SHERIFF'S SALES. LICENSE NOTICES. • Byplllefc.4iTi.dr ,F,. ...i n t. dlo ss m ned em b r y cc7 4 :ll. to jg o e m .po nlo 4 n o Ittir= l . t eVit p h e e ti fte 3 t u r 4=l : i e tp:l7 l t lritt Pe:i quarter Sessions of the Peace for Susquehanna County, to na bi le , a l, al thi , t'ourt nutlet , . In Nroutivose.on 'Sates d as w my,h iat3 - at o'clock p. in., the following real for License to keen Taverns in said coanty; and said , estate, to ult : - dons will he'prosented to the Court on th e drat 110140 ot-tpri term, 1661—it being the lat day of the month. Al/ Lint tette:a piece or pared of land situate In the %%lingo of LodoreN too. wilttp of ttreaf Hold, county of DAM Gude, Silver Lake, Sptmeor Ifickoz, Springvia date of Pen pants, bOunded and aes. Otis Wlillatus.Clifford, AlllllBOl2 Tilden, critud a., follows. to'nit : Mt north br land of John G. NV. Lewis, Dlinock, John M. Myer', • " and La trirqll.ll , ln ;on the east by land otTrinnan Bald. S. R. Gates, " Philander Planney,ll 3111(rd 1 , 1 , the he land of - Truman Itildw in and lot Jaded) Kimble, Checonut, Jere .t Chu. Todd. ooto eyed to--1)1% NI - ave; nod on the West by Vivid Ma. Wm B. Sherwood, Rush, Leonard deluge. 3101 10 0 ga, gee cud t. ,e hiehu.* eoutainlag about 4R rods of Joel Steenbeek, Glbsort, 1 John S. Tithe'', ) .nd t tt. 'aloe Inoue or h7s. ‘t Ith the soputtenuncts, 1 Edu•ln Buse,Yriendatille,l DaNid Thomns, Great Bend, ft.ltnt du On one baro, And all wpm . % ed. WM. E. Bartlett, Jackson, N. D. Snyder, Itusb,: Suit of Um aP. 11 onnev re. Isaac Griggs. 1 th: 3t :J . . TURNER, Qs*. All thst Forl-in plum or pore) of land situate in the Khoo of itu,lt, CoillIIN• nod state aforesaid, bounded and th s - rthod Itilitht-1.-La Lt On the north by lands of Wut o , t,t lor land of Chides Terry; on the south to land of eougso ell ; and on the nest b . , vol arm 000: being tho saran lands recent. it eec , , to, dt.r hll f' ottlehl with ,the appartetiau co.. one .au . ntil with lath mill attached, cols g 0)0,1,,-trees acres. of laud, be the tome more or tes.., and :waste all itutwo . E Taylor rs. JITITCS W. Boat* orth mod N. P. Bosworth • • Ail that e, , riain piece air parcel or land.i situate in the township of liertick. in the.cottetx..t !tate aforesaid:boon tled on the sonth br td of R. Iturdlea, °tithe west by un saated gupnosed to belong , George Walker; on the north Dl' lard"; of F. F. Hayden and C. GeOlege, 1%1 on the east by 3:111 , 1 or Thoreav Iturns and C. Oeddings; eon I. - tat Wing- about linullred acre , be the Name Mort or less, on ; which in atl ingli9ti,e and at..)ut acres ituptov rd. and known the lot. Surat Of Geo. W. C• re to the te..e of ii,,ttenburg, Rosen banto4, Co. no. llarvvy llaydcu, garnishee a David Dor. dick. Al that eertain pl eve or .partcl of land till:tate in the t4wnaltip cd - Great 11, tal,couttly .uscl. stale aforesaid, boun d.l and follows; to wit : the north And east by laud of Lowry Green. on the' roah by lot of John Colston. and we,llvrty by the Great-Bend' Cochecton • turnpike, containing about-eighty-four hundred feet of land. being V., feet, in front on the turnpike. andrun ting bock our huncirecl'...and twenty feet. with cheep: partenance, one tlsre . o-tilory building occitpied as store and dwelling. one 1 - story building occupied as an office and‘,%tiop, some other out buildinp , , and all improved. Salt of .k. Wilniott no. I;eurge W. Ilyer and Ileaq Crane. - - All (bet certain piece or parcel of lathd situate in the township of Great Bend, county and state aforesaid, bona• ded and described as follows. to wit; Beeeneidef It en oak implant:a corner of loud KM! to Emerge Conroy, in the line of land granted to Norman Route; thence by said last mentioned land north GIN' east 0 perches to a post t thenceeouth by former), called the erohn .1 Way lot .111 perches to the bank et the Sitequehanna river : thence down the sai d hank along the several couries of mild rit cr to emit neast corner of /ot eold U. George Coo= rev as aforesaid . and thence along the eanie north Sir perches to the place of beginning, containing:A acres and 42 perches of land, be the sense more or lees, together with the app tate:lance., oue framed house; one shop. one orchard. I bare. and about thirty acres improved. Suit of Martin Stolle vs Almond :damson. and inthe rielit. title and Interest of. Wm F. Gates to and in all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Dimot tr. county and state afoteeeid, and le. inz on the north e.deof the stale road !ceding from Dim rick corners to llopeottom Depot. on the farm of Benj. Fork. Esci , he feet in frunt.-and 330 feet In „depth containing about half au acre. with the appurtenanees, I &Yelling house and all improved. S. z..t of Guttenherg;, * .liotenbaute & en es. NM= 8. Gates. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Derrick, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by land of s'i Sham Reynolds; on the east by lands of Mores, i,ehuls t Co.. on the South by lands of Warren Iternolde and by the Drinker laud*, and on the welt by land of D. A. Walker. conteln nig :6 acres be the same more or less. evira the appurtenance.. one framed Image, log berth 01311 orchard, and about eel acres improved. _ Suit of F. N. IVhituey vs. Charles Belcher/ All that eertain piece or parcel of land ° Nitwits In the too sent: of and state fore:aid, botad ed and described ea follows, to wit : Northerly b' lands of .tames Fester, coati rie be land of /home* Leath, sootheris by /ands of ABA elcdge. and westerly by land of tt in le t:1 - .11 ,, , orth, containMgee acres, be the lime more or less. with the appurtenances. ore framed house, one barn, one bhop, one orchard, and about ee acres im. pr., ..ed en cor t, Derrowe vs Collins Gelatt, :doer of the estate of Amara Crozier, dee'd, All that certain piece or parcel of lead- nituate in the t. - tv tship of Oakland, county and elite aforesaid. howl• ded and described as fellowe, to wit: On the nortksnd" cost be lends 'et Ilenry, on the south by the Skinner Cabin lot, (so celled) and on the west by lend of DoS Id 'ller-ereau, centainitveeli acres, be the came more or le , s situ the appurtenances, one dwelling. Lome, some fruit trees. and about S acres improved; Star of Bond, Itt4ding .t. co vs. Borate A: Willard.' All that certain piece or parcel of had. situate to Dirnock town-hip. counts and state aforesaid. boarded on the north by Jasper Slcliceby, on the emit by S. IL I.l6senerante .):id despot Mcliecey, on the south ter Am herst, and on the Well by John C. (Wright, eon , tein‘n4 la sense or thereabouts One acre improved. Stet Cl Deutley .t Dead Ye h. It. Roscneeantr. ' /111 (het certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Great Bend, county and state aforesaid, bounden and de.cribed a , follows ,to wit: I:orate:ly bv land of Oliver Trowbridge, easterly bv land late 02 le. P. Waller. souther! , by Truman Baldwin and William Wal cott. ane u e•terly, by land of the N. Y. a Erie Railroad, coma:Mug about Pal acres, with the appurtenances, I &dr:Oil-L. himsc. 2 Dante. 1 orchard, and cosily improved. Suitof Edward' Tompkins v. Isaac Grime, Esau - Griggs. Gco . W . Grigg. and N. S. Griggs. . 1:01 that certain pir,e'e or parcel of :and eituate In the gozont..l oh Smeachstina Depot. county and state afore. etid...bonmit d and ide-cr,te.e. an follows, to wit.* On the north b„. B erect. on the cast by edstrect, south by C Wei.% ar.d on tl e wcst„to. land at li. CorJy. contain. lee Ahern I i.teo . ia-e fet of lard. Being CO feet id , write en sir,..t- If ;,::•I C, and 113 feet deep, and being lot, No. etr, to e5l on 1\ na. A 5 eMz' map of *limey of the ti Lige et ‘esq iii.-, ; o ith the nppert..etweees are' framed du lioe ;le one ban:, and ...:1 improved'. 1 A Card from the Grover Snit of J.. B. Lg.A.4 .t. Co. vs. William W,emore. - All that ecrta.zi piece or parcel of land situate in the I & Baker .M. Co.: towie.hlp of Great Bend, comity and state aforesaid ' 1 ' Our Patents 'being now established by the Courts, We bOraltlld and described as folio,. s, to wit: On the •I nor: l r tiv land ofeAliert diidd . on the east by land of are enabled to furnisehthe Grover I Baker Machitte,with donathal Gray; on the email by lend of H. sitoddradl, important iteproscenittita. at reatl C and on' the west be lard of C. Keld..r, containing 33 y. I, scree. be the same more or less, theeppnrthaan. RED UCED P RICES • , BlizeTt .:aloe. ces, 1 log Louse, framed barn mad about ILC:01 i1:13- ' — , N 0.48 Ceder atthetlf Y. ti nned, . . 1, .Dear Sir: :amt. of IT ,t W. IT Jeceap ye AbAbrahamßeide:. The moderate Price at which machines , trmaking the Inclosed Elia twenty.ere cents, P 25./ for which tendme Grover dt. Baker Stitch, east now be had. brings 'them box of "eephilie pills." Direct to Rev. , Wm. Filler, at All That ccnain . ; . ...:•'ec or parcel or )and Sainte In ' Der / - Revrtoldebung, Franklin county, Ohio. townchip m ilanklin , county and state aforesaid, mem. within the reach of all, and renders the use of machine!, . y ino , pa: , Icor/ lib a aitahn _ ca , jt.‘'adaela almost Lie.:_me at the c,..wre of tie road eari or the borne making inferior stitch's as nneectsecey as It is U31143f. i inlitanfer. eay i,cene,.ed •by the said party of the second past, Persons desiring the best machines, and the right to ' , led renntug couth slope the line of the hum known's/ _ the Lyman smith Mt, led perches to a stake and atones, use thaw, mast no l, outs beware to,buy machines a \eking ! •thenee n.cst one hundred & forty perches to a stake - and the Grover.* Bakes Stitch, Ilibt alio that such mach/nes ~. stones, and north along the babe( Titus Snelttre are made arid stamped tinder our patents and those of , ' lir ' S P' 2l"lll * land ee perches le a stake and stoner.; thence east by Sir - • lands of nsloe-ter Smith, Sc perches to a 'teas and , £llaa Howe. Jr ' 1 Not long since 1 cent to yon for a box oi Cephalic Pills pones, thence north five degrees eastpg.the line of ! s eaonp, &,BAKER. 5. If. CO., . for the care of. the Nervouit Headache and Costivenelle. k . and received the game, sad they had gO good on effect I too .viii ~,•:.', tet \.: 5ir.1111 . 3 13.211:l ....r. 40-1( .3 Melt , / to 1 49S Zroadieey;lrett. For , a steke and,,e.m,, , ,,..-11.Le....e south 79. e , 'X; Tt.thesha t t was induced to nod fOr2oOre ... perehes *o v a -take end strut,. thence !with lIN east ...% i ! - Flesslisend by retain mall. Direct to ... A.P. WHEELER, rt_rene'. to the eiMtre of the road wee. of said T. - I . B eintth - house; end te , _nce sottth &eye t .15 sitee.fe 1 , wee. . . _. Ypsilanti. Mich. „ _ lithe perchee alene ti, centre of the road. c place of .1 t. hirlelie ',.. cs•el an ; 11l iter_s and VI ety-41 perch. , ee Orland, refl., or 1....0. with tie,- appartenanees, I house, . 1 • 1 ' rim Me Examiner .Vorfa . lk Va. 1 ba-n. , o-n, fru.t ir... , .. ahout 75 acres Imoroved HOW ... i f, ' Cephalic Pals seecnaplish the. object for which they were Sal: of len. pas -B. Smith to the 115 C of Caleb Canna, i A CARD fR3M dLI AS , JR. node. of headset& In all its forme. 71 O. F lattrera and Adamlerge. with nuldecto T T 1 e 1 NOTICETO PUDCII.I.SERS.—To prevent Iniannder. All persons are cantiosed not to make. deal In, or use ~,._,, aar.thee, notice is hereby riven that Purebaecra at Shu- , any sewing machines whir sew from too spools and 1.5 , , s Iles will be rt,luirvii io pay the 31110113 s bid at the ' make the stitch known as tL Grocer 1. Baker stitch• on time the land is cold. It has become iticui.eraviele necesee , ac to adope this fah.. and it will be strictly adhered to, less the came are pnrchas from the Grover A Baker err -et in ceere eehere the parckaeer ie a Lea orcditor and Sewing Machine Company, r Ahem Agente, or licences, Ss entitled to the ft.nda, pew i11..d in the let section of the and 'stamped tinder my patesik of September tki.1516 set of . ei.-ten`flv. approved Apr.l entla. letei s oltit.Li is as fel- , , Said company, ant their licences, alone ; are legally au. laws :_•• le'lleuLeer thepurehiesers or real estate at Or: -, plthe' court or ShcrilTe cat. % shalt eppear front the proper 1 thorised under their own pa tents, 'and' my said patent, reeere to be entitled, as a lien creditor., to receive the during theexterided term th co(' to netki and sell this whale err any pert ion et the proceeds of Fate Ole, it shell ' kind of sewing machine, and 11 others , are piracies upon be the duty of the Sterite Administrator. Executor or . other parson melrltr. such tale. to receive the receipt of ' my said patent, and will be t'alt with accordingly where meltpurchaser or purchasers for the amount ;which he or , eye ,. f oun d . I they would appear. from the record as antreettld to be *en. r . n . . ' . ... titled to receive : Provided. that this siet ion ',Lill not be ` N ew - Y ork. " ELIASUOStt, 111. eo construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, Ad. , F. B. CIIA.NDLER gent ministrttor„ Letemter. or other pereon aferCea.d to Cc- i 1 -I A ' 1 :nand and recel,e at the time . f sale a turn iitill ,, ient to / feta. in* 31eiritroee, l'a. _ce. er all legal itn , t= , coil:lca' to be paid out of the proceed. , of said sale: aeil pre rid ed farthe'. tbm before any purcha ser or pm - chaser,. =hall receiac the benefit of this section. De Gita.TII , S ELECTRIC OIL. he or th, .hall protinze to theSherid. or other person so maltine eald sale. a dais. certified statereent from the prop.; Greatest Remedyin the lirorld,tor er records: utult r the limed and officuil seal of •the proper / s=eer. shoo me eti it he is slam creditor entitled to re. ' et-%e an. part of the proceed. of:di...ale eforesaid." . I RHEUMATISM anal all PAIN, / ELIAS V. GIIDES, Marie. i zt - ' . 'W'' Warranted to CUBE monu...e marth 7. 15G1... c. , 1 i Fever and'Arne In oneday: Chills in lire minute*: --- Deafness in two to font days; ... - Burns end Scalds in ten minutes; Sprains, Wonnds end Bruises in front one to three dere Idammation in one day; ' Neuralela. Croup, Toothache, Burn*, In ten minutes; Ilemorrhsge. Scrotal, • libseess, in ten day e; Bruises, It mind's, Tetter, in one to three days; Ea.-ache, SW? reeds. AVP, in one day ; Felons, Broken Blciit Salt Ito six days ; Quinsy, Palpitation Pletirl.r. In one to tea days; Asthma. Gout, Eresrpele c., in fit e to te enty der.; . Frosted Feet' Cbilblathr. otiftdointe. throttle Alien- i ess....s-tee., , .„ _entitle:rt. Sore Threat, Snarler Fever, and the lame From the Gazette Davenport, /otra. made to walk. by 3 few bottles. I 5 Tele OIL. (Ile Gratla'e) is mild - and plcaaant, and Is - a Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with an *t reat Familvildedielne tor ebildren teething de, •. ticle be did not know to possess real merit. .- Ladles Mould - all ass, it. It alwdyit leaves you better. , .................-,, • , than It And* yen, and one bottle ofteneceres entirely. From the Ad vertiser. Providence. .12 I. WATCHES, MIRY, &C. W . ,E would respectfully Intone -on:friends. patrons, and the puhae generally that ive have now In store and Ter whvicsale and retail, at the fewest itstsk prices, a larpe and yery choice stock bf • • 1 • ririltt-les Jeirelry. Silver d: Pl4ted t 31 7 "dr, . of , r.:ery eariety and stole. r. I Fret-y description of Riatednd Work and other Timexy, tnn.le to or,der, at short nottte. or - 444 omit/ warrant ild '...) Us; represented. N. B.—Partienier attention given to thierepalring of Watches and Jewelry, of esters deseripticrn,J .. - - STAUFFER & HARLEY, .tio.: Eir.2..kiarketst. South emu, rtsrik. , March - I. 1841, '3= . .., PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY. - A LampChinthey that wilt not, freak'. • MILS great invention commands itself ti even env'3. using CUM. OIL. LAMPS. It gives ni re light. re. quires lees dozing, and vrili not break by !feat or cold. Wing. or any ordinaryntage For %%lobs Storekeepers generally throughout the C:S.:and the . estladzi, and wholesale by the Manufacturer% and Patent%c%. • HORNING ucilirmuvr, , • - Sec - DO - Street, Mrs , N. D. A large and imperlor etOok of 40' , . c.aa.1 Cll , ll X.azsarLllolE6 &heave on hand, of oncts defying COW- Aldo the Pori anti Coot !SLISILIZICiareiIe ;nit!: RR SE .21E TUE underti.ttned otrera at private sale. tw*mares. one &sorrel I, 4 old, and the other's bay. witevs old. Both are touttd:true. awl wellthisted. Credit oft mos. given, it desirvd. Tbot.e staining to boy well to H na toe, about oa t . mil t f rom rathiops Lake; in Jessup 66W1115hiP• (.12/14,\;) s. 'IL ;DEPIT.E. . Administrators' NOtice.' - y ETTERE , of adminh•tration to the Eatite oijoabaiW. j. 1. / Curti#, Late of Drldgewater. decd; hare IMen gratited to the subscribers. all Rerhoso, indehted to the:mid estate are requested to wake unanudinte pataent arid those has. ingdernac& against the estate of s.. Aid decedent will make • known the tarne. without delay to Wm HARDING, New Milford, 1 - 0.127. 166i-iit . JULIA A.,:CLItTIS, TAKE NOTICE! rip:LanzrPrp.l.o. r 311=rteless xj Sheep Pelts, Fox. bluatrat, and a Janos o a f Fara_ a. good arrortmant of Leather and *ant _ and Shots constantly on hand Otdoe. Tanner,. PP Pitsop op halo Street. tsr.,c , se, r, R - ir&7. G. /17AETZ71. Do you WA. NT DO YOU WANT WinsEsrts . - DO SOU WANT A IitiSTACIIE? • - DO VOI, WANT A 2ittM'A.Caitt 13 E " LING U A XIS_ • • ,Gelebrated ;TIMOUTINg ORGMT, For-the Whiskeis & Heir The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens q( the United States that the• hat,: O bt a i ne d the :twiner (or, and are now• enabled to ifer to the American pubile,"the above Justly celebrated and world•renowstsd article: The Stimulating Onguent to Prepared by Dr. C. P. fiellingliam, au eminent physi- Clan of Loudon; and is warranted to bring out a think set Whiskers .or a Paustaehe • in from three to els weeks. This article to the only one of the kind riled t* the French. and In London andParte tt la In univarsal . use. - It is a beantaftd,i cconifiulcal, soothing,' cat stimulating compound. acting as if by , inagle upon the roots, causing bmiutiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure haldnees, and ciuse to spring up In place of the bald Spots A growth of new hair. Ap plied according , to directions. it will turn rrd or tow y haix. - dark, and restore gray hair to Its, original color. 11-s— -eine it soft, smooth, and flexible. The ." Ongentit" Igen Indispensable snide. in evert-gentleman's toilet, and tar one week's usr they would not for any consideration be without It. .The subscrlbera arr the only n4ent% for the Article In the Uti!tea Stater. o whom all urtlurs uluq be addreoN. One Dollar a bic—rur cnle Lc all Dritg,rleits and Dealer; ; ur a box. tit Unguent" (weirranted to bare the, desired erect) will be Rent to any who dellre it, by mail (direct). viecurcly packed. on receipt a. price and postage, $1 IS. , Apply to or eddreea IIORAC) 11F.OEMAN fo CO. Uruggint•..bc., • , 't>i William - Street, New York. NOW WITHIN *REACH OF ALL. GROWER & BAHR'S CELEBRATZI) -.VOISELESS. SEWING MACHINES, 05 Broadway, New-York. The public it:eat:on Is respshtfullp requested to the following cards of Baas !lows, Jaf. and thi Cnov Buss S. X - . Co.: . The tectlinnny In their favor is strong'. from the most AFFLICTED '..TIIIRsr.E.N TEA#S, AND .CCII,ED The gunners. . • IN ONE WEEk. • • ..--..._......., - . - . Read letter from Hew, James Temple. ',• From toe Daily ..Vorr. Ncioport, R. I. ,_. Punarmanii.3instinti.. /AM ' Cenhalic Pills arc taking th e place of all kinds. ''' rror. De Guava: I have been afflicted for thirteen Mira : - With Neuralgia and other palnfol complaints. and I have ; been unable to sleep soundly or walk any dietaries fur . lar Ahln,gle bottle of SPALDING'S PIi.EPAItED aIT3 'many years past. Last week t got a bottle of year Mee- i will use ten times lts cost antmally z jll• fric Oil. The first night I rdeptvoundly and well, and to- 1 day Ima likes new man. My wife could not Delimiter .. . . . eyes.. 'Tour Electric Oil has done in one week what the i , SPALIWNG'S PREPARE D 'GLUE physieintAot Philadvipbia failed to do On thirteen 718ra. Grsterunv yours. _ I /at ' JAMX ' 4 TEMPLE * . '• - I : SPALDIN,G'S PREPARE GLUE! PREPARED 810 Sont3l*ffet. '- ' • DEAFNESS cIIRED. =au :taw Raven. May 19th. ISM Prof. Be Grath : elf y brother has been deaf for II sears. ' BI.VB TUM PIECES ! i - After trying many things. he used your Oil a few times. ! ' !' __ • , RD CRANTON: g and it eared him entirely. • ' . 'ECONOMY ! , ' • I DuiPATCIII: CLIFFORD R. .: . . sr"A Stir= = Thin Sam ffnia.".au • - • . , As accidents will happen, even in well regEdeted fad s-NI- For vale by all Dmggista, and at the Depot, 211 Ilea. his very desirable to have some eh p and corms. South Eighttpst, rbilsullelphia. - . , feat 8m Cl: I , lent way Mr repairing furniture, toys, ~ .wieh 2 cry, ba, i SHERIFF'S SALE. SPALDING'S ?ALTARS:O GU7. - i meets all such emergencies. and no household can afford 1)11Y virtue Out order of the Orphans' c.cinrt. , to-me di. !mg he ' , HUAI:tit. It Is always ready, and up to the etihit- J.) rested, I will cootie for sale , at the equrt Hattie. In ' to 2 Palm: Montrose, on Saturday. March ath, 1661.4 1 o'clock. p.m.. 1 ' " Om= IS Zirgftr ZOOS." IS Maarten piece °enamel of land elmateln tbe town. , If. IL—A Brush accomnaniee each Bottle. Mee 25 ship of Moo*. C° lo ° l of snorityvoi and State of ; ants. Address. ' qtYRT a spAcarse. peansylesnia, bounded sad de bed as folioed; to *h: ,• , • . O. 48 . 0,1,,, s tmt . lo w „y or k. on the no rt h by:lands of George leases, on the cast by 1 . lands of Milton lisrritrand Etas Gillman, on the 'oath by , I . . . Samuel Carlin apa laud Armee, of Casts And Ebenezer • L'Aurrox. Bbeeell,dettetited. and on the west iiy land of David Bash. 1- As certain onyeinelliled persons we *Ram to,palm sell. =Wain two hundred and mimeo acres. or them' a eo n the unatuipseting nubile. lialtatlonso shouts. together • with the appurtenances;tw° famed !.- qiu 0 Lead caution all pale= to examlna ul Tsofotepith dwelling honor. two ham. one cider 'bona. one core ; =msg. end sae Oaths hill Same, house. and other cogt, btaldings, two orchards, and about t t glirS/PASPLVO7 MUM Oiffajlill - one hundred and strusty4lve etterinapewted. late the , ! hoses weed. wrapper ; ah ethers are swindling .ieutri• *Mated Meng Jgoek,,deesued. E. V. G , •1, Shnritf ii,htlirs Mee*. Vontroce: r«t) It. 1911. --to Whits , Ameilie46 4 . ,qlste a 4;4l GORE ,o didei e A CURE. 70 NervousHeadathe ,417, CURE.' Ile Meese batteee Pine the petttelicittacke of Xerrotte or Rick lioadache may bcprevented; and If tokcn at the commencement oleo stuck. Immediate mile( from polo and etcknete wilt he obtained. They seldom fall in removing the Nausea and HeralccAe to whlchternalessare co subject: They act gently upon the bowel.--removing CbstireneAs. For Literatv Mtn, Students, Delicate Females. anti all persona of se&ntary hOGils, the:rare valuable:tau taziare, improving the appetite. giving tone and ;rigor to the diges tive organ's, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. Tho CIIPHALMTILLS are the resnlief long Investi. cation and carefully conducted experiments. having been to use many years. during which time they have prevented end relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache. whether originating In the *mu/ system or from a de.rauf. , ,eit state of the stomac. 1 They are entirely vegetable In their eomposition, and itymba taken at &Mimes with perfect safety without mak mg any change. of diet. and the aloence qnuip disagretaLls lasts . meters it easy to administer them to:children. - Beware of Counterfeits. • The genuine bave.flre olgnabarto of Henry C. fipaldlas ooesolt bor. L • , Sold by Druggists mid other Dealers hi Medicines. A boi will be sent by iron prepaid on keeeiptpt W i lriCtO C/2.ritlißs All orders should be addressed to . 11SNIVIC P. torte r .1 . : 1 1 Cedar Sir :tieliv York. • THE FOLLOWING •ENDOILSENENTS OF ~'~sxl 'l'. j J~J CEPHALIC PILLS, 'WILL CONVINCE ALL IVLIO .s • rrrn FROM HEADA:COE; THAT A SPEEDY. AND SURE CURE .TS :WITHIN THEIR RACH. thew,testintonials were unsolicited b'i Arr. Spalding, they. carded udguirtinnable "roof of the ;ffieacy of Chit_ truly ;Tient* discsovery.! it.soxviva, Corr:;, Feb. 5. YR. Sraarso. - 'Stn :. I hay* tried your Cephalic Pith, and / them to well that I want von to sendme $ worth mote. .l'irt of thiPC are for the neigt bers. to whom I Cm a few ont of the first box I pot,from you. -1 1/end ths rills by mall,and'ob our lige - 'Y 01,1 JASIKENNkDY, Barer!bed, Fi r Feb. S. Y. C. Spalding. Sir. wish you to send me one more box or your Cephalic 711/a; /Aare fee:ever a great deed If benefit/Wm them. • Soon, respect/Vile. ANN ST.OIIZIIOLE. • • . IL Spalding.. , Sprnet Creek, Iluntlngdon co4Ta., Jan. IS. - :Slr : i „ - Yon will please send me two boxes of your Pilla. Scud them immodistel!.. • rtesPactfully rpm i P. .• • ‘ B makitt. h at , used one bov crlyour JNO • • O. R. Q d pur tun Vernon. Ohio. Jan. • Usury C. lllpaldiny, 2ste. , Plow nod enclosed tseentvlive cents, for which ma *l* another box oryonr Cepbalie Pills—They are truly the inbesta gas I hats sear tried. , A. STOVER, P. Y. itallelrnort.AVyandot county. Ohio. 1:251:21 'Beverly, Nail.. Dee. D. • Spa Ming. Esq. with for soma circulars or large shot bills. to bring irour Fills more particularly liefers my customers. Ryon Live nncthiny Of the kind, please send'thernito me. tins of mToo.omers. • who is subject IC a revere sick headache. itsaally lasting two days). waseartil tali* an hour by your Pills. which I stealer. Respectfully yours„.i W. B. SCJIR:II.9. Rev:lol6.9in, Prankllri Co., Ohio, Jsaiary 9. Trialy yours. Wn FILLER Font the Eruozirer. ~,Vorfolk Va. They have been tested ID more than a thousand cases. with entire snares. • From tJt Democrat. St. amid. Min;`;'''..• if you are..cor have been troubled withi tbefialUtsclie• mend fora bao of cephalic ppim, so that :you ;MT halve them in case of an attack. . . Frmn the :Idrertixer. Pr4idence, R. 1. The Cephalic Pale are said he be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache. and one of thelvcry best for that very frequect complaint which has beer bees die .covered. From the Western R 1? Gazetle, Chicago: We heartily endorse - 31r. Spalding, and ; ids unrivalled Cephalic I dlla. • ; • ' ........_......... - .. _ From the 14,1tr1 S'tor. Ectootrlia. I't. We are sure that persons ruti , x;t3g' with the headache too try them, Will Kick to theta, From the Park Fender. Yea. Orleans, La Try them! yon that are aElieted, and nee are sure that ?oar testimony can be added to the already numerous tits that bas received laeuedta that nu other mcdlclne can produce. 1=!=1 From the Si. Louis Demoirrat The Immeiaae demand for the ar•.kle (cephalic ;Me) is rapidly increasing. , ; ; SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ABEI TURKEL'S COEUR ABEL TURRELL Now iiffera fur sale one ofthe largest &nd beat selections' of • Ever Offered in Susquehanna County, and probably comprising the greatest VA, fiIETY or_ most iliffizent articles of any Store in the Northern part ofTennsylva, nia, and perhaps ofthe entire State. An assortment is kept in about thirty differ- i cut branches of trade, and 'the selections are made from about forty of ,the best Houses; in:New York, and more than fif- I ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of Neu York. t Marge proportion of the Goods are botfght direct front the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on 4n.terin g the More must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly er ery article wanted will be produced by inquiry, Some idea of the Stock may be formealby Ike-following general' outline, but entimeration is impracticable. DRUGS . &• MEDICINES In this ilepartment the assortmont is large and cot4lete, and the qualities the Best in Mallet. PAINTS & OILS. A full stock of all kinds, of best qualities DY VA *4 U VS. Everything, and perfectly reliable. No one wlip strictly follows correct receipts, need, fail of succesS, who buys dye -stuffs at Turrli's. A good and• choice variety of Family Groceries, constantly on hand. , Ladies any they get the best Tea for the price of The griatesf variety of Pure 'Liquors to be found in all Northern Vennsylvania, ' and comprising (with very fewexceptions) eVery kind tnanufaetnred or held , for sale in :my market. These are kept fur Medi- , einarputposes. If there are any pure lig ors in the country, the druggists are the; men who have them. It is almost im possible,to obtain pure Liquors elsewhere at retail: CROCKERY.. All the kinds usually kept in a country general assortment store.. A complete assortment for Table -and general nse, aml for Druguists, Physicians, Pediers, and in 'short every variets for general tiaje. WALL & WINDOWPAPER. A large stock, coMpri,ing an extensive rizriety beatitiful'styles. -The most fas tidious can seldom fail to be.suited. - A splendid variety, embracing nearly ev erything, customers may. wish in this de partment, bought direct of the manitfac turers, and all warranted as rep resented. Tea. Sit,(l,ar, and Salt 3S.poons. Buttet and In t enmequenee of the hard times SECE• H DED &On their already very low prices , and aro Fruit linh'es, Napkin Rings, Thimbles, now oloqiog out their entire Stack 'of Spectacles, &c., constantly on hand'. ho't direct of the manufactorersonade to ore r, 1 . WINTER„ DRY AND FANCY GOODS' • and wartantedpttre as coin. All gilts Pattie No•rnatter bow desirable tlao goods great the aacriflcp, they kinds of Silver Ware obtained to ,order on short notice. - ust and Will be Sold. ' 111eS_tci embkoes a large and seleet Asso rtment of DONESTI,C.DRY lICESEII7IINISHINGGOODS, CLOAESILANKET AND nitocur. sitAwts, Black an fancy Dr ift s, Silka—nnd endleas variety pr‘Frincy Goods, Embroideries, • TriatriatnOi s , itc., at Panic Prices never before dreamed of. • tirCall and .aunty yourselvea of the fact that - we fal fflail wo.prooaso. - `s„, --- Dinglaainton„ p'eb,:th,l9sl. N . . A choice variety of beautiful Perfumes, Extracts; Colognes, Hair Oils,. Hair' Re-, storers, Dyes, &c. Articles to make the hair groW, and also to take it off, and ev erything; neceSsary for the Toilet, incln ding a fine assortment 'of Hair and 7 oth Brushes,, Tooth Soaps and Powders, an cy articles for the complexion, inch ding !'.peen Fun," and nearly everything else desired. [A great place this, at Turrell's Any Oil -cg . and evert thing that 'anybody wants can be foUnd there] drich.; J* . 94. The greatest variety in town, comprising nearly eery hing usually found in an exclusively Fancy Goods or "Yankee No tion " Stbre. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT"' Aecoi•deons, Flutes, Fite, Clar inets; Violin, Violineello, and Guitar Strings, , some of the best qualities in market ; < Violin- Bows, Bridges, -Pegs,, Tail Piecies, Resin, Instruction Books; &c. on hind ; and all other Instraraents obtained ; to order. t . GROCERIES. LIQUORS. LASS-WARE. JEWELRY. SILVERN PERFUMERY. FANCY GOODS. - BRUSHES: - A Full assortment, bought direct from the manufacturers, and comprising nearly 'eT. every kid& made. AMERICAN i)0cK1 , .. - r KNIVES. About fifty different paterns or. styles considered the best for use in market. TABLE CUTLERY & SILVER ELATED WARE, Including Spoons, Forks, &c., constantly on hand. • . AMPS. A good variety for Kerosene and Fluid, and some for Can hone, Oil, Sc. Lamp Chimneyti, and Brushes for them, Lamp vii:l Candle Wick; Candlesticks, fluid and oii Lanterns, Lamp Shades, ate. • griI'iERIALS FOR 'LIGHTS. livery kind used in this section of country, and of beSt qualities, at ldw prices, inch• ding gerosene, Fluid, Camphene, Oil, Candles. 46c. HARDWARE. A satall assortment, Nailer, Tacks, Butts, Screws, Bolts, Gimlets,: Augers, Hoes, Flat Iron'S, Hammers, Faucets, Stma Pa ter, Paring Machines, &c. DED CURDS, Crothes tines, Mason, Chalk, and Lines, riiib Hooks, 411c. 4 , • ,• . • STONE WARE. A Full Stock, including a large qaaaiitS , qf Jigs, bRY GOODS; . A small 'assortment of Staple Articles. I L MIRRORS. Woottind Gilt trams& • ABEL TURRELL. Montritite, Deo. :orb, 1880. Clone nee! in A . Turieire eitlumn 'Ail maws 20 CNN. WINP,OW PICTURE .GLASS. Nearly all the aizas wan Prin ts aui 15=1:1 PIIRD CAGES. • A good v riety of the best 'stYles. Canary, }temp, and 'Rape Sl e d, - and a ll th e fixtures I* keeping Birds; - JPECTACLES. A Fall- A4sortment. WHIPS AN . D LASHES. A good r iiety. . BROMMS, Sponge, 'Wasik Boards, Bukets. Zke, . GUN ' S & PISTOLS, Powairalasks, 'Dram &c. Gun and Lead, She Shuirand :al Instruments, Unmentionable c., ou band, and )dought to or. SALT'i By the I3arrel, Sack or PoUnd. And Snrg Artiples, der. CO %I'Q. POT All kind's olf hard Soap, and an the.materi. als necessary for making soft: soap, in the most simple, easy, and cheat manner Fos,. ildr. Only $1.50 for a barrel of good soft soap. 'PATENT MEDICINES. An the bebt-kinda in Market; .direct front the manufikqurers,and warranted genuine. ALMA}NACS FOR 186 f. One Almanac for every family in Susque hanna coulty, gratis! Send and get it. UMBRELLAS, Confectionhry,T , ,Th Vinegar,Hops,Ssge, PORCELAIN I... TEETH , „ Gold and Ilin Fail, &c; for Dentist's use, - rend someof nearly. all' other ldnds 'of , Goods in Market, too nittnerou4' to men tion. t . The attention of the, pnblie is respect fully invited to: iiiy stock of Good., bought exclusiv,..!y!cm . : eAsn p0w.,,-, sn d kill 1: ! gold ou the same principle for low priet:s. ABEL TcRitELL. - Montrose, Dec. 20th, 1 so. SECESSION ! No. 20, Cer. Cquri and Water Ste. HIRSCHMAN BROS. & CO. Sign lef the. "Bee-Hivo!" Mgii . . ,i,i ir yin 1-14 1 11'%- rya 1101)1 Ult I ritt • INIAI N 1 • - 1 rvllE.ribscribtrs take pleasure in anncin „clog to their .l friends thatithey hare this day returned from N: York with another ad-Won to their stock of. Coods.` , .olected i wick great ea : c. and (tips:ea referer.ce to the approaching-, festre se.i.sor.. Any person desirous 4/making r - ' ' r ' • s I Fr-, CIIRISFAIAS*NEW lEAllfilF S ' . •. ~ (and we hope pr i me wit; deny themselves the plexenre) can i find a riett and bxleneive assortment to select from, and at the veryloweist Cash prices. PSANS & ALLEN, eec22 No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall; Binghamton. Watehosadles' Diamond Enameled. and plain— a splendid article. Also a variety of Gold and Silver Eng lish. American tnd Swiss-. flouting and Plain. vel7 - law; Gold Chalssa—A very extensive variety of Veso„ Fob, Guard and Ne(* Chains. by , - • Evss:s & Atitts. - Ear Itinga and Breast Plas—An infloltevarlety I , of styles and nrit:es. In sets, and single. ; - ' Flinger 11l stator—Diamond, Rube. Rigard; Pearl,Sealo Clothed itorlPlaih .Gold Rings—alsiiie PC.CIkI . Bracelets—Gold, Jet,Plated, and -11A/It Bracelets of An Datt,rn. and prinell. EVANS kt ALLLS. Sliver Ware—Every de!oriptlon of Silver Yorks, and Spoons, Sapid:AL Rings. on hand, also Soup and Gravy I.odles, Cups. Cord Cases. Pie. inner arid Fruit knives, Cbildrens* sets, palm. etc,. warranted good as coin. • Plated Wato-A Beautiful assortment of Ice Pitchers Castors, c-tke Itai.kets, Walters, -Butter ;Dishes. Sugars Salts': Knives. F . rks, Spoons, T 0.1.11. Racks, Caps Goblets etc, etc., by Evaats & Ati.r.s. Sleeve but ions and studs—A largestoek of all patterns and pri es.' Boads—Coral Neck aces and .Irmlrts, Amber, Coral, Fesrl. Gilt. Sleet and silver 11.2 ads, ) ! Shell Combs—A good stock, of shell back and side Combs. also Buffalo. Horn. Ivory, and Ilressing Combs, Bair and Tooth Brasht., etc., etc. Mirrsa..iNlTEEi din 41.X.eXatEig', dec23 iNo. '2 Odd Fellows Hall, Binghamton. 'PORTRAITS, - . PORT RAIT'S I • ' • - Mist' IstItRA.NGE:if ENTS fl VIE ' BRIO,K ~ BLOCK. ITlFu?9:iteltllenbe -I ; 6 iliC7melig&xp,rt' .iV:§s,snolprearetoutns all who may desire with a good and I rah fni Portrait. Being well posted in the production of the various kinds or Pictures of tit l day, I ;latter mvself tkul my work isnot excelled by any. ih this section orthe country, _ , .. ~ .. Among the vateous kinds taken nt my .10 . 01:116 EV the", ••• 4-.11 BR 0r1 - Ps, 1'1107.'0RAP.11,... AI EL:IIN 0 1 7'1"P E,. .2VELL E LOGn itPIT. . I Locket Pleturnc down to the smallest ellzed mlniatore ging. TransferrFd itmhrotypes4-ttic ilneSt thing oat. for sanding by Poet 0 any part of the World' without extra postage. Mr Pietuft•a. are bold. vigoroil , , end expressive —nor those falotjjjj Wolves shadows oftell sold about the country." Pletpr •F, taken in all kinds of w attic:. equally well, escept thos ..of young children. No icture need be taken unless pellet% ratter:triton 14 given. In drateing for a picture, scol d light olore,—such aa. ltlue,-putple, =Art, pink. ate. Most nth rs take well;na green, black, CO snuff, brown. orange, ti etc. -.• " rig - Remember that the place to get you r - picture" is t e the Dries Dior, over UCAti, Wlttrollt Foster's store. J. 13. 111/k7LETOIti. Nrostroge.P .7.50 i. IMth. 1860. . STILLI ON THE . TRAK REDUCED. ONLY .15 GETS' - BETWEEN. MONTROSE MONTROSE DEPOT rum Itegnlit Kan Line' will arty *singers between ' the above:plekes tot the sem ef vs cents, oetree. Passengers will be called for at their Nadine's by ittitilZ their nemesia the Poet Mice or as the Franklin lions*. Stares leave the term:Alla Mutest 4a. m.; and 4 p. precisely. L J. S. TAKSELL. Agent. *lt Girard Stage Company. Dlontrose, Pa. f.t ring Tam a 7f tilingtstla i re z einrirsoi i. Fnaita will be deirged mat for that part or MA Una; far in= their mats are entered. YERNII - PIR ORM* 07, TWitri WEUR. PRIMARY TiatiNqUi • • ;• - • sax COMMON • " = : , • • UPI MUM " • •••-• • • • • • &a Tomniatee oevaass•d ryiwAir. tts• 1 , 1 arm. tr naßl tt, riifilive. fTHOGR.A.PfIS, Artists Materials. ' FP rreis Patti d;c: • l' i ,lasting Powder , t i, Saftty-Fuse, t, Cap 4, TOBACCO, igurs. , • MEDICAL Dimook High School, A.rt;lDtmooals., Noss. A. a..,]St.m.A.rxis REDUCTION ri'l Zarol -. MAT CROWD -EXPECTED AT THE STORES OP 6utttilbtrg, lAiostnbaum, - f; • - AT Montrose, Snag's, County, fa n Elmira New-York, Susquehanna Depot, Pa._ WE prOclaim to oar friends and the: public tni-,eneral :that fu cOneequence ot the present preuure in tho moncT the citiestwe can purchase GOODS volt CIVIL EllO3l 10 TO 10 PER CT. LOWLRTRAN.Forper:y. Thi;swore vre . are dearer:led to offer the ip4e ger .• general stock of _IIEADY MADE CLOTIIING. DRY GOODS • If Itlefr comprises the r. largest anti best 8TOCK;Goolls Rept in - ANY . COUNTRY Store thi; side o ' rtiew York City. • ;I- At Prices which Defy.Comp.atition as Antall] Re, for CUL JELTX, it the nuntdmace a ten per cent ebon y the Wholeetue -cost. We 'Tut sell the ft./ I) W 11 gtlOOLSattheattnesedprlcce,v Black Frock Coat worth t tk for' 6,00 Bliwk Frock Coat worth ICi'fcrr 7 1 60 Black ~Frock Coat worth 12 for ;; 9,50 Bitsiticss Coat worth ;$5 - for C 475 Business Coat worth 11 for 4;00 Over Coat worth $5 for 14,150 Over Coat worth 7 for Over Coat :worth 10 for 7.40 Over Coat worth • 0 ler 1100 Oyer:. Coat worth 20 for 15.00 Bht Ic -Pants • worth' • <S4' for 0,00 • •Ehtek Pants. worth 5 for 13.75 Black Pants worth_ ' 6 for Fancy Cassimere -Pants worth for >33,F; Fancy Cassiwere Pants worth 514 2,1 Fancy Cassimere.Pants worth 6 futt 4,i Black Satin Vest worth 83 for $119.3 . Einsik Satin Vest wOrtly 4 for '3'oo "Mick Satin Vest .worth 5 for 3;50 OVER-SHIRTS & OVERALLS only .31 UNTYR GARMENTS EQUALLY LOW i, Ais Minter has fairly' appeared , we !write tb a a ttelatton rlf ..,n , I r. r CuTh . C'`.lo •.7‘1,.. ." 14 4..i1l ,tii 1 - Alio bins who wish to avail themse:veaof the.oppor. timlty to make some Fair One Ince - Christmas or Now-Years • N.C.47" tom' E $T, to-oar lute assortment of • •—• • Chi'3o , lo' "la. IS JO, C LOA KS-, I-1 WLS 1 U . 0 111 ; 1" TIV ;our. Assoßrm6,7, \ ?F DRESS GOOTSS, `1 AND 'TRIMMINGS: IS ALWAYS LARGE, S COMPLETE, CO3IPRISING ond Si. a% a l ; of all colors. and shades. I.lE*AlklINIl*, 6LC. &C. • ;' • OUR STOCK OF' DOMES'FICKS CANNOT BE EQIZALL.ED• ‘i ,1N , IttatiTY Good ilenvy Shedings, 6 to Sets. per y'd. Best Wavy .Sheetings, T te-fiticts. p iy'd DENIMS, from 8 to 12i cents per y:ird, TICK.OIG,- from 10 to 15. cents ptr yard GINGIADIS, from 10 to 15 cts.'perlard CALWOES, fast.colors,.l2l , yards only 1,1 " I Best Merrimack, 10 yards only 11 Al choice article, only 121 cents.: EM=M A nice lot—selling at 4 cts. per apring. .1 • . , , LadlOol Saxony Wool Vests lid Drawers. BS-WOOL HOSE, waxt.o3o" l ll.l itteLstest Styles, &c., &c. 10) .. Vol to the numerous customers for their g nerous patronage the past year s Are r tfully solicit a contionsnen of the ea e.- t a , (6uttinber4 -Ansenkutm, fr 1.4. " 1 mmrw, rz rse7.-0,- mt. 1964 I NEW MILFORD- 11.IGH SCHOOL. f r n,R abitbltSt• „ fit s , llo . - alstitution mune: e T.Bon.E, see. 4`. hiCKERMAX, Jr., PM. Susq'a County - Clatikeal and Normal School, ' 411.031M;t058 4 *At. '-PROF. S. S. HARTWELI„ B. A. PRINCIPAL Ur. D. 0. Cutr, 51 las A. M. Houma-I,lloms Buliwtis. An,.!swim Mrs: A. St. StICHARD% I Silks. it. ntAcromr. Prjmary Departmel4.- J Malt ost Mao. 0. Z. DIMOCK. Ixctureron Anatomy. ar.arbYrialorr 11E. Third Term of the procut Acitletnic Year of this loati to tio u will be 1p on • 7101Ccoxicialr, ob. 12113th, 143431. Thu Tra teet a-cm/d of mi.. School .- now under Elio direction of Prof. S. S. 11.11trWr.I.L. that It la In a goer- Ithitot condition and offer. , ..opertor inducements to CI deAlrmit dtnoro'sgh cdc.mtiou. 1 ho.oe wl..hlhg a rood prepuntion for tode..:e. forte2chtnst. and other paostata. will do well to Trail rt, -.11,i, c alt. arltivatgef. Thy ore referred to thoee tr , o•ce fill ,, lfly-liolie,So. For Pante ler., See Circular. . s C. r. RLAD, s.: -char. ' - - .W. ‘103t1.". TUB • 1111%13 LT . OF THE GREAT FALL IN PRICES -AT TUE • Tee- hive. r C No. 20 ocir • • A*44..., .Court St. • ;No. .;. Water St. - 4-f " . Bingham. • $2OOOO worth of Dry Gkiodif `,. to b,o sold, regardless ofcost. That the public mac cogipither4 ear Corner .1. ...? 0 . tIC-tAI -ti -7 *. -- 1511} ; :trt I A'' the necessity.of which 'is patent .to *Li, We givea list of prices to show - the exact reduction :- • - . • . . , • Best Madder Prints. formerly $ `Oa caws Of Beautiful De Lilacs, . /1 cow - I* es , 16 Heavy yard'eride Sl:teeth/4r. • - 01 Good Pantaloon Stair, i 15 - 'OO Excellent " 25 - 7.6 . - All Won! Broad Cloth, L. - II 00 • 1. 0 • .Red. White and Blue Emma. • - 117 1$ 6000. yda DRESS GOODS. istait striae. 0 111. Scotch Ginghamn. , - :` - 24 ' 10 Colored Dress Silks. , • - . 100 " 0 Macklin nonea suu. %plecala qualltt. - - ' T. Wool and Silk Broclac Sbaerls, 400 - '. 1 16 1 600 .: 400 " double - 10 00 - 700 1$ 00 4 00 11 02 1 16' 707 500 000 - Ow', 700 . - 100 40. 116 76 , 00 In.._ n 3 maniceit Ittell Cloaks, FltHaTboad Co*, '" Trees ßeaver, Lyons All Silk Velvet . - Piro Fir.c IFI lanes, Opera Hoods. Embroidered COlave. 110 USE FtlCClirlf INC GOODS ITonery,All Domenic, and 1.11 Woolen Goods, Reduced Dreaa and Cloak Trimminga, Every dollar Isiporr worth 81 Q* t 714 as 3333.13. z 3EILIVinTa r i v-w e plethte ourielvet , to an via adveisise. :meth:illy tolicited. • Hirschinsin.n . Bros. &. Co., bad) :N7u.2tr, cur Court and Watcr-uts,43lngbarthovs- Sil 1011 Sh IN NEW MILFORD ,PA. T i 7us 4 c3cu er u lt n e t r ; l'°:l44:l:Nrsinclihe''figlmorrggNewpro.pitrty One Fetll3l, on which the subserilwr re+l,l,:e. In said born, CMltaillingabout '2W aeres; la ago , state of cultivation,. suitable raieiud grata. grazing, aid • dairy Porposes..,. Alsn, anather FARM in said born, nevr the itailroad Depot, eontaininlsO metes with a combat good Village Lets on the ',lithe, in the centre of the Also, a F,ll :3I situated one mile frun said boro, containing acres. with• a framq . dwelktrit house, two large bards, and..o.7 , frdll'd acrfr: the bahthee wail tifrlberud with Cheltnat etc . df`: :lie . 6 W. 11- It. Co. pays cash for wood, tie'', and lomter on the 'rood. • Al,k(r, another FARM ,in New 31iifor-'. town9bl l , co ata terCe in it good state of culilenacr. with ;4 acres inipmeed. . Also, another. FARM in said township, contairainaLtir nnre*. with stitaVe bailbings and isoprov♦ tnem4 (or a vnall hrm_ Also, fifty :fares of unimproved-lawl, la" I. \, -raid township, la forani rall ram. The . al)eve pro ertv will be .4old. very lole for rash or on aroornraod.dng riTrry, on credit . Any it,. formation in toraarti I o the prnpertn wit; b , , , given by M dub,triber At WS re:41101k in New !%111foill, Pa. • Jaziai••• 1217.1164 E. Cf. "1717,111.M3.. vr, GB THE Copartneriblp heretofore exf.t!ng between the W:t. deriliped, Is this dac 41PsrArtd Ir. mutual ..cooseot_i-. Jlatei C. Wheat wlifiernw in; from the - firm. 7114 bo9ttc SeCoUrit notes, c;:l befoand'with A. KENTON. Jr...who wilt emaione the Ini.ings3 in an ita ;Manchus. 4¢d ket . .b a large Ruck or Which will be qobl verylow for (tSII OR APPROVED PAPER upoa Four Yliettlit• time. Thow Indebted to R_ KehYon•ir,k Co.. Will .•'e the r ,, ce , , , ity of arcAnzihg their indebtedrwAi at (glee. aa. VVw debt,* dice he the Groa must he paid. fll lisnron,•Tr. k hereby authorized to sign for the tiro wher.erer neees , are to settle the be niness 'glee, ant horped to receipt for the iirin-arhnever neceesfr ry in elo.iug the buonesw IttitAlt - RESTON. Jr. . ' WiIk:ATON. Laritrillo Centre. Jan. IFt. :0PMN. 1 1 2 7-, 4 a9L°14..Y1 H. SMITH & 'SON, sumetisem . trzmtalts, SEND .GREETING, THEIR • IVOlVP!eirOciieiSt COiro2l-214"; Plate. • • . r • • .. -..... ..-: , _l - •,....,_ . --_:e_sl';'•'--r.71-7 -,..,- , 4.„ : _., '.•--"‘.7:.%- " . ..e_i1..=. , .. = '...,,- ; Z . — ..-..... •, - -": -. 3 - ......,,,, , ..`.::,.;[....,- •••;. . - ..•'-' Wt.01='4....,:..1.,,,.. _ - -.-- • . . .. i . 1 • .1 5,-- --. --- 7:•; - - -- - , .% , =- --- I—. - - \ z - --e-- - -- - , -- : - .-: — ..5.1 - '''• Ai .Xrj . • , • -,,,, . 'AL.— . ...A. 1. - T OE wEinte:rtteeth on GOLD, Storer. Chcopla_stt_e inan or T att ed. FT ean' , .ed Rubber Plate,la the most bean MI EXTRACTING. • Iy AXING Instrument! adopted to cuts prim:3r case. iwe are preparedto extract t he most. dtthailt teeth, and trith the aid of an I.lPortainr, maehthe,' whkik ars hive recently purchaeet in N,wl rk. theymietn tnoat twee beextr4ctel. and the patient eneriehee PUN from the operation. . IV II I.I-1;1.;11 4 %Ttl" • . 4 " is • WE Fill teeth with GOLD or Tin Foil, RtiverAssatgsm, T or Artificial Bone, which is rooonnnended for lag up old mull and dead, brcficon teeth, so mitten:mite emu nettal. • - NV N. nu itAiiry IF .414 GOLD or Tin roll tilling , talle orittiln Fire Tsars the money will be refunded or tilt tiliimtrepberd. Ail Plate work done estlefectorllY, or be pay rep;inert. RESIDENT DENTISTS!" FIERSONS winhlng DENTAL operation... will do well to ben: lu mind thatwt nre PERM ANE.VTLY at Mantes.% and hare have had the experiebee of i 6 years Dental Practice. . • "racatliq lE`covvciov.apd nrathes CC* atantlrrAM hand tor nale. WOOlco In Latbrop'm Brick Tskx 0 ... - , ovezilir Bank, - joint _ - xutro-ig. rt. . BALDWIN. & ALIEN - - , Under Montreal) Dome at %Hee. A RE RECEIVING A Fresh Ground WelitornlTAMM every ea days. which wo siarrant to eve satiefsettm . se any to market; if not nrootreuttnetkat on/ expense. Feed, and Fini*:aplwat Fleur, SALT AND PORK, Br THE LOA/X. BOATIREIs Olt POI: D.• HAMS, [Srvar Carei , . Dried Beef, - Smoked , Drips and Syrups, Molasses and Sugars; TA'AS, COFRieg, SPICES, . ltßOoys, .eiND ../VALLS, which we Oar iibr sac at Low Pricee fbr READY PAY only. 3100aimis Janzum. UPI ALT, tryout Bared, Sark er Trend • PANIC. J5O In Goods, A: roc . nu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers