• THE MONTIME DEMOCRAT, I•UBLISIIED TIIIUESPAYSi T., OFFICE ON PUBLIC AVENUE. run E DOORS Anovi BE.I s ICLS'I3 HOTEL. - - ...1'c10t5.--41,59 per antiurn in' ADVANCE ; oilier. we $2 will be chnrgret—and fifty cents' per annum allat'd to arrt•Onigen, at the option of the rnblloher, to pay capvit.te or collection, etc. .klWaNclr pziyment preferred. ovEnTasEmEs-ria will he inserted at lite rate of per t4ptarr, of ten lines or for tltit a s t. three week', and trt Cents for each additional week-rpay down. • • lieradiants - and others, who tadimrtise.lay taw s e ar, will 1w Charged at the following mitts, Tic.; F or o ouare. or too.. one year, lOW* chanlee, s Each adeitticoiat lrare, al the rate qf 6 No credit given tscept to those of known reSponsihility 13171iNE 11. COOPER it (A) t - - I) A N KINN., Monlroxc,Pn. SINMPVPIIII4IO l'Ont.s,llopfr P & 41dice. Lnttaritim'new butidling, nirnplke•ti. , ,J. U. 'H . 001.3.C.11 • ' D W. hEALI7G. . ' • 3let.'()LLl73l A: SE ABLE„ . ~, ..:'iTTORNEYS and Connsellont at Law,—MolttnP4e, Pa tlrtic , e In Lathrope aew Imathltng, over the Batik. . lib:N . llY 13. 31cli14:AN, TTOIZNET and Conroellor at Law.—ToirANICA., [l. ()MCI: 111 . U tillon • .3e3 5S If pll. • E. F. WILMOT, It.VIVATE or the Allopahte and lionunnpathic cot- IT 1 Medicine.—thinn. Bend, Ph. d)ditv, corner d Ellizabetil-rts, • nearly oppoidte the Ilethndiet aps6 tlf W. ,BINGIIANI Ili. C. ANEY, 1311YSICIANS. SUROMONS. AND PANTISTg—New: Milf,T4l - Dorotirgt. Pa. • Dr,. ki. Z. I)IMOCK, 1311\ - SICIAN ANTI SrliGkON,—MontroPe, P. °Mee Story; Jeodinr.,s at Searles-Dote!. 'OIL - WILLIAM. W. WICKATON,_ ECLECTIC PHYSICI&E SURGEGE 'BEIMITT WTI! DR. :107:0.5' 1171E.4 TOY. Meeliattical aml Dentl.t. reetintly of Binghamton, N. Y. 11 . 1aler their :all avho appre- Mate the Reformat Practice of Phy.ic;••" careful and qk illfulmpera Mr. , .41 Teeth; the Itto't erientitle and appr , ,Zcl ,tyle. Oate,‘ork. Teeth ex.tnietett,withoat • pa to .1...1,111 %cork ‘,Arrantat ' J.lekma..lone t ith. l siTI.• • Ys. • 1)1:. 11. SNIII'II- )N, 11•12c:Ei).7: I)ExTiwrs;:-.-.3toniroe.e, Pa. 1 -I (lfliCe in Izithrol,i' 111:3V over %Iv , . IC.1,14:: Mental opitratit sl _ l, ` be 'ail . IN perform.ql in food 1131 e and IVAIT3IIteII. J. C. 01.\1$111A1):'. .• DRS. OLMSTEAD 8& READ, Tor wormy ANN(yrscE 10 T that they have enteied Mon partnet,,hip fur the Practiee - of MEDICINE & Surgety, and are prep lreti to ni tend to all calls in the line.a their profe- , ion. ()nice- the our formerly oceunltll bY Dr. J. C. Oltn,t,:ia, in 111 - ND.WE. , my cam. •_ , . • Mt. N. y. LEET, Iyi;.4.lcm rind ,Surg,on. Ceff ;cc typo a • 114.. .1.1.1 - 00 a I lat.r . TR. LEVI` ttiVe•gfartietilsr attrmtion to the treatment ./ of dispatu, of the EAR and E: that hie knonlYt, lite of. and eswrience In thin branch ofpro , Lieu will c a w le him to .eifect arum In the mnet difficult ticmlin disemAys of timer organs no fey will lkt ellarrcif nnicee t r ite tittient le bowfin...el by the [Angn4 nOth. s( )t"r NN' lIT H S VADA4IIi. AL% NI 'FACTr I:EnS ANI) DEALERS in Italian and I A nn•rican Marbin for Meinuruentti, IfeadplOne.:. Tothh-Talll.,:•Mnntleo. Sink A .-and Ceutre;Tabler. dealer, inM.irhicized Slate for Mnut lea, Cent re•Tables..kr. Shop a few doors cast of Searlt's,Hote) on Turnpike mr.-et. Moo \VM. A. SVOW,= yrsTH - 1: TIIE PEACE.--Gn7.11 Demi PA. Ottiee Pon 74nin ,trevt. opposlte the We.ten2lll,ll,:e. ATE 1011 N SAT-17Kit, V.IF•111(IN.%111.1 - : T . .111.0 R. - -Montrose. 1.1. Shop 1 41‘..r 1. N. Ittallard',. troecry . lan Main-otrect. ...11raniftzl.for lua , t fa vol., he "rolled. :a continuance i la i o flu nll work tatioaractorilv. (At ' .lintv ,hurt and warranted to it. • na.,July P. LINES, 1;1.NsIlIONAIII.S: TAll.ol2.—Mmormo - „Po. Shop I in 1'1.4 iiiil:lo,k. oter.,tori , of Read. Watnomt X So-ter. , All work warranted. a. to fit and finish. 1t,nt0p. , .: dt Me Oil .il,ll :10.: We. in Mat style. jon 'Oa, JOHN (MOVES, I,I.IsIIIONABLE T.01.01:.-11fintrot•e, Pa. Ship mar th, Mut.Linz non.% tin Turnplki• tgrevr. filleft proinply. In Br4-rale style. Cutting, don, 011 F.?tort not-ire, and wntrinded to lit. 1.. B. ISBELL, _ EP-111/S einci:.• Watcheft, and.Teaelrynt the h not It?, nntt on rex-tumble tt•rins N. rk ' Sinop in Chandler and Jeltotntl's Mot..inot-E, . • • ocrt tf .wm. w. ; mrrlt (11-A. I.I2 , ','NUFACTUREItS. Voot X of .Maiti,treve, Muntrot.4.. ai; If . . C. I 1..‘4401:1)11..‘31, , • A M L . \ NI - FACTYII.tIG of T1 ., 60 7' ~ 1 & S/70F.5..‘,.1 . ntr00r, I'. : s hop en Txler s stnte. All kinds of work mult• i 0 orih•r. :Ind rt•lncring dont. 13.4.p1y. • jet'. y ABEL • • rimy Gan-s t Grorehr.. Pam, - tjtwttlt,, Jewelry Perfu- Intim S r for all the meg tottpuletr PATENT 6 'NI Els is'lN ottt rose, T'A, ling • a 11:()F. 3101:111$, and Hair Mrintrove, hop in 1,21-..rwrA 4 El,l - I ) ,EN BROTIIEllS; ''i ' till 0 1.1;1".%I,}: DE.II.}:ItS IN lr-aLiV.lFriPm: 1%7'0 'IsX4CIoiVS.9I --.1..:71. fjANCY- _GOODS. m m- I_ YIiEN. , 1 , JOHN II IYDEN I • , THAI 'Y II Al I 1.',..5. ( SEW .111LFORD, PJ. cF.A.Nt.E , II.I):Ini:i. j P. E., BRUSH, Di, D.; ". rl4 .I.oC.ITEI) PEIBI.A.NENTIiY,. AT . _ . if , wi:iP . I . l.l3.lgliriilc?, lt, ill :Mend I. tLc dutien of 116 thruler.sion yipmptly Otlite at'4ll. LathropNillotel. 1)11: J. S. SMITH,' The INVENTOB, and DENTIST, T v I7nrurin, rhnitnl Snr i ni-r•: In Neirantroie.linving in the Tires 'Milford &Ad, iu a p2cantul town. ‘Jf gto,nl.l:ul intritige . nt petple. t Sett) • NEW MILFORD, PA., IS THE TO - I.IITY .Y0(11: HARNESSES, CHEAP POE CASH . ANC GET THE WORTH OF YOUR. MONEY: nov:. 4ut .1... M. SMITH. H C:0 MetE INSUKANCE COMPANY, Oi zste-vv. - Ircrris.. ;CASH CAPITAL, ONE- MILLION 11OLL'ARS. ASSETTS . let July' 1860, $1,48E8191/. LIABILITIES, " " 43,068.68.. T. NI ehtt4..l, htattio • Proirieut Joho M Grr. As't A. Y. Wilm3titi. Vice !• j ot o te d t t.o t t ret t owrd. ter the wide:att.-fwd. at hi) one door, aliure Settriee rft. . y ~ 1 11ILLING11 wrat.tovei :49(ra. . 'Er Ns sit w. or or Trvi isrgo ottock of new iltnvila. for I Otliw• and Shop purposes, ibr Wood `l,z• ' • I and desirable , , and will be rold on in n 0.../ i:110),/bitt wring faro Casa. or ta Itrity* • !nil!, 1866, DandeliQn Coffee. , - t 11 FIALTHY barttraffe. (Alb proaad-oftlgiteallis will Ulakr 45 ;4114131 LWtwu polio& of other Qiffert i For ' • ' ABEL. rtIRRELL. . Turrell's M ()THY - SEED! Wx: r, ILey uthei obnoxiour mi!ctie, ALSO "b Large Clover Seed, iciaa:L. tt $i . • __ Tut office of tne Montrose Democrat' bar reoratly been topplied watt a sew sad choke r sradY c of type, etc., end we ere now geepseed to prier • 1 circa/ire, eti, etc., In the beer NW,. oa Mort aul i e l e " , ' ''''''' ,' t :' Handbills, Posters- Progranunes, and' , ) \ • •, . . • - - . • .- • • , 1, other kinds.of wo Ude lyie, dose secirdtag to Order. Vire Join Ourselves.to ito Party that Does not Carry the - Flag and. Keep,„Attep, ~. to the Mike of the Whole - .Union. - ; . . . ~ .-4,.• , .' Busineas, win ddg, an i d Hall Cantu :- p.,, Tickets, etr_, vatted with fleetness and deepaieb. i ' i . Justices' and Constables' Bliztks, Notes Deeds. and all other Blanks, as hand, or wawa to order. VOL. ?AA.4iW!tg lIIESIIT lin=21=IIIMEME!MII!INIII!IIII DUE Of THE MEM RocrniOnKin . BrOoklyn. • In obedience, to a Call issued . by -the county committee for a meeting of the loyal astil patriotic citizens 'of Brooklyn township whowere ready to - stand by our I eountryin this the hour of danger, bun-1 dreds responded, and by 7 n'clock the school honsoin this village was filled to overflowing, and many had to gO , away, its they could net find a standing place in- 1 side the dmilding. The meeting was Culled to• orderi by Geo.. Chapman, who - I nominated J.L7. -Howe :as of the meeting, Who was unanimously elected, Amid much_ enthusiasm. The following officers were Ash lumnimousli elected:— For Vice Presidents, H. . Kent and • (leo. Chaman ,Secretaries, J.. 0. But. .lard and 11. F. Beardsley. ' The object,of the meeting was briefly Minded by the Chairman, who stated . tie •B. S: Bentley was•in the room and wonld address the _meeting. • Calls for • Bentley were heard from-every side, and 1. were ()Div quieted by the appearance joy • thaf gent leman, .wbo in a logical and pa t riot ic speech plainly showed that the on ly - siAntithi of this our difficulty, was War ! In -speaking of the loYalty of the city of ett- York, Antos. Nichols be:;ged leave tOiiiierrnpLainl. read an .extract from , the 'tribune, stating that New York Mer -1 chants; Viankers, andbnsiness. men getter will ebutintte to pay the salary of their elerk t 4 or agentsond that their situ- I-' ltion wou ld reta ined or them.. This "e" , evi"ol.6.ir truly that; Y. City was • true, to our Flrig : ..and Union, was received with unmistakable evidence of - delight.. t Bentley was frequently interrupted ti to; encers and cries of "good," ,CLe. At the close of , his speech, a despatch was re ltaived froth Hophottom;giving particulars of the ..Baltinolre riot, which produced a ; profound sensatihn. After this, the call fin N'obunteers was responded to by M. i-chivalrie. and noble looking 'young men— two the heads: of families, who thus placeiltit6nselVes upon the altar of their country.. .1. L. ItK.11) . . Wsre adopted, alining wbieli, the out relating to . _flindlies of ab sent vouloteers was heartily endorsed. It was also resolved that the proceedings of this .nieeting be Imblished in the county papers. The meeting thltit adjourned to niect at 3lontrose on Monday,, the 22d . • After the adjournment, as the ernwd reached the front -of Nichol's Store where the Stars slid Stripes were -proudly float itig; its enthusiasm ran over, and dicer af ter cheer awoke the echoes of the hills,. while the Stars on that loved ensign seem ed to sparkle with - brighter effidgcnct at. the devotion ofits patriotic Guns were ' fired in honor of the volunteefs,and amid the wildest enthusiasm the ere 'dispersed to -their homes. I'. S.—Since Writing the. above, twelve more 11:Lint'S liave been added to the roll, lIt17.41! t rthe phrriotie bOys olllrooklyn. ' Ethyl 1 - 4) , er;:, • Daniel Wilcox, IL C: Fairehiltt, W. C. Fist, Geo.-N. Doolittle, !Ti H. C. C. Eltiri*;e, Reynolds, Benj. Swiders, , M. ‘Murr3y, Amos Vail, On the evening of April 18th, a large untidier I ~ IWO pie ni'Se Idl ed at thi Acad. only, and G.. M. :Dennison was elected Presideat of the meeting', G. W. Lewis and LP. Baler, Vice Presiders, and C. C. Mills mid T. W illiams, i Secret:l6 . es. The President, arthe close of a few re marks, introduced J. B. McCollum, ol"Mtlntrose, who proceeded in an earnest and :eloquent Manner to state the dhngers that threaten our.cOuntry. He spoke for half an'boiir, and was freqiiently greeted with bursts' of applause. pr.-E. Patrick, a voluitteVr for his country's service, was then called on, amid vociferons sheering . , A and inadera few Well limed remarks, do, sing by say;tig that he was ready, as every patriot should be„ to serve his Atountry in any ciepacity. LP. Baker Made an earn est appeal to the young men to' respond to their country's call. The meeting was then addressed by - Cot. E. 8.. Gates and others; ,and; after the passing of a resolu tion pledging the meeting to provide lib erally for the faniilies- of all Who, enlist from Dinmel, the President invited all who desired to enlist to come 11.ow:ird: The followin7 gave in their names as vol unteers :—P. S. Cassidy, N. 11. Gates, •Charles Nicholson, X.P. Gates, G. W. Smith, IL IL Underhill, 11. D. Iligley„ C. IL Graham, Oliver Bannev, H: 11. Dough erty, Wm. GateS, and Parker Gates. ~ Lymzin Blakeslee, E. T. Tiffany, John Younf . , , V. Smith, 4: - ,l..Lewis, -- and Geo. Blakeslee, were appointed to circulate a pledge to Stipport the families of t'olua teers. , . • The .meeting . a4 - I,l6tinied with three vheeri the recruits. • At_the ineeting in 3Tontr4i. , e, 'on Mon day, the volunteers front DOnod, 13reok b11. Jessup .ntoi Springville„unitedin one isOinpany and ,eleeted officers, wl ose na n es, with those of the whole be fotind in another column. • "GaVIN.I UP kroix . Y."—The Republican - Press are now calling upon P all: men "to give iip all . partv 'feeling . and sustain: the Govertinient. We hare no objection, to 1 the advice, although it comes from a elm, picions source.. V4'•iisee daily how Mr ; Lincoln and Itit4suborilinatea look et it. They are . dismissing . thousandi •of Men. from. the . public service who are. asloyul to - - • the Constitution , as the Preilidont bluebell; for the harti7. offence of Haiing • failed to i vote for_3ir. • Lincoln. When_ this pro seription is stepped, the appeaLto give up :Firty will cetne with a good .grace froui rtlio,:t.' who make it, • . , ..... . . _ . . . . _ . . 'i •1 - . . • . - - . . • . . . - . . , .. • . . . :!` ' ..4 E o • ~ . 1:.. ~1 ; : : I ... ' . ..... . . ... „ ii,- .T.: . El ~.. ;. ...... ~. . .. . •. . . • . 0 ...11.- . . . . . i 1 '. -; • ' . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . )IX NTT: Gen. kapman F W. Ste.a4an W,ll,Tripler, MIIIIMMI J. 31.. 1 Willard. Williams O. E Lindsey, A. T. Py, E. A. Goss; • George 3. Giles, • William (;base, Recruiting in Dimock VOLUNTEER MEETING IN NEW MILFCRD. The citizens of New Milford Borough and township, met 'at Todd's Hotel, on Friday, April Itith,,lB6l - , .at . 2 o'clock, p. 'he meeting was called to Order by .T. Dickernian jr:,.who - noinitiated C Esq., President. E. A4rPratt and 1)r. I) 7 ..C.Aney were choSen Vice Presi dents, and Tracy Baydeo and J*. W. Walk er,. Secretaries. • : The Object of the meeting was stated, viz;:l'hat the govermnent of the United States bad_been -invaded by traitors, and that the President of the United States having - cacti upon the Governor of this Commonwealth for • Volunteers, ,Susq'a Coimty was expected to furnish her full quota of men. The Rev. Mr. Bowers was then called upon who made a prayeri appropriate to the occasion. lion. Wm, Jessup then addressed the meeting in an'earnest and:eloquent man ner; that elicited frequent 'and Unbounded applause. An opportunity Was then given to those who wished to volunteer, to sign their names to the paper for that purpose, %Olen the following persons were enrolled. Charles If. IVard, John 'Patton, :Tames M. Tenant, Wm. A. Parrish, W.l. Ford ham, J ly Martin, 10binSon Lewis, Czar Payne, it'rancillo - Lewis, Alonzo Lewis,. :tibert Ifitzleton. - The followi m , ,resolin ions were adapted. AV:iv/1M That the families of every vol unteer shall he liberally provided for in his absence. To "this,. this meeting is pledged. . A Committee to 9,i•ry it into efre,et was appointpd, as follous: . F. Barnum; Wnr..C.lVard,l4l,A,.Pratt, Tracy Iflayden, Gto. W. Weed, and J. Dicherman. RAEFORD AWAKENING An enthusiastic meeting in fiiror of sus, twining our country was, held at. liarford ou :Sat amlay InKt.' The a...sent -I;lage, after marching-under the stars and stripe 4 formed a hollow Square' at the corners, and was " officered by electing Joab Tyler President, Atonic) Alx.l anti Arta Sweet Vice Presidents, and J. C. Tanner and C. S. Johnson Secretaries. W. 11. Jessup, Esq., of Montrose, being called for, delivered an earnest, vigorous, and patriotic speech, portraying the con dition `of the country, its• great danker, and its call to tke young Ind) of liari'ord for. suppprt. lie was Ibllowed by .1. McCollum, Esq..; of Montrose,. who deliv ered'a speech fill or patriotism and do quence, showing that.parties were noth ing and our .countyy. everything; and calling upon all, irrespeetive of party, to stand up fir the Government. A call for"voluntei•rs' then made, when the followingeame manffilly for3vard as volunteers : 'Moses Chambers; - Richard Halsted, Alonzo Loomis, W..E...liohhison, G. W. Perk, li. 1.. Seeley; 'L. mond Hull. The - following res(' - ;ltitions Were then adopted unanimously: • • . • &saved, That it is the unanimous feel ing of this meetint; to - sustain our eountry in this the hour other extremity, f,y.every means in our pOiver. .I:G*l.rd. That the citizen's of Harfoi-d hereby pledge themselves t