The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 27, 1860, Image 4

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    311SCEIAL/IN - EOUS.
There is a growing tendency in this age
to appropriate the most expressive words
of othbr languages, and alter a while to
incoritorate them into our own ; thin the
wdrd Cephalic, which is4om the Greek,
signifying "for the head," is now becom
ing popularized in connection With Mr.
great Headache remedy, hitt it
WW WOO be used in a more general way,
and the word Cephalic will become as com
mon as Electrotype andmanv others whose
distinctinn as foreign words s - his been worn
away-by common usage until they -seem
,‘ native to the manor born."
'artily Realize&
Eli 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon,.
band I stepped into the bapothecaries hand
says hi to theman, " Can you hease' me
of an 'eidache 11" "Does it hache 'ard,"
says 'e. Ilexceedingly," says hi, band
upon that 'et gave me g Cephalic rill, hand
'pon me 'onor it-cured me so quick that I
'ardly realized, I 'ad 'ad an 'Cadache,.
U ' HEADACHE, is the favorite si&u by
which nature makes 'known any deviation
whatever from the natural state of the
brain, and viewed in this light it may be
looked on as a safeguard intended to give
notice of disease which might otherwise
escape attention; till too Into to be reme
died; •and its indicationi should never be
neglected.! Headaches ,may bp classified
-under two names; viz: Symptomatic and
Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is
exceedingly common and is the. pre
cursor of a 'great' variety of diseases,
among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu
matism and all febrile diseases. In its
nervous - fora it is sympathetic of disease
of - the Stomach constituting sick headache,
of hepatic disease constituting billions
headache, of worms, constipation and other.
disorders of the bowels, as well as renal
and uterine affectios. Diseases of the
heart are very frequently attended with
Readiaces; Anmmia and plethora are alio
affect ons which frequently occasion head
ache. Idiopathic Headache -is also very
common,. being usually distinguished by
the name of nervous headache, sometimes
coming on' suddenly in .A state of ap
rently,sound health and Tifbstrating at
once the mental and
. physical energies,
and in other instances it comes on slowly
heralded by depression of spirits or acerbi
ty of temper. In most instances the pain
is in the trout part of the head, over one
.or both, eyes, and sometimes provoking
vomiting; under this class may also be
n.smed.Neuralgia. - , -
For the treatment of either, class of
Headache the. Cephali&lills 'have been
found a , sure and safe remedy, relieving
the most acute pains in a few Minutes,
and by its subtleper eradicating the
diseases of which liCadache is the unor4ng
Bainorr.—Stissus wants you to send
her a box of Cer&ilic Glue, no, a bottle
of Prepared Pills, but Xru thinking that's
not jnsf it naither; but perhaps yell be
sillier knowing what it is. Ye see she's
nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head
ache, and wants some more of that same
as relaircd her before.
Druggixt.—You must mean Sp - Oding's
Cophhlie Pills.
Bridget.."—Och sure now - .and you've
sed it, here's the quarther and giv me the
Pills and dont be all day about it aither.
Consgpation or Costiveness.
No one of the " manyills flesh is heir to"
As so prevalent,-so little understood, and•
so much neglected as Costiveness. Often
originating m carelessness, or sedentary
habits; it issregarded as a slight disorder
of too little consequence to excite anxiety,
while irvreality, it, is the precursor and
companion of mans of the most fatal and
dangerous diseases, and unless early eradi
cated it will bring the sufferer to an un
timely grave. Among the fightef evilecif
which costiveness 'is the usual attendant
are Headache, Gine, Rheumatism, Foul
Breath, Piles and others of like nature,
while a , long train of frightful diseases
such as Malignant Fevers, Abeesses, Dys
entery, Diarrhma, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy,
Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Ilypochon
dnasts, Melancholy and Insanity, first in-.
dicate their presence in the system by
this alarming symptom.- Not unfeqnent
ly the diseases named originate in Con
stipation, but take on an independent
existence unles,s the cause is eradicated in
an early stage.- From all these consider
ations it follows that the dikorder'should
receive immediate atteriaen wbenev& it
occurs, and no person snould neglect to
get a box of Cephalic Pills on the "first
appearance of the complaint, as their
timely use will expel the insidious ap
proaches of disease and destroy this dan
gerous foe to human life.
dalic4 ?
CURE , 10
613/ .
u eadee4 o l/
411 kinas °
D 7 thi a, or these pm. the periodicattacke of NerVollo
or A* Seeelaciegtily be prevented; and if tak en a t th e
commencement of an attack, immediate relief from pain
and damn erM be obtained. '
They iddom tail in removing the Sailea andEsadathe
to which females are eo Isubject-
They eaten!: upon the bowie,—reznoving Coefteenaw,
rot Maier, Men, Stredesits, DeUentelf melee, And
piteous of sttkeittry . they are valuable as akstatlor.
Isageoving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the Inge!.
tin organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and
strength of the whole system.
The cErnAuc PILLS are the resultof long itivesti•
Wien and carefully conducted experiments. having been
in use many years, during mita Unsettle,. have prevented
tad relieved a vast amount of pain' and suiSsrlng from'
Headache. eihetberptirluatlng In the iterrout eystitto or
from It deranged date of the domed.
They ere entirely -segetable in their composition, and
nay he taken at Widens with perfect safety without Mak
s/is:4 change of diet. and Um aevenareany atiogruabk
tak.randar it way tv administer Mem to elitidase.
Bqware of Counterfeits.
• lbessataine have Ore Signatures of Muni C. Spalding
as se& box- .
gam bp nemesis mei Medicines.
Allot will he SW ban Psgaiaon teteiPtor the
Xatrigiaga Ste 10e:stag.
411°11161344 ! *1164 r - T
000-941114AILIkr tAtreZwitsil-Tia;
ILIAS Jost ietamed from ellectitOr
Ai now realvfog aze of the Wr taadbe.t of ,
.. .. •
_ et
: . --•
• •
• ... - 1
._J .. _ 4 - ,
• .. '
ever Mitred hn thlii, market. The - quality - of nearly every thing good; all warranted gel resent, . - }
Terms: Ready Cm* and Xem
A general idea of
the stock may be ibrmed item the following enumenttion:
Damn, -SlEnctims, CREWICALI, - •
DER 1311717 at GROCIEREA, . , °Lass WARE, •
CROCKERY, - • rani, CLoelta, WALL PAPER,
MINER PAPER, ttnew OIL suanrs,Traner GOODS,
Knalealln Lanus, Jewelry, . Perfnmem,
Stone Ware , Brooms, Bnisheti, R'hlps, thltbrers
Bird - Cages, , Pocket Knives, - . -firma, Pistols,
Ammunition, - ' Liquors. Trustee; Supporteny • -
Shoulder Dram, q ui ts:muds, Spectacles, ,
Silver & plated, , Poeta, de. Oold pens,
Stationery. _ N olln, Guitar, Sus Viol.Strlngs,'
Lithographs; n Teeth, Artist's Tube paints:Brush
de. ie. Ohl Goads, Wooden Ware, hard
andiapanned Wart, O
Plaid and On Cane,nphine, Coal
Burning Fluid/ Alcohol, Turpentine,stamp, tanner's,
neat foot, lard Ore, cantor boiled and rawlineced Oils,
Lead. Zinc, bud all kinds of coloredta, 'Me
g:. Caw,' Seed, oleo ail the popular PA =DI.
111" ft and other things toonninerons to meat on.
— it Is impractku to give more than a general outline
of mi_ stock thro ughthe newmtapers every one wialdng•
GOODS Is Invited/ to tell and examine. t'ustomers on
entering the store Must not expect to find every thing In
sight; but nearly 7ery article wanted will be produced by
Lu4=for th e iberal !beret patronage hitherto received,. Le
hopes to merit a tontinoance and A BE Lg craise of the
• ' "
' Montrose, J•no 5, ISM _ - .
Lo ßiN ed 4 veth A b ai"ON Y.
D. W. LONE L, Principal, Professor of the
Science of accounts, Practical Accountant.
Andior of Low, ell's Treatie s l upon Book-Keep
ing. Dingramk illustrating the same.
41entt RANKIN, Commercial .Accountant, Profes'r
of Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics.
J. J. Cuirns, fe...tistant Professor lit the Book:
Keeping Department,
A. J. WARNER Professor of Practical and Or
' namektal POinianship, Commercial Calcula
lions arid Co respondence.
Hob. Daniel S. t ickir.son, Lecturer on Commer
cial Law and Political Economy.
Hon. Ranaoin - Esteem, Lecturer on Contracts.
Piomissory• Notes and Bills of Exchange. .
Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer ons Commercial
Hon. Sherman . Phelps, Win. R. Osborn, Esq.,
. Tracy R. Morgan, Esq.
The object of to afford to all
an opportunity 4f obtaining a thorough Business
The Books and Fbrrns are carefully arranged
by practical dcbountants expressly for this In
stitution and eltbiace all the recent improve:
rnenti. - ,
'The course pf instruction cornprisee every
department of business. The learner will be
thoroughly tadght the science and practice of
Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the
following.kindd of business, viz: General Mei..
chandising, itl4nufacturing, Banking, pommiO-
Mioo, Steam ling, Railroading, Forwarding.
Freighting, Forrign Shipping, &C.
Can qualify themselves in a ebort time, at this Institu
tion, to fill important and .Inerativt , alterations. Ample
refercneescan be given when: graduates of 5.9() .are now
Siting desirable 6.t lions uityt salaries trout $OOO to $lOOO
per annnm.
The Proprietors in poasession of teatimon fats from
some of the ante amercia! Mortara in the State, to when,
they have farniefuld book-krepers, vhowiwm their entire
satisfaction and conifidericc is thn ability of the graduates
of title Institution.
---- : .
1 PM4I3IANSIIIP i• . ..-
In all Its branchca4 taught ity the nibstiticillful 'and thnii
°ugh masters of the art. No - College In the I count ry in
joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladic,,' De
partment entirely ic h parate from that of thegentlemen.
Strident:4 went r College at ca a!s
nytime.' o vacations.
Time to complete e course, ['MISS to 10 weeLui. ! Stu
dents passing thei requisite examination are presented
with the most- ciatiorate and 'elegant engraved Diploma
issued bv. any Commercial or Qat:deal Institution in the
Union. "Assistamie rendered to graduates in procuring
situations. _ .
Porterms of tali
price of board, testimonials of
graduates dolling ptisitionsAc, address thd proprietors for
circulars containing full particulars. ~
Proprietors; Binghamton Commercial College,
Nov. ii, 1860.-4 Binghamton, N. Y. '
"31`arts4cIocil 17a. 3.840:
Chartered .by the Legislature.
IVEA.RTX BODO STUDENTS, from almost every State
....' la the Union, have been educated for business, being
thoonly.College of the kind In the United States conducted
by an experienced l merchant.
Our Junior Prineipal, Wm R. Darr. Milan been ewer
dee. by our State end other Fairs, .El7/11 First Premiteins
for Business & Orriamental Penmaustuporiver competitrirs
called the best women in the country. Samples of tile
Businessand Ornamental Writing, a circular of 50 pages,
,and en elegant engraving, mailed, post paid, on receipt !of
25 cents instamps.
For sale, by bocik-sellers, ILsrper's Enlarged Edition eof
DUFF'S BOOK KEEL' NO, 222 pages, $l5O, awardedfoar
Silver Medals, and Sanctioned by the chamber of commerce
and Ainerican Institute of New York, as the liestpublisheri
Derr. Dmvcsra new and elegantly engraved Schriol
Copv, Books. six n • hers. %pages, line cap paper, 90 cis
per dozen Demv
& Co., Pfilladelph a W. G. Johnston & Co., Pittsburgh.
DUNCAN'S G MS of Ili:mines& and Ornamental Pen
manship, crown q $5, postpaid from the college.
Address: P. DUFFS SONS. Principals,
Of* Buy your scholarship in lava. Collegee that send
them ilium& cantiot sell them at home, where they are
known. n0y14,13. x•
Foi Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Tie Dolnreaux.
T II S Eiviatu..itax
ROB 4 p
•• specific," lately intro.
&teed .&to this icotmtl7. is
- prtmounceil by all to be . thr
only reliable rented". It '-
cured thousands ha ta t
has met with great and
mini success lierc,l as test.
nials daily received will eh
It is harmless, but certain,
its effects; warranted fP- -
ail injurious ingredie
puriffee the systeip At
it parr. perfectly healthy.
It is a specide which
an equal for the
I knee.
above comphinta. It s .
good for pains in the MrX
bone% or joints
The demzind for it increasing,
_bas'indneeli the proprietor
to appolbi an agent* for this tuatriet. Mentor littlest the
=Of Dr. Bohan, No. 602 Broadway, New York City.
ts suppliWerni, terms- Bent by Express to
any part of the co on 'receipt of .the price. „
Itor4ly WERM4,,I., Agent, Montrose.
..M 14
_ &Rd. Readt
. IF- . `tied for the Fff.,=„ iewerninted to-effect a Ilme
In every woe, an in all stages of the disease, write money
will be refunded. Falidlrections accompany each bottle.
-For sak by Tiara, Montrose; O. O. Berapedead.
Dloolotyrt •, T. .7. Baboick, Dimwit-, Pe:mei -Carpenter,
Barbed - O.G. W liamsoTacinon : JAL Bloewn, ihusdad; .
.A . , lc Yereill, ; It.-J. aterrill. Screnten.
' Critra g rrinCe.46Trig. - .
This is to certify. that Mrs. Emery has been afflicted for
years past with that at:Menden onntdslat known as , the
Piles." arid that jam* failed In seeming relief front vs.
rims ohs wee induced fromreports tatty Mr..
- Williams' . "Pile She," which we at omen?.
his Agencies In . ock, Pa. The result has been
the mart favora The - trial sae Wade shit At MAL%
and atter,nAng IS titrected for *law eye, shatire have
wood reason to think sal a pemaxnent Intr. was effeeted.
Seferad other canes of a ..intilar nntare is tide .vicluftY
have audit withildte resoftL WI& le. Williams motto
" 1 " 1 " , Do Pei` " esn7 ens timenfillctadsill certainly
do well to try It. I • ' - ilk R. mom
I Pastor
4 , of M:E. Cltn* Tittadtinnacir.Myoniing co, Pa.
i One edi. MC . , , .11.
fIIIIXIIN . - „ t
mowilFucisE - - PENNA.
, rrum subscriber Wing p?rebseed
..L t refitted and newly furnished thi
above well known Ind populterifotel,
is prepared to accommodate the trav
eling " and others with all the attentions
and , convenlenees usually found , in fi r st- c laws
Houses. No ;effort will be sper4; by the Pr
piste* and kis enhke the Hotel
Spells every] point to iuty in the kouetry.
The nail will always be supplied with the
Choicest Ligoors. • -
The Stan4les t connected with this House
are large, ro y and convezikent, sad careful and
atteihive =ere are sheave in elihige *Ahern.
- • , S. TARBELL
alady remarked to us a day or two Nsince, as
she exhibited the portrait of an outrank gone
to the La spiritiami ;" Which was one,of
- . -"TrT134365 7 • •
6 How I should regret had I not secured,
this precious memorial of ;that dear one!' So
thought we. The loved ones are not always
with us, and while we can pall them ours, eVery
ono should secure such a memorial ; especially
since they can have truthfully taken by
that successful artist, A. fl TUBBS, of Bing
hamton. i• dec
• WOODS, Stapk . DRUGS,
North of: Barnum 's Hotel,! New Milford; Pa.,
WjOHLD be pleased to' eo all his old friends
V V and many new onearat his ,NEW Store
fronting. the DEPOT, where he is prepared to'
show them such a stock
,Of the above ertic'ea
as New Milford has long atOod in need - 4 •
"Division of trade has a 4 many advantages as
division of lai,or." Any man confining himself
to one,biench of bnsiness,tgieing that branch
his NOON Capital and:attention can keep a better
4. - ssortmeta,' buy cheaper lag SELL CHEAPER.
than if the same means and time was employed
in a trade.. If. you dont think so, call
on the sUlreriber and be convinced. The sound
principle lot
Will be strictly adhered to J • Butter and other
Produce forwarded to New! York to one of the
bosteommission houses In the City, and prompt
paymente guaranteed. r
New Milford, Susq: Co. In., April, 1860.-3 r.
FOR 1860.
1 . .
. FOOT or Dra. STEEET.
THE extensive TurnitOe Establishment of
Sshrit Entrruzna hav i ng refitted and
greatly improved„ the prd rioters 'respectfully
announce to' the citizens of,Motitrose and vicim
ity that they are constantly Oohing and limp on
hand the LARGEST and !JEST assortment of
To. belound in the Country.,
We give the following lint of some of tho 'ar
ticles which we will sell ] at greatly reduced
prices,lerCssu or READY' PAY :
Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass,
ftorn $l6 to $35.
- .
Bureans with marble or brocatelle tops, from
818 to $24. And a large assortment, from $B,
et°, I 2, il-1, to et 8,
Wash 'Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square
Stands, cif all varieties. and prices, from m cents
to ten &Mans. -
• • . • •.
DeeltsDivans ,Towel RaCks,FootstoolOtto.
maps, Lounges, &c.
"Ceittre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen.
and Extension Tables.
ChatnZ—Cano and Wood Seats Roeicera—
Cane, Flag, 'and Word Seats of every variety
, .
and strlci. •
Solas,ltete a totes furtiiihed at abort notie
at New York prices:
N. B. Ready' made` coffins- on hand or fur.
nished it short notieo.—APtarses always in
r( adinesi when desired. ; .
We ein ploy none but CARF.FITL and EXPERI
ENCEDVORKMEN. We intend to do our Wow;
WELt s , and sell it as Low, as it can hi. afforded
. W2S3I UCH,
E.' It. SMITH.
Muntriase. Ju'rk-4,Bth,
Lawsville Centre."Susq. co., Pa,
VA TALLPaiet7ia l n l :P :t ersand t rrdes.
a very large stock ytrcei%d,t:
April 17th. It, KENYON, JR.,& CO.
si:ks, latt as and - calicoes. an immens e
. variety, by IL KEll YON, JR. & CO.
EVERY style of Calton Pant Goods, etc. thig.
day rec'd by R. KENYON, JR. & CO.
SILK, Brocha: and Cashmere shawls. a large
stock,'LOW. It. KENYON, .11t; & CO.
-2 n6l.s. TOBACCO this day received and
-I'4 male lower than elsewhere in Sasqu'a,
ennnty. • R.,KENYON,'JR.
10 !' f
i n b
store and
sole b) the boz
d AItGF. Stock of FANCY Dry Goods for
sale Br It. KIZ YON, JR. &
TEA !Setta=-Fire Elegant styles, enmplote—
froM sto ss(f. It KENYON,JR:& CO.
Law,Witle Centre. Pa., - April, 186 t). • •
LT le compounded entirely from Gums, and
has beoocucalt essabllahe4 Met, a ehautianl Multclue,tooseti
4 sppeossf by-all thal - Omer os.;&11, c od to u p
sorted to 'alth coolies= h., 5 4 all the diseaxe tor waken
Ii has . cured theuesroloi , l estdaht the last two Testa
Who had lo up all hopes, -of relief. es the stemmas*
%mos Alehe.t eertlbeatas le my; ipossession/tUltf.
- ' The dole moot ha aulaptol: to the temperamset of the
hisdfssluel toting IS. A.l PS. 1 .4111 51.41 vuutthlef a* 14
het scull, goo the Rowels.
. let the dietelea of your udgment gold,: Toe la-the
toe otthe LIVER Iltio. VIGORATOR, and is '
irlh enre Liver Corn. plaints, Illllouss4t.
,_ tacks, , ... Dyspepsia, ,Chroole Diarrhoea,
'bum la erCo in . 'plaints. Dysente
ry, Dripsy, Soruri Stomach,lll.6llual
Castle , Chad.'
le Cholera, Mole..
ra "'orbital', Cholera Ikarttam, Plato:.
tenet,- J a tan - 411er, Pemate Weakness.. '
es, so our be used ice- . Iceesfully as an Drains.
ry Ireitolly Medi. letup. IterttleoreSlCß •
HEADACHE, (o,' itbotaands eau wanly,/ In
twenty tialtiutes,l two or three - Tea.
spoonfuls, ado* talk' en at conaneaceinent . Of
teerirnA ill eirho nee It are giVhig • • their our
- le ltehror. - l
THE zsvumarrun. AISD owAr-LoAv
Price One Dollar per Bottle. -
Pure i Vegetable It ztrerrbg and pat up to
GLASS eivissa,,aii Tight: and will keep
la Amy ett mate. . • ,
The Ira May" Ca. , _.! 1 hnelle PIM ham-
Ste • but Beare Calm* Vil elkh the yroprievae `bas
'wed la-Ide wattle* mom .A dna Unary ii... •
The enasently Inereeetag era *aw Etta who
haerloagutedtbelPlMlt a mut the which
aa express in eettentinthele 0-0 - tatainahnha?lsl ;Mt-weds.*
tech eaten thereaeltailL
lb, ra‘elllloll wellaitenv X that 4ltrereetCathietisaatt
*a At verbena of the itentele. •
tom .10, aue stoic.* •19 Via wee astabllattml Viet,
been ,seesnetsadtal from a - 11* variety ot,the yenta else.
gr ia
table hetreeta. width /1".• erery
_pert et be
- taneentry aartaL sad arc end
dl our
es %bete I, Cathartic! ' ~ itaetr se Abe.
r atil d s t Me m'.
raeaveaes.. Pat a . a nd Parmelee trues
' she wlude - body' . Dun eaddett eold. eldeb
thekneally. V seataaad. esti la
heap long steam et Fa
:ter. Leaf at App... • die, t:reef=
slter. istVedg over the
bras.r laradikerm or welghtla the bead:
', • an lit Ada makirp Dieerteee. Worms la
' I f i hl kr" of tattittilts g klidliesallsee.s. veal
- art er order mom - and many lb/eases health
Ilea le WA letenutmennts Anavadiatt ta thatattert/h!
• SOWDuae.l WS.
ge Timms: apes._
gnu layer. vlgerator an Validly Ca.
Marti, situ are riddled by Omahas roma" eat
add attends by theftratlit la all the taro hem 4 - ,
: -
Iteauhetarer , ett-t haprletZr,
333111141114Vri1y.. VOW • lark.
For side ABEL . =REM dam.
A NT lay or Gentlemattattie United States popesstug
Aoll. frets *to V. tea enter Into an easy issi respect&
bie binineek whicb tromp to *leper &yen be tad-
For particelas Wrest (witti t )_
Oet. Sth. taco. em • _w. lwroN CO.,
V. - Aortltl4stb Ara4 Pid3silstplais.
_ITHOOR4PIIB, 41114.1111"8 rtaIiPAINTA MINA°
ceivld• farnisles, et.; 11 MEW supply; Jest re.
• - • ABET, mumu.
, rmssetioni, will be opened for the rep
tioti -
Ladies and Gentlemen, :on tbe 29th
day (I,lledneaday), of February, 1860.
• : .TERMS OF Turnoff.. '
Primary Branches per (lett of II weeks,t3,oo
Cominon ~" " " ~ 8 ,60
Common and Higher, " - ," MO
Higher English, ,• 44 .
Lessons on Pittner, " " 10,00
time of " " 2,00
Ornamental, and Classical Departments, extra.
The Principal has had much experience in
leaching in Nt;w York and Penn'a for tlie land
ten years, in Common,M' weltas Select, Graded
or High Schools. Referencesliverr if requirrd
-N.D.—BOard at the boarding ball, two doli's
per week. Lights and washing extra.
Payments to be made quarterly in advance.
mh y E.. W. ROGERS, Principal.
,flonr,lttb & Vrobision Attu,
- At MONTROSE, Pa" -
door below:J. Ethridge's, Drug Store,
V on Public Avenue, where will be found
constantly on hood a general assortment:of
Such as Sukara,Alolassea, Syrups, Teas, Coffee
&c., &c.
Also . the choicest brands of
Meal, Lard; Pork. Hams, Fish, Candles &e.
We solicit a share of the public patronage, and
_pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by
each sbargain to secure another.
ALFA ED 134LD W IN. ' WII. L. 414 EN .
On' Public Avenue, near' Searle's hotel.
KlEcgLovalrl - okuig.ndca /gilt supply
fo o r t
Beef Cattie,Calves,..Sbeepohd Lambs.
Also for Hides of all kinds. • -
Montrose, March 30th,
At Montrose, Penn-.
WM. H. MATCH, , Proprietor.
and commodiouS HOW situated
Ton Public Avenue, near the Court House,and
nearly in the centre of the business portion- of
Monttose,. is now fu.iy completed and furnished,
and was opened • on bionday, the 27th day of
SeVcruher, for the accommodation of
the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels
confident that her is now prepared to entertain
guests inn manner that cannot fail to give
Complete Satisibction.
The Hotel and Furniture aro new, and no,ex
pease has been spared to -render it equal, if -not
superior to any similar establishment in this part
of the. State. It is well supplied with all the
recent improvements and comforts, and obliging
•waiters will always be readyto respond to the
calfof customers.
The Stables. connected • with this linast; are
New and Convenient.
The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron
age of his old friendr, and the publictenerally.
salt ! I
1C3%f . t 1 1 T. 7. ELYEE,-
201 •Washin,Von-st,
(Directly oppo.ite Wnsliington Market,)
New .
QTILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and
kJ COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
Coarse and Fine Sst.Tot the very - lowest figures:
400e0 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use:
Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &c.
and 50000 bushels ;Turks Island; Bonares, Cu-.
racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz:l vies, Nantes, &c.„
all of which will be sold at bargain prices (nip
vessels, store and storehouses.
Any purchaser wishing to select-from a good
assortment will find it hiis'interest to call.
"N. B.—Fine table salt pUt up in small bags of
different sizes, and cons,tontly,lon hand in,ship
ping order. Also . a splendid article of Rock
Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale
by the quantity, in unsex of five dozen each
And all Points_North & IN'est.
Two Daily Passenger Trains
210111611 SOUTH.
Phlra N.V.
Mail. Expret.s,
A.X. P. I:.
6.10 4.25
N. T. Phil's
Express. Mail.
Leave Leave M. P. Y.
Scranton, . Northteland,. 5.33 4.45
Atrive at • , Arrive at •
Pittston. 6.38 4.53 Danville, 6.05 5.20
Eingatom, 7.06 5.20 Rupert, 6.95 5.50 •
Shicksbininy, 7.50 61.5 Bloomsburg; 6.45 6.00
Berwick. 8.03 • 6.55 Berwick, 7.15 6.35
Bloomsburg. 8.50 7,30 Shickehlunv, 7.45. 7.05
Ittipert, 9.00 7.40 Kingsten, 8.31:1 7.45
Danville, 9 . 25 - 8.10 Pittston, 8..57 8.15.
Northuland,lo.oo 8.45 ' Scranton, 9.25 ' 8.45
. . 1 1,t Scranton, for Ncw York and Philadelphia, and Inter.
mediate. points east; also for Great Bend, Binghamton,
Siracuse, Buffalo, Niagara P . alls, and all Important points
At Rupert It connects with the . Catawiesa Railroad. for
points both East and West. ". .
At Northumberland it connects with the Sunbury and
Erie Railroad for mints West and South
is .g.zAatt e ,
Consumption and Asthma
Doers of invalids are la raptures With it asedielat '
called 'Act Onorrome itT/ACT Olt Camerae /NDSCA.
"Web VI estr amend Oyes &Modesto of competent
snit Teputeldeorttaesess, L s aurae speedy and per.
manna cure for Cionscurnov, Cocoas, Caw, Sam..
canna, itermse, Purism Nzerocamesp, and Gime
tun Mazur& • this highly praised medical
tits was diseereesd an years
cia tt
by De, 14. ham, it' well bums ph of groat
eraineme, who bad tame ids only daughter
...there m with him, hoping that the dilute would
lu her Ufa.
_pounced incurible
cam cam was
He had
beard much of the
wonderful reetorstits and healing qualities of preM•
Whine surds from tbe East India. Hemp, and the
thought occurred to him that he might compound
reloody,for his child. He stadied Nadi and seeded.
ed to realizing his wisher An man wag arum
wonderful remedy bas *ince beat
to thetuandi cd Beaten in Wputs of the wisihninbrierod
and has mew failed of =Wag theft eampletely
healthy and hap . The arleinal recipe for
leg, end y adnig this to at remedy w22r ha
tarnished to ail applieents by the arelersigned; on
receipt of
t ampstortim m keetage. A small wady_
written by on the eloomromme
mae, 11 , 01 be seat mate, wed mid, to hose elm
ppply for the mite, lb me who wish the mod.,
Ida.priepsrod, eas obtain. la Pitt bott
tbtet bottles for 84.76ent to my put el Col
.114 tee brEzprese. .
ware.. o. P. trainvive Co. Per
poetanni r S• , . SO Grant ammieg. amity
Prim CiDER VINEGAR for eale bh Er ' •
• .
• ;
' •
Herbsi Barks and Rots
Poisonous Minerals and *Drugs: 4 ,
Do-you when observing the uneasy rations of t i
.your-children, consider that it may be more
than a mere Choke that afflicts them! to nine
cases out of ten, the came of the suffer
anguish LriVORMS, and should bt at once t ei
looted Ge. IP,
Do Dot let your children sulfa, when we present 4 1
you in • • 4
How much s hotter and alder would It be to
limo it always, in the .house. A little. delay I i
when a child is taken 11l Maroftenibe the came ,
of it. death, while acting without idelayi 7 and'
by gluing the MOUNTAIN lIERB _TEA tame- lit
diately, you will not only save the child a long 11%
and tedious Rings& and yourself much mean*,
butialao feel happier in knowing that you leave
done your duty, and perchance Raved Its life. 11111
This medicine is combined purely of
etliCitnel at ,illinetal
No more filthy Termifogo will be used by
those who once use this Tea. • The only active t
principle of all other Verolifuges and Worm
Killers is SIR Er R Y. v
41 1 1 1
- 1 :1P- C) !3 "V" 4
.(111 1 ,
(11 1 1
0 1 ,1;
' l ll ll
41 11
• 4
- I
' T 0
rie YOU
Eimple, Eafe, - Vegetable iechcine.
This Worm Tea was diacovered lei an unusual
r • , way among the Wilds of Northern Mexico —n
ItLoll account-of it you will Sod In one Almanacs.
Ark for the" Risme ,/ Tula Almanac," of the
Agent, and when you have read It, rend iL
, to .
pin your neighbor., that they may also know of and
be cared by this GREAT REMEDY I
Never Ranns—ls Pleasant .to Take.
th?roFiV.Fi. - . - ,VrafVolli.e.Narl'ifind.
of Tmuco, on each package of this Worm Tea.
411 L..717D50R & co;
Oil) .50 Leonard at.. New York.
Judson's Worm Tea In sold by one
gr ;.• Ant In every Village, and
byOt nll Draughts.
h "&: II ZSgP
SAVLE & BRO.'s Agents, lientrose. (deo.2
. -
!The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS
TERS can appeal with petfeet confidence Ito
-physicians and citisrns generally of the, United
States. because the article has attained a reAu
tatlon heretofore unknown.' A few facts Kean
Gilt point will speak more. powerfully titian
volumes of bare assertion or bl Izoning puffeiy.
eir.stimption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters for the last year amounted to over a half
zoillibn bottles, and from its manifest steady
increase in times past, it is crident that during
th'e costing year the consumption will rut:eh
:near one million bottles. This immense amount .
could - never have been sold but for the l i re
medicinal properties contained in the prepare
, tien, and the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those Sections of the county
where the article is best known, who not only
recommend the Bitters to their patients, but
role ready at all times to,give testimonials wits
efficacy in all eases of stomachic derangements
'.and the diseases' resulting . therefrom.- I• '
(This is not a temporary •popularity, obtained
bi extraordinary "efforts in the way of. trum
peting the e qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
est intalion of veinvaluable medicine, which! is
destined tope as enduring as time itself.
'lloiactter's Stomach' Bitters have iroved
a Godsend to regions where fever andague
arid various other bilious ' ecAplainte have
counted their victims by hundreds. 'To [be
able to state confidently that the "Bitters" •
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, Mb) the proprietors a source of. nu
alloyedpleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from the slomach, purifies the blood, and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
giving it that tone and energy indispensable
for the restoration of health. "It operates Rion,
the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,
mildly but 'powerfully, and soon restores thimn
to &condition essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature. s.
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as '
per directions nn the bottle, and they will find
in it ditimitlant peculiarly adapted to comfort •
declining years, as it is pleasant td,the palate,
invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the dyi-
Once of thousands of aged men and wonien
Yam have experienced the benefit ofusing this .
preperation while suffering from,stomach
rangemente and general debility;P&Ming under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoded
all , deleterious drugs and fairly tested the
Merits of this article. A feti words to the -
gentler sex. There are certain periods when
their cares are so harassing that many of-them •
sink under the trial. The relation of mother
'and child is so absorbingly tender, that the
Mother, especially if she be young, is aptl to '
forget her own health' in her extreme anxiety
for her infant. Shfitild the.period of maternity
wive during the summer season, the wear of
body and !Mud Is generally aggravated. Here, ,
~then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe
rate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials
arid responsibilities. Nursing mothern-gehe
rally prefeithe Bitters to, all other invigdra-,.
tors that receive the endoriement of -phal=
clans, because it is agreeable to the tastena
well as certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
t •
All those persons, to whore we him particu
larly referred aboyb, to wit:, sufferers Oom
fever and are; Nursed by Malaria, diarritnea,
dysentery, tndigcsilon, loss of appetite, rind
diseases orilerangements of the stomach',
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and waling mothers, will consult
their own physical welfare by giving to Hos
tetter's Celebrated Stomach' Bitters s trial:
CAUTION.—We caution the public against
tiving any of the many imitations or-counter
feits, but. ask
,for Bonen - Ws Cetcsnafin
- STOMACU BITIEVE, and see that each bottle Tuts
the words "Dr. J. Bistetter's Stomach Bitters".
blown on the' side of the bottle, and stamped
on the metallic rap covering the cork, and
observe that our autograph siwiature is on the
Ishii. -
as- Breland arid sold by 110STETTER &
llidITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by lull
druggists,. grocers, and. dealers generally
throughout the ljnitedVtater. dOnth &AI ; o•
rica, and Germany. • .1
• • .
For sale in Blontroks by' -
JP•1?"-IY • ABpl.. TVIRELL
ZasferLillkao Xocvensclaror.
Em OR the speedy and effectual cure 440 butassetaGens
revers, BAransaliam Dyspßptia, Liver Coniplalia
Pik., Gravel. and all dente and Chronic Diseases o
eimixs owl Campers. Send 3 cent Stamp to her Agent
• G. B. JOKES,
Hundreds of trattnonials Box 2470, Phße P.O.
oragency. S. Cor. Third I Arch Sta. oc4 lOw
, . .
_ ! • PICTURE . GLASSI. - !
E x t i (malty of Frew* ?/CT DELLASS,
RFLL iror eal
. .lidyl3. IMO. • ..
LT, by the Harrel, Haelc or Portal
I Wilder's 'Bebarn of Wild Cherry.
.I•Wistare 134,15 am of Wild Cherry;
Coughs, Mb, Coughs,
17: 1 - Coughs, Colds,'.Cmighif
Asthma:Bronchitis, hugeness, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Beinehitik, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.
Whooping Cough, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Troup,'
Consumption, Consumption, Cogsplllptioni ,
- Consumption, ConsumptiOn, • •
and all IL' diseascs, - fa. an unfuiruiy . atitidote, a
ready relief, and a sure and speedy cure, in that
great and uniiersaily apyrered remedy, .
Wietar's Bahiam- of Wild Cherry.
Wistar'eßalsam of Wild, Cherry.
The Biiv, Jacob Bochictr,
Writ knenen end muck uvula ciettnti the Comex pops
!alien of Me enretrr, makes the folletoier stetneret for
' the betteitt of the elliett<l.
• HANOVER, PA., Feb. 16, lese.
htesns.:S. fit.. Fovims k. Co., Bosion,—Derir Sirs:
!furl:lg realized in my family Important benefits from
the oar of your valuable preparation, WISTAhVa DAL
IAN 01' WILD eux.rtug, it afords me pleasure to
recommend it to the public. Some eight yen ago eta
of my daughters ponied to be In a decline, and littie
hopes of her recovery were entertained. 1 then, pro
cured a bottle of your excellent Bakourt; and before She
tad taken the whole of the corm:ads of the bottle there •
vias a great improvement -ha her health. 1 have, In my
Individual case, made - freak:ens use of your valuable
medicine,. end :hare always - been. benefited by it. 1 -
weeld, lmerers, caution the public against imposition, be
cause there is a good dear of spurious Wistar's Balsam 47 .
Wild Cherry Oahe Utroeteihet the countrg.
Cortificeits /rain Sts. NORLIOIIIIE NORTON. if Lid
Offlu, Riasuna.
" IticliNFOlD, VA., Fab. M. IPSIA
Skim a. w .
, FOWLS Co., Boston, Gentietnen r
I With pleasure testify trithe great tperit of your
valuable lung imeditine, Itat.siot Or
Wilas CHERRY, which Is likewise highly valued by
many of our esteemed citizens, who have-tested lie
virtuei by trial.
I tint made . use of this Bataan coma three years sines
for a violeth and. distressing cough which balled the
skill of physicians, and, to my Joy, experienced curb
gratifying relief as to induce me to persevere In its use.
I always keep p it by me, and ever find it to be noted-
Ingle hi effects; ,No medicine that I have ever need
has given such speedy relief. Yours truly,
From ,Jessie Smith, Esq,
President of the Morn! Gaudy. Bank, and 'ohs is mit
bums and ragat.uieented taronglaut Ns* Jrtery. .
. • ' • Moistrrows, N.J., Jan. 9,.11360
'Maras. S. W. FOWLE & CO.,—Dear §irst'llaving
about EReen •.ears, 'and having realized its beneficial'
rerulti in my !family; it affords merigreat .pleasure In
recommending it to the public en a valuable remedy in
casei of week lungs, colds, ecocide, 4'c..,-and a remedy'
which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be
taken with perfect safety by the mart delicate in health.
- yours very respectfully,
CGP- .fletectre of rile and worthless copiterjeitsl
The only Geininc, Purt, and Medicirust Balsams has
the name of "E BUTTS," written with a pen,
and the printed name of the proprietary, " S. W.
I FOWLS & C 0.," on the outer wrapper. -
All who suffer with any'disease of the Throat,
Zings, or-Cheat, can obtain like relief by using '
Wistaes Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
' rnErAnsa ay •
- S. W. FOWLE & CO.,
• - sou) DT •
Drugsies, Dealers. anti Mit-chants in tray town
• •, and city in the United States.
;Yr - For cafe by Abil Terrell and Bead, Wairous & Fos
:r, MontroP , e ; iL. li. Woodruff, Dirnock ; AnlOd
Brooklyn.; Whittler .t 3foxley, ilarford .; Weed Ward.
Great Bead.; J.l C. - 01mr.tead, Dundatr; L. Griffin, Great
Bend. July •d
1 •
Ane the various affections consequent upon
. a disorderod
. ..
sub %I Indigestion, - Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Palmy • ,
Illoartburia: Lees of Appetite, Despondency, ffestionoss, •
Mad and Illedding Plies In all Neevons, Itbentanile, and
Neuralgic Attentions, it boa In numerous Instances proud
blgbly leenellelali and In others effected a decided tore.
_ . .
111 M is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific prialpkv, after the manner of the ielebrated
Holland Profebsar, Ikerhave. Its rrpntatiiin at borne pro.
ducedl4lntrofnction bere, the demand commencing with
those of the Feitherland scattered over the face of this •
mighty country, many of whom brought with thorn and
banded down the tradition of its value. it is now offered "
to the American potli.,e imowiny.that its trod' ' , won&rfui
medicinal riefrier must lie - ficknereledpcd. •
M. In particularly recommended to those persons 'thaw /
Constitutions :nay bare been Impaired by the contlnnonener
of ardent spirits, or other forms - of disarm. Genprally
Instantaneoun'in eireet, it finds its way reetly to the sat
of Ills, thrilling and nukkening every nerve, raising up the _
drooping spirit, and, in fart, Infusing now health and rigor ,
in the system.;
ZiOTlCE.—Vhoever especto to find this" beverage Ida
be dkuippointeid; but to the sick,. weekand low spirited, tt .
will prove a grateful aromatic cordlalybomassed of singular
remmibil properties.
The Genuine highly 'concentrated Ikerhave's Holland
Bitters Is putlup in. half : prat bottler. only, and retailed et
Orr Daman per bottle, or six bOtt s tlni flu Fax Datum. The
greatslemand for thlt truly celebrated Medicine hes induced -
many Imitations, !filch the public should guard against
;streaming. }
Beitarn or Imposition. Bee that our name Don the
label of ereryibottle you buy. . . -
Bold by Druggists generally. It can be feriardei
by ragmen to most points.
- . l .l ictitcp#mistio -
Finninatetitists and Chemists..
These BITTERS are eold • in Montrose by
oc 4ly j. -, ABEL TURRELL..Dru'arttst.
N - c•axixcna.
WinREAR my wife ORMLLA bee left my bed and
board withouranylust cane orprovisiation, l hero.
by forbid all 'persona Whining or, trusting her on toy.
gamut u I will pay no debts of hero this
date unless coin led by law. ANSEL A. PERMNS.
New Millard, Woo. nth.
1 . 11014 Robin da Ladies run..
A &meri t ; lot just teethed, and will be cold lo* for
New Sinford,'Nov. 6114 WO.
,Virginia Testimony.
rri% ol !wl° 6 °7l - 1•Uolial Works,
Published by - D. App eta's' & Co., 346 and 3411
Broadway. New York. The• fallowing works
are sent to subscribers In any part of the coun.
ty, (upon receipt Of re price,) brmsil or ex
press; pret aid . • . •
lar Dictionary of Gener 1 Knowledge, edited by
Geo. Ripley and Chart Dana; aided by •a
numerous select corpr cif writers in all branches
of Sciences, Art, and Liu - lc:dare. This work is
being published la about fifteen large octavo
vefames, each containing7sa, two•colunn pages.
The first eight vol u _ estre now ready, each cbn ,
taining near 2,1410 original articles. • An addi
tional volume will be published once in about
_three months. Price i6'cloth.s3';-sheep, $3,-
50; half morrecco, $4; half Austria, $4,50
The New American: CyclopMdia is popular
without being atmerficial, learned htit' not pe
dantic, comprehensive tiut sufficiently detailed,
free from personal pique and party prejudice ?
fresh yet maturate. It.: is a complete statement
of all that is known upbn 'every important topic
within the-scope Of human intelligence. Every
important article in it has been specially written
for its pages by men who aro authorities upon
the topics of which they *peak. They are re
quired to bring the subject - op to 'the present
moment; to state just how it stands,nom. All "
the statistical information is from the latest re
ports; the 'geographical acettunts - keep pace
with the latest explorations; historical matter
include the freshest just views; the biographical
notices ad only etteaki-of thwdead, but also of
'the living. It is a library of itself. •
Being a political History of the United States,
from the organization of the first Federal Con--
gross in 1789 to 1856. Edited' and compiled •
by Hon. Tho Mas IL Benton from Ore Official
Records of Congress: The work will be com
pleted in 15 royal octavo , volulites•of 750 pages•
each, It of which are now ready. An additional!
volume will be published once in three menths..
Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, $3,50 ;.11alf Aforocco . f
$4; llaif Calf, $4,50 each.
OR DEBATES. F(3M R, club of four, and remit
the price,,of four boOks, apd five copies will be
sent at the remitter's expense of carriage; or
for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent
at our expense for carriage. -
To AGENTS::NC) other. works will so liber
ally reward the exertions of agent.- An Agent
,Wanted in this County. -Terrnsmado known on
application to the Publisher. -
flyer's Sarsaparuid,
And for the speedy cure of the subjulued rarktma of
Scrofula and Scrofulous A fteetiona, smelt an.
Trintort, Lleers„ Sores, The npt Maw. PIM.
ples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Blaine,
and all Skin Diseases.
0 to Las n, Ind.. ins June.
J. C. Area & CO. GOIAS 0 ,, •1 it err duty to no
knowledge what your S treapnrilin has done for me.
Having inherited a Scrofolons inft ction, I litre stiff•red
from it in various ways for years. Corneille.. 4 it burnt
out in facers on ow hands and arms; nometirne o it
turned Inward mad &attested me at the stoninch. Two
years ago it broke out on rnv head and covered my scalp
and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome
beyond description. I tried many medicines and several
physicinus, but withort Much relief from any thing. In
fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced
to rend in the Gospel Messenger that yon loaf prepared
an alterative tSarsapnella), for I knew from your repo
talon that any thing yon made nowt be good. I tln •
Cincinnati and got it, and weed it till ft mod me. J took
it, as you advise. in natal] dos,' of a tutapoonriel orer
month, and used utmost three boll s New and 11.31 thy
skin soon began to forret under the verb, which after
while fell off My skin 14 now clear, end I know by my
Selwyn tient the elisense gone from my system.l on
enn me 11 believe thrt I feel orient I ten RAVI Ig when 1 tell
yon, thettl hold you to be one of the apostles of the sou ,
and ri main ever gratefully, Ym,ree,
St. Anthony , . Firis. Rose or. Errstpelas„.
Totter and Sett Rheum. Scold Head, Binge
worm, Sore. Eyes, Drowsy.
Dr. Robert Prt 'any a from Salem, N. , 1714
Sept..tient he has cored- an, inter. • mte ct.e f
Dentry„ thrententd to tr omelette fetal y, by the
rem set•erbig oat of our Sewn moral 1 au 1 ni.o a d eneer
ous attack of-if doomed ,pope by ,eze fin,' 111 the n.
same; nays he cures the common frup'tout by it cou
stoutly -
Bronchocele, Goitre, or Rowelled Neck.
Menton Sloan of, Prtinpeet, Texan • write;Th r
bottles of yo u r snrernewill t eon 1 ne (et m arc— n
Melton. swelling un the Leek, wide!, I le ed • int'er;J fr a il
aver two y ears: '
Lent...writer.% or Whites. On orlon Tumor,
Uterine Ulceration, Female pineal. s.
Dr. .1. It q inning of N'cw York Car, writer o I
mart rhea rfully eons' ly ith thee leost of your it_e•ere in
saying 1 lone fount - I ,l liter Sat ...other& tamg e e lie nt
titer rbe the min ennepl em trickle it for at e rat.
ploy melt ante a , int ally In Female - JJirntxr,
of the •erotuhuis ..hitlieSls• I hate cured ninny Int e t
erate ewes' of la eicorrlura by it, and some re, bele the,
enrppteintneat varied levett eru'ion of the nitro." Tim
tetra rat ton itself 1 , swift rimed. Nothing within my
loom It age equals it for these feTl (kran,anne ts "
S.Marrow, of IN .tin., ." .t
g rou r nrurfan tumor on 011 C of t ie females M my family,
which had defied all the runcelles we could emitter, has
at !moth been completely cured by your extract of Sae_
alien illa. Onr pigskin* thought nothing hut extlepn •
thin could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your
S wmparilla an the last resort before cutting, and It
proved effectual. After taking your remedy tight utak* -
no symptom of the &setae remains."
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. ,
°Ottawa, :sth August,
Ten..T. C. AYER. Sir; I Owen fully comply with the
request of your agent, and report to you some of the
effects I hare realized with your Sarsaparilla.
have cured with it, ht my practice moat of the coin
plaints. fir which it is n • commended, practice{
lute found Its
effects truly nonderful in the rare of retterc al nod Ver.
ectrc.,l 712 woe: One of ray patients had•Sypteilitie ulerre
in hi* throat, which wean consuming Ida palate and the
top of his mouth. Yogr Sirsaparilla, steadilo taken,
oared him in five wrr kn.t Another was attacked by s.e
ond try•symptontle in bin note, and the ukerathni loot
eaten away a considerable tarr of it, so that I believe the
disorder would soon retell his brain and 1111 him. But it
yielded to my admintearntion of yonr Satemparilla , the
ulcers healed, and lee is an II again,not of course without
some dialiguration of / the face. A woman who had n
treated for the same Moonier by me miry was suffering
fl OM thin poison ta lierixtnes They bud in come no tenni
the to the wcather that ten a damp tiny she suffered
crndatiup pale - in her Joints and bone's. She, ton, wag
cured entirely by year Sarsaparilla in a few weeks
knefte from lea formula, which your agent mere me, that
thin l'reparatient from your laboratory ruit.t" hen greet
remedy , consequently, these truly remarkable results
with it hate not surprised me. .
Fraternally yours G V. I.AIUMI.II, 31. D.
Rheumatism, - Gout, Liver CoPoplettnt.
LNOErEnjiriVE, Preston C 0... Vat.. rib .Tuly, 1s ti.
DR. J. C. Avon. Sir :I hate been ornleted with a pain
ful chronic Rhonneffsne f>Jr a longtime, ultielt baffled the
skill of physicians, and stuck to me In spite of all the
remedies I could awl, until I tried your Sarsairtrilla One
bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my• general
.. .health no much that I am •far better than before T was
'attacked.' I think it a wonderhil maltrine. HO; al
.inlet Y. Getchell, of st. I nuts, wrio a • o 1 have been
• afflicted for years with en effeetion of the firer, which
destroyed my health. I tried Corry thing, steel e ery thing
failed to relieve me; mud I hare !scene broken-down man
for some years from no other mute than derangement of
the I trer. 31y beloved pastor, the they. Mr spy, advised
me to try your Siwsaparilln, because, tee said he knew y on,
and any thin,- you made Woe worth trying.Br the bless
Ing of tiod it sets cured me, and has so purloin! toy lel en!
as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. 'flee
best that can be said of you is not half good enough "
fichir;ms, Cannier Tilmors. Enlargement. Ci
eeratton,• Caries, and Exfoliation of the
great ‘atiety of rani here been trperitil to na where
cures of these formidable complaints hate nanht. el from
the use of this fenleolY,lng our place here will nut sid
twit them. Some of the m may be found let our Ante tient s
Almanac, which the age tete below uano el are pietism! to
firm's!' gratis to all whet call for them.
Dyspepsia, Beall Disease, Pits, Epilepsy,
Ilielauehob Neuralgia. '
Ntilly remarkable coma of these int-nous hire been,
made by the oltendlre pincer or tlds tualkior. It 611 m 2
idea Mesita! fanetionia Into eigomas action; nutrition
mem:lmes disorder* which , would be suppose d }ow!
its reach. Such a remedy bas loop; been nifpdred by the
feminine* of the people, and we are eonniltut that nos
will do for tio , r , %Utilet meilkinomo do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoml;
_ TOR TUTS ;UM CITE ni_ - -
Colaghas! Cohls• ilnllnensw. iloarxeszear,
Droischlllsyloriptent Coom mop.
14osp,osad for th e Mins( of Conaump.
Sive Patlemil adranced
stages ihe Disease.
This Is a remedy so nitre:sally known to minium env
other bertha tumor theoat and lung oomphdias,that It
Is useless hero to publish theevicleuov or its virtnia. Ire
undralled exec lea tot coughs and cold.. and.ita truly
wonderful 'Mt% of pulmonary dieccee, have made it
known throughout the , . civilized Il.tiOng . of the earth.
Yew are the sommunlthis, or 'men families. 'Leonia them
who have not some Prrtstisisi. experience of Its strosts
some Itring trophy In their midst of its victory over the
subtle and Zaugsrous .di orders of the throat and lungs.
As all know the &HOW ;fidelity of these 'thunders, and
as they know, toe, the erects of this remedy, we need not
do more than to assure them tint it has now all the sir.
tees that It did have when making the cures which lows
won so strongly upon tilt conalletnee of mankind..
Prepared by Dr. J. C.:AYED, da COl Lomeli , Dan.
ror sale hfanei Turret'. Montrose Church aPhinery.
ponder; V. altmen a Swisher, Auburn Centre, and by all
dealers and drurclabaev*rrivlms. . . • oclB ly cw
• .
- eon the cure pf all klbds of Soil.' la 8 4 40 13. 4 0-
X Bee advertisement In another column. Vas Salo by
Montrose; Pa„Mon 180800.. min TIYILILELL.
. ,
B .
. -
, : 1
NAME . 13 VEGETABLE CO3IPOUND, a:tinte cure for
DysesAaty. WholLiale an 4 naafi.
FRICY.r JAREi, for sale by;
= • ! • . /ME, TURRELL