Aug. 95, pItISTLEXCW, After suffering for more than dire pestri wlibpysiepsia, and trying many remedies rec.., 'ommended for that disease Without any good milt, I was induced, by Dr. F. II: White of Mansfield, tosgive the Ozygesated Div: a trial. I. took two bottles:i which gave me se. meek relief that I purchased two' - more, which have whiny or quite effected a core.- am now ossify seventy-five years of age, and ,for three months put %hail felt no inconvenience prim my foWiL i I take great pleasure In recommending the Bittern to all aftlictid with Dyspepsia and ha concomitant diseases. ‘, 11E/JARD Wm FILLER Usaririnziah, Tian' Co 4 Pa.. Mg. 26,1858. . . I have cue the Oxygenated Eiders in my rutin" with decided arum in debility and wawa proetistkm, ac., and confidently , recommend them in general dei= Why, and &num of de digestive !Wine. • F. H. WHITE, m. n.. 140:1 I)% >) 1 / 4 1% II :3 ioh Di :{-1 m to >LIACtri *IA v A Ili :1W lii V )I :i_i PREPARED by OWLS & CO., &E by Drtiggists, Pagers, and lierchciias is bwrg ki and diy throitsioad Lis cousirs.. • . • . rFor sale by Abel Tarred and Bead, {patrons & Foe ter, Montrose ; L. H. Woodruff, Dlmock ; Arnoe Nichols. Brooklyn ; Whitney & MOstes, llarford ; Weed ,t Ward. Great Bend ; J. C. Olmstead, Doodad': L: Griffin; Great Bend.•• ' • July 2G—yilo LIFE PILLS,PNIIEIIX.BITTERS. WIESE MILIACTNES have now been • before - the public .1 for a period of 27iirfy Years, and during that time have 'plaint:tined a high Character In almolt every pert of the - Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health o persons suffering under nearly every kind. of disease to' which the human frame is liable. The following are among the dpitreseing variety of hu man diseasci In which the 'VEGETABLE. LIFE: MEDICINE Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, be thoroughly cleansing theist and Did stomachs, and creating a flow of pure,healthy bile,instead of the stale and. acrid kind ; FLATIFLENCT, Lou of Alp-, petite IlearCboradreadoqu, Reekamm,.lll- runper,Anz , We, ' end Afeleneeety, which are geneml symptoms of Dyspepsia, vanish, ma natural consequence otitis care. COSTIVENESS', by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels iostive in two days. FEVERS of ail kinds, by restoring the blood such regular circulation, thro' the process of respimtion Ln cases, and theronsolution of - all intestinal obstructions in others. The Life Medleineshave been known to cure RHEUM ATISM. permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in bait that time, by removing local inflammation from the Mus cles and ligaments of the joints.. . . DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening tha kidneys and bladder ,; they operate most deliginfullytm these importantorgans,and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst eases of GRAVEL. - ALsoIVOEMS, by dislodging from the turnings piths bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY,- ULCERS, and INVETER&TE SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life Afedkimsr blood and all the humors. • give to-the SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and DAD COMPLEXIONS, by the alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin and the morbid data .ormltich . occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and otherdisagreeable Com plexions. • „ The Use of these Pills for svery short time will effect an entire cure of SALT TGIBMI. and a striking improve ment in the clearness of the skin. 'COMMON COLDS and lIIIMENZA will always be cared by one dote, or by two in the worst cases. . FILEIL—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 95 years standing by the use of the VlAallieinesakme. AND AGUE—For ibis scourge of the West ern country, these Medicines will be found a safe. speedy And certain remedy. 'Other Medicines leave the system *abject tens return of the dlseme core by these Medi :Ones %permanent-4S ,Mem bo , aatirjhut,andbe cured. Voters and- Liver Complaints. General Debilit.y,!Loes of Appetite, aid Diseases or Fe males. The Medicines bstve 'teed with the most beneficial results in eases of this deseription:--Eings Evil, sad Scraalkin he Worst toms; y ields to the mild • yet powerful of ' thew Medietnet. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of .aU binds. Faintish** of Menem, Painters'. Colic, ar espeedily. no_ _ iNersmtlailliimooss6-Pen o in Whom constindigns have beeemittnipaired by tidt injudicious use oflifercto7. Will And these Medicines a wriest tam as they never fail toenolicate front the system, an t he re, effects of MerearY, Inlinlteiyatismer Ulan Utf isompowesful preparattonssor Paremsrilia. - Fromm) smlsold by Mr. IL . 11tOrFAT. WOW Bali i 7 all Druggllllllßsoaawar, ' lit Nsw-Tom." • SALT. by the Barrel,Sack or Found. A. TVIAELL Reliable Tesiimony. From Dr. White. 18 Tretiont Smirk. Beaton . AlLol4` FA.T$g Aieiit., , ,sitra T. the stpecdy surd of the' iiithidatntrieties; a • Jierofala and:ficrOfultus Sllleettone, suet ai ' 1 Tumors, aaaa j Sores, tarn Moue Plan. plea,. Pustules, Illotehoi, and. all ,Siclw.,lll/aeleses. . isilib • • tr.' C. Atitti Ca' Gents: I' feel it . spy to mar. - logoirLidge what your Sarsapartibt_bis Idone Miming Merited a lietandons inMettott, have saint ;from it la virkuts :ways for years. -Sometimes it bawd: ioep Ulcers : mtrd, turned .adt.ed meta{ the atomaeh. 'Two yam ego ttbroktout ina my. head and covered=pt 11 and ears with one sore; which sississinfutand beYond - detertatm: I tried man yonedletnes and severe!, physicians, but without much relle_ u Item riktog; fact, the disorder grearworsc. - A l ength I was foto to read In the Gospel Messenger that you had Prepared an alterative (Sarsapartlla),Ter I knewirouf your foPtk - I tenon that anything you made mist be good. sienna Cincinnati Ind got it, and n eed . it Mitt cured me. 1 tool( as you advise, i n mutt doses of a taurpoonful over 11 ( mouth , t d b u cZn e gi a g nc ie st rin th iTAll l r N‘71,141, healthyfter [1 skin no on fell of. Sty aktn is now clear , and I w know by my feelings that the .disease is pone from my system. 'Von can well believe that I feel what I saying when I tell you, that I hold. you to be one.of the apostles of the age.. and &min ever grateddly, . Toy t • AI.bRED It 'IA LI FY. St.. Anthon_yos Fire, hose or Eryallpelas, Tetter and Salt Rhenm,.Sealst'llead,Ring-,.. worm, Sore Eyes, Denver. • • tor:Robert Sf. l'reble writes Acno Um, 'N. Y., 12.511 _ Sept., UP, that he has oured an inveterate case .of' Dropsy. which threatened to terminate fatally,-by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also :a:danger ous-attack of ifoilonant ErYsipelrts by large doses of the • same • says he cures the nommen Eruptions by It cot - Bronehocele, Goitre, onl Swelled Neck, - . . Zebulon Sloan of, Prospect, 'l'exsit, writes: "Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me Roma Goilre—lt hideous swelling on pie neck, width I bad suffered from. over two years . " • _ •t _ LonearrhaeaLoir Uterine Ulceration; .Female DI Dr. .1. IL S. Charming, of INlewllfork City, arrilms: most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a moor excellent. alterative in. the numerous Complaints for *Koh we em ploy such a remedy; but espectally•in Feriate ritrraae i of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many Invet erate eases of Lencarrlicea by It, and some where the • complaint was mused by ufreruliim of the uterus. :rho • ulceration itself was soon eunst. :Conan,: within iny. knowledge crmals it for these feMale'dertingements." • P.citiard B:3lanmw, of NOW bury, Ala., writes: o A dan— gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, which. had defied all the remedies we could employ, line at length been .. .completely cored by your extract of Sar iaparilla. Our physleinn thought nothing but extirpa tion could affprd relief, but he advised the trial of pour Sarsaparilla as. the butt resort before cutting. and it proved effectual. After taking Our remedy eight weeks - no symptom of the disease remaiil." c • ' Syphilis and literensAttl Disease. 2 4 ;,EW 0T11.17..‘, 4 4S With August, tsse. • D . R..T; C. Arm. Sir: tiebeerfully comply - with tlso request of your agent,' and rep qt to you some of the :- effects I have mill:ad:with your Sarsaparilla.- , I have cured with It, in my practice, most of the corn- - pininta for which It is recommended, tool have found Its' effort, truly wonderful in the cut of 'Venereal and Mer curial' Disease - . • One or my patients Idyl Sypltillticulcers In his throat, which were conauthing his palate. and lima top of his mouth.' Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in five weeks:' Another - was attacked by sec ondary. symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration Ind - eaten away a conaiderable,part of it, settle I believe the disorder would soon Mach his bridu and kill him.. lint it ' yielded to my administration off your Sarsaparilla; tho • ulcers healed, and heals well again, not °recurs.. without tome disfiguration of,the Tare. 'a. woman who had been treated for theomme- disorder tit mercury was auffering from thlapoison in her bones. They bud become so sensb. tire to the weather that on a daimp day she suffered ex. crucisting pain In her Joint, mid bones. She, too. vas cured entirely by your Snrsrspatilla In a few weeks. I know from, its formula , which your agent gore me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; , consequently, these truly remarkable results with It have not 'surprised me. ! ; - Fraternally yours, •G. V..1.A111111:11; 31. Th. Rivera ithitttroatistri, i Gout, litrtir Complaint. Itmitt'ittnr.scii; Preston Co., Val., 6th July, list. Mn. J. D. AYER. Sir: I have been nrilided with a pale- • ful chronic Rheutnatisri km a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to toe in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. -One bottle cured me In two weeks,nd restored my general health so much that lam far her; than. before I was. attacked. I think it s wonderfu medicine. -.T. PRICAIf . - i x. Jules Y. Getebell,of St. Lou s, w r it e . : ~ I h ave b eer , afflicted for years with an affeclipa of the Liver, which destroyed my health 4 I tried every tiling, and every thing - tidied to relieve me ;,and I lutveheen a broken-down Man for somo.years from no other ClAlSe'lltrlii dtrangentelli of' the/free. My bcflovedpastor.tlie lieT: Mr. Espy, advisid me to try your Sarsaparilla, beemse he said he knew yon, and nnytliingyou tuarle was'worth trying.. Ily the bless- 'ing of (lod ithas'euredeneond has so purified my blood as to make a new man of me. -1 feel young again. The hest that can be said; of you is opt half good waow,4ll-” &cisterns, Caneeir Tamara, EtiThrgensontt VT— corollas'', Caritas, and' 7 ,t t s ol b lation of -the. Anne.: -. , I : • 4 • A great l variety of e a ses here been.riported to ns where . .. . , , .. aura of these formidable cotn‘linints have resultol from the'ulte of this' remedy, but out space here will not ad mit them. Some of them may s e found in our mericao 'Almanac; Which the agents below named arOpleased to furnish gratis to all who call for thorn. Dyspeziatia..-Iteart Dlseatte. - zrits, Epilepsy, Melancholy, ' Many remarßable'cures of these affections have been made by the alterative power ofltidii medicine. It salmi lees the vital functions - into vigorous action, Ind thus overcomes disordera which wield he supposed* beyond its reach: Such • remedy haslong been mt - paired by the necessities of thepeople, and tie arc . confident tharthis will do for them all that medicine can do.. 4 Ayer's - Cherry Pectoral,- FOR THE nAricit cunit or • Coughs, •Colds, Intlueliza, • Illoarseness„ . Croup, bronchitis, Inefpfent Consump. Stow', and foC the Rettet orConsump. • sive. Patients; in advanced • stages of the Disease. • . lids Is a remedy to universally known to surpass any-. other for theeure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to publish the eodenceof its virtues; Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and Colds, and Its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, • have made it known throughout the eivillaed nations of die earth. rew.are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its" ereets some living trophy:in their midst of its,vietery over the subtle and dangerouti disorder* of•the - throst and lungs. As all know The dresdhil fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need nut do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that-It did have when making the cures-Which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. - .- Yreparad.l7 Dr. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. For Bale to7A tie! Turrell Montrose: Churcb &,Phinney. Dundair; Usitman Swisher, Auburn Centre, and by all dealers and druggists everywhere. , oc By. cw HfL DREN . . MRS'. WINSLOW; An experienced Niirse and Female Physician,' presents , ',to the tteuthat or, mothers, her . . SOOTHI Nar.\. 'SY RUT, - . FOR CIIELDREIsi TEF,TITINO, which greatly facilitate's the process of teething, by soft ening the g_ums. reducing all Inflammation—will allay ALL PAD.: and spasmodic action, and is SIIRE TO REWOLATEI THE BOWELS: Depend- upon it; mothers, "give rest, to yeti, and BELIEF AID WEALTH "TO .'YOUR INFANTS. We haveput up and sold this article the over fen yesin, and can say IN CONFIDKNIVE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to sof of any other so edichae— NEVER HAS IT FAILS D:ln a,SINt,LE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, wheu timely uxed. Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfaction by anyone who bad need it. On the contrary, - all are delightedwith its 'operations, and speak in terms or commendotiou.of its magical effects and medical virtues. We say in this matter "WHAT .%'E DO KNOW," after ten yettrs' exPeitence, and PLEDGE OUR .REPUTATION for the fulfillment ofwbat we here declare. In almost every instance where the. infant is suffering-by pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen. totiO 'minutes after the syrup is administered. ThN.Yalnable preparation is the prescription of one etc the most NXPERILNCED and SKILLFUL NURSES In, New England, and'bas been used with NELVaii FAILINCI; SUCCESS In ' Tie SANDS OF CASES. IC not:only relieves the child fronipain, but invigorates the atom:telt and bowels,,correets :tradlty:and rives tone and energy to the Whole system. - It 4:1.! almost Instantly, relieve GRIPING IN TEE .ROWYIS, wor and overcome convulsions. which, If not specdify cured, end In death.- We believe- it the REST and SUREST rem ed in the WORLD. 1.,n ail-cares ..of DYSENTERY and DIAIiRIICEA L' CRILDRF.I% whether. It arises Rem teething, or from any other cause. k We would sarto all mothars who hive * child suffering fromanY of 'belong° lug complainta-•-.DONOT LET. YOUR PREJUDICES NOR THE PREJUDICES if_02111111.4. stand between you and your .suffering ch ild. I and the relief that will be •SURE—yea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to-follow- the use 9 . f tnedlclne, if timaly.need. Fell directions for using will accompany each bottle. Norte go amine ardera the fac simile of CURTIS & PEREiNii, - New York, is on the outside wrapper. , . • Sold by Druggists throughout the werld..' ' • JPrinelpal'OStee,l3 Cedar street, Near York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. dee2o T'• ',For sale in Montrose by Abel - TarrelL . . , , HOWARD - A3SOCIATION L PHILADELPHIA. • 4 Benevolent Institution esiablithid,-•by, ape tint Endouratent, for id.e.fßilieiNf the Siek ' and Distressed, afflicted. Sali`Vieutent and Epidemie Diseases, and especially_ for the Vitie ofjDiseases o , f.the-Sexndl Organs. EDICAL ADVlPE_glien ,by the 1.11 - ActiOgStirgeoNto4ll who apply.byletter, with a description of tbeiteenditien, Cage, twee Palion; habits' cir life. dta.l) tied in' cow of ex' Emma PovertiMiedielneti tarnished free of charge - Valuabla-Aeportis on Spermateribtai;aidliith., or Disesies - AirttieldisnalDrgansOtentlet theaf. flirted in seated letterenvilopea,lree 91eharge. ' Address', Dr. J. Skittle Houghtpailtating Sur geon; Howarditaseciatiott,'.-No: S-South gth:st. Philad'a. PA. 4'Br erderertbeDireetere... fern „ . Plein"A. is - , , • • .. .Lana; an . S e cr . - SW• seest I • &Si Pllntri +JEZveti.