. . . . . . .. . , -L'Onfuderate St ate ; i of :North! America., i . "'„,--.le.' -At the hue session oft he 'Wyo m i ng i)L ;het - serer, ten orfitleelr, -solli at a tier-' Conference of the.lt, E., Chutell„ .at Gwe betted coil may be put to the disturbances' go , the folloivingisphstitut4was !offered to ~which Aim oonntry- . 11,34 §o long , been . and passed,` .intft . eatt of a. , ,lesolutiott. to i•tthjei.teit.' ,Aerii•e, - iVotitd;'fiirther .- rie- adopt the repor(i)flatit year' . in shivery,: commendtlit stteh'i:nnvetitiOn he instrue•, . Where:ts, Pilipe I'rovidrice Init-taitett ted . to inake inteh imiehdnienis to the Con- the WOO: of entOcipatiok -, :irito•)iis!.iy vn stitution as - shall .eitlter .listioctly and i hand, thiteforee '. .., -.-_:. ;. ',, _,l r . ~.y...,, ~.. openly ree,ogniz the right of seeession,,or:i ~/holca,.. Vh;it.' WC Strifiil i l itilt :nut :'s'ee. "%hull make provision - for its suppression ; the salvittiOn of God. ',. . 1 V i.. wheit - 'attenipteit - el6the the 'gxecittive . ; 'We take - the ahove front Ito ex :ban i•, gli-ith . piwt4e: 'to 'eitrr Ai:ell' iirovision ittur,,wilieh endures. it. .. The pnbliel i w ill :be i 'ilffeet ;.ttnil ' make it...a penal ' 'uffetie: , ..not to i , , -..-.. 410t.i. .w e have no h e i ,iiiiii„„ of saving i shocLe.ti t o learn,thatt bOdy;'of sane men 1 that the titifom dt ion of the' S - Outhern i'oh. . claiming to he'Cliristians,.eutqd deliberatt,>4 '.fettefaq:. :sininid, not ...be delayed a ' ihty ,ly resolVe that the Present thit l e:St,•lied . liahn'er'llian eall lir, iiiipea after once.; - Fort destrtiction .of - the - hest go4ernMent .on Aumter i.: sarremlered-to it."- .'— . ! • . ..; earth is tite•WOrk Of I)ivitie -, l'rovithmee ; . .. _ ..... , , 4armary . I 2:-V, .I!ralia4il' Lineqlp; o (4 ' '• and that civil Atltris thesaly:it ion it (:oil! 4 'RePrei'it'atii c Cr' l / 1 1 In i l i ai S s /lUW •ri . e''' _ But since the Pier, 'gentle'iiii...o •.s - . iii ide• - • • t. of-the United States, ttst.il the 1ii12.11e,„; let i nqu i re whether i . ili a, : deter. . • Inwhig-ettll'luttic ia 11 !-Illage-jaa4 . 1vocticY el' miniont?to '`Standlstill":mdee.. the Work 1 Grit Vo.t.t.:vrttitk.----Neafiy 'all - of' the ~ . , the' rtgitt.ttfseeessimi :.- --- - '-' ` ' of.salvation.go on, is ill e,onsiste'it with i Voluntecys who Mt this enmity' week be .. "'try People, - anywhere, being ineliited , ii ob j eet of the i r ...,,iii iig t . t ; it:it l e r .i ii • it !fore last' have :__, 'returned.' • The' Sereral mut ht . tring the Tower, ,tare the right to , • , ~... !comp:olles had .aslltev ritippbsed,: 'enlisted tint their ante 'ls tti •- chosen ' , re l -fits- of • - obedience , ' -.,... - . .-.. ... • , I rise upend shake cattle ekiStinz n-ofi-n- : - ' In talhe'call`forif,ree months iati r t' •ti .. . their V,re:it'or, to ,cirl.Y,f'Orwaixf the work ! - --1 A - "i-416. •'' :Hai-fish e ':he4t. ... Atm..; and t'iitiii t new one:that s . nits them . , vOlunteen.: Apiiio aillaiiislitirg; they heifer: lids is a Inns-t Vabiable, a most.. :of stir ing a fallen wOrld c to liS . .fonnd in the ''' Fed-tied thaftheY::WOttlil tibt iie - , i.:(:..et . •pted . sierte'd tiM, it- , --i'rit,At NtiliMl we hope :MO ; /mid rook ... liiitit thevAbink-thal Prov- ' mlleBs iheY'irdilid - 'enlist - for . tliree:;':",yeaii . lwrteve; iS . tO libet'lte the I ‘ .i. wid• N°T theis ii l i . doe . ..i . nt, need - their r xerv ii,,,,. - iti ;:or a uritiOlie Wat ; so:_the - eattifianies - eon'- . . this right-4..Qntined,u) cases i t ; which ' en ' e . ... ~. , ' • t illinied 'to return • 'with' the - 'exeliff ion of ' stead of "standlm; i still," 'flick had better Wbole.Pen . ple of an exist ing ~o v eminentsome-ten• in- t'welre'ttiembet . s O 1 t - fre M . on' t r 'May ehoose.tn exerii,e it. Any. portion set to %.1 . ! : )1'1: :And he 4) to till ' 9 1 'e sii, -or .ill 'ro'e i; uards; Who , ie.. M 616 - - we . litiVe not. - ....,. of such people that can, may revolutionize some wa:o,-earn-the4-.brelad b)+_ the i'vt , fit of • vet leai•ned, 'and one meMbet•; , Get), ..Dovoll `toul'itfake their ontii . of so •much 'of the their 1 A• 0 , f r di e " , •i • . uc it l i u owe ii little; of the'Un n ien • ~N . 7 nltin'teet, s .. • wo f•:, .o .i tss ,N ! . . There , . .. mmtnr Y ''' '' ' ''Y inhabit' Mart than this in the seri Ante - and it one piece of Work : ' • . • , has evidentlYbeeti mismanagement some ajoritY of any portion of. AA . - people • -' 1 . •' ' : . 1 wheMimtvw Eepu - blican. . . . urn i l ids been taken runt] at: their hands surely nia'Y rex-n * lll6min , , putting down the .Of coin-se there , Ini:';.been gros.,..s Misfit ail 'notify, intermingled with, Or near about anotbershottld . :l4 ' ittfi in iis - Oace,t'or."..l » 1 agentent somewhere, and it necds no coin theni; who may oppose their movements. , idlereneumbereth 'the gronnil ;" Alta i "a -- Mittee of inveitigatiom to:ferret out and kis a quality of revolutions not to g° l'Y •4 tree which brinifeth fotth nolfriritl" &e. ' ' . Old lines or old" laws.; but to brclak • up , ; I . . fix upon. certain self-constituted Guardians . both hod make slew ones. tAppendi% • . " The punishment. of TreasiM is, death (V the country's welfare,the whole blame CoM. Globe, Ist session SMII CO:.firess, : and the cim*ation 'of the prOpertY of the ()1' the, i•idieulous blunders, that have.ricen page . ll4:l ' .- . , Traitor--The deitth peualty mar {be eva- , made. Ask. thai,yobinteer;,s, and...they- will tied ; but not, so -the .confiscat ion: Ana . . ... , readily :;repeat their ;mink:irk epressiOn THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT ' Wh en 111 Y1 army. of,tholtcpuhlie I'u:itches . Its—S1:501:50 PER mint, IN ADVANCE. i Into Virginia, let the roperty of every of contempt fOrthose'whnhare been .using Hebei he :it, once confisc:ited by . proelamo- them Pr selfish personaends. - On tin 41 : , .. 7- - 112 " inra:14 -X . r/E S C VI 9 '' iituTrA..part of this propertrWill of course Ray the trociPs..lcft here, e dispatch, waS EDITOR, PUBLISHER . , AND PROPRIETOR. - be negroe,s.-- Coltrier 4.7 Enquirer. i • . 1 received ordering the Suscplehanna troops MONTROSE, THURSDAY, MAY 16,1861. . . It is about timeithat the leadinginepuh- not to come, as.thev Were not wanted - - 11.;r -- . " ..--7 : ' , -- • liean journals of Nin• vcirk obtained souse three months.; but certain parties construed Arirwl.r. :1 . CO tigress shall .make n " little knowledge 'l - , f,.0r • tysPeet' t,(4., the law re:spectin ,, all est aldishmen t of religiolt this-to - mean flit :•tei - (1.!a 'Depot -Compaoy, 2-, - . inl laws of !the 11 - idled ' ot.prohihiting Constitution a the free exercise thereof; i • aml hastened:ours:off:Only to he sent back Olt ATIVIDGING TH.E via:F.Dolf. oF i state, When ti!l'Y do s "'t ti gY i vill tin ae;:iin. After arri - ino• at Harrishnrg seIf ..SPEECII, OR Or THE vitEss, or the I well to ce:ise their clamor about " Uontisc.t. - • i . •' • the . , • ' constituted C.nal•dnins of volunteers tigbii , ,if thc . people.peacealßy to assendde . fl uff , prniii„,..fy." : Treason Vs puni•dible .'. undertook to worry them into . :t three and to petitum the GovernMent tin- a re i i ..• o.- ni.:Ato=lint Co'nfiseltion !is positively dressof i ~ ,T .evainTS.---:Constihttirm ,at, - . . - , , - - • r.ye:irs seiTiee but (Tier they had. .. more .. forbidden by the, Coast ittitimi.,„ I United Sluice. . -------_-_..- -:- __ . _. - - ._-_-_ :: _ -, t The above journal. is not alone in its . I--. .pou•sonal anibition sliould..jie gratified at Democratic Doctrine. • 'N'r' ; the ;crtizy ra nigs prominent adintnistra- their ex peits f e •,. and feeling that they had 'Resolved, That the 'Government of the lion papers - all Over the North tal4. simi- honorably- done their whole ditty, they . UnitB4.lSttites althoai2ll limited. in its am. 7 lar grounds. ' It• !is the •• lastlink in the , . • e:olle hojte, :itpl iu)!of.dy says -the, flid thoritYto the subjects milliner:lC( l 7l in the : chain of critic-rice r l equired to l establish the .- • .. Federal Cepstitioion, posse;:m.‘a within wrong. : • • ---• . i tact . that John BrOwn 'was a _ piotteer in, : thm;eiimits supreme authority, and has the usual and necessary powers .tor p - rt ,_ i the. work they wanted to accoMplisli ,• and , ii.ervino• itse 4 lf7idn enforcing its law?. 2 " that - they are readyto-overttnin mir .Coß= . , .._ . . .. &soLev., That the Union of the s - tat.'s : Stitution, because it is in the way (If their make ;i stmt sufficient to retire on. 'Ili& ' was founded b y-• the wisdom "t • mtr l'atri" l- • mad cheme• • rations•in the regular United States Army • s • i -I • • is ancestor's.:. is sanctionetl by•.lie l e.:iteri- , .........,...- . 1 -_ : 1 are committed at thirty Cents per day thr once. of our whole peditii•al - existeace, :huh hi sit c r t tie's 1.01 Ar.,-Oil lzriday last ; each soldier. The contractor in our ''tile has secured to tis unexampled prosperity , the flag Of the lion . Was raised ton the 1 rceeives fifty and sixty cents per day for at home:Mil respect abr oa d: The Deinti-t: Catholic Chnreb. in Montrose in pivs . e.nee J each man, while the rations -flirnish e •L o u r , • , 810 B 10 • . erotic party Will ( . 1111 . Z. to it a,. the last Of el nil e a larp•e assembt.age. , ! 1.. B . L i t- 1 I -1; volunteers are of inta•li inferior quality to The people of the colintt care =eh It•ss •• 1 . t lose furnished the regular army. propof feecloniand as tile great expoaeut tie, Esq.. spoke briefly' on_ tie .. ffitcasion. 1 .•; - lb int the thi • or five 11 - ion , s....niti. , dolla ,•• in cot-got ernmeni with which to light the : saying that this flan. is the eta:den-1 of our I ' c • ~ i' • n l2 . 1 . -,• . 'Clio miserable feed which has liven whien tin • :ill iii ha oust, (11,1o. t tie,. 0 , natioig of the e:irth to liberty and ilide- n:ctionalitt. of freedom-pelit!ical ! :,:iti 1• •• 0 , i•dealt Out to our volunteers at Colimilitis, . - • -.4 ' (-- abont ille reekless mis-nionag - Quent anO •• • • • .. Pendeneer - H_Rt•-•;h,ition , of Sutte Conven-' . ligions ; and 1 hat he was ;dad to witness ; . , • ... •" • , , .., ,;it IS said, Aloes not - cost the chntraet•:•rs • person al mnintien that. not' so very: muen t lion, Feb': 1,"r!. • . , •the loyalty of (ter Irish ft•IloW eitiizens to •to ~ .o - w . . • ; fifteen cents a day. . The : number now at t all it-p:trticularly in hurrying the -, -We advise those, who Laic lull the lantl of their adoption. pis remarks in _ .. ~,,,... 0 i .,.. 1.1 - . ...„ 1nn;„. i ) , ..). •..• . i.Columbus is•abont, • 8,000.. The - profits, L Lie tit N were blOWinz loudly almilt secession, disuni4 - 01, i wril" iOetived with aPPlam'e--I - I • '°l's 'ff t .'" • 9 l '. " t • ; therethre, per day, must be about *4,000. accepted. • On Snntlay prec•eding, the Rev. Mort: • • -, l'"'his is patriotism with a Vengcfance!,. - - • &c., of late, and t liarging, that Demoi•racv •;-,,, . . • ' mionalian tienvered a patriotic; titian ser- 1 •:4•••••i' - ' One of the political ilr6ailterS ill i It °appears that the (lener:ill ovi.lintent., , atmeocated secession,•to read he above , • ;non in 'the ,C.:itholitt Church iii„ - 31o!ntrose. , th e city o f N ew yo r k d i ~,1 1 011 , ,,,--hi s p - ' o _ lis being plitfulered by - imeonsmienciable bearing in mind that it et reef ty, reflects :. I , Af oi d e p st -,-Repubiican.• - I'. 1 lsition on war: . • rspeettlators. ..11 - e find tit fidle wing float.; . Denim:rode sentiment, and Wits every- • One goOt - 1 resnit.is likely to; Produi•-•1 ••• I disapprova:pr I, he .prnieiple of tide ! ill::z among- the items in our o:change pa %there so aeknowletirsed, ht the time. They 1 (N ) by the - War, if no other. Tri)..e w hi) Revolutionary war. If tray Waged ag,ainSt ! per ; • . -.. , , . • lawful authority. I regard the war itfl • A Lqrge Pperill:aiton.-11.e see it stated will then please read the_paragr:lplis coin: ' have for 3•ears past vicitiusly defamed our 1 still - The m • - I" I . pipes C•• I •• I - • - ISi .2, as worse. ..ae - exu•an war= ;In several thaticorge „Mt .and - • . ntencing on first 'page. headed -"The Se- t hdopted fellow-citizens, thar• - th - wl them 2 ----..,---.- -•----- ~ opposed. AVI - th all stir heart ; but the prey- 1 others hire olit:linehl, a cont met from the : cession .Doctrine, - and rentember Il_at • with heist„ hostile to Americ:ni Liberty, 1 eat war I approve. It is it - Hole NVar.-L-- ! Government for supplying the newly r:lis - s, i • - a . . army with twenty thousand beeves at ,those disunion -ideas v.i•re promulgated-1)v will be forted to -admit .th . at thick Lit e It is a• war thr tile extinetinn of slaves':'' 1 aliol:e who MOultl opinions for the Ifeptili: ; persecutio - 1 1 •11t . • it MS been a 1 run...,` •11.(1•1 1 .., 1 ..t . siinil:„.l. class, of a i. o w t in., Tories are ): eiglit'eellt•f; per pound live weight-equal . - !-' - • ' m "••.. - • • ito fourteen centS pet-pound - when slanoli- .. , I• • . • itc.:in party, and that they swere eltterfully : prompted 1 - i'v harse motives. !.No elass - ,of ito be found in eyrry evnitunity, ,:ttatare I - ~, ~ : , . • ~ . •. : - . -.1..4e. .40.- , --. ~ . .. ..., , t t.erelle ..I )% tpe operation the contractors , co nnt . : ,• rioN ..___NN e. regret •to be ,intiled endorsed or silently acquiesced iii by the , m a . c i t i zen , h ave more . i, a t r ibti e ih e • o ft s • ' among those who noW shout, the loadast - !17.1..1 Iliprofit e spec[ toretir • • ft , • - •, ) - - ;. 0 tot, to correct the statement madela few politicians, as well as the rook mid file of ! than the Catholic atilt:s-froin (;;reel; If.rin ; ! ti,e - the Stars and Stripes. If ever trai- , fits is one of the ways . the Government • days since :ii - The Daily• News, tb the the party. 'rids comparison tlearlY ;bull- . and we have beeogratifietitosei: E l- ' - luntle-el .n 0 Tre-isilry deleted ' -- - ;furs deserved to•dangle at a ropes end, ! I'm 1! t• , • the . . P • .eflect that that reverend tirebramul of war, 1 • .:. i :1,. few ifilliyhluals are inakiier- irineely . - cotes- which i' the rea l v l d on , an d which 'N" othincrs', enibraee the opportunity" to en- they. ire thief among them p and if tiIYY• • 1 --•t , .1 I. Henry Ward .13eeelmer, was abouti to go - • , fortunes at tile eNpense Ot tie tax.- elvers • I , -I. .. forth to battle - , and accompany a Ilrefoklyn the disunion ilarty organization. ' •: tiorsethe utter:nice of that filet recently. : had becalm:4lA whole. they belong,--4e• ; o f t h e eono i ry , I ~.___.: -....5........,.._. •,_ . 1 ~ • f.t.o een Ife . :tven and earth -fit fill :neither I • • regiment to the theater of conflitl.l The • . , 1 This is too had. It is an alm.se will li • i 1 declinesl ' • •f• .. «reit6ettim to ..ti aril - Who Advocated Disunion? „- - -7, A\ c 4re pieasedAo notice that so ' -years :Igo, We S110111(1 tioNi• • had. ; a i• ea j is for - e ,„. re t • -• • 1 . - i 1 " "In r• • l •:-, i l ... • lave 1 • e ion, mune( late an( mu:on ' 1 will remain at home to eonsble. tli wid- We copy the.,followin:- fi•ton the -M on t; • e ! peaceable prosperous unitediethintry. , 1r - ' 1 . 1 . 1 honored few of thil;llepublican papyrs ai .;. ~ _ ..... ,d, ,......_ __ . , t itiono :. The .pertple 'of l'etinsyll'anni, ; ows mid orphans whom this war.(whielm rose Democrat of llitrell 14th, 1661'4.-The true to their ad t t ot-it, of the Phut Of - lay- N:...; Ar `.....•. , :..m - : ... iMt ins Pura.n-Arnts.-T. li. L . with a unanimity unparalleled in the an- lie, more than any other man, has: eontri -1 Is of euriotisni ore iin °shy= n mon them same paper contains Linc(dn's inaim•nraf , -inA' aside all • partisan -bias, 'during th e ! Peterson & Brothers,* publish a c•heap ;a • I • ,: • • :. P - ms ,I.- limed to brim. about,jmaymake. He Will' 4 Work for the itistruetitut of :di 'Volunteer selves onerous taxation, are willing that let • -ti - :m the fi•filtitio• ind c.- 1 iifi address:. and the par:TT:mph is a portitm struggle loin:tin:min . American Liberty. ; ~ • , 1 , rm. ! • ~m. C• I thel . fn. -. •I• tir •Ishallexhausti •11 the ' :', 'thew:: ' ' r - •• , -- . • . 1) "(- ! i i 11.4 g-tins. It is e:,l eu .1 w•soutiers.- 71111 C. .(..„,ts .1 It. 4 It- himself to pre:whin"' and prayin , e; 6-itli I -nr iIIIT (fruit:ism. and reitudif . ttio;i :tithe di s - 'Co this end they condemn any removals , . . it ' 1•' •L C0111111Cf(1 Manuel inid• • Drill :Book,' tht -solfrees ofthe State to assert the_saprennt- i i • r - isi II . -1 ~ ... ..444)04 sa ary, on >NJ() ' yn . eights,..-- 21 .1 . minion, and ether, (tt, iis) o t„„,,p ons . c l„.. A li' afire -,11,r party reasons. i ...att .t.lt . the use of all V o i ne t e ,, rs , mili t i a „(-1 the cy of the i GoVermitent, but they will not :Nimes. • . t . . • . ... • trines therenticentaitied. • Read the. ex- - vont rolling pOliticians .of •th,i, party in • Home Guard, :adapted to the discipline stand tumpriaciphsl , 111C,11 'enriching them- it oft•wtv striti• and drill of the soldiery of the present day tract and judge whether it is not M•r. Lin- • Pnwer tire' Busy jn the v•• 0 1'• l.• - • . - selves•tit a tima like this at their expense. 1 lAnntsueut., May, i 0.----An applivition (MM . ' instead gif the 1 )emocrat that let , - fi•- • am/ . e,•tiod ltimion men are tlailt being rt I/ 7 " ._totes.‘ . We 'ire at !a loss IiOW to cti ,, urtliZtif •' I . l'• •• •• t .••• ••,• • ti PL ,_ .:1 tilt _ ii.teli. -.:_rmy, by • an (leer ~ . - ~. . . • . 5 .... . , I inat c 1 0111 , 1/1 na.t. p.irt,its. in .itt : i t..ste . rn • •• !. of the U.'S. :•Vi•niy,.• The instructions are men \w hit. at , this i articular Juncture.:o:?tates to twov. .Cuitits,-to permit lualies . cored disnition:- looted to ifiake room fon itoritical favor- ... , . . ... : . 1 , plant' and hill, with :c diettimary 7M' fill . . •would take advailtog•e Of patriotism to ' of a urnied 'free blacks•to pass through Pen " - lie ( - I:itic.thi) s ay s th e , peopl e lia ~ e hilt . ites• nue olll "'eerns . • MIMI ti! l'''' nr" i"' • military terins. to make their exidatiatioits 'dander. They might with I....,ereat proprie- mist Iranite has stet with his 'tincondi l tional ! fight to `fix terms the the seitz.nition of terests, inn" suffers proseription to I tut-its , letelligible: is the work is published t i er 1 1 3' be classed among thse who, on the day . rellisiti. • . . trte St:tte!'• -• This -i• 110 new • il.t.:trille• course. No.itiatter it hat a• 111111 haS done, the siiin ortwenty-tive cents iyery ~ s .:,l_ , or g eoemi resurrection, would ( . I,..siJ o il , u rf.. , , ~ ',., ',Great,sittistaetion :is expressed •I,:here The people of the - Cotton States 11•tv,: . act- . !•1 i ;1•1'• deer and volunteer can hare" nue-of 'the ;bus of.. their suye . r plates. the. refusal by. men- of all.parties. I or is dole, s r . h . • • fur is country, if the 1..).t s :1. • . with al upon it, by seeetling;and setting up a , ~,., , ~) ;1:4 , w , . ~. ~ , ~t . , , I __ best kind cif instructor tare:al - and study --• ' '''''',-: -4 `'''''" -- '•'. The _object of „these •applie i 4 ti nt.0n..., ..:as .tti'i s -IN e se•lree - I. Government of their own. : We d e ny . PettY "ale •••••.!e I- i 'el! tf tt fist asilic f in hii. , - leisure - moments. col , ies wiii be Das - raRMN klnrum . 4l'; • • • rouse 1 1 the start Of the Southent tit:4es to the existence of any siteli might, a , id ..„ those who roddied, t he Ilelpei• 1)(61; .; or .sent free of pastaoCto any one, on' :remit- oimen an ex:change• now-a-days, lint that re b d in eii. - - s _ we see reeor . ded the details•o c .. 'till f inv•ision . litrge majority of the people of th e Coin,- contributed to the -Tohn Brown fund. ‘ - -Is tint, t r y agree irith US. „Inc Southern people , h e lionest;:is-ite ca ,able=-,?" or!".is he Ihr &Brothers, Philadelphia. „ .of - private rights or. individual Waal trig hi•rt. . . . s•-•-. 1 - -.., negro volunteers or or••••• ••• 11 • li , I 11 „anizet ittlli •N ia in fixing their. terms, quietly sectided. and •Union• • •" . f 1 • - • • ••' '•,----,.. test: - questions ,•ill i e MR ibl 11101 . • ' , ftt the hands of some irrespons e m , 1 who arc taiptht to believe they are doing • ' . iimrcli throtedi thisS State. It any i such , thrilled_ thmir own .Cutil;etlertrey: ; but sup- : tit ~ : Tea'chers'- Institut 0. . ~ •. ,• , ,-: • .. . force should he pernitted to. match' ilium vet' now • hut "•dia he, roie for. Old (sot s service mintier 'a pretended suspicion th e s na pose theitix ninni termustitat•inclutle Ina- : as ' . t ... . , oath, it- w 1 1 . 1 ' .• .-••• il. - •• on ( compe titer% . •nion •-• The Stisth'ii CO: TO:Whers' lustitute con- , king Washington their Capit:d. and come :Al e?" is required to be answered 1/1 the om a want of loyalti on the part_ of their man there tok 1 • ' -(1' I tti •et the setession si /... tamed in .31onti•ose, at the Academy 11811, :victims: This lawless spirit, we are sorry up aud tell him tale:ire or h, cc his head . - affirmotive. ! I.'et ..11A. tliSttlliOliistS" 1./e. re- • • • ~ elionped etl'?• Will lie still admit their ~ moved proMptiv, but NM•hen flit. o•ood -01 t Am•is been, ill too' in•my histmees on Thursday, .the .2.atlm ult., aettording to to 5ay,,,, , .. ~,,, . ~, • .., Pi t on Am , F; "L oss, p i : A ,31 1; • ; , ; p4 N ii t y._ . right ; encouraged by mem who, when time ex . - J. Q. A Rohrer, ir 14710113(e" oft ewisbur ,, to tix_te . ..nis? •(h let the whole Allier-. ,- .. • .. ' • •,. .• , • . , :idiom-nine:it. s .. . •In - Ol state is reeling in the storin,ther • • . _ . . eitement of the hung ,passes off_ wi .. 11 be - 7 • • • • • ' halt people fix terms that shall est.:mblish ,' Sli p,„ • : ' • i i s ,' Thi-otlit•ers of the InStititte beingabsent, L nit erit), in the regular :nil theological should lieuo 11'111V tests l'al•le , 1 atlloll , i i „,.. •Ite:irtilv ashamed of theiii comblet. It is departments - 'who sailed htst • Stimmer ! twaltepublieS, / ata- permit 'din -to laurn ;• .m • . s . - • - ! •! ' 1 ' t • al 1 • lte nree mg •Waset......ec. to order by' A. .s. : Ili his rail-splitting- -Old Abe never said faitifrlll sallOrs... - . ' . , .i-. i I • tune a . stop be put to these. outrages. • . \c.w --' -- ;1 t -. from l orl, as a missionary t(Oopan, •!. :- . Millard, Cu- Stip't, Who -also conducted hi That the country is: involved. in war is has . never. been heard front :dime . lie left ' a• more . , silly thing; and; lie•must have . ~.....L . -. ,• . •-•-••• ash . : 0. 7 . .....: . .. . lmeen... tinder the iniluenee,of his recent ,...•••!:.•„'.:1an 0. g - the ntany cOmpanies QT.... ti l e finfetioon an . exel•eise. in heading, at- .ea la i n I tOn S enoittdi Withoutadding• to ifs -New - York - city. The Edwin .FOrrest the fright,- or lit. perhaps, would 'not: have ered 111 ( '‘ . '•• • ••i • •Ill•tin Wa::•'. out; froM till.; ter-which some remarks 'were- made by evils a reign of lawless- metreby. , • .vessel 111) ,„ „i i i e h h„ a il e d , . i s , si th itised • said that. If a Government: beSnite - sd• f• - -t • Ile I , c. t , • - -i) ef . i Din ' 1.1 6 Supt. litillard mid 31r. j..T.Shoeitittker on. , We saw in an Easton paper tide other • !-- 4:attn ,•!.• •.q) •1111 • .., ••.! nuroc ~; to he lost ,:and all hope' of its, refaitttry • . strliettye ot the Alois fitr which it Was Cr i•• N o „ ', . , , coin ~ , I the subject of.P. einling. ; ,. -• . . • , day'st,lme statoneat that t WL) or three box- hits been abandoned by the proprietors. ! :tine was _ironior the p:MN, Lan at e ], the liquill', have a rerolutiOnarKs- •• ' • -.r . -., ~.1* , In the afternohn," Mr. - 331111ard : read aes of 'the Congressional Globe had collie .31r. lailtrer. hail With hint IliS Wit'S, 'Who I we presiutte.it was - a .wontrose m tine Color lett et. from the lion. Thos. IL $m wort ; tit that. place %directed; to the Han. 11 •right ; _and, .ir they succeed - they : are lie- . . ~ '' Wil3 a native, of 3lontrosee Sitsqatihamia .. T)• • C • • • •Irtii - • NI • ••' • .* - roes, while if,thev fail they are hung us' : PallYt-t.' B l.t I • -.•-•••• / na l - 0 such . saying,that in conseptesice of tile state of 13rodliead, late U. S. Senator. Some row- ,-„ooty. 1k was a vomit.; mail (41 r e tch' traitors, - 7:4 au or •e ra ii oa r ikupkii.r, kr ht.y eompallt e.yer existed, even on p:lper;H- I - mr public afilmirs he could not nieet WWI ,ekes seethgtheboies,pretemied they snfelt prom i :se, m id was, we think, the first ter : for titi :Tara/ion qf at Statt4 ; 'ant} in m.. . a nd . we think . .it a . • iticitytine. patriotisin the Institute as he had promised: . treason, and takin.. , them into-ther en:4o i sent by lite American Board to JO •• • • P AM-- •alleging_Lincoln. overthrew all his donne- , I b •i_ • . '1 The Members of the Institute present fly, sent forl3lr. 1-37 to "come arid explaiti. , 'so u ti tir t, .) Democrat. • • :•. 1 ...,* I f t • •tit • • : t..S ;If .1) re m •• . • that xi. st : I- 3. i t!t`ill.l boar is " 4 9 - then pro - eeeded to elect officers for the the tnystery." That gentleman sent , them i • 41 • 4:Lteli• itrec'edin ,, ai•gtiment about 1 l o ,.. tie _ ' • - • :erns -1 0 ' our GOVerllor. - - • word that when they got through re:aling • -The English papei•s discuss thelinert :ssar7 perpetuity mil our 1 Tmtion - ,Thial Oaf `. s , . , ••! • - . ~ . , ~ folly of secession ; : and furnished the Son- : ' t•-•,-.-..,-.. Time -u•ti •le we . i rnit, Olt firs t j t. me .oi President ; Mr. J. V, sifenmaker, Of Rudd , •the Union speeches made by him in Con. can . qiiestion,„ the entillf•. Loudon. IPresS, therm seceders with Julomineut authorit v . '•-•:- . • * ("' •• - I . 1 •.1 ••••'!" Vice Presidents, - 31r. E.B. liawleyof New I greys, which they would find. in the yisol- - ( with thaexception of The Tnnes i , ($3,-mpA. , . - tr,m l the Li)Ferne t.t'ainn,'uot- only rshoul; 31illot•d i and • Miss Sarah Shove *fit fish ; . umes they Were so eafeiltily•guariling, they , thizing ivarmly with the. loyal Stmits, and fur th i cir rirwlrotts and dotructi've cd: . - -....c..,, 4.- - n ., ll:Lt di. Oettar at the .... . time, Litt eOnt tills Secretary, Mr:-E.-I'.. Goldner, of 'Brook- i should please rotor, his •propet•ty. Their i anticipatingau . early triumph forthe Croy ••;•11.11.11. 31 . 6•1;trose .i T ieptt/d7e . ,•tz of . ~,i..., „ - I,thaity poin •• tikt• Will : 1 11) 1 v very` ift dl!th i dyn ; assistant Secretaries, Miss'Es. A. Var...l diseovery that they.Were . sittiply books, of I eritumeitt- •.: ' s . . .. . terday, inativ'ertaittly, tam doubt, copied certain° WOultl-be Judt , eS of witriotisin ifl i 'fur of. ilarfortl; mul - MiSs Ana- . E. Bus . "' cif ! course caused them some chagrin, if it did -A.ciniference has been held at Ken ... Amp, of the forged extritets, &lid tube filati.•tijigi,lace.:.. • 7 .'•;=-1 - • • - • ' Montrose; Treastii•er, f3 - Ik.' 31. J,„ Corsa • not learn ;them better inanifei•s: . • : tacky for .arming the State. it military. 1 - I . , ; i ! .'ofNew 31ilford... • .• • . -! - The fact is, all good citizens • must set :•cominission is proposed .of three•plf.rsMis,' a ree antspeech of Hon.-D. s. , Dickiuson ; The alli:ged offence of • thertUnion wakci • . 1 1 drill was'then had in Gt.:Rumor, eon;. their dices against this sort of proceedure ! one to be a , •Unienist.. • • ',Aid extract heilig, as ..it 'happens, 'one - in itoting that Atiolitioni; an lMd dime -its ; dueted..bv•Nr..W..Fatirot, after WiliehiC. if they woiddrestore ant thin" . like order I ." }wine-Baltimore wa le - artif that a . . . .men t. r . ‘=. . that.we quoted la* Weei:, to show liilw -Work tte. • !• - ' 1 : , . rivali. toted that at the' next locking iot ur the Goi•ertiment.' . • i large number ofporsons Itatc.left thaeity • '- 0 -bast) iifor..ery it It-:I compared with What '_:. • ..,. . : . - 1 1 . - An. -sf-' -. -I- -- ;• , , the Institute -Mr.f.r. F. Shoeniaker dein - et . : ---- ----,..4.-1.-- - .:---.. • ito join- S 4' ;qttlieiM . arinyi.; They hate ...„1 .- Got. - Spraime, of l'hot Istmid is -fin essay'cin the:best method of School goy- !-'• .--=-Ail-farrlSlntr;r the 0,060 . ,000. Loa n 1 gotip ..ht• gemiitteie4, bet •.Vvithoft.t" arms: 119,44,,- - v,, •: We bad a copy ot'llis . :aspeeelt, .. il .. , ~ •1" . . - 1 . 1 ''' ' ' . , e only tioternor woo has t lead •d '1.1! . ; ernmenq Miss Jennie Simpson tut essay i bill has - itssed in 7 the fieese. .: It raise , l : TwO i.)i', the .companies Passed ••thratgh int*W• blif_ ~,,ire "8 ' (I"l"‘CLed' 6 Y liirilSde l- ' ti : oopS.Of ill,Stat:O for. the det • enee lot ti - ',op Readily,- • Mi.; - E.I. T•lardner; an essuy . i fifteen r • eiiiments be' •IV b• 1 r • 1 . •• i • •• .1 4 d - • .•Ic •' • LI • • • I lo 11 - ' r 1 yo ot m. AN f. ra t y. .re enc. tecen , y• in ,i. (opra 1 e TALK, afid•rfittouttkifieli we copied enough to shOW • capitol: I . '1• •• :- - • 1 • 10,. 1-. - I' on the. ImeSt methods of teaching ortho- r g tiisitions--.a to:tatof:fift3'.-live 're;eiiime t . 'it i$ reporte4 awl eaused s tOomiera,h!e.' ex-. !,. ""time tone of the speech. 3lr. 1). has since, - ...It itill`belifemtlyed that .31l..!•:Spragnel s i raphy.;• and Supt. - an an essar on tlie•! Aim aetzfor the ieliitt Of Y otinitects `sin ect,' • eit.en*t- . Tlte.' l 4cly : .4.11 , mArim.445„,men. itis . r . klfer; reptidiatmtd the a- I " 4 ith!ft ' stall i- • thi;Oidt •Dftflit - fetie Gtriei . litil - , i - imi Stitt ef; subject !Of •Ciminton School , ittlnention, lee l i a ; . b . 6e.,,,i1 ic : a I n i v . , , A - State ' . :li;(thi,': mid tWo-offieer-s"-and 411tlitettgli. - -they•iftere inent•Viittinitifee to 'WM. and no : paper •-• • -•• • - •-•-• • . rs' -• •- -- - , f -- .! _,.• •• • c 4 e t t er aity ; ... : -.,::, ••:.., •--- cn.r•-• -- .0`.• `..*-.• --• Aireefii"iiont the f4JI - ..rith; . 'repents that ••' •-•;?: • 5 . .. .•tufatnted, thaliOtite'lqui • iril •. %'-its' . 4ider owed - ;;hatiui iiiiti.6* ,0(.,91 - ipi'jitAice ',Reis' being i t , - - lti t iti l lisik ..l . , : ;, ref9 P- I ti at • t "- 4 4 . : P 4 , 1 4 1 1 7 t ' i r t :‘. ...14yourned tO *neat again nail ; Yall• - in : 0661 trimpS 'ire - J . )0 .- i tin' Trani' Richnion j,••i oats nd 'remained ainmed • -• 41l niglit::the letilittii. :in - t•ritoi- i L. ll , indiiig tM - .);tis • - it: •. l - itt••li - • t•e•-•9 `"" t7 t il--1 ; 41- ••`• 141 • - '1. 1.1 '-'•• ••••• •4 1' th e I,o r , Hig - l i of IN:1:61v , -mito,r,i_.:......t he' to lief; :mid' is . nii t - • :i i';i' Tt ,-„, , . 1 , - r - - -- 1 : '-I I . t.. - 1 - -.--- - v.. y.. s , ee :1111 , kentla. V, . Tefl .I..f,lllt'L f ta .. ,1 ley wore on- the Co. tr. _ . • ; i e. ii...1,1.•; ! .• i it1.., , t-r.l.lti , TO !Ii! , 1" ....• :. 1 1 f ., 1 0 ; „•,-,,.1,..,„:„-,, t 0 ...„1- i-,,i g t.:3 1 ._, •• , , ...e tr,-,•... ,y lb.- t.x.feirrlrl .. 1 17)11 . 11 i , 0 a .. - If': •" " 1 4 -"I • • ' . 1 -•-I ' • • ' ' 'ir % -111,1,,,......._ ~ o• Ift,illit! i.V, All , :lit 11. • ... , j..{, ' - 9. - ' . • v : ' . i ; 1 • r _ • - 1 ' ' n x toe 67r., .-•- t e meeting . of the Board.ofj; I%.lissions:4 IS`w Yoric,Oast FrAday,,,iheil cluiirmatti4pottizizeikfoOhe •a4eiit of (Judge ;Judge Ji.4olo44itiletl liiA. ~ he atihel . head of thiitOo L ps On ' 414 ms' head gO l i Stab - maqiiii on OF 4,l:*`''ton! }:le 7, _had a letfir f* . tlo ! I*iie,: rom-xt,liet a would seem that-he Mined tLtfilieil. but did not read it. It is refreshing to our people - : to hear-stteh news, even in a routnlabout.way ~ justead,oGltidge des., slip. being'at he 11611 oe'tll'elroops; mar*, fig to Washington, the;vottutteers Whom he had needleSsly Inn4lefl O'-t: Parrii burg, Nilfere the); were not wanted, and could not be aceepted;W6re - e - ottiing . ll (Alt eoniplaining bitteriO'hat liii'' -had' lwen finnifAitY-61: The wily who has had so much pain taken t,+-publish himself as the author. an 4 prime mover of all theTatriotie etrorts in thc'eonnty, aml as being " in command of the troops, - nim4 now hear-the blame of the fizzle: - it might have been well 'to drop the . e - x-eivil, assume a - Military title. ilow.wonl4l " Captain .1 eSSIIII ' sound • . Grdnd Speculation, ' P um . sn m nt of .Treas ~ ThnaK be nothing wrong, but Penn- The ii. lvania . aid the GeneralGrOvmin eent arc• penalty which the laws of the .fed States provide :dial! be :inflicted' 1 :17 4 ttrtitat lea* `° b they are leeding ,i, il'euil 1- 0, 0 .;: whoonnnithighlreas‘e4 is (11 ;ten' :ti.ti complaining without josh ti C l:onstittition t.... 3 i: ar,,see:-41 dee :tlitintiiii. - Tile " complaints le it • • Mil gOeralt, Sl•hat at licst were mete . _, .. . " re ''' bec. 9 l " ' thao treaion shall consist only ,in ing war ttgautstilte United StrteS, .., stinViockagainst hien - wl!o arejohlmig , diihe r i n! , to theiti. enemies, glyjng .1 ve non .tiktunted the shapeof . l.o(l , chat , i 'aid- and eeinfOrt:" The same section +. Which Must be met, or a feitrfm res-.i tinnes :—'"The cfnagreas shall have. , ponsibility will rest somewhere.'- l er to declare the punishment of treat The -correspondent. of 'the Pittsburg Pispatch writitur frotn.Cmnp '(LOU, ! hat no attainder of: treason. shall: si °Pens ; corruption oi`blood, or .ibrfeittri; cx l a 'broadside on tin , connnissarinf there, by' (luring the life Of the- persim• attainti declaring' that the provisions furnislie,l" Every individual who inn 4 taken tip t ip are - not lit to yat... The same paper States, against the e6ii- -in We secedin g . rains tlie4ollowiflg Significant .advertiser eminent' and has been or may be (mg' ment : i . .1 "VT Rf.AxkKrs - WANTED.—Owing to the ', in attacking federal places t .properties, .. N:essels, is indictable. for the erittie.oftrea miserable quality of:the half blankets fur- : sons:meth all such; be the y less er.'irtF'tny, lashed , a Lila rrishurg,t lie Wushinatnn In . are liable, by act. of c °tigress., to-the. pim- fluttry,No. 1, (.lottiPattv...k; latlllief..sjinent : n o nnent order .,..._ ..,,, • on ' .t nose who haVe fur :mi.! stattbring froin 'col(' ~•tt nights , In th e ir niched rebels with arm's", Or. inunitio us of 'quarters. Any .gothl blankets left at the war, or any materials for carrying out Dispatolf Qltice, will be forwarded at once traitorous purposes, fall 'under tile lesser for -their relief. , • ' • . ' ' InY 6 ' • • lie of irnpriSottment, - exceeding, rum , -...1t is iopenly'asserted .that the price paid . seven years, and a fine not exceeHline4 One. for cacti is fora full; thick, blanket; and . • - --- - - not fbr half horse.blanketS through Which the smi could-saint t - . We ropy the fol: lowing froth the Evening Journal or Mon - day • • is km no ilfnvi'y regret to hear that - these who are now . 041 - Oyed :at • the Girard House called on the* cashler, .Saturday, for their wages. and received only a small portion.' of them. Ihowis this? :What • is-the'eause ? has the. anpro , 'priatinit oftlire hundred thousand dollars, made by the Legislature, been exhausted in a proper manner ? then we tall on the members pt this - ektra session to make immediately a proper appropriation—one Sufficient to meet allemerly,enties, stt that ;the great and patriotic. Statool PeanSvivani:i may not bediSgraced bY hart:4Jan. scats and daughters of toil, who have tinnilies do pendent-Cu them., turned awav, with but apittanee . of their earnings. It is the lin tT of our State to see to it, not only that our brave-volunteers are properly clothed 'and fed, but'also that the'- men :mil wom ety whci are laboring-by nightaml day, tbr meagre pay, arc paid promptly. "Is the re,no money?". That is a - very Agniticant question, and it appears there is not,: Otherwise the' hotel keepers wonld be paid for-furnishing subsistence to the troops, and the operatives at the Girard Its :Ise paid their wages in full, it there fore looks-very much as it' exorbitant pri ces had been - paid, or some jobbing done to- disburSe - the State appropriations In three weeks.. 1.•2t ukhaveit - tiur, impartial invest i! , •at ion, without.. respect to person s; ‘ for this is a question in Which the people at large, are interested. The tidlowing: from an Ohio - paper, shOWs that jobbing •is not confined to this 'State: Jr.: gig it pay :—The gentlemen who have time contracts for suhistiimg the vol unteers; 'Of the State will, doubtless, soon . . thousand dollars... These embiace, ever; ail the punishments that can • 1: flitted-for this offence. .. • ' 1 - . There can be mosneh thing :Is : emit t ion of property for Tretisimoiceoriiin theConst 'union which prohibits . "fht It rt . '." Slaves eannot ,th retbre,"be pel nently sequestrated . fr r w ein a.nittte a traitor, nor can laws be pall'tied . pre ing their reverting tcrhis' heirs Jittoti death.• ::: 7 0T'Sonte people hereabouts are. now in a terrible state of excite! about" traitors," "disunionists.," ktc.l, We mill -be glad to have -the opinicil some of these individuals on -. the.foll ing.para;...rraph. front an edito43l in a, number of the Ohio State Journal,) Republican organ of that State. ' It ii Politicians and dotards" may .ga and weep tears of imbecility over.th traction at: the•Americ4n Union,"but Inanity will gladly accept• it, as one I I cheering indications that Providen 1 working gTod to the creatures'of cal Strange, to say the Republican- e l ik who thus rejoiced over " the &shin of the Ainerican Union" is not CAI. traitor by the other disciples of C , r , & co. • - . The Nor York Times of the stil sacs: - , • " Like 'Popery, Aavery is inconiin'tible ._, . wlth the spirit ()film age, in other uiords, ii with liberty and civilization. ' Their 'pro gress is at an end, and fate or Provic enee seems to have- doomed them. to -- sieedy destruction by the folly of -tbeig der otees.". . . It is well 'to have Nvirniny;,iii 't inie, from i v those who assume to interpret the it lerees ; of " f4e Or Providenee,"'and it is int rest ing to knOw that aftera the slaves have lmen set free, the grand seheine .of }Puri-. ' tanicematitipation will be likely to in l elnde' also - the "destruelitin" of" Porery," ! which of cOurse will involve another ; ovil War. While whole regiments, 'eorntmsed, of Catholics, are at this naimient srMrifie -. ing time and 'Money and healtlrat IVash i ' ington,..members that ,the membe of this Ain lition . 'Administration may' enjoy fat office. and etnnfortabre • rest in theirbeds, their reto7- nizeil organ in New York Jares . to threat i en them, in. no 11111/lOUS I:ll7gling.e, Ilitit .i war upon their religionl , noticed lasi- week' the pearance of Miss Mullet P. Eggltston,- ; from the..lionse of her mule, in Vesyl, on . the 24th ult. After a Strict and vigorous search, the body of the *Unfortutiati girl was found in-the saw ;mill pond of Mr.' Clark, near the residence .ofOhn LaGrange. Vestal, On - Thursday Of last week.. On Friday, Coroner Brigham, of Ping,- : hunt ou, held an iiiquel.t on the;hothi, The `verdict of the jury:was, that the ;Ileeeas ;; ed came to her death by - drowning - himself. Uniun Nors. • ' Abstract of News • ' - -, --74W-beding:3fy 9114144 day_ivi, s 1 -. . . i obgerved.:' Sermons liffavor oftla:rnion . . 1' w r t ' • -Snutherti . , troops :Ire Moving towart . ce . leh,ered in nine out of twelve clu: liVasloMixtOihotti. 'Virginia.. Tomes See t lYfes.: ,Oite.elergyinaa wanted every sec -;trobp4l6 Iliettutitlitr or '1,400, - nml . a bat- , ei 4 sionrst in Ms congregation to leave. Talton of Alatklmit . ! troOps,• have swollen I .—lt is said that General Scott has 1:111$ the. ffirae . at Lytiebbur,giz At. Norfolk there ! his plans for a six Months campaign. It I are4,ooo :tronpoil''o . o? - companies being I is thought that the seat of w;tr is 'ab o ut. rfrorn Genrgia. , Cis, supposed 'that Mr.:, to.be,retuoved front Washington to 'Cairo. per's Ferry will be r th°. first point for -.the I,The latter being considered a strategical ' ' conflict.' This' is probable, but hot eertain, rPoin'v . of -the greatest import_ance. . - !Great acti‘ity is exerted to push troops': —From Nen- . Orleans *we learn that. I,forward,frOni the,. 1.....4th into Virginia, i three' .;tlninsand applications hare been while'tlititt•Statt.; ONO, ii-nriniitg israeidlt; imule for letters of marquea. it is t large as possible. 'The troops of .3lississoppo f I number.: Shoves‘are wanted to Work on which were tn . :Mack Cairo are 1.4. i move i the:Southern hteifics Railroad. About (3,- toward Virginia. • --, : 4 : i ": 000 troops eCps arc ready at New Orleans 1 , ,r . .. , . - • . = The Federal forces are rapidly i con- ! service n tonfelleraey. i centrating, so as to hold .every 'point - for 1:" ::_li, - e i i ,l i i i i i et " i tt Ap, „,,,, •t o 1,, thCl49OVi of Wa s bingt.m l ;'i • A;W lero,of 1 . 1 di4ikd 'l •'' •' f I' • it' : ;:N ' ec."l .. or vset b v ors, Afirays are of Illigima 'insists thatS'Outterti troops 'Ain ; 1 t l' I ' a um. I pi y occurrence, and shoming, , not cross the State line till an attack. is ' atiti'stabbitti , s appear to be the.. or&T . of - mask... Vpder. o, 4 4,p.olixtyNirginia aud l the.: i ll , 1 - ;. r'. - -., : • ! ay. : . . . (1 . 11 0.0 1 0. Y '-':140.01Y till uo.4roel o" 'Ti• SI tvthiirMiglily iiii.pitriot iniauer. ~,., , t le, ontgoinery congress has dete; - arrangements for the —At llarrisburg the ' Select Committee ' r u ined Co ;prosecute ;:iiti Ai: IliaiiiiioiefrioTrial . a tlii.laiitif,ih;- i war very vigor ously.• .It is represented mand the:punishment of ibeguilty parties-that .tho,y eau put lurz , .aritty of 50,ipio _ tin. i troops, . well equipped fbr one year's yam- And the restoration Of Pennsylvanias intl,,tht: , .tield., ; justly confined in Raltimore. •They would IP a W n, : . . ! mithorize The GoVeroHoorto carry vat their i‘ +-Towyompany ofseldiers front Wyoon .riewi.: '•• . • ..,-: - - : „. • ;Mg counfv, having no orders to proceed . - at Li m ' s - , further ;limo', Sunbury, were left- here on I =The' SfirreYor'of 'Citkoins st.iiie is . i ii -gi n i c i ej to 'stop:010 shipment of; 17 . 11r0 4 vi mornittiz, iiltere they. arc now : , „filontitered.HSttidniry "Democrat. - arn''isiiitaititiorris - ainl . Pritvislotts t(i'atii , . . , . ~. ..4 he s'eeeileil iit'atel. lid Is' tint 'to ''allinr 1. .•--A • report of a slues I insurrection in afrarticl6s eiontraband of War iii Pa s s • that' Owen County, Kc tn k , as men lc e.ltt city'; " I • %;• ; ' •••••• , • ". ' eol at . Fi,..ilikibrt '... ho ' that • State.v our 111. Uni upon atl. tares .an ; york rcpt• rins, rina -10 1$ -tint his . —Af3toritgimiery tthe' 'Postal Depart- hundred - 'ttegroesare said to be in anat., meat iS'prepare(l2o take 'eharge of the I and some, white men , were killed in. :its 'truing it s tiity Moment the Oengress there I teniptingi .to" disarm, them. A disrotton May . F :announcement Of 1 - frcint Sun, 'lndiana; confirms tit., We secession • Arkantittic , ainr one or two statethent, and says that a body of 'tro.,p-.. bills:Were; otti:red,' :ise'eret session - 'en-thas,been Pfiered to suppress the instirree siicil. '' • • - tioni. •It 'is supposed that the ' , —Twproceeilin g 's of 'the Tennessee Wires have been cut, by the insurgat.. ln:en Piade public. White men, it is said,..are leading the nt• I - - The ordinance Of SeeessiOti4nd an allhtnee groes• • • • With th:.! COfederate was passed, ,The reporied, negro insarreetion subject t( . 6 Tote Of the. peotile on the Bth, Piven and Gallatin Counties, liy.,. Of June. :Military bill Was passed lied as. follows: - Otie lady met tWo peg calling for 55,,000 troops, and, appropiia- I robs arinetl, when Ale went - and told bur tinitl,43,oo,o,6ooitnennditionally,and s.,4s,ooo.lminist - F! that the negroes were arming . , .000 . vonditionally.„ *. itt: - oni,e sore:wl the alarm. ' Just plea Sze. in , of I the aid lable des hit- I t the .e is rth." . ' -=:- Fifty ; slrest Point cadets called to l —Eight hundi el pristMeNi r 0. var'have ',Washin ,, ton were detained at Philadelphia i been taken by . Captain Lyon • , o s f-St..Lottis. by . .., , the police, under a Misapprehension hs I The men taken were acting as secession !to their purposes. ',- - *• - I ists, :Ludo it is said, under the auspices of '' —A reljabie - pritate dispatch Says that ! the Governor of Missouri. Captain Lyiiii ' ArkansasiPassed the Secession Ordinance I demanded that their emnp should surren -Iby a votel of 01 to, 1. I der in half an hour. ThiS was done.. It —At Montgomery a salute was-fired on I was , said that the u - riti en dtmand avas , account of the accession of a tenth star to 1 not received. They were surrounded by the Confederacy. -. • • 1 the Federal troops, and finally. laid .down . --:--Majdr Anderson has, with • the -per- I their" anns and Were)taken - awar as pris - mission-ot Government, acceptatil the corn-I,miers of I.:i - r.. -. A late dispatch states that Inand of the troops raised in Kentucky, MI the utmost excitement prevailed.... An 1 obedienoti to the call of the President:.-" . otHeerhaoTr been wounded by the mob, !• .--.--Charles Henry Fisher, of .PhiLadet- as he tell lie . oave an order to lire, atkd phis, Int 4 suspended. - 'Liabilities about about twenty persons were killed. The $1,n00,(0').0. 2. • , I mob were dispm4A ill attack two or three , 7 —Thet is a serious disposition on the -iie.wspapia- o ffi ces; but the action o r 11 1 , part_of sc me atile members of the; Leg- : police, at the latest :Mei - nuns, Was sueees— Islatureto restrain the enactment of a Mil I lid in preventing any thrther bloo.lshed. l exercise.Olthe • Governor's military- pre- —Froth Si. Lotii - wc , have an account . rogative las commanderdn-Chief. Is is i olanothe'r fearful'. tra gedy on Sattirda known.certainly that any bill cramping a night. ..i, fa:ge,,butlx - of Howe Guards, ; a.full est.eise of such powers will be ;:recently enlisted. on I,eing Itoote - il by tin. I Vetoed:. r ‘, - croard, tote' of wh . oin::, bay, discharged a i,' .: Z.;;_frA - ! pistol :diet . , fire4l indiscriminately, killing ! Sorp Thrt ! some of their own men and killing and i Whioopittl ; I wounding others. Great indignation wa , 1 tion, liaci expressed_ against the Germans. The j a sure - at} who snffer from CouOs, Colds Istlona, Ilronelitiis, Croup, IgCough;and'incipient.Consump ' the tenaolation of knowing that . tidote for these complaints ex )r. Balsam of Wild ll'repared by S. W. Powle & ton; .aml everywhere sohl by and Agents. ilrculd . conventioti met atllliont a Friday. :'helody represent niles •of road, and . _6l 07,6 70,000 53114 Pa:. 614 in Cherry .. . cite C 0.,. -called out regulars to preserve the peace. l)ruggistl The Legislature has i passed the Harris —A RI 2 Alilitary.bill. - The prospect is. that e o n . filets will cont i n u e.' ; - • ~ Iced ' . . gotnery R o —From Wa.Shington. We learn that- , the 1 ,375 Secretary' of to the Tren.S . tiry 'lets -invited of funded I . - .. .offers thr,lhe *9,000,000 loan uudisposed .—Theibldekade of Norlctikis said to be I of,.tinder theaCt of February last. .e o : l !Pktc4. ••. 1: :T - , --'", ' .' ' - . . , I 'The President, luts'issued a prod:MIA , ... z7-Tho*trveiltinee of th 9 I Government I Linn virtually declaring Martial law over over the:, niew4paper - ;eorrespondents 'at) Florida. tire has ,dire.:ted. the "Command 'Washington- renders it • hard work for the , suit of the forces upoit - the, coast or that . specials.: Their deg - mu:ll , 6i are . evidently State to allow itopt.rsr;it to esf•r e is 4 . an deprivett,oftheir Vitality 'before leaving thoritY upon anyisland of the Gulf inerm the telegraph. anti• reach New. York as sistent with the laws 014 he United State-, state as stnall• beer. ..7:.' - - : - ' The Writ nf /;,,teris rori us i!.i f0.,1,Z. snspen.l. • ~ ..LL-C.-- s tlecainl'irespitclito the A leVandria.!'ed, if neees.sarY.l' I Gazette, - I'd:ited INfontgontery, 31 - as'.' 7th ,I -3I . 'l' id 1 1 - - , i •-• 1 - f . I ;• I , 1 rs. 4 . !,. ‘t., inotter in- au o ..n, o e l'eentirritS the 'rePoited sebeSsion of - .;l.rican- i passed 'thromdi ".3loitt. , ninery no n. 1., I s...tatid tenit'es,see: Saltites .'were, tired 1- at en route for 'Selma. It is said • th - sfo o . lt here ik . fiimor'Of these :eVeins. ''.- 'very decitlediy.rfitsed to accept the pro:: , I -- 1 --TrOps . .:tre tieing sent'frOtit Lower to fered hoSPitalites id' the "White I I onsy 11.TPPer Canada to protect - the . arsenals int WashitOoti.4o/colesion - Nit riet7. l'froni 'a . pprehended -- incursions front . this 1 - - ---A - correspondent to The Baltimore rside the line during' our ahtiinial trouble'. Atoerieaulltqhillicau .organ,) . t4ives an At : i .sper i c i de .. t. .' i I I ; '- ti ~.. 1 . account of the activity prevailitni at Ila I . I:, ion le !. „Oil ' - the it 1, !'or .11derritan...in the Eighteenth .Ward, , per's - Ferny. Arrangements IntYy bceli 1314.41 . for a dest,perate struggle at this Brooklyit, .. the bentoerats elected their ... : ...,: pbipt E and the men and hhq.wial are 1,:. eandidate; , Thoinas',3fahotev.- . , . . no meatut wanting.. 1 •—The . 4E4....be15.. it is-reported, are 'slowly It is 1i.4 true , As reported , th at pi.ovi-- : tailing 'back from. Harpers k'erry, rceeiv- slot's' :tie ‘ , ..e . ti - ce iii thne,tiotith • Flour-•th.l iOg-ineahwii . ile, t...entinned:aeeessiensfron t .1 mic...4 are , : ft . lelitV;.:: Texu.i ' gn:trantee-; t.i tliefibuth. ~ ..-.-1.. • .t .: . . r:,• , T . .-.:-. ' ' furnish enough iiit.-4 to supply the 'Cottle i --- 41 GoVi.ltragt:)ffiti oflientheicylittsiSsited Aerate antic:4.. Girstill is beiii„ , cultiv:lue.l IA Message np:,:mist the`Aittninistratioti and iiti 6 - cry itel'e of 'tillable lainl. liii Ifkyoriif the . SofitherntenTederacy. j , ...-:-.-,. - :,-- :1. - :.:-r . --= . . • ~ -3lajornderson was serrimmied "On 1 Tuesday! prening; ns *token of the popu lar satiSthetion at his 'conrse iii assuming commands of the Kentucky regiment. .ComeANir OF 3105k5. - .tle With Mer, 'Abbott of - the . Monastery of St. ' Vitteeht,..Westitterelatul- - Comity,' has • organiititta eempany of 86. nice,' made up pTrincipally from • amohg the' mentbers of his!confraterhity:: •• .siSter;;-iMialr of i!r ! . - ..,ident J..itieeln,..re'sidetits Of Selina, Ala, presettted :1112entederitte flag to the, ,silltua Cadets. • --.BitAiworin COUNTY . VOLUNTEERS.-.- 1.44.. week. three rontpanies of. volunteers, nut, bering•a imut .230 men, arrival -here' froth 'Bradford •Couttly; but. ,•yesterday a large number of theM went- , "bock- agen" to the hihd of, Wilntot, iii rete-cue - e to going - dewn' ,land.—.l.lariabarg Pgtriol;*ay .101 h, • . . The!!Fire , ZOtta%-es had a rare time in Wakilittiiton on U r ednesday, uitatt. -A litiil}ling hear' Avaidkv.- was on tire, and the entire re . giment • inseed off in usual 1, style ref', the - tic oOf ' cotillaoratiriu.- - In - , ' an antaiine; Short' time they . lutd , helped - l' - themselves- to Mt eneitte,aial to . the 'Aston- I iSlinient Washington iiretm it, the ! boys': had the work• of piattih•r- out the lire aeedniplished: The ila h ait