The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 04, 1861, Image 2
THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. • F. Iloto Citezen.i of the .Seriate and House ni Represeptatiiw:—lttring been \ eon %.-ctied on :in extraorilinAry' occasion an thorizecj-h}' the Constitution, your at , ten- tion la not called to,any ordinary , subject of legislat ion. "CHF. SEIZURE OF Tlir-UEBELS. . At the beginning of the Presidential term, four months ago, , the functions of the . Federalvernment were found to be geberalLy suspended within the sere ral States of South Carolina, Georgia; Alabama, , :_Mississippi,. Louisiana and Florida, , excepting only those of. the Post Office Department,,, Within these States all the forts, arsenals, dock yards, custom houses, and, had' been seized and were held in open hostility to this Government; excepting only 'Fort Pickens, Taylor and Jefferson, or near the Florida coast, and Fort Suinter, in Charleston harbor, South Carolina. The forts thus seized had been put, in improved chndition. New ones had been Intuit and armed forces had been. organ. ized and were. organizing, all avowed with the same 'hostile purpose. The forts . re tnaining in the possession Of . the - Federal k 3 over u m e,n t, in and near these States, wereeither.beseiged or menaced by war like-,prepanitions, and especially Fort. Sumter, which was nearly surrounded lip* well projected hostile batteries, with guns equal hi quality to the best of its. acid ontainnbering the latter perhaps ten to - one. A disproportionate share of the Federal- muskets and rifles had somehow 'found their way into the States, and hail been seized tQ:he used against the Gov : , _ .enmient. - '''''' Aeeumnlatrons of the public revenue lying within them hail been seized, for the same ottieet. - ! .The Nav,:v'was scatter= ed in disiant Seas,. leaving but a very small part O a f within the immediate reach of the Government. Officers of the Federal Armyand.Navy had resigned in great . numbers, and of those resigning a: large prop9,rtion -had taken -up arms- against the Gortrinnent. •• Sithultmreously, and in connection with all this,-the purpose to sever the..TFederal Union was openly•avowed..ln accordance With this purpose, an ordinance had been adoptcd,in.each of these States, declaring the. States respectively to .be separated' from the National Union. Aformula for roustructing a-combined Government for' these StateAThad been promulgated, and ibis illegal organization it the character kNfeimfederateStates-was already invoking recoguitiou, aid and intervention- fron foreign powers. , • it Reference is here made to the poliey l'orth in his inaugural rniciress - ; and a long review of the eondi(ion of Fort Sum k‘r, and the which• controled the 'r _biect '_ relsti~e tri its reintbreenient, up itsbesn 'Area •upon.) TIIE, 1,:51;I: roncED rroN - COUNTI:N In this. act, discarding all else, they have forced upon the country, the'distinct issue ---immediate dissolution or , blood. •And this issue embraces more than the fate Of .these Unitect States; it presents to z the whole fltmily of man the question whether a Constit9tional'Republic or Democracy -a Government of the people by the ratite people can or cannot maintain its territorial-integrity against its own do mestic foes. It presents the question whether discontented individuals too-few itt itimilier to eontrol the Administration •according to the 4rganie law in imy case, can always, voon the pretencesmade in t this-case or any other pretence, iire khp their Government, and thus prae ically put an end to free government - upon the earth. It forces us to ask, is there in all republics this inherent and fatal weakness? . Must ii government of necessity •be too strong for the liberties of its ewn people, or too weak to maintain its'own eNist ,etiCe?. . - So viewing the issue, no claim was left but to al out the war power of the . Go v vernsnent, and so to resist_ Ate' force'em flpyed for its destruction by force .for its preservation. The, call was • made, and • the response of the country was most gratifying, Sarpas.sing in imanimity and spirit the 'most sanguine expectations. Yet none of the States commonly called' Slave States 'except Delaware gave _ a regiment. through regular State organiza tion. • ( Here, we' have a sketch of the -eottrs taken by Virginia in her act (-.),f secession, 4,.te., and a reference to the " armed 'neu trality " policy oTthe border Stat 4 . AIiDITTONAL roa VOLUNTRERS. pecurri, - the action of the Gevern ment, it inay be sated that at first a call' Cray made for 7:009 millitia, and • rapidly, followisz this a proclamation was issued for closing tbe.ports of the insurrect ion ary districts, .by proceeding,!f in the nature - of a blockade. Sci far, all was believed to,bc strictly legal. - Itthis poka the insurrectioni , th an nounced their . pnrpose to en ter. the practice of privateering. Other calls were made for volunteers, to serve three years unless sooner discharged. and also for large additions to the . regular army and n..tvy. N These meaTmres, whether stfiesfrs legal or not, were ventured tipim an6eir *a - hat appeared to le a popular de mantA public necessity—trui Then as now slat Congress wduld readily ratify them. It is believed that nothing-has been done beyond the constitutional eteney of Congress. EAU wurr 11.1.1:17.A5, So)ii after the first call for it -(tonsidered a duty to authorize the Co:ma:Mine; General in riror, ezises aceordipg to ws daZeretion, to suspend the - writs of habeas corpus, or in other woi!d's, to arrest and .detaiu Without resort to the" ordinary prOcessi and forms ofiatV; sneli individuals as:be night deem dangerous fe' ! public safety. This authority has pnr posel,y been exercised, but 1-117 Sparin,rly. Nevkrtheless the legality and propriety of what has been done under. it are (pies-. ' tioned, atailie attention of the country has been called to the proposition that , one who is sworn to take earn that the. laws be faithfully executed should not himself violate them, Of course some consideration "was•giyen to the. question of power and propriety before this, matter was acted upon. The *hole of the' laws whiCh was. fe' (pared to be faithfully executed, were be- 'Mg resisted and failing of execution in 'nearly one third of the States. Must they .be allowed to finally fail - of execution, even bad it been perfectly clear that by the use Means necessary 'to their execution some single law, made in ,such extreme' ienderness' of Ihe citizens' liberties that practically it relieves more of the guilty' than the Innocent, Mould to a very-limit ed extent be violated. To state the question more directly, are all the laws - but one to - go uneseeuted, ,and the government itself to go to piece lest:that one he violated ? Even 'in .43t1C11 :c ease, irould -:tot the osicial bath he 'ri•oken if the Oireintnent'should be over . . thrown, when it was belived that• disre garding the single Arould tend to pre serve it , But. it' wag not beVe . yed`that •WS ques tion ivas presente was-not believed that any law was violatied. The provision of the Constitution that theeptivilege—mthe writ of habeat corphs—sheuld not 'be Sus pended, unless when in case of rebellion or invasion the_ public safety May require, it is equivalent to n provision that such privilege fluty be suspended when' in cases .of rebellion or invasion the wbliv safety does require it., k 'was decided:- that -We have a ease of rebellion, and- hat the, pub lic safety does require the qualified sns pensionlof the privilege of the writ which was authOrized to .be made. Nowit,is insisted; that congresic -.and nut the' Executive - vested with ' this pc,wer. .`- . But the Constitution itself is.silent as o which or 4vhois to :exercise the power, and as the:provision was plainly made for. B,dangerous emergency, it cannot be be lieYed that the ft.:milers Of the instrument ,intended that in every ease the danger should run its cOuro until CongreSs could be called.Oigether, the very assembling of which might -be prt'..=v6ntedos was intend ed in:this case by the Rebellion. ,No there extended ,argurnent is • now offered, as an opinion at sonic length will probably be presented by the Attorney , , tleneral. 'Whether there shall lie. any ,legiSlation upon thb sulject, :and it' any what, is submitted entirely to the better judgment of Congressl • ronmus SY3I.TITY 'MANIFESTED. • The forbearance of this gorernrnent haul Veen so l e traordinary and so long contin ued' as iti) lead sonic -foreign nations to shape heir action as if they siipposed the early destruction of our National Union Wat 3 probable. While 'this on discovery gave theExec ntive some concern, he is now happy to .say that the sovereignty and rights of the United..itat es are now everywhere respec ted by foreign powers, and a general sym, nathy the. country is manifested throughont.the world. • 'IO3rORTS OF TIIE SECRir.iIUES The • reports of' the Secreiaries of the Treasury, War and Navy, will give the information in detail deemed • necessary anal conVenient fbr your deliberation and action, while the Executive and . all the Departments will stand ready to strpply omissions, or to communicate new facts considered important for you to khow. CA7.I: POI: MEN AND MONEY. It is noW recomniehded that you give the legal means tbr making this contest a• short, and derisive one ; that yon placc; at the control of the Government for the I work' at least 400,006 men- and .i.4.400,001L 0M. - • r tt That. number of men is about one tenth I j of thosepf proper- ages within. the regions where al I, are; appa relitly willing to engage, and the sum is less than the twenty-third part of the money , value owned 'by the' Mon who seem 'ready . to devote the whole. &; A debt of 00,000,000 now ;is a less sum per head than was the debt of our IlevolUtion when we came' but of- that strugle, and the money value in the coon-'I try now hears even a greater proportion to what it was then than does the popula tion. Surely- each matt, has as strong. a Motive now to preserve our liberties as . each had then to establish them ? ' A right result at this time will be worth I more to the world than ten times the men and ten times the money. The evidence reaching us from the country leaves no room to doubt, that the material for the work is abnmiant, mid that it needs only the had of legislation to give it legal sanction, and the-hand °file Executive to give itqwartical shape and efficiency. One of the greatest perple \ xities.of thel Government is to aVoid•receivink troops 6st er . than provided for their. In a word the:Teeple will-Save their Government, it the Gowernmentit;ceff Will do its part on ly indifferently well. It might seem, at first thought, to be of • little difThrence •whether !the .present movement' 'of the South be called SeOssion or Rebellion.— TIM movers, however, well understand the difference. At the beginning they know that they could never raise their any respeetabld magnitude by any name which implies - violation of law. They knewtheirpeeple possessed as much, of moral sense, :is. much of devotion to law and order, -and:as Much pride in and reverence for the history and government of their common country as-any other civ ilized and patriotic:people. • They knew they -could make no advance directly in. the teillt of these strong and noble sentiments. Aceordinolv'thev cony- 1.. . - 'pence(' by . an insidious debauching of the public mind. They', invented an ingenious soph isth which, if conceded, was followed by perfectly logical, steps through all the incidents to the Complete destruction of ,the ram. The sophism itself is that any !' State of the Union .16,y, consistently . with I the . National Constitution, and therefore ; lawfully ,and peacefully withdraw from the Union, withoutthircons'ent of the Un imr.or of, any Atter State. The littledis :,nise,- that the supposed right is to be -ex ercised only for a just cause,•because they themselves are to belhe sole judges of its ' justice, is too thin to 'merit any notice. • Thiss-sophism derivesinuch, perhaps the whole of currency, from the - assump tion that, there is some otrinipotent and sh . cred supremacy pertaining to a State, .to each State of the Federal Union. -Our States have neither . -nuire OrTess power than that reserved to. theM in t i he Union by the - Constitution, no one of them ever having,been a State out 'of the Union.— ; The original ones passel, into the Union even betbre they cast off their British Co lonial dependence, and the new .ones each eameinto the rition• directly from a eon idition of. dependence, excepting Teas ; land even Tex:is; in its tetiaporary indcpen 41elice; was never designated rit,:State. i • The-new oneslonlY took the desig,na i tion : Of States on iconiing -into the Union; while•that name was first adopted for the ola ones IS and hy: the q)eclaration of In -I,depentienee. Therein the. United Colon= ies were dcela'red to be fre' s e and indepell ;dent States. • i . . is• . But even. then the object' was plainly not to ileelar6 their independence of one another, or of tlun'ttion, but directly the contrary, as - their mutual pledge and their mutual. action,_ before, at the time and af , terwards,:abundantly show : The expi g' plighting ()faith, by each and all the_ i onwinal thirteen,, in the articles • confed- i r, , cration, two years laer, tha . the Union 1 shall be perpiltuil;!! is in conclusive.-1 Having never been teS, either in sub stance or in natii *side of the Union, I whence this in . ',, dal omnipotence of State I! 'Rights ass Ingia '6l9im of power to law-1 fully d - roy the : tritiolif itself? Much is eiti• abotit the' sOverefgaty of the States, .iii the Nord eten is no in the National Constitution, nor as believed in anynf the State ConstitutiOns. What is a sovereign-' tv, in the political sense of the term ?=- i Would...itl,be far Wrong - to define it ,". a po- P . i li teal community*ithoet a politiCal eh- Perior?" , • Tested iby ,tites„.no, one of. oar. *Mee except Texas, *Clyne:a sovereign ty, aitd.even Texas gate up the character On coining into. thb UniOn,'hy which act She acknowledge 4 the Constitution of the United 'States and the ittws and treaties orthe United States, made in piirsifance 91 the Constituti, to *be for her the in prenie law of the Find. (rho - states'have their status in the Ueion,. and they have do other legal staths. If they break from this, they can only do se - itgainst law and by revolution. Theyiticin„•thd - not them selves separated, procured their indepen dence and their hberty.l By conquest or purchase, the . Union gate each of them whatever of independenee and liberty it has: 'The Union is older than-any of the- States, faCt it created them as states. Originally some!indepentleat col onies'. made the Union, !and'in turn,Ahe Union threw - off their -old dependence•for theM and made thetri States; such as they - are. Not one ofi them ever . 'tetra State Colistitution independent of the Union. Of course it is trot tbrgottenthat all the new . States flamed their Constitution fore they entered j ibe Union; nevertheless dependent upon Mid preparatory to .com ing into the Union. ,• UnqueStionabl)J, the _States have the powers and rights resCrved to them in mid lit the 'National' Constitution ;• but ,among these, surely, ore not ineluded • all Conviveble powers, how ever mischievous ski• destructive, bat at 'most suck as are known in the world at the time, as Gov ! ernmental.powent, and Certainly a, powel• to destroy the Government itself had nev er known as governmental a merely Ministrative power. This reletive.thatter of National power and State, Rights las- a, principle, is no oth er titan the prin4ilde of liicality and. gen erality. Whatevir ,concerns the whole should he confided to title 'lvhole, to the General. Government ' • .while whatever concerns- a State only should be' left, exclusively to the State. This is all there is of original principle aboutit.l Whether the National •Constitutioh; br 'defining boundaries be= tweet' the two, has applied the'prineiple with exact accuracy is not to be question -ed. We are alsolbound Aly that defining, without question - . 1 What is now combat ted is the'positi4n that - :Secession is con sistent with the iConstitution—is lawful and peaceful. It is not contended that there is' a i ry exprbss law' for it, and noth ing should ever I ! ?e N implied as law which leads to unjust or absurd consequence. - [Next, follows a sound tho' not. very forcible argument against the dogma of secession, of which the Tribune & Co., will please take uoticel NION MIIN IN TIIE SOUTIL It may be well questioned whether there is, to-day, a majority of the legally'qualA fled votes of :MY State except perhaps South Carolina, n favor of disunion:— There is much rdason to berdieve that the Union men are tie majority in niany,•ill not in every of the so-called Se:. 1 ced2d States. .j As the contrarr- 'has not been demon-1 strated iii any • ond of them, it is voitured to Arm this even or Virginia and Tene.s sec, for the resnq of-an!election held in military camps, Ivlhere the bayotiq.s were 1 all on one side of tlhe question voted. upon, 1 can scarcely he considered as a demonstra, ! tion •of. 'popular Iseiitiment. At such an election all that large class who are not; at ' once for the Unicin and against coercion, would be coereedlto tote against the en-, ion. It may lie atiiiimed, without extraVa gance, that the -00 institutions we enjoy have developed the power and improved the condition of ()int whole people beyond any example in tbe world. OUR 110,LUNTF:ERS". Or chnractr .of Our v-olunteers 1 11Mse a striking iflust,Kation. do large,an army as the GovVrnment has now on foot Was never. heforei known, without a gol aier in it but who had taken his plaie there of his own free ' . But more than; this. There are many i single regiments Whose members, one and another, .possess full practical knowledge of the arts,. sciences, ; profesSions,. and, -whatevereite whether. useful or elegant,' that is known in jhe world; and there is t.scarcely one' Wont which there could not. be selead a Preident, a Cabinet, a Con ! gress, and perhaps a Court, abundantly i competent, to administer the Government i I itself, . i . . - - I . Nor do I- saYtliis is not true also in the case of our late: friends, now . adversaries, in this contest •' lint if it is, so much the 1 better .the reason why. 4:he Government which hasednferred such benefits on them and us, should nQt be broken up. Who ' ever, in a ny section, proposes to .abandon I .suA a Government, would do well to con; ("cider in deference- to what principle he 1 does it; what better he is likely to get in I its stead. Whether the substitute will give, or be intended to give, so much of Igood to the people. There - are some for •shadowings on this subject. Our :Over- I, saries have adopted some declaration::: of independence, - in 'Which, unlike the good j 1 old one penned, by Jefferson, they omit I 1 the words, "All men are created equal." Why ? They have adopted a temporary 1 1 I national CanstitittiOn in the preamble ofi which unlike,onr good'old one, signed' by Washington, thev r omit." We, the.people," and sithstitute We, the deputies of the 1 Sovereign and independent States." Why 1 this.deliberate pressing out of view the. I rights of men and the authority of the . 1 I-people ? ' , , , ". THE CONTEST ONE OF 171 E PEOPLE This is essentially a people's'eontest.— On the side of th'p Union it is ,p. struggle for Maintaining : in the .7 world that forth and substance of government, whose lead ing 'objeot is to elevate the condition of :men ;to littAttificial weights from all 'shoulders ; tO: - `eldar the'path of laudable, pursuit for all'; tq afford all an unfett tfd start, and a fair chance in the me f life. Yielding, to rartial and to orary de , Pamir : es from neesSit3,-, t ..._ is the lead-C mg object of the': Gore ' ent for whose 'eNistenoe-IWe cotliOn . ` ' . _ . . rp tl' s.t lam rp t Ifay l py to believe . that the appreciate SO plain understand7 l p ls le lEß thi. lt,iis worthy of note that . while lin is, the Government's hour of trial, large :numbers of those in the army and navy who have been favored With the ofliei , s, have resigned and prOved false to. the hand Whichhad pampered them, not one common soldler . - or ,- - Common sailor is known to have dqserted his flag.. Great honor is-due to these the who remain ed:time, despite: the exaMple tiMir treacherous associates. - . But the' greatest honor and Most im p-ortantlact of alliktlM unaninioni firm ness .ofthe common soldiers and comniOn sailors. To the lasitwW, so.faras known, thefhave . successfully`resistedthe trait orous efforts of those whose cowhands but an hour before y the obeyed a abso • • lute la*. This is the patriotic instinct of plain people. They undeOtand,•*ithOilt an argument; that the destroying of the government, which was .made byClVashington, means no good, to them; -gar peauliiir Govern-- ment has often been Called au experiment. Two points in it_ our !people - have already Settled—the -sneeessful- est Wishing • and ! tbe,successful adniinistrat ion , of it. MAINTENANOt pi THE 'ONION. One still remains,Hits successful main t.snaitee. against n fbrminable internal attempt to over throW it. It is for theta -to demonstrate to the .World that thase who can fairly carry. tin election ° caw also suppress a rebellion ;ithat ballots are the . rightful and peaceful:Successors of bullets, and that when,- hathlts , have , fairly" and constitutionally &Med, there can - be no successfid appeal , batAk to bullets—that there can be no Sitcbessful appeal - except to ballets themselves* succeeding ,elect ions. Such will be .a great lesson of peace teaching men what they cannot take by an election, neither can they take by war; leaching all the folly Of being the begin ners of wan -• " APTER THE htliElj,LlON IS CRUSHED. • Lest there be scutt l e •tmeasinesg in the minds of candid 1111311 ns to, what is to be the eonrse of the qovernment towards the Southe'rn _States atiee the Rebellion shall have been suppilessed the Executive deems is proper to say at will be his pur pose then as ever, to ibe be guided by the Constitution and the laws and that the probably will have no: different understan ding of the powers atilt - the duties of the Federal Government relatively to the rights of the Slates and people under the Constitution tlian expressed in the Inatigu mai Address. lle•desires to preserve the Gill-eminent that it may be administered to all as it was admiids,ered by the. men who made it: Loyal citizens verywhere have Ole right, to claim this of their Government, awl Government has no right to withhold or neglect it. It is not perceived that-in giving it there is any, coercionany con qucst or subjugation in any just sense of those terms. • The Constitution provides, and all the States haVe accepted the provision that the Utdon States shall guarantee to every State in-this. Union a Republican form of Government. But if a State mad• law fully go out of the Union, having done so it may also discard the Republican tbrfn . of Government ;so that to prevent its going ,out it is all indispensible to use every means to' the end of maintaining the guaranty. When an end is lawful ayld obligatory the indispensable means to; obtain it are also laWful and Olir-atory, NO cO3II , uoItISES To ,pr 3TADF , It .nas With deepest that the ExeeTti, tivelound the duty of employing the war power in defence of the GovernMent forced upon Lim. He could- but perform this duty or surrender the existence of the Government. No compromise by public servants coin iirthis ease be :t cure—not that 'compromisescare pot oftin proper - but Met, no popular • Government• can long survive a marked Precedent. That those tvho carry an election eau only save the Giivennmentfrom immediate destruction by giving up the main pOint upon which the people gaye the election. The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own de liberate decisions. Asa private citizen the Executive could not have eonsented.thattlese iiLatictun shall perish, much less °online in 4ta betray al of so vast and so sacred a trust as these free people had confided to - him. He felt that he had no moral right t6"' shrink nor . even to eount the chances of his own life in what 'might follow. In full view of his great responsibility helms so far done what he has deemed his duty. You Will now according io your own judgment, perferm yonrs. Ile sincerely hopes that your views And yodr actions may so accord, with his as to ksure all faithful citizens who have been 'disturbed in their rights of a certain and ,speedy re storation to them under the constitniion and the laws. And having this closen' our murk , without guile and with pure purpose, let. us renew. our our trust in God and f,io'for ward without fear and with manly hearts. • July 4, 1861. i.VIIIZATIAM LINCOLN. ,-- expense of 'War, The war preceding the treaty, a llys wiek, in 1097, cost *120,000,000. 'The Spanish war of I 73 0; settled for at :ANN Chapelle, cost *370,000,000. The war of thei Spanish Succession cost $311,000,000. The treaty of Paris in 1763, ended a bloody struf.r.4le, witieft cost 8560,000, 000. The. ii'ar of American Ilidependenee cost England and this'. country *930,000, 000. The war of ten years, which is known as " the Wench Revolution 0117p3,-7 cost 230.000,000. The war against - the First Napoleon, which began in 1803 and 'ended in 1815, cost the extraordinary amount of 85, 800,000;000. The Crimean war cost i;4,000,000. The last Italian war (not including the hoStilities between. Victor Emmanuel, Garibaldi, 'Bombs, etc,.) cost $47,00! 000 • The last war in India cost Engl p3B, 000,000. - . . More than one4talf the iseases of the human,system are can from the Use of impore Breadstnfl. , and as Saleratus and Soda are the es • ntial properties for using it becoMes übly necessary to be watch ful. He ick Gold Medal Saler atus • the only - perfectly healthy to be r "ed upon, Try .one paper, and you -trill ..Convinced what we say is true. • Never use Soda if you Can procure, this article. Go to your Grocer and get a paper. Depot 112 Liberty Street, New 'York. ZO"I'lle Charleston 31erdury, in speak ing of the letter of London Times Russell ino- which he asserts -that the people of the South desire one of the 'royal race ofEng l and to rule over them says there are but two. monarchists in the whole State of the South Cardillo ' one of whom Js a lawyer in Charleston, Jan* L. Petigru t and the other an eccentric planter. N —lt is reported thUt Mr. Blair haS been appointed a Brigadier General, and Gen, era! Lyan a Major General. The 'one - is a soldier—the other a., politician. In the opening of his speech, the .other evening on' the. occasion of his serenade, Mr. Bh4ii• said—"l am no military • Have we a Senate who will save oqr - troops frorn being - fed' up to butchery - by -knell Gen- 4,--A Mau was arrested in , -New York the other day and taken. before a piagiS• trate, who reprimanded - him for speaking dkrespeeicully of the President. THE .MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. TraiB-$1:60 PRICANIIIVX. IN. ADVANCE. • dx:. 04ikit.. 1 imProcmi, EDITOR, PUBLISHER , AND PROPRIETOR MONTROSE; TEIIIIBDAY, JgLY 11 1861 n UNION, p3m:lllofamemxptrerrcs AND ALL THE LAWN. •Anfictu 1. - =-Congrnsis shall make, n law 'ABRIDGING TIIFI • .FREEDO3 OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS -Constitution of the United States. OLD HICKORY vs. OLD ADE. . ‘ ,'"•It In well known that there have alwityl been thee amongst un *lto wish to entered the powers of t be genera government; and experience would seem I...lndicate the there In a tendency on the part of this government tcrove. step Old houndarlem marked ouifor it by the Conntittition. lie legitimate authority fn abundantly nufllcient for all th purporen for which it wan created ; and its powers bein exprensiv enumerated, there • VAN BE NO JOST), VA DION FOB (ILA !BING ANYTHING BE YO S 1 THEM. EVERY attempt to torYrcl.e "Oyer Oi these limits . 1 , 40 , thi lie' ItItallITLY .4.21 , 1) FIRMLY i OPPOSED. For one evil example, will Wel lead to ' onrerettres still .110.111:' MIS CIMINVOUS ; and If the priu l - ciple or constructive power,t, or sopponed advantages, on temporary eircumetances, eltall ever be permitted to Jun-,' tit). the assumption of a power not given by the Cpuntil I teflon, the general government Will before long nbsor • • ell the Moven of leglnlatiOn, and you will have, in effect . lint one connolidated government. , c-:Andrew Jackson' Farewal Address. M. , 'Read It all, earefullY. • -ao .• If snch a etrugglebt once begun, and the cltliena o one section of.tho country are, arrayed In arms against[ those of nnothcrin doubtful conflict:let thetettie rrmdl tue, it may.. 7'HERE WILL BE AN END of the VA - 10.5_,r1 and with it to the hopes qfgreedom.. The- rictorrof the' Jujured would not secure to them he blessings of liberty ,4 would cream , their wrongs, but they would 'Memoir, , share in the COJIMON nut.r.--Jack.on%! Farewell Addrae. •Stufieute clenigning to attend the Ilinghattiton Com mercial College, on hear of noniethlno of practical value,' by calling at or nddreneing this office. r. 1 - We give a brief report of buttlnees tranactlons In. Congrese, and will print more iletaile In future. ra.77 . l.Vity IP it that tho,Ae ho take the lead in charging' " treamn" upon Democrats, and threate'ning them with, mob violence because they cannot endorse all the words and ris id:Lincoln and his managers, are the loudest In condemnatieVeven threatening therewith overthrow . .. An answerils solicited: ' Friday, the colored people of Montrose .were marching through the stroete to martial music, and When they Caine In front of the telegraph office, where it wdni announced that Grow had bin elected Speaker, a halt' was made meth rce cheers given for Grow; and then 3 for Wllmot,iti Illicit both seseS,and children, Jolli ed. It is aways proper that any paity should inhibit an endoreenaent oftheir immediate representatives. 2-711 — The 'President's Message will at tract attention, and should' be - carefully read: As a production, in point of schol arship and .statesmanship, it is like other emanations from the same source, crude— but is the best be can give, and we should be satisfied. Captions fluiltfluding,; in thesetitne!i, would be out of place, and every man shOuld read it with unbiased feelings. The arguments for the perpetu ity of the I:Ilion, against secession, A7c.,, will be appreciated by all excepl,sOuthern rebelS and northern . flinatics, who, under the _tuition of. the Tribude and other auti.: • slavery journals, have been led to believe WA - there exists a right to secede- from the Uniott. The cool up0101.7,y for viola final of the Constitution, by asking Con gress to sanction it, opens the way for any degree of anarchy Which a despot may choose to inaugunate. The habeas corpus disciisse4l.;, and the- idea ad vanced that the President may suspend it. This is in conflict with the best .English and American authorities i but he elitire iy conceits the dartgynnlS question hour ! ". the" country, which -is, =whether he citn authorize inferior military inn to do- sp at their pleasure. .• Ii he had refrained front saying any thing about-- " those who had power to carry .an election;-" being'able to .suppress rebellion, he would - have shoWn more seise ; he were obliged to rely -up on the Tarty that elected- him- to sustain him now, his chances would be doleful.— And when a majority of his army are those who, opposed his election, such a remark is a gross outrage upon the country. '. Ile seems, so frilly indoctrinated With the old dogma of somehow getting slavery a.coUrse extinction,'.' that he can not refrain. from talking about: taking "artificial burdens from the shoulders of all trip." • Thos'e Who support the war from abolition impulses will thank him : for' this broad knt, but others prefer to hear of no such plots., His partial promise that the:federal goii erinnent•will not enlarge its powers and encroach upon -- the liberties of the people after the war is over, is very kind, but al together needless. The " rights of the States and the people under the Const . Lion," are pretty plainly set forth derstood, and it makes no, whether ins " understandi, er changes or not; low' no man to co g" of them et-- , ttc PEOPLE will al , rol. them to girit such ay choose to embrace. Referee is made .to," compromise," and he ' again he seems unable to!com, pr end any other idea than that it would '. ffeet his .party=and they will doubtleSS take this a finality on the subject.. , Per; haps the Lonly compromise which - coutl he no* available would he to allow the peo ple(o/ to Make some fair, national settlement I f of the slavery hobby—and this they will. rcio very proMptly, if. allowed to. This . I•tvould'not. affect tlOntegrity of the ger. Ornment, nor-interfere directly with the war ; but it would 'disarm intermeddlers at the North , In(ru r ,ive - tile true Union men ... • 'at the South a powerful argument-with which to prosecute a. vigorous Union agi tation, that _would soon entirely, uridei. I -mine the secession dogma in the border I. 1 states, and,. spreading into, the cotton I states, result in scattering the Confeder.. ate' armies to their homes. Meantime the federal army could take its own course, - lbut it - would find'nefee to fight, and would, bear that Davis mid his •eabinet Stood. alone in 'their glory, or-rather that they bad fallen—fled front want ofsuPport.-7 Tims,this, crazy rebellion -. would- meet a bloodless . extermination ;.' the stale bone . of contention be •removed ; . the country saved. from a terrible . war,. and restored ito Peace, permanent unity Tld-pfesperi.. ty ; and .our white people could in ftaure , talk and vote upon.. such questions as con. Coned themselves, instead otthe negroes. . Perhaps such sentiments are ":treasona. I ble" under. the nowitaiidird, •but.,a, true- Ihei . ited people respinid ,to them leadenly I neVerthelcsi, . . opinions as were ibSeitlfroraiowntin the •4th, ~kut - learn ! ! that , the _ day. ..passed oit pleas4ntly,:Witb no occurrence to -serious . li:distneb peire of the lOw a . The eel . . ebration came og.iccerdimi to'prOgranune theOratiOn of Mr. WU' dim; is spo ken of ns beingyery eloquent and able.— May all futilre recurrences of this Nation al Pay; be observed only with thoughts of National Unity, Peace, Harmony, and Prosperity ! = editor'a the Montrose Democrat announced a few that Mr. Grow was •".squelched." The announcement is quickly followed by, the ele‘tion of Mr. Grpw as Speaker of therfouse of .Repre sentktives—one of the highest ,and most responsible positions in'the'Government: But the Democrat editor's flicts are as un reliable us his patriotism."--,-Repub/kan; • As I,SUAL the its. base ef libel us,. Makes up a falsehood, but dares not quote. WC .never made any siichminouncement, butAhis sfluibis-mrin uthctured•out of a newk item iu our col; micas sonic weeks since, in which dblack republican . neiviononger, suggests 'certain results which did not comp about—the triuMpli'of Blair and - Forney over Grow: and Etheridge. The blackguards who contribute to our neighbors Columns have a clear - field,, . ;,"There . will-be a camp meeting in the maple - grove .near_ Lynn, &trill , ' the , coming season. / =l:===l lIA NAGAZlNE.—TieJuly•ntftob er of Harper is capital, and ; proves tltat however much the war may have inter -11. Ted with- other literary enterprises; it; has hadsno (fleet on _this universally popu lar Magazine.. of With part V. of "A Summer in jN e w-England," , which de ..scribes the White Mountains, with the aid of a number of Porte-Crayon's most spirit ed illustratiOnsl Mr. T.- Addison arils. also contribqes an article. on New York and', its. vicinity • illustrated with numerous pretty wood engravings 'from his own drawings. Anthony Trollope's novel of "Orl4 Farm," and Thackeray's "Philip," are cOntinned. The tales, poet ry and • other articles,_ are good and the' several editortl : departmentsare well sus tained. The "Editor's Drawer" has a new; feature, in the shape of numerous humorous sketches, 'which add point to the anecdotes . they illustrate. Wilkei-Barrean Prisoners Lieut. Colonel Bowman and E. 11. Chase esq.;of . Col. A. Emley'm Regiment (the Bth PMinsylv:Mia,) froin Lnzerne county are in the hancti of the: rebel g, The fol lowin fr ,, rn the ..k..ranton BepiAlican will explain :. • . . • B9WIIA ',i AN() CHASE.—AII fears for the safety of these gentlemen may be dis missed. Colonel Emlev, of the Eighth Ile: 41110 A, has jreceived a letter from'Col: Bowman, dated Richmond, Va., Jane 22d in which he 'Says ; " Myself and ME Chase were arrested on Wednesday- even ing. 113111 instupon.the hights opposite wiiii:wisport,. Md., by a jacket of the rebel army horseifian. The . same night we were ;lisp:itched under guard - to Win che,ter. Va., arriving there at five o'clock p. in., ~ f Tharsday. Tuesday . night, ;un der no ,ward, but under our written pa role, we were geua to these headquarters, aiTiVing in'this' thy at four o'clock -p; m. yesterday. We hz•ve been. treated from. the first-moment Of oar arrest with the utmost courtesy, and have the liberty of the. eity tinder ~ parole. The only incon venience we suffer arise from lack of extra elOthing . or the means.of. proehring it.— U ifortunately,! I left my , purse in" my tr ink, and With Ric exception of a few di liars in Mr. ChTie's pocket am entirely w thout finances With this letter' will YMe instenetiOns how remittances may -etch us.. I enclose my draft. Mt . • the iltyoming Bank for Sloo;.And Mr. Chase's il • .T. S. W iller Esq. He wishes you -to dice to your areount; the balance in 1, - or at the ihaiik in Chambersliurg.— lease inform by tinnily, the regithent rid our friend Of my safety:' and health. cannot speak ;too highly of the, kindness Id respect with ;Irina we have been erYwhere mat; 'and the "warin s,yinpa-• ies that hard been extended to us on -" its , -If' 11 ' Ul we letter of the Consti tutio;rolilie riiitel States. It is up : lon ger eoncealed,' : it is boldly- avowed (by after day that the Constitution •must - be invaded, overstepped, or iniother words, trampled upon, in order to carry on :and carry out -this-War. This is corruptiOn of the rankeSt serti. This is the utter aban domnent, of political morality ; -and the country is in the last stages- ofdesiriible -existence, when; good men on whom ire have relied as the supporters of national virtues, tell us tlint the Constitution is not to stand n the Way . Of the President, in 'the manngernent of - our public 'Such men should remember that the Con; stitution is aliove the 'President. • :Igo man swears allegience - to the President, but all men owe it . to the . Constitutien.-•: Aml when the'sleettine becomes popular, as it is to-day4bat in times of great public danger and national exigencies, the char ter of all our political rights•may be disre... ' garded by those-who are sworn to defend it, then our liberties„ are already gone, and the} can be recovered only by such a struggle as it takes to cast Out - devils from one posSessetl..tlrriv York Ob.rrer— . Presbyterian. -Xl4 • —One of the Lincoln- organs in New- York city isliYing to prove that a grent natiooardebt would be a blessing to our country.—lt Would undoubtedly do to .the people hero; just what it .. does to ;the people of the old world-Lhelp tyrants to crush their libprty„ . - • f • - • 'ifterenc© —A despatalifiorp T4ittla Rnek, Arkari. sas July lid, to the Memphis Appeal . says that the 3lllitary Board Hai; issued a prod, amation calling out ton thousand Men to repel invasioWiif Federal troops: . through _Missouri. : • . • • B.kurimong ' ?July • I—fienry .May left Baltimore - on Tuesday last for Richmond whore) he now is. Report aresin circutt, titin in regard him. Pervious to starting he had an interview with. President Lin coln, bu - t whether in connection with his viFit itipot knOWn...r It is said to day that he-was invited to Richmond by Jett Davis and that he is accompanied by two promi nent; PennsylOnions, both friends of the GOvdrument. ' . • . RECORD OF TIE MR. ' Gen. Patters - on' fought a battle near MartinSburg, not far from Harper's .Fer. ry. on' the- 2d. His. force Was some I ,000. A dispatch from him- says: "Left William - Sport at 6 o'clock, A, M. to day for . this place We drove and routed the Hebels .abont 10,000,• strong, with four guns and now, cupy his camp with the loss, gums, to say, of three kill ed =idler' wounted.":i - - Several of the dead and wounded ofthe Secession troops were-left on .the field in their hasty retreat, one Or two of whom Were buried by our men: , • It is said that General St4tt was so much &ratified with.'thrs-: news" that' the ,Pre4ident «•as roused from his sleep to .re ceive it. • 1, . . . The bethelaffair,waS not the onk stance Which-has occurred ,of the Federal troops tiring, into 'each , other. A * comes= pondent of the Cincinnati Gazette *w4es that ".portions of the two. attacking col umns at•Fhillippi actually fired on each other E precisely as the ; federal troops at' Bethel did,- and the fact that they Were over halfa mile apart was all that prewent ed a terrible slaughter." • BA 1.11 MODE, July I.—The.seiinre of the .steamer St. Nichol* *Om this port, - proves to have been a bold piratical'expe i dition: When the steamer left. here, on Friday evening, she had on board about, fifty Secession passengers, most of whom were disguised as meebanics, ,going to points mkthoTMaryland shore of the .PO - Among the number was i eapt. Hollins, late of the 'United. States". ship Susquehanna, who was Aisguised„ some accounts say; as a woman, and that he re- tired to his berth immediately- on going On board the steamer. • • After the boat had Jeff, Point I..Ookont, CaPtain llollins threw off his disguise., and with the aid •of the passengers seized the ,boat, which was itntnediately put` across to Coney river, On the Virginia • side. here • of the passengers, not parties to the plot,•were landed, -in cluding the Captain of the boat, who-Was. placed undera guard; . The steamer then . went on a 'piratical • cruise towards --the Rappahannock-river,' capturing 'three yeß sek on the way, laden 'with ice:. coal and - Coffee, with all of which Captain Hollins made his way to Fredricksburg. The Secession papers. here published 'aceintnts of this affair is evening, calling it a 'brillliant exploit. The acuounts say • that. some .t wo lumared 'Rebels wereplaced on board at Cones*: . One of the most bloodV 'and .de'sperat'e tights we 'have ever heard' of took place . mi the 26th ult. about eleven miles east of Ctunberland, along :end near the Railroafl, between a mounted scouting party 61 thirteen men, under the eOramand of . Cor. poral Hays, from Col Wallace's Indimia Zouaves, and about fortyOrfifty Virginia . horsemen: - •It is reported that the ;rebels ged and were chased a Mile and . tt foline of their men. being killed. After- their pursuit Closed they were attacked.and a . desperate tight ensued ending in a loss ofsome erev en more rebels and one • federal soldier. The report looks eOravagant. • July 2*--A special despatgli to the Commercial, from Pomeroy, Ohio, states that .Col..N:nlon, 'with LSS mcti had just returned from an . eqedition ihto Virginia, during kvhich theyeaptured four. horses, sixteen head of cattle and two mules front the fiebels. ' 1 ' . . Governor `V Ise, with it body "guard of fifty men, titler . Capt. ,Patton had' been fired at by. the. native Virginians, near Sissonville and Wise .and Patton were siipposed . to be mortally .:womided. Forty the guards .were said E to be killed.— Sissonvilk.- is in lianawha -county; 'about twenty miles from the Ohio' river.. The - repbrt is uhdoubteAly true in sub stance, but the wbunding-.of Wise and Patton needs- confirmation. July 7th—The New York Ninth' Regi ment took the cars yesterday afterenonn for Harpelg. w Ver.ry.....they ; reached the Without molestation,-4but_ they„, were getting out of the earn ere- fired' upon by Rebels on the epPosite side 9 1 - the.river. Private 8an . .(0, of -E.Tornpany G . wins instantly 'killed, and 'several Inori; - were badly wtilinded. • . • The Troops (lid not reeyrn thollro_ ST. 7..—0 n the 4 th, say ttralsl officersLithit. Blood's Battalion of 'the Sixth Missouri Regititerre; which went to Iron Mountain on a scouting expditiotz on Tuesday, returned. - They reltort the death - of a ° Captain. and tlfree:ritlYates of the Rebels, in a little skirmiigit near . V allay Forge.. n the 6th inst., the Fede - ra troops surrotiuded -Farmington, . and thorotteriily searched the ;Own, and admin istered the oath to some !fifty citizens. a will-. soon soon inr. . id all the and .shown. a journals XXXVIIth Congresi—War Session , . JulY4--The Senate'We* Called t o tniler by Vice Pre t. Ilamlin at 12. ru. Prevent Yd Ilenautto, inch:ding ttiom• from Del., Md., Ky. and Johnsownt .Tenn. and Polk of 310. New Senator* Line and Pomeroy of KIM t 35,, Brow nlng of and McDougall of Cal.,. were *worn in. . Ifouse—lST members present. On first baltai there wa: • no chothe fn Speaker, and Blair withdrew his name and. many changed to•Grow,llielperite). giving him 09 votes. Etheridge or Tenn. was alerted Clerk, receiving 92 voted. Seiniernilscelleneons hit:lncas was transacted and notice,l &s-en In both houses. - Senator Wilson has oftrcil the follow(pg :• - • • A bill to ratify anti confinn certain; [all the] acts of tth, • President, for the. Siajlpresstatt of Insurrection and rebel f. ion. A hill to authorise the empthyment of vohmteers for enforcing the taws and pmtecupg public property. , A bill to therms!! the present - military establishment of the United States. • . - A bill providing for the better organisation of the A hill to promote the efficiency of the army. ' ' A bill for organizing a volunteet militia force. [lOO,OOOl to be called the Natioital Guard of the United States. 'Chandler has offered a tinge. confiscate the pm`perty of all rebels hding civil office, and of military men abovo the rank of - lieutenant. 'Or An Infamourgag•rnic has been sprung alum the tiouse la cut odall knee proposals. • , rarllie Comet which flret'appOnid about the last,of Anne. Is still vitible near the north stir. It Ls moving with great velocity from the sun, rindtowards our zenith. tall foremost. It caught the astronomers asleep. but le raid to be that of Charles the Fifth, of Prance, A. D.. 1 it. =` 'TREASON'.—"We hope never to live in a repub lie whereof one meettort is pinned to the residue by bayou Ttitrune. Vff — Abotit 100 persons are priaOn ab Waßhington city charged Atith political ottenscA. Ve"" A hank In Georp;•ta havinz: money in the mint. at Philadelphia, the Secretary or the . 'rreasury, notitird the attihneltiee not to pay It oTer. • . L'49"Tho ?Tench, like the End Hob government. intrtni to maintain the 6trieteNt neutrality between the United and Confederau Mates of America. glirThe prize brig iloitertno. , taiceu near Charleston, was brought Into New York on the 3d. virTßAtroxi9.-4n fai4rara - 11 h/Cr_4l l 4 Cham voted, In Congress, to dissolve au Union. They area Abraham's bosom. now. and he had betterbovrare for no traitor can ever be trusted by their vicuna. - M - Friends of Grow Mime that his election to the fipeakervhip was attempted to b4' prevented by a . eorrupt nee of the Piwtoffhw appointment( by the Efalra. and. Forney's tricks. True or not, Prow gained by nec of the charge againet lit rival Thule; - ' la dlaunion."—.D;uoae tut *perch in S,-mate Majoi General McCall .has issued an order directing each"of the litteen -llegi menp of the *time Volunteer cores of PennsYlvania, - to be rai4ed at.otice to the minitntuu - army standard of 10411 officers and'lnen.` A ,force of nearly 4000 with thus be this -already large and effective A0:5 4 ' • M=:l=Z 11==1