THE, MONTEOsE fDEBIOCRAT, 1:1" • Ger*l•tisori . sotTRI: ON ITIILIc AVE. , iii'E, L'-ntart: p.nons .taov}:'4:Ari.f:s itetith. , TER'Nrs.-41,50 per natant 110mA:qt.% ; l! otherwin VI n ill Ire CILIIrgINI—AIid tiny rebtP tier annum ' i added to in rearages. at al..:opt lorOf the rtibllgier; to tom 'I C Ipell'W Vf cellectiou, etc. • .kuv4m: payitent prefenvi. i • !, , ~ ADVEIZTIsESIENTS will De lasltea at the 'i rate of ,ilirer'mitiari‘. of fru liner/Sr 1e..% fo*ttte first three„ . . , - . .. weel:F., a:,o1 '2.1 Cell tS rur cach additional wcatk—ittv down. :: 0 ...... • ,l Merchants, andothers e twho ailv b ertiso v i we Jom ~ Ourselves to no Party that Does - ' not ' Ca rrk the Flag • _and Keep "Step - . the Se ar. wlll I , clew:Teti nt the, followinn r s ite t t, ,44 • _.,-,- -- --,--,.„--____ ._—_______4____ • .—E,tr 0.,- - wr. , ier. ne lev. ore, !ftlr,;itrith cho i g c , ,s 8 i Ear!, +lnure, cd. ME 1,4 k ty r: • 6 No credit given e:c . ..ept to tlio , e of knotty irsllons bility BUSINESS - CIARDS: i I before said, I'sprang behind the door. '' ! - have more motley thou I shall ever soead, . .! ." Well, F-cur.'nor," said this. hopeful, 1 and why should yen- not have w hat I 'di m % . ' I ant not a !ferrous man, I never was, , "how, do you' -- push along? All serene s ! want? You know. Yon naughty _IM.,•, it s ~ . and liopel nove'r-siialrhe: . df any one is 'eh ? Give us yoar hand ; never Mind the (.wilt seen' be yours by right." soill-hatured as to say I am, I can't help ; doss-slie won't hurt you. Down, Bill, 1 The sweet girl I thought; she descry-Co it ; btit-again I.say, most emphatically, -- I ' clown !" : ; to be happy; and'iv hen they rune In, I am, not a:nervolesinsitt! As a boy, I was "What, Tam!" I stammered . out.-' was asleep... remarkably .itrolignerved, so inuelio, in- Could this be . my darling boy ?- 11 , g r ea t. l"rhe time at last came for his ' deitarturri deed,! that I went ky the name of ".Nery. I beard seadiing half way; down his chest ; ' bis•tritnis was - packed, muLev e rythi ng re as' ous Bob," for the ionic reason that a bus. ! his hair. that used to rbe - so' straight and' dy, when a hackney-coa c h drov e Ist:imps ly priie-fighter is called a "chicken," (you : sleek, frizzled and curled ; - his complexion, iup to the door. . set: I ;have had the prize fight ferer. as which used to he so delicate and gt tol•e- • ••"'What's that," said, Master Hopeful, wdl as , other-people.) . I could fire oil' ~, I . nnintyc in.nn . zea and ruddy. 1 . s :sillier tplickly. He soon knew: There penny cantion-withotit shutting iny .eyes; - "Dop't . fou know me?" cried be merrily. ' . .-ssas a wldspered consultation in the tia , s- I once robbed an orchard ; and if -, 1 did -. " YOll'V lbresst a-a-beasd,"J ;asps 1..' age ; the dohr was opened and . - 3 plain, begin;to blubber, tis the•sehoolboysldsin- The fashion,' sititille; "all the - fellows • sletrietheed nom entered, followed br ed it, it was not, because I 'came - filed to wear beards, classical, you know !" ! w ho-oli-ean if--yes- .. . . L . w . BINGHAM, J...., 1) . (.... ANEy , i face, to an old owl, but because I was so "And you .51110.-" Yes, this wa, my Tommy ; thc; same itjtrirsietANs; St Itni:ONS A§ll DE.Ntrist-S-New I startled thereby, that I let go. my hold, - "Ay, also the general practice," he - re- atlas little eyes, straight ],air,white fate. 1- Miiturd Itorouch. Pa. ' , and came to the ground. It wag only the plied;- "for my part, I think _it is most ; I-I---slied tears : I own it, - the slittei ' ' - ' DR. G. Z. DiIIOCK, 4 • - I othertdaY - that 1113 . * friend Sct•oggs came in. diso-usting, but we're obliged to do it. ; i user,:llllC Me for. the moment ; lint - I wit: t __ ,,, ~.1 , - TIIIYSICIAN SUEGEOY,43fontrop e „ Ph. Orem. " Snag' gdes,". said tie,. tiny name is ItObert the dons order it, they stir it clears. the ' not nerveens.• I was quite coder ted, al 1, over Wilmon:+' Store; Lodging ! ) at St. : arl'a iloiel. ' .Tustintan Snaggleso ."Suagglt•s," saidhe, brain. 11i. -Vary, Inv dear, bring me . thoitttlt I >;a* there Was a - dreadfer crisis " I know Your strength of mind, and there- some pale brand v." at hand. fore I 'Wish, &b." Mid I had tl • 1 • "But, sir,' I cried. " I,Ne't.iiliew-" " Servant, sir," said Sleir i•• ," is sapplitessti ace; this, . .7.. of being•able to oblige lint. " Never tnind," ; saitl•lie,. 'tit' you .ilon•L r beliel eis your son e -- and he pointed NoW, for the third-or fourth time, allow brandy iik the Amuse, I'll ,put up to him. that is. the new ftmlel. , which is. it? .swe'lLsay third ~ as it has a with gin." • . i•• Yes," I said, rather bewildered; - and betterisottild. Noir, for the third tinw ; And so, railic•r that have a scene before who i' thl?" ._ I ant not* nervoutt man; but who woUld „servants, I let hint have his oWits war.- - "This one, - said . Sharp Face,.“ I know not jtinto)ehind the door when lie sees a And that night I went to betl . a sorroWful very well; we're old ncboahnanees-ain't . • . Du. ii. small 4.., so'', - 5 great brute of a'dog, with a round hits(, man, :Intl ho--alt me !--intoxicated ! .: n e Jim ?'' . 1 - . S l o - A G eo -i ro N I.Tu7 .t o TITS ' - i le i n l t i roje, ri. _ 1 , ~t.,..z. , „ bantlY legs, and a row of horrible. teeth Durino the :evenitfo he - chat ted au•ay, • :Inn,' the horrid wretch, surlily replied, ' she. , the Bank. Alr De l azd n o e p w ee a u f V• a l ,:`,c,Na 4i-4 ,- . --- .-...:: - .% glaring and, growling al one; •I 'confess and Used Oen Iw Or diner, which lie. also " SIOW it, fates against me; I .seprose i 'lf• Niver an inch ! • your biomes hely. performed in good blylo and w anru n k i n d .9 . ---`'' i that 1 : 11ad some regard for tuy inferior ex- said was classical ; and imptirettafter .Ten- yottive brought' handcuffs ?" -•-. ship," says he. s like .r • - -----,-...•.__.,i i _____________ I , J. C. OLYSTE.U) . - .;.1! JAL. READ. 1 trerni4es,land so- spring behind the door.; 11 V., and when she mink her: appearance, As lie spoke he ,held out his hands, : " sktid wouldn't yen ito be married?" 1' . .. • • DRS. OLMSTEAD& READ, - I need ,.. I ant not tol wilting, and intr e; i , (blushing and looking very pretty, I must seemingly resigned to his late; but the , again asked she. .- . . l• - Froth the .Imerlcan Agricultn. at. . . WOULD sINNOUNGE to the,Pliblie I fear, began at the w . roug, • told, for siostl ' out n;) lie el:kilned what he called a cousin's . next instant he m a d e a da s h. at the door, ! " Wonld a duck swiin 1"" ~ find I harp to explain whose dog it FARM, WOR7 . FOR MARCH. ll issi us es 11:, , 'C entered into h partniiiistdp roe the I was:, ,, and kissed her. And this was knocked me and lii son oil Inc side an.l i 'ls tlielT any one ony ti -prefe4,7" • The indications ' f approdelling Sprieg, 1. Praeti eof MEDICINt & Sfitgery, and alLarTut it.. ii should serer have, my - son-tilt, me! thought I„I shonm no t would hav e esc ap e d, but Sharp Face was i "3l aye, madame," said; he. •!` You. will soon arouse a f,iftiate - and in I landau me t to attend toall can. In th6ine of their . written this but for! two, reasons. In th e have s e nt hhu to, college'; he has edi ct/ too , 'Hick fur •Itine and 'the .next instant' iar er litalial efliathieen Ulleily,clown be-. 1 voiel none-rail. Her .fittlier'S. cousin-'to nature, to new life; cattle and sheetowill • preressies. ence-ths one formerly occupied by Dr. J . C . place, Scroggs i ;, says, judgin g from • like all other ;Oils . of men. ' And, oh ~ the his leuitls• were seetn•ed. Olmstead: I 1 DUNDAFF. i: nay 7 3nt. . • i grow restless in the yards, - the. grass nil} ________ ______________ • ' s-s•------- Illy otterS I have ; a capital style. .and ! wretch, to lie deceiving me-all th e time.' " Lor, bless yourfaee," said the odicer; ' O'DonaglioW, who's own ate Ward to 11r. , • DB. N. y. LIIIT, il . I • , ~ break from its long toulinement, and the „ i_ nut,. t became 3 gre;tlt Mall, lint,. of course, ilf 'I hail...known then What I atlerward s !` You're ,got up small:ably well ; 1 M111 . 1)10Y, the tinder agent ts! my• -Lord Fltimician an • Sor9coa. , Fria:ids-6R,, Pa. Ore oi l :i4it* : tliAt . i-t 10 great partialitV. In the second i learned, I think I should hay e—have.--of- seat knew you at first. - This elnip, sir, Kingston, and= '. - - 1 : buds will swell under the cilia' sunihine. The .cultivator too will be haste to 'hart U s ssusisson Ifou'te. ~, ! „1,,,,, , , , , ,: • . 4 ~, : ,_ ~ ; .: TIM LEET ges particnlar attention toile trrnlinent l 1..---,Alie:prineipat!ooject, o f" Lots sketch , tiere d my servants to turn hint into. th e is one of the most notorious swindlers in " flush i" says she; "sure don't want But would she have the plow and fOrward the year's labors. of diseases of the and ETn.,'; and la cimfaient that iPi to proftnind a new Scheme of education, r 'ssir..s..ets! ' - . - the world." - to know' who she is. tes knowled g e or. and experience in that bMpch or pr - . i 1 'lndiscreet haste may injure' the whOle Liss win enable him to effect a eurg: in the Most difficult ! and to show the success it has 'net With l The next morning . he had wbrithe ,'ailed " Nly ineiwy .--ou"S ! 40t a epergne for yell if Vett ask her?'' -1 - season's growth. Heavy - land ' plowed ca.en. For treatin g lea t e. of theft. orunn,d no fun will ill the case of nit sob Toni,. . he char g txt nole.. the patient labenefittetthe the tmat• .. . .• . ; a splittino - s headache brought mm, he said, £2OOO in his 1,0 . e1t et !" said Ji!iniv. mid '''-'" Ail, thin, I'd telly wished rd he after ; e. I while,too wet, will remain lumpy through' mess stSu g ustsis t S. ma. ,I !AIN maxim is. tins :-I am obligi.d te be •by the rit.i7nps of traveling. In the course 1 t t 1 ' " And why doift you ?". ;, -; s te; - _atti.e , . on the spot. The cheque was tit ing that saints. • the Summer; plants checked in their first . • _____ .. Sb L7-1' II WOR fit & tAIi - AlkIN, • ' brief', for th e reasoio stated below" . :: If you '. or the same day,* a lad toilled to ‘see hint ; found, so that, WAS a relittl. ill:, in: .. h recoYer with difficulty• Have all grow t ~ . ,„ _ . • • • A ! .a- 5 .t . Sll DE.VI.F.TIS 14 Italian and i •Wisit- to make a gentleninn of your son, '; Whereupon lie askeil Inc c.o. a f e w mil aces' t a us ' 1,.1et , 1t0 appe - ar i'f the tlilai of-lilt; s mane - :jure rin to poor. •.: Au. .',1.,a1l oenved , " s 1i i a 1 i s o x in o i min n.i ss n ij e ss 4. le s i n o t i ;, ..M ., t , , :ilip e cri r;.. i.i.lta e d . stoz k i l e : , keep him front all, mid ; that is the ground- convenzation: Jim Illuggins svaS his name. In appear. a s protligious sigh. ' . s ready :yid Wait until the soil is in good .. -• coma Li Spring fairl.s. oneto .. ,• i nnr ' 'f" • t 41, : : deptlert.lllMarldei,edslat - rcir msatri.s.cetari•Tables, ke. ° . l i -;--- kO. MY plan, .oe-,justice of w1i4.11 I ' "littv'ttor," -said he, quite easily, "I'v e ounce, when his beard WaS shaved, be was "Would you like to be rich ?" • s„,• stirs, ife w door. w e d o f s ear ie s notarin turWlce . think lit) One will dfspete. To gain this ' just been screed 'NV it I) a' fl. Tit." • like my son ;and I lii'iill the turnkey re. ."DoeS a dog. barklS" . - ' Building: flake all setureagainstithe• as i hear ; y Which.' of this month, See - that the treet,lo(lutro.e, Pa, _____ - - .1-- , ---- ! end, I say,, keep hint' nlivays With vou,; ''A writ l" I exi , lainted, lifting up, my ,nark, •` four old gent, how nerVour lie is;" "It I make you rich will you • (.1u w.m..x. swum - , , tier er let illtn be with, other boys, sig . r• th e ' hands - in,borror ; • I ' , .ellat in the, nam e o f "and I gave 'din a look Which sikneed him tell Yon?" , . fastenings of doors are in good- .repair. . , "Mille-murther ! Your honor, den% be Complete, imeessary of before TCSTICF. OF TILE ppacht_ : _c ; ,4 m rr,,,,, t i I± .i .. 'Nike !:Wicike'llik ., ;;S. that a S.4hOoitinv HMV ',think, ' INtiven have You been doing." - for the rest of - the: clay s t. antilizing a poor boy'!" ' . ' • oon Ninth. etreet, opposite the Waken - - .e. apt 1- ~ - ------ ....-- • -- - .-- -•s` --, •••-----,• spent:, or - do; is incredible but to` those . I A mere 'matter Of ..E3OO, stilt] ho, 4 ‘ " ,,f , My son-thtit is, toy real sell told 'Ole the - busy season Comes Dll. ,It . any !iced " Indeed, I mil not," said Lady c . .“ s o painting - let be .me as ear l• as pess . JOAN SAUTTER, i, -. : I NOM, Re Myself, know ii from ex ; pei ienee. ' course you'll 'discharge it." abet i.:tory of the whole•allitir. -It appear- it di ~ '; lv •' ' 1 • . . I lA o s ll i r i n kl . l it r a ‘ j• L s ° 4 l r;*e m rv et i r naro a 4 l t s ree N T. • : Never, :thug' him td read. such books as !''t Of courst.,•sir lr• I siwuted_ii,„,h ,i i i c i ed tent on li's Wa eto - I.mudot, lie stol.ped . I listt.n.• Ilow a-a-old -you like to man•y b i e. . •. . ' •i- ' 7•ssnidsl for . paAt savors ; he coliCit,* S contlficahee. ! :i " Gulliver's , Travels," % "The Arabian . blood c,tuld hear Ito more, "fn . course lat au inn for reti.eshiemt. when he !net lip ' - . ladv I b•.li •Ve th • K-,, , grows Warmer.. give them 11l sena- ! --pieti c in e himself to dp all work satt.fatiorifr. Cm- . I Ni„. hts .. ~ The . li Cattle crave green. food as the weather , lee s done on .horl neaten. and warranted to ilk : i 7, ;-• • • ( 4e-r en - Champions of :shall do no such thing. -1, "oti-Lvot t -." this libiggins, apparently quite a gentle- i .2' , UI, Thin, illY ~ s L.- (-1:- i . , . Keep ta ~ i Leis, carrots, Or turnips. • wateh of Montroir. Pa.. July 211, llTpll—lt 'i 1 CliriSiCndcm," .L - c. ! 'MY frierd Bought. : I did not finish'. the se n f enee , fl,', c ,he man, who kindly offered to share his din; •of Russia himself would be proud to do that s:lnte,leare alone a poor 'diva like rOtrs about to e:dye, to render assistance -who alwaVS OppOseSillle ill VW errtlijn : ,, It. looked so black, add clenched his hands tier With him; they had a bottle - of port, clares, in! iiii - coai - se ‘• - av-" Haw- , it Mar, 1. 111 such a fierce netnn e r, that, to prevent a, which ryas lilliSlietl, when the isentlienan stalls. Piepare cattle for spring work by Pat Phil:tn." : •- • -: if needed; give them separate and roetny let's haVe some anal-intent ; .vou wty.tldn't ' scene-a thing I hate-kept silence. • r0w . ..1'11-give you one thollSillni pntilltigr ordered another : wltA i n half w^- thromdi t " Welk :Pat, if you'll marry me to-nion by.generoas f ,If Jong .iiiiitSed, they •eed" make a fiiilkenap-of-Itim4-wliv.„. bless r our i• - -"sSir,'a-rft4il:-li . e. , 4 v on mus t n thr s t„ i ll .thisony'poor l'oninsy :began to-Ai:we a . • 'o -- • • . --- silicothi" . be brousslit to their Work grad-' , sti•ange fiiintneks in his bead, which' his 1 - '... , W 1014 11• 1 100, wlulaPt ll ool.sure Tie . - 0 . . l heart,.l read all terse books wheal Was ',•'..iiiiip up." , • . niad,or eilehanted by the goodspeople, •. • . hove - • • •• ! ~ - mills- - a•boY,ltuttl never fat/nisi - ion- harm ito , 4.lleite I - "Bet ins-dear T o m,' I said, as mildly compaaion declariA W001(1 5000 lie' curet! : _,Cellars----Re banking and admit - beealeie I neyer lookssi for it. • But if I rag I ruilla (I should ha ve lik e d t o whip .- hit* :i ~O lid ! , LlSS.iit . brandy and w a ter.,- rofirea. Pit, &teeing around the roitirt. •, . liwlit and 'or' as soon as the season er was forbidden any book, I always; read ' him ;;) "Fee not i f i t , so mi le h money; - • -- P . out all. decayed veesitables nuts. Clear • • • 0 , ' and enjot etl the Wicked parts 'worts than ally and truly lluiven't, ,N ow . m e d ear he tried another, moil, I ain soz-r . v . t.o say, " -Wet' the fir , t day of our nuthils you ti i i.i , t. nti.,,,. scenic ag ., l i„ , llor e l a m, me and refuse. • Sai•e 'the brine from meat ant - No, I say,' . :l boy with a Well restio' boy, do be calm - ?"1 ' - -. he said: down ity4.itsible ; but before reach- must barrels for dressing asparagus bed. gated mind will nek'er touch filrbiddst i ; • " B a h '." s a id he, with o n set se le rti-e - ing this stage, his entitling companion had': for Your -wife, • 4-• • said tar 1 , • 0 .the . Whstewash the whole :It an earls- dAY , fruit, and-but I inust - stop,for I ant told. to . don't I.lllk . to'ine of having no mono . ;I : wormed all the family secrets out of him - , I --" I don't-like . , that," -.. ' P at, it. , , . . „ when „ . Clover-Sow in the morning, the i car- ;lately. ~., ; remeniber that this is a tale, at', , } not an ' suppose Jenny le/slid e s / to or that co:mm. ( l- lle afrerwards learned that he was • there- ! I . 'ad-heen os,''"o" . her ladyship must qlestic- IV3I. W,.S3ll'llli , S; Coi, • . 1 .. . ' ground is well. opened by ;or upcin ; essay'' = - I , - --; ity in her eoti'ers.'l . • imen, bv the direction of bin gins, ..., !', .I.CII.IIFRs -F ,ot ' ' , l. lint, rem ,1, , K a c i i,,,, o , ,R e ll ey. a light snoW-the latter is preferred.. by., (1 - `,TV1LA N ,.,",..., ( 1 ', 1 ,',"„.'„ R „:11 N1 -T• ' ~i • ;;;,..: t ' r I (Thad lierc r ,-given it full teeotnit of my ' • “sWell,"' said I, " that's a slifferent•. - ried to bed i atonic, the. detestable •Illtigs .. • , • et l ir 1 )V.1(11 the money ill give you, yint, ;MIS- . io utany, as mottling the cast to be made ' - 'systeni, but, oli looking 'over limo proof ; thin , ,•• von tnav try Wilat-voil e;ul d, e nth ' "iits,nrdere 1 a-postelmise and went off, say. r• 9 .. '1 inoscoeveillY. sheets:l fit d the kind heartel «lit, r has cut 'ler, but. I eatic - reic her., • . • ' imr . the other .yentleinint would put` the 1 a"d tnarrY het:"- . Experiments--Prepare for conductiog i I - That's throe," says lie. .•.,.13itt, thin, !it out,!bitt consoles the by saittg• that it i i And What then ' Whv shaitild n o t T om ; reckonings and taking 'oath him Tom's i • bigamy '"' • practical experiments in some branch „.6f I would be abOr &the 'ebmprelcens - ion of his 'llave'llis.shlise•aS }Yell. as Jenny; I an , portmanteau, overeeat, end uniletrella, : the • - •- Itiv - ation and record a full account With -11 l never appear against you,"• says en • ) o . readers. I have therefore been obliged sure. the little chit luid• more than she ' fill a leaving. - his own Itiessage behind as lie i .,. . .• to add the above paragraph' I'. .- -- d .I . ' • 1 I It - f • • ail •'. to nit ' son. The next morning I her l adys hi p, r." thIlY in its p .Ic..e, , 11,:tilte . u2su es,, teas not . fur ill Nat- • , ~, ~.s he'results remember yoninust I -- • ,/ i .• rt.:lke an oath - tkever to call .inc• }our .wifetr ' Fences-Repair . as soon as the *cattier a s .goive description Ilinti6t :ttid 'will have.). , vont age-what gOsil did it do to me ;;) It I Illy son woke iii a raging fever, he hly ra- Ismi a wideiver new, and was so when , Was all for the ttit'd . of 'Fon, ; and I am ring several days- and When he got wt.II, i nfter I 0- Inorr" wr nitd never to go telling . permits.' Gnu F • •A . • • II I i , star- ". n- ..Katnine t e nd stored- in bins. iny de hr little Tonnny Was three years I sure myrdear niece w!1,; aliltvs glad to letirned his loss. fie sin,, for a constable ;a--' ll • .-• old, My poor Jentima, ;heaven bles s. her, ! help me and mita., in retern fps time kind- aml related hi;: story. . ' • I " Never A word I'll iver sai - -.." v - ~ICeep from dampness', mould a -insects ; ' . and Ir t- d ••,• - ~ - . • being; released froth this wodd of wicked- iii.!s I showed her in providing her - .vitli a - ".A.11," said that ' timetiollary, Jim - Go and bilyst license, a mt . t em . e .1 . ,.. horses-Give additional care, as the ness at that period. ' Besides my son I : !mines And so she gave .tny soil the st:o00. Blue:gins, sure etiough.'"lliev came up I ') ( tends. . • me :old t h en s h e s sop ha„, ( l to I.working season comes on. Guard against have charge of my niece,. a. skittish, so, and the Inst ter was settled. to London, and drove to Scotland Yard,! the re s t to , • 1 . .„ - 1/11)1 where he was to sot and Wile/111C was : galls under the harness; ele:in well when mantic girl (the daughter of my mile sis- • And what should bi; time next thing ?-- pain come oir 'with 1 • detective II" In!' , • - - ':' - , collie and all that. - , returning from work./Blanket n itro- ter,) Who is an orphan, with I - COO,OOO. We : Why, one. int - nating they both plumped on hoitse,.'Sliarp Face having . declared tha.t. to .. ,„, ~ .„ , . , . . ,I he next day Pat was true to his . ap- i stan 1 t mg in tio. , u int,t ti tine. Sll eating from., 1. accordinelv live in highstyle for. :IA sav•kheir knees before me, and asked 111 N; Bhl!4ghlii Was stare to he found here. ' . , . s /ointment and sound two gentlemen sal-1 exertion. to my 'dear ward, "yen must IlnisW, Jenti : , ' blessiiig. The tea .s . "ltsliedie to lay eyes, 'file result of poor Jenney's'qrst• love I 9 • • It.`l ly with her ladyship. • . - 1. Mantire-Itetlitec the compost IteaPt4 to. . that.a girl with Such n firtunc 0n'2,1-4 to' anti I I,lesseml-their mtm c 'cm . st fervently.. - nti a ir h a d ~, surprising' effect illaM ' her. t - ca gy • . .. V i ..n,e o , sses • ! as fine a condition as possible list frequent- Have you got; rite !!,_ . i.. , ~ ... seen., .„ Cart.,, . , . live handsomely, and as befits her Station i " I hope, Illy de. r Jenny," I said, "yeti She never gain in my hearing, spoke a - , , . , .. I lere it is. my lady,' says he; and he 11 Y k fisr_nee over. • out .heaps •to the in life." So we keep! our:carriage, and I will make my on a good wife." A,; ( 1 marriage, and scents to be resigned to Ilex . ~ . e it, to her: Slie liiiiitlstl it to one, tields, an7l, cover with muck, :plaster,l or talee.lier frequently tothe - opera, and the- ' thereupon TOni nit st needs burst out nob bite, Tout has ttken-holy antlers, and has, :-,.." ~... . „ .N , ~ •• soil to • revent esca e of minimills; Top ,s,_ . of the ~,t nttemen, o=ho view cal It :ttA(.ll- , P . p • ' titre, and eoncerts,.as• such things -are fit a raptures, whiebl I : will Hint` .repeat; an d a etunfertablc li • little living in one .0r the 0i dress meadows witlefine compost,. Br•ak 1 lively calling in her two serrants, for young minds„ we subscribe te 3lttslie';, ! then he looked verv•sorrowfuls midland counties. and is certainly a mode; • 'Theo, - - . she turned to the gentleman who was i /IP InitiPs.,left by the 'cattle last Fall. Be and,leive all tiro 'moves of the SeisM), i amDo you know any dear 'Jenny' ;cud Yollo!•:•'' film So IVA Jean) . 1 4e alone '• • j-. ' 1 inot;e!utfensire deposits from . privies, sink o . re:tdiets over Which my pretty Jenny pores all day ; lily dear father," he addeitafter a pause, to us lilippy as. may be. ' ' sliol sure eneugh, - in ten • tilinuteS Pat 1 draies,/shen roosts, etc., ' , „before• warni • long. ! there is one :thing which much 1 " that itwill be ne'pessary very shortly to I thrtg,Ot to Say that the wretch-I-mean ..! Philaiiwas the'husband,l -• I I -11 I ' we' tiler the ega ins ant : a • • t i- - • . vexes tue,-s,lie wags tote married. NOW , return to my situlies - -indeed in a few liluggins, of ernirse--etas transportul lipt of the lovely Lady C. ' )/ 3 leadoirs-Reinovebushes,fallenbranches I, as tlje reader may Suppose,thare,:i bor. ' days. I ain - sOrry to say tli:tt I hare neg- I dent know - .eon many years. roe of ,the youog metn of the present day, 1 lusted them,: but I: w 1 . , have such happi j) "That 'will do - says she to .lier buss i under trees,liedge „i•Olts about fences, etc. ; 1 bautLas lie gave do," a hearty kiss; " thaCII: It is better to draW out, stones in the Fhll, 1 who Wear monStriehes, frequent -Evans!-, neks . to look lOrward to, 1 must exert Hi y- - Si•EN E „tl % rilt: P9U,S.—Tile following ' 1 ; 'N - -- • • • .. • • ' • '' • 1 than to tritniPle in - Spring Allow lite! ,t o. s Liu, sir, sits e Int• in) marriage/eel- 1 - tr, ' :nail the Cider cellars, and pair their foul !self for your sake ; 1 and he looked very hie - Meld i•; said teltuve occurred at one of - t tificsite."' The old --- gentleman id SO . ( and !,stock on mowing grounds. S, - I tobasseo out of beast'} little pipes; andso !tenderly atsa certain person; "and my tit- the polls in. the City of Baltimore . at the•' bowed respectful's : l.o the fre t poitdd note 1 1- ' Plowing Wait until the ground Will' I nse`all my eloquence in parsuarling her tor declares mat if I desiot eminence d Presidential election of 1850: . : she ° olive ; hint, he retired with his. Atli; be left mellow.-- Go .an inch deeper at that st!sitigle lifts is .a life .ofblessedness in- reetly; I shall be I lucked, &e." ; A Very old man approached th . c• -• :Polho :fur sun: enough, 1 forgot •ti, tell / you' that , pace plowing, until there is.a foot of good deed ; I or, if she inust' marry, why with i I need. nst rept!: t any - more ; ;the drift holding his ballots ready to be deposited.:! he w as a parson. : soil: - SnlAoil where practicable. " ~ he meney, I tell ht r, ' , i she might lnire a i ()fit Usis be had p •otnised tO.gottown in- I The crowd made way with . onp accord, but i 4 , (s o : old - bring me_the s/tirden,". says i Poultry are laying pleatilidly now; 'if marquis or a duke for, her Inisbitiel, and; to the country to join Mr. Bates, his tti -1 1 one aetive VigilautCoininittec'-•man, who ;mv lads' • bring - - t.' ; to one ofher i•ert an a. _ : properly kept through the lArinter. Snp - Sup who knoWs 1 . 1 i; 1 'a , but ..le slogat get me a nice':cll., day, : nil study hard. Now,,; did not know the-new collier no'r'appreci.! ".• y es ,',,, e lady," says she l and pre •• ! ply with plenty of •grailii copped - meat, little speciii•p place under government. - 1 iethe - first place, I . appeared he bad only I ate the generalmoveintnit s interposol with : en d s - the warden erne:wed-. . • -. i boiled potatoes; cabbages, etc. • sllstying disposed of my niece, I now : sixteen shillings let out of InS•allowaiter, his cledlenge, and the foll Owing collet i , 4' , will von hogood enotigh,"_ said 1, - acli; l . Seed-Procure - improved Yarietiesifrom , . eotne-to speak of my you. He is a young' wbi c h My dear Je 'lll a- had alWays ips6tecl took Place : ; ' C., ; in a voice that Wonld:ctill a bits/ off. a 1 reliable sotirees, but - beware of_ humbng- . , . man after my own heast.- I educated and ; should sent Liu as from Hie; and so Chaltenger--f challenge that tote, I t ree ,•i• will you be good emitigh to Send I ging circulars promising wonderful „,re. taught.bim,ritysclf, anti watched or erdtini she now gisi - e him, itl . the same manner, a Old-Mtn-The grentid of the challenge, 1 me 1 , l / rickner - eoidt I - I ',rise! tliens from' unknown plaids . : Test satn ,, • . and titre ..,„ . . . . . with the fondest care. ! lie . is„ 1 :LIU liapPY ! cheque for a gocitl lassuid 'sun); for which sir? . .". • I 1• • ito lease .this prison ininiediately.". : • ,p cs before piirchasing largely. ... -.. to •say, a triumphant .p ro( f 'of my' pet lie said he slesithll IWays 1tt..1 obit grate- ' .Challenzer - 1 -Ifave veil been oattraliz- ' '"Yourhulysilip • lbrgets," replied Ite.-1 - Sugar llaples-Tap_ a.; 'soon aft Salt Wia, , . i•/• . • . gelteme. When•any One •-sneers . at it, I fug to me. • «I?. " that You/must pay forty thouSandpoundie; flow. -BoiLas soon as possible; 'use -shill . have but topeint 'at: Totto and -say:- ! lle:!went out that morning to secure a Old Man,-13orit in the country, ! sir? . : (m'•ll,,re I let ism' go." • • - . . low evaporating pans. • 4 ' There, sir, ts a perilso ir,eutientan, and , seat iti the' - eoach tliiss happened, before - -Cifnilenger - - Do .you live, in this State? j ""Jr . / married- woniati. You ican de. Tools, - harness, ':wagons, etc., should pi n ma beathine Wilcit can." !At the age of I wens !tli tittle of rallwa:ys which were_theu only -01.131atiL.; Ye:, sir. • • - .1 rain Inv litisband,but not me." .Atol ' she all he in...perfect repairbefOre the. werking• ~ ty I - _thought" his mind - was sufficiently beginning to 414,4 to my- great disgust,) ' Challenget.---In the city ? . r sinned at Philatr, Who • beglin rather •to season- commences, • . formed to send him to college, and hMlnol and returned smellints strotiorlY of braiidy. • Old Man-174, Sir. :. • • ,- , di s lik e (lie appearance of things, •-• ~- . - W00d..-.-•,(.l'untplute the _ywr 76 supply;, -if fea'i. of his giving tray .to:my of the teinp- 1 Mid;Water. ' But What\eould I• say ?If I Challeng'cr-In this ward ?- •: .. , „ • , • V •.• l'ardon,,n3e,:my hury„it Is well not done: - ct,, , ..3. ltartitilj Pr. Went. 1 t atiollf. held out to young men . by unprii - , spoke - to:11bn, be bullied\ Me :',- . ttild so ; I, 04.1!inam Yes, sir.. . - .. 7. 3 on , ."rc lingle." ' ~ .. - -.- ApplqTrees-Sceape,_Off air mos_s t and : . ~A. F:wilatarthi Vice •• • , cipled wine-me cli r- s -untS and lailort4.. MI had to put up svitlihis evil W(3's,. in tile. Clial t noes loin- long ha...e . :.. - 0 3 liih,tl I ((I l e g 'v o n. lam rnarr:Cti.”- :.: -.,-_ . . bail. ,lice, and wash with• - • I Ye- J. . Y. Sunimer but -- -: -- 7 --- 7 ----4-1 : 4-- i haft been there fbur. years, *lien ..! wrote, :hope that he wouli mewl. 'ln, the after- in this traitif ? l' - ' - ' t . , • • • ' ss ' - IN here s your husband. "'-- • - pruning of large limbs until , Piilictet.i..ned andreueirelL by the andel-A.lml at hi. i " ' • . ~ burning jinn to return to his I , n3l.l : ,papa, i 11D011, as my usual pracliee J. •' 'l 1 2 P1 1 ,3,4331 My Old 3lan---E ;?,hty!ve:irs, sir., ':. , .1 There, sir 1" and she, pointed-fo the taking of • suckers. :dteplacii: poor . : bens oak,. one door aboveriearle'slitati, Montrose, Pa. . f , e" 1 . . , . nuxUll y 'BILIJNGS STUOL'D, ...Igent. I and he, by 'return of ' i post; informed the 1 siaillanakercldef 'o . er my . fact.,. pnt. my - Cliallenger.;LWlntes'your e, / ' IstOaished barber. : "...There he : - -- stands;•••• 7 by,grafting with choice varieties. • ... • nanny „ • I • -• . :that hp would be at my house by Tuelidayl.legs upon - a; chair, and toot; my after=din. Old \I n-- , Roger B. Taney, sty - .i i Ifer,i is nay marriage.. ceritficate, whiclit .... •. „ . -.• . • •• . . . • NEB sTovis , : .. l it sToyE , II e r ear ; r , d i i t n t g l 1 1 ) e , n . ( 71:ii t lit T lo u tt e t‘ s '. 1 .. . iiilikt 1 i upon ti de p ii i c e o . tit t) r i t ‘. .at tn oV il u . "l2 l l l i g i l s ti to m t. i •k i el e t i vi l i . 0 el i tsl , 7 l e l ege . r- - t - ... yh at'ti .z ea r o h 3 f • II I I I L I • i •VI:ite' d 1 is)ll:e.4ll : ll4r er ‘ s k t ' i l e t re Y ' u st u i i i . n i e e S i St i s re' Of ti r it core t.7 } se : • l is i Ta. l 4 l .i l il i S it t l i ) n . d a a tl y i d ri e:Y i rs il it il =stt ~ .1 ants 3 il . . „ , r Justice _, ~- • . - ' ' ' ' • - N ' - detain- - ins -•t ' - o ' vagon towards..-Ezstem, when. he. Was i inon3. s ens , .. ,• . ~ sp . ., a . ,3 ne i n.% . 33. 33 xi. 301..1 , 1.5 ir ern . , I ° / ! AILS sifting over Inv Wine by • t s h ' e fire, •I i • - • toiec planta as my dear niece - was , , •re ' • ' •-' i when- • •,, I veer. Staten, sir - . -• . ' . hoard li As just r u seired a l arg e Btoeit_ef.TAelF Sloven. roe i.ile,a7 4l : ,' a cab , drill. up o:the door• . Fagot- ; fond Orthem; and ... ~, _i , -, - - '-_ •- .. - . .• • met by A eilergylna4 WhO*..was' gPill . g;to I_ll. CookliM. Parlor, Office and ghtiop littrpottetl, ibr Wood I , een pence!' said Agrisff voice ; - - , . 4 . It's half I ~ke i o .roc t e di l ig• tro.mtltis'e,enserVatory,. ask, hilt Pk then "UpPreciated the filets," • The ,waiden•witvilunibfoutided and no ehureb,jite,iitter teioiLthe.opportmliOlc) ...: Coal, with'Slove Pipe. Zinc. fcc.- . • , t ....- . - ~;.; t . • i . ,t . 2 ' .), _ , . .., .. „ 2, ' b. • itisassomesioossit•etsedeestrable,atidirrlll, be Sold a crown won this - ere 0 our I (, .„, A ,l l lO - 1 -I reecignized to be thosn'Of my son •• „,.• -• ' -,.....,-......_ .. ~ .- .. . - -, - ~ - • wonder. • . Poor Philan would hay° Spoken; •ehide the traveler . for a brielt of the Sa ... . .. . . ' 4l the :::'..4 Aiturut4 tem. for Clts/t, or to Prompt Eixl... • "Ilidf aor WI be' ' m said voice! tun Id j - • l •• •- - • •• - •' '' hat neither party' would - let hint. - - The hath•l ~, ~-; •: . •• ; • .' . 7- . 0 I -,--. „ - I -an ono% • • - 4 - , • , ' . I tontl," Binito. • ' ' I. . Ifollawin - octeurredin A Conn- _-, Ncmv aniturdr.-ott.Y.smim. INA i: •. - .i •-• 1 ~ :' I,l.mer:timko - ; "do you take me fora fool ? -up - .31 ,- dm" i•!. Jenny ' 7 I Iteard hinvexel,• ill ;. -. Z.-3(1 The .. g lawyears below' - Waif eniundeeit'' The - ri:. ....‘.`,Xy.frieML"tatillin3, 4 khfr. 18 413 A -way • - ' - ----- 7 I -.- ": - 77-7 • Bill, comae alengr' . • Ind.. raft-tat - tat went - 1"1 dare not tell niy - thther-of-rthis," •' e cigars and oth. , ( o i try druggist's shop, wh er e . tit was evident ' • Inlet( in • both' .Lori you are hr." . • - 7-- , • ME A DICAL. DARD - ,--- 1. 014 heavY.knocker. •• ! ;, „ , -uly•tanees are sold . - ,j- t , ,-_„•-••• . o ff er n.mscons s ~. , , • •P I - what 'thought I.;)'; . ‘,l - ntt If I don't py , , _, ' C tetrafree• 'and' l'at - Philan,, - herlegttt• "Och, honsay,"„said.:tho.bishman, "a 44 V jr!' 'vv'xiatacrTik 7 X- :1) ; VMS* , I I was thunderstruck, and lewdest about I thiadebt,l ant a reined man.:•See here-- son having purchase_(, . .. „ [some Havanas .eorn •• i. , . 4 • t If' band,' aiariSoner for 'debt' to : the . isn't it 'the turnpike ?"! - , .: , ..... ofila , Allopathicaod kiumctoi iutic'Colierp,44 mad. •,1 ..d.',,.;" .....' . 2 -- 1 :- - . • 1, t V :' - • sort e d• • • -• • • - ' menced•-smokitig. one of .them i when , his rne e• 11 . 8 ~. ''' - ..' d"'' '''' ' 44 "-- lied iheminister, "•but What mini% would return his shacerc.thaid t e to rhap ec .mant,i to rtmq arstu. and Uet:ltire it was a mista.e, i s had th,s'verit upon me this morn. . can -b •/- ,• t :..:,, , x, : , smo idn - a i.: amount Of nifty' tonad•poun . 8. ~, . yes, in i , Bend and %Hobe, for the Very ,acrid Phitenegn - Icti.ft i whet! 6 Malt with . a groat beard, !II ~wits ! ity , !. I told my,:father it was' Only • X3OO, eye g . t, -a, tio u.s.„ i ,nets .. - . . ~ _, .g,.. . „ "Nri:ll : ;:ini=',' - tb semii . . time,"•pie thought • I :mean 'yon,ara in -a bad state.' 'tvitich they havoTararedbiro, and ite-lnetbt *Witt nt. ' f . ..,..1.1 •O - 1 1 ''1..., - A 4 ! l'• 1 rt i ::" . 1 lowed tn% thi4, store.'Well.l .. 46 . ," . x,- sow} '' returned the 3,•1•103) ,•• 1,, , ,,,,•-1,3 to Merit it 'liberal Aare of the ialiblin i kiat, 4wiia.reeatllg •wintiituu odor tobacco s :brit it is More vaild-0h.,: Jenny, a so ~ - - 0 - .n he Was in .a! die:UM' and, - 11f31',, - eritditors - , (4 . , 8 r. my ' . , ... _ .„, Irishman,- {./!” • h t' • it - too; .your worm, vintbleat4. ' Orvat liPna..rantuev 2). NO: !:)' 1' • (110 ? -, 4 irl - b•t f - hull- ..-- • •-• • . -.• Ins kt - A tn , , o , ir..!, v a beast o It: un, bl "': - --,.. ~.. .. ••., -,.. , • .. ,- _, , A d o n ne d , Ir. a .1s 11, PKe 3' ,r-1.,.. t.. you sell thou . ' . '•.-""' ' - - - d then , won't- let :/tim tho ht t '11:s ' The fug- 4 and 1 yiorse., e e) were s _ , .„,„ . ~ ,6 ~ ._that's tine,-.33nonth te l . Mad • I'll get . . . . •-' do ' ''. ' - -: .• !. :..' • -!! -' • 1 " How much is 't.l3 - is debt?"; • ! -:. !:,--;,•', • 3 - f ) .• eILIP- elgurs, ! -. 11 e... . „„. ~ ~. - . :.....r 4 - 4, - .3 .-- ' ..- ' hiWinertherhad3tmeettrtan&find,, shiitit's. - wreryliad,• ta .. , . ~ Buffalo Robes' ik,-Ziailles Pars - *-4 • "'”, '•-' 1 - ' l ' •''• . • . - •ir • - - ' - oil"' " xes,... re ~..,;,,,,e. %ire '- .• •.• , • - • : .,teen --• • ' rev.' , ' , 4., , - ,,, -Th• la - 4 ants se - pfirilis I eart.,Gei .. - - -• • • •-• i , ie so hero . ftnu kuyot, ju*t whore / : ~I .Taiderterethrtgand;4l3tl •,tiot•amich ‘ E .F• 1 4 0411 ! -. , • :-••••V-- ~•• •, • ~ ida jio. . 2 1. eylad, .rio u.;•-•:wee•Auto., eons) 1 - , .„, go' t "601 Sell emettes! teeemut i PROP ti, iti . ~.. ,•1 Superior tor in.; rr ,, vh•cd a n d WItI lie. Old low ro e . begani: ;If there.).s.anygprig 4.10 b - ,),110re .under.. -!-,•=•.-- !• '2' --',', •• : • • !.. :•:'.- -•- ,•-• - if- ,-.:•;),•!..., -3 - . - •! r - •,, - - -•-••-- ", 3 hey-440am " !MeV , P•ati•feev-But- as•i. up . honey, - :, -IL itt'IMITT. ,- - i ; If 'i --' ' bull do" a' d i '' ; 'in t end tb has c th e m taken lore,. :.• •., N!!. ••••• •:, • s !,.•••• ' • than auo wt',i is a - - .13 St :a ) ' -.." I will pay it -jl6ll'l, sir,- 3 - ottlatew I i .... lauXgrr . \V3I. H. COOI'ItIIZ • - I)A.:s . ..KERS.- 7 Ntelitrok% Pa. Su ot-i 4on; t Po.t. Cooper Co. Lathrups'new npttatug. Tursipike•Ft. - ' ! ..)teCOLLU3I at; :•I•.,'Altt.P.,' 4 TTOIINEYS and CotIII , I , IION A: Law --',:trontrou. tlalca, In I.:allitlps' •:cw ovt:r t c Bank.' • Al' ItENRY:I3. xickl?A'A, 1 k:TTORNEY- and Counsellor eWLAw.- -1 1 n, NvAA3A, Ifa. ; Office in the Union Block. E 11 je3 5S tf i Dlt. E. F. WII.NIOP • • i • ii.itAuATE of the Allopathic iiind-Ifemieopathic Col kjr lhprr of Medicine.—“rentPh. cornero6 of Stale at 11:lizabeth-ht.", tnearly4ppesltc 03e Ntethedlat , Church.. .apS6l( DR. 11'ILLIA31. W. - WILE:, TON, ECLECTIC PIITSIftN & SDNGEON] DENTIST. 117T1I DR. MYRON 071.6:1114X,' Mechanical and Sui-,;ical Dentipt. rZiecnilyotiPinghandon, N.Y.: tender their proce%slonal FerillVS to all wild appre ciate the ••Reformed Penetice or. Pit,esic;',l t eMeful and *Wilful operations on Teeth: with the moot !lielentitle and approved atylea of ,nlatework. , Tenth extracted without pain.and all'work warranted. _Jack*oa, June lith, iscp. • i v• . • -- P. LINY•-•.- rl e.: • ! A SMONABLE TAlLOlL—Menitose. Fn .!; Shop in l'hwnix 111(wl, or, r wt ore o f Pend. WitrollB .t. Foster. All work M arratite : fi. ns En fir and:ankh. , .. Cuning don on .hart notirr. in ).on;r‘tyle. jhn 'GI ' ' t • 'JOHN GIZOVES r , - , ~ • 1 Fl.',l7°Nt. - `Ztp . ',Ti - :l,T:e'dl; - ,lT.°. l :l°',.`'.. l ',l4.phiu, ptroot. .111 onion , filkaproroptly. in Ilist-ratstvle. 1 CcAtiog dtole on nliort to,tico, an . 4l Warrotitod;:o ill. , L. B. T.513E141„ 111EPAIRS Clockl.,'WatcheF. and ;ten% eiry 4 the I) shorteg nntier. and ma mmonatile tezin , ...E;.411 work warremtell. Shull in Chaixlicrand tune. NioNTreq , c, Pa. ' _.- 4 t • .4 c. 0. ..FORIAIA3I, i',. • • .• A f ANITACTURER GI BOOTS (t: Sllol.,ls.3tontrotre. ....T1 Pt. Shop over Tyler 'q Ftor . et All kipilt , lf work ,aetfl to or.lcr, caul repairing' cl‘melteally. • je2 y ABET, TI.TRRP:LL,.i r . '1111:At.1:11 C1JOIlical ! !. I Staff, Oaa Ware. Paints. 0111; •low Gla•s. Grocerleg. Facer Goods Jelrel7trerfn for all the nlogtlKpular erno , if . PIZqF. CITAHLEs3IOIIIII:4, ac• cho "d r°". P IT AYDEN BIZ WISOLEtALE.DE..I4.IIkIN 7r.airiNatiXOEM IV .4 :::: - ribiNTEi —AND— • FANCY GOOpS. 7.'31. HAYDEN. .1 0 . 11 N ILAND EN. IRACY.IIAYDEN. r •GEINWE 11.-111)EN. P. E. BRtSii, M D., TIAVIN(..; NOW LOCATED 4•EitIf.AN4NTLY, :AT t - 1:bri313.46 eN ir1171.43 7 Will attend. to the duties of his itrofcs2d4 -promptly, Office at D. LAthroi,44 DR. J. Tho INVENTOR, andDENTI . ST, S Practicing Dental Snr,:ery la N'or having I Rooms in the Neu 3iiiford Hotel, in a plCabant tut; n, of good and ititellig , • nt peoplv, • t: &Tv) _apra . sagicirpO9ta; NEW MILFORD, PA., S'FfLE PLACE TO 41 . 5)74 - 01TR . HARNESSES, 'AND GET THE WORTH. OE YOUR MONEY. uov.7 4m \ 31111E1. MI C7i . BIE MI . i • . INSURANUE '- U QIIIPANT, COT Novv.."lea,zllir-• CASH CAPITAL,'O.NE MILLION pOLLARS, Asszrre let.July' 1880, I $1.481,819.27: LUBILITTES, " 't -43()68.68. I f. stilton StnitStey 'John McGee, AN 04E.FOGIE'k TALE NE O - 1171. AMP, P.l • • i • ... . -,. - ._- -, : - ... -, ~ ~•.:-•.,:‘: :.•.-. -. .7 ._A ~,, -.,,v... -... ..,....... ......- ~...._.....--... ~.,..„.... -..,,.... 4..:;...i-.11.,...3),...::::k . ,-...:',.., ~,.._ .-,,, , ,- : ..-•: ...,-.- , . • .. _ -, , L ~ . _ - :::. :_;:i' \ . : -..-... ---.' . . . _ . ..., , . 1 . . • ....... . .. ) . .1 . j . . .. _ . ... . . . . . • - • • • . VOL. LS• t , MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 7,1861. .. .. . .. ,: . -V - 4 . ? ..t"1. ,. .. 4 . ,.- -: - ..,..'.4 , ... - .;- , ..5.,,..:04. • ,, w, - 7...,..4 -.., . , . 1 , -.-,, , ,, ,,, 5 ~--. - - 4 04. -"..., - ,j.., 4, ', '4,,,,, - - • - , 4-...... - - , 4,..,...,- . ..........„.. 1,- -- - , .=-,,../...-...- - . • . .. 7 03 PRINTIVOotALLZEWIN, 3033/ 2%X. C:0 C., AfL a r , - •. . NTA:TLY AIqi,PROMPTLY "mcn Asp r.k:r -•- True - office - of the Itiontr_ose Democrat tccandly been eupplled with a new and dbolne verie . typu, etc. and we are now prepared to print pamphlet/1 2 . circulars, etc., etc., In th e best, styks, on short notice. • Posters,'...Pro,gr' arnmoe, and , ,• li ° ll6, 77l d9 CZ ne ac cording to older ' to. .the • Music . of the . Whole • Union. ;• Welling, and Ball Cans , . _ ;T icket a, ctc: prlcaud with mutinies/0 dtepatcb. . • .• ' 1 "1 Justiees'and Constables' Blanks,Notea ,-- , • t NO. :. i• and all tabor Blanks, en hand , or printed te arder. l •-. A FLEET MARRIA(iF. they Well knew that he• had nothing; and wouldn't feel much shanie .in going through the Insolvent Court; they made . the best of a bad bargain aid let him go. • Lady C. was a •heantiftti!woman, but • well, you must.. know; about a week ' Lady C. was tin extravigant woman. She ; after this, PaddyPhilan -was setting by was still single, though -rather passed ex- his little fire, and thinkingover the',won tre:ne youth. - Like most pretty females, !tlerfhl things he had seen, when as sure . ! she had looked too high, amid „estimated as death, the poSttnan. brought hini a, let- I Ater own loveliness too -dearly, and now ter, the first he had ever received, Which she. refii , ed to believe that she•was not as ' he took to a, friendhis, one . ny4n,itlfruit . charming as - ever. So, no Wonder. she Seller,hecatise' you see, ' he was•nO great ' still rein:MlA Ranwried., I • hand at reading writing, to .d'ecipher for ' • ' Lady C. had about tiv,? thousand pounds him. It tan thns: . in the world. She owned about dirty' "Go to•Donerail and Marry Ketlileen• (1101:sand pollItt1S; tilt, Whit al her wit awl! O'Reilley. The instant the knot is tied, I beauty, she gitt into the Fleet, and was fulfill promise of making you comfort likely to remain there: • ' Ale for life. But tts.yOn vat your', life I I I . Nowin the- ime I speak of, every lady ! anti liberty, never breath a syllable of had her head dre4setthy a barber ; and what ig•passed. RetnenTher you are •in the liarlier of the Fleet was the handsorn- 'my roWer if you tell your story. The est I.arber of the • city 'of London. Pat Money will be paid to yoti directly, if you Philan was- a great admrer .the fair ; inclose the your •marnage certificate. I sex ;. and •where's the wonder?' Sure Pat . -send von fifty pounds forpreseet expenses.' was an Irisimiab. It was one very line 0, happy Paddy! Didn't: he start next morning when Philan vas dressing her i day - tbr Cork, and didn't he - marry Kath i:awivating.head, that her: lailyship took -ieen, and touch a thensan'd pounds? . I By itinto her mind to talk to. hint, and 'Pat the power he did,, And what is' rnore, %% as well pleased, for lady C.'S teeth -were he took :t cottage, which, perhaps lyou the whitest,. and her smile the brightest know, is net a hundred miles from Brtiftin, in all the %vivid. . • in the county of Limerick; and, Pfaixl. he "S o you are !not married-1 Pat;" "said forgot his first wife entirely, and never I.old any one butt myself, under the: prom ise ofseeresy, the story Of hiS . Fleet Var , riage. • IST Pot the lionitolte Democrat. • • -THE UNBIDDEN GUEST. The villageblock had chimed the m!dnlitit hour.. Arid still a hand olloyous youth, with hearts Devoid of care, in falhletOs darzllng hall They revels kept. The langh,nmijest, and son. 'Went round. Glance met glincef.-utniovallt eye*, lifi r litt • .As gems that flash on beauty's peerless brow. At ph:agate's sparkling fount with roses crowned - They drlnk- , :employ with danger•frangbt—andfeiti That siren's thrall. The night ,peeds loed solmula The rising mirth. bet hart t a thrilling cry, A shriek that chills cash Poul, the giddy throng Arrests; and ereu friendly arm Ito ald - Caalrnd,a Stlryourig girl," one moment since So proud and gay, falls dead before their eyes.. - Lo:now a mournful change. The vlul'i Dotes Sub.itle—t he busy teeter° still—the tongue Of teat I- mute—thiihrllliant repartee, t . dles upon the llp—is cloud Beglootes each face—i grave-like silence reigns.. And why, oh, why all this,' ye careless ones. Now pale and drtmla?:--Yettr revel* wherefore eau* An: I/coil - Lis there, a grim; unbidden guest. 9. R.T A Georgia negro was riding a mule' along, aria came to a bridge, when the mule - stopped. "I'll bet a quarter," said Jack, "11l make you go over this bridge," and with that struck the male over the ears, which made him nod his.head sod denly. You take the bet, den," said the negro, and lie contrived the Mule to g *tt stubborn over the-bridge. "I Wen obit : .quart6r anyhow said Jack.' " Hut how'll you get you'''• money?'' said'a man who had - been close by.,unper-- ," To morrow;" said Jock, " massa gib me a dollar to get corn for de mule, and I'll take de qiiarte.t out." • C..V'''Wbat' the matter, my - dear," said!. a wife to her husband, who had sat half an hour with his face buried in his hands, and apparently in great tribulation. co, I don't know," said he, "Pre felt like a fool all day." -.'" Well," returned . the•Wife consolingly, " I'm afraid you 1111 never feel any Metter; you look tho 'very picture of vKhat you. feel.". nr I had stopped- at a stoor in 31iiI• ,souri to pnrchaiie some little article, when my attention was directed to an old lady who w:is examining a_-piece of calico.— She pulled - it this way and that; as if she would tear it. to pieces , held it to the light - . in different positions, spat on a corner and rubbed it between her fihgers to try if,the colors were good. She then stood 'Still a While, seemingly - not entirely: satisfied: At,last sic cut off a piece with-the -clerks scissors, and handing it to a, tall,' gawky looling girt, .of about sixteen, standing beside her, said : "Ilere, Liz Jane, you taken thaw that :n sec ertlades." And Liz Jane put it into hermouth- ' dutifully went to J: . "A colored firm in .Newark, 'Ye* ersey, having': suffered some pecuniary;, eniburrassmentS, recently ; closed business,. and the senior member gave to the public the folrowing'" notis":—" De disbolution ofeoparMips heretofore • resisting .twixt. me acid Muse Jones in de barber profess, ion, am Weretofo resofv . ed. .Passoni3 who oseinnSt pay in the scriber. Dent : what (le form oseMust call, on Jones, as. Xho-, - furrnis insolved. ---+-mr--- N • 11 :0 - `" Parent—" What are- you. about. with my microscope ; George ?" George.L-• " I've been sha v ing, father, and I want to. see if the - re are any hairs in the lather yeti cynical individual, in;reading. pathetic story in .one. of the pipers lately. noticed in his memoranda hook as follows: Somebody., whistled. • Teacher calls up big l?oy on suspicion. Big boy comes up and holds out his hand sullen and. savage: - Noble little boy conies manfully ward, and says, "I'm the boy Schat. whis t whistled, sir;" at the same time extending his hand. . • _Teacher simmers 'down and lets 'eu Jioth off. . - - • . •Mural=\Noble little-boy thought teach er Wouldn't b.& him if ho told the truth, but knew- that big boy *ould lick him if he :didn't. • Wtiqi .r.ansys LAnY,--"Ii is certainly nok in good 'taste fora. gentleman to speak of . his wife asqlis lady, or to register their names upon the books of a -hotel as," John Smith and lady," or to ask-a bow ; is your lady•?' This is all fashionable ttult,. pray; and invariably betrays a lack of _cultivated, whatever maybe said ft) the, contrary. • Suppo: c a lady *ere to say, in._ steal 'of " my husband; "my gentleman,". or suppose we were to speak. of 4 c2oirs, • Fitz3lath-ice \ and her geutleman.". • -no.. thing, would be positively ludicrous, and its obverse hone the less-so, if rightly. A man's wife is his wife, au not, his lady. We marverthat this latter term - is - not utterly tabooed, in such a con nection, at least by educated and intelli gent peopTc.. It ought to bo left for the - cielusjvt: use of the codfish aristocracy. • A Ktuaxo Docroa's '1311.1.„--Some years ago, the will ;Of a deceased . man was offer ed to the . Judge of Probate, at St: Lona . , to be admitted to probate, and among the bills presented against the estate was that of tha - pliysieian who-attended . him in his last illness, The judge,. -yho' Arita neg. sighted, .scrntiuited the account closely,. mid while doing Po, he raised his head oc 7 ; casionally, and interrogated the Doctor at follows: , • . • • atlge--Yott attended the deceased P, s:c. • - Jedge:—llon - long was : Doctor—Two week s, • Judge—lie died, did he . Deetor--res, sir. • Jiidite— , lt was well he did; for this bilk would.have killed him, '- • _ Mr. When Mr. Wilberforce was a can didate for Hull, hia'sister, an - amiable and witty young-lady, offered the compliment of a new- goien to eaeb of the-wives of ( 1 / 4„. those freemen who voted - for h ; brother on which she was sainted wit -a cry of "'Miss -Wilberforce forever I" ben alto pleasantlY observed, "I - thank you, gentle-, ;then ;.. but'l cannot aree with Tou— =for I -really: do not wish to te Miss Ailkerforce forever !" ' ' : - - - - : -..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers