,11111116111011 HEIDI ! - ~ •1 01 tar mid 000 s aims kiTLPONINS. 41,1 ' r ' ;• I ~-,•-/' • , f ~ , 1.4 ..,,--,;,•..„, t . ~ PllBUCzenetallyira Infbessed Ott irTiltet r.s. ,( - :1 i HIBITION le given at all hours of Gra day, of NEW i -. -•'' ~ t.-2.1/. „ e ,..1 . • 4 ,0, ~,.,44) rIvDS of ail sorts. viz: Drew Goods of Summer Print*, • ••---- ',.!..".••;; ,4 " ' CO . S9' - '1• Poplins, Challis, Lawns in patterns. cheap Law M, . ''' - - ,' • ' , . Brilliants, Book, Bard, Jaeenette and Snits Mull; Ladies' •, , ;- Collars and Sleeves. Dimity, Marseilles, Moment. Vnrui- • turn Fruits. Shattuck: Jeans, Nankeens, Summer bras 1 7 ....1 1 .1111.1111.11 , 111111.1111.1. Gents Shirt*, Cca too brawen. Collar., Cravats l'htiptie*. and Suspenders . &nc"Dd WO kit a ~. .s f . s. \ Co MEMIAL .. COLLEGE. • LP, it. THER-WA ill, ! 'Lowed over theSunsnebanna Valley liank. each me Gent! Vine Calf Boot v•-good 'unit. Ole heavy sae BINGHAMTON N. Y. light Shoe.. Splendid Ladles Miters from 6 to H. shillings was-ranted to ut..- White, Brown. and Mack - HOSIEIIT. ; Pumas and I.Tinbellas, Hand Boxes and Work Ilaskets. \ FACULTY : ' . • • 3EgilLrlrli I 3l4g 3riviliet ' D .w. - L9WE1.1., , Vrincipal, Proferott of the Seirocii of Ammtints. Practical Accountant. and Sperm, .kdammdine and Tallow Candles. Ilmaa and Jepsned tamers, Wash Board!! mid Care Mills, White. ' A uthisr Of I Allrelrs Treatide upon Book.K.ep wtth 8ric.b. , .., lk•d Cords SO feet ion whittled and spring ing Diagrams illutdrating the, acme- (lethal Pins. Plus and CHDAR PAILS, besides a PILE of 1 '',„ „,, sigils 1 Jute( Lk AMR, LottaierCial Accountant, Prefea'r 31411111141?-640%1111341,43.4 t ,, 6.1 Book Keeping' itnd Practical Mathematics. , of every. variety. =oaf , whicb are Tapley and Corn Starch 1 J. .1. CUSTIei. •Analatabt. Proleisq'i in the Book forgiorionspadding", 'ream Trtar, bodamMtub Saleratut H ee pini D e part n i e nt . . Iv the use of these Pills the perlodiestmeks of :Cereals •• , ....Nator_Gil. Sperm baits, Black and Scotch Snuff. and lets , .., , or SIC( Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at GM of things which won't do to read about, bandramto aill, ~...X. 3 . iv "MOIR, Profelusor of 'Practical and Or- mantneueurtent of an attack. immediate relief from pain exandno and fa& ahovt. We arcreadyami willing to show , nonenial pu n an iu hip , ounme rr io e ci k. u 4 a . andsleknau will be obtained. Goods, even though they may not suit •' and thankikl for , . -H. c. TILKK , I inns and Cumapondence: They seldom fail In removing the Nausea and Headache small favor., . - to which females are so subject. ' ' • - 1 CTS: bays h bt , tile of the slotting lialr Tonic. It, : ' :..---. I Meilen gently upon the bowele,—removing Cartirtneu. .1„ di helm anything ere: ettook np. TTL3Ot'S i 1 LECTI: il E 2.11: . I Pot Literary Men, Students. Delic.ste Females. and all 1 one of sedentary habit', they are valuable as a tazatire, ... MONTROSI'.. Mhytati. ISM. lion Daniel S. Dickirson, Lecturer on Comma-- . lemming the appetite. giving tome and vigor to the &gee. - vial La% and Political Economy. i tire pecans. and restoring thq natural elasticity and FALL ~SALES MOW READY .: lion. Ransom: Beacom. Lecturer on Contracts., i vrki,mg o ilkt i fa . tbe malt of long investi ... Promieson. Notes and Bills of Exchange. piton and carefully condoctqd eixperiments, having been At Great Bargains! ; Rev Dr. E..Andrewii, --- end relieved a vas. amount of in and suffering from Fifths Fin READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS! ' • . Lentiarer on Colomeroisl IHI Tige mat] Years daring which time thee have prevented ' - . Headache. whether originatin= Furrow Pystem or from a deranged anneal' the - ! • ' ENI3IIIIIII I I.VG COMMITTEE : They are entirely vegetable in their composition. and la jititrUTT . mt. ';' 76- 4 7 'Pl + - ''" Milf""d '' ,4 ". 131,,,1 1a 1 ...-, _I - e, ro. , mr sTAA i . L. ay al bt. taken at alithdes'with perfect safety without mak s Dress Hoed. It.aporinm,' iarnr..- reeei.ing a Lamm , ', TO'. ~arrnlatt as. r ;gips, sr tn. iN. ...month, ran , mg an. chabge of diet, dad the atom ease diraspereak tad CHOICE STOCK of • I - Tracy R. Morgan. 'Erg. farce Kmdera it eaxy lo adminieter them to Madmen. FALL A' Nil) WI :VrPill ' he of of " , i..":ftuog.lii to afford to all . Beware of Counterfeits. 'an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business ' The genuine hare 'i.e... signatures of Henry C. Spalding ( 7- 0 I Etine.ition • - ' *need" box. ) l b ) i the Ilt;oks and Fi.rma are carefully arraned , Sold by Brir.miets and other Dealers la Medicines. - • . A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the s,___,../ • ..._. i ._i , by przettenl accountants 'expreesly f ur f ili a l a l i , ' ' • . . raricifo 281 - Clems. - tes. includiv 3 great variety of the newest and best styles m 1 mitution and ..mbrare all the recent improve sit orders etureld be addressed to Dress Goods, Shawl*, Broadcloth .fit Whiter 1 gr,..411%. .i I RIENKV I C. are, LBEVis, Stud's, Ac ., with a large assortment of other T . ' ' 1 The course o f Instruction comprises every t imi l ,kb 46 (-4.4" ger l i,44 H e w ir s rk. Sta le and Fa re Go department of bnaideits. The learner will be I ."... ,' - - p y oas' .., ' thf.rniighly taught the science. and practice of as usnal. In Greceris, Crockery, Hardware. Iroß and ! Donble Entry Booli Keeping as applied to the 2. ' - ' 6l. Nam '. S """ . nru4 ;. * * I ' 24 ' l ' till. ' " cid * °'-'‘)".• . follo win g kinds ot business; viz • General Mar. i Steoes. Hats. caps. (*twice. Caqsdiog. Floor on Cloth. ' , . ` . • I N% l'an Paper, P.unted and Gilt tl oulou :41:ad.9,, a large lute ol andimng, Slancifhettiting, . Banking, Commis. 1 of Kerosene Lamp and Oil Fixture-, .tc., also ! ~i,,n! Stramboating; Railroading. learauding, 1- • , Furs and Buffalo Robes .. ‘ 1. rriglitlng• Foreign OliPPlng, &ii. SKI - The ertire sue b kei ng tares , and boutla for CASH, ' • YOUNG MEN and largely from MANPFA. 11.11Ei3 and Pnt, lIANDot, I Cat onalify themselves lb a short time, at this Inetitu• will give siaperior opportunities far choice selections and then, to fill important and incentive situations. Ample low-down prices, end k ill be sold on the most fa.orable rcfcrenceemut be given where graduates of 1860 are now terms fort ASH, PRO Drell, and to Prompt Six-Mcmtbs'i Ailing desirable situations with salaries from s'4o to $lOOO Doyens. An examination of the Goods and Prices will be I per annum. found profitable to those who uieh to buy. ; The Proprietors are ii possession of testimonials from nous AND SALT dOIIiTATITLY ON BAWL i " 03 " or the fir" Cmam"cial Hooves is!' the Btale....Wwlu4*. • they bare furnished boole , keepen.. suo....vg sotto rat i te New Milford. October, 1860. I ' ••• satfsfact bin and conldence in the ability alike graduates of th is Institution. • i ' i— - • PENMANSHIP I In all its branches, taught by the most skillful and Dior; i ongh masters of the art., No Collage in the country ea ; joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladies' De partment entirely separate from that of thcgentlemen. i StudeutS can enter College at anytime. co vacations. Time to complete the course, from 8 to 10 weeks, Stu : dents passing the req.dsite examination are presented I with the Most elaborsan and -elegant engraved Diploma ' lelued by an. Comtnernial or Classical Itstitution In the j Union. Assistance rendered to graduate* in procuring situatione. • 1 For terms of tuition,' price of board, testimonials of • graduates Oiling position/lokt. address the proprietors for I circulars containing full particalare.. - LOWELL d. WAItNEtt, , Proprietors illighatuton Commercial College, I Nov. d '6o.—y, I I Binghamton, N. T ._-- ARE YOU INSURED? SZ. 1 3 . SLgCSTAN IS teething arrplimtioos for lost:once in 'the follow , tag Companies: • Wyoming-INSURANCE COmpany, W ILK ES.IISA RICE; Pa. Charter Perpetual. ' Capital... .$100,00(). Surpluv....s7,ooo Orsunizrd Yorr:n6er 2d, A. 1); 1 ninizerortg M. Itallenback. D. C. triesbach, -J. P.. Denale. John Itch:hard, David 51organ, Chu Dorrance, Wadhanns. 11 1) Limon. Win S Rose, L Dgkicentaker, Geo,P.Stecle, 11 M Hoyt, K C. gartu..Crey. G. M. Iloittsnacx, Puff,. W. G. grump:.. Treas. L. D. gnormauts„ rice Fret ETNA DISTIRANCR COMPANY, Hartford, Connectictu. Pild up Capita $ 1.509 . 00000 Assets 2,194.100 WOODEN oindISTONE WARE. ALL ' ' KINDS ii?fIIOUSEKEEPING A RTICTS .11: YANKEE NOTIONS''GENERAL.—one door 41"Ort Eurn'um,s Hotel, NeF e irlford, 1717 0171.Thlie pleised to'see all his old Inent's and many new °Me ir his NEW Store fronting,the DEPOT. where he is prepari4 to. %how them such al of the above artic a 5713 ' °5134:1 1 ,-, 1.13. N.A r ; .- NlLifora halt loinf mood -in need of. /lay one vashln; their.livee Insured w!".11 do wellA " Uic , ision of trade . I.:ia ac mans advantages as and e:ntrolus their roodii of insnring, and their mats. vadat arc better than those of /411 i, other compins, Arlon. division of lacair.": Any- man confining himself taking Policies elerwliQrs. 'll P. 11l ACK14. 4 .11.. to one brrnch 011.ms/fleas, giving that branch ocn '6O) (Idles Chandlcr it Jessup's stare. hie w d k• c C ap i ta lholt an ?tit:Winn can epb e t ter as.ortmeii,buy cisOapur and SELL CHEAPER than it the.same Means and time was employed in a vorr.al trule.l If yon .41ortt think so, call on the anbacriber and brconvincird. The wind principle of I SMALLPROf IT IAND PROMPT PAYMENT, will-b, strictly z4errei . to. ',hitter and other Produce forwarded to New York to one of the lirst cMnitsj....io r:M n - hlm•ms le„.the City, and prompt pd}ratnta guat ed. HORATIO GAItRATT. Neil' Mil 6,14, Susq. Co. Pa.. April, 1860 —y. Noirru.R.N klitE• & LIFE ASSURANCE einnwrr so, 1 "Jnorgate street, London. Capita tr.N..'.000.....Arr.tnal Revenue. t1.0:11.000, • Wx ilErrY..44llllladtlphia. 6gr.,INECTICUT MUTUAL -LINT. INSI'II - .Neg - COM PAYY of lisrtford. co:meet:eta. Accutnr.l.aboi Cap.tal • -- FIFTH STR-EET PITTSBVRG. PA. i -Ms cout.saitilc'cl 12:a. 1840. _ i Chartered by the Legislature: .', -vEARLY 6000 STUDENTS. from almost every State I _1 in the Union. hare been etinted for business. being I the only College of the kind in the toiled State* concluded t by an experienced incrciLanc. Oar Junior Principal, Win 11. firm has lust been awar dc& be our Stale and other Fairs., Eight Pim! Pre naran. . . , far l'- Ives. 8 , °ream t.tal Penmanship, ofer compel how . MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS e:, .•.: c, ,•.: . :.,..,+! p.utncii in the , count , ~ -. Samples - -of his : E:i-ite e-xil Or- ' , mental Writing. a eireultu- or :10,pages, ' ' - • FOIL 'lB6O. and an eie:tant c , ußraving. mailed, post paid, on rem:lp; of -- , 2.7.• cent- iu Stillnp, ..''. 'GR EAT ATTRACTIONS For Cale. by b:.ok-welters; Harper's Enlarged itdition of ; DUFF'S' WOK KEEPING...IO2 pager. it fill. awarded/our . 1 ' .1 AT THE Silva -Ifeiat, mad ..‘“firliunecl h' the chamber of commerce' "FOOT OriDIAISTREIDT. and American Institute of New York. to- the best published I . . _ Dors & Dra-caa's new and eleeatitiy engraved S.ellool ; Taws, ~.xten,ieri Furniture EstabliShment a c,,py . Bonk, six numbers, '..f pige , s.Ene ca paper- %las sm ITU - - per cozen: 'ferny edition , $i per dozen. .1.. u Lippincott tinoptEns•having been refitted and " 4 ' co- Philadelphia; W. G. Johnston &Co.. i'ittAnr.th. i orealle -improVed, the proprietors respectfully D. C.VC.4.\'S GEMS of Ilu.inesi , and Ornamentpl Pen- : ' • - raanshlp,erown uarto. s,:l, post paid from the college, i announee to the eWzena of Mtiotrote and tido l .Icidresi,:l'. IgTFF SSONS, Principals. i ity.that they are cOnatantly rucking and - keep on gtr`nny Tour scho .-- larship In town. Colleges that send la , 1 th e . !ARO:ST and4PEST assOrtment of them abroad, cannot sill them at Lome, where they are ; ' '" . , known. 210 , 4 y_,..t . s;_•_ . i ..- , Full I. NITITRF . - • Mrs. L. J. 11 . ITRY . • . To be foland lu, lbe Cou n try. ! i T_TAViNG jct..' rettiried from New Yuric with a choice, • ~,." • , . 1 , r4 l n ,- ~,, lint o f .1.1 beautiful, and exit usivea,ortment of Fail &-winter -, " 0 7-' l ',r '.e 'ul• °"lne ' at n ' some of me Cr. - -•- . • firi, , a 1.1,:,11 we i will sell at greatly reduced • - • -- -- • I , prier", for riasu or READY Pal': . • MILISIEBT. I C - Mfillt ' • Is ready to furrdsh the Ladies of Montrose & vicinliy with ' Bureaus, Walitni or Mahogany,-.with glass, i font :516 to $35; • VASHIONABLE BoNNETs! ~: !frest's with. Marble orlroentelle tnfo, from ~ lb to ..5524. And a large assortment, from 88 as goad and 11..4 rich as can he phrchased 1131Virkieiv. She ;. $ 1 0. 42. 14. to . 41 d. keeps the eery nicest c00d,., such as cannot faille please .', Wash Stands, Card titands,Corner and Square the most difficult. t,, yi,, ten ' rcal•onaliP,... / , Mande, 5 f ill vimettes and prices, from 16 cents The Ladies are incited to call and examine her Goode. I ' . j . .t.? . .rliooma opposite 'Mutes Saloon. co,econd flr..or.', `data • In len dollars: - GL - yet, Montrose. Pat. . ' Iscie-rtf " .I),;',.ka, Malang rt oWel Itaeka,TOUtatoOla,9lto ----- —`-- • - ... man i. folin 0 1 , ...T.A. 4 c. - r . A cHANG F . .• : N Cyntreff:srd. irivri.Toilet, rg . ning, kitchen, Is ' nod. Extkilinn Tablea. .... . . • - r l'lle. SUBSCRIBE:I?. 11A. VI NO• PL:It. ; Clulnal- -- Cnon inna`AV"o4 Seat Rocke7— .A- thased the stock of • , Line, Flag. and Wor d Seats, of every variety - • i i Books AN]) sTiffioNElit.:„ "' S j o '. f t a :t o,L lr t . i4te a t . l etes. furnished at short notie , 1 ;at N e w York prieeei. • _, VIDIDIER - LY owned-by A. N. Lit.'LLARD ; takes this . • :S. R. Ready ... made coffins on bawl or fur s: 'nettled of informing"' Chtme vial rah !he paprnr" that ' ni, s hrit Cl short' notice.-11smses always In the stock has regain liven remote's to the old stand. kelticr the 6 3200232c,ctrtett 6 caig c , e , 4 , rtaclitwas ill hen desired. • ilm be will he tno,l, kapry to wait bp= those who A . We ...11,ploy none but Ciltr.ll3l. and 'EXPERT -A•hy facor.him with a call. ;,..' fiscsn Woliort - *. .Ws intend to do our Won't ANv 111 - 0.0 K . ii..,... .... I"EL . r., and . eeit as Low as . it can be a ff orded. . • W. it. 1413111T13, - . - , 4 • - A. Wllll'll, JR.. 1011UBLISIIED (auf iai'prirst) can be obtained by leasing ' '•• , ' E. it..ciirnig.- • .L your orders, with thrpriee of the book and publisher's . name at thedesk. Mate, any ankle in the '' Book Mid • Montro-e. - Jait I blh• I e'6o.—tr• mationery" line. ____ ._ _ _._ ~—.--, , - . "NEWS OFFICE. 73 ARPEInr. Godef.. Lerner. Prterann's. Atlantic, • IA or arty•of the popular ?tagazines at !hefty. N. Y. Ledger, Y. IVeekly, Ifcreur,. Clipper, Flag.- Wilk& Spirit, and all the Illu.strated-Pap2 fur dale. Bark min : • berl rappri."l. • SCHOOL 'Bria r iS—All the old and new Mittens. Y.—TiN BOUXB-4 very ales assert:meat. top,ariticle of Aminipaa. 00_141,711n-Voi Fine ones. Lenin II gents.' Preivr. Earrison's and others. • £ IVE ME - A C7.496.Xa7_,,, and I .11'. eudoaror to i X.)l bare "1 bingie CP.: to poor tretereit" and um to my 0 own. , Tours, Crliolltin i nmus Delicioas Tonic Stinadint.Especiany designed d,. 331 C. EntAIZMEg : I. fur the are of the Medical Profenaloustel the Pamnr. NOMATECNII. Pa.. September yet, VOl,O • ; harint sarreeded the no called " Gins."' An: chalice" . • -- ----- ; — .7 --' 1. "COTllid.. " htedicatat." "Schnapps." etc., Is now en DAILYNAILB.OUTE BETWEEN • derred by all th e prominent physlcians,chemistaand ani : i cotTatite.. at pasTeaslng an itiClit IXTELKICIC medicinal MOWITOSE /k,FRIENDSVILLE . onahtie• etoate am! diuretic) whichbelong to an OLD and Y UP: CDT ' rill 9Pla qtart bottles and sold by all Drug. • , , vats 2 , l+dt/roam etc.. A. 11. BEGOSH, It *O.. • 1 b e t ween : (F.statalohed la 1771.. Solo Proprietors. C ° l l entrose mod PgglblitkV i lt a . n rill3=l r' 0 Hotel, : Dr - 10 r 1 .•I . No. 19 Broad Street. :C. T. •in Montrose. daily, at 7 o'clock,a. at. and lesse e rriands- ; Fur tale at Tettetra DMZ Store. Montrose. * ock, p. m. - • rule at 80c,.. i c e 16 nod clwil r ea P irud S the 14 ' 4 " . ] ' • LIFP, .if EMORIALS, • ' fitable.uf the subscriber a Moto rove. Unreasonable terms. ~ . Afix4r Y ie * Au g' 16 ' l ''' d° ' ' if j. D. """%. ;.1- I.WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' . • STILL Old' THE TRUK ' ! a lady . reralaketi to us a day or two since: As r 4h...exhibited the portrait id' =only child, gone • 1 4' IRE 1 - . ) IDUCED '-ko ti'r ' "Pirit all'i .t!hi.ati was °be of 2 : ' '1 4 - CL U. '11111:r3133ege37 -ONLY - 15 - CENTSI :.4-iNifflimilf,,,--iNßßlTypfli . . , BETWEEN fiRTNTROSE & MONTROSE •EPOT • "How . I , sbOuld reret it, bad I not secured Tux Regular Mail Lime will came passel:gain between g the above places !unbosom of 15. or lens, ibis preciolla , Welnot:111 of that dear one." So , Passenger+ will beceiled carat their deltas by tearing ; thought we .; ll).' loved ones are not always .. their Mae* at the Post Ogee -or at the =Ana lipase, with i t s, sad. %%Or we can call,thom owl, every Al 4 gralet v e th c rn ak i t° u nt e lg iL 124 tP • w.. prec.nely. . mm : oc.• ahould aetkore' au,h a trccoorial ; especially ;ow , ninkre Ida•g" 6 "4"7, 11 C.Tilge 6 C, l'a• sit-cc they ran have thrn no truthfully taken by that .m.A. , ...nd Itr' . .'.l. A B. 11:11149, of 11.41.7. • ..4). HORATIO lIMIRATT, Dcaler l in FLOUR,' GRAIN; GROVER IRS. PROVISIONS: DYE. WOODS.' Staple DRUGS, ' _ Lf;,„ • lo t elle4k, cußt 9 , ;• c ii s ) 6 o4 l Ade eot tp is ; cuRE NervousHeadttehe 1 CURE 44 , kindi" fleadaelte' TILE EOI.IA3WIEG ENDORSEMENTS Or CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONNINCX ALL WHO surtax FROM TUAT, SPEEDY AND SURE CURE wiTHlN'Tiltlli 11EACII. As these testimonial; tecre,,unsolicited by kr. Spalding, they aford unguestiono.bk proof of the rfficaey of this truly scientific discovery. • • raiorevitxx,' Co,*., Feb. 5, liraarcso. Eta : !have tried your Cephalic Pills. and IDU Lltm Ki well this I ward you to seed me $2 worth mote. Part of these arefor the neighots„ to whom !gate a few oat of the drat box I got frotozolt. , Send the Pills by mail, andbblige • i Your ob't erre% JAR. KENNEDY. - Hbrettord, Ps., Feb. S. • • H. C.Amblicog ! I wish you tp - senti me one Moir. box •of vont Z . :ephallc Pills; !Aare nsceireet a groat dial of benefit:from than. Yours. rospecthalls, i• A.HN STOIKIIOUSE. Spaldin S pruce Creek, finntlngdon co., Pa., Jan. 18. H. . . . Sir: Yon will please send me two boircit si Tont Pills:Send them immediately. ,1 i - Re'PectilY " in. B. SIMONS. • ! P. S.—Zhaca used one b o Orycnir Pill. , and find then erettient. cmz:a • lkile.yernon;Ohlo, Jan. W. Reary C. Ipsiding, • Pleame'find enclosed twentv.fire cents, for which send me another borof your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best pllls 1 have veer tried. Direct • I A. STOVER, P. N. Vernon. Wyandot county, Ohio. • C.. Spalding, Esq. . • I wish for scrum rircalarsimlargi show bills, to bring hiur Pills moreparticulatly before my easterners. If you ve anything of the kind. please send theta to ins. One of my customers, who: is ensbject,to a severe sick bsadache, ((usually lasting two dayi), war :cured of an at tack in, an hour by your Ms. which Isent her. : Respectfully pions, - W. B. WILKE : S. ' • Rtymoldghttrg. Franklin Co., Ohio, January 9. f liercyr. Neu 49 Cedar street. 1. Y. Dear Sir Inclosed end twenty-five cents, f 15,) for which send me box of ••ecylialfepills." 'Direct lo Rev. Wm. Filler, at Iternoldsburg. Franklin counts'. Ohio. Nur Fills work like a ehai-m—eure treadathe almost insfaater. • ! ttlt ly 'routs, Mr. Spaldirm. dir , Not long since I Pent to you fur a box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Deutsche and Costiveness, and received the Faint!, and fAry had to good an erect I 0 was induced to and for more. I head tend by return mall. Direct to - A. . I A. R. wurEvert, • . • - Ypsilanti, Mich, From the 2,:tarnit f es. Norfolk. Va. Clophcdic Pi accomplish the object for which they were made. Tic.: care of headache in all Its forma. From the .E.r.antirier, Xorfolk. Va. They have been teited-in wore than a thousand case ve.th entire success. Froni t c Ilernocrut, St.- Cloud. Minn.. 1 If yon are. •r have been 'troubled with the headache;' send for abo • of cephalic pille;'eo that yon may have . theta in cam 4an attack. • , Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores and 'Ulcers. 4 LT , descriptions of sores are remtaltable bY the prop. i /X er and diligent use of this Inestimable preparation. To attempt to care bud higs by plastering the edges of the wound together is a folly; for should the skin unite, a i l bogg diseased condition remains underneath toi break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The tally rational i and successful treatment, as indicated be nature. is to re. i • duce the inflammation in and about the wound, and to. i ilsoothe the neighboring parts by rubbing In plenty of the Ointment as salt Is forced into meat. ' i 1 Diptheria, Uler?ated Sore Throat, and Sc arlet and other Fevers. 4 NY of the above diseases may be cured hy well nib- Front the Valley Star, Kanatelta, Va. I Is: bing the Ointment, three thine* a day, into the chest. I throat and neck of the patient ; it will soon penetrate ands We me stirs that persons suffering. with the•%eadache . I • give immediate relief. Medicine taken blithe month i with. try them, will stick to them. ' I must operate upon the whole system ere its influence can , ...........-:•-. - - - ihefa in any local part, whereas the Ointment will do its work' t once. -Whoever tries the unguent in the above . From the Poth Fin4er, Mt/ OTECCI/13, La. I manner for , the diseases named, or any simill* disorders Try them ! jou that are Meted. and we are sure that affecting the4hest and throat, will find themililves ratters • soar testimony can be added to. the' already numerous " I " b y charm' i i i fiat that has received benefits that no' other-medicine cant Piles, Fiesta* Strictures. prodtice. . ........._ TllbLclusof rm parts plaints i will removed, I ntttiruentingfewiwawaerin then most effectually rubbing 41 the Ointmeitt. Persons suffering froiri these-direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progress. It shotild be under stood that i h to not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, but it mint be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or three times a day, that it may taken into the system, whence it will remove any 1 hidden sore orwound as effectually as though palpable to the eve. There - again bread and water poultiees, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do great sOrrice. This •is the only sure treatment for females, rases-et cancer in I the stomach, or where them may be a genkral bearing I • Indiscretions of Tenth;--Sores =O'Mara. 13 Li Ti c at i r al rh we ii n i c t7 ith t i T tnb t lndotViiengeateioerry.anl t the Pills be taken night and morning'at iMommended in the In the printed instructions. When treated in any i other way they only dry np in one place to break out in • another; whereas this Ointment Will remote the humor from the system. and leave the , patient a Irigor i ous and - - , *hv being. It wilt rensi...i. •-- --•-- - , f , v,. - • From t r Advertiser, Prov;dmice, .R. 1. The Cephalic Pills an said to be a remarkably effective remedy for fr i c l:e headache , and one *tyke eery 'best for that 'very goad complaint which bas ever been dis covered. From (he Western R.'k Gazette, .Chicago. Reheirtfly it:Mom Mr. Spslddng, said his unrivalled Cephalic 1111 s. From the St. Louia Democrat. The immense demand for the article' (cephalic pills) Ls rapidly increasing. - From the brozette l Dartnport. Mr. Spalding wonld not connect his wine with An as tide ha didsocknow to pusres real • "nen the Advertiser, Providenee. R. 1. The testimony in their favor ie strong, trout the most respectable quarters. From the Daily News, Newport, R. 1. • • en's are taking the placeofait kinds. 5111 - 41 sines will AM STA LD SPALD SPALD RCOM(iNT As . iteddents Iles. it Is very tent tray for r • BPe mutts an sad to be without ►ne Witt. ENE As eeitatii oft on the ittii Glue, I wont) chasing, an - that the Sett =he, re' , " D.INT :Pii!AT.titl7) P 6E. tt,• too o.)t-ii.t.-P r:...•••;t1 . , _• ••• iyAlijust ietnzaad from selecting and numbs ging and la 1.1, now reaching one of tt« isnot and belt ate* of I 0 I )_ ever offered la .thin market. The, quality.of nearlparery' thing good; all warranted Is represented. • . Tetras: "Beady Cash and Loco Prier+. A general idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration; DRCOK IdETPICINED, PAINTS, OILK VAUNINHEN, WINDOW Maas, Dr& Storrs, Ottockzurs, Gtsra WARE, CROCKERY, J 3111T0t11, CLOCKE, • .WALUPADEIt, WINDW PAPER. WINIeW Olt. NUADEJDFAKCY Musical InatrnmentkLampe, Jewelry, Perfumery.- • Stone Ware, Brooms, Bmshen, Whips. Irmbrera Bird Cagett. Pocket Knives, Guna."Piatols; Ammunition, • Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder. Bracco, port montatis, Spectaclee, , Silver plated Spoons, "Forks, te. GOl4l pens, i, Stationery, . Violin, Guitar, Bais..ViolStrinka. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth. Artist's Tube paints. Brush . &c. Also- some Dry Goods, Wooden Ware. hard and japanned Ware, Plaid and Oil Cane, Campbine; Coal Oil, Burning Fluid,. Alcohol,l'orpentine, lamp, tanner's, neat foot, lard; olive, castor boiled.and raw linseed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of colored paints, -Vine gar.'Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT Its RUA and other things toOunmerous to mention, is impracticable to give more than a general outline of my stock through the -newspapers, everyone wishing 00008 is invited to call and examine: Customers on entering the store must 'nog expect to and every thing in sight; but nearly every.article wanted will be produced by Inquiry. nankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, be hopes "to merit -a continuance and large increase of the same. • • " ADEL TUKICKLL. Montrose, June t. 1860. WHOLESALIE SALT DEALER. • 201 'Waddington-At,. {Directly opposite Washingtnn Ntarket,) New Y.c)rir.., • - O n TILL CONTINUES to toffeeto the env add COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Sets. at the very Inweat figures; 40000 socks and bags, conaisting, in part of Ash ton's Wanted brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy; Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e. and ftPOOO bushels Turks bland, Bonares, Cu- Tarok St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, lvies, Nantes, &c.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices front vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment wilt find it to his interest to call: N. B.—Fine table salt put up inficnall bags of differed - sizes, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. Also a splendid article of ,Rock Ground atilt. in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity. in cases of five dozen each. FROM . WYOMING VALLEY 1O PHILADELPHIA, NEW • YORK, BALTIMORE, And all Points North tic. West: LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD WILL BE RV SCRANTON AND NI - , AS FOL ROVING storm. N. Y. Mira Express. Mail. Leltit .11.. X. T. N. • TAUT • A. M. .Scrantoo,. 6.10 445 Nortbuland, 5. 1 ' 4.45 Arrive at Arrive at - Pittston, 6.38 4.53 bapvillc, 6.05 - 5.10 Kingston, 7.05 5.50 Ihipert. 6.55 5.50 Shickshinny, 1.50 6.25 Illoomaburg:6.4s 6.00 . Berwick. 8.53 6.55 • Rebv kit. 7.15 6.35 Illoontsbure 8.50 7.30 Shickshinnx.7.4s 7.05 Rupert. - 9.03 7.40 Rituiston, 4.30 7.45 Danville. 9.25 8.10 mamma. 8.57 6.19 Mort hulatr. 10,00 8.45 Scranton, 9.25 . 8.45 , THE LACKAWANNA & BLOOll2llll* RAILROAD At Meranton. for New York and Philadelphia. And inter. mediate joint. eapt afro for Great Bend, Biniliamton. Svracnae, Buffalo, Zilai,mtaralla. and all important pointa Att.! , t. At Rupert it connects with the Catan Ina Itsllrdad. fur points both gait and Wept. At Northumberland it connects with the Sunbury and Erie Itsilroad for points West and Sontn THE GREAT FRENCH . REMEDY For Itheamatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Tie oloreaux. .Dri ROBAN'S BRUM ATIC 4;URE,' Tii IS ROBA ••*pechic.." lately-intro- ),) dined - into this country, is pronounced *by all to be The A' only reliable remedy. It has cured thousands In t-nrope,.t has met with great and wond eight success here. as testimo nials daily received Will show'. It is harmless, but certain. in its effect,; warranted free of all' injurious ingredient". It pnrifies &he system S renders it perfectly healthy. In fact. it le a specific which has not an equal for the 'cure of the above complaints. It le also -ood fr - tine in the back. r Bererin MWs:Pc.. 9 good for pa ns in the back, or L bones, or Joints. generally. The demadd for It increasing. has Induced the Proprietor to appoint an agent• for this diatritt. Also foraale at the agency of 1)r. Bohan, No:dr/2 Broadway, New York City. Druggists stiPplied on liberal terms. tent by Express' to any part of thoconntry odreceipt.of the price.l nos 23 ♦ •ABEL TVERELt, Agent. Montrose. Wm FILLER. Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 44 ABEL TUR,RELL Batt, halt_ !' ! rhttrfirilltt EATTaIi, k THE DIFST ROiTE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Dailir Pa senger Trains BETWItIN • lITHtNiIIIERiA ND ' LOWS:: itoyora mum. • Phit'a N. Y. Hail. Expreps CONNECTS WITH TILE DEL. LACKAWANNA & WESTERN ILULROAD Mark These Facs ! THE TESTIMONY OF TEE WHOLE WORLD! ___ Jy,_ _ peetsom ..r. Jggip. and Deatert , in Mottichie, throuoont the iilviitz..ti world. .In bozer , at ttz. eenttt..Git cents. and tt t.aelt,i . rtrl.K Ir. : i•cvn«iderahle ..I t• Ting hy ilti V Logeth...p ~ ;. B. Di ! ,,, iOP .10! LS, ?,ntd.v.e. • ~ 1 , ••!"• ~ , 7 ~.. , x ••••••• e SON ./lIAKE the Is method of Informing . their OLD 4ND NEV J. Veen& thatthey haT I V I nit Tooohl4llll addition to th ,•former stock of Goods, ich they ' BOUGHT FOR CASH,. I AT ...PANIC ..PRICES" AND SELL THEM TO . CASH BUYERS irr . Prices. Perfbctly. itstaniabingl We have pot time to epstmerate articles,' or prices, b invite the public to call, examine, end satisfy thernalv of the trot h.of what we publish., and of course. then buys J. L.311111K111 AN .1 SON. Upsonville.lko. 20th, 1860. • : • . • KEYSTONE HOTEL - - - •At Montrose, Penn 4 I L it. Emma rropiletor• 1 L THIS new arid commodious Hotel iituated , • .1- on Public Avenue, near the Court Roule,anci 1 mearlyln the centre.of tho business portion •of Montrose, is now In ly completed-and furnished, and was opened on Monday. the 27th-day oft September, 1858, for the accemmodation .of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels I c onfid e nt that ho is now prepared to entt;rti:n • &este in a manner that cannot fail to give I _ i... Coinplete,f3a,tistheticin. +- :1 - The ilOtel and Firniture are new, and no e x. N E i W - GOODS. ~: ;. , zob a e n e y n ' R a i p i : i re l a l es t o ta r z i t i tr in i e t n ear 1 1 1 , 1i i s f p e a u rt t• - .. of the State. It is well. suppli e d with ell the • • JUST ARRIVED . AT : THEi ~ 1 recent improvements• and comforts. and obli:ting • ' waiters will always lie readyto respond- to the . , • --...• ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE!' STORE f 1 "" " " t ""' "` . • ! The :Ambles connected with 'this- House ire_ 1 • New , And: Convenient: LIANDEN BROtILER, 1 The piopriet?r respectfully solicits the patron . age of his old friends, sad the public.pmerally. I. THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, lA-- - ' . ~_.. _ . W. 51.• K. IIATCII. - Have a LARGE &SPLENDID Stock • , ' , i I V - M w i7O r - . I i - .14 Cheaper than the Cheapestl, CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS, WHETHER, YOU BUY Olt" NOT. :-, IT PATS YOU TO GET POSTED UP, ..:. i 312E.A.-irs3zirr vim.comai, NEW MILFORD. NowantherSth. thal.' eIIIOICE Lot of Fau jly Grnceirienkud received and r J ling tni per cent. below former prlceit. FANCYConfactiouiry for th e llo li days, . , NA74111V 1 X 1 313113. - MIAMI PRODUCTS of a . A kinds. for .blob nos high, J. market prices wi ll bit paki, Goods, at ,Vpsonelhe, Pa. • BlEtlitt.MAN'S • Executor's Notice. A LL persons haring dernande &pima the Estate of vid IL Mullane, late of Liberte_terp, deed, moat sent thorn to the.underoigned foi arrangement, an. perfona.indcbted tomtit -estate are reque+ted to mak mediate payment. ((ebbs) Drsms - Melt:Jan, Ek Executors' Notice. E _.. "DMONS having demands against the Estate ofj J., Golden. late of Middletown two, decd. Musf pre them to the undersigned for arrangernent.t and tiros, debted to said estate are requested to make imme 1 payment. - MicnAni.Ve.lfs?: ea, i , AAA' 6w , . TitomAs I . IEILNAT.. "xcul CHILD I I '• MRS. WINSLOW, An •xperienced isinrse..and , Female Vli:relcian, pre .to the affection of,mothera, her ' SOOTHING SYRIJ FOR CHliiiinEN, TEETHING, wbith t;-really facilitates the prOcess of teething, by cuing the gums, reducing all inflammation—will 1 ALL PAIN and spasmodicaction, and is stun TO IinGCLATIC Ting Howl ! Depcnli upon it, mothers. it -will Overeat to 011 BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFAI We haVemit up and hold this article for over ten -and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it,l I we have never been able to say of any other medic 1-NEVER HAS IT FAILED, in a SINGLE INSTANC I , EFFECT A CURE.When timely used. Neyer did we i an instance of diasat Isfactlon by anyone who had us, On the contrary, all arc delighted with its operations spesh'iti terms tit commendation of its magical effect medical virtues. We say in this matter WHAT 1] ," KNOW' after ten Years' experience. and PLEDGE REPMATION for the fulfillment of what as C heretic, In almost every instance where/he Infant is sutTeril pain and exhaustion , relief will be found in fifteen; minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation Is theprescription of one of , the most EX PERI hICCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in-, New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING I • SUCCESS in TIIOCSANDS OF CASES.. • ' ; It not only relieves the Child front pain, but In vigonttes the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and give, tone , . and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve . I -GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, _I . and overcome convulsions, which,. if nut Fpeed 11 v . tured „ end in death.. IV believe it the REST anti ' rem etly in the WORLD: in all rases of DYSENTERY tad JHARILIICEN IN Ci ILDREN. whether it arise 'Dom'' teething, or from any other cause. We Would lay Ito all , mothers who have a child suffering from any °Hive forego t Incl Cotnplaintr— tro SOT LET ) - 0271 1 1 E4.117110ES OR THE PREJURICES'nf OTHERS. stand bdtween • von and your suffering child. and the that will be ' I.7llE—yca ABSOLUTELY:ST:RE—to 1 they thes: of this medicine, 'Mutely used. Foil directions for using will accompany each bottle. Noneigenuirle unless the fat , simile of CURTIS .6t PERKINS,. Nen' York, fa on the I. outside wrapper. -Sold by Druggists throughont the World:- • Prlnclparofflce,l3 Cedar stiect, Nevilfork. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOITLEi decsY y For sale in MOntrose by Abel Tun-ell. ov FAT'S LIFE PILLS, Si, PIIOEII\ BITTERS, JIEDICINES have now been. before the!, public 1. fora period of Thirty Yeclrs, and during that time have maintained a high character iu almost every parti of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate pdwer of restoring perfect health to persons suffering unded nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The fopowine are among the distressing collet:* of hu• rain diseases is which (tic , rfl `^'p T - Are well known to be infallible: bethorelighlycleansyagfheyt sts3nitias, and creating a flOw Of puie,healthy bile, flat ead of the stale and acrid kind: FLATULENCYJAve (1. 4 k petite, IlearlLurn. Headache. Ilente.uneox. 111. Trmp.r, A 'tr uly, Languor and iftiancholy..whlch are general symptotris of Dyspepsia, vanish. us a natural tonsequenoe of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Jule tines with a,solYeat process, and without vtolence; all violent purges have the bowels costive in two days. FEVERS of "ailitints, by restoring the blood to a!reolar circulation, thro' the processor respiration In attelecases, and thoro' solution of all in tesfi ttal obstructions In others. The:Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUM. ATISSI permanently in three weeks, and GOUTI in' half, that time, by removing local inflammation from the mita- Iles and ligaments of the joints. DRopsaB of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening I the kidneys and bladder ; they operate most delightfully on these importait organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. • 1 Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnip a of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creature adhere.. SCURVY, ULCERS, andINVETERATE SORES, by,' the perfect parity which . these Life Medicines give to the blood and all the humors.' . SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and DAD COMPLEIXIONS. 1 by t heir alterative effect upon the fluids that feedihe skin and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive l complaints, sallow, cloudy,. and otherdisagreeable aim- plexions. . The mica these Pills for a very abort time will!elfect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM; and a striking improve. ment in the clearness of the skin, COMMON !COLDS ; and INFILESEA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original preiprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the WIC of the Life Ifedieinualone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this'scourgeof Ilie West ern country, these Medicines win be found a safil, speedy ' and certain remedy. Other 31eilleines leave the - urtelli subjectio a return of the disease—a cure by these Medi. Mims is permanent— , Try than, be satbyted. and /pared. Bilious Feves and • Liver .Consplaints. General Debility.' Loss of Appetite, and Diseases of Fe males. The Medicines have-been used with the most beneficial results in .cases of this description!:—Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst fortes, yields til the mild yet powerful -action of three remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats„'Nervilms Debility, Nervous Com Plaints ot i ll kinds, • Palpitatton of the Heart. 'Painters' Colic; are speedily cured. Bleremiriall lidseasien.-Perpona whore' conatitut lona. havehetrome impaired by the injudicious use orMercurv, ' will end these Medicines a perfect cure.- as they never fill to eradicate from the system, all the effects of IMeicury. infinitely sootier n Ah . sia the most powerful preparations of . Sarsaparilla. .Prepared anAoold hv . . _ is I W. . oirt'A' , • 335 BROADWAY, _BEM Lt . . War dale by all Druargbas. • Afilicied,• Read !I , .wrIAT,tAmws.OO3IIiOITNI) thun for the PILES is warranted to insect a Cure in every•ftw and in all stager of the disease, or ,the money will be refunded . directions accompoloy eitch bottle. For Kale by_ Abel Turrell,liontrese ; O. H.Hempstead, srmikivn -T. J. Babcock, Dtmock .Pennel parpenter, liarfonl ; 41. 1 0filliams,Isclosun ;J. B. Slocum, Deutlan; A. It \ llierrtU. Hopbottont : A. J. Merrill, Scranton. . 4 031111q1M,X3P1C7011.T30._ . • ' This to to certify, thaibirs. Emory has beetistilleted for searssears past with that. distressing complaint knOwn lathe Nast end that Whig failM in seeming relief from vs rious Physicians; shn war induced from report. to try Mr„ wintams` File Solution." which see obtained at one, of his Agencies in TunkhannOck. Pa. The 'result has been the most favorable. The trial watimade with lit.last tall, and after using as directed for a few flays, what we have food reason to think Wag a perManent eur e sins effixted. Brat other eases of a similar nature in this vicinity ,alit with like results. With Mr. Williams motto •no pay" every one thus 411(411 . 1.,,-.l44l,rlainly Itav, " nu etil do r. Xll t rtAtorof If. : h On Public 4venue, near! Sear/e4 Hotel. tEP constantly-on hand a goofbaupiily'of 11 MEATS of all kiodli: CASit pap for 'Sect Cattic,calvesAbeep t and Also foi Hides °tall kinds. , • HENSTOCK & HAWI.EV. IL HAWLEY. itimiToctt. 144ntrose. Man+ 30th. '59,.—1f. D wrl3 PEPSI A, Dyspepsia, Debility of the Sialcm, Dyspepsia; Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepda, Liver Complaint, Acidity, Livei Complaint, Acidity, Bilious l eo*Was, Sick licadacite, BWons ;'Complainls, Sick Headache; FLATULENCY, LOSS OF . APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, aad'the numberless other diseases twain, front h &potion. andfanctional . disordcre of the. stone* find ready relief is Aat essablished bad sterling D•. .re ■ll r. TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS. TUE OXYGENATED BITTEIFt&i, Reliable Testimbny. We ca/I the attention of As reader to the plotting idler from Phridnit ! Smith, Amnia, of Wailers Unirersity, and ow of Annapolis , ML , - Mtunt.S.TOwat, Conn., Feb. 43,1861., . , fivrit ,Fowt.x . & Co. --Centlemen t I dot made use •of tbo Oirreesated Aims some omen ot eight years since. ' Daring coffered for twenty years from alums of dyspepsia. which was attended - with a servous headache, oh 'en average of not lees tkair one day In a week, I was induced, b the Unpretending rec ' ociutHieudatiOn' of Dr. Cries, " _to try one bottle, and it benefit we'. received to discontinue the use." • . The use of one bottle warranted a further trial, to - cteeet of sortie three or, four, with a careful observance of the accompanying directions.; Tice result we,, as almost entice :relief from the usual diapeptic symptom. and their depressing, painful consequences. I believe these Bitters Modueid an entire chisp in the 'habits of my eyelets, aod opus the active mimics of the digestive rpm. I satir dices myself as exempt from Dpmepria se most perms& These Bitten hate also been of set • vhe to other theenbest of my frunlly. ' , • Very respectfully Your.. , . . . AUGUSTUB W: 6111 TR. kaow rdit ci 2n rni EUn Olaf •clare. ihg by I to .2J THE'O,III:GENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTDRIS. LeUXoND,'Twgit Co.,ra., An:. 25;.18:Z. OZIIITLZMEX,— Mtn mill'ering far mete than Wm . y . yeses wait llyampria,-and trying many tentedies'rer promended for that . tli+ease Withbut any good result, I was induce 4 by fir; F. ,of :the Orr:milted Daum a trial' I triok . two bottles, rthich gavo'me en much relief that I porch:wed two entwe,whlch;liare yearly or quite effected a cure. 'I am now nearly' seventy-five yeara . of age, and 6.r three Inca pert have felt no incon . renience from my food. I take great'pleasure in recommending . the Bitutm to all adlicted with Dyspepsia an Matcomitant direams. From Dr. Whit*. Co., Pa., Aug. 26; Is 6. 1 have Hied the Orygeneud : Eaters In my prieties decid success in debility and general pmetraiion, ice.; and genfidently recommend them in general de bility, add dimes/teed tbedigestive organs. *. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. riZEBARED. BY 9. W. FOWL'S Jr.. 00., .113 Tremont Etteet, Boetcm IMINE== Sabi by Dwggiiq , Dealers, and Miratants in every lour and city thmstshout the canary. wile by Abel Turret! and-Read, Waimea .E Fns ier. Nontrore ; L. IL Woodruf.Dlinnek ; Arno. Nichols' Brooklyn ; Whitney & .1/exley, Ilarford ; Weed dt. Ward' Great, Rend C:Olmetead, Oundatr; L. Griffin, Great Bend. • July 26-51. BCERHAVEIS F1.61:14,TP:D 1101,LAND . 0311CDT FOX DTSPZPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, iavisn• OMP L INt. WEAKNESS. OF ANY RIND. FEVER AND Acug %Ipssll a dIK;1 , kf011 - ; $ • \ Imo MAC,' OR LITER, — 7 Ruch as indigestion, Acidity of the etornech,Coltchy Pales, Ileerthurit. Lees et Appetite,' In-Tondency, Pam In all Nerrone, 111,cumatic, and Neuralgic derctlona it has tb numerous Met - ince" prowl" henencisl, main others effected a decided rum.. i • Tho. Is a pturtylocetatle compound, prepared on strictly -' iitsclple , k after the manner of the celebrated • 1 itottnol emfewer. Iterhave. Ito reputation at Mune pro I &iced Itj Introductlim hers; the demand nximsenring with thee.the lathertaud' scattered veer the face of this ' mighty {wale', name of about - Umtata sill" thew, and • j , banded duwn.the trailtion of he value: it is now erred C. Me. „American public; imnring that At truly arorsfru‘ inifd.imil Wet err wren' to art •rioniedpert. •' It is particularly recommended to those persons whose meuititutiona poly hire b trdpalred by lb. continuous nen. of ardent lip/flea. dr other foram of ilteupatlon. :Generally instantaneous In effect,. It limit its nay directly to the seat of life. thrilling end quickentni every nerve, raising up the dnwpinC "phitenet, In fact, Infewing nen health and vigor In the system. NOT ICK—Vilmever Impacts to fled the a termite wl wit . be dlitatipolntftd; but to the skit, wear end low spirited; it will prom a crateful aromatic cordlel, outweased of angular - remedial preertka. . •. READ CAREFULLY! The OCIIUIIIII 194414 'concentrated &tarries Holland Bitters is put up in halfplut bottles only, and retailed at , One Dewitt per bottle, cc PIZ bottles for Pm Daum. The pant demand fie this truly Oblebrated Medicine hie induced . ;ta ii r t tritlittaryt, LbeitublinaboutS *wird scaled ' Zegrank of Teapot/Goa. fteethet our name la Oil ask Intel of every hottleyou.tuy.::' • r. . • BollE by.Druggista genanliy. yt eiiit M forraidad by tzpvms - kr malt pitlate . Soo'. PK OPItIMTOtiI. . . . . • . BEitT.TME.IN :PACE, CO. .Ibitrmaciutisto. fittentists I PITTSBURGH; PA. - I " ra": . tf. rciTTEB , t.y Flitilift-UM - • MONTROSE, PENNA. rir HE subscriber having Purchased • • .L refitted and newly furnished the ; above well k fallen and popular Hotel. is prepared to Accommodate the tray-. ding public' and'others With all the attentions and .convenience! lumpily • found in first-class Houses. 'effort shred by the Pro prietor and hii.Aasistants - ; to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. • The Bar will always be Supplied with the Choicest 'Arms. - • • • . ' • • The Ptables, COnnectediwith this House are large, roomy and conVenierti,and careful and attentive Bottlers are always'in•chirje of them; J.'S. I'AR.BEI,Iy , • Ayer's §arsap; "FOX FITIMEMISr G TILE -BLOOD, • • And for the speedy cure or the SuldoiDed !addles of lenense: 7 - Scrofula raid trererfalnian Atreet.locks, such as .• Tumors, Clears, Stores, - Ertptlonst. Piet. pies, rtietulas. Moieties, Bone, Blaine. and. all Skin NII ' • . . OAKLAND. - Ind.. GM June, issa. .L C.:l. - et: k Cc,. (lents:- Ill , el. it my duty to an. knowtedgo what your Sarmparifta ha. done for ma. • Having inlier(ted Serbfolons infection; I have suffer ed It from in Various ways , fur ' , millet , Sometimes it burst . out in Mena on my hand; trod arrns; sometimes It thnted inward and, di.drehsed inn at the' stomach. Two yeare ago it broke Olt on•ini lie,el null covered tny avdp. and en:a with - one pure, whia Ivan painful and loatheuma beyond description. 1 trl.d pans mcdtelnes nod INTIOOk. physicians, but without rune relief from any thing., ihet,tlw disorder grew worst.. At Leuirtti,l was rejoiced'. to read in the Gospel Mesnenger that yon had prepared an alterative I Sarssparillai. for. I knew from your repu• ration that noy thing yrm must he. good. I seat to rtneinnatt and got it, and usisrittill It mired me. I took H. its you whise. in small dimes of a teaspoonful over n. month, and used almost thrtte bottlea. New and heatth)t ''kfn soon began -tuJonn under the scab: which after a• while fell off. My It la.now rlenr; and know by my feeling, that the sfisease la , ;. , nue from my system. You. can well believe Oita 1 feel what I stn haying. when I tell yrin r that l.hold yon to benne of the apostles . of and remain t'11.7 gratefullv. , , Yotirs, • • • .. • : Al.Vltfall U. TALLrr. St. Atstlsossy"e Flee, !Hose or r.ryalpelai, Totter and Malt Ithetuss, Scald Head, Ittuai. worm, Sore Ea , ms, ' Dr. Hobert M. l'rchle writes from Salem,-N. Y., 12tli 1E59, that he has - cited nn Inveterate mac of Dropta. which threatenod.to terminate fatally, by the persevering use df our Sartutparilla, mul„also a 'limper, - ems attack of,trafioltalli 'EriPiptlita be largo doses of the sante:. says ho cures the common I:raptCons by It eon [ siatttly. Itronelioeole, ,Goltri,e. or Swelled Seek.: ' Zebulon Slegin or, Trorprrt, Textui, writes: ...Three bottles of your Sanettorilli tongh nn' from s GoUrf,..—a hideous 'willing on the neck, whirls I had sulfered,frons I M two years.' • Leneorrheee• or 'Whites. Overton Tumor, 17terlste Eleeratlon, Female Disease.. • Dr. .7. It. S. Chanute:v., of Ximi,York City; welted: most clieerfillly comply will. the relined of your sprat hi raying have found your kairsatlardla n meet expellent alternative hi the numerous complaints for which we est.! 'ploy Noels n re melt'''. hut est...chilly In corneae Diseases of the Scrollilons dintlicsit. I litre pried , many Inset.' crate cases of Leurorripea by it, :mil some where the • cOmplsint Was reused by ulceration or the uterus Tim : ulceration' 11,e1P:was some within ley '• knowledgergeals It fortiol•-e fediale deranatments.. • Mtwara S. Marrow, of NCr Intr Y. Ala.. writes: A gait geronsoracion tumor on on melte:females y family. which load defied all the reo . weemild employ, has. ! at length Wen completely eilistilee,-your extract of Sar anparilla. Our physleian Motu. ifsiollilug but extirpa tion could a ff ord but he ail:lee-4 the trial of pour - Sarsaparilla as the last resort' I,efore cutting. and It ' proved effectual:After taking your remedy eight necks, no symptom of the di.estic, remains.:. • 1 ileretarlint Disenae. • ' Auguat, j . Dn. T. C. ATEA: Sir: I elieerfnily comply- with the request of .yoUr 'agent, and report to' yon some ortbe eftesta I have realized with,. your, Sarsaparilla. j I have cured with It, lii my . pre:elite; moot of tifittll - for which It Is recohimenclisi; and hare rotted us ! effect* truly wonderful in the etire of -1 - t-torreni anti .fifer '; carat! Inseam. Onr of-my patients had Syphilitic:steers in his throat, which is's...» tonamning ides palate and rho ;. top of his mouth. out Sarsaparilla, steadily takee p. . Carrel in flri.•. woad. .. Another was attacked by as. o. - . endary symptoms in libilitosee, had eaten away a eonaiderable r .iiart of it, no that believe the , dicorder would.soon reach his gre.iit and kill him. lief IL I yielded to s'ny administration nf yobr Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed. and he Is well again, toot or course without ' some disfigurationof the face. A woman who hart been treated for the same disorder by merrm ry was suffering i *OM this poison in her booms:, They had liec,,me so sruu i tire to the.yrrather that era damp day ale' suffered cx I -outdating pain in her joints and boom:. Site, tort; wets , wed entirely-by your Sarsaparilla in a (ea wroks. I Allow (Min Its formula, irltlch rnintr agent gave me, that this reparation from your laboratory moot be a great 0 remedy.; consequently, these ,truly rzmarkohlo resislta with it have not surprised me. ! . yours, , O.' V. 1.-11:13[171[, 31. i. I Illiettnuatlarn; flout, laver eesortla in .• Istikeritnr.ect:. l'eepton Vu.. fill .lely. Do..T. P. Ay13::" with ape:in f.:l ehr. - mic ftiontritaisin !Sr a lOngtfine.s.:lliati hatErgef-th eLill of plirelrians. and stuck! to me in spite of all the nqueili,•s 1 &mid end, until I trb.:•l your Sarno. .trines. On' bottic,elirA me in two ti - Celis,' and re...lure:l my- ,7,,:iferal health en marl: that I sin tat ir tier than iscforn I was. Ut:!It.":0.. I ..1.!11[1:: it-a WOMP7c,IIIIIW.Ii,•ifIr. .7.. Flt r. m. .toles T. of St. limb., writes : hare lass. ; aelicted for y-eara'wl:ll del agi ctitat of tit: firer, which dr sfic.„led tilY. Ilvallit• • iri , !l cairn rad ri cry film; • fell:e.bto relieve ; (111EI'l 11 . 11 to 1.,7,11 brOloz.)4l;Artl f or dome years from 1.0 glint ranr , , than CF , ranSp,r, , !l! of the firer. My beim vd•ri.t.iur,ltli" lier:Mr. Esp y , ad, s • me to try NoufSaraaparilia,lpicanse he he iiicw von, and any you p -.earth try nig. blere ! of it-has curet 110', All.t lonseir , ..ll:77ttjf nre blnue, alto Taltk , • a new nun:,- or, inc.: I le: I . t 1,... r t colt C. be oras of you Is mit half weal „Schlemiels:, Cancer Ttsm ors, r.nilorgenitze I— recut les., Corte, and flefei int ten of the - I 'loofa.. ' A grer. , verFoty are'{ less fecort•al tc c'• env,s of these formidablli row, • laiiita (ewe renal:el treat • I the thls ?enicdv.hi.Volir ski- s: her , is Ili ' t,t ' a ..1 hut t bent.' Some. On an:Ti may ims Ilmt,tl In Gur L m. AIM:di:IN whielt the inviiita balms named are o ' turb i.l gratin to all whikrall for tie.-n. , peps's. Heart )11 , l'entor, Fits. E ik nep. ! , . Neuralgia.' Many - rt-markable curt',, of these r.ffe,-:Ions loner made by the alterative pal'; of thismietio-Me. Ist sierno 1 lates the vital fUlletioll:4, rigor:Ma action, Mid lim• overcomes disorders wide!, would ii.•stil!noi--.1 h V 0 0 ,•:.• it. retch. Such a remodr re.iaired tweett,jl4,l of the people, awl the pre rontliteut that this will do for them ail that na.dteine coon de. • ;: • Ayers Cherry Pectoral,.. A..llElsAttl) F. 4. WHITE, M. D: • , Fort TIM P.Arkli cr:tr: or Coughs, • Cold.. ;Influenza. IllzarArnezz, Croup..llrouchitir. Incipient con• gr- • Coon, and for the Relief at Cons n u, r .- til c Patictsta,l in advanced • • stagra.nr the niAClEllleo• • This is a remedy ro onlversalls known t , t snrmws - avy other tor the cunt of throat and lima entplatitt,t. that it lin Ilarkat4 ht:te to publish tlititsvideswe.ofiin in 11 r unrivalled ekeelleneestcir touglii and cohis, and * , tint: t wonderful cures of pulmonary dm, have snatie ,t known throughout thd eltiltzcd nations of the , erts Pew are the communities, or even families, :totem!: Ih..r who have uot some personal experience of tt some. Using trophy in their Midst of Ito Vltiofy uvcr I!, subtle and dangerous disorders of tile throat arid htlig:. Am all know the dreadful !Manly of these dleordt re, :at I 1' as they know, too, the effects of thin rentmly, we •naset mr. dosmore than to assure thent that it - has pow all th.: sit i turn that it did have „When :Making the cures which won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. :• Prepared by Dr. I. C. APEX. & CO., Lowe:), Eau. For rale hvAblil Torreh . ltinufromr.; Cbureb .t .111.111d.11T; %Vsltman SlNh.liet. Althorn Centre. an denten, and drugzii.hr eery here. • • or $y CW br. Vg , ); ODY IN RN ,• nstimpthin . and Astlun a .Ciired. • ,TI art of invalidism iniapturee'nith a wienfeine called Tins tburotims ., Errrutm or CANAAILIS larvica: which we are aisure4 by art . obundanco of competent and reputable witheeme, 1114 sure, speedy and per =finest cum for Otimmurnow, Cocoas, Come, lixon• cuercn, Aarruna, l'aractr, ' .. .Niartataman, ma Ging. RA'. -Meurer:. •Thiabighly praisedmiedieat prepare Lien, WWI dieenvered weren't yeirs ar ai l ii r i t Calcutta. by Jamea,-ils known ph a of y ea t eminence, who had taken Ida only c 114—o daughte, with hiustbong that the climate would prolong her life. slthe was pennon:v*4 en incurable ea.* of tkvearsirrlOw. I lie bad heard much of. the wonderful raaterattraasta heeling qualities of retinas stisde'friatr this F. 114 India •fiemp, inn the thought necurrodeo h se that be *night cemitound 'i returdyfor his Ile studied bard, and .ueeePS- • 4,1 Malan;h e IrW*lll. Nut any, wet cer.rn. Th l4 w.drulerfod reined, bee ilium been adminietered to. thousands of uallerere In all parts °Line world. and has paver failed of - mating them completely heiIIIKISIOI he*..•Tho original retlpe fee peeper • -info and SUtTOP.r 4I I rising thin great remedy will Fe fornlehed to nil 1140o:iota by the undersigned. en r: eelpt vf,a stathn for Irefunt reedeve. A email work reitien by t1...,16.c10f 11111.11, tat -11. e ;arrive co o pl.,int 41, wilt be tem r 're , slid. In all fibre. may apply for tie roc pe. uto ni thon,e pr,parel, e-4.1.4,t 40. it 4t 1.1 fee •iurt.• Not:, t'a ere dodge. for 15,--I-rut. to guy p,rrot the I titio.t_: tr i • ‘tiglre.4. 4.!'," 4 o. -Pro -1,,q, 1 Q. r . r:ingt