Pr' See the Advertiseemi of Doct. Si nford'a Llvet Invigorator and Fignilr CAthart:le FMK, ltt another eolnmn. ree Thecae of Dr. Hostetter's Mtn l ele Bitters for Dyspepsia, Itbivalence, Hea vi ness of ,t titodetch, Of any other like ;erection, ilscrund to none I Arteries or *hived. To be able to Mate andldently th e the " Miter& • are a certain care for dyspepsia and nadir/area:la to the proprietors a P.OUITO of unalloyed pleasure. It removes aU taorbtituuttterfrom the stOntachmaritlei theblood.imparts' renewed "guilty to the nervous system. glving It ant tone g ad enorgy so Indispenaable to the restore nor health. The numeral's arknowleittementa of its 6a nt tit r eaten elm and beneficial molts, have assured t prieto that It cannot but prone a great ewe to !OM, and !taped vitality to the thorough system. Ilirdee advertisement in another eolaxe - dee 7_ , .7===.7.--._-_-77:7_=..• .-_-.=.7-, - .::7.--...777_,... - - z.,,..._- -..-... WOOD 'IWANTEIth AT TIVS 0 prier, • . . - EMMIIEUSICrXILIMILICI 36°C0rit. ' .. THE -MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. I.dELaril NEWTON-CASE---In :lion by the Rev. J. K: Peck l Newton, of Diniock, and' 3 sei.of Rush. PAYNR—RYNEARSON-r -'sine, Jan. Ist., by Wm. -Miller, Mr. Francis W: Jayne, and Mi. tha A Rynearson,both of Lenox ROGERS--In Brooklyn, on ult:, DiissLgcretia Rogers,.ngetli • Lost, 'in - ‘ ' , . Montrose,, ZWCOP3I2 33C0C:i313. ma ainiwn fiAn°. t , qrmercynnutK. in Notes ranglnii from 3.50 to plfKl. An* per*in having found ' , nth a" bunk will p rase leave it =at file _lfimfrox Pima-nil office, nod receive a li beral re 'ward. The vivito:tit of Kahl note,!bs.btam . upped. , Tho motes arc given payable to Janlo 3w' • • IA 'Co SI "1" I k- 2Prarxciamcory Z•T by Samuel" Dsoon to the ultde led at GreatTknd. Angnyt '4.t.'l6G). and due t date, with intereat. All pervons. am here • - *gland killing 'mitt note, u the drawer is d the lone. -• • Gt. Bend, Jan. 10.-,-3w* 1).4A. PUBLIC. SAL _(toft MlR&subscriber will offer at Public Sale at Is made:ore near Macke Corners. In Brooklyn. AD I TUESDAY: Jan. 2id, Inst.. the following property. to wit.: I Span of Colts, coming 4 years old. I span cooline a }'ear~s old. ••9 , Cogra. I Cutter, Panning Mill; Corn Sheller. ond 6 quan tity of Household Furniture and Farming Tpols too nu merous to mention, Terms of Sale. All so , rns under $.l Vistioeer that amount-I Year credit with 'lnterest and aptittreed security:- Brooklyn: Jan. 100.-21.* RIC ARD •SA s . :EI _ PAID FOR I C • t • AV \ • • • I DiErCr 401 7 K. AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, . AT • NEW STOUE !HONE, ONE DOOR BELOW-i7l LITTLE S POST'S LA V OI•}FICE. The Highest price wilibe paid for gOc s id HOUSE ASHES, : delivered.„ at IJohn.H. Wares' Ashen. - - RHADY. 'MADE - CiOlllllG, AT GREATLY 1:1.7.1)1TEIY 1 1 )1110E,t4. . Montrose, Pa., Jan.-.7tW 1861 321.101\T 'TUE; rrEl."se ! DR. H. SMITH & .sok, • -SUlttage47 . 4432111818,, GREETING, THEIR 111 - ceviiielroirwrvas C:Torixkg S TEETH. I • ' 4 • ~~8 lnsert teeth on G's e, Ll ?ii Z iv ;t r je rli t 13:W EXTR A GTE HAVENTO Instruments adapted to each • ire ire prepared to ; extract the most di and with the sui °San Electrising nada • • hairs recently purchased in New York, they • cans be extracted, and the patient experlen • from the Operation_ • • ~.•-,- 4111. - FILLIN WE Fill teeth with GOLD or Tin Foil, Slier ‘1 or Artificial Thme, which - le w:coinmend In up old room and 'dead, broken teeth ; F . . them useful. • W Ili It S. . F Any GOLD or Tin Foil filling Nil, within I tbn money will he refundttd . or the fining re -All !'late_ work: done . satieractorily.,Or no "RESIDENT .11Ey1S PERSON'S wiehink M*7%l Vow, ' to hear In mind that wenrc P MANEN at Mont/nee. and have hare hadthemperlenc. Dental Practice. lIM:MaZ;ME VirOffice la Lathrop'' , Brick Mock. over the janl , Brt. 1k SMlTilyt, SON, llont TILIE .IttISULT THE GREAT FALL IN PR -AT TIIE - `Bee-. IS.; 03. 10 4'. • • • - • • ..I.V ::.,0 11,601 1 5 W e e 4 e. Corner Illoghapm s2oooo worth of Dry to boisold, regardless That the phblie may couireh( -tiert a irla? . . tlie.necessity. of which is patent a list pricesof to show 1 . ! reductlon: Beat -adder Prints, formerly _ pleautlful De I,,,tbies, illeav_pin•lwlde ekiodftataloon Star,- • X...xcelle= ' • • • Wool 13=11 Clokb. 1 444..nuteanilBine 'Rabat', aith iIiALESSCAX)r, lac*, style*, Scott% OingtamP,, AfoloreirDress-8111v. • - Black all Boned Bllk. rplesalla qnant.r, wool and Silk Broche Statile. Itleh Cloak# Vine lirond Cloth.. Tree(' Beater, Lyodo All dlik Wire!. Pure Fine MAI Vinci]; Opera Itoodo. Embroidered Camp : HODS g staeosniNo Owns, nyder,. An Domstk, and nil VroOtezi G 4 Dress anti Cloak Trimmings. . . EvoiryV ~,,Mb w t iow worthju I A .l e "..ial .‘=i. re.' dit• ' ;ant) - imp itc'e4o2,. dm wgirmt., sin; HAYDEN DEOTIIkiIS, IVI/OLESA4V-DHAi;E-14 EN .1 "47 2 F 2 1: 03 POCM I XOnni FANcy GooD. ww. MAIDEN. ) JOHN HAYDEN. . TRACY HAYDEN, r tarneßE uAyjny..: - -• otiundry wilts; leaned by Count otgommon jilltpletusof Susi& Co:, and to ineddrxtc , “ !aria to public sale, at the Court Douse in Montrose, on Prids January nth 1851, at one o'clock p. Mowing toy estate, to *lt • • ALL that certain *etc aneroid of landaltnatelntiebord of Montrose, Soso a county. Pa., bounded and described es follow*, to wit -on the north ind eastby land late the estateof Dayld Port, deal, on the south byland of Elijah - Mott, and treat by thellrhigewaterand Wilkesbarre turn .pike ; containtugaliont 50 rods of land. being in &Out on the turnpike, dye rods, and running back about ten rods, with the appurtenances, one trained dwelling house, one shed, andante/proved. Takentnexecutton at the suit of £1 11 Sayre d: Bros, re t S Bunnell. • . - ALSO—MI that certain piece orparcel of laid situate In the township ofJeastsp. state and county atoreeald, boon ded and describodme follows, .to wit: north by lands of Dennis shells. east by land* of Orlando Stone,- south by. lands of WniXotiNg. deed. and the Drinker lands, west by A T Howe, being lot N0.,43 of Henry Drinker's re-furter of the Mephoppen tunct, containing about to acres, with the apportenancre,Ane trained houee and about 40 acres Improved. !raked execution at the snit ofJno F,Dun snore es- George flefiry. • ALSO—AII that tertallipieee or parcel of land, 'situate in the township bfliartnony, Oaks and county aforesaid, bounded and 'described as Wove. to wit : nning at acme.' of land deeded by John N-Skinner to C Bonen to the, line of Loveless' 'WC. thence :door said Loveless line n or th 59' east 12r1 rods to a corner, thence north 'dr West 152 rode to a corner, thence south SY' west MX rods, thence south 403 e west 22 24 b rods to scorner in line ofJa cob Taylors land.thence south 31%unit along linear-CS Ben nett's land 14.240 rods, thence south 59` west 10914.25 rods to scorner, then ce south 31'east 44 2240 rodi to the , . place of beginning, containing 148 actea and 141 *oda, be. the same more otless, and all InfinsprovaL Taken in ex ecution at she suit of C 8 Bennett Yr Henry W Skinner. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Liberty. state and county Aforesaid, boun ded and described as follows, to wit: being int:Co. St 'of Law's purchase, , so called. bound‘d north by lands owned by steam saw mill."company. west by lands of Marsh, south by lands'of Smitlet. Sackett, andcart by— Marsh, it being known at Lawsville tract of land and formerly owned by La*a. - Containing 100 acres, be the same more or less together with the appurtenances.a framed ditelling house and about 20 acreiimproved.. ALSO—AII that other PttsCe or parcel of land situate as abets, and dOcribeil as follows. to wit: beginning at an old corner a small hem lock beluga comer of land of Cooper Corbett. t henee south 1.1.. n. east 144 rods to stone corner, thence south 2' west along the line of land of DuludorliOS roils to a post and stones, thence north 521 r wilst along the line of Charles ilart's land 144 rods to A beech All old corner. thence along the line of Moser Corbettht land north tit east 110 V rods to the place of beginning containing bit acres and 11 rods, j tie the seine more orlean. and ell Unimproved. Taken in' evinfutionat the 'stilt otl. T. Voting VA :I •Willik Tenna. tif sale the came as schertised elsewhere in title: paper,.• EOAS•v. sherht. Shei,lfrit °glee. Montrose, Jan, td, 1 vtil t rose, on .Mr. Gco. Li.* Anna n Lenox- Jr. Esq., s Samsn- the 31st 22 years. BUTLEIt to Oven Igued. da e ye/matter ' y.. cautioned , y notified of MERRIMAR former stock of Goods,' which they BEM CASH BUYERS, Prices P(sribctly Astonishing. We have not time to enntaentte arttelea, rlees, but itil•ite the public to call. - examine, and satisfy thetaselvep of the truth of what We pullF: r bian l ilao i rAt , h t er . 4l3g7. 113Ponville, Dee. 59th,_ IiOICE GA of Fnmilk Groceries just revel retland sel N..' ling Z.inct cent. below former priceo. riNeY Confectionary for the IloMara, at *. • Stginum ASS 1 9E 1 Mr) WARM PRODUCE of all kinds, for tt hiell the M 41104 I market price: , will be paid In Guinln. at Upsottrille, Pn. Eltltl MANS. GARIBALDI TAKEN. THE la.' . .lEW WORLD! k 'RHIN - ED here yesterday: bringing the etratling News IV that pir.a.11.1.1341...X.irti - . WALE' "r".41.318LE1V surplice oil hearing tent L. 13. ISBELL, ITIM-31.e.%;; CLOCKS, WATCHES; JEWELRY, :ABB tic will for car?:. at J.nlll/ . % Fkire. 07 - tn.c.:-. \Varela,. and .kwelry-repaired, uvosal, on 'hod ntdiro and re.itAonahl.• term!. Montrt,rv. Per_ 12.,ILYAL MBE t ulrtcrilw•rt lake pleatwe iu annotineihg to thi•Sr friend, that they have thla dar returned from N. York :mintier addition 1., their r!ork of Good,. •elertro n irh great awe. mid eeinicial reference to the approaching ter. tlyc •eaeon. Any perebn d••eiruns ofinaliing Ptir or Vol. ul rultiner. . Earßlaas,aad Breams Plns—An Infinite arietj of styles and {{r ives, in sets and sinele. ringer Binge—biatnpud, Ituby..ltiprd.Pearl.tteale Chased and plain Gold lama stock. Beaceletri—Gold, Jet. Pintail. and !JAM Bracelets of allpatterns and prices. Bytom Miser Vare--Raerretraeriptioa of Silver Forks. and Spoons. Napkins Mll:79.rifi hand. also Soup and Gravy Cant Cases, pie, Butter. and Fruit Knives. Chlldrens' set.. salts. etc.. warranted good as , pi.„,‘,o 7 are-A Iteautlfnl assortment of Ice Pitchers rastors.l'a• • Baskets. Waiten.. Butter Dishes. Sumas Salts, Knives Vorks, Spoons, Toast Ilacks:cups Goblets Ate.. etc, j - Bram:, & Sleeve Batted,' and sludge—A large stm k of all patterns and-prices. ' Beads—Coral Necklaces and Armlets, Amber. Coral. Pearl. Gilt. Nivel. and sit% er Beath. cult teeth, which we • • In nwwt SO FAIN Amalgam fmAmild al to make 'Fire Isar, •C3rt•C. I do well I located of 25 yea?! nabee con PAN IC. CES ' ye. , Juit St • ods osk id this •1',. , 0 ALL, ie exavt um,. 06 • 'ow 09 6 4 I T 10.1i1 • 4 700 a' .1 00 00 11(11 2 2, 5 01) rOO 5 ^5 Reduced Redecod ltedumi . A gal MEWL NEM JOLPVIeD. Ps 6881131Nr. MUM- IipUGJIT • • Fo4' CASK AT PANIC: PRICES! AND AVII.L SELL TIM( TO LATER PROM EUROPE. hat. Just pureltfretl a large a-.6rtnwnt of HOLIDAY PRESENTS! CUR Isrm AS .kN EW - Y E lltOlr S , (and we hut7e'11(1110 IVin dens thcntadre4 the pleartiret eel find a rich - and; ex.temtive ae•tortutent to tqleet front, and at the very htwe-t ('a4ll prlee?.°- . . _ EVANS G ALLEN.' No. Odd Fellow t 1611. Slu:Lawton 'll,lltela es —l.3die.' Dianmod RnAniel.A. and plain— oeudit) ,11,0 a variety of t;old and hit, el Eng pl Ainerio-an and tisvio4,.llntiting and Plain, very low. Gold Chalet—.l very exteneive variety of Ve.t. Fob, uard Nrcl; 4.;fininp, 'by Shell Cr:Praha—it Good .cock of obeli back and . aide t'otnh•, MN, Bathlo. lyre,: and hrc•+in", Voutbr, hair andTr:lllh Smeller, etc., vie. et? • No . 2 odd Vidkr‘va Hall, ltin2harnten. •I:111TO ItS' Ni E. in rrt: undersigned.appolnted an Auditor by Ito. Court of stnopiehanna county to distribute the money in the hands of Charles Tingley, adminittrator of Gurdon Barnard, deed, to and among the widow and heirs, w ill attend to the &tie-sof-his appointment at the office of F: 11. Streeter. in 3fontrooe, on Saturday the 11th dae arta nary. ib,i, at one o'clock p. m.. at which time and. plict MI persons intcrerted' will presort their datum . or linfor ever debarred from coming to upon raid fund. Octal STltEel'El,f. Auditor. • • ' _A_ UDITOR'S NOTICE. r lITE snlH , crilwr. having teen's appeinted 'an Auditor, hr the Orpbatis Court of - Sti-whanll3 ( Qin • to dist rifinte the funds. in the hand- of the Admit'•of the estate of CIiM.I , OIW TITUS. lived. beret's. gis -notice that hit "1011 attend to the duties of. hls iippolot• went at his office in Alnittrove. on Montlay.• the 11th day of January next. at t o'clock. M. where all havinu an interest Iu MU distribution of the raid fund tam attend if they think proper. ,•tb.rettO LBERT CV :%1 BE LIN. .1 udi or L SHERIFF S SALES. Y virtue of Maltif, writs, ittued 1;y - the Court of ['ton- Al mon Shignehanna 'Count v. and to tee dirert ed.3 will espul , e in cafe, at the Court H Moutro..e, on Saturday the ltrth day ofJanuary: lnrd, at one o'clock; p. to.. the following Beal Estate to wit: ALL that certain tract Or parc..l of land situate In the townoltip of Liberty, in the County, of Suoqueltanna and State of Pennoylvania. and butted, bounded and described no follows, to wit:; Being thrroe certain pieces; parcels, or tote ufland known rot nuirdiviolon lots of the Kirby & Law Snake Cha: purslane, SS. it. G 6. nod 74. as ofJohn Barra Survey, of said lade made in the yenr 11%, le nt_ the came preminee conveyed by kkroper Corbett and Wlte to Cyrue Strong, Jr.. and others by drt-d dated the flr,t doe of Jun - e. hill. and all nnintproved. ' [Token in eNeentlint at the cult or Cyrno Strong. Jr.. v.. Daniel N. Tuckt;r pod ;Anna E., him wire,- with Ituticete r t Terra that certain piece or pared or land f.ituate In the tovinehip orAuhurn, county and State atore -, a1d.,. bounded and degcribed rte follo*e. to wit: On the North hy lands ofJullue Brown, Fart by lainde of Oebrge Batty. and Perking, South by land! of O. C. Roberts. John eon Slater and Samuel Bennett. and west by the Bradford County line. contabalint about Eighty serer., with the ap purtenances, Two framed-dwelling Ileusce, a barn, orch ard. tinditbont thirty-five aeice improved. [Takeo in ex. ecutihn at the inifi_of A. .1 . .ttst• or II: LC ltdberti,". Brown. . ALSO—AiI that Certain piece or pane! of bud situate . In the Borough of Montrose. County and State aforesaid. I bounded and described as follows. to wit : On :the Iy - orilt. by land of Emerson Los ler. on the east hr land of Foloinon '!, Vatirdon. on the tisktth by hinds ofJohn F. DIKIMUM and on the West 'by the peak highway, containing about I 3.32tlmistre feet of laud, being' in ( runt uu the street 1 thirty feet, and numing.back one hinadred seventeen and ! I a ! half ftWt. with the appurtenances. one frimed dwelling : house. and all improved. [Taken in execution at the snit I, of jdhlt F. Dunmore VI , . A.M.. VY . ,right, • • I ! *WIPE TO PUltellAtiEßS.—To prevent mist:rider- ; 4:44111;,...... niniee is hereby given that Part:let:erg at Sher. I ' ire fAIFe will be required to pay the turniaut : bid , at the tine yffle land is sold. It has becomthaperitiyely neress: are ld'adopt,,this rule. and it will be strictly adhered to. i eiceire In races Whero the purchaser is a lieu creditor and Is entitled to thefundas provided in Mel at "CflOn of the leo oaseembly, approved Aprilldn.l43l346,whiela Is as fol lows: S.Ntrhetterer the purchasers of real estate at Or-. phut enitrt or Sheriff's sole. shall ap from the proper t recordlo he entitled . as a Hen ' tor, to receive the • whole nrany pollen orthe proceeds of said sale, it shall i be the duty of the Sheriff. Adinialetmtor. ExecutOr or earn:v. ~.king such sale, to receive the receiprof Isuch p baser or purchasers for the amosntishlch he or they would sppear, from the record as storerald to be en ' tltredtiteetife : -Proridtditthet,thla section shell not be 1 #6l:ODt. rued solo present the right 'at 'sstd'Sheriff, Adz relnlstrator, N ,,, krelar.or other person emerald to de• I Dial/dud arcelrent thethne of sate a sum.. stddeient to 1. ear:veil 1401 awns entitled to be' paltout of thePt*Seds Lorsald sale; add provided further, thatbetore say ptirchs iser or purchasers shalt wseetee the tenet! a ebb 'emit*, :111c or tha shall produce to the tlberld„orother person so I:, ! inakingsai2lasie.B dulysertilled statementfrom tbeprop• Or recordS. anderthe find end odtchtl seal of the proper Potdcer,rhosine that ha Is &ilea , creditor entitled to re i celve anypartotthe proceeds of tbe sale ateorsald." I i 3::., , ptirth-e Pa Dee. Ty. 414,45 V. riji,EEN, shepii. THEIS 20 UM _ WINDOW & PICTURE GLASS. Newly. all the sizes wanted. „ LiTiIOGRAPILS, Prints and' Artists Materials. • VARNISHES, Japans, Dryers, Putty, &c.- • itIRD CAGES. A good variety 'of the bet& stAts.- Also, Canary, Hemp, and Rape Seed, and all the fixtures for keeping. Birds. A Full 'Afisortuictit. 'WHIPS AND LASHES., A good varic;y. • B - R 00- M. S., Sponge, ',Wash -Bo:wag,. Baskets,. 4te: GUNS & PISTOLS, Draw► Flaplcs, , AIVIMIJNIIrION. Gun null Wasting Nyder, Safqty-Fine, Lead, Shot, Caps, &e. • Snuff and Cigars • MEDICAL. And - Surgical lnstruments,.unmentionable Artielet:l, &e., on hand, and bought. to or der.. • SALT By the Barrel, Sack or found S4O APS: - POV %Ala - All ;dint; of hard, Soap, aml all the materi als necessary for making soft soap, in the nrost 'simple, easy, and cheap Manner poss ible. - 'Only $1.50 for a. barrel of good soft soap. PATENT MEDICINES. All the bestldnds in Market, direct froth the - manufacturer:f,and warrattfed genuine. ALMANACS FOR - 1861. One Almanac for evert finally in. Susque hanna county; .tiend and get it,. • UMBRE • LLAS ton Peet itigary,l'Oye:, Viiigar,llops, Sage, Re. ;,. • • PORCELAIN TEETH , gold 'and Tin Foil; 470, fur Dentist's ttiie, and'soin6 tit' nearly all:..otlier kinds. of Goods in - ‘Market,, , too nubierons men tion. attention of isNrespect fullyfilvited -to my stock. of (400d t a, tiotight ex &lusiveiy_for rAslt oowN, and will :13.e „ spJil on the stone prinOple tbr fwives: ABEL Tuft BELL:. .11ontrost;. I)ee. ittith, lAlifl. CHttOREN L. B. MRS. WINSLOW, c.z i keifenrcd Ntir:q , and 'Female present• to the atteutivn ror mother, • her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR TEETIIING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the gums. reducing all inflammation—will" allay ' ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SLUE TO IIEGICLATE TUE IiOWELIN. Depend upon it, mothers. it will glee rest to you, and BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. i We have put up and argil this article for 0%1"1 ten years,' and can Pay IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of It. what We have never been able to say of any others medicine— , NEVER lIASIT FAILED. in a SINGLEINSTANt'E. to ! Erner A CURE, when timely mod. Never did we know an instance efdissatisfarlion by anyone who had need It. On the contrary, all arc delighted with Its operations. and speak hi term, of commendation of Its magitmleffects and medical virtues. We any in this matter -WHAT WEIR) KNOW." afterten Veal's experience. and PLEDGE REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare. ; In almost every instance wberetbe infant islstiffering by -pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen to la) Minutes after the- eyrnp Is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the meet EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with.NEVElt FAILING tircCE:ti in' TfilletlfiliNDS OF- CANES. It not only relieves the child from pain. but invigorates I the stomach and - bowels, corrects acidity.and gives tone , and energy to tile whole system. It-will almost instantly ' relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and oyeremuceoncrilsion% which. if not speedily cured. -end In death. We believe it 01,1411 EST and SUREST edy in the WORLD. in all cares' of DYSENTERY and I DlAltlillaiA IN 'CHILDREN, whether it arisen Dom ' teething. or from ant- Other cause, We acouid say to all inotharslyho have a child suffering from any ofthu Novo ing complaints—DO NO7' LET YOUR PREJUIIIUF,S ' SUR Tilk: l'REJUDlCE.:ittfOTllEßS.etandbetween you and your suffering , child. and the relief that will be ; ! SURE—Yea ArtseiLuTELy sultE—t" follow the flee of this medicine. !lamely used. Full directions for tieing will accompany each bottle. • None genuine unless the fac ' simile of CURTIS & -PERKINS, New York, -Is on the outside wrapper. , Sold by Drum:lsta throughout the world. Prinelpnl'Otller,l-51,:edar wirer*, New York. , -PRICE ONLY 25, CENTS PER BOTTLE. ly FOr sale in Noniron by Abel Turret!. MWMffl ' • ' 0 V . • • LIFE PILLS, 'S . , PHOENIX BITTERS. riviEsE MEDICINESitave now been , before the public fora period of Thirty IWtro. , ntitl during that time hare maintained a high character In, miming .very part of the. 1:10heJor their extraordinary and immediate _power of 1 - motoring perfect health to pereona angering, under nearly every kind of die to which the human frame liable. Tlie following are among the 111, , treo tang varletyat hu •• In whi...h The • GETi'±iLE - LEE ,1111ECIVE Are well known to . DYSPEPSIA. be thoroughly cleansing. the lot and 2nd stomachs, and creatins . a fl ow of 'pure,healt by bile,insteati of the gale and acrid kind FLATULENCY, LOC. flf A - pefile.llearaurn, Headache. RcolleArnes , ...fll-Tinaper, n.r• gely. Languor and Melancholy. which are general symptom, of Dyspepsia. vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. costivENEss, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent procesand without violence; all violent purges leave the bowel* costive in two days. FEVERS oral! kinds, by restoring theldood to a regular . circulation, thro• the process of respiration In such cake. and Unity' solution of all Intestinal obstructions In others. The Life 31edicines hare liecicknown to t-nrc RIfZUM. ATISIE pOrma nentiv In three weeks, and (TOUT in half that time. by removing local inflammation from the 111111,. cles'and ligaments of the Joints. GaGpSkleis of all kinds; by freeing And strengthening the kidneys and bladder :thew ()pirate most delightfullson these important organs, and hence have ever been founds certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also 'WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere, .SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, the perfect purity which these Ltle Medicine, give to blood and all the humors. • SCORBUTIC EIMPTIfTIfiI and BAD COMPLS.S.IO by theiraiteratlee effect upon•the fluids that fetal the skin and the morbid state Of which a:melons all °tundra ! tompplaints, sallow, cloudy, and otherdhiagreelble corn : Notions. The INC of these Pills for a very short' time will effect an I-entire curs of SALT MUM. and a striking Improve ! went in this cleaniess of the shim COMMON .COLDS and INFUENZA will alwny* he cured by one dose, or by two hi the went vises. . ' PILEIL— Thu original proprietor of . ,theret Madlel tiC9,- Watt =Pad of 1"1144, of years attending by the use -or the Ll,llXediciiie* alone. FEVER MID RORE,—For this 'teatime of the West ern country, theae.3tediciner will be found arafe. speedy and certain relitedy. Other Medicines leave the system subject to a return or the 'Bernier-a cure by there 31edl eine" is permanent— Try thent„.be eaft,plea. word euird, Milos" Wavers and Liver - Complaints. Oenerat Debility,LOse of Appetite . and Mower of Fe males.. The Medicines have - been used with the moat , . bendlcial tonna in taro of this, dereriptiont— }hu g e i ~ .. DRY Evil, and berotida. hi its worn forint, ,lields to thernildtr : . yet lowerful . Wien ,of bleat nawaruble 3tedkluer. 1 a . . - A ' -.44) !? 1) t 5'. Sight Sweat., ;keeper Debility. -barons Complaints of Jr. Mail assortm . ept Or • Otar C z srttel es. iii Medi. Palpitation of the 'Beast, Painters' colic; are VeAtdilYpured• • . . - I . • m i.wiesop.' .rvirs,i- • • i Mrereifitill Firiiii)iair-Persciaawhibre coartibiliona : - - .ii juty k Anisia • . Asveboosseespstrad-bribe Windlass* use of ![entry, 'i - • , 'bill Sod those Near-Sots a mice cure. as they never WU, w oi d an d Gil Frames. , ... . • Lb eradicate from the system, all the effects or Mereory,d, laaultely topper bow the toostrowertbr pemetetione el i l ' ' ABEL TVRIIELL. ~ , rosparilla. Prepared android b y 1 , . W. B. MOFFAT ' . - ' _ sr., ileoaeleav, Nta - Nons. • Tor bale by • nil Drill:ear. • . ~ _ i i „...... 4o c a n tr n o ti s n e t , ie D d e i e vi . 2 2k 0 . t T li, ur 'l r B e tto u, , s: 24 661,14 m. - i . SPECTACLES. TOBACCO, 1811: moors - Cllllllll ABEL TURILELL Now offell for _sale one ofthelirgo4tand best. elections of -' GtOtSl Ever offered , iti ' Susquehanna Count Y; and ; probably comprising the greatest MAT or most different articles of any Store in - the- Northern part • of Pennsylva- Ukt; andperliaps of the entire State.- .An .assortment is kept in about thirty -di4r entbranchies of trade, 'and the selectimis are made from about' forty of the best Houses in Nei' York , and- more than 4f tti and itranufaeturers'ont -of New York.. A lar ge proportion of the Goods are boughtdAct from the llfanuacturers, 'Gans insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on entering the Store intik not expect .to find everything, in sight, but nearly ev ery article wanted- wilt be produced by inquirv.' , Some idea of the Stock nisi be formed by the following general outline, .hilt ettunieration is itnpracticable. . •. DRUGS &. MEDICINES: TO this•Aeart inch t 'the assort molt is‘ line and complete, and the qualities the licist it . market. v PAINTS. & OILS. A full stock of all kinds, -of best qualities. DYE II It` 43. Everything, and perfectly ,reliable. No one who strictly follows correct receipts, need fail of gumless, who lows dye 'stuffs at Turrell's. • GROCERIES. A good and ,eitoice variety Of Family Groceries, constantly (01 ham]. Ladle.; say they get the - best Tea for the price of Abel Turn: Q U 0-R S. The greatest Variety of Pure Liquors -to be found in all Northern Pennsylvania, and comprisinewith very few exceptiots)_ every kind manufactured of held for, side -in any market.. These are kept,. for medi, cinal pitrposes. If there are any pure liq ors in the country, the druggists are the men who have them. It is almost im possible to obtain pitreLicptors elsewhere at-retail., • CROCK ERY. All the kinds usually kept in a rountry getwal assortment stem. • GLASS-WARE. ;A - complete assnr'tment for Tablti •and general IlNe. and fin : Druggists, Physicians, Pedlers. and in Short every variety for general sale. "IVALL h IVINT)O.IV 'PAPER. large Ktack,. comprising an • extensive 'variety of beaotifnl styles. The most fas ti,lions can seldom fail to be stilted. JEWELRY, A splendid variety, - embracing nearly ev erything'enstoMers may wish in this de partment, sought direct ()film nuinuflie turers, and all 'warranted as represented: SILVER-WARE. Tea, Sugar, and Salt Spoons, Butter and Fruit . Knives, Xapkin Rings, Thimbles, Speclacles, &e., constantly , on hand, ho't direct of theananufacturers,made to order, and warranted pure as coin. ,All .other kind's of Silver Ware obtained to order on short notice. • ' PERFUMERY. A choice -variety of beautiful Perfumes, Extracts, Colognes, Bair Oils, Nair Re; storers, Dyes, ite. . Articles to make the hair grow, and also to take it ow, an i ev erything necessary for the Toilet, Inclu ding a fine assortment of Hair and Tooth Brushes, Tooth Soaps and Powders Fan cy articles Tor the complexion, including ”71feen Fun," and nearly everything else - desired. [A great place this, at TurrelFs Any thing and exbry thing that anybody wants can he foundllter'e.] FANCY 'GOODS. The greatest variety in town, comprising nearly everything n§nally timid m an exclusively - Fancy Goods or "Yankee No tion" Store. taUSICAL INSTRUMENT . S, Violins; Accordeons, -Flutes, Clar inets.; Violin, Tiolineello, 'and Guitar Strin! , s, Sl >me of the .best qualities .in market ; Violin . Bows, Bridges, Pegs, Piece, 'Resin, Instruction Books, on-hand; and all other , Instruments obtained to order. BRUSHES. A Full assort met' s :, bought direct from the manuffieturers, and comprisin4 , nearly cc. every kind inade, ` AM - ERIC/1N POCKET KNIVES. • About fifty different patetns or styles— considereri the best for use in,market. TABLE CUTLERY- & 'SILVER PLATED. WARE. Including Spoons, Forks, e., constunti on haul. LAP S . A good varietyfor Kerosene and Fluid, and some for Camphene, Oil, ,t e. TAUT Chimneys, and Brushes - :for thiqui' Lamp and 'Candle' Wick, Candlesticks, fluid and , oil Lanterns, Lanip Shades, si•® • MATERIALS-FOR LIGHTS. Every kind used in NS seittion of country, and of hest qualities, 'ttt toti•prices," inclu 7 ding Kerosene, Fluid,. Camphene, Oil, Varolles, c. • HARDWARE. A small Assortment, Botts, Screws, Bulls; Gimlets, Atigers; Hoch Flat Irons,llaminers, Faucets, Saud Pa. ParingMaellines; tte. • • BED CORDS, - Clothes Lines Masan,' .Chalk, :nu' Fish Lines, Fish - Hooks,- •• • . STONE' WAR R A INllStock,inelading a large quantity of J age, 4t0.. • cia‘-laALigie REDU C TI.ON ft ic a .) 7r, • . !„ . ` eit' . ce- : ' .„-• _ f-, - . -., Al • I . . .. i., ,-:-•.' ' ------) ~: , ~ , : _,, :„ ..; . GRElyrcßopi,ExpEmill I AT THE ;STORES OP— .o3uittbeig. AT ‘. • iffootrosei - Olieq'a!COunty, " . lElnura.. - Net‘r-York, .laiquehoonp. Depot, Pe. • , r = • • WEigiTlL'` l t„%ou.;•,Vone:h°'°„lii:nruicLaurcgein.7l,l. mono , agarrd iu thu g .clticavire cul i cpurchasr7 CA at 'llO . . to' '2O. lie,. et. • Itssl than -foenterly. Thcndur we are fieterintned offer the public °Fu r 2eneral cluck of READY MADE CLOTHING RYltic G 0 O.DS; coinpriPk:4 tho ' largest mid best - „ BTIRCKY,GOODS Kept an ANY- COUNTRY/Store - this Ode o( Sew York At•Pilces which Defy Coinpotition as we will Pell: for CIAtILIELIEj4 'at the email advance of ten per dent above the wholesale root. We will sell the follo - oi (100DS at the annexed pricer, viz: Black Firock Coat ,Worth - * 9 for *6,00 Black Tliiick Coat" worth- lb for 7,50 Black 14rock Coat worth l:?; for , 9,50 BoAnLss Coat, worth $5 for- i 2,75 ilusin4ss . Coat worth '• 6 for 4,00 1 . • 0%1,14 Coat worth *5 for 54,00 . Overt Coat worth : 7 for 5,75 .' • Over` Cat worth to fort , 7,50 , Over . Coat worth : !I:5. iLt. 11,50 • Over ; Coat wprth -.;20 for 15,00 ' Black Pants worth '-#4 for 0;00 Black Pants - worth ' - 5 for 3,75 I Black i 1 - 'ants worth 6 for 4,50 , Fancy Casshnore Pants worth gi4 for $2,1 Fancy Cassimere Pants worth 5 for . 3,1 Fancy Cassiinerc • Pants worth • 6 for • .44 Black 't;atin Vest worth $3 for, $2,25 - , Black ~liatin Vest worth 4 for .3;00 i - Black iatilt Vest worth .5 fur 3,50 . ' • • , OVER-SHIRT ',COVERALLS only ,31 UNDTGARIMENTB EQL7ALLy Loyt .l. Mute( har fuirly ujmettred, w‘e Invite the attention of 1 L a 1/ 3 bliffteft ~ O - :--- x....A.,Lwrxcmrx..'.A.,iiamili-, _ , Also GENTS who wish to avallthemselves of the oimor make come Vali One is,nlee Christmas or New4ears* .46/' . ~, tar -lg, - t# -.• PIitIEARIVIC4 to our large Itssortment of 1' . - - $ - J ' • cr—fi... W il U. rt .151, ...6EI ' G 1 i ,IL4' . 6 i is., SHAWLS! •Sz. tONNETS. •• ' • - OU R ASSORTMENT- OF DRi]ss 0901)s, A.N D AI.WkYS LARGE & COMPLETE, COMPRISIG • PILIANN BIAA.CI4. 1 ;nal, • IAItY • Si KS WaYIZKV.ES• lof all colors' and abides. ILIVALAINES, kc. oat sTocN . . OF . DOiIIESFIICK.C' BF..E9I.TALLED IN OMIT! PERIL „ S ry-teetings, 6 to - Bets. per y7d 1-y ‘Sl!eciings,..7- 1 ,to• 81ets. pr y'd froni , ,B to 174 cents - per yard 1 , from \lO. to 16 'cents pg. yard I MS, frontlOto.4s ets. per , yard '43, fist: whirs,. 14, yards only $1 •st Merrimack; lo yards only $1 Goon Ile: Best Ilea, TICKIN( GING lie CALICO toil 33Etttgli; lice article, onli rents. • Stool: Sprizig !king, or—selling al 4'ets. per sprini. Ladies' (may op ).Ve sts pod Drawors. LAMS WOOL HOSE. acmtimomail. Of tlie Latest Stylcs, Apc., •te• Co 41 ell Pest A flee 1 'll.4oldul to tlienutncroos - oustamersfor their g mel.tilis pittronage rtho-rst 'Ye*, we respectfully: solicit a ixiquiuonce, thc_sAme, rg,lloarn Devmber L Outitn4 Nontrtue, P is- . . CIIANGZ. ---. .:-.ITrIMOIVIIII. ' rnIntSITBSCRIBERi HAVIlit Pit & -,,, Or Slit 1:10011AEOTICMCiff) . ?• 1 1 7, 462 414. 3 he /*Or 06-- - msx. xX- . ' iii . '' . ": ' • 21 0 0 1 410 1ka t al l= the a : ot wanc rzu . 11, !, \ --• Asiviirst Eg y ,: ‘ lige sin: Dams Qom& if I I 11 .' , : IT"i k r ierie=idOsall = at .001111Rgi attired ib r A, It4OrtAint•ittesl26 .4 4 111111 ,niti; 4.4l4.l= enici .s: *Mogi! tstbrmmg o ftsestielbeaak4 Ciente ,Ightlti 'Cigars. li p it ow eroe t t•hr vp l aillit gprl isigisiant; A , lOC *VC .•.• ' - , . Si* r whereas will ffV 7l l . m=piry wet spew: 1r : - l a ," ti " . / .4 1 1 6 ,1 1/ q I CO / 4 ~ , •-. i,: : - ' . 2. 4 l,lta4a4l„&itygmi IT AlLa p ios -- oars& Gots Ilse .'tar,als= li l ANY -BOOK .. =4.-g. wa...ftrar ... _.• -: , ' - - - 'DI BLISUED (awl In.priiit) atihe obtained be leering' Jt, - your orders. with the prim of the took out ptiblisber'r imp ear , - .41141 name tit the desk. Also, . any „article In the : .Book end and Sperm, Abeetingns Talk* Contges. grw ri a r g Stationery" line. , ' . . • _ detemert totters, Watt ` lioashe VA Ceirool4.looo, -NEWS. OFFt . I cE _ .... grostres-Bertglisdstil AstiorsoogAtoinatririar • Clothe! Pin+, Pine and CEDAR PAVW.bealtili sriLF:st . ... . •,1 • - Iliastav .e4oonarsat. ur Aar= g. (WWI 1 3 =P r eircn o mir l e ... 1.: 47a v 1 . 1 . or say of the r es e. 7. •Y. lar . rthatard a rgisill=otii Starch Lifter. N. T, Wee ,r. Xerertry. clipper. nag, _Wgkes• Tatar, Wastes SAM. and all tie 111m0tated rapers for rule .':! Noel sew 4 Xl.l=ltei v ritinAliiitatArkaff. and lots Mr rinlfinr• i - or Wigs sit weitt 4. - mildebtaskpg I,l>mri. •. , • .. . . • cloaks Itlifrpit _ahowl. asitaratelritil tf iJtirilyw ,- . ' AII the old sanifealtilise. Oioda k ha! 1.4,0 therms: sot snit f• for 14. ! K 11,41, 11. _ 111=411101,411. ' ",:- : .. • /LC - '•0 ' , GO A, i 4 Par oamli k Geste: FM . . t.t.A —/Lw. !s an o ' .. t rt MC ME A. CA.XaXa. and ll will andertier to 11.7 have . • a single ere to poor 'literati" aid one Wary I own.. Yours, 3113 C. MI evl,lentiL • ~ Jai.. MEC SiCIXTROMX, PA,J3vpertuber bit, 1000.1 'i P P. BRUSH, 14.1 D.; N'OW LOCATED PECSIANEETLY s ' AT EiPprixi.wc7ll%e, ivm attend Yo the duties of ble - prderelcni promptly. • - Otilltee at It.. Lathroplit 111•04, `,JOIN THE CLUB!' r¢oW ro,Cio 2111r3C ir cat • • . —ron— l* THE RURAL KEW YORKER, (AgrleultoraL) at $1,25 . , akERWAN matlcutaunisT,st . , -,110 INDErEN,DEsT, ateliglous.) at • • • 0,23 OGDErs LADYW BOOK, ATLANTIC 31ONTIILT, 4 / lIARPEWS 3IGNTII LT MAGAZINE, r and PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. AII at " L our Kw awn HAT=l4,tl. , warns MEWS °titer.. _ ituntrosn, DOCetilber let, 1101.--41 N, ./ •• -PERMANENT - E MPLOYMENT. TRAVELLING . AGENTS WANTED • UTE %cm employ Agent‘to sell I new and ealaaide Pat tinted &tilc e. either on conatnissiun cent it liberal salary. Rosiness honorable, meld and Incridlee, The article la required Ittevery For parachbars , and complete los tru ct I one, ettclose stFnip and address &WO J..W. ugutrs d CO.. SuarOn, Naas. . SPALDING'S • CEPIIII.IIC.Ii:PILIS 1,1011 the eure of all kinds of Miteoca,Cit,43:l24). r.l: See adthtisement in another column. For Sale by Montrose, Pa. Dec. 13, IfiGO. ABEL, TITHRELL. _ •, . B A K ER'S VRitETARIA cONITOU:siD. a Inre cure for Dyfietitary. ISholesale and Retail. ~., ..:- ABELL 'tI.IIRZLI.. . . . . • RUIT JARS, (or sale by ABEL Buffalo Robes dr. Ladies Turs. s l ,r,r lot )net recelyed. and bealdlayfor Actkt, . . iaT 4ew 3111ford.1 , 4».Stb, 1860. Mrs. L. J.. BIXBY HAVISQ just returned froth :Vise York wdlha ctibice, beautiful, and extensive isasoittnent of Fill k winter .MILLIMIT f Is ready to forutsb the Ladies of•lelnity with FASHIONABLE BONNETS! as good and er rich as can be purchase4l anynbere. keep the very nicest good., such as cannot fall to please the moat 41111 cult. Pricer. very renewable. ••. • The Ladles are Invited to toll and examlnd her Goods. Vflr Rooms opposite Mott'.4 Saloon, (second floor,) Main street, Montrose, (seprat • NEW GOODS JVST Attumf.ri AT THE . • • - I . ORIGINAL "ONE PRICE" STORE! - BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGHNiS.: . 'l‘ ll'ave a LARGE spLE. - Nutv ;Stock 01 . , • • .1V 310017: • , 9 • • , Cheaper thaa the Cheapest ! (''ALL ANI) .EXA - 7.1111NE OUR (!ODDS, winaltEß YOU 'CUY OH SOT. IT PAYS YOU. TO GET POSTED UP . • ISCAtLie3DXIAT 331*019. NEW 3m.Fortn, Novetal?er Sth, IMO. 4 I.7RE CIDER VINEGAR for isle by P• SBEI, TCRREI.L. - Register's Notice. • uni4c 'NOTICE Is hereby given to all periiona con. P oersted in the following Estatre, to wit : . • Estate 0/Josuut of the Township of Rash Deed, -K. Granger Adm. Estate ofilanturr Bunco. of the. crown•hip of Jackson deediltarlea Tingley, adm. - N ' TheJinal account of Jane E. Palmer, Guardian of the minor - children of Su.te F. MeErs E., deed. • Estate of Jour; Batnn. of Ditriocki township {' deed. M. S. Wilson and•Perrin admrs. r • - That the accountants have settled their aieoupti In the Register's °nice, in and for the County of Susipwrianna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court..of said County, on Friday dattuart• 25th for confirmation and allowance. Montrose, Pa., pee. 27. 31. K. NEWELL, Register. SIMITIVOS! NEW MILFORD, I A.. THE . PLACE To BUY y9rit HARNESKES, 0813 AP ' PbR AND GET THE WORTH . OF YOUR 'MONEY. , nOl3 4m ' J. H. MIMI. , • : J. S. S . The INVENTOR, and DENTIST, y 8 Pratticing Dental Surgery in NewMilfOrd,berlng Roonot In the'New Milford Hotel, in a pleasant torru, of good and intelligent people. - at.evo_ .• AUDITOR'S -ICO'rICr THE undersigned:appointed on.luditortiytlM Orphan.; Court of Sumfa county to dlotributetho money ln the bunda of Wm J. Vurrell:4lm.. adminlotratorof °Unfit McKceby", decd, among the helm will attend to !be flatlet of, btu appointment Whit Mike In 31 antros• on 'Fritter 11tb. rMy of Jan. 1861 - . at one o'clock. p. mist which 'time anal dace all person* intcreeted will 'lament their cfund. laimn:or be forever. debarred OUZO main Upon said ,-. • , deal 4w . F. D. STREETER; Auditor. . . pursuance of the Act of Assentbkr. th e followlerper. I, sons have died petitions With the Clerk of the Cogrto( L i Quarter Sessions of the peace for .Basquehanna.lCoato, for License to keep ?Taverns In Mid county I and sid peti. Donn will be presented to the ConrCon . the', trot Monday ofJanuary term, IRII-I(being the 21st day of the month. DarM Lathrop, Spilnkvllle, 811 as Wintcre. HatMony, A.. 1. Chamberlin, Gibson, - - J. Y.2lgler;Marbird, Daniel Dud; Jessup, V Joseph C'artto, Auburn, D. P. Phelan, Silver Lake, M. M. Day; Rush. ,; W. Flak, • Springville. Wm K. hatch, MOntiose, Judson Stone„ild, FOrest Lake. • -• . Thome T. Xaneen - siosd Robert Fled. 100 DioP 6 l: For Inolelak Licetifs-411v. Wheaterott, oul_AOs Depot. . Jana •-•-.. E. M. TOIINER;TIeric. _ STILIa ON THE 1114101 C l FAIM" REDUC ED. ONLY 15 CMS' BETWEEN MONTROSE .4 MONTROSE DEPOT fitifFIE Itegalar Will I s lita tett; carry pateeageda:betteeott• the above cpruttha aid* an - Coats. 101111 4 - their w Ibt calpt pelt roddevekby katilag their name* at a Aqa or at thayraddla How, tinges lease the POW a °meat d ie. to., and 4, ts. to.. precise. y. , J. S. TARBELI., Adett r \ , PO . Cironl Stage 'company, thit.tro, rik. • - . elio 1, LICENSE - NOTICES. ' bap a bads of the .ildittg lid T •a l I al beats zairda t Stb ir rorUmi sbaolm. moNTROS —x , • - _ %LILY MAIL ROUTE BETWXEN MONTROSE&RIENDMU. , . CoACIIF.S carrying -malls aad pamaces toreessei Manime and Ftlendsville. alll kale ikarlerslievd. Ica liontme. dally, st 7 ye:tick... as. and leave Mead*. !rills at 3 o'cloelt.p. nt. - . - corlforses sad mriordass be mama tithe Livery fiteble of the ou ascribe/la kleatesse.en resmonde teems. Matron. dug. ICIIIIIO. If •J. D. 1700D62.1: FALL. STYLES: NOW READY, At At °Teat Bargains! .1 FOR READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS! gtiVlattheilevagg r =shrvy a i: mom' WTOCII .1.1.`• FALL AND WINTER Inc 1 great vartetp.of the nevitilt sztrbest shies cf . Dress Goads, Numbs, BrogrAlleidtk 41 - Wilatte Studio. lc., with a luge assonment ottia Staple and Fancy Goods, ray 1:11211:111 Getmerki in ;Qoaairm, Elardwara. * eat • Simi, Stens. Path.% Ofle, reit Boot*, Shoes, nate, Cape. ali t =_ ..IPloot on cloth— wall Paper. Patated WI w UMW, elute of Seatosene Lamp aryl On Fist:sea, Mks . and Buffalo Ilobes. r4r- no entire stoekbelngft i ndbonfor Can. and lamely from armrtrvem mad fturr Maros. ' ! will give superior opportunities tor entice selections and low-ilitoro prices, andarni be sold on its most favontan : terms tot PRODUCIL Lod to Prompt tiboattottite oyers; Au examination of th e Goode and Prkesisid be fonnd profitable to those Rho with to bay. •, • FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLT ON KM. New Iforti„Clethtar, 1060. ;;0/ • •t' 7 *- . IF7frif STREET Prrrsagßo. PA. Wcrusa.cteici Ilia 1840. Chirtered by the- Logialatwe. . ,ILTEARtAr CVO lITUDLYTS, firm almost neerittate .i.l in Mb Union. hays been educated kr buebteac o = l the only CoUsge of theldadba the Vatted Slater . ,by an experienced merchant. ... , I Our Jealor Printipd. Wm's. DOIIIVAASIIIIK been see. tied. by one State end °Ater Tains, Agar Fars: /teams for &wines% & Ornamental Pep, over eampetiters i called the beat penmen In the country: Samples of his Da t u m! • and ormimental Writing. .e, circular of 50 pace,. and an elegant engraving, mailed, post paid, on raeetpt of 25 cents In stamps. ••• For sale. br.bookaellers. limpet's Enlarged Edition c( t LFF'B BOOK KJIMPLNO. Sri' pages. $l5O. anatikdfuer Silver Medd ~ and eanetioned In the chamber of commerce 'and Amerlcan,lnStitute of New Y0r1443 timber!' pnblishte Durr & Dmicart's new and elegantly engraved &tot . Cope Books. six numbers. St perm*. line esznaper, SO at. per Cozen: Dew: edd I !on. flpleet dozen. J. l3'..l.lpplac -: ii Co.. Philadelphia W. 0. Johnston & Co., FltterL n CAT A .ti• 5 OT.V3 of Deafness and Ornamental r... 1.- a:unship, crown quarto. 15. poeld from the college. • Address::, F. 01.TFY & 80:04 Prinepall. ilrKnYoar scholarship In town . Colloge.s . that If LI them a br oa d cannot tall Ml= at hams, where ttleyar, known. • Davit lir .4,-. ARE YOU INSURED ?! H. 2 3 °. 23ZNAIL TSrecahicig application hoe lama= is the Wiwi: 14. Companies: Wyoming INSURANCE Company; WILELIES-BAKRIE, rtsi Charter Perpertnal. Capital .. #lOO,OOO. Surplus Orgithizit,l -Sortn:Lry . :I!, A. D. 1857..6 DuLecross. • • .1L /I;ffirnbeek, D. G. Driesbath. DifitsX acne Reichud. Ds is Magus, Chat _morgasor Bann Waltman*, 'R D Lacor_ Wrall L, P indols, E.X 8071. R.C. Slam ter,•••*.gr__Prol, W. G. II , Tz . astma, Tram LD, isomaxis, 'Piet RITA LISSURANCE COMPANY, llartfora, emecticut. • Paid up Capital. 01.000.00000 Ant% 0.160.100 Oa Quaker Cityluauratkee Cozniany, .Philadelilhia, Pa. • yid, a Capital of. NORTE/WI pins , t LIFE ASSVRANeg COMPA,NT. 1310t:471de Arm, London. Cityll4o.B6.l9B,ooo....AnnosiWWl" $1.000,0* Wit t.t.a A. 49014 Philisktplga: CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIVE INSCRd.`CCY• COG ' PANT of Hartford. Connecticut... , • - Accumulated Capital, • 811,1171X0 Any one wistdng their rives Inemirdwill do well to nII and examine - their tusk of insattlyr. and their rams. wbieb me better than Mote of any other tornroey, beton: taking - Policies elsewhere. 11. P. MAO 411.%N. oe woo) Mee over Chandler & Jessup's mote, 1011011. war 4 e-' ll "V ilErrittl *0,5 • t , • A SUPIRUIITft TON IC ) DIUR ETIC cs , 4 lin Dyslite moat CORDIAL To th© Citizens of Pennsylvania: . Apothecaries,' linqpiihita, GrOcelsil AAA " : Private Villetillame .. • . Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brand y , •... -- - Wolfe's Pare Mader * DWI and hit Who. Wolh's Pare Jainaim. lad it. Crohrlain. • Wolfa's Puke:Scotch staid& Whlnkei: • .es.acax.. zziw oisitattrisrtanas. 1 UEG LEAVZ to call the striation of the citizens *Nita it United States to the abuse Wricamedad L 1 111 7 0 12 . 1212 Pur• raal by Vtiouito Wourit, of New Ypek, whose name t fa. nalliza in every part of Ms omintai fur the potty of Dia celebrated BOttuUtlit SCSINAPSS. 31r. Wolfe, Ws letter to nse, iipeaklng of the purity of tilatl Inca and Liqucre, nye I will who ,my tarpoodlon pa a man. my etandlot ea a inerthauttirty-yeare- widow eh Donis or ri. L. that - all dal liraony and WWII sadl are pure as imported. and ofilm:belt quality. - and Car be-relled TIP= by every purchaser. " _ Every. WOW has the 40eptiatur's -name on tho Wax. and a he atanikothis alcsarenrOo the certificate, -,The publican! respectfully Melted to call A ezainine for theinselvoc.- For salirat Retail by all el the li potheraries and Grown to Philadelphia. . . Ore. R. htrONs. Xv. Aft Market at, Plilla4 *e . k.ierattfor PhiladistpiaA Read the following froth the Rely York Chatter; - • - 13"NORM01.7S hailurna too ence- N; Y.atiutataxo-Wa -aretiapprtolnforta oat Allow Mama 41st hawk one owe in car clay where theplaysichamplotharam sno. country nicrclant, ran CO and Surtilus roe Whoa acts Einem& ampere as tnaported.and of the . citstllty.. Vac " dese ‘ do not Jutted to pre au citsborue tokgragn. chant'a extensive bailneac ralitumght, It Mama drawer or citizen to visit Vdolpho ..W if ifftsmskss ware s ime , 1,7 04 . 1,, .f) & ' IX,. Tope! 1a... gut . cla. It, MI & li. hiarhettleld ftt.. His stoolc of -u n d f ej a, .for shipment could not Dm -Laega A boas; the Bawdy some 10.000 cosea7pvlatuoie of f*Sikratd MOO elms of Madeha. Slimy,. ohm* Wine . Scotch & Utah Whisky. 31snafen and St Cm is !MK some viV 1 inad equal to ray Whin Wahl: - MIRA also throe 1 gars. Ailed Idgi or ks* l -Wllle-Ao. in ZUkA r awn flow, • ht bottlVr. ik Mk wao of SetsoLls Us' lthlattilittatik tat dotes, end Ira, laWn St _ _WA_ tilr.o F i r log equally etcceolfnl wito hi* wasmw leti4 his Walsers UMW Xhosof *very lover of libi . spode*. Prlmito WWI* atteltpore Wines A \ , 1 fur medical WAWA r orders Olteet to IM I ; , en=lPolloillor to tho landmake up llaulrillsin . to tialsosame duff from their Adm.. -NW*. oars It wok Wends-porn 'Wham and Liguori; We uadentaadXr. WoUt. for the acuulmoltahoe et i :moan dollen In • the enzantry. Pull llP l = lo64 Wass 01 iWines ond Minors. Such a zaan,aria a a liwthoot, should be swathed against his teas of tbootanoteofo. , with !litho United thitheo.who sell a othU lnit blftlai, Mow elk , to tint= heal th amt ba , -, ..t0.' ', thetas ru. __,. . S .tI,T, by thc Pawl, ..nelr . ca , Foto& '',. rti . Rsi .", $7,000" tSOOMOE+ 00