The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 01, 1861, Image 4

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. . . .
r AT
:- • -IV' ltd DOOR ABOVE s,l l #LFORD'it:',4la .
4iMITE PlTBLlGgenerillittre fotbraied that a FMK'.
.1. lIIIIITIOSI - s gtven at all lid= .of the day;nt 5.7. W i
.1.400 us of all eons, viz:' Dress Bootle of Saltines 'Prints.
i Poplins. Challis, Lawns in patterns, cheap Didion I s awns,
' 1 Brilliants. Knik. Bard, Jiconettit and Swiss Mull, Ladies'
; Collars and sleeves, Dimity, Minsellies,'Moreens, Pura
_ i ts, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens. Summer StmTs,
ever offered in this iinrket. The finality of nearly every I Bo uts Shirts, Cotton Draweta, Collars, Cravats Kick-Bee,
thing good; ail warranted as represented. arid Suspenders. A new andslarge lot of • • •
Terms t-Rasly CM and Low Pricar. , •A Iteneral ides of
the stockmay lio formed front the fallowing enamel:Wan : i LEATHER-WARE .•
_, . mETIICLSEK ; eREMICATA: i . . .. . . ... . t
Pats'en, On" Y•hn: 44 WlES'e • : '‘" 444444 , 1 ',.. tit-taa. : such an Gents Fine Calf Boots,tood %ma, else heavy and
Dix Scots , . anomalies,' - Gitisa " ARE. ' 1 light slhoes, SPlendid Ladies Gaiters in:on 5 to_lB shillings
Caocatax„ ' Mirrors, ("Locks, WALL l'Artn, warranted to St. . White, Brown, and Black 110SIERT. ,
Wdrnw °arra. - 'Mr co 'w on: tiIIADTat,FANCX 0001141; . Parasols and Utnbellas, Band Boxes and Work Baskets.
Itfuslealinsfruments,Lamps. Jewelry, , Pert - mere; •i
Stone Ware, orooms„Brashes,.' Whips. embrers . l 3 a ux . x:023: 4 wruaci.
Bird Cages,' . Pocket Eaves, - ' (tune, Pistols.
Ammunition, - Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, - and Spierna, Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Brass and
Shoulder Brace., • - p or t MorMalt, - SpeCtaeleA, • , Japaned_Lanters. Wash Boards and.Colfee Mills, White-
Silver & plated siotinn, Forks, !le. Gild pens. i walt Bruithee,l3ed Cords SO feet long, whittlesiantlepting
Stationery, ' flours, Guitar. Bass Viol Strings, /- Clothes Pins, Pino and CEDAILPAITS, besides aMK of'
Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artiat's Tube paintsßrush Artam tills
. .. ta1v ,„... 312 „,„,..
e,,.... de. Also some Dry. Goods, Wooden Wire, ha r d 1
l eils 15 ' b
and spanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Caps, Camphine. Coal ., 4 o .e ti . m ie t y . .amoi r,*ble hme Two ) a nd Nu , sums
OU, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Trirpctiline, Unary; janneegi, f,,r otorion,,
widows .-
,tran , rartar,sods.etaiehtweratne
neat foot, lard, olive, castor , boiled and raw linseed Oils, itister Oil, Epsom Salta,- Black ;Ind Scotch Snuff, and lots
white Lead; Zinc, and all kinds of colored Paltits,___Vitco- I of thing% which won't do to read about, hapless° loran,
pi t , canary. Seed, also all the popular Nam , mak- examine and fat about: We sr° readyand willing to show
CINES. and ether too numerous to mention. - ; Goods even though they =Vila eta • and thankful for
Ii Is Impracticable to give wore than a general outline ,,,,,,; in i vors 7 ,-, .-,, . ' n.r. TyLEit
of nty stock through the newspapers, evert. gone wishing • ,
430011 la laited to call and examine. tristomers on
entering the store must not expect to find every thing in
sight ;.lint nearly every artielci wanted will be produced by
Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto roxiN ed. be
hopes .to merit a continnance and large increase of the
M antroae„Jane 5. ISM. .
- . ,
lIAS just retUrned from ' , electing andimrehasing and Is
now arateing one of the largest and beet stock of
a 0 si,
A Lamp Chimney that ;will not Bye4le t ! •
TMS great invention commends itself to erery, one
using con OIL LASIPS. It giros more light, re.
guirea lase cleaning, aid will not break be beat or told,
failing, or any ordinary usage. ror saletirStorekeepers
generally throughout tba V.S., and the Canadaa, and
wholesale by the ISlttnn fact Gxere and Patentees.
No.tti, N. Second Street,
_ic . IL. Auraeand aaperfaietoek orcocia,l cni.
44.1811X11.1 0 114 19 always on baud, at prices darling ram.
_ATao the Portland coal Oil, at Imam:hen:T=6'
vim -.. . . . taar: -lie
IN. NE .
liMsabtcriber, 'redding In the hoed of New Milford.
flusq`a county. Pa., ()fern the IfoHoming property for
One FARM, on which the slibscriber
resides, in aeldbero, containing eiMat Mpacree, in a good
'tate of culttration„ suitable retsina grew. grazing, and j
dairy rmrpodes.
Also, another FARM in said boro, near
the Railroad Depot, containing 50 scree with a number - of
good Village Lois on thesame, in the centre of the villaptt.'
Also, a FARM 'situated one mile from
said boro, containing 230 acres, with a frame dwelling
house, TWO large brans, and about 70 acres improved the
balance well timbered with Chestnut etc.. and the D., L.
a W. B. R. Co.paya cash for wood, ties, and ether lumber
on the road,'
Also, another FARM in New Milford'
township containing SO acres Inn good state of miliication
leftist ° sacs improved.
AISO, another FARM in said. to unship,
soontafrdngso acres, with scalable bunbingS and improve
merit fa Anna]] farm. -
Also, fifty sores of unimproved Tana, in
ram tocrabbip:sihtable for s email tent.
The aDove property will be sold very low
for elan or on aeconiroodati - un teirda on credit. Eby in
formation in regard to tho propenv,will be giieett by the,
anbserit*r at bin ruin nee in NeNr , ..Stilford., In
. janatcol' ATM. C. W.26.3E1X1.
a lady remarked to us a day or two since, c
she-exhibited the portrait of an only child, gone
to the "spirit land;" which was one.of
• . "1 - 97,3137E3 ' •
m i urripir
1111111111111.111. AMBROTIPES
'How I shonld regret if, Initl not secured
ihis precious mooeal of that Alear ore." So .
nought .we. The loved ones! are not always
with us, and while we can call them burs, every
ono-shOtild secure•stieb a memorial ; especially
since they can have - thi'm so tr ithfolly taken-by
that successful artist, A. it. TIII3/IS, of Bing
batnton. c cc
alt, 1!
201 'Wtvthiuktoei-et,
(Direct& opposite Washington Market,)
• IVelvEr
QI'ILL.CctisiTINUE:3 to offer to ti.w city. and
-1.3 COUNTRY irade, - all kinds of FOREIGN
Giusti and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figure;;
'4OOOO sacks And bags. consisting in part of Ashr
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use;
Jeffrey & Darcy,, Drowolow &c.•
End 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonfires, Cu
racoa, SLlThes, Lisbon, Cadiz, mica, Nantes,.&
all of which will be sold et bargain—prices from
vessels, store and storehouses.
Any purchaser wishing to select from a good
assortment will find it to his interest to
N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of
different sizes,.and constantly on band in ship.
ping order. Also a splendid .article- of Rock
Ground unit, in quart , boxes, put up and for sale
by-the quantity. in cases of five dozen each. •
WITEJES,- - -'sjOVELil v
Wwo. "sped:ray Inform oar friends, patrons,
and the public generally that we have now. In More
end offer wlcamile and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
, &large; and very choler: stock of .
WWlelas, Jewelry, Slicer cf-Plated Ware,
fir every variety and style.
Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewelq
made to order, at short notice. rtrAll Goads warn:m
ild to be an represented.
B.—Particular attention given to the, repairing of
6p:beamed Jewelry, otevery description.
10. L`_' lthrket et. South . side,
lfarehl.l. s Gi.•. tan .
Iniportant National --Worif:s,
Published by 1). Appleton & Co ,3411 and 345
Broadway, New Yark.. The following, Works
are *eta to subscriber, in any part otthe cuun
ty, (upon receipt of retail price.) by mail or ex
press, pre. aid : • .
Jar... Dictionary of• General Knowledge"; edited by
Geo. Ripley and Charles-A. Dana, aided by a
numerous seleayorps of writers in all brunches
of Selena% Art,'and Litecatere. This' worh is
being published in about titteen large oetavo .
volumes, each containing 759 Wog:tannin . pages.
The first . 11 volumes are bow ready, each cnn
faining near 2,500 original articles. An addi
tional Aolume will - be published one in about,
three months. Price in cluth.S3 ; sheep, t3,--'
; half morrocco, $4; half Russia, $1,56
each. . •
The.: - New.A..merican Cyelophulin is populd,r
without being nuplerficial, learned.but not Prk,
dantie, comprebens:ve but nfillieicutly detailed,
free frdm personal pique arid party prejudice,
fresh yet accurate. It is a eon - with , statement
.of all that is known upon every Important: topic.
within thirscope of human intelligence. Every
s inaportantartiele in it has been specially Written
for its pages by men who are' authorities upon
the topics of which they speak. They are so
quirnd. to bring the subject up to the prenetit
moment: to state just bow it stands now. Al
the statistical information is frona-the /utest s—
ports; the geographical accounts keep . pace
with the Intent explorations; historical matter
include the freshest just views; the biol::raphitutl
notichs not, only Opqatt Or the dead, but al;o of
the living. It is a library of itself.
Being apolitical Histou of the. Unite:lrk/di-A,
from thi organization orthe first' Fedeinl Con
grestajn 1189 to 1856. Edited and compiled
.by Hon. Thomas . H. Benton from the. 011icial
Records of Congress. - Tha work will. be .comi
plated in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages
each, 11:of whieltare now ready. An additional •
volume will be: - published once in three months.
Cloth, $3; ,Law Sheep, $3,50; Hall - Morocco,
$4; Half Calf, /14,50 each - . . • ,
ea DzsaTEC.- - ,;;Yeiitti a club of-four, arid .remit
the price of four. books, and five eopies.will be
sent, at the remitter's expense- of carriage; or
for ten anbserilrem eleven-copies will
,be sent,
at our expense for carriage: -
To AcErrs.—No other work Will so liber.
ally. reward the exertions of agout. " An Agent
117 an= in
this County. Terme undo known on
appliaatioa to the Futaii.her,
2C;T e Lbuys t l t t li pottl: o r f .l t o h o e i s u hilling llaili7 i c: y riN It
MOICTROg7. 3La7CH - li, e lit i l. • P •
Established in Pittsburgh in 1840
The Only C(Fnnnereial . College in the "
• Union, Conducted ,by a Practical .'
INNER 6000 Students have attended it from Thirty
didbrent States. 'Your Silver. Medals hate been
awarded Duffs' Sr item of Book , Keeptng; and the new
tlrcularlnst issued contains lettere from students in Phil
adelphia, Baltimore, St Louis. Cincinnati, etc., preying•
it to be the besl. known. NINE First Premiums were re
tenth- awdrded the Penmanship of Wm 11. DU FT, who
withlis associate Professor. C. C. Cochran, are undoubt,
edry the best-pentrten in America.. •
Harper's_ Edition of Buffs Book Keeping post paid, f 1 :Q
Duff and Dtinmat's Gem* hf Penmanship,. 5,00
and Duticau's Kew School Copy Books . , G No's, 54
l'or samples of Du 3:Cochran's Business and Ornemen ,
tat Penton n Ship; with the new circular of 64 paps, incloro
5 cent, in stamps to
d -
nor 4 v - p. nufF SON:
3E"" .111*.Q.53
.041 W
Mrs. L. .BIXT 3Y 9 .
iIAVING fait returned from NiMV York with a choke,.
beautiful, and extensivepeortMent of Fall winter
Is ready to ftunlah the Ladies of ..SOntroset vicinity with
as good and as rich as can be purchased lanswhere. She
keep. the 'very nicest goods. such as canhot fail topleasii
the most ditlicult.' 'Prices s-ery reasonable.
The ladies are invited to ci:11 - atttl examine her Goode.
,TV -- Rooms opposite dott'a Saloon, (second floor.) Main
sitreet, Montrose, Fa.. _ laeprif
I T ia t, " rjr. u stli e . - tl i ra rt :- l llTmt n ,VaLr„ .l
a.,c . &pp.. , r.l LT ail tail nate 1...1 , t. .11.1 ill 1105 . U
SO. 1 - 11.1t014 - iaernllll4o.let ILt 01:* i 1.1. n il.easai Soo wt.lcil it
to retan.ntendg•l.
• It aria.'curml thin:tan:U . ,..,
,0 , :.1,:rt the • I..kt two arm
Who Lod Zhrn or , ail b.'s.; Set
~.1 tear. as the Liugleiz.
.ligisohette.iri•rutlratnlil ran ,pin.ii,.. , ,,nal,rw.
nit d*e mail tiaadlYde.t; Vil !to a.i. I, .ivranirat of the
Individual Laing it, an. un , ; tI,Lt Audi iir.ntlii.Lait as to
act gently m l.L.ltnn.l, g
I '
Let the dICULt. 44' your, •jalgrnant guide Ton Is the
°-- I tas of the LIVER 1%- { l'V ItiOlt NINOIS , +lsla
atTc=s Lisa:, 'Cont.4tpt al ats, Et !Jetts At..
tacks; Drspepsicw ;Chronic Dlarchorea,
8 upt at! r Cos -Isepttlnts, ',Dysente
ry, Dropsy, Soot,:
Costiveness, Chol-. - ; ic, Cholera, Citale
ra Marlow", Cholera - lnfant ant, Plans..
Iciact, - J au rid I c c;! , rem ale Weakitcss.
es, and may be Sas! cue-: . komfulfy as in Drdino•
ry_ PArralty Iffecill I; ie I t . .. r . Itolifourc NICE
,„ HE A DACII E, fa.: i•tomemla can tetly) to
twenty tralantem, qi , two o, Myra Tea.
'.•pootirtals arm talc. .
! en at c‘anc' of
AI! Who cum . it alai , .glvtlietheir treamon.
is as ii,or. • I 1
IttlX. WATER 'l'.% THE alOti'll WWII'
THE nvviconnion, A.:111) SWALLOW
DOrit TOGETItHit. . ...
Price Ono Dollar Int Bottle.. ' _
F t mthv
. . . ,
Pere 'Vegetable Extracts, and put p tn .
GLASS cAsEs;skir Tight. and will keep
In any ellinnte. . • .
The -Fatuity ..Cr00,.....1 arm
" tie but attire eathortlci in which the proprienne :Wall
used In hie practice site than Dwantl. pees, The consmatlc in...main AN demand hete theme who
• bovciormaacoltha pi f ~1,.. 01 and the suktiatarnon which
air ewers icieeg.rd,l , their a - . nac, haslnd need melon:sco
theznerlthin the reach '4* all. -
Tho peacock. well knew] li g
et different earth:ma of - the , w
•.. The Ir/VIIILT c1..7 - cli -1 - TliA flTbe -PI 1.1..
has, with due reference to , this 'well ntablicned fate,
been ranyounded nun' : -,, 0 varlets of the f.
hot Vete
table Extracta,, bleb awl' - alike.. *spry part a the
• almentary =rod. and arc! i good and ware la at Ewa
•es where • CaLharnt• la , ovecird. ...At as De.
, rangentente a Die,i SI u rrosaa e lt, nleept.
nee.. Pain In the,. 'hack and Loins,, Pala! Owl &Dreams. over
• the -whole body..l fre. - midden mlOl, stile
frequently, jr . ,,,t, I, : ' end in a lone ,11.4 Of tI ,
' ter, Lon, or App.-.-; a tlir, a ervoryfing ~ ,, r,o•
rattan of Cold over ! th e u n dy , ti es , i i„„.
nest, Ileadimbe, .: 0, , E 4 wr eight In the heed,
ala I. Dana In nt , .27 f 2,141.411e1.. - Worn.. 10
Children or Adtillit.!ll4 ithenmatisni. K treat
Pnritler of the Blood! 000 and many, dim:tocsins:bleb
fresh la• heir. ton entheruusi Ike to wention ha this adve‘lise ,
=Mt. • Jacra...l tn 3.
pracn rittizs. 1:111111S.
The Liver Invigorator and Faliall, Ca-%
thartte Pills are reinli,l l I tenv.tieta ventrally, and
sold - whadelale ht the Trade in all the Largo WWI. ..,
_ 0
8. T. W. 8. 0 11 1 :POIttl. 11.. D.,
I. • i nnounrn:ree irt.l none, leter,
333 It:roadway, . Neve York. •
,41 011 BIRD/Cps
yriL 4q4,.
of the preeeuthge, hare aetpared their greet popular*
coy through pcore of trial.' yabounded autlatectital
is rendered by them hi ail cum
I.4ner ecaorlaine N ; Dmersie; ittectdlie. norms Ifi•
14 11 t7: tdeelme• or the itidsmos, •
and all .dlorairoo aridng from a diromkrodlimirior Fait
..aus ci costa:mai and bigniiTe 0t 60 4 '
IND waz roars= torrvrr- , •
'Tia" ram - saws war, Aite nal AU &MIL
Eft our Alnuulae A t pirol 114=;17., teals per 8e.t3.14.
Hootiand'g kisantle, Cordid, •
. .; • • wus niernima cum.. • .
Gads. It4 ll Filiser •
Crani, tnistaprius' ;Iselpies Coasampthrs, •
maim perl6rmed the moat eatoutibing cart; eiork•enni
• -
.00 SliriliariD
• • - Diva= &olio, It Jr anNiaalle& PliCl:76 eats -
Wag well kiiinen theceigtund pimp° . inediiierica,
no eiimmenditice art - Purell ‘4484.140k.ter_
'prepared wltldireat exactness, and am invavegatiel. • Nil'
better Ottlierpe Pill ea bit/tint' TAlClabOr.piebez.'
- Them zeiel i tekies,sre peepatilkby DC - C.111.1mo:
Co; 1t4014114e, lsy and .adage sola
dll42o4 o ajal iiiectici.everfirtieri.
Mann of C.:lCJAcisiw will 1,e;• 4be':ostidde 44-eeeli
bottle or box. ' •
to our , iEilerlife4ir Almanac, - pabliabt4 ontroolihrnt
will foul tortirir , tly and eenunettletery notice' from a
purr of t "until. Thee Aliziesece are ipleektweey
. sri ear Riti,!• , • : . .
Le 21 %7@1141,3
• ,
the des t Meati.llo in The world fpr the curl of
- • Coughs and Colds; Cronp,
• Dronohiti_ f .d Atithmktifficattlßreathing,
Palpitation of the Neut.
For the relief of patients in: tided/irate/Igo of •
,Conanmption together pith all Diseases ~,
. of the Throat and Chest awl - which
. predispose Co Consumption. •
It attacks as root of disease, and Takes
destroyer stuxatta, to ite JR/titmice. tattoprixtu. • .
tie free ta'pecloration, 4-4nditere tleattny action
in We distaied ,Iftaws Atembrany and Drew.
'' It is peculiar mirely adapteA n SO OM radical •
of .izA
• • bne dose VIM. invite:able 87R ur eat gives
east andransequentlyshey,whielithe partieulcrr •
; • riatuntqlthedinasidentes. rerypteatant
ea Mc taste, and prompt. In Us creil,s. Try Cl 4:
be i.unrinced Mutt it it itirataable I lin Mc cure taf
Bronchial- Affections.
• Prireso cents per Bottli. • Preiiared only by
Dr. 4. .ES.E.N IVE/Y. antlioletbY4. Eoesi
• h N,; comer 9th and Par.l,lll streets,
. PhitaXa, 1 , 8. For sale in itiwitriwe
v•lng) • ABEL TITEELL Druovist.
NEW. - GOOPS ! •
N"=NAT OrGoCprotEsp.
4§ouoirr FOIL ISII I
r " •
Please give us a call and show you
IL L., SUTPHIN 4 1 .1 c. CO.
Suromersville, April 1861.-3 t
. •
• 2St. 33r..t.A1.10.5211X.A.N .
113 receitang application for IllEtllptOCC in the follow
'. ing Companies:
Wyoming INSTI3I. ANCE Company,
w 'LIE Pa.
Charter Perpetual.
Capital A 100,00.0: Surplus $7,90
Organized -Vovenzber . ‘lct,l i 1 D. 1
G. M.lloilenback, 1). G. Drieehaciil, T, P.
John Reichard, David 51or,nin, j Chas Dorraum
• Saml Wadllamf, R'l) tacoe, Wrn
L D tihonmaker, Geo P.Steele, j U3l Iloyt, -
R. C.,SMITII, Seto y, 0. M. ACK; 'Neet,
n.G. STERI42IOI, Tred.T.: L.l). SnoraaKzu, rica Pre' f
ilartforti,,Connedicv t.
. Psid np Capital
Abbots, • _ • t,194. - 100 08
Noltinartzr Mtn ,t• LIFE ASSITANCE CO34"ANT,
• Capital, $6,1tV000.... Annual,lloo.6oo.
Agent, PltilmIt.11,1;121„
PANIC ofilirlford, Counvetient.
• Accumulated Capital ii,370,000 00
'Any one wiehing their lives Insimed• will do call
and Cramine their mode of In.nring, and their rate*.
which ate better than thotti of any Other compauy. before
taking rolicies cl*ewhere. .IT.! 131.ACKMAN. _
oc 9 •60)- = Office over Chandfcr Jesups o•tore,',
( .1
TflIS Delicious Tonic Stiroul.sull, ii,Tecially &stalled
for the use of the 5I then! Pr irtission abd the Family.
havinz 9wreeded the sn called 4* Aroma'
•• Cordial, Medimtell." "Schnapps,' etc.. ht now en
dor,ed 11 all the prominent ph, Nietarn,, ebetniets mm
noi.aeura. as possessing all thm..ti INTUIT:MC medielnal
qualities (tonic and diuretic) n-hick belong to an OLD and
PF - 11.E GIN. - Put spin !Inert bottlhsand roll by nll IZrlnt
got', and Grocera, etc. A.ll. BININGER AIL,
j Established In 1' 7S.] j sole rroprktor..
0c 4 yl • No. Broad Street. N. Y,
For sale at 'Parrelra Drue Stored Montrose_ •
rllif: extensive Furniture.' Establishment of
Salm Buornens.-liavi4g been refitted and
greatly improved, the
. proprietors re - spictfully
announro td the citizens of Meetrose and vicin—
ity that they are constantly making and keep on
hat the L4RGEST and RElTrassiqtrtient of
i To be found in we Country.
-W e give the following li s t-of some of the . ar•
ticles which we 'will sell at greatly reduced
priced for CASH or REMIT ..,.r,:
k ,
• Bureau's, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass,
Item $l6 td $35. ,
Bureaus with marble or l'iocatelle tops, from
$lB t 0.82.4. And a • large assortment, from SS,
$lO, 12, 13, to $lB, s. j
- Nash Stands, Card FtandS,Cornerand Square
Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents
fo :en ifollar.4. ) ' .
Desks, Dii-ans Poutstools,Otto.
mans, Lounges, &c. r;)
Centre ; Card, Pier, Toilo., Dining, Kitchen.
spa Extension Tablets. i
Chairs—Cane end Wood Seats, Rockers--
Cane, Flag, and Wocd Septa, of every variety
and style.
. Sofas. tete h .fetes-furnished et short notic
at Now- York prives.. , 1
N. B. Ready. made coffins on, hand or fur-
Dished at short notice.-411ea..'Ses always
rearlineSs.lxfien desired.
We employ none but oam:rim and ENPERT.
EXCEI) WourmEs. We intend to do our Wrats
Wst.t.,,and sett it as Low ri.s it can be afforded.
• A SMITH % JR.',
Montrnae. Jan. 18th. 1860.—tf. • •
• At Montrose,; Penn. .
WIWI IC. BATCH; Proprietor.
PHIS new'and .commOdiona Mae( situated
.1 on Public Avenue, near the Court Houxe,and
_dearly in ,the centre of the business portion of
Montrose, is now fitly coMpleted and furnished,
and VMS 'opened on Monday. the 2'th day of
September, 1858,. for , the accommodation of
the public and travelers.l The Proprietor• feels
confident that he. is now i prepared to eiltertdm
guests in sk, manner that cannot fail to give -
Complete Sitisilletion. -
The flute and Furniture are new, and no ex
vense has been spared tol render it-equal, if not
superior to any similar establishment in this part
of the State, It is well supplied with all the
recent improvements andicomforta, and obliging
waiters will always be raadyto respond to the
call of customers. {
The Stables connected with this linuse are
The Proprietor resPeettully solicits the patron
age of his old friend!, undlthe public generally.
- flint Iflllll
LIE subscriber having p - urehase
. JL rrefittedand newly furnished d
N I above well knbwn end popular Hotel.
- is prepared to .•
laccommodate the tray.
eling publie and otherslwith all the attentions
and cenverdegees usually found' in first-else
Hou . ses. - No effort-will be - Spared by the Pra
prietot and his'Amistabta to. make the Hotel
_equal in'every Oat Many in the country.
The Bar will Awaits be supplied with the
Choieeit'Llquora. ' • '
Stables, tonn 3 echtwith this House,
are large, roomy and couvenient,andearefil and
,attentiveltestlersare:alwayain ehirge of them,
1 - J. S. TAftBELL.:
New - and Convenient.
Ear 2
es • ken. at
'-- taw '-,'Hiioki;:-:,
TIKIRP_Cr.rt; PKllitit plated itietleo, ihtnlaP•ar
s A p -,
.77...a ,, !ti!to . tli i i.r i a:. at x
Afflicted- Read! .-'-
wiLti,ows dOS(tiouiri Sititir=
tlou fur the PILES. Is warranted to effects Cure
In everysase, and In all etagee the dlseaae, or the money
will be refunded. •Fulrdlreerlona heamipany each bottle.
For e ale by AIM' Tprrcll. Montrriee ; 0. 0, nerapatcad,
sroolilvn; .T.. J.. llallcock, Dlmock; Fennel Carpenter.
Aurora; it t 7. Wllllame, Jackson I J:11: Slocutni Dundaff;
A. IL MerrlNllopbottom ; A. J. *ertlll. Scranton:
Thin In to that. lira. Emory has been afflicted for
yearn peet with that distmertog dimplalntknovm es the
Piles, " and that haVing tidied id securing relief from ve•
rieuB PIIytiCIATIA. she was induced from reports to try lir.
"Pile Solutlou,'.' which wo!obtained at one of
bin Agencies In Tnnkhannock, Pit. 'The result has been;
the most fevurable. The trial was made with it last fall,
and after neing an directed for a few days,wlaat we have
good W-117011, to think wan a pennanenteare was effected.
Several other- mules - of a similar', natnre In this vicinity
have used it with like restiltn. With - Mr. Williams audio
"no core let pay." every one thus afflicted will certainly
do well to try it. ; B. B. EMORY. ,
Pacturof if. Church; Tralkhannock.Wyemlng Co., Pa.
Jime Sth. tf.
Or Disease With Its Agonies:
C7tiooao i3oti?‘7o oza. Pla-osaa.
NirnAT in more fearful iluut it breaking down of the'
V llerVoll , nem I obe excitable or nervous in a
small•degree 114 most tlisfreseitua for! n here can re t medy
round!be There is one but' little a hie, beer. or
Rpirini, or far better. none; take no eotree.—weak tea being
preferable; get all the fresh air yen can; take three or four'
I'M, every ; iakt plenty , hf Aol Id, avoiding the use of
F , ..10p,.; and if the - e golden rulesi - are followed, you will be
happy In mind, strong in body. aturforgelyou have net‘ee.
IWe:theirs; dal 3:l4a.itigketcres.
If there is one thine more than another for which these
Palls ate !Miami. iris thidr.purifyina prOperties. especially
their power td eknuritig the Mood kind ail Impurities, &
rimming datazerom, and sm•pended Peotitiont4: • Untver
•salb nt:opted cc the grind remedy for female complaints,
th,.v never fail. rimier weal eo the iyhtem, and ahmi.
Uri ill; about Avila is required.
Sick headache dud *out of Appetite.
These feelings which so sadden ne„.moat fregnentlyarir-e
from annoyances or trouble, (min perapiration, or From
eating iii drinking what -is unfit for us, thus dis , urtleritos
the stornacb and liver. These or , ,tallS niust be regulattal
If 'sou we-h to be w 11..Tlie 1'1114,1f taken to the
'Ant et! Instructions, will quickly restore n holthy action
to both liver and itoach. whence follow a a'nfit mid con
sequence, a ffoott appetite and clear head: 111. the titer
:11111 W.4,4111E14, scarcely any other medicine Is ever Used
for the disorders. •
In all Mt oases 3fll,- tin," these orpto , , whether Thee Se
crete too much or too little water; or whether thee be
with stone or gravel. or with aches and paler wiled
In the loins uver the Tv:debts of the kidneys. these rm.
be taken according to tip printed directions. and
the Ointment stinold be se into the small of the
Mel: at bed time.• Thi- tratine nt. will give almost Imtue
ate relict when all ether meals have fail d.
Poi Stom hs out of Order:
No medicine' will sot ectually improve the tone of Ike
stomdeh as these fill: The , Irmo, all :teido r. occaslond
either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the
liver thareduce it to a• healthy action: they beset - fail
caring all di-orders of the liver and nomad'.
HollowaVg Pitts are Ihe host reniay known
in the wo rld for theYolloiring d4tosrs :
Agne. 1 - itl=. ! Sore Throats.
A.,thron. (:end,, ' . Stone and Grarni.:
Innona tsotrtplr.intfOletol , nrl4, Seenderr sy - uiptmt
Itiotehe- on Skin. liiiiige,tion, Tie-Doutourenr,
Bowel Complaints , . intlailionir lon. Tumor,
I,•elte.. _ ' : r.laninticei I.' Irem.
Cl/1114tillatiOn 6r ail : LI . .. Cr Cpihplallitts, Vei:,•11::11 A titvtion
11,,we1.. .. IminbaLTti , , • Wormy of all kind.
Con,ouiption, Pite.. i - NV,,,kkilt., ,, from
.11,•bility. ' /1' ITlri-M ..AVllann'Cr Cati,e.
1):011,y. . Rt•loiti,ai of . Sc.. S r.
Dv ~ I ,t-ry, , .Le.,
try-qpeln-, Srrronilajur Kluera.vil, j 341
Inale Feve'ra of all kiwis. (cowl
CAUTION 1= Noce are genuine nnlen. the %era& .• 110z
-1r0v,,, v. New-Yorm zistit - WM:ads" are - diacermible ue a
water-mark in es ery oaf of the hook ordireetiorm around
earl' pot or boa • the sante wily be plainlvauen be
!he leqf handahmr reward . will he . given to
nay one rends ring :melt information na may lead to the
dejection of AU V" party or.parties counterfeiting the tnetli.
eines. or moil r,g, the name, 'dicta - Mg them to be apnriona.
Sold al the Manufactor`v of Proteenor Itot.Lowsv. Sri
Malden . a. York and by :til.reammtalde Itraggi,ds
and Deal,* s in Medicine, thimmlinnt the civilized world.
in te,tsn at 2:3 ce,il . tie cezi.t. and $1 each.
There is conaideraide ativing be taking. larger boxer , '
lona for the ptithinec ofpatieule in every
diedrdt r 3ftlxeci to each ibox.
LIVER r O MPLA 11 1 ( T,
• •
Any the Various affection* consequent .upon • disordered
finch an I ndigeetion, the'Stomach,CollcipPalns,
. heartburn. lee. of appEdite.,' Lkepoudency. Coatlvencea.
and Bleeding Lin all Nervous. Itheumatic.,and
Neuralgic lir.ectious. It beie-lu nurnennts inntacess prOf cfl
highly beneficial. and in others effector! a decided cure. ,
This is a . purelyvegetablo adupount prepared on stricilj
nrientitie principlea. aftei. the manner of the celebrated
leerhive. Its reputation Irmo pw
dared it. lotruiceition-lieri, the demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland' scattered over the face of this
' mighty country, Izmir of whom brought with them and
handed dawn the trailitiOn of ita value. .It (a now offerod
te the ...lineriecri temeing that (Ii tridy . woredalid
inedio'roat virtues mutt be arimairied,ded.
It in particularly recommended to three personewbalse
cozuditutions may Lave been irtmalred by the continuous use
.of ardent spirit& or other; (onus of dissipation. Generally
Inatatitanwouala effect, It Ande its tray directly to the mat
of life, thrilling and quickening every Derr% raking tip the
drooping spirit., and, in tact, Infusing new health and tiger
In the a)stem.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expecte to fled this a tenter grid
diaappirinted; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
• 'will prove a.grattful aromatic cordial, uonessed claingular
remedial preperties.
The Orhidue highly 'totgentratod Beehive's Unhand
Bitters Is put up in ludtplnt bottles - only, and retailed at
. Oat Douai per bottle, 414 bottles for Frrl Dmium
great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine ham induced
many dmitatione, which the public 'alimeat gnard'agethst
.IP-Boware of Impordion. See that mut the
label of every bottle Rin buy.
Bela try Droityistogenerally. Item fiiiroriod
by Upton to most potato. •
. . SOLS tAcirRIZTOES, •
pharmaceutists anit Chemists.
These BITTERS ar4 P.ohl in llnntmoe by
Joe 4 y LAISEL TURILELI. • brugqiet
M. A N 1:1 0 - D .
TllST.rabliabed, In 4 Sealed Envelope : On the nature,
el treatment; and radical cure of spermatorrhm 1 or am
ine.' weakness, ectual debUtty, nervoneness en i• luvolnn,
tory emimilone. inducing imixitency.and men% m well as
physical Inez/Mir.' My MOUT. J..ellt,VEß ELL, M.
11....40th0r0 (Ivereen Boa," ifc. The work renowned
author. In to admirable Lecture.clearly prov Amu hi l „
own experiencethat theawful consequences i Jeelf-ahusc
may be efferlually removed,wittionimedlcine nd without
dangerous enrgical operationw, hong : leo. etruments,
rings or tendiali, pointing out .a..mode of t ! at once
certain and effectual, by which every Inhered, no matter
what hie Condition may be; may cure birmelf chea*,
atufradioaLty.Jr-Thie leetene trill prove a boon to
thcimanda mud thomande. . : . - • •
Sent Under seal, in a Plain entelcv, loamy addrees.
"paid, ca receipt. of two postage *tamps, b_ykddres,
, • • .• • Dr. Cit. J. C
• Bowcry, 'Se* York, . Poet Office Box, 4686 •
Ts no. pmpuni tun every case:of BellOruLA
ythti cometty, and he bag a Remedy for smarty every 11
to, syleeh heir,..(Xllst Sher . .
of TIMEELL,huiI be aVeffed.of the benefits • dls:
pawed. • -- 3fontrOse; July l'f, BNB. 7
Far stkirde et head-achL
d6.l l kade%l ,
Dv the dee of thosetillathe paidodicattielis of Nervous
or hitt 'Meador-lid may be prevented: and If taken at the
eommentement of an attack, Immediate '
relief from pain
and rtekness edit be obtained. • • •
They seldom fail In removing the Arauseatind headache
to which females are so suldect. ' •
They act gently upon the bowels,removing Caysteineas.
Phr Literary lien, Strident*, Delicate Penalties, and ill
persona of sedentary Aabill. they am valuableaa a laratirs,
rnproving. the appetite. gleing tune and vigor to the digee
live organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and
strengthef the' whole aystem. • . •
The CEPHALIC Pr are the 'result of king Wreath
Ration and mirenttly nducted canertmente; having been
in use many yeare, d Mg which time they have prevented
mid relieved a vast amount of pain and mitering from
limiciache, whether originating tu the • narrow system or
from a deranged state of thertornaclL •
They are entirely eugetahle In their composition, and
ayruhe taken at anilines' with perfect safety without mak
-mg any change of diet, and the absence titan y disagreeable
taste renders U easy to administer them to children.
Beware of Counterfeits.
The genninobove five %Igorautos Of.lienry C. Spalding
oficoch box. .
. •
Sold by Dreggists and otber Melees In Medicines.:
'A box will be sent by malt prepaid on receipt of the .
PX•1430 Slei Cfors.tieb,
All orders should be addressed to
anvlßr .
:Sch 4s . Cedar Stroel, New Y ork.
6.1 ) 41)11.W.t
lIE Al) A_c ILE.;
As these testimonials !etre nnsolleited ty Mr .
Spalding. they afford unquestionale
proof if the efficacy of this truly
scientific discovery.
• • 7--0—
NAscisvu.tE, Co'.,N Feb.s,
Srr: ; r -
. I hare tried your Cephalic 111 N, end ! like Them io well
that I want yon to aend•me 152 worth mole. •
Part of th . .. , t, are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few
out otthe Bret boa I got from you. i •
. Semi the Pith , by mail. and oblige ' _ •
• Tour obl serit.
JAS. KENtilibY.
- .
113Vi•rfornl, Pa...reb. 5
IL C. Sonidine. ' - I
sir: ' .
I wlrti on to fk , !nd me one more box of. vont. CPAs.lici
Pillr ; !hare reeity.t . a areal deal of benefit/rpm (lam. i
1 oltre, respectfollv, .., . - .
1 4 pruceCrvek. - lltiuting.don Eli. Pa., ;an. I
11. Spal4lnq. .
Sir: i
Yon will plenote sertd me two brns of your Pills.. Sets/
tbinn flamediuti4y.
Itevectrolly yojiz 5. - It 41310:v5. I
P.. A.-1 hare IlSed one to (I your Pall, and find theni
, ~
BON Wilton. Oldo. Jan. M. t
ItentT C. Spaldtnr, E.tri. , ' I
Please: and enclosed xlventy-flre - cent". ' for which pent!
me another box of yonr l'ephallc l'ille. They are troll
tltt beet pills I 11.1% . 4, over tried.
, I)irect .1. STOVER. P. - I r. ,
Belle Vernon, Wyandot county. Ohio.
.11. C. Spalding. Erb. . .
wi.h for some etrrular+ or large show bllle, to being ,
runs Pi Ilk more particularly before my enstamers: 1 riot!
Faye anything, of the kind. plett.e send them to me. I
fine of my custonter,, who is sttbleet to a .I.liVere
headache. (usually la.ting two days). was cured of an a -
Ma. M an hour by ycqr bleb I aeut her. ,
Respettfully yours. •
W 13. mums.
R•;^uoldgburg. Franklin Co.. Ohl".
J - auaary 9.
Ilenry C. Spalding,
%ti0.1...i Cedar street. IC. Y.
Dear Sir:
• ~
Toclopoi lind tirenty , grermaa. i. 1.1.1 for which «end nit
Aux of — .cephalic Direct to fins'. Win. Filler, it
Iftl'vnoldAtinrg, Franklin county, Obl6.
on YU& work Ake a charm —c ure ffeadaritt ahnoti,
Install& r.
Tru!y yours
.Ifr. •Spattfiny.
bir •
'Sot long since I tent to you for a boa of Cephalib Pith
for the cum of the Nervous Headache sod C'oPtlvenceP
and receivcd'the Fame. and Ilay Aucl so good an dal .
mar induced to send for more. i '
Plead rend by return matt. Dire& to
, •--4. R. WIEERLEIL ,
. .
Ypalladti, Mehl
. .
. .
.Frontila Ezonzioer: XorfolL; Vo;
Cephalic Pills eiccompliAh_tbe oblectfor which they
made, viz.: cure of Inactarbo in all its forms.
Frrirn the Examiner, Xortock, • Va. •
They tiara been tested to more than alhonsand etnws,
with entire YUCCCEd. 1
FPMI • 11d. DeMorrat, St. Cloud, -itinn,. l
If yon are, or have been troubled with" the lteadaebe,
send for a box of cephalic pills, b 0 hat, yun may bait
them in CA be of an attack.
From the ildrertiser. - Provieteitoo, R. .
The Cephalic Pill. are said tor a remarkably effective
remedy rur.the headmMe. and one of the very -be:44l'or
that ',cry trequvit complaint which ban ever been Fifa
Froth the IVestfel. R. R. Gazette,' Chiettqo.
we-72e.artilyiedorPe . 31r. Spalding, and hie unrivalled
Cephalic Ms.;
,From the Volley Slur, Kalil, - whet, Viti
• 1
We are mire that pereons eafferlng with the headnclie,
who tel• them, will atich to them. ; .
From the Path Fiader , Kew Orleans, La:
.Try them! yon ,that are afflicted, end we are erirthat
- r„ oar tepiimony can he added to .ttfe already ntiroCrone
liet that hae rereired benefits that no-other medicine can
•Froni the St. Louis Democrat. -
Tht , ImavinaC demand for the article (cephalic papa) la
rapidly 'warping. . •
Front the Gazette, Davenport, Iowa ; • .
Mr. Knuldlog would not connect ble name pith art ar
Miele be did not know to possess teal merit..
From the Adi•ertiaer, Providence, -.R. I.
The testimony In their favor is strong, frOm the/ most
respectable quarters. • . , • ,
From the Doily. News N-eteport,
CephallcPilltare tOdug, the place of all kludig.
• •
will earn ten titir 14, cost annually:4a
„ .
tar.% Semen xx Trufborre -
.:As accidents' will implies,. even In reseistddfer - al
lies, it is • very desirable to hero some cheep and (Innen.
Sent way for repairing furniture, toys, crockery,
meets ailsuchtmerrxraciceiand no , haisennid cart afford
to be without It. It Is always ready, andtiikto the stick
fug polrit: - • ,
- ' ' VB.B.PDL - Lir EVE'BY: UM3ll.*!.
N. 8.-4 : Rehab accomperdei each Buftli4;:iric, •
ante. A.:Auer; HENRY' C. NPAZDING",i
StreatMeirlor .
Ail - oitf4unin‘csideersouiriiiiiiitin * aosigAiii
olf tni the unsuspecting on 9.e.,lpiltatickse int _ pared
Mege I would 'cautiOlaBt personcto blore pp:.
chasing, =and_ see that the full wows,'
teen tkinitidirt*o4.; 0 1 lAtmre an oiizon4"42-
terieltly. .- ". - • -. ' . .
glioatili s leini - lIIIICPPLACADEL
• • . . • -... -. ,
'ltHEtttitts''''iii4ill - '"MIN •
tefl- losirran _ .;. , ,tii._, ,,, cmizi,
POreeand Agnelli: one day;'• ...- - `'
i . Chills in dee' Minato. f •, .. - ~. •
i -' . - Realness In twat* tottrdays; . •
Spr'• . - - Duras and Said* liftetiMinntee ;
ains,pit 'Vida and Undies in fr om one to th ree da l e;
i Indam tion In one day
INeuralgia, Croup. Toothache, Dorn, in ten adapter, -
-Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Midgets, in ten days ;
I inruisee, Wounds'. Triter, In one to three days; '-
- i Haracte. drift Week, Agrui..ift one day; _.
Veloni..lfrokett Illealit,'Salt IlLteum; In dip SIZ days;
Quinsy, Palpitation. nitrify, in one to ten days ;
Asthma, Goat, Errinpelas, in fire Id twenty days;
- ' Frosted Peet* Chilblains. litiirJoints, chronic'Rheu
matism. Sore.Throat,,Sprier Fever, and the lame
Thin °IL, (De Groner) In mild and - idea:out, And ra a
LaWiTollYalValeier, for c atr il a d yst rent"t" on g * gittir
thaw it Audi you, end o ne bottle otte l eaves re y s entirely:.
. .
.. . .
APPLIOTED Tiara:Ex YEARS, AMltetallf.D
, .
' I . INON'P. 'WEEK. -_,
, .
••Read letter from Iter„ James Teinple. - - . •
• PnizAnzuvu.t. 'her 9th, I/355.
1Prof..D0311A111: I bare been afflicted for thirteen years
With 'Neuralgia and other painful complaints, and I Noe
been unable to sleep soundly or walk any .distance for
• Many years-past: I.ast we+k I got a bottle of your Klee-
Ole OIL The Orel ninht !'slept soundly and well. and kr
dity I am like a new Mau. ~• My witeeenid not believe bet
- c ies. Your P.leetrie Oil has - done in one , week what the
Ohysicia,na of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years.
[ ~ . Gratefully roars. - • .
1I1) South Streit.
• , .. .
• • _ May 19th, Pia.
Prot. Do Grath: lily brother has been deaf for Samos.
After trying. many things. beamed your Ws tCartluaw,
tiod•lt cured him entirely,
0.7 For s;ile be nil Ornimisti , , 41 at the 'Depot. 217
totith , retell atu cy
111ridteee Italoguii of Wild Charm. '
NM:ear's Balsam of Wild C4orry..
2 . \ \ &Rho' coughs, •
Coughs,. Colds, Coughs,
1 litimiu Bronchitis, Humerus, Bronchitis,
lathnuhlronehitls, Hoarseness, Bronchitis ; .
Who9lng • Cough, Crolip,
I , ' ' Whioplug Cough, Croup,
Beverly, 31 ae.., Dee. 9.
YpsU►uti. 3ru.., J►p.
RliLti . l . !o walk . by i few bottles.
Comumption,'Consamption, - Consumption,
Consainption, Consumption,
and ail life diatoms, find an unfailing #atidate, a
ready relief, - and a sure and speedy cure, in Oat
great and universally akiered remedy, •
Wiitaes BELb3SID. of Wild Cherry.
Wisterl Babe= of Wild Cherry.
0, The Bev. Jacob Beatles, •
wiz: basra mid Kuck rurpected awes: rAi. Cerium ma
ration' of tide oneatry, surges as follotoiniitagestattfor
ras bravuras foustra.i . \
" eto vs*, PA, Feb. IS ISM.
bleier* S. W. POwkieib Co., Iloston, —Dear Sim:
Having realized in my family impottant benefitei,lietun
the use of your valuable preparation, Wts?Aa'a SAL
AAM orl'Vd.te MERIT, it , affords me - pleasure 'to
recouinWmi it to the public. Some eight yeats aro cine,.
of toy daughters seemed to be in a decline, add Mile
hoped of her recovery were entertained. I den mo
aned a bottle of your eatellent BaLearn, and before she
had taken the whole o( the C.Olatents of the bottle there
was a great improVement in her health. I have, in my
individual case, made. frequent'use of yourvaluable
medicine, and litre always barn benefited by it.
lowed, asiimer,vastioi' e r de public rigsdast imposident, be
im* dere is 4'1'04 drat of apariougs Wi4i4e4 13sisqs of
tildd Ckerry gloat amnesia de country.
• . - - 'JACOB stuiLra..-
_ Virginia Testimony.
Callan from IDII/.. N011.1109.7fr. NORTON. ef
Eat:miner plug', Rick!4nstf.
RI6IIIIOND, VA., Feb. 23. 1660.
Edcarralii. W.F01.17.LE & CO.; Baton,—Gentlemen:
1 with pleasure testily- to the great merit of your in
valuable king medicine, Dr: IVtBxaata BALSAM 'OP .
WILD CHERRY ; which is likeliest highly valued by
many' of our esteemed citizens, who -have tested/ its
Metres' by trial.
I first/made use of this Balsam some three years since
for a violent and, distressing cough which battled the
shill of physicians, and, to my joy, eiperiented such
gratifying relief as to induce rue to persevere in its use.
I always keep. it by re, and ever find it to be unfail
ing in- its edicts.. No Medicine that I have ever used
haw given such speedy relieE Yours truly,
From Jeue-Smith, En,
lresideat . qf the .Merrir County Bask, ad ads is will
bunts awl wick esteemed eAroarkost Noe Jersqr.
MoiatsTown, N. J., JUL. 9; 18G0
Maws. S. W. • & Co.,—Dear Sirs Having
used Dr. Worranbt BALISAX OW WLLD Furrow for
about fifteen years, and having' realized itisbeneficial
results iiinry family, it affords me great pleasure la
recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy iQ
gam of seek luxes, orsylia,fi-c., and a remedy
`which I consider 16 be entirely' nnocent, and may be
taken with perfect safety by the moil delicate in health.
tray! very respectfully,
Beware of rile and ttorthieu counterfeits!
Tha Only Genuine, Purr, and italicised Ratraia has
the name of "L BUTTS," -written 'with s pen,
and the printed saran of- the proprietors," S. W.
FOWLS Sc. C 0.," onsthe outer wrapper.
421 who s u ffer With any &sense of tkq Throat,
Lasso, or Chest, eau ohtain iiheydirf by titan.
Wistar's' Balsam of' Wild Cherry:
• Witdok's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
11. W. rOWLE & CO.,
Drag gilts, Dealfrs, tsed`Merdiasts is Beery bon
and city in-the United States.
glErToi rale 'by Abel Turrell and Read:Watrour & For
ter, Montrone; lit Woodruff, !Amuck; Amor Nichols"
Groot:lra ; Whitney ..Heller. Gafford ; Weed Ward,
Grsnat feud; J. C. - 01mstkmtl; Dundatr; - L. Griffin, Great
Bend. . . duly '4.—ylo
IfESESIEDICINES hive now 'been before the public
ji for a period of l'h frly Fears, and durinx that t hue have
maintained a high character in alinot4 every par of the
(abbe, for their extraordinary and immediate poWer of
raaturing perfect health to pereona euferitdg under nearly
every kind of div , eatne tp which the human frame la liable.
The following are among the dittreiiing variety of hu
man diseaaca In which the •
":"‘ •
VEGETAtiIit L'ht
Axe well known to be infallible. • -
• DYSPRVELL, be thoroughly clean , lng•the let and 2nd
stomachs. and creating a now of pare,healt by bile,instend
of the stale and acrid kind; .71LATULERCY. Loss of Ap
e.llearUnrrn, Headache, L'ettleanesa, 111- Temper,. nz.
sely. Lang
p u•
pl or and Jfilthaltoly, Widen aregenerai symptoms
14 - 6,pu, varileh, as a natural consequence of its cure.
CONTIMIESS, by r.leansing the whole length of the
Intestines with a solvent process, and without violence;
all violent purges leave the bowels costive In two days. -
FE —.MS ofall kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular
- circulation, lbw? the process ofrespimtion In anch
and thorn' solution of ailinn:giant obstructions in others.
The Life Medicines have been known to tare RHEUM
AVMS Permunentiv inn:tree weeks. and GOUT in half
that time. by removing focal inflammation from the mine
'cies and ligaments of the joints:
DROpsLEB ofall kinds, by freeing - arid strengthening
the kidneys nod bladder ; thesoperate most delightfully on
these important organs. andtience have ever been found a
'certain retried) , for the worst cases of OltatITEL. - '
Also WORMS, by dislodging. from the ‘ tarnlngs ogle
bowels the silin_y matter to which these creatureendhere.
the perfect parity which tbeseLlfe...Vedkinss give to the
blood and all the hutfiers. . - •• .
by their alterative elect, upon the fields that toed the, skin
'and the morbid state - of - which occasions 'all eruptive
complaints, Billow, cloudy, andotherrlisapetuble core;'
plexidns. •
The meet these Pills fora very short time will effect en
entire cure of BALT SEEM: and a strikieg it_n_prove •
mentle the clearness - of the skim' COXXON MIPS
and I l llfflan a t will always be cured by one !lose, or by
two lu the worst wows. • -
PILEIV , The original proprietor of these-medicine;
was eared of Piles, of IA years standla ,, by, the use of the
ZVI) , W 4; Ann Aol3B.—Fof this scourge of the, West,'
ern country, these fitedleines will .belonnd a rate, speedl
.and certain rentedy, Other Medicines leave the system
subject to a returner the dtlessocuro -by . these Medi.
eines is permanent—Try themoks tatiticed,andbecurect..`
alltisve Yelpers and- - Liver
General Debility, lama of Appetite: Mid .liltesses: of re.
males. -The.Medielneis have bean used; with - - the - moat
benefletat retains to cases of- - this description :—liings
Ern, and Scrofula. In its worst, forms, yields -to the mild
yet t rivrerfnl notion. or these - remarkable', Medicines.
Etwests,liervousJiebillty; :Nervous. Contßhant* or
all nds. vitiation of . the Heart, 'elute?"' Colic, are
apeedfyeu r-d Mercurial Illtaissaccr.4'4ems ;chose- constitutions
harebecomelm_paired bythe editions use unierunrY
end these medicines &petted they never MIL
Wersdkilte: ftin tite Osteue, all the ' -effects of Menem_
infinitely sOntles an the most powerful , preparatittna
f*sapartna, . • Prepared and sold b
_ W. IL .3119FleAlr•
- ' 316 litstoauway, , NnarToni,
Ver-kline an garalallials•ti• "-
• -
ESALT. Ms Rotel, Ei tick or round.
Ay. er's =OE _
.1 1 011:-'nRNYMIWIltOODi'
Awl for,tlgt speedy cure of Um Isubloinal.varleties of •
Scrofulaanti Nerotatainf Allbettoile;atielli as
Tumors, .Illcerep• Neiree. Eels_ pillows. Phu.
plea, -. Pustule. "" ltbtehse, 3 Deus, pawls, -
. and !Skin- Dlseaties."- ' • • • -
„ •
Aveg Ar.._Co. :Dente t 17t duty to at- • ..-
I.knowledge what your Sarsapavil has done for ma.
Haying inherited a_Scrithlous infettion, t have suffered - •
from It in . rarioata may s for years.; ;Sometime; If twit
out in Micro. on my'liendriandAtnts f osonietlmos. it- -
'tureen inward - and distrettertme at the stontach.. Two ,
'wavy° It broke out.on heatipsd covered_ my scalp -
and ears with one sine, whidtwatpelnfid and loWlsonto •
beyond descyiptlon. 'ltriestaumvi eu tri gt kinne and ileYer” .
fysicians. but *Shoot nureb rel Dojo any things. It.
t, the disorder grew worse. - At h I was rejoiced
to read to the Gospel Iteasentrer that you bed prepped
an -alterative (Sarsaparilla), for I knew from your repu, •
_teflon that any thing yottoutde moat lie good. -I sent to
-c natt
tuctu suni got It, sod teed NUN-Basra! Inc, , I took .
fl,u you advise, In• small doses of * teaspoonftil over I
Month, and used almost three bottles. - .,/iew and land the,
akin soon began" to hem under tbp scab. which itßer,s
while MI Mt Sty akin is now dote, amt I bar* by my
-feelings that the eliscase , ll gone from my system. Van
an well believe that I feel what I lout Raying when I tall
'you, that I hold you to he one the *pestles of the age.
• and ranal' a ever gratcfally,• Tatars; . •
St. Alstlactnyva 'ffilottefi or 'Erre (petals,
Titter and Salt Ilberna, g;i 7 ene ld tread, Ring:
worm, Sore Eyes, Drops
Dr. Robert M. Feeble writes Salem. tY.tb
5ept...1859; that he has cured ea inveterite cese-ot
Dmipsy, which' threatened to terminate -Melly, by.tltO
persevering no a , nt our Sarsaparilicsind also a - daner- ..
ewe attack of Milton:me Erysipria# lasts doses of " the
nom ; says he cures .14e - tonnes ; Eruptions by It cos,
litant/y. ' .- l : • •
Bronelt s imeele, Goitre,or: ' lwell
d Neck.
Zebalon Sloan of,-Prospect, Texas, .w a: Three ,
bottles' of yonr•Sarsaparilla cured; foe a Goitre—a -
hideous swelling on the neck, which I had offered from
-over two yea. " , ; .
Leesoorrhara or Whites. Hearten Tailor,-
Vterine Vleeration, VeMuste Dl .
- Dr. .T. B. S. Charming, of New *ork"Clty, write.: o
most cheertally comply with therequest of your tweet In
saying I hare found . your Sarsaparilla a tans! ISNro•ilent, , •
alterative in the numerate complaints for which ivelm
play such' a reniedv, but expectedly - 1n Pelmet' .Itheeases
of the Sereiblous diathesis, I have cured many Inset.
crate cases of lAnteorrlicem by It; and some where tern
complaint was caused hy tdrereften of the Were,. Tito
uleerationiteelf was soon tomb !Nothing' within toy
knowledge erode it for theselemale derangements."
PAward S. Marrow, of Newhort Ala., write.. :.•• A Coi-
Awaits ororeatt tumor on one of thefentales in my Emily. •
which had. delled all the remetilea,We could employ, tins
at length w e n completely eared b your extract or Arx• •
paparillat .Our.phyelehut thought, nothing hut Ce.tirra•
Ron could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your
Sarsaparilla as the lout 'court - bt•fora cutting, and it
• proved effectual. After taking yOur remedy eight wanks
no symptoot of thediscase remalfis." . >
Syphilis and . Mercurial Disease
- : New Gui-najot, 2301 Atmet,. msg.
Drt..7. C. ATM:. Sire , I cheerfully comply with tho '
request of 'your agent, and report to yon soma of the
,-!frets I have realized with yourSoreaparilla.
barb cured with it, In my practice, most of the emu •
plrlnt. fur which It is recommended, and hat e, found its . -
effect', truly .wenderfid in the ,-Otto or rater& mud -Mc,
curia/ Disease. (hue of my pelletal,* tool Syphilitie nle , •es
in his throat,, which were eoitemming - hin palate
.and tier
'top of Ids mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken,
erred him In five weeks. Another waa'attacked
-.l7n4Sity symptoms to his nose,!and tlw. uleenttiou had
eaten spray a conablerable print of it, so thlit I hclierb the
disordePwould soon , reach his bean and kill pot it
yielded -to my administration of your Sar.apnrillr : the '
ulcers healed, and he is wrU again; not of course militant
twine disfiguration of-Use free.lL woman who lied been
treated for the same .iliaorder mereeny wan outriding -
from 11114 poiren in her boxes.' heel beenme sewl•
five to the wrath that on a tip day she murrered ex- ,
crocheting pain
in joints a et bone.. file., ton, watt
cured entirely by yard Sersapatilla in a few !weeks.
' know from its formula, ',width imir agent gave me, that
title Preparation from your InSoratory must be a gro.t
remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable resorts have net surprised me. ;
• Fraternally yours, q.. LAI:131GB, - M. D. •
Rheumatism, Goat, Liver Coeaplatnt. ;
Ixuxrt_xirt ( et Preston ('o., Oth Jnly, lida,
Dn. J. C. ATEA. Sir: I have:tern afflicted with a pain
\ Ail throttle Rheumatism for a lohg.time, witch baffled the '
- akin of ph s ysicians, and stuck nie In spite of all tit.
remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. Ono
bottle cured ine. in tweewer:kaleued restored my general
health so.much that Lam far better than before- was
attacked. -I think it a wouderfill Medicine.- J. FRE AN:
Jule. Y. fietchelt, of St.. Loatia,writes: .1 have hewn
affileted , for years with an‘o,ffehima of the /leer, which
destroyed my health. I tried everything, and every t h ing
failed to relieve me; and I have been a brolieuAnwn mart
for some years from no other rank. than derv:nip:urn! of
the Liver. My Waved teudoi. the'Rev. Mr.Repy, ad Awed
me to try yonrSarnaparilia,beeimpe aaldhe knew you, .
and awe thing you made was worth trying. by thebless.
lug of God It bas,,eured me, nod has so purified my blood
as to teak.. a new MALI of me. I I feel young again. The
best that can be said of you le tint half good enough!. ", •
Seb Irina, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement: t'l+
reratton, Caries, andl Exfoliation of that
Bones. , ,
A grer.t variety of eases haveybeen reported to n. whey,'
curve of there formidable estuvrlaiuts have resulted from
the use of this remedy, hot our spree here will not ad-
Wit them. Some of them tua4 he fohnd In our A meriao
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to
tarnish gratis to all who rail for them.
Dyspepsia. Heart Illbse'rae, Pits. Epilepsy,
• , . aletaseolioly,, Bestrolgba.
• Many.ranotable cures of ilteSe•attectkitiir have been .
made by the alterative power of thiatneclielne. It arum.
tales the vital functions lutedelgorons action, and thins
overcomes disorder,' which 4-ooba b o supposed beyond
• Its reach. Stich a renudy had long been re/nlred by the
neeeselthss of tl,e Ixople, and we are eonlidetit. that ibis
will do for them all that utedlehic can do.
AYees She r
coughs, Colds; Influenza,' Iloarseness,
Crottp, Bronchitis, Incipient Costsumap. - •
Ups). and for the Relief of Constunp.%
Jive Patients, tin advanced . • ••••••
stages of the Disease. • . . •
This is • remedrao Univerasity known io aurframianj
other for the cure of throat Ind; long comphdrite, that it
Is furless hero to publigh the evidence of Ito virtues. Its
unrivalled excellence for coo and colds, and Its truly
wonderful. cures of pulm onary 'attest...have made ft
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. -
Yew are•thetommontties, of even families, moo= them
who have not some,personal experience of iu erects—
some Ming trophy in their Midst of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous diaordera of the throat and lunge.
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders,and
uthey know, too, the effect/ of this remedy, we nee tot
do more than to assure theta that it has now all the viz- •
tuts that it did here when Making:the tutu which have
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. -
PropFsti by & CO., Lowell, Mass
ht' h'
For sale bytkbel Terrell . • , Seb mse , urn it Phinnee„
Dundaff ; Baltmao Swinher;Arburn Centro, and by all
dealers and drozzials neerritierc.. oa 8 y-ew
An experienced Nurse Stitt Feniale Physician, presents
to the attention oituothers, her.
which gruttly facilitates tiae.procesa of teething, by.soft
ening the gum,. reducingl, a.ll. Infitortmathm—will allay
ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and Is
Depend upon It; mother*: Itf will give rest to yon; and
We have put tin and solffthisaiticie for over ten - Years;
and can say CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what
.we have never been able ray.of any other medicine—
EFFECT A CeRE, when timely !Ise& Neveidid we know
an instance of diaeatiafacilim by at,vone„, Who bad used it.
On the contrary, all rurtielighted with its operations, and
speak lu terms of cammeudmiOn of Its magical effects and
medical virtues. We say 41 this matter "WHAT WEI/0
KNOW.” 'after ten years' experiettee.aniPLEDGE OUIt
REPUTATION' fur the fulfillment of what we here declare,.
In almost every•instance *tete the Infant is suffering by
pain and exhaustion, relief will Is; found In nneen• to m.
minutes niter the syrup fe;adatinistened.. • :
This valuable preparattoo lathe preserlifitm ,otone of
New England, and' has beEib Wed' with NEEr'Elt FAMINE.;
SUCCESS in ; -
TIIOUSAKJOST OP . - :cassti.
It Pot only relieves the ihUtt (rem palia,bnt Divtgonatea
the itornach and bowela,l,correcta - acidity, and give* tone
and energy to the whole system.. It will &Weak blatantly
relieve • • . •
Garingai tax- stiwks; - AID WIND COLIC,
and overcome convnivioni. which. if not speedily cured.
end in death.- We believe; it the, REST and SUREST rem:
ody in the WORLD. in a earl. of DYSENTERY tad
DIARIIIICEA IN CIIILDREN;, whether it =hell from
teething, or from Ally oAer.cittme.. WO would say to all
mothots who have a child stifferingfrontatry of the fore ,, o
in complaint's--DOIV9r LET YOUR PPRJUDIcts
NOR mh• PRE.rtlniewscy:o7lll:Ra. etandLtetween
you and your suffering t•hild, and the relief that will be
SURE—vs ABSOLUMX EIVRE—to• follow the O. Of
this nterficlue, If timely heed, -ruir.dlitetions for using
willaccomNn each bottle:: Nonegeunina notes, the fac
simile of CU R TIS 4 rgnig,tis, on the
ontelde wrapper. • • •
bold by Ontalaia throkbout thO world:
'lPiltiospareillee,l*Ced . iiiitroiti NOW
det2o , For sitE) Ju likintrosi by dbel Tutts2:
PRILADELPHIL- 7 ::- .: ..
Alienerolint I:Wit:Mon eite6/ishetf- by' ape
dal Entloientent.tfor the Relief of the Sick
and Diagieue4 4 oicted*. l ,l43irdent ohd
Epidemic ..fiiipei!4cac.i oliit,:j*ei:logy for the
Cure "of Digeakeir•of-04,8exteil:Ovans.
NM EDIC AkADVICE :givitt:- gratis; by slio .
1.1`.1. Acting kioskii i ,ie all'ettio epply-by fetter,
with 1140 '4101We ,"thitlitt
condition, ( age, (wa
patios,habits:of Ii tt:'Ace..) and- in vows of ex
lien" PoveitYme4lOsiee torulahcd tree '
of charge:
Valuable Repo:464 OniStierinitoyitiata,raud oth.
er_Diseetes or thellextnil Orgatio; 'ISO to-the of
fifcted In sialidletteratlyilopeaVfoit'Olihotgo.
:' -- Adatitii, Di. L-likill:Uf Hooghtetti Acting S ur
goon, Doward Aiiiikiation; No. south 9th-st.,
Ptitledit:Td; -By Odor , of the Di reetiirs. I ea&
_ - ,
. .
Myst s . E
greatest rented
ted diteasee, ;Ter
' , V - Otßook Row,
for Sqv.ortte, #od other kiwi