. -. , Thep THE MONTROSE ,DEMOCRAT. 1.. T• 1 , General Assembly of. ..... TERKS—SI:SO PER AENtIII, tresvnes. l. ' Pennsylvania.. , . . , --- -.---------- --,------------- ,- --- --------- - 1 TI, ! , 1109en4priteu, (limps of t>lisque , , . -,,..dL.. z. ca.marmee..T. , ziescoxv . ' I . . . . . ~ hanna. cottutv Pennselvania, be;lievitig ,►•9 EDITOR, PUBLISHER, AND . PROPRIETOR. ~• that the gi'r d'er .ittunio r ,r.a‘►tiOtt. - of colored ; . , -... ;:. • ; persons into t le. mt t t e. Woul t l tent' to int . .: t ti • . (; „'efintefi.) , :, _ / L-_' l2 e - r; •-''')(..) a. / ..- A ( (1 • • : railithe peaee. zunt,gooil order of -sovietv, -, ; .„,...--z 1 fttn.; epri ii i, a_e lire wages 1.4 ;our inechan- I'l ' hi 't _._. _ . •.- , .; . 1 , . _ `WC" 'L . 3l3et 1 2 '1C733XaMC ) . . les :OM In: Obrers : .that the';interntrria. , t. - I ...I - - I.; Ina • . • . . .." Tlli . mollioosi DimocßAT. ,o, the whtt,c coloreil; raCes is a 'viola . tints of thj,laW of, nature, ail& degrailin. , • • - ... iin Its resnits: and that the etrietment of TUE Pith Alitt - mt: or.rtn: MoNTltost; DtmocßAT z ;,. - , - . ponanenres.nttik the-..unnilwr to be 1 •" led "" 11 '° 34 ;St It lawsl Whitth contliet ,pith the Ctilisti dim orlanuary. IStit—heing the fith volume since we have i , , r ' tern ionnected with the office. and the ith elm:ell has ! Nall Milt laws of thil I.7ttiteil - States, is been under our exclusive control: and we 'are glad to be i ; c • .i 4 . „.--, enabled to announce the fact that the business is at this ' jilt] ii•ttlivt'' Inf-n; Spirit of Treasof t; , —respeet. aught a much more healthy and prosperoua condition:ln . ,'; i all respects. than at any former perM since wool:tiered. - 11111 V p N, 'roue honorable.bodies to en: nron ourarditous,hat not altoc.ethetUnpleate,nt enterprise. ... ~ ) This desirable state of alfedirsis owing, tort great ertent. , ' net hue, as shall raiscourage the set t4..ur f,,t ern of casting off trios,: enervating excrescences I',' - (non -laving 'II:Orono - 1. which are the bfille of Durand all I [mom )reti.personW in .our Com k Inds of buitnts, and cor t entauptunnutuom. Ae another I'. - . ' important atrallary to the pmsperity of our nnderiidang, monwe tit make it a.druntnal offence -we may refer to our experience cif past,yeare. as w e ll a' aft ' for int.,' . , acquired knowledge of thepractimil duties of the `eptll.*- i to . be in any way "a party enabling us to conduct ninths with prudenceand sitecese: , '.I to ate and attend to the wants of our patrons with an inexeased I rria. , e - Of the white with. the . ‘l,.. 4 :revor. promptness and regularity. - . ' LCOit6t4l m . . • —also that any :,till :11l laws It shall be our awnest endeavor to make our paPer a i , ! -, , , desirable family Journal — one that shall bee mgerly sought i 110 W eNistlitt,..fr neon our statute hook iv I kid' for did read wit h' pleataire and profit by 4* - 4 , 11 member cif ~, t E l i. : . fhe Nally circle- .Belleving that no eurintry or locality ran, teno,in t gory oepmetiee, to obstruct the benefit itself by destroying or e i crippling thnterest eof any, , . I „ „ • other, we eltalf oppose. both in nftennat and niter-national exeentto 7of the laws oeillelrtiit etrState . S unlit ice. all Measures based upon eeltlohness; andsustain • F. 1 • such doctrines only, as recognize the fundamental idea of 4-be repeal ). ttatersal progress. in national affairs. particularly. that 1 ' data of mecconns which look to the cult ancement or one seetion • at the apparent expense of another. shall continue to receive oar earnest and unqualified condemnation. It will be alikeour duty and our choice. to opposeLi I e present wicked spirit of sectional hate, - which now prevails to a fearful extenLand,whlch.auless soon checked and replaced by words endear of kindnese and Mutual ouncession,must utterly &stray t behest governmental structure ever reared We shall advocate peace. fraternal harmony, and friend*. national Intercourse, because they arejnst. and desirable, aud In no other spirit can Americo Liberty be sustained. We appeal to all conservative, national men to aid us In titegood work before us. It is only threigh the medium of well snstnintsi local papers that ont prineiples vin ever proven. for it is bemoans of county orgaulzationa that a national triumph isaahlev ml: and a county Donner:wv that neglects to sustain their paper. always beholds the idlk of the party engulph,sl in the whirlpool of fanaticism. error. and sectional hatred that I.areep+ in upon them. Let each true man steed trill, and add his influence towards doing oar cominon duty.' Subeetile• fur the MONTROSE DlintlClVlT—and pry for. It In ADVANCE, and ask your friends to do the !SOW. - Send your adverti sing and Job printieg to this Wilco, and pry - for,lt, idt nevi week, ornext soar, but moth down. • If you think It strange that the 'Primer eant wail for you to pay him the frill... of sl.so.jnst remember the eircharraoment caused Icy say 300 like you keeping back *.71343.„ - Our friends mast not forget that we aro, in a minority; here., and that the want of favoritism trim officials who control public patomage, renders their casteltattonalte more desirable and necescary. - . v But we do not wish lobe uuderstood an intimating-that our patronage Is, or should be. confined to anyclass: ;mit -men of all parties are re:pectfully invited to embrace the adrantages resulting from sending hi their orders, aid w, , i doubt not that all who are not bliuded, by bigotry, to their own and the public good will continue to do so, • - . We ureter being judged by Our efforts. 'rather than by a glittering array of &mom& promises. • During h`spas', year, a large aunt has been expended for new type, e.,fo ,thelbsnorrat; and further imrovements will Ice niade, as - oar patron** warrants. :Let oarsprompt patrons i.e true to their old cnstom, and our el o w ones quicken up for a, N`EW YEAR—and AIM remember that , ” the more the merrier," and that there is always " room for- mcare." and our futureintercourice will be mutualleagreeable. As we expect—life and. health being spared:-to continue at our present bnsineiS• and to devote our whole time and atten to onr paper. We invite our old friends and patrons to still continue their friendship and favors; and we, shall strive to eon% ince nil that we intend to so deal that each man will find it both Pleasant and profitable to "call 'again." - Anyone procuring ns five new cash subscribers, for one year. will receive an retry copy; gratis. rer Terme-41.50 per annum, in adrance.',.wil Digi,x7ral will be pat to press. several days in advance of 7. date, nett week. Chri4inas and NOV Tears are coining. All interested Will 'plow ;',F,iff7 MA Turrcll, the People's Drug atmounees a list of the multitude of . . goods with , which •is always, prompt' to. serve the public. Read• liis column. • - It was understood that a , bill jor the indictment.. of the Franklin township election . board was laid before the ,rand jury at the late session of Court, but no report was ever made -of their .aetion: although witnesses were examined. Who -will tell the public what was done with the matter? Tite publie have a desire and a right to know. 20 - Enterprisitig . business firms, like that 'of Guttenburg, Itosenbanui & Co, ;- wisely fake,aavantage Of the times t i ren der the public and -themselves . # mutual benefit, by selling large. quantities .of goods cheap for cash. .Everybody will read their adverti4mient. They under stand, and act upon the secret to sue- Sad Calamity. thtTbursclay, the..l2d nit., an.Etighteer in the.employ ofthe I klaware, Lackawatt- . na & Westetra Hail-Road Company, nain ed John 'Langstaff, after blocking up. the Montrose road,_ in the borough of New Milford, 'with a train of coal eargomhitch ed the locomotive and tender and run off South, without giving notice of his inten tion to :mv one. When he hurl nip:about a mile, he passed four men repairing the track, After he paA : ed them the forenian ordered the men to put- the hand car on the-track and run South. They ran about one-fourth or half a mile when, sad to re late, they met the engineer returning at a rapid rite on a shor l t curve, anti a- etklision took place. Two Men were smashed up badly,--Lone named Jahn jinesnahan, died four.hours after the , collision, leaving a wife and one child to mourn his loss—the . C-_ , ,- ; Ile President, as lie asserted in other, is yet lin!rerin! , .. `Coroner blarkman I his . , --- 1 - -message to Congress, is kletermined - to held an. impiest oitthe b. ode ( '" ; " rv. '"" it ""' execute the laws, at the port of Charles... Verdict—that John Langstaff' • :mil the a foreman did' not use that care which was 1 tcl'''in ese South Carolina shall -secede, • : and it isltiow intimated' from authentic necessary to save hifinau life. • - sources, that .no resistance ivill be offered. L'......-4.....----- , It is understopd,also; that I the -secession' * ;,:.. - I'he special committee of one .frtn o‘rditianco which may he Passed : by any.. each State, has agreed upon the .11'lltnvingr. 1 i - State, will declare:that all laws and treat resolution, to he reported totbe llonse of ies of the enited.._tatts •. ; shall remain in ~. Representatives. It was . adopted by a - force until' all efforts or plaits fora re-un vot c of 2 t o 8 ; the opposition eonting l ion of the States shall have failed. from .r:nlical Lineolnites. .littst, of Artian- 1 E m i r 4 fxG - --.-- f he' Ire:. sas,- offered it :• I (pent lyr chinas in Savamiali have ' at' last • . : • Il e „/,,,d , That in the op i a -, o „ of 661 attractedithe"rotheial attention of the..)la3k Coutinittee the ex istit ig diseontents among i Or and . qty Council . of that. place, 'wh'o the Southern people and the growing, hos- Pie.- Ounces such proceLsdingq aS lawless avid tility among them 'to the Federal Gov- I sahversiVeof good - order and 'security. A emu:eta are greatly to be regretted, and I reward.of one hundeed dollars - is ,offered that whether 'such discontents and hostili I for the apprehension .and eonvietiOn of ty are witiolnijust cause ot not, :my rea-llnirties.itupliCatedin such otttrageS. ' ~ sonable, proper and constitutional retne. •. - -, ----4-- -" -- ..... - * - 7 -- ;;* - . -- • : ... ._. dies and-effectual gturrautee., of their -pe.. : Fatilt :14: - Illoci,—.A.ilvices from the city r culiarinte rests, as-recognizeilby the Con-1 of 3fexieto tO: the 28th ttlf:,. 1:kil-frotitsrera rititution, nee scary to pre „;. e ,.,, ,, the peae o Cruz to the ilhittst., report_that the ; Lib-., and perpetuity of the Union - shouldlx.. ;.eral.i . were vOmPletel,Yinkstingthe 'Cap=. 1 . . i itat;;andi that - t un he- french!' MSter I had proMptly and cheerfully granted. advised l i 'lliramori to capitulate:. (,treat .distres preVailedln- the lity"frem a Scar eity'of fOod and 'water: - .• : • '.* - It is difliolljt to give any positive information as th the prospects ,of secess ion; but affairs look very -bad. TheLin eolnites Manifest little deSire to alb) the distrust-apued by their violent Ifelperite "and irrepressible conflict 'deelaratioitse It is fe4red that they•will conic to their Dilly when all is , lost. Merit is great danger impending. 1 : 1 -r• - .."T" A !arge and e'ntluthiastie - Union" *twig meeting Grua' held in Philadelphia tut Thurtidsyjast, men of all Ortikts partici patedil3slyor Henry iresiding.: - t ov,.(2nr_ ti n %% In s totbe one of the, speakers, I,nt ran avhtit.- furtiii the abolitinnist, had au up .poittilnent for that day, )ntt he laud toti;v given 10 • . • . . 'l , !'ill cipiens of. the •sey!eral towns of Ithil lloutu please cut Out the abov?,.paste 1 it at the l'riti - of . a.sheet.of'papcir, get all thelhamettjatiaChed • that they . can, • and for Ward 4ctu to this office? If they Will 1 • 40.1t,'N ' y,vill..:ittentitO Seeing 'that they arepaid hifore the legiSiattire2 . • • - It -seems to us that no argument need I belist,d 0 conVinje every man„ *woman,. . anti child, that the';ihovbtiktf- petitien is one that, ihould be promptly and efficient ly acted tipon.s - : :- The bare 1 statement of theitinestiMis Is ingestive • to i all minds . • that grerfeus evils . are to be al'oitled , by ,a4tingAlm idea 4. '• .When we'remelaber that the aggraVattAagitation attic "vex , ed'imesticin" will drive tens. Of. thousands of i L . . aegroes-trom: the South' into Our State, limit? can •kaY that suelt a movement - is nn-, nee'essaryi .No White Mau 11:11osis *'filling to ilVOr_t . ie interests of his 'Own race will i la4itatest; 4ive hid name.: .:. ..:: • t \Vita's: v the Nmi.spaper Pres.!; of Penn , _ . . 1 sylVanta to eallintr - : the ' attention of our Ml3lt Asstinatikto; this matter? Will `not such papers as ,fayor the movement; copy the', above;' or, ,organ lie a' shn ilar mode of action in.their-respectite counties I' La the•ball he put fairly in Motion,' and' tour legislators milli hardly,' Aare I:efuse thel': assent.: 4t least, -e shall : see 'Who • are, anti Who ?ire :1,0, in- favor - of negro etpialh: ly, and the tiallitication.Of the Constitu- congressional. • DEC. iPtll:=The Senate had,under,con sideration the,resolution of Mr. Poi ell; ofKenttieky, fertbe.apPoint . tnent Om- 1 mittee to icon!Ader'the present condition j oflonr , inutiofial; affairs _ and a resolution was also introduced by 111 r. Green, of-hiss- ii ouri, for the apikoititment•of a border 110 i lice to ensure the execution - of the five Slav Law. In the House, the re. quest of Mr. Hawkins, of - Floria, to be' excused. from serving 11,110111 the commit ic4 of thir l iv4hree, was .fuither debated • . - Nressq:llawkins, Vullaudighain, Me demand ma Sickles. - 7 . DEc. 1 1 th.---;The Senate, took up the bill Which had passed the bowie • on Mon day for the issue of t1Q,000,000 in Tr as- nry notes; -ankreferred it to the comMit tee on tinanee.- The resolution_ of Mr. Powell, of Kentucky, for the appointment of a select hconunittee on the .Statb of'the Country - In-as' 'then further` debated by MeStirs Birder'and 'others. Mr lligler - Saitt he would! go with men of every p'Arty Who Will &wife tbinnselyeS' to - the wo! i rk of rescuing the country from impending danger. Mr. President, !for' weal or woc,l. anfatnion man. 4 am for -the Union as made-by our fathers. ' tam! Tor the COnStitation and the Union. ' The Muse; after further !debate! on: the questioNirefused by a vote of tin fo 9:5 to exiiise Mr.! Itawkins, 'of Plori.la,, 'from! serving on the CommitteOorThirty-Three. ! Mr.llawkins announced thatnotWithstand -1 - . 1 ing the.vi - ite he . should not serve. Mr, 1 Boyce, ot i South Carolina; then asked' to, ! be eseusdd from serving. on _the Commit-' I tee.% -' . 1 DEC. 11,11-In the Senate,Thinter.from Finaneo t.poinmittee,''rejiorted ! the .Hensii. bill for issuing:ien million'', of Treaanry 1 note-s.'wi.li the various amendments, :ono of which pledges the proet4ds of the pub 1i lie lands-for their redemption. ! Consider ! able debate aiose_tipon the hill. !: ~. lln the Ilenae, on a eall of the State's; in pursiumee-df a 'resolution tOueliing the :if fairs of the country, varions- proposition 4 I offered aid submitted. to the 'committee on that s 'Neut.' ' . ! ! !--=-----. , -..Ani! .. -41---- 7 7--- -!'• • ! _ ii' •''Fii The greatreformation scheme by whiclOtepubliCanisni boaSted they ,would reduce t e cost of tlukcongress • printing, has fail —.ending knit like. all•tbeir:idees •iii:ipts, 43 rruption, and phinder. •. I . ''. • T --•—...... r .....—,_,••• ;-• . ~. . 'lle.ed . 31 -Xer ex.! - Senator ';frotil. l 13radfoid county', lias ToLint',.'..appeint(id to a; .! ele't4liiii in the office !;i_ft , lo - Atiditor,'Geg,;," era! at 1 Rtrisbnik - . - , • . i : • ,•-''.- :. • • The..Le is hit ure•ofLoni4ana on Tuesday pasAed :t i *pill callii;g:a fitate:.Couveption on the 23d of - January.., 4-.. bill , has also I.)etri Paised: . aPpropriatb*balf: a iiiilliOn to defray . the. c.penite. of ainiilitary Orgau T izrfion, 1 Flovida.b.w'ealled a State ' 'cow ventßu a • and ' appropriated . .. .*100,009: for wilitarr"liburposesr• - ' .:'• -' -.-• ' . . The Knickerbocker for 1661. , .. Icoitt it ENcE3tENK OF . tit E 57iii rfii.i'm it. I Fnost thedirid . Of Jitunary, NW . , This .1( t.. 4 ~. • I Kniekerl al .r•lbo. 4 c/ine will be published . I- by J. R. -Gilmore . : Very malty of the ent i inert writers - whit in by-gone Vent's' have e• . .- .; contributed le. its high reputation, will, 4, with the commeni!entent -of the .new vol. „mute, resume their connection with it, and its futureissues will 'contain the ehoiceSt" I.productions of those poets, pliilosopherS, .I wits, listorians, eritics„artists, t ravel let* and men of erudition; who; have Shed ll'S ' tre on the literaturcof this country, and 'whose names have 'gone into all lands. 1 : z With the "unitary number, the „Maga , I zine will be materially .enlarged and :Melt' I improvetnents,in its page, paper,itype;and general appearance will be effected as the advance.and progress Of the age demand. lln our: first' issue will commence the I ptibifeation of a new . Novel, b y Richard I Kimball, Esq., .author of "St.; Ledger," ‘: p komance of Student Life, _cte.,' entitled REvELaTtoss OF WALT. STREI7. : •-• In this -work, purely American in its !character and subject, the author enters ! on a fresh - field for romance: f The busy, 1 bustlingevents of the .over-heated - life Of , I Wall ,Street ,are ntad&to forM a romantic , drama,- where . the action is iiitirring, and where pathos and humor mingle and Ater ; nate. It is; without exception, the great.. I est production of this Mninent writer. I The'same number. will . contain the coin .' mencement of a neW romance, -by Ibtrriet I E.-Prescottoutthor of ,Sirlteltan's Gho . st,'' ' "Amber Gods," etc., entitled, FAuNTLE .I .. ROY VERTiIASi'S FATE. i I. The volume will also . contain a series Of !REceta.s.vrioNs OF :MEN AM) TIII*;S, by 'i John W. Francis; M. 1)., LL.b., author [of "Old New :York,". etc. , . j A Simms . or Ilemintors PAPERS, by -Cliarles‘G. Leland, Esq., (Mace Sloper,) lauthor of "Meister Karl's Sketch-Book," Translator of Moire;" etc. A series of articles'on WHAT A BLIND MAN:SAW - IN ErnOvE, by Rev. HettryW. Milburn,--,(the Blind - Preacher,) author of I °TlMRitle, Aie, and Saddle Bags," etc. 1 TEems.--$3 per annum in advance; thiS entitles thp.subscriber to either of the line steel ennTavincrs - namely • ' Robert' Burns rm. ., -, . ... • CoMposing -the Cotter's Saturday N ight,' l'or 'The Merry Making in the Olden Time. Two - copies E 45, three copies ini. . Clergymen,. Teachers, Editors and Post Mastecs, trill receive the Magazine.at two dollars a year. liberal deductions made*- to 'Clubs, as will be seen • by -Our Prospeet us.. J: R. GILNIeItEi:S Beekman street, N.Y., Publisher, for the PioprietorS.- . • .: ,-x., g==;C=l .The riesideiiVs Message. We last wept: published snob . part of . this . document as we thought the Public would he moat anxious" to read, The balance is too long to appear' in- our columns, for,: -the benefit' f our ,readers, and 'we therefore give only an abstract A considerable portion of ,the message is devoted to our foreign relations. In re :wird to Gretit Britain -we are informed that two questions which in former times excited much . feeling:have be e n amicably settled tit...A 'an:llly satisfactory &inst rue tion of the Clayton Ilmlwer" treaty , been established, and Great 'Britain has finally abandoned the right to Threibly Amerieair . vessels on the high seas in time of peace. The onlY ques . tion in 'dispute between the two eonnt ries now ,is the-title to , the Islands of San 3 Ilan; in the vicinity .of lyashington Teriitary. The right of our naturalized citizens i of French birth to be exempt from milita ry services, when *they visit their native country, •has been fully recognized by a French judicial tribtinal, with the sanction of the Imperial Government, and the. tees- Sage_contains iiotne sound doctrine in re gard to, the duty of our country to uphold the tights of its adepted citizens Srom the „German States, and to ireeognite no -dlis thiction -bet ween our native and natural ize& citiZens." In.referring to our relations with Spain, the President reiterates the reeoinmenda tion contained' in his message of rssB, and repeated in:lBs9,itttlivOr of the purchase of Cuba. - , He says, we are at peace with all for eign nations•;.,and speaks somewhat l ' at length of Mexico and the .dilliculties and. _changes that province_ is subjected to and the ditlieulty our government has iii keep ing .np intercourse With. it. ..He refers to Kansas, and Utah Tereito , ries. -He says that 'race 1144 . ibr sMile ,lime prevailed within ilie.bertltrs of these -heretofore unfortunate territories. IHe next speaks of the. finances of the country and says „that he is 'happy, to be able; to state dint- the expenses of the governm'ent 1 - have been greatly decreased .during-thy past year.: :11e .sayi that the total expen ses t*or the year ending June 30,-1f460 ; i in dependent tif, interest on the national debt was .W,444,465,46 ; this is.a.rialuction'of 1 about eleVen• millions on the expenses!. of - the previous year,t and is about sixteen 1 millions less. than 1858:: ' '• ' I ' ' -He . refers 'to - the African, Slave Trade,.! and says it is ~witli.ireat satisfaction that lie communicates the fact,,that, slime' Ithe date of his, last annual message,. not a !sin gle slave has been -iin' ported .into .the Uni ted States, in Nvicilation of the laws Pro hibiting the African slave tcade. • 1 He again recomniends• to .Congressl the passage .of a laNin pursuance of the Pro vision of the - Constitution, '. appointing • a, rdaycertaip, previous..to 'the. 4th of 3.lara,. riareach•year of an gild' Mimber„ for ithe' election of ! representatives• throughout all the States. His reason for this is, that , i i under . the:present system of 'electing, a -1 ' number of States are, at the „end of every Cottgre . ss, a nulither; of- Months; without. cengiessineit,.. and that' iii - exiiiseqiienee, in i time-of Sadden inid'alarining •ilanoer 1 the.l ....: ~.. .' 1 • Fsalvatienot our- country might ne Inver-I Med. • . . He takes up .the tali!l question, and fatys that." it is no• - quite evident. that the S.l 1 nancial nee shies of,t,ha ~: Onvernthent I will require a.modifiention of the: taiid'ilu- 1 rindyOnevresiont session, for, the.purnose . l of increasing the revenue. In this respedt, I I desire to reiterate the...recommendation I contained .iii my fait two. animal messages, I hi faViir of imposing specific instead.of ad, vaiercni duties on: all- imported , arlichiii' to which these can lie properly 'applied.— From : long obstawatiOn and.. experienee. I nin-tionvineeittliat ',specific 'duties are ne cessary; both to prOteet the revenue r and , to secure to our manufacturing interests that Amount of imidentsik;eneouragenient .1 which ituaveittably, results from, a revenue.] tarir...---i - , f.-,, ' .• --,- ‘l .- •- ' :Ile : renews his-recommendation in favor' of the PacitießaitrOad..- lininediate atten tion is asked of th4..Treasury,.and a kind Word, isi,aaid in...fail:or ofany.Constittitional ['relief that ! may he inthepowerof Congress to ,atinrd..,the,starviag settlers- : in .liansas. Ile..UlsOiavoltes, , itt.conclusion thanror of ICoagireAsin.hehalf of.-„ r ilin• people 'Of: the Ilistiact Of Columbia,: whoilave :: no Ooe-- .eintileiit'io.--which .t.o:tipp44 ..except. ;That ..of the;rni , in. i • - - - i - , • 1 • - 1 Ifni.: 'WAIL. oc - 1 8 I 2.- . --,The Men 4' the:' - . ' Netvs o the Week , Waritl Independence, throwthout 11. , Reperts of the Departments.. , • ' . 7. . 1 1: As stone of - our readers may . e• According, to the latest retinas rec'tl,' ! lc , a-- hole f I •,. ,1_,,;., ent . 4 RillilD Stittes.of the'.Union, are retpmest(4.ll, j peruse the tot:ll4'4lo)er of votes cast in the C. L? w"' - the: t•i II- of .. - g tt t .1:11111:11'V : I ;11 e ttreme. to briefly refer to some . ' s - . 1 Stafes for Vrtksitle it was about .1,500,000.)i. ' • • " .t of t next, I ift?aunirersarr oft6 - b. 'tap rc •• Abianaineolu reoeived about I 'OO 000 - 1 the interesting lets;core.: they contain. i f . '() i • until •••• a " • ... " '.' ''w 1 4 1 1 A be. unable; .Seconti 1. l':IIIN:IL me same tone to sign re. ! S. A. I)ouglasfree6ved about 1,400,060; i ' rum TREASURY DEPARTMENT. •`. 0 1011 S Mid :11101a T4k ,4I III6PITS to fie f i o •i J s- : ! ,C. B llreckinridgti ree' abont 800,00,0., ! • :' . --- . 1V:n . 414.41 fir Congress;asking pension' tar :Ind :foli Bell receivt.ti abotit ,000,000 ' The Report of the Secretary of the Treas- Qtime..poor. 'old soldiers of the war of 181' , 1 1 ' 1 A iitajority. against lincoln of 1,000,000.': i tn'y is Very short. • Mr. Coon is. so much 1 and-the aged and infirm widow s o t: „,,,,,i', . • mOsed to au mereas,e in the rates of ilti.. it'as are &ob .. , 3 ( ) svlbil M.Wright-maim, the Democratic ! 'l'l „„ i oi„j ate .i . . l „. )1„ y , r O f B„ st i„, , „.„„4,,,„. ; ty, that lie has made everypessible crier - 1 - : Meetimi , s mitdmt be held in tin different 1 1 teti, on Mondav, ( ver Moses Rholatil,the i tioti to .. avoikit, not Withstanding the ex- i parts of the cotintrv.wiwn any of the smir- : popular liepublicam. nomin e e, by- 3,200 11:aorditiary enrbarr:Vismentsto whit•lt the i.virors - 410tir last war with EutTland ;till ' majority. Quite a number, of the nomici. j ; •ett.sury has been subjected. „Ile has oil live, , . . panties in MmissaelMs'etts:li::ive ill a similar I: 4liNc,oreml, as far as possible, - tit reduce i • Timis meltiip is i , smil•4l bV the President of . way condemned Republireimism and its r oe e,-eedite!.es of the Government, and 7- the Natitimmal COnvehtion, a t the r el i t t ef ;t, 1 blighting fruits. .ik luong -th em . 81 ., 1 - , yllll , t its a renter."----4-17r the present dtplurablei- of. many i i if the tai: titers the Conven- Roxbury, .. Challe4w N on, ' ewlairhtort, I condition of tile•national finances, he OA i tions resding •in different sections of the Lowell, anti Wore l ester: •. - • . ••- , 4moses a\new issue of treasuryltoteS,-..upbd, Ilepublic , l .\ . • , tincblif etirriedlßoston by over 1,000 ,the.best.ternts they &in be negotiatety • : L'''• --; : - -•••• , ...-0-------.-*-- majority. A great rind rational shame. i i 'with• the public lands sacredly pledged fok 1 2:Fir, 1' ILMOTISM.---Sothe years ago Th m . . Itsammears that - a pint-,.vid Wiliatit made the followin , d .1. „ et ara elosing of large 11)61V:taming emati i ii i ii. tion of the loan, negotiated a. short time I - - ' --Every sueecetliOg day witnesses the !Pwir redemption. ' merits in our - Xortimerit State.s, amid . the , since will probably mit be paid into the j discha ge rof thousands of employees; who !rireasnry—tlie. bidders preferring to sac-i have - betbre them 'the dismal prospects of Mlles the omit, per eent-seeurity, or forfeit, I:,which acepinpaided.their original bid, and a Bard' winter, nol work . and no money; .- . 1 - I rneountering the risk ofincurring Stil fur: S l i c k is Republivan fruit.' penalties, to a . litithful : compliance ' . —The*Tretniar Notes now about to Le i t her issued will be Made redeemable hi ovitim their contract with .the Gro,terionent. lw° :.-, tie has bush faAoritbly impressed with .years; from diepropeeeds of the remaining !the experiment mauls by Dr. 3:1 B me *ll 000 000 loan, authorized at ' the* las.ti,,y, gut / ... V i t i litdel / * Ai r - a, for p ". reVol :i lig 4 al , • $ ? session when sold. 1 • - 1 , :rasion,•counterfeitia•s,. and deterioration • •= 7 :-*We learn front Washinoton that:llon. 1,4 t he coins of the Unite.] States ' and rec . , Howell Cobb hash resigned the office of bininends a liberal appropriation to enable. Secretary of the Treasury, Ibr the reason. him to continue his experiments; and to re-' that Ms secession - tdeas conflict • with the ' „aril him for his 'discovery'. Dr. JLtneLAY- Atiministratjtstn. .1 • ..' , . • has spent some years at Jernsaloki acid Philip Frank'rlioinas of time Patent office, : A r ee believe re the improveMents he suggests , suceeeds Cobb. ' , ~ - --- are partly based upon ideas he acquired' —The first and finimediate cfli.et of the Jofrom that region time efforts thereDnade Hewsof LineohN bleetion, at Liver pool, 1 to prevent the commonpretiee of sweat.. iV:ts wgicat.fallingt' °frill freights. It had "in= coin, and Otherwise :obliterating and been the prophesy' and boast - of the selfish deteriorating . it. .- . English Abolitiontsts that the 'election of I Mr. Cobb also - refers to the withdrawal. their favorite,Lincloluovoidd Leto destroy rl lion. A. R. .Longstreet,..ofSouth Car, this country. ; 'I • • . Ohm, froln the International Statistical a. :congress; which lima in London. in. - July —ln Plmilailetph l ia' a few days since, „ f or cast; on time first day of its se.ssiem„ Ile, alai wommin wth a ebinfortable home, of r ,,,,, 0 ,. : : vas the only delegate from the U nited sueide: mecause having yam - lied Idi her jewelry and „ lo o t . litates,aad Ins secession,. Ave presume was: .iqg to b uy l ottery ! i kk ets, „.i t l imit ,i ini i iig . :Famed by the presence.ef the Avttl lotte negro delle a single twilit!: . 1 ' • gate from Canada, and the M. : natur ed atla s .i.,• ,all. • 1)11 timed reference to: that fact made by —• tral sas Von WORM Sat - . I Lord Broughatit to Mr. Dalla It s, .whit ell: - -The iminber. I registered seamen ha.; rrited considerable comment at then time. declined from 10'f.1149. in 185.1 .to. 5,078 in , 1.560. Such is the Antt;riean record 7 ,English Papells are tilled with gloomy accounts of the effect on the money mar kik of the tare i4ewof Lincoln's election. te Anrican,stocks 'and. securities tumble/1 down ruinously. 1 New Yeo: Enquirer in referrjng to the unlleArd:oftringeney of the 111011(`' tharket in that •ifl).- . , states that the notes ofa hout . se hi :4(10'1 credit mild lately atA per cent. a mouth , -- 1 opal te .42 per cent. a year! • 'L --The secession Of tlie.South seems to lie almost Me - vital/Ic. Cans - e—the. Mack P.epnbliean proclamation: WE are:tleter-• mined to abulisli.tilavery at ALT. hazards. . —The vote f;l . C tjiliornia stawls:l 4.imln 88,40.2.,,D0ng1as 3 ',6oo;,:ilreckinridge 34, 041, Bell 3 7 794. —The coroner murders-in that .suichles ; Inn accitl front intemperaini I.New Orleans reports city for' the ycjir, :12 entaltleaths, 70 deaths anal 105 eases of drow —Ellen Welsh,. an intejli!rent ! , irl of I l years fell into a vat Of hot. - whisky at a distiller\- - in Itiehniond, last week and u•as boiled alive. —Turing the peat six montris the Mer rimack Company or Lowell lime printad 11,o00;800. yards 41)t. AGENT. WARTED. BOOK THAT EVIIRY 31!•:1:11ANIC, AND BUSINIESS MAN NVASt3i. Jug Puldishsd : The Township and Local of The Shit gr Penn:49lra lila. compil ed • from; thek Arltt of Assembly hy Inn. T Huines,"Esq.-nnd Published ku Edward - . F. Jam.l. West ;Chester, Pu," • , The 'work cunt: ins over 400 pageii of Closely printed tn, tier, and will be sold- by subscription. • I It teaches the duty of Justices of the- Peace, with Ibrtn t;•-pr We transaetion of their business. • • • It *caches the Linty of Constant.; +6Ol all the neeessaryforms, appertaining to the (ace. • .: It eontains,•the duties of the Supervisor lif every County and Township in the State. It contains the mode of proCeThire for the laying out and -opening of -public and private roads, of vacating and altering' roads, 'the,building of bridges, &c. &e. • ; It contains thiCommon , School Law with explanation , decisions Tikiol direc tions, together vith forms for Deeds Bonds, Contracts, . Certificates, &c., &c. This epartinent of work was compiled at 'Harrisburg by Mr. Samuel P. Bates, Dep uty Superinteude woth the price of the volunie to any one interested in-Common Schools. • It contains th duties •of Township Auditors— , It contains the-] Sheep. aw relatyi: to Dogs and duties of Assessors. aws in relation to Strays, It. contains the . It contains the Mules and Sulu. It contains the and Fence Vied- It contains the Hunting; TiOut'-; 10s:ratans _the theneeessary Fo . It eontains '6 l Frith allthe iieee tion. . • •-• laws relative to Feneei laws ielativb to (lame O- Deer:' .leetiou'Laws with :all Naturalization • Laws • ary Forms of , A pfilica- -- - Itcontainsi ' lhige :number: - of Legal Plauri; - i.Vhich iire'used , in the' every . day transaction Ofbitsiness,,sucli , as AeknoWl edgemento.;--Mid tvits - cArticlex of. Agree inents .inui Contracts, :Partnership, • Ap- 1 prentiees;ASsigti meats; Attestations, Bills of - Ex - change. and PromiisoryNotes, Bills of o .S.al4BondS;(.lheekS,'Covenintir, Deeds Deposition, Due Bills and Produce Notes, Landlord :and Tenant, - Leases, Letters- of A ttOrneyilMarriage, Mortgages, Receipts and lieleaSeS... he work is bound in TAw.; sheep, and ,will - at: t 1,2. per Copy, - • gable . on delivery of 'the "I ._. 'Work: The warlas' passed, the revisiOMl 'of many of the - leit.Lawyersin the. State / and has received their ,unqualified ' apPr.O., hallo'', .ai ::.reliable hand honk of refer- epee upon Naic . ittttats. 'The linle isil arranged in suel a niner-as to present : - 0 plain ; «midge and explicit statentent ell the &tie& of all Towniihip - Gfficerg; as mayl be readilytuidet stood-be-any One. tiusffUl County will be horoughly canvassed: for I the. work .and - th support oT the ei tizens.' is respectfully solieite( .. - - ,- • - . i ' P. - B. (handler . General - Agent ': fOr; I Sukea Contity: -, I - -- I 'P. S. Good ea parts of this Coin I to whom aliberil tlva,s4'&l4 are •wantedin all tnty for the .ahov s e "w*Ork,l contliensation: - • 141 tionFwlhich in Hat .be made', addresaeii`as iilH)to; attention. a an early dritie receivr!:prottlpt i .. 111 E INTEIDYIR DEP.% RTM ENT Of thepublie lands, we learn that 12, ix 60,033 acres have been dispose& Of, 3,- 977,619 selling for cash, - yielding . i 4 2,021; , - %125, and i.v.:,665,723 absorbed under rail 'road grants, and the rest in bount y land warrants andrswampgrants. ' Ovet . latitil. 'ion ofslollars were expended in the pay biota-of pen.sions - during the fiscal year. , ( 1 he income °f lint' Patent Office is' tCB,OOO I, 'A Thine of Ileautt, lo it Joy it. -1t Bo' eau be beautiful with a rle 'lv pale complexion. EMT the 1 t : tbove expenses ; 3,896 patents have been P.,re., of.tho rk i drree, anti tr.: blood pure, and your cheeks will- vie wittethr Rot," and Lily.. The rkin ir !Untied with Issued, and 3,012 applications rejected. thourando of pore. In every Inch of iota:lce. whwe Mike it The. ftitsus will . be prepared' tbr the Tres-- tan - v i ti d t i lie hip ri t r i e, 0 f the blood-t he neknowledied ;Via, Congress. . The necessity of . revising I and . p . areheit-;tZt;it ir ' eil i l l a k ,rd Vil l h ' , ' "e 'n rit t a b riii ° n k i! lv tgett?;.. ;flue lIVF, prohibiting, the - Slave trade, and i 1 ;. ` 1 . ;; I . ' , 1 1:1 1 t If i ' n " 47:i s tri . „ ' r b g . ,tk i i n n " l .3 in r gc r r ev i e f "`1 4 1 ,3_ 1 1 . T. * iespeeially in providing for the diSpOsal of i Aimee, to pernirm Ito proper futtetioaa, and ' ' c ' a;T : y e ou t h e I impurit . th ~...ned Tn. our ( rim or. Vesetted negroes, ts:urged. , 1 JIIIMII.V•8 II OM' T:t IN !It'll!: PILLS moos e there ,i , hi c - ()bat ruction 4. anti produce free and health): Mood, remove 1 : I . Tile Coinntissioners of 1 ent!tons, ~ • - -„, .the 'eruption, rrion the Ain, and vanre it to brighten with report to the t•lecretary of. the Interior, . the tlurh orywnth and Imauty.. Beatty .1:0 tutteleadwired. ; Itetut v a nti in paints Rini ce,inetier -beau ty States some' nteresting filets in regard to i and v `" l prOlalrlll ht . ill'alil trappine , dee i • - , , , , , , ~ t: II i'V tying IseVOOltiottary :.oetiers. Ile says j • .It , i'oe's .- M , nintain Derb rill ale •olil by all Dealer*. ,t. Ilia . . 1. . . i ' Iteduced by. Dympep.in to a mere Skeleton,' Of the I 6 . 5 OD the rolls the .".oth of i - ,.. ". q ". " .. I' '''''' A " .. ' . Ii°4LANU r'r rri " ‘ i A 1 ....ava,c I. n' trine: proba - 1,1 y it, well km ' . n a:4:117 a',.4 - n In i.ltine, 1X59, lint 87 remained, to enjoy these u i ~ ,,t....-1, e.lin;yivinlid,st.:li. , s:i.rovws: "1;11i1 with a .g . i . : i t ii m i e 1 f t, :tr a tl , , , ..r f i , x , I . fliti f lr , om i t cou rl n i t , i , r , :lAy i var i, aa‘:,- a t ei ';4111:d1 tokens of their country's Vl'4'7 41?t:ongliont the' succeeding . yeart. -The i nivrhar..tiothuitt Llitrere, believing li ' y t ttiilti . t en ' re i b il7al. the )11ilither mast, at the , pres6nt time, he con- i : i l,, t i• u t . v.z w lti h nA.::tl:!.7 , ll..r t vl tu x . tia t t i. ra t orlyak.o . i t ,i:tannt: iiiderbly less, and in a brief period they ' i origin-it 2,0 le 011i(I,:a MI deft [ld:. wond ' , ' T ' fill w iiian ' gel:t7i been ',natured by Iburhave'r Holland Bitter,, to witiett he ;will probably live only in the metnory o" f ! attributed solely 1/IN. ri” , toration." - • Om it gr,itettil country. , _ ..'• `" It; is an interesting fact that arnOng the ; few that 110 W surviveis one who pat•tiCipa ted in the - first great battle of the NVar of - - - i llNlepetulence. Pensions have been allow , . ied to 66 widows ofßeV•olutionary soldiers - during the year, making- the number now 4111 the rolls 3,205, "a diminution since the hist annual report of 510.7 . . NAVY DEPARTMENT. • By reference to that part of the ,rePort X the Secretary of the Navy lieveted•to enumeration of the slaves eiptiired au. i ring . the- past year, it will be seen that the ii:wy has been unusually activelin- sUppress in,,, the slave trade, and due creditislinuld ',be given to . the Administration, mad' to pe officers engaged in the hervie, Or the • :energy they have displityed. The! Secre . ItarV wakes a suggestion in re , raril!to.urg- Great,•Britain to - enforce the provision inf her treaty with Spain for the Oppress -I,ion of the slave trade bet Ween Africa Mid Cuba, which is-well. worthy -of attentive consideration. ,It, is- really- too . bad that -England and the-United AtAtes sli'Onhl be obliged to , --incur the large expense now ;annually imposed. upon them because, iSpainmeglects or refuses to fulathe stip ulations, of her solemn treaties,'byl wing. through her Cuban officials, at the continuance of this bd . :mous traffic, I ' DIE:PARTILENT. . O ne of the most important recoMine-nd ;itions contained in the report of the - Sec :retary of War, is`that Which Urges- Con- Iffre-- to transfer the Bureau deviAed- to affairs from the control of the sec rotary of the Interior to- his • d rtment. 'Excellent reasons are given for th change ,I for, as the officers-of the army are con; fstantly brought into direct intercourse i with the red men of the forest in their vit. rions' expeditions through Our 'Western wilds and in-the wars, waged agehist them it certainly' sO - einS probabie that if the head- of their. department-had full I author ity-to issuO all necessar!.,- directions in re gard to our Wiwi' policy they might, fre quently be .muclunioro, servieeabl4 than* present in establishing . . a propeil :under standing with the aborigines. . . POST9PFICE P.EPARTMItST , The repoit of the Portmastcr General is filled with.. many valuable statistie4 state-. -thenti• of the operatiorislOf his derkrtment: Thedecided increase ,of its revennes is a souree of congratulation; but if; is to be regretted that its expenditures; still so largely exceed its . - THE ST.VrE Ti;k:A.ifi:V.--LWe tireindeW.-. ed. to Aodlior GeOerai Coehrii foi..:i state: moat Of the receipts. oo,(1. . 4p etfaitOfes- of. the State Treasory - fOr . the yoAd'ent4ti g , the 34th Of . :N.oVeniber;4B6o..' The re eeji)bkfrota oil sources were 83 0 479,257: 31 , . which, with ou &volt:AO IR4lanee in gip Treasu ',.. eperultqr i,•181,19, of iii 84.0,323 1 -4 •aiiil 41,0 of deproei:ited 7 filiii.l§l ileAlc..eO 3 i totOLO • 5,9,612,40, .The •64eiplitto.qi• of the year have been- *3,037,10.7 1 .32, leer big oti:ivallable halailee .in . the Treasury, on the - i;t of December, 1860, 'hf 1501, 7 433 08, in addition • to *41;032 ofilepreeiri r ted mid iinavailablefunds:=—PeOn9;yironicto. • ' , it is. repinted.tinit, Goi.: ass .Ir(is resigned. • • . - ' • Diintion.-Ttie frieiula ofWv.J,G.FII. to gl , iiillllll a donation at tit Eptecopal P. Springville, on IIIiMSDAY, afternoon and 1701. The public aro regpeet fully invite: " l•am'Aleterluine.fl to arouse the, people to : the importanee ()Idle slavery issue, and ' get up anorganizatiou through. which they can get. eon t rol of the goverti met; t and Become satkstied,that those efforts" Neill tail; and the . people will not assert their rIgOts:TIIEN I'LL BE D—D IC I DON"r ;10IN 'Tut ,PARTY TIIAT . I THINK TWILT. SEND TILE COUN TRY T 9, KELL THE QUICKEST! InS 4-7:M1117400D DID NOT get the control, h&. desire mid - Whether his present party sends tire country where he, bilis anger, wanted t l .send it, depends only upon whethergtemninues to t o down as it ha's since- Lin'roln's election. llankicslys : : "Let it slide"—' says Wilmot. The ime:or Ille.:llfoutetilerlo ))))) ach Ilthieroc. for natokoce. nearii,e,, or the Stomach, or any.other I ihe affection, is seboul to none In Amcrtca or ahrienl. To he able to state confidentlY that the" are a' renal ti core fur tlyi.mviahnd disem•ee, is to the proprietors a g.otirce or unalloyed pleasure. ' It removee , all -bhinta t terfr.n the stoutaUf,patrithis thatitoxLimparts renewed vitality to the aten - ou+ system, qivintr It that tone and VilOrgY 1 , 0 indispen , able to the restoration of health, 'rite numerous acknowleolguntenbkof Its superior excel!. tome and beneficial have a. , stared the proprletora, that it menus but prove a great cuae to the afflicted, and Inman vitalite to the thorough system. advertisement In anothur column. . dee rV' See the Advertisement or Doct. Shnford'e lovigoritt"r 41ml Milani ic anollwr col thin: nereoxii.tx-cog3 _wtonit imohei, $l. rti,i,l% , nye cs cent corn 75 cents Buckwheat ; 4:1 mut, 0ate5..,...,;...... centa - Bean+ 75 6 - 4 .1.1 Putatueq . 'l7l/=l,-Utitt, 311 tar Mwdeol r.oivention for Dradfonl. conntioi. %t ill he held at vide, Bradford Co„ comm.:Heim:on TUESDAY '2l. at 9 "'clod:, a. tn.: . to eyidinue fotiedny.oinder the direst lon .4 Prof. Gco. F. Rom, of Dontou,-;a46ittotl by Prof. co. D. LoottiA, of Provldeliee, 111. . Dee. 21), erealrfg. • • . deelatw. 1111o0Fat`a Life and envied relebilty witichthi9 nre-mniuent medicine ita,.ticquireilfor invariable erne:icy Whit illeem.ea ityrofeesta to cure, har rendered the 1.1x , 11.91 II rad lei. of JON:TIE:It lO' pulling not only unneem.- eary, but unworthy of them. They are known by their fruits: their good 'wOrks t ify tor them, and they thrive not by the faith of the emit:lot:li. - In all an.es-rif 'costive ness..tlyamin.sla, and liver affeetlowi, Wee, fevers and Agnes rheunuttlem, obatinate headachea, and general ,tierangeruenta of health, three Pills hiVe invariably proved a certain mid speedy reptaly. A single trial will place: the LIFE-PICt!S bevondthe reach of competition in the m 31.1- mation of 0117 patient. 3IOFFAT'S PANTY BITTERS *lll be fonnd to be conally illlcationi in till COIFCS of dy4ieteila, headache, nen•un deiility, eickuesn Incident to females In dellatte health, and 'every kind of weaknesA ofthe dige*tiVe °rpm!. For*ale by 'Dn. W. 11. MOFFAT, .o Broadway. N.Y..and by medicine dealer! , and dntggieta generally throughout the country. decti ty*. • .:4„ ki • i i :ii . •.. '•i•. it - N k;. • •,, • . ESEN IkV EIN'S... •. - ' • -TARHAND WOOD NAPTHA - - ... 1 LF.l.i.t.; , al :1111a„ - ~, . thhe.et .Ifedieine in the trarldfor the cure of .. Coughs and Colds,,Cropp, . ' . Broriohitis, Astlroia, -Difficilt Breathing, . • , I -.- ralgtation of the Heart. -• , For the relief re patient* in ndiißiceci 4 8t.ilait ilf - , Consumption, togetherivith all Diseases • - of the Throat and Chest aid - which . _ .j -predispose to Consumption. •It attaek, the root of die , - - we, and snakte thefell • . dextetyerineeirrnh loltoinltuenee. itaionnforP , •. . cro rive experdnraiion, .1.,. Induces healthy action in Mi.di.gaAed Norm: ..Ihrtdome and tixwee. ' 'lt is peculiarly adapted to the radical - ~ , - • - crire of ASTHMA. • . - .. One d o e r of Mix inralnablt 2171UPtyypa' Ores • • tan! !Oat con..egneedlyship, whit* the particular ,naturear the digea,e (-lento,. •11 IA rery pleaoant ' to th 4 &tett, and prompt in Ile erect*. J'Py it ,t; Incokrinctd That it ie inralualdein the care of . ' . • Bronchial • Affeslifsiss.. Pair 50 rente par &Ole. - Prepared bay hi_, Pr. A. ESP:AII - Z:7X.. rho/ .4.lhy ..-I...Eoentrein, • ,t- 01.. 1:a II: carnir Wham! l'Ol'L..lll str.-ds, Plalatra, Pa: For tale in ifontreme toy tnh-Plelnel ABEL TiIItRELL lerapoi4.• ' . - ''' ' lv " 7 r,-&. pen el 1100FLANIVS . . . , • . . . - -' - I tiII II EDIC/* . .. . . (4. it ITI .A: T ' ' 7- I STANDARD . REMEDIES -- of the mecca nge, have acqulet7tl - Ilatair pent populailty ' . 'D I Y 114°10 year, of trial.. tattenueleal leathleetton I le renah•ival hy them ha all c•e...s. '• ~. . , „. ~ , - I HP,QTLA:ND'S . • GERMAN lIITTERS .- , - - iriLi poofriviti cent ~ . , ": Liver liticen, pleint, Dyiperusiv, Joundiet.,Nervoi4./14. bUit7. Disuases of ittio,lttdstern, and ari4litg feou, a diaantrii4 jiver, ur weuk- ' et the Stout cti tibd Dlrmtint ' ioaraviT.T rturrmita, moos vraa,•Au faitAlb A 00 0• F... (Kr Altuonac for proof. ratcy cent'. per Bottle: ilo iland's , liaLsainiO Cordial -, nt.c. - rositvrtve cola! - Cam influalaa, " - ;Pgnar4 - Pneninonla:/aclplanl. cknutssuptifs, and reii.nued the wok aidonialdi; eureaerkknerwc . Ai - a Ctulli n, al It t Unequalled.: Pai 76 fence . 'I per bottle. . . : . 1100FLAND'SlERMAN'PILL - . ' I Ipelnv, all known thrrmihont Flonno: nntiAme‘tio. ner!la .... ' no ixa a:laudation ' hare... They inn purely r.. , getalde, are .- :, t0n. , .114 greicezuctuts., and are pu,gar•cootol. No Letter llu' " llic Pill fan be Nunil.-: riuct, fa etc kr i,or., 1.,,, • - ' rti4 nieiltelnielitn , pi,ipnred tii 'Dr. C. M. 1N . C.607f k ' Jr 14.,'Phlltatiplilei,'N and Mt. Louie, 1.16., and are w 1.11.1 ilrifailta an4.4lvados in ninlicines, avtrywhera.. The og. nmnielore• 3x; J:ikT-lon will I,:•uu.tln,.u4hla of nw 13, tAtlelli boil - '.' . • - . • -- _•• . %TWO*, 4 11.4;yboly's ,lhatin4r," pliblpkheaannually..you 1: 2 Wlll, .13 i r d lee Mtp(411),ATIorroP1111e11.1gOlry liftikei from all .. - parl4 et.tht: country. Ibe.4. A - En.tntc.t.nv glare away b' all our, igentii. . . .. . I n41'411 tiold Iv; Minitnnke hy ABEL Tr: itlittL, .1.,...rnt. 1'77 -77 " IFYProjk c' ilreousite In ?escoing, ..11 to attend. MAIL ARRANGEMENTSI—MONTROBE P. O. Jt.iff...q //7.ll7:—Daliv (putulav exoldott., from 11,.. Enot and Sputh, flatironit at P. M. • hinny, (.linday exr.idt.d,) from the {Pert, by Railroad. at 93; Front Ditt2bruntnit.ilitret, ert.ry Tnerda3'.Tlinnolit y.und . Saturday. sti_.2 , 4p. i . From: T lia unkpppek erect, viep , Ttp••elny.., 'Elipr•dxy 1111f1 Satttrait . , at I p. Lii. Front gii%titiqa dl rrrt, et , ty Tue.ilny and Satlirilay at :p.m. • Daily (rout Frlend.wille 4.1...eptm1) at p. m. • ie.t . iu6yo t.Nceptetl) Owl:art and youth, by railroad. at ti a. tn. Daily vict.lit• - tili for that • svc4; by railroad. al 11, lII.' Far i'SCry Monday. Wvduvrtlay and Friday. at 7a. tn. - • 4, For Tunktiannorb dirvetOrri".3loritlay, Frill:iv at n a. tu. Foe:rowan:la ery :Monday:mil Frrdar at 7a.rn: Daily for itririnlocilkpournlar ex.) at TS a. in. '4 1"1/I . latevyville (through Atarrurtil--4!uvett Monday. at a. 111.—OrriVve Wedrierilay nt 5 p. ot i • • notheru, ReadThln. -The roll. i,- iv , ail est rpx t from a letter written' by: par pa-tor of a Church fop. the -Journal and Me•:•entO r." ulnelnuatti, ohln. It •a) • volume: , in favor of I hatprorld-renowncil WIN.LOW . A S1Mt111,:l. Slfze)rr rots cult. 1.1110: 1.1.:LT111•1.: We see an advettisern'ent In your columns 31rs. slow's Siiothlng Syrup.Ji :Cow we never said n'Avon! in favor of any patent ineilitilne - in our life. but we feel corn= pelted to say to your re+OlrrA that this la no bout bug—we MT,: TAM/ IT, AND KNOW IT TO or. ALIT IT CLAIM*. II In probably oneof the meet successful He divines of the day. because it k one of the NA. Those wbp have babfem V2l of do better than to lay In # supply. &eat 1y WOOD WA STJKIN, AT TIIIB . OFFIC E. 11511117.13 C77E1L1CW3313 .WOl 4 L' THE 'MONTROSE - DEMOCR/).T. • , . .. ';‘fe:Win N,Green;of Itenton and MI Sarah A. Millard' of Lenox. were- inarrlel, at Factoryville, on the 21d tilt., by iieY.: J. N. Wilbur. 1 - •; . • . . Mr. 3tanning Perig.int Brooklyn and MIS? Ellen Elm:4- ley ufilartord. were marled, nt lintfunl , v n the 11th, by 11ev. A. Miller. f 131 r. Trio N. Timbertnaand 31 fe , E.. Mina! 3f. Pirket, wen, Nur :• 12th, by Eld-lf. II: Gran. • Mr. B. W. Bailey and . Sarah E. katifiirde Liherty were married ott the 12th bn t by Eld. W. C. "tottA,' . - 2147{6.1 - 3.i.Clta ~ ~ I - • . Wheat - Cour 1) bbl tY;ft, t. 1.00 I - - Ir r.l -11 I'n 1 ; - . .11LI)11016 NIIIICL• - .11ye noir 11 met ...11 R. 2.1:41 i 11111 E undeir r igued.ap ointed an A utlitor.by the o:Vona Corn meal V,ewt..2 0, 245 1 1. Court of Sa,qulnutna futility to diet ribtate the •y Bork 1) th ....10 6;12 Cents ! In 110.h:twit+ of ('harlr Tingley. Imhof nietrat or of Gurdon Lard "Il ft, - - 12 cents , Baruard. deed, to and 4iong' the widow and heir*, will loiter 1 1 1tt:..14 br a cents...! attend to the datiet of h4 + appointment at the °Mee of I. F.2.+ I) don • - l5 cents ; B. Sm treer, In 711rnitrool; on tihrartLaftho 12th day or.lan. nary: 1861, at one o'clock p. tn., at!which tithe and pl.tee all per•ron•g• intereeted. trill present their claim! , or he for ,arer debarred from Coming in upon said fund. .. , dev2o 4w • • I It. STBEETER. AUditor. :-.-- . MRS. 11 7 1.1\TSLOW, - . - An experienced Nursti and F:eniale Physician, preents. • • . , to the atte t it iourof mothers, her - S . 0 01 1 11 - O.G SYRUP E 011: CIIII.II)ItEX TEETIitxG, which greatly fauilitat4.t the prOCVPI of teething. by r‘utt-.. ening the oms, naltict.mg nil . inflammation—will all* ALL PAIN and ella,fittlie; action:and id . SILIHE.- TO. REG LATE THE 'BOWELS.. Depend upon it. mot ers, it • will give rest to you, and RELIEF AND - TB TO' YOUR INEANTI. We have put up .a nd .tsitt this article fur over, ten Year , . • and Can .ay INA 'IOW I tF.Nt'E AND TRCTII of it. shat We have never bees, aldt to say of nti V other medicine-- NEVER HAS IT re‘ILED, in a SiNtiLItINsTANCE. to EFFECT A CURE% when timely used. Never did we know.. an instance of dissatistictionlic anyone whoitad used it. On the c Cl,ll tihry, all areldelighttd with Its operutloll'. and 11‘ , 41: in term. or eftltirlthtlllt 4,11 or its tuagituF effect. end medical virtues. We rqy iii 0 . 16 matter WHAT WE lit r KNOW." after ten Yeas' experience,antlPLEDGE.OUß it EPI*TATIt tNittriltettliilltnent of what We here rtmla r... In almost eters in,,tan e Where the infant is FrlitTerittp by ' pain and exhaust ion. rtilet will he found' in fifteen to go minutes after the. syru t is administered. This valuable prepar lion is the preKription of loot or • the moat EXPERII,NCEII and SIiILLFUL NVIISES in New..Eugland,aud line teen used with NEVER FAILING SUCCE.SS in . • . .. .. • . „ . TIIOES SIDS' OF . cisus. . - It notonly relieves l e child Rona pain, but Intl:pirates. 'the Stomach and howt f, corrects aelditv,and gives tone: and energy to the whol systetia. It wilt airnost Instantly relieve • • . GRIPING IN THE OWELS,- AND WIND COLIC, and overeomeconvulsitic. which. • if.not ttperedily cured. . end in death. We bell, -e it the BEST and sultEsT rem edy in the. WORLD. in all cases of •IIYtIENTERY 31111. DLARRIDEA IN CHILDREN,. whether it arises Dont teething, or front any flitter canna. We would say to ail. mothers who have a .1 lid suffering front anv of the hirego Ing complaints—DO- (Jr LET YOUR FREJCLICEs NOR nu: pßimu.o,CESof OTHERS. stand between yon-and your sufferin . child._ _and the relief that will he SURE—rea AIISOLU'I 'LY SURE—to follow the Use of this medlein.c, If lintel.; tiscd. Full directions for u4ilig will acconnetny each b ttle. None genuine unless the far. 'Statile of CUIt'fIS ,t, PERKINS, New York, is on the outside. wrapper. 1 . - . . . Sold by Druggists th oughout the, world. - PrinelpaPOlllge . /3 COdar street, New York.. 7S/LAVI.MIXIX4Z3 - rX3191 - .. CENTS PER BOTTLE. lc in Montiose by Abel Tlirrell PRICE ONLY derW 1 y For ROM EUROPE. LATER Di TAKEN. .GARIBA NEW WORLD! •ItRIVEII here veffl 1.1. that 43. Tllll% - ..llringintethe etanllng News 131.A.XiX3X A. ornetnnty e. • lErlr • on hearing that V0 r ..41../a{ L. B. TSB! 'Lli, 4,114En.:n.,,,, iu,.i, v pnre,...ed a larr...e assortment of CLOCKS, IV-CHES;. JEWELIkr . LAHilliD +3 l .i, Tin ccf.MDDZ ' .:, which he will sal chw re fui cash. at Chandler & Jr,...tatin 'store. East Ada ot.Pnt is Avenue. Iktontrnme. Pa. - ',l_•-t.'" - Clta•hs, Watch . and Jewolry renaired; as usual. on ' , And nastier and re '4onable terms, - Montrose, Dec. 12, IV. _.r._ SPILDRG' VPHILIC PILLS peat the ("Ire of all . See advertk-vmei 'Montrose, Pa. Ike. 'lnds alECetexcitrialiio. •in another column. For &Ile by of 1660. ADKL.TURICF.I.L. anna. Co linty d Northal School, Susque Classical a 3'tC)ll3.M', X2,1!1.. . .riirin SEC O ND T . t M of the Aradendc year Will begih 1. on 310NDAY, p: iVE.MBEIt latth.2 . • S 8 11A1tTM! , ..1..1., 8.5. t.,, Principal. - 3tlt. B. 0. CA t 11'.I - )1185 A. - 3.1. liAltTWELL,.LAseletante. >' . _MISS L.. 111.12 ' ARDS. - - I . • ' MILS. 'A. 31, I lell.%ftnrt., Primary Deparment. ' .MISS-E. 111,1 *li NI A N. Music.on l'iano, O.Z. I/1319P ;Lecturer on Anatomy, Phyeipl.gy. The•Trurteer wool env orthr.,.fieliool, - nialer the direction of 1'1t01 0 .6 AItTWELL.; that it le inn don ris it fug condition, undo FA mt(O•doelnditceimalla to all de-i• tingathorongheduaHolt. - ThOao it'hathig a good Pr nratlnn foreailleget ?Poaching. or for other y0r,1211. - will do well to avail t UTIO , CiTt4 of Ito advantagm Thy ire referred to thole ho haire already - done FO. Prindg . need not wait till . t coluntirticenwat of it term. ao they will he received at ' a v t ino , ,. nod charged accordingly, 1 ) • For Partfenlara inttilirenlarg. . • t_.,' V. MEAD; &eV. 11 ! W.M. lESBIII', Pr, s. .ahottrore'Noy..Stiti ' Ism) —ate• ILIYn N 111101'111:13S, . - 1:11 •NOT±c `'FAN .4. - WM. 11.1.171,11 s..: JOHN HAYDEN.' ILAYDEL tWOMIE..IIAYII T Y GOODS. AT ' _ . nikruria - vs !. -NI?4W -...ItLFORP; . PA.; Is, TI, 14 ICg Tti.IWY• Y 011: EtAlti ESSE , cHEA. FOR °Ask; ANDAET TH E .. OR:TH OF YOUR' MONEY. .1 J. 11. syl rim L. 11. IS BELT NEW MaivOßA, P.I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers