Important Nationa . l Works,, Published - by D. Appleton S Co., 246 and,34B Broadway, New York. The folloWiag works, ate sent to sub-Bribers in any part'ofthe•unun ty, (upon receipt of retail price : ), by triail or cx. press, pie nisi': Tat NEw Aatanicas CYFLOIT.Dia pope. lir Dictionary of General Knowledge, edited by Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dana, aided - by a numerous - Select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences. Art, and Liteeatbre. This work is belimpilblished in about fifteen octavo volumes, each containing 750 two•column pages. Tho first 11, volumes are now ready, each eon. taMing near 2,500 original article& An addi. Mona( volume will be published oneo in about three menthe. Price in eloth,s3 ; sheep, $3,- 160; morrocco, $4; half Russia', $4,50 each. The Now American Cyclopedia is :Popular, without biing superficial, learned but not pe. dantic; cornpreheashn but sufficiently detailed, 7free from personal. pique end party prvjUdice,l fresh yet - accurate.. Jt is a complete statement . of all that is known upon every important tepid "within the BC.Opo,Of human intelligence. Bvery important article in it has been specially' written, for its pages .by men who aro authorities upon the topiels of which they speak. They are re• quired to bring the subject rep ,to tire present moment; to state just how it st:lllkis time. All • the statistical information is from the latest re, ports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the,latest exploratZons; historical matter include the freshest jug views; the biographieal notices not only speak of the dead, tuft also of tho living. It is a library - of itself. ARRIBGNIENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS: Being a political History of the United States, from the organization of first Federal in 1789 to 1856. gdited and compiled by Hon. Thomas H. Benteifirorn the Official Records of Congress. The work wilt be cora- . pletod in 15 royal octavo velumes of 750 pages each,ll of which are now ready. An additional volume published once in three niontbs. Cloth, $3; law Sheep, $3,59; half Morbcce, e 4; Half Calf, 84,50 each. THE WAY or PROCURING TIIE . CSC (MEDIA on Ostia:l - Ea.—Feria a club of font - , and remit the price of four books, - and five copies will be sent at'theremitter's expense of carriage ; or for ten subscribers, elccenl'copies will be sent at our expense for carriage: To AGENTS.—No other vi-orks will 44 , liber ally reward the exertions of agent. An 4gr'llt Wanted i y a thia Coun , y. Terms made known on application to the l'Ohlislicr. ------- -------- IN NEW MILFORD - , PA. m fix nobnp;iber, reslciir.g in the bom of New it Iffordl . Simla county, , (Zen the following {wallet' ty toe i One FARM, on which the subscriber'' resides. in &aid bore, containing about WO acres, In a good state of cultivution„ suitable raisind grain. grin,;, ana daily purposes. Alsootnother FARM in said boro, near.i the Railroad Depot, containtog 50 acres with a number of good Village Loin or: the came, in the, centre of the Aillape.. Also, a FARM situated one mile trout Sala boro, containing 230 ra:ree, with a frame dwrilirg house. two large barns. and about TO acme improved ; the balance well timbered with Chestnut etc., at.d the it.. L. 4-, W. R. IL Co..paya cash fur wood, lies, and other lumber on the road. Aiso, another FAI M in - New Milford • township containing se act-ca Al a good s. tato of cultivation with 501.cres improved. - Also - , another FARM in said township, mumbling SO acres, with suitable Imilbings and improi e meats for a'sm.all farm. Also, fifty cares ,of unimproved land, in said township , suitable for a email farm. The - above propert v will be sold-v,ery low for e.tolt or on accornmocteing terms on credit. Any in formation in regard to the property will be riven by the subscriber at his residence in New Milford. Pa. paai•*4 7.1017.1 ME. (31. WE would trupOtfully into= 4-,nr.friccdF, Tri.trecF, and thup.abilr generally that we Lave cow in et.we and nffor wholoNale and retail. at tire lowest ca:-h &Imre and Tltry choice rock of Watches, jewelry. Silver et Ptaicd Warc, of evety variety and stele. - -• Every -descriT tion of Diamond Work and other Jem elm At Montrose, Penn. ‘ : • 1 made to order, at short notice. "..477A11 Garda warrant, v on . irt . ElmGra, proprietor ed to bt at stpreteated. • .1 . ti. R.—Particular attention given to the repairing of ". , • Watches and .1 irOili rv. of every description. i rrMilS new and commodious 'Hotel situated ' srAtTi'l.ft S. HARLEY. i .1 on Public Avenue, near the Court flouse.and No. cat,nt. South tide; Phir a. • ihn .- • , nenrly'ln the centre of the business portion of - slentrose, is now let ly completed and furn4hed, , . . la Hiyi6kTiali :llitioi and was,.opened on Monday. the .77th 'day of I .. September, 1858, fur the aceommodatiOn of ' the public and travelers., The Proprietor :feels VW' tad zioon inovr. 111. - LYORD'S,V. confiient that ho is now prepared to entertain TUBE PUBLIC generally informed that a r RIM EX- ~ • a X HIBITIOX„. is given all hours of the d ay. of Nk-Ar guests in- thates manner cannot fail to give; GOODS _ol'3ll sorts, N iz: Drees Goode of Summer Prints, Complete SatisEtliction. ! . Poplins; hallis, Lawns in patterns. elleap Bishop 14‘ , ..115, , • - The Hotel Brilliants, Book, Bard, Jaeofietts and Swiss Mull, Ladies and Furnisure are new, and no ex ("ollsrs and Sleeves, Dimity. Marseilles, Moreens. Furni- j pence has been spared to render it equal, if not tray Fruits, Rentuckv Jeans. 'Nankeens, Slimmer Stuffs. sun .rior to any similar establishment in thin part Gents Shirts , Cotton I)mwerg, Collars.. Cravats Neck-ties, - i t and sue enders. A new and large lot of • of the State: It is well Supplied with 211 the LEiTHM-WATIF recent improvements and comforts, and obliging ...4 1 waiterswill always 7-be - readyto respond to the math as Gents Pine Calf Boots—, , mod 'ans. ales heart and j mall of eustoraers. . tight Shoe& Splendid lAdirf Gaiters trier, 5,t0 IS shillings .. ,- 1 ,1„:„ ..,;•kie4 "connected w i th ‘ l,: s H nose -are 'warranted to OIL White, Brown, and Slack HOSIERY. ....." '-'`"L'' - "' .. Parasols and VnaberstF, Baud Boxes and Work Iko•kett.. New- and Contrement. - The Proprietor res ctfullrsolicits the patron_ 1313:rxii.3tagg Vii-ta_lclL . PY. - soe.of his old friends, and the public-generally. ;sod sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Brasfrand is *Jammed Banters, Wash Bteirds and Coffee Mills, White- . . .. WM. K. HATPH. . 'wash Brushes, Bed Cordeso feet long, whittled and soring -- -, Clothes Pins, Pine and CEDAR PAILS. besides a PILE of B-CERHAVE'S ! 4rg* " s4*"e, . HOLLAND BITTERS of review, amongNhielir Tapicoftnl Cornstar tor giorionstridding.. Cream Tartar. soda-starch Saler:dn. 'Castor OIL peon' Salt-.. Black and Seezeh Snot: and lots • of thinge - which won't *lo to nad ribose& but plmo.e to sell, examine and 4:11k &oh t. We ire ready and willing to PIIOW tioolis. e , Fen though they may not suit ; and thankihl for sato tavorK.,, ~ , IL C. TYLER. • Marct 1,1 I `OCTS. buys a Is.l tle or the shilling llrdr Tonic. It be.ats aunt:Ling ever slps , l: TYLF.IVS. INONTSIOSE, Vag It h, Ix;!. • A CHANGE. THE SritSCHTBEII, HAVJNO 1:- •Cha'rd thr ,tuck jEl' ORMERLY owned. hr _X. V. lir I LARD 11i... , rill. THE CELF.DRATTiID lIOLIAND . MM.., method of informing . - /how 'rho talc ft, pole re. that the neck hasegalu been removed to Ilw old -tend, 121''SPEPS/Alk below the 4 3:3lcoSha.catmratt 9 4Coflicaa„ V where he will 1w Inner happy to wait upon tho, .e, ho DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, may mvor hlm skit a eat , LIFER IIIOXIIFiIkAIT,, " • .AL NY 130-0 ik , WEA I.LIFER NESS OF - A_NY N KIND, oritLINHED it:4d IN pr.tff , csn b. ohte.n. 'il t., 1.-..1-, FEVER AND ACUE _ your orders, with - the price of the hook zautpuld h. ~- -f, name at the dealt. Mao. fly article t o the - Don't as.d . .Ir.. the wet oi l A!redons erMseelyent upon a duo, nknxt Stationers" line STe3IACII OR LIVEIt NEws. cyriFicki. ~,,,,.,,. lh.ligettsen. A ei-.1 - 41• ri the .Storrsel.Colicky ;wins, -A-. . lissrthurn, Loss a arv•t:r..., ihypondeury. Crettveutiea, I•I 2MPEWS • " nee ''''' ''''' .l " .. '' Pcle , r '?'' ' ..' Aill'; ' .7 ' t n u ' r. " l ‘4 .• i t t , l Zll%,t i t ' hai l' ilttru N u e e r v r o ° u " s 'iIT t : u rt m a proved or any ot the tralar liluent;nl- ,, .0 , .. r tu i , . , 01 , s w , l O , • burbly 1;210.0, and in others efieded a decided care, L. 11*.r, N . Y.' Wee - " Nicicnn • " 11. P'-' ' '''''", ~ : Tl.;s is rt r arely Vi talk mail..und, prepared on strictly . pirit. and all the lilitotrated Paper , ur 5.,1e., 1/t , . nu:: • ~ gA bete supplied. , t.. nt fir pro.. after the manna of the celebrotei !tell kV d Pr, f.-eor. it.r. have. 114 reputation at home pro ximo", 7001 Le—All the old ruff nets" _ .eu•-e,liti irtr Ast 'lion here, the demand Commencing with FiI A WK, SOOES-A very woe asaortment. ill ..e t f th. 1,11 ,rhml 'entered over the faze' of this arTi 2713.Y.--11p top article of American. r1,.11::. ~..uutc, tral, It a. I.',m brought with them am: Offrig.l7.3-Vers Fine ones, Ladies A Gents; il•ted it, n 1.1, WAtholl cI Its calms. It um note offered. PraVII v- 1 1.:W". Harrison 6 end others. , ::•, Ar if ~...•. puthe. :mowing that fir truly wesiderfal 22\1738C./3- - . ~-,../ ..i .:J i Di fai to Ca nOrd , figrd• 1 ~...... d - 4IV I: blitb, C3.1%.X..a . ±A, 41,ai,a1 (114.e3N. , : t„ i(.- ,r. i . ~,-, ; ittwiN. rt.-,lttaWntied to thou, venoms er...... ti,ll have.* .Inele eit- 1 u year interest" and ow. to 11,%- contt:tutwas may b e.t. impaired by the continutms use ' ow's:. Yours. it Identlr • a at0...wl .I.ltits.•or other forms of dissipation. bonerally A L _ lzL .. sinerr . rxx , IN Anntni,...t , in er,,,-i, it isud. its way directly to the teat Borrnoat, Pt., 'ecptcmher In, lerll.--tf ot MC, thrill in; . s o u quickening every nerve, raising up oho --,----- s ditoplng ,pint, mid, in fact, infusing new health sad 'lgor to the ..stem, •., r n ..,,...- ..- .. "4,.' „,, , -;"-Th CI - y:0 ri NOTICE -Whoever ecpee ts to fmd this a beverage wI.I I • - - ,ti - ' ,.... § - ditt9 i hs di•appeint.l; bet to the sick, swag. and low spirited, it ) eat prove a grateful aromatic ebtdirdh toweeed of 'Molar ~,-J • ~.) - _ ~ T+lnedialprOpertirt•- f lIITE Cooart , nta , hip het Llano; exining e en the un- • ' • READ CAREFULLY! ' J. dersigned„ is tins day tlis-olstdbs• Int:tool ton-t•ut,- ; erh_ e fientabei highly eiMeentrated Ikerhave'a Rolland James C. Wheaton i ohdraw tug from the Imo. 'I h. I hook act-mut:. and note. 0 111 be found with I: til-1N1,4 tV, , Into,. Is pot up In half-plot ,. bottler . only, and retailed at Jr , „ mita i,,i1l cuutittne Pus hn-ineett ill :al- 11. ',ln.• , Oat Pottaa per bottle, er. Wiles for Prow masa. 'The Lrar.chre, and keep; large stock of • , great demand for this truls relehratedidelichwkW indnred many ledtstions, which the public theuld guard spiral . C.> C> r, 2E/ V purchasing. , 4i' Beware of Impolttam tee that ottr canals ott the Which will le soleverylny. for CAbli HR .k PP Ot ID • label of every bottle you buy. , ' ,„ i PAPER upon Pour - Months thne. Tho-e indelne u , ,It Sold by Druggists gum:tally. It esa,be law lAA . r SPALDING'S !PREPARED GLUE! Kenyon. sr... eiCo... , svill Aer the Percent sor hrta vit.:: . by Express to moat plots. = thAr indehteduees at once. a- the debts nlite Is. the . ran , . H .------- matt bepaid. IL Kenyon,Jr. le hereby autherii, dto-it ' - sOts, rsopravro.U.S; , , 1 1 - >, t-• I'REPARED GLUE! .for the fain whelieVer tir, in with• the hoed nee.; ' BENJAlirrni 'PAGE, JR. & CO. ' ' • 4 . r also„datheiired tore ceipt for the fire' n henescr neretKa i , 1 ' [----'---,,, ryiglorditz the huetcw's. I:Willi CCI:NroN .3 r - 3 ,, „ t . r „".. 1 , x , 3 -• . - SAVE 171 E t lECErs ' J. V. V, 'MATO S • , ... . , Lawavllle Centre, .Lit is. Ist.l - Rut , pharmaceutists and ttlftmists -.lEcom"mY• . -Diet' kTCII . - , Or•VtSvrzcsi .• nein Saves "Niriz,".„ 1 31 A N I-1 O.OD . 1 - PITTSBURGH, PA. I As aceidcnta will ha pert, clot lu well rer,nlated fatal- • . 'liege PITTIIItS art. , old In Illontrost> by • ! lice, It is very dealrabl to have , florae cheap and conven-" , ha, IT ttREI T liguggiet HOW LOST, HOW' RESTORED. ' - '"- 4 -, , ,•-- , :-: , -- - t-- . - - - __-_:___._ _ - - -'I lout way for,kupairing Parnittlre: toys, crockery, C. - I ' SPALDLVG A PREPARED. Gal - i 1 '• i ' cr sT Pu tt e ggaitl el e. l V ji',: ,;kt l r'''''or c rW. l . le o n r aL a u e r in: -.. IVlrs. L. • J.- BIX.BY , meets all Mich emerge cies, and no household can afford 1 , gt i, to be without it. It In %%aye ready, and up to the click- • , Ma visdateas, sexual debility, nett otumesa au I IneOltue ' 1 . g A.VING suet returned from New York with a choice, i'tog point, tary etabetiong i inducing ItuSoteneviand merit," ti, %veil as ; iii . b mw ar a t, a nd e3mmeivtiuseortMent of Fall t winter . . Ardent .. ? „„ty. Iry BORT. i 1 ... CtILTEP. ELL..IO. : . " LtSE.FT'L, IN EVERY DOUSE." .1 1 P..dirither fla'''Gramarlok." dc. The work riluovrned ; 1111: 1. - NER , ~ • •• Ti ...• . 1 N. 11.--:.-1 Brush amempanies 041 Bottle. Price tr., I I D.II Jr/ I author. is t a adtalrable Levuue,clearly prov ..e from his ' :in: 3. 0 .:: - ' . • -• • tout - {'dress,. ' I(ENRY C. SPALDING, own cl oak:we that the awful consequentme t 'self-abase • "'to- 48, Cedar Street, New-YOrk- Mhy be efftmtuallyreruoved without medicine cd without ile reedy to furnish the put& or Itotttret, & viOnity With _ - . . dangerous auvocial operationa, ode o f I teriunetuil, I F ASIII rings or cantata:pointing out a mod rlre at oat, i 101\1 IBIE BoNN 1 . 4177-105.. ` 1 1 • certain and effectual , by which every eu ff erei .no matter 1 i I • .4e certain unprinelpl s;tpenAmis are attempting to palm • what his toudition may be , may cure himscirclitepty.pri- ell : ; orlon the unanspectiqglublic, imitations of my Prrpecrtel ..c.ntiv. and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to ; 41, gp4e, :lite. as deb an eau be purchased anywhere. , , She Wu, ! would tantlou n peraons to examine bt•forepur and thoti;mr et , • ;Lf o•proi ;,s t reS, ury nicest good., posh ne ernnot Lill te Visas!! e b a ,„l,,, g. , am i ~,„..„ ~ 4 01,3 fall ~,,,,, c,,ntunder seal. in a plain nut elec.•, to nny aildreas, PI the mostsittticult. Price* vcry reasonable, i Piid. no receipt of two poAnks - e atampA, be addrt., . , tg , Th. Ladle-. are invited to eall and extunine lon' Goode. I trxr sP-ILDINGI PREPARED 0 1CE...4.7,2 I,r CII• I. 0. lILINE. - ;•4 - Y - ftoom• opp,n.tte Bott',4 l=alCot. ~ ,n ritt floor.) Mtin is on Ills ot*.ids wrapt-sir ; all 0th..1,1 ore coo telirg sour.- . tp7 fl aw , r 2. ; Nae loth,. Pr .t Wile ho;, P.t.f " i !reef Nlontre..s, Pa . ...1g0r t.rteits . i It; I 4 IVIONTROSE , IMRE subscriber having Ourehased i ; ..1.. refitted and "newly furnishoiLtlit ten • - „ above well,knoarrtand popular Hotel; is prepared to /iceommodeto the trav eling puhlie and others w ith the attentions arid eonvenionees usually found firat-elas Houses. I No effort will kie spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Holel equal in every any in the country, The tier will alwaysbe supplied with the Choiceat um's. The Stables, conne d are large) roomy and cow attentivOlostlers are al! a:eted with this Hottae.' ttlenient, and careful led Wayain charge of them - J. S. TARBELIL -:;,;,,•;) - . ---H"" ° 7 • ,COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.- Locited over qieStotqu .banna Valley:Bank Y. BINQHAMTON' N. Y. • . FACULTY: D. W. LOWELL, Pfincipar,..Professor the SpienCe of Aceounte,l Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book:Keep- - ing, Diagtams illustrating the sane. .Joiis RANKIN, Acconotant, Profea'r of Book Keeping and IPiactical Mathematics. J. J. Cunns, Assistsnt Professor in the Beok I Keeping Department. A.. 3. %VARNER, Professor of Practical and Dr- Immental s , Penmanship, Commercial ,Caletila ' flog and Correspondence. LECTU Von. Daniel S. Diekirso eial Law and Political) lion. Ransom' Balcom; -Promissory Notes and 11_0: Dr. E. Antirelks, Ethics. . - FAA:1110 ING lion. Sherman Tracy 4t. Morgan, Eu object 'of this Cc an opportunity of obtain Edneution 'rho- Books and Forms arc carefully arranged by prartinl account:icier expressly for this In vtiintier, arid . ctuitrace- ail the recent improve ments. The course. of instrlnetion oeln. prises etory departtormt of bue'riess. The learner will be thoroughly blight the seienee and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied te'the foll o wing kinds of business, viz: General- :Gr. Manufacturing,' Bsnkinn., Cominia- Steambcaling,- Riiilrciadin,g, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shippirigi &c. • TOL fit: ;MEN • • -Can qualify thevwiler , in a bliort time, at this Imititn tion, to nil important and ,lnerative situation*. :ainple references can he given where graduates &IWO' are now filling desirable situation* talariett trom,tsoo to ;1000 per annum. . The Proprietors aro-in ROPOCF , ,IOII of tc*timunials from some of the firet Co,mtnercm! Houses in the State, to whom the have furnb•ded book.keepers, ehuwing their entire sattlaction and. confidence iu the ability of the. graduates of thin Institution. . • , • rEIiMiNSII,II", ' i in all its branches, tangbt hi . the most skillful and thoc i ough-ni3ter‘ , of the sal. No College in the countrj en- I Joys a higher reputat inn in this, department. Ladies' De -1 partment entirely separate , {rom that of thegeutlemen. ine. , No vacations. Time to complete the court... from 8 to 10 . weeks.: btu . debts passing the requisit, examination' are pr,.. , u4ntott. i .ith the ruostelahorate an qlettant vagras‘ ,, l Dillloml i isn e d h..: anvreommeret,al r Clxssical Institution in the I Union. Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring sitnatious ; ' For terms of tuition, priee or 'board. testimonials of 1 graduates filling posit lonsAc. address the proprietors for circulars containing full particulars. LOW ELLS WA RNF:It, Proprietors Itingbamton Commercial College, ' - Nov. R. 'fiit —y ; . • Binghamton, N. T. KEYSTONE. HOTEL 1 ,By the lase of these Fills the perludie attacks of,,Verrate r a or Sick Headache may be prevent ; and if taken at the commencement of anattack, ham tato relief Irattrpaitc. and sickness will- be obtained. They seldom fall in'removing th Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the betvels,—removing Cadireneaf. - For Literary Nen, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary hails, they ar t valuable as a hureti re, improving the appetite, giving tont and vigor to the diges tive of-gans, and restoring. the natural elasticity- and strength of the whole systtim. ... I } . The .(tErRALIC FILLS are the esalt of long itivesti gation and carefully conducted e eriments, having been in nee many years, daring which time they have prevented Ind.relieved a vast amount of ratio and suffering from Headache, whether originating in Die IIeTVOIM system- or 1./ from a deranged state of the *don ch. They are entirety vegetable. in heir eomposition, and ayrithe taken at alltimes with per( t safety. without mak mg any change of diet, and (he alis lee of any disagrcsabls taste renders it airy to affmlassfer cat to children. Beware of Von i forfeits. The genuine have fire aignaturet , oneach box. Sold by Druggists and other Ile4ers in Medieinee A box will be eclat by mall prepaid on receipt of the • Pricie• Eta Ccisa.tes. All orders should be addressed t i2 o • HENRY - CI. SPALDING, 49 Cedar St wit; New York. • TUE FOLLOWING ENDt UIna:NTS OF LaP2 . Ol - 11111 9 CEPIIA.LIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL NVIIO SUFFEE FROM MRS: , Lecturer on Common- Economy. Lecturer on Contracts; 111118 of Excharigo. ecturer on CommerCial IHEADBCHE 9 111 'O7I3IITTEE; ", Win. R. Osborn, !liege is to afford to all lug a thorough Business • SPEEDY ANI) SURE CURE .> IS WITIIIIS"rnEin -REACH. As these testimonials werelupsolieeted Spaiclihg, they aford lutiquestionablc proof of the efficacyl,f this truly scientific dis orery. . m g . SPLI-DIN4,. . , s tilit : I have tried your Cephalic Pills. and' I like them no well 1) that I want yon to send me $2 w rth mote. ' . Part of these.are for the ueightsi rs, to whom I gave a few out of the first box 1 got from vt n. Send the Pill 'i by mail, and ohlige . , Tont ob't serv't, L...... 1. JAS. KENNEDY. Havelrford, Pa., Feb. 5. i _ - R. C. Spalding. Sir. I wish you to send meow: mo hos of your Cephalic Pills ; /hare retvired a great den of benOitfrons than. " . Yours, fespe .tfully, . ANN.STOIRIIOUSE. ...ft.-ice. --. Spruce Creek, Iluntit gdon cu., Pa...10n. Pl. 11. Spalding. . Sir:: You will please send me two boies of your - Pills . ..Send them immediately. Respectfully yours; JN0.,11. SIMONS. P. S.-/hair used one b cr (if &tone pig?. and find than. .erallad. . . ,_...._.....- 7 , • - , , ~. . Ilelle Venon, Ohio, Jan. z. r floury C. 'Spalding, Esq. Please end enclosed twenty-ti t 's, cents, for which we n d , ; me another hoz of your Cephalic Pills. They am truly • the hest pills I have ever tried. .. .1 • Direct • 'A. STOVER. p.- 31'. . Belle Vernon, Wyn ndot county, Ohio. : • • ' cuRE, •c• CURE 60 NervousHeAdache .417, CUR E ° neactiche. novl2 'kb Fy.b.s Beverly, Mims., Pei... J. R. C. Spalding. Esq.. ' • . I wish for some/circulars or Irge show bills. to. bring vow Pills more particalarly beford my CIISLOIIIerf. If yoe have anything of the kind. ple4 , e serid.thetn to me.. I . One of in:k customers, who is subject to a revere nick headache. (usually: hinting two davt6, nut cured V an atr tad in an hour by your Pill., which I sent her. • • Re_lpectft! yours, • ! W. B. WILKES. Roynoldsbnt, Franklin Co., Mo. t 1 ... ' January 9. ;) , Henry C. Spalding.. . • No. 48 Cedar street:N. lj.• Dear ir : . • . . Inelpse&find twenty-five cents. de...1.1 for which send ine box of , ` cephalic pills: — Direct to Rev. 'Wm. Filler. r Rernoldsharg, Franklin countv, Ohio. . Four Ms work dike a clazfln—cure Headache almoet ingtanter. . 1 t; 4, ' Truly. yOnrs, . Vin. FILLER. I i , 'lf ptilantl, Mich.,' Jan. 211 .Yr. S'paldiny.• • L._ . Sir: Not long.t,ince I Peril toyo fern box of Cephalleyils for the mite of the Nervous leadathe and Costivenelis, and received the same, and hey had ea goixi an efftrri I - wax irut owl la 'end fornor , . 'Planet send by return mai . Direct to i A. R.AVIIEELER, - • 1 , I I Ypsilanti, .Mich., - Prmpt the Eramis er. .1 - orfolk, J. r . . elphalie Pillxaccomplbh th object for which they svtire inarlk. viz.: cure of headache n all its-forms. I Front the Exami They have•been tested in., with entire I,ticnese. From the Deinocra If you are: or have been send for a box of cephalic them In case of an attack. • Front Me Adttertis r, Providence, R. Li The Cephalic Pills are sal id to be a remarkably effect ive remedy for the headache. .and one of the very hest ,for that very frequent complaint which has ever been tits cov,2red. • • Frotn Ntc 11 — rstept .R. Gazette, ellico'Do. We hmrtily endorse Spalding. and Ala' .aMirailed Cephalic l'ill'. Frpm the PUlleyl Star, Kandieha, Va ..we arc 66re that peittottst murerthg with the hvadaChe; who try them, 'will rtick tip theta. From" the Path - Finder, Kea& Orleans, Lq e afflicted. and we are auto thn , ded to -the already numetou e to thatno other medicine ca \ i Try them you that ar Tour te.iimonr can he a • Sint that bar received ben: , produces. Louis Democrat. or From the S The Jaime-Ilse demzrul inexeaaing. !tie, Davenport, lowa. connect his uame with ,possess merit. From' thr Gaz Mr. Spalding would u tide he did not know to . _ Frynt the Astver i tiser, Providence, R.'.( The testimony in their favor is strong, from the most 'respectable quarters. I ' - • - . , FrOns the Daily News, Newport, R. L . CephalliPills are taklizig the plar:cof n111E1146. r4rA Flngle bottle of IPALDING'S PREPARED 4GF. . , will:save ten tittles its cost annually.. 43 iiPA G,.' ;. LDINSIPREPARED GLUE! - i-.-. • Ai3EL TURRETI • ifIAS just returned from selecting and purcbasing and is j 1 vow receiving one of the largest and beet toe of .. a . .. . ~ , c..... „.. t:ii.r offeretlin this market. The quality a nearly every thing good; all warranted as represented. Terms; Ready Cash and Ihw l'ricei, Pi general Idea - a the stock may be Conned from the following enumeration: Dacus,. M EDICINES, • CIIENICALS. • FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. '-' 'WHeDOW CLANS, CYR STUrFIL OHOfTRIES, _CLAIM WARR, CROCKERY. Mirrors, CLOCKS. WALLPAPER, WIRDW PATER, .." WIN 'W OIL HDADW,FANCT GOODS, Musimi Inqtrunacnts.l.amps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Stone Ware, Droning:Brushes, Whips, Umbrel's Ilird C4g1.9., - ' 1 Pocket Enhus, . Germ, Fietols,_ Atimunition, ... , -Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, - • Shoulder. Bracer, pert manuals, Spectaclt.s, Silver a plated Spoons, Forks, Ac. Goldpens, Stationery, - Violin, Guitar, Bass Viol. Strings,. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tube paints, Brush es;'...te. &c. , Also some Dry Goode, Wooden Ware, bard 'Untilapanned Ware, Fluid and Olt Cans, Camphine, Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, neat foot, lard..olive,..eastor, boiled and raw linseed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all•kinds of colored paints, Vine ger..Canary Seed, aloe nil the popular PATENT MEDI CIINES, and other thin oo numerous to mention. .It in imorter 'ratio t ve more than a general outline Of my block throughlb newspapers, every one wishing GOODS Is invited to 1: and examine. 'Customers on . entering theutore mist not expect to dud every thing in eight; but nearly every article wanted will be produced by ' inquiry. .• Thankful feir the liberal patronage hitherto rereived,•he hopes to merit a continuance and large ineresso of the same. . - ABEL TURBELL. • i t Montrose, .Tony t. WO. . I Mailitt MAD, !WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, 201 Wushh,gton-sl, • (Difeetly opposite Washington ➢faikel,) of Fleury C. tipahliog New Yo-r4 1:7 QTILL CON'I9NUES to offer ,to the city and' COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine at the very lowest figures;, 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in. part of-Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and _dairy- use; !Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Bro w nlow's, &c. 'and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonaros, *actin, SCllbes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c.„ all-of . 'Which will bo sold at bargain prices fOut vessels, store and storehoutes. - Any purchaser wishing to'select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. 13.—,Fine table salt put up in small bags of different,iizes, and constantly on hand in ship. -order. Also.a splendid article of Rock . 'Ground salt, in: plait boxes, put up and for sa l e by the quantity, in case:rot five dozen each. THE HEST ROUTE FROM - WYOMING VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA, NEW • YORK, BALTIMORE, . • And: all. Points North eic, West; EiCKAVVANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT: Two Daily Pas Ai ILL 111£ RC SCRANTON AND N ' AE FO!, U 2 ace SCI:111 uu Arrive at. Pitletou, 6.35 4.53 Ing•stoll, 7.11.1 5.20 shickshinny: 7.r.0 Item 5,•241 6.55 Blactin4htmi., ?+.50- 7.30 Rupert. 9.00 7.40 Daurille, 9..25 Nom:whim!. 'OA* THE LACKKWANNA - & BLOB • CIJN:4I . :CTT , DEL. I.ACKAWAN7 , .:A. & At tier:lntern. for New Yuri( t Triediate pnintr ea.t aka furl( Syracuse, linitato, Niagara Fail. Nte4t. At I?upert , It connect, point; Loot 1.;;;,4 and 'Vet. 'At Nortbunlbr..rlatl it conni, Erie ILnilrmd far t olnte W. e 4 uDelicion Tonic Stin 1. for the In.e of the Medical haeinc enpercetled the so en — ConHal," 3ltliczt eft" t• dorAed by all the prennlnent pl Ill,igSVUrS, a, pe, ! .,e,....twz e t] rinalitiept illarvtiel;% PI - I{F: GIN. Put np in quart glett4 and Groeer.. etc: • A. 3 kEKtablislied in 1478.1 „ oc 4 y] For pale at Tus'rell:, Ilrtn; S . Mark The e Facts! THE TESTIMONY OF tiE WHOLE WORLD' ler, Xorfotk; Va. tire than a thonaand cast,r, Si. Cloud, ronbledswith the headache, I 'ille ' le, that you may have . . Bad Logs, Bad Breasts. Sores and Ulcers. iLI. de•-criptions of seresure remediable by the prop. ler and diligent nse of Itii+ inestimable preparation To attempt to cure bud legs Iv plastering the. edges of the wound to zether 14 a folly. far s hould tie- skin unite. a 1 :: ,0 :12.'! , f1i ,, . , i 1 vonditibli rrinaii, underr.eath to break out with tenfold fury In - a felw dies, The °illy rational' 1 and successful treatincui. ar indleated by nature, i- to re duce the inflammation In aid about the wound. and to soothe lily neighboring Parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as salt Is foreCA In) meat. Diptheria, Ulcerated- Sore Throat, and Scarlet and ter';c Foyers. 4 NT ()rib, above disease h may be eared by well rub ..A. bing the Ointment. thrtie times-a day, into the chest. throat and neck Of the patient; it will anon penetrate and rive immediate relief. Medicine taken by the •haouth ' must operate upon the whol4:system ere Its influence can I be felt in any local part. whereas the Ointment will dodts work at,cince. - Whoever triCh the'nnument in the above I manner for the diseases named, or any similar disorders ' affecting the chest and thrt , will find themselves! rellev. tI ed as by a charm. 'Piles, ,Fiastu a, Strictures. flinli above class of complaints will be ' removed by 1 1 nightly fumentingihe letrts with warm wziter, and thell•MOFt effectually tubbing in-the Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful !Complaints should lose not a I moment in itireating their It •should be under- stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment ou the atlbileil parts,'hut it must be well rubbed lu for some considerable time two or three ;lines a day, that it may taken into the 'system. whence it will remove any hidden sore or wound as effectually as though palpable to the eye. There again bread and water poultices. utter the rubbing In of the Ointment, will do great service. This I; the only sure treatment for fetnales, cases of -cancer in the stomach, or where there may be a general bearing down. - . . ;anger Trains :i.TICEEN lIUMWEIMANDi VS MOVING NOATIt. N. V. Phil's, 'OY IN rorrn. N. V. Mai). EvpreAs. A. 34. rt Y. 6:10 •I.W Expreso. iIVe 5.:10 1.15 l‘trive ut 1 nville, i 1.05 _ 5,'N , , pert, f 171.1 .5.50 , Inslstr.r.r.,*-0.4.5 6.00 rwick. 7.15 , 6.37, ick:4olloy. 7.15 7.1.11 ni.04011, 5.:41,, 7 . ..-15 11,100, . 5.57 5.15 rautun, 9.25 5.15 I MSBURG RAILRQAD "1,.. II Till!! . '..STElt:i' ISAILIIOAD _ d 111110&101a, and ist..r reat 'lend. Ilinghamton, t , and all important point., .N. le Catauirkta Railroad, tor Li with the Sunbury and nd tiontn (OININ LoA LTA Tiv . ( 4 ,1 e . I ' P; l ' A 4 is :~ ~;i ~~a lulant. Especially deoigned iroles4iim and the Family, led Aromatic-7 .10.01pw." etc., it , now en clivinials , mid rem bleb belong to an 01.1) and Mt lea and void he all Drug . BECINGER ,t Sole Proprietor.. .0. 19 llroad, St reel. N. V, Lore. Montrone. - ' •• k c h" Jr' "rr firrrtt, .7c :a' :4 : - = • Ar‘i Holloway's ('Ointment Indiscretions, of Youth ;---Sores.. and Ulcers. TILOTeIIES. ac also swellings. can, with certainty. be .12 radically cured if the Ointment be Uteil freely. and the Pills be taken night and morning as recommended in the in the printed instructiona. When treated in any other war they only dry up. in one Place to break out in another; whereassthis Ointment will removethe humor from the system. and leave the patient a vikormis and healthy being: It will require time with the use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure. • Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stiff Jointsill ILvniourat the' &NAT complaints differ widely In their origin and nature, •yet they all retmlre local treatment. Mawr of the worst cases, of such diseases. will yield in a comparatively short ftpace of time when this ointment is diligently rubbed info the parts affected, even after every other means have failed. In all serionA • maLadlet , the Pills should be taken according to the print ed directions accompanying each boi. • Both the Ointment and Pills should lie used in the following cases: • ' - , • • Bad L. .1 Chletnefoot, • Fletula , , i ° - ' 1 . .1F.1 4 : MEMORIA_ Bad Breasts, • Chilblains. . tort . Burn., Rheumatism • , Chapped Bands, Lumbago. • I I- WOULDN' I TAKE .A• 'NORLD• FOR THIS 'I wandui.swenintscom.; (Soft) Pike, • , - ii •• •• •- I • • 1 Bite of. Notichefoes,Ctutcers, 1 a - la4v rem marked to us a ay or. two -.since; as . , =and sand-File', Contracted and Scalds, •', I+ he Szinbited the portrait of *nu only a dd. f ,- two-14y, , StlifJointe, ~ Bore Nipples • ---, .4 ~, -• • Sure Throat", . Rio IM tc3a e i! , Scurvy, ' Ito I.le, spirit laud:" which was one f -Bore twatit , , , !, Tumors, nee".. • I • . ' ' TILTIErE3SIIT'i . • Wendstl, ' Yaws tam. &c. 4c. - 1 CAUTION I=hone are genuine utilees the words-......,lmmiTiall i ,imßßoßpi LOwAT: Flt to M LoNpori,' are diseerhible as it- , . water-marit tu every leant' the book of directions around I • iamb pot•or box: the same may he - plainly deer by holding Melee./ to the light,' A. handsome reward will bc given to . " How I should regret it, had-'I. n§f. secure(' anyone. modeling mut information as MIIV lead to‘the i this precious metros' of that der4r one" Sci thitection of any party or puttee counterfeiting the medi a ne" or vending the titime, , knowing them to be spurious, tho,utht we. The la uoiones• are . alai always - 'et Sold at' iheManufadon7 of PforegtwilomowAY• 80 with - us;and while we eau call them dors, ever . Manna Lark New Yorit, anti by all respectable Bray.bita ndDealerein3fedcine, throughout ate civilizetlWiirld, 1 one should seenre.suckamemorlal ; %spec in hos"atit 2li cents. a cents, and t-i each. ! slime they(an have them s r- 0 truthfolli tali . , i Fe - There bi conaderable Paving by taking larger boxes- i that arh•v•Pe. Ca I artist, A.. 13 . T 1.3 II 113 4 .1 of ', N. 11.—rdmetions for the guidanee et patient. in , iv.ry : ' , 11, , rirAo vac nfilvd t.) rash l.ox. hall; to U. , • - , . , ..„.„-ii, . , i:, • • . 1 11., 111111111-4 AU - ...... . AKEtbiltinethiidotinfortntng their OLD AND NE ir .Friende that they bac" jtiet rectiied an addition to t o farther stock of Goodo; - "trbfch they : .., -.- .. AT - PANIC PRICES! .ASD WILL. 'SELL THEit CASH. , BUYERS . ; .- ,_ AT • - Prices Perfectly Astonishing: We lunie not time to enumerate articles.: or prices, but invite the public to call, examine, and satisfy, themselves of the truth of what we publish. and or coMse. then buy. J. L. lIERAIMAN & SON. tr sonvillc, 1850. C • 110 ICE-Lot of Family Groceries }oat recelved rind eel Hog 20 per cen t below runner prices. 11.4.1+.1CY Confectionary for the 11011daze,,a t 6 4.0 , 5 ..i j""1 WANTED FAlnTriklatirectr.m."iijottivlnutt,nfoitiltoltilth the tiler! Upeoriville, 311:11IIIMANti . MRS,*WINSLOW, An experienced Diunseand Female Physician; prese to the attention of mothers, her . - ' SOOrP - HING.. SYRUP - ToR 'CHILDREN TEETHING, a bleb greatly facilitates I e,proceas of teething, by soft ening the gams. reducing all intlamination—will • allay PALM. and . spasmodic action, midis • • SURE TO REGULATE TBE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers; it will give rest to you, and maw AND HEALTH TO,YOUN INFANTS.. lVe have put up and sold this article'for over ten yehrs, and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTII of lt,,What w.i have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER - HAS IT FAILED. in a SINGLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, When timely used. Never did we know an Instance ofilis.utisfactltni by anvone who bad used it. On the contrary, all arc delighted a fal its operations, I.nd speak In teems 01 cOmnieridation Dr Its magical eireetsand medical virtues, We WV In this mat ter WHAT Wlq DO KNOW." after ten rears - experience, and PLEDGE GM REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here deerare. In almost every instance where the Infant is sufferineby pain and estitin,tleavrelier will be found in - fifteen tO :at minutes after the syrup Is administered. This valuable preparation Is the - prescription of of the mast EA.PERIENCED and'Slill.l.ll , 7'NUßSES in- New England, and hatheeu need with NE V ER FAILING SUCCENS in THOUSAN DS- 0 V CASES. • It not only relitti'es the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and 14,wels, corrects acidity. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost inaTtly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which. if not speedily eti l i ted. end In death. We believe it the ItEsr and 51.7 REST mt the WORLD. 'in all cases of DYtiENTERY land" DIM - W.IIMA IN CHILDREN, -whether It arises from teething, or from apyother cause. WeAvould nay to all mothors who'have a child slasring from any of the to -e•ro ing complaints—DO Yirr LET YOLTW PREJULdrES NOE THE PREJUDICES of - OTHERS. stand bet.O.t,n • you and your suffering child. mod the relief that will be SURE—vea ABSOLUTELY SLTRE—to, follow thenie of this Medicine. if need." Fall directions for dning will aectunpanv earh bottle. None genuine unless simile of CURTIS- & PERKINS, New York, Is o the outside wrapper. sold by Druggists throughtost the world. Prinelparo6lec,l3 Cedar tetrect,_New 1 t rk. "TRICE ONLY 25 CENTS; PER - BOTTLE. - deem y For sale In Ifouirose by Abel Turr AI. 0V V lk.T 4 S LIFE PILLS, kt, PHOENIX LOTT rilifESE MEInICINES have .now been before the 1 fora period of Thirty Year& and during that tint maintained a high charticter• in ahno,t every part Globe. for their extraordinary and immedlatq.po rantering perfect health to ptirsons E•uttering under every kind of di-earn to which the human frame it. r The followfnz are among thi: variety man direacer In which the Are well knonn to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, be thorou,thly cleannint; the let tufa thid stomach,. and creating a flow of pure,heidthy bile.itintead of the stale and acrid kind; .FLATULENCY, Liqs 42r AP• 4, ti'lc, Heartburn, It.adaelte. Reek ~ , 810, lii- 7im per -A mi ii l ty', /stupor and -Ifthtnellay, V, 11101 ore ifeneral e , in .tome „f iirspepifin, vanish, as a natnral tateence . o . f It cure. CIiSTM.NESS, by cleansieu the whole tenth of the 1 intestines with aisolecnt Knees., and m itlioneYio once; .311 violent. nargesleay....llle bowel , . entliyi: in two di ys. rEyrais oral! hinds. u) rot:minty. tne moon to a, :..mar circulation. thro* this process ut result:lt 101 i in such oases'. and Units , ' notation of all intestinal obstructions in others,' The Life idedidnes have been known to cure Minn.- ATISM perninnentlY in three.weeks, and GOUT -fu halt' that time, by removinU local inflammation from till; nis• den anti lisiamentn..if the joist... • • DRopsi.Es or all kimin, by freellu and iening the kidney, and bladder ; they operate most delluhrfhlly of.; three important organ, and-hence hove ever been fnunil u certain remedy fiii. the .orA rAt , e, ,, or GRAVEL. I Ah , o , WORMS, by'llinlieluing from :lot turnings rif the bowels the ,limy matter to which the, ere:dere' , Adhere. SCURILY; ULCERS, and INVETERATE SONFs, by the perfect purity which the: Lift :11tdirinei , girt.' to the blood and all the humors. SCORBUTICENIIPTIaNSaudIun cfPIPLENIGNs , by their alt.:nab e ..Peet upon the ileitis-that feed the skin loud the morbid kt. a. of which o6naolosok -all e 'dive el - until:tints, sallow, el - tinily. an disagrecabl i coot plexlmin, . The use of these PUN for a very shurt time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM. and a striking improve ment ht the clearness 'of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFUENZA will always lie weld by one dose, or by Iwo ill the wort maces. PILES.—The original proiCrietor or these met Mines, wa'. co rot of Piles, of ili years standiuu by the ns . of the Life Ate dicing Mane. FEVER AND ,AGITT;.—Ftm thin scourtre of th West ern country; the, 311,11eities u 11l be found a safe. speedy and certain Eenletiv. Other :qedicities leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these ...Medi . eine,. I. permanent— Try them, he eatiVied, and toieured. Billtsuisi Fevers and Liver. Compfalntx. _fieneral Debility. Lose of Appetite. and Dineasef of Fe ,lairs. The Medicine: , have been used witli the most i beneficial renults In casein of this description ti•-, Itinus i Evil,. and Scrofula. in its worstforms. yields to or mild I vrt powerful action of .these remarkable 11.1dicines, Nightliweatn, Nerves* Debility,. Ncreoun Compliduts of all kinds.. Palpitation of the fleart., Painters (Vic, arc 1 speedily cured. IllercUirlal Dbucfidtex.,Persoda Who, e oonshlutione hare become impaired by the iniudieinus use of *ereury, will find there Medicines a perfect cure. its they never (nil to eradicate from the system, all the effects or IllereurY. Infinitely soeur than the most powerful preparutions of SarsUparilla.. - Prepared and told be f • , . . • • Vir,. B. MOEFA i XIS ,ItnoAnw.ty. Ntw-Yorat., For Sale ,by all Dragglata. I • Aiflioted, Read! i'VVILLIA3IS'S COMPOUND S,OLU- , l i v lion for the PILES Tr warranted to effeCt a Cure in every case, and in all stages of tlic disease, or t e money ! will be refunded. Full directions accompany ea h bottle. 1 • For t.ale he Abel Turret], Montrose; O. G. Ile pslead, firoc.kivn ; T. J. Babcock, Ilimock ; Penuel C rpenter, Ilarford ; O.G. Williams, Jack son ; J.R. Slocum. Dundafri‘ I A. B. Merrill, liripbuttom ; A... 1. Merrill, Scrant4n. - This Is to certify. that3tr.. Emory has been afilleted for ,le, sears pat with part distna,iing complaint kno n the Piles, and that having failed in securing retie from ra: riot's Physicians. she woe Induced from reports o try Mr.. Williams' ”Pile Solution," which we obtained fit one of his AgencleS in Tunkluanock, Pa. The 'result has been the most favorable. • The trialwas made with il t last fall, and after tieing ne directed for a Tow days. wha we have good reason to think was a permanent core wail effected. Several other cases of a similar nature in .thif vicinity have used it with like results. - With Mt. , Williams motto .• no cure no pay" every one than afflicted wilt certalW do well to try it. ' B. It. E3loltlr, ' Pastor of if. E. Church, Tunkhannock, W3 - ominf , Co.. I ll Ju•fstir. 'ISM. . tf. • P.!.r_i.e:,ar•Ai! FLAGS! • FL. • IV 1 r‘,„ G. S. HARRIS,, UNION FLAG . MANUFACTO S. E. CUR. FOURTH & STS., zmixxxxaza.lam*,ax..lEijdA. - .. UNITED. - STATE S IiGS, I OF . s ALL .SIZES; UNION BA__ OFIVARIOUS STYLE . , . . . . . Dc;thitAirits Ez.tarrawcati , : Gre4isilliemoditivtlie Worldifor. • HEITMAII3Miiind all PAIN. . ~ . .. • LWarrauted. to =ME 1 Fes •r d A g ue in , ' ol . la &it -- - ' . . • ~. I China In Ore minutes; ' i •-I - Dea!ness In two to fonrdaYs ; , 1 ~ Iluris and Scalds In ten minute. ;,, Opaline, Wounds tand - Bruises In from one to three days.'; InftammatioMiti one day • Neurslgla, - Crtrup, Tootle:41e; Hums, In tea minutest Ileurorrtmge, Bataan, :Abscess - On ten days •, Bruises, Wounds, Tetter, in one to three days; Dinette. EitilLitieck..Ague, In one day ; .. Felons, Broken meant, Salt 'theme, i n 3to six days ; ,23InaY. Palpitation. Pleurisy: in one to ten days"; lithmajlent, Erysipelas, In Aye to twenty, days , •".Frosted Feet`lChilblalns, 81.18JoInts, chronic Rhe matEsm, Sore Throat, Scarler.Feser, and the lame •"' - made to walk,by 'a few' boatel'. ,This OIL, (De (taab's) Is mild and pleasant, end is a -• great Fatality Medleitmfor children teething dc. • . Ladies Phonl4 all use it. It always leases you better than it finds you, and ono bottle often men entirely. CTED THIRTEE YEARS,N AND CURL 114 r) - tIN 'ONE W EF.K. . . . , , ;ad etterfrom Mgr. James Temple. . . ' PHILADELPIIIA, June Ott. 1811. Prof. De Otta*:'lhave been afflicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other paipfui complaints,. and 1 have been s able to. sleep soundly or. walk any 'distance for man . yearn past.i Last week I got a bottle of your Elec tric 11. The first night l'elept /soundly anti well, and to day 1 ion liken new man. My wife could not believe her eves. Your Electric ; Oil has done in one week what the pllysjclaum of Philadelphia failed to do In thirteen yearn. , . 1 Gratefully yours. • ' - laic' JASIES.TEMPLE. - 310 South street. DEAFNESS CURED. New Ilves, Vey-19th, MX,- Pr • f. •De.Grath: !My brother has been deaf for 3 veers. Afton trying;many 'thing., he need your OH a few times, and t cared htMentirely. Cl 191 , 011.11 11 ACT:ANTON. For rale by Drngrrititii, and -at the Depot. 217 • • • SOutlfEightb-st, ,Phtladeipoia. , felett, arn cy 'ARE YOU INSURED ? U. I. iIEMSALCMC.TioSALIV I IS receiving applications for Inearanie In the follow. tag Compauler: . Wioming,lNSUßANCECompny, itiritiEs-sotnE, Pa. - 4. , Chtirter PerpetuaL a 1ita1.....000,00. roinized Xorenzber 2d, A. h.. 1857 . , • - DIRECTORS. G. M. liollenback, D. G. Driesbach, J. P. Denui•, Jolla litichardt David Morgan; Elias Dorrame, Wadhams, . B. D Lame, Wm 8 Ram. L Shoemaker, Geo P Steele, 11,11 114 t, IL C 1 - SMITH, Salt, G. 31. UULLENDAVG. Prvit. W. G. tirrausp,'.. Treat. L. D SIIOENAAER, rat Net 1 . INA INSURANCE COMPANY, gurtfotd, Connecticut. aid tip Capital, ' $1,509.000 oo 140.1., . _2,191,100 02 . . . NORTIIER,N FIRE t LIFE . ASSUICANCE COMPANY, i No. 1 Mom:de %%sect, London. it gipluli, t6,*,000....Annual Revenue. $1.000,000. - ..) -- ' ' • • Wm GETTY, Ago?. Philadelphia. i - MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE - COM. POSY of Hartford. Connecticut, lAcciunltlatef.l • A ty. one wishing their lives Insured will do well to call andl, exmolue their mode of insuring, and their rates. which are better thaulhuse of any other,companv, before takfog Polielea elsewhere. MT. BLACKMAN. Toi Office over Clumdler & Jessup's store, IWistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherzy. Coughs, Colds, Coughs; Coughs, Colds,. Coughs, 'Asthma, Bronchitis; Boarsentu,_Bronchitis, 'Asthma, Bronchitis , Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whophig Cough, Croup, • Whooping Conga, Croup, labile ' ba‘e I ~f the :er of learls nble. , f hu- ConsumptiOn,.Consumption, Consumption, Contraption, Consumption, . heed aR 117ceilivases, fad an unfailing antidote, a re2iet, aael a sure and speedy cure, in that great and Unieersallgapprared remedy, WEB Saw= vt Wild Cherry: Wistar's Balsain of Wild Cherry. i . . . . f ' The Beta. Jamb Sealer, • I Ifeil l lincnra sad wadi respected tonw nu German port- I. . ' /anon rif this cssietry, ma es tde following statement for 1 tlis binegi of the affieta. ' ' HA!IrOVER, PA., Feb. 16, 1059. Mesas. S. Hi`. Fowis fr. Co„ Bolton,—Dear Sin: I Having realized in my family important, benefits from the nee of your valuable preparation, WISTAIr§ HAL IA* Or WILD CIILI/RY, it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the_public. Some eight years age one of my daughters seemed to be in . a decline., and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then pro cuneiht bottle of your excellent Ballad!, and before shis . . had takenjle whole of the content/113f the bottle there l• l iras a great inspeoyement in her heal& I have, Its my I • Judividual, made frequent new of your valuable - 17' 1 medicifle, and have always been benefited by it. 1 I amid, however, maim' the piiblic ajahut imparition, be . ewe thesis aped deal of spurious Wistar's Balms qf ' . Wild awry groat throughout tie country. • ' JACOB BECHLER. . Cati Ante Aim BIZ. NOILEORNE .NORTON, of Examiner Office, Richmond.• . • RICHMOICD, VA., Feb. M. 1860. Mears. G. W. FOWLE & CO., Boston,—Gentlemen: I with pleisure toga/ to the great merit of your in valuable lung medicine, Dr. WisTmt's.BaLis*St or WILD Cannstr,. Which Is likewise highly valued by many'of our esteemed citizen*, who have tested its virtnie by trial. I first made use of this Dalsain some three years since for a violent and distressing cough which bathed the skill otPhYliehlOot and, to my Joy, experienced such gratifYing relief je to induce me to persevere in its use: I always keep by roe, and ever find It to be unfail ing in its effects. No medicine that I have ever used has given such speedy relief. Yours truly, NORBOBSE NQJTON• • Prieideat qf the Norris County Bask, =tuck* u red born and much esteemed throughout a n d Jersey. . MORRISTOWN, N.J., Jan. 9, 1660, afesers.S. , lV. FOWLS or. CO.,— Nat gin: Hating , need Dr. Siturrarthi BALSAM Or WILD Cnziny for . , abrint fifteen years, and having realized its benefiCial assults in my family, it afford, me groat pieasure•ln mconunending it to the public, as a valuable remedy In cum et am* fangs, colds, comes, 4c., and a remedy which I Consider to be entirely innocent, and may be mkeliwith perfect safety try the most delicate in health. '• . Yours very tespcctfully, Q 7.. Encore of vile and worikku Founterfeits! The only Genaide;Pure, and Medicinal Basens has the name 0f.."1. 'BUTTS," written with a "pen, . and the tainted name of the proprietors, " S.' W. YOWLS & C 0.," on the onter. wrapper. All whir surer wig ttny (EMIG of the Tknxa, Lair, T Chest, can obtain like relief by wring , Wistar's Balsam or Wild Cherry, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, ray.r.tium HT• ,FOWLE & do., 50.'14 TREMONT SillikET, BOSTON Draggisb, Deakra, and iferilfmts is every toes : and city in the (fatal Sato: • • • • Te" Tor sale by She' Turret) and Read, Warrens & 'Fria ter. Montrone; LAI. Wdodrutr. Dlntock : .Ainos Nlehole Brooklyn; Whitney & Jinzley. llarford-; Weed. Ward-. Great Bend; J: C. Ohnetead, Bander: L. Griffin, Great Bend.. . . Jnly N:-7l• . . . Pride, 25 pants per Box, or 5 Bozos for it . Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES &• CO., Lowell, Yam. For sato byAnel Torrelf.l.loutro.e; r . ltpreh it Throne, .. Dundaff; Vcaßroan X Swl, , laer, Antturn I. entre, and Ay nit dealers and drn=i,r,every y r_ wherr. . oc S w HOWARD AISOCIATION - , - . PHILADELPHIA: , t . B en ,.,rdent .11-Alitutiort established by: spr— eiul IfnilturntPi t. for the Relil of the Sick and Distress4d, tifflieted with i'irulent (Ilia - • .I,;'pidentt , e I);:seasett, eta el/writ:lly . fur t7;= - Cure V Ilisi4seg V tre,S(.rual Or:/ans. I V( EDICAI, AIIVICT given , graiis, by the. 111. Aetina'Surovon tc 1.11-who apply- hy •letter, a. 1 vailh a de*eriplian of (age, (wen. I potion; hit . bits; u' life. die.,) and in .ense..,•4l e 7- ~Irerno pUverty,metfieinesfurnished frue of vt.argc. 1 - .. • , _Valuable Reports on Spermaturrlnra,-and idh• Myer's Extract - of -Rock Rose - i ; or. Diseases of ttio sei um organs, 4ent t•. the !if 'FIE *meet remedy for SCROFULA, nod other kldd.: iii e t e d i n se ••,,l e d 4,..1i ee e fi ve l o p ts , f ree i l .h. , e ,.,. .L red nisenaes, ever known - n . A Litir,•t-s, P. 1, Sk i If 4 . 1 lionzh!, , n. Artier',-; ; • . ' gene, liow.::ird!is...,...tiaii„n, N 0. .?,• : .;,,„ti.. ~i,t,...• a..qt../Ilttl.b. • . Naiad - a, l'a. EC , _-:40:1.4 . t!'.S P1.{...k;•:. .:,. f• MEAT MARKET. On Public Avaitie, near Searle's . Hotet. &Et' constantly on hand a good .supply of MEATS.of all kinde. CASH rid for ' [kolas if le,Ctsives,Sbeepond !Assisi's. one , filsg s for Bides of ail • HENS OCK & • 7 . . 1 P. T. n...ss7rocs:. • • N. N,s,wLcy. Montrose,' March 30th. . nROWN'S IiIiONCITIAL TROCHES, for Hoarrein.sA, - •to-nknont fifty differea kinds of • 1111$, and other Patent 4edlclacs In.proportlon. NontrosOlatch. -, ABEL TVILREIA. SA I,T, by the itarr;"),:tsh,li ar P" C 4 it 3,370,000 00 Virginia Teininioay From Jesse BmiLb, Eaq.; nssE SMITH ECEES DAILIt NAIL ROIJITasETW • . MONTROStot FRIENDSVILLL. riOACHES earrylnu. malls and passengers between. IL/ Blontroso and Priendsvllle, milt leave Scares Hotel, In Montrose; tinily; MI o'clock,a. m. and 'cave . Friends. vine at 3 p. in. 119fIlorses an carrineefran be procured at the Livery Stable of theettbscriber In Montloee. on Masonibleterms. Nentrure, Aug, 16, J. D. GOOD WIN. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE FOOT OF-MAIN STREET• extensive• FurnitUre EstabliihMent of SMITH BROTHERS having been refitted and greatly improved, the _proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of Montrose and vicin ity that they arc constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST. and BEST reasortment of TURNITUItE To be found iu.the Country. We give the following list of some bf the ar ticles which Wo will tsell at greatly reduced prices, for Casti or Rpiliv PAT: • Bureaus,, Walatt,or I Mahogany, „with glass,. Item $l6 to $35. . 1 • Bureaus with roarble..or brocatelle-tops, from 818 to $2l. And a large assortment, from-$B, 1 819.12, 14. to $lB, -.- ' - . . Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square 1 Stands, of all varieties, and prices, from 75 cents Ito ten dollars: . - . "'• Desks, Divans „Towel Racks;Footstools,Otto; mans, Lounges, &c. , . Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, pining, Kitchen,. I and Extension Tables.. - • - , - - 1 Chairs-Cane and Woolf Seats, Rockers-- 1 Cano, - Fing. - • - and . Wocd Seats, of eery yarlet . , , ,F and style. _ -. '. '•: .. 1 ,Sofas. - tete a tett's furnished sit r,hort tiotic.' at New York.prices. 1 - N.. 11. Ready made coffins on band ~r rtir i.oialled at short . notic.c.—llearses always in readiness" When desired. : . • 1 I • 'We employ none but C . :Liu:rut, and 1.1;c - rF.R1- .! ENCED WoltiolEN.., We intend to do our Wo'rrir IVvia.l., and sell it, as Low emit can be, afforded. I ' - ~ s - . • W. NV, SY' II TU . , i - • `A . snfrii, JR.. 1 . E, R. SMITH. Montrose. Jan.•tBt4 t 880.--t.f. - . AYER'S CATHARTIC Are yen ma, feeble, and com: pinning ? Arc you out of order, with your system deranged, and '- your feelings uncomilirtable t These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Sono fit of fiekness is creeping upon you, and 'should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take—Ayer's Pills, and cleanse out the disordered humors—pu rify the blood, and let the fluids move on - unobstructed In health They stimulate the lime lions of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions Whielt make, disease. A cold settles some- - where in the body, and obstructs Its natural fimetions. These if not relieved, react upon themselves and the stirrounain organs, producing gen eral aggravation, suffering, anddisease. Mile In - this inflation, oppressed' by-the derangcrnents,,take Ayer's PMs, and see how directly they restore the rurtund„ae. Hon of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also trneln many of the deq, seated and dangerous distempers. The same purrative effect expels them. Caused b,y similar -obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body; they are rapidly. and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of-these Pills, will neglect to employ them' when suffering from the disor ders they cure. Statements from leading . physicisns in some of the principal cities, and from other well known' public per. Sons. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, ra: 4, IRel- DR, AVER: Your Pills are thd paragon of - all that is I great in medicine. They have cured any little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her , skin and In tier hair. After our child was cared, she - also tried your PIUs, and they have cured her. ASA. MOHO RIDGE. AlFaultily Physic. .• • From Dr. I* W . Cartwright Xew Orleans. •'• Tofu Pills are the prince of purges. Their ext./Aleut 0aa1itt0...1 3013 -211.9 dathartiC wn pnaileas. They are. mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on.the bowels. which makes them invaluable to-us in the daily treatment ofil sesse. i. Headache, MY IleXdaellee, Foul Stout's:ch. Prom Dr. Edward Boyd, I.l«ltimore. • . DEAR Brio. ATEIs: I cannot answer you what corn plainta I have - cured With your Pills better than to say nil that we eree treat with a purgatire medirine. plan great dependence on- an effectual cathartic in my, daily conteat'wlth tliaease, ant believing 39 I do that your Pills afford us the best we have, I of-course value them highly. Per - ram:no, Pa., May I, INV.. DR, .1. C. ATrdt. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headashe anybody can - have, by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach. which they cleanse at one°. YOurs.with great-respect, F.D. W. ritEm.r. -Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Dliordirs Liver -Complainti. Fi'om Dr. Theodore Ikll, of Yew York City. tiotenly sec your Pills admirable adapted to their pur pose ad an aperient , but I Una then' beneficial curets upon. the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac,- tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious emu plaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely plaice that we have at length a purgative whirls is war c' thy the confidence of the profession andthe people. ' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEittoR. Waaltington, D. C., 7th Feb., Md. 'I have used your rms in my geheral and-hospital practice ever since yotinnade them,and do not hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we- employ. Their rulzu• Isting action on the aver is _quick and decided, come quently they are an adnilrable remedy for derangmena of that organ: Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilious disease no obstinate that it dia not readily yield to the& Fraternally yours, ALOS. - 7.0. BALL, 51. D.. i •- Physician of the Marine Hospilor. • Dysentery, DIATT4tma, litelax, Warms. From Dr. T. C. Green, of Chicago. :Your Pills have had a long teal lit my practice, and I. 'hold them in esteem as one of the best aperiente I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diarihica. Their sugar-coating I mates them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children. - Dyspepslis, Impurity of the flood. From Thire. J. .Y. 17imes, Pastor of, A:seat Church, Boston- DR. Alin I have used your rills with extra° encodes in my family and smonglhose I am called to in distress.- To - rete„ the organs of, digestion and' purify the blood, t hey are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to. my friends. :Yours, J. V. 11131 ES. WARSAW. Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, lEkt,S.: • Deisit Sin: Ism ushit: your Cathartic in my prab tlee, and find them anyteellent. purgative to cleanse the , -systentandpurini the ountains of the blood. OVN G. MEACHAM, N. 1) - . Constipation, Costiveness,. Suppreasion, . Rheumatism, Gout, Nenraista, Dropsy, Paralysis, Fitt, etc. • From Dr. J. Pi Vaughn, MoritreatOranacia. . . Too much cannot tie adder your rills for the cure of castiettuess. Mothers of our fraternity have &and them sa efficacious as I hare, they should Join me in Proclaim .ingit for the benerlti of the multitudes who suffer from thcomplaint, which, although bad "enough in itself, Is epro nitcr of °titers that are woree. 4 believe cos. tit to originate In the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and-cnre the disease. •• • From Aft:. E. Stuart, Physicism and Midwife, Bbston. Ifind one or Dvo.large doses of your Pills, taken at the. proper time, are excellent promotive% of the natural . secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They are so much the best physic we have that I rteom 'mend no other to my. prlents. From Ma item Dr. Iftnekes,O the Methodist Epic. Church . PULAssu IlonsE, Savannah, Ga. Jan. es 1856. Ilosonno Sat: Ifshould be-ungrateful for.thc relief your akill has brought me if I did not report my ease to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on ex ,- eruelating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rhea nudism. Notwithstanding . I had the best of physicians. w' the disease gre worse anitworse, until by the *Ado& of. your excellent agent in Dahlman , ' Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your rills. Their effects were slow, but sure. fly per severing its the use of them, I am now entirely well. StmArg CIIAMUEIt, Raton Rouge, 5 Dec., , Ma. Dn. Aran I have been entirely cured, by your Pills. ,ef Rheumatic Gout painful disease that lead afflicted me for yaws. • • • VIISCENT Ns. Most_ of the rills in market contain M whirl), although It valuable reinl in skilfel h=ti: dauszerous in apublie fromthe madfalcouseffilenceo that frequently follow its hieautions use. These contain no mercury or mineral substan& whatever. • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers