The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 18, 1861, Image 4

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OF. THE • r ,
F011 : -THE 'TULA 1861.. - - •
Divtstox 1.-llonars..:CLAssl.-StalliOns
and , Mares.
Best stallion , and one of lirs'eolta,
....Dii)loyas and *6
2d' best, .
3d best,
Beat etillion which kiasnot stoo
(*tarty - prior to this year, I)ip. and ` , 3
Best brood iiare arid colt,. ' .
2d best,:
3d best,:
Dr. A. Chainberlin, Brooklyz; , !
F. F.. Badger, New 31ilfoth; . Judyrs.
Wm IL Jones; Dhnock ; , .- • ..
Cuss '-11.---Single and Mateltid Horns..
Ifeat, single gelding or mare over four'
• years old, raised in the county; ' - -115, ... .. .. .. ... ..
Best pair of matched horses, t(geldings
or mares,) ,over 3 years old, raised
in the county,
24 best,
Best. pair of matched horses owned in
- the echmt,y, not raised here, .: ..
.., _
B. P. Carmalt, A0olacon; --
. .' John I)landing, Ilarford ; Judges,
. -. T. S. Cassedy, Dimock ; ,
- • '- Ctass lll.—Colts and Maks,
. Best-pair 3 years old colts,— .. _
Bestpmr 2 years old colts, .. ..
Best pair yearling colts, .. ..
Best 2 years old colt, .. ..
Best nailing colt, - ... .. ..
Belt pair mules, .. '.. ..
Bestjack, .. •.. :. .. ... ..
.. „. 7 .I.'d best, .. .. •.. .. ..
S. D. Townsend, Brooklyn ; )
J. D. Goodwin, 'Montrose; ;- Judges.
E. M.-Tingley, Lenox;
DriistoslL—CyrrLE.--CL Lss . l.-DcrOns,
Best devon hull, 3 years old and
ufrkards, •
Beat do between 1 and 2 years old„ .•
Bolt do under 1 year, .. • . ' 1
Best deydri cow, 3 year old or upward 4
2d 'best,. • . 3
Best deyon•beifer 2to 3 years old; .. 3'
Beikdeion-inill calf, •., ' 2
Best devon heifer calf,
JS. Bailey, Hawleytori, N. Y.; •' .
James:E. Caruialt, Chocotiut ; Ju'dgcs.
David Wakelee, Springville ; ..
. Ctass IL—Durhanis. '; • ‘,.
Best durham ball, 2 years old or over, $5"
. Best do bet Ween • I and 2 years old, . '3
2d best; .. .. .. : . ' ',2
Best sunder 1
,year, ..
'Best do cow, 3 years old dr upwards,
. M. best, :.. i-• • .; .. .. ... 3
Best do heifer from 2to 3 years old, 3.
2d best, .... .... .:... 2
. Best de hull calf, .... . .... „2- 2
Best do heifer calf.. .... .. .. 2
E. G. Babcock, Bri.tgeivater; 'i -
- • David D. Brown, Apolacon ; :Judges.
Stephen Carpenter, Hartord ; .
- •
CLASS 111. Grade Derons. :
Best bull, .--: • -
2d best, • o
Best cow over 3-years old, ' 3
2d best;... .... 2
..3d -best, . - 1
BeSt heifer, between 2 and 3 years old. .3
.2d best. .... .... ' .
3d best,.... ' .... '....
Best-four yearlings, ... : . .
ld best,.... . , .-. ....
3d best, - .... ..... .
-Best five calves , ~.... •
2d best, .... .... .
3d best,.... - --- .-f - -
Best bull calf, .... . .... .
Best heifer calf, .... .....
S. W. Breed, Brooklyn ; ' e
. Win C.Ward, New Milford ;1 Judges.
.J . Neachani, Jessup : '• )
• . ..:Cr..-2is IV :--Grade Durham..
Best bull, .. ..
.2d best, . ... . - •.. - --' -
Best cow over threee years old, '
241 best, .. ' ..
3a best .. ,
Best heifer betwe - bn 2 and 3 years Old, 3
2d' best, .. .. .. 2
3d best .
- - .. 1
Best four
_yearlings, 7 .. .. .3
. - 2d best,. .. .. .. .
. 2
ad best,_ . ~ . .. _ .. ' t
' :Best five calveS, ...- _. , ~. 3
. 1
2d best; .. ..
3d best, • , ..
Best bull Calf, :. .. .. _
Bset heifeir calf, .... .. 2
. S. W. Truesdell, Liberty; i
- Norman _Mitchell, Franklin ; r Judges.
C. Stark,•Bridewater ; • ) • •
Crass V.—Natives. - -
Best bull,
2d best,
Best cow- r over three" years old,
2d best;
• 3d best
Best heifer between 2 and 3 }-ears - old,
2d best,
3d be s t,
Best fpur yearlings,
2( best,
3d best, -
Besi: firc' calves, . .
a best, -
3d best, ,
. J. llollister, Ditnock ; .
IJ. Stone, jr., Forest Lake; Judges.
as. Flynn, Middetown ; ), • -
CLASS VI.-- Oren and Steers. ,
BeSt pair Working oxen over foUr years
old raised in the county,..
- 2(1 best, • ..
:td best, ... •
4th best;
Best pair steers between 3.:m(1 4 years,
- raised, in the county,. .•.
2d besf, ,•,.
3d best, - • .. •
Bost pair steers between 2 und , 3 years
old raised in :the county,..
2d best;
3d best,-
Samuel Tewksbury;Auburn;
- 0. F. Prichard, Springville; r Jodaea.
W-. F. Austin, Bridgewater; )
DIVISION 111—gzilne.
Best boar,
2d best, .•
Best breeding sow,
2d - best .•.
3d best, ..
Brst lour spring pigs, _
Restihnr, pigs less than ten weeks old; .
2d bes t,_ . .
Clitisthp_fietß7rne, ChoconutO
. ;
.P. 1 14 ingailyi Brooklyn.; ,
Dry'swig IY,..—SEirp
Best fine woOled.knick;.
2d _best, : •.. - _.. • • .
Bestido 3 ewes.. .• • • •
2a best, ..
dci 3 lamisFt,,
Best cowrie wooleOtc4,
• 2d best:! ..,s - '':.l - ,-...- -' . 2
Best a.doi ; Oireji,: ! , .'i,- 1- ,f,..1 -.. , ',l - .- a
2d best, ..- -,.... . :".,'; • : 4',. , 2-
Best do 0 lariat's; . -...,.. .'..‘,,---'•, .
Best Mitice wooled buck,:= - . : ! ~. - . . • 3
- 42 d bics 7 ' 'S-' ..."..- '' •:I " • ; , Z .• -•
Best do ewes,.. .....1 ,-..-,, - .. 3
2d'-beS .1
-.-..;, '-' '..` Ir .
..ii'::. tr.. ' 2
Best do 3 ilaudk. ': - 7. . 1, .',. . '... ..1
Leicestprs,bake*Clll,l*. - ; are classed as
coarse ivdifed;Salto'ny, - Merino, &o. as fine
wooled i.iiiid south downs, !Ike., as 'Middle
w oolisd..ti4 ::- -- ' - - I
, f
Ttionia'S :White, A4blinti
ReObeallarris, Jackson ; , Judges.
-< - -.. NVn. , , .:Doles,.Pin: l oQ =;:i
Div4lo V.--z-Biztter and Cheese..
_ .
Best .firkituo 'buttter made% - Junei. :. •
. : 2 . l 4i;lioti - er'itfilfei - ivrortlitl3 and *2
2d beit4 - : 4 , .....;latife't Worth = : .- 2 and 2
: 0d Usti.; *.,*4 4 .V.._.—,d0 • 2 and 1
4th best;.".. - .. :'.' I-- do 2 or. 2
Best filltbutt,er,.. *--- - do. ' * 3
and 2
2d best; ' .. do 2 and 2
ad best;. .... , . • do' . 2'n0d. , 1
4th best ' • do' 2. or 2
Best 1014 butter, made by girt under
13 yeaf5,...,.•.. . .. , . I..izrufe worth' ,2
Best elteoe, not less thati 25 1b5.,..... - 3
2d beit:;.;.; - ,:—... ; , , 2
. - -
J. Dieketipan, jr, New Milford ; )
Fennel- cnrpenter, ILuford ;• . I ‘. Judges.
S. S. Ingalls, Gibson ;': j '`. : )
thvistoii . Vl.—ruit -and Vegetables.
Best fallitPples, - kOt less than 12,.' and
:it least three varieties, ' $2
. .
2:1 best - , - ' - . 1 - . 1
Best winter apples,. do. i .- . 2
2:1 best, ... ' , - , -
.. I
Best peats, not less than i peck 1
Best' quinces, . • '. - 1
Best 4:7 . gie:itest. vAriety, of vegetables, 1
Thos. Johnson,Rricigewater ;
E. R. ,Hoag, Silver Lake; • Judges.
Jame:ii.eighlon, Franklik; JJ - ,
DtvisieXit•n r -Vineggr, goney,. and Snyar.
Best eidei vinqg" ar,nOt ISs than 2 galls. .$1
241 Vest', . i• _
Best ten lbs maple saga
2d best,
Best ten Ibs honey,....
2d bes:t,
~ John - .Dubios,'Grea
Landis Lyman, Sin
R. SVBireliard, Jel
Divior.s: Vlll.—Cabij
• . -,siDaors; and' (
Mist be 'entered by the
Best paniml d00r,....
2d: be.t.,
Best exhibition of eabi
2d be 4.; - • • .
Best carrldge;
2:1 beit, 1.. .
Thankßeekhow, Glf. Bend; •)
N. P. Wheaton, Iranklik; t-Judgcs.
• ' R.v. , A,shley, Brooklyn :. _
I . ,
. 1
I)ty ts i ox, jl.X.:—Fa,rm Implements; and .
- . • i . :. . Slaeksmithing.
. ,
Best ploNv,6
Best cultivator,.
•Best corn. Adler,.
Best straw cutter,
Best churn power,
Best three firkin,;...
Best hprie rake,'..;
Best 6 'hOrse shoes,
• 2tl best, ...... ~ .
1.1 T.-Hay-wood, Gt. Bend; :
. . George,.Walker ' Dintoek.; . Juclyes,
- DavidThomUS,.l . lidl s•
eto ti; }
• DivisioN .X.—Sees. •' '
.Best biAel of earn in the em, . *1
Best , Lbushefof white winter.wheat,. • 1
Best . 1 .- -- winter Wheat,... -1
Bet bqshel of spring wheta, 1,
Best bushel of rye, 1!
Best 4- bushel of Clover seed,! •
Best i bUshel of timothy seed,... .. .. l'
Best h- bushel of flax see'd,..; . ;... :... .1;
-...W. M. Tingley, Lenox.;;
. S.
.S. Horton, 'lriendstille; Judges; n
. - Philo Sherwood, Rush; ' . i
_ .
, - Dthsio, XL—Leather, dc.
Best 3 sides harness Jeather;... ..... . *2
2d best, ! -
'Best 3 sides sole - leather,
2d test, , -1;
Best 3 shies upper leather, - • 2
• 24 - 1 best, , • • .
s , , ,
1 Best earraige,harness, s •
' 2
2d best,• •
Besiieamliarriess, '-
2d best,
Best. pair. fine 'boots,
Best pair coarse boots, •
R. :Sutphin, New Milford; , !
, 'llai•lry Barney, ApolacOn ; • ;Judges.
V. Pi Wilson, Clifford ; , JJJI
•Di \IST CiiN- Xll.—Domestie Manufactures....
Best 10 yards T-flannel, - ' • • - *2
2d beSt, a . 1
Best,s yards fulled cloth, • • 2
2d beSt, - •. - ' . ~.. : 1
BCst 15 Yards woolen carpet; - ti
2d best, -
.- . t.- )
Be o. c,s,t 15 i•ards Taarpet a
24 beSt, '' • i . - . - 2
Best G pairs woolen socks, ' - 2
2d hcSt,
Best 2 pair woolen mittens; - • 1
2d bc,st, - ...... i
Best 10 yards linen cloth, ' - - '.- 3
Best 15 yards cassimere, . -' -- 2
Mr. L2P. Fitch, Monttoe;; - - f . •
Mrs. 1/Mil:Darrow, Bridg'*at'r,- 1 J udges,
3 Nlrs. S. S.A. ewton Brooklyn •
.Mrs:Denison Thomas,.mock ;
Dtrfsto., XlTl.—Finc Arts,
Needlework; etc.
. ; -
Best specimen oflunbrotypes,
2d best; • - • - '
Best pat:eli work . quilt,'
2d. heSt • ! • !
' 3d-best, - : , ! '
Best quilt of any ; other kipd,
-2(1 dteat,
•• ' • . ,
,3d liiist;
Best bed spread, .. , .. !:. :
2d 'best, " • r
Best winter bonnet,
Best lady's saeque, ... . :. !..
2d beSt,.... . . .... ..;:-..
) - 2d Wst, . *. ,
Wm MrPOst, MontroSt; .
.1 .
Miss Eliza H. Cassedy,Dimock;
31issThitli'll:Tarnialt,e'hemointt; - Ju dg es. Miss Fanny Mulford, Montroie.; ' •
Dirt; o, Xl37.—Poultry
Best pair turkeys, cock aud . hen,
-2. d best, I.
, 6 fors, over year old, ......
Best 6 priug chickens, • - 2.
2d biast;.... . .. :.. ..
'Beit 6'7ducks, • _
id best,.
D. Warner,l3ridgewater; - -
H. S. Searle, , Bridgeviter; }Judges.
Seth Mitchell Montrose; •
To the farmer ; whose productions ;re the
greatest, (hay included), in proportiOn
to the; number ofacres finder cultrratioo,
taking into account the stock kept on
.arm dating the ,season,
To the ;nest, ... i 5
•; - lieporiti•tolie4linde•'tn -thd 4 . autiv e
. .. .• , .
committee pre'vioo to . he Jinuaiyineet-:
.. . ~ _ . . _..
'' '
f 1.4; , •• • • .;•-; • • - - • • •-- • -: :::- • • i.
'DxVlsto N: XVI-- Too it 6 hip,..Associaticiwi
To the township socie4 that makes the
largeSt 'and best exhi ition. • s2o'
i Townships intending O compete for the
premium . will prease no ti the Executive
committee at least 30.4'0s befOre•the : fair.
- • F. ;111. Williams,i Brirlwatr; • •.'
,-- ':'l.Trbane 'Burrows( tbson ; ; Vd . dget.
'.. - ' Judson St o ne, Fo'F t Lake; ~
..• ,
' PivistoN XVll.4•Sti•cePstokes. •
Best stallion, gelding,toi - mare, any age $5
nest bull, Any breed,.:::.l a
13est eqw, and breed,. i
.Be'llVlinek,; any.biced,..l •' ' ' •-•.•. •:a
All animals enteredlor competition in
'this elaSs will lie settle t. entry fee
of one dollar extra._ - -- • ' •-• , - .
• . The Cattle in this cla4s will be led once
around on the trek 1 :••--. • .'• „ . •
Frankbfoxiey, N. Afilford; )
gtephens, - citi Bend ; Jac:lga
Abner Griffis, Almitrose ; J •
, • •
'Driastolx-YIVIII. - - ' . .
Best herd of cattle, notl,.less than 12,
. and exhibited by one man,.. $5
. ' .1,
2d best', .• ' • • 3
. , Divt§iON Xi:X . :I-L. Plowilig: - ,
- Besi lihiwing,' '- / I .' - ' • .$5
2d best, "' ' L - - 4
3d best, , --1 3
_. • _
4th best— -- L . ' E sl . 2 2
sth bent_ - ' 1 '.-- 1
- 11. l i . CAT • LIN' ' atutzve
'• A. BALDW )IN, c "° n nzilter
. -
Mputrose t , J 100,11801 : • -
. i s in ft z •c =tV icAtionti for ; fltnarance thp4ollow
1, -
Wyoming IliStritANCE Company,
WILIMS-8.44RE, Pit.
Charter ,PerpeteaL
Surplus k 7,000
• Organized Nom . tOei- 12d, A. D. 1857.
• ,
• • m RFA - 7rchns.
, •
G. M. Hoßollback, D. G. Dildrbitch, J. P. Definl4,..
John Reichard, David Morgan, Chan Dorrance,
Sam . ' Wadhamn, R_D Laene. ' •Wm S'Rose,
'L D Shoemaker, G'co P Stride, •li M Ilnyt,
R. C. Sairria,Seey, 0. M. IhimEnnacn..
W. 0. STECLINe, Tr. s. L. I?. SIimEmAKER, lier Pre't
i r t Bend ; •
! su p'
11 4 4rtford, Copnectietit.
Paid up Capital, • • $1.500,0011 00
Meelp 2.124,100 02
.... $2
. ,
X. I .lilocirgate Etßtt, London.
Capqa1,56,2,98,000..•..Annnal Revenue, $1,000,000.
W 32 GETTY, .Agent, Philadelphia.
,PANY Ilartford, Connect kid: • . - •
Acenthulated Capital I $3,3:0,000 00.
et work,.
Any one wishing their lire± 111*.nrell will do to call
and examine their mode of Insuring, and their rates:
which are better than those of Ow other company, before
taking Policies elsewhere.. 1 11. P. BLACKMAN.
ore '6o] Ottlee over Chandler S Jetistip'm store,
k 6D 041
~P...., 1 0
T •
. • ,
lIIS Delicious Tonic Stimulant, Especially deminted
for them4i of - the MedicalProfegeion and the Family,
harinn f apercededZ the so called "Ging." "Aromatic,"
"Cordial," "
.dedicated," "Schnapps; etc., Is now en
dorsed by all the prominent pliv;irtans, chemists and con
noisseurs, ag . poggia- - sintr all tlinse irirrussie medicinal
qnalitieri tome and diuretic) which-helonn to an QI.D and
PURE GIN. -I'tjt up In quart bOttles and sold by all Drug.
gists and Grocerk Mc. A. M. DININGER
[Established in Is.) Sole Proprietors.
oc4 yl, N4.1941r0ad Street, N. Y,
For sale at Turrell's. Drug Sto e, .Montrogq..
HE exterisheTurnitiire Establishment'of
SMITH BROTHEP.S hating been refitted and
greatly improved, the 'pr prietors respectfully
announce to the citizens ot 'Montrose and vicin
ity.that they are, constantl y making and keep on
hand the LARGEST \ andillEST assortment of
To be found In 'tie Country.
We give the following list onto= of the ar
ticles which we will- sefl pt greatly reduced
prires, for CASH or REA . Irt PAT: .
Bureaus, Walnut br 51.9116gar1y,• With glass,
fiom , sl6 to $35.
Bureaus with marble oribrocatelle•tops, from
$lB to $I( And a largo!assortment;Trom
$10,12, 14, to $18,• i' "
Wash Stands, Card Stands,Corner and Stioare
Stands, of all varieties and, prices, from 75 lei:nts
to ten doil.irs.
Detelca,Diaana Tos•el Necks, Pootitools,Otto:
mina, Lounges, &c. - e
Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen,
and Extenaion Tables. I . 0 ' . - •
• Chairs—Cane and
Word Seats,
Seats, Rockers—
Cane, Flag, and Seats, pf every variety
and tqle. , 4
Slofes, tete, a tetes furnished at short antic
at New York. prices.
N. B. Ready . made coffins. on liand,,or fur
nished at short notice.-411e.vses always to
readiness when desired. I, • . .
• We esdploy. none-but CAREFUL and EiPERI=
Enr.D WomitEs. We in:tend
,to do our Wong
AVELL,,and sell it-as Low - as it can be afforded.
• • • W. W. STIITII,
• • AL SMITH, JR.,,
El R. SMITH. .
• .
Montrose. Jan. 18th, , -
• ,
At Montrose, Penn. _ -
Wid. IL HATCH, Proirietor.
rrHIS new and commodious Hotel situated
.I .on Public'Avetuae, near the Court Hoose,and
nearly in' the eentreof th Imsinefss portion of
Montross, is now fir iy coninleted and - furnished,
and was opened.on Mony, the nth day of
September, 1858, - for_ t e accommodation of
the,pnblie and' travelers. The Rroprietor feels
i t
confident that he - is now *repar?d to entertain
guests in a manner That ea not fail to give .
. Coinpletcs.Satisfkiction.
The Hotel - and Fuinit4are new, and no ex
pense has been spared to ender it equal; if not
superior to any similar estAiblishinent in this part
of the State. -It. is well upplied with,all the
recent improvements andomforts, and obligingi
waiters will always be - re dyto respond to the
call of customers.
The Stables connected
- -Alinicr. and Cc
Tic Proprietor respectft
age ofhilold fricndP, and
449:NTRiq,SE, PENNA.
HE subscriber having purchased
refitted and 'newly furnished the
above well known and popular Hotel;
- is
_prepared 'to nicornmodate.the trav
eling public trod others With all the attentions
and conveniences usuallyi found in -first-ehro
Houses.- No effort will be -spared bithe Pro
prietor and bis Assists.* 'to mike the Hotel
equal, in every point teeny irk the country.
Tbe,lltse willalwaysi bi supplied-with til
.Cheicest Liquors. - • I
The Stables, conriocta with this HousP
are large, roomy and convenient, and careful andTn
att 11 , )ntiess' alwar, in charge i..t" them
J. S. TAlt-BELL.
twith this House are
nvenient. •
l!isolicittr the patrol:l
-le publictenerally.'
fitlfKlit -';il.lM,'
music' •"*'
e f o. pixio . r iy ? and, ,.. "l , l4 other New Pieerftat .
AV &ILIA 12 1 1kVEtte'
1..mt0k,..(0 4 4.3rim' or WALLstid WlEthiVir,PA
-21.PEW-ticv *Wei toftice apringlraclejustorritoct
Montrose, April 30th, 184:' ABEL. TPREELL.'
1 - -00
• - Xi - 13 -
. ,
PtrlittON'S Itiniiilastlce;Dnalip's Forma
.Oritydon'a Forma. and othvra. at •
alta • - 0214CIL 9 W;C I TEI. •
Alticted, Read!
• MP for the PILES is warranted to effect a Cure
in everycase, and In all 14tagcs of the dtSease. or the money
will be refunded. Full art:Bona accompany each bottle.
For sale by Abel Tutu% Montrose;. 0. - 9.llempatead,
Brooklyn Babcock, Dimock - Peuttel Carpenter,
liarfordl Gl• G. Williams, Jackson; 4.11.14143 nm: Dandetr; -
A. B. Merrill, llopbottom A. J. Merrill, Scranton. .
Tilts' to to certify, that Mrs. Emory has been ill:11CW fOr
run* past with that dirtreseing complaint known 'as the
Pike," and Suit havingfailiid in securing relief front va
rietal, Physicians. the was Induced from reports to try Mr.
Williams' ". Pile Solution," which we obtaihed at one of
hba'Agencim in Tunkhannock, Pa. • The..retaait'laas beet
the moat favorable. The trial was made with last - IA
anal after using as directed for a few days; what we have'.
good reason to think wain permanent cure was effected.
Several other eases of a similar nature in this vicinity
have need it with like result:!. With kir. Williams motto
"no cure uo pay" every one thus afflicted will certainly
do well to try it.'li. B. EMORY,
Patetor of Church, Tunklumnock;Wyoming Co., Pa,
June kth, 1860. tf.
. Or Disease With Its, Agonies
cascbctsise 13 ett;'woosa Them.
n ine
, m 6 %,.r i r tr f n egffid ir t o hT . ;
c aji
t r a cti ng r down
ou o s f In a
email degree Is most diefreasingrfor ithert. can'a 'remedy
be, found I There is one:—drink hut little wine, .beer, or
spirits, or far better, none; take no cotTee,---wenk tea being
preferable; get all the fresh air yen tnn; take 'Amcor four
Pills every night: exit identy of solids, avoiding the use of
slop?; and If these. golden miry are followed, you wilt he
happy In mind, strong in body, antlyoq,nt you hare nerves.
WE4=6:i73.ore3 do Tlexitzghtorss.
It therein one thing more than another for which these
gills are famous, it is - their pnrifying properties, especially
their power of cleansing the blood from all Impurities,
removing dangerous and suspended secretions. tiniver•
sally adopted an the grand remedy for female complaints,
they never fail, never weaken the system, •and always
bring about what:is required.
Slcknendache zunl Want of Appetite.
These feelings which so sadden no, most frequently arise
from annoyances or trouble, from perspiration, or from
eating and drinking what ix unfit for its, Otis disordering
the stomach and liver. These organs must be regulated
if von wish to be well. The Pills, if takers according to the
panted instructions. will quickly restore a healthy action
to both liver and itumach, whence fuilofv as a natural con
sequence. a gOod appetite and a clear head. In the East
anitWost Indies Scarcely any other medicine Is ever need
Net rICPC installers.
In all diseases infecting these organs. whether.they se.
crete Con much or too little water; or whether they be af
flicted with stone or meet, or with aches and pains settled
hilt he loins over the regions of the kidneys. these rills
shonld he taken according to the printed directions, and
the. Ointment should he well rubbed into the small of the
hack nt bed time. This treatment will give almost imme
ate relief when all other means have failed • '
For Stomachs out of Order.
No medicine will so etreptually improve the tone of the
r,rtl,roach a. there they rytnove all acidity, occasiond
cithor'hv Intemperance or improper diet. They reach the
I Hier and reduce it to a healthy action; they never tail In
! caring all dleorderr of the liver and stomach-.
llolloway's Pills tire thirAest - remedy known
in lite teoild joi . the fotli4infn diseases :
4ue. Fits, : gore Throats,.
.A;thrna. - ' Gout.- . -- 'Stone and Graval.
Bilious Com plaints,llenOehe. • Seendary :quintals
Blotches on Sltitt. IndigestiOn, - Tic-Doulourenx,
BOwel Complainta. InLamm.ation, . Tumom.
Oidit...s, . Jaundice. - Ulcers,
l'Onstlnation orthc Licer Complaints, yenercal Artfrct ion
i Bowels. :• N Lumbago, Worrnsof all kini.L.,
Consumption. - - Piles, .• • Werikne from.
D ebilitY
, , ' Rheumatism whatever cause,
r*,,p,y, - Retention-of. ' ac., Sc.
Ilroctitery. Urine. .
Erysipelas. Scrofula, or Rine , ' Evil. 13S1
',Female Irregularities, Fevera of all kinds. • Leow 1
CAUTION 1 7 -.Nonearegenume Unless the words "Ilot-
Low/LT, Naw- ions. AND lONDati," are dirc:rntbleaaa
wilier-mark in every leaf of the hooka directions around
each pot or hos,:.:-the same may he plainly seen by holding
tl,ie leaf to (lie li9lil. l heal &Duni reward will be given to
nuy one .rendering pooh information ns may lead to the
detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi
cines or vending the same: knowing them to be spurious.
*.• Sold at the 31ann facture of Professor llou..owAr, :At
Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists
and Dcalerr in Medicine. throughout the civilized world,
in boxes at 95 cents. 62 cents,. and V each.
Ver There is'considerable saving by taking larger boxer
N. ll.—Directions for the ;..niitlance of pathmts in every
disorder/toe affixed to each box.
LIVER .4.:0311P!.A1NT,
Arm the various afrectinu ‘ e terneeqtteitt upeit a dlepriland
• .
finch as indleestlon;Ariditi of the Stomach, Colicky Patna
Heartburn. Loos •of Appetite,. Deemideney, Cosilretries,
Idlind 'and Minding Met. In ell Nerruns, Ithemnatic, and
Neural* Allections, - 11 has in numerous Instances pored
highly beneficial, and to oilers effected a decided rum
*This Ise purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly .
scientific principles, after the manner, of the celebrated
Holland Yrofraser, Ikertome. Its reputation at home pro
duct:4lns introduction het,. the demand commencing with
thew; of the .ratherised. 'nattered over. the face of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with Henn and
hooded down the tradition of its value. It is now o end
to to, ,itriceicon public, /mowing Mat its (rut".
medicinal riefeles must be creknowieelgeeL • • •
It is particularly recommended to three persons whose
,constitution, may hare been Impaired by the continuous use'
of ardent spirit& or other forma of dissipation. Generally
Inetautancons In effect, It Linde its way directly to the seat
of lith thrilllog and quickening every nerve, raitdng up the
drooping spirit, and, in fact, Infusing new health and vire
In the system.
NOTleg.--Whoerer expects
to Lind this's lbeierage whl
be disapPolnted; but to the sick, weak and low stdritad, It
roll prove a gratefulnromatic cola!, voiseesed of singular
remedial - properties.
The . Gentile. highly Wig central.] lkerhato's PoMind
Bitters 4 .put up in half.plut bottles only, and retaged at
Oss Douse per bottle, or six bottles fol. P.m Douai& The
great demand for thin truly eolebetted Medicinal= induced,
many Imitation;whleit th e public should guard_aplart
verdantly. ,
• niir WON* Imposition. fee that our name la on the
label of every bottle you buy..
Sold by Druggist - 1i generally. It ein to fortomlod
iry Uproot to moot petals.
• • • • •
tharmateuhAts Mid Chemists..
- 'Throe BlTt.r.llB are paid In Mantra**, iv'
4 7•. . a EL ITHRyLL Drvavial
314 N-110, OD,
How. LOST ;.- How - RESTO RED:.
I , TUFT inbibdied, int Sealed Itivelopei On the nature, ,
If irtattnent; and radical cure of opermatorrhce oesam.
final-wealcacae, ' , emu! nervononesta In 1 involun-
Itary entlealcuiOndueingimpoteney,and meats swell sm
t pbysieal inrty.. By ROB7'. L CULVER =ELL, M.
AutaoP 111s"Greesi Book" de. The work renCitsped
'author, in la admirable Lecture,cleariy Prot a from his
;Own eaperteneethat the awfal eotusaqnsncess 4 tseltabuse
nay lie effectual without medicine *.nd without
, dangerous' --operations, 'bombs's... I aleumenta,
isingsor co . pointing out a mode of c s re at onoi3
roe/lain and effectuah by Which every sufferet. *smatter'-
, twhat Ida conditiorr may be. may core himself cheaply, An.'
! rattly: and radically. Ibis *tuts will prove a boon to'
thousands and thousands.
.. ... . .. _ .
Sent tinder apa t ite a plain envelope. to Any address, • me
. inie, r...:: rt:errapt cf two I:lo:stage eaunps, by name: ..,a
Pr. CII. J. C. kLINE, I
Ia; Bowery. New Yort.- Port 0 .ice box. 4V..47--
i ttio
~...•;,, , .. 4 . , ,- . 4
• ;.::''. ' Y
Ica r . ',.- - - - -
~ , it. , -•:;,1
400 0
' 0
. 42,) .-- 464 ..::•...: . ,--:.
. 1 .,`: . ul - 11
.1 2 ' 1 1 / P
- C.I• - 'CIiR E- ' s -
NervousHeada et -- :
• -•-•4_
4 'CURE rod
Ity the nolo ottheise the pirbadlcittachil ofNentita
or Siek.lleadathe may be prevented; and Ittalten at the
commenceinvat clan attack,. Immediate rag trem.paha
and sickness will be obtained. .
. . .
They seldom fail in renioshig the Now:and Hatriaehe
tb which females are so subject.. -
They act gentlY upon ttic bovrelsaving 00141VOSlalt.
For /Akron Zen, Stedenti, Tielicatelentalmi.,and -all.
persons of W. ,, afary halls, Meyers valuable int aiMmtipe,
improving the - appetite, giving time and vigor to the'dlges
tive Organs. to -restoring the natural, elasticity and
strength of Lthe whole systrim •
The CEPHALIC PLUS - are thareeult of long involli
gallon and carefully conducted eattertments. having been
iu use many years, during Which time they hive prevented
and relieved avast. amount orpalit and suffering, from
Headache, whether originating in the' nervous system or
from a deranged state of the stomach.. •
They are entirely v eg etable In theireompowitlan, and
aymbi taken atalltimes with perfect safety without mak:
mg any change of diet, and as absence yang disagreeable
taste renders it eal y to adininkder aeon kiekildren.
.Beware of Counterfeits.
The genuine have Ave sigruiturea of henry C. Spalding
ranch box.
Sold by-Torngglita and other healer* In Nodi - cinee.
A box, will be rent by mall prepaid on receipt of the
Prisice• 5313
orTluis should be addressed to
, .
relit v 48 4 •cledai Street4liew
As these testimonials were unsolicited by . Mr
Spalding, they eond unquestionable
proof of the efficacy of this truly •
scientific discovery. '
.IfasONVILLE, COPY., Feb. 5,
lin .. . SP,ALDIN.L.
V Sin: .. '
111AVO tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so well
that I want on to Pend me $2 worth more.
Part of thgfte are for the neighbors, to Whom I gate a few
oat of the first box I got from you.
' Send the PIN by mail, and - oblige
: •
' Tour übl eervt.
, • Haverford; I'a., Feb. 5: .
H. C. Spalding , - -
iviah Tau to 'lend me one more hoc of 'your Cephalic
; /hare moire(' a great deal of benefttfrom them.
. . ..,___
. - Spruce Creek. IluntinAon co., Pa.; Jan. IS.
U. Spalding:. ,. • \ .2
. '
Sir. •
You will please send me two boiee of our Pills. Send
them immediately: .
ResPecttally yours. -
• -:.... JNO. tt. SIMONS. j
t P. S.—/ hare used one ho ly" your 11/2„., and find Ma
Belle Vernon, Ohlo, Jan. Z.
Henry C. Spalding, Esq. .
Please find enclosed twenty-five rents, torwhich send
me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are Irely
' •
the best pills I have ever tried. -
Direct A. STOVER, P.M. • ,
Belle Vernon, Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohio. i
11. C. Spalding, Esq.
I wish for somectrculars or large show bllls, to brio!,
Myour rills more particularly before my customers. If you
ate anything of the kind, please rend thegi to me. I '
One ta my customers, who Is subject to a severe Pie
headache, (usually lasting two (lays). was ertred - of an a -.
tack in a a hour ta:/ polo. Pills, <Vhidilsenther.
Respectfully yotirs,
Ilenry.C. Spalding.
No. 4tl. Cedar street, N. T. '
Dear Sir:
' Inclosed find ocenty-five centa, MO for which send tri,
box of "cephalic pills." Direct to Ile,. Win. Fille!, .4 i
Iternoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio.
rour.lilla work like - a charm—cun - ilerulach& alnum
imecorter. . _ -
...Itr. Spaktiny.
Not long since I sent to you for a box or Cephalic PR..
for the core of the Nervous Read...elle and Costivbriess,
and received the same. and they had so (pet 1
MU induced to seed for more.
s . Pleatl rend by return mail. Direct. to
Ypsilanti. 311eL..
From Me Examiner, Norfolk,
Cephalic Pillsaccouiplieb the object for which they were
made:" viz.: cure of headache in 811 Fts forms.
From the - Exantinfr, :Arlolk; . •
They . have ,been tested 'in more than a thousand ens • e
with entire success. . • ••
From, the .Loquicrat, St. Clorid, Mirfn
If you are, or have been troubled with the heads
send for a box of-cephalic pills,, so that you -may hat
them in case of an attack.
From Ike tldverliser , Providence,
. .
The Cephalic Pills are said to be a lemarkablyerectiVe
remedy for the headaehe, and due of the very best, for'
that very frequent complaint which has ever been die,
From the Western R. B. G'azette., Chica
we heartily endorne Mr. Spalding, mad . hie
. unriva
• 'From the Valley .Star, Kanateha,:V.
:Wiiare.stire: that perxone Fur:Ruing with the headache
who try them, - Willettek to them., I
From the Ruh Finder, - .Arew Orleaps,
Try.them I you that are afflicted. and we are sure tbs
your testimony can be ftadded to the piresdy nut:few:M.
Het that taus receivedifenellts that no other medicine -
produce. : ,
From the. St. Louis Democrat. -.
The Immense del:Randier the article (cephalic
rapidly increaaing.
.-Froni the Gazette,'Davenpoyl,
Mr. Spalding would not connect.hls manic switit aq
tide ho did not know to possess real merit.
Front theAdeertiser; Prot;itience. R.
The testknoriy In 'their rater It ntroog; from the mo
iespectable (pattern. . .
From the : Daily Tema, Negipok, R. I
'Cep&4le. P4lB tire taking the plue Of all kinds.
. ,
r..47 - A sin •1e bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GIXE
tsll.leove ten Owes lie ce nt s tranually.lail . 1 . : 1 •
• - . -, • . .
, S . PALDIN G'AliiiAtiEll •GLEEi ,
• •
.. _
Ecosto3lYl .
' _ro - •%snrcii. Tot;
As accidents will happiit, even' in Well !metaled Wa
llas, It is very - deslrable to have Nome cheap and uprisen,
lent way for repairing furniture, toys, crockery, &e.
SPALDING'S parr.p.ezza7ozvir' • •
meets all such eineirgenles, and no household can siford
to be without itt- it la ethYttys ready, and up to tho Mick.
lag . , • •
”xerrvz swim gousz.n
'N: B.—A Brulb .acconintoVenii. IPrtif
cogs. . Addxasa„ HENRY (1,- SP.ILAINcF,
119: 48, Cedar Street; new.YB4..
dr certain uttprinciptediamona are DVAt
ofroothe unenstmetingpuldic, Imitations y
Glee, I would caution all peradna to examine before purr
thaatni, and ace thatthe tull name,- . -
is on the ouiL44 , :arsiplier ; all nilieri are eli;!rell!rt.
Beverly, Ma..., Dee. 9: r-
Iteynoldeliurg Franklin Co.. Ohio,
January 9. , f
Truli yoUrt„Wm FILLER
Ypsilanti, Mich:, Jan:2l
S-iVE 331E'l'IECES:
liagnikikTlMPumlidt PAIN.
linutriult44o.4);AntraZ .
reViK atidein.otti day;
cm to are, minutes; • ` • 1 I
- • Dealnese In two to &oasis ;
* , - Bards and Scalds ID ten minutes.;
Eiprahm'iVoittide• and Braises istlkotn One to thmedsys ;
• Indammatlon In one day;
lieuratA r Croup, Toothache, Burns, In ten-minutes;
Akin° .Scrofula, Abscess; Eaten der, ; _ - •
Rttdsee; Tenet, Us one , tothrbe days
Tarsehe t plit Neel', Ague. In one der ;
leelonsi.riroken Steast, Salt IMMO; 0,3 to stn dare;
tgetney,yalpttatibn. to ten dlYs
lethem, Raystoclas, In Ire to.twenty. days;
• 4'rested Feet' cutWins i..; i t gehiJolntsidttonte Rhea
• - mattsm, Bore Theps . , Jet: Yel'ert, and ' the lime
. made to walk. py Nam den. ' -
' • ' Thlt:OrMlhs•*stlee)lstaildandepleasint, and
• great Fatally Medleine torsi:oD teeth ing de' •
= • Ladles shottl4lL IMO Ann tediee. ide better
• '...-tbanA andeyou,lend one *Milo often buciantircly.
AFEIACTF.D,. Tll,l 1 *if „...x*Atto-,-,lqp.c.rno-
• -
Realltetter fremlle ...Tames
• - - *°- i 11941.
Prof. De GnaTii .fiharabeenalllcted for thirteen yowl
with Neuralgia and ritherpainftil ecunplidutsi- ant I have
tumor unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for
many,years neat. week,l got a bintleofyinw . Llce•
irk Oli. The first night Islept sotindlyand well:and to.
day -I sin like a. nerrOsm. wlfe ocadditot believe her
eyes. ' Your Electric - Oil has done in, one.week.what the
phydriatur of Philadelphia do In thirteetryears.
• , Gratefully 'fours.
••• l• ukt. mess nitPLE. .
• 310 South street.
: , 1 - Nzw IlAvsti, EEO 19th, IE6O.
Trtpe%% '
'elal ; e ii de f 6 l:Atrirytn Y• ole need .ct Osa Z:
and it co re 4 him en 3i .gFORD
- Of" Tormle to all Dingiste, and itt the Depot, 217
South Eighth-et, Pldtadelp a. • felftBm ey
! • • , •• -
_ .
Debi of th e .gystem, Dyspepsia, .
Dyspepsia, Debi ity of the, System, byspepsia ,
.river.: omplaizst, Acidity, .. .
. ' LiverecartP;aillt,Aisidity,
Bilious Oosaplaints; Sisk Ileadaehe,
- MiHoas Cosplatals t licit Vkaduebe,
, . .
and Me suunberle l a otkerdiseases /risk/ from h.
&gado' and fni,leitnnal .. ' disorder; of the stomach,
Aid ready reliel in that eskiltrished and genie;
, .
remedy,_ . ..
- •
call the ton Ratable Testimony.-. '•.
'. We
• (;ifli
of.the reader k; defoliating •
ktter from Presirlent. Smith, formerly of irisleyen _ -'
. Thrirersity, eind . now of AAnnapolis,.iltd. ! .
. • Bizknizatirowi, Conn., Feb. 28, 11330. •
• Pyrn W. rolset.z & Co. —Dentlemen : -.I first
'•• made use of the Orygersaga Biltim some seven 'ov
eight years sinec4. !laving 'uttered for twenty yeas
ts* a form of dyipep.ia, which was attended with a :
RennestlOOdlCh . on an average of not leas than one
•-• day In asieek, IWas Induced, by the tmpa tending roc,
°emendation of Hy. Gran. .. to try eme bottle, and U
Tet i.
-no benefit was : eitred to discoptinne,tbe' use."..
. The use of One ale warranted a &Sills trial, to thio
extent of. some Ore or four; with a careful °heiresses,
or the accompanying dimetions. The result -was, an -,
- almost entire 'shit truce the usual dyspeptic symptoms
and their demeeeimg, painful .eontequelsaw. I believe
'thaw Bitters *daises& an entire change in the habits of ,
my system, and DiX42 the active energies of the digestive •
• orgasm • • •1 now:deem myself as exempt frbm Dyspepsia
as meet persona: [ These Diners have also teen of ea ,
Savo other *abets of my family. ••4
. ~. I Very respectfully your., i
. . .
' I ;
Itinnntonn, Tioga Aug : 2s, less,
• ozszialitz7 l Ann satiTering for mere than 'thirty
years With ityirpsia, and trying malty remedies rec
ommended for { disease without any mid molt, I
was induced, hylDr t F. 11. *bite Mansflald, to give
the Orygrastoti I Eincrs a trial. I took two bottles,
which gave niei so much Mier that I purchased' two
more,which hare 'warty or quite erected a core. _ I am
now nearly ger enty.rive years . of - age, and 'for stbree
morals paatliatre felt no inconvenience from my food
hake great pitmaure in recommending the Bitters to all
afflicted with Dierarpsia and ha concomitant . diaeues..
ri I
[I i Prom Dr.-Ahite. •
blettaiittro, Tloga Co., Pa:, AUg.96,
have used: the oryirmatedi Bitters In my practice
with decided Meccas in debility and prima prodnitte,
ike., and confidently recommeltd them In general de.
• bin*, and tibia* aUthe digarßre owma. . •
. i• •P. Y. WRITE, M.D.,
18 Tainast Street, Boston.
&hi by Druggists, Dealers, and Merchants is wary
- •
town and deg throughout the *mufti:
ifFor rale by Abel Turret] and Read, Watrous A . , Fos
ter. Montrose;; 11. Woodruff, Ditnock ; Nichols.
Brooklyn ; Whitney & _Volley. Hayford •, Weed le, Ward.:
Great Bind; C. Olmstead, Dandaiffi L. Griffin, Great
Bend. : July 96—yis
11 o v
TLIESE MEDWECF,S.have-now been before the public,
for a period of Thirty Years, dud during that time have
maintained a high character in almost awry part of the
plobe, kir their extmordluary , and immediate power of
rokoring pert.vt health to person:reoffering under nearly
etsty. kind of diicase to. which the human frame Is liable.'
The following am among the distreasing variety or tin
mail &Imes in:which the . , ,
Ate Well known io be infallible.
DYSPEPSIA; be thoroughly cleansing the let and 2nd
stomachs. tfnd cresting a flow of pure,healthy bile,instead
of the stale and acrid Mini; FLATULENCY, Lou rir Ap•
petite, Heaributit, Rea/ache, Restlessness; /Xllm' iser, Anx
iety, Lan7uor and Atelancliaty, which are genemlsymptoms
' of Lspels,vtinish; ns a natural consequence of Its curo.
COS'n.,ss, by cleansing the whole length of the
Intestines with soolvent process, and" without violence;
all violent purg. cs leave the bowels costive in two days:.
FEVERS ofall kinds, by restoring the blitotito a regular
circulation, thrti' the process of respiration in' such cases,
and thoroS sole tion of all intestinal obstructions, In Others..
The Life Misileinett have been known to cIireRILETIN
ATIEM permanently In three 'Weeks, and' GOUT in halt
that time. removing local inflammation from the meta
des and ligamenti of Abe jointe.
DROPEILE6 of all kinds, by hoeing 'and. strengthening
the kidneys and bladder ; they operate most delightfully on
Abuse important organs, and hence have ever been found;
certain remedy Tor the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also WORM S , by dislodgliwg from the turnings of tbe
bowels the el matte r to which these Creatnres adhere.
Euvltyy, V ,and.INVETNIAIATE SORES: by
the perfect purity sv ich these Life itefficines Ove to the'
blood and all tile humors.
. . . . .. „
by their alterative effect upotithe dards that feed the skin
and the mor e ! state of Which eceasietlS all erllldivo
: complaints, ow, cloudy, azdother disSgmeable -tom .
pie:lona. , -
The nee of theme Pills for a very short time will effect an
entire cure Ora= MMEVM, and a striking Improve•
meat in the ellocmi of the akin. - COMMON COLDS
sadlNFlThipisirta always be cureiby one dose, or by
two in the w mt.-cosecs - ~., • •
„PILES. -110 Original pemirifiter o r 'these
, these . thedtel nes..
was eared °Mlles. of 35 years standlos by the use, of the
s .Meitratialone, • • - .- -' - -- - ' -;.,_-_,--•
AND LOUN,;—Moiltils,seeurte Of the ',Wert.
em country, these Meakilles will be found a safe, speedy
and certain remedy. Other Medicines flare' the , system
stillest to asaturztotthediebsso—s taro by. these Mein
' Otheo te Penattpant- , Trzteni, two lattlted. and be cured. •
_ _eue, Aveiro stud 1 Liver : complaints.
wawa' Debll y, Tower Appetite, end' Diseases - or Fa
males. . The Medicines have been used with the most
'beneficial respite .10 • class iit.. thle •deierlption:—Kings
• Esikantl• Bartel*, la its worst forms, Wide to the mild,
g i t- to , fferfavasvork: - these , Me Affeettehles.
W NROO4II iz, .Nerveas..Comphilats of
alltattiMitisauon he ittsua. Painters' ve4e. are.
speedily , - •\.: -.- ''• -- - - ~ ; •ci --.._'-, -- , --,,-
i 3 "rola i lillsegulVerapne *hole constitutions
ha become rede:hy bliadteloas ulcer ,IlletetV e
will Mid ' - estletriesapstambl-they Ik_elirraku
to eratlllesSe '4O systeiu.itil At eirota - ef • www , Wri
, r 114111119 tot powertur yrepartMrill or
thirsaportlilt'.-...,..;,,PreparodisadOtb.f.--•-• ,-•.
- W . A11. - BrOvirALWA, •
.• •• i. •,- - 1 -' • - .am thatIADWAY. Nasf4aros.
_. . Pair bide by all Druggists. •
SLLT, 'tv t4O ; Barrl, t icG%Pound. „
s l. Ti.REELL
•. 're es••••
A3refg' s aPargia
Arid fok. the ipeedy..:eare of tho liohiejnokralletke of
Scrofula mad geeisfutolui Allbeffirliat gilt& as
sonts,,:irenapaterasi- Pim.
pleas. :Irons, Mains. -
- ..smiatmll libleausee. , • . -
. •-• • fib Janiaotl69.
:3. C. Aria & Cn. Ueats I feet it to defy to ae.
knoidedwhat - youtliarsaparJUtritas, done So am
Daring JulisgoiWous, btfottlonj Imre
frontltbr warkimi- way] !bra lmMi.'tiomethotte ft
oat in Ulcers on m luMde Mid, toms sometharr ft
...OM at the stomach... Two •
years ago It broke mat ow MY Dead Mut misered=p
linkeirs With 6neLorom - wideft was Video, god
beyond deterhation. - Ttriett huMy
_medicinal and serer'
physicians, bat withiratatnebllsoatany tbin4 l 44.
flud - the disorder grew worse. At length I was
tb 14 j 4 firtitigosPei kfessetiger that, you bad prepared
an teratke (SarilaPattllah for l_kneW from par repir
teflon that an y thitig - intimademlind be good. = I sent to
'Cincinnati add V* it. and naadittlll ittairestarte. I took
,ft, as-yon small dOmakof a b_waltemufgt - over a
month; and owl almost three taittko: NON' eM betdillY
aldn - sontt &glut ,to form under the oath. whicli offer a •
while fell Mt 31r skin Ii now clear and know by MY
,feelings fluitthelifteme .goarte tirolit my system. You
estn well believe that I, feel,what I am allying when I sell
you', that bold Yoif toVe one of the apeatko of the age,
and:cumin Vrergfattfially,. -
&t. A nthowybi Fire,: Rosa xtr gryirlpelas,
Teeter nuttlf•Salt Elhentni &al& Bead, Ring..
mrlsems•-IlOwe Eyes., Drops)'., , . . _
• De Rolert M. Preble wt3lea . from littera, 'N. Mrs
FlePt4' that he has cured- an 'trivet/nate - mac of
Dropsy.,ableli threatened to - terminate Wally, by the
persevering use of our Sarsipswilla, and elm a danger
' ems attack of Midietemt Eriesipelo by largo dome of tho
' same any. he cures the common I..rtyfi on atontfy. ,r A• J
. •
Broncitotele, 'totter, - rte . &walled Netk.
- 7.chtdon . - Prospeetil'exas; writes: a Thor. •
bottles of your Sarsaparilla cum! Me frondsfidtee
.hideona Swelthig on the neeir., which I had massed . from --
Le neorehtess Dr' White]. i Ovarian Tutner,
Uterine Vicenttlass., Female - Dlsessaaa.
Dr. J. M. S; Chenotn,r,, of Set, York City'"write*: I •
Most cheerfully rompty with the yerptest.ofyour agent hr .
raying I have found your liarsaparilik a moSt'eseelleut
alterative in the nurnerous.conardahatt for which we cut
ploy garb .a.rearredy. but merit lly Disow..e.e
of the .-Bcrotbloas diathesho. I have eared 'numy Meet.
crate eases, of I.e:worth:en by-tt, and some Where the
complaint was mused try aleeraflou of-the of nu. :TN. •
ulceration - itself was soon cured: Nothing within my
knowledie equals Jt for these feriude dmangmnenta." •
• Edsrard S. 3tarrow, of Newbury,Ala.„ writes “ A Ilan
corona ararion tumor mime of the tousles In my family,
which had defied all the nixe:lies we mulct:employ, his
at length been completely cured by your extract of Sar
aaparills. Our. physteian thought nothing but exiirmt
tion-coulrafford relief, but be advised - the trial of your .
liarenparllfa as the last' resort lbeforeNautting. and It"
proved effectual. After taking yOur remedy eight weeks -
symptom of the disease rentalits.'. •
• ' andjillerearbil Di • . . .
Ness OttwaNi,_:::lils August, 1510.
itt..l. C. 'ATER. Sir: I cheerfully eemply with Vet
nemest nf your .gent, and report to yon smite of tile
effects I have realized with.your Niraamellla.'
lutvei enrol with it, in my practice E niost of the cam
plaint:Liar width it is recommended, and hare found its
_effects truly wonderfhl In the cure of Vi'iteretit mut -
iterM Meuse: One of mypolkuts luul Syphilitic uhars
In his throat: which were containing his paint.- and , the
top of his month. Your Sarsaparilla; steadily taken,
eared him in live weeks. -Another was attacked by see.
ondary symptom. in his nose, and tin. ulecration -had
eaten away a considemble part of it, so that I beies, the
cilsonlerwonld soon reatirlds brain aid kill him. lint it
yielded to mywiministralion of your Sarsaparillas the,
ohms healed, and he is well again, not of rolirse withnet ,
some disfiguration Of the face. 'A woman who had been
traated for the same disorder by mercury winv enacting -
- from this poison in herbone.s. - ,"Theylind beeurne so semi.
live to the weather. that oft a' dump day she suffered. ex
cruciating pain In her joints aid bones. She, too, was '
cured entirely by,your Sarsaparilla in a. few weeks. I
know front its formobi, whichyear agent gave me, that •
this Preparation from your laboratory must be . a great
remedy; consequently, theta truly remarkableresults
with' lt have not surpassed me. I
Fraternally yours, G. V. LAM:4EII, 3f. Ir.
. . .
alhonmatlstn, Pont. Liver Complaint.
`lximPrziamin:F., Preston Co., Vs.; nth Jut:, teat. '
TM. J. C. AVM:. Sir: I hat e been aftgeted with a pain-,
ftheumetisys for a long time, width hushed the
skill bf physicians, and, stuck - to- me in spits or all the
remedies I could find, until Etried your Sarsaparilla.
bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general ,
health so much that 1 am- far better than berme I was
attacked. I think Ito wonderful medicine. J. FIIE AU.
Jule. Y, GeteltelLor St. 1 als o writes: Ni h arc .
afflicted for years with an erection qf !he- Liver, *hide
destroyed my health. I Mead every thing, and every thiog
failed to relieve me ;-and I have been a broken-down man
for come years from no other muse than `derangement or
the Lirer. • My beloved paator,the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised
me to try your Sarsaparilla, boanle he said he knew von,
and any (lilt* you made was worth trying. Itv the bless
ing of God it has eared me; and has pp purida mY blood
as to make a new man of me.- 1 feel young again. Thu
beet that can be said of you is not half good anought.”
Seta trens,'Coneer Tumises. Enlargement. Vl
reratlon, Varies, and ;Eturogicattea of oho
• Bones. • - .
A great satiety of cures lute bern reported to us -.cher,
cures of theme formidable eonfelaints have resulte.) frost
the use of this remedy, but our space here will not ad
mit. them. Some of them may, be lound in oar American
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to•
furnish gratis to all who call for them.
pyspersta. Ileas:t. DI Vita, V.pilepsy,
Melancholy.. Nettrolg, In.
Many renmrtable cures of there affections have been
nuidelq , the alterative power of this medicine. it stimu
lates the vital functions into Vigorous action, and thus
overcomes disorders, which would I,e 'supposed beyond
its reach. 'Such a remedy hna long been required by the
necessities of the people, and ere are. confident ll:avails
will do for them all that it:edict:lit i'an do. •
ilyer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds. 1321:tem:a, Hoarseness,
• Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Conlump
. lion. and for the Relief of Consurap.
• tire Patients, in advanced
• stages of the Disease.
T is is a remedy fel uulverially known to:surpass any
other for the tore of throat and lung complaints, that-It
is useless here to publish the evidence of Its virtues. Its
unrivalled excellence fur cfittgiti and colds. and its truly
wonderful cures of pulmonary: disease, have made it
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.
Few are the communities - or even families, among - them
who have not some perso nal experience of Its effects
scancliving trophy in their midst of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the Its,
and lungs.
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy ,we need not
do more than to assure them that It has now all the vir
tues that it did have when making the cures which lawn
won so strongly upon the confidence csf mankind.
Prepared . by Dr. J. C. Elata de CO:, Lowell, Masi.
ror sale 't:Attel : Church &Phial:Ley,
Dundaff; SS '
Rittman Swisher, Auburn Centre, and by all
dealenktutdrieuziests everywhere. _ • oe 8r cw
An experienced 'i'inrse and Pentale Physician, presents
to the attenttoraof mothers, her
which greatly, facilitate . * ihe process'of teething, by soft
ening the puns. reducinghitlawmation—will allay
ALL PAIN and spasmodje action, aud . 's
Depend unen- it; mothers, it will give rest to you, and -
We "have put up And sold this &nick for over ten years,
and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTD. of it, what
we have never been able to say of any other medicine—
EFFECT A CURE, when timitr need. Never did we know
an Instance ofdistatiefaction by anyono.whn hadresed it."
9n-thacontrary,all,arc delighted with its operations, and
speak in terms ut commendation of its magical effects and
medical virtues,. We say id this matter WHAT WE DO,
KNOW," after ten years' experience, and PLEDGE OUR .
REPUTATION for the fulailmentof what we here declare.
In almost every instanco where the infant Is sulferlngeby
paintind exhaustion. rellilf will ho found lu 1110,en to 7f,
minutes after the syrup Is adtainbdered.
This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of
New Englind, told has been used with NEVER FAILING:
. ,
It not only 'relieves the ehlld from pain, bniinsigomtes
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gin% tone
and met= to the whole system: It will almost Instantly.
and overcome convalsionS, titich.• it nut opeedllyearett.
mid in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST rem
edy in the WORLD. in all <anew' of. DYSENTERY and
DIARRRERA. whether. It arises Loin
teething, or Romany other cause. We would say to all
q"......„, v ii t hianh-1y4,wr.1241-rrnicavx
111v11 frit. PREV/1/1/C/Nqf OT/7E/M. - stand between'
yon and Toni setlerbu“blid, and the neliel that will be
SURE—yea ABSOLUTMA SURE—to follow the use or
this Medicine, if timely used. Full directions. for using
will accompany each bottle. ! None genuine unleis the fac
simile of - CURTIS. ik PERKINS, 'New York, is uu the
outside Wrapper.'
Sold by Druggists thrueghont the world.- • .
,Pgildelpilli:Oatee,l 3 Cedar, street, New Vork,
d" . 2 !) y. For ?ale in Illmtrose by Abel Tumuli.
illeteroient ha iituteorc eetablished by apt.-
, :ei e d , Enitme t rieq, for the•Relitf of the Seek
(intl.:Distressed, reit' led-witikirirulent and
' , .Epidern le Dietasee,:pud,eipecially f or t h e
Cure fl Dieeames of the Sunni Organ:.
`• lkiEDie4tAl; ADVICE- given - gratin, - by the
1 .Acting Surgeon. ( c 'all who apply by leturr,
with a - description of their CobdiUne, (age, occu
.01Ilion, habits . of ilfe,,ltte.,} and in case 4 of ex.
tome poverty,niedieinets turniahed free of charge.
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and nth.
'or Dinettes of the Hestia, Organs, 'sent to the af
flicted. In - Sealcd letter envolopes t free of charge.
Address, Dr. J: Shillin Houghton. Acting Ser.
'gerfh,llownrd Association, No,A-South 9th-et.,
P l4 / 1 ". Pa. •DV °Mk ortha liirkethrs. I ocB
Mkar's Ixtraot of .Rock Rose,
gE ureattet remedy to; SCROITLA.
rc4 r.‘ert.uu,Nu r .