Democratic Cominittee .Meeting, • • • Pursuant to notice, the-De:llo'6ra . tie Co: 'Committee met at the Keystone flotel, in lfontrose, on Monday, Auguit 26th. On motion it was agreed that a DetnoCiatie Cenrention be held at The Court. house in Montrose, on Monday, September . 16, 1861, to nominate . a ticket to be presented to the people at the coming election: It was also directed that; the usual - ,delegate elections be held . at the customary - places, 9n Saturday; September •14th, betweeU the hours of and 5 o'clock, a. M.; .:rind that the , following named persons are hereby authorized and, Teti - nested' to at tend and superintend the same: TOWNSHIP COSI MITTiaS . Aub,urti—E. J. 3fowrz, S. Ijrutidage t tY Ross. Ararat—L. 0. Baldwin, Ti. H. Dix, : J. H. Toole v. • . Apolac:on-LP: Weld', Bridgewater—fhomas Johnson, 0. S. Beebe, F. M. Williams, . BrOoklyn—E. G. WilliatoS,R. 0. Miles, Alvin Aldrich. • Clifford—Jas. W. Lo*ry, D. W. Wil liams, J. Bolton. ' ChocOnut—Jacob Klink, M. Hickey, M. Stabley • 3:hind-tiff—W. Ayres, 11. S. Phinney,. P. Chambers. . . • . . Dimock=L'A. Main, C. c.,Mills, Lathrop. ' ,- Franklin-I—J. Watson, 24; Henry L. Smith, F. A. Smith: , Forest Lake—lL N. Brewster,l,V. Har vey, J. Bradshaw. . . . C.Stittonj. Mead,N. Y. Lek. . Great Bend--s. S. Griggs, H. W. Lusk. Gibson—R.Tattle; J. Smiley, C. N. Mil ler. Hartor4—E. T. Follett D. L. Ijine, A. G. Barnard. • 'Herrick—AlA Kent, T. Burdick, Jr., H.-Lvon.Harmony— I\'ni. ••• Trentain, L. ..iorton, J. W. Austin. ' Jackson-0. IL Perry, E. XI. Tueke r,D. 3E. Farrar. Jessup—W. C. Handiick,'L E. Bi,reh ard, Albert. Kelsey. Lathrop—E. 3l.Tewksbury:b. IL Pack: er, Lyman Saunder. - -Lenox—A. , A. L. Jefferi; Liberty-41; Bailey, J. B. Chalker, .C.? • Sanford. - Middleton-n-1... Curley, N. Camp, S. Dodge. \ Montrose-I—C. T.: Brown,C. D. Lathrop, Dr C. Tyler.. • I NeW Milford —D. A. B. Smith. New Milford Boro.--:-W. t'..-Ward, T. - Boyle, 11. Garrat t. ' Oakland—Levi West.fall, O. l'helpsol. :mutts. Rush t;raterer, Mat-earl nsquellanna --G. Curti , , A. W. Row- J. Seymour, Springville—Dr. I . Lathed p q \V. B. , llatelxiek, 11. N. Slit•rninv. Silver Lake--T. .1. O. Day, Jos'. Ward. Thonisoin—C. n. V. -Whit ney- Chebter Stoddard. -A series of resolutions . . were atleptd, which will he printed next week. 1). Bril..wsren, Chairman. C.'S. GILLIEUT, See'y, +te The True Party Issue. -. The party now in power in the Mate _and National Government lfas, by. its vilc: • slanders and defitinationi forced the Deni oc.ratic party into the tiosition„of self-vin dicition. Time Republican leaders bave . charged; -and are daily reiterating - the in thmout libel upon Democrats, that they are traitors and 'disunionist:3i and have thereby, in,thus holding out such an idea to time South, encouraged the Slave . States in their rebellion.' The Democrat ic party has always battled manfully for ihellnion and the, Constitution; and is now engaged in the proportion of at least three to one in defending. the tint-honored - tlaa of our cotninon country on the battle fields of Virginia. But whilst they are; Nnstajning the Government in this war for the Union, Demeerati mean to insist: up on keeping up their own .party: organiza tion, and will repel the rile assault of the Republican party whenever or wherever offered... They have no faith - whatever . in the principles or policy of the Republican party, or in its ability to, carry on this war to a suteeessful termination, or to adMieis ter 'the Government in a creditable or.' constitutional Manner; and they,. are de termined to war upon it. in a legitimate,.l way-until it-is swept front _poker in ,the State and Nation. The • senseless cry of treason and traitor will not,..lieter Demo crats from the exercise of the undoubted right the . ) , have underlliti. Constitution of examining the conduct of our rulers, and of condemning that -conduct when they] think it .deserves, condemnation. De - mo-. 1 Crate knw their rights as loyal citizens, and mean to maintaintliem at every" haz ard, though parasites and pensioners and plunderers of the Government, and' their sliders and abettors,bellow treason at every street corneror on the highway; nor will .they-have anything to do . with a fusion of the-parties \ asacivocated iu,- certain guar ters, If the .Republicans, are- already sick Af their name_ and their principles, let them disavow 'both, and- thereby Ateknoieledge that its baleful -race is run"; bnt they,cannot perpetuate it by the old trick Oa fresh baptism; -alias -"Union": party.. Id; leaders *oulii not resort -to this expedient if their party could 'stand alone. They know its imbecility and odi -onsness, and wish to tioVerup both by a newdodge, Rut hovon't do. The 'Cid : cago platfertlnia - hd.,its - day, and its • .dectimes are a stench in the tap,,t4is of the Americau peopi q ,•- petr l ciprO i insist peon a platfOrrn poeetrneted of other ma: ;amis. They must lave one that coiner°. ; hands the whOle Union, the Constitution, the laws, en economical ''government, no speculaticm;:aud the.nwansibility of lers Upon this platform .they invite all • Uniou-loying citizens to stand ; and - from this elevated stand-point they mead to hurl detiamie at MI who will not•subseribe to thesegood old 'doctrines of Jefferson and Jackson. At the Writ! : time they will stand by tbe Government in every legitimate effort it may pnt forth to bring the war to a - speedy and success <<JC° nOt)Siqn ; mul shall spare neither-men or money to reStore.our beloveditnio 1 its wonted Ovate and : pro.sperity.—LM. 1 caster Intel.tirtzcer. -• f. . , . , Bangoi_iDemcicfat, • • - as deposited in. the. Post,, Office 'on Friday night, but the Pe§ttuaster has iibtiged the Department andrretains-the papers •until he receives orders. - . :Tb6 Democrat as suppressed by the mob a week or tiwo since, and the-office destroyed. - ••Titc . Postmaster-General has directed that none Of the - New:York papers pre:en ed hy - ' the ;Grand Jury shall be carted in the magi. ; - ' 1 .CH"PerfectiOn'.has been oburil ed, thaough art Science and experience in he mamitaatuac of ilerrick Allen's Gold, ed., al Salerat us,. as every lady who has tes, ed it universally eFolaitna. "There is unth.., ing like . it. Don't fail to [test a' paper, and you will never use any other.. Gall cn your il:Ocq:ibnit,; and do. not - he- put off with any other.- All the:Grocers f ell it: Depot tll2 ; Liberty Street, New Ydrk. • BAPTiST ASSOCIATION' The 36th Ori4l meeting of this assn i • tion will be7hqld . at theßaptist Chnrch- a lierriekville, Brallford-Co., on the seeqn Wednesday and Tinirsda v (11th and 12th Of September. Br. Its G. Lamb 141 1 , Preach the sermon. • j J. WPA itK'En, Cor. Seel: 1 ~ C J In - Franklin, on the 20th inst., by E i r'r 1 W. C. Tilden, Mr. James K enyon, of ib et:ty and Miss Jane A. "Williams, of New- Milford. • ' * , 1-3aMILELorMICEII. In Bridgewater, June • 6th, - Johnl l .: L N., • youngest sOn of Mason and . • sev, aged 8 years, 6 months and fitiajks;. - - Thou Mud gone from no dear eon Thyrolee no mom we bear, Thou tu.t left our kindred circle , - A brighter home to cheer. 1` The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh I a'a•av, and blessed be the name of Ile Lord. • • t - I - ExeOutOrs' Notice. , . :, lIVOTICff. is lihreby given, that letters testaMentaryittp, iN on the last :will and testament of:John - Tierny, ute ; of , Silver Lake. ;deceased. have heen , grunted to the g , uh-- ; scribers, and all persons indebted to said estate are I re ; quested to inadi , inunediate payment i and 'those holing Claims, to present them duly attested for settlement. ;JAMES MeCOEMICK. i Fxecutos - CIIRISTOPIIE ; 111.1Y1INE, ,I, • we; ' . 1 Silver Lalii, August thlth.lB6l - . . — l --- ! .:- M2 1 6 11.1t Jars,, 1 ylinf: itEST IN TIIE MARKET, Comprising different 1 1 styles and prices, for sale by ABEL 'fettEELL. I • Montrose. August ..., 1861. . . I lIARFORD UNIVERSITY, Pail Term of Mir Inptitution hill commence on 1 Wediterd s px, Sepeember 4th. The Winter term on WetineNlar Decetnber4th; anti the,Spring term nu Wed megday. Fehruary Eneh Tenn consists oreleven weeks. 1ii.5.PMN1E4.13153. ,j TUITIPN.--Coinmon 'Branches, incibiting Vocal MOH. .. , 85;00 Natnrai Philosophy, Cheibistry. Physiology and Book- Keeptrig , , • 4000 Algebra, geometry and Ancient Langage. . 5'90 French ' s " - , • 5,00 Music Music on P 1313.4 until the War is over, Room rent, : 1;50 Expenses of Itec t ta tion room, • • • • 1,00 week Lectures wi4L a good Aga t atus are given every Each room is eunilsbed with a conking stove, bedstead and table, tor those'who choose to board themselacr., Board can be bad in the neighborhood at two dollars . I per week: - - Pay in adeance, nr proper!). eerurert Harlon], August S, 1 nal . . NICHOLSO:I, WYOMING POINTY, PENNA (1111 E Fall Tenn of this Institution will r 0111111 0 1 We JL Moutlay. Septeinlirr 2.. and continne to weeks'. prr wrrk, will pay for board, room, wash in .7. ironing inul tuitnin. Room! , CAI) lie ' olrained for thy., n irking to board theins,li,•. • n. V. STON F. Principo August ml SI SQ, ISSICAL 119 (111111, cia - -c)c)r_a, ATcoaxtricoeso, Poaazea PROF. S. S. HARTWELL, W. A., PRINCIPAL. Mr. Q. S. Ormir. First Assistant Teacher ofVocal Make, Miss L. Itichards. Instructor of Freneleand Drawing Mine E. Plackmatt,lnetructor of Munk on Piano. Mies A. W. Hartwell. Instructor in the Primary Depart ; ment. Halsey, M. P., Inetrvetor of Anatomy and Physlol our. G. 21 Dinmek, .M. D.,Lticturet on - .• Other Aseletn tit .t and Lecturers %%A) he etupinyed• a e :th e wants of the eOL uol may demand. • , • WILE First Term of the next Academic Year of thislln stitntlen will begin - Monday September 9, 18 61. In unnomichigltbe.commencement of the next Amide. mic Tear of tht. ;Institution the trn.tees are 12,0 to. state their expecholonz of Its snctiss fur the yearyus.ilen ded Mire been Nile realized. It is now in a flouriklying condition. and they feel confident in saying to the public that it le entirely orthy of the patronage (dal) who 'do- Ore thorough mental. and the aggiaition of useful knowl edge. whetberw , it preparation for College, or teaching, or other pursuit 4. Its patron, may be found In all Wirtz of the.Connty and to them reference is made respecting its merits. • Tuition p'er Tenn of Eleven Weeks.! Primary Department gg t 1 Higher Englit b f 'OO. Latin. Greek and Geri:nun. each, ..., .... :- . .... 4 T . Fre n ch English, with 4ne Language 7 .50. :No bill for the above studies shall exceed 9 00. Drawing. 1 2 fp. Vocal -Musk, (three lesson - sjier week,) I 00. Itfusic on the Piauot.. • - ...,.., S 00... . ,Ile,:c of Instruminit . 0 • ......... , ( .l -Marti from $2.(10 2 . to $2,50 per week. • ) .: The MO conveniences tis heretofore for those wishing' ., to board theni,eives. . For other information addresel the Principal at Montrose. . W. tiESSL7P, President. - C. P. Ittan. Secrtoary. • Montrose,' Augtist li. 1061.—tf . ABEL TURRELL , - - now prepared to mare every Ca.Ce of ECROFUL.4 I .' In 'the Country :"and he bag a Remedy for nearly overt'. 11 tu: which flestOs heir. Call at the GREAT MEDICINE EMFORItiI of 'ABEL TrItREIL, and be availed of the benellt7idle paused. • Montroee, July 17, PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS ! NEW: ABILINtiIiBiNTB IN THE 1. 4 !!. BRICK .BLOC1:. - - THE twdersigned having taken the Rooms formerly occupied hyW. B. DEXNS, is now prepared to fnthlsit all who may desire with a ...nod and truthful Poitralth Being well teisted lathe production of thelutions klnds of Pictures of the day, I tatter mvself that my work it not excelled by o t in this•scction of the country. I Among th e vert e gs kindB taken at my Rooms are the 11MBROrYPI, j o iroTOGRAP.q, .11".ELAINOT.:FRE; NEILLtit7T.7-IPIL Locket Pictures ,down to the timeliest sized rulniatire Ring. Transferred*nhrotypes—the finest thing one fur sanding by Poet to any part of the .World •.without extra postage. My Pict Ores are bold, vigorous, and expressive theschtint, lifeless shadows often Sold abol the country. Plctureeltaken in all kinds of weather , eq ally well, except those of young children. No picture ne be taken unless perfect satisfaction is given. • • TB 4reesing fxr q Riptigo. amid light eolorr,—s - as pFPIe, Katie; pink; etc. 'Mast others take we I; as gfeth. L 44, snuff, IMAM. Malt; yellow, etc. tfr 4,emember that the piece to get your •` picture(' is teittt.,:gneg Block , over Watrour& Foster's store. 'Montt°se. or. uh 4 let 41441147" 1 • • LIFE MEMORIALS, . !tWOULDNIT TAKE' A OLD FOll THIS,' a lady remarked; to us a day oi . two - since, as she exhibited tkti portrait of an only cbild, gone the'.` 4 sp4it 4p4 ; - whieh was one of "I"l:l7.ll33EStiiiiv • INI " How I shOuld regret it, had I not sekied thia precious manor:al of that dear one." iSo thought we. The • loved ones are not always with .us, and while wee:Lb call them ours, every one - should secure such a Memorial ; especially since they can hire them so truthfully takeni by that succetsfil artist, - A. 13:TUIIIIti. of Bing 4amton.,, : 'Oev • . AT FIRST STOREAELOW4ARBELLS. HE "Grape Vine Oradlib u liorgan Pattern; Beet Silent T steel Scythes, Snatha. and Eub. Stouts, garrottni, and all kinds of Farming Toole, '&c. At. Tyler. s. Stoto.• • Barnlig Fluid, keroies - *Joy, 111 Adamantine, and Sperm Candles go, : • CMS 711211 PS • Cligi;•'tre 011ie, Cantor,lrl d"c !orllee7;,oAntai, FOR THE HAIR, AND motrTE M...AiLEN'S World l Hale Restorer, Zylobaisamtim . Barnet's Cocoalne, Lyon's Kathation, one and tev shilling HARM*, Glenn's Bear's and Rose Hair Oil, Pomade-do.Philocome, PhiladelEhla and 12* York Month Wash, via.: Parrish ' .. Fragrant Mixer, for the teeth and and gume,Dalyrymple's Mouth Wash, Dental Soiip, AT TYLER'S - moan -- 31011!"teliTintinclI p m ditITI:sl i r i tiV t nditityegetable AT • TYLER'S STORE. ; A PILE of • arcraxloss, - .1-1 = 1.4::).C33311=1.X.1E 1 151 FRESH. CODFISH, STONE WARE, ' WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, • • _ &c., PAINT & VARNISH • • . • BRUSHES, BLACK ING, SCRUBING;.- NAIL, and LATHER BRUSES, ALL VERY CHEAP. ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, & LAMP BLACK, ;.TALLOW, SOAPS Of every kind but sokr. Or - Dont ask to get trusted at TYLER'S STORE. Butter sent to h. Y. and pails returned for 2 etsAt IS. Montrose, Tune 24. HENRY C. TYLER. WANTED! WANTED! 'WANTED it TYLER'S STORE. 1,000 bushels of Oats, 10;000 lbs. Fresh Butter,. in Tubs or Rolls, I 500 lbs. Bees Wax; ' • 5,000 dozen Eggs, ' • 500 dozen pairs Good Woolen ... Socks, .' 49.X030 CLELSEINC, FOR WHICIi TILE Highest Market Pike will be - Paid in GOOD -GOODS • Wit U. C. TX LIM 11roiltrtifie. Anglmt 13, 1861. WE STILL LIVE ! j* * * k * * * it * *k * * * * it k* * * 4; * ** * * * * * * *.* * NO: 20 COURT-STREET. I A Great Chance for BARGAINS! 11111SCHMANN BROTHERS, At No.. 20 Court Street, 3 . INGHAIvITON, N. Y., Arc now receirinff daily front the 1.;to Saler D 1 000D'8 Which ar, , lfar cheaper than any yet offored of Now York. Buying Good". entirely 1 1 493.• Cush, nne‘tly 'Anetton. find having n buyer constantly in the market. We are travailed onr superler advantage, to Sell Goods at Ruinous Prices to Other's• Those having purchaser to make in our line. will CIO well to call on uc, an we will alwa:iti lw In receipt of the NEWEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS THE MARKER AFFORDS ! Don't forget-to call' at MBSMMUMN BROTHERS, No. 20. Court Street, • Sian of the. BEE HIVE. llingliamt n , Angpbt 13. 1861: 02V . COOOD2 T ir'ub thou P' eATin announcingorend: r.Ao;tr.L g tak en advantage of the unusually low prices offered us by Manufacturers, they have made a large addition to their usual stock of Watches, Jewelry and - fancy goods, and are now prepared to offer greater bargains than ever he ro EVANS .& ALLEN Binghamton, August 2, 1861. , Watidkes—Ladies' Diamond Enameled, and plain-- a .pleutlid article. Also a variety of Gold and Silver Eng- Ilsh, American and Swiss, Hunting and Plain, very.low. • Gold Chalua—A very extensii•e variety of Vest, Fob, Guard and Neck Chains, by • EVAN'S & ALLEN. Earnings and,Breast Pins-s-An infinite variety of styles and prices, in sets and single. Finger Rings—Diamond, Ruby, Rigard,Peari,Scale Chased and Plain Geld Rings—a large stock. Bracelets—Gold, det; Plated, and HAIR Bracelets of all patterns and Prises. EVANS et ALLEN. Silver 'Ware—Every description of Silver Forks, and Spoons, Napkins Rings, on hand, -also Soup and Gravy Ladles. Cups, Card Cases, Pie. Butter and.Frult Knives, Chlldrens%sets, salts. etc„ warranted good as coin. Plated Ware-A BoantifblaiZgortment of Ice Pitchers Castors. Cake Baskets,' Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugars Salts, Knives, Forks, Spool* Toast Racks, Cups Goblets etc, etc.. by EVANI.I dt ALLEN. • Sleeve illations and stndis—A large stock of all patterns and prices. - Beads—Coral Necklaces and Armlets, Amber,"Coral, Pearl, Gilt, Steel, and silver Beads. Shell Combs—A ood stock of shell hack and side Combs, also Buffalo, Horn, Ivory, and Dressing Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes, etc., etc. • . 33117.41LNES eft .49...L1a3EMT, No. 2 Odd Fellows34ll, Binghamton. • A REVIEW AND REFUTATION OF . . , . 1 HELPER'S - IMPENDING CRISIS. • BY - GILTIELIT. J. IlEttlE. . . gr l i r ) l atL A . was .t;r7 T' - I 0., e , A) 44 ,1 111.74rpe r 41n d ir titiol i f i gil canvass of 1880, The .. tmpent;;:i.2 Crisis, ' is acompi tattoo of all the sopblims and milicio •. doctrines by which the public mind of the North had ._,e. a ao far_pois need as to produce the triumph of the Presidential Can didate of the sect [final - party last GAL ii MO widely Or. culated gratuitously, by means of large contributions of money. and did more titan any other wog to deceive the masses of our people. In this Bedew and liVisialion, we , take up each of its cluipters separately, and every impel , tarot assumption in eget!, and refute th orn so 'completely Mkt no intenigentperson can read the pamphlet without being ennyloped q t the feisity.of allthe wicked 'assump tions of the ffelper himicund qf the folly of the sectional strife which - has cuittatei4. In civil war. 4s thes no probability at peace will be Paniginent4 reltOreitp our di s tracta. latot uot,ll the puhlic Wm; . tbe Nort is =aged brit' erroneous impressions falai wa t o rue Colour Southern sister Stales; niejaio whom apt mair in rehellipn against oar general gq+drninent, all th e result of the triumph of sectional fanatichmi both' None and South,—it becomes the - datvef all Una 0 0 ,1 4 4o all In their power to remove Wrist pre) cps hetween the North end South, and therein probabl nq more eMe, • lent means of accomplishing this result, an by general circulation of our,Bcfutation qr. helper, It contains . ir r 1 e amonht of valuable statistics, Wortl4for occae',lottal r °meat, several times the price of the pamnblet,lo all ntilligent citizen*, Price 111 cents per copy, or $2 per fen--aent by mail, postage prepaid. - -... , ;undress _ beam • • .. G.:. sEirez e _ . • ;s!jOletain. Orange Co:, 114. i ~ Sheel Music loc ie t r len:rmagtortri. QUICK STEP, A Di tee and, sad other hew Pietas, at aP9 "' "- • 119.111eXTUEIC'e. , • AT THE BINGHADITO'N Soo .IECIL-cno - , The Grocer S Baker Sewing, Machine Conti - any are poi' manufacturing, and hate on exhibition at their di:- fer4t salerrisons. machines making the Shuttle or Lock 'Stitch, of the Kim° patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover .t.ltaker Stitch Machines, thus afftirding the public the advantage of comps:in. , the stifehessof the the leading machines and exerclsintitheir °wit judgment as to their respective merits. ThiSisthe outs company that manufactures both kinds of machines acid therefore the only one that can otter this privilege to the; purchar;ine "We speak from experience when we say that. after having tried all the principal sewing machines; we must accord to that of Grover in Baker the preeminence. Those indispensable features of sewing, strength, unt forrhity, and elasticity, nil of ,which are brought out in thiti incomparable invention, make ,it the first sewing machine in the country.- Others have their good points, but=this ehmhines all. and. possesses every characteristic. necessary to make it most desirable."—F- F. Christian A diocale and Journal. • • • Sir-tut vs. l'nrrr.vcr.—Weverceive that t,he• Grover Bicker Sewing 31achine is every day growing more antEmore In favor, both for manufacturing and family purposes ---but especially as adapted to all the require ments of family tier, Other machines, by dint of brazen puffery and conniving with commithes at annual fairs, have been thrust forward into the fintplace; bnt.they are fastloning this unmerited position:" the real merits of the :Grover Baker Machine, are ireginnin,g to be known in aipracttcat Way, and daily is the demand - for them In creasing, while the demand for, heretofore better known, hut inferior machines, in proportionately decreasing. So it turns out in this, as in many other Instances, that 'hon estyiis the besepolicy,' and the right, in the end; cornea uopsrmobt. "A trial of over two yearn enables ns to say with the greatest confidence that there is no better machine for general Family Ewe than Grover d; Baker's Sewing Ma chine Co. It makes a beautiful elastic team that does notrip with wear-or wattling, runs almost' noiselessly, he plidn, simple, easy to work, and not liable to get out of repOir, fasts the ends of its own thread, and wipe threads apti . silks directly from the spools on which they are hough*. Leader. ' - Grocer & Baker's Ilachines' work, in their 'peculiar stitch, and fabrics put together by it, may wear and drop to pieces from original:weakness or hard usage, Ind come rna - rocgive way at the seams they cannot ; -'they will 44 f 4g , rt her when the cloth or calico around them hange Iv !n o hitters.--.V. Y...Veuv. • • • " 1 1 de pohlte on conceive moat neceatovy and impor tant tO meet the wide range of requircinenta in . n machine fot fatally apwbg, we nnd& more DIUY we* Weil le the IGoovar & Baiter, viz,: eaten; Qr eQpoc4y.-ktinplicity constrothoi, eaee gr me meat, edyatagge of living agead fttnti tWo spools without - re-oinding, strength qT Wolin 1 313attaty0tirobility and mithuity quiet ens oi.movement, We therefore mute award to the (hover & flaket."—Begorte Committee of itteap 4104'fair qr teed--ato of A.s^ t .I.4We Steiteenricqf 1814. F. 8.. CIIAXPLER • Ae , 6 - tit • _ , V fth; ly sontrose, A. JABEL TURRELL HAS fog Sale, Metallic Oil, -Tor BewingMathlnea, Clock" & Watch 09 , Bed Bag Baa and Meals Pol. Ittunedles, Pond's Ettract, and semi natty of Wments, Salves, Pills, and Igniters, and ad endless varlityof Patent 'Medicines. Montrose, July 17,4E61. ABEL, TURRELL 1 Aow offersfOr sale one of the largest and. hest. selpctions . G - t OP v.) iv Ever ofl e li•ed in Susquehanna County, and pro_bablV, comprising the greatest -VA RIETY or moat different articles of any Store in the Northern part of Pennsylva• nia, and Perhaps of the entire State.' An . assortment iS kept lir about thirty differ ! eat branches of trade,,and the selections are Made, from about forty of the best Houses in New York, and More than . fif. ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New York. A large . prOportion of - the Goods. are brought direct from the kan Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on entering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly t!ir cry. article wanted will beprodnced by inquiry: Some idea of the Stock May. be filmed by the following general, outline, but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS AND MEDICINES," '• PAINTS AAvp OILS, DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, OLASS-WARE, WALL and WINDOW PAPER, JEWELRY, • SILVER-WARE, PERFUMERY, PANCY GOODS, •MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ' BRUSHES AMERICAN PO CKET KNINES, TABLE CUTLERY and SILVER PLATED WARE [DAMPS, MATERIALS: . for LIGHTS, HARDWARE, !BED - CORDS, PRY GOODS, ILIRROPS, WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS-, • .14.1771,0 GRAPHS; VA1LV1...41118, RI/) CAGAW, SPECTACLE'S, triiPS ; LASITES, • GUNS, PISTOLS, AMUNITION.; T 0 II C itEDICAL f SURGICAL hisfrumentx; : SOAP, POTASiI, OWBRELLAS. • PORCELAIN TEEI'II , The attention of the I , lll4k:is reSpeet fUlly incited to my stock of Goods, bought ezclusi~•ely for c.tsty DOWN, and will he Old on the same principle tier low prices. ABEL TITRRELL. iNrontrosv, May Ist, 1 tut I. • DROVER & BAKER'S CELEBILITED XQISELESS SIENA' 114. G MACHINES, F.IIII-1 . AND lIAN I- UFALTERII6 USE, 495 . Broadway, New-York.. .Iyrafies in all the principal Cities (tn,l Towns in Net Unite!" States. NE, - V,V . .: . O(X),DS. NEW NEW NEW NIC LIBE CROCKERY, We are d in the.l sF PRODUCE,Taken In Exchange for r 0. 320 D L. *WILDING Bite Co. NiellOlS II Depot, May 714, i 861. . . ,C 0 .ILL KINDS STONE WARE, THE Luc F j rni of Baldwin S Allen; Flour and Pruria. ion deale w ill be continued under the name of Allen, Deans & Co. II due the old firm is In the hands of A. Baldwin for in mediate settlement. A. BALDWIN, July 9th: ISt; . ' f... ALLEN. BROOMS ZEN Under A. RE, 11 a Fresh 'every BO :IS any in Tha r Feed, SAL By THE L HAMS, I Mokass6: "TEAS. BR which we 'wife ONLY. - 9 T i N ow THI AND SA SPRI G t x !J 9 - T HAYDEN - BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, -AT THE ORIGINAI,. ONE PRICE STORE! 1 - • - OUR STOCK IS NOW CO3IP4ETE . ! NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. .wEHAVE A LARGE STOCK OF— : STAPLE' rnd FANCY DRY Cr' 00 DS, I GROG RIES et . PROVISIONS, 4 '• HATS A ND CAPS. • R 0 7'S AND • SHOES. - - tV AI. L PAPER, WOOD EN WA RE, COAL OIL, VA NKEE NOTIONS •SKELETON SKIRTS,. .. FLOITI,, SALT. FISH, NAILS, . • - PAINTS AND OILS, • . I WcilVa . t re va b r o e u t id o t r o a n le'to°"memusi° mwl". Cheaper than the Cheapest'! ''AT AtIIIOLESALE AND RKTAIC. . . iPROD L T C I r: token in Exchange for Goods. • . • All Goods told at . ONE . .R.101: : mid -NO DEVIATION. , ...Our system of doing . business gives satisfactiori! . . • CALL AND . EXAMINEIOUR GOODS, . WIIETTIKR YOU 'nt. - V on NM'. WE WILL SHOW TOD BARGAINS ITNIIRARD OF Wr Small fai/ors thankfully received, and larger ones In proportion. i s. Yours, &c., , ME - sexnarr maAcsas. NEW MILFOItD, June sth, 1861. . • .. . 7-- • CIRCULATING LIBRARY. BEST- WORKS BY THE, BEST AUTHORS. 1 - ONE lIENDRED IVOLEMES, • NCLUDING history, Biography:Travels Adventurer.,ll 4 octry, Romance. &c., &c., ,4ao, which the pablTaw have the benefit of for 4 trifling tam 'er week. Believing that many wllrprefe to obtain the reading of finch books in this way, rather ban purchase the works. If successfhl I shall add from line to time suchMEW WORKS as will - be of interest to the public, profitable to myself and im provement to tilt, Library. I , or further articulars call at Montrone, Junk 25, SMITH'S N E WS OFFICE. Erne. i the ]n i Library. n 25, I._ SPRING " WAR Pi • H.39- - Itrztrtxrroxi, Is now receiving n fall and choice stock of •, SPRING AND SUMMER • . ED 0 . Including *fired, variety of rich- Frillle tn. new styles, Gingham. Brilliants4a wino Chafes. Dress Tissues and %were t Blacl4 ti rancy and Foulard Filmed Bros Bilks; roil' low with.' 11 assortment of Silk, Brocha Cashmere trod steno shawls; Mantillas, nutters, •Parasols. Rich Ribbons. Bonnets and Flowers I Boop Skirts. Broad. cloths, easelmeri. Samna' Wags, AC, 4ltll a large al" sortment of other - 1 Staple and I • .. -.-• _ Fanoy qoods, t As Renal, In G lei, Crockery, Hardware, Iron , Na 11... Stoves, Drugs, .0 is Limit/ and Shoes; Rata and COP. .17rn„. Caron ng, Floor Oil Clpth; Wail Paper, ita ', and Olin Window Shades. &c. ' • The Stock le large, and bought. for . Cash dorlim an preempt War Pada. and will be sold at low-down prices, .mad.on the stoat ktvontble terms for Cash:Produce. or .to Piumpttlate llaytitp,H 24.13,—F10ur and Salt constanUy qa hand. I ,:: Mow. NtlratddePty. led!, tIRDON'S D Citsydou'is F, GOODS. w 0 GOODS. 0 D • S! GOODS. • .4.r DING .& CO 'S. OLSON. DEPOT. AL DISCOUNT, MADE TO A etLwi - 9 AND- RtAD I PAY. CUSTOMERS. I=l=l I termined not to be out-doue y of I V -PRICES-. I== DEANS it CO., ontrose - DemoCrat Office, CEIVING .Ground Western FLOUR hys. which we warrant to give satisfaction ; if not good returned ut our expense. I nd Buckwheat Flour, AND PORK, )An •BARREL of POUND. Sugar Cured Dried Beef, Smoked Halibu i t, • Drips and Syinps, and Sugars, • • . CO FE EE, P 00MS, A ArD 4N A IL S, S, • fur eats at Low Prices, for READY PAY Montrotc, July 11, 1E44 I : E UNION' anti Forever ! k, EXAMINE, E 25 CTS ON DOLL.* BUYING YOUR 2MINIM TYLER NOW READY. Books.. dii#, .lustice, i*lspie Form', I "lsl4iiitrolo !. . • REDUCTION Pl-11)46). g ‘4) GREArI CROWD EXPECTED AT THE STORES OF 03Uitt1114111, .Ic4.lostithalllll, .vr • Montrosei.Susq'a County, Pa., Elmira New-York, ‘, SusqUehanna Deimt, Pa. e r 1 W E t Enlt A i gti t :e o gren t c ri e of the paretaisilt pe brelisesturi•g-inl4n, money affairs in thecities we can Purchase 'GOODS FOR, -CASE( FROM 10 T 0.20 pER CT. LOILITILIN Puiturr:) Therefore welard determined to 4,r the puhlic our -general stock of . ! • EADYMADEttOTIIING AND Day' GOO I: 4 linprisc. did . •, largest and - best S TOCK }`) GI SOD • . Kept in . 1 ANY .CCtINTRY StCre , . this aide of Nw Y o rk City.- - ' . At Prices which DcfS, Competition ... an 4 . 4: will sell. f l or 40.41.1181.13 C. at the small advanee of ten per cent above the w holemare cost. We will sell the following GOODS at the annexed price. ra: • Black Froa Coat worth for 1).:;6,01 Black FroCk .Coat worth 10 for ; Black ; Frt,ck Coat worth 12 rof d 9,51: Business :Coat worth i:S; for . Business Coat worth 0; for • ; ; .f,ou Over ,Crtiat worth $5 for $.4,110 Over ; Coat worth . 7 fsr .5 -- Over Coat worth 11) - cur 7,t0 Ovyr Coat worth - 15 for 140 . 4 )Vtrt' (:o:tt worth Black Pants - worth , 1 for Black Pants - worth 5 for Black Pants worth G '41 , r 1 .- . 1,50 Fancy Cassimere faitsworth *4 foc.*,..f,ii Fancy Cassiinere Pants worth 5 for Fancy • Vassiptcre Pants worth • 6 for 1 , Black Satlit Vest worth Xi for *21.25 Black Satin Vest worth 4 for 'Black Satin Vest worth 5 fur ':1150 . • OVB,R-SEHRTS at OVERALLS Only ,a UNTYR,GARMENTS EQUALLY EO w 216 Winter haBfairly. appeared, we incite theattcution or Lit.DIN6 Aleo GENTS Who tenZlt to ayall therneciecA of theloppor Molly to make ,lune Fair One a file., Christmas or No*-Years Ater tvi. rer'• - PRE - StINT.; to our large aaeortmeut of ± Z,V •F tT rt 'Ea; CLOAKS SHA?WtS and WIN OUR_ , ASSORTMENT. •i DRESS" GOOlja A N.D • TRIMMINGS IS' ALWAYS LARGE S C6SIPLFITi I COMPRISING . . PLAINT ' FANCY - XiDIV4INZ't S . O f of all colors and shat)eq. VIV.L.XINES, &C. &C. OUR. - STOCK OF • I - DOMESTICKS, MI- • CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN LITT EY PHREEI:.: . . • Good Heavy Sheetings, 6 to Set's. per : Best Heavy Sheetings, 7 -to *lets. pi y'd DENIMS, from"- 8 to 121 cents per yard TICKING, from 10 to 1 . 5 Cents per yard GINGHAMS, from 10 to 15 cts: per Yard CAIICOES-, east colors, 1•21- yards only *1 " Best Merrimack, 10 yards only :Al • . , Pamengdr, .4ccont•datitellt Scranton, 6.11 a. si. - DM*. tn. Kingrton, 7.10 I.oop in, Rupert, .; %Id • 0.110 • Danville, it:4s Arrive at Northumberland at 10.•,.1 - 11.61 • /- • ''. MOVING -- NORTIe., • • . . 'Northumberland, 3.01 P. m;• . ton a. ft.. Danville, 4110 . . &DO Rupert, Kingston,. ' -1.00 . 1107: , . Arrive at Scranton.. • , 6.01 •'' 3.11111. In. A Passenger train also leaves Kingsthn at S tiL at; for Scranton, to connect with train for N. York. Returning leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York at 1.- 13 p. m. • ' • The Lackawanna .tßlooms..buig Railroad connects With , . i the Delaware Lackawanna &Masten' Railroad at Sena ; . I ton, for. cw Yor an intertnediatepOlata east. - At Ytupert it connects with the Cunnings& Rafiroad, for .LAM.B,W9bL HOSE..-1 , , , Points both east and west. .. 1 ' . .. za.a. . x) „, 05 a cae c e s iusr i y. ,` ! & Ede; and . Northern Central Rail ro ad arid Eris Rallroati. .. , (Or points west and south. ""- • • Of the Fatest Styies, ‘te.,' 4tc. - . ! If. rETTEBONE, GemateTet il l - g P t: trinlT. Sept; . - Cc•ttcon.,l2gatts4; kchoice article, only 1211 'cents..;,,` Vest Steel Spring Skirts; kniee nt 4 cts. per sprit,ig. Ladies' Saxony Wool Vests imd 1 Drawers. Thankful tu tho ' ngineroits customer:; for ABEL TIIRRELL • their generone• pa _ tro n age the rust year, u4s . far sale Belllnitrea Htimula Li% Unguent l :tos beto t ?Wl vn isk sk Z ra o::to a n i s r iat; g en 1 4%1 we respeotfully solicit a continuance of the same. I . weeks Baker's CompouodA rare cure for Doentery, . 3 Loairote,Jaly,l7.lB6l. Glittenlitl,liosephawn, kor , a, ALT'floy tho Rand. back or Nand .Ipfrear, la. .1)c, into tn*. • • linblic ;Arcidue,: near Smrlis Y. Et' el.ntwrity on band agoad sop* or I IX MEATS of :,11 kind+. CASH pad for C:ittte,Calrvi,Sheep;.ind Lambs. Also for idle% st ill kiliselk. • ' St•IJAWI,EY. T HAtrisr. Mut4rome. Alnich 30th. ''A9.—•tf. • `,';.'II.;MERRIMAN SON. rrKE this method of informing . their °LOANS NZ* Friends that they hare ))net received en addition to the former mock of Goode, Which they . • BOUGHT- FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES! (. 1 ., AS H BUYERS , Prices 'Peribctly Aitordabbig . th e b., tr. not that, to enumerate artleles. ur =itrlay.t -; Invito the poblic to call. examine. and ~attar)!t of the . truth ulwt ne Mabliab, and of coarse, then b_ay .I.I...MERRIMAN & SON. Upiuttville, Dee. '2otit,l%O. , 1 r11101(2„1: Lot of Family Urucerrefijn.t recei% elf arkl scr 20 per Ont. belvw former prices. . _ ,—.— IpANCY Cunfecjiumirl. far'lthe 11011(121s. at MERRIMAN% r a. . - • WILIVIIIMIX). t ia 11.31 PRODUCE of all kiwis, for which the lqiitteet ; market prieei will be paid in poode u lt NB, Lp-oneille. Ps- D AILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE. ~.,...§ carrying malls and use beta. ii i Montrose and Friendsville, will lea ve Sau te • aHotel. in Montrose. daily, at 7 o'clor.k;a. m. and leave Friends vllltat a o'clock:p. in. refliorses.and turrfs, ClIl be procared at the Liver, Stable of ths_subscriber In lifontnre, on reasonable tams, Moofrorc..4uo. 15,- lent.. •a i • J. D. 00 OD WLV . 4. A. CH - NGE• . ri'IIE*SUBS,CIIII3E .111VING PUR . , - •• A. .clinted the stock of -. .. EIORMERLY owned by A. N. •UtiLLAItD, takes this method of Informing •• thou who tate OS4 palmy." that, the stock has again - boon removed to the old stead ; below the 6 10032:14DC,Faxt " CPrelloo,. -chere hi will be most happy, to wait upon thbse who may favor him with a roll. - • . ANY BOOK ighd GI print . ) , mu be obtained by leasing your outer:, w the price of the bookand publisher a : name at the desk. .1Iau; any article. In th e - Book and Stationery - line. , - - - NEWS • ''OFFICE. HAMPEIVS: I,celies, Peterson's. Atlantic, or any of tt... opalsr Magazines or the 4sy. N. Y. Ledger, N. y. Wee - Iy, Mercury, Clipper, Flag. Wilkes' Spirit, and all the Illustrated Papers for sale. Boot nom. :ore supplied. SCHOOL BOOICS-7-All the old And new editions. . • BLANK BOOKS—A very nine assortment. " CIITLIERY.—Tip top article of Ameriesw. (OLD PENS-Very Pine ones, Ladies oft . PERVGATERY4I.w: Harrison't and others. . • XIVMESSII • 0 iVE ME A CI.A.Xois, and I wilLettdcaror to ‘Ol have "a einnte eve to roue interest" and one [only uwo, Yours, eviaentiv, . .la.: fESTlttiv/VJEC,, Mostnosr, s - q.toulher Ist, —tf -ffilitowys itHQNCTitiT.TRACt3ES, for Ilcannette.a. tc. t, , frAh fitly different kinds of and other Patent Stelllcine; is proportion. 3iontro4e, March. IFfil. ru 44zeas COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.: thv Vallry Bank. BTNGHAMTON N: Y. I W . 1 / W 1.: 1 .1, Principal, 4'n.res34.l , o? IGn Z 4 eictic.. Aro , tiritq, Prnelical A nt ii,.r upon 7Juok~K, rip. i!li4,tratia:: the carat , . Acetittntant, Prars'r ,it liWerirvz and.PrJoical MrtittematicA. I. J ( 'r'tci'i~...l~.7et.nt Prolesmir,itt the Livok l‘cci);nl 1 1 .-rartmerit. .1. J. W.II:NER. Prillt,M)7 61 . Practical rind Or -7..mpf1i,1 .!'orrrsr,..oult.nre. (%)r Laic:Tuft El' " 800 11.ckirKon. ieetureion Citinuttr• curl I,:i‘t and Political Et:plumy. Iltde..ln. Lecturer on Contracts. • l'o,ml,:orr AMA of Exchantin.• I tr. N. .10drec. ,, ,-Lceturer- on Commercial L:tdittt. cOMMITTEC) Sherman I). Phe 0,60r0, , .Trac t ' R.73lor t rall. The object or :him Coliege k in an nn opportunity_or obtainint.T,:t thorough Rusinivk Edueetion. . - • The 8(4..104 and F4.rms are eareinlly•arranged by practie:rl nt•cmitilattl, 'expressly for this In. koittztion and ..nibrave •• all the Joeent itopro!tr; mentx. . • The emirue of instruction. coinprhu , s evert ,i,•p ar to.,• ot - The learner will ba • thoroughly taught thr nienee and prautiee of Dotible , EntrySouk-F:eeyingas_applied to the followinz kind« of business ; viz: General Mer -4.llandisii4, Manufacturing, Banking, edminia. S'teandioating, Railroading, Forwarding, FrOghiing, Forei , of Shipping, VOUNG MEN • van !pain% themselves in a short time. at this bonito lion, to till important and lucrative situations. Ample rereiences can Nigh - en when• gradtutten of, MO are now Elting desirable situations with salaries troml3oo to $100(i . I,er annum. The Proprietorsnre w 1Zirr,( , ) , ..10n or !estimations boat route of the tirst !loosen in the State, towboat, they have thruislied hook-keepers, ehovring their eatiris satisfaction and confidence Ju the ability of thopuin t stel of thin Institution. • 1n.,311 it,, branch..., taught hy.the movt vhjilhal and Visor "ugh mardera of the ext. No College In the country en joys a higher reputation in tide department. Ladles'De- • partment entirely peparate from that.of thejgentlemen. St edema Call enter College at any time. .18 o vacathms. Time 10 complete the more,. from 8 to - 10 weeks. Stu. dent. , paing. the requiaile: examination are presented tern* the tuo,t elaborate anti elegant engraved Di 1...104 by any - Cothmercial or Clastdeal Meditation hot the Uniou. A.andance rehdered to grartu.stee In procuring. vituationa. For term., of tuition. prier 111.,1311:11.11. teAtiMolollll.oi ,?eaduateB filling posit lott N A addinel the proprietors fox r. etteula'con !al if itig . full part tenlorv. -.I.4)wELL,t. wARNER., Proprietor.. Ilinghamton Commercial College, s or. .8, 'BO.--y Binghamton, r • 11111 & WINDOW PAPER. L NEW P kICS :3000 ROLLS, .L -TTZR S37SZEZ O I7.2EIC'SEC .33cbc:631s. , 31011111 k,, Pa., April:lth, 1E431 te • • . . - ..1- Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R; R. , IN and after 3 une.litat. V 3.1. Passenger trains will mil • 1.,/ us follo?vt; : MEAT MARKET: ♦ND AtiLL.SELL _THEM To I!EN NSIIIP MOVING 6Ot`T►►, r 7144011
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers