THE , MONTROSE- DEDIOOItAT, ,, us poriusuED Totrits tAts, SY cz.eierltisca.l3.. . orrics ox PUBLIC AVENUE, 'iIIKBE DOORS ABOVE SUAIZLIN HOTEL. T.gtt.v,—*l,so per annum in ADVANCi; I Aheewise t 2 Will be charged—and fifty cents pet... Anton added to glearagea, at the option of the nablisher, to pay .expenst of collection, etc. - ADVANCE payment pretericd. -... - Anymrrisuitrns will be inserted at the rate of $,l per. saunas., of ten lines or less, far the first,thee areeks,;and cents for each additional week—pay down. • Merchants, and others,..who advertise by• the year; will be eharged at the fahminteates, vie.; • Fur one •0 1 atv, orlces one rear, wit* chitnfpri, - Ey% additional tqtatte, et aerate Qt.., 7. , Z0 crealt Oren except to nom of ktiown mpentallitS BUSINESS CARDS. I=E! WM. H. COOPER CO,&. riNttbn i _. —Montrose. Pa. Succeppors to Popt. Cooper ON - oe, Latttropt'uPw bulldtnr, Turttlakt..-st., 7. 11....1000LLUX D. A. ICEARLE. ' IIfedOLLITAI BLiRL - E, & ItOILNEYS and Cohneetionk'nt -Lite,—Mintrone ' I's .Z.S. Mice InlAnthrope' new bnlttllng; ot:tre the Bang. .11EXBY Be MAN 31c1 -- , 7 4 TTORNEY s and Counsellor at Lair.—TOWANDI. Pa - at, Office in the Colon Block. ... . ' Sea 58 tf DR. E. F. WILMOT, . -. ' GRADUATE of the Allopatille and Tiornriotatthjc Col lagen of Mediclne.- , -Grent Bend, Pa.. 011 for, corner • of Main.atlEllzabeth•ste, nearly oppdelte the Methodist • Clurch. • -e . - aOB tf . DR. Q.. Z. DI MOCK 1311YSICIAN AND SURGEON,-3tofitrome. Pa. Mica over IVllama' Store; lodttlatie at iearle's Hotel. 1•• Dit WILLtAIt. W. WIIENTON ECLECTIC' PHYSICIAN ft - BIITIGEON 'DENTIST. um/ kR. MY !)N 111: !EA T Mechanical and Surgical Delltit , t, rbeenily of Binghainton, N, Y. tender their profespional-rervicen to all who Rpro-- . elate the "Reformed-Practice of Phy'sic t!` careful and skillful operations on Teeth; with the tno,VEcientific and approved stylet of plate work. Teeth extracted without pain andall work warranted. Jackeon, June 14th, 11:CO. .DR. SON, ITRGEON . DENTiSTS,—Mnntr6se ' Pit. - °Mice bil-ilbrop47 new 'building. over the Rtnl:. All Dentla operaliens will be 1 ~At k a •Perfonned n moil ltnil wairanted.. J. C. 91.:SISTEAT1 DRS. OLMSTEAD'IR; READ, • WOULD ANNOUNCE to the Publie that they have entered into a partuoraldp for the Practice, of MEDIQINE dc. Surgery, and are prepared to attend to.till calla ,in the line of their pmfeesion. iDttlee—the one formerly °erupted by lir. J. C. Olnodead. in DUNDAFF. my 3sit. .DR. N. Y. -LEIA, • • • lan, and Surip n, Friehrbi - ille, Fa.- c.),PL: oppcAlr 11,e Joan* tWoutf • ' TIN. LENT glue' particular /McMinn •to the treattneut I! of diseases of the PLtat and EVE and IProriddent that hilt knotledge of . and expenence la that branch ofprac tiee will enable him to effect a care in the most difficult eases. For trd•a I in:: diseases Of these organs no fee a lit be charged mle?• the patient is is nefltted be the treat-. r:ient. I.lwrost 1:1410. • SOUTHAVORTII VADAKIN, AND. It KAI,Eil$ in Italian and • 4TI Anutrlcati Marbto :for li.onunien Ile-adatonea, Siuktnaud Centre-Table& i t, :Marbleized Slate forMantlea, Centi - u•Tablea, , a few ,bans elat of S..ta-ritt'a hotel on Turnpike mtrt. Montrnt.t'. Pa.. , oc4 • WM. A.. • s\ Otis', : • Tr:ill - CF: OF Till; PEACE.—Great tiend. Pal Office ot, on Main ,ztreet, oppnAtte the Western Bowe. apt .T 0I I N SAIL-.TT . TAlLoll.—Nontrose.; N. Shop Ilullard's Grocery, on Main-street. L Thankful for past favors. hO solicits a cpntinuance —pledging himself to do all work satisfactbrilv. Cot tin... done on- short notice. and ‘ lilontrorr. Pa. July 2tll, 7.960.—tf. • - P. LINES, ' TAlLOlL—Montro.e. ra. Shop 11:- in l'itcenir Block, over store of Read; Watrono nnter All workwarranted, a 3 to At and ftnildi: ttfitr , tione on short notice, ittbet xhlc. jan • JOIIN GIIOI'IES,. • i • IASMOS.4IILE TAlLOR.—Montrooe..Pa. Shop JL' near tho BaptiFt Meeting Tiotve,:on,Turopike ptrbot. Allordern tilled promptly. in rrt-rate .t vie. .I:Wang dOne on ehort. not to:, and warianted to St. • ISBET.,L, • REPAIRS Clocks, Watchea and !Jewelry at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. All, wort; warranted. Shop in Chandler and Jessup's store, Moxrnosie, Pa. , • .ocin 1 , WM. w..slriaiii - te co., .• kIHNIET AND CHAIR . MANUFACTUILEILS-Foot C of 'Main Ptreet, Montrose. ' tf C. 0. FO1;DI1A31, :lAlVar'ACToptttE.erßAtj.,rtps XOl kindr p t ‘ r v o „ : 1 : made to order, and repairing 4one neatly. Jr,: y ABEL TURRELL, t: ALES in lirucs„lsiolicineir. 11' Staffs, Glass Ware. Paints: 1)11e. Varnish. Win. dow Glass, Groceries. Fancy Goods,gewelry Perfe =err, Sc—Agent for all the most popular PATENT SdEbiClNES,—llontrose,.Pa.; tf PROF. CHART ES . 310R14' BtrIBER and Hair Dresser. Montrose, Pa. Shop in basement or!..'s MAO. • ILAYDEN BROTHERS: • WITULRSALE DEALERS PS , Iir.ALZTIC2333 2•TCPX 1 21001 VIS -Awn FANCY . • GOODS. 7-HAYDEN. 1 JOHN HAYDEN, - ' I TRACY HAYDE N. ( _MILFORD, k... 4 GEORGIE. HAYDEN, J - ^ • P. E. BRUSH, M. D., 11.11TiG :NOW LOCATED . PER.II.IN.:!;TLY., AT . SE;l:) . l . l.l3.g7trillfal i''lll attend to the duties of hie ftrofension promptly °Mee at .0. -- Liallsropf . ‘ Hotel. —A.7" ,S , 3I I JEIaPI-VIS ! NEW MILFORD, PA., IS THE PLM E TO BUY 1701 I; HARNESSES, _ CELEAP POR CASEL: AND. GET THE WORTH'OF YOOR4ONEY. ftv . J. FL . .lErc,mitrm • ASIJRANCL:-T 01-PAN t ; Col" IVelvvr.."2"cs3rls... GASH CAPITAL, ONE MiLLION DOLLARS, ABBEITB lst. July' 1860, 81,481,819.27. .LLiB=LES, " " 48,068.68. Milton Smith. See'y. ' • Chaa-1. Martin, i'rodttent John - McGee, Ar't " A. F. Wilmarth,-rec Punelea Issued and renewed. by the .tuideralkued, at 1 brie doorabove Serttle'e 114 cl; Itlontrom Pa. BILLII 4 iGfi -• . . ‘.13 17 R 9L I "4" Tr AS Jug ll...delved a large stock of neu—Stovw. f. . Cooking, Parlor. Office and Shop purposes, fur Too; or Coal, with StorroPlpe, Zinc. - Ills assortment le sclert aud.deeirable, and Arlll be soi l on the most favor/01e tertnikfur:Ca4 I ,or to trompt Months Buyers. :New :Milford, Oct: 25th, Dandelion 'Coffee; }l4:llLifml' much t: : o p O o n tut an d l oger a ff . ea r sale by ADEL TuaELL. MEDICAL CARD: - EID 31F% Niv7i.zaSerclop..7l. ,D:;: Graduate . °film Allopathic and llow feonatlue Conoco of Ned. futile, would return hie Aincere thanks to thepe,ople of Ot.: Bend and vicinity, for the try tttxnil , patronage • watt aldch they hare favored litru, mill lie hopes fre a atria at tention tetnialunae to merit a liberal ahem of the public confidence. ()rent 'lend, January...T.4o6GL TAKE NOTICE!- • !• (Immix 1 ,0 0,1c1 • ear Xltioalos, 1 Sheep ifelta, Fox. Mink, atuoltrut, aud kind.' of Funs. 'A. good assortment of Leather and *man aud Shoes constantly on hand. 4:ttllce, Tannery, $ Shop as ]faro Strict. . Moutrore,feh.lith.. 9. I ) .'ff L. O.7lEti* . I Kerosene, Camphepe 416.01441. Tfr r.atiattiq to he . atc /01 1.:;11e..11 .• • „ We Join Ourselves to no - Party that Does ' not Carry . the . riag, an d . , Kee • • VOL.. 18.. 1 A 'Chapter of Hikorg. NEW iIciCILAND TEE, MOT OF SECESSION. rift.MAILE. • 'lt is Said AA be a 'wise. child Wito•knows his :own father She IA au unnat ural mdtbei who denies her own offspring. Neiv 'England, the prolific mother of so inany'errors, heresies, and isms, dintounces. with extreme bitterness n political dogma of the present-period, which is a part' of ; her numerous progenyo. dogma conceiv 7 ed,lneubated, and sent out to this breath lug ltiorld by herself—secession. he now disownS it, denies her maternity , and at: tempts to fitsten it upon South Carolina as her 114 • and. progeny. This unnatural conduct deserves exposure, and it be comes our duty to make this exposure: At three different periods haS Xew Eng land .maintained the doctrine of secession : at the period of the purchase of LOHrSianal 'rat the period of fife annexation of Texas, and 'at the period of the war of 11•12:. For the first time, New .England entinciated the doctrinell96—sixty-five 'years ago. - If our reaaers.will patiently'folloW us we gill establish- what •we have temnsserted I . —and eStablisli too the additional fact that I the idea of sectionalism was first Injected into the northern mind by the public men 4 ,,0f ; New England. • The'late 11flittliew Carey,• infhlis Olive Branch,' "Mates that • the proposition of a separation of the States was - 'formed in Nqw Englund shOrtly after the al