• ottitliers, Thbk —The following in k an extract from a letter written by the pastor of Bald" t Chinch to the l'donntal end Messenger,' Xlineinnatti3O to.' Users volumes in faVor of that worldwenolifnedniedldne—Mes. Wntst,ow's Socrrnme &race Ton Cenantne Tatrrnme "We ocean advedisente nt in your Columns Of Mrs, - slope Soothing Syrup,_Now we never ?did; • Wont in , favor of any patent medcine in our bttt Ice feel corn. polled to say to your readers that this is no lipmbugs,:we nava TRIED IT, AND KNOW. TDRIE . ALL IT CLOMP. It Hi probably one of the most successful medicine of the day; bends., it Is outs of the beet, Thoseythe have habit:satin. do better than to lay in a supply 1 7 dec2o ly or See the Adverti.som'ent of Doet. S' • rd's Liver lovigotatorandFamlls Cathattle Pills, in aticAh!:ecolanin. The use orDr. illostetterss Stomikeh for Dyspepsia, Flatulence. acerb:leis of. the titomach, or any other like affection. is necodd ter; none In lAmerlea or abroad. To be able to state conederilly.that the ".11itters• are a certain care for dyspepsia and like dlsnalon, is to the proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure. 11 removes all morbid matt erfrom the ntornach,pur Liles thehlinotLimparts renewed vitality to the dervous system, giving It -that tone and crimgy no lndispenitabFe to the festoratiqta.bf health. The numerous acknowledgements Of its linpierior excell enoe and beneficial rinults, hive &seated. 031 . , ptoprietors that it cannot but prove a peat ctia to the arnicted, and Impart vitality to the thorough system. • I a - or'See advertisement in another, columbi dee - - tt - , k WOOD WANTED, AT THIS Or siim79cixv.x33o .ripore. THE - MONTROSE. DEMOCRAT. '::73/1LALX4..Ft.X46.0 4 £ 1 • OAXES—RISLEY—In Siaath Ttridie‘attir,,kori the 22nd nit., by Rev. J. F. Deana, Mr. Ezekiel Oakea,"ot :Jgesn s p, gridMita Eleanor Risley. of Dlmockt. • ' BURNICE,NOWERS:—.On the kathat. the same . place bithe same. Mr. John S. Burdlek: and Milt's Julia 'A Nowers.both of Dimock. .1 VAN AMIEI 3N—GAND_NER—lniDrookiyal on the h alt., by Rev. J. , F..Wilbur. , Mr. J. VtVanAtdken and Miss Sarah E. Gardner,both of Brookly% I -- 3 • =imam = es , , BLASESLEE,In Dimock'on the god tilt sre. Amanda, wife of Hiram Idakeilee,' in the44tl3.:year Iher age. •.She was greittly,beloved as a wife and.,mother,,arid her Ides le and will be - deeply felt by her lintband - and !bur children; se also by &large circle Of friends and neighbeiri, by whom she' was highly esteemed, and to' witom shed was greatly endeared. "WHEATON—In Jackson, "on ttie dtb -Matteis Wheaton aged about 'H years. i 4 F• TAYLOR—In Lanceboro of the linty ult.: of , Diptheria. Hannah Ida,- daughter of Jacob andillannahVaylor, aged 7 years, Sl{ months. . f Little Ada ices a sweet child, belayed all ebya large cir cle of relatives and acquaintances fdr her gcritle;agection ate dispositihn. Daring bet abort lexistenee here, she exhibited many traits that seemed peculiar tbr'one other age, and oftettloteed upon us the eboclusion that the little dower was only kit us for a brief period toTheauttfy and make glad our household. Whilesbffeting aeutely, under the disease - that 'slaking sit mini./ little ones front the embrace of fond parents and, friends, no rtitranur escaped her, and k • ; 'lc° fear of death monad the humvingsigh, 'No tearAirop'beslimned her brfillant en's •, tßuttetecttega pearl on her Mother's ch eck; she sotHylpealcf, • . - "Mammp **not cry. "lint smooth out the lines, illy the Mql;tening eye. While von - fain would prsetegafTertion's sweet tie , From the baud of each as you stand tO:relleve, ' I Will take the aid if - you willnot grief e. ' • So mamma d 4 not crylt Bat We conia not detain the stveet.onei.tere, For Jesnstad said suffer, It.uot so 1(14 ; Fee a piles for her in the Children's] Mune= She adds a bright gem to my glorious grown. H. 7,:nw ,IN - 'ir . x.x..iscrxmlq7cle77. DR. H.. SMITH 1 O.: .$Oll, : . tilif&S.Oß .40/11$01% 'SEND GREETLNG T 11124 Mlreovvirlirekez . r .7 ll. '41015[1,44.12:La EXTRA crirt&G. Instruments adapted X each en cu tz pk.doextractmct and with the atotan Eleciotypingmachlne, which ch ie have mcently pureba.Qed in'New york. 160 mat, in most atareste extracted_ and the patienoexperlbikce SO PAIN trona the operation. I ,• WE'Fir. teeth With GOLD or Tizi Foil. *liver Amalgam, Al or Artificial Bone, which if "qcomrqt{tied for huild, lag up old roots and. dead, broken .teeth, pas tomake .them useful. • I ' 1 W A lt VA A. h;- Wt.- TF Any GOLD or Tin Foil filling fails ul'ilfin Fire Tears A the money will be refunded or the 1111'7 ):enlaced. All Plate work done sarisfactorq. or tot, ray required. , 1 "RESIDE .....j.. '.. . P I . • IT7 - lliftTisisi TspEIiSONS wishing ENTALi tipetattidn)t. will do well 1 to bear in mind tha !wave rrantA_Nri, TLY located at Montrose. and have bevelled the erper place 025 years Dental Practice. I tl. i Tooth "Fie.'37;r4cl:4)3r ant Brushes con stantly on hand-for sale. • I : P/rOffice its Lathrop's Brick BI ' tr... over the Bank. maul, Da. A. SMITH ktaSON,,-Montrose. Pa. LICENSE NOTICES. IN purlmonee of the Act of AsFv l rnblr, theifollowing per sons have filed petlti onsi.wi tidal°. Clerk Of the, Court of Quarter Sei.sions of the Peace !MI Susun'elionua County. for License to keep Taverns in soli{ coup t2l' and sold peti tions will be presented to the COtirt on tlfe', dist, Monday' ofJonuary term, 1861—It being thel2St dab .f the month. David Lathrop. Springville, f A. J. Chamberlin. Gibson. j Zigler.llarforti, • . • Daniel Roil; Jessup,. I Joim Carlin , phAuburn, D. P. Phelan, Silver:l.ake, jE; lif:Dav; Rush. T.-W. Fish, Springville, Rat4h, Montrtn'e• Judson Stone. MI, - Forest Lake. 1.1, .1 Thomas T. Munson and Robert Stielfa For 147uilesale License—Geo. W4mteroft.,Siiq'a DepoL Jima 3t ILO!! TURNER, Clerk. " STILL -ON. THE - - TEAOK! FARE REbU I CED. ONLY' 15 ',LO EX I TS ! BETWEEN - MONTROSE -ill MONTROSE:DEPOT TII E Regular Mall Line pasi4Pgers between the above places for the imto of 1 5 eros,, or less. Passengers will be called forat tficlr rosideneesby leaving tbelrommes at the PoSt °Mee- or # the ranklln House. Btas4learc the Franklin House kit 6 a. in..k and 4 p. mt, precisely. S. "IIARBEV.,,, Agent, - Jana - Girard Stage CoMpany, Montrose, Pa: Tia.E ittlweL* or TAE PAIiIC. GREAT FALUNPRICES I . 6 • Bee- , hive asses, -- t• . 4 1 f,' 44: ! • $ 2,00 0 worth .OftDry_ Goods to tioiOld, 'That the :Publie may eoropieliend - this talav ..t.ar„trAlut%, the necessity of which Pate 4 Ito ALL, we give a list of prices to slid* the exact reductifire 1• $ now $ Beet Madder Pointe, formerly , ;08 now * 06 Beautiful De Lalnes, • .F. 72 now • e 9 _1 Heavy plod wide Sheeting. .' 10 '08 ` 06 6 Good Prortsioun Stuff, • 11508 Exeellent - . . lr. I 15 Alf Wool Broad Cloth. . 1 45 Bed, White and Blue Insane], :37 25 80060.yds DRESS DODDS, latestalyles; 426 18 Natoli Glngbains. - s'l6 1 10 Colored Drees Bilks, 50 ao 1, I 3 ig 4.03 • E, .6;00 4 00 I P .AO r 7 00 ; 1100 4 Log ! 1 25 -- No. 20 {Corner Black all Boiled Silk, spideadid Wool'and Silk Brodie Sbairla, doutle Ric,h Cloal:. " nee Broad ClOth, • -1,4,K1 . SIV Trecolleriver: I,: • ZOO - 60 0 Lyotu. All Silk Velvet.- 00 r,25 Pure Firm Linea, • ' l9o Opera Hood., - , 39 Embroidered Collere. 0 5 '. 5 ° AtOLTSE.FURNISIIING GO . ORS, • 1 -- Reduced Hodery, All Domestic . andel] Woolen Geode, , Reduced .DreseAud'Cleak TrimielugN I Reduced Jtvor74ollne is now wortiviglitasticliHeat' ar t time " 3 313113: - .l=-1 .41114:' res sar - Wa pled lic ge it d ed. umelves to a ll = adnfnise. .A milts co . ' I ; • . • 1123181111 jane) cur Mum and Waver..k.e..l3l4kkimon. ftki.REN BROTH*Si DEALERS 7r4b- _.2vTgl.pzi„Nr4=o7ltcoz.essi FANCY,- GOODS.. . . It -• 1 , PA, • ,r WM.IIAiTIN, JOHN HAYDEN.- TRACY HAY N. pr,o/tor.!LvyDEN 1111111%;VIrt '1404) • .• • • _. BV'etier tat, V..',.111:7.111 4 "1,2''n,ata to public nt the C o u rt Honed Mon' ttoee on e rridir Jannaty_Ath 1801, 9IP Q . CP , Ck the,foliowing I ° 2 l eitate, ALL th o certain . piece or parcel of landidtabi lathe bore' of Mont Se, Suatfaeotinty, Pa., • botuldtstand:described as follow,, to wit- on the north and ,cast by land latethe estatepliDavid Post,'deed,'on theeonth by laud of Mutt, o aod west by the Bridgewatirand Wilkesbarre turn pike; contalelng about 50 rods of land. being in fronton the turnpike, five rods, and running back about ten rode,' with the appurtenAnces, one . framed dwelling house; one end shed , ail improved. Takenle execution at the guitar' SII Sayre & Bros; vs J 'Sennett. ALSq—All that certain piece or parcel of land sltnite in .the township Of - Jessup, atateand county aforesaid, boon ded and described as - follows: to wit: • north by lands of Dennis Malls.- mitt by kinds of Prlando'Stone; south by lands ofVru Young. deed: and the - Drinker lands, west by 'A T hole, being lot No. 48 of Henry. Drinker', neaursay of the Meshoppen tact,. containing,about 50 acres, with the sippOrtenancei, one trained house andaboid , 20 , itcrto improved. Taken in execution at the snit ofJno P Don-- more vs' George Hoary, . ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of :land, 'situate in the township of Harmony; state and , coutitLitforesild,' hounded:and described as follows, to Wit: inning at_ it cornet of .land deeded by John N Skinner.to • S Benett, in the line of LeerelaSs' lot, ;thence. along' Said Loveless line north 59 - east 237 rods to a rimer,. thence north ar • west 14 rods to a earner, thence south b9'-.west 6IX rods, thence south4OW.west 72 2-5 6 rods to scorner in line ofJa' cob Taylorstnn &thence sonth.3least alonglineolCS.Ben nett's hind 74 7-10 rode, thence south o 59 .west 17-25 rode'to a coiner; thence sonth 31* cast 4427-50 - rod, to the Plata ofibeginrittig, containing 149 acreti- and 117 rode,- be the stone mere or less. andall unimproved. 'Wren ib ex ecritionnt the shit oft: S Bennett vs Henry W'Skinner. Aistai,mi that-certain piece or parcel of land situate in' the township of Libert„y, state and'conntyaforessid;honn did atid destalhed Mows, to wit:. being lot No. 134 of Lag's purchase, so called, bounded uLarthly lands °typed by steam saw niilLcompany., west by la of Marsh, - south by lands of Sreith 'et Sackett; and east by— Marsh. it beinsknown as Laweville tract of land and formerly, ownedy Laws, containhiglos acres, be the same more or lees together with theapportinancei.a (rained dwelling house and about 25 acres improved. ALSO—AII that other piece or parcel of land situate OA above, and de - scribed as follows; to wit :,fiegintiing at an old corner X small hem lock beluga corner °flood o(Cooper Corbett,thence south 97),' eaid 144 rods to a stone corner,' thence south 2' west along the line of land of thltrolA 110,4 rode to a post and stones, thence north 87X! west along the line or Charles liart'S land 144 rods to a beech an old corner, thence along the,lin, of Cooper Corbett's land north 2.` east 110 X rods to the 'pace of beginning tontaining, 91) acres and 7d rode. he the same.Moreor leas, and all unimproved. Taker:Jo • exeentibuat the suit of B. T. Toone vs Milburn IL-Willis. Tenn S of sale. the same as Advertised elsewhere in this paper. I - • MIAS V. (tREEN, hlteriti. ShiriTs Dillie, liontrom JAn. PAIL J. : =MERRIMAII & SOH , ibis Method of informing - their OLD :AND NEW TFritlida that they have Juot reeetVa an addition to the former atock of Goode, which they BOUGHT FOR CASH, Arr PANIC PRICES! AND 'WILL , SELL THEM TO CAST ..BUYERS, Prices Perfectly Astonishing: ~ . fie have not three to enumerate artielea.. or prices, But Invite the public to call, examine, and r‘atiefy themselves of the truth of what wepubliab, and of atree..then.buv. J. L 31E1111151.4.N .t. SON . . Tpronville..Dee..t.tOth, 1860. • rinoicE tot ornuolli Grocerienjuat received and lin*2ope . r neut. below forulei prices. - Efaxpx,Confectioiyuy for the flolldayie„st .1: . • 1 7 f0CnkLIV7 6 1 1 .M3:).. PRODUCE Mall kinds, for which . the highest inarketprieea will be paid. in G , oods. at • Upsohville, Pa., lIERRIMANS. LATTER' PROM EUROPE. GARIBALDI TAKEN. TO MEW.WORID A Marti) here vesterdav. brlnging . the startling News I.l.that CkALVI.X.I3AL-lairll • or somebody else. WALE; TALit 1371'' , . setrinise,:on,hearing that , .L. B. ISBELL,WAT " CIk4TAN, rhas itist pnrehased . ilarge assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, • LN'YILIT whicle will sell cheap for cash. at CM:ldler .t. Jessup 's .store. Fast side of Public Avenne, Montro,. Pa. Wrloeks. Watches, and-Jewelry repaired, as nrcial, on Amy nt;tier and reasonable terms. - 31untro It‘oo. D ?e, Dee. 12. L. D. ISIttLL. oLinly . pREsEN Ts . I J . lMsdhscrilicrs take pleasure in announcing, to their T •Gliqis. that they have this day returned from N. York with another addition lc their stock - of Goods, f.elected wish great care, and especial reference to the Approaching festive;simson. Any person desirous of making CHIOSIMAS &,NEIV'Y EAR GIFTS, , (and wp hope none will deny themselves the pleasure) can find a rich and eitenlve assortment to select from, and at the' very lowest Cash'pr lees: „, EVANS at ALLEN. dem— • • IsZo. 2 Odd Fellows. Hall, Binghamton. Witcheli-14die,4: Diamond Enameled. znd plain— spletidid article, AlsO a variety of Gold and SilTe.l Msh Ainerlean and Swiss. Hunting and Plaid, very low. Gold Chalns—kvery.extensive variety of V est., Fob, Guardia! .Neek Chains. by EVAN! , R ALLYN. Esillinmeand Breast Plnie--An infinite variety of styles and prices, in i-ets and single.. Flutter Ring,R—Dinmond, Ruby, itigard,Pearl,Seale Chased and Plain Gold largu stock.' Bracelets-Gold, Jet, Plated, and HAIR Bracelets Of an patterns and prices. EVANS t ALLEN - . Slitter - WairelVery description of Silver Forks, and SpoonS..Napkins Rings. on hand,. also Soup and-Gravy Ladles'. Cape,-Card Cases. Pie, Butter and Fruit Knives, ChlldE . ens'.sets, salts. etc., warranted gi - md . a.'enin. Plated Ware-.t Beautiful assortment of Ice Pitchers Castorr, Cakellaskets, Waiters. nutter Dishes; Sugars Salts, Knives, Forks, Spoons. Toast Racks, Cups Goblets etc.. etc:. by Evs..ss t Aux's. Sleeve buttons and . istudS—A large stock of all patterns and prices. Necklaces' and Armlets, . Amber, Coral. Petri, pill. Steel, and sitter Beads: Shen Combs—A good stock of 4101 back and Ade Combs, - also BOrralo e .HOrn. Ivory: and Dreeslng Combo, 'flair and Tcxdb Brushes, etc., etc. 3trr.r.A.MTB cibr deth, • No. 2 Odd'Fellows full, lllngluanton. AITDITORB' NoTICF • TILE undersigned.appointed an Audifei by the Orphans Court of Susquehanna county todietrilmfte the money in.the lands of CharlesTingley, administrator of Gordon 'Barnard, deed, to and among the widow and heirs, .will attend to the duties ethic appointment at the oMee of F. B. Streeter, in Montrose, on Saturday the 12th day olJan nary, 1861, at one o'clock p. m., at, which time and place all persons interested will preient.their claims or be for ever dklarred from coming in upon said fund. dec2p 4w, It. ,STRESTER,"Andithr. .;.AUDITOR'S NOTICE. . THE_ Subscriber, haring been appointedail Auditor, litthe Orphan's Court of Susquehanna Count S-. to distrihute the funds. in the hands of the.Admintstrator of the estate of CIL9WFORR TITUS, dec'd; hereby, gives notice that be will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office in.Montrose. on Monday, :the 11th day of January next lat. 1: o'clock, P. M.. where all having au interest In tha distiibutlon of the said fond can attend If they tbinkproper, dee4o .4w „ALBERT:MIAMBERLTN, Attgor. • -SHERIFF'S - .SALES. BY !virtue of sundry Writs, Issued by the Court of com hum Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to Inc direct td, I Will expose to sale. at the Court House, inliontrose, on Saturday the 19th day ofJanuary, 1861, at one o'clock, p. m.,lthe following Rica F.state to wit: • ALL that certain tract or parte' of land 'situate In the township of Liberty, in the County of Susquehanna and State Of Pennsylvania. and hutted : hounded and desert's:a as follows. to wit:. Being those certain pieces, parcels. or lots Oland known as sub-division,lots of the Kirby Law. Snake Creek purchasb. 58, 59, 6Q, and 24„ as of John tarry l Survey of said binds made In theyear 1196. be ing the same premises conveyed by Cooper Corbett and whe tq D'37 . tisEtroiagJr:.: mid:others by deed dated the first day of, June; 1141. and ail unimproved. -`•• (Taken In executiouta the suit of Cyrus Strong. Jr., Daniel N. Tucker, and Anna E., kis` wife with motice to Terre ALftQ—All that certain, piece or parcel of 'land situate in. tha townshin of Aubarrn county and 'State , aforesaid, bounded and described as. follows. hi wit: On the North by lends otJulfuefiro*lL'Eat.rby lands'of George Bump, and Perkins. South by ands of O. C. Roberts, John son Siaterand-Samuel Benßett, and west by the County line: containing about Eighty acres, with the op .purtepances, Two framed-dwelling Houses, a:barn; orch ard:Bod about thirtytive acres improved: [Taken in ex egntion-aG the stilt °VA. Amick; to the use. of H. B. Roberts TO: EL W.-Brown. AL.50—.8.11 that certain piece or parcel of Laid situate in thd Boreugh of Montrose, County and State aforesaid, kit:Ludt:a aid deScribed as follows, to wit: On ibli . North by labsCif Emerson Loiter, °tithe det by land Of &lemon Lau n, en the South by Linda ofJohn F. Dunmore. and 'on thelVest bY the public high Way, containing about 3.s:guana feet jaw], being front on the street Mkt ` feet , and.running back onehindred seventeen and . a feet, with the appurtenances. one (humid 'dwelling ,hentise., and' ll Improved [Takesi execution it the suit tif John F...Hunnfore.va. - .* M. Wright, . • • „ NOTICE:7V PUJICKASERS.—To' pbevent misauder tending, notice to hereby given that Pthcitasers at :Sher iff"e4Odes will be hiquireii to :pay the 'Moonlit bid at the time hte.land 'testa& It has heroine ihiperitivelY necest• arytoiadopt this ruls:and betittietly adhered to. except in cases where the purctutseris a lien creditor and 18 entitled to the ft . uid as provided in the let section of the act:oiAssembly, approved April 20th, 1816. which is as fol. Whenever theeorchasere if real estate at Or phans, coort or Sheriff's sale. Shell itenefrtiin the proper recordtote entitled, as .4 lien matter,' to receive the *bard orSnY riortion of theprocceds of 'Said sale, it lanai iiettrei, 'duty . of the Sheriff, Administmtor,--Excenter or ,other Person making such rale, to receive - the 'receipt of eneteihtrehaser Orrpttrebasers for the etriountWitleb,he or they *could appear from the record ai itforesaidlo be en; titladloceciaste Provldied, that this 'section - shall not be do COOtrtled 11S to, prevent the-right or etid: Sheriff.. Ad ministrator,,EttouttiOv,or caber person aforesaid to de mand Ond twelve at the time of sale sum sufficient to eayeiltd-legittletwOi entitled fa be ctaid ota of tbl ithiceeds atil We; and Orbvidedfurther,thrit befiht any- parch”. tier dr purchaseraOhallaccelor the 'benefit of this section, leuttetshallprodnee to theßberiff s orothex.person so esM sale . adtilfterttned - stataWriterbm the prop. 71 - =ida;ttaider:the hand and °Meier s.h.Torf hb proper officer irhomink that hele alien - Reqtqr entitled to. re . CCITC anypart or the pio;recterot the .we aforesaid."• ItvritraheTa. Dec. 27: aßEF,Fdyu r ir ; • Court St AVater St i . .YT , . int iies., :- R if . n ,I, ,A , T ; Vat a ' Dearly' it P OW , C'TURE 'GLASS. licarly' all the sir.' e - 3vanied. ' , - ~ ''.. i'. LITHO • 1 1Li-PHS , ritints and Artists_ ate4als... • .. - ' ; VA.RSISIIES I • Jhpans, pryers,,Piitty. ~ .ie • . • . BIRD CAGES. - . It iPOll' VetriCt) ; 'of he best styles. 'Also, Canary, Hemp, ant' Rape Seed, and all the dzinres.for keepinkds. Bir l SPEC* I ./I.CLES. 'A -Tull Assortmen. , iWHIi?S AND !LASHES. A good variety. . R Sponge, 7%Y:sh O S (lards, Baliketp3, L&e. . . G.IINS Yowler Flasks, PISTOLS, Dram Flasks, &c GOO and Blasting Powder, - S4ity-Fuse, Zead, Shot, Caps, TO A.OOO, Snuff aad Cigars MEDICAL And Surgical InstruMents, unmentionable ...krticles, Joe., on land; and battild to or der. . Sk . trr - . , • . By the Barrel, Sack or Pound. ' ' -- • OTeht..S/IL L &C. .oap, and all the materi akincr soft soap, in the and cheap manner pass for a barrel of good SOAPS. All. kinds of hard . .11's necessary- for n 1 most .simple, easy Only *1.40 soft soap.. MEDICINES. itf Market,. direct 6om and warranted genuine. :PATENT All the best kinds the mittiulacturers ALMANAI One Almanac for lnunnt county, gral CS FOR- 1861. .very farniV in Susque ci,is !. Send and get it. . , l• ELLAS, 7s l 7s; Vinegar,Hops,,Sage, U confectionary, To .Cc. PORCEL Gold and Tin Foi and ilome , -of nea Goods in Markel, tion. IN TEETH, Sze, for Dentist's use, ly all other kinds of too numerous to men- fthe public is respect stock- of Goods, bought s!! no'w 1 ! ., and will be rinciple for low prices. 1' ABEL TURRELL. -The attention o fully invited to'm exelusivel for c: sold on the same Montrosi;, Dee.l .20t1,1860 , C D MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced surie !and Fernale-Phyaielan, pre,-enta to the :the lion of tnotheni, her: SOOTHING SAT It UT, FOR CHILI L IEN TEIin'IIING, which greatly facilitate4lhe process of teething, by soft ening the gum•, reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and npastriudit action, and is SURE TO RIEGILIATE TUE BOWELS, Depend . upon it, mothers, it ' will give rent to you and . - RELIEF Alb REATH TO YOUR IrriAirs. . 1 We -have put up and s l old thin article for.over ten years, and can say IN CONFIDENCE Al , .:11 TRUTII. of it, what ire have never been abld, to bay of any other medicine— NEVER IT FAILED, in a SINGLE INSTANCE, ;to EFFECT A CURE, whei timely used. Never did we know an instance of taitNatinfatetion .1)y anyone who had need it. Oa the contrary, all are delighted with its - operations, and : .PlZl a i l es li fv t ?r r t u n i . A :. l ' c ll '-m e m sa n l i n at t i h n i n n ornralgenrl47ll2';a and KNOW," after ten year ' experience, and PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION for the liniment of what we here decla - re: •In almost every instanc ‘ where the infant in suffering by paimand exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen to YO minutes after the syrup: In administered._ Thin valuable preparation in the prencription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been tined with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS 'ln . - I . THOCSAEDS OF CASES. It not only relleves,the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energylothe wbvlt4 systent. It will almost Instantly ).e!le‘•4 GRIPING 'IN' THE BOWELS,' AND WIND COLIC, 'And overcome cotivtasii:lng. not • speed cured. end in death. We bell* T it the BEST SUREST rem:. edv. in the WORLD. 10'211 cases of DYSENTERY'and IakftRIICEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arieeti ilOlll teething, or from any oilier cause. We would say to all mothers who have a child suffering from any. of the forego hi:complaints—DO NPT.LET - Forme PREJUDICES NOR THE PREJt'DI,CESef OTHERS. stand between yeti and your suffering child 'and the relief that will be SURE.Yea ABSOLUTELY- SURE—to follow the use of [hill medicine; if timelyi used: Full directions for uging. Will aacouipativ each bottle. ' None genuine unless the fee simile-of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the. Outside. Wrapper." I , . Sold by Druggists throughout,the world. Eillaelpal'OlEer.,l3 Cedar sdreet, Neiv,York. ••••: PRICE ONLY .44 CENTS PER BOTTLE. •dec ily - .For sale-in Montrose by Abel Terrell. . . 11 Yik.T 9 %, LIFE PILLS, 4 PIIOENII BITTERS THESE M.EDICINICSI have now been before the public for &period of Thirty Years, and during thattltnehave maintained a high character In almost every part of the -Globi, for their extraordinary-add immediate power_ of restorlngperfect healtli to personsnutfering under nearly 'every kind of disease t 4 which the human frame is liable. The following are among the dletresslim variety of hu, man dlseas.es whichithe t , GETIA Blif, LIFE MEDICINE. Are well known to be I fallible. - - DYSPEPSIA, be therbuihly cleansing the let and 2nd stomachs, and creating* flow of /an, _healthy bile,inetead of the stale and acrid kind; LEROY. bus W Ayr raft, Iferirtburni - Headpepe : Reitleasneas. M- Donner, Ana vett Languor and Melancoots. which aregeneral symptoms .allititth, ass natural consequence of its cure, l'ut• 8, by i cleansing the whole - length of the ,IntesnneMitraeolvent process, and without violence; 'all violent: purges leavetthe bowels costive in two days. „Befall kinds', by restoring theblooti to a regular circulation.7throlbeproccali Of respiration in Such eases, 'and thotesoltitionofalll Intestinal nbitructians in'others. ! - .The Life Medicines have been known to cure_RIVEUM, ATM'S( perwausotir In three weeks, and own to half that time, by. removing Ideal lartaiiimation front the mus cles anti limunems•of DEMPOIEB of ktOdn:bY freeing and stren,„.thening the kidneys and bladder ; they operate mostAlightfully on , theic intportautorganti, and hence have ever been found ,certain remedy 'for thelworal eases of GRAVEL.. ' Also WORMS, by dildoilging feriae the :turnings *of the :bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere, , scum, ULCE RS ' INVETIMATE SORES, by theyerfeet purity.whl theseiffemalleines give to !bloodnndnifthe rs: - E , CORBUTICEBIIPTIONS andBAD COMPLEXIO thy their altezative effect, upon the holds thatiewl thOskin ;and"the Morbid' state of 'which occasions ; all 'eruptive ,complaints, sallow, cloudy, andbtherdittaireeeable• cone 'plexions._ I < - The use these PEli for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and, a _striki ,n^.lNprove- Nett !lithe clearness of the:skirt: COMMON COLDS and , INSDENEIL• will Molls be cured by one dose,-or by :two-WAIN worst, eases. ~11 1 1J2.—The oriiTiOnl proprietor of these Medicines, watrctired:of Plles,•of MS years standing by thence of the 'EtfeJtWkain • eatelone. t • ! • ' • . AND AGI/E.Por this seoorge,er 'ern country. Allege Medicines will befonnd a Rafe - , - .sPaeedy land:tern& rimittlk.. "Other Medicines !Clive We. cistern !subject to kreturn of the dittiltsetrcure by these Medi :eine:cis permanent-7*i thens.;-6e. falkifjed, and deciere¢. Fever" - and Liver. ' , Complaints. General Debillte.:Losa ofAppetite, and. DkPASeg' of.Pe• males. - The Mtklcinei have 'been used-Ivelth• •t he most Ilvaneheial results:lW Owe -of this ..ileScriptiou:—Mings Evil, and Screfulailn its worst ,fbrow..yields to the•wild •; yet - PoWerfal - .-tictiaif !of ”thelte, rentaAable iNiitht Sweats. Nerrons - Debilltj,- Nervous COmpleintetrif lank - Inds: i-PalPitatibuinf the Hmrt - Paintalre - .Colia, are' ispeetUycednldslh cured. __ • liaveb s e loir elisk" lfed;br tifi e ti a" Jal * ou ll tru a tie eras ' 0- t - M tl eral ta. o r n y iwM And these Medichtern perfect ewe: as they.nevertkii itostadiesta tiontithettijatem, ANON effect's: 01.?.Mkr 1 217.. 23SnitelLigetW, I :thlP , theLlT e r wr ef f uliPt * .. PAt a gS"- ivrarellitaratm. . Prepared 18. - 1110Virit: • 335 Ditosowir, New-TORN. Fey Gale: lip sill • Dirwirallifs. • • • 1811111111111ITZ. ! 8 ABEL: TUlt Nowroffirs fai'sale one of. tiO:aci'selepticinsi . 7 Ever( offered' in Shstrielianna County„ Vrobably cottiprising alb greatest liIErY most...different/articles, of.attr, Store in theNorthern,pati - orPenasytxa-_ ilia; and perhaps, of entire,State. assortment is kept iulabaut' thirty differ ent branches nitriale, and the :selections. are land° from. abotit. fork) , _of. the ,best, I .llou4es. in New York, mid mare tlinafif ty Dalera and Mantifactuiers out-Of Neiv- York. ATarto proportion 'arthe Goods' are betteht directfrora the 'Manufacturers, thus linsiiiiny..genuine articles. Custom ers ot entering the Storealast not eipect to find everYthing jn sight, bilt nearly ev ery article wanted' will be produced by inquiry. Some idea Of the"Steole May he formed-by The following' general outlihe, but - numeration. is impracticable:: DRUGS _& In tliis - department the assortmeni.iSlarg6 and - eomPlete, and the qualities the Best in iMirket.. .• A full stock of all kinds, of Vest qiiatitic%. TOY T 'V V V S. 'Ey4ything, and perfectly reliable. No one iitho.strictly follows correct receipts; neeel fail of suecesk who buys Aye stuffs at Turrell's. 1 • GROCERIES. .. A good and thoiee variety of Family GroCeries, -constantly on hand:. Ladies say Yltey get the best Tea for the price of Abel Turrell. _ •LLIQ IT' 0 R .S. The tgreatest variety of Pure - Liquors'to be trend in all Northern ,Pennsylvania, mid comprising (with very few exceptions) every kind manufactured or lield , tbr• sale, -in any-market. These are kept fornietli cinal purposes. If there are any puie lig ors im the country ; the . druggists are the menlwho have theni. It is almost. im . posOle to obtain piiretLiqtiors elsewhere 1 at r.Ctail. CROCKERY. All t.lie kept in a country general assortment store. GLASS-WARE.. A complete assortment, for Table 'and kneral use, and forpruggistia,Physicians, Pediers, and in . short every variety for genbral sale.• • WALL.& WINDOW PAPER.- A 4rge stock, comprising an extensive variety of beautiful Styles. The most fas. tidiOns-can seldom 'fail to be suited. JEWELRY; A splendid variety, embracing nearly ev erything customers inlay Will in this de ,partlment, bought direct of the manufae tbreirs, and. all .warranted as represented: • - j SILVER-WARE: Teak Sugar, and Salt Spoons, Butter and Fruit Napkin Rings, Thimbles, Spelitaeles, &c., conStantly on hand, bo't dirt4ct of the inanuf4tnrers,tn4e to order, and, warranted. pure! as coin,. All other kinds of Silver Ware obtained to order on Short •notiee. 1 • • • . PERFtMERY. A choice variety of beautiful Perfumes, Es.racts,'Colognes,lllair Oils, Hair Re stolers, c.rticles, to - make the liar grow,: and also ito' take it off, and '67-. erything necessary ifor the Toilet, inclu ding a fine assortment of Hair and Tooth Brushes,Tooth Soaps and Powders, Fan cy artices,for the Opinplexion, including -. 3een Fun," and nearlyy-everything "else desired:. [A greatat Turrell's An j- thing and CVOV thing t hat anybody N'a.ot§ can be found itlierel- • FANCY! GOODS. The greatest variety in town, comprising nearly everything;usually found in an exclusively Fancy Goods or " Yankee No tio " Store. IIUSIUAL INST RUMENTS,. .. Violins,, AceordeMisjlutes, Fifes, Clar inets; Violin, Vi O lineello, and Guitar Strings, some of the best qualities, in. maiket ; Violin ;Boys,' Bridges, Pegs, Tail Pieces, Resin,i Instruction Books,: c on' hand s ; and-all other ..Instruments_ obtained to order. l : - , BRUSHES.. A Full assortment, - honght direct from the inatufacturerkatuki comprising nearly .0 - - every kind made. AMERICAN- POCKET KNIVES. AbOut-fifty different: \ atorns or styles— conidered the usein market. TABLE CUTLERY . ‘,B‘ SILVER, PLATED. WABE: InOluding Spoons, Forks,. it>c, onstantly on- hand L A lei P S -A good variety tor.korosene and laid; and . soine.for Canqiimne, Qil; tte.. , 'trip Cldmneys, and Brushes -for . them, Larnp and Candle: Wick, *Candlesticlo4 thud and oil lanterni Lamp Sluides dr.c. MATERIALSTORIIGHTS. .Ev6ry kind usedin iliis section of country; apd of bestAitalitiei,,at 10w.p&e.4, inclu• dino Kerosene, Fluid, Ciunpheue, &c. is HARDWARE. Kritnall•assortm,ent; Naili, Tficks,:- . l3utti, -BciCws, Bolts, "Gimlets, Augers, Hoes, Flat Irons, Harmers; Faucets; Sand—Pa r per,Tating,lfachiOes, Ake. BED 'CORDS - Clo t hes Lines, Idation; 'Chit k, and tt. -, Lit es, Fish lionksittte..,-_ - ': - • E. A 1. 1 " - u11 -8 St Th ock,i s pcl E u ' airfri- A lai ß ge 4;;;tniiijr of 4uffs.9 • 0 - - . , _DRY :GOODS. A 1 small, awrimetit of - Staple:Artie:Us.. 313LBRORS' wood and F . ritinc!s. _ •. AgEL: '9laritiose, Dec. 204; 180. ' Ttirrell's ticl-cOlutrlrt ,AL„,„ca g • tELLI-.:1 4-----fCiiii4 „....... .. . - . - .. . . - ~ ...7*7: , r, - ..:... Rl-..... ~ c' • ( 4) .„19 l',', - ; -,- • ; .' , - ,- 1 - ', ' %-i l 7l . ;,'-', ,-- ;'` . .- . 7'.7'5 7 , ..- F,..,-, ,, , -, , , , , ,,. ,- ' r '•”' i ..., , - •-•'.....' 1 '.. , ' ''' GREATtown; imp *TMEN.: . MRMY9F.,. 6,nttenberg, 'gpstit4titint, Monirose Susq'a County, NOF-Yokk, Sus4uehifilk;',l:l6l3ot.. WEtimetoit. to Our . friends' and !Ili', kbllc that In consequence. of the present preieure. lathe money affalre" In the cities tie 'Mut DurOalo - .... F 1., - i : . . -:. ... .-' ''. .s. ...., .•, ... ...•. .i.. 4 1.. • , . . . ..., . :,..i. •.i. ~..,, •.!,, .. .....,.,...,,,:.„ . : .... . .. . ~, ; , ,:,_ i a 10 to 20 tier ct. less than-formerly. Therellin - 2,we are deterinined to offer Ow public our • goneral 'Ruck .. READY MADEVOTHING. DRY, -200.6.:D5; comprlecs :the largest . • l est STOCK °GOODS Kept' in ANY COUNTRY Store this - gide of New York City, At Prices which Defy ecirnipetition as we will sell, for CiIjeLIBIZA,. at the etriall advance of ten per cent ahoy° the wholesale coit. We, will sell the following GOODS at thnanPexed wines, viz: • Black Frock . Goat worth*.j9 for 0,00, Black Frock . Coat iwbrth 'lO for 7,50 Black Frock. Coat Worth t 2 for 9,50 . Business Coat worth $5 or BuSineas Coat worth 0 for , 4,00 ..Over` Coat .worth $5-for ~$4,00 Over Coat worth 7 fOr. , 5,75 Over Coat worth 10 for 7,50 . Over Coat worth 15 fur .11,50 . Over Coat worth: . 20 fOr: 15,00 Black Pants worth . *4 for *3,00 . Black Pants worth 5 for 4,75_ ,_lllack Pants - - worth! fl z for- : 4,50 Fancy Cassitnere Pant Worth *4 for *24- Fancy CaSsimere Pant} worth 5 for 3,11 Fancy Cassitnere Pants Wortilt 6 'for Black Satin Vek «•firth f0r:W.,25 . Black Satin Vest Borth _ for • 3,00 Black Satin Vest w orth '5 1 for 3,5 G OVER-SHIRTS :Si OVERALLS only ,31 ITN D'ItGARMENTS EQU i ykLLY LOW ' As Winter ham falrlyippeared, we Invlie the attention of a \ r irZ - Also GENTS _whomish to avail theatieillves of the oppor-. tiauiryto make some Fair Poe* nice I` Christmas or Pretii="Yehrs . inf re- 14: . VA_ . %ENT to oar Lime ftsdortc?eilt. of • I P I ' TY XX _ As v.,. G -• ~\ -.4A a _ : . V I & .EO.II.NETS DRESS. GQODS, TRIMMINGS IS ALWAYS LARGE dOMPLETE, PIAIkIN Alike*, and VAN Url r Si E 1151 1:21 4 X0.1 1 SP 1, of all , cOliiis irid."..shades. low.bh:VtivA, &V. PONIESTICK : S, CANNOT BE. EQUALLED 'IN . fourf • _o::iftitto Good'lleavy Elto:Bets. per y'd Best. "Sheetings, Ito : 8-lets.. pr y'd 'DEN 'Ng, from 8, to 121;ce0f5 per yard TICKING, froM IV - to.l6.'actitivpr yard GlNG,HAM§,,from,lo..to Reimird CAJ:ItOES, fait 'eoliits, 2i:y#lds onl4*lS, Liest\Slerrimack, 10 ida yaoaly.si „ aitott4::iitalEita;t:tis: - .A-Fehoieetarttele,,oalrlittoents.' SteeD Spriiiir Skirts,' A-,ake•lot4Liellitig;iit,Citapei•-apring. . Liidickel Saxony; z. 1- Ofthi Thankful. to the numerous eiteomar,e for `their gem :patronage _we ieapegifuHy il(!liPif'!l/4`,01#M114443e- of :the - • uttenberg ; Wtofienktilin, , 01, 0 , Arqfff;e 2 .., rt.. D•7o7'.'..Ar tek . - , ' `l3 • 1 . 011 de OUR ASSORTMENT OF AND COMPRISING, OUR STOCK OF GRA ..., .:_,..14-,,-;,, ~,,.: , . v. tNG,: m . .Sr HE SUBSCRIBEI4,HAVING PITH: >. ClAtied*i9dE of ..., :,.... `1 MlS litnt AUFTRIfiNilty 11 . MI . Min „PI II HU I"PalßLlr4:elinii3toi: A. IN.:4III.IiSRDi , fakeirthho f method of Informlag " Mose tee lake Me papers,",that ' thet;, , stack Itae l egi be!e, tenio.yed . to the old stud, *low P. ,1 _1 . NeliAid-Dedretit ', 'Cliniallor 'wherein wus "moat nappy to wait upon thaw - vir4o . *AY flivot him 1 , 10.0 1 _ 4211 . , MolL131.1813111±0 . (and tityrtat') ein terobtitned bj Inning —yore orders, wittandpntedot theivok and publisher ',name at the desk. ithio, -, ani.inttele. la the "Book and StatAonery:lllne. _ , • . . . • NEWS ..FF. .. - . , 4,,T 4 5,RPE1N:- OodellCLesUes - Petereon'e. GrabanN, /.1011. - or sty of the popuirldawkainee of the day. N. „Y: LedgekNA;Weeldh.MerettrY,,Cilliper, Illag, Wilkes' r tipirtt,' and allthe IllnetTated Papers for sale. Bar:Enron- at , S OOL BOOKS—AII the editions. '.. Nit , BOOKG-V. 'raise assortioont. . . 0 Y.-,Tip tnit o of Anprican. —' GO PENS - Ye u e"onssiLndiss A Gents.' nikti sT lNlE—A.w. Hartlson'tand others:, GIVE ME A . (.. 141.__:, L •Itai . arid I ;t il l endeavor to --.wriote , - , sr and o• , to my. HAVING NOW LOCATED PEEMANENTLY; AT ISprirmirmir s ille, attend to the Angell of Me pionniikni 'min:Tay "JOIN THE . CLUB' C1i..11i7117 •X' C0.,3E1.:1141r. I%T. GI- THE RURAL NEW - YORKER. (Agrinatiltal,) at 81;26 N. A.IIBIIWAN AORICULTtIIt3T, 'at • -- , ,I 1() INDEPENDENT, (Religion ' ) at ' ' 4 1,25 OODEY'S LADYS' BOOK, ATLANTIC MONTHLY:— HARPENSMONTHLY.M:kOAZINE, • and PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. MI at 64 LOivicter . ,46Lus BATES ; ;" at _SMITH'S NEWS OFFICE, Montrose, December:lst, . , PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. - TRAVELLING . AGENT WANTED! WE employ Agents tirsell a nen and valuable rat cacti -Article,,either on commission or at a liberal salary. Bushman honorable. useful and lucrative. The articieis required In every family. For particulars and complete instructions, eneltis e stamp and addrera • ' dcl3 GO 3. W. HARRIS d CO., Boston, , SPADING'S MIMIC PIM . . . . . .. . - - Wein the cure olall ;dude otategilciaite23.o3,.; 1: . See advertisement to another column. For Sate by Montrose. Pa. Doc .18,4860. - . •• ABEL TUBRELL. . IBA_BEIVS VEGETABLE COidPOLTIID . . a sure care for laysentan. Wholesale and _ - • ABELL T CitRELL. • F REIT JARS, foi pale by . • 'ABEL TERRELL Baffaio Babes & Ladies Furs. s o n z t y r lot „lic_t received, and low' .2 1 k. New *llford, N0v.14141860. •Igrs.L. J. BIXBY; , last retained from New York' with 3 choler, H beautiful, and extensive aseortmentof ran a, winter afar Is ready to famiStitheLadiesof Noritroie k *inky with ;FALsIIioNABLE .BONNETS good and u rich as can be' purchased anywhere. 'She keeps the very nicest goods, such as cannot fall toplease the most difficult. "rices very reasonable.• The Ladies are•havited to call and' examine al , Stood.. • Or Rooms apposite Mott's Saloon, (second fluor.) Main street, Montrose, Pa. •• ,[F.ek:2llf NEW: :GOODS JUST ARRIVED AT THE ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! HAYDEN BROTHERS, - THE PEOPLES AGENTS, Have.a.LARGE- KLEN-DID fitu . ck .of N w a ..• „,.... " 9 Cht?piwr than the - Cheapest CALL AND , EXXMINE-001 GOODS, wntmEli 151. i BUY OR NOT. - TT PAYS YOU TO 4.E.T-POSt.FP UP • . - --NEW 11111 7 011 b, Noiember,6th, 'DUE& CIDER VINEGAR for sale I thLt by, . AIiLL Auditor's Notice. _ In The mai l er of ale,F)tate Nefeton:E. Walker, flarared. TE undersigned, appointed an Auditor tddlstribute .tke funds, in the hands: of the Adminietrator of the Estateof Newton E. Walker. dee:calla, hi and among the widow and heirs, will meet the partleSin interest at hie oQice in Montrose on Friday.. January 4ttwlifil,sat 1, p.m.. , at which•tlme.;all persons having auyeltims.upon said fond 'are required to present them or be'foreeer debarred from coming in upon said fowl. T: L. CASE, Auditor: • Montrose, December 15th, 1860.—1 w. • \ - - .• .. . . ,Anditor's .Notice. .. 1$ the nailer q/ the titateql 2'. 4. Peestniien,4eteired.. TEE undersigned, appointed. an Auditor to distrltinte • th e funds in the'llands of the .Adintnistrator or the Estate of T. A. Fessenden, deceased, to and among the creditors of said _decedent, will meet the minim in Inte rest-at-Ms 'Mike In Montrose on Saturday; January sth, ISM, itt 1,, , p. m.: at which: time • all . personsi having any claims upon said hind are required to present them - or he forever debnyed from coming In upon said fund. • Dicintrose,-Dec;sth;lB6o,-4w.j:'T:L.PASE,-.4uditor. • •. , . Regteter's 1011ElltiG , E0TiCE Ja hereby given to all persons Maned in the Mowing Estates. to wit: Estate ofJostattEtim of the Township of Rush Deed, N. Granger Adia. . • Estate of HAMM' MAWR,. of Township of Jielcson , deed ChmiesTlngley. adm. . . \ 7 The anal account-of Jane E. Palmer. Guardian of the minorehildrett of Sure R. McKtrza, decd. : ••- / Estateo Baum, of Ilimbehwnshipedeed.-M. B. Wilsotiand Periin.Wefa,adineszi: That the seoeuntanta have settledtheivammtte in the Reglste . esOdiee;.itt and fotthe , erstay' of 'B6squettanns, and that theraiinsferilite prosented to the Judges of the Orphans'. Coast Otiaid Count.t . :onlkidaf.larY tiff,' for ebisfniuitlimAitid 111°10a:ice. - Montroie f pri. , Decort, • ir . NEWELL;Register .474 4 :-. SINE ierlEr gE4 NE'Wdrti - FdRD:;: 'PA., IS~THTOTM • HARNESSES . _ I) S The-1114191;-,. is ri l aidne;Dintal • • Sumen - ' - in . Few,Mford, tuning nom/ freate•New MilfonrHotel, Ina tileasaat town,. oritoodgentintelligent people - " • - MOCK-HOLDERS' MEETING rliktili'Apt-Vtittaklifteltt#l24 et thehee#C9Fateelitteenbltelt littrettn, on the t MonTay atn day) dt JanttarvOssl: r -,mom -Z : • J 011 25 MIXT, Treeittite, , ''IIIIWrOR'S NOTICE' iridmerip l / 4 .4. - ippontodiknAuditarb r uili. :. • of of 'yawl illaigitg,tiwmpLan A lig44os.rWir a i zi si nhit..tor r, a it '../IcKeelty;ll4l.ll Ns militia alio INF lte m t r.M - ..;1 1 = k war It ir\ 1 . ell b z _ litt.. t a ,.. l %Aig t : d e ~bitpri'eent their. , • mist puce all - a 1 ) • i 4 * yortmer dbliatrod lkorcomlag Lai. upon laid t7Mlir • . ' - rum PllilLlCseneraTilaiLZEsrorined that a FTCY2 EX HIBITION G given 'Tali Mars' of are day, of,NEW GOODB or all owns, viz: • DrZss Goods of Summer Prints. =4.lL:baills. Lawns in patteino., dump.Latvzsf ta,Mook, Bard; .la.onettA Ow lei Mall, Ladies Collars and Sleeves., Dimity.. MansetBo,slozemis, turerPrnits, Kentucky Juana, Bankeens,',Sarnmer Gents Shirts, Cotton Dramers: - Collars:Vravata Neck•ties. and,Sospendets. d new and lame lot of LEAThER-WARE, . . nneh ad Genta Pine Calf Booth--good i. ales ti....13 , 1* snd llghtphoes, tiplendid I.4itileellicdters from 5 to la ehitr.... weiranted dt, White. Brown. and Black Rlri :Parasols and Umbellas, Band BOSi!PI and Work .—. • • - 131.1.r.13.1.11:4ge . '3F 1 1.1..14:1 and Sperm; - Adamantine and Zilloic Candice. Drajc arLd Japaned tamers, Wash Boards and Coffee 3111114. Widle• nub Breaker, Bed Cords I* feet long. eicittled and Ppaing . 'qpthes plmt; Pine andCED4lrrAlLS,lrtilen a PILE or . 111151874' ChllbeegatitOt, Let every-variety, among which are Tapicoand Corn - Starrh for glorimni puddings, Cream Tartar, Scodi-etareh Salentine • '_Castor Oil. Ep.om Salts. lilaik and Scotch Sniff. and lot.; Of thing . Width won't do to read beroul,• but, please to cf.). aint-taff: about. e are remit - and willing to sh,.v Goods. even thimgb they may not cult ; .and 011'1110d ftx , small favors. - • If. C. TYLPt.• 19CT3..buys a liottic of the.4lElllng alstir . Tuck. }t IvG( beau Anything ever shook V TYLER'S: MONTR9BE, 143,9tb.1e9AL DAILY 41)11.1 ! :s t • w . • . MONTROSEA , PRIENDSVILLE. riOACTIEB Can7ln4 . watt, arid- paehendera Letwetd k.J,ManCroseaDdiellendeTliie, Willleas., Searles M o tel, In Molitrose, dally t at 7 o'clock, a. M. and.have ?Mends- Title at To'elock. p. m. PEritoree and carnage. tan be proenied nt the Llvery Stable of the, subsoil:ll:TM Mon twee. on reaeotable terms. Aronlrose...lug. Vic . ISGO. tt J. GOODWIN, FALL STYLES NOW" READY At Great Bargainsl FOR READY PAY AND SMALL-PROFITS! 11MIHRITT, lathe 4 .i)sch•dna INewAltHordShastand . Dress Good's Ernpoitant," k now r s ecelsing a Intge and CHOICE STOCK' of FALL :AND WINTER 0 ,, t i t jas,q Including a great variety of the newest and beit style., of Dress ipssiis, Shaul's, Droadcloth 1k Winter . with a large aseortment of other • , Staple and'Faney Goods, Grocerio.z. ,Crockery, liardwa*. Iron and Sfoyea. Drug. Paint?. Oils. Tram, 4 ,5h0,,111.1tg.,C11/IS. Clocks ? Carpling. .Floor Oil' Cloth. Wall PalWr. Painted and Gilt Window Sltade,,alarollne otlimatue Izimii and 911 nature, 4c., s •• • Furs and Buffalo Robes. ro.- The en t irentoek being lam c and boo aid fur CA SU, and largely hour:MANUAL:TT:HEMS and Finse.ll.4.:: 'willgive , upexior oppOrtnnitiee for choice .clectionl and low-down prices; and will be cold on thetntot favorable terror fur CASH, PRODLCE. and to Prompt Six-Mcinthe' Bnyero.. An examination of the Goode and Price - , will be found profitable to those whal,wieb to bay. FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND New Milford. October, t in: ~~~ :~~ t ~?~ ? ~t_~. FIFTH STREET PI7'TSBCIA'b Nocrazra.cloct Ix'. 1040. Chartered by the Legislature , VE.1111.1! 6000 STUDENTS. from almost ever:4 State' /1 in the Union. have been educated for bu-ine6, belt/ !heady College of the kind in th,' United State conducted by an experienced merchunt.• - • • Our Junior Principal, Wm 11. Burr. has im.t been arfar dell. by our State and other Fain, Ei7ftf First Preiniurr,s for &minces & Ornamental Penmanship, Quer competitor. called the best penmen in the country . ; Samples. or h:s Busincseand Ornamental Writing ;, arcutur of 50 pan,. and an elegant engraving, mailed, post paid. on receipt t,f t 5 cents in Ptamps. For sale. by book-sellers. Harper, F,niarg, d Edition DUFF'S BOOK KEEPING, 21 - 2 pa.. , :e..tt I no. awarisdfo• •Sifcer Jlitlals. and sanctioned tie till' chamb..r.of corn not. e and American Imnitute of NeW.York. as the best Burr & DUNCAN . I4 not' aittl slegantly erngraved Copy Books. six number's. :14 pages. d r.e cap paper. Wet...-. por dozen: Drury edition. gt per dozen. J. B. Lipplncott.f • & CO.. Philadetphia: W. G. Johnston d Co., Pittsburgh. • UN •a - 011 VS of Ikuttncale and Ornamental Pen manahlp, crown quarto: $5. post paid frOm the Address: • P. DUFF &. SONS. Principals. Buy roar scholar.hip in town. .Colic,ee- , that , entt them abroad: cannot soli them at horns; where they at' • known. ; . , novl4 ARE YOU INSURED? 'WE. P. Mir—s.A.G 4 *.iii241.2%T. receiving application," fi.r leenral.ce tollie js ingi.lompank,: Wyoming INSURANCE egmiraiiy, WILKES.B IC Charter Perpptual. .Cnpital....!floo,ooo: Organized Noremter A. D. 185: I;I S . -G. M. llollenback, D. G. Driestuch, J. P. Penal. John Reichard, Davld Itorgan, . Ma? Dorranlro. Sam? W , dham..... R. D L4en... 'Wm S Rom. . L D.Shoeznakcr, Gto P'St.o. lc. II .M. Bop, • , It C."SMITIL See?", . G. 31. noun:m.4m: Jr.ree W. G. STE/ILINU, Treoe. L.D. SITOEMIXEIt, rift Pre: /ETNA - INSURANCE COlll P A xy, 4. v . liartford, Couneetcut.' i...rd Capital ' " SI.D Cu) , X 4 .050 Aissete; 2,194.100 OY Quakei City Insurance CompanY, Philadelphia, Pa. with a Capital of zairtni4Rs FIRE dr LIFE AkSUR.V.N.terCOMPAISE, ' • No.. I 3fOorgate F true!, .London. • _ .Capital, $6,298,000.... Annual IlFt . onne. Wm GETTY, Agent. Pldiadelphlr.. CONNECTICUT MUTUA.L LIFE INSURZ:NCE COM PANT of flartfoni: Conneettcpt Aecomigated'Opital, . Any one wishing their lives Insured will do well to call and examine their mode of insuring, and their rates. which are - better thait those of env other company. before taking Policies elsewhere.•. P. BLACIi3LAN. . oc 11=1• , Office oVer Ckandler & JCP6UP OVle' WO ) Win .41110.yErcrelbe A SUPtRLATIVL \ZPNIC,DIURETIt, INYEDRATINCt CORDIAL , To the Citizens of _Poonsvlia pia .Apotheigurien, wn=uticGroceislind • Private Families. . Volfe's Pure Cotnais Brandy.. • . Wolta's!PureNadecris,lihszry,sed POTt.Winffe Wolfs'i - Purejounsinu and.AL.Croix. Rum. Wedfs's Pure_l3cotch and WhiskeY:. ' ' 33,1 T y DEG LEAVE to call the attention°, theitizetok of the IL United States to the aborelc.pumand Liquear. ted by VDOLIMO WOL,PL,ANDW York, whose DAMP misacin every pert of` nia Cambay forth,, purity of hi 4 celebrated SCALIMILM SCIMATSII. Mr. - Wolfe, in a (Ott: t inc. walking of empathy of Ida Wines and Liquors. says:. "I will alike - infreptitatimittit a: man, .y AtAtiding inerelutnt of thirtryettne residence In the City of- N. Y.. that ed/thearindrandlVlnes which I bet tl&are pure a. Imported, and, of the hestnnality. • and tan be relied e r n by every purchaser." Every bottle ham the proprh t name on the Wax:- mut& Ike simile of hie signature muter certificate.: The public are'respectlblTy invited to call A - examine for themselves. -For sale at Retail by all of the Apothecaries and : Grocers in. Philadelphia. - • Oao. D. Asnros, No, 8 l Market at., 1 1 11.4'5. • . - , , • SoriAgad for PLihrldpltic:, -' 'Read &U . -following from the New York Courier: - ENORMOUS DIMINIMS MAMIE N. Y. 31treluNT e sre _happy to inform our fellow citizens that there eneplate in °pretty Where the physician, ap et hecary, ann errantry merchant, cadge and purrhaFe purr Wint.,/ and Liquersoutpareas imported, and or the best quality.- We , do not Inland to ftive sot clahorate descript ion of thle Tar chant's extensive business, attliough It n ' tvel repay a stranger or - citizen 'to visit ['delft° , Wolfe's' extras vs warehouse. Nes.l 8, 20 kV. Beaver St. and Istoi. 19. e... 21; Mnrketfleld at. Ithz stock of Schnapps en knit reisey for shipment could not hate betu less than moon au.c. tlfeltrandy'Some 10,000 esses--Vintages of IS3ri to V.: and 10,000 caeca of Madeira. Sherry, and Port Wine. Seel' eh A Irish Whisky;Jrunalckand St. Crolz Rem; some very o:d, and equal to any in•thle country. lie hat.l,also three large 'cillars,llllcd irfth Brandy,' Wine; ,ze., it casks: tinder Its Custom Hones key, read y tor bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sale qrsamappa - last year amounted to 180,000 dozen, -haft to-less than two VOID 110,1DA,y , be equally 11.1CC.11.:: withhii /handles and Wines, . - -His herainers merits the.patrotutee or evert- h r it'vr of epodes. Private famines /rho wish tinre .I.l4Seis for medical use should send their oraers dire-AA-to Mr. Al until evert APothentry- In the bndXuake up their to diseardiheltolsonons stuff from their .helves, :aid et • plate it irithAWebra'npure.Wines and Liquors. • We understand Mr. Wolfe,' for the accoturnodatimpr ounill:ttsalais ..tbe.mututry, puts en Awned cases or Wt inTandLiquoil: finch a MAD, an such is nieretunt, elliallahlibenitstalned against Ida teasaftimuletodsoropno. pants in thip, Ca Ited ststecn be sell-11.444v hut bolt a V en s ruinous Mite 'to human - health and tsprmes-, (error ol (4ALT, by tkuarre I fins OA rtAMd tsoo ouo co $1,310,000 06,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers