The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 19, 1861, Image 2
, , • . friends, figures to give a solo: teachers are, so must oar schoolsbe. ':Now t ion. o a problem of that kind. ' The pros- these "meetings :if 'properlYCondtuAed pest of ever seeing any number of these must infuse nowslife and !Cob enthusiasm . - needed buildings thus situated • is, 'I must into oar teacheriand thus-;greatly benefit . own not rery flattering. I have found in our schools. • The teachers and; Directortil ruts travels lint one house that represents i should compare , notekanit teem from . ' my views, and that . only in miniature, ! each others plans and experieace 1n....n0 clearly shelving the utility and beauty ef , other way - cant:hitt be 'dene asfwell as in the_ thing even on a small scale. I am' the District bistitute. : - TheishOuld meet well aware how sliftienltit is ;to obtain and discuis their - several modes of teach '• suitable and pleasant sites tor these im- . ing the required branches, bilk abtiVe• all portant buildings. •A_contniittee is mined , they should . have drill exercise in'them. to *cats one, and soon meet Mr. A. on," Directors should' ivithout fail meet , 'when far* they find a enitable _place : and I with the teachers. and encourage them•all at once make known their business. Mr. I they can in their effortsTor ° self-improve -A. we areabout to build a new and beau-1 meet.- • The'offfee of School - Director is, I • . tiful edificssfor the especial benefit of the) am well aware 'a thankless one, but the :' youth of your neighborhood and we wish i state bas'nobly performed her part in pro- . to locate It in one of your fields, near the I tiding a System wbereby- - . ,eyery one . .of s i grove and fine Spring of . water, ands ire i the rising generation , can receive a. good' want just one acre eland and we are an- I edecation,and Your neighborshave chosen thorized to pay you for it $25,00, What i von as an agent to assist in carrying . out. ear to the offer? . $25,00 ; no, I :will Ithe wise provisions , :of that System, and not take it, not, one cant less than': one ; you should, faithfully discharge all the du-- hundred dollars. Well says the commit- Ities of that agency,. and do . all in your .we can 'pay but the , sum ,named, bet 1 power to improvecur teachersand schools. . what shall we do ? a site must be hod 1 Next I would speaftef some of the rein somewhere., - Lees . see says Mr.-A.; there i thins that parets have to' oer sehpols• is a rough, rocky spot, where neighbor 1 Parents many. tit' es suppoSe that when! B's firm.and mine corners, if he will eon- I th e es have furnished therrshareof the ehilj, I sent to have it built there, and will give 1 dren for the - school' they have fully one half the ground I will give the other I completed their duty,-,,,, and noth half, provided yon will it just„imi near i ing more ' can . : with any yeason . - the Imbue road as you cans and occupy no ;be asked o'f them.: They sometimes ape- , more grimed than the eiaet size 'of, the peer quite indignant to be. :requested to - - building. After consultation it is decided r buy new and additional books for • their ----.. to buildnpon the line between A. and 13: I children`, as if the. ,teachers were a- fonn- Aiui why is it that these useful buildings. i Lain of knewletige,' and could from his must be thus located ; simply becitusi• the I storehouse fill the roceptive mind of his people, the tax payers (in my judgement) i pupils, thus ()heisting entirety the need • are penny-wise• and pound foelish. - 'Andl e f books. Or, if children have books of So - it ;B'4l along the road to learning, 011 -1 the same naive of others in- the' school, • structions and opposition to encounter they must surely answer every , • even from those many times directigintees'l 31e-thinks good farmers 'wonld not set ested, and who instead of opposing, shOuld • their hired men to-cutting gram or grass ' , lend a helping hand to make the road with axes, hoes and knives, thbugh grain • - pleasant and.inviting.: : , mud grass could be cut with such teols,-1 Suppose the system of public improve - They have learned that scythes, mowers ment alluded to should' be met with that and reapers; are jest the tentsfor such ob .' constant and determiued . opposition from Jests, and so they procure them, and. the those it leas designed to benefit ;as is-the I success of their labor .proves their wis- System of popular education ; would it Ftlont. .The tools with which most of the I thinkyen he likely to littera and accost-' labor in the school room us perfarmed,are push the object its :tethers anti builders books, and if theiessre'altof ; the best kind intended ? Suppose the originators of and a eufficieut supply, so. farthe success the System, - shonld be met constantly.with .of the school is made sure, or if they are _the same objections • that, the friends of I uniform so that the teacher can properly our public schools are, that the System is - chtssifyhis pupils, it .must be upparentio all wrong, that in order to put it into use, all that the 'progress taf . the school would you must expend large sums . of money, be more rapid and satisfactory. - The di your LocOmotives are too expensive s .yonr esr „i te of books used • in some- of our track mid buildings are donated on too cal- schools ;it the time, is as .great, sable hind, and whereit is - too pleasant, and nearly as confusing, as if a. farmer . year passenger cars . are decidedly too ex- should send out then to cut - his - grain with - pensive, you employ more • men than ' is- reapers, cradles,. scythes, axes and knives. ' needed to superintend the nffitirs of your In this one respect, then, the -parent bears enterprise, and pay ' them greater a close reLstiontoethe school. -Could pa salaries - than tsin should especially your rentit fully. realize the gratitude • teatthers conductors notwithstanding- their duties wonhi feet for the . relief thus afforded and responsibilitice-are great. It is true 'them, the greater prospect Of , usefulness, I . 'we can travel along very comf o rtably ,in by haying their scholars well supplied with your nicely cushioned and well finished the riebekind Of hooks, or, could 411ey • rani, but you ter us so high for the Peas- f u lly appreciate fite inipetise it would, give. uses that we are disposed to take the Ohl the ambition of their children, to furnish , fashioned way to travel, even if we do them with altneeded aids ; they could not get notalong so fast, , and a n o tch less' fail to perform so good' and wise a deed,if number are aceomodate& From what within their power. Again; we discover. has been said can we not discoyerthe'dif- that those who employ Men to labor for ferent treatment each System receives, th e m en a farm, or in a shop, think it' ine the one fostered and encouraged by all, portant now and then to pay them a visit, and every possible means used to keep iii order to satisfy theasselves that every the tract:, clear liy.all ieaties interested- in thine is correctly done, and in such a way ordessthat it may benefit the eommunity as to best promote their tree interest.— , as much, as possible, while .the oilier, and They thus'exhibit their concern by , per - decidedly the most important one of the see.a tgo- - ... :tea ox:prcifdtt - And all the is. .two, has'to sutler all the charges •nemed 'eat nests highly properend right. Is it and -even More from these in many, easce, not, I ask, equally-important that. parents sa it is especially designed to benefit. lint i i I mte. manifest and express an interest we are happy to know as has been stated, i in the correct education - and prosperity of that the trains on most of this education- their children ?• How are we to account al road have got so tine a start thrOngh tOr the filet that those. who labor in the the efforts of faithfill and persevering- field or work-shop receive more attention • agents, that no trifling _obstriictions will than those intrusted with-the education of • tend to•check their glorious progres,s.— i pre -ions **Hied beings, committed to Let - us now turn our attention to some of our care dePendent on ue for protection, the, deties of the agents iyho have charge support and guidance? I -How manybitsle of our public Sehools. And first. of the ( s e o f 0-rain per acre, -or how many acres - School Directors (or Station Agents). 'ht of land think you would be equivolent for laW imposes on them the duty of raising ' a first rate education for your eltild_? 'The :and disbursing. the inleessary funds to _correct answer to these and other gees-, se . keep the machine in Working order, to tions oflike import, clearly shoW the greet , employ, Octet - tellers (or conductors) and ,wortir of a sound OdUC:11.101 . 11 - .1311 t, says a .-- ' • fix their salaries, &c. stse. In regani7,to s-plectry, petulant, and.fault4inding parent, the building of tionses, let nee reccone through 01w ot7ortr comity papery over an mend that you build good ones, large and anonymous signature, the system makes of . i l roomy, ceiling high, the best possible ar avieg ; ; parents . mere "lee-alized' ; ciphers" and rangelnent for ventilation, h J -1 v•ew • er n e:sive agents in the progress of educa s the physical health and comfort. of the t ,„„ss .. . . . desks . • scholars and teacher ; seats and 'N ; on- my friends, I do`not understand arranged for pupils otall ages, a desk or the,system to make of parents any. such • table 'for the teachers use, ample black- thiiiii, butt if it does,- I think nearlyall will board surface, inside wall s papered, land'agree with me thst it, does not keep them • both inside and ontsidevell painted, aid passive, for' many become quite active blinds upon - ,the windows. Such *filth agents, and not elways in - the . right die *0 it ilsqrtte would cost quite, a sum Of rection either.' -There . certainly 'is moth - . money, but in the end would be much the , ins' in the law to prevent parents becom cheapest and give the best ,atistilet ion.— big active, and very efficient agents tpe, if The law makes it the duty oft*. Direct- they are so disposed.• Instead of listen- I ere also to employ the - teachers and fix lIV'IO the buisv tongue ofscandal and as their salaries, and surely this is one of the siiiine others to f u ll - fault with the teach- - - most iinportant, and responsible -duties Brand his manner 4cm - ducting les - school, . they have to perform, and in my judgment let time in kindness Suggest a Thr -better they are 'sm"etnni's• • tn"l-' careless than • 'wavlo be active, a way that will show • , - they should be. lam satisfied 'that. - we. some of the trials rind hardships ill " - have iteSesquehanna County "Ine "s teacher has to encounter, and at the same II e.oiel & I tellers as c an `be fi eniti in any • r, , time aid and encourage 'him in his labors. ' - other portion of the State, yet I' nun c o n, L et me sag restthat it is very, proper, as - . since from actual observation, that we ' well as the duty Of parents to visit thieir hare morepoor schools, titan We should schools and see for themselves whether have, from th e fait thei Directors' often their children as wellas their neighbors • - e th pfoy young and inexperienced 'teachers are well behaved, obedient, diligent, re instead of those known to be thorough Iseertfill, and making suitable prop-ress. • • and efficient, beet-use the,' former- can be ' The right class - of teachers (and we - bad for less wages. This course Fthink, Want no_ others) are always glad to Bat -is all wrong,for good a" I . know man.Y °I parents visit tbem,,as it tends greatly to • our, teachers are, none are too good, andi en m come them in their labors, and ' in tor 'the rapid improvement, of our schools, spireS them with the thought- tlat their - the very best ones - should he employed' efforts arc duly appreciated. The sehol firstresetrilless et' a few cots differenee ars will' he benefused,,good order more . • in their s.slaries. , • easily maintained, and a deeges interest in I Sometimes our best teachers are mush- the cause of education aroused in, the . ployed because they do 'mt . feel willing. minds of all. 'These WO I important . con- ' . to teach for the same wages that are paid: siderations named, if correctly viewed by these . who have never taught, nor is it all threparents' in the counts,. would tend juseand right . 'that they' should. Some- greatly to increase th e usefulness of cur times tis trite young teacherit dtewell the drools and the•parentsrthemselvee would - first time, as well perhaps' as more ex- reap the reward that ever flows from wise rienced ones, and sometimes we are sa dly „,„T judi c ious action. - Lastly, I - would •-• . deceived and imposed upon by those who snY a few words to the teachers,and speak . haretaught a number of terms, but this of Some of their; duties as: conductors - ism); reason why those who employ the I along this important road alluded te,—* ' teachers, should not strive in every 16 ) .1 Mt- friendS, - the position you occupy: is • to find out who are the best, and secure I certainlpiae of greet responsibility. sin their-services first. A certificate of quad - ' • 10 yourespecial care is intrusted the eau ; ifieatiOn is indisuensable to the t eac h er, 1 cation of the children Mid vonth of our . , bit from the present manner 'of Evading;. country, WhoSe present and future harisii - them, the Directotstshould closely et h e x""' - Tie's:: in a Oent measure, depends on ine - them before, empleying, ; those wile s teamier: h i which yon discharge the ditty ' hold them ; and. in my opinion the-Direct- I roe itwetisthem as totteher;". • I ' think ors should in 'all cases grade - the ways ac -1 th ere can be no trade?, Calling or profession . cording to the qualifications - Dr the tea" - :in life, that needs ase much' knowledge, i ~ ers. As those known• to be ggod and eili" I skill, n - isdom-and discretion, es . that of j . • ,• tient should-certainlylSeliaid more wages 1 school teaching. Without attemptinsito --s -.At= those not tried. um* adopt the I say - w h at perhaps, the occasion might', ... . Thin of paying all-alike, it Would I think demand; allow me to suggest'only a few' - be destructive of the best interest of our . Schools -, as it would tend to -drive away practical poiute., '.' .; . • • - -.:: . • - our hest Ice:tame and- leave us the - poor :. 1, lii three the discharge of your duties,- be :. .eueerefliriV ofvur own, but - Of ad,-join- earnest, faithful tusdenergetie.eThe teaeh • ing counties.; 'Each school District i n. er that etiattot approtteithie .work,in the tix, theedunWshould , certainly have "ti . well ereise of thesequalities, and devote -hbn orgatniftsd"TPacherts Institute turd .the I selfto It * the love of it, had better •by - teaeliersbe required-to attend them on two I all means; be Soinethingetse than a teach-. ' Saturdays of each month. Oar teachers, 1 eriof yeah.. ilf you itaxe` -nova love. for ' are tbi. life of our schools, nod ,ns etur ! she work be earefel .Ihow yen lay "your . .., velem hinds on the plastic ' ~ ind ofeln:ld- 1.- HonAD,.S. Dick:bison - 0 , • - at". iooltand 'youths Remetnbe your - work 1: , --- --•-- • * -'. :_- -. , :-:, • ' -:- is worthy youi.liest s -and, ino:t ' -energetic ::: Oii. Saturday 'last, the lion.: Daniel-- -- . S. efforts, that inyour.#ling, , ' hatever, is ,Dickinsen,:addressed a large ga th ering_of worth doing at 'all, - nt worth doi ng well: I the, yeomanry .Of Tompkina anti:adjoining , Ile cautibus notta measure fir labor by- counties , Otltliaca. We extract the JO the amount of pay yon,:ge , ,, for iniite lowing patriotic sentiMenta frO4,:lhe ad. likely ,that Will 'be little enough, if • you i dress,— . ' : ... i. • ; .. . c. , „ are real4'cOnipetent and faithful; but if i' - Our institutions are new MenneedWith you lack these important finalities, Mid.; destrustion.,l Is it by a foreignfoe? - Nei only intend to n do about as Much as you ,it has stood tfie thunderstorni and defied imagine you aro paid for te p'our salary, i'the world in:arma, and now it is to,liedti-. however Small, will be quit to largo for i stroVeti, - if detitioyed it - mast be , the you., If-yen accept the responsible posi- ! inslilimus worm:[ of ambition that is gnaw-. Lion; be * sure to perform - its duties to the. ing it its heart. - Those' who have been best of your abilities and ,W your energy reared tinder, this Government s *ho have and success, prove yourself I a Workman, been pampered at its treasnry,upon*hose worthy of ‘large hires - I • brows , have been wreathed the otioiceit 2. Strive to be punctua4n all your dit. i laurels, arc tearing its heart, eorciding its ties. Endeavor always ifpossilile. to be I very vitals. And we are told that they at your school room before pie time :fort are brethren, .and that there must not . be -the school exercises te- commence, as ea'- I any-contention With them. Yes, they are ' er ftilliful tsacherWill find- many little * our brethren. Rut shall we stand tame thine. to be done, which if . done before lv by and see! them bathe theiri hands Tin the sclioel commences, in the greatlyflied- fhe.blood of our venerated Mather'? Nit; 'hue the labors ofthe day; And besides, if I she must be defended at all hazards .from you enter upon the regidari duties of the 1 these murderims : parrieides: -And the day without flurry and ex f_ itement, you.. crime is the more heinoas because- they' will be more likely to _do a good ...days . I are brothers,'', If they Were remorseless work, for remember tere is much wisdo m .! savages, or powling Arabs, they might in the old. maxim,. "well hegun is. half i have a better apology to offer. but they done." ' ' 1 , . -. ~ , 1- are Attempting I to oferthrow her who . . ft. Remember, "Order is Heaven% first I gave them existence, and nursedthem on law," and "should be.disti4tly prominent , the lap of judidgence, and dandled . theta in every good school: Pr i Ovide yourself lon the knee, and who- nursed them and with a programmenf ex-ereiges and be I fostered them, and- platted arms iii their careful to faithfully observe it. • Ihands to defend her, with ' wind!' they . 4.. -Do not fail,'before i-on commence I attempt to destroy her. • • „ . • your school, to- have' this fact -firmly fixed -When this "rebellion jreared its snaky, in your mind, , that you minst, can, and i head the Whole A t uertehn people trent. will have an orderly, quiet, and -industri. 'bled. We tilt the earth throb and heave ouslschoolin every respect, that all their and beat as with the , convulsions/of a lessons must be recited [well and promPt- mighty volcano. I • found it, /perhaps, ly.. Such points as these Is'Well as oth- more aitlicult than any' individual -in the ers you must secure in th;. start or you United States, if not in the wOrld; so far need not expect to succeed: You should _as,personal convenience •-, and considera decide then, betbre you commence, what. , tions were concerned, and - personal and you-are to din 'and how you are to, do I it, political friendship, anddomestic relations and then go at it with a *ill._ Te schol- and kindred associations could influence, ars placed - under your charge will soon ito take ground against this - rebellion.— discover whether you are, -to_ control or 'Many - ye: n.; Senate of. the 'United not; and while vou sholtld always ad-• States, I) ris had grown up, and the dress them kindly, and evler seek to gain 'course -c c affairs had clustered their love, .your voice and.mauner shonld aroundnie : southern - sympathies which betoken authority that commands respect. gave tinea - position in the Southern States Always. Striv- to make your school a that no other man in the North or . South pleasant sunny place, and yonrself-an orb tal. For Myself,. thcirefore,l found it of light to-disperse genial . influences to/more difficult for those reasons to sever all'around you. Cultivate in every schol- these ties than any other one could-have ar habits of sfrict attention and prompt done . ; but, in a patriotic cause I did not 'obedience, and whateverthe exercise may find•it difficult at all. . ' " . • he insist upon it that eye y one ninst pay • ' When I see such an assembafre as this,- attention and perform ills- or/ her part it tells inentOre, - -it speaks -to the heart -well.• - I / • more eloquently, than all the tongues a . - '5. Form an acquaintance with as many preachers and speakers; than all the': les. , of the Parents of your scholars as possible ...sons the press can giyeit `tells me that and strive to enlist theirlco 7 operatiOn. If thepopularileart is sound to the core.-,-. they will not visit you and the school,call I see before me and all 'around me tremli upon them-and get them enlisted' if. you ling,. old age leaning Upon his staff—stab can in -what you arc trying to dolor their 'wart mantrood, with strong muscles in children: It may costa:: effort, - but it ju- -his aim—yOuth, ready to bare his bosom dielously done it will-pay : • , in battle—Woman with her gentle and 6. Oultivate the acquaintance of other anxiOns face, pleading for lierCountrY- 7 teacherS as as youlean, and discuss maidens treinbling, 'Tearing that some your several or-individual experiences,and great calamity awaits' their happy family I thereby render each, other mutual lielp.--- . —and little i;hild reit, 'with their cumin"-, If there are Institutes_ in your Vicinity be i inquiring eyes,' wishinl , to know Why sure to attend them„botli to r&eive,ben- i this vast concourse, 'anti why that, old efit, and contribute yogi share to the ben- I man with White hair talks-so earnestly on efit of others. ; Avail tikes, and in all i the sultiectin which they intuitively feel places when teaching stiive to do your.' dan ,, :er , hut ca m nnot fully coprehend.— duty,.your' whole duty,! in all respect to 1 Ali .! my tair-haired bOy, it is that this your pupils, so that whim yone work as i tioverionon. may be !Saved to you ; that teacher is closed, the w i rritl will look tip-' its blessings of liberty may not be - *rest art you as bene - fneCom TO oall say Your ` • etl from .yon, but that your little - eyeballs labors have been nblessing toniank intl.— may nit he blasted - nor seared, nor your In conclusion allow melto say that in my hearts wrung with Ilmt accursed destroy judgment, we have in h,ustpwhanna cumin- er,disanion! that no evil shall come to blast ty, the materials for as Igood teachers and . these fair and fertileltields. schools, as canbelonnil in anv ether, por- I feel strong in the'pride of, my posi tion of the country, Anil if alt interested . Lti,,n. not of myself, hut as your represen will hut do their.wholel duty we can have I tative, and representative of the national them. • 1 sentiment:, I have stood in the high pia, ces of the land, in Senates . and in fiirums, with the great and honored of the !Mid— dle Clays,:the WebSters,•the Bentons,and the Calhoims--;-and I feel that I stand on higher ground to-day; as a free :Uteri., can citizen; vindicating •the •intef , rity of our government against traitors and their teludlion,than ever iiefore. i , I lay aside my politics ; I ask you to flay aside Yours: I ?Bulb not gold you po litically; 1 do not to come to me. and any one who•will attempt to mann facture politics out: of this matter, or drag politic ail parties into - it, is no patriot —is a schemer, and little. bet terthan those who assail the country with arms. As to the •administration,lit was ‘ not the Admin istration of choosing. I care nothing - for that, where it is right, I mean to sus tain it ; where it isr.trong, I mean. to aid It: where it is not strong ; I will: help it to be stronger: And it is the duty -of every goOd eitizento'stay up the hands, of the adndnistratien in order that it may do its _whole :and itSperfelk 'work. But we hear that Mr. Lincoln and his administration arenot able to conduct the Government successfully. Fof Hear -en's sake; then, let ti's take right hold a n d help it—pot a discourage it and put it down: Audit is my position that every Mend of the Administration should help thetntwolold—all should take hold and persist in this great work, not as Democrats, not as . Republicans, not as. Americans, not its Abolitionists, nor any thing else,.ekeeptas American . citizens., haysnigi a destiny, a conntry, and nlierit- . age'that. concerns us all. , Divide this Union! Commence by. di vidik, and all is lost! Sever the human frame!and' then - ask the head and the low er limbs; to perform their functions as be fore:- , Let. a great rebellion succeed, - you must let•lesser rebellions from every quar ter sueceed—from State to State, front County to*lnty, town to town, doWn to your very school district, and finally, if you haVe whotstrand - another wants it lie. -will to and take it. . Deceiting the People. The New Ytirk Tribune-and a- few oth er newspapers in the emutrv, daily insist IN,, that there is a party in theorth who are t in favor of submitting o the Jeff. Davis' Confederacy: Wini the "party" are; Where they exist, and when organized,. .(says the Chiago Times) we cannot aseev. fain. 'We are, therefore, inclined to be lieve that' it is a mere l'party of the mind". —an imagination of the disordered brains who have dreampt during many years that the.slaszes should be. freed. It is undoubtedly true that there area feW men in, the loyal StateS who so far forget their own_ honor and the best, interest of 'their native-land as t 4 indulge the desire for peace at any 'sacrifice; -but .such men are a mere faction, withoul organization °nullity of design or : laction,nd are in no respect intitled evento the name of a' party.: To make thent of &ideal impor tance is to deceive-thenati m the worst of crimes at a period of s g .eat peril— and teacheS foreign people to - believe, that n-c are r.pproael ing. civil, war event in the loyal States. Is this true? We ask the people, who must determine - all matters accurately new, we ask thorn, is there a party at the! North in favor of submission of - Jeff. Pavia? - If there is not, why do these neWspapersinsist there is ? We believe that they desire and design-to give aid and comfort t 4 the 'Southern ConfederaCy, by causing the rebels to believe that .they have: a large 'number of influential) friends at the North: What -other design on they have? iCer... Willy the traitor's will-light with More en-. ergy against a divided than against a united North.. ThiS- Is., so plain a--fact that the junta:al:l Which assert that there is a submission "parte in the loyal' States must understand it, and therefore by' publishing falsehoods intend toMicourage the enemies of the Republic. . N(tti we deny that there is, or ever will be, a party. of subinissionists to.Davii. at the Ncirtli.: There as no proof of the-fact in any direction. 1 _ . - . A Rebuke td Gov. Curtin. I At an interview,held on 'Saturday- last; between President Line°lnland Pon. 'Jobe Covode, who was ai.tting in the capacity of mediator betweec Cameron and Curtin the President infot'med , lliat . ,gentleman that he did not intend to have • any more ca,yilling about the nniforming of troopi, or, anything else that . would interfere with the tuselpline of ties - army. The troops now - -being„ raised. byl Governer. Curtin,. and those raised by • officers who 1 "have been conuniss oiled 'by the . War Pe- , partment-would be placed upon au' equal 1 r eew footing, and will e • the same ,benel fits to be derived ni the- venlnteit. act, passed at the last. on -ofthe retmayl. vania Legislature. - After being 'uniform. ed,. armed and equipped, the regimente will be numbered as coming trona Penusyl. vania.. 'This is con 'dareda virtual rebuke of Governor '' Curti'a policy, - Which _ban already created g t dissatisfaction, and lin sorneinstannes, a .;: . *WA the men to mutiny.- It is h . ped that' things here: after 'will g?-en :44..... , thly.: - • an flirP res Del rediOat'ir “. on to rep Confiscate b.l an the lerpg:t. d sta io lulkdoli , ident and heir directed to contecate earn PIO se say be reed fortat parpoter. setordint is sew 1 • .—W.ho Fight our tattles; • The Indianapolis State-Sentinel' is told by a -gentleman; an officer in one of the Indiana RegiMents that an .' officer de tailed by the war department„.under the directicin ofeommander in-chief, to mus ter into the -service voliinteers in Indiana, giVetiit t as his opinion, based upon the upon the most favorable opportunities • of ascertaining the facts, that . three-fourths of the Men who have already. volunteered foi.the; : war from that State•,:. are Demo. crat;. IThis'is the very highest' authority for making this statement; ' • Tlutti_.'pro portion. holds good - in -Most of the States, and yet, stay , at homeAtePublicails de; flounce Remderats as traitors; and ovinee .4 make war upon them..: ill" The 40 . rresporiaent ofthf3 Charles. ton ifiriury gives the proclamation of the Captain-General of Cnba, in W hich he "lu 'virtue of a proclamation lor ger Majesty the Queen,'l have determined, under date of August i, that "all. vessels. occluded _in: , legitimate coMmerce„ pro' : ePeding from - Amrte. in -the = cmfederate Stateii shall be.entered and cleared under the. confederate flag and shall beduly pro : tPeted by the authoritsPs of the. IslaTid: THE riONTRop Jatipcs*T. teings-4140•• APTA cz • _*:lfT;..* . ****** 11- ,,! . **9 Eigigt;TP.lll,Ki*,l,,Alk _PR.QP)O!TIik. ~ • .. .., inaIiakiTAIMMUSUR Democratic Comity Cotivcntion• rursitant to eall;the Pentocratie,Connty. Conyention of ,§iiscfa County indintil or, g,anized on Monday 'Sept,~Gtli, at the i-Court 1-tottsi in Montrose. Ofricars:—PreSident,JA:: Carpenter • Vice Presidentspaylnrd-Cartis, and E: S: Brewn•;.Secretaries,, , A. Lathrop and J. •Merrinian.• - . • , I.x5T or DELEGATES. • •Y. • . Auburn- 1 . Waltman, K T., MoWry Apolac6n—P, Welch, 1.. O'Deirt. Ararat—H. H. Dix, O. L. Carpenter. Brooklyn—R. 0. Miler, And Ely. Alrid,g,ewater—O. S. Beebe; Z.'3l.BreW- Clitfor4l—D. W. NV IL Finn-. Choconut—E.-Clark, j. Kimble. • • I)undall-411 V. Chamberi. • Dintock—J. Foster, J. Compton.. Franklin—F.,A. Smith, J.-L. 31eriman. Forest Lake—T. ,P. Meeker, J. Burr. Friendsville-4. Mead, 0.-Heald. - Gt. Bend—R. T. Stephens,-J. 11. Du senlary. _ •• Gibson—C. N. 31iller, E. Guild. Harford—C. G. Williams,A. Carpenter. Harmony—J. B. Stevens, R. Martin. ' Herrick—E. Barnes.J. 31. Myer'. Jackson--A. Benson; o...ll.:Perry. Jessup—A:• Sherman, 'W.-C. Handrick. Lathrop—E. S. Brown, -K 31. Tewks ' bury. • Lenox—H. Wllite,A.J. Titus. , • Libertyß. Bailey, J. P. Butts. Middletown - -N. E: • Stead well. Montrose —ILL - '. Little, A. Lathrop. • N. Milfiwd—D. 31A;Millan, W. Watson. Oakland—L.E.Shatts„O.Pherps. Rush.-4. W. Granger, G. Picket. • Sus!ia—G. Curtis A. W. Rowley. Sprmnille-74. ll:Lathrop, W. 11. Han. Brick. • ••••• Silver Lake—J. O'Day, E. IL Gage, On motion A. Lathrop, C: G. Williams E. M. ltWksintry, L. Norton, 1:11. La- .1 throp, Howley and C. were appointed a committee on 'resolu tions. During the absence of the conunit tee,H.. H. Little, esq., being invited, Made an able and eloquent union speech, of about thretY (limners of an hour in length. He advisediaiing aside party strife during: our struggle FM- national existence.- Mr. E Guild made a brief union speech. l lie came , here to help make a : ticket; but acknowlecked himstiff a partial concert to ' the no-party policy advocated by - Mr. 'Lit t le. • { Erma Or Cwt. ON 1 E.,SOIXTIONS. We meet under oreuni;tauces new and Alt questionsof party, orpOl icy, are lost,:in the one greater question ; of existence. The stupendous issues oflini ,and death are being tried on the tented: field. There is no question now of tut . the government shall be adniinisteredi but it is Whether we shall ',aye l uny govl 'eminent to adrainister. interesti immeasurable its-eternity, hang upon till. conflict In . thiS awful crisis; the . popular min( most -be united, in the loyal states, or all is lost. It is . plain that- no real un ion cati exist, it' we engage in sehseleii party strife, about mere office . . Resac'd, That we approve of the Spirit and doctrine of the Res. which the Cliail.- man Of the Democratic Co. 'Committee preseiitetl for the consideration of the Re publican.Conven'tion, and that said Con vention in. rejecting the proposition of '4.a union ofall loyal men for the sake :of the Union"--disregarded in our jtidgnient the plainest dictates of parka'sm an'4l the generous impel-ens •ot: the .. party it clainis,to represent. . I Resoled That we will . support the present Administration in - all legitimatt measures for the suppression of the gig an- tic Rebellion which- threatens the destrilo tics of our . benifieent government and the abolition of liberty on the continent, 'and that we demand of the Administration an ,energetie prosecution of the war for tie restoration of the, constitutiOn, and -te . vindication ofthe .right of the . Americ. n people to self government.. • Rexpleed, That in. refraining from en::A ging in a political canvasS this Fall, weliy no means abandon the old Democratic Pn eiples ;on the -contrary we :declare ur ; firm-belief that the doctrines of our party— . founded by Jefferson, sustained by 31.41 i, "Ron, Monroe and Jackson, andvsanctitia by -the dying Voices ot''Websteti Clay 4u] Douglas—are in harmony with the best interests of the country ; - and we- herc:b3 avow itdetermination to resume'onr Par ty principles andnoininitious at the con .elusion of this war • and that this 'vinyl . , tion select - a .standing • committee to cpn sist of one from each -eteetionAistrict. I ' After being read; they, were consideivi and adopted Separately,with two (r iligi noes on portions of them. . . :- It was voted that all the papers' i :the county lie invited to print ,the psi eeedings - of'this meeting,. after which ill convention adjonnied. Dilmoemtie County ComMittee. Aubgrn—E. J. 310uv.-- Ararat—L. 0. Baldwin. • Ap t olacon—Richard Bridewater-Thos. Johnson'. •-• Brooklyn—A. J. Tiffany. • , Clifford—James Decker. , Choecinut:=--Jaeob Kimble. Dundaff— E. P. - Chambers. "Dimoek-7C. C.Mills. Franklin—W.C. Smith., . Forest Lake--- 11. N. Breit-der. Friendsville--31. C. Stilton. Gt. Bend—lsmie Reekhow. Harford—L.T,Farrer. Iferriek-rilenryLyon. Ilarmony—, Richard Mi . :rtin,,- .Tacksou.,-.G. W. , Tyler. • . Jessupr--.Tames Faurot. Lathrop-••T. J. I olunson. _Lenox-. T. Robertson, - Mlldletow - i- , --Otis Ross. Montrose—Daniel Brewster New New Milford W. C. Wail. 4 Oakland—K. C. ;Leavitt: - .-= Sdrer Lake--K. TbotrsoriPsfer. /ma_ opting t. eim Ant bEnroll* tit lireati we are in. , tit s -41-1/004. M if tt ASS MEETING t , ins io I;eitnia - tillon Pattirday; SePteather 2iii; Ati?idternoort, / to nom inlte * firket. 6ll OrAiOn 1411. Hon's. D.l S. Diekiiiion;'* - 13. Wdkit t t. end W. W Ketch tit urn, and o e, are .named aa appalient." —s rtii Calriiia - Minded in too late fnc.ttnto insert- tn. full: See !tapping for paitidutailiV Mr 'DAM emnpaa.fira be organ ized to- z d4 ; raemteilt entitled to .; pay at ance y ant a fevi:Aa,ys . ffivea for ~ prepara tielfa,to march '4 few, , yoyinteers, may 44t beAtc . cift 7 eit,: - 1 0itod'i3116C 1 / 03 . on- . the 311 t. Pulpit ;-- 4 1,1101y me to suggest the motile of Fennel . Cirpenter, of liarfora, tilr Commissionei..Fomerly. a Whig, he sinee abOut o*,, beOki cOnservatively bitirthe Delitoers6-. iti too fittor►~ y known to require :kcommendation. - • • • DIMOCK. Teachers' irtetitate., A meeting of theiSitscfa County. Teach eirs• Institate held to Neer_ - Milford, Aug. 221, - and '2311.• J.Y. Shoemaker, President ; E. P. Giirdner, Secretary. -The moping of Thursday was oeelipied in lfreparing a p rogramme of tixekise to be - puisned and. in transacting tlier inisineSs incident to the opening ession of Association:. - Afternoon—A. N. Millard - , Co. Annitiefed an exercise in Reading, after. rhieb a number of -the ineinbers - ,bw.ite heir modes of tefteiting . , the same . . -Miss , - Inna Dean. then took charge ofun exer. rise in Geography.. The. different modes cif te:tehing this branch Were very warmly discussed, and tuany.good ideas put forth. ---The discussion will, no dpubti prove Very beneficial. .Bullard 'delivered an able address on "the-subject of COniltion Schou' I I..:dueation,,afid the President read n oa,sny on Sc h ool Goveinment. FridLy- , --Atter prayer by Rev. J. K. , Peek, D. Hannah conducted 'an exercise . I in.praniniay, during which many interest-1 IMg points were.diSeussed. • A number of 1 questions handed in Ay the members of !the Institute. were - then- diScussed and I lactcd upon. ._ : • . ' 1 ...IN two„—J. M. Lyoes.. conducted - ail e r i excise in Arithinetie. K P. Gdrdner. ',read an essay on Orthography, : amt dent ' onst mica the utility in his manner of teachingnt, by conducting _an exercise in • that branch.. It Was then voted that the address of the Superintendent be publish ed in the (Minty 'papers. The . following appointment was'made for the - next meet ing, which is to': be- held in Jackson, c_l_n , the 2 hi, 22'11 . , - ;mill 2:3d ofNovember next. ' '' Lecture on School Discipline, E.lit. Rog- ers, Gt. !lend; :Address, Iler.-J. K. Peek, I;r4ioldvil ; Ilistiirical Attiress,' A. F. 13eardsley,-New Miltiod. . . We are happyi to 'say that this meeting 1 of the Institute 'More than inet the ex- I',mations of. its Most sanguine 'friends, lainl in.oveel that the educational It - ants of the community :Ike not forgotteif in this time tit national 'excitement. In l ull the elas< exercise and discussion we could not It Will be remembered that•• - the ICst intelligence; we had . Of... the privateer Sumter ; left heeut Trinidad, Port Spain; seeking a supply of coal, Which the .Goly ernor refused'uiTet:her•haye but which she nevertheless, - front ; one. of the ?merchants ofthe'plaee will!: the proyal - of the.-...Atforney:General. e learn noir, via Perniuda,' that the'Sninter suhSetinentli-proceeded to,sea, and soon. afterieoptnred four American ships, fully laden;• which - had just quitted'" Trinidad • -land weic bound to the NOrthern States. e` - i ~ .. County_ Commissioner. IM=ll2e== desire to promot'e the best; interest of the rising 'get seratimi,•and 'At e 'hope that all who are friends Ottiniversal educatiOn will do all in' their power to aid -in sustaining;' an--efticient - Comity Teachers Instittite. - - ow:a- • - • • Resolutiens adopted by.. the rni_snr- : TI RY OF 31.0.ViltilSE, at their" iieSsions at Providence, Pa.; August 29th, 1861. WttiniESsi A portion of these United; States-have risen up against the • rightful: authority of the -Government, and •are' now in armed rebell . agaittsztjt We,t he Presbytery of Montrose, wish fo hear our ; 'testimony agautat this rebellion, and for -the Maintenance of our Constitution,Gov ernment and-latva. ThereThre, • Rev:jolt, That we cherish :In undimin i ished attachment -to our national Govern- Mem, tlpoli - Which our civil and , religious filairtv is based • and that •we cordially sympathize and co-olio:16.! With all . its real friends—With all bearite , arms for its inaintenaßce—witli'tlic • PsesidenV of the I.'nited States and all in authority : Under bint-,--I.oi,;ving that no blood or treasure is too precious to lie &Voted to the cle 1i c• itrl tt it •of the Government elc• .t oerpe . - in all - its Constit tational autharity. Resdred,Thitt we aclatowledge before God, with humility, his just judgment in thi4 imtional calamity ; mat that we to all the •churches wailer otir care, to, observe the day of fasting anit . prayer which our President and Congress have Very 1.F1,3e1y , recommended, nu the 26th of Septembernext,at.d that fervent prayer be- made eetttinually. that God would help our 'beloved county, and di rect the IssuesOf this dreadful War to his own glory and the,prospeiitv.of his king dom,.... f 1: MILLER, Sated clerk. The New YOrk Herald states, that.. Mr. Gay; a leader in the anti-slavery Society in -New York, has purchased a large num ber of shares in the New York Ttibuni, -.) and that paper will now go into the hands. d f the Abolitionists. If Mr. Gay, and the o 'whole anti.slarety society can inake . the Tribune more of an Abolition paper - than n it had been for'a dozen years it will Full prise its renders. le Pf - 2. A girl inNeWburYPOrt„ =Mass, haying called on Dr. Spofford' for advice, declaring her, ailment'to be 'pain in the boWels." the•Dector gave , her a • cathartic and requestedher to call again - in •• a few she did,- her if she had taken the medieene he- gave her e — She replied in the - affirmative. ilti . then asked her' !.Did'any',thing pass you after taking fel!' -.4.`TVatl9rj_ said, ra hinge and *non and -a drove of pigs:". The rPoctor` tarkinglil think . you must b4'l ) ett-er: • . nuokalevr,late United State*lthiliateit to the republi4 of Eiliinder;::in- South;:Aram:jaw. returned home on the 20th lilt; His heldtbi ae are glad to learn, bag greatly improved. • WS :ITEMS. .."-.4n order to - correct tithittpprelitutiams, inqUiry .; , bas been made-at the- Stato•Dc. p?rtment; - :where it -was aggert4ined: that - rgilantimliee _agents ;Fe istatititie4.. at • every : point Where "perions enter or leave tlie.lTnited States, — going Val. or: ,coming Irora canada r with , fultauthority_ in the Maiter'efliaisPorts.7: - : - . - - - ;.—,09 Situnitiy;Mrili.B.: NVilder,": of - llevierk, N. J . ., - wasientite.. Fort Lafay ate, for a-ritle,lnitterifor .I.l . leSOtith.- - ,The" following-is •• .att.r extract 1 from an intereepted lettarwriiten by Wit , der. to a "Mr. Mendenhall, of -Winehesier, Vti:-L-". My. wife and'll.th4 ha* prevented my leaving here .to fight against , this Waseralyieltorde of Abolitionists. • .. •-4tirr N. - 11. " 'Wilson' ' ''t .Methodist preacher ot Baltimore, was arrested .on FridaY at Waterville„ plane-No: 1• of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Ort"a -charge . ofibeing concerned in the Sniuggline: of 4ninine and other iontratand articles, , mostly medicines,- through.the lines of the : Federal army into the rebellions _,States, fer tbe ,' aid, and comfort" of thersouthern army. .: • - .". • -,j . ~ • . „..1. 7. -IIoM .:(;slutalt; Gitidtugi,” of °MO, has written a long' letter. - 'opposir' ,g, , th e the proposition of establistiing a -new or- F;antzation.- - Joslaia i opposed to ignor ing the:question or slavery. He says it has been the. life-giving element, of all "par tieS, and should not. now -be. east aside when the abolition li•prk is but half com pleted.. The republican party, he thinks ' ni on the right track of the ultimate °stab. li s shinetif -of freedom Pir the nigger, Mid it should be pushed al ng to the eonsurri-• !nation of-that idea. ()shun is an -aboli lion brick, . . —There is some difficulty :about the new postage.stamps, p4tietilarly.umong the-country postmasters. It should be distinctly understo4 that the old stamps are good at every Post office until the new'ones are fernished to the. Posotr-it er.. '1 —lt is a singular fact that the - fedeal Pnesoders at Itiebunny) are.-in charge of . Oxen. Tothl,.brotlaer "6fMrs,l l ineidii,. who is a prominent retie!. I . —A letter to the lialtintore Aincriein, from a citizen Leeshurr, says that an entire 'Mississippi !Regitnetit, • stationed there, revolted.on Saterday, broke their muskets to pieces and started home. —Dr. Russell's lateSt letter to Ake Lon- don' Tinies says that. the issue in America is 13 1iillY narrowing -between Slavery atni ;kbolition. thinks that t Itellresideit t will soon' &Aire all the slaves Mithin the limits of the'United Statk armKfree. ,—Gerrt Smith has written a letter to . the President in which lie • rejoices that ;ten...Frentutlt b'y the il.;nianeipation of Misouri has at I:i'st made maul- Pst the settleil policyof _the aihministra t ion. ' , MrEdWar4l'Unite] States At:.' , • ga . mi tarnCy G t eneral, ets ) t as his opin ion that itis• the duty itc United States 'Marsluils to execute the - Fugitive . •Slace Law and return ritnaway4 . front Missouri. Eds.:matt, ot. mid Air = ma i tty years editor of tlM•We;tet ('doyen, an uncondi ional ,kbpat bui journal, • has been apoint ed Consul at ,Illistol,-Engrand. lie - wmt the founder of the _old '• lltitlitatin party of this ':State. Ills reward • has come at last. : . • •, ißrPitt'sltrg, Sept. io.—.ln extensit y : fire Oecurrett here at .4..!1;; o'clikek this morn ring,•destroying prctperty to the' amount. lantst; of which is • CIA l'red by - I • 1 lot of the contrabMot _goods seized was stored in one of the building 4 and consumed, 'goods ,were insurel for *1 0,000. 1 'hetire.b i:-.ttpri,sol to ltv'e been the Work of an incendiary. —Motto iii the Righi Place.—At one itf the recent , balls at Saratoga,•n stray .See essioness from the "sttlinySoutli7 mitigb ed in the vohtpfuous waltz, wearing :t • Secession flat; int. Ater' breast with the stgmheantntotto . 4 Shall we not. protect smr - cotton ? this ease the rebel s- right was mlntittud. -devil Of manumission tbr t staves of a ROA , have beeii signed .by , Major General. Freinont , thus enforcing his procl amation. - i . ---"GallagluFr, - : the Tayinaster,• ..who is now under arrest for "defaltatiiiii,"it is - now ascertained Made a requisition the - clay .he was arrested; and marked it "urgent.'Y —One of the firm of Tiirbet k: Co., of < Linn Creek, 4Missouri,;. had - reaclied. Jetfer son city. - llc states-that only -:about *B - worth of property, Was •taken from their house the Rebels on the 3d or September, and not (illO,OOO as:reporietl. ! —Both the IVar and Nay Depar tments. are literally overrun with contract ors and - ..would-bee ontractors i : and the flotelsare crowded, more than di ring h session of COngress.. —The National Republican itc assured b): _a person !who appears to;ho conversant with the. subject, that...gross (rands . have been pi rpeti'ated upOn- the Government by - certainlerse and Mule contractors in Abe-vieinityl Of, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Diselosures,ventilnting - these corruptions it is understpod, will:be. made in the right_ _ quarter.. ! . —Vigilan,t, public' agents :are stationed !at every point wherepersons leavel'oren ' ter the . United States, going to:or coming from - Canada, with fill& authority in the Matter of passports.; „ • • •=The Knoxville(Teunessee) Whig, of the fith, Contains a ,card• flora Parson Brownlow, Wherein he states substantially. that he will not be a party: to any, Mad . scheme of rebellion ; that all who do so must starer. • ruin ;,and that lie yields his extreme position thrOngh . necessity,. an4' confesses dint be hatt not the courage to. , meet unarmed eleven:States armed •• • . • • • —Recruiting in Canada Tor - the. 1., 7 010th army is meeting with violent opiosition, Trotrt the . local . authorities. We do not wonder st Recruiting in the United . - States for the Crithenn war came iiear• lending nsintO serious trouble. feel certain that the government has Onthorii- ed no suehi Movement, and 'Wilt , : discoun tenance:any attempts•to recruit on Cattail-. 4in .114rThOSO P0 1 : 80 n001);a0 ieyeating the cry of itlisumonitts . =l!ini:Araitors; are 'doing much•to : - .61.-th4-.*Ediellien in the Smith, as •, the, te4eneiitt4o make the °linen who sylilPl44 nth, W ent would •.fikht for , thera . Ift/ that.tbelc 44f-halm opportunity-nittinitY: It is thns eph4 oo NilMe.9 1 1r 3 g e Il SioAchitii ri 40iptrateli,. - . ‘ , v t t heaver .is prepare to aappece party orginizatiene ae&platfonas on the alter 50'44' Olintry; doia‘• : a?t7, OeietVe the seppert c e ottrite,Oitice ot„hoee%v rople.!'-1-stifes