prAti ingenious fraud, was recently , % n it . , Sitit t - di I T perpetrated:en a London pawn-broker by 1 c'"'" 4 I - - r •.--. - -.• - a needy individual.-He called on the money - ' SALT.' - - DEAL t6t - 80NBIR ‘.-7,1 fillaliiiirn . lender with ,SamPle of wine, asking a • .. -....- ..- - • • . _.. E . R. loan of forty pounds on two hogshead's of > , ...'W 1110 LESA lE'. L . •• - 201 Washingtoirp4l, - --.... .17.. -wine of the same quality. The wine was ! ~ • -was tasted, approved.tin,l • thirty . pounds , ( Directli:oppOsito Washinguin-Maritet,) . . . adianeed.'; The casks-wereplaced in the I WBW' - "E r 11t14913,,,,,, possession - ofihe:pawn-broken, who subj- QTILL-CONTINUEEI to offer to the.citvind acted-the wine to an additional test, and )7,COUNTRY trade; - !all kiii - 411 - of..FOREIGN. wiiipeifeetly satisfied as to his''bargain. COarse.antl Fine SALT, at the veriloWeitighres; , Bat` two _weeks' - subst*initly the easlis 40000 sacks and bagi, consisting to partoiAsh-. *ere opened:and found contain. about 25 ton's eclelirated brand for table and Awry :use; Pailsflrry; Iftrshall's, -Browaloic's, dr,c. rti each m of the out excellent water, . Jeffre y 6 1.. i D and 50000 b ;. ushels MIAs Island, &mares Cu. ana the wine was carefully kept front the - racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivica, Nan' t.c?5,. ' &c . ~, . adulterating fluid dy be in g confined in it all of whieh will be sold it bargain prices from email blader neatly tacked around the spill - vessels. store end storehouses. ' hole from which the samples *ere drawn. Any•pnrchatitsr wishing to select from a good The ingenuity-of the needy - individual not iassortment will find it to his interest to call. being-properly appreciated by - the magis- IC Et.-Fine table salt -put up itratuall.bais of trite before w homhe whe i now astaken s different , , . sizes,:aud constantly' on bantfin ship. iservingtinta ”penal servitude" of eigh- I ping order. .Also al splendid aitiele of "Rock , - • Ground salt, in quail imei,Put"up - and for sale teen months, liardlabor.- - , by the quantity. in ' —The Secretary of War has isned an 'order, calling upon aikregitnents and !.parts of regiments, armed, unarmed, Ifni ' formed or not, to hasten atonce to Wash ington, for it is - now - realized that:theCon federatcs are about; ,to advance throngh Marylatidand other Wise upon the city. It'mav not be long before a decisive blow will be struck. • Indeed, so rapid niay he events, instead of quarreling over- :posit ions Of honer and contracts, thatevery_en ,ffirgy may be required to repel the' attack • that *ill be made. The alarm of the Ad ministration very clearly indicates that it hai never had so serious an apprehesion of danger seat the present time. ti" The Boston Transcript says that a friend of tbe editor has received a letter from:an influential gentleman in Washing ton, in which the following statement oc curs:, "Montgomery Blair called to see Gen. McClellan on Saturday and began to give him his views—" Gen. Scott and my self will be responsibl(for the campaign,' he replied,' and we shall conduct it. as we think. best.*. Mr Blair took his hat -and departed. The wounded and imprisoned soldiers; and even the Hon. Mr:Ely, have united in petitions ; to the Administration for a cotgpromise in relation to an eTehange of prisoners. - The friends and relatives of the North ern troops held at: Manassas and Bich , mond are naturally anxious for their re lease, which the vindictive policy of the Lincoln . Administration alone prevents, by its stolid and unreasonable refusal to assent to an exchange. Tire blockade of the Southern .ports is. incomplete, and is so understood in Eng, land and Frince. The agents of these na tions are -noiv in Richmond, New Orleans, and Savannah; buying cotton and tobacco which they'confidentry expect to ship, in spite of the blockade, in the fall. Mr Old Democratic Monroe,_ Ohio, has tendered the Government eight com- Tanies—almost a full regiment—of soldi ers for the war. Old Abolition Ashtabula —which gave Mr. Lincoln 5,000 majOrity —has sent one company of 89 volunteers, Si of whom are Democrats. Let thelving, slanderous tongue which chatters about Ohio Democrats being traitors, become a blistering, festering, rotten sore forever in the mouth of the vile poltroon who uses it. tet the past and present records of 'both.: parties be well borne in mind.—Guernsey Jefetson ;aft. -The despatch' from Albany stating that Secretary Cameron was to he remov ed, is utterly' destitute of any foundation in fact. • • . —We are told:that a citizen of Shatnok in-not long ago was "ducked in•the. river" ;to nf.e Republican parlance; on account of - , -Some villain over in Snyder county recently burned dawn a Mr. Snyder's barn and set his bog house on tire, because he was a Democrat. —An order frtmt the Department of Steve alas been issued which will render it necessary for persons leaving or entering the United States to procure passports, or to have them indorsed bY Consuls, or re presorlatives of the Government. --NVe have the grattfing news that on Friday last Elul: ifeeker, with his regi ment, surpisedlour hundred Rebels, who nere.quietly . preparing to eat 'breakfast, near Fredenekstown, Missouri, eaptured all their camp equipage, and took twelve prtaoners. liaporta is I' Nati oua I Work% • Published by 1). Appleton &Co , 340 and 348 Ikose.w4, New York. The following works are eent , no sat-critters in any part of the coun ty, (upon receipt of retail price.) by mail or ex. press, pre aid : Tar. Ntw AMcr•.ICAN CITLfiITIMA:.—A popu. larilictionary of General Knowledge. edited by - Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dana, sided by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art, and Literature. This work is beingpublished in about fifteen. large octavo volumes, each eontaining7so lwo•colunm pages. Tile &nit li es lumen bre now ready, each con taining near 2,500 original articles. An addi tional voiutne will be psalishod once in abnigt . •Aree months. Price in cloth, $3 ; ,Zheep. $3,- ',U; kratif murroeco, $4; half. Russia, $4,50 each. - The New American Cyclopedia is popular without bring superficial, learned but not pe dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejudice, ' frith yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Ecery impanel:4'll;de in it has been specially written for-its pages •by wien who are authorities upon the-topics of which -they speak. They are re quired to triog the subject. pp to the present moment; to state just how it stands scse. the statistical information is froth the latest r e . porn; the geographical imoicats keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matter include the freshest just views; the biographical • notices not only speak of the dead, but. also of the living. It is a library of itself. AllillialtENT or THE DEBATES of CONGT.EbS Being a political History of the United States from the erganiention of the first Federal Con gress in 1789 to 1856. Edited and-compiled by Hon. Thomas 11. Benton from the Official Ree.ohyls of-Congress. Thh work will be com pleted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pager each, 11 of which ire now ready : Ad additional . volume will be pnblished once in three months.. Cloth, $11; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Morocco, $1; Half Calf, 81,50 each. - -ME .WAY OF PBOtTBING THE Ciro' onEDIA Oli k Doirru.—Form.a club of, bar, and ?emit. ' the price of four : books, and five copies_will be apt st.the ;emitter's,. expense of. 'carriage; Or for tekieubscribers, eleven copies will re sent . at .oas•ezpease fur carriage. Tird.oneTs.—No other works will so liber ally reward the exertions of agent. An Agent Wanted is this County. Terms made known OW application to the Publisher, HARDIIVR, JR...., • L. 11...CRUDIG 4ttCO., - • DEALERS lutiry Goias. Groceries , Hardware. Ready It a e elcd."4l.n.g, Boots it Mes i f asb, Glass, &e!.. /tr. . 1 6110001/ U , P . Otl SLAY 701.-. Y. . - ‘z,-/ Nstablisho (1 in Pittsburgh in 1840 'The Only Commercial, College in the Crducted bye Practical • Mcrchaot. • riVER. 6000 Students h s ave attended it 'from Thirty 1...7 different States. Four silver Modals have been. awarded Duffs' System of Book Keeping; and the-new circular just issued contains letters from students !tt Phil adelphia. 'Baltimore, St Louis, Cincinnati, etc., proving it-to be the best known. "NINE First Premiums were re cently awdrdmi the Penmanship of Wm 11. DUFF. who with 'his associate Professor, C. C. Cochran, are undoubt edly the best penmen to America. Harper's Edition of Duffs Book Neeping post pain, $.1.20 Duff and Duncan's Gems of Penmansh Sp, . . 5,011 Duff and Dnnean's New Sebbol Copy• Books, 6 No's, 54 For samples of Duff &Cochran's. Busineewand Orhamen tal Penmanship, with the new circular of 64 pages, inclose 2 cents in stamps to nor 4 y • ` P. DUFF S; SON. IPLI,A.C4.SSt FLAGS! FLAGS! alfigb- UNION FLAG 'MANUFACTORY, S. E - . COR. EOTTRTH VINE STS., I. ~ i . =d"p =.J. = 0.,f1.111 UNITED STITES FLAGS ! OF ALL SIZES; ALSO, UNION BADGES OF VARIOUS ,STYLES d Mrs. L. J.l BIXBY, HICING just returned from!Cele York with a choler, beautiful, and extensive assortment - of Pall .k winter" .-11 ff: Is ready to furnish the Ladies of Montrose d, vicinity with pAsIIioNABLE ,... BowNETs! as wind and as rich as can be, purchased anywhere. She keeps the very nicest ghods, each as cannot tail to please the most difficult.. Prices very reasonable. The Ladies are invited to call and examine her Goods. % Ronmp opposite Mott's Saloon, (second floor.) Main street, Montrose:. Pa. -r - • • - lsep:rtf s.anrronws LIVER INVIGORATOR, . •. NEVF-It DEBILITATES. s - - IT Is rOmpountled entirely from Durnsoind has become an esta. and fact, tthit.mdard Ni edirme, known and ammived by all th.ti. I hat.. coed It. and Is now re sorted to nbh roulldence in: ~,,A all the diseases for which It U recommended. 1 iit , - ft has rtred thausantip, A ss, ,t, rs Wein the last lms yea rho had zi, en tan all hope.,; Id ~ .r• te 1 A.!. as the -numero. unsnlielted:ertthealesto rav , p-.0.....4.1.incid,c,n.. the lone, most be adante L., I' E. ;In the temperament of the individual tatine It, end Int.l led to inch %tumors as to en gently twt the boxes. I Let a.; dirtathe of your!' ljudgmint gaAde you in the' titled :Ith LIVER. IS " IVIGORATOR, *ad li at:leers Liver Cons-illsViplal nts, Dillon" At - ' lochs, Dyspepsta.l IrS'lChronle Dlars-hare, IS Simmer Corn -I;Plaints, 4)yse is te.. Solari ry, Dropsy, lStornach:llabitual i . Costiveness. Chol-; le, Cholera, thole.. ra Morin's, Choleral infant um. Flatu lence, Ja un dI c e,', ;,Feinale iNealtness• es, ant suy he used elf •1, Ices fully as an Ordina ry Family Medi- w i 'elite. ItarnieureSlCK , II EADACII E, 0. 'dontattds earilestify,) in . twenty minntea, If. 'tiro; o'r three Tea- spoonfuls arc tak-, 'en at coml . :seem:meld et stuck- _ •At ',who use Dore giving their icathaa 2 7 In Its tarot. . i i MIX WATER IN TILE NOETU WIWI TUE INVIGOIiATOIL, AND SWALLOW DOTE TOGETiIEIi.. ' Price One Doitar per Mottle. r--' '.Ai...50,- - SANtIORDIS FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, 'COMPOUNDF.Ii Pura Vegeltable GLASS CASES; Al to any climate: . The Faintly , Ca • tie but artive . Cathartic useit in his practice rare The enastaritlc uterertaing tare inn:, used the PILLS an <s! ry.. reranl bj their thenwithin the reach ld AIL . . , 'I be Prof.:Wm well know' on differmitmtriktos of the the FAMILY CA- , kas, with due reference ut been compounded frbm a • table Estrada, which act isimentary awl and are es where a Cathartic is 'rattgementa of, the nes• Pains In' the Cottivenes., Pal n the whole Aititly, frequently. If neclecied. err. Loss of Appe. Batton orColti over ness, Headache, or all la flam straitory Children or Adttits, -Portlier ortite Mood Lett is heir, too nunicrous mean Dose. 1. tat PRIM % The Liver lovida 'Marne Pills are re sold .bon by tLe,Tradc & T.IY. 335 i" " 1: P OPT 14 1 00 MED/041. 44r TEM GItE .A. T STANDARD ,REMEDIES of the prevent age, hare acquired then' gtrnt popularity only 'through years of Unbounded astisfactlan bfrenderpd by them In all cams . Wax rosirmnr cern Liver Cantplaintltiren.eneie. Settenice. 'Nowa+ De . bilit7.l7lies of the Eidsogre, had-ill diseases /ziair; rasti a diaordenxt liver, or week . mat of -ttie Onnatmth nod Digtatke Orem, ant alat.',Pantrana Puma mum mot, innit tine, 11 ITVAR. Aq ant far oar Ahnernic'for proof. .Puce, 75 cents per Bottle. iloolland's Balsamic, Cordial • WILL POSITITZLT Crir Coughs, Cella, atTlausautis, Dronelids; Waists, Cram, Pumas* Itudidest Coasemption, 5".41 Le Plibrtittel the most astesiabizejeoree.ever luiottn of . • _CONFIRMED COIDITYMPEIONe - As $ Dian eeva Cor Ijol.ftks u jutlkd. (,Pitta, 76 testa heing irellbaxneat throuooat and Araqiei, Mai comiseodatioi hue. 'They aro purely aqgatahle. us PePind with 'Mg e.Ftbeol, are Iguitsk<x*hal. Nat better Oahu* lin Pill ' be Nand.- Ass, Rtieta. per box. • These inediebses tun Prelate& by Dr.-C.. IL Tannins 4L 2 Pbtlsddpbfa, Ya.,and Et. Louln,*o., - sad are sold by drops 1114 dealer' in medicines everywbere. The pawn of <2. IL. ,JacUoir will be' oo the alto* of each bottle or • - In our "Ererstexlyi anaq'•'PublWxdanaoill3, yon alin will find testimony Sid cronsiengatori notices rerun parts of the country. ; Those ..tinnorses are giron sway by allow airalf, • - , - 11414erw , 13111iDON'S DtGEST, Bian's Juitico, Dahisp's Forms Grayticearorms. and others. at hp 9 - eIaULTITMEfiIL. G. S. HARRIS, . • . trafits, and pat up In Tight. and srUt keep' " • ifisirt lc PILL Is 'v... which the proprietor Lase than kve cote years. demand fri,rn these who L 3l • and the...MAW...ft which , ro 14 we. lasialuced the to pLaea athat differcul Ca th artics art tw,ersla TIIARTIC PILL . this well established fart. . ris variety of the purest Vete. .1 , ." alike nu 'eery pavt o( the ggeed and safe la all CY. needed, sad. es De— " Stomach, Sleep( Bark. ~ Bar and Loins, and Soreness over - trout sudden said, srldeb . end In a long muse of Fe ' -lite a Creeping P.c..- t hebody, Restless. , 'weight In the head, eitDi, Worm. In abeam ai Ism, a crest E and many dhonues to vehleb O Woman:l la this advertise. : REF. DINES. _ rotor and Family Ca in!' by "thuggisd generalty,..anJ ill all the large• tow.. IVFORILL, A. D. Ilantaa - mrer and Prazielor, Nelv Vor • H.CSOFLAND'S - GERMAN BITTERS 1100FIAIn GEN;111. NIL, . . , ItiAl' ..E.,,v... , _ J . TAR AND- WOOD APTHA i TINVICLIfi; , .. . t Is the bestliedlcine in theicorldpr the cure ry' , . Coughs and Colds, Creusi, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, : - Palpitation of the Heart. -. . i . For the relief of patients in adoted stages of : Consumption together with I Diseekes of the Throat and Chest ILO which • .t .predispose to Consumption. • P atlaclas The root of disease, and snakes ()midi destroyer suocumb toils itgluenee. ..I I alsoprodm , mite( expectoration, rf inducer itealthy action prat diseased Mucous Membrane and tissues: It is pa:lulls:4 adapted to the radical . ' . cue ,of ASTEI One dose of this invaluable STII •P qt7en gins ease and consequently sleepochichlhe Patttctdar natureqf the disease denten It is rerypkamat 'tribe taste, and prompt tnits e ects. Try if d: be marina& Mat it is inrallia in the cure V Bronchial *ire Boris. • Prior 50 cents per Pottle. Tad only by Dr. A. ESEAIVEIE. andeardb 4..gren /rein, - & Co.. N.. 1 1 -. corner athaisd P FLAP streets, rbilada, 113, For sale in Montrose by *nrA29 vs/nr) ABEL TURRELL Druggist. NEW GOODS . ! arctoioro., • JUST RECEIV I ED ! • • • AT SUMMERSVILLE; BOUGHT LOW FO# CASH ! Please give us - a call and show yon BAItGrA IN S -! B. Z. strrnuiv 416 co. §umm 7 ersville, April 113th, 1861.-3 t ARE YOU INSURED ? 313'..Z=b. 313.L.ALCIECIVE.A..INT Is remlvlng ninllvations for Insuance' In tlintoll,4- ing ic•ompanics iN: WyOming SIIILANgE Company, WILKES.BARICE,- Pa. - • I Charter Perpetua l. - Capital....sloo,ooo. • Sutlits..... , Organized 1\ 2d 'l A. - D. 1857 DIRECTORS., C. M. liollenback, D. G. DricAach, J. P. DennlA, John Reichard, David Mormtn, I Chao Dorrance, Sam'l Wadharn, R 1) 1.ac0e... Win S Roan, L Shoemaker t °coy Steele, I )1 31 iloyt, R. C. SMITH, Seey, - G. M. liciu.rxnAcx, Pre.O. W. G. STEItLIXO, Trea d . L. D. Sunpustrt, 1 iee Pre/. ETNA INSURANCE I.COMPANY, Uartford, Connebtient. ' • raid np Capital H.. 51.507.000 00 . Assets, 1. 2,104,190 02 'NORTIIF.RIC FIRE & LIFE • ASSURANCE COMPANY, NG. I Mooriate etrcet,. Capital, gE;' , i,ooo .. Annual Ruvenue, $1.(XI0,0(K). Was GETTY, .ipenf, CO I NNECTItiUT MUTUAL LIFE ; , I.SI.IR.A.IICE . COM PANT of Hartford. ronnectiont. , Arctttulated Capital...... -14,311100 00 -- • Anv one wiihing their liver Insured will do well to call and - examine their , mode of insuring,: and their rates. ivtdch are better than those-of anv either company, before taking Policies elsewhere. oc9 '6Ol MIN` over Chandler aeJessup's store, I r iN ,NGE% ,p,„ 0 ,00 % mige ri INA ) In all diseases affecting these orguns, whetiOr they sir. Crete too much or too little eater; or whethertry be )If -dieted with stone or eras el. nr uith aebes and pa its settled in the loins over the regions of the-kidneys, these Pills should he taken according to the printed direcilons, and thellitilinent should Ise ii ell niblied into the sthall of the latch at bed time. This treatment will 21ve aludist byline ate rehef when all other means have failed. i For Stomachs out of Oiler. - \o medicine will so edict sally improve the t ine of the -- - - I 1 !..toinnal...;;, , the,. fills; they remove all acidity.uccuistond films Delicious Tonle StimulanC Especially dc . si „ twa 1. either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the 1 liver 3111 i reduce it toil healthy action ; they wirer fail in for the use of the Medieal-ProfeSsion iiiiil the Fan - Olc. - 1 curing nil disorders of the the. and stomach. ! having superceded the rsiesslivii 'i Gins.," •• Aromatic." "Cordial," "Me4leated," "Schnapps,' etc., is tioxy en clorsed by all the prorninent-physici4ns, chemists and con -t Ha/ow/ix Pills are the best ren2e - clti l khown uoissimrs, as 'possessing' all those! INTIUNNIC medicinal I in the l(m•ld for ill'e following disOses: finalities Wink and diuretic) which helong to an OLD and 1 WILE (SIN. Put up in gnarl Will:I-sand sold by all Drag-si ..4;-tie. I - Fits. Sorb Thriatts, gists and Grocer's. etc. A. M. lIININGER & :FO., I Asthma, 't :out, Stone mid (:riteal. (Established inll:7s.l ` Sole)Proprietora. i Bilious Complaintslleatl-ache, Seenibyri• symptnts ocl v) No. 1. Broad Street. N. Y, I _Blotches on skin, Indigestion. Tic-Doufoureux: For sale at Turryll'a Thug Store. lontrose: Bowel Complaint, Intlimmalion, Tunrors4 Colic,. Jaundice. Ulcers, Constipation of Ilse Livbecomplalitts. VencreT Afiertiiin B owels. Lm übago, Worths Ira)! kinds Consumption, Piles, Weaknyins from Debility, Rheumatism, whatever cause, liropsy. , Retention of &c., it'd. Dysentery: Urine. tc-. Sic. Erysipelas. Scrofula, or Kinifs) Evil. 1 1351 Female Irregniarities., Fevers of all kinds. froxyl - I CAUTION I—None arc i•enume unless the wiirds •' lb it, LOWAY. NEW-I'oltK AND'LONDON, ', are dlscrzillile as a water-mark byes cry leaf of the book of di rectiiins around each pot or box ; the 911111(1 may be plaitilv.seenlby hoteliteg the letrAto the not. A handsome reward 'will he gin en to any one rendering such information as mayilead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the milli , tines or vending the same. knowing them to bb spurious. •,..• Sold at the Manufactory of Professor iliii.towaz; SO Maiden Lane. Ness York, and by all respeaable Druggists and Dealfirs in Medicine; tbronuhout the civilized world, in boxes at 1.5 cents. OZ cents. a - nd T.l end's. i ',..)•.7" - There is considerable saving by taking 'urger boxes" N. It.—Direetions for the inaidance of pallet is ' ts in every disonlf rare affixed to each box. i BCE Ft H AV E ' Si '• MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS THE FOOT or MAIN STREET. MHE extensive Furnittati Establishment of . SMITII BIZOTIIERX having been refitted and greatly improved, the propiiietors re-Teetfully nnnonnee to the- citizens of Nlotitrose and vieiti : ity that they are constant making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of . . FURNITURE - . i -To be fotiod lii title- Country. . We give the following Usti of some of the ar ticles which we will sell ia greatly reduced prices, for CASII Or . READY PAY: Bureau', Walnut or Slab , gany, with glass; horn $l6 to $35. Bureaus with marble or lulocatelle top, from $lB to F 34. And a large.aasortment, from $B. $lO, Ei, 14, to $lB, . • I . Wash-Stands,.Card Stands r. Corner and Square Stands, of all-varieties and_prices, from 7.5 cents to ten dollars. 1 . . . • DeAs, Divans Jewel Racks;rootstools,Otto "mans, Lounges, &c. 1 • -Centre, Card, Pier, Toilei., Dining, Kitchen, and Extension Tables. 1— -Chairs—done end IVood I Scat's; Rockers— Ciine, Flag, and Wocd - Seats, of ',every variety and style. ~ ' • : , Sofas:tete a fetes fovnialKd at short notic • at New York prices. 1 ' .. N. R. Ready made eofhiss •on hand or fur , fished •at short notice . —llearses 'always io readiness molten desired. - 1 , We employ none but Cix,r.vut. and. EXYEItt , VICE!) WORICICEII. We intend to do our Wor.x WELL, and sell it as Low Itic it can be afforded. . .W, W. SMITH, - A . SMITH, JR., - -E. 11. SMITH. Montrose. Jan. 18th. 186s.—tf. KEYSTONE HOEL, At Montrose; Ten • WM. IC HATCH, Proprietor. THIS new and commodious . Hotel situated on Public Avenneolear he Court 110Ulle,anii nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fu ly com leted and furnished, and was opened on Dlonday, the 27th day- of September, 1858,' "for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that' he is now prepared to entertain guests in a mannerthat . cattnot fail to giv . m Complete Satisikation. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and nmex pease has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar. estahlishment in this part of the State. It is well sppplied with all the recent improvelnents and cbmtorts, and obliging . waiters will always be retidyto`respon4 to the call of customers.. -i ' The Stables connected ' wi th this 1101180 are New -and C4Mvesient. The Proinietor respectfully solicits , the patron. ageof his old friendr, and the public generally. IWSI. K. HATCH. • faiMMUI! IJB • M.ONTROSE, PENNA. /SHE subscri ' ber havi'n,g purchased 1 . 1 4. refitted an ne*ly furnished the II bi above well kno 0 II and popular Hotel, i e is prepared to oiramodate the trav eling. public and others with all the attentions and conveniences ritually" found in first-clas Homes: No effort will he spared by the Pro prietor and 'his Aisistantis to make the Hotel equal in every point to an in the country. Tice Bar will alway be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. • .1 - • The Stables, connected with thili House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentivellostlers are always in charge of them .1 - J. S. TARIIELL .S.hpOt 4opie-7. pC)FILT 113117rEWSIMIL - quicg . STEP, bit Lankang o ilew Piece , . at ay) ifriSSlT"Er',3l. ST.' 1.4 Royal: tiIESTNUT , ST ABOVE - 1111RD; PH I DELPH lA, r • TN the Immediate neighbrithood of the Jobbing nausea J on narket,•Third. and Chestnut streets; the .Sanii; Post OlUee; Merchanta Exchange; ac.. !he. • DOAED' PER' 50 DAY - $1 • . 4 • - Accommodation. when 'required. on the SUItoPRAN PLAN. Rooms from W cents, and upws,rds, per day, and Thuds at a Futar•Cutse Restaurant attached tothe notoL Priceb according to the Bills of Fare. The City Cars take•Passengere from any Station' TO or-CLOSE TO the Hotel. nIVY French y _and German spoken. Afflicted, -Read! WILLIAMS'S .COMPOUND 1.17- ‘,.. Mon Re' the PILES to wart:lntim' to effect a Cure in 'every ease. and lir all stages of the disease, orthe ;limey will be refunded. Full directions accompany each bottle. For sale by Abel Terrell, Montrose; P. 0. Henipalead, Bruolthn ; Babcock, Dime & ; Penuel Carpenter, Raiford ; G. G. Williams, Jackson ;1.11. Slocum, Dundaff; Merrill, Bopbottom; A. J. Merrill, Scranton.; • This is to certify. that Mrs. Emoiy, has been afflicted for years 'last with that distressing complaint known as the' "Plies.” and that having tailed in 'wearing, relief from ca rious Physicians. she was Induced from reports to try Mr. Williams'' Pile Solution," Wititif we obtained at one of his Agencies in Tunklumuock, Pa. The result has been the most favontble..%The trial was made with it last fall. and after .using no directed for a few days, what we hare good reason to think was a permanent cure was effected. Several other cases of a similar nature In this vicinity have used it with like results:* With Mr. Williams motto ' "no cure no pay every one than afflicted will certainly do well to try it: B. B. EhtOltY, Pastor of .tr.'s . Church, Tunkhannock, Wyoming 'Co., Pa.' Juaelith..lst3o. If. HEALTh AND ITS PLEASURES Or Disease With Its Agonies: = aji. 0121. HOLLOWAY 'Sc PILLS. . NERVOUS DISORDERS. thani n i. , .. 7‘.l m ,r. i . r : _ ie f i tt n ar . ful r,, , excitable rat! down ne. tojef ih the . Y small fie -ree is most distressing. for where can n remedy by fount Pt. There is one:—drink but little wineo beer; or spirits, or far better, none; take no eoffee.—weakdea being preferable; get all the fresh air you ran; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids. avoiding the use of slope t and if these golden rules -are followed. you will be happy in mind, strong 110)0y, and:forget you hui,e nerves. MaCtstki-OXSIce ~iuughttpr e. If there is one thing more than molter for which these Pills are famous, it is their purifying properties. i•specially their power of tie/In:dna the blood front tall removing dangemna and suspended seeretions.J 'Univer sally adopted-as the grand remedy for female roMplaints, they never, fail, never - weaken the system, and always bring about what is required. ' Sick headache and'Want of ppie:t Thee feelings n hich so saddenic , , mo. , t frepuMtly arise from annoyances or trouble, from perspiratmti, Or from eating unit drinking what in unfit for us, tints disordering , the stomach and liver. These itigans must he !regulated if von wish to be well The if taken according to the printed hnttroctions; will quickly. restore a healthy action to both liver and itomacb, whence follow us u milord cam sequence; a good appetite and a clear had. In the East and West Indies scarcely any other mtalicine isieecr used for mere disorders. , DISORDERS OF THE KIDREYS.! DXSPMPSIK T i DISEASE OF' THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAIN*, WEAKNESS OP ANY Irimn, FEVER AND ACUE, Ann, the Tattoos affection, eesteefirett trwt, i:dleordeted • STOMACII pa LIVOI, • Part, at Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Palmy; lloartburn. Mee of Appetite, Despondency, Protltems. Blind am! Blioding Men. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affectiois, it Me I. arrowroot; &rodeo piloted highly benetrial, and In others effected a decided craw • TIM Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly rcientibc principles, after the MO= rof t,bl cultivated H luer olland Prof...or, bore. Its reputation a borne pro. dune! Its introduction here, the demand commenelng with those of the Father/and scattered over the (s ee of this mighty 'country, many of whom brought wit them and banded down the tradition of its vatic. R now _Wend le tie ASern'ercii Incocroy that et roil taradalal reerlichnit ridues wad be schnocitrogro. c• It- Is paiticularly rverimmended to throe perocii•whate acesti Winans may hive been bnpai red by the continuous use of ardent spirits. or other terms of illielpatkrie Generally Instantaneous let effect, it And' Its way dim* to the pat of life. thrilling and quickening every name, raising tip the drooping spelt, arid, fn Gctf infusing lint health and vigor In the system. ' NVllCE.—Vilwever et pests to And this • beverage wbi be disappointed; but to the sick, nods and knir Flrifind• It will Prove a Protein' ItroMalle radial, nowessed flatmates remedial : properties. READ CAREFULLY!, The .ftenuine blahly Concentrattal 13cerhaties Holland Bitters is put uti in ball plut bottles only, and retailed at Oar. Douse per bottle, or sis bottles for FIM - 0011AM The great demand'Our this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations,. which the publldalettlit guard edam* Pirc balud• .. . . air Beware of Imposition. Bee that oursu ; tio le on the label of 0111117,bDttle you buy. , ..t Bela by lirnigista gesatally. It eau iit forwarisit by Express to most points. ' SOLE PftOI4IETORS.I BENJAMIN PAGE, J. & co. KANILF4CITUIII9 c tharmactutists and thimists: PITTSBURGH, P 4. 'neje - BITTERS Arc ttold In StontrooAy oc 4 y • ABEL TURRELT. Druortio 111.A.N11001). NOW LOSTRED. kos RisTo -FUEIT-Pabliihol, in a Foiled 'Envelope t On the nature,, tl•treatment, antiradical cure of apennatiorrhce,l or sent inel weakness; sexual debility nervonsnees an I involun tory emissions:inducing Imsolency,and Monte le well as phyaical•inrity: By R BT. CULVER ELL, H. D., Aut/tor Hs"Green,Book," dz. The Worli renowned author, in admirable Lectore,clearly i prov • a from his own experience that theawful consequences t !self-abuse may be effectually removed without medleine nd without dangerous• sical operations, bungles etruments, rings or C ord m iald, pointing out a mode tre at once certain and' Oct- nal, by which every engem,- no matter what his condition may be, may cure hiniselfehelgy, pri ed/4V, and radkagy. - This lecture will Trove a boon to thousands and thourands. - t a • Sent under seal in a phtla envelope, to any address, Kt Raid, on receipt Oftwo postage stamps, by addrea, 'kg Dr. Dr. CH'. J. C KLME, 1•27 Bowery, -New York. Port Ofgee Box, 4588 ,~_.. , y . '~ ...... . . .. tiO a VOUSHeadolle, ‘4 4 lr:FiZE . _. r.,. . . i . jiricl :4-L-nebee . , _ • By An use of these Pills the periodleattacks of Nertituit -or Biel headache may be prevented; and if taken at the I commencement of an attack,- immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Ifiadtiehe to which females are subject. • • ' They act gently upon the bowebt,—remoilng 'Cortiteritis. For /Uerary Men, Students, Delicate Females: anti all persons of sedentary habits; they are'val gable as a lazaire, I ni mc..elng the appetite. givlngtane and vigor to the diges tive tagans, aid restoring .iihe natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. - The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long Investi- Redact and carefully conducted experiments, having been In use many yeara. during which Umethev have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the natant syStem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable. to their composition, and aymbe taken at &Mimes with perfect safety without mak u4any elumge of diet, and/he arenas of any dtgagraabie ts renders it easy to administer Man foehUdren. • • Beware of CounUrfeits. The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding onesett box. . Sold by Druggists and other Dealers In Medicines; . A box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the Wok -lo° Sal Clem:atm. All orders rhould be addressed . to ' HENRY C. SPALDING, rovl2 v ich 48 Coda? Stove*, New Yoirk. Tigs FOLLOWING ENDOItgEMENTEI OF CEPHALIC „PILLS, WILL, CONVINCE ALL WHO SUrFOR FROG HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY..AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As these testimonials teere,ufisolicited by Mr Spalding, they afford unquestionable proof of the efficacy of this, truly scientific discovery. MARONVILLE, Co,U. Feb. 3, Ifn. Srat.ntan. • Sun: have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I :Lite Nem ro.wdb that I want you to send me $l. worth mole. Part, of there are for the neighbors, to whom I gate a few out of the Ilrrt box 1. got from you. send the rills by mall, hod oblige Your oh't perret, • -JAS. KENNEDY: Haverford, Ps., Feb. 5 11. e. Spalding, Sir! wish you to rend me one more hoz of your Cephalic Pill,: !Aare rreeired - a great (teat of benefit/Torn them. Yours, revectrullv, • ANN STOIKUOUSE. • FE S:11 , - Spence Creek, Huntingdon co., Pa., Jan. IS. 11. Spalding. • Sir : .-,.• Yon will please rend m e two boxes of your Pills. Send them immediately. • c Respectfully yours:, - . JNo. B.SIMONS. .. P. S.—l hare and one Lo of your Pills, mid find them excellent. Ikllc Vernon, 9100, Jan. Henry C. Spalding. Please fled enclosed . ' wentv-flve rents: for vrhteb rend me another box of your Cephalic They are truly the hest pills I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M. • BelleYernon, Wyandot county. Ohio. . . • • Beverly. -Vass., Dec. 9. • • 11. C. Spalding. Es q. widi for some circulars nr large show bills, to bring your Pills more particularly before my custtimers. It you have anything of the kind. please send them to me. One of my customers. tit ho subject to a severe I.ldc beetlache..iusually lasting two days), war cured of an at lark in an hour by your PUP. which I Pout her. Respectfully yours: W. 11. WILICHS. . s ..........-...... - - Reynoldeburg, Franklin C0...0h10, I , , January 9. , j . Henry r. Spalding, • - . .. 'No. 4S Cedar Ptree t , N. V. • ' • Dear Sir: , I r ndored find twenty-tine canna. (M.) for Which Pend tne bon of "cephalic pilla:' Direct to Rey. Wm. Filler, at Iternoldrhurtr, Franklin county. Ohio. - Yoor Fide work like a charm—cure Headache almost ins/alder. • . . . Truly ynpn., ' Wm FILLER .-.....,-....-.. ~. 9- p oldi7; Not.long nince I sent to you for a hoz of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the' ICervous Headache and Costiveneso. ami received the came, add they had so goost an Vied I was induced to crud for more. Ileasleend by return alai. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti. From the .N.raminer. Norfolk. Vu. - Cephalic Pifte accomplimh the object for which they were made, viz.: cure of headache in. all Its forma. From the: Praminer, Norfolk, Vc They, have been tested in more than a Thotteand cues, with entire !fleeces. From jthe Democrat, St Cloud, Minn If con an, cc harm been trottba4 with the headache, bend ha-ahem el caphellc pas, so that. you may have them-In mop, an attack- • From the Ildverlistr. Prorideser,' R.•l. The Cephalic - Pills are said lobe • a remnrkaldy efective i remedy fur the headache, and one of the very beet fo that very•' frequent complaint which has ever been dl . covered. - • , From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and fail =divan Cephalic Ma. From the kalley Slur, Kanawha. We are sure that perßono Buffeting with the headache' who try them, will atick to them. Frow, the Path Finder, New Orleani, La • • Try them ! you that are afflicted, and we are sure the your' testimony can be added to the already numeron list that has received benefits that no other medicine ea • produce. From the St. Louis Democrat. The Immehee demand foi the article (ceilhattc pille) 1 rapidly tgcreastitg. t ' . . From•the Gazette, Davenport, Iowa: Mr. Spalding would not connect his /IMO with an tide hC did not know , to possess real merit, • ;Front the "Weir User, Providence,B; 1. The teeth:many-1n their faaorlsotrong, froze the mos reepechtble quarters. From the Daily .Netoporl,-R. Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kinds, rltrA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GL - w•tl save ten dales Its cost SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE!, SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GUI SAVE THE PIECES! - . ECOMOMY ! , - - ' - DISPATTI i - reP"'A Buren as Tlll Sava N13111.".4101 As accidents will happen even In All remilated*nl lies, Kis very desirable to have some chea and mitten lent way for reptiring furniture, top, - crockery, &a.i . ' BPAIDINGD PREPARED GLUE meets all such cies, and no household can rd to be without it. It is always ready, and up to the stick ing point.' 4 - - • T " Mingo LY +WRY ',O&M". ' 1 • N.B.—A Brush accompanies each Bottle. Price $6 cents. • Address; - HENRY C. , BPALDII4IO . , - ,No. 45 , Cedar Street, Ne w Yo ' - , . GAMON. -. . . . , • .45 certain 'unprincipled persons are attemptta to . .. off on the uneeapeettag pnblle,gmltahlaaaothly Glue. I would caution all persona to examine befarerif vhulng„ and lee that. t* fall , name, • , .. -,._ 1 _ prEPALDINO'S Pit p 4 ai i AVV:14,;411, . le on the ontilde waspper ; ell others ens swindling dm , larrette, • ' I c eatest Remedy in the World,for :1 MUSTS', and' all -PAIN. WarriVited • tai:- CUBE • •Yaidiand Agile in (Medal!: " • Op" in fivermineteo;. , • peataessigt two re' fonr days ; Burns aud Scalds In test minutes; Sprains, Wounds .MOI Buises in from ono to three days ; lndammationla one day • lecuralgla,Croup, Toothache, 'Burns, in ten minutes;. liemonhage, Scrofula ) Abicess. in ten days ; • Braises, A% °ands. Tetter, in one to three days; Earache. Stiff Week. Agee, In one day ; - Felons; Broken Bleu:, Salt Rheum. in atm six days ; Quinsy, 'Palpitation. Pleurisy, In one to len days ; Asthma; Gout,Erysine LIS, in rive to twenty days; - Frosted Feet* Chilblains, StiffJoints,thronie Ithcu matism, Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few'bottles. This OIL. (De Grath's) is mild and pleasant, and Is a great Family Medlchtefor children teething ltc. Ladles should all use it. It always leaves yen better . .than ands you, and 6ne bottle often cures entirely. r A IFI.ICTP.D TIIIRTEPN TEARS, AND . CURED •. IN ,ONE .Wllila • .. . , Bea d letter from Rev. dallies Temple. - I • . PgILADELVIItA, June Oth, ISM. Trot. De (gars : ' I harebeen afflicted for thirteen years ' , with Neuralgia and other kialtifol etam_plainte, and limy*. been ocotillo to sleep Roundly or weak any distance tot many years - past. Last Week I got a bottle °friar Elec trico).l„ The first night ,I slept Roundly-and well. and to. clay lam like a new man. My wife could not believe her e es. Tour Electric Oil has done in one week what the p. 3111cl:um of Philadelphia failed to do , in thirteen years. Gratefully yours. ' -- ftlili. JAMES TEMPLE, . • :310 South street. • . .. . ~ . . ! DEAT'NE S ~CIIRED. ." , , 1 iftw HAvtx, May 10th. 7236. Prof. De Grath: 31y hr h uther has been deaf for 8 venre. After trying. many thin he need yuur Oila few timer, ned It cured him nntire p yi , I CI.IrFODD R. Scamciox. pyr Poi vale 'wall Druggists, and at the Depot, 217 South Eighth-et, .Phttadelphia. i feb2yBm cy • ' "...L.... • • 11 Y-13 P - E PS lA, Dyspepsia, Debility tit the. Spina, Dyspepsia, Dyspepila, Debility et we System, Dyspepsia, SLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, PISS OF APPETITE, .• • • aid th e rankness other diseases arising frost digestion and insuil diiordosi of the stomach ? , find ready relief . in that established and sterling tensely, " • TRE•OIYGENATED BITTERS, • THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Wo can the catentiol of the reader to he /aiming titter from Provident pmith, formerly of Wesksrao Urtiviksitg, ad nowlf,Asnapolis, Md. fdIDDLETOww; Coin, Feb.2o, IBM Stilt W. FOWLS 1k eOJ Gentlemen : I era made use of the 04Friorted Bilits4 some wow or eight years Vince. Having sneered for twenty peen from a form of dyspepsia, which wag attended With nervous headache, on An average of sot less than ear day in a week, I was iddueed, by‘the unpretending me. eaunendationsof Dr. Green, "to try one bottle, and if in 'knelt was received to discontinue the use." . Ypsilanti, Arte/1.., Jan. M, Praia DT. Whit& • - • ' - %loge Co., Pa., Aug. 28, • I gave used the Ofyrstaied "HUM In toy practice .with decided incase in debility and general prostration, eat ioatideotly (recommend Mein be penal da bUity, Sad diseases of the digestive organs. F. U. WEIITE,II.ta Liver Comidaint, Acidity, Liver Complaint, Acidity. . Maui tamplainis, Hick Headache, Billion Complahits, Reit' Headache, Reliable . Testimony. The use of one bottlei warranted a Amber trill, to the extent of some three ea Luc, with a easeful observance Of the accompanying direction,. The result was t 'an almost entise relief keit the usual. dyspeptic symptoms mad their depressing, painful consequences. I believe Aimee Bitten pr ducted to - entire change in the habits of my system, and upon ti♦e active energies of the digestive organ.. I now deem Myself as exempt fmm Dyspepsia as moat persons. Thee. Bitten have also been of set. vice to othert•members .0 . my fatuity., Very o.specifully yours, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH:. THE OXYGENATED-BITTERS. TRE 9ESIIIEitii,TED BITTERS. . , ' 81cnigorm s ,1 Togo Co., Pa., Aug. 95, 18$8. Ozirn.ziess,— Alter suffering for more than dirty pears - with tyspepria, land trying many remedies rec. Ammsnded fur Chit dune without any good remit, I wu indatid, by Dr. : F} 11. White of Mansfield, to.gine the Oxygnated Bann a trial. I took two bottles, which gave main moth relief that I purchased two moon, which have nearly tequila effected a cure t lam now nearly seventy-five years of age, and for thne Months pest have fell no inconvenience from my food. takil great pleasure i t recommending the Bitten to all sainted with Dyspepsia and Its concomitant diseases. A. REIVIRD THE OITGEWATED BETTERS. THE OMMENiTED BITTEIIII. PtpARED Bjt S. W. FOWLE & CO.. _ 18 Tremont Street, Benton. . dal by Druggists, l?eolers, atuihfirelauts is per, -I ms - dud citg throughout dm iountro, _ 'For ale by Abel Turrell and Read, Watrony & FAA ' i ter, Montroye t L. IL iVoodruff, Dintock ; Amo. Mellott , Brooklyn ; Whitney. & Noxley, Burford ; Weed & Ward Great &a.; J. C. Cdtiastead; Dundaff; L. Gritlin, Grear Bend. Jidy 44—yto • , 1 • Al ole F T LIFE PILLS, PHOENIX - BITTERS; I, • JtEDIGUCE ' S have now betm -before the public .1 for a period of Thirty Years, and during that time havo maintained a high character in 'almost every part of the Globe for their extraordinary and immediate power of motoring perfect health to persona ouffering.under nearly every kind of diocese to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of hu man 'dioceses In which the - . VEG,ETABLE' IVE111,E1)1CINE Are veil known to be infallible, beAtir theld 2nd • DYSPEPSIA, oe thoroughly cleantiing the let anL stomachic and cresting a now ofpure,healc,instead of the stale and acrid kind t FLATULEZI LouL eip• petite, Heartburn, Houlachealeaesenees, 1 • per, .Anz lay, Languor and Melancholy, which are general eymptoms of I) c sht, vanish, pea natural coneequeuce of its COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent procees, and without violence; all violent purgesleave the bowel', waive in two days. ' , FEVERS ofall klnda, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, thro' the proem of respiration in such Caine, and thorn' volution orall intestinal obetructions in °theta. The Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUM ATISM permanently 41 thrin weeks, - and GOUT in half. that time, by removing, local Inflammation from thp mus clev and ligaments of the Jaime. DROP SW.9 of all kinds, by freeing and- strengthening the kidneye and bladder ; they operate most delightfully on theme imPortalliorlfrina.rtndllOTlCO have everbeen founds certain remedy fizir the worst eases of GRAVEL. Allll/ WORKS, by dielodglng from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to whicii these creatures adhere. SCURVY, lILCI2S, and. lINTETUATE SORES, by the perfect purity which that" We Medicines give to the blood and all the harbors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin and the morbid state orwhich occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable coin plosions. . The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect entire cure of SALT RERUN, and a striking Improve ment In the clearness Of the skin.. COMMONCOLDS and INpuzszA always be cured by one doge, or by ' two in the worst ease.. 11=8.—The original proprietor of these medicinek was cured of Piles, of 85 years standing by the use of the AM :Ws alone .!, . • -• . - AND AGUE. i --Por thli scourge of the West erncountry,bese Medicnes wiltbe found a safe, speedy and certain remedy.) Other Medicines leave the system inibjectio a return of the disease—a entre by these 'Medi cines is permanent—l Try Mem, be salirftecr,cusd be cured. BUlotts Fevers add Liver Compliantly, General Debility, LOW otAptlte, and Diseases of Fe males. The Me dicines have been used with the -meet beneficial results in 1 caves of this description :—Kinge Neil, and Scrofula, Inns worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful • adios of those remarkable. Medicines. Nltir L eate, Norwalk Debility Nevrous Complaints, of. all Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. Mercurial Ellseasea,Persons whose eonstitutiOns have becomelm_paired by the Injudicious use of Mercury, will And these Medicines a perfect cure, as the y neverftsi tamale:ate from the system, all the effects of lifermY. Infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sansparilla:_ . Prepared andeold try , • W. B. 11101 1 IPAIN ass BROAD WAY, NIW•YORX. !a, by all llrayalala. - - I CLAIM, by the Harrel, Sack er • I . Tun Rtiu . Ayer s .baxsap - - . ' • Eon TiliatOOD, AO for we spoodi atm of the tiaitintosa ins/ Wm of IteSofttla atalliertalsisats Aftlestleasisisels as Tumors, • lasers. Mires, !gravitons,. Plate Oles. Pastntes. Bletelarli Wefts, Maass wad sal Skits Diseases. • ' _ . . • :. . Oitgl Alen, Ind., uith Jima, MOE J. C. 'AYKR-is Co.; Gents, I fml tt tapduty Its eil. . knOwledge ; what, your. Rartimarilla luts dm for me. _ Liaring Inherited a fkrollikma irdmition, ' , hare suffered from It in ItittiOtis ways for year*, lkmuttlinesM. bona out in Ulcers on m] baps anti anus onswlteme it tuned itnrag b and distramedine et the stomach. Tye you've!' Is out on my bead end_ Sorb MY se* SO Ms with one pore whi wu =Lae osthsounil beyond description. i tried- many _ and serers. physicians, taut without much relief frollt any t., In fact; the disorder grew smut:. At, length 1= to read in the Gospel Manager that Sort had ant alterative (Slumming), ter I. knew trout you repel- takes that any thin you made mist be good. I.eaut is Cincinnati and gotand used it till Reared me. I took . it,laa -you advise, in it, mall doses of a teaspooeral ores a • " • month, and null almost three bottles. Rewound healthy skin soon began to form, tinder the scab which altar ts while felinff. My akin la now deer. and I- knew by my . Range that the disease Is gone from my system. Yea an well believe that Ifeel what 1 aft saying when I Mil you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the aim and remain ever grateßdly.. - "Yettny ', , . • • -.ALFED 11 .TALLICT.. c St. Anthony's Fire, ,Kesel l or- - litrystpsins. Vetter and Snit Rheum, fleattifflend. tithes. . worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. '9l , i'' . . ' Dr. Robert if. Treble mitre Ante Ailem, X. Y., 12th Sept., 1859, that he, has cured en Inveterate ate• of Decent, which. Threstened to tertninate Wally, by the persevering use of our fiarsaparillo.and also a danger , oua attack of dtalignant Irmapehis by large doses erase men et says he cures the common .Pimtiont by it eft- . stoutly. ' • • , 'ltronehotele, Goitre, awl Swelled Meth. ' ' :7.l.bukre Sloan of, Prospect, Texas, writes:. "Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla' cured rue nom a Goifre•—• hideout. swelling on the neck, which 1 bad evicted Dam oser two years." • I , Leucorrhau or Whites. lOvarlaa. Tenser,. , Uterine -Ulceration, Pcotale Dissetemt. • ;Dr. .r... 8. S. "Cloning, of hew York City, writes: 011 most cheerfully comply with the . t oryoktragent la. saving I have found your Sermon Ida a most eacelleat• alba:dive In the numerous cemplaints for t which we em.: ploy curls - a . real; rabut orpecially in Female Diseases or the Scrofulous Wheels.- 1 lave-cured, many inset . crate noses of I nee by it, Ind acme where thri complaint was caused by tiff:ern:km of the Wenn. 'Th4 ulceration itself was soon cured; Notilirig - within my, knowledge equals It forthese female , derengsments.” Edward S. Marrow, of New bur", Alk.,terites ts• A dab. rrouorarfort honor on 011 tr draeleallidill to my family.• which had defied all the remedast we cumin emploY, has. at length been completely cured/Tour - oatmeal or Su— aspirin*. Our physician though , nothing Amt .extlrms • Om could afford relief, but he advised the trial of year Sarsapnrilla as the last resort hefore cutting, and IC proved ClTeetual. After taking your remedy (thiamine no symptom of the disease rentaina.n, • . . , SyphUie and Mercurial blared.. . • hew,z,th Atizi.t..B.l - 4 1. , I Do. J. C. Arms.. Sir: I eheerf, ally comply whir the request Of your agent , and report to yon some of the .• effects I have realized with your Sarsaparille. ' I have cured with, it, in my prietlee mootof the p laints com i for which It fs recommended, insd have forted its effects truly wonderful intim cure of rename! and 111 a. eurbri Mawr. One of my patients hat Syphilitic elms In hit throat, which were coneurning his iodate Ant Ow .• top of his mouth. Your Saroaparilla, steadily talons. .cured him in five Meeks. Another was attacked by Her curtail symptoms In his nom, iris the ulcerating had eaten away a emirlderable pert alit, so that I believe the disorder would soon tench his brain and kill him. Pei St - yielded to my adminiNtrat Mu of iyour San:marina ; the - - Ulcers healer!. and he la well egoist. not of course without IMMO disfiguration of the Aloe. A Neuman who had been. treated for the same disonler hyl inereury was suffering from tliteimimm in her bones. 'rite); had become ess pre el theta-the weather that on a Muter day she suffered ex cruciting, pain In her. Joints and! bones. She, ton, was -cured entirety by pule Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its fermate, whirls vier agent Imre meolualt - this Preparetion from your Inrebury must be a great remedy; consequently, these " t my remarkable .sesults. with it have not surprised me. I 111 . .:,. Yeaternolly Yates , G. •.1 LARTNEIT, M. - Dt. - _ 1 . Ithruntailent, Gout, Llier Complaint. . . iNnerr.xnExcr,PrOton ei t i ; Va., nth July, iltik ' Do..Y. C. Arch.- Sir: 'towel ou afflletesi with a pale.: ful chronic IThenntatirm for a longtime which baffled thre Mall of Ott-Malmo, and stuck to, me in spite of ill the tit rinediea I could Iled, until I tried your Saroaparilia. Our bottle cured me in two, weeks, and 'tenured ter general instils so much that -1 -ant farbstter than before I wan - attacked. I think R a wondcrlbtreedfeine. J. FUKAM.. 1 Jules V. Geteliell, or St. Loubq writes r"I have tree afflicted for yearn with ate:affertiOn of the Liner, whisk destroyed mythealth. titled every thing, and every thins failed to relieve me ; and I hire been A brokendown man for !Mills years from no other forme tlum derangement of the /Am. -My helm ed !mat or, the 'Her. Mr. Esiiy,arlyiwell ,me to try your Saraarsirilla;beeauSe lie *said he knew yaw,. 'end env thing you made was worth.mying. ' IS) tine bless ing of lied it has ennui me, and his so purgled my blown as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The • :best that CIA be said of you Is nothalf good enough." 'itch liens, Cancer Tsmorit,Eniargemeat.l7l.. . ! creation, Cartes, and Exfoliation. et titer A I.TreLlt.varic,s . y 0f . c . :“ . ..7 hare Itiln: reported to whim 1 I, core; of these fOrmilnhte consldninis iMve.rmulted irons the use of this, but our ppnrw here war nut NW .: mit them. Some of them now bd found in our Muerte= Almanac, Which the ngunts heloic named an pleased to famish gratis to all who nil fur thorn. Dyspepsia. Tietiet Disease, Fits, Epilepsy. Melancholy, Neuralgia. • Many remarkable cures; of these afectkins hare beat made by the alter:dive power or this medicine. It Miran. biles .the vital funetions „Into chtoroua antion, and thus overcomms asorders which would supposed beymuil its reach. 'Such a remedy has Wog ;Nen rewilred by the t necessities of the people, and Wit, are rottlidect that U.l. will do for them till th at medhine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pecteral,' • FV>fr. 71IE rt:11.111 , 1 fir Coughs, Colds, Influenza, lloarininess,. Croup, Bronchitis, ine.fpient Consunigis ition, and far the Belief of Consultor. five Pasfents, advanced • stage* of the Disease,. This is a remedy so unlrerasi yAnown'to surpass any' other for the cuiteof throat and dung ‘ ,coniplainte, that It is useless here to publish the eabienee of Its virtues. • Its unrivalled excellence for eoughsi and cold', and Its truly wonderftd cures of pulmonaryidisease, hare made it known thronghont --the civilize d nations of the earth- Few are the communities, or evert fanatics, among them who have not some personal exiperkese of Its effects— some lhing trophy in their midst of its vietary over this subtle and dangerous disorder" lot the throat auditing". As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders and as they know, too, the effeets of this remedy, we need not dentine than to assure them that it has now all the Mr-- tun that it did have when making the cures which hart won so strongly upon the condo:knee of mankind. Prepared by Dr, J. C. AllEILId; CO., LowsU, Kama I For sale by.kbel Turreil. Montrose; Church &Flanney„ Dunilaif ; Altman & Swicher.lAnburn Centre, sod by alb dealer, and arm.•••licts eterywhere. - eve CHILDREN TEETHINc. MRS. WINSLOW, An,. experienced Nurse and FOrnale Pbyilcian, presents to the attention ormothers. her . • • SOOTHING SYRUP, • FOR CHILDREN -TEETHING • Which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening...the rums. reducingalli Inflammation—will allay ALL. PALM and spasmodic action. and as. =MC TO itmr.o LA*. Tux, nowzi.s. • Depend upon It, mothers, H give reet to you. and RELIVE AND Exam( *co YOUR marts. We hareput ton and. soblthla annals keens ten years. , and can say t CONFIDENCg AND TEETH of it, what we have never hems able to teziof anysothes medicine— NEI7EIt HAS 1T VAINED..iu at SMILE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CU=wheutiauty use 8. Now &ewe know ' an Instance of illstatientetion by =yam elle hadused it *On the contartry,all are delighanb wive Ste ogenations, and speak In terms of commendation of to .laalititactsaael menlcalvlzonas.:* We say la dap matron " TOM DO. KNOW: after ten years'expericace,imi PLEDGEOCZ - BEIVYATION fur the falelledat of what we daelare ahnoe4 every instance where the intant t saffeing pain and estentstke, reEetwlll be forma to Sakes to 10 minutes after Ike mewl* adialalatend., This valuable preparative Es ltse atom oe ; the most IF:di:PERIM ICED aid 91LILIJUI NEESE! in, New England, and has been mill Itb NEP= TAIUNG - :...TCEsB In . `THOUSANDS r OIP CASE& 7 It not Only relieves the childifrom pain, bit invigoratei the stomach and bowels; corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole spite*. It will almst. instantly • relieve a GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC.' and overeats° convulsions. which. if pot speedily cured, end In death. Wo believe It this BEST and SUREST rem edy in the WOULD. In all cares of DYSENTERY and • Dl:km.llmA IN cmiatims, whether . it arises from teething, or fromany other ftuse. • We would say to mothere who'have a child sudurhtg_frout au_ rollie forego In oomplaints-•-DO Nor -L.2 . 7* YOUR PREJUDICES NOR TUN PRNJUDICESO 0711NRAC stand between you and your • suffering chit I s tAnd the relief that whl be SURE—yea ABSOLUTELY S E—to follow the use or this medicine , If thnely used; Full directions for: using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine unless the hie. simile of CURTIS d• PERKINS, Now York is as the outside Wrapper. . 11 Sold by Druggists thrintgbOut the world. Prliaclpal'ODlee r l3Cedarlstreet, Now Tot*. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS 'PER BOTTLE. 40 0 y For sale to dfontrcate by Abel Tonoll. HOWARD, ASSOCIATION , PHILADELPHIA. - . . .4 Benevolent InstituOn established by spe (iv' Emlosoment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, llicted'isitA Plruhtnt and Epidanie Diseases, fund especially for the Cure of Diseasei Vag Sexual groans. EDICA L ADVICE, given" gratis. by the ' 171 Acting Idurgeiiiiith all who apply by letter, with a description of-their condition. (age, otital•' pation; habits of 1ife.41..) •and In oases of. ea. treme potierty,utedicinesl tarnished Ns of charge, Valuable Reports on Hpermatorriunk aqd otter er Discuss of theHesuil Organs. sent to the at. flirted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. BIMINI Houghton: Acting geon, Howard Aasticiation. No 9 South Mad's. Pa. By ordoe - of the Directors. 10c8 , , Myer's sxtrack fof 'Rook 3.058 t. THAv,tarre:,?,:erivootß,o7...A, std otho!klFd
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