-- --- ---.------- --------7- - - - r.7 • . ------,-, . July o:ltresterday, as:',!n reptico,. - ofj SMITH-4IEWITT-i—By the mate, en the Rebels were . advaneipg fro:kat Fairfax I the 4th inst., Mr. William Smith and Miss . Court Itonse one of thelt-own !regiment' Martaret A ; Hewitt; both &Jessup. ..1: mistook — thein for Federal trciops, and JOHNSON.-4-NICHDLSH-By the saine tired on them - killingeight-of them. • lon the:-Ith idst.',lMr. _Henry P. Johnson, •;, ...__:....--.....-.m.--6--- 11 ------ 1 . • land lifiss Lucy A. Nichols, - boitozirinusb. • j4r..An announeementfroni Washing- 1 In Harford, Oti the 18th tilt:, bftheß6 - . Lori explains what truth there Nis be en in 1 A. Miller, Mr. ROBERT L. GEI7.E of PrOok : .. the ‘.‘ no party" cry of the Line In party;. 1 lyu, and Miss .3.0.1 A A.D.:m-4Am, of Har i - ['hose who want to liesubOrdinaie.oflicers ford. , ~ in the House? of Rerik are told ;that "NO In-Franklin, on the 16th ult. - by Her. Q. applications will receive ittehtioit during N II:a ....,nient, Mr. D. D.LATurtOr, of New the present session, and When the remov- : xr . ' r o ru, w . f d Mi ss r st3A L. ItonmicK, It als are made, next winteiN it w i ll 'be for the former phtee. • cause, -• No man . will-be retained who has • , : , , I not been an nncompromistug Ittipublican. No fi4ir or "conditior,al Iheth,lkans" need, make any calculations to . _ • There you have it t I)oughis Demo erats, Free Sailers, Americans, No Party men±all must go. No Matter how good : - .t business man, or how staunch- airnion man, or how rabid a warivan, he won't to if he is nol'a professiO•Mil - republican politician: Such bigotry h disgraceful to the Nation ; it has nger;J,.b6en , equalled by any party organization ! that had 'con ; rol the of House—and IsEvF.p : WiiJ. BE AG ux Alit ; ) Necessity ,Compels Nothing is more disngreeable , to the sick than the nauseous medicines physicians frequently oblige then! <t4 swallow, but the desire for liealtlris the j)otent arsn mem which gilds the Olt and disguises. .the bitterness of the' diaught: 1101.10, way's Pills; however, obv M i te this difficulty by the rapidity and certaiiiity of theii' act ion. On, the stomach,. and bowels thev _net_ so - effectually ithat they will initnediately - cure the wors'i l'iliases of N digestioii Headache Bhlliolifi Fever De . pt l e'2:). "ion ofSpirits,&e.- AKe im'yite all ;who are 1;1mo/11171in fed with-J.l)on, &it were possible to• find !tiny such to Erietlieni a trial; and we will assure them speedy and perthrM- vitt For-Sere Breasts, ScroftdouS I I umOrs, Cancer, Piles, mi l d all skin : disc. ::,es Holloway's Qintine4t ••is'llie, Mos't ofectual remedy in:use. MAIL A. I3 . I IANGEMYNTS—MPNTROSE P, 0. If.dfl.• A fal/rE.-!-Bally (rundayi.excepted,) frvim th • I:ast •ftbd South, by Railroad at ).t, Daily, (Funday excepted,) from the,Wget, Rallroatt, n':a. m. . I From Binghamton direct, every Ttleadav,Thuraday, ail I . •:11kurtlay, at r. t • p. m.' FroM Tunkhannock direct, everATucaday, Thursday tel Saturday, at 1 p. From TOwanaa direr!, every Tueility and Satorda'y at Tn. Daily front (ounday v . 4cepted) at p. tj. • Jf.SJLS LEA I'E -Dailyt,:autifya aareptcd) fOr t he cas i t cod tooth, by railroad. at 5 it. to. • Dail) t,,uu exceptodd for the w!:, , t, by railroad, at ' For Binghamton direct. every Mon'Ali — ' y, Wedneaday.and .I 'r:day. ;a. tn. 1, -- For TnnkhaMoich direct, eyvry 3liihday; Weditetkday•i,, C to. • rol:Towanda diriu-t. every MondaAnnd Friday'at Daily for Friorni:vijle oduiday in. I,weyville (through Aubutil4dea% vs. Monday, at 0 on ivv. Wedut,Ml3! at 5 p. ' (1 - • • tilisb i k s )-,.-D., t, „LA', ))-E..m)s, EDfl - 31 )EEDS ! LARGE I)EEDS! it!kliN/STRATORS' DEEDS, EN ECUTOIZS'• li .Fn GUARDIANS' DEEDS TRUSTEES' TIF:F:I),S . ! ! • • and MORTGAGES NII of the most desirable seeks; printed , \ • •ry neatly, on first ratemitZeilmetit paper, sale at eASII .prieesi: • Attorneys,l n.: lees, atircit hers, Who*mit At One hundred, nr hut. 011e -a•- 'IA i:::111 s3l+liolik aI tl c fresh . , choice • , :irietieF.-at the 14:mot.:RATiOrni.E.. Weekly Mdrket Reports. v. EW - rutZK rinci:.s. . . 'heat Flour, 7 .P. bid.. i'.5,1 - 100ti 4 .9,00 '• I'Zye • Flonr, - .1) tail., ',,3,10(if 4;00 4.',-11 Areal, ..`,-. --- - - ,0_1,1,1_, ;4,t•t0(,(. .2,85 Wheat, 1) bit., ;1,2.'5'7f) 1,50 . / - Zye, -T) bit., _ , .-, 10,55(it 0,62 , 1 fats, 7 y - )htt., (3 . 21b.)10,300 - ti,- 0,35 ( ,--, rn , ' 1) bll., - ' - t, 406tii 0, 50 it .., Mutter, • P -- 16. •, • itt 100:1 f),16 I I 7 - ~ cheese ; "4 - ,)•11) . . . , p,04 ("if. 0,077 11 'Fallow, . :.t,,:i Ji; , ,j2t,O4R-(4.10,1.0_ II Lard, 7 011): : p,09i0.0,08 II . . • mo_vrtiois - E 17134•E5 ci 4 kr:EN -- r. .. • li $l. 0Y.54,1.5' I IVbeat flpur bhls6(fi, $B,OO if; cents 1 nye Dour I, cut. —0 C. • .)-u . cents Itorn mehl 7 i) cw 11.50, (it 1 .75 .40 cents !..Pork 111 . .10 fir.l'2 sent, Z 5 rent. 1 I.rd :j4 12 cent.. , sl,el I Butter 0.10-centr. (I.ocent:llE67gs TJ cipt • 'lO cents Tta lA beat • I% 0. of 0..F.--3toN'rnot I.rinGt:i No. 10'4 tnrett at Fellow:, Hall. Watro..se, on Tuf•minv evenfteg,. A 0. Wi.funn:. See. Wln 11: STREET. N. ~ . —0,..,-.' ,..,-.' Si. John Encampment No. 50, meets it Odd ;,, i',lt. hall, 31orittostt.mt :I and 4th Pridsy Octal:goof ~cit month. C. C.l.l.Aiirr, Scr. A. 7 ,4 Ilcialzin, C. P.. Groat Diricovery 1--Ample te•qslhoth 'he 'Able prat - owners and elteniical analysis, haviiiqlemonstrated the great vaine of Prof. ItcGrath's "F.Litt 2 TItIC‘bIL," for •he relief and cure - of pitin. But the people themselves rund,:ring their verdict in a manner taitli anal istahable •-at i-faet oily. More than twenty thouniud bottles have ..vn -oh! in V. VCl"' short t fine-a great Tin: portion to those heard others recommend it, who had tried:it. That :•- thieuvilry is.rverywhcro ticknowlOied.and .:.tbia.; like it was ever before preparO : The imly Chninits.ELElTltle OtL is Prof. lie Grath's hirh ir. to be he'd at 11U - the respectable Drugg.P:ts in the :Elm: • and at whole:tate and • retail. at the pr , tprittor's : , e• ori ht. agett. See advertisement's jet ran F ,, r -ale in this, town by Itt2J. TIMIZELL. • - I 1 1 nth r rt., head T)ll o ‘.—Tbc.foni;wlng It , st.tn p;a-trart '• .an a ;otter wrltten.by thr pastor of atltantlst laurrlt to ,- ~I ,m rnal and Messenger , ` ' Cincinntt, Uhl . It nape. l 1 :11. , . in f w avor of that orld-renownoti modic te--31us. wt,..i.osr'm ! . ..'oornlxt; syor? ros Cult.vut:t: TIT.TiIIVG: • We ~, an adv ort Isom ent in your colt:runs of .llra. Wilk u, 't Sgiothing 'Syrup. Isl - ow, we novei said al 'word in !:., .r “f any itatont nattdicine in our life, bit; we "eel cum. 1-0. t, say to von: readers that this IA Ito h'ltn.thug—ate ''.i 1`: I. 71;11!fl,IT. .AND 11 - NOW IT TO tiE ATI IT etil.Str. It is trottahh. one of I ho'most auceetthful modlrinen of the: day. ,i. •c , h ati4o it I. 01.1 Or the. hest. • 1'h0 , .,..e w velto ha battle,. caul. otter Maxi to lay in a FlZerly, 1 ttnota) y . . Board 'of Rollef.)—:Cotice hereby gitent that the ;)..raril of Itelief, c-onpored of the ASPotinte Jntllmy, 'and 'onni y Commi,sitmen4, inev.t at the Comraito.toner).o. , 31ontroH., on Memlay., tot. 1861, at TWO :Ind on the. firFt Monday of emit mouth. ereatter.to re:'elve aplicatione and make appropriation)... I ;11.• roliora Voleutcerr and their ftimlllea. under the 0) .,. .u.i0t0d pf un Aet: entitled An Att.:to eraaril a Loan .1!1 1. , • provide for arming thistqatt, upproved 15,1861 onata: or 80.11117 AT BnLtEr. • _ . - .11 ENDRIO KSO.N , --CURTN-4ttly 4.; I ,v S, Barter, Mr. Joljn.ltelidriek -,.;a 'of :New Milford, and :.kliaS34r ): rtis of Oakland. P.ARK—M.eKEEBY—Jute 25, Ot..Gt. by Rev. J. N. Diantent.; Mr. IL Park of Franklin, and Miss .'.ll.latly' Me lieeby of Smithboro, N. Y. - t . June .22, by Rev. T. L. t 'a,e of lilintrose, Seeond: AsKistaiit -4(1- iutat r.f•PoneF.ylvailia Reserve - roapiteer C , rps ; al. Camp Curtin, ain IJist9.,iziie. of Orange county; N. 1.1 AB ROTT - --CII.AItiBERLLY-14 Ma- Crly, I!.a. on the 27th ult. Rc -- S - t - A. I I ; r. Clt 'eiiter of.Vrank f"rt, N. Y., a 14,1 Miss .Lattra. Chainber- I in, of Springville, Pa. • 'r I I9 3I AS—GRENELL 7 —I t i IloqtrSe -11 the 2711 ult., by Rev. Theodore Thomas, of Clititoti, PA. and Minn Ma t Grenell, of poqi. • TIIOMAS—LITTLE—In' 4.nitesttort;',. :mut nit. by tbe Rev..C . 4 I;enjaniiii Tltutnae,•Of Narroivsburg,:an4 I Miss Eloise - Eittle, of thefor4rsplaite. • L. AI; f —ln 1? th inst., by 11. It. Grak, ri. 14bar,: Mims P Witt -1. :Null h. of - Notice to Builders. - ! • The undersigned committee ficaled • proposals until Monday, Jnly 1:861, ibr building a School Honst, near Thomas Johnson's in Bridgewater. Spe cifications can be seen by calling. upon J. T:Langdon: • •-•) Building Cgnamillec: 1 Bridgewater,' June, 29, 1861. '1 . . NC :0 irriC.M.. . COMPROMISE---MAKE PEACE. , • 480 4t i n iNalliM i ll'ilritEy,'44,..."lll,4 to sell, or exchange for a'grthd ann nem Montrose, of for other`good property, with cash [lf necessary], to ad; jnst 'differences. Also, orders for lIA R D- W .A R . received and forwarded; as usual, to MOONEY; COllli & CO.: 23 Park Row.:Neiv York, forgood prompt paying :Merchants, of 61.: at usual time. I', 0. addre,im during the Summer: 'Montrose, Pa. __jetn's It [ . t`...TIMER. .. , . ____ CIRCULATING LIBRARY: BEST . WORKS BY THE BEST . AUTHORS; • i ONE iIIi*DRED VOIAJMES, • , i INCI:CDI:sa3 Iliardry, BlographY.Tm4ls Adventuree, Poetry, Romance;ke., Sc.. /PO ,which the publicean have the benettt of for„ ~. ---.., I,la,tritling sum per week. Believing that (`many will prefer to ebtain the rtmding of such book. Ari this way. rather than purchafte the works. if succeo.sfui' 1 shall add fronythne.to time such NEW WORKS as-will be of interest to the nubile, profitable to myself and im, prol ement to the Library. For further parelculars eldtat. Mutative.. June 25.. , SMITHS IN - Ews OFFICE. . 7,- ; ,-- 1 I. i - AT TYIER'g. • STOIIIJ-.:.i. • • FIRST STORE BELOW: TARBELLS: 4 -•Grupc Cradlf,'Norean Pattern; Best Silver; 1 Steel Scythes. Snnths. and Rub Stones, Ilay'yo*s, and all kinds of Farming Tools, . . At. Tyler's Store:l 13EMBnatinn,F, r,Ftlg.,pth.r.'efocsaezief.,7at.talieue - CAMS "Ait'' OD LIVER, Pnre]Olive. Castor. and Metallic Oil, for C machinery:, also liarlum and British Oil. VOR THE HAIR; •AND MOUTH. • A IBS. AJ,LICS'S World's Hair Restorer, ZrlobalSamnin Ittarnet's Cocoaine. Lyon'sßatharion;one and two shillinc Cdcrin's Dear's and' Rose Bair Oil. Pomade-cle-PhilbcomC, Philadelphia and N• York . .111onth Wash, Viz,: Parrish's Fragrant Elixer. for the teeth and and gams; Dalyrymple's Mouth Windt, Dental Soap, I • • AT TYLER'S STORE. virORSE'S Riot Pill+.Wright'Nltidlau Vegetable %in. PUN. Cephalic Pllll.—death on Ilt•goicll,,_ ATtTYLER'S PILE of • A. .° • ci-cs.carata,! gat-Pra.,COC.• FRESH. CODFISH, STONE 1V AR E, WOODEN WARE; BROOM::; ; • t kc., - PAINT &TARNISH 71 BRUSHES; BLACK ING, SCRUBINU, . HAIR, Tooth, • 1 NAIL,- and LATHER , • Mi:SF:S.. ALL VERY CHEAP. ALCOIIOI.. T (AWE:WINE, 4-.`1,A31P BLACK, 'TALLOW. SOAPS" • , Of every find but snf r. ,Mont rose, June .5. • R}NRY C. TYLER. 11511M1 * * ** * I *** * * ** * ;**l Soo .131.170-4,T 'GREAT" SACRIFICE Dia tictiaDZ(? GOODS SELLING AT , ALMOST 110tHING. GREAT RUMAT THE B'EE .lIIPE, TO SECURE SOME I OF .T.HE 11$12ZWZ ..„ Please look at the follottii;9 .Parasols, for • • *0 I'lam Silk l'afasols, large, 50 Large. size 'Mantillas All silk and worsted ' arege Shawls, 1 00 Stella -Shawls, i 7 - 1- 13 All wool and silk. Brodie Shawls, 'a 00 .Striped Broclic - Sltawls; • . 2 '5O GOog - oil-boiled. Silk, black, Fancy Silks, : • ' :r Handsome Fatley. 8 : 4 'wide Ilare - ges._, Nice Challie 1)6 rainc; , • • - GOod,Lawns, Calicoes, warranted faSt colors, Ileavrßrown Sheetings, :a 12 3 . •arsiii yd. wide bleached Muslin, 1 110 KentuckY Jeans, ! • I ,Alf Wool 'Cassinieres, - Paper : Muslin, doitble • Good Watch Steel •Spring Skirts, . 25 Ladies'- white cbttotrilose, . 5 Iloots and Sillies, from 50 eats to 1. 75 And all oilier goods nquniltitioneti heFi: hold equally cheap. llood:4 Will be HIM!' advertised, und m *muted to give rgaigfattioll. All of the above Goo;:ie..irye been houghs eniirelffor .Cash. at large Auction luitnelift. And will he cold-at a small adrazTO. . • 'Lndieo. and all who want iOspureitiAe anyinin;T: in - the line of DRY' GOODS Will find it to I beir advantage to. call at our place berate parebasing elsewhere, as we will not be undersold. An inumenay stock ut BONNET RIBBONS, BONNETS; • • - • : • FLOWERS'and RUCHES, and • • 4verything in the line of • Millinery .. Goods, .clmittantly:on s luindAthe Wholuealt. and Ketarrrwle HIRSCHMAN HMS, corner.Courtairtditratey Streets, • • . • Sign et the HEE RIVE. • fax. lath, 186.1: • .1•* ... The Night Express Trait, I Ml! , :+l!ngwni from N..ork East on trie N. 1. A. B. H. leave Pie ; nNo.2.Nibnli Ittv arrives at Gni:at Bend derail ilir at . • [a. tn.ji.tki at . [a., ral 1,11 Or font of Couttland•st,te,oo connects with J,lni ' From Philadelphia • •• " i . Express train for • icavis:Nemsingtpu, 2'. 7,14 N. Y. and PhiDint_ i , Leave Junction, • 11,20 which }eaves at .. 6,4 h ; Due at Washington, 11,22 Due at New Milford; 7.03 I Bridgeville. • (ihm„) 12,01 Montrose, 7.23 ; Hope,(Phil.conectipnilo,o4 Hopi:out tom, 7,42 ; De 1.12 minutes to dlnel2,lB Nichol son, • • ' slo4 '; •Colninhia, -12,111 Fantoryville, • ti,‘..si : Water Gap: - '1,00: Ahington, - 6.10 ; Stroudsbutig, • 1.14 Scranton, 0,2 u I Tobyltanna„ • '2.27 Moscow. • • nA7 I Moscow, • • : 3.01 ; , ~ Tobyhanna ! 10..^z i Serantim, ~ .., - 349 Stroudsburg, •• lip; j Abington. : • 4,ts !Water Gap, ip m.l 12.02 !Faeloryville, - " 4.32 :Columbia, 12,10 i Nicholson, • 4,20 Delaware, (lir to dinel 12,23 H • OPINN I 6 110. ;.,11 • Hope. IPhilad con nett. i 12.50 I•MontrO,e, 2.32 ltridgeville ; 12.h4 New Milford. , 5.32 'Washington, 1,231 Great Beind, e 1).10 !'!Junction, : - 1.40 I Connects with mail train :New York. ! 4,00 i West. at : ' 6,12 Philadelphia, ' 6,50 I and Night Ex•;West 1.11 i The.Exprese l'in•senger frraln Smith connects at the • The with the,2.2. - • p. in. train on the New Jersev 'Central Road for.llettileheni. Mauch Chunk, Reading. and Harrisburg, .tc. k • ACC'O3IIIODATION TIZAIN: .i I.coce Scranton atka.ni:l9,4A i l'.''_ Y. Ex. train Fast arrives l'actoryyille, " - 1031 lat Graaf Bend atin.mi.ll.3o Nicholson, MO)! !Leave Gt. Bend,fp.m.) 1,19 Montrose. ep. tn.l 12,12 i 'Montrose. •: •; 235 Great Bend. • 1.12 ; Nicholson. ' 2.r.4) i•lonnectiug with Dunkirk : I Factoryville, 4.45 : Express West. at 2.:13 I Due at Scranton, - 6.10 ' The Accommodation TrAn does not lrai'ee Scranton till After the arrival of the .114rriitig Train ott the latckawanna and Bloomsburg Itailroad, thus giving Passengen- front ,„; the Wyoming. Valley a dirrrt connection for the West by the morning train. : • 1 - ' . . ! ! , I For the accommodation or way travel on the southern division, a passenger car 1911 he attached tont,. Express Freight train, leaving Scranton at 4 a. m.. due at Stroud,. burg 11. Junction. 3,15 p. mg 'Returning. leaves Janction 90 3,20 a. to., due at Stretnibure 5.21, Scranton :3: - .:0 p. to : I . ------=,------ ' Pr -- - - 1T Tilt: 50. Ml CO'cltT-STREET .r . • ! I -. a, •.0 . 0 Ti' - _. w.)Q. Including a great variety of rich Prints in new etyks. tough:nue. Brilliants, Lawn; ctiatile= Dress Tissues and 4 . areger ; Black, Fancy and Foulard Figured 'Dress Silks, I .very low with a full assortinent of Silk. tiroebe. eastern er ,. and Stella Shawls; liallti lb.+, Dusters, Parasols. 1001 P,ibbons, Bonnets and Flwkera? 'Hoop Skirts, Broad. clothe., Cassimers. Summer StulLe, cle.: with a large as stertment of other . .• . Staple and Fancy Goods, • Is usual. In Groceries. CrOc/eci - y, Hardware, Iron, Nails, Stoves, Orugg, Oils, Hoots and-. Shoes Hats and Caps. Clocks., Carpentering. 'Moor Oil ("loth, Wall Paper, Tainted and (lilt Window Shoelace, atc. .'The Stock in' large, and libught fur Carh during the lifeeent War-Peude, and will :be soldat low-down prices, awl on the most favorable trims for'Cush. Peoduee., or to Prompt time Buyers. N,11,--Flonr and Salt constantly orehapd., . [New Milford, May, nal. --_4 • 'UNION 'GOODS lAND INSIGNIA, WIWI:ESA LE I A Nlt i• General Depotj 12 .414 N Street, New Vork. ! .1 . . I LINN:ELOPES with new and nplendid devices at the ! „Ku lowert t hin d t quality (white) pi , rthomand $5.00 Ise t " " • "LL it Buff -• 5.50 5.0 q• 1 ; I Med '••• " Name and BuPiness Care.l printed on them If d ' eeireet. eingle package of Splendid Envelopes,ent poet paid for 20 cent, . 150 Splendid Envelopm, poet paid for iil.oo. UNION PAPER extra quality at .f,43.51l per Beam. One quire Sent poet paid for 25 cells. UNION BADGES AND ROSETTES, elegantly made taut 10,15, 20, and 30 cent., each. • Liberal dblmbeit, when ordered by the quantity. POlll'ltA IT OF $Ad. ANDERSO'N. z.T.e,rente., , THE YOUNG CONTINENTAL, 25 emits. A character or lie,., 'THE S TAR'SPA.NGLEI)B.fiNNER, 23 Cl2ll tY. A heart stirring deshrn. . BOSIBAILIMEN,T OF SUMTER 23 cenb , cdhired engravimft, ' • • 711 ASSACIIUSE7'TS 6th Regiment and the Baltimore! nuip, 25 emits. A.eplendltl c . ulored enirruving, giving a s '' eter j rect idea of the terrible traneaction. • Erut postage Paid, on recelprof price.. - 311 131 6.1 4 . , • lIARDEE'S . TACTICS_, .Fot Itecrui4e and Volunicer++. - being. a complete manna) of au mil/lat.,- tactic+, and regulation++, and never before. pul+liahed eo complete and eluatp,.+entpoet paid for *etas each.' Liberal dlmmunt.wlien ordered br the dozen. .1111 information concerning Union G 0 .011,1, .tc..,;sent on' , , apilicatlop: ... , 6 ,'' .11e,„/ "". .A.G.k./NTS. - IV ANTED. _44 - c- 4 1 .. - _./., Addicas all Orden+ and commutiicationa . l6 , • - L,.1. VOIGT dt CO. 3i0.12,Ann kreet New , Tork, -, ' ' PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY. 1, Lamp Chimney that. 'iwill not 'Break ! ••••,. tr i als great invention commends itself 0 every oue •IL using, COM. 014 LAMPS. .-fl giTCli more light. re. tett 91 ter, .1 r any ordina 4 t ,OB .cietutinit, ry an age. ..leord will.not break ale by b,y Sto but rekeepers t or cold. i Im s genc ,rittle throughout the Lt. S.. and the Canadaa, and tt•it letalslay the Maunfacatirers and Patentees. . lIORNING it IItiIIEPAIREY, . ~ • . No. Zr2l. N. Sltcoild 'Street, Phil'a. • Ili B. A lame aUd superior stOelc of Ciao/Ma COn. W113:11.134ms alwaya 00 hand, at prlce44 defying-rota on. ATao t4e furtiand Coal Qii, at manufacturers' prir.r.. • •.• marliw —±_—,......._......—._ • il 6.:414.1. 7: - THE 'f(l, - ,NION' Niiivjiiiil:Foiev.6.r.! THINK. ;i 4 E, XAMINg; , AND. SAVE 25 :CTS-ON A DOLLAR . BY BUYIIkG YOUR • SPRING & SUMMER a:. * _ ;.* 3 4:- a _ .. -9 -or HAYDEN 3ROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, , -AT THE ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE." STORE! 01..TIt•STOCK : IS NOW COMI;LET ! NEW GOODS ARRIVING luvE A LARGE rTOCE: 9F- • -STA PAE and FAArCT DRY GOODS, • GROCERIES. PROVISIONS„. HATS .r`lArD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, • WALL _PA P ER, , waDDEN !VA RE, - COAL OIL, YANKEE NOTIONS SKELETON- SKIRTS, 'FLOUR, SAM`, FISH, NAILS, - - PAINTSI N D OILS, And n great variety of articles too numerous to mention, tchtcb welare bthuid to sell Cheaper thaa the Cheapest ! AT WHOLE:I4LE AND -TWTAIL'.- PROD UCE token in Krchange for Goods All Gqixiti ;old aL OA".E PRICE mu ' ? 11'ODEVI.:7105. Our sfiqem of doing 1!ill , 111C11S gitiei lantitraCtkill ! CALL ANT) EXAMINE :out: 'GOODS, WLIETHEI: .1"4.1.7 BUT 'g OT WE RILL SHOW .1"0011.1itGAINS UNHEARD OF Small ravorA thankfully received, and larger rd' + In propurtion. Yount, 333EL0NS.' CMG' Of TIME ! MIKOSS• ARRANGEMENTS. IFV4IL .1 C-1-1 cf: WES 7/?.. 4 .1 7 a.:11:31g=a9.-or ILIASSENGERS reach New York at 4, p, m. , in time for the Buthom Eh& and L. I. Sound - atoanters. - The Exprme. Train North tomurte at Great Bend. with the mail train for, the Wc 4 mi the Erie 1443.1 d. On and after ThuNtlay, guile tmimi.will be run as follows: .• ," • PAS: . .IIiNG - .ER TRAINS. MOVING SOUTH. MOVING- NORTH. -. l'aFecngere to and from Nan* York. will change cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia! via. Bel. lh9. ft.lt (cave or take care at JJope. For Pitteton.liinuiton and Wilkeg-Barre, Lack.. I:loom-burg IflLat :Scranton. For Jc.up. Archbald, and Carbondale take Omnibu, at Scranton. Ticket• told and bazurtze citeckud thronult. ; jot.) .1011 N Ill:ISMS. ...'uperinfoiden4 W. Ni JENKS, ren Tirla Iryt Simpson, Pa. hNIC & WAR PRICES! SPRING' STYLES NOW RE _ • H. $3 T.1.171.1=1.190 Jr now receivina n toll and 1.1401ce Ntro•k of SPRING . - ,AND - SUM ER - - PILLS, . . . Tor an Made of Ilcad . 3che. j . , ABEL TURRELL Now offers for sale one of the largest hod hest seleettons of G . ~'rk :*:: 1tt.41 Ever offered in Susquehanna County,. and probably comprising tht greatest 'VA LIUM or most - different articles of any Store in the. Northern part.of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the entire State. Au assortment is kept in about thirty cut -branches of trade, and the seleetiens are Made from about forty of the best Houses in New York, and •niore than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New 1 - ork. A large proportion of the GoodS are brought direct from the Manufacturers, thus. insuring getiinearticles: Qnstoim ems on entering the Store must not expect' to find everything in sight; but nearly • ev ery article wanted 101 be produced by inqUiry. Some idea of the Stock may, be frOmed by the fbiloWing general outline, but chutneration is impracticable. DRUGS AND AfEDIOINES,' 'PAINTS AND OILS, 'D .YR ST UFFS, OVERI . ES_, QLI 01 . ?;.S; • GLASS-WARE, WALL and WINDOW PAPER, JEWELRY, - , SILVER-WithE,-- - . PERPUMERY, FA - XCF" GOODS, .BReS.HES AMERICAN ,j) oCKET TABLE CUTLERY and • SILVER PLATED WARE: L4IMPS„ T:ER/AL . S for LIGHTS, HARD WAR-A; TII CORDS, • i•- STONE WARE,; DRY GOODS, :MIRRORS, - WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRAPHS,' "A AYISIIES,. JJThD• CAGES,, SPECTACLES, - WHIPS,;(.. LASIIES, (BINS, PISTOLS, .AMUNITION. ti C .0 0 .• 111'ED 1C.4 L • cf• S (TR GICAL bi.;trti SALT, • SOAP, POTASH (tC".., ' The attentiotr of the public is respect fully-invited to• my stock of Goods,. bong it exclusively fOr easn:i;owN, - - and - will be sold on the same prineiMe forlow prices. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, May Ist; GRAVER & BAKER'S ,VOISELESS , SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY: AND - MANUTACTLIiING 495 Broadway, New-York: . Aur ß eics in alt theilwineipal aw:.l Towns in the United States. • • The Grover Raker Sewing :Fiachine Company are now mannfacturing,, a nd hare on exhibition at their dlr• ferent s.rdesruoms, machines making the Shuttle or Lock St Rill . . of the • .iftnO, patterns anti at the same prices as their celebrated s Gmfrer h . Raker Stitch Machines, thus affording the public ; the advantage of claniparlins the stitches of the the leading machines and exerasing their own judgment as to their respective merits. Thiele the only company that manufactures both kinds of Mil - chines and therefore the only one that can offer this privilege to the purchaser. We kpeak from experience whet' we say that, after hating tried all the printipalwewiug machines, we must accord to that of Grover Baker the pre:eminence. Thom} inell±penaable features of sewing, streugth, uni formity, and elasticity, all of which are brought out in this incomparable invention, make it the first Sewing tunchlue in the country. Others have their gOod points, but this combines all, and possesses every characteristic necessary to make it mod desirable:'—:C.4'. Viridian Adrocat, and Journal. Mcnir vs. Pitnrmiez.. - We perceive that the Grbver & Raker Sewing. Machine is^ every day growing chore and more in favor, both for manufacturing and family *purposes—but especially as adapted to all the require. 'neuts of family use: • - Other by dint of brazen puffery and conniving with committees at annual fairs, 'lave been thrust forward into this first place; but, they are fit losing this unmerited position. The real merits of the Grover & Baker hinchine.are beginning to be known in a practiral. way, and duily,ls the demand for them in creasing, while the demand fur heretofore better known, but inferior machines, ie proportkniately decreasing., So it turns out in this, as in many oilier instances. that 'hon esty is the best policy,' and the fight. in the end, comes nflpertuost. • ".t trial of over two years Cnables na to sax with the greatest contideitm that 'there Is no better machine for general - Family use than 'Grover& Baker's :Sewing Ma chine Co. It makes a beautiful elastic seam that doesnot rip with wv..w washing, runs almost noiselessly, is plain. simple, easy to workand not liable to get out .• of repair, fastens the end', of its own thread, and u.es threads and silks directly from the 6pOols on Which they arc bought. - --N. Y. Laufer, A vplendid . . . • . Clorer A: linker's Mai:Woos' work. in their peculiar stitch. and fabrics put together by it, may wear and drop to pieces from original weakness or hard usage, but tome apart or give way at the seams they , cannot: thcc will bold together when the cloth or calico around them hangs in rags and tatters.—.V. r...Nlers, , • " The points we conceive snort necCbSary and.lmpor i•tant to inext the wide range of requirement* In a machine I for family bowing, we find more fully combined In the Gruver iv Baker. viz.: extent of capacity,' rimplicitv of conetruction. cue of managtxnent, advantage or tiring thread from t%vn epoola without re-winding.-etrength of work, eliwticity;durabillty and regularity of stitch, and . outettte*r of movement. We therefore make award, to the Grover , t - liaker."—Reporr of Onnmiltee,qt ren , " 4 "- I *War Fear el leilid- e at4o of el. EO9l/1 StateFfar re Then.' P. B. •PIIANDLER, Agent; .'ft4)l (.1 0' • .Itontrote, Pa: Law DURDOtili biGEZT.:.Einn't;JuUlec.Lap'a Forme Foruir. owl mbar. at . • . 1 saavxx,r'mvp3., C/M CKEA' r, BROOMS P ORCELAIN li:Mil Book's. NEV' . :. GOODS. NEW,. D , NEW NEW L. HAIIDING & CO l g 9 Nicy9ts6N DOOT. LIBEIML;.DISCOU,Nr. TMADE TO Aa r • ' 4(1?1, .\ co y 9_ • . AND '- - • • - READY -PAY-. CUSTOMERS. • We' arc deterprined not out-done •.in the,way-et "LO W PRICES. • ALL KINtS 1.. F PIODUCE taken G 43 . 0 9 .31:1T,D SI Cop: JL of YOUl— ctm.ent. The noby. tnd aceonntA Sill be in,thelanits of - E. P. timmi for settl ment. - All persona indebted to the late firm will see, the importance of making inunetliatit settlement. • I summereellle. Pa.. • ' SAMUEL YOUNG. March nth, :151;l: E. P. strr.u. - _„ Into .ehr:p . artner.,hipunder the name; nd 6rui of. • lb L. S TPHIN. 'l6/60 . FOIL T11\: PURN. SE OP tr , ;',ARRYINtI t ON TIIT: • ME CANTILE ;BUSINESS.! M the old 'eland latelyi:ecupted by Young where we hope to merit the atromtge of old Frietwl4, us well asgale, the eordTdenee pr. Marry new oner. by a syrteln of prompt and honorablt.'dallng inpur M4lneti. " • IL L.' SUTPIIIN, Summersville, 9th, 1 " Dub:Mit 01 • 3006 11044 - i s,ALNt‘il:-11711N5., - SECTleXpeniar'a Moutroze, 1*; t pril trth: 1101 1 1 BA . fll EsEN_Ts • • TIfE AbAcribers t then& tharthey with anotUr additio with great care, and lettretwason. .Inc. CHRISTMAS} (Aim(' hinic nan w ttndn rich and erten at the eery toweg. Ca ! - e pleasure In annoMlclng to their lave day returned from N. York their stock of CroOds4 selected mxial reference to the - appronehing twrson tl,:sirous Gf making f , • • ^ - t .NEW YEAR ! GIFTS It dime themselves the 'misfire) mat lee assortmenns select front and • h prices. • ; I ' EVANS & ALLEN.' - ' dec22 ' . 4 No. Odd Fellows Hall, Dlng,hamton. ,B ligratehert—Luile ' Diamond Enameled: and plain— 'lt splendid article. Aso a varlet vof Gold Mid Silve.l Eng' • 12$11. American and SA iss,•fitinilit, , and Pialn, very low. -" Gold Chalaw—A very-extensive v.lrietyklf Vetd, Fob, Onard and Neck Chal P. by Evnivs`, a ALLEN. Ea rlt Ingo and reaet Piny—An 'lignite variety. of -tylesatid - pr,ices. i sets and single. -. i - Pinner Ulnas — diamond, Ruby:lllmnd, l'e„ .. irlficale 41 'Chased and Plain Gol Itlnga—a large stock.' Bracelets—Geld. Jvt, Plated, and HAIR Bracelet; of all patterwrand pew.. : Evat4,4l a Aza.zx. Silver Ill r aret-Zieryllemviption'of Sillr Forkg, and Satams: Napkins. Rings, ori hand, also ' So n4 nd' Gravy Ladles. cups, Card Cabot, Pie, Batter mut . raft halved. Children;' 140. F. Salts. ete„, warranted good a+ ruin. • Plated Ware-.L aeantiful ttsortment of Tee Pitchers Castor, Cake Baskete, •Waiters, Butter 1)I lies, Sugars Salta; Knives,' Vorks. 4 tpoons,,Toast Racks; Goblet Goble etc., etc. he , , , Evv:s t ,t.Al.l.EN. ' Sleeve nattotng and in:We—A larlte . Ftock of all pattenn. and prices. , . Beads—Coral Net :laces tend Arnalr,p, Amber, Coral, Pearl-, Gilt; Steel. and silver-Bads.. . . , , Sholtirontbst—.l. good stock . of shelf,tiacli'and side Comb.. also Buffalo, - dom. ivory, and DreSelng.Coulbs; Hair and Tooth Brushes,' etc.,. etc. -- ', !' • ENT.ehavitt es!? .Ax..axthz%T., deed: . No. 2: Odd Fellows Dail; Ititighimitom j . , PORTRAITS, - PORTRAiTS ! NEW A ItRANCIE^.3IENDI INOtt BRICK BLOICK .• ritmr: undersigned haring taken the. Robins. formerlv lot:copied by W. B. DEANS. is now prepared to furnisft all who may desire with-a goodnd truthful Portrait. 1 Being Well posted in the production of the varlous,kinds of - Pictureauf the day s ' . flatter myself that mylwork isnot excelled be any in thi4 scctjon of the countty;' Among. the various kinds taken at toy Booms are the A.AIBRaTI - P.E., PHOTOGRAPH AIELAINOTI'PE; ArEILLOGHAPH: . )f...ockeZ Pictures down to the smallest sized niinlature Ring. Transferred Antbrotypea—the finest' thing out, for ,andlng, by-Post to any part of the World without extra postage. My Pictures are bold. vigorous, and expressive —not those faint, lifeless shadows often sold about the country: Pictures taken, in all kinds of Weather, equally well, except those, of young children. No rannare need be taken unless perfect satisfaction is In dressing for a picture. avoid light colitrs,—such as 1 blue, purple, sCurlet; pink, etc. 'Most otheralake well; as green. black, red, sntiff. brown, 'orange, yelhiW. etc. .CFrl Bemember that the place to get your • picture" Is in the Brick Block, over Read. Watrous Pouter's ntore— J. If. HAZLE , TON. Montrose, Pa., Nov. _pith, - ! BALDWIN.- . 81, ..ALLEN-,:. Under:Montrose -Demoerai!Office, AHE RECEIVING Fresh Ground Western FLOUR c•mry 30 days, which we warrant to gire2ratiotactlon as any In market; if not gmKiriturned at ourtxptlure. Feed, And Bnekiyheat Flour,• SALT- AND PORK By •inE-LOA1), BARRI4.II, POUNI). HAMS, [Sugar 'Cureill . • Dried Beef,' ! • . . Snioked Drips and Syrups, _ MolAsseti and., Sugare, . TEA S, SPICES,' • :BROOMS, . ' whirl, we offer for sale 4 Low Nrices. (or BODY ONLY. • NoptnAe, January, 1661. ' Adro.mistrator 9 s Notice. urimitEA 8 'letters of Adminhdralion to the plate of DAVID ALLEN, late of Bridgewater, deed, hare beta muted tu the subscriber,"4ll peratins Indebted to the said estate urn regpeeted Ao make limnediate pay ment, and those harlan.f dahlia or demands against the estate of the said decedenti• will make known the same without delay to Montrose. None. 13.-6Cv MeCtILLUM. , Adm'r. • • L. 11.112111,10, t• • • , 0. L. ./ L. lIAIMINO F SA - D'iMgoltgFrYltzta. ( 4,= l ll,iVz',rea,'l6.Y Nietiaoracra'. ' ' . . • • Sheet F Dix! : " Md. and oti l f7l l4l : 1 1; zn 1" 4rEP ' e.p9 • AraerDrapgllol. S ATZ; h the Barrel, sack or T0413d. GOODS. 600DS: GOODS. Black Satin Vest worth s•Pfor :3,90 - Black Satin Vest worth 5 fbr . 3,50 • OVEIi-SIirRTS OVERALLS 0n1y,31 UND'It GARJI E.:TS EQUALLY LO w r sts - Dercn-s. Alt,o (thICTli who NVISiI 20 acnirt hemseiree'of the oppor tuaitylo nutke r pine Fair One a n lee Cliristmad or Wo w-Yoars Jar /re . • PRE ENT ; : to one 4rge_nseort mem of - • • CLOAI(S,SHAWLS DRESS GOODS, IS - ALWAYS (C.; comPLETt.:,. PLAINund FANCY SIU:S7; :illi'vliTVtg a . ..of all colors and shades, BEIAKINES, ik-C. DOMESTICKS I . . CAN - NOT BE EQUALLED IN• itti:MITT-flf. -- Good Heavy Sheetings,-,6, to Bets. per y'd . ! Bes,t Heavy Sheetings, 7. to.Blcts. pr y'd DENDLS; from 8 to 12 cents per yard, TICKING, from 10 to 1.5 cents pix yard .j froni 10 to 15 . ets. per yardi CALICOES, fist e lore, 12A•yartls only *1:1 • " Best Merrimack, fo yards only 'Bl _ C:OttC:o-11a M.lEttteCe A Choice artiele 2 only 121 Pest steel 11 nim itt, 4 eta. per Apring. Ladies' Saxony Wool Vests and Drawers. 1, LAMBS WOOL HOSE.- r....l4:osauxic c:lcs.u.s33rmses. Of the Latest Styles, &e. Thankful to the numerous customers for their generous patronag,e tho past year, We respectfully solicit a eontknuance of the same, - • • . _ Outtenbern. viosen Ar ontrap ,, Tu .. D.rentlN; I 2LI, lEek. • . IlMia REAT REDUCTION . GREAT CROWDEPECTED AT THE STORES OF oguttetibtrq, cAasenbatim, Moitiose, Sustra County, Pa., Elmira,New:fork, Susquehanna Depot; Pa. proclnim to our friends and the public in general VT that In consequence of the present pressure hrthe moneyaffairs In the cities w•e can purchase - GOODS • t FROI 10 TO 119 PER CT. I;OIV,f.R Tli3Ot Formerly. Therefore We are determined to offer the publlc our - .general stock of . - _• • EADY 111 ADE DRY GQ9I):S; Ithith cqmpribet the lattrestand best •• ST.OOK('-GOODS Kept in ,ANV.C9ITNTRY.StoreI ' • • thin sidenot Yew York City; , At Prices which Dpfy - Competiciori tb. we will ell, for CUELSEMX. at the email adrance of ten per oent above the unuleoa6 Cost. We will the following GOW)zz theasa Bu ick. Frock worth . 2 i) for ;36,00 Bldek Frock Coat -.:10 for _7,50 .131ack Frock Coat' Worth A..? tby. • 9.50 • Bits,ine . Ciat.'worth $5 for t , 2, - ;s* Btisine - ss Citat ‘vorth 4 .0 for. . 4.00 Over Coat worth 'its for ..*4,00 Over Coat worth 7 for 5,75 Over Coat worth 10 for Over_ Coat worth 15 for • 11,50 Over - CO:it Ivordi ; 20 tier. 15,00 Tants, ', ..*-1 fur ,*:3,00r Black • Pants l:wokh 5 l'fir. 3;75! jihicl Pants- worth G Thr Fancy CaSsimere Pants worth. >54 for :1424 Fancy .(':issintercPant....' - Worth' s'for Fancy Ca'ssimerC Paßii . ly9rtit. 6 for 131ack Satin Vi!st.wi - irth ica for i 42,25 Au Winterpai fairly'appc:art. - 11, u ‘ e inviiethe attention of BONNETS. out AsisofermE*T OP ANI) TRIMMINGS OUR STOCK .OF .y . HOOFLANDV • ri ; 141 . 6 , T /ILA ici Ap • • HE _ 41 ,46 I ;9' - • • Cklt.F; AF 11.I I. • , STANDARD REMEDIES of the preieot age, beio nCquireJ tbelr gnat popitlarAy only. thrones yeara or Wei. tabenteled ilatiebtotioy ; IA rendered by thtmiu all tw►er. - ' ' HOOFLAND'S CERMAN BITTERS; • imu,ronrstru MM. • ti s. LtverComial I: Amity *fa, Jautidlot, Itiawasa DO. • ; • Milt Lista ar a at the Ill4aark .• • anti all , Ilactmtt 'Mg from a dltordered Hear, er cask btu of thy Stomach and Itlgmalre (limit, ' . Alta alit. roArrirst.r fon'tst' MOW ftYtkitlitlif KM, AID mra ' All sorc sot, our Anna!Lse tirwb cents pc ?taw. lido Hand's .Baisaluie Cordial ' ' 1 , 11.1. PoNSTIVELf coug Coughs, Cads, or Hoarseness, Bronekitis, • Croup, Pneumonia, Intipient Conskunpelsa, god has pea:rimed the zuwt osteniebing taros over known • CCOIAVIII.]IED CO! SVAIPTIONe • Al a DiarrlacaCrollJl it is tinny:6lnel • Pile; costs tssttle. HOOFLAND'S. GERMAN PILL, being well known throughout ETIv and Anaeriea, ma& no etintinendation her, They aro purely T 4,11.49, ars prepared with great exact:lest, and aro angirconted. Zia Letter &trickle Pill can Lie found.. Pater, 2S eta par tios„ Three nualicinea are pt pared by Dr. C. 311. asgasog it CO, Plallr.delphia. Pa, and Bt. Lotila r ille, v 4 age mold by druggists and dial,ra in inedieltent ererywherta The sig. Datum of C. 31. Jacrson will tai on the, eatsitle of each Lathe nr hot. In Our 'Ere ryboti jt Alma nai," intl,ll4e.l saausni, you will tlud tcatimnnp .1114 n)nyurndatory autkta from all .• parts of the country. 'Mem .i !manses are styes aWsis bj all our st;eute. • • ES GS EIN•S TAR AND .WOOD -NAPTIIA . \ LPl'fir.tDis2l Ii the best fleilicine Inlhe reorldfir Mi cureV Coughs and Colde, Croup. Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. Fon s h umpt if nt p et e h nt e , r n i d hall d De Q, s of the Throat and Cheat and whit& predispose to Consumption. It attaeke the real of tliseam, and mate., Utefee deslroyeritiemn.b iniluer.e,. italsoprode- . eta free crpEctoration., & induces Smithy craws in the , lideitifeet Hama, ..yenobrane andlismee. qt is peculiarly st2a ted to the radical cure of AOrIJML One inralnahle SYRUP often give,. ett-u and ant znextly Bleep, latch theydrekvior nature (f .tait flow,. II k terypkasoor the ta , te,' aril prang' , erect,. Ts 7 tE eoneihetd Mat it laminable In the curs of iirtfileitia I Affections: ,- 'Nice 5o eto rent, pr Bottle. Prekliyonly by . Dr: 11 - 4 .. fleactLy . .t. cori,r 917, and l'OPLAßstmts.' it. For 'rile in ..I(maro st by - 17.1)1?..4 v•hvo TURBELL Ts~:~r:~®R~Ss LIVER . INVIGORATOR • _ NE VI; IL 13 XI:IL/TATES. IT la rm.,. you k.ri.lly - 1 I rely f.ont Uttoneyinl tax Fa-r.lue a u ..-:.: • -,..-.1,5,i, a: `._!M ^ ,lll. taiitliii. Low,. and apiiri,riit iii a:I ili i . .; . .4.va. m: it, liitil La taii• tr.- • Ported ta , all riival,:, Pi . of, 7 1,,11, itaata a igi a t,,, ail it ch tt ' is ra , iniiitai,!....L :' /t toii cm - tit 11,,iiiiiiiii,.C..., V. viti . :3;,l a.,..1,,,,i tw. yews - kat., NO :Ist, lip all h. nisi .A F_. ..1 . 1,...• al. am the totatiidialip ulaii.oliii:icattiii.ra. iiii: • a • ... . . • 1 he q, ra qua, 41 iii 1 •, ~ .1 .G-. :. 1.0 I Oriliwr...% I 44...a11.014 a V..a , Irahvid,il taki it it. it,il i:. v . -. 1 .1t. satiti iiitat.titiva Y :.•• .CI Eentiyini 11,;! , 0 , . o' • r Let tho d. ,, ,, .4, ;.....,/, •• !;-,rroi;t ;i1.1.1i-yea ;s esi TI. .1' thol.tv 1.7.11. IV- ~... ; V 11:0114, T 0 i 1 . 1 . 3 4 Ls il acute Li •er iritu- id ijsirtliktid, 111110usslt• tucl6l, •13y•peri:c141, 4:l' thionlo Illatrirhoes. 14 ulnan r r Co anr- . 10l ni. tit.. Hyseisti , . - ry, Deopli) - ., Slim. t.,-,:ilottilacly, Ilithililesl Costlvetttrx,"Cli..l,- 62 - kr, 1 haler.; Cbolle.. roller-I.IIY, C /11 0I I' 1 . . t r,, In Cu ...tmm, &lain rtiscr, .11n tt It 111 cr. Pi lernmle Weakness.- col, and may he 1.1... 1.4 , '........ - LLPT as en 011111111••• ~. Iry .Eantlty. Si et! i - rir 1 Ilse- .Irviiienre !Heti 11.1: .t LI AV 11 F., .." , 61 , 1,1. , ,,e• Clip i.littify,i, in twenty. na;o:::e, I: Ir! 'lat o or ill.* Tett.. spoonful:: eras tot.- , g i Cu. a: ce ....oe-ce.tuf. t.: 'nick- . - Au NO ho wte It ttr.- g - Elvlng Carir 4sttimcc4i in its C•l‘ La% . • MIX WATEtt. T.C.1..11 mot 1 - tulviont INVICOI.I.t. Wit., -.AND SWAl.Ltillr ?rice Onc Dttl!nr prr Bottle.. cApqA.O.k PILLS., COO OA: NI113) FI: , ,M P - Pure Vegeta file Eatme t 4. anti put iip in ILALASS CANES; 411 r 'tight, Dud 7w1111.11sUe;, In oily ill mik. -. , . . • Al, Faintly Cr...:-_,.... , ;.11.rel le Pil.f. Oa F.,. Ile llnt act, 511tb...1.. 71,1 Z ..1.1..h ibr tortssisllnr ti.n ....1 'la Inn vs-attire in..... Whits Mini, rests.:, : Tb , mo-tara:r.il.nr.,Afl,l :e.,64 h t.. flint theme ' 'a Ls In. - e1...1g 55....1 list 1 . /1.1. s. itj 5...1 lb. stiles.S....o" a1.k... All rlifrrs, ink eZa fq I, it.i r .--. 1:14, 1,1.• i 7,14 /red eft !..1 plate. tr. thu u Ithi tt Ile r...0.1,t,f ....I.', , . , .11,..1.,...,4.,t0b ...111...5....::511, list .tlrrrent s '..sliartletssts on 414vron ~,tiosn ~.. t:... 1..9 1.... r., 1 has rspitr.t (...t-: TII.t ItTle• pI I. v„ . lt .1...1. hss, sil r..:er,...., 1.,.... ti. , , ...1 ~,. .;41p10.1 f.. L. .1... in cespit...4W( r.• , ..t. 3• 7% , .. - 1..., el lb.. purts.l.Vt, .. LIMP r.v.,,,, vthiela .n.' V :.10, , vil etryv rllvt Of ILO .1ary,11.1,17 C.1t5..1.. a... 1 ......! 14 good 41M onife In ..11,11,..' ea Own:. a 7 . A , irttile ‘..,Ca • • ...,.,;:rA, Awl, 1.• 1),.... rangementa .1' Ito, a." St o inn eh , ?geoid nem., Palms In Ow' Boric .111! , 11 LOlltt. COSIIVeIIf sw, Pitt o• : nett Sorener• -- error • fhe s iehote body,: 4-.. in %widen mikl. .Veh trequ , nll7. If st,l- , r,si., . - rqtli, a bor rnorae ilf I ...- 1 ter. 141.• of A mo--' bin Ute„st Crrepttur..ett• sintlOls of Cold 111,'3. 'ft . '" tit, bady. It trao try•.• 4 Ilea., Itenalthelie, .41 kel Iveighlthi t imbrue!, . all 1. ii II nin inn tar,', 4 in.nnaor. irornia I, Chlkirrn or Adult."' It hrtunallins, a rp.mt 'Purl flee of t h e Illoint ' ~,,,.; •tt•I.I many klist....ses In 51.1r1., 1!....th is bolr, too n0t11,17,1, Vol I , llllnet.i.V. La'iLig s.brerlan,- . meat Doae. Ito a; , 1 . 11.1(1 1 : ' TIFJI En Dr3P.X. 'The 1,1 er n 1nv114,0 a 1.. r anal Fatuity (U.. - thartlle Pitts sty. r.....11...1 b. 1.,,,,.1r1a pestsrst:y„ ~.t SOU .bukaale by Vac Tra.l.. Is ..II il.s Lan. e Um... , ' s.-r. t',. s.l x Pol,c ii. m. - 5), ,•• N:41: .. - ...r..t. girl Proprirhtr. • ,335 Brood wit y, .7,:rav VorL . ,-,- . ,___........ NEW' G()ODS 1 - • TV.IMINAT GrcoC:o3=ot, : * JUST I.: ECTIVED ! AT SI.T.II3.IERSVILLE". BO 'G ITT LO ! Please give us a call aivl we will s h ow y ou • 111 ARG Ai - NS 1. - - R. L: PUTPFIIIII dc. CO; Szniimersvitle, Ap . ril. I Gth, 1861:—.3t rkts Elt. •4 IVEk.:DOW PA-' PER. uew qvle. for lA, ,pring trade: ext Arrived. MOnthme, April ABEL TuuttELL. Susq'a County Classical and Normal-School, 4 1 .40_47.4'46811f t , - PROF. S. S; HARTWELA., B. A., PRINCIPAL. Mu: 1C(i..C..1.1111'. RiCiiiRDS,AMISTANTS. Mrs: A. X: RICHARDS, laisAß. RRACXXAN vi , Prinry Deparunt•nt. Incsi on Piano. 1) Dutiotrb:. 1,0 nrm. on Anatomy and Phystotogy. ritHE EOFflFtl -TElf\i of the present Academic Year of OLIO Ittotitution wilt hoon.o o Monday, May 13th. 7 \ ltt! Trunteeo- would ray of this Sehotil.' now under the tilreotion of Pr0f. , ...4. S. HARTWELL. that it Is in.* flour. i,htua• , adulltinn and offer; ouperior ludOCeluelde au all. deArte;?rt thorough edecatioe. 1 hose wishing a good Pre pnrntion for C01h....re. for t.chittt; and other pursuits, wilt do welt' to avail thenio*.lves of Ito advantages.. Th - ate referred to limo« Who have already done'ro. ey For Particular -9., See clreqtar. • • C. F. 'READ, Secretary: W. JESSUP. Prey . •c•i5.,..."), • • • „. • • . -- T Established in Pittsburg h 1840 The Only 'entitniere;ul College in the : trnion, Ciinof tided by, a 'Practical - ! " Aferchttnt. ()l d f?.„lr s ii , „ , , c , , ,iili :s„ttlatieng z ed it from ri b i 4 l . 7 awarded nuff.„.„,ptem or r ßoOk 7 l7C r eeping; aild ha tTni new circular Just isueti Colltaill4 let ter* from etnikatotu Ml adelpilia, Baltiniore, St I.cmie . Cincinnati, etc., Stoving it to be the best known: \' l:i Firm Premium wait re cent!! ordnied the Peomanth of Wm IF. DL7Ykwho with bleat/iodate Proteseor, C `, coebran, are andbobt edly tbe beat penmen In Arnett.. Harper 's Edition of.ntiff4 Book writ; Po" V r!it , . T 3 rtuff And Duncan's re.ms. cePea soktv 500 Dnf sad ILIACiIetL:'79IA. Snot , ' Cr.py ne;eki. 4 Ncre...64 • For eamplea of DAS ,th Cochr t n'a liutin ea: ags4 Ornamen tal Ftednant.bip, with tile new f I trular 0t414 pagtkiseitmo :45 cents in stamp. to .. noe 4 rot(' - . ' - r. TUFF A St*,
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