iieititavirs swim= Greatest Remedy in the World,for RHEUMATISM, and all PAIN. Warranted to' CUED Fceer and Ague In one day; Chills In lire minutes; • Deafness in two to four days ; • - Barns and Scalds Mien mlnutes ; ; Sprains. Wjt113414 . and'Brialses,iii from one to three dais; Indauttnation in one day • . Neuralgia, Croup. Toothache, Barns, In ten minutes; Ilemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten days ; Wounds. Setter, to to three days; 'Manche. Stiff Neck. Ague. in one day ; Felons, Broken Bleast, Salt Itheum.tn 3 to six . days ; rthay, Palpitation. Pleurisy. in one to ten days ; ma. Go - M. Erysipelas. lo live to twenty dat a; Frosted Feet` Chflblains, Stifilelnta, chronic Rho'. matiem, Sore Throat. Scarier. jever, and the lame • made to walk, by a few bottles. • : This OIL. the tiratit7e) is mitt and pleasant, and le a great FamilOtetileine for children teething &E. Ladies yhonld a roc it. it always V3VVIL you better than it find+you, ll and one bottle often cures entirely. „ . .. ./, ,-.---- ... / , 1 ' ms's. 74r - aiir.e4A i ~ .‘ :COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. • Located over the hascpiehanna Valley Bank. BINGH g MTON N. Y. ,______ G ____ i ri„AcULTI: I). W. ?.0%,VE1.0, Principal, Professor of the SCieqe of Aeounis, Practical Accountant. Autho\r of Lowell's Treaties upon Book-Keep ing, Diagrams illustrating the same. s•- Jon RASWIS, CoMmercinl Accountnnt t Profes'r I of Book Keepirtg and Practical stathematics. I .J. J. CCRTIs.- Ass )stint Professor in the Beak i Keeping Deporcment. %. .1. IVAnNER, Professor of Practical and Or. 1 namentsl Petirtianahip, Commercial Cale:lda-1 lions end Gorr4sposdence. I t . , T I ALL:CTUREIIS: Won-Daniel S. D"wkirson,teeturcren Cotnner. '; nal Law and Political Economy.. 'o 1 lion. Itsnsom lialcout, • Lecturer. on Contracts, j Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. It s ev Dr. 4..kiiFews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics.; : EXAMIIIING COMMITTEE: lien. Sherman I) Phelps, Wm. It. Osborn,: E.,ii . Tracy R. Mor4an, Esq. The object of,this College is to afford to all :or opporthnity og obtaining a thorough Business I:t:cation. ; The Books and Ferris arc carefully arranged by practical acchuntauts expressly for this In stitution and embrace. all the recent in:prove aunts. 1_ . The course - Of instruction comprises every dtparttnent of lius'..ness. The learner will be, thoroughly tau4ht the science and pia,ctice of, Doulle Entry Alt• Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz: General cider. chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis sion, Steamboaiing, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Fortiign Shipping,.4;.c. • , i YOUNG MEN Can gnalifY themsetses In a short time, at this 'lnstita. lion, to dll. importapt sad lucrative situations. Ample references Min be Oren where graduates of 1580 are now lilting desitablosittations with salaries trom $560 to $lO6O per annum. The Proprietors Le in possession of testimonials from some of the first Coilimercla! fiancee in the State, to a hom they Lase furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfaction and co4fldence in the ability of the graduates of this Institution.: ... , i .--7 PENMANSHIP In all its I;ranches.ianght by the most skillful and thor- ...._ .4._, ongh masters of th art. No College In the country - en joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladies' Dc- ' . Spruce Creek, Iluntingdotreo ,Pa , Jan. IS. pirtarect entirely enparate from that of the . gentlemmi. II Spalding. Sindantscan cuter at any time . .o vacations. ''..- it ,`• I Time to complete the course, from Bto 10 weeks. Stu- You will please *end me twifboxerof your Pills. Send dents passing the irequisite examination are presented them immediately . ~. . with the most elabbrate and elegant engraved Diploma Respectfully yours, • issued by any Conimercial 'or Classical Institution in the_ Z I JNO. B,SIMONS. Onion. Assistanei rendered to graduates in procuring I P. S.— / hare us' et , Ont b o rjr your fills, and find them sitnationa. i enaltene. ' z For tellbs of tuition,. price of board, testimonials of ; , 1 . , graduates tiling pOsitionsAc, address the proprietors for ' circular , containing full particulars. s • LOWELL /t WARNER. 7 ' Henry C. Spalding, Em Belle Ternon;Ohio. ;fan. Vs i • Please find enclosed twenty-Ore cents for wh ich send Bif.ghatuton Commercial College. me'anot her'hnx of your Cephalic Pills'. ' They are truly , _Nov. "proprietors B,i tie.—y . Binghamton, N. Y the beet pills I have e ever toed . KEY §t — ONE HST E L < A I Direct 1 A STOVYR, P M ....... &Me 'i. ernop, Wyhndot count), Ohio --..-....-- FlEr'' Zid DOOR ABOVE MULFORD'S...4O .. At ontreee, Penn. ! ,„ ~,Yerly....ffas.. The O. rrTIS . PUBLIC generally aminformind that• a FREE EY- WDL IL HATCH, Proprietor 1 H.C - SPahlinc• Esq. ' . IL lIIBMOIi Is given - at all hours of the day , of NEW . • i I wish for some cirmalars or Inrce show bills, to brio l. I GOODS of all sorts, viz: Dress Goods of Samintir Prints. , rillll§ ' DOW a n d ” commodious Hotel . t td ; your Pills more part icnlarly before m 3 customers. If yon St us e Poplins, Challis. Lawns In patterns. cheap BisbopLawne. : have anything of the kind. please send them to me. VeMlanta, Book, Bard. Jaconetta and Swiss MulL Ladles' . en Public Avenue, near the Court House,and 1 pne a mysinstomers, who is ...nine. tto a .e% ,re sick Cellars sad Sleeves. Dimity, Marseilles. Moreens, Yurni- I i nearly in the eritre of the business portion of l ilt s headache. 111511)01y lasting hr.cO days ). seas evr ,, i of es af care Fruits, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeen., Stu:inner Stu ff s. tad. in on hour by your Pills..lultlLll I Pent her. Gents Shirts, Cotton Drawers. Collars. Cravats Neck-ties, I MontroSe, is now fu ly completed and furnished, i it e. pet.i full:.I our.. and Suspenders. A new and large lot of and watt opened on Mondays the nth day of - W. It, wititt:- ' i 9 Sep:en:ll,er, 1858, fur the accommodation of LEATHER•WA.RE , the public and. travelers. The Proprietor feels I . • mos as Gents trine Calf Boots—good 'ons,talse heavy ace 1 c o n fident the 11 _ t. e Is now prepared to enterta:n ', Remy C. Spalding. light Shoes, Splendid Ladies Gaiters tram S to IS shillings Arracrted to St. 'White. Brown, and Black HOSIERY. 'guests o ema ner that cannot fail to give I No. hi Cedaretreet. N. Y. I Dear Sir : • Parasols and Umbellas, Band 13o:co and Work - -Baskets. ' Complete Satiseaction. , , Inclosed find tyenty-tly cent. (25.‘ for which send mi 33 13 A- 3a i. rie w psr u i c i The Jlotel and Furniture aro new, and no ex- e D rest to Per WM Filler, at t lTe x yn o o f ld;fi e n i ;. ,h l. lc r... l ;il l l s th ' conli ' i c y. Ohio. ' . . . I and Sperm, adamantine and low Candles. . Brass and , pense has been spared - to render it equal, if not i toer Pills wort like a eliarm-rure Headathe almost 1 slapaned Larders, Wash Boards and Coffee Mills,i . White- ' an to any' similar establishment in this parf..! indantrr. I wash Brushes, Bed Cords SO feet long, a hlttled and spring s . a ., Truly your., Wm FILLER. I Clothes Pins, Pine and CEDAR PAILS, besides. PILE:of 10, t h e ;Btate• ilt is well supplied with all the I - a p ailitgur %gem/wage I recent tmproveinents and comforts, - and obliging WI i waltera will atways be readvto 'respond to.the . 4Cret7 Twisty. among which are Tapico end Corn Starch i ca ll o f 'custom rig . • ~,. forgiorionscings, Cream Tartar, Soda -starch Saharans Qatar Oil, m Salts. Black and Scotch Snuff, and lets I The Stable 4 connected with -this House are' of things mil h won't do to read about. but please to call, I Nem and Convenient.. examine and talk abort . Wia.re ready and willing to show f Goods, even though they may not suit ; and thankful for 1 The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron solo favors. IL C. TYLEIL age of his old friends, and the public generally.• WS!. K. lIATCII.` AV.7I.ICTED YEARS, t A:VP CtIIED IS oNr. WEEK Read letter from Rer. Jame!. Temple. PIII.LATIZLIII A, June 9th, 1.35 Prof. De CIRATII : I have been afflicted for thirteen 'rears with Neuralgia and other painful complaints, and .ear* been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years pail. Last week I got a bottle of your Klee irk Oil. The first night I plept soundly and well. and to day lam like a'new_man. My wife could not believe ber eyes. • Your Electffe Oil has done-1n one week what the • phyaielana of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years. GraterllllT VOllll4. • JAMES TEMPLE. MO South street. DEAFNESS CURED. ViZW May 19th, ISZA. Prof..De Grath: Me brother has been djaf fort yearn. After trying many things, be used yont Oil a few times, and it cured him entirely. CLirFouri H. SCRANTON: .• Or For Pile be all Drug,liiirs, ind at the Depot, :IT Sonthilighth-st, Philadelphia. — feb2L3m cy • D°'°° WANT %-111SKICIIS! DO YOI• WANT WHISKERS? r , DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE• BELLISIGUA: I I 9 S. Webrated STIMULITING 011611ER1, For the Whiskers & Hair . The knhaeribera take pleaann• in announcing to the citizena of the United State, that tbev,bave olltalned the agency for, and are now enabled to after to the American public, the above jugtly celebrated and v,erld-Fenowned article. The Stimulating Onguent 1.1 prepared by Dr. C. P. Rellinglonn, an eminent 01)1al. elan or London, and is warrautcd to bring mit a thick set of • Whiskers or a.Mustache- in from threeto six weeks, This article is the only one of the kind uitecklay the Fiend', and in L:cirdon and Paris It is in universal • Ills a beautiftl, eeononalcal, soothing% yet stimulating compound, Rather as if by magic upon the roots. causing beautifulgrowth of luxuriant Lair. 11, applied to the calp. it trill' cure baldiiess.-and cause to-. iiprhig up io ipleee of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied according to directions. it will torn red or towy . - hair-dark, and restor gray hair to its original color , lea. el it soft, smooth, and flexible. The Ongennt" lean ,• indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and af. ter one week's use they would not for any consideration lie 'without it. The substilbors are the only agents for the article in the United State, to whom all orders must be address. ed.. , Price, One Dollar a box—for sale by all Druggists and Dukes ; or a box of the • Ongueutnwsrfanted to have the desired effect) *ill be sent to any who desire it, ire snail (direct). securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, el IS. Apple to or address DOR ACZ - L. 11EGEMAS CO. - Drugiziets.d . c., William aired, New York.' PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY . Alamp Chimney that will-not Break ! ins great . intention commends itself to even' one T acing COAL OIL LAMPS. It glees more light, re =ewe less cleaning, and will' not break by beat or cold, ,or any orditta47 nage. For sale by Storekeepers generally tbroughnut the C . S., and the Canada', and wholesale by the Matinfacturers and Patenteet. HORNING & lIC IIP3RRF,. ' • !Co. 521. N. Second Stfeet, N. B. A large mid inperior .toch of Corea S=oll.l Lideimrsamd ahrtivi, on band, at price,.defylon corn.: 'petition. Alin the i'oriland. rent Oil, at manufacturer. %WWI. mar: 4w t OCTS. buvs a bottle of the ehining Hair Tonle. it ,L lxests anythinz. ever nboolc up. .TYLER'S. MONTROS4 Slay 9111, I%Jtio. CHANGE. THE SUBSCRIBER,TI.AVING chased the stock of VORMERLY owned hy A. 'S. BULLARD, taker. this IC method of informing •• avec who take the pap.' rf ." that the stock ha• again been removed to the old stand, tielom the • 3=lcarscoorert CIZELoto, h 4, will he mo-t happy to wait upon thoec who tavor him with a rail. ANY BOOK YrßiAstarm (m .d in rein!) can be obtained by leas inr.. your orders, with the price of the book and pnblisher's name at the desk. Alpo., any article and btationery" line. • NEWS OFFICE. lI.SAPER'S. Godcy's. Pcier,ou'kk, At or any of the pupal:kr Mazarine- the \. Y. Ledger, N. Y. Weekly:Mercury. Clipper. I:l.kg. Spiro, and all the 111u,trated Rupert..tor ,ale. Bark 71 tn.: -best supplied. 'SCHOOL BOOKS—AII the old and new edition's. BLAHS BOOKS—A very nice assortment. COTLEBY.—Tip top article of American. GOLD PESIo-Vars Fine ones. Ladies & Gents.' I'ERFOKRRY—k.VF Harrison's and others. riIVE ME A te..A.Miara, :Ind 1 Win endeavor to _ haves -a sin:rie eve to your istterept" and oae to my lowc. Tonrr. ea idently. • • • A. S. 03'20[1'1 1 1X. Morno-mr. -tf lIN INGER 1 ; 1 04s, cA o , 810Gire TIIIS Delleioua Topic Stimulant. F..ipreialle deloimed for the nun of the Medical Profeei.lon and the Family. ouperended the at, called " Aromatic." '• Metllcatecr,' Schnapps: - etc_ lb 110Wco tancaed by all the prominent phirriciater.chemi,..t., and ion• noltmenro. na poe,ceeintr all thot.e mu:maw „medicinal qitalit lee 4 tonic and dinriticl which belong to an OLD and PURE GIN'. Put up in quart bottles and cold he all Drug glace and (:rocerr. etc. A. V. BINENGER & 4L0.. Lflstahliiihed in 1118.] Sole Proprietora. • oc 4 r) ;, No. 1.9 Broad Since. K. Y, Forma} at Turrell'a Druz Srore. Montrose. • ' • Read ! Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in a s ; the followin o ff eases: Afflicted,. Read! 1 .• i LIFE 11-EMORI4I,S. . . . • pharmattutists and ithentists. • T;C05101t 'V t. , i . - . DISPATCH I . ' Bad Lep. . - Chicgo-foot, Fistulas, -Ivy ILLIAMS'S - -COMPOLT.:D - 0.1. - 1: 1- • ' WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS , ' • . PITTABURGy, PA - . . : ~. , Lam' STITCH INITINZ aAVEn ,ME.",_fe'll I Bad Untutes I As aceidenre will happen, even in well regulated;farni- ! " Ito Piles, Mon for the \ prus is warranted to effect a Cure 1 in every cases and I ' all gages of the disease, or tlie money a lady re•marked to us a day ur two - hurt, as These BITTERS are fold in Montrose by • lice. very desirable to have some cheap and suolven- 1 , ' ; Bite of 51o,chetoes, Cancers, 'Rheumatism. will be refunded. Pull directions accompany each bottle. whe exothited the portrait of an Only child. goat. .._. pcl Y • lent war for repairing furniture toys crorkery de 4 „ T a i g a "... i.tt's,t'tenin...ett,:li:irniPt)Ped,,la.l(2l.na)nis, .. aunt, 'nage,. - ABEL TURItELL Druggist • - i '- '• • ' ' - n Sand,Filea, Contracted and Sealds ! ,‘ _ ;;.-_____ SPALVISCPSIPEEPA RED - G LIZA,' Coco -bay. StilfJointe. tot sale by Ated Turret!, Montrose ; 4). (3. Ileinpetead, s ore Ni pp i ee. , Itrooklyn ;T. J. ; 13.ibcock, Minot*: Parma Carpenter. to the •!spirit land:" which was one of . lits. L.:J.I BIXBY, meets all such emzg l e i zr a c i les, and no household can afford Sure Throats, w. - . .. 'llr.in Diseases, Scurvy.; liarford ; G•G.Williuuts,Jackson : J. 13. Slocum; Mundell; A. 13. Merrill llopbotlom ; A. J. Merrill Scranton. - rumen. l'icen!. ; ; ‘• . " PT:13123131611," , lIAVINGInst returned from New York with a choice - , I t t o ?Pgi t r utf,-- , •ft bowfin), apd cal.enstvlkaMmOmentof Fall A winter ," frays ready,.and . opto the stlic.- i, end • s Yaws '-' . Ac. J:c. At. CO.I33EILWX.WX4O.4I.TEI I . . . . - t'sEiut ./ . ..V.EFNN I" 1101-SE.7. . 1 . . . - , . - , that Mrs. Emoryhaa been a hied for . l'; ' u . .1 milligif . imgßolipisl,, .imittfir . , . ilm I . :N. 11.—.4 Brush accornpanis7 catb , Mottle;;; G Price ~..) ; wate e r v .iita N , T , i N Y I CAUTION 1,-- ; ;None are genuine unless the words - " Itou- i .isle t o cert ify . .- usw .W- -MIX AtsD LoNooN are dhlrertlthtelW a years ptet with that distressing complaint knoWn es the M. . - Mots, .4ddrese. , He. fil C. El ALDLN . . _. . _. n 'every leaf of the book of directions around I " Plies , andthat tutting called in eecurtpg relief from vs• ' leandy totifu.rnish theLadlesof Montrose & viclnity with - No. 4g, Cedar Street, New.Y,ork, - 1 each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by /taking • • s i the leaf tome Itght. A handsome , reward will be given to I lions Physicians, ehe was Induced frowreports to try Mr." t Williams' oPtleMoration." which ive obtained at •one of 1i ■- —.---. - "e T t li t i . 71 4 t t° : i l Act 1 1 1 6 e t g e e erf a l ?Ora n . ' '. ''' ' FilL co il e r.v e rentii d in e rgt g he s ysa n o e mr h a infi rwrn i gu o i _ rf bLan... ; and aßer using oe d k, A l e n i; k d , c4a . m low ile.f:triil weh =r. . ve ririncipled u porsou n s i aye atts ninth), to palm e Sold at the Manufactory of Professor hots etl! onsof tti • Prepared • 2 rood raison to think was a permanent cure wag:effected, Malden Lane, New York, and by ill Ttlip:M er Ln , ble Druggists !,Fic - ev - co i other caret or „ Ina . nature i n me i vicinity as good and ea rick is can be po.relumed any'where. She I . : o 4 r i r n e eln;lln*PM.Llug 1? laic- l ILI" i outo caution all refeyne to exam ne before par. ' arid Dealers in Medicine, thron - Oout th I Jilted wend, keeps the very nicest goods, such at cannot falltoploafie : ~s._in ' ' hare used It scablike results, With air. WilliaMs - motto • in I , oxse at 25 conk, 62 cents, and Al each. the most difficult . Prices very reasonable. • ' 1 , 'L9. g. alla Kee that the full names "'ho cure no pay" veer , one thus afflletod willmertainly The Ladies um invitod, to call and examine her Goods. ' rfrSP..4,LDING'S PDEPA Eris e;LrE...o r t, , tar" There is ronstderable saving by tiking larger toves• do we:lll°lre it. • 4 tz R Pire"tionl. ro? tbr ,ridary, ~r .3t-ht- u, "• r • CIP" Dooms opposite Molt'r s•3lsten. - , cCOnd toff.) Milt; I• on the t;otrlds . - rapp , r . all ,ith-re ars ,- o indl Irv. , w , 141 . ' ' ' '"• ' i '' ' P3,lnror.ll . !F,.(hu r ,ll. Tunkhounock. Wyoutini4 Co., Pa, --• ' M-LV. ..... I% ' . " . 1.` 27 11 ttlf,i, '-',L .- •r..; , * p3..r are Atrt.led i!) • 1.0. i,,,x :tin, - 1 !NI ! , . 1 u. , . . i • .. . .... , , . .. .. • ' &flirt? f should regret it, bud I not secured this precious mecnor:al orthat tlear Onn.". So ;nought yve._ •The lived ones are not always —with us,stid while we Can call - theta ours, every Ace -should secure - such a memorial; : especially c.ince they ran have them so truthfully taken by lbst sleet-y.l'u! prli.l„l B. '11.71/LW. of pip,., twtuton. EffiNKtit MONTROSE, PEN - NA HE kitbscriber beiing•purchaseil refitted altd newly furnished thc above witli,known.and popular Hotel, ss I -' is preps to to secOmmodate the.-trav elingo hors with all the atteution• and conveniences Isually found in firsLcks Houses. NO effort will be spared by the Pro. prietot andi his Maistants to make the Hotel equal in ereky poit4 to any in the country. The Ihir wiWalways be , sipplied with tn. Choicest Li quors. , ' • The S'thbles,!connected with this House are large, roomy aid convenieet,and careful ens attentive Ileatleti kre always id charge of them J. B..TARREI.I. B;CER HAVE'S . Bad Legs, Bad Bre asts, Sores and Ulcers. . ,-....,....„..--. : . &LL descriptions of sores arc remediable by the prop. From the ..Idveftiscr,• Providence, R. 1.. .oa er and diligent use of this hiestimnble preparation.. , I The-Cephalic Pill; are said to be a remarkably eft-ettin. Ti, attempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of the "good together is a folly : for should the skin unite... - a ' remedy for the headache, and one of the val.!, hest for I 'ere dise.ed condition remains underneath tr7hreak ' that very frequent complaint uhleh has to er been di, ,',c -s- dice. d remains -underneath ' • i With tenfold fury in a few days. The only rational TILE CELEIIRATED ROLLAND REMEPY FOIL covered. and ,iteces- max, treatment, as indicated by nature , is to re_ f ., ~ . , .........4,......... . , . DirSPEPSEA, ' Front the "li'estern -li';'. .11. Gazette, Chic o n, duce the inflammation In nod about the WOIIIIII. and to ,';albs th e neighboring parts. by rubbing in plenty ur the • . ()influent as salt is forced into meat. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS ! We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his until allqd Diptheria, Ulcerated. Sore Throat, and Scarlet and , • e'eehallc Pills., - ; ; • other Fevers. 1.11y1:11,, COMPLAINT, ' .. Nr-uf the above diseases may be cured hy well rub= WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, From the l'alley Star, Kanateha. I - a. • it. bll 4 - : the Ointment , three times a day. Into the chest, I throat and 11,,,k Of the patient: it will soon penetrate and FEVER AND ACUE - .We are cure thatpersons niffering with the headache, giye immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth 1 who try them, wilPstiek tai them. • - [ . must operate upon the whole system ere its-influence can . a 41,,, felt in any Meal part. IVllenitan the Ointment will do Its Ann !the Tnrivro affections cousequent upotra disordered ••S -- "" - • . work at once. Whoever tries the ungnent in the above STOMACH OR LIVER, : 'Front the Path I , 'inder, 11" eta Orleans, I.ia. : manner for the diseases named. or any similar disorders ' affecting the chest sind throat,. will Stud themselves reliev ye,h aa ludigestion, Addny iff the Stomsch,Colickyllaina, i Try them ! L yon that are•tilllicted. and we are sure that i Tour tesini ~,,, y eau h e hi lt i i to the already= nurtierotte tiaaitbarrt. si ns. or Appetite, Deepondency, Costiveness,ed us by a charm. nitoa mid Ineeding Piles. In all Nerrotis, Rheumatic, and list that ha; received benefit- that no other medicine can Piles, Fislitela, Strictures: Neuralgic Affeetiune, it haa in munerousinstances proved' : produce. . i ft 'IRE above•dass of complaints will be removed by highly tenefietel, and in ethers effeetorl a added care. , ' , n 1 nightly fomenting the parte With warm 'water, and . The lea purely vegetalle compound , prepared on strictly ' • • • • • then most effectually nabbing in the Oiritmerlt. Persons *dentine principles, after the mariner of the celebrated i e Front-the . St.!Louis Detnocrcit. • suffering from then; direful cotnplaints should lose not a Tiolinnd Pref.:seer, Ikerhaee. Its reputation at home pro= .. 'The immense demand M i t the article (cephaliC pills) Is nonacid in arresting their progress. It should he under direett its introduction here, the demand commencing with , i , pidi y 1,,,,,h)g. . , • , stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the °Mi nim!, of the Fatherland mattered over the face of tine, • • meat on the affected parts. but it mnst be well ntbbed In might.- country, many of whom brought with theta Owl' 1 • '-' hauctea non - u the tredition of its value• lt is now offmnd I . , • for conic considerable time two or three time,. it tiny, that Front the Gazette . ; Lacer ) 1 l ona . ft may taken into the eystion, whence it will remove. any to ;he otriericau public, kn;neiny Mat as truly wonderful ' / )or l, • i - ' ' hidden more or wound as effeelnaliy as though palpable to nuedfi•Ural nefues le Lurie riekundedged. • Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with an are the eve. There again bread and water poultices, after the know. is iwitlentorly recommended to Shaw' venoms winos !title he did nut now. to InOtinCnn real merit. ' ' nabbing in of the Ointment, will do great service. This constitutions may have been Impaired by the contlnuoue um ! ... • ~ -In the only !qua treatment for females, radon of cancer in of ardent *rite. or other forms of diesigatlon. Generally ;', ',-, - i : the stomach; or where there may be a general bearing instantannue in effect, it Ludo its way directly to the seat ' r'reqn.th'e ilckertiser, Providenre. it. I . ' . don - n. . rut life. drilling and qinclimaiug every nerve, raising up the I ' ' drupiog to .d , i r , r ut, infuji i., m ,,, h . i nb iand Alp , i =The testimony in their Po of in strong..from the most Indiscretions of Youth:---Sores and Ulcers. In the system. .respectable quarters. I TILOTCHES, as also trellings. can, with rertainty,•he .. NOTICE:It - honer expects to fled this • beverage obi . . .-...,.._=,_..,--. . i _CP radically eared if the Ointment he used freely, and h a at aa ppot o ted; but to the @irk, weak and low tanked, It • the Pills be, taken night' and morning as - recom m ended will mime • &stolid aromatic cordlid, cc...ma ce.d,,guyir - Front the Daily t Vetes, I . C - C l l.l i ffOrl, - R. f. .in the in the printed instructions'. When treated in any remedial properties. - I Cephalic Pills are taking the place of kinds. -other way they only dry up In one place to break out in , , . - READ CAREFULLY! - i _ . hatiot lf er :. whereas this Ointment will remove the humor from the systole'. and lei've the, patient a vigbrous and The Genuine highly concentrated Ikerhave'i Holland • • ' _'., i healthy being. It will require -time with the ono di_lhe Many" to put up in half-plat bottles only, and retailed at i r , FJ - A single bottle of SP,ALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! Pills to ensure a lasting cure. ki n D au s p er bottleor six bottles for Five bowie'. The, i till nIVC ten times its cost annually.jk3 r' great demand - for this truly celebrated Medicine baa Induced_ ' : • . ------ Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stiff Joints. inane imitations, which the public should guard galas* • I.TIIOUGIi the above complaints differ widely in purchasing. , SPALDING'S It EPAIZED GLITE ~ I . A their origin and nature, yet th ey ail require local Ur Brwatwor imposition.. kw that our Dam is on the • .. : , trewtment. Many of the worst ranee , of finch clismies. Sabel of "nay. hattleyou buy. • _ • —r - H ' will yield In a comparatively short space of time when .. . Sold by Iltrunists Ily,' ft can be. heventad SPALDING'S pREPAREDGIA . :E t . this Ointment is diligently rubbed Into the parts affected., by Express to most ate= 'i . '"•• • •-,:,., even after every other means have failed. In all serious _, • —7-------• I inatadies the Pills should be taktt according:to the print ' SOLE PROPRIETORS. " ' SPALDING'S PIZEPAItED GLUE I- ed directions aeconipanying-eaj box. I BENJADII3I PAGE, JE,..Br; CO. .. , hILMV/AIOTVZI/le" CURET ¢7* CURoi fflßade eA T E. NervousHeadadie i By Mots° of these Pills the periodic attacks of gerroes • or Sick Headache may be preventill; and if taken at the commencement of an attack, ,ImmiAllate relief 'from pain and sickness will he obtained. i' They seldom fall in removing thr Saun a and Headache to which females are Al subject. . They act gently upon the howelsremoving, rostirenfas. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a (=di re, Improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the diges tive organs, and restoring the natural 'elaticity and strength of the whole system. : The CEPHALIC PILLS are the', result of long investi ation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many-yearn, during which time they have vCprevented and relieved a vast amount of pin and_sufferiM.T from Headache, whether originating in the elierrous system or from a deranged elate of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in! their composition, and nymbe taken at alitimes with perfect safety without mak mgany change of diet , and the ab tence of any disagreeable taste renders it eta y to adMinister than tochildren. Beware of Counterfeits. The geneelne have five signaturCs of Henry C. Spalding oncach box. Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medicines. A box will be rent by mail prepaid on receipt of the Prioco Ste C7caatist. All orders should be addressed i to HENRY C. -SPALDING, . 4S 'Cedar Scr!et, New York. vovl2 v 3ch -THE F : 01.11.0WiNO I:NIORSEM V.NTs OF CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONTIS:CE . ALL WllO , SUFFER FROM, HEADACHE, THAT SPEEDY AM) '§URE eURE IS WITHIN 'PI REACIE . - As these testimonials u:eitnsolicited •by Spalding, they afford . ztnquestionahle. proof of the elicary-of this -truly sriell discovery. —O-4- if.I.SONTILLE, CONN, 433. 5, MIM=I • iit : I have tried y our Cephalic Ti Is. and Mk? [him .0 well that I want yoteto send me $2 worth more. , , Part of these are for the neighbor*, to whom I gave a few out of the firiit boi I got from won. Send the Pills by. mail, an oblige _ . T nr °lit serv't. . JAS. RENNI;DY. . ' --- '',e•—• ... 113. 1 vertopi, Fa., Feb. 5. R. C. Spalding. Sir : / I wlsb you to rend me one more box of your iyphalic !lila; I ha-re rt.:vim! a (mat dial of &non froo / ithroi. ' 'Yours, reakeffullv, I ANN ST9IIiTIOUSF, / . Rzynoldinbilrg, Franklin Co.. J7llataU 9. ," Arr. .spakfiny., - Sir Nut long since I sent to yttu tor a box of Cephalic Pills , ~ for the cure of the Nervout; Headache and Costiveness .': ..„ and received the name. and' 1.1,y, had 'FO goad an ftnment -of the ar my andniavy l of the United States, ' whose principal rules are to be found in the ar ticles, of war, prescribed by act of -Con . gress. But -Chancellor Kent says this definition applies only to military law, while martial law is quite a distinct thing, and is founded on paramount necessity, and proclaimed by a military chief. Mar tial law is generally and vaguely : held to be asuspension Of :ill ordinary cis it rights and process, and as , such approximates closely to Military- despotism. It is ,an arbitrary law, originating in emergencies. In. times of extreme peril to the State, either from Without or from within, the public welfare demands extraordinary measures. And martial 'law being - pro claimed; Signifies that the operation of the -ordipary legal delays of justice is suspend ed by the military Power, which- has for the time . become supreme. kimspends the operation of the writ of hatiervi corpus; enables persons charged with treason to be sthinarifi. tried- by court-martial iristead.of grand jury ; jus tifies searches and seizure of private prop erty, and the taking possession of public •highways and other means of communica tion. • involving the highest -exercise . of sovereignty, it is, of course, capable .of great abuse, and is only-to be justified on emergencies of the most . imperative and perilous nature. • ''The war appropriations of the frou States thus far amount to more than twen ty-five millions of dollars :—. • Pennsylvania * $3,500,000 • New York i 3,000,000 Ohio • 3,000,000 Connecticut • 2,000,000 Illinois . . • - • 3,500,000 Maine 1,300,000 Vermont 1;000,000 New Jersey • . 1,000,000 WisConsin and Rhode Island - ... 5,000,00 Q. lowa • - • 100,000 The.contribiitionS 91 the principal cities are as follows NeiY York. Philadelphia Boston ~ . Brooklyn "Uuffalo... Cincinnisti Detroit . Hartford The expenses of the war is calculated. will reach the snm of two, milfions of-dol lars per day.. Yet no one hearS of -any prospect of deficiency; on -the contrary, -all the money needed is raised with, per feet ease, and offers-of Pecuniary aid, like those of volunteers, hire fltr in excess of the demand: No less than two hundred mil lions have been already offered to the Gov ernment by States, banks, add private . citizens.. .• arA new- method of escaping tho dangerti . ofbecoinhig a patriot in-the field, hasbeen discovered by certain worthies, that deserves .the unqualified approbation, of every dirty coward in the land. These men, without either patriotism; moral honesty,- common decency, or eve n . brute courage, stay at ihome t hemselves and make it their business . to go _round and taunt and threaten democrats, ;mil tell them that they are!" spotted" and " mark ed." , These base !cowards.- would cover up the color of their own white livers by this specie of cheap but dirty terrorism. ! Too craven to voliniteer themselves or titik their worthless carcasses in the field, they come . ensate their.country and satisfy their patnotisai•lirith frothy talk and in. Welk.° -to . our Own loyal citizens at home. • I': • Iteresene, Camphene 411.)rinid, THEpurent and he.t 140 . 0, to hr round in ni”,• consi:nitly on hstni . intl. for -11, at 7 t 1; NI I I • ...$1,17p,000 11:10;000 ... 186,000 - 75,000 110,0 1 10 .... 280,000 500,000• 6,400