The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 12, 1861, Image 1
THE MoNTROsE!'DEMOCEAT, Is PUBLISII6 TIIVREITLITh BY • .A.3%r arcirritaGkri.. OFFICE ON -PUII4C At3Mpt, VEIREE Doors ABOVE 6nAitmes ncrrEF. . - Pt:Rms.- 1 31,5p per alumn i i n.ramtbr,ori.3 otherwise $2 will' Ina charscd--and fifty cents per twit= added to arrearages, et the option of the Publisher, to pv spense of collection, ctc,' 'Anuses payment preferred. Avrtirrt starrns will be inseitd tbe rate of $l. Per - sonar°. of ten !Ince or leis, for Meant three week*, and 2 cents for each additional week—psydown, • Merchants, and othetS, whaadvertiselq the year, will be charged at the following Mee, viz.; ,tons :ware, or las, one year, witJ+chdngu, $8 Nadraddlttonat eguare, id the rate o No credit gis,a/ except tc4boic of hiown Finponsibmq: BUSINESS CARDS. coorErt • Itltitt. A. COOPER , A co., BANKERS.,—Montrose, Pe. Stieeereore to Post. Cooper P. Co. Office, Lathropsenow. bonding, Tutnpitnot. AfcCOLLU.M. SkARLE, -TTORYETB and Cnurniellorio at Ijaw„-r.Montic;se, Pa. AL Office in Latbronte new building. - Fiver the Bank. HENRY 13.11cKEA.N, A.TirowaY and counaidiorat•tn!ar.—Towaima; TN' omc in he Caton 1e.358 tf DR. E. F. WIT,VOT; G RADUATE of the Allefedhle and flomceopathle Col. ledee of Medlelne.—Great Bend, IPa. "°dice, earner of Malta at d Ellzabeth:ste nearly oppOlte the 'Methodist .Charch. - DR (I'7: Dl3looli, . . P , IiTSICIAN AND' StrlttlEo:4,-MOntrote. Pa. 011Ice over Wilsons' Store; Lodgings atSearle's llOtel. DR. WILLIA.M.W.WDEATON; . . . Eciskrlc PHYSICIAN & STIEGEON DENTIST. - ' WIDJT DR. MY RO.VWDFATOr, lied:males] and Surgical Jteti t recently ofPingluimton, tender their professional services to all who appro. date the Reformed -Practice of Physic;' careful arid operations on Teeth; with the most scientific and approved, styles of platework, Testilt extracted without pain and all work warranted. • • Jackson, June 1 ltb, tat°. ; • DR. N. sxtrrit . tc-.; 'SON, Q. 4 intGEo:.s'r DENTIsTs,:- - montrose,l Pa. 00illee in Lathrop,' new building., over . the Dank. All Dental 'opetntio 1 • na will be tiiiigibig performed in good and warranted. , J. C. 01.11STF;AP DRS, OLMSTEAD & READ, AATOULD ANN OTINcEI to the Pnblic • T T that they have entered into a }tartnerahip for the Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery, end are prepared to attend to all calls in the line of their profession. formerly occupied by Dr. J. C. Olmstead, in DUNDAFF. • toy 7 3m.. DR. N.. Y. L 1 1; Physician arirl , Surwon, Fiietitriqe, • the Jaaeon Haw. , , LEET gives particular ntientitin to thii . :lreatment of diseases, of the Sun and EVE: and IP contblera that his knowledge of. and experiencein that branch Of prac tice will enable him to effect a cure in; the moot difficult cases. For treating diseases of these Organs no fee will. be charged unless the patient. is Venerated by the treat ment. , [2inglist dOth, 1860. S OUTH W. ORTII N'ADAKJIN, • iff ANUFACTURERS AND DEAL'4/ tS in Italian and :T1 Ann• Marble for Monunionts, licadstonek Tomb-Tables. Mantles. Sinks and' Centre-Tables. Also dealersiu Marbleiied Slate to? Manties,Ventre•Table" ..* Shop a few doors east of SearleW6tel on Turnpike Istreet, Montrobe, Pa. oc4 we W.)1: A. SNOW • TI7STICE OF THE PF.ACE.—Grent . Bend, Plt" Office on Main Arect, opposite the Westoi - n ' apt • .TOIN' SAI7TTE . ASIIIONABLF. TZ,ll.oll.—Mentroae. Pa. Shop over 1. N. Itnllard's Grocerf . . on -Main•atteet.. Thankful for past, olle.xt. rt. continuance, -;pledeing2drnm:lfto do nit work tatisfactorilo. Cut %lug done on short notice. and warranted to lit. Montrose;-Pa,. July 2th. 150.—tf.• • I'. LINES, • ,IASIIICINART.F. T.lll.olt.—:Nlinit role. Pa. Shop ' in Phirnix illocli. over 6tore'lif _Read, Watron, A Foote?. Ail work warranted, : to fit and Onioh. , ez. ttlinp, done- n.Aort thdire.. in,heet ttyle. jan Ix?, ' ---,-- 1011 N U near the Thtpll.l 'Sleeting 1 i 011 4 't. on Turnpike I.trrel. AU orders tilled prorupti. in iltskratn stcio. Cutting <lona nn short indict:, and warrailtvil a. fit. -- • - • • L. 11. IStIELL,, • fiPAIItB Clock . P. IViitches. and Jewulry it the ice_ find is rm,roilable iernm. All, work ararranted. Sim+ In ChandlCr - and Jr-4scipla store, 3b.mtnos : vet!. t • N . Vitt. W. Co., /YAM= AND CD AIR m.v..;:t.TrAcitmEn4.—Font. N../ of Main street Montrose. : ang tf (1: o. FoRDHA3t,_ tf ° lll. 'i T work made made to order. and mooring done neatly. Je2 y ABEL Turzp.LL, TO''..i.LER In Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye -115 Stuffs; Glass - Ware, Paints. Oils. Varnish. Win dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goqds, Jewelry Perfu mery, etc.—Agent forall the, mosti popular PATIZST :sr EbICINES,-3!ootrose. Rug If PROF. CITAIIL.I:.S BABSEIL and . flair Dr6sser. "Montn,ie, rn. Shop In Laf,ement of SN lintel. HAYDEN ,BIZOTHERSi \ DEALERS IN t 141*TICZPIVSI3 • —ANA -j• FANCY GOODS. AM, lIATD=I, . . . • JOAN ILAYDRN, - ' '' ' ' ' ' TRACY HAYDEN. • SEW MILFORD. PA GEORGE. ILAYDVC . P. E. Blttisu,' 31.. --D., TIAVING NOW LOCATED .'in , rrLY, AT Sairrrla:k.gN7.l.lle, 14111 attendto the duties, of his prokotelott promptly °M ee 4 4 A. Lakthroo; NEW MILFORD, - PA., IS THE_ PLACF, TO BUY YOUR HARNESSES., CHEAP POE CASU, AND GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. morS 4m HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, or • 11tervv,•••'Srcarls.. CASH . CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OSETTS Ist 1860, $1,481,819.27. " t 43,068.68.. S. Milton Smith, Seel. Cone d. Mettle, President. .7otaal4Clee, " A. I.l . Wklidurth, Vice " _ To7sciee issued awl renewed, bythe uhdersigned, at hie !Malt . . cue door above Searle stioiel, hiwairose, Pa. nov . 4 y ; siLLimps STIIiOVD, Agent. rr x er ifft AS just received n. large atecli of new StoTes_ , for Cooking. Parlor. °lnce and Shop pmposee, for Wood or Coal, with Stove Pipe, Zinc, &c. • staLuortment is &elect aid desirable; andirill be sold on' the moat favorable tera a for Corker to Prompt Mx ,IJlOntlur Buters, ' New Niguid. Oct 25th. -Aro. ,DandeliOn Coffee, A 11111 1 1 47: 0 1 1 % itY p n pcitoundu tailottftWoo.Z.?lt .sale ,by • OAR' D. • W. 117172MaZgargal.-.311,:Dw graduate xs. of the Allopafie and Bomampafhiti CidlegesteMed tcine. would roturohis sincere thaukai to the people of Gt.' Hand and.vielnityna t htha Very liberal i p3troithCo with which they bare fa, for him, and he hopes by a atrlet at. tedtiou so littionsvorederit a. liberal chase of the public confidence. Great bend, Jaostary TAKE-14CilICE1 ama". .2m."..1414 far' 113.30111.emp sheep Pelts, Pos.Mink, Mukrat, and all kiwis of Fars. A good asipxtment of Leathel and Boots sad Shoes coastal:dr on hand. Oftlee. Tannerb 2f3hop on Man Street. XollittOft. PettAth , A. P. C. %Einar! . . DAVID C. AX.EV - 4X. TTAVIAG loaned permangotlY at rldw ri.. lnllwlll attend. promptly to all ealla which be . may be faxdred. 'Office at Toddle HoteL • New July 3 7 IF4I , We Join Ourselves to -no Party :that Does not Carry t4e Flag— and ;Iteerio" tep to .the=; of the Whole Union.' VOL. 18.:# -FIBIENTII -AMOK Ell - OP • I SUSQ, COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCiETY. DI C lIELIEVINEDNESIDAY APID TRIMS. DAY, OCTOBER 9tll - AND 10tIti 1861. . 1113 Man n— 'WIZ . .. Drrtstozr L--I-lonsEs.-CLass L—SkOolis 1 . & and Maris Best Stallion and One of his colts, . .... ....• • , .... Diploma and $6- 2d best; .. •:,, -- . : .. I 4 3d best,• .. ' .., -. : • ~ ; 3 Best stallion -which has not stood in the 1 -countyikpriorlo this lea!, Dip - .-and • 3 Best brood Marc and colt, :... .. i' 5 2d best, : • ... ' ..1. .. .------, i 4 sa best, : .. .. %. .. .. 1---- - 3 Dr. - A. Chamberlin, Brooklyn ; i .S F_. Badger, New Milford;, Jitorges. 1 Wm. IL Jones, Dimock ; . • i Ctatss,l4.--Sing/e and Matcher/ Hoists. • j3est single gelding . or mare over live years old, raised wi the county, , $5 . ''.ld best, ..- _.. .: • .. t 3, 3a test., .. .. .. J . 1 Best pair,of matched horses, (geldings ',or mares,) over 3 years old raised in the connty; .. .. .. i 5 2d best, I ..* - I.: • .., • 1 3 ' • Best pair...of-matched horses owned i l o rk the County; not, raised . here, ! . 3 * . S. RParmalt, Apolaeon ; Johii.l3landing, Harford; artidges. P. S.!Cassedy, Dirricrek; , L. READ 4'3; • . • pjtre eitp?!ite CLASS M.—Colts and' Mules. Best pair 3 years old - colts, $3 Best pair 2 years old colts, .. 2 Best pair yearling colts, " . - 2 Best yearling colt, .. Best pair.males, 3 2d best, . • , • 2 Best jack, 2d best, - , 1, D. Townsend, Brooklyn; J. D. Ooodwin,. Montrose,; Jaftiges W. N. Tingley, Lenox; DtvzszaslL—CATTLE.---CLASS I--Devon:. Best. devon bill] ; 3 years - a? and up wards, ! - .... .... - 1 $5 2d best, ..... .... • 4 Best do between 1 and'2 years old, 3 2d best ' s - .: .. . .1. 2 Best du under one year,. I Best devon 4 . cow,3 years old orupw4 1 2d be - st, .... .... • 1 3 Best devon heifer 2to 3 years old, ! 3 2d best, .. .. .. Best devon bull calf, .. ... Bet - devon heifer calf, J. S. ilawley,llawlevtown,N.Y.; ) James E. - Carmalt, dioconut ; ' I . Jli .l dges, .avid Wakelee, Springville ; = ) . .1 CLASS hi.—Durham:. • Best durham 1;1111,2 years old or over', $5 2d best, .'. '.. .. ~1 ' 4 Best do between 1 and 2 years old, ; 3 2d best, .. .. ' .. .. , 2 Best under one year, ..... ....I 1 Best do c0w,.,3 years old or upwards; 4 . 2d best, .. ' .. .. ..} 3 Best do heifer front 2to 3 years 'old; t 3 2d best, 2 Best do'hnllc.sif, .... ...,. . '2 Best do heifer calf, .. -.- ... .1. 2 } E. G. Babcock, Bridgewater; David D. Btown, Apolacon; 41:9es. .Stephen Carpenter, ilarford ; . : Best bull; ' 2d. best, Best cow over 3 years old, .2d best, 3d . -best, - - 1 Best - heifer, between 2 and 3 yearsold, 3 2d best, • 3d best, . Y. Best four yearlings, 2d best, .. - 3d best, .. • • Best five calves, . 2d best, l .. _ 3d-belt; Best bull calf, , Best heifer calf, .. W.. Breed, Brooklyn ; _ Wtu.C.Ward,New Milford ; Ju'dges. . _ J. Meackam, Jessup; . CLASS IV —gradeDurhamt. Best bull, i $3 2d best, .. ' . : - 2 Best cow over three years old, -. 1 , 3 • 2d. best, 2 3d best,, - 1 Best 'wirer between 2 and 3 years old, '3 •-2d best, 2 J. u. SHiiri[. - 3d best,. Best four yearlings, 2d, best, • ad- best, . Best five calves, 2d best, ad , _best, Best ball calf, Best heifer I 2 S.' W. Truesdell, Liberty,;.- ) 1 :- Norman Mitchell, Franklin Jtolges. C. Stark, Bridgewater ; Best bull, 2d best, ... • Beit cow ovev,three yearkold, 2d best, ' 3d 'best, ' , ilest,beifer between 2.and 3 yeareoll ? ' 3 - 2a,best, , .• .. 1 2 3 11 best, - : 1 _ Beef four yearliugs,, - 2a best; ....• ad best, Bait five calves, 2d 'best. 3d best, - T. Hallistr;r, Diedoel; J. Stod4Tr.,Fisreitt Like; : Jad Jag, Flynn, Middl4toirix CLAW Vie:^••6l2/3 and Sleets— Best pair working. oxen over • 4' years " relied hi the,doti m ,y, 2d best ! 3d - -bent ; ;• • • • - -; • • 4sh best: ' • • • ..• • •-• • Bpail. steers t)e,tiesti3 sod 4 year . old;raisod the' coont*; - I '.- ' ' ..": i ''''. ' 7 ,:' 7lv .f . '‘ ' '''' '-'. - '" . il".' ••—r- .; ,' ~:.'.... ; i7'7-. :4 ,. : . .s; , :- . ,- -... ...:.;- ,- --- ''...',.. •.; - 1 ?), - ,':`- - -'1';' ,2 .... :!.i. ."';'.':-.' .:.;-- ::::- , .', --''.' ?':-...::',,--!::- 1 .' - 1. - :-... r .. , :-'..f. - ! - - .- :::.:1". -'.::-::, 4.7: -. - j - ;':.. - 1... 1- j.:;:.. - . 37 ,1!:, - ;,;'7 -. ?.::. :: ? -2::i. - "1:4.' : • -:- - -;-, 2: 4 - :.- ' --. •'''.... g I-1 -- ~ ' - ~. „ ..- .. „. . . . . .. . " . ... ~ . .. ,- , 41 , .. , ,..! . .?. i 1 . .. ' i:.; ' , • li -.. ..j• ~ • . . . . 7 , „,, 7 '''' '! I .... J . . ~ .1 ' ',.. • : ..-.- - ... 4I - JO.. :': -:-.. r;•"-: '---. L., z , •, , .._ . . !. , . • ~., , ...-..!...'. ...... ' ...., .::..' , -.''. _ ~ . 'I . • i . , . .. , . ~, ~ . - .. • . . . . CLAis Det t.i,sg V .--Natires. .2d best, .... -..-.. _.... 2 adbest, .... .. , . ...".,,, - .I Best pair steers bettieen 2 and 3 years old raised in the county. ) , ~ 2d best, ..... -• • ...., - ....... 2 sd best, ...... .... .... 1 SamnetTewksbnry,Anburn; ' 0. F. Prichard, Spningville; judges. ' W. F. Anstin,Bridgewater; Dlvisiox 111.—Swine. Best boaf; 2d best, B(ist breeding sow, • 2d best, " • 3d best, Best four spring pigs, 2d best, • •- 1 Best four pigi less than 10 weeks old, 2 2d best, - ... • • ... Christopher Byrne, Ch.oconut ; I; A. Mani, Dim& ; Judges. P. H. Tiffany, Brooklyn ; DrvistoN IV .-- - -Sheep, Best fine wooled buck,.. _. - $3 2d best, Best do 3,ew,es,. .... 2d. best, • .... .. Best 'do 3 lambs, ' .. Best coarse wooled buck, ' 2d best, , .. Best 3 do ewes, 2d best, Best do 3 lambs, .. Best middle wooled, buck, .2d best, .... . • • Best do 3 ewes, , ... 2d best, .. Best do 3 lambs, •.. Lejeeiters, bakewells, &c., areclassed as coarse wooled; sazony, meripo',& - c., as fine wooled'; and south downs, &e., as middle wooled. Themas. White, Auburn ; • • • _ Reuben Harris, Jackson ; . Judges. • Wm. C. Miles, Dimocki DIVISION V.—Bt./lei...and Cheese. Best firkin of butter made in June,— knife worth $3 and $2 2d beet; • knife worth 2 and 2 . 3d best, do 2 and 1 ,4th best, -.. do 2 or 2 Best fall butter,... do 3 and 2 2d best, do 2 and 2 -3d best, 1• , do ' 2 and 1 "4th best, do - 2 or 2 Best 10 lbs. butter,made by girl under ' IS years, knife worth 1 Best cheese, not less than 25 lbs., ' 3 2d best, .... .... .... .2 J. Diokernian,Jr., New Milford; Penne' Carpenter, Harford ; ifydges S. S. Ingalls, Gibson ; • . . . .. Dlvisio's Vl.—Fruil and Vegetablei: Best fall apples, not less than 12, and at least three varieties, • $2 2diSest : , 1 .-. . . .. 1 Best winter apples, do • ~ . .. 2 2d best, 1 Best pears, not less than peck 1 Best quinces, ..I Best & greatest variety of vegetables, I . Thai. Johnson, Bridgewater ;. E. It Iloag,_Silver Lake; Judges. James Leighton, Franklin • Divistow yll.-- Vinegar, Honey and Sugar. Best 'cider fi:inegar,iiot less than 2 galls. $1 2d best, Best. ten lbs. maple sugar, . . .. 2 ,2d best, . • 1 Best TO 113 a. -Roney,. • .. 2 23 best, - 1 John Dubios, Great Bend ; Landis Lyman, Springville; }Judges. R. S. Birchard, Jessup; • J Divistort Vlll.— Cabinet teoriN Pannel . Doors and Carriages. Must be-entered by the Manufacturer. - ' ' Best pannel door, ' $2 2d best, . I Beit exhibition of- cabinet work, 5 2d best, 3 Beit carraige, . -, ,5 2d best, ..... •_ 3 Isaao Reckhow, Gr. Ben 4 ;, 31:P.. Wheaton, Franklin; Judges R. T. Ashley, Brooklyn Dwistmi IX.-Farfit Implements, and Best-plow, . $3 . _ Bestcultivator, ' - , 2 Best corn sheller, • • , ....2 Best straw cutter, ' , 2 . Best churn' power, 2 Best three firkins, " -‘ 2 • Best horse rake,. • 2 Best _% horse soes, . . .' 2 ' 2d best, - • !„ -.1 R. T. Haywood, Gt. Bend; . " George Walker, Ditnoek ; JuSges. David Tkornas,3lidletoWn ; , - ... 1 Di AISIOI4 . L.—Seeds Best bushel of Corn in the ear; Best -11- bushel of white- winter-wheat,.. Befit i•bushel of red- winter wheat, Best bushel of Spring 'wheat' • l• Best bushel of rye, '•1 Best half bushel of clover seed, • Best bushel of timothyseed, ....1 Best bushel of flax-sped, • - - I *. • -W. ?.Tingley, _Lenox ; • • S. 'Horton, Priendsville ; Philo Sherwood; hush; 1 i 2 Di*isiox XL—Leacher, &e. Best 3 sides harness leather, _ $2 'id best,.. Best 2 sideis soli leather, 2 __, 2d best, - 1 Best 3 sides upper leather, , 2 .2a be A t,,,, 1 Best mirridge harness, '.* - • ' 2 2d best,' , • 1 Best team harness, - - .. .. .. .. . 1 2 2d best,.. - - • . ' 1 Best pair-fine b00t5,... - i...-. ... ~ -. . ... :2 Best pair.coarse: boot; • - 1 I R. L. Btitpl4,l4,Tew Wilford; . . Harry Ra.rney, - Ap`oliienti; Judges. '.- C.D. Wilson , creota; • - •••.1 2 • i 3 xn . ..—Jon itantsfactura. . Beefeen yarde ibuutel,.,.... .. . a 2 . . Beetle° yards fulled 2d. best, , t I MONTROSE SkPT.t.l • • Blacks'mithing. , ilpet 15 yards woolen carpet, 3 2a beat, A , ~ • • Best 15 yards rag carpet,. 32ii _ best, ...... ..-. t ~ .. ikst 0 hest,.... woolen - sooks, ' 2 idbe5t,......... ... ....... . ... . i Vest 2 pairs woolen mittens,. Ad best, _ B'eSt 10 yards linen cloth, ' • Best 15 yards casaimere, Mr. L. P. Fitch, Montrose ; Mrs. D. Darrow, Bridgewater-. - J noes Mrs. Denison Thomas, Dimeck% Mrs t A:S. A. Newton, Brooklyn Dry tstoN XJlT.—Fine Arts, Ornamental Needlework, &e. Best specimew of ambrotypes, ..... ,'2d best, Best patch work quilt, 12d best; ,3d best, Best quilt of any other '2d best, .. ..... ;3d best, Best bed spread, - r.2d best, Best winter bonnet, Best lady's wipe, :2d best, best, • Wm. 3.P. Post, Montrose; Miss Ed 7.4 H. Cassedy, Dimock : Miss itaChl PCiiinalt,Chocouut; udges. Miss Fanny Mulford,Montrose ; ' Best pair of turkeys, cock and hen,.... $2 2d best, 1 Best 6 fowls, over 1 year old, • 2 '2d best, 1 Best 6 spring cbiekens, - ' 2 2d best, Best 6 'ducks, - 2 2d best, 1 D. D. Warner, •Bridgewater ; ; ) • 11. S Searle, Bridgewater ; Judger. Seth Mitchell, Montrose; DIVISION XV.. TO the farmer whose productions - are the greatest, (bay included), in proportion • to the number of acres under cultivation; ;silting into account the stock kept on His farm during the season, , $lO _ - To the next,. .... 5 Reports to be made to the executive committee previous to the January meet ing. Divisios XVI.-- 2 -Township Associations, To the township society that makes the largest and best exhibition $2O To - wnShips intending to - compete for the premium will please notify the P.xe (aive eonimittee at least 30 days before the thir. F. Hams, Bridg'watr; • Urltane Burrows, Gibson ; Judges' Judson Stone,Forest Lake ; • DIVISION XVlL—Sweepsta kcs. Best stallion,gelding, or mare,any age,635 Best bull, any breed, 5 Bost cow, any breed, 5 test buck, any breed, 5 All aunimals entered for competition in this class will be subject to an entry fee of one dollar extra. Thescaule in this class will .be _led, once around on the track. Frank Mosley, N. Milford ; A. P Stephens, Gt. Bend ; Judges. Abner Griffis, Montrose ; . , • Divistorr:XVllß Best herds of cattle,not less than 13, raised and exhihited by onc, rnan,... #.5 2d beit, Duasios Best plowing, 2d 'best, 3d best, 4th best, sth'best, Regulations &c. The Committee and Secretary haYe an I office . .on the'the . Fair Grounds, where Judges acre requested to meet at to o'clock* oftlie second day, when their names wilt._ becalled and vacancies filled - ; and they will enter upon their' duties and be ready to report in writing at 2 o'clock of the sainc!day. It is hoped that ail persons ap pointed on Awarding. Committees, will, be ;present at that hmir. The Judges can", resort for instructions and to Make out reports to the office. . Exhibitors wishing to compete for pre urns, -. must haVe their annimals or articles entered on the Secretary'S Book, the first dam of the Fair, if-possible ; and a card, which will he received from thei Secret* rv., C. L. BROWN, must be placed on the minimal or article to be exhibited.- . They most be all on the ground for exhibitlon bvil.o o'clock, a. in., of the second day ; or they cannot receive a premium. •No Ani mals or articles can_ be removed.before the close of the exhibition except by -permis sion of one of the Executive "Committee. No animal is to. receive an award iu more than one class, except in sweepstake. studs and colts. Therewill be voluntary,4ady•and . Gen tleman dri.ting on the track, et 3 p. first day. Superintendents of the different,depart aunts will have all . animals' and articles, systeniatically arranged The ofilcers . of the society and snpenntnndents will be knOwn by their official badges. A more specific programme of the ar ratigernents, •and 'each . day's. 'apppinted. work; time, &e., will-be posted up_m and abOut, the Fair Grounds. . • Aaafficient Police force will be: in, at- teadance; day and night; -toi pre - tact, the . property of exhibitors. •. . • , - Arrangenients'are amid - for • stock' overnight; There Will ,a Committee at, the:entrance of the Fair Grotindic rest - all perions.- driving in . stock :!over. night; • - . - Stoak.can iieceiteraclten.days 'previous to the Fair .by balling- Browk; Seoretary. Offieia- at Chandler's. Stcire:- • , Colts and Mules mast; be exhibited. An stalls; cweftwo.yeari; 014. ;:' -Exhibition of horses for premiums 'Will Eit _iso ; . . . , take place at - t' fi.' 44,1..16;4, day,-and -11 a. nr, second Ida}*; SWeelistakes exhibition 1.. at l•-p. m.',' second day. •. . •.. • lio`piet him will he awarded to idy person exlnbiting articles or, animals not entered j,ti the name of the bona fide' own ers of the, tiame. `-- ' , See neWlPremiunis in lhe list. -, , , 1 S lir Eunvi.ENDE.Nri . G EiiIIRAI SoPERINTENDIIii—Wm. H. Jukisup. • - . SUPERINYRNDENT OF CATTLE—l i very Frink, • 'i . . _ Snazr Alio SwINE-31.- - .1. Harrington. t Anal lairramrsts—Elijah Mott. • AIRY HALL—Satnuel Bard. es' HALL--G. W. rrilden • ITEGETABLifii,---Ww. A Ind M. M. Mott. . Dir.cmys pRUIT Crossinun, LAmk:s' lALL—D. W. Searle, George Jessup, Mr 13. Rose B. Men; • Miss Ellen Searle, and Miss Fanny Stark. As there' is no State Fair this year, nor any in most of the interior 'counties, we desire thati our- exhibition will exceed Fair ever - } eld in the County. -We -desire that the-Dilibition of Stock Atill - be large, as it is the most important of any depart. ment eXhiliited. Also a good -show of Fruit au Vegatables. . • • • • The-Lad les' Hall will be decorated with evergreens and we hope to 'See it filled with artich,s and a good selection of flow ers that will do credit,to tl4s department. Several mlitional premiums havebeen offered— 1 The Fair ditiong, wil be present 4 volving ctr l Good inti les' Grotto, with 'some new ad -11 be at the fair, by request . of ltiLT i Moore,'of Binghamton, will Om lit days, with his New. Re ling, With calash top. isle will in attendance. ace - of•ltdmissioik. . . . -...,,, Badge o Membership and competing for Premiti u, $l,OO, exmt in Division - 18 and 19. Domestic and ornamental needle work_can empete for 50 Cents: Badge for Menthe .ship,wliicli will admit his fam ily who ar females. and -al4minor male ,i to children, dring the Fair, 5? ets. Single Admission 1:i. cts.L ! All Clerclergy-men - and families admitted. free. .., • _ . M. C4tTL / N, l E xecutive A. BALDWIN,' d. 'MORRIS, 11 C?nimitt". The Reading Gazette concludes au ar ticle bondenutatory, of the. Mob spirit so rifein certiin portions ofpf the • country with the 'following excellent remarks : There are, every community,rileW men of such bi?Dted minds and intolerant spir its, that they can, endure no; one who diff ers from them in lopinion. ,These are the persons with wlyint theery Of " traitors" generallyloriginates. _Mostly ignorant, • and always full of prejudice; they invaria bily mcsrepreSent The liews of those • who. 4esunie to disagree with thein. ' Thus ; itany one should happen to' expi ess an idea as to the origin and ealise,Of the war . that does not strictly accord with their own notions they straightway denotince him as a "Secessionist," although he may have given an hundred.prOofs of : his loy alty. And i 'another should speak of peace and compromise; these sainelindividuals'at once accuse ) him of•sYnipathiting with the Southern traitors. Now,afi the first, last and only ciltiject of the war; is the restora tion of peace, it might: be -supposed that citizens whose whole lives have attested their fideliy to the Constitution arid Union, could discuss the probability of ac :complishing peace with. a view to the maintenan and :preservation of both, Without ex osing themselves to the grave accusation of hatching treason. -Surely,- - when a pro lamation bearing Abr ahani Lincoln's n me is now in print, recom mendingt4 people .of the 'United • States'. to observe a - day of fasting and prayer to Almighty (od, " for the safety and. wet. fitre - of these States,'His blessing_ on their antis, and a' speedy restoration of peace;" . the consideimtion of measures that may 'be instrumental to that end, can be no just groan d of offence.. Ai for proposing any terms Of peace and ComprMnise to the rebels who are maw inopen : war against the Governbient, no true Union man en tertains such a thought. There may be 'men ivlio would do :so,biit , : they are not of us, or wi I h us=and we repudiate all fel lowship with them. We can make no compromise witloraitors. But friendly counsel andrconterenee with 'Union - inen of the South—with such spirit's as Crittenden,l Johnson, of Tennesse, and Holt-,who trc hazarding•their lives," their 'fortunes, all but their honor, for : the Union's sae—is quite. another matter. ,They, and the people they. represent, are the only influence that :Saxes the war from descending o a mere- sectional struggle about. slavery, ,atrd . ), it must 'be mainly through tHem that the people of the aretd be broiight : to. ee the fatal error into. which thosecession leaders have betrayed i4m, and to return to the idle giance.theyihave so. causelessly and :rash: ly cast nonsultatieri:with these true patriotic anyuCherno can' be_devised which will 4rengtben 7 the Union cause at the South, fester° peace and save the eotntry,o4 and indivisible, withont: fur-1 ther 'expenditure Of tmasure and _blood, who'sball s# that it; dare not :he tried ? If treason, then' Is patriotism a crime; hninnnity a fancy, andiChristianity a, monstroua lie. - • , The beak of the. Pennsylvania. Regi. ,meut :is generally good. Those ;who - are in the, ospitals at -- :Washingttin • number' fifty only, al very snail propertion, when the . itiameiist mass of volunteers from-the . Keystone `tate is considered-- -- :The , Camps are oirgood ground ;Ihe - situation high and itutant. ' font small girls, diesded-ino - Secession -coolers, ' and :each having tilighted'eanale, parad ed some of , tbe principal street's: of Balti more. ..-Thenntliinct of VittPeroo- , .ik "MP-no hguori4hina,..arid he is 'disgracing the positien,-he lx lds... Re .01ightP be Feincvs& '4/11:.hang to :the Cabinet ; as there -x is if bels not-kicked out as, ,pugig, 'to be.—Ci .I'npati n o w', (*),ubtic„.) 1 NO. 36. i The True Ware form ifelon The Liiptsville, Ky.,' Demoerati edited by Col.,Hainey, :Who led on "the Union - ticket which'sp signally triumphed lover Secessionisai at the late electani there, thus points oet/the only way in which a successful yinion .of parties for the of the Union can be fOrmed.— "AbOlitioniam atld Secessiordatii must be buried in the same political grave," ;says the 'DemOcral - . That's 'the talk! 'And while the Democracy Of • the Nor* • are ready to contribute of "their men and money, more than their' share to to d• the requirements of governMe_fit; to reolaim and protect! public.; property, let • them wage ceaseless war against Northerri sec: tionalism, - - at the ballot box, as they', al wars have done in days gone by. iThe Democrat sdys:' - 'The Democracy of New York • ri,ifuse to unite with the Republicans in political action, although the latter made' a Over ture for that purpose. ItlVlertainlY, de sitable thatiparty strife should cease :ev erywhere, cs,cept on the issues involving the salvation of the country; but the Tway to effect it is not by a union of incoagrd ens elements that are entirely' faitagionfs . tie to each Other. It would perhapi; be thought pilosterous, but we, neveYthe less suggest it, that the Republicans! lisp band and. support the Denfociatic: . caiuli-, dates; They have made the experitnent of a purely sectional party, and their' see its fruits, It threatensto cost them their, country. They can't-have a Union- with sectional domination. No 'matter lhow wisely and justly a-sectional party .'may rule,' its doMination is itself the vice :that a country 'if-6 n't endure. All -men are not •philosophers, and the Milleniam has!"-tot conic yet. " ;EVen up and down towel !boys have ceased 't wrangle and fight. . ; The : present contest is reduced to just:. Mich-a fight. No rights are involved ! you 'tarit-get a - secessionist to go back to the originals eause •of complaint. They are too insignificant-before the Magpitude,of the contest,andthelmaiense sacrifices they 'require. It ial,blind,Wick . ed suicidal W sections, tear of S ra tional basi except blind hate. A 4ites man must despise the puerility Of the con test, Whilst he finds in the nature of num enough to account for it: _ _ 1' '. "Th is republican party. ist. organ ize4 l l and built up Onlthe antagonism of - sections,, 1 and whilst it lives; the animosity itst ex- istence enc , enders will rot die. Its parti. i sans have plunged recklessly on, sin erect ,at Union savers, aml discredited those who sounded the alarm of datwers ahead-. They derided the cry. of wolf, forgeitin , k, that in the fable the wolf did come atlas .. The first step to restoration of the Llnion. is a dispersion of the republican party, i i t disorganization of tile whole eoneern, -a repudiation if the hails of its existene.— 'Perhaps an entire breaking tip 'atilt par ties in - the North might in the end an suer the purpoie; but a union with -the dominant party there woOldlbe taken at the south as an aciPtiesence on the part of the minority in the purposes and objects of the majority. - "The whole north Would be Written down enemies.- - Thit the' Re publican party, must die if the Union lives, and that it will die we believe. Its exist ence costs the country too much, and the sooner it consents to pass away,theleon .er will the calamities of war,.cease.` . i • Do they expect one section of this tointn to dominate over the, other nt discretion,and that upon principles that cruise all the ha tred and animosity of the other? •1 We submit to all sensible men that this is, im possible. We Make" no apology foe this -wicked eflbrt in. the South to destroi the Government. We grant the necessity of snppressir. g it; but Abolitionism, that has i produced t; tintst also- be ,s`uppresStid.H Abolitionism and SeceSsionism must: be buried in the same political:grave.. irk pariot who, loves his.conntry must ict;M sent to sacrifice' them both. &Ward snid "parties, pldtfbrms and men must be !sac; riticed-to the Union ,'•' and : be told :-the truth that once. Tile Union men a the South have made Oat sacrifice. We infve given up. parties, and separated. from! old party friends. We have . given old creeds' and platforms to the winds to' sage :it 'country and free institutions. The Peo ple north ruitst midie the same sacrifiee,tio -matter under what 'lathe they go. Whilst we acknowledge the neceAity of - argties, 1 sontethin ,, more is-necessary. • This sect r , 1 s • ional antagonisin nmst•he.smothered I out and buried. We want now a Union par. tv North and South, rompoied "of „knelt I ready to sacrifice:A-except, the cardinal doctrines of free institutions, to the ;one objeCt—the preservation of the VnioU!" . Will those of our Northern Republican newspapers which have so loudly exulted over the election of Col. Harney, and I the success of the Union .Kentucky, -republish his views as given above? i • “Occasional,' • of 'the Philadelphia Press, says ” • • Edward Everett, in . his last letter td the New York Ledger, , presents what might be called by the dilettanti of . policy! ,an argument inlavor of mob law; It is t one of that eminent statesman's most gradeful and proftind productions, and is really, a philosophic defence of the right of a;free government to' maintain the powers loin goiernment, and prevent itself annihilation.' As, it legal argumentthe paper of Mr.lEverett in eibalistive, and I cannot but think that it will be producitiVe of the most gratifying results'w In the , name of Heaven, are we all g4ing crazy ? ', Think of a man Orpresumed-(loin mon Bernie bravely talkirig of a defence of law"‘-',which sets, all law "an all 'government? ,at defithice;--triinipteii Own all rights by j sheer , s* brute , force- -as philosophic ilefeOce:of the right, of is free governirictit the of a . goVerninentr &c--The thing. is amaztngpast our comprehensiont:: • Si n s a lie • Eaiton Sentinel was \nOb ted;-,Eii-do* Reeder 'hair addiisse4 -'a meeting t t at p e rein . euounemg o 'men ofill . pOties to Elk; their fices agltristlawlegs InoleKee. Where iithOri3 another prominent -Rep ublic-arty who,ilie.':,!*T.falilb voice, ag,4nst JOBIRINTING of ALL EJJDB, DONE Wr TUE 6FPICS OS TIM Itl.3ll . lWit AO A.gra NEATLY AND PROMPTLY, AND AT "i.IVR. AEI) LET• 1...1VE" PRICES. • • Tut office. of. the Montrose Democrat Lae recently been euppllctl with a new and etiolie faricty omit, etc., and we are now prepared to print pamphlets circulars, etc., etc., in.the beet style, on short notice. Handbills, Postert, Programmes, and other kinds of work In this Wm, done according to order. Business, Wedding, and Ball CARDS 'riche% etc., printed.with rnztnesa sad despatch. Justices r and Constables' Blanks, Notes Deeds, sad 4)1 other Blinks, oa harodpor printed to en:rt. tW" Job rrortaind Blank r,fribe paid for or dell'on The Trituripti at Hatteras. ' Some tim 0 - roust elapse before' the fall effects of the triumph at _Hatteras will be. 'manifest at the North. ' 'We pow know - only that our 'Navy, true to its, tradition ary fame, has achieved a splendid victory in breaking - up thetnug harbor of a-pesti lent nest of privateers, and in.the capture of a Rebel army with two Rebel. forts, and all their ordnance, stores and murk- ipia; But the end i 3 not here: This. act carries the war into the very heart of the South,'and the conspitatorecannot tell upOn what part of their extended coast the next blow will fall. The result of tbisyncertainty must- be a oonitarit state the calling of • more of their white men from the ordinary puma ite of from keeping a watch upon the restive slaves, or*the recall from Vjr- ginia of some of the troops with which_ the Rebels are menacing the National Ca ital. lgo'stlikely . the latter, for already the protests against sending so many Of their soldiers to the , North have been neither•fewnor far. between. They will be required at home, and - will probably find full. employment tliere,•' instead . .of . boastfully threatening Philadelphia and - other cities of the Free States. • • • - In these results the victory at Hattero Inlet will most prove its importance ; and • the, expedition which left Fortress Monroe so quietly, yet -with • stick stunning suddenness'upon the pirates ofthe North - Carolina coast, may turn out to be the hinging point-.of the tortnnes of the Union. This , achievement must also show to _those representatives of foreign powers who are witching afiltirs on the• Southern coast with bawkeyed, vigilance, that the United States are still 4 Power on the ocean, and-that the-blockade will certainly be effective. = ' • The Mob Spirit. ... • - , -The 3lob spirit,which is so ranch enconi.- - aged by the Republicans in some localities and so Minch talked. of everywhere, - is - one of the Most baneful that ever preVaded any Country. . He who is mobbed .to day. will to-morrow,-or at any . future period- , when he has the }tower, very likely mob. those who injured him. .It isAy . systerri of, ' revenge, which When .onee tairly corn -u enced will render every man's property and-life-insecure. If resorted to now to rodresi; political grievances, -when ‘- , hard times" conl4-in,their ultra form',. will tho naked and- IMag,ryre,spect the law that ," Was violated with-m4unity by the wealthy or othirs owning provertyl-. There is no protection for prdperty 't:' - here'there is no respect for law,and the men who„originate ' and most encouratre the mob spirit-now-, would have little to complain if it Were_ --.....,. i practiced upOn themselves hereafter. It grates harshly on the. nerves.cif any man to-hear- threats made that his poper- ty- shall' be dc:stroyed by mobs, and he, who threatenS it inVites every 'body -to throw the law aside'and ' introduce , all- arch v-, furbulelice and violenCe: of 'every grade. ' • . . . . , . ',We insist that it is the duty of all good -citizens, of every decent. man; to respect the law,. tuAniforee it against all offenders, and to sustain and protect it in 'all its vig or and-power. There is no safety , hf-any other cOurse to either life or prop.ertY and we call upon every,honest 'man to. look this subject- square It the face. 'Outlaw ry is nota pleasant state of society to any one, ant when once fully. introduced can- • ' - not sO easily-he., checked.—Clinton Demo- , crat. ' ' • - . . What Constitutei3. Treason. Judge Catron, of the LT. S. Supreme Corot, Conn, in a recent chargeto the GrAnd .Tury, in St. Ltiuir, laid flown explicitly the following-propositions as the law of the land. 1. That to.- constitute, treason, ',there, must Le reasonable intent; as- well as a treasonahle overt act; :hid in order to make oat treasonable intent and oVerttact, the, party accused must have been leagued in a conspiracy to overthrow the Gov , . eminent.. - 2. That: there are-certain constitutional guaranties which r 'the passion or the,:frep zy of the hour cannot touch, and among them is the right of , expression - and dis cussion and the=freedom of the press. • 3 That no sentiment, however hostile, can be herd to be treasonable.* 4 That the:right of every citizen to bear arms is an maljanable right that can not be. infringed ; Mad the fact of a citizen having arms without being rin league with hostile force, was not' an act for which libertycouldle abridged. -5: That it is the duty of the grand ju ry to protect both the citizen and'thegov elmment, and that they should not,on ac count olany fear,fhvor or affection, shrink' from the discharge of that duty.'. As an arm of the judiciary,the grand jury should. diligently inquire; into nil offences brought to their knowledge, and bring to the bar of the United States Court all whti, have, been guilty of unlawfhlly uniting_ against the - government and.thelaws of the land. - * But all good Citizens should frown upon all hostile words towards our . arm ernment ; the abolitionists fifive opposed the government too much already. We can oppose obnoZions administration doc trine, in justice, yet. sustain the laws, Ewa Fact.—As a culinary preparation, Herrick Allen's Gold Medal Saleratus is' infallable. It ha's great. adtantages . over yeast 'fermentation, and will make twenty five pounds more. Bread or Biscuit from the same barrel of flour,'and much-hatter. It retains alt the glutinous starch , and sugar that is in the flour, and from two and a half pounds of flour, Will make three - and a half pounds of Bread oe-Bisouit, • while the same quantity by yeast terment ation, will make only a trifle . over three . peuntli, and require more tbartlwice the quantity of shortening, besides being much more unhealthy. Try it, and be loonvinc- —The Penernment - are arresting, anti sending'te T,ort Lafayette; many_persons lor..aiiegea b`innplicity with the relmle. if ihe r parOizi are guilty,, they • merit the ~on6neinent-but they' Mould be allowed ta. - a fair hearing before imprisoment,