The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 01, 1861, Image 2

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    Lottgr from a Frilled hingtort War 111081111 3 ,:
The Ayaritorrespoudent of , the -.Phiht
i delpithu,ktquireriiit a totter ff the . %Sid.
- From the Wilkes krzyi.2intk.
lbctittotm :Va., June 2.5,. 1861.,
llmuMititu:::-Col.:Thomai , of the Ma
rybuitl veltinteersimt. Alcor to whomwe I Trent theArinta ~- d several
are deeply'italebted, for mime attention. ) Misonets; and from the 4iaposition . Of
'Called upon us yesterday afternoon - andi lleaureOti-d's forcesit seeing to have been - a . J
'volunteered. to convey any commtmicatimui part of his platt - onS'inday;to have.fohns•
we might wish to send. • C o l. - Bowman - ton conic down with a:parti? . f.his colunin
.seized.the' opportunity'of • writing to his far :4 - the Bull'S Ittua.Motititain and
- wife and liunily,.attil, ant. glad of thiri with. another' part -down Ole turnpike
chalice Saying to-you-that we 'no safe I from Wfinchester to ki‘ldia; -- f-:anil thep„,
'and welt. Our arrest both' of us . charge I:.while4l:6 - atiregard was enga4ing MeifloW
to false information received from Major 1 ell's wlikile army at Bell's Rittr,r-Johns.t on
,Knipe of our brigade. W 'net bhn •atl to make a ihreed march on the right •11aiils
the rtVer as . iv'e were watering, our horses,'
.01 Mail well, by way !of Fairfax, Vienna.
returning as he alleized - T - ronva scouting. I
expedition of at least five miles back i 'and .Bull's er° BBl ltoa 61aact then fall lipr
! on his rear ItomFairfax.and Centreville.
the country.
r, , On his assurance, that the ; llatWecit• thee:thee:two - I Ares, - 1 - 1301Wegard
road was • 'clea •' only sixteen enemy lipped et) annihilate 3.l6DoWell;'-and then.
within miles 'l we • forded the -river; to marcii on'Wasliington: ItlialAwt yet
trotted leisurele up the and while transpired what it was that - Prevented
viewing the 'Maryland side,: the town. • Johnst+ from fulfilling - lAA! part .of the
the eamps,and the beautiful scenery, were. progra,ultne. Ii td be ,done thellebels.
•suiprised by a picket of.eiglit men fully would have been-in Wushington - to-day,
armed. We were within range of th•eir-) attic otu*irmy would have, .been cut, to
guns,so they told us, as soon as We touch- , rpieces. it is owing 'to Gen. Patterson's
ed the Virginia shore, and that they bad . t mance4res that .1011114 On did . .not effect
been on the Bights for twelv - e 'hours. The 'what Weatiregard intended hint',
.to 'do,'
Major's course could net; have been in.! what honors shall not be paid to that
that section of country. The first Jill cer?
ettle - s - Of our transit - over Virginia soil.was . GE4. ' w - 111 - rosi
..1 .
at speed excusable under the 'deem- thiii hour:of the nation's perplexity
stances, but certainly, riot such as a coup:: at id sofa'distresS, when the great heart of
le of sight-seers I{' nI d choose. Neither! the country is aching atsuch au'unlooked:
• of. R s -remarkable horsemen, a rapid ! for ami3Overwlieltuing - defeat,. the eyes of
to betty:sew - two horsemen, who kindly ! men are. watidering about in search of
. . . - .
- ..
relieve you from guiding your horse-z-our .t trAtiMt.. ; ;Whatever may be satdos to i (31 0 ,) 'W e a b o lishing, the foto districtcourtn 1 . , .
' Free,Speech. ..
Situation ) WaS not the most.ndvantageous , thecauie of-this terrible defeat, ~ .
and.tlP - in Missouri and establishine - one in ital. ~,
for display of equestrianism: I sham va 7 !on Alionrsoeviir the bionic of. the' fe- ,. lrtnl stead. lii the course of Idebate, Mr: Crit- 1 .IN oeowapentl - the following . l.6 those
• Ways fed under.obligations to our captors ; .disaster4ill ultimately fall, one thing is't an
„„ !Republica:44lm, just nowt; tldnk A .
for refraiiiing front rt;inarks on our t i - ding. •.(iertaim - 5 if ActJ had had in the. 15(11 rand t a te u t l i i d se eu oppdsed the it was
of the power of Congress, and an ; awful thing for a man to. speak out his
A good supper of ham and 'eggs With , upon.the spot a general like Beauregarii,l invasion ofthe Constitutional mode of ft•-. i i , sentiments unless they happento'eliiine in
- coffee and.a sip of something nior. stun- the disa.4ter WOuld ; riot haVe leached its
such an °l ti t •hwitli idle entire policy of 'Old Alw." l ----;
tilating„on hour's rest, and ave. Were on present fearfuli - iwnportions.- There teoul 1
; moving a Adge, -to effeel
;by the abolition atilt?, ('Ourt as non pro- •
i'llte evtract is from the message - 1
the road - agnin+this time in a em>horse • hare ℜ no rozi,? ;" no loss of cartoon ;' 110 i pose d . _ The bill passed byl nvote. of 70 ' - • •
spring wagon.. Our runic ._lay-
_through throariog, away of muskets and knapsacks. I to 50. -1 . _.
' Andrew, of asiiachusettS, to the tegis
'3fartinsbnrg to Wineliester, and a . glori- It was linked :in impoSsibility 'for Our lit- 1
.Inly 24—Honse.-31i OIL) latun'e a few weeks situ —e : .
ous•conntry it is—the vallev of: 'Virginia tie amity of fifty ; thousand "mon ..10 Wrest,-.s .ittl..._. : ... T I
,oaVe spoken witli-sonte freedom. 1 . "La us never—under any conCeivable
..--fine old plantations,. splendid fitrming the term roils batteries front ninety thou- I y ou h av e at the head of ttlie artny a man !, e ; .:7 - ,
.r,..mstancc•s or provocation or indigo:A
lands, crops just ripening.. Cur -guides, Isand Lt. els. 4. but when this had been,! w h o 1, 01 -e your fin : * thrOngli the war-. in? tiou-,.forgetltlie right, of free diScussion
escort rather—import their and our reqUestt ascertained:, a 4killfUl general Would hate 181 0. You have, afterv/4r dististers,init' of all public questions is ottaranteed to
detailed, were our captors, and enlivened brought Mff . bisltrctops in good order,. and-, p a i re d. public contiden4 in hint. ° lie every individual till the -'3lassachusetta
the ride by . pointing out objects . of inter- only retteated ,to t:Airfax; or at flirtherest j tbught the late 'battle against .his judgi: soil; he thesettled conviction of her.iico
eat, discernible in- the bright Moonlight. to T:014 Chnrcrtand Brill's Cross Roads. ,
,1 ment.....Whose limit wits it :),,. It Was 1 ple, hi the habits of her successive gencr-
Had We been accredited visitors- on 'a , If the War DepaVoiwitt wiShes , to re- i
v ours ; and unless son rally around him I ; ., ii io ns ; „ ni l 1,,. express pr o v i s i ons , of he,.
pleasure tour, we could not have received 1 t Her e lie fOrtiines
. of •the' . criuntry,, let; the cotinti-y- will not atipport, you. I i constitution. :1-tril let us therefore never
more conttoous_and respectful attentions. 1 them get Major-General McClellan, : raise have no sympatity°With` !the General-in- `seek to r(yp t ,:es the eriticims of iiiiinrity:
We arrived at 'Winchester AMA
. fivo I him
. th (lie rank ofll . Lictitenant-General by' Chi e f in polit ieil oiNiilioil.l •Wileo be w:IS , however small, upon the diaraeter and
o'clock Thursday, and Were „inunediatelv
. i brevet, inch gixle him the control °l* the 1 a candidate' or the,Presidency I opposed ! „mallet of arias atbrii:ii,fration whether
. conducted to Getter:ll ' Johnson s iteall- - 1 arniy.. ..itcli au arrangement would be (-
hill with all nit heart, : I should oppose STATE or N',I:TIONAL.”
:quarters. After a short exatnination We. 1 cmimmtly satisfactory to Gen. Scott,'a- od
- - I'hiin under similar eh-en:Ai:tattoos, to-mor m
Were sent to a hotelainder our parole not it is, PO.lnlPS,'7.the only - thin; that eau in- 1 row ; but when. you look lon him as a mil- 1 't '
. Another Daring Exploi .
toleaa:e the building., The news ;of our I fuse hit and spirit into our now drooping 1 itary matt he is the - greatest of them all, .
'‘, cothininv of men visited the house of
arrival created a great sensation, so great 1 soldiers.,; A stirring • proclamation from 1 airdin all respeets eilicielit. lf your had 1
in faet,that after breakfast We were re- I 'lc - ClelltiU would fire the hived of pvery 1 Ilirnm-LeWis in ()weo-ot owashi'p N. Y.,
, not forced hint to participate •in this ca-; • , •
~,.. , •
moved to quarters less inconvenient.-for Allielittgi eit17.411, the Shattereil regiments !.1-units von would have had 3 victory with- ', bn Sunday night the . -Ist -inst., armed
the accomodation of spectators. •.. large , would V:e :Igaib'filled • up, acid in a few 1 out fighting a battle. I . . . .'• 1 With guns, tar, feathers,'& - c., :for the pur
- unoccupied warerocnn _Was allotted us,. ! wrecks We• W0111)1 agaiu be ready to resume I Ge n , • Gieelify, who, .1 .think,. is . the'. pose of mobbing, 'lir. Lewis who is a roan
and the President's levee WaS never more' the offengive..Ni6 one can doubt the result...'
!ablest of all the Gendials,l should be ! ,
. oi'' over sevent ';
' ' llia
cuts-live ye:Ars .-ot age.
largely attended by a more
,getutlemanlv l ' With our. :limn properly and .completely _
t,apointed by Mr.
.Lincol' ;Mid sent to ~ ...., - , ,
ute. was threatened. as • it bad been preyi
company of , visitors. .ofticers and sol: ; reorganited, an raised .to . one hundred r•Ri e hn i ond to take it. -I e would soen,j . , , .
diers of grades, citizens in everY de-' thou's:m(li men (for it iVill not' do to. move ! o„, t , i i ,_, [L aug h ter .] This is ins opi ll io r k.. NISIY NYthe . same gang ;. but- ite esVaile,a
- -partment of prole zsional life -called, into- " with a lci t i4s number), Wo Y can -once more i I charoe nothing for it. have met my '.front them, and fled to a neighbor s
riablv,requesting.if We wished :tar- ; any mind: 7.‘tanass:is, and this tune drive 'the I,f r i t . n a from lowa(eurtis) on the. plains ot;-: house, SOlllt`. lout'. - miles diSt:ott, to tie
thing to be kind enough to mention it.— , enemy flan It. , '
_.; - i :Mexico. - .H ... eiS a militarylinan, and Iris i . •• - . 1
1- , ",-, 'perhaps his nie. _ Ir. F.-.ewis is said to he ,
Of the many hundreds with whom we I, But let the (3overnm.f . .mt eontilme. to np- i seer! the srategrilf Gen..seott. I shout! '-
shook hands not one act offered the : point - civilians 0 high military commands ;1 he amazed if 1 should hear him question , ,-,
a o-ood Union man,- but lie il,iffers witlel
slightest indirmitY: In talking open the I let theta qend grand ditis:ibris of the .ar- . 1 what . Gen. Scott had dond. I do-1191 in-: ; this- gling ' litical afrii-s—lterice
about po . . .. ;
• wah and occasionally polities,every pre.- imy inrb battle, tinder the command ot lidadc'all b,cpublicans ; but you have : the ;Attack. The gang cotishits of about i
cat/lion was used tit save g,iving offence to leo lo n eis, raud brli gad es nntler the coin ; 1 i• or ced , a battle, and becauke yon 410 to it
i seventY-iive. men, who meet we clot and
our feelings. Thursday a fternoon, COL Ivsand c,f I.fliptain. ; let , them continue •.to : i s i nst . I declare before 4, 40,1 , as any sod- t r y to . make theins( Ives :A terror to' the
Thoinns called and informed us. he Was 10 , disrco-ard'Gch. 'cott's thins, and listen i ' clo p conviction, if such things arenerrnit- : - • . .
1 ,
tv Thew have,not.oficrol their
be our escort, to Rielurmind, at ten ocloek..l to the ratmo's f impatient and . blood- 'l e d v on :will de•stroy 414 (4m - eminent ; : c°11 " )1 ". n1 • ' .
. . .
We were Mome - iitarily' sun-prised, 'as I 114irsty AbolitiOnist members of Coogress; !
• and .I further declare, tha .it Gen. ScotttheC wernment for they
iserviros to !I.
.., . ~ .... .
froth whilt we hadheard, We iniagine'd we I l c i the.pfans . Ofgthe littler beadopted for i
I 'cannot fight the,lull:tics, i. ()body else can.olare not Ile in favor of the ivar to so great ,
were to be retained as hostages or en- 1 the futurit conact 'of the eampaigo, as ..'i I that Gen. Seott,had been forced i antexti;tit :n; that, and it is understood that.
changes for citizens ci that vicinity. lie 1 tlicy hav4 been ibr its conduct on to this to fight that battle at Mail:was Junction..
-produced a written parole apeto attempt' tini . c., andli in si N ly d a y s the flag Or Con- I Will tell hint what (winged :N.
Ithey will not deice the vicinit Y except in
- -este-rda Y j else - of invasion when they willdoubt.:
to .escape, which was signed by Col. /.3. federate states I CIII float fiver our •Natiot- 1 morning. . My . -Nolleagut (Logan and 1• •; ' in•
S iii ill double'
for both of us, and we Wire allowed the 'al Capitol, and r he,independence of the 1 wa s hi n n• ne ) an d myselt - 'were• present t less t-11OW their, "expertness e .
liberty of the town, to procure melt anti- be' acknowledged.' w i t h t h e Pr e sident, SeeiJctary 'of War :quick-step. .A ebnst:tble with a forini
• des of clothing ,-,s were necessary. A:1 by'eyery `iiationdli Europe. ' , ' ruin Gen. Scott reinarked :1
1. '4 ran the big - 1 dable posse of tiro men should' be di.
~I . ,
drive of sixteen miles brought us to tiaras: : ,-
4 -, est coward-in the world.'[ rose from I tailed
... .
,‘'. ..
burr , at 2 - 1-2 a. in., 'and from deuce by I ; nr Public Opinion is settling 1
' ° *"l my seat. "Stay," said Gen. Scott ;. " 1 .
I ,.,0 captur, them as a nuisantk. In
'''st ne and almost into nerve-' .
rail all the 'war to this place. - We changTed 1 into - emno. c ,f,.. ;
I Will prove it. I have foi4tht the battle 1.1
ustice to them we blight to say that they
cars at .aerie-is Junction Gen. Deatire- . ; imit)-, as ' , to the iparties and the causes., to iominst my , judgment, and I think _ the congife their hostile attacks to 'thee _mid.;
_ gard.'s i , orninand. althougl; 'We slid not be eli:irg4d wifil" the yespoosibility of the
;I•Presitlent ought to remove me to-4.lav for : night libuirs. -awd never attack Men under- 1
, see the camp. The first fifty miles front i disaster ,1t Maniissas. • Inex4perienced (Ail- , I Join. - it." • `•ls God .is • 10 , , jztdge,' ; 1 !
„. ~-,?e, • seventv-fiveVems of 100, and but one .-ntr!
the•Jmuction, was through the Worn pit.t eery, incoMpletti organization, !Andprentai, I added , interval oft il s enee,' '1- dill; a time. The corn 4 , . , . ~.
pan) are lint unimo An ,i
lan - ds of Eastern Yiroinia, butt ormoon- t tune action are the. eauses believed to-be , u --,. , :
i zit ill MN poW-er to . make the army efli- 1 -
ally we dashed through some magnificent ,at the bo:i s tom cif our most unlocked for I dent, and I desert remqval becanse I I hepeople along the:Pennsylvania 'bu
tt) t „. .
- i
plantations. One in particular :Attracted 1 defeat. old for f i hese the - parties tbat , are I did not stand up when I-e ell,' and did 1 der; and should theycoine over the
,line 1
mylittention: I ciin't. begin to tell how 1 almost udivershily.blamed are, the Secre 7 ;tie
t I stand,' here- to, iindie`ate Gen. 1 with any offensive dentonstratiOns, tr
many thousand acres there were, of corn, 1 tart' of W..!ar, -w l', ..i4 held to
. be unequal t 6 1
1 Scott.• I ant indebted
- to the
. gebtleman 1 pint syringe - charged With cold miter,
oats and wheat each. The • latter,. was j his-position, nn the el:intoning mischief i fl•bra,,Missouri .for the comOiment he paid 1
beat hand, wifli which to disperse
ripe and'being harvested. 'We rescued i makers et the dew York Tribunr, \Vito , mt.,. I say for milielf that lam !should.
~ . . . . , .
here at four li. iii„ of Friday, 3110. Were I hate beet) ftirly t howling for a forward ' •
here the hist cut a . freneratiin, my father 1 , .
1 them backedr rip by a few fresh capped
taken to the - Adiotant-Gencral's office of 1 7110VCrnet; witliontregard to the condii , ! ' ' ' beused a
s 1 re
:11111 grandfather .having . 'Mien beneath 1 "speaking trumpets" to . _ . ;
the Confederate States. • The -Cur:tont 1 tion of tiff armi, and reckless'of the cost 1
T. 1 the ilno- of their co.untry 1 1,-. too,• liatcl serer in ,cnse of their 0-roiVin7 deSperate.
II - 'd I - the' Departmental jof life; , and ()like peril to the country.-, - - - ~,,,.d , fold I,it I I !
_ .
Louse is occupier.
Bureau.. had the 'Pleasure seeing
thrciugh an open ,do6r, President: Davis in'
consultation with the head of one of the
Departments.. A brief delay,long enough
4,6 drain up an extension. of • our trave,ling
parole, and we were' politely informed
that we might choose (planers for" our
aelveS Within the city.. Good fortune Sent
us to the Columbian, where we are quay.- I
tered yery handsomely.. It ik the • best ;
managed, hotel / have ever visited. .The
table is excehleht, and thc,servants mne
rous,ixespeetful. and very att;..n;ltiv'e. We . ;
have • met .representatiNTS front *every
Southern State but Missouri. anti North. i
Carolina, since being here. - They all
press themselves in one way—determined-,
to defend theinSels to the last_ We
have not heard one solitary word indieti
t lye of a 'Union setitiment- existing in any
, :r.the States, nor one o' vindictiveness I
against the North. We have met quitel
A number of the members of the Con en-
tion now in session, who were 17nion. pen
up-to the time of the President's roptisi
tion for troops. They.all speak with re
:trot of theiriltilure to be second e(1, by. the
North; hut-espeiem eVerythinfr now lost.
The invasion -Of Virginia swept over the
. .
States with the same tutnidtons uprisiniz
to arms that the :ittack on Sumter' did
over the North;
'We were allowed the , unrestrained ,
feeedom to triivci abut within the eliy.
limits, and have made a number of. visits'
to prominent,places ofinterest. af
ternoofi we are to visit the eapitol and
look in.rupors the Convention. •I lirave•been
rattling Away as if chatting to you across 1
the room; regardless of the,:annOyanee
am putting-the Departinent to in reading
nt)• epistle. Give our re , rards to 401 friends
and our families. Assure them -of our
safety and - health. I hope soon that op
imrttinity may occur' for oar exchange dr
release, but we . must wait ;patiently' the
events of war. - I don't know when you
will hear from us again. You must thank
Col.- Thomas for thiS. :With many re
•gards, yours truh', tow.tnn .
. •
• Mr. Chase; is a young man, and: was in Wilkes-barre when *lie
volunieered for the war. He was an . ae-:
tine Reputilican,and made:stump speeches
for the-party in the late: , campaign.
ideas - of southern men and manners can
not beipestioped by his party -friends:,
--The Irish' census shows that the pep . u.
lation orthat ceitintry44s fallen. oil' twelve
per cent Within-the pn . st tea 3 ears
T)ie - ob . fcction Made to , rtmning
two tickets in Oltio•at the :eomilig elec
tion, is that lt.srill indicate a division of
onrselveKand glemholden and encourage
the enemi. -In praer to guard wzainst it.
we - suggest Volt as the . Demoeats - Will
nominatelfrst, clii the 7 . th of Aiign z .t, that
the It-publiona. - adopt our nomination!
afterwars. whin they meet in.. Conven.!
- •
vov can present a: um,
fed fr.nt!' Thefil‘emmeratie ticket 'will he
par r.rrtll;lre a 1: pion ticket. :fhtn-e grill
not he a man mi 'vim is not now, and al,
;;ways has been, for the pre.servation.of the
Vit ion. tha;t. is.the only issue., accord.:
to our Rep4blicanfriends,• there is no
reason wl shotild not go for our
.\ the Democrats.: arc in the ad.:
I vance . in the mititary.column, ;loin,* Most.
of the Ihrlitinr , the. Country, it ifs prop-,
• •
it strikes us. that they should be, gut
LI the politie'd I —Cfneinratti Enquirer.
that to .rote against
zniv reoutiinien4tion the,EreentiNe or.
Aamit f istr4tinn in COrig:ress, iS giving,
' aid and etintrirt - to the enemy.". Under
this ride, What ti to : . be done with "the
.Il t. k,
RepubliOt party in. Congress,
AV hid! 11:1t ',ill Vpled down the propw . ition
suggested hy...lrr. Lincoln in his
of :i:Natioid CAnventinn ?: They thwart .
ed nnrl opOsedi 2 the Administration e 'while
the Demoeratieinernbers sustained it.—
CwrinnatilEngdirer. •
Ifonn Tintr...445.,-The Repn,blicatis can
tint ,e.„e.tloyer th`p idea, • o extertnina.tinz
their opptitient3 with moh . force and ruf
fianism. Clnitrfield paper •thinks.. _that
no other tkiwn in the State would permit.
the publination of the - Clearfield Repuhli
, 'pan. Thn Jeffer•sonirm ,threatens
i)aper_of that . place with
I.destructidn, - if.ii copies 'nny more articles
from the S'ayrni County Herald- - Anoth
,.er paper tiii4s that ''Sam Patch," -a' c?r
re.!pondintt. of thP SeliasgroteTime; 'had
I:better be. of he will get.: hung:
Gloridul4s it M4-these times ofßepubli,
.can free sneech and free- press !,
•. - .
',l.liladison Quits, fathei of S.,enitor
Douglas's widow publishes, a 'card, by
desire - of ihat lady; reguking the friends
of the skletiarted statesman - not to- raise
eontributiOns for the.. suppoit of herself.
- aud ehildrien. Cutti4s,able and wil
ling to for them. 7 -• • _
R 'enieinber for yoitr,palici..
MEM ocingre4-Wai Sess(oi
• •
July bill providing fOr
'the - confiseatibit rebelS
'found. in -agaitqii: the Qiiverntnent•
WM; taken np, - ,. Mr,,TOMbulf(lll) offered
an amendmont - Pro_ttiaing:thitt any person
liela ser*6 or lalioi employed in'any
'way radingthe rebellion "'against ; the'
• GoVertintetit, be e..rfeitea - to his was=
ter. - N. . • g.
Adopted,-:--six,nays. - .
• tiouse.- 7 -Mr. / Wickliffe (My.) offered a
resolution calling on • the SeCretary
War to itiforin-the Honk° whether the,
Southern etinfederany;ir any State there
of; has in; its Military - selrvice anyindians,
and if s,olwhat is their niunber and tribe;
Mt'- p unti shove to extend the_
ingniry as to n'egroes.
Mr. Dtinti's amendnient: was atiOtitea,and
,the resolution passed. 1
July . 25t-House.—Mr. Burnett
asked letrve to .oflfer t'esolntion calling
on the Secretary of W:4'. to - inform the
Douse whether there by negroes in the,
army of the United'Staf t es who have been
armed ; whether there•are negroes, the
property of any -the citikns of - the reva•
:tett:St:mei, ‘11 , 70 have be.rn used by - our ar
my in 'throwing tif breastworks or impedi
ments, and if So, at what places, and what
number of slaycs had berit employed.
Various objections *fire made to its in
troduction from the Republican side:
Mr. Potter ovis.y reOrted a bill for cif
"viding-Kentticky into :Iwo judicial dis: ,
tricts and aboliShing tit present district-
court. Alt's. was anten,
ed by Mr. Blair
. _
I 'foilrght under its folds
1 iihroad,(MexiCo) - and, God
VI will stand till ther"end _ol
funilin it :against all flies.
! ' 3lr. WitShburne—As m 3
I referred, to Gen. Scotts
1 inight also allude to.what
Isaid. ~. ' - • - I
! .31r. Richardson—l trill dO so. - "Your
i . conversation implies," said the' President
! to Gen. Scott, "thatl forced you 'to bat
t.i." To. hich 'Gen.- ficolit replied, "I
i laire _never served under a rresident who
lets bect kinder to me than -you hare. "=
But Gen. Scot did not believe the Presi
dent from - the fnet . of the flatter -, having
forced- him to fight tlic battle. Gen.
Sl•ott thus paid a ci - implimelit to the Pres
! identTersonally. I desire to say of -the
President that I have known him from
1 boyhood. • If-y(4 let'llim alone be 15 an
honestmqn. - ELaughter.l But I Mil
afraid helms not firtunessl t 9 stand 'up
.1 against the politicians - around him. .
—.- . - . .
C - -;-37 Tbe Philadelphia Bulletin - •has a
chapter on John Brown g 0 the war. in)
which sentiments approach rig adoration '
for the memory Of that old traitor Who
attempted to seize the II
.rper's Ferry
armory are.exprewd. 1.7.4ry one to his
tas;e—but we cannot exagt y see the dis
tinction between the treas n of the man
who attempted to take Goverment pro- .
perty as the prelude to a slave insurrect- -
ion and that of theSeeessimasts who,seiz
ed it for their purposes: 'The Bulletin is
eihitchappy in the lieliefthat the cause: in
which Johh Brown Saerifi4r hislife ark
pears so near its. triumph .. ,and. that the
"blood 'of the martyrs is"once More the
1 seed of the . "[Aholition] Clihreb." •-:- .
ment, if, in the judgment of such officers I, ;'
stich services shall be Useful, .or, , ficeessary J.
to the prosecution of this war 7 ”-,
sente of the objections to the bill are-7 1
thht it openly.violates s the . Constitution ; I •
i• - • ~. .
commits a grievimin *mpg': againnt tin ny 1,
i - .
loyal. people 'rho are to be. obbecl:of their I'
prOperty by it . s.operatiim ; does the great
t .
est possible harm to the'slaVes; debases
our government to the lowest' piratical 1
. ,
-——-- - . I dJptl—for the object of liberatim?...aild.)
•,';'"Fort - tv.xnn to Richpiond l . :For-.1 tutia, int, :he t .
t 7,
Tbes'is to employ .thetiflit
ward to Richmond I . The Iliebel Congress
butcheringinhocert,. helpless : '-omen,
Must not be alio-Wed to meet thereon the
20th 'of July'l7.--N.-,Y., Tritutite,• .. • ' cbtldten, and, aged and infirth.fterSons; and:
, dl,"Ohi - White coated. villain , Greeley, th'e - destruction." of : private 'ptopertY; !
why -don't yoci join- the brave Men already: stelkes the final bloWfor the utter destine;
on their march, and go.forward yourself?
. 1
tidn of the Am • 13 • Ntox-•,greatly adds'
There isipeither.courage . Uir honestytin to he stren th erl f g tliesecessit4Mov,ent etiti ,
sitting; comfortably at home in your curb- a g th 9
~F or. l an, renders e stikagaation of the .Sonth . '
i ioned arnkehmi Ina -ling ".F(lrward !
id -_ : . , a ti n r i el im , po i 4 d sih i lli ss , ty7B!.s !des . ,:lthe bill ,; -iti ,ett .: -
war,d !?' • The, eyes.cif tiscninande of .*
owsland..orphans may look te-yOuati• one ,• I- Y ..2L...,.........-. ". -•'. -:.
of tbe,guilty causes of their v-oe while - the
Ni.: - 4os„'A...T..n, , ntan. of Springville t i': lost
world: regards - yon•witli•-icorn and horror a "sr: alnable_beriiliat'week by a Snakebite.
, to Seezyou site' - -- , infr 4 hfo 4- -lii," -while; It appears' that. the boisef. wa. ;.; bitten. in
. yon_keep .voin Tut of the l'several7placis.;. , . VhetherAeistalie wni; a
' .reach
,of tting/ reamers I Copperhead .cii - Ilittleitimkelatiot Certain,-
-, for War as yol '..4 - IY . nr: I
• 1
but; t- Ment likely latter; ..It was seen to
1 -' I rt a ontd . t 1 M; by.-a. piny siio
tly a?
te4.. 7 lry6l; 7 ol l 4filiiir. : • ':
. .. . • .-. . ~. . . ..
THE'MONTROgr. - DEMOCRAV -- ' . :1377-Atiardtif, -, 47.lgtopomi
. ~...,, --, ..,,,, , ,,--4.44.-4,. , .e- ---, i. , .._
Oings-$1 i'EßNeNNtriti,-lirADVVICIti'. ;-1 - ,lestetitkat 01 - 4!)./Va.ntpf,:wiTlelM 4. ;.
.. ~..... . . •
•-t - •' T - 2' ,. . - t..A-•"-..•-. "'.7. - •. ---:- ...- - 57,r -- ---'loaiilillledltt4l;e:kl • Fanass:l,,. ini uf,f ort ; fiat- ,
`:q . ; ."..,Wr:::0-31:11301.1 2 11=VISOMNTr:• • 4 .1 ,6 :AU f asit . tioltlet t ailn , t wc ount y, i
f.DITC4Ii -- P-,ll_ LISH_ER,
.AN(1. , •P19f.1.11E 0 .1 , - * . r . ,o4,..bvw , eit,wooro,.. f _endiea death •
itefillka iaiiiefirieftflifintiteieui Iteari!‘ - ,'
Hiireaittalif ; ':ltogerS; ond.fonfo* five nun'
• ar4„Pri MIT reported weup4 ;-:but' we
heir that a: young ltntin••Oin Liberty ; . 100;
is is t h e writesltome that 217 , 01
company.. ... . -
- the ,cOMpani;xv ereldlled,, j 'ent -'bir. 84; and:
- y
filiOni'lfalf-ltheotheraYar,oonnded: : • J• ,-
' ' •--'-••:';•;-'--.•:, - ' 4 . 1- 177 - . -- 7'.. ••. 0 . -
• ' M 7 WciiitVe. - receiveil the repOrrof 'a,
,Minion Peaqeineetincy,' held • in Lenox,,
-which xill.appear,•next 'Week:: Another
meetingWillharela•np: 'tlfe , 'Sehool-house
near•t.. , lL• , Titifs'•on-Satiirday. eve.;,Atig.
adoci•which the pcople•areinvited._..
, .. . :.___,...,......:-...,14-•-=*• •• • •
w qr i * T.' The army Will lm! reorganiied, un
der McClellan, amlan adVanee Made, on
Manassas towstri)s - Yall,.prolialdi:, -,,..
! :• , - • 4-...-----40.4.-. , -4-•-•-• -•-• . - -i• •'• • .- ' zna.vitt.4x - Juizonsisr. Nr.z:mi.,_
• ; _
The , orwm :Amendment - • . , '.,•:-.•Ararnt-;-I.teeja`mnisßoothroyd. ,•• ::
Ai the lastession of 'j Congress,- „Mr. Aploacmillarryttarifty.:•-: '
CcirW s
in,_ of Ohio : propeSeil the following Auburn--4 Tracy .Frinki• Spiitlf:Tewks
- amendment to the Constitution:. • • bury. . , , • -
. ,
Art. 1a• No amendthent shalt be made . r • , ... . .
, Brooklyn 7 -R. T. A.shley ; l>avid, Aunt,
- .
. - Bridgewater-•--IV. It. Melhnish; Darnel
to the constitution .Whicli m • ill authorize, l E. A...WestOp.
•or gtve to Congress the po-wer'to abo lish, ~. ~,. „.,... ..,
~,, •
or interfere withitilny Mate , with, ' the d o - .Stuart, , lta (Albert Warner. . .., . .
nies • tic institutions thereof; :including
.1- . Clifford--'-:Rzra, Pion. • .
_ - •
of persOns held to labor or service by t h e. Dimoek--=Sylirenui Tyler., ,-
.. , ...
.. { BenjaminDundaft,4 Brownell. '; .•
laws of said State: ' • i' . : . ..,
. ' " Praukhn-th.d ward L._ Beebe:
• This was -aboptcd by both flosses, and : FoiestiL i ke-j. D T • ir .
.... al •
ordered to he suliinitted . ,to 'the several Filendsville-4Vm.• C. W aters. ,•, , .
. . ,
State Legislatures for t'ie'r approval.- • Great Betid-Richard Stone. , . .:.- •
Mr. Lincoln; in lits . imitigitral address, ex- Gibson -George Pickering, Barney.
pressed his approval of it and advised' its Shepardson,Ritss,ell Tiffanv, ', •
ratifil7ation. It, has 'been ratified ! by only :IL rthrd-Jonas AdaMs, - John 1 - .0416.7 .
Herrick-Sanford Mims, Alvan Chan
legislature in Which the Republicans tiler, Geor . ge H. Lyon.
have a majority, .- -viz : Qhio. • It' was JeSSiiirSilas Sheets. -7- ~ ----
adopted atllltOde Island, j bnt there Re- • .laCksoti--;4George IT. Tyler.
1 li.i .
,iennni a is ,ii t e minority. . But in. Liberty-8.W.-Bailescikrry.Nortbrop.
INew York...PennSylyania, Maine,,,•Massa- . ''Lenox---Samuel 1-1.-'l?...Oroiw, • James
achusetts, COmiectidtit„ New Hauipshire, Ch 3 " l l ll in- •
, Vermont, and other States wlniselegis- • Middiet"o' - " , J° h ' i :w..- Dodge, J. W•
Mature have been in session, it has failed.
I ' • , Minitiese-4H. H. Diminore. . -
Another of the Pioneer Settlers -
,New Milf;ck4-E. P. Bradford,L•l3. 11.
I . . Gone. -: . • Foot; Jared Tyler, Roberti G illespie.
•d - Olklandirr A •B•Irton
,-, Than, Tri this -Borough 'on. Tuesday . - . ”. • ' •,, . •
rem - ruing, .1 oly -..Y.:(1, after along and pain -1 ~ Itush-T.'1 , .•,,... Brown ..„
I lid illness, Major Bicca_tuts lisminor, '
Susquehanna--Gaylord C'nrtis,. ''
J. 11.
Book, )V. J.ll tint er,A! in:Skinner; Thom- .
aged 17 years. • . • .
•Major Lathrop was htirn. 'in Bozrall 88 willids• -.! '- • _
' s nin "ville-:-Caleb Fist. • • ,
1 New London 'Co,. Conn., in Jime 1784 . ' S I l'l' C . . W
In-the year 1800, alien .but about le Thomson-Charles 4 k ..-- in'. south'
lhonison-4Cliarles Wrieitter. • . '- '
1- years of iwe lic4eininnateti to: this • coun- i . .-_,
. z.., ~
try with his ilither;rwhen only a few oft - •.. TnAvensJunotts-21.. ,
the hardy and adyeiiturous sons of Ne.w 1 Apolacon4H. IL Pencil.- .. -.•
England bad yet. : penetrated the wil-; , Bridgewater-George 13ackus,
demi el:s ; mid
. being the•eldest son of -the I 'Mott, A. 11. :Patrick. - --
foully, mid Ono of rigorous ,constitutionl llrooltlyn,James E:Ilowe.
and physical development, much or . the 1 - 1 (31itrordEllery Crandall,jr., Harrison
arduous exertiou.devnlved - upon him of j. Finn, •. • `I:. . . .
. .
; • . . •
t subduing. the wilderness . into a fruitful 1. 'Cltocentit--.', Siliis Light, Henry. Porter,
J field for the sustenance of the tinnily. , In! jr. ~' ' 'i.
! early inaphOod lie counneneed clearing-Iml, ' Dundatf r -Cliarles .
a firm, for himself M ..Bridgeivater,• -some 1 Rogjrs. . •
t wf_riiiiles south of this village, which he 1.. Fratildin- 7 -Asa Brundage. •
, made one of the most .valuable in- this i • : Great Ilend,',-A,G. Bush,:creorge, Hit
; part of the coinitry, :where-he spent the ley, Henry Gunn. .. • '
;'mist Part of his life. A titv years-ago, i- - ilibson-L,7.'0. Tiffany._ ; - ',--: • • ,-'
declining health compelled him 'to aban- j . Hartnony,4lepjamin-Comfort„ Seth A.
i don ti,(,. , active labor of tlielinin and retire 1 I. Vons. _
_ „ . • •
, from its siiiinerons•eareslo . his late resi- 1 . - Harlbril-I,lomer Tingley. .•• 4'
deuce in this Place, upon the competency . l 'Jackson-Philander Hall. : • , '- .. •-
~. which his ind List I'V, frugality and • en t er--1 - Lenox---William Barber, Joint C. Dock
-1 prise had accumulated. Ittit eveur here er..l.o?•en Miller.. . .
his early and long continued -active ttsi-.; - Lathrov--Ansel Sterling. •:• . .
ness habits rendered leisure irksome; and • Moatrose---.W. M. Jackson,” A. -Y.
when omit LOO closely confined by his . hod-.j Balhiril..,• • - . .• .. -,
';fly infirmities, he was one of the earliest i Miailletowl!....Lawrence. Curley. : ._ .
-and, most:le-slalms in his attention to . his.. . New. ,_Milford-Josiah. .Moss, „Jacob
warden and doinestie affairs. As in youth .Stoddard. • . 'l, •
' lie haul -been re-rartleil as a leader, among Oakland-Courtland Wood:. •
his associates, when in the labors of the • Suscytehanna--Edward Carlisle. , •-, -
field m ar in hilarious sports. so in manlioe y d Springville Jonathan Nutt,, Giles. G.
lie was leoke d upon by ItiS. neighbors as a 1 Rogers. - ;71 . -
.. , - , - . 1
1 model faraier. to whose perception and' - Silver Lake-----. George -North,- Thomas 1
1. jade-mem in
-all the ordinary aliiiirS of life'; SWeency. . i . l. -
.. • • ', .
deference Vas : Having in his -: *ThOIIISOII- 7 :5. W. Picketing. ' : -
!boyhood laid-the foundatien..of a good
common education in the schools of Con- • "Sitorinv.. : -`,S.ceoriling to the hilicial re-'
j lied len t,_ bis capacit -. for busitiesS as .well; port of the
_lnvestigating. committee ; of the
I . as Ms . : decision of character. led to his pto-l'State MilitarY board, it, was.this wretch
j motion to.varions reSponsible trusts not 1 ed stuff that Was used by the New . York
j only in. militlry lint via office. the last ofleontractors in making up the greater part
1 which was as:ajudge in out CountYCotirt.; of 7,000 suits for our- veliinteers.. , -If-the
rAs a-politician lie. was-firm and stable .in 1 Committee bad ' defined., "shWdy'?,• more.
hiii yievvs- , -as a eititen , frank and : unre, l fully, panyreaderi not in the dq• , goods.
served iirhis niannerS, and. reliable' hi all trade e but posSessing.agenpralitnairledge
that he professed in. his - intercourse : with -Or eltitlis; swo'r'd have recognized it as. an:
the world. . _ ~-• ' -: - article which they have. ften seen exposed
lie wasimirried in•; ; Carly . life.% to -, Miss for sale, cif' the,Loutaide of. the , lowest slop-
C.tatt issA AVERY, a most amiable woman, I shops. - .lt is inade of old rags,- of. il eor:,
also a family.of early . Connecticut emi-t ors and deieriPtions, which are, unicera•
grants, who died in. i 8n0:. , In the latter• ted to "a pnip*id 'then pressed into cloth.
part of 1831,- her place in- the family was 'The process of manufacture is nearly the
'well - and worthily filled by.Yi-,5 - .N
Miss s'T save ass that effelt. "Shoddy," fresh
L. .10*ES, also of. New London county (front the Mill; has x solid, substantial lobk-1
Connecticut,- who. still, surviVes him. ,-By ; whieliwouldeasily• deceive a person- In-1
his first wife he had ;one daughter - and i expert in ClothS,' A ft er a brief . exposure .1,
'fire sons,. four of Whom' are still living, Ito the sun Or 'rain-the trite nature of the
and by the last, one-son, .- all .of !whom, ex-111ibiic begios,tO appear. •It . reveals the]
-apt ing *the latter (now a volunteer in- he nntitiplicitY of tints-here a patch ofgrek,. l
army,i - with severai
_grandchildren; were t there ene . Cifbroyrn, thenit delicate ;green I
present at his funeral. I-- His eldest - sna i l nest to. it a dull :brick brick color, - and -so on
Dr. D. A. Lathrop; for many years'aast of i throngli all the, lines - in the ,fairibow ; or)
Bellevue,-Ohio, being •fot.S.onte time. past.' oin or it.. At the Same time little" bits, of
among us to alleviate it - possible the last •W 061,. like coarse'llust, begin to fall out of
sufferings-ol'hls xetterable father. • it:, .Pieseritbia- slight careless: 'pull- nt-
Gii Wednesday afternoon, after - appro- sorne : Spot Where the clothing is not lined
,printe . religious services at his • late rest- makes
. a huge, irregular gap,„ In I, . few
denee, attended-byname - rens sympathis- weeks, when the hot, cold ..and stormy
ing friends andneighbOrs,-fili; mortal- -:re- weiitherhas.dOne its perfect work on the
mm -.were -entombed- in the: family "shoddy; it pan be shaken Into its origi.
ground, in the . Senth,,Bridgewater come- - nal rags by aliVely motionef the haridei.-..1_. .
tery.. - . . • ,_. . .. • - • PeOple'wharnakenp this, bogus ~,tufr for 1
_ .. .
I Thus, "like a shock of corn: fully, ripe," - sale never putj,
,goed: thread or honest
Ums.passed away from among its, one of ` workmanship; into : it:, Both. would
1 the 1,01• remaining: early . pioneers of Our thrown away, amount
. of the T tai,:,
country... -' ' .. . -' .: - - Ic* , 'lees cra ft eatti. present,- "shoddy . " from
- - -L------p-o--e.-,--,-----,-.
.- - tumbling to.-pieces at its appointed- time,.
'''''' : The Philadel ph ia:l ' 49lth ' 4-Re- Such Wa t 'il the ivile stuff that was :made by
;publican journal,commenting on the "facts New Torkeontrabtorsand . .pasSed the in-'
,-, •
denionstrative at Manas'sasquncticm,says : Spectiop of high ollicers, for $l9 ; 50. per'
. .„
This `noble force, Whese deed s of 1,•alor uniform, whiebAs4greakdeal . more than .
eclipse all that: is known in our .history,'. a durable nuitishonld cost at wholesale..
-was immolated because "the War Depart-'
-ment was too busy with it-jobs and sp'ec
'ulations in heef,horaes And, 'Military corn- ,
missionslo pay attention • to itsproper .
- organizatioa;' . and .:'berintse"-. an .' arrogant -'
•partisati sheet in- 'New- Tork,i4oed.'-,by.n;
few, fanatical Members- of COngress;:deaf
ened the President-With their. parrot cry,
of "On to Rieliniond.": - '-' -'. -
While the superior valor onr nation
al timips, thus trit.d . and denisinstrated, '
Shows that the cause of the Xs:alert is safe
in•their hands and itialatultiatately •- tri ,
timph; the inf . ninouimaritter in.WhielitheY
have • been • ()Sheered:and -inieman.agedis
points :out clearly the lilnaders,-iffiot the
crinies;that are liereafter'tO he, ' . shunnedl,'
11)7hi)le.tribe:',Of,- - .1)94 .1 er-Oiloncls :and'
:Generals must bpiast . off - OthOut.: fetir• or
fai:Or. , ” , Every member; ,Of 'Abe.' -Cabinet;
Who instead "of • regirditi,, the - -iiini---.;aat'2 ti'
life and (teeth ' streggle of a greaV.:-Initioi4
,sees in: i,t) . only: kklortiis Oppoitiiiiitf , l4
profit able; jobs and fat .conirketitibeiddl) • e
must-be l4t-tii - tl*-editeateif,ool,:cif t .
the atiny, uninfluenced tw . ;,"Clattiitc. fidgt
the- tiihco-I,ootij.indAtie,•. Tritviini.:-i' - ''' '
TILE- ;:.---
- .
• Student* designing to ntleod, the tilogbanatm Com
mercial College, pan-toter of eomethlng or practical, ralue:
til calling-at or cddrearfng thin office. -• ' •
'• Sall on t *ail on i U Ship of Statel
• Sail on, 0 fiI'ZION, grand nod groat!
llamanitY -witti ths fOult,
, • And alllts hopes for tttuts"years, •
le hanging brrathlres on thy
we know What:Maiden. Mid thy keel,
"-What Workmen wrought thy ribs ofstooi. •
„ • Who Made each Mast. and ealf,•and mkt; .
What :invite rang, 'what Inunmeis
To What ti forge, and what a heat
Wert .51mped the auction of thy hope t" • •
lwepite of rock and temprit rear,
. In epite of (*lee lights on the shore,' • ,
Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea t• .
Our hearts, our Lopes, are all with thee,
', Our hearts, our hopes, out prayers, our fears;
Our faith triumphant o'er outliers.'
. • Are all with thee-4wo all with thee!"
The niOntiwient tb the memory of
13. F. Tewitsbury, will be erected on Sat
urday. August 3d,: at 2 43'cloCk p.
B. Little, 1 aq., of 'Montrose, will. de
lirer an oration on the occasion in the' M.
E: Church, at BrooklSli Centre. -The
Hon. George Landon is aiso . expe-cteil.
iome :rm(
willing, there
. my life, de-
An Abolition M 0.170.
Senator Pomeroy s • " bill to suppress
the Slavehold ors' rebellion," after " setting
forth, in a preamble, thatylavery has eul- a rebellion, andthat the, twes
ent war is being carried on to determine
the question whether slaVery shall be ex . ,-
.tingnished or not, adds, therefore, as a
great military necessity :
- Be it enarted,. That fiom and after the
passage of this
,act, there F.half be no
slavery or involuntary servitude in any of
die States of this. Union that claim to
have sece ded from the Government and' i
are in open armed resistance to the exe.
ention of,the laws and the provisions, of
die Constitution of the Unit edtStltes. ,
Sec. 2. kind be it further o'nacted, That
inimediately upon the passage of this . act.;,
1 the lire?ident of the United States shall
--caise•bis proclamation to be issued,4etting
Vora the'immediate and, unconditional
colleague - hay
• reiriarks, he
he l'resident
ethancipation o f ail- persons held as slaves
in anv.ofthe atbresaid States,'under the
jaws. itlvrcpt, and also ordering. all Officers
to! give protection to all such emancipated
sores, and accept the, service. of- all. .whn
was - tender , them in lichalf of the Govern-
lung. '
• .
. - •
• •
1!C S':•: - Al*OrgyHohnrt
- -.-
'JGrentßeini—Soloit Conklin ' John Col-.
A sn, S. Yayno ,
Chandlei..4 I
CoilielinitlC:. Bunnell, Samuel
'Buirktt - i - H 4 iti Ellie ; Diortirugr Williams:`
Liberty + Hriraoe . Trueridell.
• -
111ontrosG Linesy James ,D.
; - •
l'oerritson. -•-• •
•.'":3 - • The 6otp .. ge*Tprk.(Trigi)
invent, COL. - ,Perearan;',..returned - hanne•, fast:
The.iegierfent,`*efit into battle
fifteen - himdrisl.-tiinrsixty-pree- - ineni.
and • returnei)r - tiiitfi,:. - aC t - re - w mere - , than
nine hundred '•Theif•": , t..7olinset - ..ik . now
a prisoner at Manass.ia ..Tnnetion, and
their Lieutenant-Colonel ijieft 'the•
- • • • ,
: the taxation' re'ef . nnniemlefthy. the ..PFesi-i
dent Of the Staten' in his-, message
to - ,COn'trresi,..nMy.leafi. the. „North, f,0 , ,.4e.:
I , nonshier their:Mjection.v ofilhe. • 60,ppr0. : :.
. I *se:or.o9.44:l 4 ssic, , ii of
gar 'An n'seliiingereinarka that it will
be seine laefore the :true .history of .
the hattie at 31annassa .I'tiontion will be
written, ifinde4itiar,ever to
the public: day Official-Ins.
eounkef tbo.iliamter -at Big Bethel. :‘„htia
beet' publishe&.-7 . The iniproutiett bee been
i nitowea_to remain that our -inks •- in
we - learn - , froin'auithentio-soureeti_'thaV
wag really hea v y:.,: . . ; ._,
-- • _
Aitii* • which
for an '
f-.:lo 6 l , 4Sidi*. 3 lie. FOR ha - int Stm day o r.
'ghosted in the . teamsters,' who were out
of:place. _ • .
. The public -asks+-Who
,placed thoiu
• •
panic was agOtyated by 4Tarms.of
a gallery:of.civiliana, present to see the
•_ ' _
Thcpublia .Who gave them pass
es ?-. •
That many of our officers were appomt
to' - Osamu) di with: which - - they were
Wholly unacepthiniedL
The piiblie asks—Who is responsible ?
The sgoorant civilians were placed in
eeand*whielithey disgraced.'
The public araks-; : rwho appointed them ?
Thatlbe senielesi objurgations of the
,• Tribune led toa , ,p,rernature attack. -
The publicasktk—whe is - so Weak as to
he influenced by Greeley? - •
in a word,.,evil does,not4lo itself--Roma
one is to blime.forit4 and"the America n
people doiiiand know' whose short-com
ings haveled to theif;disgrace.—Plaladel
phialnluirtr. ' _ . .
W4llon..Lyin r an Trcmri in delh•cred au •
'eloquent and - able oration_- at -- Albany on
the Fourth Of July i iin : Wiich we . find the
following paragraph . :i:
Let ns, ficiweverearry'the .olive branch
in one hand while ;Oh :sword gleams in
the other, Let the South know that:vrith
returning. allegiati6e on tleir part,. the
suns :will drop from our grasp. - Let them
learn that the war is:Wageknot to exter
minate 'Slaliery, butlto defend the Union.
Teitch.them, , in every:' - way,•that no invas
ion ottheir cOristittitional' rights - - is eon
temphited; and none Will be tolerated.—
Tench - them, too, - that the great .body of
the North .havo no. !Milled or vindictive
feelings to. gratify and that they .do . not
sympathize. with time: - mischievous „hand
of flinatieS who have been 1 .845 long
mg."war upon their feelings and their
rights, .
' FRIKNDSIIIP.—Iferria All
en's GOld.3lMlat Saleratui his hid trial
1 among three million'famlifes, Mid is Aron
( minced' the best 'alerittiii in . The known
1 World,_ brings,a' smile to
the household; it keeps: them in health ;
it helps Take the weak Strong, and saves
hunkeds from that dreadful disease dyspe
psia: sAs yen :valnOielltli use it.; .Most
oldie Grocers sell it.ji)ep - ot 112 'Liberty
I,,Street, New: York;
I; . • ...........„...-.-------
, : The'Kinti, of Priissia vra.4 fired at
.1 on.the 14th, :al-laden . , a young stil
-1 dent Quin Leipsie named Besltenvii.o was
arrested..:--The ball slightly grazed the
King's . meek. '.. .' ', .- -.. •
_ .
I- . - ttos,7ttosr: ruicics• criumx - r:
, Wheat V busily?, $l, Ct,sll4 rtiheat llonr tgbhls66/..58.00
' Rye . 50 mitts" Rye 'Apar 11 earf.. ,2 (a,
1 Cora - Bateau , i Own meal ft esetl.3o 46 1.15
.11ttekrrheat Of:worst Pork it lb . . : ,..-10 CI, 12 cent*
Oats ' - o'S cents I Lard li 11. 1$ rents ,
i Deans ;$l.ll N' Better "it 1b...120, 10 cent.*
: puta1.,,,.. . ' C,tlcersta Rm. 14 . don - 10 cents
Norton •:,George
Great Dlitearery tests, both by able puke -
titionern and chemical analysis, bavo- demonstrated tho
great value of Prof. De Gent e' ".BLECTIDC OIL.". for •
the relief and enre of pain, the people - themselves
arermultring.thelr verdict ina.tosnrier both unmistakable
and satisfactory: More than twenty thousand-bottles have ~.
been sold in a very* abort time4a great proportion to those
who heard others recommend it, who had trTed it. That
Its a splendid diecorery is everywhere acknowlCdgc‘Land
nothing like St was ever before prepared.
The only Genuine ELECTRIC OtL in Prof. Do Orath's
which is to be had at all the re4peetable Druggists in tho
cities. and at wholesale and retail. - at the proprietor's
preen of theageot. :ice advertisements. Jellso
For sale In this town by - ABEL TUIDIELL:
Mothers, !lend Tis ht.-Line following. Is an extract
rrpm a letter written by the pastured a Baptist Church to
the , lonrnal And Messenger.Cincinnattl. Ohio.' It ray*
volnmes favor of that worl d-renowned mediclue43lns.
lyinsum's 3txcentn6 Svnvir !Ott Cuttunts TErruttro :
...We sec an advertisement In your column' , of Mrs. Wit,
slow's Soothing Syrup. .`ow we never said a word to
favor of any patentAwilicine In our life. tat .we feel com
pelled to say to your readers dud tide. Is no httmtnr„—wr
proboblroneor thomost ence&stui anditines of the day...
becaou Is one of the test. Those who have babies cant
do better th....m to by in a stopplr: devlo
/AR Takes - through 'mkt:the: • Dark , colored Summer
X./ lacer Cont..on Saturday hipping bet: • Leh in SeArle'e
- etage;near the conrt honce..e.n route fur Win J. -Unit° rde..
The tinder wilt be enitnbl3' rewarded.
Muntroce..Thlr 30th, i - 3f. C. TYLER.
Sup, q'a County
Musical sad Normal School,
4.ler teartosEb
Fret 13. will he assisted bv;a, NU corps- of competent
teachers. Those wichinz nt*:ll school where the:inter
esteocpopile arethe.ehief end: emilwetted to maintinetho
merits:of thle'peelnll3‘ inn teachers and
three tfishinztomnter tiollerysimardire a Storms/St prep-,
aration: WM:begin" ohldunder, Sept. 9; 199 i.
C: F. 1tE. 1 41. Set -retort.. SCrJESSUP, Prce't.
••.• • • • .
- 'English branches.--ronfiriPn. - ir•
Meier; •• . and Mathematics, . : 4
• do including Latin Wed French, • A
, Primary eepartment,
Instrumental antivocul meets. exult. ' •
The next term of thissehotil triii commeneeon Wanes.
dm , . 'August Wth, mid confirm* elerMa works. :One prima)
objet will he to reudet all liosmlble•- assistance to Simile
.who arepreparing to tench. flood turf be had for $1:1 5
per week. Rooms' for 'Kaden* to- board themselvei on
reasonable terms.-. lectures 1411" be delivered during the
term.. For full pixtladard Inquire - of E. B. 'larder, Gib-
SOU. or the directors: Igew 311Iford. • •
• _By order ot:thepiard.. GARRATT. Prea
T. BOYLE, Sec.. • . [New 'Milford, July Zth. '
Ist , T
• _ ,It'ne ON PIANO.
less M. DICX23.IIIIIU; 1 . Miis MARY SN/OP.
• Wipe . ere o oe. •
roLic.Nottex is hereby, siren to all .persons con
P - t
,:derned la ;the Rotates which are gamed belcsw,•_
tint - the accondtants hare settled their accounts - in the
Ite^l ster's Otgcm In and fur Dig ,coilotY- or gliieilueh oo o,o ,
and.ttnit theaameirig presentesi to • the Jad.Tee or too
Oqdtaos* Court of said Clontax,, on-Friday, AtIVV2t- 52d,
UM. for confirmation and allowance : • •
Estate of Timothy' Methilly,'decithied. Bridget XceattY
'1 • , . . •
1. V. Whitford, deed. S, H. Mott ailni'ide taints non.
• Dennis McDonald, deed, Margaxet •MCDonalCidiria..
8. 9. Tompkins, geed. IL . Kent, executor.
• Clarinda-Fuller, deed. E L' Denbo, administrator.
Montrose, 'Jul r•3O, - IL R. NEWELL , lteglster
, .
-• • IVA:› t illt4CM... •
Late rim of *dwin Flour 'and -rrovis
.l. ion deniErvOrtne dontiniiidandli , the pavane Alien,
Dom I Co. AU duo the old tirmis in Malian& -of A.
lialdortnlot BALDBIN•
July %brim, • LW. L. ALLgY,
tinder ?doittieti lieroOdiat'Ofiloe
i v
RE REeztvrsG '
Fresh Ground Weeteto tLOTIR
every o,o*rfiihich we wifillift.lo %ittowtton
as any in saarkeet
Pied; 'and tikleivheit
BY MR LOAPi''' 4 ‘o l o. l4 pouNli. -
SAM% [Su*" - ear 4 1 •
-, -4500/, ,
oked Halib ut,
- - • ""=. 2 -7- , Dritoie)ist
Mammies 'and fters,
BROOMS, Axil. • Ari Art s,
o.l , ?TrZfseof (411gmix:ray
9 - "V . • , -pumnrgaiift4