The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 01, 1861, Image 3

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    , .
. ~
I - ALI3O-Al that lot situate ia -ew Mlllbrd• township, ' , ,-.- -:- - '..' 5- - ---1--.-
--- '.
' ... . , described ati titillates raortiticardirbe lords *sat Dsinker : 1 , • - -i, .. •
. r - • ', '
, ' 1 4812 64 b, the c o urt or cowl i•eastwaralYW,tliriOS orJ, Bonnett,mouthwardly by lends . : _ , ~, • ,s , , r. •_. • -
- 1100Y,iirtric . of aundiT wr4 "..„„,.di„„.• , e d , .y ~,ity,x , „,„,„ ofJ. Snattkaid Wiestwitrille by' littadcof P;Oeeli, it- , - ..' . - .-.-., . ~, ~,,,,-,-..... ,-,,,':: .,
AlUll Please f Sake° to.. and '--- - '.'" --. 7 . ' tattling One htmdrodittid . sikteezuicres,known. as the di. I - •
. • -• .
to public 'sic. at the t-' 0 . 1 1' 1 ...,,1 i a rar: 9u6 ' 3 -t . n • l lt r r e i gi ,„%r in bd r , h tu , a r i lerlot, about 110.',Itcrett itrilltnt•td. ~
_- - - , - •
...,. .1 li.
day, August 17,..18131, at I tt.c . -e . P. In.!
„u - e ~ • Af.SO - Allthateertain.Pleoe - <lliad ' eittistli la Me . p MILE VOrapt11(11 0111414"lituritteititgaitSilrer
• • •
' ost ate, to wit : •.1 • Borten/d1 Of.MontrOtte' def , egibed agfollOwe: be_ginin "
at 1 1 Steel Seythed;Stiattin t iall4' Utz Stone/I s : Ilfaylcorkt,.
of ]and "tvale lit lltt ' northvast norpenoflOt &Mindy sold to4olin Yordh •'. and all kinds of PM' ulifg.,_9ob l :APt: : - ' ,l,- • .--' :: •• •- -
11.1, th at. certalwpiect, ` l. •
nm . " l n • '"'" '' i. b ouo , thence setittes3l , .east :dime the ltoe of POrdluno :an 'A:' I - ',
• township of Choonut. §ustpehanua, county, a.. .
i' 'furrelll3 verities to High street. :- thence_ slung . Igh :.- 2 - .7. y
'': -' .. - A - t -l- ri l - ' ieri,__. -- !s.l:' , tote::: - .- -... .--: -
tied mid' described as, follows, to wit: on the_ nori I , . . . •. .
hr lands supposed to b4OfslicilaelTrainer,on the„ by .:
;I tn ill et st i r m ee ri t In4Torll7ls3_PitiPerclies to 11111 street, thence along I
, "IntECT Eninlnit i ltik*rinn ' e ' .• - llamPttexte . :. Tallow,
lin , lS Of Lewis Chairitterlimi Jr:, owl Joseph BotincllY, OIL;
• Cnrtalt; ,
_•-tv_erst 12 perches and twenty feet . to I
t.i...) AdaMantine, Ind Sperm Candles, 4c.
the south by lands of-Edwanl Bruin mid Caleb , north - cast control - Steam ' mill. thence south 37' -est .
and on the "'mat bv.lands of Patrick Brun - ley and. Caleb , 7 PurChmt. tocomer of bi . nek , m t rn ta ith u s n hop_. thenceson a ll fia t ;
„, . 09 1 1 i Vita' • IirfaCWILZWILI -. .
Cannel!, containitig about i.eventy-tivo ecrta of land, NI '., Scat TO feet to heginn I i t i,r. r . , t.o m i
m i. I . g ea .
i.. perches, n o d no w . , ii i " . - 1 1,1" /4. a)
the same more or less, with the apputtenances, :one , thereon n Intl's! atn.? e 0 . f e blc, . li, wit id . 1 _ •
17101) LIVER. Pure Olive.. nistor, and 'Metallic OIL Tor.
framed house, and about ten acresinturoyed.: [Taken In mill and all unproved. - - : •
Al.':'o--,All .that:pleee of land in said Borough. bout ded 1 ‘l._, ntaltinerr; 'ohm Harlem' and British 011, ,
execution et .the snit of El kliansh Chalker, to the us,t or':
- - • ' 1- on south ley Turnpike street, on the'weet by cherry St., i'
.00 .Td & Welu'le ,, Y 4 ... l o'n GallA g hU . •''- . ' . - ":1
~'- on the nenli by Strnolcry alley and on the east,by lad;
Acso-All that certain piece-or parcel of land statute 5" of E: A. itogurs.conta ining 72 perches,. with a two a ore i , . .., . ... .
In the township of Great Bend, county and State - afore ; fele me house. frame barn and outhouses and all inner° red: 1 Alf Its, AILF.N'S NVorld'silalr„ltestorer, Zylohiliginaula
said. bounded-and described as .follows, to .
~• couV ; bring lot No. 53 nud small piece of lot No. 54 On- 'VII age 11TX Burner* Comaline, Lyon's Entharion.'ollo and - two
tnencingon ilia, northwest corner of a tract °Mad On : ' , lnt. , • i •-.- I shilling RalrToule . Glenreallenes. and Rose Hair Oil,
which the steam mill is situated, then c e s i t arth on the . AI.SCS-All the interest of Isaac L. Post in three ccr- I l'omnde-de-Philectime. Philadelphla - and N• YOrk Mouth
west side of ' , Aid lot to John Melionald'andrtbwe.t cor/ min' tracts cif land in. Great Rend- town,thip adjoining I Wash, via.: Parrish'' , YraTnt Ether. for the teeth and
nor. thence on Aleponald's' north - line to hie northea st, each other, descrilec'd as follows : one thereof surrciyed t and gums, Dalyryuiples.* th Waeb, Pental_S_tiap,.c,,,
corner. thence north or mouth ton point on far from 31e-:' to the warrantee name 9[4(in:dhoti Stercns...contaln.,lng
Donald's nbrthmast corner that a - line rumiltur dir ec tly ] ; 412 acres more orleso, one thereof in the war rn ntee name i -
Donald's .: TitLEll.ll.: STOIIE. - ..s . to the cast line of steam mill tract Muth embrace and of .tea Stephens contaihing 418 acres and the °the of
contain one hundred acres of land. Unimproved.. AlatO, them in thibrarrantee name of Reuben Downing son- m ORS'E'S Whitt Rontfills,Wrigitt's Indian Vegetable.
the lot known as the two hundred acre let, lying o ff and , lifting, 4ul'"acres. These lands form one body, are liel& Pille,`Cephalle lollis;:-•death on Headache., . .
detachedfrom said steam mill tract in said township of- by Isaac L. Phat lit common with C.
..L. Ward and Will
Oreat Bend ; also a piece or parcel of land'iti the southl lee sold together. all unimproved. • I - - .4/ •
and vast part of said mill lot. CoMniencidg. at the north i • A LSO.- A lot of land In Bridgrwater all improved'. de- -....
' . c'
east of Lee Smith's land. thence - east parallel with the , scribed as follOnca, to ;wit: btoonniuq 'at a post, ACOEL er A nix of - I:- , . . - • ..• -,, •
south line untold mill lot. thence north to lands of Fred-1 , , the old (treat Bend road and COcust street, thence by It c' IL
i t oh
, 3:I3EILIr 41:3r CS 4 113 0 1:111/13, • . '"
rick Aldrich. thento west ten the 'north line or the 13 !1/ I said road north 64%. host,. thirty those and nine tenth 4 o r d esa i i,,....,mjscimicit.
such a point thitt.lelitie running south to the south line.] perches to a poet, n corner of Harry ereSselis lot. thelwe lii.:oF IL. , jo - ^mP" ,
a parallel with the cast ft , ,hall make with And includ••l ' by. his lot.,vouth :Ay.' vast twenty perches to a pest;
tog the aforesaid two hundred here/int, and embrace midi, thence north i 11.%• east eighteen perches to nigh alehet, FRES' II CODFItiIL STONE WARE,
contain two hundred end seventy-live 0 ece , t or land." - -10thonce by said street. south 2.5d' east. . 10 .- . 6 Pem-heiq't^ • WOODEN WARE, BIIOOIIIS, `
The said three pieeetrof Land aberedescribed to contain,: a post, thence South 211,14` east twelve pi robes ~to a -post .
thredhundred and seventy-dye acres of land, excepting , on. nigh street; thence by *mid street south 51' west. till! , • C., ; . .
-and reserving seventy-six acres off from the east end of ty forwend live tenths perches to a post on Locust street • . BRUSHES BLA(lK
the flog described one hundred nets. of land having been ', anti thence he ,said street north .25%* west forty.pue ' ,
heretoforecontracted the smelt) Ilenry Crissel. All un- .' perches to 111 C beginning, containing eight acres Wore • /N G, SCIIISBING,
- inlprored. [Taken in execution at the suit of William' or Its/. with it large Brick mansion house, outhouses rid •',- " HAIII,Tooth,.,. _ '
W. Idersereau is. Dene Badyna: , . , . i barn thereon atulgertiens and orchardlng. - . .
Assn. r-Au that certa p in ace or parcel Of tand.,sit unto ''
-AI.SO;--A certain tract ollinil In Thompson township . ..,, - - NAIL, and LATHER •
in the township of Forest Lake. Connty and state afore. • containing 427 acres more or less intrveyed in the war- I ,
said, bounded- end descrthed as follow., •to wit: begin. mince name or.lnßcJo,Deli ittljoin ing a tract surveyed In ... A ~. •t.
fling at the corner of Augusto A 'Tilden's lan/Lou or near ". the name ofJeit se,Drooke on the nnrtli costa tract le !he , A. .I.,UOHOL TETRPENTIN k',. -a: LA:IIP
~ . ,
the ridge rood, litencemorth reg• east .21 perches to a stake . name of Mathew Shaw on the southeast. :minuet liodg , i BLiICK, T.A.11.14()W, - SOAPS
and stones, thence cast by Oolitic of said Tildenes. land • don on the .outh west. excepting t hetefrom the lots elm. I - . -
142 perches to a post. thence south 74 pinthes to a post. ven-il to Edwin Lee, John Lamb, W. WrLyon a anti Clem- 1 - . Of' every kwil but soFT. -
thence west along the live of 8.11. Fox and. oth era 215,4,er. leer Stoddard. ' . Cle.?"'. Dont ask to get trusted at TYLER'S STORE.
ches to the said ridge road. thence:llw%; said road nor th ;
~ Batter sent to N. Y. and pails returned for 2 ets..V lb.
k1..., , zp-All that lot lyingliz BridgeNvater In said county.
M• east •.:3 perches, thence alreng.F/11(1 roach earth :kr CA '' , 'le e.d•ri - tiin" nt n 'po•d inutliwect corner or Sanniel Backus Montrose, Junc2s. . , - •lIENItY C. TY,LER.
7.2 perches to the place of beginning. conjoining 90 and I j „,. ,, ii ,,,,,,,,, g0n „ . . 03 .. nm .„,, . t .,,,,, line south u . „. c , it TT i
7-10, nerve of land; more or less with the appurtenances., Meech tree,'
n post, thence south al' ent-1, 146 perches, ce A,
one house- one-barn, one or...hard. and about ~,,,V,-:I0,. berCh tree,' thence-north 23'eset 77 Perches to ~:a: i.., sl.
reczcs improved. Also all that other piece situate as thence north 67 - weal 146 perebe, tee the beginning, non
abGwe tni4e'eilbed as, r°ll " m ''; l ''' , ' ll "' ln g. '' t h maple ' taininr , ierciite ail' e,.i and I:1 perch.... nuinereqed. (la
the northeast corner of the Ebene,zer 'Cole s' lot on the ken hi execution the nroperty of W: L. '. ..k. I, and II.•
/meth linen( Inc aliol•c dem:rib:A lot, thence by void line ~, Po- c' " • • :
/Keg :it perche , , .to a post -011 the: rdad. thence lw - sanl •. . . •
_ road south Ili' l'OnAt, 29 and 2-I(rperchei , to 'a post, thence NOTICE TO I'S
NOTICE prevent misineticr
bythe said Cole's lot south el,' east C.I vetches to a pact .tan ti Mg; notice Is hereby given. that Purchase:* iw„ liner
_on the line of laud of B. W. Fox.anil thence north .1/; and 1 n'a'sals', will be required to pay the nmontit hid ntithe
'2-10 perches to the place of begittiling, containing eleven time the land is kilt!. It hasametene imperi tt rely uetws..
and onc half perche.. he the Onllle moreVr less, witlethe try to adopt thisrule, and idwill be strictly adhered; to.
appurtenances. onehouse. Ingle. kor, leard. and all led' see in t•ase. whore-the parclea , et is a lien creditor and
proved_ Said above .de,..eribed lots. lie :contiguous to x
Is the !Midas provided in the Ist section of the
each other anti occupied as one farm. 11'.1ken iii.vie- teaser A..nobly, approved April ..:OtintSiti,which is mi.fol
cut ion at the suit pf Sidney and Philander .'elm•s vs. Tildhi• low::--.• Whenever the purchasers of teal .estate at lOr.
ats P. Meeker. - . . • pinta , ' court or Sherltnt sale, shall appear from the pr9per
A:so-.111 that certain piece oe'Pam'i of land. situato
-record in be entitled, opt a lieu creditor, to receive r the
it hole ter illiVportion 1/11110 l ,roc,x-ds of said sale , it steati
te the township tel liberty, County and Stale aforesaid: lee the duty of the Sheriff. Administrator, Executor or
bounden-and described us follow: , , to • wit: lieginnim: otte:r croon nnOking e:uch ante, to receive the receipt of
at the northeast terrier cif No. 41 Len's tract, - John such pitrchaser or pareha-to•s forthe anwinut Which hf or
Burr's surrey': thence south 2' wcat ill.'s. - roil, to a betailt they would appear. froze th e record as aforesaid to be. en
:tree-earner : ' th en " mirth .1 '
-'''''''-` ve ''' t. 211.:,-"a' it, the lirka ro receive :, Pros hied, that this section shall 1101. be
.centre of the turnpike : thence itertle :h . oast along ,the , so construed as to prevent' the right of said st,
.l4id turnpike to the cunth bile el laud, be,longiog tel •
''' , mini/trator, Executor, or other person aforesaid tO de-
Isaac Comstock; thence south .r/t),!,.: - east, 2.11 rod, tie the -, mond aced retefre et the time of sale a emit sufficient to
..oinec of beginning-boo ndrd on fTW north by b. 2 . 4 ' ''r • covcr all leg-al cost :4 e rititled to he paid out of the preceed,
:Isaac Colsoitoac, on the cart by. lot :Co. 42, On the South of said sale; andprovided fort her. thatbefore any pinidin- ,
lay lands of A, Chalker. ole the west: by said turnpike- -
c i , Cr or pa erlia , irre .414;1 receive the 'belied t tel thi s section,
containinir fifty acres strict Incit , •nrC. ~:nore. o r le , '.. ""
lib , he ter they shall produrd:t o the Sherld , or other - person so
.the appurtenances. one dwelling ledusv t _tene barn, 'on , ' neskizie .aitheele. a duly certified statement from the pim,o
sorchord.and-aboat 15 acres Improved.
tel ~.1 " '4,,er'a;, -er records-, under the limed and odicial seal of the proper
lion at th e • , tri , or.‘lnn6o3/ fA ff kee V.e. , ar•NAT'e• - ' lo c.''' l ": ollicer. sliowi ng that he i-a 1101 creditor . entitlnd to re
.and P. 11:Stecliwc_11. . . ' ca re anypart of the or/eve...As of the.side nfore.reld," I
ALSO--All/.l.‘at certain picre or parcel of land titre:lir. r . I• . ELIAS V. GREEN, Sileriff.
.in the tovnislit). of Gni:al 11:-nd. e;
-nO, tlescri!nd a. ‘-derdro , e Jaly l' .-',l, 1011. . . . •-• 1 -
follows.. to wit: lizialute lag at A Clivotelli tree In the north , - . ,_. . -, .-e__ ... _ _ • _ ._:._ •i___
:ine of lands Onlledtj TlL:onai. liars and runs' thence. I
.. • D.1.):II) C. ikNEA7,II..I) . . !
along his mirth line s-est r. , •::::inA and u 5 links to n stake , , ''' l
and i.tOnek thence north g... 1 tilain . O and :15,Iltek , s It/ the ' i 1 - IA . YING located perrnaurnily at New 'Milford, ra,-;
_lands of lisnjamin Sue/en:et:. them,: east I; chains:ended , lA. will attend promptly twill calls with it Ilk!' be may
' link. to stake and store - .:tht.tace north t". es-1. :at chains ; lee (Al ' , red. Oftlee at Todd,' lintel,„ • I'•
.add fei links too post and i4, - ine-, thence akettli aIP,•• c , a-t . New :t7ilford.llely. 17. 1.431• - r
IS chains arad , 7.l link • to a ] , seen ssoite, --- thence try th e _ _ ......_:__-_ _ .._ _. __,..-..... ___
~... .. ___.i...._
. 'Kehler lot and ley the Carll-iehot s.n: to I',. '1.4,4 17 ehoine :-.L74,....a.i-E,..30. ! • I ..-
,:1 74
tllgal:A to a roe_ thence "'onto si:/,',,.' east II chain,. '
And eti link- , to a che-thut. thence south 'ls,' ve.t 27 ob'ns , runEIN : DErE * 7s•DENT.ToorIi if cittsf: RA RE for kale
and 25 lint:, toe post a corner. /lame.: stenth , t:l, , ..;• westll : 1111 my -hop in . lirfilgewater Price Coo. Also the Wire
lints; Loa no-t„ thence so u th 2 , 1" te , F 1 12 Ch/don 10 a post ' Tooth found at the Star. , of 31. S. WILS.O.N k SON, Mm
-5 corner al I...s.wis Monell's Ism% thence by the: oneO :11111 ' tro , ,-,. . i - CIIANPEYI'OOT.
1)1 - /he !mid Bay's lend te. , :s : tll - •/-,llain. :hid 711 inks• to the I 11/ idle water. july.l7, 1011. ~ I
'place of beginning, venial% I-Vg lett rlvre/ of cicalaeT the I
..... _ •
___ _
same more or less, logefins /Sat 11w ant; rtenanem.„ on,. ..
iranicsi house , framed jlnl. 'meat orch4wl an.l about S.) i . , ,
acr,,,,impn‘s ed. Suit of Ln.i.e fq,..7ltbr-..8.:-.1,1 Vance:lLn ;
, • -. i iy AS for ,ale: Aletallir: OIL for Sewing- Machines.
ALSt)-All that certain piece Cr pa-eel of lane , ntnite A ',Chick ,t, NVateb 'Oil. Itisf liter. - Ttat and Monse Tw
irl the township tet 1-sibrop. s'.:',oz ,. y...sori State,aid. son. ffomeopathic Remedies. Pond's /:_xtract, and a great
bounded and describe/las flu.ltw - c., to wit : o-a rise north - variety of Liniment-. Pa:re- , . Pill.. oraf Plasters, cod 811
by irmd• of Anna Bronson. on the east by - Albert Fret; I en•lie-s variely of Patent Medicine,, ' I
on the south and treat by -the' pahilc roaC -coutnizlit.g ' mom rte,.. Juir! . l7, tsli. ,
half an r.tre of land. one Illarksraith Awn, 'cri ail lin, - . ------, ---,----....-... --.1- --
•proved. Also nil th at otbea piece 'anove.„ awl ‘.
bonnded on the . tiortli by.flaniel Saari , : ml-the not tor A R EV IE W AND 11EFUTATiON
. Flisha. Lord tend Azte.i. Itrooson, on, rite south, Iw:he pub- ,- ' ' • 'op 1
_ .
'fir mad, odd on the v....-4 be ll'. 5..• 11. Recktri 11., contain- ' . - • 1,,
lug one hundred and . Iv; en ar r .-. v lel.: the ,Atepte 1.,,,,,,,n.
I , ELPER'S- IMPENDING _ CH151... , .
..,e5, one 1e.111,-,,.... Oln , l`..tre-Orllnnl, :vet ::brat illirlY-21 , ' '
acre- improved. rn.kft , i Si: .4 - Ir.:ZVI:Li at :.}1...:-.C/dt of .i-c ' . : .
rob Decker rs. A_ 'K. Mit:. - 1 • BI - ....aLLE.n. - r .7.%,1.11.:;:rtn.
.•. .
' Also-Alltbr,t eorzain piece,,- rortl.,l Alf :0..7? ,- 1, ..2112 , ,,! in : riILILS PAM,PiI UN'. consiot log .'..j rit , ....dontele oolulin
ille t o wtiihip or Atelliern.. Cormsand ..s
~.,te aforesaid. , -1/ I , n=n'°.. Wn . Ofljn. , /;!1 0 1/% 11- h,e'd 1 ,6 1iii11.: th e - Politibli
• bounded and de/erileed a. follow.. to wit: ~,e t h e n ort h 4 naurann of ISit). The -.• imp. mi.:: ( Tice," Ira em. 14.1-
b . , lands of W1D..t... Cope_ on the ca -t br is.ivis of ..f. t,,, / lotion of all the sophism,' taut temlieions do trines I , Y
tarter. on the south 1:4-.1anii. of !Ober( linndlty, etcet tea_ '44 ,- h. the puls:te /awe , ohlhe Nor,11? :tad liven no far pot". -
the we:d.bylands or n.,:iii e t int. r,utiDini, a!, , ,ut one , odeed se. to pToihlce. th,, triumph of the Presidential ca
hundred neres,lne the .. ~,c,.. more' Le it , Q,Nri' he llo, alders] . d:d.d eor the:,.4.• ifr,,!,..i pnl is 1.3.4 fall. It Ica. , xe Weir cr
at-recce: Onn:::110Polle./a.e, learn, -corn h 0 n,,,, o rchard: , vol.:tell M:ant i toniart by meats ••f large emoributiohs Of
-and about silly -lice nr,ree in: prored. :T.,ken lo ei,en.. , in•oney. and did mai,. t tian ac' other 1. hing to 11.'61'0 the
ttim be %Inn n -ef t hr.i.c• u rt . ; n ~...r 11. I's- in f.r..or of; ,' wee- , of oltri/e01 , ,k; id thr- I , ri , '”' stmt Pl'a NI i'lli M,. ,
A, Lathrop 'es. jorse Ifine.„'f .It. /lin, and Ch.,:-.. Iliac,. ' toi.e Me ecri t of it' , enant''e. / einem' , !Y. and vv ,, -01.1,^f
- - • ~ lam a---mm•tion in detail. and refute. them so mullet lr •
Atsn-LAil .1 hat cerrasl.l,efece or pert of Lim • ' , lrwin! ' ii,,e nnl r0.,..1n.,-111.1n•rnrou cad readthe le:Mph:et e the
the-town-chip-town-chip or une,..;.rwin...4 .. . Comity Arid heft afore- t e ..i nz e„,i,,,, d of the fal/II co! . mi th e . c. . irked
said, bounded and described, •to wit : on the . lien- of the IL•itei , v book and Of tlne CO .f tio• sertieemtl '
. north by laud contracted to Sat/mai 1://sane, ion the east . .n 1 ni r.. whi,li ha- ervrntna..,.4 iii civil war. A- there I. oh
by land contracted to J. George iras,n, ' t.n the -rata/ by pr. dutaity that peace will be permanently reettertal th
1 end contracted. to toritilt:Staith. and on Ibe. wc,t by tow dbdracted lend until thi• public mind at. the North ii• '
landeummeted to Conrad Berg. CoLtalcdlll/ nt , TOrt P•n -- d.i. , ,WlF.e.d•of it, .d . r. - irop,..donn /00 ive to the Irlln
acres. or thereabouf., tarot he- . .wirli the appnrtentiree.. chat s -ter ofetnt sou th-ni st-ter States, friost to' whom al.:
a log barn ,log boui.e. aoine fra:rtrees.nre--.•640nt ad our , . no,. to ,/,`,,,dliowinvdt; , t wit llc•neral 4,4ovettnnent. :1,-. 1-11 t
,re.o.entien Te.. li-e. Chapman. . ~ :
Itoprie;ed. [Taken In execntiob - at lid-Jo:it
.orl;aae C. re,,olt.of the trintopli of- .eet tonal fanaticism Meth North
'' ' •
. .
... ' and Shatit.-it Sect.zut/ !Lea dm r retail true patriots to tin
- .•
_SLSO43.II that eertaln i
ni:g-e or par yrl ottani s]tnate all It,. their pov .4- to remove Ul - )11S4 ptejlllllCnO het wecti ,
la the township of - Fond:lite, 'State and C-,eutiry aA,resairtl., • -the Nurth andont h. a nei . thero In probably an ;floret:n.l4.
re.ult. th an ley ge.ner.
hounded andlit--seribed t.ln falln.VA. in IV!: : on the: ~,,,,,t h, l iced mean= terac , •-oniplii"iiing thin
- 'by the public high nay, on the east by land , ' eg . Icilrai t '''recitation of -n"."11'-f'"4"" of Thi r' r. " - " e " rri ' ll "
1 . - i ns „ , " t b,... ~,,,t k b y 1 „,. 1 „,,, 1 , 1 ,,,,,...,„ L.,..,,,,,,10. Step son i large amount ter rah:ethie eta]-tics. occasion 1
R - , Crane, and idt o la. , , 4 _ As . ns i x ., es . 13m , kc ..„ . se i sd ~,,, ~ k, , reft•ft - rlee. severai time: , the rice of the pamplelet. to all
west by lands of Caleb Carte ii• containing-oboe; nin . ty -, intelligent. citizens. Price 25 cent., pg. r i opy, or $2 . pe,
acres,lie the same more or les , ,with the "unpurtenanre,, e d ''''''''''' set ' t b.' mail, postage prepaid,i
one barn. corn Icon-e, same :fruit nee, , oral ationt eFghty: i• ...A4'..resvs .t.;. .1. BEETIE I
. , e
: acres improved. [Taken in execution , at the eta* of I 1F.4434 - • - e, "/ 10,1,1-1, • Orange Co.. N. .Y.,1
Thomas B. Smith, to.the use of .l. N. Stoddard:a. Ebune , 'l . - . ----- -- - -
tter.L'addock, et _al. : , ..
. l , . • cii
A„,,_A,, ti
certain-piece re. - .parel or land ',]rusts I ifif . .0f 'TIME, l' . .k . '
to the-townalrip of Afthnrn. emote Ind Sttif el Dfnr.afct. I- ' • . i t l .
bounded and described as follows. ti. , W!1 - 4, 071 the north 1 .. . ___._.__._____,„
by lands ofJohn Ce3;ins on the east bylaw]. rellninlil and• i' - ' .
F. Swackbanatfier, on 11;e Sonth by lands orb:lntel SITIO, • 10. a:. /Lt
and on the west by lands of D. Carter_ ocintainin , abltal ' . .
two hundred and seventy acres, be the same more 4 less. ' DEL--111 -. lL,' LAC . il & 11 7 ..E.5TR - V .17 .1'
.. with the appanenances, One framed house,' one ; log house : ./.. .. z..
ouebarn. shed., corn house, orchard , and about Mee Ann- 1 ' .. --- ------_, --,-..___ _
tired and eight', acres improved_ [Taken, In •execut ion -1
.. rr„.......wt5-• r•z0! , .7.,..rtm.m.5er.., . ~ • I
at the • lilt of linnielliceley Ts. Alexander . .. Sevens and." - r.:4 , ."..t../Nretiars" . ",.eato
. Robert Todd; ' -- _ - '
. - . . . , .., ..,
ALSO-:A.11 that certain lone in. par - t;el of 'le . MI r-I:ll7.itit,' , Ir3ASSCE:C'nflfili rt.:lfilNe* York at 4p: Di_ ill time , 'fur
in he towtithin of New Milford. bounded and , tho= cribed A. -• the Itutleon Hirer. and L. I. South; ete.,,m e ee.
,as follows, to - wit :on The north i - hopesherw , :,d, cm '7 , N ‘TI. , ExPr."* , Tr ,, t) North ronto•ri- at (rent (tend wh i t !'
the cast brlands of Georm„. and Behert flarri..,,b• •oo ' the :• thV'lll!iii" t rain for-tho IWeet an the Etteltt tact. ;.. i
_ . ... .
t outh by laid. of Jams Conklin. arid on tbol, tree) by , .C. , 11 and afittr .Thltrty, autro 13th. trains 1,111 be rtin •
laud of-Rufus Line.. containing. anont 1111.12 Inner:red and I as
f.dbm { s;: , . , . -
sixteen ace., be therarclee, orle,. w:ti aP P , r -i ), - 6L'I - T ‘l;chance , . fire Van* ctm wagon hour: two or t Lcatl t I' - V .. -, • r • ; S IA!S E
phont ninete arteximprorod: rTaken In exeunt - ion at 1• . xp viNG:sgultii... . i, movnqo NORTH, 1 _
the emit of Veccio:: F. Badger Ts. natio:Ott :1 , 114114m • 1
ALSO-All that certain piece of parcel orlaml. titnate 1 The :s.ti•zht Expreve Train 1 . Passe:mart from N.Yor, t k
in the borongh nf .5 Inquehantu, Pep it. C.nuty tin rf- ;it ate ! E... 1 On,th”.?:. 1 . .b It. g. lean a Pier No. 2, Ntirlh Itit.:
..aforetaid, Bounded and de.eriberl n. 1141016, I+ , ,if,i : mi ; arrives at Great Bend dconts fir At . . irl. ru.17,0
the nort heart be, lanttiof Itohert - Nichol. on tit,. meth- "at fa. tn.) 1,11 ! s o 'o r foot of Court 1au11...t,ti.60
east by .teed .2c, en, ~.0 ig h,5 . ,„0,,,..,:,,,,d.i ~il.r,,ti , , ( 1,- cot:meet , with thy : .I. , rm Philatlelplita
LanglillM and on the northweet by .:klaln rtr..o4, oionnitt. • EXpre‘e train for - • ' loal'e Eru.ington, - 7.10
tog - 1.11-r, feet, being tit. ~ ,1":4,•• of 1:0. :N. 1. nun Pialmia , Ltavic.lunct ion,
No. /0. - and two feetotrofthekartl.cnA EH,. of ,lot "lof ; Which lea' e• nt ••IVOII
6,45 • Intelat W;ttiTl: 11,V
Ivin. Wente . a.burY4'.7 7. rtfil ., rill.2eo lof s ; .-. 1 „,,,,,,„„„._ • Jitte at
,New .ftlitforcL ', 7.03 I Bridgerille. • ,„,.(plo.) 12:11
Said lot it ofee; fill }trio rireet and ril r,‘,..t. on et rem .di. ' Montru=e. -- , ....-.1 , '
llopi,..(ll:fl.cernocion)l2.l I
atl•l2ofeet In depth. ',Bit he arprrtorarmee.M , e tide,' llopbollorn, :, ' 7.48 De 1.15 minutes fo *ni•l2. A
atorc buildirtg, formerly Idestvrt or l'itomptiorre• hotel, , Nieboleon. 7. 7 . 1;..02 i Columbia. 12.- 6
one barn. anti all [Taken in .-seentinn.: at the - -I 'n"tO l ' , ville. F.!::, ; Water Cap, tiO
milt of .imbetiseggle,in'vs. Thomas T. 3lomion: .- - 1-4Thinrrion.; . : 5..10'• Stromlehurg, 1.
• i'Areattton, • " • - . 0.29 ' 'J'obyhanna. ' ~,"- 7
.. , ,LSO:.--All that Certain piece or .pared .of-la.pratetrl .rate ', y, - 0., e0 -,e, . - , or; •, 1 Nof.trow. ti.
If, tile townehip or New,3lllford. Coonry-and • State afore, , Tofichnnon
• 10.ri '.l" , cranton, ; - 848
ad, bounded and described lie followe. to 'wit,: on lIM !, Stroudsburg, • ' 11.,4s i Allingtc.n.-
north by lands of JUlZlMYancott. on the noel be tattile of • 'v,",ti..r Gap, 1p tn.] 12.01', Factoryi'ifte,
S. II Camelia, on t in ,- routh br lands of Jacoh 7 ;Weliman • colettabia, 12.11; 1 Nichott'otil • 441
and cm the avid by laid- of Itiehard 3for,:e.. containing : Delaware, (18" to dine) n.,25 ~ llophottom, . . 11
about sixty acres, more or tete, with the appurtenance,. ' littne.(Philud r0nned.31...50 : Moot ng, , Nal
,one fratfied honeet.harn, tome fruit treee, and .11ittIZSI feb I Bridgeville. : 12.51 . New Milford. ' 5,14
, „; 1%
scope Improved,---[Taken in ei - cention at the snit - of- , : , Waertingtort, I.ta 1 Oreat Bend. • 6 c. ,10
John F. Dunmore re. J. I.l.'Miller. . - , , : I i,,,,,,i,,, . •
.-1.:4 i Conntmt r With mail train
I , New York.. ' . . , .12 , 0 1 Wo.-41. at
• ..
.. .
- Lands -.' soid . 011.7 Fl air,
,A,,„ s i , Philadelplint„.
.1 - - •• . ,
r i",' -• ! The Expo:.. Pas‘enzer Train tionth.- eimnrrle at th ,
2 3 a t otic o'clock p. 0.1. .
d.. • I ...1 junction Ailib -110.2.ra-p. im. train on the, New Jerte -
i Central Mall for Bethlehem,Manch Chunk, Reading, :tit
ALL that certain .pleceor parcel of land ritnate. in lho , '
TlarriebaT. de. . I • • .
:ownehlp ofloiberty Su•onichanna,Conntr,Pa.,bOnatled 1 • -..-.-...._____",.__ .,
and deceribrd at follow e, 10 wit: on the ,:'.;;Orth by' lands ' ACC(DI)IOI)ATiON , T11..-kIN. ,
td Perry 11ntte.nn the East by land of--Blatchlev,.. on , , ...' , . , • . I
the South hi- land, noW,or.late of .I.eri Voshntg„ , nrrl on • ...,^. 'act tierantbo nt( 9 ,s) I .:'‘'."Y. Ex. train Enstarrivee,
the Wett'by land of 11.+Kle Travir, containing:about, one ! r Irt6 rYrlne . :- - 1 0.10 at Grant Bend to(a.m),11,110 .
!tandem! men. - be- . the came ' more
Ite. 1 .,„...h.1...Nic1i01twat.. •.. 11,00
, Leuve tit. Bend,(pmr.) l.4tj
er With annartenaueet.lllllll'3ol_ed , barn; ontri Nts)/41.61 '''' , ( P -16!)12 • 18 , 3-I(mtr° "e•
i Great Bend, . • , , 1.15 Nicholson. „
paw mill. one orchard raidabont eighty Mree improved, ~,, A ,50
,ei ze d m d taken i n ey,c t el u p a t ~,e d or s A Nr,,,,d, ii i, ,e „4,,Co . laneeting, with Dunkark Factoryrillr., -
~, „,r111,,i ,
i t -,3.9. Due at Sme.t,o ,- ..... - -- -•-
Catnry, Ilartlpaud David Bartle.
ALSO--All thoee town lot* In the township of Bridge- . t
water,' and laid down on the map cif ',the game of i lame
Post deed as/ No. Z. ri.. , •1; lying on. Webt - aide bf -the 1
Plank Road. each *rode 'front by 19 rode doe!). Ai - 5 ,3 - No. 1
. .
.99, adjoinittz No. V, • being 4 8-10 vele trout and rtionthe I -
hack along line of cud. ..Alerilint , N0..80, 87. i and .2./;. i For the accronnuadatioa of try travel on t h e, eon - them
and being 6 rode - front on High Street. reining back'nearir i idivlsion, a puritans.-- car will be atiadital to the Rawest!
• nigh I Frclidu train, leavre , at 4a. in. dot at Stroudsi
17 rode . Alan No. - Salving 59.10 rods, on. front a n , - 't Scranton
-. 7 - 4 I
Street and running back to No. 41, about la rode: - .also Ivell. dinnetion,ll, 5 p.'nr..; Rotnrnln . g. le t[ rnct. up i
hit NO'. 40. lying East and adScdttint: No. 86.-7, h i . lit- and i at 8,50 It. m., due at,„Sirendshargfi t Z / berth a / 1 a d.- 1 3 p- 49
went of No. Z. 7.11.9; being about BrOds - wide and ;thong ii, .
:Al .TO4O WOOL'. of irre g ular s nape : last mentloned . loi e , • Paesengerit to andirona _Yew York: will change cars at
owned by W. IL Poet. Alan - lot. No. 43 ; 44.1 43,-46, eac h -.I To and from Philadelphia. via,. Del. /Pi
rode front on High Street by II ypde, deep. :1.1,-t):;tat No. i leave or take ears At - Rope. For Pittston,. RiugistOn and
41, lyttip: - between Rae of. the iract.and Nriii - ,. 3, .4 - 1 Wllkm-Barre. take Licit at illiotiotablirgE.R.St Scranton.
6.nm] 58. 4, 0. Mao Ka V
rla, being 9 rods oat thle.' Hunk 1. For ~, resetiD. Artithald. and Carbondale take Omnibue 141
. .
• Ituad - and adjoining V - V... ero l ol - ..9llRMBOutilt, • -:,. - Scranton: Tickets sold Mid bagasse therked thrzy... ,
i Jett/ •
___. ' _ JOH N BRlSBlN,:Sisperletem .. ,
• . , - - . .....
ALSO-All ti 9 tieuninaproreilOili;iisla i 'le li 7isi - bkhn. .W. l' ' ' ' - ' TENKS, 6. ' m ' rkkee A V' . ..
" °l°l4 P 4
, .
known as Pickering lathls smd des - cribed as Jitiont To rlsol. rum mararjams_molmaimE.
1 rey's map of re•mreey mad
lot 41111 10E101311 WI W.if: I
lot N 0.67. lythr, on - route of Elllct•B'e road coutain4ig..B6i , ..11:10.1' AREIr,E-,Daily (eniulay yweepted,) from thii'
acres and 51 percher, (tamp - tine; rtherea Oft 'the trot cad i East and South; by Hatiroad at Zia I'. M. • .' '
in form of pandlelogrnp befee part Or trait in Wartiteitee 4._
..Dally. leuuday tr.c . eitted,) fr . ota . the Werit, by Hamad,
name of John.Rndollib. Rot No. tie, adjidtkil,At No:d1 -, 5U ;at .IVX 2 ..'n 1 . . . . ' ' . - ' . ' 4
the met, Mul - coutainiut• 110 laves ;and 1 . 39 pair-be-lot , yrolutqlvhataton .4.l:reet;everi Tuesday, Tbursdayand
. .14...4 adjoining Kit. Go. oni he emit ancteeadalltingjn.. Saturday. nt 134 p, art. i . . ..
*CMS laid 145 perchtst-lot No. 0.5 adjoining /.No: _fa In • ••
.Froaa':.Tunkbannock direct; errry • Tdradar. Tfinrsdiy
the east mat vatufulbg 114 acre. uttd t 93 peithe4;+ - 1141. - . and Saturday, rale. in. • . • .."- . •-'
three lota being. part of JameeVallagher warmuti-‘let NO; - From TotamOrMaireut; erery Tum/day and Saluttlay' at .
Kikubsezeite the Yorke lor. coatataitm 11l nerve' atid Al' I P 2 ,11 - -. -r, "-.- - *..-' -- ..:."' ....
dye percher-. Part of lot No„ r: No. - Ms - Ott : '• '112117 from Fracuasvapc . (sauna,. ca ceptet ) at 41,14 P. ••••
the east and between It and Binghamton township roasi. - , - ‘ MA4'.4VE-Drillyionpdapl eacerded) tor 0 , 4111 ' 4 -
eottlaintng 16 acres and 151 1.perchel:• -, Also a lutrt of lot I Rovitazealireind, - at &a.m. /, -
No.i,l3ll,lying in Libettyonthe brook which • vmptie6 la- 1 and Do r . rex,--thd . ) yor the *est.. bYieroad, at - 4
te, &take e:Telc pear Ihdu Joncs.Fatj...apnlaininglrnerelb { * • -.0 . . -.,,..,',..."., . '' -
. lirei l t - ' ' •_, '
ALSO-All that-piemof land: alutute.dwlleidgewathr I.': Dow: •
township described al follow l.abegluing Irs the ritidqoof .' - --. 1
she road front Montrose to - - Ileart. labs. -11, .h
--.---- -- --' i. - --e • vil r' . l . ' - For' Ttinkhakkurik "diro4.: iniTY3fonday,..Wedtteaday 4,
size amid lot ; th ence north °' east 113 - Dercoes to a Pore: . i Fuldor aroa 4. .01... ~...-' 1 -'-' ~'
: - ' -,,, „.",',,..' „. ',
-,,, ~.
Attre eart 102 perebes tote poet ;.thence , smith 2' •.tail , j li , ,,,..± , owand t attetti ' err xemilay.aio . 1 ....J. 2 . , ....”
litilibribes to middle et eahl road :
, - thcinctrby- said toad i it o ,i y f or Frieads, , j; ons ax.l at Ve" a.m. -• •
no.i/..h.„1":67iv0fra.. theilthheetemt.n..withtt.etrdruiltne
j g..i l eo ni nt imm aha w: hr , :i . .. , r ur... l„„ ll....k. I: Orme'.
,achyA..F . b u rilj- , 1
~c a_v c a li fonday, al 9 .
• . - . • •1a an -arrires.steunetmay at ap. JP.,
.The Axennunntitlllnn Train dorm not leave Scan:ten tfli
afterthe - ntri ea) pr the•Aforning Train en the ratekAtFannit
• And Illootnebarz llama, thus . gialne; Pareenato front
the Wyoming Valley a tat•entscanneetlint fur the Wept by,
the - morning tralat. '
Now, and Forever
ta , . n , 1 - t •
' .{:Oat OIL lAN/CBE .1 7 0T/011 ,1- S
. P.ll.1 4 :4 , . 3 N D OILS, : '•
lad a ;,•reat . ‘arlety of arti lee tna unnierotia - to incaliou,
• ,which we are bound to eel . •
• ,
• Cheaper than the Cheapest !
! •
PRODUCE Air nin Erch »-it• forGoon'A.
.0 Comb a t
Ave pni( n d 0D EV 1.1110 _V.
Our sr4cm of doio bli.lrur.,4 sstlinfaai,,n
YOV lit: T 411; NOT
IV 11.1:SlIt"..W YOU IJAI{..6.A.INS rNII PAM, OF
thankinll) - received, mad larger Ontl
in prOporliop.. YgnitS.
• -.XECA:Sr3=IEI%T 33 Xt. E 3.
Jun. .sth: Iwfl. .
* * *
800 ;ElClArciy,
1027 TIDOID2
if; 1 0 ftV bi
21/12.1fi VAUPZ: 8
. • Please la(ile at slue falloiclag prices': .
Parasols, for • ' ?:;0. 371
i?.lain Silk Parasols, large, • . ' 50
... rg,e size Mantillas '
, . 50
All . ' k and. worsted barege Shawls, 1 i 'OO
Stella: .7 awls, •'.—
.1 13 .
All wool.: d silk Brodie ShaWl4 t ,
~ 3; 00
Stripedliroe i•' Shairlia, ' 21 50
Good oil-boiled. Silk, blacks, - - • - aq
FaIICV Silks, I
:Handsome Fancy Silks,. .... - . ' • ' 50
84 wide Baregor, - - . ' 31+
Xiee Olathe De Laine . ‘ GI
Good Lawns; warranted. fast colors, - • ', 6 t
CalieneS . , , 4
Hea6-WoWn. Sbeethigs, ' ' 5-
-, ..
12 yards. yd, wide bleached Muslin, 1 'OO
Kentnekv Jeans, ' ' . • 121
All Wotil Cassimeres,. - • 170
. „ .
Paper Mtisliti, donble, width,' - i 61
• • 1
Good Watch Steel' Spring SiOrts,' . '7,4
Ladies', widte•cotton Hose, ' '.. 5
.B o 94 4 .l4 l dStifr-,s.t.frp.ol.lA9,.q.niQ to • _.1.::15..
_ .
And all other goods not mentiened here sold equally
cheap : Gonda Will be.sold-as adyertised, sittd wamtntea
to give satlefactlea. • '
Allkd the above Goods hare - been bought entirely fur
Cash: at large Auction Sales. at In:intense sacrifices; and
will be sold at ft small advance.' ' • ; •
Ladles, and all who want to turreintse . anything in the
•• - ODS
it:: to !belt:lei : rest ' c 1(i call ai GO
tttir rt e`
intechsflog tkiewhere;ols . tee will not be undeieold. .do
toarnenee etoek of • . ' • -
BoreirEr RIBBONS; : .
. .
s - .FLOWERS.444T.
'RUCHES, and
'Eivrything in Ike line of' Ntilli~i 4 '
; 000ds l
Cenetentir oxii4cfroi the Wlthiestlevidnetith Tiede
ater - Stiteeta,.
- Mg", of: Of; SEE, pivz.
13itthamton, isi/e I 13111 ,186 /
X . Ost . offers tor !tale ono , of the largoiiit a nd
beet sOlectiois of " *_.
Ever . offered in Susquehanna County, and'
probably comprising the . greatest VA
:RIETY, or most - different' articles of any
Store in the Northern - phrt of Pennsylva
nia, and perhaps - Of the entire. State. -An
assortment is kept in about thirty differ
ent.brafiches of trade, and :the selections
are Made from about forty of the - .best
Houses in New Fork, and more than. fif
ty Dealersainfliktanufacturers out of New
i - Ork. A large proportion of tie Ooods
are brought direct from the 31an u iheturers,
thus insuring .genuine articles. Custom•
era on entering the Store must,not expeet,
to And everything hi sight, but nearly' ev
ery article, wanted will be produced by
inquiry. Some idea of the Stock . .maypc.
framed by the following :general outlini!,
but enumeration is inipracticable.
JEWELRY, • • • •
. • • - STONE WARD
_ _ _ _ •
VARA - 1811ES, . 1311 CD CAGE,.',
T O. C C.,
111th ICAL tf: SURGICAL= hastrumcvls:,
The attentilm of 'the public is respect
fully invited to my stock of Goode,
exclusively for CASTI•pim?: - . and will be
sold on the same prineiplefor low prices.
Montrose, May Ist,- 1M:.
FOR FA - MILy r AND ItAN-r . r.sim-ra:..;-c‘
.495 Broadway, NoW-York;
..I?lencies in all prin`ripal - fillies and:
, The Grover". Riker Sewing Machine . Company tire
sew manufacturing. and have on exhibition at their dif
ferent salesrooms. Machines making the Shuttle or Lod:
Stitch, of the stone patterns and the same prices as
their - celebrated Gruver &Baker Stitch 3iarbines, thus
affording the public the advantage of comparing the
stitches of the the lehding machines and exercising their
own judgment Its to iheir respective merits. This', the
onlv company that manufactures both kihds of machines
and therefore the only one that can nffert his priYllNe to
the purchaser.
••• We incat [TOM experience when „we -say that, after
havinc tried all the'pnncipal sewing,Machines, we must
accord to that of °rover 46 Raker the.prc4minence. •
Thole Indispensable festiwes of sewing, strength, uni
formity. and elastirite, all of which .arc trotight out 111
this incomparable itiiention, make It the first sewlin;
machine in the souutry. Others have their good points,
but this combines all, and possesses every Characteristic
necessary to make It most , destrable:*--)7. - Y. CAtiplian
..idrutate 'and Jovrn'at.
" Mcntr vs. l'ltrizner.—We perceive that the Groves
*Baker _Sewing - Machine la everyday . growing more
and favor, both -for' maqufactunng and fatally
parpooebut especiall4 as adapted to all the require
.nients of family use.. other machines. by dint qf brazen
puffery and conniving with ebniniittees at annual f.4re,
hare &ten thrust forward into the first place: but theynre
fart toeing this aninerited position. The real.nierita of
the (;rover & Baker Machine, are - beginning to be knoWn,
in a practical %%ay. and daily is the demand for them in
creacmg, while the dement:l . km lteremfbre better known,
Mit inferior machinor s is proportionately clecreat , ing. $o
it turns oat in 0110.121 min Main' other instances, that --hon
esty is the best policy,' and the right, in the end. comes
" A trial of seer two years. enables mi s t° ray with OM
greatest cimildenee that there no better machine for
genefaliflamily use than Grocer &...13alier'a Sewing Ma
chine Jt makes a beautiful elastic seam that does
not rip with ‘rear or washing, mini almost noiselessly
laplain, pimple. easy to work, and not liable to get out
of repair: r..i.ncrbe..nybk td Its own:thread. and ttsbe
threads and alike directly from the sphols on which Illo;r*
are bought."---X. Y. Leoder. " •
. .
Grover 4t.. 'Etalreeti Itaeblneti' work, in theti peculiar,
flitch, and fabrics, put together by It. may wear and drop
to pieces from original lvtakne.ltn or hard tinge, but ennui
apart or glee way at the imams they cannot ; they will
hold together when the cloth mNcoarohndthegi hangs
In rags and tatters.-X Y. Sews- - • •
" Tbp,poinin ce cobeeki rout , necereary-and'tmppoor
tfnttomcet.the wide rage of requlretntute in sinathine
fur faniiiy ee wing, we tlad more fully combined in the
GrOver kpaker, viz.: extent •of apacity, simplicity of
construction, thee of 'nroweerocur, odennta,p - Of nalng
*read from two' isols witgontre-winding, strength of
work. eetleity,durabalif and iegninrityof enter), and
qtnetnewf of movement. SWe therefore mnire award-VP
the Grover & Baker.'!- . 4leporl Termeore
!Watt Faitqf ihfia--also 'Via-4 1 40 ArtaterOrgir
' CgANDI 4 ER, .'Agent;
Cif m*: .gontrinei Pts..
„OIL PER, now stales for the tiding trade. tint arritcd
Montrote. April 30th. ABEL TUBRELI,..
LIQUORS, -‘• • -
Tams in the United State.t
N i W - 410
.... -
NEW -`.'.. ~.:...- ,GOODS. ; .
•,,,; i
. . E , ~.! - i
L. H
1 --
AL DlSCOUNT;vcacen„;atn
-0 9
31.1DE,T0 1
•i. • ,
1 . • AND :, -
i -
1 • - : 6uttriibtrg , A esenbalint . 11;" 0:/r t
, 7. 4 1
READ - PAY. CUSTOMERS. -- - 1- (-_,
. : • . .:.. , •f
. .
7 7 -----0 7 - 1 - 1 1, 1
, •
We are 1 e ermined tiot., ottt-doile-L. ..
in the W I
hy of - . -Si 1 ' ' . . .
1 Montrose, Susqle County, Pay
LOW:. PRICES. .1., -- - Elmira Nenr-York '
_ t • •
. .
Susquehanna Depot, Pa,
ALL .KINDS 43,F pßoDucEtAcii ImExchange for b
. i
1.- G C.) 0 CO . 0 ri * 1) Eit • 1 . . ... .
. .
L. namortvo- at, co: ,: i AAFE - • • aim lu our hietide and the politic in ,„oeueral
11 tit In consequence of the present pressure In the
. ,
moue . irs In the cities we can, purchase • ,
Nicholson Depot, 31:ty 7tli; 1 8(i 1.---43 m.
__________A___ .
au. n - nnirr --- ft --- i. . .
~(10/111S.- . FOR cAsili -.: .
1101illhi i.rfifiNtlNlN L. _..1 - ""u
FROM 10 TO 20 . P.ER -CT. LOW '....R 'FRAN Furmer;y.
fillTE — subscribere take pleasure lu aonOancing to their i
.1. friends that they have this day retoined from 5, York , - - - ' .- •
Therefore weare deterntincd to offer the public our
with another addition to their stock Of Goods, selected I
. - .general s tock of
wlch great can , and especial reference to the approaching i •
festpe iVisL.ll.,( Any person desirous of making 1 . .
. ~
(and we hope none will detty-thcinselvet the pleastiro) can I
Lind a rich anti lextensive assortment to select from, and
at the very lowest Cash prices. - i ._
decht • . No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall. Binghamton..
. Watchers —Puites*:Diamond Enameled. and Wattl—
e 9 pleildid article. „..i.lso a variety of Goldand Slier/ Eng.
lish,American and Swiss, Iluntingand ;Plain, very low.
Gold Claelita—A very.extenstve variety of Vest. Fob,
Guard and Neck Chains. by . EvaSs . & ALLEN.
Ear II Inzot*nd lirettat Plnn.iin Indnite varietzl
of styles andr-prices, In mete and single. 1 -
' Winger-11l sma—Diamond, Ruby, Rigor& Pearl,Scalc
Chased and Plai'n. Gold ltings—alarge stock. . •
firneeltda—,Gold,-Jet, Plated, and HAIR-Bracelets'or
all patterns and prises. • ..13i'aeta & ALLEN.
Silver Wnee -- Ererydescrlptione_iSM:rrYork4. and
Spoons, Napkins range, on hand , also - iSnOri and Gravy
ladles. Cups, Card Cases; Pie. Butter ' and Emit Knives.
Children' seta, !salts, etc... Warranted keell.a% cote.
Plated lVare-A Beanti ht I Itasortrutint of fee Pitchers
i, Castors; Cake Baskets ,'- Walters. Hatter Dishes, Sugars
I Salts, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Toast Reeks, Cups Goblets
I etc.. etc.. by i • • .E+ANE•d".
I Sleeve Buttons and atuds—A Tn rite stock of all
i patterns amt prfectr. •
1 Bends—ConitNeeklaceS and Armlets, Amber, Coral,
i Pearl, Gilt, Stee,. and silver Beads. ''..' '
1 • Shell Cuntlie ge
r—A ed stock of ! elteliback and side
1 Combs. 'also Buffalo. 'Horn. Ivory, and Dressing Combs. -
Bair and Tooth Brushes, etc., etc.' -:. • .
i - 2tricorALL*77Er eft .41,./-111.133 XV,
. .
1 dec2s No. 2 Odd Fellows Halt. Blfo ,
I •
Merry ArtnAxtirtr.NTs V\ 'run
HE undersit.ined haring taken the ilooini fornieriv
1 .ocrupied ity - .W. It. IIEANS.. I' now prepared to furnish
all who may desiie with a good and truthful Portrait. -
1 Being well ss , siett in the prodnetion of thevarions kinds
of Pit'tures of thd day, I natter mvielf that my work isnot
, excelled by any in this section of the country..
i Among the canons kinds taken at' my Rooms are the
) ..,/ 211 B R, 071'P E,.P.110T00.11.AP11, -
1. Locket Pietnret down to the smallest Stzi , :d .miniature
Ring. Transferred ..tinbrotype t —the Attest thing out, for
. Hoialing by Pest to any part ofihe World without extra
',.postage. My Plexmcs are bold. vigorous.; and expressive
—not those faint.; lifeless shallows often sold about the
country. Pictur/s taken Inuit kinds of weather, equally
I well, except those, of yoting children. -N picture need be
v taken unless perfeet satisfaction is given. .. - ,
I In tire; , sing forl.n picture, avoid light colors,--such as
I, blue, purple. scarlet, pink; etc.' Most others take well; as
green., black. red.isnnif. brown, orange, yellow. eta.
17-7.-.. Remember that the place to get yonr -" picture" is
in the Brick Block, over Read. Watrons4 Poster's store.
...Montrose. Pai,Nde. 26th.."11,960.-. ' -:, '
48n Acnits or REAVTIIRICII: LAND: •
%../ . in Marathon 'Co tinty,,Wiaeonstn,.
to POI. or exchad e for a good limn nett Montrone, or
for other good p perry , with eanh tis .•tnary). to ad
junt .ditreneneen. Alpo, ordors tor. I 1 ' -
- 1-1/1 D-WARE'
9 ; _
re. ceivetl and forJarded. as n=ual, to MOONEY, conu
t co.. V, Park Rdw, New York, for good prompt psylng
3terehnot, d W., jai taloa) time. • h,
, P.O. addre,n dt ring the Suittriter : 31.oniroge.. Pa. • -
i 2e l• - M. C.ArICLF.B.
NCLUDING II itory„ - Illography.TrurvlS;
Adventures, Po try. Romance, &r., 4,/,jeji
;which thepubliccan liarethe benefit of for,,,' ti
trifling sum pc? week. Itelleving that •
many will prefer 1, obtain the reading of: Ouch books In•
this way. rather th u parch:we the works:., If successful
I shall add from time td dinesuch NEW WORKS as will
he oLinterest to tl!e public,profttable to *self and im
provement to the lahrary. For further particulars call at
Montrose, June i. SMITH'S NEWS OFFICES
le now receiving a
Including a great variety of., rich Prints new a tyles,
Glnghams. Brilliantl4, Lawns Cluillies, Dresa TiSsues and
Garages Black; cy. end Foulard, Figurtml Dress Silky,
err low-with it full napiortment of Brocho Cashmere
anti Stella Shawls; Masters,' Parasols, filch
Itiblnms. Bonnets :end Flowers; Hoop filtiu Bread.
cloths, Casslmers, Timmer large as
sortment of other '
Staple and Fancy qoods,
• 3
As usual. In Groterire. Croe4ery, Slardware, ; Iron, Nails,
Stoves, Drags, 014,1 hoots and Shoes, Hata 'aad caps,
Clocks, Carpentering, Floor. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper,
Painted and. Gilt Window Shades, Sc,
The Stock Is large) - and bought for task during the
present War Pante, and will be sold at low•down. prices,
and on the most fav§table teruic for Produce,. Or to
Prompt that Buyem - N:B.—Flourantl 1 4 4dt constantly
on-hand. I . [New Milford, May,
HASIDIM/ , Jn. !• •
ck. L. 114LLXVIAD..
. .
I)E A LERS In Dry t _Goodr. Grimeries, Itardware. Resole
Slade Clothfog, Boote & Bteckbe.S.esb i lßiss, &c, &t.
Nltholeou Depot'. . • !
ABEL ~ .
ilarAfi for lnle ' Beliitig ' litm`ii . Hlimulnilnq Iftgaent7," for
I.lthe Wlllekeris anitliair; thin will 'bring lit al thick
bet of Whiskenc oraplooptache. is from ,nix
weeks ; Baker's flornpound,arnrp curt! for Ifyrentary,,
Montrese, July 17.1861. ; t•ic. " -
ST. LotlS'illtiTtl:
fN timimmedlite neighborlier4 of Ow Joklllug Hutl!ell
_I: an Market, and. Cheatuut`tareets,' tine Bank.,
Foal OfElFe, Merelturts-Eachaege;
‘• BOARD rEII,. DAY... 4100.
Air;o when required,, on the
rt.AF, Risme frombaeowito and upwede pardai i and
Mealeat a Fuurr , ol,4a Meataarautattarkedtoaba,
Prleca'acconpag tf ; s,bri Bill, of Pare(.; /711
The City Cars' Tafeeriters'fiem aeY.,,Otafiee
TO or ;LOBE TO an liotall:4 7 ' • - tylGsv
pirgorli f x rivet, .atof German . rpolen
G .
0 ;GO ODS.
0 1-
D ;
S! .ii t
00D$. I
Jer • - I •
nll and sincle-or
1,1001 corapriset4. the
laisgest and besf,
kept in ANY COMM Store
' MN bid e of Now York My,'
At Prides whiCh Pefy_CoinpetOion
a.l we will sell, for Ittl.a./3=', at the I:o'4'3llU ,
of ten per tent above' hulelnre -con. }Ve ieill eell
the fulluw;ni GOODS at the annexed pile*" viz
Black - Frock Coat ivoyth 9 for „756,00
Black Frock . Coat worth JO for :' 7,5 p
Black Frock Coat worth.' 11 {Or ::-9,50
Business . Coat worth fOr 7.£42;75
Business Coat worth Gior 400
Over Coat worth „ -14ir 54,00
Over Coat worth 7 fqr 5 . 7 75
Over ..Coat worth 7,50
Over Cottt wnrth• :15 for ' 11,50
)ver- Coat Worth • 2:0 for 15.0
Black Paks Nvt , rth 44 for X 3,00
Black Pants . worth 5 for,
Black , Pants worth . for .:4,5u
Fancy Catisimer6 Pants worth *I for:.f24
Fancy Cassimcrc Pants Worth 5 for;; - 3,:4
Fancy Cassitnere Pants worth 6 for;.
Black Satin Vest •worth 1:1:1 for ; 4 2,25 . -
Black Satin Vest- worth 4 fiir-
Black,Satin Vest worth 41" 3,-59
.tf Winter hat fairly ap s pettreit we in . vite tbe :Wolf:ion of
Ni.A.MILTIG*I7V-AZLXI.7-21r 1 ,.
Also GENTS who srtell to avall themselves of the oppor
tunity to makesotne Fainiane a nf ce -
Christmas or New-Years
, tgr td7 - . At-ff'• -P.RIFOAENT,
to onr large assortment of • . .
OLR AssoRTmENT rm.
aricy Eus,
of all .colors and shadOs,
DIE 11611A11,IVA*,
. ~...... ' . I I IITIEff
Good Heavy SliceOngs, 0 to Sets, vr
Best Heairy. Sheetings, 7 ter Skits. pr y'd
DENIMS,. from 8 to 121 cents per : . yard'
TICKING,: from 10 to -15 cents per - yaiW
OIN(.4IIAM-$. Boni 10 tip 15 cts. per yaM
CALICOE', fast colors, 12/ yards only (41
. . .
" Best Merrimack, loyards only IR
Cicvtt c•ri. EtEctto,',
11 choice artlole,only
2A. nice lot—selling at: 4 ets. per 4pring t
LadiefeSP*OAT WeatVeStS anfl
Drawers, , •
x 4 4o4#3lineit Ciarusityr .
Of the Latest Styles, tte.;
Thankful to - the numerous customers Ml*
theiro6.unit patronage the past ,
we respeCifully soljeit- n •.euntmuance ' cif
the Same. • *
6nttenittr - 'Resultant'', ik Or, o.i!
JR k
.11 . i.11triMe. PO. 15;,y'mbe , Ittio
On< Public Aven, r' Searle 's livid.
Tj - ue near'
EEP conabnlly :on hind isgosid supply of
11. MEATS of, all kinds. CASH paid' for
T Heel Catile,CalireitAbkep i and Lamb*.
' Also for tildes elan kinds.
AgNSToclf.. . • - N.- 11A WLI. L.
No - I:rose, March 30M, :09.—tf.
, t . ,
!•:41. 'I. .11 ER Riliii .& SOLI
rtD,." - ilr
T-1 1 ,`,V=trey tivaerfuVig . 1 ve S Lju. 4001,...
'.former stock of Gootla, which thoy -
. . ".t.l . .
Ihicos Perfectly Astonisidayr :
i We have nut floe to ettunterutti'artlehes. orca t t l iiholt
Invite the public to cull. examine, cud satisfy
'"•of the truth ofwhet we publish. and accurst& them bal-
J. 1....31E11111.11Vi a 80?1. ,
Vpsonvllle. Ace. 200..1660. .
riffOICL: Lot of Family tirorerle•Juat received mad 14
‘..fling. 20 per cent. 'below former price's.
F .I:S . CV COnfectlouary for the Ifoltdavi. at
V r %7' .136W ir i 11 .M3:11.:
1 TIARM PfLulitTE , of all.kindm. rut - which th e highest - . 1.
1 1' market prices will bb paid in Goods. at
"pnonvilk. Pa. ' • mEnntmems.
raMl4 and passengers between
kJ Ituntro4e and Fraendarille. will Mare Searle's Ilotri.
In 3iontro•o.. daily. at 7 o'olork, a. m. and leave Friends
rifle at 3 o'clock. p. m.
cif ]lona and canine, can be procuye4 at the e t.lrery
Stable of the sab.eriber Montrtwo. on remanutbleterma.
Montrose. Avg. M. PAL t( J. D. GIOODWIN."
I- chased the stock of •
OftSfEltLY - owned L3 . .1: N. *DULLARD, take* It&
i s method - of informing thwitcho fake the peprs;" that
the • stock has again been removed to the old Mead.
below" the 3OIX11.001•"t s CPCIIO4I,
-viler. to will he most happy - to wait 1.1p013, InOle 1.
may favor him with a cap. - • t
111:11LISLIED OW in print) can be obtained by. leaving
your urrlera. with the price of the book andpubliaher'a
Paine at the lieFk, al.o , any article In the "Book and
Stationery" line. _
ARPE'R'S. Gniley's.-I..odie's, Peterson's. Atlantic,
Ja or any of poptllar Magazines of the day. N. T.
Lcdger, N. Y. Weekly. 'Mercury. Clipper. Flag. Wilkes'
tipirit. end ell tits Illintrated Papers for sale.- Bitta Mien
SCHOOL BOOKS—AII the old and now eaitione.
BLANK BOOKS—A very nice assortment.
CUTLERY.—Tip top article of American.
GOLD PETS-Veu Fine ones; Ladies t Gents.'
PERFITYV.FEV—A.V.F. Harrison's and others.
11 iv ME .\ CLEILIAXJ. and r will endeavor 1a
RJR hate ** a &Ingle eve-to your hiterett,".andons to Mr
own. Your& cri,lentts: • . - .
411... 'S. ESTIOCZ•riEII%
- 3fortrttott., rA., septemb , ,, 1,t., itril.—tt r .
r.4 .4- Affont fifty different kinds of Pills
and other Patent Medicines In-proportion.
...Montrose. March; • d.REL Ttatnnu.
- .
fucated t:ver the SuPpinliarana Va 11.7
;FACT lit I
LOWELL, Principal; Professor -of the
ticieney of Actionnts. Practical Accountant-
A tailor of Trentiee, upon Book-B,:,:t:P
ini;.r. Diagrams illa , tratinr the tame.
Jall:4 .1.1%:•EIN. commercial Aceountant, Proles
of Book ficcping - and Practical MatlientstiC.—
J. J. Cunris. A•o4h.t:int - Professor in-the Bunk
licepinz Department.
A. J. WANNER, Professor of Practical mna or- -
Ilauvero et Peninanallip, Commercial, Calcutta
lions and -Curresp..?.dence.
I)anic!s. lEckirson. Lecturer on roamer.
cial Law and Political Economy.
!Jon. Ransom Bolcom. Lecturer on Contracts.
Vroinitisory Notes and Bills of I.:iehange..
Itcv Dr. E. Aralreus, I.l..etifrer on Commercial
• •
10.1A3111:‘ I liG'CO:11 MITTEE :
11011. Shi;rman Phclpq, Win. R. Oshon, Esti .
'Tracy 11. Morgan, 11. q.
Th e olj••et of is to afford to all
an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Rosiness
Tivt.ilouks ond Fauns tire I:nrefullytrnangett
by prsetieul necusninscs expressly for thin In.
st it ution and viabrace •on teitunt -improve . -
• The course 'i)f instruetind eompriaiw ovary
at•puyttnent hit,*.nosa. The 'learner' will Le
thoroughly taught thci: ecience and `practices)!
Double Entry Bonk-Keeping as applied to the
()Mewing - kindli of business, viz :,General Mer
chandising, Manufartorinv, Banking, Commix.
su•atolsoatiag, Ataitroading„ Forwarding,
Freightin, Foreign Shipping. &e. -
yo CNC; NEN'
, -
can (minty themselves in n short time, at this Instittv"
lion, to till important slid lucrative Aitnatlont. Ample
references can be given where graduates of faGq are new
tilling desirable situations with salaries from $5OO to 111006
per annum. -
The Proprietors are In pre , cs,ion of testimonials from •
come of the first Curilmercm:tionses in the State. to whom.
'they hove furnished hook-keepers, showing; their entire
t infact ion anti confidence t!u•ability of the graduate*
of this Instil:Mon.
la all It. Insnehes, taught by the moat skillrul. and thor
ough marten of the, s,rt. No College in the manta en•
joys a higher repotahm tbta department . . India' De
rt -
pament entirely separate 'front that of theyentltutten—
Stutlenta can enter College aG anytime, No escalope.
Time to complete the course. from S to 1i weeks. Stu.
dent. par-ing tho requisite examination are presented
with thr nmet elahorate and elegant engraved 1)1plonts
homed by any Commercial or Classical Institution In the.
Union. Asq.lano , rentleted to ~ r uttuates in procuring
?gloat 10110. •
For terms of t Want!: price of board. fostintoptale . of
graduates Bllittcposltions,S:e. addrc.s the proprietiow for
circulars cow:Al:An:2 full part.colam
Proprietor: , Birighamloil.cothinercial,Collegq.
Nor, R. ;So —y Bioginuntort ,Pr. T.
AdmirdstrAtor l s Notice.
tt. t. e , l 4 ltal , Lo e f
berm ormited to the pubeerlher. all persons • indebted lin
the sold estate are renneAted to make immediate pay
ment: and those hoeing elattne ot demands against the
”.tuts of the, sold decedent, will make known the same
without debte to
:gout mar, :to ne. 13.
-nv. , J. B. 31 . .TOLLUM,
3000..ROLLS,.. \ LL NEW PATT ERN'S .
' 033301.3 V1 1 2E1V1ES 33 cocas. .03tcoriii;
Montrowe. Pa.. April 911,, Pan—tc
Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R.
roc and after Jinn! 13th. MI. Pappenger trains wilt run
as follows:
st4lr'lSG SOL'ili
- Prinenger.,,Amtrattetarion
I.eitte • Stratton, M 1.15 a. It. . 10.2 1 / a .m.
• littgatOn. • • -7.". A .• It. at,
IRnpert. • 9.10 .11.311
. • Danvile. 0.45 - 1,40
A - rrlvo at cNorthurnherland at 10.:KI
.1 4 .00
•- •
• • 310 V ENG NO.R.TII.- ••• -
Lease , ..N.orthninherland;2• 3:50 p in. • - - 4.00 a, m.
• Danville, 4.30 " 0,30
Rupert, • • , 5.00 6.411
Kfttgaton,., r t in
rriya at, Stratton. 8.06 /1•20P.,m•
Pesieng connect 010 with
IClngston . 'at s. m. tor
/Unman, towith train for N. York' , ..Rmunting
leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New pork at 3,
The Lackawanna &BliOnallurgßadtroad ottanects with
the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Bonn.
ton, tor New York and intermediate Point , twat. ;
- At Rape/lit connects with the Catawisaalfahrotd.roa
points both mat and west.
IltNorthumberhlnd it emineeta wit h the Philadelphia
di Rrle; and Northern Central Railroad and Etio Railroad
lot poll/hnest and tooth. - -
,LOBS P. U. LEY. finpt '
rETTEI36:s r T,.Gen : itelret Ace - . • •
S ALT, by the Aftrril. <c nck or rottoft.