DeCia . 2l:l2o7lllo OIL. Greatest l*edg in the Itrorld.for allMilegiBM ) and all ?41N1 Warranted to Mtn - Yrre and ..i.tittit; one day ; - • Calls in nre,minutee; • _ Deaf oca., fu two to. foes days; Burns and &adder in ten Minutes ; florains, It'ounds - and Bruises in from one to three days ; Intlammation la one day -Neuralgia. Croup. Toothache, Dims, to tea =Mutes; ilentoretatcUrroftna , Abscess, In tm, days ; Bruhtes,WOnnaa; Tease, in *pa to three days; - Dtraehe.,Stif Neck. Agne. in one dal ; ' ,Felons, Broken Steam, Sat Rhona, iron days, rineY, Palpitation. Pleurisy, In one to ten days; /thins, Gout, Ernirocitta, ha are to twenty days Frosted Feet' Cialblidna. Stiff Joints, chronic. amen madam. Bore Throat. Scarier Feecr, and the lame made to walk, by a few bottles. This OIL, (De Grath's) is mild and pleasant. and is a great Pamily Iledletuctor children teething de: Ladles Fhonld aft use it. It always leaves ton better than it Inds you, and one bottle often cures entirely- AFFtICTED rz.arts,, AND '!CtritiD LC (iNs wuzx , . . Bead litter from Eer..lames Temple. Pirmanstaisu; Znsienth, la . Prof.De Guartt: betebeimallictedforthirtreu years wjtb Neuralgia and other painful complaints, and I bare been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for =yaws vast. Lastweek 1 gut a bottle ofym' Elec. IIE. ;The drat night I slept soundly and well, and to day ton like a now man. Ity wife could not beliesitter eyes. You Electric Oil has done In one week What the physicians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years. Gratefully 'ours. RUT. JAZIES THYME, 110 Aonth street DEAFNESS - CURED. Igzer filers, May lOth, Prof. De Grath 34 brother has bemt deaf for 3 sears. After , trying many things. he need y our Oil a few times, and ft eared him entirely. I eI4FEORD R. SCRANTON. filitroreale by elfDtmenisii, and at the Depot. Mt 8 0 11 0 Pgiqbet. febk 3m cy DO YOU WA:NT WMISKSIUS I •• r DO TM 'WANT WHISSERS 1 DO YOU WART A KL4TACUE 1 DO YOU WANTA MUSTACHE? I8eLLING11•111 9 5 I Celebrated • ,oicOLlir P I I For the Whiskers & Raft - c imbacribers take nleurare armormeinito the eitieent of the UM* State,' Out the 7 have obtained the agency for, sedate hoer mulled wider to the American ?O t t the above jnatly celebrated and world-renowned s The Stimulating Onguent to prepare d by Dr, O."P . Reilhantard, an eminent phyd. etaso London, and is warranted to Dried out a Mick set of Whiskers or a Mustache , to from three to viz erects: This article is the only one of the hind need by the Freneh,nnd in London and Yetis it IskitrunlYerall nee. ft Is a bestitiftsh . ecouotnical, soothing. yet stimulating sedng as if by magic upon theroots, causing =um growth of Inmi rtifit hair. If applied to-the fr'ieM cane "bildiiiesi add acre to sprijig up in place of the bald spota a tine growth of new hair. Ap plied according fo directions, it will tam red or wiry hafr Wk. and restore gray taii'm its miens' color. lea attic .ittiott, suaooth,arsi flexible. The " - Ongeinar is an indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and et tet one week's use they would not for any consideration. b 4 oat it. . . lbealibteribere are, the only agents - for the article in the United Stales, to whom all orders most be Wrote ed. rtfee:Ono Dollar a box—for sale by all Druggists and Dealers; or abet nitre " Onguent".•(warranted to have tha desired effect) wilibc seat to any who desire it, by man '(dircet), securely packed. oa receipt of price ana postage, $1 App gddress IIORACE 1320131A1f ,A CO Druggists, fee.; ttib't 2 Sy William Street, New Tort. PATENT MICA LAMP . CHIMNEY. Lztithiip . Clihnifey that will nOt i ßt'eak ihsenilon commeada itself .to se'rerr one, rtutUVDAS. WI. LAMPS. It g•tres more light. ti Elea* eleartinpand sill t broakby bhat or eolda In, or arty ordinary ' no usage For sale by Storekeepers liv throngbnat the r. S., and% the Cahadaa, aad irUolcsale by the Ifiumfacturcra mud Pateeteea HOIS\2%'O k ErIYMPII)I3Y. 1 , 70 W.I. Semid Strain; P't;Tha. B, d I,r,:e and saporlor mock of coma- csui „Frjazialio is 2.IAVZSIS Ola hand, at pricasdefsing cotn- Austin:. _liriwo the Por?land Cod Oil, at nuntinieurers• • pilot. • marl •Pir ATIMIGATION ORD! . ..3" tad-DOOR ABOVE _acj !KM prßuc i.errrally are informed that a FREE tx nun nos- is given at all hours - of the day, of NEW OW; of all antis, viz:. _Dress Goa of Summer Prints, Porlias, in Italie:nit, cheap Bishop talons. Brfiliants. Book, Bard. Jatonetts and Sines Lad'ies' Collard and Shoved, Dltnitr, Slaraellica. lkforeens, Fond. tare Bruita, Ker.tucke Jearat, Nankettos.'Sunamirr Stuffs. Gents ShSrti. Cotton Drawera, Collate, Cravate Neca-ties. Suspenders. A nese and larce ISt of LEAALIIER-WAR — E, cach L as Gaits Fite Calf &K . .) te—goOd also heart - ano light... Shoes, Splendid Latlies.Gaiters tram S to IS shitlings' warranted to dt. White, Bilawn. and Black HOSIERY. Paraeols and Labellers, Band Boxes and Work Baskets. 32/1.1.1 1 ,! - 3a133.. and Sperm. Atiantaidine and Tallow Oandlea, Banat. and Japaned Lamers, Wash Boards and Coffee Mils, White. weak Ihrtothea;Bed. Cordittlfeet long, whittled and spring e.otbee Pins. Pine and CEDAR RAMS, betides a PIII.E.Of 11401111,2 Valle, •of emir Tait*, among whichare Tapir° and Corn Starch for &clout; puddings, •eato Tartar, Sodalttarettfialeraraa Quin: Oil, Epsom Sal* Black and -Scotch Snuff, and lets of tilinpl which won't do to read about, but pleat* to tall. examine and fa& (WW. We are readysnd wMing to 'heti. Goods, even though they myna suit ; end thankful for small (Onus. CATLE:Ft. yy 9C/ 4 8. bikre a bottic of the eltfiling ILalr Tonic, It '1..4 Note ea !es ' , ref sbook cp. • TTLFIt'S. 3IONTROB . . .24‘379114 7e80.• •-•— THE SUBSCRIBER, lIAN 7 1 - G FUR ta. awed the stock of oared by A. N. .13VLLART), takes this F method of informing "ghat who take the farpr-Ts." that :tra stoat has a.mro been' removed to. .the old stand, below the 3l:llexracbcorrat" . o.l2lcre o -wham I.t will -be most happy i tworait upera those • who may rgror him with a ca. • ANY BOOK LBLISU (ard in prat) can be a:4IIDM byleavior yortz cirdArk with the Fict of the book and publiaber'• wane at the dtnk: Aleo,, any article In the -Book and 13tegoncry" lino OFFICE. NEWS Velem - es. Atlantic. of any of thepoiiititflilataziorg of the day. - F. Y Ledzet. N. Y. Weekly., Mots•uri, cl ! pner. Spirit, and alf the IllostrathA Paperd for !‘..ths.. Eza: nvm kr: aupptied. SCHOOL BOOKII-'-All the old aid new editions. ELA.ItE BOOBS -A very woe astortreent.. CDTLERY.-Tir top ristiolo of Amman. • . GOLD RENo-Var F i ne ones , Ladies t Gents,' u 1.. KY-A-W. Sermon's and others. . XINTMCIES- (Irri-'3IE ClALX.lMOrtidttrill endetzsor ro NA. hare "a tinaie ere to flat interest." and OM to 1103 , CAM TOUR. t't HMO , 33. Sint T 33. 31osTscist, PA., SepturabAr ~ 1 r -frE/J.S Delleion Tonic Stimulant. Especially designed' - & for the use of the Medical erofesclon and the Family, 1 baring sUpencodud-Abe ao called "Cordial, - : , 'Atedleated.7 "Se-haaPPs: - etc.: Is bO , ett domed by all illeproaiieent plirslcians, chemists-and con • el.seuN, as Ixpe.reseiug,alt thaw, "uvrattasily ordicinal I vlafit ire (tot& and diuretic) orblcb talon Inin.o LP and ; I'LlltE3lll.ti. - Put apin Aran bottliisiind 410 aioti atidGrocera. etr,. [Established in Sole Proptirtorp. oit4 yt No. lit armil fitreet. N. Tor sec at "furrelte Drug 'Store. -5/013t-rolk SAVE yIIII . PIECES ! , ' LIPE ' 3IEMORLIL - S' • - E. 4 70105 1" ! - .- 74 :-."?t,,... r , '(rg;"l:_ ; """ . '],•.... " DISPATcti i '1 WOULON'T TAKE A WORLDIOR THlk' ,:. ~.., -:pir-A ST#olor4Tput,WAysiNnit."4ll- „ Is' incidents will ba - ppeti; 'even iri well ,reptiated WM a laq'yomarliod 1. , .!..14 it day .Z)r t*it,:ailikt , . ia ;' pee, It's very desirable to have some clieap and coneem ••ient way fortejtalyinjulanit are ; torts:stocker? : dm slte eXikatiteti the pirtrail of an C.04.i!1i013., - etire - ~ SAILDLIITS PSEPARED Garß ' to the ' splri?. titit.". u hick srAlaHillaa-.4st .''''' . ~ via, i L .. ... , Alli. .. _• t • ISt= t.. 'l ' alai r ; "Asalanr" . 21 w 4 01 -7 ltungfwrissit, and no Itiousabold'etti atratd .;I:tr2Z33llllstr.- - 11 , .. V ,htet MG - 7%4= utfiten . :Sew 'ork with a c.% OiCe " I ing t°l6s polat. - ' 't"ila*lkra readY"waliPu4b**Uk - - -. "''' Q • '-'• • •- -. '" : ' - -' 1 " -- ..::'- i ; .rklallaillaTalag.Voloo. l lol l lll4t white; i . .f' -* . ' 111111/1111 . MUNI 1. : ...tiz_ .. . - • . .. - .. ........ 2 . , 12:45/4T/7/ , LitzlizE rdes y . Horms.” : / Y. 15 - 4 Mud . _pia eaelt Bottle* W ee us • ! ceuta..V.-Addstia,;%Ft .s - •• ' . . . ... , tketto , 6ollld. tkret it - iiliCV;anliettieti :is 1164 t°hutt li k ilwr "" arig°4t M e 4 4 . 7l . qnitileith 1 ). -.;;; ,, .t, , , - v:-;:- -%. /4-r.M=.stivv-LXvlrllrprii... this psecliona - .:1009-eal ettliSitstikWorre' So i BAINIIINA l ' i ?-6 1 . 4478 , 1 i. , .t.. 1,5 ,--7,.... . ..4-"---Agr- io Ir. ' . thought: 14 . : i 11 1 41 e loved Brien tioi 'Always i It' 1 , i r7:=,.- .: , - .. with UK, and %chile w i elr i ( . 4t,thil i roling,. . e i eri i as . .., . s . ...1.8 certata aupriacipledperatins are attemstinvo palm d auyse ti eee . sh e j °4 4 '"? . . o . lh;llitreloectinupnOlie.imitations or my Preßarel 'I I LOI Bhould annum such a memorial ; especialli 1 k e r l d' t i t a i l i cti ti t ci f eesi li r ce. b , : iye P e r see h ee " met raj , te & pre i ebs t: ing... . L id em =4kt/ e mu: i ns tzealrine before pne sinee they ear !Inv. theni SO truthfully taken I , v- ', , / , tt a .,,,...,,. 1. , : ~ r: i , ~ .. 1 n Tun i p,... ~f- Bil „ . ~..rh/ ; .. ...tti c i, a4e Melted to eall and sramtne berit, ' VI r'S:PADING'S PREPARE/1 fiL ur.....a 1 e ~5 it..., opposite Mnit - - Sel , mn ~ ...-, e nd floor • 1 _Main 'ts nett, out, ' , l -."-• •• • 1 '''t•Qa- . acv •., -1.; .. il , '' - •• • ' • '• • IPP.: r,.. I o , tior9are s..itvlitne , etal . . 4.414111 u•rfun,? . , ~ , . . . .•'• . \ . moNiFiti f fst 4 14tiktN A • T lrg, u 4iteriberb s o 4 ,pitrchise A „ • reflect atulneetlyttruished the B bore well taosannd popular Hotel, frepirid;to••secnannedite the tray sling , public and other, withtd> the-intention and conveniences nadaltq found ite first-els s Houses. No effort Will be-spareathy-the Pro• prielln and` tei4isaitit We Hotel equalin every point to any in the rto**l7. The Dar Will always be isuppituitulth tto Choicest Liquors. _ The Stables, connected with this Nouty' are large, roomy and eonveniemt, nude:4ol4f an , ' att en ti ve.Rosdera are always in - ciiiitta of them J. S. TARRE'LI. COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE. incited aver:the sarataehaznitVaney Blab; BINGHAMTON N. Y. CV.l.A*ELL,Yriniipsi, PrOiessor _or the ta Science, of Aixotinis, •Praetiesl Accountant ;, Author oflLowelPs Treaites upon Book• Kee p; invniagrstns illoitriti . tbe,sarne: .` Joni: Aestiont.ant, PrOfes'r of Bouir Xenping -- and•Praiticil Mathrixiaticis. J. J. Courts; Assistant Professor in the Book Koeping DePirtnient' •`. . • J. WArkia, ProfessOr of 'Praeticat and Or— • namental :.Penaiana4ip, Commercial Caleul a- Hans and 'orrespondenre. ; ' • LECTURERS* flop. Daniel S. Dickirson, Vectorer_on Coritmor. CiAi Law and Political Economy. • - lion. Rats* Balcour. Lecturer, on . Contacts. Promissory Notes and Billet of Each*. Res Dr.'t. Andrewl,lpectitier - on Commtrcial Ethics. EIAIiYIf !MG -covorrirEE: /foe. Shernian D..:Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy a:Morgan, Eau. The objpet of thia‘Collep i* to afford to an an opportunity of obtaining*. thorough gininese Education. - Thu. Bride and Forms are.carefull arranged by, praiticsi seconiltants exprirsisly for' tbie in. caution kid embrace all the recent irriprovc triPhta: The. conies of 1 instinCtion c, ,, tnprises, overt department of buibiesE The learner dill be thoroughly„taughf, the +Kleppe and praCtite of Double Entry .Book 4eeping applied. to the following lOnde einbasitiees, • viz : General bier. chandisingi' Manufacturing, Banking. COlll6lll. Aim; S:eathboali4, Railroading, F d rs arding, Freighting; Foreign Shipping, 3,0. , `- - ...' ' .. tODNG-MEN . • Cali tinaltlY r3irmaele4inei short timi, at thia Institu tion, to nit important end lucrative el cations. Ample references can hegira.* where graduat e of 1860 are now filling desirable simatihnatiith salaries tram $5OO - to $lOOO per annum. = - . 1 ' ' 'rhePromiators aredeptweraton of testimonials &Om someof that - tat Comnimutai Rouses In the state, to whom the furnished bPok-iteepere, elmwing their, entire tale t lea abd reeedimmain the ability orthe graduates Air thim -Inatithticat. 1 • .: - •, ' . timillign. -. . I i all Its Drailehes, is' tby the niost Main] and their . - ant, masters of the No College in the country en joys a higher mutat , ninthie dewMent. Ladies' lDe partment sublimely te ltom tWof-thegentlereen. Students ma enter College at any time. No• vacations. Time to complete thaw:arse, from S. to If) weeks.. Stu dents passing the ralluisite eainninatlon aro- Presented with the most elaborate -ebd elegant engraved Diploma tuned by ally Commercial or Classical Institution in the Union. AaMstanee Wondered to graduates in procuring allitstione.,l , 1 . For tends oof tuitign, Arica. of board, testimonials of graduates Milne positionaote, address the proprietors for eirenlara containing /till particular& •• • ~;-,, i, LOW - ELL & WARNER, Prerprietoraßbaglitamton Commercial College, Noe. 8, • 160.--,y 1 Binghamton, N. Y. ' KE Y STONE HOT-EL ) At Mbntrose, Penn. WM.It.. H ATCH , Proprietor... „ 1r .,: pets an d commodious Hotel situated . on PiNi, A+nue, near the Court Houee,iind nearly in the Ceritse of the husiness portion of btontrose4 is nolfu'lii completed and furnished, , and was inlet:led on- Monday, the alth day. of Sefocrnhe'r, 18b , for the accommodation of. the publie and t . velem,. The Proprietor feels Is eonfident4hat h is now prepared to entertain guests info -niann r that cannot fail to give • Cum to Satibthation. ''. ' The Wptel and Furniture are nisW, and no ex..: fornoir h2O been 4parid - to render it equal, if not superior to any similar estahlishmentin this part of the Scate. It is well supplied with all the recent iniproverakta and comforts, and obliging waiters will alsity/ be readyto respond to the call . of cdstomeri. . . Tile gables , titonn . peted with this firms° are Old IlNinveidalit4:: - '46 PisTriiittoi'veispecifulry solifeittithe !intim :le urbikeld frtiudoo t apd the-public generally. WM. K. HATCH. • I 1 0 1“ EtCgirtlfAVE'S ciii#Ao K OF tr KtofirrYja, !_. ,:_- , Lugs; COMPLAINT, , . wEAKN[Esta,gr. ANY KIND, ' ; • , !. ,-.• • • !FEVIRAND-ACUE- , • • I An. 00 canoes affections reatiegnent upon a tboiderao fIT 0 iILIL C 11:011 LIVER,. .p,,eb!.indirgion,.keidity of thatikitnach,Vollityrsina r fiaartbuni. , Linn of Appetit*, Stistaadeiorr,jaoatleinso, DNA and Iliessil millet. In all Nervous, Metunatin and . Nenesinfo Affections. it has In tiltalevon lists:wet pawed nighty bent:seta% and In otbesi offeetod a *hied cors na• it* pureirreffstahle etOnPoPnif ;Mena_ on debt i wits:Me fainelples. slier dm soluniar ar Ow oelehrstad ilanend Protease, Bonham Its omutatiOn at boine pro iinceil its iotrednetkm hers, the demand eomtneadna with, their of the :Fatherland scattered.orer . the fin* of this . mighty am:try:man of arta= brought with them and handed down the ,O its maw Eta T ep t ivi oot a. 'A rtwarton. r - ' kw . o±L A ttat . At Owt . , . s y t l / 44,, wysikitio hetet ' - It: to - partienlatiy iwocintuthOia . whom pii.t. cowAttotioormay Loss hawk bapatrod to . the wroth:wow UP) of ardont spirits; or bee-forms of Cawikattio. Odastilfy instatitatoottain effort,. it float its wax awdly 4s the of ttitill* wad quickemlns every terra, night np,ith• I*. niAsktualt4, in Emi t hatnaing ostrlialtlioadatgar In the system. .NOTZZ,...Arboorbe Anode to In 4 &Mow Wino whl to Illamolitted, 4 but to the it*. Weak and kw sildritsd, I, . wlll prows A grateful "rani& notiffil, twassamidnfaitsplait :1116AD - 9AREFAILLY.I , T. A:kW* bisigy.-aocoomtonod Bettarolt / 11, 4 4141 it tat tts , fa battle.. bottler taily,^amd retold it Oas PoilasrpreW.O.N ar_au banks txrmaDattAsh .rbe pant 4•l2: in g is t r. tida truly4diebratad Itodteia boa tasharad way- - ',Ad* Ilha•pdakt thositiaset who Panhalt. art la ma:it (V tuirapea. Sao that our *.—oe lb, "44°,11314 “ . ti Sala try Drt.;=*Ames« , troi:t BENS4an-PAGBOIt.itt4IO. t 1 - :•; tiliatinactutistis and Chembitti: ot; A - Theto 8i74.R6 ate Ida iiaiiiiitroee by 4 , " 4 y " ' ABEL TURRELI, Prupvisf. CURE pia Ogad r u it vir 4 CURE `‘ve NervoutHeadache 4 1 71 CURE 7 41 kind niA„:1I1,;11 ehe HOU nee Of Mete Paraiba peclotileattacksof Irervms or sin swam. may, be prevenbrd and If taken at the comnieneement of an attack..' immediate relief tam . Pain and slcittosa will be obtained: They eeldom fail In removing the ;Valuta and Ifiadacbe to which females are t...) subject. They act gently upon the bowela,—removing Clastireneu. For Literary Men, Sheave+, Delicate Females, and all prams lot sedentary Write; they are valuables. a lazatire, intaroldngthe applitergiVlngtone and vigor to the dices. the omens, and .restoting the natural elaitleity and strength of the whole system., - The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long Investi gation and careftillv conducted experiments. basing been In use many ye daring which tlme they have prevented end relieved *mud amount of pain ,and Kuffeeing from 'lleaddche, whether originatl •-• In the , meant/ system or fromaderaugtd etateof the; They are o.ntlrely . vegetable In their composition, and avmbe taketrataUtimes with perfect safety without mak ing iurychang, e ot dlet, and the dance pinny disagreeable taste routeriiteasy to administer them Leda/drat. Beware of Counterfeits. Shegenitals hive Ave eignatnres of Henry C. Spalding onsach box. Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medicines. A box will be sent by mall prepaid o - pfecelpt of the Woricie 88 Che•Oites. All orders shonid be addressed to i HENRY tt. ziraLiDING; •0•12•§•11, 48 Cedar Strry Now York. TILE FOLLOWING ENDONStIIENTS OF gRAILMIBUT3 CEPHALIC PILLS, wig. (*Wing .kr.z wno SUFFER FROM HEAPACIfF, TU&T A SPEEDY AND SURE CU RE. IS WITHER THEIR REACIIf • As these testimonials were unsolicited .by Mr. Spalding, they afford unquestionable proof th'c egeacy of this truly . scientific discovery. ' -0--- .1/...sowertus, Co.,ngx Feb. 5, Ant. SrAt,wasei. • But : Ihavetried.your deplane Pills, and I life Them- so well that I %Taut you to gestate #2 worth mote. . • Part of these are for the neighbars, to whom I gave a few out ofthe first box I got from you. • Send the Pills by mail. andoblige : . • Tour on suet. JAS. KENNEDY. . ; Ilaverford,,Feb. 5. H. r. Spiadias t : Sir: I wish Ton to shod me one more box of so n r Cephalic PIM; ,I bars metre a peeot deo; O'Dea/Vm ViCl. , . 'fours, reepectfulle. • - ANA" WrOTEHOUSE, ' Spruce Creak, Huntingdon co., Pa, Jan. Hi, You will tflease sedate two how of yoor Ppla. Send Him immediately, Re 'feet fratt bur, szmorth. - P. S.—l hate wed 072 d b o e r your PM, and And than excellent Bello Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 25. Ilenty C. Spalding, Esq.. • , • Plaseliod 'enclosed tliedtpllvo cents, for scialeb send die Another-box of your, Idenbalic Pills. 'They -are truly the best. Direct • A. STOVER. P. Bens Vernon, Wynadot c9utity, Ohiq. Beyerly. _limit., Dec. 9. U. C. Spalding, Esq. I wish for soniecirculani or large show bills. to bring your Pills more particularly customers. If you have anything 'of the kind, please send thetn•to me. • One of my customers, who is subject to a ' , ever.- sick headache. (usually lasting two days), teat curial of as at fockin an . our bit yourPiNe. which I sent her. . Rupectfally ronrr, • IV. B. WILKES. nernoltinburg, Franklin C 0... Ohio, t • January 9... . 48 entlar titreat,ll. Y. . -• ; • Dear Sir : , Inclosed and twenty -lire coats. (Z.) for which Pend tne holt of -cephalic pills." Direct to Rec. Wm. Filler, at Recnoldsburg. Franklin county, Phi°. Four Pilld work likea charm--cure headache almopt infanta. ' Truly youni, Wm FILLER. . . ~ ~.....-,.......--, ' , -• • • . Tod!mitt, Mot., Jail. .1. • Mr. Spa:any. . Slr . •,. -Mot hmg Once I lent to yOn fora box all Cephalic rills for the cure-of the - Nervous headache and Costiveness. and received the iunns, and they hqtp#o good an OM I warinctetestrto.ioul for snore. • - rleasl send by_retnn2 mall. Direst to - A. - R. WHEELER, . • • .' Tpallanti, Micb. From the Cp .Eiretniiner.: .Worfolk . Vo = pitsh liciobfeit . for vihicli they vete rande,vict cthre'of lies'Otaitte. in all Ito forme. . . Nritattner, - . 4icirfolk; Va. • They have been tested lu more teutn s thousand um , . With eatire euccess. _ _ , . • 'Frnrri the Derniterat, St. Clolrci. Minn. .Ifyon are, ar have been troubled with the headache. send for a box of cephalic pills, so. that •lon may have tbeai to ctlee of an attack. rr9m the Advetlisri% Prclviclenrr, R. L The CeplialicPMv_are said to be a remarkably effectiTe remedy for the headache. and one of tbe very beat Tor .dry fregneut complaint- which bae ever been, dlt covered. • . From the Western li. R Gaiette, Chieajo. We brainy indoise .Ir. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cegliallt Ptus • Froni the Valleq Slur, hollowly, Va. , We arc Aorithat pcnone Fufferlng With the 'headache, who try Mtn', will•etick to theta: • Frant' the.eat4. 'Finder, New Orleans, LO Try them! you that are edlitcted, and me are aarn that your testimony cat be added to the already numerous list that.,,haa recedrpd benefits tbrit no other medlclne eau produce. From the St. Louis Democrat. • The IMMenge deliand for the article' fcephaliC pill,) it rapidly increaaing., 'T'er.;nl-lAe• Ortzeite,lictitentort ez roa , a: xi..SpilitingscOnid‘not connect his name iiith an ar ticle be did out know to 'waltzes teat merit. Ifirbm.:the Advertiser, Providenci,j?. Theielithioni Is strong, trion'the most respertableitttrters. From the Doily—Veit; „Newport, R. I. Cephalic MIDe are taking the plaoe or all kinds. Ili - AAlec bottle of SPAM . ',o:"Crg PREPARED GLUE will gave ten times 14i cost' annually...fa SPALDING'S PREPAItED GLUE! SPALD'G'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALInibrii'REPARED GLUE ABEL TURRELL Htsorgerceltvirof tactutrbrrea-ot- ever altered in Orli Market. The quality of nearly 'every thing good; all wanunted as represented. Terms; Ready Cad and Low Prim , . A geneml ideaot the stock may be formed from the following enumeration; Davos, , Meracunts, • Cuantcara, PAINTS, OILS, Vlip4lBllßll, 'Winnow Mass, Bra Sycrrrs, - 01100:1111.1, ' MAIO WARE, Cenenanr.. -Mirror* CLOCIEN, Watt. Parini. Wfonw ?wren, Wran'w suarms,FArier Goons, 3142111C01IllstglIMOIIMLIMKJOreiry, Perfrimery, Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Whips, Umbrel's Bird Cages, 'Pocket Enttres,• Gene, Ammunition, .. I,lquors, Trusses. Sulmortere,- Shoulderßraces, port nionnale, Spectacles. t Mister .t plated Spoons, Forks, /bet Gold pens. Stationery, Violin, Guitar, files Viol Stringe,: . Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist :s Tribe palnts,B . es, dc. &c. Also some Dry Dried* Wooden Wste, bard and japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Lima, Camphine/Coal Oil, Darning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, moat toot, lard, olive.tastor boiled and.raw lMima,olls, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of colored:pkints„ . __Vine.t girt Canary Seed, also ail the popular PATENT WWl onto and other things toonumerons to mention. • lt is Impracticable to give more than a general outline of my stock through the newspapers,' every one wishing GOODS is Invited to calf and examleb. Customers on entering the store must not expect to' tad every thing in_ sight; but nearly every article Wanted will be produped by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronshitherto received, he hopes to merit a continnanceand large increase of the same. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, June 5, IWO. fait, all 1' Salt 11 E3 6- 2011:01 V/. MATE D IV thIOLESALIE SALT :DEALER, 201 Washlngtou-st, ♦'l)lrectly opposite Washington Market,) Nervv e Yoram, QTILL CONTINUES to-effort° the city and COUN'I RY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Sitt.T, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton'veclebrated brand-for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e. and 501300 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu rates, Ht. Uhes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivica,Nantes, &c.,, ail if which will be sold at bargain prices from veaeht, store and storehouses. Any, purchaser wishing to select from a good asatirtment will find it to his interest to call.- . N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. Men a splendid article of Rock -Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for axle by the quantity, in cases of five dozen each. THE BEST 'iota% 1860. 'kINYOMING VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA, NEW And all l 'o OR ilt:Alo liTlMrgllE:sk.vest.. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains %ma. nz Rntt nErvrtmr Sen..% SiTON .>,NII) OBTFIUMBIiIpt,AND, AS FOLLOWS t' HOV /NO NORTH. N. Y. Phil's . - Express. ir.IICO LeAve Scranton, Nortbaland, 5.30 4A5 Arrive at Arrive at Pitiston, 6.38 4.67 Danville, 6.05. 5.53 Kingston, 7.05 6.53 Rupert, 6.35 5.50 • Shielcshinny. 7.50 6.% Bloomsburg: 6.45 fi.oo Berwick. 8.20 6.56 Remick, 7.15 6.35 • Bloomsburg, 8.50 7.30 . Shickshinny..7.4s 7.05 Rupert. 800 7.40' Kingston, 8.30 7.45 Danville. 0.25 8.10 Pittston, 8.57 8.15 Matt:lulu& IS.OO 8.48 Scranton, - 8.45 THE LACKAWANNA & BLOOKSBMG BAILROAD• • CONVICTS WITH TIM . DEL. LACKAWANNA & WESTERN' RAILROAD 'At Scranton, for Neer "fork and Philadelphia. and inter mediate point,. east eh° for Great Rend s - 17irchronton, Seracu:c. Dual°, Niagara Falls, and all importanrpoints 1'414: - ' • • rAt Itupert it connects Nita theratnwissa Itailroact. for •"pi/ints.both-East and West. At Northumberland it connects with the Sunbury and Pee Railroad far Doha', West and Santa .POtTlf. Phil's. N. Y: Mail. Express. ♦. M. T. M. 6.10 .4.Z THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY For,Eteumatism, Goat; Neuralgia, Tic Doloreaus. Ilr, ROB AN'S 1111litiM TIC CTTRE, Tr! r SINN-AM:AI:LEOs E. 13AAr‘ 50,..-Ifir." lately Intro. (Paced into title country, is , pronc.uneed by all to be the 4 ' only r. remedy. It has I cured thousands in hurope, has tnet with rat and wond erful ,ucee, here, ae te-timo nialadailr r , ifettill Will show. It Is hartiiiess. but certahr; in its effects; warranted free of all injarloas ingredients. It purides the system & renders tt perfectly hcatthy. In fact, it is a gliecifir which has not an eons) for the care of the above comPlainta. It is also good for pain/tin the back, or bones, or joints., , generally. The demand for it iimreasing, has iodated the proptietor to appoint an agent* for this district. also forged.. at the atencyof Dr. Roban,loo, sse Itroadwai, Now-York City. Druggists supplied on liberal terms, Sent by Express to any part of the country on receipt of the price. • nor 4 y *ABM TIM:NELL j,k„,rent, Montrose. 'Mark .Tb.ese•Factsl TEE- TESTIMONY OF TEE WEOLE 'TOM O! Bad Loge, Bad Brebsta, Spree and Ulcers. A LL descriptions of 'Sores are remediable by the.prep -11 and diligent nee of this inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by plasterin,g the edges of the wound together folly; for. should the okin unite, a boggy dl seated .condltion remains undirneeth todireak edit - with tenfold !Orrin' a few days... , The only rational end sticces+fal treatment , as Indicated by naillre, is to re duce the inflammation in and about the wound, and to soothe the 'neighboring yens-by robbing in plenty of the Ointment a.osit is fcreedlnto Meat.. -Diptheria, trlcarsitad tioreShioat, and Scarlet 'and other revers. - • ?Mee. theabove diseases may be gated by well rub- AL bing the Ointment, three times a day, into the chest, throat /tad neck orthe_patient; it will soon penetrateand give Imsoediatereiter: 'Medicine . .talren;hl";: tba:/nontb , mustoperltp upon the whole system ere Its Influence can I be fell in any local part. whereas the Ointment will do its wort at once. Whoever tries the ungnent In:the above manner for the diseases named, or any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, .will find themselves rellev alas by Lichens. ; , , Piles, Pisutak, Strictures MULE above class of complaints Will be removed by nightly - fomenting the parts with warm water, and then most effectually rubbing in the Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful coat:intuit:9 , should tole not a moment in arresting their progress. •It should be under stood that It is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the airected parts, but it meet be well rubbed In for,. some considerable time two or three times a day, that, it may tairen,lnto the system, whence; remove aPY hidden bere or wound mielfecteally its - lhob palpable to the eye. There again bread and water poultices, afterthe rubbing in of the Ointment; Will do great service. This Is the only sure treatment for females. Masao( cancer in the stomach, or ;where there may be a general bearing down. , ludiecretiono of Youth;--Sores and Ulcer!. BLOTCHES, as also swellings, can, with certainty, be radically cared it the Ointment he need freely, and the Pills be taken night and roomin' 68 recommended in the in the printed instructions. When treated In any other way they only dry up in one place to' break out In another ; whereaS this Ointment will remove the humor from the system. and leave th e patient's vigorous and healthy being. It will require time with the mil of the Pills to encore a lasting care. Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Silt fisints. aks LTIIOUGH the above complaints differ Widely" in their origin and nature. 'yet they. all Tequila 1 treatutent. Many of the worst cases, of such diecasea, will yield In a comparatively abort ewe of time when this Ointment ledffigentlY rubbed:lnto the pia affected, evetrafter every other means bare failed. in all serious =Mee the Pills should belaken aestirellg to the print ed directions accaropanylog oath box. • Beth' the Ointment and:Puts. Meted be used in the fnliotaing cases: • - Bad Defil.lezo4Oot.' • " "Fistulae, Badßre:saga. CtiliSlains, Gout, . . Darns, • Chapped riandx, bunnago, • (glandular swalingsgorns, (Soft) Plies, Bite of lloschetnet, Cancers, .. Jliteuncyalsm. 1 •1.(1 Sand-F li nt. 1, Contracted and 'Scatlehr,. Caw bav, - Sthflohits, ' Sore Filt.lo, Sore Wanadsh,- ;begin% • - Meta,: • WendaS, Sc. dtc... Cito7l . o Y---14one axe ponine antes* the lords "Hot, talrAirtlrcf , Yoar, bosom."' are tliscernible as . - a watoometit fa troy - leaf of thaboote of directions &mead each - pot or box.: theaantemay be plainl y Udine the tenf 104414 Almadsome reward willbe gfcen to any one rendering such Information u may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfehtnoturroodi.: clues vendiuglae urea, knowing Walk) . _ bpaparious: Bold albs Itatufaetocy.of Frofesson lo 4oWalt; 110 Maiden Lane, Kew York, and by allrotpectable Drnogleta and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, fr boxes at t.s.rents,Vieuta; and It each. roceiderable easing by talchigirwer hozot 4 N. It -Dirrottons for the guidanr , l tf patioto- in Qer, r ar, to 4-I`'h,'":, rVnk - 491 cirr'= 4 "- • t= and other bitent alltdfilite4 l l4COM Moutros is, MULL. D10A.14/C .., p. i m . : 3 • ~ • T. ~,.J,_....,..... -..„..----,-...., I D....aiiolitalg of the "AuojisuacsimicMfMea icine,:would roteriAblii 1010retbanka to the of 01. Bend and Wintry, for lbot *err li beral" milli' which" they end he bop., liriallrict at. , to burinelia tp' merit a liberal Mare of the ' pane confidence. '. '' / Omit Bend. ;snow IA VW. V., . • air „ atm- n 'a 11, Altt'uglLhg OLD AND torn:Otto* of Goode, which they . - BOUGHT FOR CASIT, , • AT PANIC PRICES' CASH . :,...puTF,.:Rs, Prices Perfectly Ast,onishinir: • . We have g not Unit , to entimerate articles, or pekes, but -Invite rho üblie to mil, examine, and satisfy themselves of the trut of what wo publish and of course. then - buy. - •J, L. atzwinox a sort. tipsoncillo, - Dee. 110th; 1860. - - r4IIIOICIt Lot *tram Itylkooerles lust received 'Moot ling OD pet coot. below former Prices- F ANCY CoaftrAlonAry for the ,jor • Vcr. .46.1v — irrmr• • TYJt3f PRODUCE all kbil l a, tok whlch , lbe highest market prices will be Will In Q , at • Upeonaille, Ps. 1 B. NEW GOODS • JUST.ARRIVED AT T 1 ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! HAYDEN BROTHERS, 'THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS,. Have a LARGE & SPLENDID Stock of Gt. I‘J• 4r - - 1 Si Cheaper than the Cheapest CALL AND EXAMINE OUR 000DS, IT PAYS YOU TO GET POSTED\UP mar,x)ses. NSW MILFORD. Novemhott. Bth, 1860. CHILDREN wool An experienced Nurse end Female Fhysicien, preschts to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR: CHILDREN TEETHING, . • which greatly facilitates the process of teething; by soft ening the gums, reducing NIL inflammation—will Allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SVUB TO ut.Gtrtamit TILE DOWELS. Depend upon it, !floaters, it will give rest, to you, and . BELIEF. AND EISAITIL TO TOUR .INPANTS. We hive put up and sold this article for over tenyeara, and can say IN CONFIDENCE AIiDTItUTIL of it, what we have.never been Mato to ray of-and other medicine— NEWER IT FAILED in a SiNtvLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A•CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dirmarfaction by anyitne who had used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak kirieriils ut commendation of ita magical effects and medk*litirtues. -We say In this matter."WEAT WE DO OW,•: . after ten years' experience, and P LEDGE OUR REPUTATION for the fulifilinent of what we here declare. In almost ~very instance where the infant is 'b uffering by pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen to 20 minute- after tfie syrup is administered. ' - valitahle .ttreparat lon 19 the • prescription of one of the mot EXPERII O .NCED and. taRILLFUS. NURSES England, and has been ut,eti with NEVEE FAILING si - CCESS in it not v relicves.the child rt.= pain, but invigorates the Bonriaci and bowtta, corrects 'today. :sod gives ton• en , rgy to the %%bolt! bystenz. It vri:l almoat bistautly rOicae . GRIPING IN ME BOWEI,S, AMY . -WIND COLXC, and)‘ . . - trnoraecup,:culaique, orlalelt,‘. If not- aneedily cured, end 'tech:a-Ht. - We believe it thOrthWr and SUREST rem edy In the WORLD. In ill ranee orDYSENTERr and' DINH:HID:EA IN CHILDREN, whether It arises Dona teething, or (ruin 'any other Caner.. We would *ay to all mcithars who have a child suffering front any of the forego il3g cum niaints—DO ..),"..OT LET YOUR PRk:JUDICES .VOR VIE PREJUDICES nf OTHERS. Mend between von and your andednz child, and thorelief that will be 41:1ZE 7 -;ea ABSOLCT.ELY follow Manse of this medicine. If timely roe& .inn dltectioualbr using will accompany earlt bottle. Noiegeoulne unless the far ,inti:4 of Ltlrri PEAKINS, New rortt..- la' on the •. , outride wrapper. " Sold by Prtiggioti throughout the . Prlacipatrelnee,l3 Cederptreeti Nesgjrork. 11 OE FAT S. LIFE & PHOENIX BITTERS', TfIe..4.:3fEDIMITS have now been before for &period of ThirtS , Years, and during that Oaths - re maintained a high character In almost Ow:typal of the (antic for nett exttaordinary anti immediate sower of rastoring perfect health to persons steering underneath every kind of disease, to which the human frame Linable. The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases Fn which the . • • • • V. GET. LIF.E..IIIDitINE Are weliknown to be \ • - • DYSPEPSIA, be thorou g hly demising' itie Ist and laid • stomachs, stud cresting a bowc l ieslthy bile,instead of the stale and acrid kind ;. Lucy. hose fir Ap petite , Heartburn, Ileadadle, , fil-Vonper, Anx iety, Longtmr and Afdancholy , whit/rare general symptoms of LI s %Isaiah, as a natural consequence of (team. COS Ells, by cleansing the whole iength of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence; all *gent purgesleave the bowels costivein two days.. ' pENTEs ofalt kinds, by restoringtheblood to a regular 'circulation, limo' the process otreaplration In such case*, and thoro' solution ofall Intestinal obstruetione iaothota. The r bife Medicines have been knoWnto.enrealfti ATlSEsermanenth in three weeks, and MO that time, by retrieving local inflantntatiori from the inns. cies and ligaments of the Joints. . • ' DROPSLEs of all kinds, by freeing and .strengthening Cie kidneys and bladder ; they operate moardelightrallyon these importantargans, and hence have ever bten fotind main remedy for the worst casesof °BAWL, - Also-WORM, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimystatter to whibit Ibises hires adhere. SCURVY; ULM& and rE sons, by the perfect parity which these a ed set. give to the ' blood and all the humors. ' • . . . . . .. . .. SCORBUTIC ERUPTION&Lad BAD CoMPUCBIO7IB, by their alterative effect OP= the fields that feed the-skin • and the morbid state of which occasions all irruptive 1 ann Wets, sallow, cloudy, ancrotheedhotgratabla- nom ple ons. . . , , .• . . - e weer these Pills for iryery Short 'Ulna misfit effect an en, re care of SALT ILBSITI, rand 's 'Striking improve.' mint ill • the 'clearness of the skin. 00110 W - COLDS two and in INFITENrst eases. ZAL will always be pored by one &mei ?I . by the wo , . • MM.—The original prOprietor of dam "inandati. was cured of Piles, of MS years statolfeg by, the use -of- the Lsffgirnar . • AND AGM3.—Forthis smile olthe West: ern' country, these Medicines will be found a safe, 'speedy and certain remedy. Other Medicines leave the ,system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these ,Medi. , clues is permanent—Try thews, be , satirdol. and be mere& ninons leavers . and 141yer Civaapbanna. Amend Debility. ,Loss of Appetit4 and Diseases of leo• males. The Medicines, have !deed used - with the most beneficial 'meats Jo ease* of this deeeriptina Evil, and &Tornio, iri its worst forms, •eirls to the mild gatt powerful act ion, or these remarkable' 'Medicines. t Sweats,' Nervais Debility. Nervous Complaints-of all uds. Palpitation of the Heart. Ptdeterte, are speedily awe& • • • MerenslalDDieriassm;-Perions - wherd teasMitillorts • have become impaired by theinjudleleue IV Mercury. will And theseMalicines a perfect care . austriltil to eradleatei fasts the - system, all the . see ds illeturia t MAO tely sooner than therizioattowerfal Sarsaparilla. . Prepared *minaby - •• , • , -11 V. 11141110Endn's • r na Inualarballtraarosx. voitlaie by an Drabygbabb. -• • • , - • • • • A.ftspted.. Read t. WilaiNps:t 6 STP,P l M SaP , “ 141 K Vit i gt aet.arftae" etVeil takiind hi • will be rettui44.-FaXißms z eultre i rblotart For see. byrAbei t. kfontnise; . impeteed, Brooklyn beock.- Mies* LPetintil.Cuniittar Korford ; G. Milieus, Jiteltson,_ JALlibmetnabtlinp. .1103..Yetvg4.0cDh ottPlu :, 4 9- 4 -1 1 • 14 7/5 #O IO tPS , . • • . Is cat*, au' it si6. Bonny him betataßliettel kw I i e r s U P Vlt ib tarli " "Cair=rome ludneistieninto try Nr. 7 l 'Williams' "Me tiolation," whirls Ise obhainsitat Qua M hie Agencies in Tonkhannock, raz. Th e reinalt has been I the moat favorable: The trialwas **lei witrjt last tall, and after using Weaved/Wien. a few dayrk what we bays good reason to think was* permanentcere WM effected. Several otber eases of a similar nature' in, this. sleinitt have need it witblike respite. With litr.Wrillsaul rikouci no ears no pay ' every one thus Melded will certainly do well totpLit,_ _ i t B. 'BMW. Pa. , tor of ttrett, Tunk.htqlmnii, . b 4, Pe Jrn• 1; 1 'h. 1,60 tf. AND NVII,L SELL THEM TO N 3111 ivtirmun YOU Di'Y bit yor. MRS. WINSLOW, THOUSANDS OF CASES PRICE ONLY ss awn' PER BoTill:. For sale In Montrose by Abel Tarell SVFD e ]fittaltaglo9:o.ll.lloTlETSEEla for bide br ; Now pewritGicrlSlALW "Prsuc _ . , _ • for tit kW* lor Uss44cha STING TO /IRE REDUCED. ONLY 15 CENTS! iETWEINMONTROSE &MONTROSE DEPOT. na &olil4ollllns srM cattr664ll4o , betwown : the abovaplacirskitthe sum of cents; or less. songestwutbscalkdforst their reslSsessatry 1e411141 thilinitaas at the Poet WNW. Mat the,litstfkflp Holm, Stages lAsste the Uaturest 6 gr. re— lad 4 D. m. tirectseii. , , , Agent, :1 / I #o, q ta g e °PUT. 2 g," 1 • , , At Great Bargains ! OR READY •PAV :ANELOSAii_ PROFITS ! INTRILITT, 0 the "Original Newlitiford Shawl and . Dreu Coo& Emporium, " is now rem:Wm a Large and CHOICE STOOK of including a grist mirletyof tha newest and best styles of brew 'Goods, Slum* & Muter SUM, de., with a Jargon:apemen of other an usual, in Grocertan, Creamy,- Hardware, Iron and Steel. Nails, Stoves. Thugs. Paints. Oils, Fluid, Boole, Idhoec Hats. Caps, Clocks, Carpeting 'Floor Oil Cloth, Paper,Tainted end Mit Whatiow iSissMa huge line of Kerosene limp and Oil Fbllltelk *c., k and Bu alo Robes. 5V' The entire. todtbellarjeondho fee C And largely from ltdbilaPASs• - and nut mill give superior opportunities Ow etioice low.down prices, and will be sold on the most Worst& items for C.ASII, PRODUCE, and to Prompt Siz- Months' fikkrele. dn examination ut the Goods and Prices will he 'ilnind.Prolitaille to those who wish to buy. FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON NAND. Now Milford, October,,iii6o. - ARE YOU • INEIVRED? az. sp. r 3itz.B.Aciarair.A.ur Inea . in the (Am. Wyoming INSURANCE Company, WILKES-BARRE, Pa. Charter ra v io. Capital..; :$lOO,OOO. Surplus.: ..$7,000 • Organized November 2 d , A. It 1e57. DMECTORS.: • o,lR.Rollenbiek, D. G. Dried** J.P. Dandy, John .Relehud,ld Karim, Chu Demme, Sun" Walsall% it D l'A_en , r, Wm 8 Rose. L D Shoeruker, . Deo P Stele ; • Tilt Ho l t, C. spiv, seof. - - 0. if• BetunisAerZeet, W. O. nms.wo. Thne. L. D. SHOMUSCIIy Net ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, .. - Hartford Colusecticut.. 'np Capital $1,509.000 00. Assets, ' 0304.100 01) , . NORTENBN FIBS & 'LIFE ASSUBANC* OtoNVAIiV, • N0..1 Moorgato 'poet, London. Capital, $6,288,000....AnnuAl Revaine.Bl,ooo,ooo. Wx GETTY, Agent:Philadelphia. - CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CON PAlrt of Ifiuttonl, Connecticut. Acciunalated Capital, /AMOCO 00 Any ono wishlog their lives Insured will do well to dill and OXAMIIIC their mode of iristwitig. and theft rates. which are toettr.r-tida those of any other core -before taking Policies elsewhere. H. P. ELK oe9 Odic° over Chandler d ledrair's store, • Adnenius • ' zator's•- Notice. LSTIMRS at admlnhtration to thegatate alga. Lydia. Carpenter, deed, late of Ilartord, having been Issued to the undersigned. all person* tuft - demands against raid etude will present them for settlement, and three indebted vrigmake immediate eat to • mnsoußN OAKLLBY, Adminiettator. Raiford, March 14th AM —Sw* • Dr ft PEPSI 49., Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspe'poa, Debility of the System, rmiepsuk, Liver Complaint., Liver Complaint.; Acidity, Mika Complaints, 'Sick-Headache, - Bilious Complain*, Sick Headache, FLA Tu LENCY,- LOW-OF APPETITE,. FLATULENCY, LOSEI.:CIF APPETITE, and Mr nuniba - kii:ol4r 4seiptiasisisg from In dipstion a!'d f.uylsonal rders44 tieStossich, find reray rtilitr iii - skit nstafir4sti salt sterling TI/ E Ott - RENATE* BITTERS, THE thIGENATED BITTERS. TestiitoliZ We calf di 4ot/flan* of the .reader ic . r, r thefoilmiv hero' ls,aidad eatakiontaitilif*ailas iiiirrnific, cadmic irdivkipitliz,Zi. Mumt.zitywN,.Coitzt. v reb. IBM , Sara W. Fewat. & fieetlesse it* asa,!•' tie of the f •Oxypatarit, Skits: tattraraatitti 01 eight Year, thircnli foi twenty yeast • fano tafilrat6l doptpata, vikkh leas attandail „taint a uire,ata tlinitat-he, on an &snip of not lentkatt cps itay is a week, t vas induced, by t e tePretandiq iti emtenstaties of Dr. Green; "to to , ow bap% tat benett:wa. received to dim - au/ma the 1aa1.7 - The uis ot OUP bottle warranted a fultbeittlial, to the stem r.t come three or four, with a careful observance - of the accompanying directions: The result was, aim alinicit entire :she( from the usual dyspeptic symptoms sod their depressing, pink' coneequencei. I believe . chute Diners produeed as entire? change In the habits of my !iciest, and upon the active energies albs digestive orgleii, know deem myeelf aa exe mpt from Promo& . meet persona, tied, Illttoti ban also iota - of ow; vietrinethet membetvoltni • ' - Very ntepactfuDY • ' AitTGUISTETIS W. 8311T11. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. itioamomn, Zoo Ca., Ps, Aukgs. 195& .G3CaTatOtall,-, Alter suffairig [or mare than gilts 70/1,11 With limes* and 'trying. many reartilisar,sin .c).Uo,!*C far. 0 1411 :11 1 11ravelmithcat- any Rood mot% was irolumai. by Dr: V. U. Whit* of Slormibld,Oo Rice iabo Otypiusiell Bidets a Did. 1 tools ion) boftlie, atl iel4 pro ine so much - rehof that j pnrcbn.ed two mont;irhiell have amity or quitaaSiotod *veto • *Kt ainl7 oommtpliver yaira eirto,tint Det snoi!fis Oat lave tett nohocaneniennalnalarloy 1004., Make: mat pieta:aro im vaamatamtiag spa Moan to all . lakc* witls:**TeDall 1 1 44 DisMUMMDlDAigiaaaaha; A. IfEIIADD Fmn Dr. 'Whits XANSTIELD; ',nag* CAL, Pa., Aug. SIG, letie. I bawl aped the aryinermat Bitten le my ptaittett erith 4 deelded,etteame In debility Red metal phoettetheh t eno oslldesikAssiostAlupd them in aitt &Armee of Up dipillworpari Y ix *Wilt Mag.._ Ts* szvasictimilifingSSi TIIE OXYGEIII.III6O, IBITTPII9. ' rkezPAaeo BY,V. W . FOWLS lit eo , IS Theannt avert, Born. Dr.fssfash.P.ilT , mtmotmos«. „ 1414.anido bet indß&Olkinno 4 Beak tej — j6l.. oposei; MAL. BrOod-.. Nikbols; Brooklyn ; Wldeney & Kotler ainekottilyled_di Waal Great Dead ; C. Okostefor, • -wan, oleo Bead. • ttarrly MEAT MARKET: On Publie-Aienus, near Searle': Rad. 111rEEP constutlrcin b ands good' supply of -136. MUM oriCASII paid. for BeetOitilivoliitisAikeepandtimeabs ! tagobtimidesibitailkiudt• • - , HENSTOCK.& 'HAWLEY. e; lIVISTOUR. • • ,11. %swum. Montrose, March 30th; '4s9.—tr. Myers Extiict Of Rock Rose, "Via gfeitest remedy for and ether kind red diyyamyr, ever knoAu terviews With over four thousand ofthese hungry leeches; including pmssing dele gations of leading - politicians from this town and county,—and as the collector re ceives alkconiers courteously, and listens . patientlylikhe recommendationi of their friends, and to their own urging of their chants - , the wear of body and mend may be imagined, But this is not the - worst of thetrials - Mr. Thomas is Compelled tett'. dergo: Übe was only :rid of the impor tunities ofplace seekers when he left the marble Building on Chestnut street he would bivescnne respite; but thiyhattori bole binfin the street, they crowd his pri vate parlor at home,and they ahnost in vade ids bed chamber. The disappointed phalanx who cannot come in, should or ganize themselves as Curtin's body'guard of Quarterniasters, Commissariest, Provis ion-. Agents, old Clot - Mpg Contractors, ---Somourrr sends us au anonymous letter °from. Tennessee •threstenmq to assassinate terror what . we have said of John. BE We h'ope he won't. We want theme of the whole remnant of our three imfie and ten to repent properly of - our vote for Bell last August.—.&eirrine Aurae/. ' . . - • • --SenatorJoh nso n 'ofirtennessee, ly Inade,a .-- .0 - ain-spoken speech at Cleve hind, in in which he said among otherplain truths, "that Jiff: Davie and ihe Governor of the - State ought to be hanged, and wonld be bauged, at, that not far"distani pikriod, when thejudiciat power ofthe government conld be brought to bear upon them • —Dr,Goiernor Morehead of Kentucky has writen a letter urging . Kentucky to take up arms; if President Lincoln his a purpose to subjugate the seceded States. Till then, he would urge neutrality and the strict inviolability 'of her soil. Ayer% Sarsaparilla, POE IMUFFENG:THE BLOOD,* And for thee apeedY Mtn of the entiolmcd vadathill pf ale - - Scrofula and lierofolons Affections, earls es. . Tunterei Ulcers, Sores, : RSV ptrts, Pim - %deli IPtletnlsi. - Bletehesn fo r Blame. end -Skin Diseases. _ - OAttakstt, dth J. C.- AVeff: &Do; Gents* I feel it my ditty to ec knoteledga What your. Swooning. his done for me. Having inherited fir lareetien, I have coffered from it in various ways for years.Soinetimee it burst ' out .1n - Chairs .on m bands and inns ; sometimes it tartar!, inward. and d at the stomach. Two ythtre volt broke out on my head and covered my WA; end ears with one sore, which was, pained and bollworm? beyond dcsetiptkin.. I tried many medicines and serer' phyvielarni. bat without math relief from any thing. Is. feet, the disorder- grew worse: At length 1 lens rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that yon had prepared an stlectitite (Sarsaparilla),for.l knew from your teem- , cation that-any thing you made must be good. seat to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it enrcd. me. I tonic it, as justadvise, in small doses of a teaspoonful ever a, month, and end almost three bottles. how and healthy skin soon began to fowl ander the scalhavhiels After a ‘ while hit eft • Iffy skin le now her, and I know bv me feelings Martha disease is gone from my. cyst an. Too can wen believe that f feel whatl am =ring when. I you, that I hold you to, be °Kw' the- elsoklea of the NV. and ramie ever gratefully,. . Yours, • • ALTIIRD 11. tAi.t.ty. • se. Anthony's Vire. Doti or Illrrsepeles, Tettmeand Salt Rheum , Scald Dead, Rini, worm; Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert B. Preble mittortrom Salem. N. To ilth Sept. GE, tha thre at ene d cured en invetereu. case et Dropsy. which to terminate fatally, by the persevering are ne our Sarsaparilla. and also a danger. one attack of draliennal ;she by large doles of the same- says he earn. the 'eo=oll . Ertrptiaas by it . son. shortly. ' Ureectreele. Da lire, or .11welerd Week.. • 7.ebulon Sloan of, Prospect Texas, writes: cs Thera, bottles of your' Sarsarem cured tae from A Ratter -- hideous swelling the neck, which I had sulforetl from • oreetwo years." • • • Leucerrincee or Whites, 'Ovarian Tvirne-; Uterine ,Tlleeratlon, Female. De Dr. .1. Cbarming, of New tork City. Writes; " moat cheer try comply with the teeniest of jour agent m saying .I have fou nd n your' SarrapArilla most eiteribtot alterattre In the numerous complaints for wide& we em ploy swab a remedy. bat especially In Female of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many inert, nate cues of lotteorrixea. by it, and some where th.• ecimplsint was colt/ell btu/erre:ion of the ufertra. ulceration Itself - was soon cored. Nothing within y - knowledge equals it forthese female derangtmenta.. Edward S. Marrow, otntarbury, Ala.. writes s• A don • gerons ovarian tumor on one of thotemales ha my family, which had:defied all the remediett we meld employ, has at length been completely cured, by your extract of Sar sapareds.- Our physician-drought nothing but extirpa tion could afford'relier, but.beesivivid the trial of your Sarsaparilla la the teat resort Wore cutting. and it proved effectual. 'After taking your remedy eight weeks no arniptom of the discos temeins." • • - Syphilis . and Ifferatartel Disease. . • _ (OW DaLtalia.Z9l Aw:tuat. Ririe .*Da. tr. IC: ATZT. cheerfully comply with eha 'request of yids agent, and report to you some of tit* Mats I have realised with your Sarsajnoilla. ti I have eared with it, in my practloe,most of the one) yhtfuti for whieli ft is recommended, and hive found eta effects truly wonderful in the COTO Or leatrad mod s 'it, entiot"Direme. One of millennia bed Syythilinsturcere In bid threat 'archive* scumming bib palate and the top' of mouth; Tow Sarhaparills, steadily taken, eared Met fn the weeks.. /lumber was attacked' by so t ; °Mary: syrnpitime In Wises% and the ulceration hot eaten away a ectanderable pert of it, so that I beitcyc the disorder-a:mild soon reach Ids brain end kill him, But it ;Yielded• to mylandriletracion of your Earanparflla; th.• alumbeated;trid he Is Writ Again. not itf course sit lnr t elmelliseginetlon titthe race. A woman rho had bee. treated for the saine disorder by mercury was stafritin„.' froth this poison in her bor-e. They bad IxTorne eo pen.' the to the weather est oti n damp day she suni•red evechtittg- pain. in her. joints end bones. She. tun. was, enrol entirely by year Sarsiquailles in a few weeks.- know frames formula, which Tour agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently: these Indy renankable.results ninth havenotaurprised me. . • Prateraally T orn, G. V. I.ARIDER. E. D. 'lFitaeaninettaute, - Gente:Elerete ' lypterectstince, Denton Co.. Si... Otlt July, IASI. r. 47EtRit SIM/ halebelifitAlkird with a pah, ful chronic jelionnest ism roes longtime, which ladled skill of physkinna, and Sea_ In spite of all the ' remedies Iconkl end, ontS 1-triM your earsaparilia. One 'bottle- tetra me. in two weeks, and restored my general %Catkin imeh that' ISM far better th an before MS attacked: , thinkit Mende:trot medicine. .1. nor Au. 31ilet . Y.letaben; of St. Lends, mites. a I have bro,A 'afflicted- foe rare - with col, eecefon er the Liter, abler. destroyed ntyllealth: trud - eyery ththg, and rrery ddpg , Ailed fa relieve me; and I have bedra brokenitown man for some years hum no other ottnewthan derartgasent or taelfree. Xy beloved pager. the leer. Xt. y, add. me to try your Sarsaparilla, because lie said he lurevr you. . and my thlny you made was - .worth trying.- Dy the Men 'tumor - tied It Inseam:l rne., add has Stratified my blood ae tiff audio a hew min erten; I feci young again. Th. beet that can besaid of your not fiallrgood enough." fickle-vas; fatness 'Delmore, Ening - gement; DI. isereeleibi J.Cdrles, nude Entinillation of the Bones. ". • • s A grad variety of MRCS bate been reported tons niec e cans, of these formidable rem • Iniuts hare resualieal free, the aid ninedy,but o u r aims bete will not, ad mltthenc. Sonnet them may he bated m our Americo'. Alminme, which the agents he-low :malted arc pleased to fernish grants to all who' furtham. DY'iPepsttllteeure Disestrie, Pits Epilepsy-. blanehely. Dectralgli. *aitirmitatiaddn ens* of Seed aft allay hare him ninth by tbealtindlee pawn , or Mk-mw. It gluts late. the Vital Ametions Into si„vornes pp this. overmans denuders which :would he supposed - beyond t i t , : e = m 'euttli a Oswalt his long been teatilred by tipt of the ;Metes skid we are mad= tlasf lbw Otlldnlbr th enra that medicine can dat. G ` • Aye*, 4 ' Zetry:-/Pectork • ". `.ron Too 'RATIO Cl= or • - Coughei inthlionse, -Iloareeness. Drossy. -Illeishelfilitta i lnellyilesat Cons Peep. . Dion. ante Der thrilleltef of Consastp.... Live paticenta, -in advanced • - *lmes lef Distese. • Thiikeirlkorwelrwrieldwrondlr knomoto atunena any other for the QUO of throat and lang_somplaints„ that It uselemhete to publith the miderice of Its virtues. Its erniralledetrmillenis Par coeghe letreolde. end lea nolo wondered tures ef pulmonary dine:tee, have made It humor:through:en be, *Weed canoes of the earth. Few are the alaaelaiaiiielh or siresethmilles, among them who have not some Derlonat exporfenee Of Its effects some livhg trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle anddanirmence disorders pf. the throat and lefts. Ad all know the drooled Moldy of these disorders, and es thetylotter:Ves, the effects ef thianosoly, we need not do taore thin to assure them that It has now all the vir tues that it did have when Inching tho cure, which have won so amity upon the emildenoe of mankind. .ar..J. O. - AtElt 4140; loriel/, ILIu rite Abs.TorrAilmattoso; Chuck& Matey, Benda*: *WOW, Aelnite finite*, lad by al) dwareweassi 111W7111wro.. • ` OS SW . HOWARD., AZZOCI&TION ) A - Beicioleret butitiao44stabliiied iy spe .464.4Ortkiulgefr gleAlief of Oa Siek - and . 0./Weird milk Yiruleat and .gpideiiteiCA s' eases: *ail especially for the Ilettebt.Ditattet bf the Sexual Orga'n.r. ADVICE given gratis, by the Siripton, to all who apply by letter, avid' aitielOtription of their eowAition, (age, occu- POOtkillititt Of life; and in eases of ex• trews liovertY.lnedicinea of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermstorrheea, and oth. Or Diseases of the Sexual Qrgens, sent to the af. Skied. In *sealed letter envelopes, free of chi:ago • Address, Dr. - J. Skillin Houghton, Actin!! Su.. gooti,' Ito ward Association, ! i,.9 South nth , ri l it u n e , VO ertkr of th e 1 1 1 , r,•tnr. , .