prAti ingenious fraud, was recently , % n it . , Sitit t - di I T perpetrated:en a London pawn-broker by 1 c'"'" 4 I - - r •.--. - -.• - a needy individual.-He called on the money - ' SALT.' - - DEAL t6t - 80NBIR ‘.-7,1 fillaliiiirn . lender with ,SamPle of wine, asking a • .. -....- ..- - • • . _.. E . R. loan of forty pounds on two hogshead's of > , ...'W 1110 LESA lE'. L . •• - 201 Washingtoirp4l, - --.... .17.. -wine of the same quality. The wine was ! ~ • -was tasted, approved.tin,l • thirty . pounds , ( Directli:oppOsito Washinguin-Maritet,) . . . adianeed.'; The casks-wereplaced in the I WBW' - "E r 11t14913,,,,,, possession - ofihe:pawn-broken, who subj- QTILL-CONTINUEEI to offer to the.citvind acted-the wine to an additional test, and )7,COUNTRY trade; - !all kiii - 411 - of..FOREIGN. wiiipeifeetly satisfied as to his''bargain. COarse.antl Fine SALT, at the veriloWeitighres; , Bat` two _weeks' - subst*initly the easlis 40000 sacks and bagi, consisting to partoiAsh-. *ere opened:and found contain. about 25 ton's eclelirated brand for table and Awry :use; Pailsflrry; Iftrshall's, -Browaloic's, dr,c. rti each m of the out excellent water, . Jeffre y 6 1.. i D and 50000 b ;. ushels MIAs Island, &mares Cu. ana the wine was carefully kept front the - racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivica, Nan' t.c?5,. ' &c . ~, . adulterating fluid dy be in g confined in it all of whieh will be sold it bargain prices from email blader neatly tacked around the spill - vessels. store end storehouses. ' hole from which the samples *ere drawn. Any•pnrchatitsr wishing to select from a good The ingenuity-of the needy - individual not iassortment will find it to his interest to call. being-properly appreciated by - the magis- IC Et.-Fine table salt -put up itratuall.bais of trite before w homhe whe i now astaken s different , , . sizes,:aud constantly' on bantfin ship. iservingtinta ”penal servitude" of eigh- I ping order. .Also al splendid aitiele of "Rock , - • Ground salt, in quail imei,Put"up - and for sale teen months, liardlabor.- - , by the quantity. in ' —The Secretary of War has isned an 'order, calling upon aikregitnents and !.parts of regiments, armed, unarmed, Ifni ' formed or not, to hasten atonce to Wash ington, for it is - now - realized that:theCon federatcs are about; ,to advance throngh Marylatidand other Wise upon the city. It'mav not be long before a decisive blow will be struck. • Indeed, so rapid niay he events, instead of quarreling over- :posit ions Of honer and contracts, thatevery_en ,ffirgy may be required to repel the' attack • that *ill be made. The alarm of the Ad ministration very clearly indicates that it hai never had so serious an apprehesion of danger seat the present time. ti" The Boston Transcript says that a friend of tbe editor has received a letter from:an influential gentleman in Washing ton, in which the following statement oc curs:, "Montgomery Blair called to see Gen. McClellan on Saturday and began to give him his views—" Gen. Scott and my self will be responsibl(for the campaign,' he replied,' and we shall conduct it. as we think. best.*. Mr Blair took his hat -and departed. The wounded and imprisoned soldiers; and even the Hon. Mr:Ely, have united in petitions ; to the Administration for a cotgpromise in relation to an eTehange of prisoners. - The friends and relatives of the North ern troops held at: Manassas and Bich , mond are naturally anxious for their re lease, which the vindictive policy of the Lincoln . Administration alone prevents, by its stolid and unreasonable refusal to assent to an exchange. Tire blockade of the Southern .ports is. incomplete, and is so understood in Eng, land and Frince. The agents of these na tions are -noiv in Richmond, New Orleans, and Savannah; buying cotton and tobacco which they'confidentry expect to ship, in spite of the blockade, in the fall. Mr Old Democratic Monroe,_ Ohio, has tendered the Government eight com- Tanies—almost a full regiment—of soldi ers for the war. Old Abolition Ashtabula —which gave Mr. Lincoln 5,000 majOrity —has sent one company of 89 volunteers, Si of whom are Democrats. Let thelving, slanderous tongue which chatters about Ohio Democrats being traitors, become a blistering, festering, rotten sore forever in the mouth of the vile poltroon who uses it. tet the past and present records of 'both.: parties be well borne in mind.—Guernsey Jefetson ;aft. -The despatch' from Albany stating that Secretary Cameron was to he remov ed, is utterly' destitute of any foundation in fact. • • . —We are told:that a citizen of Shatnok in-not long ago was "ducked in•the. river" ;to nf.e Republican parlance; on account of - , -Some villain over in Snyder county recently burned dawn a Mr. Snyder's barn and set his bog house on tire, because he was a Democrat. —An order frtmt the Department of Steve alas been issued which will render it necessary for persons leaving or entering the United States to procure passports, or to have them indorsed bY Consuls, or re presorlatives of the Government. --NVe have the grattfing news that on Friday last Elul: ifeeker, with his regi ment, surpisedlour hundred Rebels, who nere.quietly . preparing to eat 'breakfast, near Fredenekstown, Missouri, eaptured all their camp equipage, and took twelve prtaoners. liaporta is I' Nati oua I Work% • Published by 1). Appleton &Co , 340 and 348 Ikose.w4, New York. The following works are eent , no sat-critters in any part of the coun ty, (upon receipt of retail price.) by mail or ex. press, pre aid : Tar. Ntw AMcr•.ICAN CITLfiITIMA:.—A popu. larilictionary of General Knowledge. edited by - Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dana, sided by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art, and Literature. This work is beingpublished in about fifteen. large octavo volumes, each eontaining7so lwo•colunm pages. Tile &nit li es lumen bre now ready, each con taining near 2,500 original articles. An addi tional voiutne will be psalishod once in abnigt . •Aree months. Price in cloth, $3 ; ,Zheep. $3,- ',U; kratif murroeco, $4; half. Russia, $4,50 each. - The New American Cyclopedia is popular without bring superficial, learned but not pe dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejudice, ' frith yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Ecery impanel:4'll;de in it has been specially written for-its pages •by wien who are authorities upon the-topics of which -they speak. They are re quired to triog the subject. pp to the present moment; to state just how it stands scse. the statistical information is froth the latest r e . porn; the geographical imoicats keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matter include the freshest just views; the biographical • notices not only speak of the dead, but. also of the living. It is a library of itself. AllillialtENT or THE DEBATES of CONGT.EbS Being a political History of the United States from the erganiention of the first Federal Con gress in 1789 to 1856. Edited and-compiled by Hon. Thomas 11. Benton from the Official Ree.ohyls of-Congress. Thh work will be com pleted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pager each, 11 of which ire now ready : Ad additional . volume will be pnblished once in three months.. Cloth, $11; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Morocco, $1; Half Calf, 81,50 each. - -ME .WAY OF PBOtTBING THE Ciro' onEDIA Oli k Doirru.—Form.a club of, bar, and ?emit. ' the price of four : books, and five copies_will be apt st.the ;emitter's,. expense of. 'carriage; Or for tekieubscribers, eleven copies will re sent . at .oas•ezpease fur carriage. Tird.oneTs.—No other works will so liber ally reward the exertions of agent. An Agent Wanted is this County. Terms made known OW application to the Publisher, HARDIIVR, JR...., • L. 11...CRUDIG 4ttCO., - • DEALERS lutiry Goias. Groceries , Hardware. Ready It a e elcd."4l.n.g, Boots it Mes i f asb, Glass, &e!.. /tr. . 1 6110001/ U , P . Otl SLAY 701.-. Y. . - ‘z,-/ Nstablisho (1 in Pittsburgh in 1840 'The Only Commercial, College in the Crducted bye Practical • Mcrchaot. • riVER. 6000 Students h s ave attended it 'from Thirty 1...7 different States. Four silver Modals have been. awarded Duffs' System of Book Keeping; and the-new circular just issued contains letters from students !tt Phil adelphia. 'Baltimore, St Louis, Cincinnati, etc., proving it-to be the best known. "NINE First Premiums were re cently awdrdmi the Penmanship of Wm 11. DUFF. who with 'his associate Professor, C. C. Cochran, are undoubt edly the best penmen to America. Harper's Edition of Duffs Book Neeping post pain, $.1.20 Duff and Duncan's Gems of Penmansh Sp, . . 5,011 Duff and Dnnean's New Sebbol Copy• Books, 6 No's, 54 For samples of Duff &Cochran's. Busineewand Orhamen tal Penmanship, with the new circular of 64 pages, inclose 2 cents in stamps to nor 4 y • ` P. DUFF S; SON. IPLI,A.C4.SSt FLAGS! FLAGS! alfigb- UNION FLAG 'MANUFACTORY, S. E - . COR. EOTTRTH VINE STS., I. ~ i . =d"p =.J. = 0.,f1.111 UNITED STITES FLAGS ! OF ALL SIZES; ALSO, UNION BADGES OF VARIOUS ,STYLES d Mrs. L. J.l BIXBY, HICING just returned from!Cele York with a choler, beautiful, and extensive assortment - of Pall .k winter" .-11 ff: Is ready to furnish the Ladies of Montrose d, vicinity with pAsIIioNABLE ,... BowNETs! as wind and as rich as can be, purchased anywhere. She keeps the very nicest ghods, each as cannot tail to please the most difficult.. Prices very reasonable. The Ladies are invited to call and examine her Goods. % Ronmp opposite Mott's Saloon, (second floor.) Main street, Montrose:. Pa. -r - • • - lsep:rtf s.anrronws LIVER INVIGORATOR, . •. NEVF-It DEBILITATES. s - - IT Is rOmpountled entirely from Durnsoind has become an esta. and fact, tthit.mdard Ni edirme, known and ammived by all th.ti. I hat.. coed It. and Is now re sorted to nbh roulldence in: ~,,A all the diseases for which It U recommended. 1 iit , - ft has rtred thausantip, A ss, ,t, rs Wein the last lms yea rho had zi, en tan all hope.,; Id ~ .r• te 1 A.!. as the -numero. unsnlielted:ertthealesto rav , p-.0.....4.1.incid,c,n.. the lone, most be adante L., I' E. ;In the temperament of the individual tatine It, end Int.l led to inch %tumors as to en gently twt the boxes. I Let a.; dirtathe of your!' ljudgmint gaAde you in the' titled :Ith LIVER. IS " IVIGORATOR, *ad li at:leers Liver Cons-illsViplal nts, Dillon" At - ' lochs, Dyspepsta.l IrS'lChronle Dlars-hare, IS Simmer Corn -I;Plaints, 4)yse is te.. Solari ry, Dropsy, lStornach:llabitual i . Costiveness. Chol-; le, Cholera, thole.. ra Morin's, Choleral infant um. Flatu lence, Ja un dI c e,', ;,Feinale iNealtness• es, ant suy he used elf •1, Ices fully as an Ordina ry Family Medi- w i 'elite. ItarnieureSlCK , II EADACII E, 0. 'dontattds earilestify,) in . twenty minntea, If. 'tiro; o'r three Tea- spoonfuls arc tak-, 'en at coml . :seem:meld et stuck- _ •At ',who use Dore giving their icathaa 2 7 In Its tarot. . i i MIX WATER IN TILE NOETU WIWI TUE INVIGOIiATOIL, AND SWALLOW DOTE TOGETiIEIi.. ' Price One Doitar per Mottle. r--' '.Ai...50,- - SANtIORDIS FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, 'COMPOUNDF.Ii Pura Vegeltable GLASS CASES; Al to any climate: . The Faintly , Ca • tie but artive . Cathartic useit in his practice rare The enastaritlc uterertaing tare inn:, used the PILLS an fr. 71IE rt:11.111 , 1 fir Coughs, Colds, Influenza, lloarininess,. Croup, Bronchitis, ine.fpient Consunigis ition, and far the Belief of Consultor. five Pasfents, advanced • stage* of the Disease,. This is a remedy so unlrerasi yAnown'to surpass any' other for the cuiteof throat and dung ‘ ,coniplainte, that It is useless here to publish the eabienee of Its virtues. • Its unrivalled excellence for eoughsi and cold', and Its truly wonderftd cures of pulmonaryidisease, hare made it known thronghont --the civilize d nations of the earth- Few are the communities, or evert fanatics, among them who have not some personal exiperkese of Its effects— some lhing trophy in their midst of its vietary over this subtle and dangerous disorder" lot the throat auditing". As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders and as they know, too, the effeets of this remedy, we need not dentine than to assure them that it has now all the Mr-- tun that it did have when making the cures which hart won so strongly upon the condo:knee of mankind. Prepared by Dr, J. C. AllEILId; CO., LowsU, Kama I For sale by.kbel Turreil. Montrose; Church &Flanney„ Dunilaif ; Altman & Swicher.lAnburn Centre, sod by alb dealer, and arm.•••licts eterywhere. - eve CHILDREN TEETHINc. MRS. WINSLOW, An,. experienced Nurse and FOrnale Pbyilcian, presents to the attention ormothers. her . • • SOOTHING SYRUP, • FOR CHILDREN -TEETHING • Which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening...the rums. reducingalli Inflammation—will allay ALL. PALM and spasmodic action. and as. =MC TO itmr.o LA*. Tux, nowzi.s. • Depend upon It, mothers, H give reet to you. and RELIVE AND Exam( *co YOUR marts. We hareput ton and. soblthla annals keens ten years. , and can say t CONFIDENCg AND TEETH of it, what we have never hems able to teziof anysothes medicine— NEI7EIt HAS 1T VAINED..iu at SMILE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CU=wheutiauty use 8. Now &ewe know ' an Instance of illstatientetion by =yam elle hadused it *On the contartry,all are delighanb wive Ste ogenations, and speak In terms of commendation of to .laalititactsaael menlcalvlzonas.:* We say la dap matron " TOM DO. KNOW: after ten years'expericace,imi PLEDGEOCZ - BEIVYATION fur the falelledat of what we daelare ahnoe4 every instance where the intant t saffeing pain and estentstke, reEetwlll be forma to Sakes to 10 minutes after Ike mewl* adialalatend., This valuable preparative Es ltse atom oe ; the most IF:di:PERIM ICED aid 91LILIJUI NEESE! in, New England, and has been mill Itb NEP= TAIUNG - :...TCEsB In . `THOUSANDS r OIP CASE& 7 It not Only relieves the childifrom pain, bit invigoratei the stomach and bowels; corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole spite*. It will almst. instantly • relieve a GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC.' and overeats° convulsions. which. if pot speedily cured, end In death. Wo believe It this BEST and SUREST rem edy in the WOULD. In all cares of DYSENTERY and • Dl:km.llmA IN cmiatims, whether . it arises from teething, or fromany other ftuse. • We would say to mothere who'have a child sudurhtg_frout au_ rollie forego In oomplaints-•-DO Nor -L.2 . 7* YOUR PREJUDICES NOR TUN PRNJUDICESO 0711NRAC stand between you and your • suffering chit I s tAnd the relief that whl be SURE—yea ABSOLUTELY S E—to follow the use or this medicine , If thnely used; Full directions for: using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine unless the hie. simile of CURTIS d• PERKINS, Now York is as the outside Wrapper. . 11 Sold by Druggists thrintgbOut the world. Prliaclpal'ODlee r l3Cedarlstreet, Now Tot*. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS 'PER BOTTLE. 40 0 y For sale to dfontrcate by Abel Tonoll. HOWARD, ASSOCIATION , PHILADELPHIA. - . . .4 Benevolent InstituOn established by spe (iv' Emlosoment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, llicted'isitA Plruhtnt and Epidanie Diseases, fund especially for the Cure of Diseasei Vag Sexual groans. EDICA L ADVICE, given" gratis. by the ' 171 Acting Idurgeiiiiith all who apply by letter, with a description of-their condition. (age, otital•' pation; habits of 1ife.41..) •and In oases of. ea. treme potierty,utedicinesl tarnished Ns of charge, Valuable Reports on Hpermatorriunk aqd otter er Discuss of theHesuil Organs. sent to the at. flirted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. BIMINI Houghton: Acting geon, Howard Aasticiation. No 9 South Mad's. Pa. By ordoe - of the Directors. 10c8 , , Myer's sxtrack fof 'Rook 3.058 t. THAv,tarre:,?,:erivootß,o7...A, std otho!klFd