The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 06, 1861, Image 2
THE .MONTROSR DEMOCRAT. TERMS E1:50 PER ANNUM, - It ADVANCE. ; EDITOR, - -,NOLISHER, AND-,..PROPRIETOR. EM;I4=MI I=l XDIRROSX TRITRBDAT, •SIM 8; MI TR E • • •, I TIECIIII:CIOMTiele/C=9:7 0 1•XCom• . • .AND ALII....TER second engagement has been had WAim:loi Creek, and, the .rebel batter - y silenced: . The ratan'. of a tight at Fairfax ,611 beeittintifirtned. • About thirty rebels - - andlinte federal tionps were Par tit:Ai:ilia next week.. - _ . . -r "*Forern .or ahont time at arrangements were Commenced fora good • tld-Lisbioned celebration of."cheFourth" • ssere, as well •as elsewhere. . Americans really appreciate the day -now, to an e:stett - they 'never hare 'before. - 'At the velebtstiot, in•llontrose, last year, the or 'ator delivered at excellent, historic,al,,and patriotic Address, Veautifqlly spiced with a glowing trihute to our, :glorious UsriON, and ; sin appropriate and well-timed appeal • to all iciehetisb the iistot: sentiment in .heir hcatts.. All • true -UNION people were highly pleased with the tone of the addness;. yet a malignant few (not so iew•as.thiy should have been) were " offen ded herr:toe the speaker did tot disgrace the occasion by, .partisan harangue-and • the next issue of the Montrose Republican cottoned. a low-minded. article, 'abusing . him for mallug a "Union" speech in Mont rose. if:We - conld hOve as good a lJnox speech here this year,' it would be quite received and far more fully appre= distal-4nd We Venture. to predict that even thetiost rampant sectionalist would so far.cre spit the true patriotic sentiment of the - ponitry Op refrain. from express -14513-ictf:disapproral..''••• • • ,Leithe:AmerieanFourth y be miu .protietly celebrated by the People, erery ;wlieie; for itOw is not the time to do so; y, when ts..l 't:.Th e threatened siatiger - of losing tlic benefits of the work of July 4tb, - 1774, is now upon us, and fail iti rendering_ the !lie botnage of pa trigta,:wOuld' eihibit an absence of the firt : hl . patriOtistii; which, th4gh in times of peueet:_und harniony, has necessarily slumberekhas not by any means lieecone .extliiith'shed in the hearts of all true litVl/ fthtiliTaarrt. tien All Hail tine .Fourth' of. -.lnk- Tic learn that a Unims . Pule and and ! ...klag were raised • - at —Birch:Ovine. June. Ist. The ladies had Made the' Flag and due: prepora ttemOlaTitt: been "made, the patriotie. •• raiainir,!,':inoV place in presence of a ortfte.people of the aecoininmied . be cheering, firing of gunii`lte. s 1n with ess was deliveied 'by Fld::1. Virgil; or Greene.. N. N. The True ritioa : sentiment is Universal at itivokariasiile. ;:irrite tloyerner hasappointed lion. ..I.s.eob Fry, Jr., of Montgotnery, and Benj. 'Haywood, Esq., of Schuclkill, a committee to investigate, the frituds in .the State sup -plies for Volunteers. It is ,hoped that a thorough investigation may be liad, and That the heavy hand of justice may fill vpiSit the thrice guilty robbers, ttl , they men .high or low inspublie or private life. If there be lower depth of moral treason. it is those who rob their country's . volun teers. -Butbecausewe will unsparingly denounee ;inch donble-dyed piraCY; the cry 'of traitor" is,raised against us in 31ontrose by the Organ that is supposed to represent - the administration iiew of the matter. • fir: Abbott, late a. Philadelphia 31em ker of the Legislature has been added to the etumittee. Yr. Haywood had pre viousls• been requested to report .- Therein the troops neededeelief, and in a telegram from li - aqiingtort to the Governor hr said •• The Fourth Itel,imeat, Col. H:wtrauft, and the, Fitth.lteginient, CoL McDwell, are stiffening badly. Their biomes and pants arelef all colors, made of damaged go,ods of inferior quality, mostly of 'shod dy,' and some of • Kentucky Jean.' The blankets are of the quality of ice blankets, not fit kr hems., The shoes are of wretch ed material. The heels come off, and they are constantly ripping., Many are almost_ barefoot: The report among the troop . is that their appearance was so bad,. that. General' Mansfield said they. n•ere nut fit to take to, the field.• • . -&7We were willing (and so expected) the. administration should remove very;offtee•-holder who did not give it his ote ;• but we are disgusted to hear the cry of "no party" raised by a party, in time of war, and to hear promisea made • that "no removals are tube made for po liticalf:rasoint,4 when a directly contrary coarse is Icing. pursued. It will be iio fault of the Adnimistration and its -man aging friends, if the parties--politically— are not driven further apart; for not con tent with proscription, the most infamous course of abuse, titre:its. and, in many • ea +es, actual violence is being practiced by , them,',ocraidi men whose sthole lives are a good'patie'rti of patriotism for the ne4- Iy-est:AlislieA . l, iituodaids of public senti; meat. The gm-aromas of honest men in the Republican party are intuwent• ,: of any intent to-do 'Wrong to their fellow chi rens, but the' presses and the men, who'en 7 deuvortO give tune to public sentiment, would 'establish .a tyranny over •: men's . mind., to which Old John'ti gedi- • • tiOn law wag but an initiatory .step; and with a liieh the " Reign of Teiror" could ! wrrrlo erliayPeke. Hut thanks to the, good worker Or Pairiin Fathers we , Itive'' Cimstittitiou t able not only to. pretterve itself, tinc-41,# tho : l;l;ersties of ,its.adhe reute: "patriotV4icaver .tbie, the bett er f or I !hemselvim and the pettee theeoutitry, ' .r the ota,:t andr . tine •"„;,,t. • ;.-*fr A telegram from Chicago states • Senator Douglas. • , ; • Gen. McClellan's Proclamation. I Restoration, Not. Conquest . that Senator Douglas iiieit.on the 3d, ;AS • The loss of Stephen &Douglas-14'414 I-'. 'On Sunday night Mat- • 29:" Col, KellY,'; , Thelarge numberOF.V.origittalTtlion . = '' little' mac o clock; XV. : `lris perhaps true, a. E 'l erisre,and-these is ~,,room for hopt• of in cenmand, of • the' lirsf Reghnent oq: th eif;7o . otsolo; w4o,tottg4ligaipst, 807 •it lad-been looked-- for ..:eiery t im ii. , fi r :!itis,reeofery_ Jitiust:-bA.. regardedjiis a Na.l,l 7 l 7 irginiaVoluitteers, station ell,' at Whee,, cession up7,,Aoli'•„Certatn''-poi„.AE. and ' itre, . . ltional cannily. .With';'ivbatever !limits of.:llin*; - , received marching Orders: They I=tioit,loult.'noni*niceS, as e*iest in• Per. some days pait, , , ~%' ' - '1 character....-WO, would rather :4r of edneat 1 left: -- Wheeling -at 7' o'clOckr Monday 1 belbOn aiif;the oliginivi distil:llo'Bu,, init .--t- , -.. -......---;--- itipi , ,. !. t . 's .rll,,,LAzi.l.l:„:fron - ,11 - tion—Mr Vinighis"!Wai - iilwayti and. eini I - moikiitig 'taming 'toward Grafton . After I harediewiellidtaid ti:llltilie girt agiiiiit ' 1 J ''. N F .--- ''`; i'-intntly . ati . :American Siatesnitin. Sprungt their - elt:p i artnre, the Sixteenth Ohio Regi. I.the doverrimintOnde'rilie impress' io,niffat good number. -,•- 4 ' Toe-Gault Itangere," 11.;.!*fro lo the People and proud ofthis orf •in, I nient 1 DOO strong stationed 'he Belliire lit is iniposeihleiolreatere' things asiheY AustratiOns and all, are rich as etetun; prompt intrepid, selfassured—he . wts the '; ' 'under ' 'C ' onimatul - of Col. -Irvine, cro ssed 1 were before hostilities commenced; land 1 ' Phis • is issue eminences- the twenty-th ird except•as subjects; and inferiors. . 1Q pun bescoff-hand tit-for-tat debater . in Anieri 7 l" the Ohio and followed Col: Kelly's com...;,that they can-never return to :the .li t nion ' %Mine. to which we l'yi h the highpros: T ea—perhaps in the world. - Entering the 1 wand. .. etitVitirillil -*• • :' ='' Tr' ' ' p , - Col-.-Tno otherreasonean- , we . petionn forl;the frierided. - Withoat fi l itnilY influence, inipes.- ' Steadinan, - erosied i lieOhio' af" ' ` Marietta ' sitdden and snifl'eliiinge**liiith"liaii some' 80 1 he outdone in-the things that culture :1,441. ing presence, or personal tollowing, in a about the same tinie,and occupy Parkers- ; overote many hitlietto -loyal- men in' the - I ' • delight, the popular taste. . yor sale at ' in:iinly Seuthern-bern community to whoni ; burg, Col, Kelly-is in - possession of Graf- 1 South. , They evidently embrace rebellion • Smith's NeWs - Offici.. I • • :• he was a stranger and,a*Yankee adventie• - ton this Meriting probably.' -''- :- - • fie a painful and -disagreeable - nem:nifty, before .he was thirty • tive, L. .-.Before crossing the river,, Gen. 1)Icelel- - , forced upon them Iby evetittligainst. Which. , ... . I - f —Knickerbocker _acid • Peterson have he' filled,- , • ~Per, r ears of : -age, the offices successively of •: - liin iSsueittlinfollowing- proclamation : they: "have . struggled, in, rain. At :heart not been received. ~' , ; :Stitte'sAttorney..General, Aiseniblyman,' ' Ihunqc.citTintibEroirrmiN•r in , Onto,) 1- they die loyal—destring the* rester:4lOn of • 4 . Register of - a ,Land.Offiee, Secretary of, ; CINCINNiTI, lifa'y 26, 1861 c ;the Union as it Wiitifheforti the:Warinegan, GinsoN Atinicuittraat, - :SoeiglV.—The * . , . ~., = ... State, Judge of . the (State) Supreme ,Ta the Union Men of WiStera Virginia : but deluded b', the folic impreseion,,that - ~. Gibson ..c gricultural .Secistp wilt Ineq at ! Ceurt,.thriee elected, a ft er being once de.* VinGINIANS,:. The General Government this is impossible.' '1 • theAe4dcm3 - ,Building,on Saturday, .tune i forted, and finally entered Olong enou gh n Senate of has endured the niachinations Now, in order;to remove ihis'dehision : 15th, at 1 o'clock p , m., for-tire election of i the •Vriited States when but , thirty-fire lof a few filetiouti reberebelsin • your midst.: and to 'produce a counter-it:V .- Muth:i at • tne officers 6'66 - setiety- • for ilie ensuing' years old.. •We doubt 614 another Amer- 1 - Annedtraitins 'mein vain .endeavored 'the eimith, it is:the duty of the *Govern.. year; and the trtrsaction of other import- turn—we are sure thatno . other who be ! to dater you fromxpressing yoer loyaltyy 'tient, of the Northern* people, and the a . , - 'th S I S tates_ - ishose ' • el' at i ons ant business. :* - G- 1 1. I N 7 EMS , P ".. I, ever held sa tMuii and such desirable . * sta- I Baying tailed in this infamous attempt e out tern Sem Ann.; Sec. - . :., , ' - • ' _ . -I lions before he had passed the meridian - ,to deprive Volt of * the exercise, of your , are, loyal,.that. it is - possible for their to . . 1 -• • • of the appointed life of man. lie has dearest rights, they now seek to •.iithugu- , return to the Union ~without forfeiting . t..17 - In.reswnse to an inquiry in regard since served fourteen years in the Sonatc, rate a reign of terror, and thus forge von! . their righteland. - privileges SOVereigit ,to the intention of the .admi n istration to :or throughout seven successive Congress- , to yield to their schemes and . bitllni i t to.; States. 'The same Constitatton thatl has iufterfere mith'elavery; Gen: Harney said : I es, ahem's evincing :4 vigor of intellectl the yoke. of the traitorous conspiracy, dig- , protected them will con'tilitie -,te-Spietect, ' "1 must -'promise by eaylag that I have ; ,_and fertility of resource -which command 1 nifieti by t h e name of the ,Southern 'Con. them.'.. Of edursy,,jutitiee niast-Laxe. its. .no 'special instructions on this head from the- respect of antagonists and the adini. , tVileratY. They aredestroying•the prop- eoursetreison must, „punished-- ; the War Department, But I should as ration of his many des -sited friends. 1 erty of citizens. of your State, :old ruming i gnilty men . must stiffer for: their, :aides; I soon eipeet to' hear that the orders of the So early, we,thin ki as 1844, When bare-'lour- magnifieent railways. The, General 1 hitt this is a matter .whieli will affeel 'Judi ' GOVertimenf Were -- directed - the ly more than. thirty ! years of age, Mr. , 'Government has hetetofore carefully ab- I Victuals, arktiot'the 'estahlisheds,righis of ' overthrow of any other of property I Douglas was regarded as a probable can-Ist:tined from sending troops across' , the I cOmmunities *tit Staten. • 'ln . fiet,Jlitilgiiv as of this, in 'negro slar CS." *, . 1 didate for the ,Presidency ; but .he was " Ohio, or evi.n from postinc , thent along its , eminent is fighting - nothing More ,than not earnestly pressed , til 1t32., when' he I banks, although frequerttly' urged by," the restoration 'of thinge as • they were be-. Gen. Ramey has since been -removed. I . reiVed, on one:ballot r o o t the Democratic. 1 many of your prominent 'citizens to . do ' fore secession conimenced. Southern4neia Gen. To . -en has been appointed in his strad„l N,r id who have dtifted into rebellion under! : the nal Convention,' ore , votes than I so. , any of his competitors-92 out of 288. impression that this cannot, be,-ehotild die -11 suppeked party exigency finally led to abuse theinselYes Of their fatal erior4and" . a concentration of the vote on Gen Frank- Northern "men .cannot be held . guiltless lin Pierce. In *ll3OO, lie- was again a can , who strive to deepen it.—//arrisburpi Pa didate, and on the 16th ballot receive, trios. 121 votes to 168 'for Mr. , Buchanan; an - -41. 411,4. - • ';' • 6for Gen. Cass.: ,Again the prudence o • - The Case of Merryman. I the Convention overbore its most, gee erou -John 31errythan,:a - prominetit citizen of impulse; dictating this. tithe the noniinas Baltimore county, Marybunt, was •reeent- Alen of Mr. Buchanan. ,In 1860, he was a ly arrested upon the . charge 'of having third time brought forward, and now led participated in the ,burnitig of the bridges on every ballot,: being at len , gth declared on the Northern CentralraliWay, and. in-. dirt regular nominee; But meantime a :eareerated in •Fort he nry : '. Upon apPli ,. considerable ; share of , the. Delegates had- cation top Judge Taney a writ , of habeas bolted, exploding the party, and --nomina- corpus Was is'sue'd requesting.Geueral Cad-. ,ling Breckinridge, to run wallader to produce the body of 3ferry against 3lr. ,Douglas,, which, he did, to the 1 man and show cause why he should be certain defeat of both. Mr. Douglas had I detained. • - General Cadwallader refused the large popular hitt Mr. - Breckinridge Ito appear, but sent , woid to the Chicauo. I tice that he was anthorized. by the il. esi. the, more considerable _electoral. vote.— The election of. Mr. Lincoln had,long been : dent of the United States to' suspend; the ieevitable. 'Mr. Douglas—on whose nat- i,writ of habeas corpus in such eases, and in orally strong% coristitution• the eXeitement, the exercise of the diacietionary pOwer excessiye labor andfree habits for nearly I thus reposed in him, lice declined obedi thirty years of political gladiatership had I ence to the order. The Judge - then I di. already hails a deep impression, -at the I rested' .a writ -of attachment to Issue, close of the late session - went home frotii 1 againstitheGenertil, -cominanding hint to Washington probably .to' die.- 7 .N. I' I appear and answer for contempt; Which Tribune. 1 the United States Marshal was unable to serve—whereupon Judge Taney then 'read ' the, following statement:— . 1 1 -' 1 ordered the attachment yesterotav'‘.,be cause upon the face of the return th'e de ! tendon of the prisoner was unlawful upon ' two , grounds-- 1 . •• 1 1,- . Ist, the President under the Constitn tion iind"the tart's ` of the United States,' cannot suspend privilege of the ;writ • efhabeai corpus nor authorize any military 'officer to do so. . '1 1 9d ; a military officer has lite riqlit to arrest and detain a person not. sub ject to the rules and articles of war, for an offence 1 againSt the laws of the United Stated, ex • cept in aid of the judicial ;Authority land : selljeetto its Control. If th'e_partyp . is ar rested by the military, his the" tinti• of 1 the -officer to deliver him over immediate • ly torthe - eivil authority, fo be dealt With , aerording to law. ' - I - I forbore yestCr:chly to state erallyi the provisions of the Constitution of therni -1 red States, which' make thoie principles • the fundamental law of the. .Untop,i' be -1 cause an oral statement might - be misim -1 derstood in some ;portions of it, and I . 1 shall therefore put - my opinion in writing and tile it in the office of the Clerk orthe 1 Cirenit, COurti'in the course of the Wtek., 1 The Judge added' that the military au • thority was `always-- subordinate tot the civil; - that tinder {ordinary circumstances it Would be the duty of the Marshal tO:pro i reed with a posse comitiseas and .bring the !,part named in the writ into Court, I but from the notoriously stirierior fOree that he 1 would encounter this would belmpos4ible. Ile said the Marshal hid 'done • :ill - id his . power to discharge his duty, During the. !week lie Should prepare his 'opinion in the I premises, and forward it the President, (calling upon him' to perform his eonfttitii tional duty, and see that thelaws be faith fully executed,-and enforce the dectek of i this Court. - . - . .1- •We suppose that when all the- facts of this case come to: the Attention of:' the President lie will not hesitateto ordei the , surrender ofMerrymin to'the civil nuiher• ides. We do not sett how this :can be avoided undts the O:411 to fit!OF;ort( the Conktitution of the Vince(); Stites. Nei , . I ; ryman's offence , if-anything, IS. treason—.. ' and the laws define the proper inodv of , trying and • , punishing tliat crime. Mary.- ' land has l not revolted against the author, ity •of the United , Statewand the odurPi 1 are still in full poWer and. vigor., If-. ho is-not tried and condemned by,. ordinary process.. of law, we do not: understand how - he can be punished. - Not by court ,maitial, because be has never. been .sub ject to military government. A stinutiery - trial and execution Without, affording the. opportunity for-defence, -to which, every -person 'charged with crime is entitled, - st'ould be little keit. than Murder. While the Governintint is attempting to-eitab• fish- the supremacy of law Without] I- not encourage the slighteit needless infrietion of the sacred obligations of the Coits:titu ,l4ton,.. ,- . . , . ."None but a, physician -knows ow -much a,:reliable alterative is needed by I the people. On all sides of Os, iaalkeitin.. 1 munities every*here there. aremultitades ' that suffer from ,complaints that ')iothing jhut an alterative cures. i Hence . a4retit 1 many of them have been Jnade • •ind,, p ut abroad with the as:nuance of being - effect { tail,' But they fail to . aotiomphithithe, cures they : . promioe because they= have Inco the intrinsic-virtues 4hey - - elaim. • Ifi I this state-of.-the ',ease, DrJ. C. , Aiir-&- I Co., Of : Lowell,liate.:sup,plied- us With a I corn pontid 'Extract _Of Sarsaparilla,, • Which does- prove,tele Hui:long desiredniiiiidy. Its peculiar, different* from othili.kinelred preparations inonarketio that 11, curephe, diseases' : for.,l*Whieh:• it la - 3 , I . o'4*M - find: ed,' awhile they - o'llo. .We' are itlitited 'of this faiff - hy , more -than! one of our .inke/11.• gent Physicians la thelneighborhOOdl-0 d :have the tertlier'erideiiee • eittinti . 6Wifek".• perieietiofite trath.H{Teitneiieertielitei., - Nashville, Tenn. -*.• • ..I. ' r-I ' '''-' -.i >, '-': • Bir4seye View of the Ar my. ' Under the call of the President of the ' United States tipian the militia of the coun ' try to snppress the unlawful combinations usurping the powers of Government in the Is rebellions .States, there are now, in active service in the tield, - cin the lines extending. from Cairo, on the river, to Fort 24,onroe,at the mouth of the Chess- . peake, .Isomewliat . nver - eighty. thousand ' men. Of thesifrOnifive . .to thousand are 'at Cairo, *int, ten thousand at Cin. einnati;:and the,remainder l =-saYsixty•fiye . thousand—areconeentrating with throat:: eningtid - overvehelruirig power: upon the ! rebel lines in Virginia. • As the forces which 'Compose. 'this latter .body are the. objects of most immediate interest: in this wt• propose . 4 glance at ! Weirpresent whereabouts, and movements, ' so that eiar - readeri may judge of the sal ! dicrly skiliwith which the grand old Con querer tit Mexicio is,direeting the upriser : people Of thenolintry in the "work of crush.- , ing out thereWlion. .On the Virginia side of the Potomac, opposite Washington,. there:ath Seventeen regunents'of volunteers . , - ali - out a thousand . . Distriot 'militia and several 4fachments - ; -arre g ul 4 r °cavalry 'and artilery amounting ! I . .:. A' Patriot . Martyr, in all to aboitt:seventeen thoiisand men.,: 4 wail ~of sa dness, deep and - long, This force is strongly entrenched for the 'comes up.frOmAlevandria—from the very defence of thegapitat, sand at the smite house and thp very threshold of the • time menaces the:Manassas Gni) jitnetion , i,KerYtoom where Washington once slept, With the Or:moaint,Alexandrta railroad it ?n . d is' now. ringing • from , mountain to through the — risen • North ! Ells : —an ' iinportant-point its its eapturir cuts ,:v4eY , Ofr the .. llarlier's Fern' rebels front - the ; Worth has ,fallen—the , romp". accomplish: young, .. • edand galhuit soldier-the patriot hero= main bodiestn the interior: In immediate : I contact with the Virginiarorps cram' ee are. ' the martyr Mileer. He fell 'nobly in the l' I fifteen regiments:ofvoliniteers,in. the city', cause of his Couritry,-with his "martia cloak around hitn"—with;- the Stars and of WishingtOn,l augmented bv fifteen bun- ' tired of the District militia and a thousand ,;„Stripes warm in victory over his hear], Iregulars. - These bodies make up a b,„* . and. the secession- flag in blood, beneath sixteen ,thonsand 'troops inside of „the , his feet! His blood, freely shed—among the'first spilled in our see4md. revolution . Federal.! city, and with the I seventeen for Liberty, will nMoisten afresh the 'rooks tholisand occupying the' heights across: the river, present the array of of our glorions Government and. grow armed men, who Willcomefrom the bloody thirty-three , thousand men immediately under the•eye pf General Scott . ground like the iron men of Cadmus. - SuppOrting this force at Wadtington, Tt may be said that Ellsworth - was rash and impulsive and sacrificed, indis. and so posted 'as . to concentrate either -there or at Flarper's Ferry, are ten regi- erectly, a noble, valuable life. But he was merits at ChautherShurg, embracing eight the Colonel of 'a fighting reginnint—a fiery force, Whose idolatrous allegiance to their thousand five - hundred men ; " .ittd Seven leader must be rivet ted by deeds of phisi re,ginients- .at Turk, Harrisburg, and on 66 North Central Railroad, amounting to cal daring! He dared, he - wrotight, he dins-fell! and his sacred ! 'remains repose -in about six'thonsalid men; the two" fourteen thOnsand -five the, East Room of 1.110 White House—are. ions' summing up hundred, There arc also moping upon wept over. by the. President, by all the great ones of the land, by , his . comrades, Harper's Ferri two Gratton , by the people, and at- borne in triumphant and one at Parkersburg, 'Virginiano. , 'state through great cities to theirhumble, togethera colninn of twenty-five imakimnda. honored, resting place, in the. In naltitnore and at Fort McHenry, there , but now of the Empire State! The light, are five OH reginients' - and a battalion, of ;heart ning, with its telegraph, flashes his praise, all some. four ', thousand eight -hundred ipraise,volunteers and abittalirm of regulars the thunders of cannon roll his eulogium. A Nation mourns over it i fallen -hero! strong. Occupying Fortress Monioe, the -village Of HaMpton abd the point on 1 Glorious life! . Glorious death ! Ye James River, known as Newport News. . patriot soldiers, weeP, and emulate - and arc nine ,regiMents* -of'volunteers and a-, tak! , courage! If ye fill, ' Ye will : also be mournpd and honbredonuf the starry ban, regiment of regulars, amounting to about• • ~ ner of your country will be, your itmnortal nine thousandmen.-;—Phi/ade/iiiia hipti- ' winding sheet ! The,blood, of the mar tyr',s is "the seed of the plinrch !" The blood ofEllsworth is one of the seeds of his _country's vengeance and triumph ! Binyham?va Repuld;cci». . . , . —;‘,..i..•—: - - . WILE* C r larksville (Ten n.)Chron- eat', which was a famous Union paper du- ' ring .the last] campaign and supported- Bell for ?resident with the •doble andpa triotic motto - 'l`he Union, the Coustitu-%. tion, :inti the enforcement of the laws,"Nls as but as a salamander for • ab,,,nion. It talks abOut itsiin the following rapturous style of paneOrie The people Of-the .Northare, at this mo-:; merit, more abject slaves than the blacks' on a cotton farm, and the readidess with As hick they obey the mandates of a tvrant, and submit to Ale-Violation of 'the Clonsti tution, proves - that they never were the safe repo sitories . of freedom. . A people : who were once free and surrendered their liberties Without a struggle, always had the soubi of slaves. • - (17".i . ,1e.tandria wears an exceedingly. dull aspcct--‘like that of a Sabbath day. Many of the stores on the wharf are en tirely closed, and the SocessiOn sentiment among the.enntnitiliitv does not seem to have abated much'. "the women and chit-, dren ar - leaving daily. for the hostiitahlei sliorea r 4 Maryland. Freedom of speech' is apparently unrestricted; except when ton open', - add - s - icilent in -the presence ..of the:soldiers: • The National Intelligeneer,a jour-! nal conservative to a fault, takes strong;l grounds as to the right.of the President I to suspend the kafras eoiptp. In its pa per of Thursda,y .editorial . article of two cohimer discnises the' subject that. ! oughly, and: denionstrates - beyond- cavil that Mr. Jefferson. exercise*. the right of a suspension on the mere ktotind. oft : an anticipatediniurrection.- fen. Jackson, ; both in Florida and in New Orleans, ex- ercised the leune•powers, and in the case 'of the_ j' I'hhskt .. itistiriectian.- the same' thing was done: But. the existing state of affaits tiffords_ajtustifitztittn infinitely strobgenthitithOseittst referred. •. —.l. ......,ii,:..„ - .. :........-._ , . i -. ---Lienterishrtileninserand 'his original I, enintuai2d frotn -Fort Pickens - have atvived ; NOrt It. They arc worn out with`the inrig I labor awl - ituaiiinne - `tindery:one- fireVioul .11)1111-ir tr.Pftforronhtit . ; Fraud of Army Contractors. - One of the most disgraceful" ?tad dis gusting spectacles which-the- present war reveals, is the dishonesty and cupidity of contractors, speettlatOrs and middle men, between the. Government and the poor Volunteers, who have left the comtlirtS', peacefitl pursuits, of home, to serve their country on the field of battle ; or, what is worse, and more dangerous, on the tent ed field, or, the field of Barracks, where the etientV is miserably and unhealthy food, i. and garments which the winds of Heaven , should not visit ,roughly, at the peril of their fallitk to pieces.t: - Yes, the practicM enemy is -strong butter, half-starved or . diseased meat,mustyflour,stale vegetables; and blankets; and paler garments, which libel,the name thek label. And all this comes from_ the selfish fraud and rascality of speculating contractors who, to cheat the Government put !of large sums, for ,they pay enough, will, like Hessians, not • patriots,MOt_Christiatsr, thus prev • upon the 'poor andssuffering Volunteers! Out upon such infamous imposture ! Such pirates should be tarred and feather oil and rode on a rail, forthe exercise and j' amusement of t6C same Volunteers. It ; would be --a new very not- found in Hur -1 dee, but one very conservative, practical anineceisary.—Binpliamton Republican. CORRUPTION OP itIE MIMI NISIIIATION. I Tue - Administration of GoV. -Curtin hMi —lnimenSe quantities oc freight for the become' sO steeped in corrnptiOnrand ithbe-, South are now going over: the Nashville 1- cilitv that thti stOmach of the- Attorney Railroad. It is rumored - that . the . trans-' General his revolted: Rank indeed must portation of Sonth by . this root will i be the rascality which would compel, such. be stopped on ?Monday next. - .The eiodus I a •step upon his part, .and such a sblic of Southerners for thlNCirth by railroad I rebuke to iris own party. chief. Below we through, Louisville ii- i nprecedenied, and i give his letter of resignation : . . . is partly attributed to the stoppage of the ;. _. \ .a.TTC/R.NE4 GENSit:Aeti OFF.ICE, i boati 'on the Mississi p pi river . It is ru- " ,'-‘-. -. •: • . morel that if the trade over the Nashville ' . -•-- - - • Harrisburg, May 24, 1b81.4 road is 'stopp ed, ite TeiinesSecani Will ad. [To -Andrew . G. curtin,,Gov. &v.: vance into - I entuoky and take - possession i For reasons , which appeal to my SELF-1 of the roa'd.. • The Union men orKent.acky t RESFEVT,- I -- emmot etmsent to continue' have deteiniried to - krinit,n6, aggression 1 an Y li . a, iiin_er in. , c onnection - with' you i:ad from any quarter. ' ' - e"3l.emplits Bulletin i IninistrO 6 n • -'-: ''• • i . . - . 1 announces the arrival Of Gen. Beauremird. , rtlierefore: tender you my resignation on tlu 29th instant, to take rotrunatid .. of of - tlic -olTkit of Attorney-General of the the Western flivihiun . fbe rebel army.- ' ' 4lll4l'. • SA M . 1., A. PL` IIi."r.A.NCE. • It .determilied to await the result of the P State election, desirous that no one might he able to say:that the slightest effort had been made from this Jiide to influence the free expression of your opinions, although the many agencies brought . to hear upon von by the secessionists were w4.•11 - knOwu. You have now shown, under the most ad verse ciretunidances;. that the great mass of • the people of 'Western Virginia are true and loyal to that; Govern ment under which we and our fathers have lived so long As 'soon as the . result of the election was known. the traitors commenced their work of destruction. The General Gov ernment cannot close its ears to the de mand you have made fot assistance. 1- iMve.ordered troops to 6.0)4' the river.— They conic as your friends mid 'brothers ; as enemies only to armed rebels, who are preying upon you. Your Wines, your families and your - property are saf. under our protection. All your rights shall be religiously respected. Notwastanding all that 'has been . said• by the traitors to induce you to believe our advent among you will-be signalized by an interference with* . your slaves, un derstand one thing clearly ; not only will •1 we 'abstain from all such interference, but We will on the contrary,• with an iron land, crush any attempt at insurrection on their Tart. Now that we are in your midst, I call upon you to fly to arms and support the General Government ; sever the .connec- Lion OM .hin4s you to traitors • proclaim to the, world that.the faith and traitors; so long boaStefl by the Old Dominion are still preserved in Western Virginia and that you remain true , - to the stars and stripes. (SiLrtied) G. R. McCLELLAN, Major General Commanding. Important Letter 6om Cameron. WASH IN VI"ON, 31a' 30, 1861. Six-LI - Our action in respect to the neg roes who came .within your lines from the service of the Rebels is approved. The Department is sensible pf the embarra;ss ments which must surround, officers, con sidering military Operations in a - State, by the laws of which slavery is sanctioned. The Government cannot recognize,the re jection by any State of the Federal obli gations, nor can it refuse the performance of the 4'edet'al obligations resting upon Among these • Federal obligations, however, none can be more important than that of suppressing and. dispersing armed combinat tonslormed for the purp ose. of overthowing its. whole constitution ,al authority. While, theretbre, you will pert - tit no interference bv • the persons under . your command with their relations of, persons held to - Service' tinder . the laws of any. State, you will, on the other inunl, so long as any State within Which your mili tray operations arc conducted is under the control pf sueh armed 'combinations,. refrain from surrendering to alleged mast ers any potions who nay come within your lines. You will employ such per sons in the services, to which they may be best adapted,_ keeping an account of the labor by them performed, of the value . of it, and the expenses of their maintenance. The question of their final disposition will be reserved for future determination:. SIMOY CAmicRON, Sec. of War: To Major-General Buritin.. , . WASTIT - NGTON, May 31.--,4t was stated in despatch last night that a number of vessels were fitting out here for some des: tination not .publicly diclosed. The fol lowing despatch, received from the Navy Yards, between four and five o'clock , this evening, affords an-explanation. ' "The Keystone State reports that in passing Acquis Creek at noon, 06 steani gun-boat Freebordiand AnaCtistia 'were engaging the battery at that point. with success. Shall I sen,d the Poca' houtas with her ten-inch gun to assist.", ,The despatch - Was signed by Cap. Dahlgren, the commandant at, the Navy Yard. lin- Medi:44y on the receipt of the despit,ch the Navy bnpartnient ordered two men-. of-war down to the support - of Captain Ward. Acquia Creek is fifty four miles from Washington, and the battery is located at the terminus of the Richmond, Fledrieks burg and Potomac" Vessels can approach within musket shot range of the battery. —The lion David Taggalt, fornierly Speaker of the Pennsylvania , Senate,l has J. eee appointed Paybtaster. in the 'Ailny. • I Peo nlfalting in Pennsylvania. , ! -- lve,..lollllio"ronfl t he Philadelphia thollttilburglpitkpateli that the .' 7 1 1 3? W#th a heavy 'ofweithleskitt:ni i s wore furnished to the P, the .f.troojni,, is receiving a" thorough Oak • -These purnals th - ti napn'es afthe. iparties, chiefly no ifoiious peliticisiisivlci Skived as middle- - , men or go-lx4weens in these most infa ' moss transactions. It appears that favor- } ites received contracts for furnishing parts - of unifornisit 410 iiachiWban responsibleil ' put in for $7.50; that , panta-1 loonse•mtde o$ very poor materiat,.*ere paid for-at the rate. of ; SS, each, when theyl could have. !been attained, at retail Tor,...ragoidiDg,,PierAndwr ay. Profit of 1 iwentir-fiV"ia urs)er cent. even at 'that low ! rate.' --- Thejouinals-iiie 4 ow names of i protalinenC politicians. WhiY,ll7l) = charged t.witlthating - receivpd - handsome -sums for consummating:theptconttacts. - IWe knosi.nothingPeisonally-of these racts; tint-frili what . -taking place in.: this city and elaiwherei we havn - dodoubt of theirgeneral reorrectness. - That therels to be a good deal of steal. I ingin expending the vast sums furnished for the :war; is to be expected. Some meii-whe*e ostentatiously and conitant-1 ly appeFing-treforethe public in guise of patrtots, have too longprofited -by levy- i ing, black-mail upon the Legislature and ' Government Contracts,' noito take nate rallY4o so rich a pacer as the current am- I test affords. We - know *them and their acts. o longns Ahoy." ive they - will labor • , Submitting to .these .peculations . as. a, _necessity,. we nevertheless - insist: that the equipments, ninuitiOns . • and-• provision: which they furnish for our brave boys, and [ out of liinch these carrion: vtiltures make I money, Shall .beof..o good.. quality; . Let theßrovernment;lf need . - be - , but - not our heroic. ;.troops; - be: ,-; the . sufferer.' - Give our soldiers, - gentlemen peculators 1 stout i Copt :and warm blankets, -goodineat, and j; Sreet bread, even-though you . charge the Government twice What they--are- worth, and put the: excess; into . your .own pock ets.—N., J''. ',Tribime. . ... ~ ... • . . ,---7 Army'Peoulators. . In the. New Yorklribunoof flay• 25, we find the follOwlng' article; which we oprimaders for. their perusal. idd consideration :7 , , [• ." How anybedy . but fiends can, . for lif ere, wilfullyFpahn .oti'• upon the ,Govern ment sleezy and - rotten .blanietsoind . rns-, ty and putrid pork, to cover, by night and feed byAar bur brave . sons ; and ' brothers who are enduring ` un wonted fatigue, and braving d e ath; in defence Of our country ' -•, - - - passes CoMprehenision... And "Set . that such things are men Who . .fernish• equipmentitanitippPlicifor, isenie s 'of, the regimen tstiow inactive 'service,- is heyOnd 1 - all doubt. - We'laie beard :Mims ; , men tioned in connection With there - infamous Itriinsactions' . At - prettent -We :forbear to T repeat thinf. Something' Mist; be done , ItO 'stop theie - outrages - upo n our, brave troops. ..Vultures. that . prey ' üben the hearts of• the dead'On 'The battlefield, are htimaweonipared With monsters Who fur nish rotten blankets . - amt rotten ; meat to I the living in the: carni::,.,They ',riniiit, ',be rsiimmarily &aft. siiih, . snit ' at: the, very obeginningeof the' wai - Uteri; their ,crime becornes throriiii. - ; Wellington's remedy I would be . effectual.. - In .the ...Peninsula I War, soinerieetiliar CoMmissioners, who made money by furnishing bad provisions to the arini r were sent by hint , first to a druin-head eourt-martial, . and and to , the gallows: Lot New York' and l'enn li.sylrania traffickers, who palm off rotten } tress and putrescence ; upon our tivops, 1 profit by the examp le." . ....-....._ !'lam) O,N Tuz Yzatiirster.—lf the Rich mortd Eraminer may be - believed, the 1 great object of the cotton rebellion is' to get rid of the Yankees, who are, so cor dially.treated. by the aristocracy of the South. The,..Vairisgratift-i . below evinces the most bit' i ter feeling; and some of. the articles Which we .see in . Eastern tapers show that there is no great. amount of im , e. • list 4t*een Yankee latid and 'Cot tnudoin. ' • . "Ali the benefits .. and advantage!' of a !Ong war sink iittct iuSigniftcance when • .. 'compared With the Certain' good that will result from having nothing hereafter to do with the seminal and infidel . literature of Abe Nortlf;' nothing , to do it; its counterfeit'inantifuctures, no;. its :knavish trade ; nothinglo c7o with its, free-lites, sgrariatis,Thand',anarchists ; nothing to do wtth the thieves cut-throats, lazaroni, and pauper banditti of New — York ; and; best of all, nothing to 'do with the .Y . ankee, half-nothad, half Jesuit; whit ihfestS, and, distnbs society, citilized and savage, in' every corner of the-world. - As ,InischieV-• oils and prolific as the ikroirrayratlbe stealthily insinuates ritifitself int#' every country, and depredates _ on' sooirtj in annually iricreaSitig . geminetrical be cause he breed k and multiplies in geometrir ratio. The *nth now 'has , bundredi of thottSan'diof these vagabond; nortiadie, thievish" 'npsylik'e confine" ; but. we, hopre'ilie B,olith Will soon become 100 hot to hold them', volunteer,. quartered in the Sen n te C lA antiier el the capitol ) Wrote letter; to h is 'sweetheart in but was called away before be /had lime to addresssthe envelope; it. iras tbuttd. by , a Senator who opened the wiesive;.l9PPos inglit to be intended for hini. The` chap had written to his , hub- If•ve".atiout the gOod Prospects.: ,before • bun:and ; , then wound up by. telling _her that,hellidn't in tend to come home he.had ; Jeff" Da vis's heirt in ° hie hteedes pocket." - INIGSTIFICASi7.—It . is Ssid that 5,00 Q applications 'have been made at the Phila delphia, Custoni'House for inspectorship's, clerks, &c. ' The appointmentsAire, for four years, while the , volnnteminAlie my are , enlisted —for •only three: years; which -issaid'the Melee given- for - preference 'of seriiec in- the former over ,the latter. , - ' Vintru, lite2w Orleans Commercial Bulletiti thinks , that ,the attempted ldoetkiloni, the Southern Oita is. c accordinit to' all principles or 61- ternational law, at : icor►*ion of the.enp arate 'and clii;t inct.itatiqnslit theSiantb. , Ninnies iiitnAnr:OPr-jirttii'Cinniii, to; a inibinawpncoirreninibloiContko. 'Cohinc•Siiterhiost; gird , nllo4)74oW, -Croup;; WhhopineCotWaildliciiiiint Consumption, his WOW„tlie binenf. dine, and hos: tile lotnitiOncor phy iiicianit who employ t.hoh. ' practice. Sxin W. Fowl e itc• Co / ' ; Profi_rietorn; Bol ton. Sold: by. Drugritif: - Akeloo4 every i4thire. , y. • -Babaututta, ~/tfity.-31,-,EzGovernor Pratt 'was arrested this evening atAnni -pails, - by - order.-of the Gaveitmiimt4 and taken' to the Washingten Navy Yard. It, is also rumored that gx-GOvernor Lowe lies also been arrested, 2 . Atolgtfitt,dV:Of NeWs E —The eJtport, cot4pn There LE : 'been 3 - 4tiiitiesitiottrtitat the i;.‘1,91-tal EEEE, might - becarried.:.-on i : E .by. means. vt" South western rout es.l it no NV :appears thal the Seuthent,Conivers iimaerl nu act riOcept , E:througli -SetitheniiiertS.,.":"Thi:news.limities :At' 11-: 'by the Ivp..l o r, Ne)v::-0„ r•IY'4 I . I / 3- • . : • 411 - leave:of uhsenee- - ot' - -3jr.. Cal; will proceed tii - Spaih; and - nut ge tip V , 41 31oiiree: With his regiatent.... —Tlke ship - ,..Abtehul -front-Boston - heeris.eiat.. .411/yE the Southern .- authoriti , .. at New 'Orleans. -E ; , . ,-Nr;‘ltichatsl .Itairli4on;' has TAT; I 1. -teil to till Mr. -Cnrwiie vaenney in t l• SeVenni Congresploiioll)istriet- "of 'I 11, —Er-Givoi'nor :Minks of 31Oss. teAtOt'lliO.,ttiffOiislOft.ll3rigOdier and Qunit ernitist 1.1 ._ir arm: . —The llortler_buttO Conyention is t isstegi to the 'All ttie.nitiiiiitera.ti:ivit be.etr.orii - . to 1.. , &Wife to the United_ States... conscription is : 1/4) W COI: - Mon' at New Orleans. • • - A - Yankee, wI, .. was driven, into fokeed .kmlistinent, has writteu hoine the. boys n.• .shalt aim high and ,fir O-blank cartridges The outrages 'of the spc:culatorh, ar.• eliciting curses hollt loud and deep our whole colunnsnwealth, from all clasm , ... On saturday, we ire infornied, one . of - t 11.• volunteers Frornlatilir Johnson was while attempting tb steal a turkey,' havin tf been drien there - by' insuffiCient and in; fit food: • - • •. 3taine s 4 ,olanteer company thei arithirtv-one oyer six feet in their steel. "They are 'calle4 the _"iliiity-o& infants." .TII E. VI; tor.of Plaind ea I • says. he has been-a#llall Columbia" Dein,. cnt':;alt his life:*ind ; ',.proposes'to 'die a "Y:it;kee DO6dlO.Pan-flY."' • • - , --7.T.116..,3"-ilg i niaiis bare removed Cap, llepri lights and . ljuilt o n ' . the bea,-1-) - aboukhalfinile • AtStn - nt,.- to d'eceive . ea!, ' tains,:in eonserenee' which the AIN , ' lwith -800,tons miiiifropi England to Dal timore, ram ashore, - • Tine Mobile papers - say that the agent -of the - Yieneh - Gorerninent is itou- in that. • city, collecting info riniiiient for the Ent per •or Napoleon.: . • on Webb,. of New Yorkilias been arilointed F.tivor ,Extria ordinary afid . 3liniater, einpotentiary Braid: r - 7 -In - tbe C. S. Oirenit court at Bohtf.i: t Boston, 'plead - guiltfto npdning a letter belonging to .anhtberiper!fon,l4s - been 'sentenced b .:TudgeLBpramle -Nvelve tient and a-fine oft, i;75. • -1 • lion. Wii:lti.3lerefiiiii 'has: _beep al ! poi . Go4' , ertior,'• AttOrpert u eral of the ContniOriwelth.. We aro" in formed thiiACliitS 7 t6ePfed. vessel4.iinproperly .:cap`tirre,.l the‘blciektiflitig 3drees ilaya, been cirdpr ed to reletisest - !The - Governtrient will act proinptly, in altfuttire -raises of a si,ii liar character.. • ' Boston; .Post'•-•puhli;lie;l .1 letter :jinni ex-Preiiident Pierce, in Whieb theTollowiniparaOatili,ot!ern*: " The very 'idea !, of aisowinbernivnt o! - the Union has always been to me' one oi . terrible signifimisci.. if it holds a 'place in the inevitable march' of. time— if the noble-fabric tniist totter to its tal there is, I linpe. no inexorabl.• necessity that its' ruinS be' stained .with re go:.! • - , - • :•-. ) '"The paper ; ; .the .whore-tountrY a i m occupied with indi nant denunciation's of the, tn4)l) ill atwurated.„,by • the ,Ileptpican Nothing has Alone Uwe:to revive ,the Do moiraticzkaLthan ese very- fit obs Whici have . tried AO - beat down Ireedmik ~ 1 speech and freedont ofthe•press. taken 'frtnit.Setiator.....Donglos's speech.:. in the Senate MI the 2d'cif Marti!. . thy, to ho reprodm!ed ••• "I oan confirm ;the I Senator's' a celara tion, that Senator himself, when on tin, Committee . .(br Thir teen; was-ready atdall. ebni)ront rise - on - the Crittenden .l - will funkiji.:iinil say' : that3lr„Tpdnibs Nva, also" .• , ' • Theerittoinlen . eornpr.4-:iniso rrtis alniust unanimauslr refused bythe -Itteptiblican .I!osttn4lit4 . (40erpl.illair; has is .sueAthd tpllciNiugio4vr ; _ • • -. the '-stales of Virginia, North . Caiolinn; . g outh Cord'''s, Georghti'Ykiriftln,JAlkliittria,-,?AliSs.6si t Api. Lnttistana c Arkaiti)isi•Und,Texait,-,tv lw Suspended from sot 'afterr,tlte Letters forelEimriVeriii)Orniilv olOsod. thiSoider ivillbelorn-arded deal lextrs,ffice..; except • those, : of Western ) 7 -Arginin; \Moot .• - __• -- •••••.14 lau;fintini., 3.k.oht among the JOS • iif • s'Onye",••• of thje troOpS,itear_ Vt r allki*ton ' the- other day, Was siespeeted'Oflittvingynt poise!) into a quatity,Orstigai.tbaelay ..,1),0.*1.1,w here : ai xm some melt ?.,•lught, hontunt:'nlkde. .hun eat of , the' the. emetic ; Offthitq cotAiOn . p - d: theirel oi and yet_ they We ifc,u.crr,Qr ; the sugar, had. not.. pOn.poisoped, but .the wen...were ig norant of the' nutiibct pfpounds of, weep.' at .whiett.the , hnnutit'; . 'stoniaett_.begins t rebel: ' • After_beingeoptineft - fcir - some' time-inlhogoard,•4louse i - . dui..was.iihera ter], glad mth _ his life. fie it t not9light :Iroi44 . 4,ntang, thou! Phi() men , soon- again. • - E 1t •• • . beef' - determined - the •Grovettinitint:ttilifkkViry."•iiian,-eif•what eyerranki,seryintht_tho,arrnyor_navy, diplotita.en parehnfent, iiarehment pa per;' .signed by, trte rresidOtand heads of .Deriarttnents. • •• . _ TnE'Ct.crriirvla - W. td'corm- . t, l :Touhliith.eikar.catd hi the - .Contior„i,ti ifiSt I his'Aiitls t iqiiuilivx bim stier 4 visit to,tly,aolin - g tint; tOex - poso the,. wron'grif th ai Inive been inflicted upon the:-":'tioopr • PinnVliiiida;-, - i..11.6.; - con - prodo . ":hoc,pnblies49n!fittlii 'f9l . l6iving strong but jusi v reason - to tkprf!intlit 4u officers and our •men i denotiner our public au.thOriiies-fue the tualuie:r' in which they hate tivatEld 'them. I deelatial to - our Cipowap . 4 9 - 4,1 iePeat the declaration` itibliete,'tliat it, h4s been hase,\ .kharp - tigh hiv4tik4tion to_ hold up- to tin,' Oubfie,- scorn and indignation the indi'vid uslit'who have proPell- rpereant to thcii ?rust; and faithln:4s to -iiheir••.public tks." • •