The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 20, 1860, Image 3
ißit.iiihßELLys COLUMN. 1 EDucTION Al3l 4:I, TURRE44I, Now Offers for sale . One the largest :4(11 11Test selectionis • :a l - - • of . I , Ever I•tferell Susctc.fhauna Comity. and probably coMprising tile greatest . VA- I .I:IE,TY•or most differ - mit articles o any i Store in the Nortitern,part of Pennsylva. 1 nia, and perhaps of the •ettire State. , An misortment is.kept in abont thirty differ cnt braucks 'of trade, and the 'selections are made front about forty-yid the hest llottse in New York, at1I• more than ty Dealers Man utliet tirerssout of New - York. A large proportioT of the ,Goods .are -b ottritt ilireet from t he 31.anutitcturer,s, thus insming genuine artiicles. • Utistom- I cry on, entering the Store Must not expect, to titud everything in sighti butt nearly. ; ery article wanted-will be produced by inquiry. Softi e of Stock mar be fortnetl by the following general outline, but enumeration isimpraqicable. • DRUGS. & MEI In this deli:lm meth the ass and complete, and the qtr in market. • PAIN T r es A full stock of all kinds , 0 IN X E Everything,.and rierfeetl otot VKO sirietly follows vrivet receipts,. need fail of success, who Ititys dye--stufrs :at Toivell's. CM§Mil . . A. f , ontl.rind choice variety cot' Family t:rocerics, constantly" on 'hand. .. :Ladies say they ,fret.the.b6t Te 4 or the price 61 Abel Turret,: . • . LIQITO The greatest variety-of found in all 'Northerl .:inol romprisingtvith very every kind onaini'fietured - o, in any parket. These are ein:ll purposes. If there gni •ors in the einuntry, the tlrnp nuou'whn have them. It possible to obtain pure Ligll at retail. • . CROCKEi. All tla kinds usually kept in a tqf+untry treneral assortment store. 1 7 — S"WARE.. eolnplete .Is,lortment .f l r TAN, :kind gvnerril aise, anll for Druggists, .1113=sieinns, Pedlers."antl in short evefy . ritrie . ty. for general sale. WALL k:11.71ND0111,' A la TO stock, compritAing variclic ittvititA Styles. tidiou's rat) sel4oin 1311 to ,T EWELRY • A splenilia variety, embraoug- nenrti• ev t:rstiting_eus•tomenz may AvAsli •in thi!: de partment, .iiirget oil the • inafurcae urers. warmth! • )resented. • Sit VER. , v., Tom, . . Tea, Sugar. and Salt Spoons, .Butter and Fruit Knives, Napkin. Rings, Thimbles, Spectacles, Sec., constantly on hand, bo't direct of (he mantrfacturtirs,tmlde.t o order,. and warranted pure as col 1.. • : All other, kinds of Silver 'll7are obtaiil ed to order en short notice. _ PERFEJNIRY.. A 'el loiee. • variety ; of beansPerfumesi Extracts. Colognes, Bair r Re storers, Dyes. &e. Artieb.s to make the' hair grow. and alsoto take it. off, and ev 7 `erythinft necessary for the Toilet, judo ding a fine assortinent of Unit. and Tooth Tooth Soalisand.rowders, Pan e,- articles for the comislexion, including f. 4. llfeeli Fun," and nearly e‘erythiwz else desired. •[A :neat place tijs, Turrell's -Any thin 7 and every thin . Ithat• anybody. want S can be . foini(*there.] FANCY o.o' The greatest variety in tow.; comprising nearly everything usually found in an exclusively Fancy Gonds" Yankee YO tion " Store. . • I ° MUSICAL , INSTRWITENTS. Violins,. Aeccirdeons, , Flut<ls, Fifes, Clar inets.; Aiolin, \lancell4)l and Guitar Strings, sonic of-the hest, qualities in market; • Violin Bows; Pegs Pieces, Resin, tlistr+tion Books, &e_ on hand; and all utile Instruments (;luained to Order. . . mwsnEs.tiocKgr Klc vEs.TABLE ccruiv, SILVER. PLATED W ARE, LAMPS, N -, E 10.1 ENE -- ; • FLUID, 'CAMPHENE, .. • - CANDLES,. HARD-. .. . WARE; .. BED -, . , . . CORPS, 4p..,1 ; _ , : • • STONE-WARE, ; '• DR 17 GOODS, MIR- . . .1 -'. RORS,WINDOW. %ASS, - PICTURE ;LASS, A msrs, . MATERIALS, VARNIS I ES, J AP- ' ANS, PUTTY, BIRD CA 4.14, CANA. RY SEEDS, • WHIPS &. .MSIIES, BROOMS- . AS SPON_GE,' WASII ' BOARDS, 'BKEv, . . GUNS. ' . ItISTOLS,L '' • • - FLASKS, • : • . POWDER, -- FUSE,- • - LEAD, - SHOT, - • SNUFF . . TOBACCO, ' CAPS Medical and Surgical Instleno on hand and bought to oider. pun ntionable Ar: ticks, &c. - - . • • - ! , . . , PATENT MEDICINE'S, ' 'I '- - CO ECTIONARY„ I.7IIBRI4.:LLAS, VINEGAR, , • . • TOYS, 1.16P5, SAGE; POTASIL .. • SALI, PORCELAIN- TEETIT,... GOLD AN TIN F(1) lAnd some of nearly _all °till tzgokis market, , too iniiner ! lion. The att Atkin of the publi fully to7my stock of G I eselu irelc for . c.% :9.1 row, :1 i irA 41 (Ai the same principle lc • - - • ABEL T `4OOl, 1.860 noinliii.lo next «•r: dam ..c . i ) 4 . IC3 . . g-i REAT.CROWD-EXP.EUTED Q3uticialteg, ,'losenbattm, niontrOse, Susq'a . County, Pa l • Elmira . New-York, • Susquehanna Depot, Pa, Irit i tn r ; 3 2 " c i t u m t lik r .„ r e r t i , e , i tZTi l „ l .,t nineyaniv. In t3te dike:. we can . • • . , 6 ~ „ • MINES itment is large titles the OILS. bet qualities V V S. reliable At 10 to 20 . pea• et. Jess than foimerly. Es. ,Therefore rre am determined to utnt the jmblir our gelieral s tock of. .. • I READY AIM OLOTIMG DRY Goops, ire Liquors to I Pen os;il ~ vania Inc except ions) 1 r'he.l4l for sale 115ept.for meal re any piire lict iggists are the is almost im 1 .• -• hors; elsewhere T largest and best .; OCKY,GOCIDIS Kept in ANY COUNTRY Store ' • this side of Nile York City, • . • . At Prices which De f3i:Conip etition' a. , we will sell, for ictA L isi EE in thesnttllndranee I of ten per cent 'nhove the whole ale r.o s t. I We_ will sell klie following GOODS at the atinex'ell . , . Black! Frock * 9 for t,OO Black! Frock Coat worth 10 for 7,50 Thick Frock Coat worth . 12 11)1.4 9,50 illusincsA . Coat \rural *5 foe. *2,75 Business • Coat worth :A; for 3;00 1-. Over Coat Worth *5 for *OO I . Over Coat Worth 7 - for • 5,;5'' I Over Coat .worth 10 for 7,50 Over coat worth 15 tio' Over ?('oat. worth 20.1;,r 15,00 -PAPER. lii extensive The . tni.sf tal c suited. • lants worth '*4 row '*:1,00 Paints worth. 's' fOr - 13Iaek r i nks. worth • 6 for:: 4,P -,hintey Casi , inivreTants worth for'*'2,l Finary casAtnere - Mons worth foi• Vancy Uas:thnere Pants xvoith- F for - S4tin Vert worth iht*--;!•••! 5 13):tek . Satin Vest worth t for 8,00 .I.llack Satin Vest worth- s.ftw 3;50 ovEtt-sillitTs s: ovEnALLs.illy ,1 - 1 UN 1) - 117AEMENTS EQUALLY 1.,0 \V. ~ ,, v ayx,,r lite!, fairly appeertd. we invite the ep . en lien of . . ...._ .... te. 3Pc.a.r.,27MCC l ll;ria,A.XtMiSr; .160 Who cih.h to avail thermA,Aven of the oppor tuoity to roakii.rorne Pah-One a nice • .Christmat. or New-Years IEI :tor' ' PRESENT . , 1 . 0 o. - 3FL. S ,7_ -, • - : ° ; G.6e0 .-- .._,.-...:_,0_» . _ , SHAWLS! ODS., &,:- BONNETS .IM E:,s'S GOODS, TRIMMINGS rtir ALWAYS: LARGE & COMFIAIiTE, ' COMPRISING *ILA %IA ALCUI, aPd ' T f r r , r r 1\ C Ita l 'LtZd . "2". of •all , colors and, shades,, DFAIAAINES: &C. &C. OUR STUCK OF , 1)01111f,STICKS, :CAN OTDE EQUALLED IN, l i trifAUTT IR% PRIM • ( - ;toil Beaty Sheeting , (1 to Bcts. poky'd I Rest me.ivy. Sheeting;, 7 to tiiitts. Ity2Al DENIMS, ;from; 8 to 124, cents per yard TBICING; from t 0 to 15 cents per. yard. GINGHAM, from 19. to 15 .cts. per yard CALIeOES, fast colors, 121yards . only *1 " Bek Merrimacl4'ls yards only $l. COttcnaMfast,t - ES 4 A choice artielo, only 121 cents. I Rest Steel 'Spring Shirts; • A. nice 14—selling:at 4 ets. - p4..r spring Ladies? Saxony Wool Vests and - . Drawers. lAIVIBS 'WOOL•140 Grarl.l9M l rl3, • ,of dip Latebt Styles, &u. kinati l 'tO 11101- Thankful to, the numerous eustomersTor their generous 1 . - ) at ronapi theinist yenr; tve JeSpeetifully ktoticit- a -eontinnanOe - (60tritbir .6 ,ilostithartin 11/1, • is reslieet• pod sOortigli t land will be r low pri . e - es. 'lt REI.L. , AT THE STORES -OF Lich comprise. the OUR ASsOUT:MENT OF A N D BUSINESS CAR S. _ • WM. ItIIkIVING COoj'Ell 1117 . 1VIZV oItINKA:U. ('(>ol'l , 3{ C( .71 iIi.S.ZCKEILS.—NIont now, 1.1.' Snenmozors it t I,r .11 .0 Co. Onlee, laalbroin.,nen' buildin g . '1 of 31e.COLLI:31' SEART, TronsErs and (.'4.011,•11,1r, ,Law, T -M.. `1 Mit. ha Latttrops7 avw butOltig, thvcr the ,B. .11eKt:AN, .rroltsET coitumiar at Law.-To hi the . Union • 'Jilt. 11'I1,1114)T,• i-lILIPITATE of the AIWWI& nod -Iflonort T loi.te, of Molitille.—Groat o d,, I. of :11.210 al d Elltabellono, vearly oppoette tk Church. , PINGII,I3I. &,.AN;l4.'l 13mrszciiss..sri:GF:oss AND - 1)1,::vril J. .11111for . 11 l 9 roncll. 14;c. Z.'lll3locii; .\NI) SITGF.ON.—MbIotro,, over Wilroti* . - ?Stun.; Lotlg at Scarp ' DU. WILLIAM. W. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . 11771/ 11R. NIL' ON 117/ER 7:1,N Methattical'and Surgical Rent)-t. remittlrof 111 N. Y. tender their profenNional -ervice. to all elate the. ` - Reforined Practice of Ploy Ale i•kIllful operation, ott Teeth lilt the Inn-I se) approved style,. of platework. Teeth extract pain andall work warranted. JaellNon, June 14th, D4',O. • i)ft. sAlrril & SON, UndEON DENTISTS,--31ouirose. Pa. i 7 101114 v Ili Lathrop,' neiniultding„ over kr the Bank. All Dental. iikmtions will ho Y . performed in good style aud . warraidtA. J. C. OLMSTEAD - .1 I REAP. :DRS. OLMSTEAD &.RE D, Ir'uLD ANNOUNCE t? .. that they have entered tato a_ partner.. Practice of MEDICINE & Su and are prepar'egl t.; all roll: , -to the li praesitoti, uot• formerly occupied] lilnedead, In I)77NDAFF • j)IZ. LEF.T,, phracbm 0 • the I.EET gives partlestlar attention h. the • AL" of EAR MIA 6J t:; :111t1 riot Li- knOWit.lll:o of. and experietire in that br3ll WV will enable hint to etiVqt a CUR' ht tits tit .ea-e 73. For treating tih.eaFes theme onnin% n hr char rd_ the patient 14 tenetittril by meta.. - ' I .I.itguet .311 S( )1,71'11 Wl) I ZTI I SpAl Aixtiv•FAcrruirryts AND 11EALEIIS in 1, nivricau Narlilo for loolourot, II • Totnlt-ntblv,,, god Centre-Tat I dealeminMarbloiaed Slate ritrMatilln.;Ciairre-71 ',t Shop a Tow door, raft or seadv.%, liptcl ul Mreet, .111ontro-e, Pi. • • • .‘ , 11'31. A. SNO\V,. • -- TUSTICE (I F l'IlE • 0:131:tin opia,sit,T. the Wk•At TWI s.‘a"cr.F..ll, ITI.OII .—)lontroso. l'a. A 1 over 1.. N. Bullard's . Clrnee . iy . . ou 31hItl•s1ere Thankful for papa favor. he ,olijittt a coot ion iiiitirelf to do it ivorkrati,thetorily, qv done oil ollort notice: and warranted to lit. Montooe, l'a,, Jutv leit7l. •••• . • • I'. -LIN ES, , • v.ttsruos.m.f: T_kir.on.—montroi.e. Pit. S I I in i'llo•itix Block, .ler ;tun: of liciail:' Wiit , A - Fot , ter. ..illviirk warnuitill. m= to tit and tin 1 Cutting done on Awn niiitine, in IniNt, *le. Jan . : 1 4 1Asm(IN.11 - 11.E 11.011.—M•ni tr. Po. - S twor tLe RaptiFt Meeting Houk.. un Torni yt runt. MI ortlent tilled promptly. in trrt-rnte at Cutling dame on ,}tort notlne, said warranted to • L. B. ISIII ,- ;LT • Er Ants c ,, and Jeti elry n, ~, t rom-i notice.lkuron rellS1111,011.• 1.0111, work warrantotl. Shop in Chandlor authle•omp :MONTIV PH. Wt . ; tf • 11'31 . . W. S3fITIL& ANti i•11.A1It 11.1NUFACTURil ll of Main street.^Mmitm , :-e. Pa. • - - F01:1)11.1.)1, , `1 I'.t. of PfThr..; & Al. ovcr ,tore. ?mide to order, anti repalritig, flow nemly: TI T III:ELL. • I"%E AU!: in Itrutt, :%letlitineo,•rfiernieals. / Stuff-, Paitth-: &le Enney lital...letvelre Pr mere. ,Ve.--.l:4ettt Sr tt all the mist PNTII _MJ.:Iit(INES-7ttontre,_ 1!:1, 11-O.)F,C.IIAIII.ES - tioAlrnErt.. and flak Drt,:nr. 310ntr0, , ,.. Pa. I JP J. W. WILLIAMS, , t t 11.'111 DRESSER, offer: , s thriflaille„ Win! _inc n iy.tictt hi. n-or done in the numt and itrti-ticAnntmer. in the north frOnt of the FR.LVKLIY Hors rti,e. Pa. - Open on Sundays from G a. - m7 - nntil 2 July2ll. trottt . • HEAD QUARTE DU -GOODS! DRI-GO liirschmaon Bros. dic- C —AT THE—.. • . % `Bee- . •kIT? 'l*- - -k's 2 -• hi t. ~...' ~ ~143. No: 20 ~,h „ 1.4.:-..`r. 4 t ',•, k i . C, , 1 1.11" :4'r .41 • Ci)riqn . "%it . . •;:p,"..2A ni v..'f•'; 1 W:I / A . ~.. .....,... .. 1. 14 . , . 1 ningilanl• ' . - : '• tori Roo:dyed from • Auction this 1,000 p.0.(1::: Rich colored Dre.;Sill 3,500 yards B1:u•k Silk , .• .10 lien cent, una6r 1,500 yanls.All Wool illeriuoes, !3,060 yds. Del:tines, confined styles 10 to 0,000 yds:Grow s .l IYts,warratotljlist 4(1 Wool nud Silk &oche Slimes, 6.00 131:iiik6t S)l4l\-%,, (worth-twice the iponey.) 50 pieces All Wool Caßsimers, '4OO flifO'reao Bearer Cloaks ' Ji•ofit *2,00 to 017.11. P.VI.24::IMES 32142:21rViTINT 2* To correspond with recent Lary C A S.H P U . R C'H A'S 'A LARGEsAISSOWTIRENT 01.4" TRUNKS Sz'VALIC - TRAVELLING BAG pleilge ottroelivs to-do.alln c adreitlee., Roy. VA, 180U.] lIIILS6II4IANN lIIIO§ NEW. ,' GOO JUST ANRIVEI) AT THE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE" ST lISYDEN MOTILE THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS lfave.a LARGE sk . SPLENDID St NEW f Cheaperthalitlic Chcale f I CATN TJ AN EXAMINE &TR 60 DS, • wahcruEß. .011. NOT. IT PAYS yoty.TQ GET PO 'I zideLlrlaziN" 333E1.1171 1 4 ; EN 311ILFORD, igovembjr Furl. JAW.. for tale by h P. , 13.. BRUSH 111 AViNG NeIAY 1•04.%01:1) ~3priiigville, t to. 'mper ~•:st... ‘Vill.:titt.n4l to Ito! !Doke . or 1.6 inoti,i,!on pi&kitty: . • olllre -ye 6. LaithroOtt . ).le9, lit, fel rs if II 1 g eli c) , I patlM, - • t% ripener .110 ivicholson Wyoming Co., Pa. nha4lfr - 7 •./ 'ix!. 11F:CENIBER . POIIta ; tl. Lew;f F of Tyrtri Wmits.' Tuition: Primary. f't I ,1 Cmainoll E1i;., 0 11,1t,*1.511. % I Niehol,,m, nee. 1:11b. • PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. TRAVELLING AGENTS WANTED! ethev. Ifitenes,‘ boherable, ent.eful end !twelve. , The eticieie revered in every filthily. • -Ft or !thrift:elan:we t.utujiletttlite rtie!l Mt, endOme ' , tamp nthlreos leii IIO• ' 11Alipig tt• CO, Hostel', •. I NEW 'I-MILFORD hll. Oflin• 1•10, ON; ENTI¢T nahatnton, IMP gippre- F4refill and ut ifle and 1 without . . .. . 1 _ : 1.-- '• c An ',:i ) , .4,1\ -.4 ' • ' 7 : 7) '.- 48)) . ...____ 1 _,/ „...._ 9 ....._.„.; ~ . . riviEw,isTigit TE It !al ort lab. ITIS t 1 tfition will marunetatau I on IVEDNESIM Y Avon tsar 1,0). 'wader the i pervisiain of 31r. E. 4. HAWLEY, ttevhated by elampadetit . . . . . , . TERMS --- PER gIIARTER : (',,,,,,,,,,,,- Eltgi (ph? Branches .. $3.91.1 111 , 211,r ilo , 3.01) _ 'l.ffitzlia, • - 5.0) , ?In-ie with ti, of Plano } MN) Or:mini:Bml Paltjt fug on TANYA Ternio.l' I J. Invii - liltNIAN,' JR. Prc...i. T. 11011.E...birr; I TIM'S Iht. Pithily ip for the gery, neoftheil 3 Dr. J. C. '3'll 3:n. "JOIN TILE CLUB" Opfri NOW x‘ x ar tmatment ifth .rpric ditlituit ) Win the treat -111, IN;11._ IN, RunAL iffitKiiit. 1 .V,ITICIIIIIIrai.. at 81,25 ANiEureAN .kifinct'UNA:isT. at - - - ,80 iftelig l6l, s,) at •• • - - $1,25 I" 11K1";4 LALII's" 111)4 ITLANTIC 311(iNTULY. IIARPER'S'AION'IMLY 111A(1AZINE. I'ETEJISON'S All ot."Lowrer CLUBIIA - TE$4," al , Ldi in rind le- AI ,o lank, &r. Tnnipikr SMITH'S, NEWS OFFICE. Montro-e. liecolitir 1:ro).--1.. PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS ! • N4:I I .:•III,',NTS IS 9 . 111.%_ I3IIICIi 13. L 0 C t 111 E tutderdwtted hnrLtt vik,ii,the formerly 1111Xlillie11 . 110r, 1, , :tow prepared 10 fit ritiA all lrlittynay detdre wish 11. , ;00.1 and trinlind Portrait. . Benin well mnded in;the Strodnellou of theyarittuttAi Or Virtu rrs'of the day. F that my work se not exrelledlw any in till-, geillon of the eittintry. Among the various kinds taken at my 11001 n, are the 1 1 ,110TOGR AfELAINOTI7.B, :11T.EILLOGR.1P.I.T. ,!:;r ,„. Luckht Picture: , &it - a to tie tinallest ized miniature Hint!. Transferred Anibrotypc--the 'thing out. for hr PO.l to an part of the World without extra portage. .itly Picturet;ure bold, eh:tn-oils. and expre, --not thore :Ann'owe often told about the country. 'Pictures ittkim in nll binds of wenther. etinAlle eXueist lime, of yOung children. No picture need be taken unlere , pcif.:4ll+lll-riction In tires:duff for a pirtitte:avithl light c010r..--I , ltch Alt bine. norple, pink, etc. Iltod other~ take Irrecit. Mack. red. oottr t two, u. ortine, etc. r - Itententher thati die place to t! , .21 your •• picture . " 14 in the Erick Block, Item!. Watnmi..k.l 7 ::: , ter'oi , tore. 11. "111.1tZLirrON.: Ilontroro..Pa., kik), • IE-3C ft) MAO - INSTRANt .( 1 ) P NY, 4.1" 1•710w•e1e:c)5..1r..., Itt. pot nu2l t f %Nog. CASH CAPITAL ; ZONE MILLION DOLLAkS. it. rii ;NT II ASSETTS Ist July' 1860, 51,481.819.27 LIABILITIES," I.butt Smith. Mitriitt. John McGvc, A..'i A. F. Nt'ilmartli, Cite " by 111, , :it 1114 co 111,:,,, one &Nor Multi ftrw. lU. _ , . 11."191p 7111;i.INGS ST.ll()lUD,lyelit. HIIIIGERfORD NO. 30, ,ICOURT ST. -Bingth4mton, N. Y. !imp: QUICK SALES--SMALL. PROFITS. (gb D From Auction and Elsewhere I ANDANIUL SELLYOU Gnott 3fildderPrint4. F i tt Coli,N • frets pr. yd. Bert ' Ded.aine- 10 lininiltion and Paditle I . • • • • ... in Mu French 3iereuo,r, rlain fsl Ylmtred do Splendid SIB:,' Brown Sheetinp.‘yd) wide ' 6 •! lilearbed do. t ' 47.ic .1 reat.hqneki rt..; ‘ 10 .. . ' Denial'' , from f; t. 1234 Mena Wtalfpere and Dr.fivere.. from 50 etevt o 2.00 " Ladies Mereno Vests, VERY'. CHAP.! far:. 40 1 ; 3r-a O I T IL 13 - CASSIMERES. A LARGE STOCK OF from ip'2;oo li3 - ROAIjQLOTASI All Wool-=-Ft;orasl to .25 pr. yd. a.s.,Avix;ti Lisle Th'd Gloves from sto 18 3,-.1 :Cents, LADIES:GAUNT-TAUS • .; - eprit* IN ENDL ES S, 81-.AR-lETI. All.the .14te,st.Style§! • ti Al) I 1 1 4 S - CIAO K ! . . • 1, aconstantly one hand.: • Made to Ordei y on,:Sh9rtjjotiOe.. Our Stoek"iso: FgeL t0;v.j441;4t. qt'e I,o•l;t;tiigot. tlit Worms of dour_ IVlouey, 1 S! ig! HUNGINOIIO & PAGE, xvO., 'no c"cotrivri "street, BINGO A wroN. ABEL. Ttli I)-- I B. 11.. STC)1.•:1, • liA VF. ;1 U sT I:Fe my ED From 15 to $1.50 MEM Mill Property 1. FALL STYLES .NOW I.I:ADY "HE wvitoo•rt, gE;ALT...aWi. . At Great Barg: as ! I lIL 14 • tillUf Lti : , t If 1III: m it. r-Uncit oft.v4 for sale his 31111 Property in , i Mr.. 33 13 'l - 4, XL X *X" %I ./.' nu Mirror,' Ino mil, s Last tfrom the horoup It FOR READY•PAY AND SMALL P ' OFITSI T.T.ARJ,,,,, received a I trie stock of new Stores e. , • 1 011/ 1 1 ,1 1.1 all IlltPiT MILL and SAW MILL. with n new , Al looking.. Parlor. 0111, sand shop purposes, fur %I ut !I 1 1 I,r Coal alts "trove 1.1 L., %tot Af STOYit 1 NEW eTtlVit I - st.,„, Dub..., oompleted-20 feet thick at hollow, Ty BURRITT, at the Original \I cr 1111 Pin glum ran, ,„ ~,„, rut ~ , . , ~, ..,' 17!, f. •1t t with at top, and 19 ft., t ltigh This is a eery de-- 11. lugs 4 Goods Etoporlum; Is now reeds ng a Lam, "r'" '":',:"', r ' t . 04 .; 1 ' 04 ; and wil t . "."° ' sir 11.1, 10,,, ,, •0hm: both us io haMaess And -rm. r For . and V110111:5T01 h. or 4 1/111,1 , 111111rs i 1% 1 11%1011.. it Fllll Illr ( ,w, or to /Wm/ limn., r info, melon inquire of !ARCHIBALD HILL, t FAL.. ,-,. - T ' i 34 - 1 1 1A4 1 ,11;7. 1 1: r (kt ~ , Nen irord. Nov let 140 0 "Mil_ ,;.• I b AN WINT:hR 224 - - an 14 ' -- - -- ----'—'-'---- - -------- — 1 ca .e" , i r i. ) i DAILY MAIL ROUTE . BETSVEETT H2 : 211 , ( o t poz-j-gq.c. ___,,r I, MONTROSE &.FRIENDSVILLE. 1 . "I' F' ^ -----. 1 ~ ; 1101 f 111 - . S earrylio , mall* and passen,•ers'. t.irte , Tl ~ i 'windings Irina t irk ty of the newest and is t styles of : k yli n ni,,,,, • and En, th, lib \y lll h ate `said, s lief, : A t ) iirt(c ,q, c t _ , 0 , ill 4 ts , Dream Gouda, Shawls, Nroadeloth i ' w inter l ln Montrose. dallr at 7 o'cits ka to and I, as, Id. 4, , 1 stuffs, Ac-;with , with a lam as..ortment of olio • r ' elite at tO'CiOtiA. P. M 1 Z4"lfonnes ants carriages eau b. pre* anal at the t 4,,,, JUST ARRIVING t -1 .1 Staple and Fancy GI I st ap le of the subscriber in Minttrose_on reasonable term. Moo frow Aoff. In, 101,0. tf ./. D. 6 eit/h 11 / 1 I . ' .., as tontal. la Groceries, ('rocker, Harslotin Autli, Tl 3 l i titui,L. I stuq, nine, sumo'. brag.: md*, on., i l IARE. YOU INSURE]) ? , shoes, lists, Caps, limit,. Carpeting; Flom 110.1 - FROSE, Po. Jlrotiember 10 th , 18 6 0. 1 Wall Paper, Painted and Gilt Wirulow shade* XX. F... 333CJA1LdC1C313.9.1•7 of Iscroseue Lamp and OR Fixture , ,le. al' I't nt. I. lox applleittons for 10-urin, . Ili the :,.Its, r 1 - s %., ItIL E N t Furs and Buffalo EI ,A .), , c- 1 . 4 .. ' a. in 4. romp,,,,i, .., : fr• The entire stock hein; Luso toad bonill Wyoming INSURANCE Company, 1 i • x% 1 ihi, di, 0 1 ,,,,,,1 ato it And bt intiful tssortm, at and lamely front 31.1.1117 %I TIIIIERS and Ft %V I i.u. cs-u tItIC I: U. 1 i .ri.5,.1.. ~fect. dln Nor Tbrk nld, flu „;r1 it, st u 111 tzhesniterior 01,1,1,Mo:tit k. for choler/ sid i t ir,.., onsistin • .4. ft tof Jos elry 0f..%,. r variiir-t. a 1 lon.drot prk,s, and will ho iold on the nt,,, into, r action , 1,. 1 lon min, and Dom to Mosai, 1.,,J terms for Cl'4ll, 11101WCP.. and to Pnonpg . Charter PerpertuaL Di a.„..,,,i En iiiieled. Pine i ;old in Ito t. , 1 Buyers Au examlnitlon of rho I.oods stud! ._ - Cilitillll 11 11 t 1104 ( a he tutlful arth le for . Ladle... 1,014 old i fowl profitable to those who wish to s u p . $ 4 141 1 1,0110. l ' sllll , lllS .... NI - , - .11• 4 / ..-0,, ri 1 npf t ilz ,R 4 1411.11 Face NS lot,- .1. It. I.•rt 1.1 i FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY 0F! Ler e in, Indio • the •• (lt '1 ob 1, -t, flat ..,, , vol . „, , , , ~,,z . Organized Novena6er 2d, A I). 1*57 , t.lllll, 11111 Sack Clain..: (odd, JOt, and Plated lir ....143-; r - ch.- , —0 - " a full .-...ottm, ttt of - Silver= and Plated ' War©; G 0,1,4311 41 Steel anti .let Slides and Ituck,l . for Ladles •Iteltwand lionnet ~ a %err I trge slot k of Flamer Ilife,,. all prise , Ind styles 1101,1- II mdkireld, f Rings: Sandi! Wood smother Fan... of all color 1, entln•lv new patterns and ser:. ALI, ; sh, II 4 "nibs, plain out lid ild nith gold, for , ...tone dl, -s Stud- Ind ' , 1,1 t , 81M1111/1 of cre ep `reruns. flair not Tooth lintslo,..l Putt 11onals Lubin,;• IN clout, ti, 1 T Pock e t Cutlery, able l and Pocket Cutlery, 1 Ghe e. 0. CM. and Alm: and 111 fait,es etlthlne Intim:- Ihet to °intik., of hnslnt.l Thankful (or past fi,,,n,, we eoldlilll MO,•th, 1.1,11, hod Gonit mu, of this commu -1 tate to c 11) and . canine unr tloods. which on shat take 1 , 1,...ur, let %In hitt t. ,T. 1-VIVA .1 11,1,1:5 ; Ni IL Odd I*. llon fr . Hall nittgliaqtt4 to, tit. V, • •• .LADIII4 9 ONE F'BZTCY3ovErrei_ is wco_itimt: "MIN 'VAIL MILS, No. 11$ i.k1,1•11 bet weeti7tb, :111111q I 1•1111a11,1plilit. slaty of -etzt fa.) Im porter, 31:Anal - act tOrf of fultlltvalee all Muds of 3F gl inaa °sr 3P - tarr.s, ILI retnOveil fi 1111: Nt`iV Store, 7_ll Arila all Ilciw uo wi ru gagetr owing Mattntictno. and sal of Folio. gun-. which; in - 11i cortlanitt With tho •ono Wit Prineitiltt.T - I bare . markt. 'at pole. Ottlit, I would t4:4lelt. a 11.1 from 11i , ,0 in want or I'ut for eitlior rItl1( rote' , wearl rau n xiovtlo Or too ,t.liTtiott- , - 1 , ;0,11t.if. It. I me ithilliy!t.eploaew In eve tleAred 011. 'at :1,416111t1eC, ...... kilt to tali perroimil.%. 111'0i:only ‘ 11:ttlie the article. the,' AI 611. to . her n ith the Klee. nod' anaractinte , h r -eud. intr. 1111111 Alrnarttthe order to tnyailltr6ts-7111ttlit.y int to-tog-A. illnltre a +atialartory ibunipliance. will. their 10,11., I • LATIg. 30, I? :411 ••• . • New . s T.,: New s !' HAV 2. You .HEARD. The NEWS 7. - i IV H. A. rir ' I N EIV SI • - , wiiiiirr-',1LA,1.,',.ki'.;,-. T2'l,m,„lN,'''ichr•i':.E.illivl.s..", 1 ~, „ 4 .1 0 1 6 'i • : ' C'4'-‘ . . (:,...;:_!:) . - • i . .. emismelmaiuthc• Pry Goo& toe. di! Lalna. Challln man tilla-. Sillii. L'oplinr , , Print,. .tc.. e c,.etc, at-Well at a full .4.4,1: of Vonnagiek. runt :of ;gamin:et. clothe, for men and trorf; wear. Shlrtttr, , . Tlekitcis....Dcithno, Cotton Yarn: . 4 'arnet Warn. Batt, , . etc. 4;n,x:i•rle4=a.lllll aatonitnent.— Fh‘b—Mackerel, Trout, Whittnalt.leoddelt, and Ilerrina. , Ilard ware. lod!di n;. ram teriaii, Nailr. Glaeo. Putty; rainO, J his. 1)5 - e,tifif+. I teady-madO Clottatnr,.t he workmanship o sitn.;yrri,. 31ats. cup- awi itomel-.a the lasi , '4,yhl. B outtliti a ~Mora, north from .1.!1 4 1., 0 $.5. In fact , altno4 j ii ..A . ..* , V. 0.1 y of t :toll' , nrnall; 'mitt redfuent any country ~1 ore eat% he fteillti et the ' i -." . i • • . . - 1 i ,I f f • 1 . .In,l it i• ttatnim t proprit of 111% (;,•ot4. that neillier r June 1-t, Mrs. L. V1N(1%.1 , 1 , t returned fro 1 I 43,068.68 N 1 i. ready to length the 14t,tidal FASHIONAR anit rieh & can he keep, the very nicoo goods. tlo• roost ddlicult." Prwes re Tito oreltol to z.fer - ,lttoonttoifpfi,ite 3tot strect,3lotit rlf,e. Pa. • . A_ THE tiI7I3SCI:IBEI cita,e4 tho.ltock of BOOM AM) I,IOIIMI.3iLY nwned by ilictitottaintorming...Mt Chit 'dock lia.'nenin 'wen r . belOW OW 1 4 2 . 30 4 2:1CLC1 , • where he will h 1 moat loppS may (a vor ni with a tall. • ANY •:. ' i , 1 . 3 I:111.1S I tED (and in pri.,ol ran W obtained by leaving 1.. your order'. with the pri C 1,.• Or ,itllitgiiik and pnhllelwr's name at theidesk. Abut,' utty[attiel ht the ••Iklim and Slat lottery" de. in. . . NIA.:IVS ' OFFICE • r - ILL It RP }: It S, Gotley'u, Leslie's, Tetereonlvt Graham's. It or any Ur the popular Mairashittii or the day.' N. F. Ledger, N. V. Weekly, MerentY, C7per. Flait:'"Wirk"' Spirit. and :ill the Illuarated Papers or ante. Ilaek amp, toms iturpliel. . , . 1" . - - -„_ . . SCiIbOL;BOOR'S-All thd old. Midmow editions. BLANK BOOICS—A . very nico assortment. . CIITLERY.--Tip top article of 'American. . . - GOLD PENS-Very Fine of Ladies & Gents.' FERFITMERY—A.W. liarrison'a arid others. IMO:IC.1S— 'l I VP. )1 I.i.t 40..A.M.111..; - :inil liwill endeavor It) i •11 have -,:i rdtittle eve to. !Am. hoer); t' and cue to my own. YourA, eVident le .- • r . .;06L.: Mir: sastu=x's. 310:vrito.n. P.t.,-Septenther ht., It4iu.—t f ---- '-• , :ATAyIGT ' — 1 - • - . - onus.V• ?'" OA noon . A novE... . 1111114 'Pr 13,1 C generally nre lurornied that. a FILES EX iiinrrox is give:o.BLnp hours ;of the day, or NEW ( ;HODS 'nf al sorts, wiz; Dress,Gootis of Simmer Prints; I.nwincin patents, ttlienp lifehop Bard. ,Inconetts antliSivito4 Ladlen' l'n!lnt, nod tineel in , . 31titYel14es. Alureimm, Fund- Owe ',l6,ntuelo . ;leans, Nankeens, Summer Stutii; G1:111+ Shirk; 4.%pt lOU Or era, Collar 4, Cravats and Sul.,nnli.r, A new mitt lap,:e . • ' i f r A TA ERAV • 18:11E * ' • ' ' Mit a,k I i eu I i I , ltte Calf 1) , .-.,"medntot..lll4: heary nit,d “. light 5h.,... } , pti•ttillft T.Adie., Catlttp , (rout 5 if/ IS !AIM 1 11!!f %Vgrrallleti I.. ' i.iii. White,- lirowit, : an!! Mat* 111 SI Mil'. 1 l'arsi.,l, , AO ruihvilztj• 13.op41.kaxes'ood Work ILI-krt.. 3... ii 23 izx 3 1 :13L - 1.1i;: ltild: and spent), hdattutlitinenihj. l'alkitiVandlev: timg* mid*, Nat'l) litsard* aril ttiftett 111114. White. wt,ls lint4 , * lona,lokittlrd dud ..pring, OW licl , .Ploel,ll.loultud•WfAtilt k`All..§,,,bobldro 4.14.1.,F or thi) -10. ?fir , ' V' •04 otXttlge t r. or vv.eryrarigq - ',.stidO%r whit:hare TAplro mot Corn ;it/trill tor glorinit.. phtitlittgo,Un'ant Talla r. Si oln-sktreltAllettli ltd. Cart or ()11, I:piton) Snlik, Mack' anti sl4oltit Vutttit; hull lots At ilthipt which won't do to:nrcui algml,f but . pleve to unit, es"mit we ntith/Afk rolowl.117:, nrpliiidy And Villin4' to 41.)w . Boat., c ventt hough thtiy may pittfittit ; -and thankful-for muoll fovoro. , -. . ~.. , . 1 . .. IL V. TYLER. , 1 tICTS„ ILity4a I.oolot - the Atilltpg, Irak • Tonic, It Z, 1).144 - ml3llam: o:yr 010u1ti11 , ...1 ' / 1 : 1 4 -131.8 - - - 31(tNTItOtite.,.Mnitnii; fi4/0; -;-,. _ .-: , • - _ - -: • adrtors IVll lF .#atrttn Xelettoo•S;ll7llk r r,`iletaireed; ril1111: biniolntiKl nn Mulftor tile in Ow InintLi.orltodAiltultil.trator tit the Es..iatr oflgertt on H.,ll7alkor, dqvraFed; t u - rin4 4111/mg the oidoor irM.moot tlin ping Inicrot ntlil* odic.. fir Sii,ntrioh. on Plid3y..lunuary .411, IPCI,O nt o hick limp, len irervniKluiring`anrlifilip 44. 011 , 041 a rmid are - ronulic(l to tirt.l.i.ot ttioin Or" K. forever &Wined from coining lo upo n ...aid Mod: T. I Ie.A.SI?:, dilor licottmber EdbOtgia. - ;, ,4 ":• 1 • cukEio usk,GAA F c m ralu, t ry 4'l • Auditor's, Natiee. IA ch. mu* NtJlaa Dttate,y' T. ."fite;:ticettsitat ug antteAlgoeil, - appittotttli - Anilttor to IliFtribUte T , , the ran o l ; of the handf alto ' Atltelnitotritter of. the t Estate of T. tA.Tossenden, doAtfatkli,tro miff itinena ihe millions of Aid 'derstiont, wilt modolll 4hz,tittrift*lninte rgat'at hht.:' ce is on Bat .ty, Jana:wraith, ltittl.,. At which time alt writ.out, havinvoot himr upon lad Mod nre required to present them oc hr I ,I.,barrd from cam I e upnu thud. Montt 0,.•. T?ex. sth, E.-0). T. II CAA. toi to ilia ke much dirpo,it ..0 if hit' 11:1111111 ,, will J; L. MERRIMAN. iz,roi.-4 B EXBY, No•ii,'Noolli. Si lilt a elioice. •.toritwilt (4F:di S ,vinter 8 ffThT f: r nr vicinity with BONNETS ! pnnehin , ctl anywhere. ljlir uch ak Call Erni fail t 4. plpde +v reasi4mable. 611 nun) u niuc her I.tunlo. %loon'. Oct:011(1 , 11nm.) Main • .d 1 Lociaitf • NUR. IjAVINO Mil- TATIONERY N. takeri thin trAoitake ivrp,m7 that .:tni4vett to -the old at 0121°43', 17, to - w , ait.upon - .those Who OOK 13= VALUABLE _GI 'WITH BOOK . GE - oItGE G. EVAOS'-. THE LARGEST IN THE = ' PERMANENTLY Lf 439 Chestnut SINT' I YEAR OF' THE E. . . . Having purehm , ed the apacipue ire Chestnut Street. and fitted It np wit to facilitate me Ino‘inees, particularly ttr COlrSTltYintnElts; and having t any other party (tweeted in the ba,int pared to offer trreitt4r • ever IlefOrt , to toy coetomero, • . I will fursti,h any book (of a moral cbarcti.r pubil,lted In the United Stater, the regular retdil price t whielt One-Dollar nr upwardA, and give a prevent h from code taint) dollars with each book, and guata tee to give perfect .tttl.‘faction, tt~ T ant determined to n Intrain the %reputation nirt , Mly tortured upon toy etdahllA meat..-. Stranger* visiting Philadelphia are Invite) Call and judge for thenetelvee. IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS' SEND TO • . -Grec•6.G.iEva a Reliable Girt liouk Enterpri e - No: 489 PHILADEL Where:1111)001;A arc eofilat timPubliAter's Io i and you have th 6 ADVANTAGE • • Of receiving • A HANDSOME OAFS. . woimi FBI GO CK,NTS TO .100 1)01 WITH EACH BOOK. ,G. EVANS' Original Girt nook Euterprie endUrsed by the Book TrAtt • leading city and country now the United Kates.- O. Punctual buLtiness linnoection . l `ccived' the approbation - of Ov citizens ut the Vnited States , • whom Itvertmelved substintia ' of the benefit derived by pu • 1 at this establishment: G. G. E'. N 8 ILas dune more then anv Other - ur bookseller in the tnited %ear& tlifin4ltr.;.knowletigeto By 'many b0.A.5 op! inattar lianas of . readers.—Fraint 4 , 1 _ ' i'V NS V P". ' . ai s 4 t,. G . , -A_ . ceps come:tittle on ban-, ti 9 unnit.ex. . , .." • teitsive stork:tie grit itest assottluent of !Midis. awl circulates free to al who may ' . apply. the most complete rot loser .0 ( 110...}:;. and Gifts, in the United States. ' U. U.. EVANS lian,advantages offered hint t.y, limiter. awl nuifinfacturer4 - which enable hint to furnish his patrons With a finer „ quality and bet terass , ,rt tnent than any other establishment. \ ' i„. i ' '' . 14 G. EVAN:5..l'lll,llOles nearly Two llund , lr• 'opula . - • and Interesting .Books, therefOre, tiS a publisher, be Is bettc;r able tirOXer eat rn .. prernituars and commissions„' • I _ IL G. EVANS commons, perfect natinfactiOalo all Who . , may sad fur books. , 1.. ii.,,G. EVA.NS' hewclassified citaliiiii, mot hoOkS`embrare. , . , the writings of every dtpilriinc.lll of literal - and ;;iivini all the information Ma - . • tire to the parchasing and forwarillug, 'be .. Nail or Express of hooka ordeted (non hi. ' .• ' establishment, together ...with fill itirect, flow , bow to remit money. I G. G. EVANS' l'utalotzi: of lkiukm will lie• sat .gratfs and free of eN111.114.e10 aby address,,in the titi . . ted States. .:3 U. U: EVANS' hithiceracsN to Agents (=trial be siir „•passeil. Tim 1110. t liberal etnifinis.die.,- . - .- are otfered,and by soliciting subsii-ript ions to hooks •In the manner proposed. twenty books can be soldin the narneyinie that IC would take to sell one on the Old fashion ed subscription plan.. Send for. Welatiliti-. ' ed Catalogue, and.trery . InforMation will . -be givenin reference to Liget - oda, Select. , your books, enclose the ainount Of money . . ' • , required. and one trial-wilLnaisfy* you ~,... - that the best place In the counti• to per '• chase hooks in at - - I.:.1 . • - THE E.vrEssivE . GIFT BOOK ESTAIILISIIENT, OF GEO. O. EVANS, - No. 4:tl Cur:4 - ramT STILILT, PHILA. • intLenta, where youanget !woks of all kiadf„ . . Books of Fact! ' - Books orFlettoit: - • - .•• 1. Books of Devotion! . • - ',, '...L . Books or At:lona:ent ! ".„ ',I Books fur the Old Folks - lkwkit for the Yoga ... ' : ` . Books furlll ' ... •I - ' 'BoOksl for Wive{, . Books for Lovers: , . . - - -._, ' . -Books for Sweetheart:, l •'' I Books for Boys i • • .- ' Books for Girls: • • . „. • ' ' .. Books of Humor:” . - j. Books of Poetry!. • Books of ravel i'.. BoOkii of 111 a tor ` . . Books of Biography f• 5 I '— Books of Adveritur .. - . hook, alsint ' . . . . Books abhut Sold ' , r • Books about Indians l*: 1 , ' Books about Butifevni • •.- Books about Ileroen! ' . . Book alrout Patriots!, .-• _ . ... Hooks for.Farincrid i i Books (or Neelinnics I - ' . )„ v . Books fur Merchants! V' -•• • •I - . . Books for Plivnielausl, • i: i. i Books for Lawyers!. :.• • - , Books for Stalest”; . :• (: '; ~ • . * Presentation lknik. .. , - •• .-•. Prayer Itooks! • ' ' Hymn Books!' " V . •. ' - Juvenile Books!, . ,'' ' 1 Alain - kali; t . Albums. etc._ ;.etc.„- . '. . . , • 1.1:CIL 11:, IXAMITLEY'S Interesting Bies,traphisi IiEVA.:II2.INORATI.A.3I'S Scriptural Itoutai SSITICKEIPWLives:of Patriots and Stat . - , . ‘.. J:T.'LAURKR'S Revolutlouarl Stia . . ."' .-. ;T. S. ARTIIVIt'S P.apidar Tat& V. rlflt: ALCOTT"S Ituullf.l.hict r :-.".:•'''''',' lIRS.IIENTZ'S Novels! ")I Rs. sountwouTirg,N cooPEirs Novell I . ".• 'DICKE:I:4' Novels t • WAVICICLEN'S '4'iweta t \ . IRVING'S Works: • , . I', . All the writings of • every standard author ht ...1 part inept of literature, in every style of !Malin, publisher's honest prices'. and "reinends+ (bat ,y 6 moro than you ,would at ally oilier ,EstablisittO ii yin, hare the advantage of receiving nu etegalit '• which °Rent hoes: Id worth a Winifred fold more: li, amount paid for the book. , 51 1) FOR-A IPLASSIFIEII:CATALOGFE OF .. `OOliS, • . , (Ciller Aim 'book, that you may, want, nlll4 II itriro;t6gmhey with the tunount rvg 'diva for 114•-4 one trial - trill ovum, You s that the hert plata, in the tv•Pu!'tthasutalktila atthultifa Rook tattabliatine * OE0110}: tt. EVANS, -,", - 1 'Originator of t h e BIR Book Ellierprik. • . No, chettnut Street, Mil:Weill . , . . _ . , arAOIHNTSWANTED, to alront,gltVerdniltt mente than ever ITIVIIMII). ' AM' lwrAm• ellhur tatthit fenaa•Y: who le - dealroue of engaging In an Ifonoraldtt atilt PrOlita ble.,Elpployment, requiring but little time and i n 'outlay of money, and by which 1w t..n obtain gratin' '.l*7 A VALtIABLE.LIBLtAitY. • , . ..- - ,-.„.; 1 i . - A F I ST OOLO ^ WATCII AND CHAIN, 'l' • 1 1 A 11A1.11/140MICSEIWtrill OP PLAT:: . . . , AN I•:LF.tIANT ttILK'DIti,S4IIIA A 11LEIN1/1111.14:21" or ,)b."l Or many Other choice Mitch% enliuleraft.d -In ill t ;in rc eau do ro ny actitot as eu .1-geut for Hil( e f wipers 6,4, ill, filfy 010 otill'ocountit, ea n dot ',lmply by fortuldg axial% trawling fora tat of ham rillitif tint: the =mutt f money reqttited fur this Srattfoto.tigtaidgne;,.trttiekeottlatue all the dee formation radii:ohr fifrnelo. and the formations and to inatireirrotottl-and 141.71r3b1e ticalinrs,'Atli Order' , In ... . . ~ - TIIRIINAT) QtrATiTEllg 11.1.11FM:0. EVA, Proprkdor otthe °bleat and lorm'at tHrt Book EM lu - the :NIA/Ad: twonammtly located at , No. 4:tts,Cl Sf reiit PhiratTelphla: - - ' LSOD" 7....0 . -W::$:A L E:', PAPER: Pnnion'olVurm Lo;ungee limfkinthile4 Syrup. fur Children 'reeling I n 1 the Popular:Medicine*. In market; VIM (*e and all ildnse nenedeng for kinvintreanury Birch I . 3riutypt limey OnodA ntuf:ueArly I,very hing ti chant rideertim: In :4 ew.papere, nru for enlo by'. • Abnitnnfr, Octant. 1. . ' ABEL TELtI 1111AKEK'S VE(ik:N.%}ll,lii.l)3lPOriND. a itin, II LP:1.111,1r, End WI E ll ' q'i I • ods, Iron and Id. Nato. 0 011 'bath 4* ,a large line o bes. 410 flir *.s• Hanna. • Inn,- and .• favirralilu • ii-Moothe • civ will pe , 1 - /CARD. r TS (L 31. -P. Dri,-hnpft. J. Julia 11/elelulrd. I)uvl4lM,•tg.ti., IVaidllainr. le 11 .1.3C0C. • L tihowinakrr, • It St B url, IL (Y. SmiTlf. &V',. r. X: llUllr.Sna i. W. a. STv.s:Lts,s, TrettA.. L Ir. SIN W;57 Vie • Pr." 4 /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY,, :iiartfni; Paid up Capital, t1.5(00x1 • Quakcfr City Insurance . Conipary, Philadelphia, 'Pa..: With a Capital 0f.... _ _ :S'ORTIIETIN FIRM' k LTVE ASSUItANCI;CO.MI' _ No. 1 31,n)note ntrein. L 011111•11. •%. . . ( . 31/11:11.$4,;eti,1001 uncial Revenue, $1,01)3•I'l ; • \ GEtTY, 4ptut.Plilla . d..ll.l in. 'NiI:RANCE 41 31 lfartPail;pniatixtictit. AccuitiglLitell Capital 4=o,iinir al . . . .. .. ..........._ __ __... Any one u-Ishini! their lieu,. Inflired will do wall t,, ran And examine their unide of hunting. and their rat.... whielt are better than thure ur alit' fAlwr runipant. bet a, taking Pullefes-einewherr. If. P. 111..‘Clig.l.N. . oe. II %Hi . pilit:l: mar Chalitlller 4::..lePtkup's oturr. 4"tyrov vvi it ntre ae - '‘ ,- 3,,v if (60 TONIC, DIURETIC, 4N ri Dysfisr.o6 INYEDRAM CORDIAL To the 'Citizens of Pennsilvania. I t., ' NIA, eitt price., • petiteca rare, Drn=tete, GreoerOnstd... Pri veto FllllllllO4. . Wolfe's' Pura Cognac Brandy.' *" - Welfe's Pure Mmieria., Sherry and Port. Wine. Wolfe's Pure' Jamaica arid St. Croix itani; . . Wolfo's Pure.„Pootch anti Irish WhiskeY. ..d9....T.5-T.a X BOTTLER. lilEet LEAVE ti, calf t Attention oft he citizen. of ton United litate . i to the above Wm.:. and LILIUM!...11:111./n. hr /I.PIIO Vflfi..jol,l/,• tmnN he-fa miliar in ec,•ry rift of thbeconotre for the purity of hi, celebrated Sr - lift:DAM Sfilli.11 : 11, Sir. Wolfe, in a fettcr:o • epeak I rt..: of Ihe purity of.lll Wine. a t .t 1 I.lqui rt. : .take Mc-reputation a. •t man: air •tatalloz a- a nterchanCof thfriy year.' rci.itleuce in the City vi y., that all the Brandy and Whie, which tottle are pure imported. and of thebevt quality. antl.tat. he relb'fl upore by,ctcry purclut.el . :• Every bottle has the proprietor', name on the \Vas. mot a fac of hi ...A-mann , I ft ile• certificate. Thu public are re.pratulir incited If/ eal'"a." examine for 1 , 12 r -a.. 1,,,y all • I lI:•.- .ipotht•i;lrl4.• ill 11 . 1 1 / a lliqpilia. Gi o . 11 . .3,..ter05., 1...14 Mark. t .t.." Plillatra. Itrael the follittrint! from the New Yorkil "ourier: uI;rN o ( 1 ! . 1 . 4 1 N .3 " 1:1 1 . 11 1 .: 1 I T II .- 4 7 :( % . % :: taitri• in 011reily when the Ott .ielan, a pot-bet-arc. root • lli..friuta. calk I pure Wine \ a> , ;l lt• 1/111.8• iiilll.4fre. Dr! ..1-:!..•he•t do no t intend to ire ,• lw el.. Nora to cle.eritil ..1 r ettint'^'exteocita. allInac.:11 it will veil rettit ran 2 ,.r or citizen to emit W• 04,•• Wari.11.111,4% N... I ...hi .1 2:, Beaver am: No, I :;19 m...l,l4ettioa Selinapcf. for 0.1{141 lint -oar 1(1.211y) (rt.,— ..f 111.1551 ego-- ',lterry. 112t11 Port \t 5._ U'!, a Iri-Att Whisky. Jamaiea ond.M. ('raid Ent.L.t.ine eery o!.!, and equal 101111 v In till , milintry. III• had thre.• fore cellar, tilled cack, m e ter the Cartoon flouee - key. ready for Iwitllite!. .11r:Woll\•*, rah. of Actin:ivy= lea year umonoted to Ist.lloll dozer!, and ch. hope In lit• than two-year, 11.. way Inc evally with Ill.llratiolle, andWltte, , merit- the patron:ice of - ecerrlor \ear "pt-el.O. Pdcate oho trialtituruWinc-1 for medical 11..ftlioulol•entl their orders direct to,Mr, , - until eyerc Apothecary in the howl make up their taloa, 1,) tli.fairtf the_pol•onou:- .tutr from their .Iwlces. and re pt:te-if with li'tilfe'• punt 1111.2.• and W 1 insilerctand Mr. Wolfe. for the acmountmlati)n of the comitry, ',put , up a...ortt d W• in.. and Liquor,' suet, a loan. and etch utrret are a • he cm-Mined ten.,.rtholv , and. the United Mane, 11130 nOthill tutliatloro, mitotic , alike tohuman health and ha ppistec.. t r ..epti tot has been d 'all the 'open, In t r have r£ae of fe%ldenr, Ing. boot:. tatce, to ; c people. read pat Into tbn leir • HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES Or. - Disease With Its Agonies . :- Ca:Locos° ..130V6v - c"oxi. irlic,rrs.. . _ .1,.,- i/ - --, v i 'f , '... 4 ' - e . "ii '\Vl•' it - 1 • :I .- • . ':- '" ::, j . s ill ;.? At h r 0 l ' s 1 : l' i • Ki A g ' . % .! V A L: I . 4 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. 'NERVOUS-.DISORD ERS. ,'(II:IT la mote fearful than n l;r•.iJdie down or. the. • To nmarl th-..tree into.t oitttreod ' n . .z ‘ .: ter . ivhere.ran a remelt he found.? There la one ?—dritit: hut little nine. twee. or eldrlt, or far better. Iloilo; 1:1b no rally?.--weak tea 1.0:1,4 preferable; Rot all the (troll a 'rpm eau; take nate four evrry }delay or , 4111t1.1. xvoldtryf the mo of - r.lbitc; and Ic r croc, eldrnrute4 are l'olhro ' - on t. 11- 1 .: happy . In mind, rtruhr In body, aintror4tit ;nu hat e nen ikiitZ7the3l`6s,* .7Z/zimigcla:tcor'sso If then; itone thing tnori. that another tottYlitteh t h.. aro Limem4., 41:C11 - 10r pnriftingtiroitertton.cop,. thole tkowt , r i f the blood thou n!I rinntpvfiezd.vigerau and .topt•ndeit .veet tans. r: • fatly adoptedloo Ow. ni d ;nutty for tentahr Coulptaing4, • 1b..): !lover !Ul, never 'weaken .iptFin, and alwar. brio:: about wlt4fortninirt.4l..• •,-, Nick It - catiache andlWant oT ;impatite. . These hlch =lt smitten to, misl fiequeutlysri.. from 311110%,111" , or iroill.h;, trout netylaratlon', or tt.,t,i7 eat 111 . 4 Undidri ids I lig slut is nunt fpr u 4, thus ditortieti the ~ t Omart and liter. Thou iititAns must Iv - regnlsted If t•ou wl,ll to he u :The rtilS,sif taken at+ortlin;: to the tali:tett In-traction, will quickly restow :t healthy a , tn.o to both 111 er anditolleaeltrYthenC6(o/low as a natural ; ‘ ,A,.. Nnenee, a gthal aplrttlto andg clear In the Ea and NV.ed - 1t11e,.. warrt-ly any (filler bulb,. ine Is ever n,. ! for the-e alsonleis • •• r DISORDERS . OP TEE •KIDNEYS. la all 41>rascn atfeeting organs, %%hellt, Out crate too much or too little %rater ;' or whether t h s r lao al flirted with atone or vraveLor.witlt aclo-ttand ttalit;*tt Col in the 401tit:ttet thv irittotot of tho kWuers. ibtme 1%11. t‘honid bo.taktin atatortilne to the printed ilintetfong. awl the Itintufent should be well rultbeil into the vfnall nt hack at te,4 tint.. • Tivi+ treatnient ;: if.• A.%nn. t inane :de cellar whim all tither , infaitn; /utrelailefl. . ' N" P 111,,11,1110 ataitv 1mP 14 . 4 a the tune nt a. , itoutart :L 4 there ; tbyY,remo‘ all 0rc.1,101,2. either by bityloimroury on. fmpr , p. rdiet. Th. 7 mark th.• tiler mil reduce it to a brab by :olio,' uevtt tail la coring all dl.unkr, ut the 114 yr od t tuuutclt. - • . . frollotra ore' the !text rezaid . rj I:llwrit 'II the (curl,' for the fullowiiv diaraitrs-: • Ague, Firs , . - Sore Thro.) - 4t. , . - A.lbtas. - 1;,..nt. Slosh; aittl.t:ray.e, 11111ou,. Complalute.liend -mile. , Set' iyviirttt, i litt•tch.«. 4.11 :41:1%). rudigt.tion, " Tle-llottZuNu.x. ilowebt'outiilnint a, lull:imolai Inn, , Yuman, Colic,. - Jauudiox, , - • Ulecr,,. C 071444011111 uf the I.lVor Cutlip:llloe, Vcitenne A :Vl_4,, - " BowelA, I. ll l ll bngo, - , NVl.titi,. ant:kill... • Conviitninion. - t'lle. , . • • • 4k-a6ite?• (row ) eloility, Itli.titpiatix:ny, . .0 hAt ~,,-r .•41;••• •• - 111tll.y.• • - i:taetlillgt gr al', 4.C. i)P.enter) - , - • - Vrliie, EtT.ipolto. • . Heruhtia, or Niue, -Ev 11. • - :351 Ftanalo Irre•gularli,l.F. ' Fuvcre. or ail '0: in. 6 .. . jc+Etv. i agent, •r, nutl MO. eon all CAUTION !—NoliOnrOpenolito tiol . 1 " " I.IIWAV, NEW-Youn nx - it Ltinon," an .1 wniorquark eXtrryleartif imoknf rcci loon ortotiot Mt:hi/44 or box ;illy , cIIIIP illay 0, -1,11 LT ohicer, the 4400 Mt It#ll. A lotottnnote r-t. n ill h.. giVrtk t.. Oily 1,00 rendorlio inch informal too n. tort 1 , :111 to the . tion moo 11:10,S or VirtO,'r , O.Olt - tIC:1111.;.. 1 / 1 .., ISO tit chin , or vemiiii.4 knottiv. Iltvoi to be , tfar t t ,, Ulu Maniihutory li•roil4nor.liou.ovrAr. Vt Atlirll,l4lllC, NOW 11' tat:, tool to all p nvoctattle .11to;z;:to - and poolern to Jdlatlelxr, thron4hoot t Ito 'atilt...ill 1.1 In twoxe, al ... , x 1.1•11 i, and 41 . There is t:Oftrillcroblit narin..• talne: I r t‘.• - N. B Ilites , lot, for ilo• :•n k• L., r dt on rtt.r. OrC aftt.o.ll t., 'mark S, ei grat, LL 31,er Toits A SyPERLArn For Stomaclls out ofOrclor. =ff,