MISCELLINEOTTS. TEI6..AYLALOANIATION OP LANGVAGF.B.-7- Therc, .is a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the . most expressive words st other languiges, and alter a while to incorporate - them into . our °writ; thus the . wordieephalic, Which is from the Greek, signifying " fer the heid,"• is now !worn lug :in cotinection with Spalding's great Headache remedy; but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the. word Cephalic ill become as com mon as Electrotype and many others whose distinction as foreign words has been Worn away by common usage Until' they seem native to the manor born." - • 'ardly Realized. 'ad 'n Yorrible 'eadachithis haiternoon, band I stepped into the hapothecaries baud says hi to the man, " Can: you hizase me of an 'eadachti?" "Does it hache 'ard," says 'e. Itefccedingly," says hi, band upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic. Pill. hand 'pon me 'ozior it cured me so quick that I 'ardly 'realized I 'ad 'ad tin 'eadache. Vir HaanAcua is the favorite sign 1.4 which nature Makes known any deviation whatever from • the natural state . of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked ori:ss a safeguard intended to give notice of distase_ which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be reme died; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified cinder tvio names, viz:' Symptomatic and Symptofnatic Headache •is exceedingly common and is the pre cursor of a great 'variety 'of % diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout l Ithen matiam and all febrile diseases. ' In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting sick headache, of .hepatic disease constituting , billioys headache, of worms, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal acid uterine affections: Diseases. of the - heart are very frequently attended with, Ileadiaces; e itnienna mid plethora are also affect oristwhiih frequently occrision-head ache. Idiopathic Headache is also very eomman, being nsnally distinguished by the name of nervous headache; - soMetim • - -coming' on suddenly in 'a state of appa ' rently sound health and prostrating . at oncol the_Mental and . physical - energies, and in oter instances it comes onalowly, heralded by depression Of spiritsor acerbi. ty of temper. In most instances the pain. is in the front part' 'of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes. provoking vomiting; vindir. this class may also be named :zVeura/pria. For the treatment of hither class of Headache the Cephalic Pills , have been found a dare and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the -diseases of which Headache is the noerring index. Ilauxurr.-.-Missus wants son tó send her a box of Cephalic (Glue. _no, a bottle of Prepared Pills,'but I'm thinking that's not just it naither y but . perhaps yell be - aftherknowing what it is. ite see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head ache, and wants some more of that same as relaivcd her before. Druggist.—You must Mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. . Bridgct.-Och! sure now ands you've red it, here's the quarther and.giv me the Pills and dont be all day about it wither. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the "many ills flesh iS heir to " is-eo•prevalent, so little miderstaxi, and .so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary I habits; it is regarded as a slight disordrft of too.little consequence to excite anxiety; I while in teality it is the precursor and • companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and nnlCss early eradi cated it will bring the sufferer to an un timely grave. Among the lighter evils of thiCh costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases -such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses,:Dys , entary, Diarrhma, Dyspepsia; Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochon driams, Melancholy and Insanity, first in. . dicate their presence in the system by thii alarming symptom. Not- unfeqiient ly the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent 'existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all.these consider; istionsit follows that the disorder should 'receive immediate atter atm whenever -it occurs, and no person snould negleel to get ,a bOx of Cephalic Pills on the. first appearance of the complaint, as -their 'timely use will expel the insidious ap proaches of disease and destroy this dan gerous foe to human life. litealie CURE 4? CURE fzt Nervous Headache CURE 411 killaS re, s e , _ _ _ FT the us of theife Pile the periodic attache of 4Vertesse es Met lifoidacA• may be prevented; and If taken at the eommenorinent otan.attat*, immediate relief from pain and Melotasivill be obtained. They seldom tail In removing the Sauna and Mai:lathe to Which females•are en added. Thelatt gently win the bowele,--removing Cbrfirenanr. For literary Men: Students, 'Delicate Females, and all persons ofesdentury it26W, they are Tenable as a kunctfiri, improciing the appetite,. givingtane and idgerto the digea aive organs' and restoring the natural elasticity sand strength of the whole aysteni. Toe CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit of lOng inreati- • • rod gation and atreltllyeohdected experiment., haring beet' r I . in "ma" YearL d'u'ir'l'itdcli"etheY have Pr"ented MONTROuE . PENNA and relieved 'net amount of pain and' angering .Ireen _ _ 5 • ge44o,:ba, whether originating in the nervous 'yet= or • subseribethaving purebitted from sderaape elate of the gam& • • • . ' ,r efitted and newly turnishedkli.- Thep are entirely 'regetable In their rornpret and 1 Itt Aboiewejl kpcivrti cad popular Hot e 4 my be taken al all times 'with perfect gaiety without' teak- - is' prepared to - ncentranotiste the'tras int.SithiSi4 diet, and dira9re°3l * °ling public and ethers with.all the attentions MAI mode/v.lf eaay to adminirter them to ch Ildren. ind conveniences -tnni* Tenn& in - firet.elaaa Beware of Counterfeits. tiousq,. NO effort will hi %Pared by the Pro. Theßenninelmrelive b;guatmet, noi.r: 14'0" and his ;41issisissis to l s Alis the- Hotel cue each boa- . equal ;it every point tWany in the copOtry. gold 1 1 litniggintia and catterDealera inllrtlltiurr, ' • 'Chet Bar - - wiltatways be supplied 1 boa wig beans by maiipepoid oareceipi e r ttie • ChriityctiLiquorti. - sust - iveritac. , The Aittiblets, connected with this Mine ogie T ei TZ 4 „dd mie d , : ;Aire !azge. ) roway 'and convenient, ind.carefill:and. • - HL BT spikuppie,, stint, t;Fn . I.lnqinre are 'direr; in charge oithrui. j0.,:ip..7 T.* , 40 164.415 e ativel4 tYrer rl l r $ • )14 1 . 'PAIIPI:1.1. . , ABEL ' TURRET : AL : 1 I TAB Just returned - train selecting andpuranraingsodis r JL I now receiving one the largest and bad sto ut of , . ; • IF ii, pp rear Mimed in this mark t. The quality of nearly every -thing good; all warrants as retetsented. Terme: Ready Cosh a Low E'riess. A general Mesa the clock may bo formed froze the following enumeration: :Panes, - bligtocums, I ' I Canbareas, .. .PAINTS, OILS, . V.F is i.l6; Winixow Ouse, -Pert Sr MS, . 0 _ . owe Wsee., 'CROCIMICT, ' . " bil Ctmate, Wax Paws, . . Wrmow TAXER; .. .Nctxp'w on, suarralf4f m r Goons, Musical Inatmtmente.lwapi. Jewelry. en, Stone - Ware, Moores, Brushes, 'Whim Umbra's Bled Cages, Pod* Knives, tintm. Pistols, . • Awmunitiott, - , ' Liq rs, Trusses, s Supporters, . Shoulder Bracoe.. port °nude, Spectacles, . Silver a plated h Forks :: &e, Gold Prolli . . ? it,. ; Stationery, - ~ .- It; to,-Glaitar, Bawl Viol mine, Lithographs, 0 - Ortolain Teeth, Artist'. Tube paint... Brash co, de. &v. Also tonic , Ory• Goode:Wooden %MUM - and Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oh Calk Carephlue, Coal 011, Burning Plaid, Alcohol Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, watt ibot, lard, olive, elates limited warm, linseed Ohs, White Lead , Zinc, and xil k inds - of colorol ia ga, Vine. Ear Canary Seed, also.all the popular p KM. , and other thingi toonnwerouslo men ti on. It la to give mare than aserwwl outline of re_v' stock through the: newspapers, every one wishing 000115 is invited to tail -and - Outline. Ctatomen .on entering the store mast not expect to lind every thing in eight ;,,bat nearly everyrele *Anted wilt produced by inquiry. . • . : Thankildlorthe llhe patronage hitherto received, be hopes . to merit a continhanoe and' low Increase of the Mme. I -, . Aps.L.T.upant.. i , Montrose , Janis, IWO . --, ' . • • . . tr." N i /.... • Ofife/' . . • _ -- • . . . COM MER COLLEGE. • tAseatea over then .. ' einomayaney Biiilt. --- BINGHAM ON N. Y. .. • . • rAiCULTN: • i *- , 1 D: W. LOWELL,' rinciPal; Profeasor of the 'Science of Aceo nts, Practical Accountant. Author of Lowelf Treatici upon Book-Keep ing. Diagnosis ilitistrating the sathe. Jona RANKIN, CommerCial•ACCOolltallt, PrOfea a f t l i of Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. Osier's, AIMS nt P . rofessor •in the BOoki Keeping Departm nt t . . •. I A.J. WARMER , Pro essor of Practical and Or; namental Penina ship; Commercial . Calcula tions and Correa ondenee. I=:1 .11on.Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commer. t i . cial Law a Poi Lica! Econniny. Hon. in Bal one, Lecturer on Contracts, - inn' No . and Bills of Exchange. • ' Rev. Dr . E. Andre It, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. . ' - ''- 1 EXAMIINIIG C0171,1111(TTEE: lion. Sherman - D.• olps,,Wm.R. Osborn. E 2 41; _Tracy. R. Morgan, Eeq. The -object of this College is to afford in 11l in opportunity of of twining a thorough. Businesi Education. • ... - ' • i '.- The Books.and "ernes are carefully arranged by practical :a.i.vountants. expressly for this 1n.• 7 etitution and umbrae° all the recent inTrove: Ments. ~. , i - - , , . • •The'conme .rpf Fstreietion comprises every depart of Bus "t e The lee- - HI br -4. r .. Apartment of busibess.. .ie learaer wti oe thoroughly' taught Itho science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following klirde of business, viz: General Mer chandising, Manuf ctriring, Banking.-Cominiz. Ilion, Steomboatin Railroading, Forwarding. - • Freighting, Foreign l Shipping, ike, . Can qualify themselves n a shoft time, at, this Institu tion, to fill important a 6 lucrative situations. Ample referencesam begiven where graduatettof MO are now Oiling deli:Ole sltustiopit with salaries trout $5OO to $l.OOO per arm. ' s. The Pr pit oprietors are itt posiesslon of testimonials from some of the firstflomarcia! Houses in the State, to whom they have furnished k- keepers , shoWind their entire satisfaction and con ce in the ability of the graduates of this Institution.' ,'. PB.NMANSIIID- • • In all its branchea,.taught by the most skillful lad Buie ongh masters of the art. No College tin the. country en- Joys ar higher reputation in this ' department. Ladies' De partment entirely sepatate -from that of the gentlemen. • Students can enter College at any time. No Vacations. Vine to complete thecpursts, front to 10 weeks. Stu dents pa...s ing the regnlsite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma Issued by any Commeliclal or Classical rnstitution in tho Union. Assistance rendered to graduates la .proeming situations. For terms of tuition, price of board; ticstimonials of gradaatesdlllin ponitionsAc. address the proprietors for circulars containing full mirticulars. - I.LOWEhL WELL. WARNER, Propietors Binghamton Commercial College, ' - Nov. 0. 1160.—1 y • • Binghamton, • FIFTH STREET PITTSBURG, Nocbuxacietcil in. 1814.0. Chartered- the Legislature. • ?e, ELY $OOO STUDENTS, fr om almost' very State l:the Unkm. have been educated far business. being the only College of the kind in the United States concluded by an experienced me*hant. • Oar Junior Principal, Wm 13.,Dtirir, has last been awar ded. by our State and !other Parra. Light First Premiums for Business & Ornamental Penmanship, overcompetitorri called the best penmen -in -the country. Samples of ids Business sad OrnamentalWriLlog, a circular of SO 14M. Wand an elegant eagray xe r, mailed, post paid, on receipt of , cents in stampt ' For sale. by .boolo ers. : Barper's Enlarged Edition of DUFF'S BOOK KEEPING,IIi2 pages, 5150. awardedPoir Meer Nedabcandsanetioned by thechamber of commerce and A,mericaranstitutoof New 'fork. as the best published Dues & Drscan'aleweind elegantly engraved School - Copy Booka, six numbers,. Id large% fine cep_pripd Wlets per dozen ; Demyedleart.Eer down , Li p p S. Co., Pidladelplilaf W. 0. Johnston J &Co...rats h. DUNCJILPH GEMS of Business and Ornamental Ore manship, crown quarta,• & s_ !mo st paid front the college. Address: IP. DUFF & SONS, e Fncipafri 019 . - Buy your scholarship in town . Coll that _ send them abroad, cannot !Sell them at hoMe, ere they are known.. ncrvl4 ly LECTURERS: THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY For Shan:natio:it; Gont, , ifinralgia, Tie Do'amain.. Dr. ROBAN 9-1 RHEUMATIC CURE.r 111 Is bi , ..a.tABLE s -Specific," lately Intro: duced Into this country. is -- pronounced* by all td be the , only reliable remedy-1 It has ' r I cured thousands in :u mot has met with, grest and wand- - erful success here, ar iestimo- Mills daily received will allow. I :y ; I • It hi harmless. lint certain, in ' t fu etreebi; warranted tree of 7 , , all injurious ingredients. It .4 1 ---Cf • ptuines the eystem y. &sanders perfeetly 'health I fact, it is a specific which n has not an equal for the care albs above complaitlisL e lt is also good for pslne in thgeneraUer bones, or Mats. y. The demand for it increaaing, las induced the-proprietor to appoint =Meta* for this•district. Also for sale at the agency of Dr. Hoban, 1•43. 1392 Broadway. New York City. I -Druggists supplied on liberal terms. Sent by Express to any part of the counter on see l cipt_c:l the price-- nos:MI ly TUI TIKI 14, Acent, Montrose. Afflicted. wrattmsis 6331Potnili schx. non for the In warranted to — areet a Cure in every cane. and In Ml Magee attic Warw.; or the meiney will be refunded. Fall tilmetlona accompany each bottle. For sale be Aber Tinian: Montrone ; , 0.6. Mernpstriad, Brooklyn; T./J. Bebop*. Dimoelt; rarad Carpenter, Mallard; 0. Will Jackson ;J, B. Slitseum, Dttndatn A. 1. lleoprw4tant; Jt. J. Merrilt;naisintaa.' • Courtirrirnatusezimi L - • Tide is to certify. that Me. Emorrbaibeen idlilcned for year. !last with th at distresaingeontplaltrilutown as! the "lee," and that baiting Idled in eeenetkreellef bola Ts riper. Physicians, l.he'lnie Wanedftnntoneerft to trl Mr .- Willlavae RAntioa;,whicft .cLuftcleed at one o f . Me Agencies heTtinkhannock•Pa. . The: /result has bees. the moat favorable. The trial was made with It and after tieing as dliteftel foe a few day., wftsteweleve gond reason to think was tipennanentetterei wattemecee- • Seeerar other easei !of a Mintier nitarieiln: this viehdty bare Hied it with like restate. • With lii:Wkillame:motto "no cure ne Pe7 " every oats thuangllcted certaitd7 do well to tey IL - -, • 9.12m0ny; pewter of Id, E. Mora, Txualthatock. Wyoiang CO, Pa. &toe Mb. ; tt. LIFE MEMORIALS. I WOULDN'T TAKE' A WORLD FOR THIS,' a lady remarked. to us a day or 'two Mace. as she exhibited the portniit Kan oply vlild v gone to the...apiiit land ;" . was one of • TT-71333W • ' IMBRO1IPES:1 flow Lahould,regref it, had 1 pot secured this precious .memor•.al •of that dear one." Sir thoaght.we. The. loved ones are not always with us, and whilo we can call them ours, every one should secure such a memorial ; especially since they can have them so truthfully taken by' ,►hat successful artist, A. W. Tunas. of fling hamton. . dec. - HORATIO OARRATT, Degkr in FLOUR, GRAIN; GROCER- MS: PROVISIONS, DYE ,WOODS, Sta'pk DRUGS, WOODEN and STONE WARE, .ALL 'KINDS of HO USEKEEPiNG ARTICLES cE YANKEE ' NOTIONS IN GENERAL,—oni , door North of Barnum's Hotel, New Milford, Pa., WOULD be pleased to see all his old friends and many new ones at hirt NEW Stine, tronting,the DEPOT, 'where hole prepared to Ansi them such a stock of the above artic'es as New Milford has long stood in need it • 0- Division of-trade has as runny advantles as division of lai.or." Any man confining himself to one bunch of business, giving that - branch his whdlt. Capital and:attention can keep a better assortment, buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the same.meatra and timn was employed in a general trade. If you dont think so, call on the subscriber and be convinced. The sound principle of SMALL.PROFIT AND PpMPT PAYMENT, will be atrial) , adhered ro. Butter -and other Produce forwarded to New .Yorlt to one of the best commishion houses in the Pity, and prompt payments guaranteed. HOR ATIO; GA RRATT. ' New Milford, Busi. 1860.r.7, MORE NEV, ARRANGEMENTS FOR ISM GRgAt 7 ATTRACTIONS FOOT OF. ivriia . . THE 'extensive Furniture establishment of SMITH BUOTllilla having been refitted and .greatly improved, the eroprietors respectfully announce to the citizens sof Montrose and vicin. ity that they are constantly baking and keep on hand 'the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FURNITURE To be fiktind•in.the Cosiotry. We give the following , list of some of the or ticks which wo will sell at -greatly reduced prices, for CASK Or READY Par: Bureaus, Walnut or MahogOny, with glass, from.sl6 to $35. • Bureaus with 'marble or btocotelle tops, from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B, $lO, 12, 14, to $lB, . • Wash Stands, Card Stands, Cornersind Square Stands, of all varieties sod pricco, from 75 cunts• to ton dollars. Desia, Divans ,Towel Racks, yOotatools,Otta• mans, Lounges, &c. Ventre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Extenakin Tables. eltatri—Xano ant Wood s...nt,A, Rockers— Cnni., Flag. and Wocd Seats, of every varitty Rodtity le. .80141%.1PiP a toteaJurnished, at short tnotie at Nrw York prices. WI. Renck made c4pflins.l on hand or tur oi.hed at short notice.—l . tearses always, In mallinots %%hen deiireti. euiploy nune• - but CAREEUL and Ext.Ent. ENcEn \Vonn►tes. We intend. to do our Wottx WELL, and sell it as Low. as itican be afforded. , W. W. NM I TH, - - .4 . E. 11445.411T11. Montrose. Jan. 18th, 1860.—P: NEW 'GOODS ! Lawsvillo Cantra:Sosq. co., Pa. lATALL.P4per, Window; Niters and Borders, V a very large stork this day received, by. April 17th.. R. RENIIIN, /R. & ne and calicoes ; an-immense kJ variety, by R.-KENYON, JR. & CO. LVERY style of Cotton Pant Goads, pie. this day read by It. KENNON, 11L & Q ILK, Brozha, and e v.dlincie ali . p.wls. a larg,. 1,3 stock, LOW. It. KENYON, Ju..&,CO. Iwins. TOBACCO this day . rreiiv : ,ed and for sale lower than Ellewhere in Stoqu'a county. • R. KENVON. J R. & CO. 1000 IBS SALERATUS in *tore and .•i for snln by !he or ID. If - ATIGE` Stock of YANGYI. Dn. Goods for 4/ salt! tor IL KENYON. Mt di...CO. • r E 9 'Sots—Five Eletrant 'rdyles, eimpleta -11 from Stn sSO. R. KENYON, & CO. • Law . avillo Centre. Pa., April. taco. sAtirouirs LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVERIDEBILITATrA. ITte .. tans poninleel enter/4y frame tan rn e, sent' hen herniae an eata.l•ll.le4 Ise:, a Ptarsdar.l Ste near. It Igor la *0 sporoyek by.all that: ,lave ean4 '... and is car re. sone! to with rouhclenc: in i *all *diseases Le ft Lica Is is reenrnotesolesd. Pi i" --- ' g It Les eared thnestn4s. ! shills ib. .Itott ten years alto tea given so all hopes: d' mitt(. es fir numerous etuaulfeltodoertifirehatla my I • i ptINICAPI.= sty , R. . ' The dote must bead- ;to the femme:neat et the 1 • individual Mtlag if. and es. 01 LS such Tun:lt:ea to 1.3 am gently on *l:sleets • ,• Let the dictates of your lu4gatent sahle . yhts 'a the me of the LIVER IN.-, A i, I vition AID ft, and ft . sin Cure Liver-Cenot..l tie .plaints, Hiltons A t.. 1 1 tacks, Dyspepsia, f„) ChronieDiarrhaea, Sasser - ry, Dropsy . Soar StOinaeh,liabitual Costivemesi, Clint-, le,t!'holera,Arkote.• ma Morino • Chaleral ,Intantum, Plater !mace' Ja Olathe e,l I rtiisnle 'Weakness , es„.am; may be earl 'no') -leessfullfaa an Dedina. ry raspy ited i - 34 'chok e Itailleure SICK ' JIB A.D ACII E, (a;1 thoniantle ean fealty.) in twenty zainates,l two or three Tea spoonfuls are tak-, en if entsunet.-cetotthl . of n aunet. '' '. ' . I . r. - • . • • AI I who ate It arei iwilig thrir ta'tetiz , "/ - ." ke itstieoe. i , • MIX WATER IN TILE SIOUTI/ WITIE -TILE INVIGttitAI • OII, Ail) SWALLOW Dealt Irma:Timm • i ! • Pries Otie Dollar - pri Battle, —ALS O .-,-+, ' • SA-NPORD':S . • • . COMM CATHARTIC„ . PI - LLS, rt. ;limits mut pat up tw Tied, and will keep Pare Vegetable E 411- In may Climate. TS. V* lofty Cit ie brt miles l'ethardi owl lc hu preetive lac lan aced 0.. PILL. at 0: pactretard twthrir 1.6.1 , MAMA, retch et' AL The regimen well lino* a.aderad Inalomed %h. elre PAPLILY * V.A, with des refereaee tn. P3MME tray n en .annestnri einal:;Jl are 1 g i vied awl mete ' lo all two ea where • Casbetile II • wetted. aunt' se Do.. I ssaeseestental -at Jo - Stops are la, %limey,. Joel 4. , Palsilll • In. lit, l .. ilineit ' Aiwa LOS oil. fre•ttercares. Pal sal • • and: Soreness 'erre" • , the whole ' toolly,t hots narldm Add, whirls •-.1 tenineenly, If se &del, • Amnia a long course of For ' yeti lase et - App..- 1 etto.AlC Ing Son. esiellaw atllAatrt germ, - eili h e m ew. • r k. aj j‘ . MHO. 'llleadaelir. or „o v a l '" h . be " . 1 •Il Atec 'la so eaesa•ory 1 Et:laws. Warms le • Clittasitetor Adults. . , auuallilliaSS. a 0.14 pall/ adyr Mond -, liwny demos lakuldnk . i . &WI, bel , losavan!rons . ..la rating, b tits adman. . . 1 SAS 1. . PitGll . MIME _rungs. . • 1: The Tstertr Ilwvllitarstar• laid Valafir 'Cos I ; tileartit Mlle we •revale4. by Ilestiteels , germrsZy„ and i sow *Wert* by the TradeAn all tbelarge tong...,_ : ' - - --- S. T. W. SANLOItikPIi. D.. • • I. .333 0 'sta S tioner and Proznintor, - - T1111.111.1111111r017:i OW AC Nr k ... . .. For sale 1i 'Matitmee by'Al TORXELL. Agait , WHY STAN° YE ALL OE DAY IDLE ? _ `NT.Lady or oeutlenina tante ridtedfitateapaselaing 11. from to f 2, cao enaerindOeul,eaay and Jenpecta ble buoinexa, by whientruen 115 to s.ldperdayean be real- Ise& For ;articular* addresiqaith stamp JO.. lan). Tan W. ACTON it CV.. e.:r:, Botch Flstb areeii • I.4dbithilPht: 110,4.11.1D1NG 1362100L, - .. ATGR EAT BEND, PA. THIS SCHO?L will bo opened for the recep tion of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the .29th day (Wednesday), of February, 1860 TERMS OF TUITIGIi. • Primary Branches per (lett oi It weeks, $3.00 Common " " • .3,150 CommOn and . "- HigherEaglish, • " Lessons on Piano; Use of ...e Ornamental, nod-Classical Ds, The Principal has had mui teaching in New York and Ph ten years, in Common, as well a or High Schools. References N.ll..—liciard at the boardii per week. Lights•and waahin Payment* to lie made tonne mh y . E, %V. ROHE dour, -Serf. froOsion - * tOtt, At MIONTISOSA . . .ONE door below J.,Ethridge's Drug Store, on Public. Menne, 'wheie .will be found, constantly on hand-a general Cssortreent of GROCE.FOES: Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syups, Teas, Cowie &c., &c .. . • FAMILY . FLOUR, WA Lard, Pciyk, Hams; Fisd4 Candles &c. We solicit a share of - the p u bliclc patronage, arid pledge ourselvea lo do 'the fai thing, hoping by each bargain to secure anothe . 0 . ' - BALMIIN-At ALLEN. Vat. L. ALLEN 41.Fltit; BALDWIN , On Public Avenue, near. Searle:, Hotel., 1 7 " EKP constantly on hand a good supply of 1 MEATS' of all kinds. CASill paid for Beet Cat tt le,Calvert,Sheeihand fauuUw Also for Hides of all kin lit. HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. 5. T. HENSTOCK. N. ItA_WLF.Y. likontrosa, March 30th. 'o;—tr. , KEYSTONF. HOTEL, At Montrose, . wm. IL lIELTCIII, Proprietor. Ti lIS now and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near tht i Court House,and nearly in the centre of the 1) siness portion of ti 'Montrose, is now fitly eotnpl ted and furnished, and was opened on Monday the 27th day of Septemho, 1858, for theaccommodation of the public and travelers. Thle Proprietor fool's conftient that he - is now pre p ared to entertain n* guests i manner that eann t fail to give- . Complete SatisAction: The Hotel and Furniiure are new, and no ex. pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar estahlithment in this part of the Siate.t It is well sup lied with all the recent improvements end comlorts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the ealkof customers. • • The Stables connected with this Hnuso are - New and Conimnient. The Proprietor respectfully olicita the patron. ago of his old friends, and the üblic generally. \ IL K. HATCH. -alt; • satt -SFitt ! ! E2lOll, WHOLESALE SA LT DEALER, (Directly opposite WashiA ,, ton Market,) Y 4o rte, - STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and : COUNTRY trade, all kiiids of FOREIGN. Coarse and Fine SA LT, at the Jery lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash- . ton's celebrated brand for tabhe and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &c. and 50000 buslielti Turks Is hind, Bonares, Cu. racoa, St. UheS, Lisbon; Cadizi I 'len, Nantes, &c.„ All of which will be sold nt bargain prices from vessels, stake and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to• Select from' a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. B.—Fine table salt put lop in small bags of different. sizes, and constantly an hand in ship ping order. Aiso a splendid article of Rock . Ground salt, in quail boxes. jut hp and for stile by the quantity, in cases of fibs dozen each. 1860. " i THE BEST ROETE 1860. FROM I WYOMING VALLEY 10 PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, And all Points Noith dk. West. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SIIMMOI ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily. Passenger Trains SCRANTON, - AND', NORrIVABEILLANDi AS' 1 ,- "OLLOW f S :, . NOTIso 1 , 01:711.7110VCCo NOIZTII. .• . Phll'a. N. - N. Y. Phira • ' ' NM. Er, Exprers, Mall. Leime 'A. X. ' ,' IC A. M. P. 11. kra.ntnn. ~. 6.10 'Outland, 5.30 4.45 Arrive at .irive At Pitt !ton. &M - 4 111 e. 6.05 , . 5.20 "Kingoton, 7.05 prt, 6.M 5.50 Shlekettilnny. 7.50 lAy!bare,: . 6.4.? , 6.00 Berwick, • - 8.01 :Irk. '- 7.15 6.35 'Bloomsburg. 8.50 ~Itehlany. 7.45 . 7.05 Rupert, - 9.00 .ngstnn, 8.30' 7.45 Danville, 9.45 • Attenan. 8.57 8.15 Northuland, 10.00 Scranton, 0.25 , 8.45 THE LACKAWANK 001638UR0 B.AILROAD . CONNLCTS WITd TIM •-• • - DEL. LACKAWAfiNA S WESTERN RAILROAD Scranton. for New York and Philadelphia, and niter .mediate points ertet : also for Grest Bend, Binghamton, Hyratmie, Buffalo; Niagara Falls, and all importantpaints West. At Rupert it conneetsmith the ibatairiara Railroad, for points both East and West. At 'Northumberland it connects:with . the Sunbury and Erie Railroad for points West and MUM" Mirth. PILL Yap.. grblel, thr prapricar !us than: tyroet. Tura. , denirrl win souti:she satiaftrum which aseLAualschredrusinpLue ilatt-dlifirnert reatartica set bower. TplAttTIC P I )11. ittb;;trell,,..rat.ll44x) fad. ►ra 7 y.nof t own. f!)r b'Y •' " 4,00 It .14 5,00 " " 10,00 46 2,4)0 Ipartments. extra. r i ch eiperience,in enn'a for the last as Select, Graded tl r given if required lg hall, two doll's ' r g extra. rly in advince. I(S, Principal. Also the elioicest brands of MEAT MA 201 Wash isiglionfst, INILL.IIE RCN BETWEEN syr o.witt* er -Vindifizi • . Consumption and Asthma Cured. • Were of Inuit& am in raphirea with a medleine sailed 7Yts COXPOCXD' EXTRAC* eff COMPS iltiohire ire amoral by an abundattos of emptiest% and reputable witnesses, Ise • Imre; epaedy and per manent core for Oorarmersuft, Comm, Otstrw, Boos corns, 'Asenteta,. Pursuits', htirorasme, and lima ' sal DZBIUTT. This higidy lonised medical pr Von w disositered several ;term eV, . 1 : 1 by Ts-. IL Jame', a Vet *horn pb Siena of grea t eminence, • who bad takes his only daughter. —there with him, hoping that the climate would prolong her lifft Else was prohmtnced an incurable ease of Coancstenos. He had heard much of the wonderful restoratine and healing qualities of preps,: rations made tram the East India Hemp, and the -thought ofteurrt•fle him that he might sompound a remedy for his child. Ile studied hard, end succeed ed in realising his wishes. hits auto won cum. This wonderful remedy has attics beets administered to thousands of anfferere in 1 Perfect the world; -and has pair failed- cemiming -them eortipleftely healthy and ham. The original reelpe for prepar ing, and aucoefteilly using thii great remedy will be -furnished to ail stppliauses let the undereigned, on receipt of aslamp for return pottage, A small work, written by the or himself on. tbe aborft ma. phdata, will be east ma, peg Eidd; to all throe wbo may apply for-the swipe. Ws, who wish the med. Idles preparod s 'esS obtain if at 82 per single bottle three WtUtit far 116--setlentto Oopputot Vestlea thateirly Export. I Aadniss O. IPAISROWIIN !go. peileit•rs, No. i 8 Grauilkiliarcet,Jeroey City, N. J. F.Ayr • . „ ` 7 -L. VWS Oirs .1 , • t MOUNTAIN HERB WORM TEA. :Herbs, Barks and Roots Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. MOTHERSIAKE HEED! -lityou when obserriag the uneasy ecUone of your children. coneider that it fusty be mon thane mire Cholie that afflicts then? In nine omit out of ten. the PUMP of the little coffer• er's engutils Li WORMS,.ast4 should be of once looked to. READS OF FAMILIES Do.nht let your ehilaren suffer, when we present you In • • • A SAFE AND FIA:ASANT MBE FOIL UPS.SIa flow mach better and eater would ft be to have it always in the bowie. A link delay whey a child Is taken 11l mu often be the catles of ifs death. while acting. without delay,-ind 'by giving the MOUNTAIN HERB 1E.41 Mme. Abitely, you will not only sass the child a long and tedioux Meese, and yourself 'much expense, but alm feel happier in knowing that you ham done your duty, and pershanee saved Da life. TEls medicine litombined portly of HERBS AND ROOTS , KET. 4 /1410niri or illineral IS USED IN IT. • . , NO more filthy Vermlfuge will . be 'used by , thisie who once' nee •this, Tea. The only active l i principle of all other Vermifugei and Worm Killers is RI E Xt. G U It It' s . ' , i • ' OIVE NO 1111 1 3P . O. X' ei Ct. INT 4 T 0 i . • YOUR MA /141:1REN. - 1111 .4 LS° tbis'S.imple t Eafs,,Vegetable *eking.'4l This Worm Tea was discovered to ea unusual IRA • war among the Wilds of 'Nerthern Ifezleo—a. ".11 fulEseeount of it you will And In our Almanacs. Ask:, for the" Warne f Ada A brunsar," of the Ili{ AgeOt, and when you hare read it, send it to 1 i roue nelghbors;that they may slim know of and • be nuked by this GREAT REMEDY 1 - ( 4 i l t l tea 4 ;.-. 1 4 1 41.ErsE.—Always find the Some and-Rlgna• turn of 11. L JUDSON * CO., and the pOrtrait agii of flown, on each package of this Worm Tea. 10 , .8. L. JUDSON & -CO; SOLE 'PROPRIETORS Ile ' ;.; 50 Leonard . St. , New York.' t 4 - Judsenes Worm Tea Is sold by on. 4, ~..: Agent every Village, and .11 In by all Druggists. ' " e g:i "1:00 -1 2 2 ; POP_ ''''/- SAYR' - & BRO., Agents, 'Montrose. .(dec22 41ULIkM)S , WORM TE KILLS WORMS, I Neier Banst-41 'letting to T HOSTETTFA'S STOMACH BITTERS'. Thernprietors and ninnufaeturers of HOS- Tinft:WS CKLESIIATED STOMACH BIT TERS' can appre with perfect confidence to physhi,ian , and eitiieita'generallyuf the United 'Sznte°, because the article has attained repu tm inn.:l,4,retofore unknown. A few facts upon will Speak more powerfully than Yftilinivg of hero n r,ert ion or blazoning puffery. The et,somption of llostetter's Stomach Bit ter:, for the last year nriioutited to over a half- . . milliop bottles, and front its manifest steady i acres's° in times past, it is evident t.lint during the Outing year die eimstuttption -will reach rioar,ciue milli m bottles. This immense amount c , ,ublielvier have been sold lot for the rare intdieinal.properties contained in the prepare- . tion. and the sanction of .the most prominent pgysicitins in these sections of the country Lter4 the article is beat known, who not only recoMmend the Bitters to their patients, but aro ready at all times to give testimonials to its ethis.,sy in all cases of stomachic- derangements and; tow diseases resulting therefrom. t This is•not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the wav of trim /lan:gibe qualities-of the Bitters, but a solid esiin,iiion of an invaluable medieibe, which, is destieed to he as enduring as time itself. lioinetter's Stomach Bittern have proved a tindsend to regions where fever _and ague . and various other bilious complaints have counted` their victims by hundreds. To bo able }9 state Confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like discaSes, is to the proprietors a sodree of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon.. the stumackliver, and other digestive, organs; mildlY bur - powerfully, and soon restores. them . to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of. the functions,of nature. • Elderly persons may use,theßitters.daily.as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, inviiorating.to the bowels, excellent as atonic, and rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have. experienced the benefit of-using this 'preperation - while suffering from stomach de rangements and. general debility; 'acting under the advice of physicians, they have,abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits. of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when theiricareS are so harassing that many of them *sink "tinder the trial. The relation of niothei and 'child is so absorbingly tender, that the matter, especially if she be young, is apt to forg,tt her own health in her extreme anxiety :for liar infant. Should the period of maternity arriVe during the summer season, the wear, of body. and mind's generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity fur a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up tinder hei exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene . rally' prefer the Bitters to aIE other invigora s Int.& that receive- the . endoriement of physt cianS, because it is agreeable to the taste as well certain to give &permanent increase ; of bnlity strength. Alt those persons; to whom we have parlitu-'1 larlY referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of- appetite, and t • all diseasel or derangements of, the stomach, superannuated invalids', persons of sedentary t occupation; and nursing ;pothers, will tonna their own physical welfare by Oil i ng to Iles-1 , ter's Celebrated Stomach Dine h. trial. CAUTION.—We Caution the mimic against; nsitt l s tiny of the many imitations oieounter-i rubs„ but ask for Hearn .. .mew Cti.gnitsys& STOitACII BerrilM, and Fee that each bottle liasi the Words "1)r..1. liustetter's.StomaCh Bitters"; bloWn on: the side - of the bottle, and stamped! on 4he. metallic cap covering ;the cork, entli obsorvelhat• our autograph signature is on (het 1111.4. • t 44-'Prepared end sold by HOSTETTER 81 SMITH, Pittsburgh, 'a., and sold by nil! druggists, grocers", and dpalerti generatlyt thretighout the United States, South Ame-1 riei. and Germany.. , 14" For sale in Montrose by MEW MADAME SCELIVEND'S l aires,lll3,le. 3Pcutrcliarsihrl - /94 Lio the 'peed! and effocteal cure of all intgavinuitions, '1- Fever, 124eitsnalion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complait 'firard. and Mote end. Chronic. Nemec o f Abutls andputintex. Bend 3 cent Stamp to her *pint. JNES .Hundreds of icetlourublo Ro t. O gin% ;IPhil4P4o. Orr Agency, B. W. Cor. Third & Arch 80. oorlOw .113 FAT linallty of FroDchllCrtrge OZAfiti. for ilk J. 3 by L BEL Trftgßu s , ✓ul J 6, Mak' ny. the FSirtel, Seek or roved nil. TT:mu:Li JRIDSID,I'S WORM TEA NOT A PARTICLE OF CET I MDR-PRICE CTS A BEL T U RR E 141. PICTURE GLASS. DYS P!E - Dyspepsia, Debility pt' Spica', Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Liter Contplaint, Acidity, Liver Complaint, Acidity,. Bilious Complaints, Sick lleadoelte, amploints, Sick headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APFETITE, and Thenumberles4ooer diseases arising'from In digestion and jisnettaaat eliiortlers of the stomach, find ready relief in ItOf estqldish: eel and sterling remedy; TIIE OXYGEIiATED TILE OXIirGEI;JATED.BITTERS. Reliable Testimony. ire call the alteration of the reader to the fallowing letter/rain Pr 'esidesit ISmith, formerly of treskyas piirersiti, and flows" Annapolis. .314: DIIIIDt 4 rowx, toon., Feb. 913, IBA " . Davi IV: rowbk Co.—Codeine% s—l Csat made. use of the Orgortated Biros some seven at eight years Once. Hiving suffered far, curbed,' yearn : from a form of dyspepebi,..whichyrax attended with a 111411.‘111 heilll!rilt, on n average of not less than one day in a week, I was ducet, by the unpretending INK onimendation rif Dr. dreen, !. to try one bottle, and It no benefit war received to discontinue the use." The.u.se of ant bottle!, warranted a furthei Trial, to the 1, extent of some three of four, i with a weld asinine, of the accompanying diriClkns. The result ' wag . , an .slosh entire relief froth the usual dys peptic symptoms • and their depressing, lainful consequences, I believe these Bitters produced ig entire change in the habits at • my system, and u pon the active energies of the digestive organs.. I now deem myself as exempt from Dysperida" •• as most persona. Thole Biters have also been of sex- , vice to other members of my fatally. _ Very respectfully yours, AUGUSTUS W. 8.511T11. TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. . • RICIIKoxo,' Twigs Co., Pt., Aug.,25 385& CENTLNegrf, Mier 'ffering for more than Warr gears - With Dysphs' rid, ;cud trying many remedies rec. emmended for ,that disrafe without any good mult,.l was induced, by Dr. F. 11. White of MaurGeldoo sire the Orygraated - Bitters a trial: i 'took Iwo bolder, whiCh gave me an Muth relief that I mirchised Iwo' more; which have nearly or quite effected acut e , l . arn now nearly serenty-tlee yean of tip, - and - for three months past 'hare, felt no inconvenience from my good. I take great Menem° In recommending the Bitters to all afilleted'with Dyspepsia and its concomitant diseases. Frain Dr. White. 14/111111VIELD, Flail CO,; Aul.9S, 1854. I have used the Oxygenated Bitters in guy. poetic. with decided MIMS( In debility and general prostration, • ike., and confidently recommend them in glove! &- hi 111, and di4eisee of tbe digestire ‘ organe. • • . ' F. 11. WHITE, If. Ei. • TEE' OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTED& PREPARED DT S. - W. TOWLE & CO., Scla bg Druggists, Dealsis, and ..liccchants in ewers , tows and city thOughout the country. V — For !ale by Abel Turret' and Read, Watrous & Fos ter, Montrose; 1.. 11. Woodruff, Dhnock ; Amos Nichols, Brooklyn ; Whitney & Moxley. Burford ; Wced & Ward. Great . Bend ; J.. C. Olmstead, Dundaff; L. Oridln,Great Bend. July %---13i* \ BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS Ilir. CELEURATED . noudam REMEDT TOE DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF 'THE KIDNEYS, LIYEIL, COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ane the mhos affeetkros inesequent upon a disordered - STOMACH OR. Path se Indigestion, Aridity of the Stomach, CoUcky Pains, Heartburn... Use of • Appetite, Despondency. fleatlvenere, Blind and Bleeding Pike. In all lemons, Rheumatic, and Ninualsric Affectiona, itiner he numerntes Nehmen pmed highly Irenelleial, and in other* effected a decided emu. This lea purely vigetahleSOMpmnol, prepared on reeietly scientific principle,. alter the manner of the gekluatert 110 Mend Professor. Bryant*. It. reputation at ileum pro duced it, introductim here, the demand cernmeiniuss with three of the Fatherland mattered over the face of 'this mighty country, many of whom. Insught with them and - handed down tliw tradition of its value. It is now offered to :he American public, knowinp that its !nag wn&fail sinfirinal virtues meet& aelnowbelped. It L particularly renannienderl to there poi sons whose conetltutiona may have been hnpairedbYthe continuous we , of ardent spirits, or-other forme of dissipation. Generally - inetantannons,ln e ff ect, It finds JO way directly to the sent of life, thrilling and imickenlng every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, In thet,infusing new health and visor > In the spleen. - NOTlCE.—Whoever inputs to And this it leverage whl he digaMinteol; lon to the ekk; weak and low 'Tinted, It , sill peak a grateful aromatic cordial, mosestal of 'Jugular • remedial properties. - ' ,-/ READ CAREFULLY: Thellenuine highly concentrated ikerhaves Holland Bitters Is put up iniballpint bottler; ouly, and retailed at Use DOLLAR per bottle, or sin bottle, for Firs Doldans. The • gout demand for Ude truly celebrated Medicine has Induced, many itnitatione, melt the public should guard ayalati purchasing. • . air' Beware of Inipositkon. Yee that utir Dialle is on the label of every bottle yore boy. • Sold by Druggists generally. It eau be forwarded by lispreu to most points. • SOLE ritOVRIESORA, • BENJAMIN PAGE, .TR. & CO. . • pharmaceutists and.. Chemists ; PITTSBURGH, PA. Ttiere BITTEBM are rohl iu 3lontroae rx Ely • ABEL TITHRELL. Drugglott. . 1 ••• .•.. *. -. : . . ~.. - / 111 -. NGE 4 P% 43 ‘sknoiv.‘ . 4:) .- i- - - .' : 6 0, .- •- .. • . 414 i .•- I. ' oc t . N -.,..-... .. , .... . •• , Grve•.• . ~ . . .. . • Gin as a Remedial Age nt • . , . . • ... _ . .. .. . , /VMS DeliCloes Valk Ptininlaut, Especially ' destined * for the nee of the Medical Prorceston and the Family. !wring stizereAsied the en called "tee;' " Amilialict" "Cordial: " 91edicithx1.." "Schnapps . 'etc,. le now en-. • dors ed by all the prizwilnent phyolcia_ne, chemists and con noisseurs, as possessing all those . DCLitneinc medicinal qualities (tunic and diuretic) which belong to an OLD and •PURE GIN. • Put up in quart bottles and sold by nil Drug-- gipt* and Grocers. etc, . A. M. DIN' NGER t &G., ' ibistabliehed in 12'N.) • ' Sole Proprieturo. cic 4 ty),• . • . No. 19 Broad Street. N.Y. Foi'vitle at TorreireVrug fitore,, Montrose.- • • • TO - C0M 1 X0313.. •.; VIVIIEREAs my wifq ounn,LA• pis left my bed and ' TT beard wltbotd provorotloo. I here by forbid purooteinarberfog truollog her oa rtlY "Mint Plena 41 , : bt,4 of her oontractloa after this. dote unto+. arialled ANSEL A. PEEKINs. • New 1 ' rd, ;ST'. WA. /§OO.- 7 3W. to "lobes •*, Ladies Tars. .1 SUIICTIOT lot just received, and ill be 1-61,1 low fOr IS. Nub. by • ' H. 111 - HM *l% at w Nilb rd, Nov. ..tl‘. • ' A. WORREJ.L A. lIEHAIID 1B Tremotit Street, Boston. 1=3:3 Auditor's u„„..ge r eute - Estateht a tiats n: :; i tirt E;(tato of _T. A. Vacienden, deceas. • creditors of said decedent. will the rest at his omen la Montrose on ISM, at 1, p. m., at whlsh Ume all 'clalma npowsald fund arc repilred forever dalmred frottscoming to n „3 ontrose,flee.Gth. lt*O.- T . _7- y 11710071 AM ARTMVS 7 i 140. Riker /bit, Varnishes, 1r:; calved. . . . • : Important Nation Published by . , D. Appletoh . Co , 316 and 348 Broadway, Now York. The following '‘Works are gent to subscribers in any part of the 'coun ty, (upon receipt ef retail prise,) by mail or ex press, p!9. aid : - : f THE.. NEW AMERICA'S CYCLOPEDIA ::-.A popu lar Dictionary of General Kn wledge, edited by Geo. Ripley arid Charles A. ana, aided by a numerous select corps of Wri •rs in all branches of Sciences; Art, and Litedt re. This work is. being published in about fit Icko - large oetavo• - volumes, each containing:7so .wo.cotumn-pages. The first eight volumes are nr w ready, each con. taking near 2,500 original,' a 'ticks. Anaddi tional %olefin, will be public led once in about . three months. . Prico in ciot $3 ; sheep, $3,.'• 50; half morroceo, $4; hlf .Russia $4,50 . r each. , .. ' . . Tho New Americnn C l cl ,l Ftedia is popular without bring - superficiat; I wined but, not pe-. datitic; comprehensive but a fficiontly detailed, free from personal pique an , party prejudice; fresh yet athiurate . ; it is a motet') statement of all that is known upon iv,ry important topic within the scope df human ittelligence.- Evert - Nimporiant article in it has berapecially written for" its pages by : men who a c authorities upon . ace tkc topics of which they Sp ak,: They dro me. • gutted to bring the -subjeCt up.. to the present , moment; to 'date just how; • t stands now. All the'atatistical information t o ram- the latest re ports; Ike geographical ' tints' keep. pacer f• with .the latest - exploratlons ; historical matter .' include the freshest just vi ~the biographical) obtices not only "speak of th decd, but - also of. the living. • It is a Itb - earylo itself. -..., AERITKVgENT OF THE DER TER Or CONGRESS: Being a political History 12 the United Ntates,- frornbire umanization of t he first federal lCon gressin 1789 to 1856. ISO ed and. compiled by lion. Thomas 11. Bente 'from filo Official- Records of Congress: Tt4 -ork will -bh Com pleted in,l6 royal - octavo-'o Ines of 150 pager,: each, II of which are now re y. An additional voluMe will ho published o n ein three months. Cloth, $3 ;.I,aw Sheep, $ 1141); Half Morocco, s•s; Hatt* Calf,:s 1.5'0 each: ! - • Tor WAY or PEOCtTRIRO rillE CYO:MR:EDI/. OE DED4TES.-..- Form a tall) ' r four, and remit the price of four books, and . live chides will be sent nt.the remitter's cxpen i of .carriage; or _for ten subscribers, eleven c pies will be sent at our expense for carriage. 2 , - - - . • To ApErrp.—No other; trke will so liber 'ally reward the exertions of agent. An . Agent Wanted in this County. .Terms made known on application to; the Publishe ' .trairS'• '' . CAI HARTIC: ILLS. Are y fifth, feeble, and &An plated l Are you out of order.' with Yotir System deranged, and your f Pings uncomfortable!' These nptonas are often the preltide seriousillncss. Sumo tit of esa is creeping upon you, Put should b:-averted by a timely of the right remedy. Take, er'sand - cleanse out the imirdertal Lumors pu lily the .hold, and let the fluids movco unobstructed to health again. ' hey st imu late the rune nous o the. body luta. vigorous activit purify the system from the. 0, tructioni_ which 'makv disc A 7cold settles some= wherel thebixly,ayulobetruet.. its natural fnnetions. These, if of relieved, react upon ['tentacle..a and the toirrtonadln organi, producing WM.- 'eral aggravation,. sofferinr, , ,Sind (smite. White ht this condition, oppressed by the de :tigeinents, take A ver'a Pills, and see, how directly th restoiYi the natural ae.. • Lion of the system, and with' it the buoyant feeling of health again. lchit ix true and apparent it, this t rut lal and otronon etmtplidur t Is 1150 t uln many of the deep. seattgl and flangeroui dlstempc • The earn.. 'purgative effect expels them. Caused by tidier obstructions, and denutgementei of the natural In, Ctlonit of the holy, they are rapidly, and mussy of then x rely, cured by the same means. None who know thesi es of these fills, will uegleet to employ them when a tiering from the .disor ders they cure. Stittemetits from leading Watts Watts In some of thrk principal clUes, and from other ell known public per sons. From a Forwarding Merdzinif S. Louis, fib. 4', 15341. Dn ATcn i- Your Pills are tl paragon of all-that is' ginati in medicine.' • They have red my little daughter of ale erous sores upon tier hand and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her moth has been long griev ously afflicted with blotelfes and imples on her skht end In her- hair., After our child T cured, she also tried your Pills, and they bare cured te r. t (SA WIWI:IDH E. • A. a Faintly •• hysle. Frani Dr. E. IV. Car'tirr,irt, New Or/rans . 1 Your fills are the prince et • rges. Their excellent qualities surpass arty cathartic we poaaesa. They are mild, but very certain and °rue ,al in.their" action on the bowels, which makes Merit iric • ulblo to mu in the daily treatment of disease. , r Headache, 15Ick Ileadoie : e; Foul Sfornach. ' • Front Dr. Ellerard`B , if, Baltimore.' Dr..tnitno. ATER: I eaurktaanswer you what cora -1 plainta I have cured with yohr 'llls better than to say ~ all that we crer treat frith a int rake mettieine.• I place groat dependence on an effect; 1 cathartic in my daily contest with diueaae, and belloviOg as I do that your I'llls afford ua the beat we have, I of ~ uric value there highly. • . I • PITTA ITIIG 7 PM, 3lny 1,1555. Diti. J. C. Alen. /'Sir: I hate wen relantolly cured of th e won t h ai d ec h i l ee y body have, by n done or two. of your LIM. It ...ovum to nrhsc front a foul stomach. which they cleating at once« ' . _____ ........._... , , Yours with great respect, F.D. W. PUDDLE,' . , terk of Steamer Clarion. • . . . Dialovis Disorders-;L err Complattoti. From Dr. Theodore .11ell, ff Seto York City. tint only are yon - i Pills adMir. by adapted to their pur pose as an apwrient, but I tinUll it beneficial effects upon - the Liver very marked indeed. I 'fliey have in my prac tice proved more effectual. for he cure of b il ious aim plaints than any one remedy I t mention. I alucunely • njulee that we'letve at length purgative which Is wor thy Che oeufitience of the profits ion and the people. ~ • DEPAIIINITN or iitr. Devi:mot:, - -Washing, D.-C., 7,tlt Feb., PC.O. S itt : I have use your Pill* i my general and hoopitat practice ever since you made th trt, and do not hesitate to say they are the best cathartic - e employ. Their regu lating action on the liver :lefty ,Ick and decided, roue- . quently they are an admirable wig for derangements of that organ. Indeed, 1 hay seldom found a ease or bilious tlioease so obstinate . tha It did not readily yield to .them. Fraternally yours , • .A. ONZO. BALI., 31. D., .-.. ' rhsteia of the Marina Hospital.. . ' Dysentery , Diarrhoea Relax , Wortis. . From Dr : J. Gr.' C . F.' t ,of Chicago. .ica YOU(' Pills have had a ling t ial in my practice, and 1 bold them in esteem.o one of he best aperients I have ever found. ,Their alterative s eet upon Vetiver makes them au excellent remetly,twla given in small doses for . bilious dysentery' _and Warr . •Thelt sugar-coating makes them very aceeptablei convenient for the use. - of women and children. .4 , . • . . • . • Dyspepsia, lupe:mit of 'the Blood!. From Rir.J. r.llignes, Past(Jrr sfreut`Church, Iloston. 1 Thu liven: I have used yin Pint with extraordinary success in my family and onto° those lam called to visit in•distress. To rtgulate the rgans of digestion and ; parity the blood,•they are the ery beat- remedy I have •ever - known, and I can caught fly reeotnmeed them to ' my friends. Yours; J. -V. lIIMES. ' • W.tusaW,,Wyntiting .0., N. Y., Oc t. - 24, 1855. liitait Slut I ant using yolk . hurtle l'lUs in - fity price tire, and Mid them an exeellim purgative to cleanse the i system and purity theibuntitt „I' the blood. • . , . . -J01111: 14i.mrAcilA51. M. D. Conetipeitioni Costlirenees,:Neeppreselliese, Itheeneitient, - Closeto retinal's, Reopsy r Parelysts, Fits, rte. R N I •-. ' From - Dr. J',. P. Vaughn Too. mush cannot be said Of costirrness. If others of four I as efficacious as I have, they s lag it, fir the benefit of the,. n that onnplaint, which, althou i the progenitor of others that :Strew-as tootiginato in the lb - c organ and cure tit? disease. .'. From Hrs. E..Stuort, pkyizi ! I find one or two large do I -proper lime, are exeetlent 11 t Secretion wheifwhoily or Fit very effectual to e/nonsd.t le They ant so much the beat lull i mend no other to my patient Irons the leer. /i Dr. If , . Pri2.isul Hors); Ss ifoxotte.ll Stu g I * . huiiid,... . I ro ou r r oil ki . Il A h :::l,P ru aeittt Itl e tit tr yf ,'eruciuting ocaralgle pubis, tali , toolbox Notwithstanding I , i the disease grow worse sad rw ..... your excellent agent in Hal : your Pills. - Their effects We severing: in the use ofthemi I , _ St*.trn CtThitliil!, 6.' Arno rhavo beta of Ilkeseuustie Gnat —a Ind Ine for your*. ! Most ,of the 11110 In although a voluablo dangerous Ina public fro that frequently follow its I. Ito a or mineral / I rina. 25 cleats Der P. Prepared by Dr. - 7. C. A • For ;talc by - Abel Torrell. it Dander; Vtiltmxii.it dealrr• and druzvi u aloe. eaewien; decfased. tUdltorto diettibute draintetrator of the to and among the t the parttee In Into . tnrday, January Stb, per Noun having any present them or be I said fund. L. CANE, Auditor. lE PA:INTH, 'Bright new Aupply, pult .11EL 17111RELL. 11, Works. Monti-tat, Canada, oar rills for the eure of • ternity have found them ordd juLn me hi proalrdni latitudes who saner from h had enough in Itself, is :aro wont.. I helb•ce rN• 1., but your PIlhrRA - ed. that In and illairt.fr, of your rill., Inked at the .lootivto of the natural ally aupprvaml, and atni owed& and expel teareti. Flo we have that .1 ream'. e Methodist El*. Churek. 155 d. ungratena far the relief did not report my ease mbs and. brought on sic .ll ended in (*rank Aril • the best of physicians. ' rae, until by The advice of re, Dr. Mackenzie I tried • slow, but sure. lly per : tow entirely well. Rouge; La., 5 Deo., 055. 'rely eured. by your MD, disease that bad VLSICENT SLIDELL. ket contain ilereury, ady In skill") bands, bi t h e aread(lal consevusices Hon'. pre• These contain 121=2 or tr Boxes *n al. & CO., Lowell, Wan itroefi; Church .t Phinnev. Atil , vn carv, an:. by All oet4 ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers