MISCELLANEOUS. Tan AitaLGAMATION OF lismanAnzs.— There is a growing tendency in this age -to appropriate the most expressive words of other languages, and alter a while to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek,' signif;yin . g "for the head," is now becom ing popularized in connection with Mr. Spal&nes'great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as com mon:is Electrotype andmany others whose, istinction as foreign words has been worn way by common usage until they seen ,'native to the manor born." 'axdly Realized. m 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadaehe this hafterneon, hand I stepped into The hapothecaries hand says hi to the man, "Cap you hease me of an 'eadache?" " toOes it haehe 'ard," says Hexceedingly," says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand '.pon ine 'onor iteured me so quick that I - ardly realized I 'ad "ad an 'eadache. ' Mr . HEADACHE is the favorite sign by which nature =makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked - oh as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which night otherwise e ;cape attention, till too lite to bo ~.reined ied ; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may. be classified • wider two'narneS,- Nix: Sympfomatic.Und I liopathic; Symptomatic Headache is ---, exceedingly common and is the --.-pre . carsor of a great variety : 'of . diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism and , all febrile diseales. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease c,f the stomach constituting sick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious hNdcicht, of worms, constipation and other discirders of the bowels, as well as renal and , uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with. Headiaces ; Anaemia and plethora are also affect ens which frequently occ ion head ache. Idiopathic Headache - i also very common, being usually dist nguished by the name •ef nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state 'of appa rontly sound health and prbitrating at once the mental and . physical energies, and in ether instances it'comes on slowly, !- milded by depression of spirits or acerbi -1•- of temper. - In most instances the pain 'l,l in the front part of the head; over one :.,:- both eyes, and sometimes provoking ~ oinking; under this class may also be , mania A'eura/gia. For 'the treatment of either class of headache the Cephalic Pills have been ,und a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few min‘tes, Kid by its Pibtle power eradicating the .1:F cases t-.l'-.1-I,ich Heaclache is the unerring. Brin*,Er.—Misses wants you to send her a box tof.Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle ~ fPiepared Pills, but Pm thinking that's not just it naither ; but perhaps yell be' i aflher knowing what it is. 'e see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head ache,,sand wants some morn of that same is relaivcd her before., Druggfst.-•You mast Mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. s - Bridget.—Oell! sure now and you've sad it, here's the quarther and giv me the Pins and dont be all davabeut it aither. Constipation or Costiveness. No . one of the " many ills flesh is heir to" is so prevalent, so little understood, and ca much neglected as CostiveneSS. Often originating in carelessneis, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder u r too 'little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradi cated it will bring the sufferer town un iinely grave. Among the lighter.ails of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul - Breath, Piles and others of like nature, ' while, a long -train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dys entary, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia;_Apoplexy, -Epilepsy, Paralysis,'Hysteria; Hypochon driasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first in dicate their presence in the system by .this alarming symptom. Not nnfequent ly the diseases „named originate • in Con .- atiptntila, but ylLake on an ,independ6nt mivaticencilEtjaie cause is eradicatedin atalthey Aka: From" all these conSider= ationgt t follows that the disoider should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and; no pers'on snoidd neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the "complaint, as their timely use will • expel the - insidious ap proaches of disease and destroy this dan gerous foe to hum= life. ' ~g a i I 1 C 44% i .-At LURE •f d & C l' o- 0(1 401 7 1 1 41 , CURE -To Nervouslleadache CpRE • thews of these Flue the perlodicaltacks of /rtmertur K Mct 'lliadache may he prevented; and If taken at the commencement, of an attack, immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. - They seldom fail lb removing the Nauman:4 Froadgat to winch females at. 'to Nub} ect. They act guntlN .101 the bowele,--rem wring Coati rearm Tor Literary :itadents, Delicate Females. and all ..,MKs of seth„: . Ada*, theism valuable as afeerdirr, Iro ra vlng the r , e. giving tons sod vigor troths dices 11.TO WPM' , 2 Atoring the natend eleaticit7 sod putt her the u nude system. -- fiti - C*PILALIC PILLS are the result of hied • limed , omen apd carefully conducted ezipecdmesits, haring been in nee many yearadering which timethn , havenrevented and nwared a vast amount of Dein -and terlag from Xersdeche—whether originating in the furrow system or bolt ailenuided state of the Apne • Tkunr ars =Weir 'vegetable in their cotaposidon. and idsirbelakenatallUmes with perfect safety without mak. mg anything" of dist, sedate absence re= !grew& Jai* rensferniteary fdafgareiettrAdes Beware of Counterfeitp. Therese" besets! signature" of 110...• "iiiirb: B 4 B Other Dales in Medicines. A boiwUrbe seat byseallor ad epald ea reeelptof th e, -11/3 oasts NsirAer ref 4:3482Ata1k OPALS ad to - _ SOINUT 9. SPALDING scones asb 48 coduar eat, Now Torii. . - . . , COMMERCIAL ~ COLLEGE. Located iqer the S*aehatioa V,aller Batik. BING!-1AM:rCiN it Y. 'FACULTY; • D. W. U3WP.LL, Principal, Professor of the Science •of Accounts, Practical AcCountant. Author of li.ovrel Treatiea. upon Book-Kt. e 0: ing, Diagrams illustrating the same. • Jona Rariant„ Commercial Accountant, Prefimer of Book,-Kitoping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. Cunris, Assistant -Professor in the Book • Keeping Department: A. J. Wanann, Professor of PraCtical and Or namental Penmanship, Commercial Calcula. lions and Corresiondence. • • LECTURERS: - • Hon. DAniel S: Dickinson, Lecturer on Cominer cial Law and Political -Economy, Hon. Ransom Halcom, Lecturer on Contracti Promissory Notes and Bills of Exclumge. Rev. Dr. E: Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial • Ethics.: EXA MIN INGCOMMIITTEE Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. Thg object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough' Business Education. ' The Books and forms are carefully arranged liy practical acconntants .expiessly for-this In stitution and embrace- ail the recent improve ments.. • ' • - ' The course of instruction comprises every department of business. -The learner Will be thoroughly taught' the - science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied, _ to the following kinds of business, viz:' General Ner- Chandising, Manufactermg, Banking, Commis sion, Stearatioatiit,....ltayroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &e. . , YOU . NG MEN _ • Can qualify themsclres In a short time, at. this Institu tion, to till Itaportantand 'lucrative sitnatlons. Ample references' can be given where graduates of 1860 are now filling deslnsble sittuttions with 'salaries from :SOO to $lll6O per annum. The Proprietbrs are In possession of - testimonials from some of the first Commarrial 'louses In the State, to whom they bare furni.hrdl.ook-keepers. showing their entire satisfaction nue.-....nfizal ce I n'-he ability of the graduates . of this lustittalo:". In all its branches, -b. tine most skillful and thor ough masters of the art. N3'College in the country en joys a 'higher reputat ion in this department. Ladies' De partment entirely separate irom'that of thegeetlemen: Students, can enter College at any time. ten vacations. Time to complete the course, from 9 to 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the requisite enamination are presented' with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma Issued, by any Commercial or Classical Institution in the Union. Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring situations. For terms of tuition, .price -of board, testimonials of graduates Ellie rositlons,,tc, address the proprietors for circulars containing fulloarttenlars. I,IOWELL S wAnxkir, Proprietors Binghamton - Commercial College, • Nov. 2, • Binghamton,, N. T. HORATIO GARRAT T,' Dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN; GROCER IES;..PROVISIONS; .DYE WOODS, Staple DRUGS, WOODEN and STONE WARE, ALL KINDS of HOUSEKEEPING • - _ARTICLES ds YANKEE NOTIONS IN GENERAL,—one door North of Barnum's ihtol, Yew gilford, WOULD be pleasefito see all his old frienes and many.new ones at hie NEW Store fronting the DEPOT, 'wherehe is prepared to show them such, a stock of the above artie:es u New Milford has Jong stood in need of. , "Division of trade has as many advantages as division of labor." Any man confining himself to one branch of business, giving that branch his v. - hok. Capital and:attention can keep a better •assortment.,-buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the same means and time was employed in a general trade. - If you dont think so. call on the subscriber and be convinced. The sound priociplo of ' .• SMALL PROFIT AND' PROMPT'PAYMENT, will be . strictly adhered \ to. Butter ,and other Produce forwarded to,New - York to one of the best commission }Muses In the ,City, and prompt payments guaranteed. • • HORATIO GARRATT. New Milford, Susq. Co. Pa.: ApriJ, tsso —y. _MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1 SGO. GREAT ATTRACTIONS rocrr Or MAIN STWIET. THE extensive Furniture Establishment of Sul= IlsomEns'h'aving,-been refitted and greatly improved, the liropnetort respectfully announce to the citizens of Montrose and vicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand' the LAIGEST and.BEST assortment:of - FURNITURE - To be found In the Country. We give the following list of somo of the-ar ticles which wo will sell at greatly reduced prices, for CASH Or READY PAT: Bureaus,Malnut or Mahogany, with glass, from $l6 to $35. Bureaus with marble or .brocatelle tops, from $lB to $24. And a largo assortment, from $8; $lO, 12; 14, to $lB, Wash Stands,CardStands, Corner and Squire Rinds, of all varietiea and Prices, from 75-cents to ten 'dollar*. • • Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footstoolvptto. mans, Lounges, Centre, card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, - Kitchen, and Extension Tables. , Chairs—Cane and WOod Seats, Rockerii— Cane, Flag, and-Wocd Seats, of every variety and style. . • Sofas; tete a totes furnished at short ziotie at New York prices.. N. B. Ready mnde coffins on hand or fur. nished ,at snort noticc.—liestses always , in readiness when desired: We employ none but - CinErin and EV:EM ERGED WORKMEN: W. intend to do our WoEx WELL, and sell it 61.40 W as it can be afforded. W. W. 18111ITI1, A ' • A . SIQITIII, JR., .E. R. SMITR. ' Montrose. .116. 18th, 1860.--tf. ~ • . . . • • "to ° ,_. , iii ".27.Ztll F4 l l_ .- . , '41 , -*"0 .isi ,• r . • . e'.. . • Al' ' , . c_c::): . - G - 4 ...XX T IIIS Delicious Tonic Stimulant, EiiliectitThe designed for the use of the called Profesaion and fhc FAMiiy, baring sup erseded the so lled `' Gins," " Aromatic.." "Conlin'," "ltictlicated," "Schnapps," etc., le now en' doreed ID , all the protainent_pbyecifte.eboniets end con noisseurs. ne Tioseessing all those trrannic leedicinal g_catitie* await: and diuretic) which belong to an OLD :lid PURE GIN. Pat up in tptart botties and sold br all Dri„7,- gista and Grocers. etc. - A. M. SININGER A /to., [EniabliAndi in rm.) . -Bole Proprietor! Forveil 31 N, 0., 19 Broad Street, N. r, • sale at Terrell's : Drug Store, Zorktrotie. LIFE _MENORIALS.. I.VYOULDN'T TAKE. A WORLD FOR THIS,' a lady remarked to us a day or •two since, as she exhibited the portrait of an only child, gone to the •spirit'land;" which was one of lOW MBROTIPESI "How I shOuld regret it, bad I not this precious _l' . •"""` pl - of trait dear one. • So Inimight we. The"loved ones are not always with as, and while we canr.call them oars, every one should secure such d mainorial ; especially since they cis havithem le truthfully taken by that suecessfu; areal, A. . B; TUBBS, of Bing hamton. sir •I _s v.R PEN .NI.%:NZIIIIP MEM T17133319' 3EI 011E331" NUMMI COMPANY, - IV`erossialrozla; CASH CAPITAL,-ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Auern 0 , 130, 'A1,401,619.27. " ' 43,06108. I. Milton Smith, ISeey. Chas. I. Martin. President. John Mc G ee, As't " • •A. P. Pirilmarth, Pee "- . 'Policies issued and renewed, by.the undersigned, al his once. one door above Searleallotet, Montrose, Pa. novn y ;BILLINGS STROUD," Agent. NEW G.OODST Lawsvilio (leintro,'Sitiq. co, Pa. XXTALL Paper, Window Papers and Borders, :V a very large stock this day received, by , April 17th. IL KENYON, JR:do CO. . ("Mullis, silks; limas and calicoes, an immense 1...) variety, by •IL KENYON, JR. & CO. VERY style of ClUton Pant Goods, etc. this day reed by R. KENYON, JR; & CO. SlLK,Brocha. and Cashmere shawls. a largo steck, LOW. R. KENYON, JR: & co. 12 BBLS. TOBACCO this day -received and for sale lower than elsewhere in Sosqu'a comity. R. KENYON, JR. & CO. 000I i.u B r S sa tA b LE ty l i t i v i t e Z or ir l i b s . tore and T- ARGE Stock of FANCY Dry Goads: for •14 sale by - R. KENYON. & CO. Tr EA Setts—rive Elegant style', complete— I: from sto ,850. R. KENYON, JR. & CO. Lawaville, Ceatre,'Pa, April, 1860. VALUABLE. GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE G.°EVANS' omca-rw.a.x.. GIFT 801 K ENTERIRISE. THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD PERMA NENTI;I7 LOCATED - AT 439 Chestnut Street, V,MEXMa/11-7Z/MIXaNMIX.a. SIXTH yEAR OF THE ENTERPRISE cgrta: llislog purchased thone Iron Building, No 439, Chestnut Street, an Mt 11 It pp with every convenience to facilitate my. busines s, rticuLarly that branch deVoted to COUNTRY. ORDERS ; and having a larger canital thntr any other party invested in the business. I- am no* pre pared to olDsr greater advantages, and better gifts than ever before to my customers. I will tarnish any briok.(of a moral thereat* published in the United States, the regular retail price or which is One Dollar or upwards, and give a present wOrth from /.0 cents to 100 dolLus with each. book, and guarantee to give perfect satisfaction .as I am determinedtes maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Philadelphia arc invited to call and Judge (or themselves, I=l IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS sig.:N.IITO Geo. 4M-. Milir.Ekries! Reliable Gift Book Enterprise PTO. 489 OhoEstszut ISt., PIIILAIDELPUIA t - .. . . Wla ere all honks aie sold at the P,abllshWit lowest Prices, and Yon have the .. . . ADVANTAGE - Of reeeiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH FROM 50 CRNTS TO 103 DOLLARS Wink attets 890 K. G. C. EC \\3' Orl'glnal.Glitij3ook Enterprise has been enden,ed by the Book Trade and all the • . . . leading city and country newspapers in the Unitod States. G. G. EVANS` Punctual businegs transactions have-re-, ceived the approbation of over 6,000.000 citizen,' of the United States, each. of whom have received substantial evidence of thebenetit derived byritirchabiug books at thbi establishment.. G. 15. EVAN Hal done more than nuy other pnbllether, cr bLokteller in the L i mited btates, td ward•Alitinsing knOwleittle to the people. By this system, many books are red that vutdd not have founil-their way into the hands of readers.—Frank Lalies ;NWT. . , G. EVAINSS Keeps constantir on hand. the most ex tenstre stock. the greatest assortment o Books. and circulates free to all who ma. . . apply, the most complete catalogue •of Molts and Gifts in the United States. G. G. EVANS Ma advantages offered him by other pub lishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a finer . quality mid better assortimmt of gifts than 3IIS other ent:tbl iOnnett L. G G. EVANS raldishes nearly -Two Iltindred Popular and Ititerestihg Ilooie, . therefore, as a • publisher, he is better able to Miler extra premiums and counni,ions, G. G. EVANS Gua.rmiters perfect salastaeUon to - all who may send for books. 0... G. EVANS' New classified catalogue of books embrace the writings of every department of iitcrn lure, and gives all the Information - 'via tier to the purchasing and forwarding by 'Mail or E4ptessgf bixdca ordered from his establishment, tcr.t,.,•they - with full &rec . • — bons how ter remit money. - - - G. G. EVAN Catalogue of Books will b ` e sent gratis and free of expense to.any address in the Unl , . tett States. G. G. EVIC,NS* Inducements to Agents cannot be sui - . paused. The most liberal commissions ' . art offered,and by soliciting anbicriptlons to books In the manner proposed, twenty - books - can be sold in the same time that it would take to sell one on the old fashion ed stbscription plan. Send for a desalt . et! Cats/ogee, and every itißwmatiou will be given ffi reference to agencies. Select your books, encloie the. smountof money required, am!, one trial will satisfy you that-the best place is the country to par s: , chase books le at - THE EXTENSIVE GIFT ROOT{ ESTABLISHENT• OF GEO. G. EVANS, 1•Zo. Ei CIIESTNCT STREET, PIRLA PELF/ILA, where you can get books'of all kinds. Books of Fact I - Books of Fiction! • • Books of Devotion! -Books of Amusement! ' • • Books for the Old Folks! • . Books for the Young Folks BOoks for Husbands! BOoke for Wires! • Books for Lovers! Books for Sweethearts! • Books for Boy's! • Books for Girls!' Books of Humor ! - - Books of Poetrs Books of Travel! ' • • -us Books of History! Books of Biography • Books of Adventure: .. BOOks about sailors! Books about Soldiers! Books about Inaba/ I _ • - Books about Hunters! Books about Heroes! Book &bent Patriots! . . . . • Books for Farmeri Books for Mechanics! Books for Merehanvi l • ' • Books for-h) .Booka for Lawyers! , Boas for Statesmen! • . Bibles! • Presentation Books I • Prayei.Books I • • Hymn Books! Juvenile Books! . Aitrums, ate., ate. CECIL B. HARTLEY'S Interesting Biographies REV. J. H. DICHLAHAM'S Scriptural Romances! slitrxrirs Lives otPatriots and Statesmen! J. T. LAUREN'S Revolutionary Stories! . - T. S. ARTHUR'S Popular Tales! DR. ALCOTT'S Family Doctor! -` MRS. MENTZ'S Novels! MRS. SOUTHWORTH'S Novels!. =COOPER'S Novels!' DICKENS' Novels WATEIRLETSRoveIs • LICSINK'S Works! • _ All the writings of every standard autbiri in every do vartment of literature, in every styli of binding, at the publisher's lowest prices: and remember that yQU pay no more . than you would at any other Establishment, and you have the advantage of recetvlng en elegant-Present, which oftentimes is worths. hundred fold more than the amount paid for the book.. • . EESID FOR •A CLAS S IFIED CATXT..061;7110P.13001{.8, Order any book, that ran may want, remit the retail price, together with the anoint required for postage, and one trial will assure you that.the bestplace In the country to purchase books is at the Gift BOokG.EVANS,-EstabUshment of GEORGE • ' Originator of the Gift Book Entoprfae, • No. 433 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. OrAGENTS WAN - TED, to wtom gresaer inducements than erer Are offered. Any person, tither mate or female, who is desirous or trma. • g in an Honorable arid Pronto bly Employment, requiring butlittle time and - no outlay • orAtoney. and - b7 *deb be can obtain gratis sYALCASLVLTD .A.RY, A FINE GOLD WATCH M D clam, • • A HAI.IDSOKE SERVICE 01 , PLATE. - AN ELEGANT SILK DRESS PATTERN, - A SLENDID SET OF JEWELIIX 131 many other Choice ankles en . umeraterl 1„-, z ee Li s t of Gle, can do wiry maw •••••• :.se tt f or es t a hu s l, mart. . , • in any part °title MIDDY, elte be agent, lay ellapiy%rrating a b, ndofoos t, club, pending for a hist of books, ann temittiv or te amotmtotwroo ne hieh l o r:qulr ed tain anfotrbethedegiurd.in. I formadon relative 09 agencies and the formation of dubs,. . and to insure prompt and honorable dealings, address Li ceders to TEM READ QUARTERS OP GEO. G. =AIM - Proprietor of the Oldest and LargestOilt Book Enterprise in the World. permanently located at ro. 439 Chestnut Street -Philadelphia. lend Gni ILEAB Dist returned from selecting mut pmcating and ts. LK now receiving one of the largest and beat stork. of ; . „ = ' 1 \ w IJ J ; ) 9 ever offered In tide market. The quality of nearly every thing good: all warranted as reprevented. Terms; Ready - Carl an Low - Priers. A general Idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration Dnuna,l . 2dEmeniza, CEEMSCALS, •' • PAINTS; OILS, • VADJUSELES, • WINDOW DUBS; DYESTUFFS, . GEOCETUES, . GLASS WARE, • CROCEZEY, ' Mirrors, - °LOCHS, !WALL PAPZ, NS - MEW PALMS, WiND'SY On. SUALEISNET DO IT. ODY,' Idnalcallnetramente.Laraps, Jewelry, erfamery. Stone Werer . Brooms. Brushes, Whlps,-Umbrers -Bird Cages , = Racket ' Gene, Pistols, Ammunition, Liquors, Trusses, Supporters. Shoulder Braces, ' port manuals, Spectacles, Silver & plated - Spoons, Forks, &C. Gold pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar../lase Viol Strings. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artiet's Tube painte,Brunh tr. ihni, &c. Also some Dry Goods. Wooden Ware, hard and japanned Were. Fluid and 011 Cans,.Cantphine, Cord Oil. Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's,- nest Not, lard, olive, castor, boiled and raw linseed Oils, White' Lead, Zinc. end all 'kinds of colored Writs, Vine- Ear. Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT EMI. ,IN, and other things too numerous to mention. It le impracticable to give more thin a general outline of my stock through the newspapers, every, one wishing 000D8 in invited-to call and examine. Customers -do entering the store mast not expect to find every thing in eight but nearly every article wanted will he produced by inquiry. • . • Thankful for the liberal patronage 'hitherto received, he hopei to merit 'a continuance and large increase of the . same; ABEL TUItRELL. Montroae, June 5, ISM. . • ; - ! ,Ssalt ! ! 'MOLTI V/. U2E43, WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, 261 WAsllikngtOtt-st, (Directly opposite Washington Market,) INT °Noir "52" coy]: s `QTILL CONTINtiE,SIo offer to iho• city and S.J COUNTRY Made, all kinds of FOREIGN Corse and Fine Ssur, at the very lowest figures; 4001'0 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for labio and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Mershelfs, Brownlow's, &c. and 3000 bushels. Turks Island, Bonares, Cu 'racba, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz; ivica, Nantes, &c.,, all `,of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and Storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in 811i311 bag,a of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. pine order. Alma .splendid article oT Rock Ground salt in.qu'ait, boxes, put up and fur sale liyEthe quantity, in cases of the dozen each. %TIE REST utourr. FROM WYOMIAG VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA, , NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, 4nd all Points North & West. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD, , S - lIMM - ER ARRANGEMENT. wo Daily Pa WILL BL SCRANTON AND N IfETWEEti • ILTUUMBER LOWS : • MOVING ICOIITII. N. V. Plalra. .E;cprcs.,. Leave Leave A. M. 3 . , N. Scianton. 'Northnland, 5.00 4.45 Arrive ' Arrive at Pittston. 6AI 4.55 Dan Ville, • 6.05' 5,20 Kineeton; 7.05 5.5 l linpert, 6.55 5.50 • Shicksttint4, 7.50 6.25 Bloout.burg, - 6.45 6.0') Berwick, 6.29 • 6.55 i Berwick, 7.15 6.:5 Bloomsburg, 8.50 7.30 1 Shicksbinny, 7.45 - 7.05 Rupert, 9.00 7.40 Kylgstnn, 8.55 • 7 .45 Denville, 9.256.10 Pitt.ton, 8:;i7 8.15 Northulaud, 10.03 `, 8.15 1 Scranton, 9.25 6.15 THE LACRAWA.NRA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD flail. Express A. M. !P. AI. 6.10 4.06 CONNECTS * WWII TUE DEL. LACK AW ANN A 6; AS - ESTERS ILAILROAb lifit Scranton. foiNew York and Philadelphia. and iiner niedlato points east.• also fnr Great Bend, Binghamton, Siraenee, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. and all lmnortant points West. - . At Rupert it connects with the Catatvist.a Railroad. for Writs both East and Weal. ;At :s7orthumberland it connects with the Sunbury and Eric Railroad for itOtuts West sndSonta • 'E GREAT FRENCILREMEDY For Rheumatism; Gout; Neuralgia, Tie Doloreaux. RUUM A TIC CURE. I Nvi" . `• nL" RoBAAT, T I- P . 44.5 peci111.," lately Intro. ~. dared Into this titulary, is • prononneed by all to lie the only reliable remedy. It.has cured thonimids In turope..t has met with great end mood. erful success here, as tcstimo. I alias received Will show. It is hartnless..but certain._ its affects: warranted free of all Injurious ingredienta. It parities the aystem;& renders it perfectly healthy: In fact. It is a specific wads has not an equal fur the cure of the above. complaints.; it is also good for pains in the back. or bones, or Joints, ;generally. The demand for it increasing. to appoint an agent* for this di agency of Dr. Itobin, No. 092 l 3 Dnur . ,ists suppliedon, liberal 1, any part of the country on rece. • tiov.4 y IiEALTii AND ITS PLEASURES , Or Dissaio With Its Agonies: C7la.cacoos4o:33ot-vo - oera. Thom. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. • WHAT is more fearful than a breaking down of the nervous system ? To be excitable or nervoun in a email degree In most digressing, for where can a remedy be found? Therein ones--drink bnt little wine, beer, or spirits, or Ear better, none; take no coffee,—weak tea being preferable; get all the fresh air you can; take three or four - Pills every night ;eat plenty of sedldn, avoiding the use of elope; and if these golden rules are followed, you will be happy In mind, strong in body, and forget you have nerves. 31•Xcrt.iliciros clks ~augb tors. If there is one thing more than another for which these Phi are Simon% it is their purifying properties, eepeetully their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, ift removing dangerous and suspended secretions.. Univer sally adopted as the grand remedy for female complalnte, they never fail; never weaken the eyetem, and.always bring about what is required. Sick Headache and Want 'of Appetite. - These feelings Which so sadden us, most frequently arise from annovancei or trouble, from perspiration, or from eating anddrinking.what is unfit for ne, thus disordering the stomach and liver. These organs mast be regulated , If you wisi to be', welL. The Pills, if taken according to the printed instructlems, will quickly restore a healthy action to both livei \anditomacb, whence follow ne n natural con sequence, a gqod appetite and a cigar head. In the East and West Indies Scarcely any other medicine is ever used . for these disordea.,• DDKI EDS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases aff these organs, whether they se crete-too much or too ittic water; or whether they best. Meted with stone or griel, or with aches aud pains nettled in the -loins over the . regions of the kidneys. these Pills should betaken according\Ao the printed directloas, and the Ointment should be we rubbed into the smell of the back at s tied time'. This trea merit will give almost Immo' ate relief when all'other mead p haie failed. • , ; • \ • FOr. - StOmache otit of -Order. _ No medicine will so effectnallyinhprove the tone of the, stomach as these Pills; they remove's:ll acidity, occasiond either by Intemperance or impromr diet. ' They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action \ they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver andstomich. . ' liolloway's, Pills are the best remedy known in. the world for the following diseases Ague. r Fits, - Sore. Thate., Asthma., • Gout, . Stone AY:Ml:leave', BillmtsComplalinsflead-acbe, Seendary symptms ea on Skin, Indigestion, Tic-Doniottreux, - Bowel Complaints, Inflammation, ' Tumors: • - Cones Jaundice; Constipation of the Liver Complaints, Venereal Affection Bowels,- Lumbago, Worine °fail Wadi, Consumption, i Piles, Weakness from Debility, EhenutatLsm; whatevcreauso, Droner,. - Retention of . &c. DTsentnY: ' • Urine, fie. &e. Erysipelas; • • Boothia, or IChtes Evil, t3s] Female 11 M,Atritice, Fevers of [cowl , . figra.ol I—None areplllllDE unless-the woils "Dot. tower, Nzw-Yous. Ann qqanou " aro dieceruilde as a wafer-mark In every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box t the same may be plainly seen by holding Leaf to at fig At. ' A handsome reward will be given to snyonerendering each Information as may lead to the ddeetteec of any party or parties counterfeiting the coedi ginea or vending the same, knowing them toast spurious. *0 Sold at the Manufactory of Professor ROLLOWAY. SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the eieilited world, In boxes at tis cents, 82 cents, and in cub. or Therein considerable saving, by taking larger boxes' N.D.—Directionsl for the. guidance of patients in every disorder are' affiled to each hos, wanEsAuranwnEsr - -sr.ishmrician iccerzozays FANCY GOODS. - WM. HAYDEN. JOHN HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN. NSW MILFORD, PA: GEORGE HAYDE.` , I, - • . Air experienced Norse and *mule Physician, presents • . to the attention of mothers, her. • SOOTHINGSYRUP, CHILDRENFQR TEETHIN.G, which greatly faCilltates the proton otteetblng, by sort, ening thegums, reducing ATI Inflammation — will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and 15 ' SURE TO REGULATE THE- HOWELL Depend upon motheis, it will give rest to you, and BvtirP - ANN lINALTH . _TO NOUN INFANTE. We have put up. and sold this article for over ten tears, and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what. .we have never been able to say of any otheY medicine— NEVER HAS IT-FAILED In a-SINGLE INSTANCE,"to -EFfECT.A CURE, whentimely used. Never did we know an instance of dinette/0M lon by enybne who bad used It. - On the contrary, all arVdelighted with its operations, and speak in termeot - commendation °Cita magical effects and medical virtues. We any In this matter "WHAT.WEDQ KNO W " after tea fears' experience, mid PLEDGEOUR REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant Is suffering:by pain and exhaustion, rclie will be found 'in fifteen to 20 minutes aftertho syrup is administered. This valuable Preparation Is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SI:ME:SS in . _ THOUSANDS OE CASES. • It , not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and boikeln, corrects acidity, and give! tone and energy to the whole systern It will almost instantly relieve . • (AMINO IN TEE NoNVELs,. MID WIRD COLIC, and overcome coneulsiona, which, if not speedily enred, end in death. We'belle,ve Itthe REST and SUREST rem-. etlY in the WORLD. in all cams of DYSENTERY and DURRIICE.A. IN CHILDREN; whether it arises (tom teething, or fromany other cause. *We would say to MI mothars who have a child suffering from any of the forego lag complaints—DO NO . / LET YOUR PREJUDICES NOR TILE PDEJUDICESof OTHERS. stand between von and.your suffering child, and the'reller that will be IiCRE—. yea ARSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fao , simile. of CURTIS , PERELNE, New York, is on the' Outside wrapper. Sold hy,Druggists throughout the world. ' . Priucipall'Offfee,l; Cedar street, New Cork PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOVELE. • tlecW p For sale in Moutrbse 13): Abel-Turrell. LIFE PILLS, t PHOENIX BITTERS;, MILES& MEDICINES have now been before the publiq 1 fora period of 'Thirty Year*, and during that lime have maintained a high character In airmait every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediatewer of maturing perfect health to pcomns suffeiiinc under neatly every hind of diicaee to hich the Intman frame to liablm . The following are among the diatreseing variety of hut man dh!easeit in which the senger Trains • • VEGETEELL. LizE 4rc well known to be in s faillbje. • DYSPEPSIA. be thoroughly cleansing the let and 2nd stomachs, mud creating a flow of pnre,hcalthy bile,instead -of the stale and acrid kind; ELATRT,Excy. Lou of peatc. lfearfburn, Headache. RvaleAsnum, Iff-Teniper, An.;•••• ietu, Lay uar and Jldancha r y. w are geneml symptoms of Dyspe isle, vanish, as a 'ateral consequence of Its cure. - COST!. S, by cleansing the - whole length of the with a solvent process, and without violenc; all violent ,pnrges leave the bowels costive in two days.. FEVERS oral! kinds. by restoring the blood toe regular circulation. thro . theprocess Of respiration In such caul. and thorn' solution of all intestinal obstructions in otherd. The Lite Medicines have been known to cure REXURI ATISiI permanently' in three weeks, and GOUT to half that time, by removing local inflammation from the mu 4.- clea and ligaments of the Joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and. strengthening the kidneys and bladder ; they operate most delightfully or. these important organs, and hence have ever heen-founda certain remedy for the worst cases of ORAm. Also WORMS, - he dislodging froin the turnings of the bowels the mattyr to'which these creatures adherd.,, SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, the perfect purity which these Lift .Vedici nes give to the blood nod all the humors'. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CONIPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that teed the skin and. the morbid state of which occasions all truptii - e coniplaints. 'sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable tout-' The use of the-e PIIIS for a very short time will effect itn entire Carl- of SALT RUEUIE. and a striking impros'e ment in the clearness of the skin. 'COMMON COLDS and INFUENZA will always be cured by one dote,oriv two In the wrest esses. . original proprietor of these me.lielario, V 44 cored of Piled, of 33 year.. standing by the use of the Life Hedirinew alone. 7e,BITER AND AGUE.—For thin %eonrige of Slur Wert rn country. they,: llcdklt.e m will be found a safe. speedy and certain remedy. Other Medicines leave the systim subject toretarder the cure by Bose chi es Is pi . /rtiottiiiiit , -- Try them. Le oaalrnd, and 1 e 0..1141. Billons Fevers and' Liver Complaints. General idebility. !mi. of Appetite, and Diseases Qt se males. The Medicine,. have been used with the most beneficial resolute cases of this description f--Kitimi Evil, and Sertifule. in Its worst forms, yields to the mild vet powerful - action or these remarkable Xediciti r es. !Sight:Sweats. 'Nervous Debility, Neer, oils Coraplaintrif of alt kinds. Palpitation of the fleart,Vainters' Colic, are speedily eared. I ;Mercurial Dlornses.-Pen;ons wham a coastitialOns have become Unpaired by the injudielous gigot:Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure. as thee neverfail to eradicate from the system, all the effects- of *Mermiry. infinitely sooner than the moot powerful preparation d of 'Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by • W. B. MOFFAT. 31.3BnOanwar. New-Yo • For Sale by r ail Druggists... .rte has imineell the proprietor lstriet. Also for sale at the Broadway. Neu'York City. terms. Sent hr Express to elpt oj , the pried: IIIELL, Agent. Montrose. Afflicted Read! WILLIAMS'S COMPOUND "SOLiT tion for the Pan is warranted to effect a Cure In every cue, and in all stages of he disease, or the money will be refunded. Full direetions accompany each bottle. For sale be Abel Tamil, Montrose; 6. G. Ilempst4d. Brooklyn ; '1". J. Babcock, Ditnock ; Penuel Carpenter, rherfora ; 01 -47. Williams, Jackson t J. B. Slocum, Darltdr; A. B. Merrill. linpbottom.: A. J. Merrill. Scranton. " CLIEZILT.X.FXCIALT.M. This is to celtify, that Mrs. Emory hay been afflicted for years past with that diEtret.eing - complatntknown as ` the Piles," and that having failed in securirtg relief from. ea rions Physicians. she was induced front reports to try Mr. Williams'," Pile Solntinn." which we obtained nt one of his genies in Tunkhannock. I'a. The result has been the most favorable. The trial was made with it last fall, and after using as directed for a few days, what we have good reason to think wan a permanent cure was effected. -S'everal other rases of a Alm Bar nature In thin vicinity have used it with like results. With Mr. Wifflams ttt tto " no cure no pay •• every one thus afflicted will ce rtai nly do well to try ft. B. B. EMORY, Pastor of 31.. E. Church, Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., ri'st. June sth, ' - FAMILY CAT H ART I C P.I L Pare Vegetable Extraelii, and put "up.ln - . HLASIS CASES; Alr Tight, and will heap In aest.elltnate e ; The Family Vs-North'. PILL Isa ,;, fie bd' active Cathartic 5 . Ig 41 ,b the prophecy!. i ns used las practice more then twenty yams- The - Amin, lucre...Me dermind Dom three' w i ho 1, !! „i onf nyecithy l piLlos ej and am' satisfsakm which Oil,i to ngard in their w's use, los induced male p la c e them e the reachof all. els The kkow g that ddfarend Catbartlei ad on different Portions of the bowels. - the PAMILT CA- -THAIITICI PhL Is du, +cab due reference to - 'this well established feet,.. , been compounded from a variety of the porch Vero \ t o Estrada, which set . 1 " slike eraryipert ef-de • \ alimentary mat and are g good aad sage la all cu es where • Clubamtle Is omegas!, such as Dr. rangements :of -the Monistic bk,,dieepte , . nein. Pales In the Batik and - -Loins. Coativenea.. Pal n mid Soreness °Tay : the\ whole body, from-sodden cold. which ' frequently if neatened. .and in a long, Mown Of fe ver, - Loss or ApPiee tilte s •C log ais. • Mellon-of Cold ewer the body. , tau. nose Headache' -or the head sat ma arr he Cc:Wen/al I . childredier Advallte, 01111qa ejavairalseiCs th at Part der Ode Mood ae., — an4 salty dinana to %Melt Punk beth' tonnerserolis • -to Mention hi tbds advartaste. n em . P THREE.I3JHUS. • The Liver torelgaratar ea Vseallir thank Pine are retailed by Devoe' peanaq, s los told Mondale by the Trade lash too burs loom ' Y, W.W.SAMP..Iizr ORD; asd 3l. D. otio•rattar 335 Broadway-. 4Viteer.-ror Ci4r. . For sale' lu Moirtnme-b \ y\ , ABEL TERRELL, dOent. isAypE,t.l - .13tp;'....:i.. , :: :. f• CHILDREN tvias. WINSLOW, IVIN V E /LT .. • .. ! • -, S . ANZ'ORD'S - i LIVER -INVIGORATOR; I4IVE tt • DEDILIT.ViES. . 1 TT Isromponntleti entirely frank Gums, ssil. 'a eta heroine An esta.iNhe.l fact,* mantlanl Ile:Urine. t Islip 11.1 approved by all 111:111 o.la, e nar ., llt. and Is now re- trlrtel to with entiadenee In el fall I.lao disuses:Tor which ?t is reeounuroded.` It has cured . thousonist g f slant .. !, the List tern yett who WO eiren up all hopes !of re , :f. to llld 12.11....2 ono:Aiello:al eartlerstenlo my! !pons , sslmtshow. . - 'i The dote must toads pfteli tot the temperhment or ilke inai,id.i tall , 0 It. and us. , .ed fa &sell touusitles so to sun gently Oil the Let the dictates of your: ijildgraent ;nide i.ou In 11 A use of the LIVER lA.: IvlGortvrqn, audit ,Rill curt: Liver Coupti g plaints, Dilloultlit ' • • leeks,' Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhoea, 1/ csm soar Co au plainta Dyseest 7y, 4* y„ Dropsy, Soul. r Stomarla,lttalsititit i Costirerreas, Cho le, Cholera, Chats.. tralllorbus,t:ltolera Infauttim. ' Flain-. lenee J a unfit ec, Female Itarraknesti.• ea, and may Do usol sue. cessfully as an Orilltin sli• Family Iledi- ' pi eine, Itlleurealet‘ JIB ADAIC II Ey Las: thoossedlS GM testily) Do twenty minutes it; ' two or three :Tea *Toenails are tak-1 - en at •nastannestent et .. stuck. gala; lath- tatumir WATER IV TILE WlTif THE 2.IIrVIGOEATOI4 ASO SWALLOW norm TOGETHER. Price One'Dollar per' , Bollle,' - - saNronws MEATAVIARXET; On PS/ Se •Asynue,:sear 'Hotel. ktii:enni4noynn- - bind gooellupp)y of At EATS et,all*lada. CASH paid for Ale,Calveo,Sheep f and Lambs. Ides et 401 kinds. • BENSTOCK & BAWL . EY." a. T. RENETOCE. ,! • 111 . . Iffontiose, March 30th. '39.—tt. [ l* - .. • KEYSTONE' HO T EL,L• . . .. • 1 - - . At Montrose, Penn. = WRI.- K. • rumen, Proprietor. , THIS new And 'cJmroodions Hotel situated Public Avenue, near tho' Ceurt Elo and nearly in tho centre i3f the business po Lion .of Idordrtme, it now fuly•completed and fa Dialled, slut was opened on lifotiday. the 27th day of 1 . September, 1858 , for the accommod tion of the public mnd tray - elm. The Proprie r feels cnnfidefit that be is now prepared to enterta:n Inests in a manner that cannot fail to give • - - Complete Satiaketione • , The Hotel and Furniture are lbw, and no ex. sense his been spared to render it equal. if not of to any similar establiahment in this part of the State. It is well supplied *with all . the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging. ' waiters will always be .readyto respond to the call of cusiomenu • ' . : The Stables connected with this Housb are • New and Convenient. . The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friends, and the public generally. • whi K. HATCH. Wfatar's Balsam of Willi Cherry. Whittles Balsam of Wild' Cherry. ' Cough; Colds, Coughs, Coughs, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchidi, lioanseness, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. . Whooping Cough, Croup, • Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption; Coasimption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, and all like diseases, find - an unfailing antidote, a routg retie); and a cure and speedy cure, in that real and universally approred remedy, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The Ile4t. Jacob Sealer, Ing burs ssurour.t.A . impeded amelfr the Orrmtx pops tiiiitm of AL, ceuxtry; tutu tAt fottvarint stateastatior tM bent,fit qf tke Okla :11Attovin, FA., Feb. 16, I€so. Ilegers. S. W. Forit.T. & Co., - lkieten,— Dear Sin: Ira ng realized in my - family important benefits, from. the use of your valuable preparation, WIDTATVS BAL SAS! or WILD-Cllgitalr, it affurde me pleuuro to recommend it to the public. Some eight pearl ago one of my daughter" scented to be in a decline, and little • hopes of her recovery• were entertained. 1 then tito cured:a bottle - pf your excellent 111.'aeni, and before had taken the whole. Of the conte.as of the bottle there w•as a great improvement in her health. 'I have, In my individual case, made frequent me of your trainable medicine, and have alwaj•a been benefited by it. noeutd, finweeer, cannon as miblic ezeinat ioniesitaint, be wire there u et gredleal•of 'marines tristarsa &dram of wad Cherry of oat tirouzAmit Ute cownhy., ••• . • - Virginia Testimony. Certificate Ire= MR. NORBORNE NORTON, 'al tAs Rieman's. O A :hco, Richmond Rlctt3loND, tt., rch. IMO keens. A. W. FOWLE - & Co., Boston,—Gentlemen: with' pleasure testify to the , groat merit. of onr in; )valuable lung medieitke, Dr. WIRTAIe* DALAAII WILD Clik:RDY,Deb 114:likewise highly valued by many of our esteemed citisons, who Nava i tested its virtues by trill. I first made use M this Tlalmm,soirre three years since for a violent and tibitressing cough which baffled OM skill of phyalciaus, ind, In my joy, expesientid such gratifying relief ai to indiwe me to persevere in its use. 1 always keep it by me, and ever find it to be unfail ing fn its effects. ':"Nci . medicine that f have, ever used has given such hpecdy relief. Yours truly, Prom Smis Smith, Esq., Pri.sidest iPf the Norris . Coast!, Bank, aid who iswril • Lima and weak eitecried dirougheat Xcao.feciry. Alcatitwrowtr, N.J., Jan. 9,ISW Meseta. S. W. For.et,r. k Co.,—Der Sir,: Haring used Dr. wisrmek BALSAM or WILD Catena , ' (Cr about fifteen year,, and haring* realized 'its beneficial reaults in my family, it affords me great pleasure itr , recommending it to- the public es a:v/dutiable remedy of reek latav, cold., coitykr; and a remedy which I considerlo -be . entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the 'Mast delicate In health. Yuma eery respectfully, i - JESSE 83IITIE. pr' Rewire of rile atul trerih/tss'oUsnlerfrits! The only Genuine, Pair, and Ifedicind Liquor has the name of "1. BUTTS'," written with a pen, and the printed name of. the Proprietgrs," S: FOWLE C 0.," on dr . outerwrapper. , AN who suffer with sitiy diseale of the Throat, Lungs, - oc Chest, can obtain like relief by using WiStaett Baia= of Wild Cherry, . Wistoes Balsam of Wild Cherry, PREPARED' RP • " S. W.,FOWLE - No. 18 TRERONT STREET,•BOSTON • SOLD irk . . . thwygists, Dealers,. and Merchants in every towel asul city in the Ustite . d States. • - • •• tlr - For sale by Abel Turrell and Read, Wittrons ter, Montrose; L. B. Woodruff, Nino& ; AmoN Nichols, Brooklyn ; Whitney do Moxlcy. Ilarford : Weed it, Ward .Great Bend ; J. C. Olmstead, Bundart; L. Griffin, Great Bend. dub6-3,1* BCERHAVE'S, HOLLAND BITTERS 211 X CZLEDFATED 110LI4FD ILIKILEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASEOF THE._ KIDNEYS, LITER •vointrz,scrr, ••• • WEAKNE.I3B OF ANT KIND, FEVER . R AND ACUE , . Ani the various affections consequent upon a dbordnred STOMACH OR LITER; 'each as IndigesUon; Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Ilsertburn, Loss of .Appetite, beeptudeney, Callvemem Blind and Bleeding Pero. In ell Nervous, hhessindic, and Neuralgic Alleceous, it has in numerous Instances proved wow beneficial, and In others educed a decided cure. Slihi Is, purely vegetaldo compound, prepared on strictly. scientific principles, after the manner of the teletusital /Mind Proemial., op I ke Its reputation at home pint tholelntroduetke hive, the demand commenting Vint thole of Go Fatherland mattered over the ewe of Ude mighty country, many of whom brought with therm and handed down the tradition of its value. It ti now o end fei flee .instrieen pethlie,.,kosocio that Gs trulir mediolnel virtues sued de pd. .• ' it I, partkukely tcoonimended to these yawns. whose nonititutlem may baysbeen impaired by the euntlennua nee s of ardent spirits, or other fume of died tier. Generally instantaneous In effect, it ends Its way directly to the mat of life, thrilling and quickening every aerie, raising up the drued4t4 In At, infusing new health aad vigor be homer flud this a bps wig g '4742w abaRY24O•4; bet to sick, west gpd low tad, It will prove a grateful aromatic mad, oeseeseed mandial propertlea, READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine 'body concentrated Berrhave's Rolland Bitten Is put up to halfidet bottles only, and retailed at OR DOLLARperbOillai l li w ilbottliribr Pen Dottom. The - great be file colthisted Ifedleine ham Induced town Indieldeas, whic h Abooki guard WWI - INtwitti - that tow nude le on the Mulabd of every bottle yea buy. - by Arming . ant be berrtribil by /brass to lust pßoPiirtoße. ••• BEINIAX/N PAGE, 7R. &. XLiormmOznes ekarmattutiiis and. ablumigst.' . PITTSBURGH; PA.. nese BITTERS aro sold In Montrose by • iX 4 y . .ABEL TURRELL, Lruggist. Flintlttliffil. MONT-R-OSE:- P ENNk. s • rrtHE subscriber having purchasad refitted'and nowlyiftrintshed the 11 . 1 aboie well known and fro l pular Hotel, is prepared to acCommodate the trav eling public and _others with all 'the attention)* and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the Country. The. Bar will alwaysbersipplied with the Choicest Liquors. r • The Stables, conneeted.with this House are large, roomy and convenient and careful and attentive Hoitleni are alwayirin charge of them. J. N. TARBELL: Are yhu sick, feeble, rind cont. plainine Areyou out of Order. with your system deranged, runt your feelings uncomfortable ' your symptoms arc often - the prelude to serious illness. Soma fit of esickncsa it creeping upon you, and shotlld be arertesi by a timely use of the rglit remedy. Take-Ayer's fi l'ills,' and cleanse out the disor tared humors —pu rify the blood,.and thelintsle reeve on. unobstructed ln health ronills They Stimulate the nose s of the body Into vigorous activity, purify the 'system from the obstructions which that. disease. A cold settlesei-konic• where In the body, and obstruct • These, if not relieved, react npms themselves and the surrounding organs, producing g.m eral s„,nravatlon, suffering, and disease. While in thi s condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's. PIK', and see how directly they restore the natural an ti on of the system, and with It the buoyant feeling of health spin. What Is true and so apparent in this trivial and common eoutplilnt, is also true lei InAny of the dery seated and dangerous distempers. The same purgiitlns effect expels them. Caused by similar obstructions awl derangements of the-natural functions of the body, they are rapidly; and many of Mon surely, cared by the same. means... None who know the virtues of these Tills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disor— ders' they cure. • • , . Statements from leading physicians In some of the _princired cities, and from other well; known public per sons. ACOLI SECIILEn. NORZIORSE -NORTON. AYER'p CATHARTIC From a Forwarding Merchant cif :la.; , Do. ATER: Your rills kre'ille para4on of all that Is great in medicine, They have cured my hale daughtsc of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had prore.l incurable for years. lice mother has lyen ton. , 1.F1..,i -ounlystalleteil with blotches and pinMles On her Slin and lit her hair. After our child was cored, she 0130 tried your Pills, and they hove cured her. ASA 310110 UIDG E. A• a Family Phyalc. . From Dr. E. In CartFriolst, V,l (*Iola! Your Pills are. thu - prince of purges. - Their exeelitnt qualities surjiass any cathartic we - posse Sq. 'They are mill, hut. very certain and effectual- in their action on tlov bowels, Which makes thcip invaltiaDle Su us in tin. , dally treatment of disease. headache, Sick headache, rout Etonsach. • From Dr. Eilicaril Boyd, haiiiniore. DEAR Duo. Ayv.ro I =not ansWer you , riort c0m .1% (sluts I have cured with your ring batter than to -.toy WI that ire crer :real with a purgaticr lactlieinr. I ' , 1e.," great itepetulcnoo on an effectual cithartie in my daily. contest with disease, and belies - laq do that your Pilrs effort! us th e beat we have, lof course value thc.n , Crt.,- . .V 1. • C. ATEn. Sir:l Aare .re ly eure..l of the worst headache any body ain hate, by a dose or twu . or your PUN. It seems to arise final tC.foul stomach. whichlhey cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, Ill). rit•FAILE, Cleri4 ;Ste.,tsaer lillkons Disorders—Liver. Complaints. From Dr.'Theodore Yoe': • Not only are your Pilltradmirably adapted to their pur pose asap aperient, but I find their beneficial effdet v 11p.tt the Liver very marked indeed." TIMy have i!1 my pia, Lice proved more effectual for the cure or 111'10113 plaints than any one remedy-I can nictitio‘a. I stust•raly Plaice that we have at length a ptirgatiee which' Li wor thy the eonildenge of the profession and the poe;lle.' . Dnr . .oiltT)lr.NT Os; TIIE Washing,tba, C., :th /Th.. ". SIR: I bare used your Pills In my, general and 40 , p:t;.l practice ever since you made them,mul do not !tertian: to nay they are the bent cathartic we hmploy. their Ling action on the liver is intickinnd decided, coi.c,. gneutly they are an admirable remedy for derangetuciu, of that organ. Indeed. I have seldom found a bilious diseme so obstinate that. it did not readily yicid t., them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO D.. Plipicfan urea Marine Husp:lor. Dreatery,_Dlarrhcem, Rclaz, Worms. From Dr. J. Q. Green, cir Chicago Yew Pifisheye had a Lang trial In my practice, am[ I hold them in esteem as one of the hest 'aperients I have ever-found. Their alterative effect upon the liver make:, them an excellent re.medv, when given in small dotes for bilious dysaste . rq d iarrhea. I Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and conveni ent fqr the of warier' and children. Dyspepsia. Impurity • cit' the . Blood. Frovkliev. J. V. Vimes, Paslar of Ailmit Churig, 5.03:0n. DR. .Ist:ft : I hare natal your Pills with extraordir.ary suecese In my family and among Memel :tin called torimt In distress. To regulate the organs of digestion cud purify the blood, they are the very beat remedy I have ever known, and ,1 can congdently rem:need them to nip friends. Yoursi, A J. V. 11131 ES. WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 18.55. DI:AR SIL: : I am using your Cathartic rills In my prac tice, and find them an excellent pm... n oire to cleanse the . systent and yurifitthefountitias of-t ho- tdond. • _ • - JOHNS G• MEACHAM, M. D: Costfirenesp, Suppresaicin, Mitinonsallsmi Gouti, NestralOt, Drop.), Paralysis, Fits, etc; . From Dr..): P. linighn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said cif your Pills for'the cure of co:direness. If others of out-fraternity have loved t r, as effieadons as I have, thri' should Join' me in ppodair. iug it for the benefit of the multitudes_ who .mTrr Lori that .complaint, which, although tit' d enouult in itsclr, the progenitor of others thlit areworee. I beLeve tivertess to originate in the llicr, bnt your rills alicct organ and cure the ittanue. , Stuart, l!hysician 'and 3Thi01,4, Boston.. I find one Or two large dews of Your rills. taken at t proper, time.. aro exCellenC promotlves of the .nnt, secretion. when wholly or partially suppreiard, and al-, very effectual to cleanse the stomach and erpcl . They arm ma much the best nhyale we bare-that . recto. mend no other to my patients. • • From th*Rec. Dr. frawkes,Ofate.ilithoslist Epis. Church. PULASICT liocse, Batiennih; Ga., Jan: el% 155.1. noxonto SIR: I should be ungtuterul for, the rell,•i your skill has brow ht mo4f I did nut report my eAv• to you. Acohl settled in my linibs and brought on ex cruciating neuralgic pains, Which ended In chronic rhet: nuttinn. Notwithatanding I had the best or physician,, the disease grew worn and.worie, until by-the advice or your excellent itirbnt in Italtimore,-Dr. 'Mackenzie, I tiled your rills. .Their effects were -slow, but sure. Ity per severing in the use orthemo am now entirely welL . Swarm CtlatMnEn,,Battm Rouge, Le.,S Dec.; IN:,. Du. AYER I have been .entlrely - eured, by your Pill 4. of itheamatic Gout—a pahathl disease that had afflict. tnefor years. . . VINCENT- SLIDELL.- . or Most of the I'M, In market contain Mercury, which, although A valuable remedy in skllthl hands, dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conaoquerre,s that frequently follow Its Ineautioususe. 'These eout,Uu nomereury or mineralatthatance whatevef. • ' .Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes far fa. • • Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES de CO., Lowell, Mum • For dale by Abel Farrell. itontreoe ("Mirth & Phinnev, Minolta; Waltmhn & Swale?. Anburn Centre, alai by ill dealers and druggists everywhere. oc 8 7 CW ; " Rae Consumption and Asthma Cured. . Rona of Invalids are hi notate. with a medicine called Two Camaro rxrtitor or Cum= which we an aroused by an &bandana of competent ' and reputable witnesses, Is a tun, 'paddy and per aliment titre for Ootternwrtwe, Cocoa; Coca, mwx. awns, Amu, l'ustter, Navorwrav, 'and Ora. au. Daum This highly palmed medical prepare. Ms was dlsoovered owioral yearn ago, a falcate., by Dr. 11, Jame, 4 well known physlelan of great eminence,irbo bad takon his only child-7a daughter .—tutee with him, boyar that the climate would prolong her life. She was pronounced an ineorithie ‘ au of eurrltrrilrox. bad beard much of the woridarfal restorative and healing qualltlee of preps • wakes made front thW rut lndia Hemp, and the ... thought ocearred to biz that be might compound " 41 °V for his aldidt Ho swam hart, and succeed 04 in Mailbag his wishes. 11to moo was cam. Thla wonderful remedy bas gine* been administered to thoseanda of engagers In all parts of the work!, sad has AMC failed of raking them comptstaly healthy owl bappi. Tha original Torino for prepay tag, and saeaeu(auy using this great remedy will be fokatabod to all sppliants by the undersigned, on reetelpt of a Asap for talon postage. A small work, mitts* b 7 the Doctor hiasaU on tit above cow Plaiate, will to east rake, ;id Paid, to au those who may apply for the recipe Ti as who wish the wed. Wart pinopszed, an awn It at 12 per Adagio bottle, three alibi for Itio,—bant to say part of the rotted Nitros by Fsprese. .• • *adroitly O. P. isHOWN. dt C.. Pew* pwieterik Ns: 11l Grand bircet. JenieT titre N. J. lIHMEN