MISCELLANEOITS. • . Tai Amamilust= oy Luroviass."— There is agrowing tendency. Wilds Ke ,ui appropriate the most expressive words of other languages, and after a' while to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from tbeigreek, signitjngg " for the head," is now becom ing , :polariwd in connection with Mr. • : 3.great Headache remedy-, but it .1"soOn used in a more general way, guyithe word Cephalic will become as nom mos as Blectrotße an dmany others whose distinction as foreign words has - been worn iotraqi7 by eommon tinge until .they seem ,` native to the manor-born." !ardly Waltzed. M 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadaehe this hatteinoon, band I stepped into the hapotheearies hand says hi to tie man, "Can yon beam me ofain 'eadaehe V' "Does it haehe says 'e. Tlexeeedirigly," says hi, band upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pen me 'onor it eared me so quick that I 'ardly realized I. 'ad 'ad ail 'eadache. SR"' 11.r.uxionE is the favorite sign by which nsture mikes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed iu this light it may be looked oh'as a safegnard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be reme died; and itaindications should never be i u e t i er leefed: Headaches may be classified Hadar two names, Viz: Symptomatic and. Idiopathic.. Symptomatic Headache is exoeedingly einumon and. is the pre cursor of a. great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism _ and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting lick headache; - of hepatic _disease constituting bi/tiotis Isiadaehr, of worms,constipation and other disorders of - the bowels, as well as renal and• uterine affections. - Diseases of the heart: are v,ery frequently attended with Ileadiaces; Anemia and plethora are also affect ons which frequently occasion- head ache. Idiopathic headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes conking on suddenly in &state of appa rently sound health and prostrating . , at once the mental. and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on-slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbi ty of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front part of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes • provoking counting; under this class may-also be named Neuralflia. - Tor the treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic Pills hate • been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pahis in a fete minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. .13ittnnET.—Missui wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue ' no, _ a bottle of Prepared Pills, but rt, thinking that's not, just it, naither; but, perlips yell be aftber knowing what it is. Ye see.she's tth dead and gone with the Sick Hea d, Head 'ache, and wants some more of that same as relsivid her before. • . Drusegurt.---You must mean Spalding'i Cephalic Pills. Bridget.och'. - sure now and you've sed it, here's the quarther and giv me the Pills and dont be all day about it wither. Constipation or Costiveness: No one of - the " many ills flesh is heir to" is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, -or sedentary habits • it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and, companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradi ated it 'will bring the sufferer to an timely grave. Among the lighter evill of which costiveness is. tie - usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train- of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abeesses, Dys entsu7,•Diarrhisea, Dyspepsia, Apoßlexy, Epilepsy, ParalvsL%- Hysteria; Ilypochon dnasis, Melancholy . and. Insanity, first, in dicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfequeht ly the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the - eanse is eradicated in an early stage. From all these consider ations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate atter.ion whenever- it occurs, and no persoh should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pink on the first appearance of the complaint, as their tamely Ilse will expel the insidious ap proaches .of disease and destroy this dan gerous foe to human life., • ' SOCA% N 4., _CURE Nervous Headache . 6pRE -klfiaS CI • By the theile Pills the perindir!ittarks nf Xertems Or act Zed/at may. be prevailed; and if taken at the commencement of as attack, immediate relief from pal. and eldmanirill be obtained.. TheysaintiaD.inremovingthe .tic DOM and Hemlock: to wilidt feitudes areso subject. ' - They set gently upon the bowide.=remoring Ciattkenese. For lacretry Zest, Sterdeags., Delicate Femaleti, and -ail pusous of autenutp I s iabilt, they're sainableaa akareaffee, tanpueldaig the appetite, giving tone and rigor to the dlgea- Use wpm, and restoring the =tuna elasticity and *ONO of the whole system. The IC ItellAuc PILLS are the remit. or Icing Incesti... pa* and carefuliy renducted expetiznestti, bating been la cis sassy years, during which ti teethe); havepresented test amount of pain and suffering from beaffadee. whether originating in the serreassystetet or frost deimarcoll state of thextooacli. Mk/ are cadre, vegetable inibeucorepokitlo24 and ■y bottles stud:tunics with perfect ?safety wttbollt ID* bt~auiesaage c;i;Det„altirthe cdorke4 realty disarreatle Mit tablas limy to administer ihnm ckitorrev. • . . j 5: Wattl UOtaiteneitß• • Thilpla t atneltaTt dte aignataareka Henry C. Spalding so eadkbas--- . • " - • ildid by Deimmilas aud otherbegens In Medicines. Aboa arill be kat tir MO/ prepaid 011reieiptaille 'I X4 O ,IZP - Chitakilig• iwilotwohteld toldrisood to _ aver 00)3,7 21±) , as Cedar Street, New Torii. ABEL MALL liztutz%izit=ra=r. . . • 'Li ' 1 ....._...." I ~.. J . Jo ) . 4 _ _ r _ : _._ 9 , ore , 0r.,..61, imi,et, i w .it zid 0t 1 ...., eseri thlnggond; an Ira :anted a* , ,Terms: Jilted)/ Orat and Lo o Prim. - A Vi ra lldaa o f Om stack ma rto &mod thias the Mowing =Umlaut: Duos, . .._ Algreattmei • . Cmgmteage tum i h Purrs: Oils • ljammomm. Wutnow llralieners, Slammonits, Ouse Wurk .' 1 Caccuirr. Mirrors Qom , Watt Perm. Wnivir sl r instrumitstmla ugs, Watn*W OIL Jai *l.l l Anct Goons, hinalimpsamrehT. Stone Ware Broome, Brushes, Wreallitbrera iztlea, Prmket Wen. • Chum mio! , , • thin, /Alums, Trusses, Suppcatera, l Rbonklrr pert mouthi, Other & plated Spoom, Yorks, dre. S A t a . auk:nem • Violin. Galt= Bess Viol t h ar . .M ccial utie T ryk=rod e en Plit uttd and spanned ware, Flui d and 011 Owe; Ounpldne , Coal . Olt Burn tag Hold, ho , Torpenthse, hum _tams% neat tom, lard. olive, -or 'MUM and, raw Unimd 011 a, White Lead . Um, and all kinds of tsdcoode,:ylne. mLanati Seed, also all the popular? a, =I. and other nags too numerous to mention. - n . t7ls ropritetteable to gtie morn than- aunersllintllne ofint stork tbuthe newatepas, Merl: one Med= OWDII ta invited lealtimid examine . Customer on er al i gh tenr u tte atom t a ng ,e.:et, to ijtl!re p U t izi . l2 !why., u ' n `"w ww be "• 7 alrinlfor the neatly ; patronage hitherto received, ho hopes to romit aco nuance and lstrtheresse of the I APiii- TuRILELL latrose. June 5.111110. , iir ' / 7 1/ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE: Located over tits ttasgaebanna Vatley Bank. NGHAMTON N. Y. • , D. W.-ILIWELI4 Principal, Professor of the, Science of . Accounte, Practical Accountant. Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Beok-Kcip irig, Diagrims illustreting.tho same. Jolts Rassts, Comercial Accountant, Profes'r of Book Keepin g and Practial Mathematics. .1. J. Craps; Assistant Professor in the . Boot Keeping Department. • A. J..VVannsit, Professor of Practical and Or. namental Penmanship, Commercial ;Calculk. tions and Corre'-pondence. LECTURER'S: - - - - Hon. Daniel S. Di4lcieson, Lecturer on Commer cial Law and ...Political Economy: Hon. Ransom Beleotn,.Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev: Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. - EXAMIRIF I NG tOMICIITTEE: Hon. S herinan D. Phelps, Win. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. The object of tie College is to afford to all ail opportunity of obtain - 01ga thorough •Business Education. • 1 The Books and i Forms ate earelblfy arranged by practical accountant* expressly for this In stitution and embrace - all the . .recent improve= meats. • The coarse' of itistruetion vmprists efery department, of business. The learner %Fill be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book• Beeping as applied to the foll Owing kinds of buslnes4, General for• chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Collitnis. Rion; Steamboatirtg, Railroading, , Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &e.. ' • :YOUNG XEN. • Can qnalify thereat:lmp in a rhoit time, at thus Institn• tion,to ell importantand ineratite trittrations. Ample refereneescan - begincts where grafinaten of 1850 are now Ming denhablealthationa arahealaries from $5OO to $lOOO per annual. The Proprietors my in poesession of teatinioniale from some of theft:tin ComMemia! Hensel the State, to wham they hash ftiminbod bbok-lompas, showing their entire eatisfactionand opnfiderine in the-ability of the gralitllltee of this Institution. 1— MAIth2CSIUP lo an its branches, tanght by tNe moat skillful and thor ough toasters of the Ms.. No College in . the' country-en joys a higher reputation itithts department.. Ladies' De partment entirely eeporate from that of tbegentlemen.• Stndente can enter college at any time. No --raentioro. Time to complctg Die course, from 8 to 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant • engraved Diploma issued by any-Commercial or Classical Institution in the Union. Assistance th, ndered to 'gradustes.ln procuring sitnatiOna. I • For terms' of tuition, 'price of beard. testlmentala of kradoatestilling positiorm,te, address the proprietors fu circulars containing (nil ..m•tieulars. • .i LOWELL ir WARNER, - • I Pmprieters Binghamton Commercial College, .- Nor. 8,1860.-1 y Binghamton. N. Y. • __ e , if. • ,1 • : r • .., - FIFTH STR4ET ,PITTSBURG, PA. 3Pcoixrt.4:l4,a. is 1840. Chartered hy. the Legislature. TEARLY 8000 STUDENTS, from almost every State In the Union, have been educated for business, being the-tally College of tbe kindle' the United Stales conOnded by an experfencedmercbant. Our Junior Principal, Wm H. Dues. tuts-jun 'been iwar ded. by our State and otherlFalm-Jregkt First Premiums for Baldness kOrnatae.ntal Penmanship. over competitors called the best penmen in the country. Samples 'of his Business and Ornamental Writing, Stirallar or PaPIL and an elegant engraving, mailed, post pakt, on receipt of 25 tents in stamps. - For sale. N' Seek-sell - era.' /lamer'sEnlarged Edition of DUFFS-BOOK KEEPING, 221 pages.sl.so,awarded/our Silneclfsdatt, and sanctioned by the chaulber of commerce andAmericatilustitole of New 'York. as the beet published. Burr DUNCA.N . Of new and elegantly engraved School Copy Books. six numbers, 24 ploys, Mx cap paper; 90 eta per dozen: Demy edition, $1 po - dozen. J. B. Lippincott .Ik, Co.. Philadelphia W. G. Johnston &Co., Pittsbnrch. DUNCAN'S OEMS' of Business and Cintamental.Pre =whip, crown quarto $5, postpaid from the Address: P. DIWF & SONS Princip a ls. '— Buy your sell larehip in bairn. 'Colleges that eend them abras canne4 sell them at home, where they are ' kno I novl3 ly x • THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY For InunirmitiamMent,;lrartralisia' , Tolloloreaux. RHEUMATIC CURE. b.-r ALVAREZ <N ROBAJI7,O' •'.Specifle." intro duce& into_ this , ttintatry, :is . pronounced by all to be the only reliable remcdr.. It cured thousands in Eure has met with great lOW erful bUCCeStlberi, at t nials dans reccivetilth. It is harmless. but c.erten lts effects: warranted 'all injurious ingredle urities the system Id it it perleaf ectl spec y i which 1 h fic an equal fqr the .care above complaint". 41 od for Wes in the 1 bones,' or jn r ts. The demand for ittnereming, has induced proprietor to appoint an agents for this district. Also for Rabat the agency of Dr.. RtMan. No: (2 Broadway. New York City. Dnwista supplied on • libMsl term.. Sent by Express to any part of the country on receipt of the price. nor' ly . *ABEL TURBELL, Agent, ..Xontrme., Aillipted, Rea,d!- WILLIAMS'S COMPOUND SOW tion, for the ; PIUS, Is warranted to coed a Can In eecxr ease. and lb all =times of the disease. or the money will be refunded. 'Fall direattme accompany each bottle. For sale by Abel Irnirell, Nontrose.; O. 01 Hempstead,. Brooklen ; T t Z. Babcock, Dlmock - Pennel Carpeator, Ilarfcra •; Ak a . Willleink - Jeckson; J:11. Blawnm, Dundalk B. Boplloliam A. 3. Morrill. Scranton. . .Iwartirtimtciaszon.: this . fate certifje, that gri.lihnoryttsa been deleted for years past with that distressing complaint known as the "IRlce. and that haviagialled in securing relief from ca tions Physicians. sta wan iITdOCCd from report* to try Mr. Willants""YlleffointiOn,7 with:Uwe obtabted at ono of his Agencies 1g Tnakla PAL The result has been the MOV..favorable.l The trial was wade with it *AAA and after naing.asi directed for &few days, what we hare Rood rmson brills& Neu* permanent =emu effected. Several other cams of ai nature in this vicinity have nerd it with like results,With fir: Williams motto no cure no Pe - ''every one thruraillictwil will certainly do well to try it. L B. ft Exoffir, Pistotriff:E.Ckaireb. Tunithannoci. !frank% CO. , PIL . inacatie. • • • fßiVall V• MONTROSE, PENNA.. 111 HE subscriber having Ourehised ;refitted mid °t wig furnished th ::** above well 'known sa&poprilar Rotel. is prepared to accommodate the tray. eling public sad others with Al - the Atter:Mons rind cowvemleaces,usuidle found in:first-elm Houses. itto effort will be sparedby the Pro. prietok ea , IleAasistants, to Make the /late, equal iikertori Out to shy in the.etuatik. • The Bar ' l lOll alwzga be amtlied with the Choicest Liquors. • Thir Stables, eel/meted Willi this Haase are large, rows* and.eotivesient, aidoareful and attentive ilostlersil itfeheigwortherri; TAIMELL • LIFE - • MEMORIALS. . . '1 WOULIROTIAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' . reitiarket twoo'.o . doior two alga; /she inchlbiteit the pottniltef an only child, rein to thi"spirit land ; 11 . which wan one of T17.1E333113".• • IMBROUPES I Bow I should regret it, kad I not secured this precious tudoorlai of that dear one." So thought we. :„ The • loved ones aro not-always with ns, - nnd while pecan call them ours, every one should secure such a memorial; especially since they can have them so truthfully taken by that suceeseful artist, A.ll. TUBBS.. of Ding. ImmtoO: ' den . • HORATIO - OABRATT,. - .Dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCER-, PROVISION'S, DYE WOOPS„ Staple DRUGS, WOODEN and STONE WARE, ALL . A7NDS of HOUSEKEEPING , ARTICLES & YANKEE • NOTIONS _IN 'GENERA:4—one door North of Ilaraum's Hotel, New Milford,'Pa., yopurtk, pleased to seer all his old friends and many new ones'at his- NEW Store irOnting,the DEPOT, -whisrele is prepared to show them snob a Block of the above artic!es as New Milford. has long stood in - need of. "Division of trade has as many_ advantages as division of tai.or." Any mac confining himself to one brsech of business, giving that branch his yvholt, Capital and attention can keeps batter assortment, buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the seine Means and timo was employed In a general trade. If you dont think so, Call on the subscriber and be convinced. The sound principle of , - DMALL.PROFIT .AND PROMPT PAYMENT, will be strictly adhered to. Butter and other Produce forwarded to New York to one of the beat commission houses In the City, and prompt payments guaranteed. • • - HORATIO GA RRATT. .Susq—Co: Pa.. April, 1860.—y. .MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1860. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE FOOT OF MAIN STIIIICT. HE eittensive Furniture Establishment of T Swift BROTHERS having been refitted and greatly improved, the proprietora respectfully announce to the Citizens of Montrose and vicin ity that limy-are constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FURNITURE To-be found In the Country. We give tho following list of sonie of tho•ar ticl4s which wo will, sell at greatly reduced prices, for CAST! or READY PAY: Baronet', Walnut or Mahogany, with glass, from-$l 6 to $35.. - Bureaus with marble or brocztolle tops, from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B, $lO, 12, 14, to $lB, Moll Stands, Card stands, Corner and Square Stands, of all varieties and prices,Yroca 75 cents to ten dollars. Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto mans:Lounges, dt.e. - Centre,. Card, • Pier, Toilet, Diding, Kitchen, and Extension Tables. -Chairs—Cane and Wood Sesta, RockerS— Cane,-Plag, 'and Wocd Seats, of every variety and style.. Sofas, tote a tetes furnished at short notic at New York prices. N. R. Ready made coffins on hand befur nih,ed at. short notice.llearses always •In rotainias when desired. We employ none but CingFut.and EXPERI ENCED WOUIDIEN. We intend to do our WORN WELL, and sell it as Low as it can be afforded. W. W. SMITH, A. SMITH; JR., E. R. SMITH. Montrose, 49. 18th, 1.860.-11. - NEW GOODS ! pentre;Stasq. co., Pa. WALL Paper, Wifidow Papers and Boniers, 1' V a veryjurge stock this day received, by` April 17th. R. KENYON, JR. dt.`co. C , hallisraitkm, lax as and calicoes , nn immense variety, by R. 'KENYON, ]R. & CO: IVERY !Style Cottnn Pant Gi!oda , etc. this day rec'd by ft. KEN YOg, JR:. & CO: LiILK, Brocha. - and Clahmert; shawls. a large stack, LOW. R. KENVON, Js. dz. co. -01-31381.8. TOBACCO this day received - and fur,eale• luw•er than elsewhere in Suaqu'a county.' , , R..IiENVON. JR. &,CO. 10 0 O V a S s VbLyEtAtToUx or instore and LARGE Stock of FANCY DO Good.: foi sale bi• • R. KENYON, JR; I 1 EA Setts—Five - Elegant. htyles, complete 1. from Ate' 850. IL KENYON, JR. & Co. lawneffle Centre, Pa., April, 1864), SANPOILD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, itEVEIt . DEINILCrILTES. . IT Is tampon n tied esttlyely Trans Camay ited A bosheent.ant..aotAtylred rat.t.a re...lased Ne.li.me,kt k otto and oppito,ed he sit tlioti .have nel It, and Woos , no andel to wiat cot giezet toi l 4 aii the tbseoses for w Ine). a la reereuzuendol. "-• It has eand • tbonsandeiiph, I within the lut ton years e Sho Lad glren up all hos! l i r of relief, ea the 1341:11M•,,a ansolkitedterliee.tlectri toy' Za , rceinvanashrrw`, The dose =OA be a.lapted E. !to the tel7lperarnent of the. Isaltidual Joking it, and no- led In mud. lat.thout as to in neatly no the boereht... Let - tin. diode. of your Ipalment Rohe you le, the cue of,thie Livien. Ix r i g i v IGORA'I7OII. stela willecire Liver Com - 1 fplalnts, Billetts At, tacks, Pyspepsliaj IC:Urania Diarrhoea, 15 i o mask ar•C o aa ...! .plaints, Disente. lir, Dropsy , - Spoil IStomteh,liabitstal Costiveness, - Cbol , h. Chotera, Choir.. ralllorits,,Cholera , 1 its:fanieurt„ . Plain.. lentr, J a wadi eel 1 Prmale Weakness• , esousi tray be used sue- .. . leesetully u an (tranvia - .1 1 -7 , Faust!). ' Pledl- , , IR I . Inkr:ltlrilleurnSlClE 1 It EL VAC ILE, to :I.l.assmis on tesdry. Ili !tient, minutia, ifi }tyro or t hree Tea. spOonfuli are tak , l en at- erunmeneetoent s uf 1 lisi 'Olio sue It -re .giving their testalaPor faits flair. DUX WACTEII 13 TIIE 3101.7T1l Wll4l TIIE iNvlctinaron, A:cf.! sw.ti.Low lIOTII TOGETII2II. ' Price One Dollne per Bottle. SANN'ORD'S CATHARTIC.PILLS, COSIP4UN NO TRA al Manse. and -pat *l% ow , 11614., sad will peep ...IL I PI Ile . s ...rthre T 4,44.0. , ; thee Vanity lean. I deer .4 t tlewe melt, - 64 a"'"kth,,::.:4 e. 4= .. 64 p.. 1141.11/rareat. Catbaetka art lwO levee& THAIITIC - P I 1.1. Ma well ealahllnbrel AA 0 s l i tti:f Var trUrcit wot Zer; , v . goal ikadriVa la all en. • ._____ .... weeded. such as De. raineitainies at Oa /*tom ale 111_. Weep!. 1 mete. Patna , e, l i lle. Becht alea - Leann. Tastiventeen, . at is - and 50tenea• serve tan whale r, • tram goats Aral; Wldeb filli. -II tiMel. eat Malang (*IMO or ye. iv. Lau elf , we Illa,a Craeplng.atm glottal' of Cala a rr Unelbadr, Deallean. nen% Headache. -ne vrelahtla the - t o MI la east istatal7 4 pteezialet. Warta' In .\ M l . greutra== Ana Is kik... Inn nateerons D Inman/0a In Itneatradsia *not mew INM 40:_THIZEINt DIMES. it quirme t ra t r ici r . :Cz irTrilas 3•Trad, be all the brae towla7 -4 . laesafeeteme and I" 333 Illioerdwisr vz New If ei;rt.r..- .. . . .Plrri Vegetable El (LA'S CASKS. Air tee any eilleepoir. Funelly C 0 1 to hot netke (Wow& CUPS In his twartiro . miry Th. nue.tanty !neg. wing larrimg used tooPOLG. all .zionts. In nioatd to deft them withtn the renetwdolL Tlin Pa-4.km n oU tom .00 &Ikea portions or lii.. the FAMILY VA- Ms. with don nderows to Men entopcnadod Awn it tato.e Estrada, wbitb Not ..knnutory wad two, a f:athartid kl 131=1 For fsli to AVM Te11113:14, .!gaol. 11 31 ILefrEVVEGETAIII.ECOSEPOUNT!, snare tare for Prriterz 6 iFbOetalelind Netr. • • 11VRE MEW/114E14 teding " AzEI:TIJARELL- AT. GR E. At BE ND PA. +PHIS WHOM wilt be opened for the temp i. tido of:Ladies ma Gentlemen, on the Nth day (Wednesday), of robruary, 1860. TUN' Op, TOMON. Primary AI/litchis per Qr'er of 11 week', sa,oo' Common • :" • ' " . 3,50 "Common and Higher, • " ,- " . 4,00 Higher English, • • " 6,00 Lessons on Piano, " , " 10,CL0 Use of st a " 2,00 Ornamental, and Classical Departments, extra. The Principal has had muck experience In -teaching in New York ,and Peart's for tho last ten _years,ln Common, as well as Select, Graded or High Schools. References given If required N. 8.-Board at the boarding hall, two doll's per week. Lights - and washing: extra. -Payments to be made quarterly in advince. mh Y\-- E. NV. 'ROGERS. Principal. NEW VIR.III* Slur, fttir Trobisieit Stott,. At MONTROSE, Pa., ONE door below".l. Ethridge's Drug Store, on Public Avenue, whore will be found constantly -on hand .a general assortment of. GROCERIES:• Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coftse dtc., Stc., Also the choicest brands of • FAMILY FLOUR, Meal; Lord. Pork. liatas, Fish, Candles &e. Wi solicit a Aare of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. Wk. L. ALLEN. ALFRED PALDWIit MEAT_ MARKET.' On Public Avenue, near Searle's Hotel. EEr constantly i, hand a good supply of 11 MEATS-of all kinds. CASH paid for Caule,Calves,Slseep,and Lambs: Also for Miles of all kinds. - BENSTOCK & IIAWLEY.• 8. T. IIFNSTOCK.: a N. HAWLF.V. Montrose. March 30th, '59.--tf. KEYSTONF HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. WM. E. BATCH, Proprietor. THIS new and commodious Hotel situated on Public Ayenue, near the Court House,and „nearly in the centre of the of- Montroso, is now fu ly completed and furnished, 'and was opened on Monday, the 27th day of Septetbher, 1858, for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that ho is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give - Complete Satiefizetion. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no ex gense his ,been-spared to render it'eqUal, if not superior to any similar establishment : in this part of the StatC. it is well supplied-with all -the recent improvements- and comforts,'and obliging ;waiters will always be yeadyto respond to the call of customers. • _ The Stables connected with this House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfullysolicita She patron age of his okl friendr, and the public generally. WM: K. !LATCH. Salt, Sall Salt ,ISI g3IOIIIA TT> U.A, WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, . • 201 Washington-at, (Directly oppositeWasllioginplligkot,) INTeW STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY jrade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and ba consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brai for table. and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's. Brownlow s, &c. and 5000, bushels Turks Island, Bunares, Cu raoa. St. U hes, Lisbon, Cadiz, !Vida, Nantes, &c.,, MI of Which-will be sold at bargain prices front' vessels, stor e. and storehouses. - Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fiao table salt put up.in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Gt.ound malt, iti quail boxes; put up and for sale by t h e gnantity, in caseo of five &non each: THE nEsT nottE WYOMINSYALLEY foRTHILADELPHIA,NEiN YORK, BALTIMORE, • And all Points North & West LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Pa WILL R 1 SCRANTONI ANDTLIV • • AS FOl sioviwo snrrif. Phlra N.Y. .1. X. r. x. t',.10 LC/T0 Scranton. Arrive at Pittston, ' 658.. 4.53 Kingston, 7.e4 5.20 Shielphinny, 7.50 6.25 Berwick, - 8.20 6.55 Illoomsburg, 8.50 7.30 Rupert. 9.00 7.40 Danville, 0.25 8.10 Nortinaland. 10.00 8.45 COS":S7CTS WITI.I DEL. - LACKAWANNA St WESTERN RAILROAD At Scranton; for New York and Philadelphia, and inter mediate points east ; also for Great Rend Binghamto n, Syracuse, Buffalo, Nftara Falls, and all Important points West. At Rupert It connects with the Cntawissa Railroad, for points both East and West. At Northumberland it conneete with the S. nnbnry and Erie Railroad foci:mints West and Seem riY IH RP Commtption • and Asthma Cured. - Iloem of Invalids .are in raptures with a medicine called The COMM/ EVIILACT or CANNABIS Immo., width we are armored by an abundance of 'impotent and reputable witnesses, is a sure, speedy and per. manent core for Oommeruar; Comas, Cows, Bum. arrns. Amnia, ilzmum, lisavoristtmmik andpreparm Gmm tut. Dvaurrv. This highly praial tips was discovered enema yams age, eaketta, by 7w. /1. James,• well -known pb Malan of gnat ellienos,- who had tam ids only daughter ‘with him, lofping that the ellmaisorculd • prolong` ber life. Ebe was pronounced an imitable - we of Comeciamos. lie bad heard south of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of prepa rations made from the East India Hemp; and the. thought Oobared tirbina that be might compound a remedy for his ehfld. lie studied bard, and succeed-. .al is realizing his wishes. his aura WAS man. This wonderful remedy has Mite been administered to: thousands of .offerers in all • parts of the world, and has ma* failed of makingthem completely and .bappy.' The original mciPe far Wiwi' lag, and en 'wisofully naliquthis at remedy will ea furnished to all applicants tor the undersigned, on realipt of a stamp for return postage. A mall work, written by the Docim hima4 on the above conw plaints* rill Docent ate - '. ,pod on" to ati . tl.9s• vibe ii;ply — toitratei n re? idmiaiirpaik tan obtaia It at $2 plt tior . tam tett* for 114.-213eut aay part of 11 votW UAW 1 4 Lirrem• • • Addres• 0, I•:niumlii#__lpt orley . ,Etetimrsitmt4p _ ww• • •• - VIM'," JAM. fpr Bile Dy Ayer's.-'l3arsa rincrinunna.Tre :stoop; c`-,1 Anksbruti*,4o3i , c'ot siroroa outilkarora tiOgareliciao, onetime .'TmloOtta, Incites, fiifiros,. tlasks. pies,. Puattsloo, Bona, Etallaps, and 011 Maio Diseases. • - • • • - oAltbAltrt, Tad.. dth Jam. WIER • J. C. AY Mt b Co. Gents: I.feel It my duty lei ti* - immlfteng what your Rarsaparliln ham Anne -for me. . Easing urrltexl a Serothlosa infactioo, I fume itußemYl from it In various ways for yews. Betintes It bard out in t'fern on my hands and amok; sometime* It• turned Inward and distressed nun at the.atomaett.. Tito years ago It broke out on my head and ramrod lily IMO and earl with one tote, itilleh wan painthl undlcntlummo .beyond description. I tried many modigioes and aevelMl phyalcians, but. ithout ranell relief from any tlibm. In Ilmt;tlpcdiscmier grew dome. At length I wan Nottfid to read in the. Gospel idest•cmger that you. tu,.i prepartd an alterative (Sersaparilla), dorl - koew from yonr trim tatlon that any thintryon made most be goal. i neat to Chirbinsti and gm it, and 131.0 IIMIt It rated me..l4nOk it, as you wittse, in small dnsra of a tmapsontbl ores 4 month, Indiste4 almost.tirren bottles. ' Now andleskity okhr anon began to .form under the arab. whirl criteria • while nil Mt - Mr skin ls now clear, and I knotrlry my Pennon t h at the dimness,. is mrnefrons mrsystem. Yent can welt }where that I feel what lam PAIIIi2 Own 1 ill you, that I hold you to be one of the sifirstkis allot and mailin ever gratefully, -Yours ' Ai.rnr:r; It. TALLET., se.. Anthony's- Iltbie or Urea loelo*, Triter and Salt Dire um, Scold ilesid,Elog won*, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. . . Dr. Itfibert M. 'Prifile *rites from Salem, E. ' T.. 1 21th Sept.. I 't. 49 , that be NA, cony! an birder:do also. of Prom, "Fhb+ threatened to terusimte fatally, -by Slut persevering 11110 of our Marsnmwilln. and 1.11.0 a dalnATI , ens attack of 3biligoant F: 1 7p , 1 ,0 ' 0 1 0 b 7 Itor• dom.% of ode NuTie i ;nye ho coma the contemn Lhtirtions by It eon, 'tautly.{ Uronehoeeir, Goitre, or Smelled- Meek. Zebubm Sloan of, l'rou;wet, Texas, mite,: ..T.firep bottle, Of yonr Sarvapterilla cured too. (root a 1 70Iire k —k hideourentrallllg on the neck, wltich t had stortered from oryr to}, years. ” Lenenrrineo or item. Ovarian Tumor Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. .1i D. S. Clutuning,, of Now York City, writes r moat eh... Truth, ronkply wide the request - of your agent saying I . have found yonr.Sartatpartiln • Moat atternilte in the numerous mm 4111141; for whkh we cot ploy Both a remedy. hnt tele,rniiv.lll ronale Hasa,' g or the tlerablous diatbe•ln. I bare' cured many loyei r crate vises or Leneorrloyn by It, and memo the romplatnt was ranged by rtleerglion of the ufertm. ThO tilmration itsulf wan soon eared. Nothing within m r knowledge ItgAll fur these derangerocnta." I:dn.:4AS. !arrow.; of:Newbury, Ala., writes to A &E r •Worian honor oft 4 one of the rem lel , In my famll f:l r d n er had )1' Belled ' al the retnectlei me could ctnploy, boa at length burn eorantetely cored by yonr e,xtratt. of Mari anparilli. Oar pliy•ielttn thcontlit nothing but extbri• twit e 04 1 ,1 afford eviler, but Imadvi.ed the trial of rook Sarmtosrilla as' the last resort before cuffing. and ;t proved rfoctual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no sym dorn.uf the disease nnunins." HyPhalle and Mi . rearial Diseases, *SEW OUI.E.UOI =AlinAugust, MA. Dtt. 1 r C. Aran. cheerfully (4inply with ihit request tof your agent, and report to yen -some of this' effects have realized with your Sermaparills. I harts cured with it, In myprectiee, most of the soul plaints for which IL is recommended, and have found its effects, truly wonderful In the cure of Venereal and Mal. curial Meanie. Our of my patients bad Syphilitic ultwra in his throat, which were consuming his palate and tlip top of hist mouth. Your Snrsapnrilia, steadily- taken, cured Ithn In fire'weeks. Another-was attacked by *mb ondary j symptoms In 1114 nose, and the Mrs.-ration had eaten away a considerable part of it, ao that I bsikee the disorder would soon noeh his brain and kill him. But ft yields-alto my administration of your; Sarsaparilla : lii u leers heabsi, and he is well again, tint. of coarse withent some disfiguration of the face. A woman who had : beet treated for the same silsonler he mercery was surerh, c frim thitectolion In her Isineri: 'They inel besome'so sons' - tire to the weather- that on w damp day she suffered e* cruclating . painAn her Joints mut bones. She, too, was rend entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. know from Its formula, which your agent gave me, that this l'Oparation from your laboratory most be a great num-dr:, consequently, 'these truly remarkable result's with it lave not surprised me. I• Fraternally yours,, G. S. LARTMER, MR. Ithsumatisro, Gott!, Liver Complaint. INOEFFINDENOE, Preston Co., Va., ails July, 1559. Dit../, C. Axon . Sir: there been afflicted with a pain. fill ebronla Rheumatism tor a longtime, which baflicalthe skill of physicians, and stuck to me In spite of all the ntmedids I could thud, until I tried pier Samurai-lila. One bottle dared me in two weeks, ttnel restored mgettenti health ito much that lem far better bef ore slat I wa's attacked. I think It a wonderful medicine. ,J. ' , TEAM. Jules( Y. Getchell„ of St. Louis, writs: ss I have beet afflicted fur years with an affection of the liter, which destroyed mffilsealth. I tried every thing, and every think failed tes relieve me; and I have been a broken-down runs; for sortie years from no other cense titan derangement of the /jeer, beim - ed pastor,the Rev. SIT. Espy, advised me to try your Saraaperilla, because he sold be knew yon„ and any tide you made was worth trying. By the Mesa lug of God it has cured me, and has so purifies! my blood uto make a new man of me. I feel young tensia. The best that can be said of you Is not half good enoUgh." filth Irrtim, Cancer T 1111 l ora, - .Enlargement, erratllon, Caries: and Exfoliation of chic Roues. A great variety of amen have been reported tons whel ennui these formidable complaints have resulted front the use;of this remedy, but our sita,N, here will not n - mit them. Some of them may be found in our Morrie:li) Almanac, which the Agriall below named are-pleased to furnish gratis to all6who call for them: Dyspepsia. Heart Disease. Rite, Epilepsy!, Melancholy, Neuralgia.. . I 'Many remarkable cures of these affections bare be. - Made by the alterative power of this triedieine. It stinni lates the vital foneflohu Auto ylfe.r-u• overcomes disorder?, which would be POppOPPNI beVOI its reach. Such a remedy has long isso required hi . ti s necessities of the people, and We are confident that this will do for Meru all that medicine eau do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,i Fop TIM reran CITUR OF ' Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Itoarmenosa l Croup, 'Bronchitis, incipient Cortsnrup. lion and for the Helier of Consumpr live Patients, in advanced stages of the Disease.- This Is a remedy so universally known to surpass other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. I s • unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its tru v wondetfid cures of pulmonary disease, have made It ]mown thrdbgbout the civilized . [rations of the earth. Few are. the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of Its effect's,. some living trophy in their midst ofdts victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, add u they know, too, the effects of this remedy , we need npt de more than to assure them that it ban now all the vir tues that It did have when -making the-eures'which have won sO-strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepaisi by Dr. J C. MB & CO., Zowell, 2Cass. • • • For Pale byAbel Turret] Montrose: Cbnreh &Phinnev, Pendia; W alunau & Swisher, Auburn Centre, and by sa 1 dealers and druggists everywhere. 0;18 ly etc'. • pengerTrains N nt.rwEEN 4 RTUVRKBEIELLAND, ,OWS : • 3IOVINCI N. Y. • Phil's Express. Mail. Leave 1. N. r.:31. Northu'lind, 5.80 4.45 Arrive at Danville, 6.05 5.20 Rnpert. 6.35 5.50 Illoumsbnrg,l3.4s 6.00 Berwick • 7.15 • 6.85 Sltickshloky. 7.45 7.11 r; Kingston, 8.30. 7.45 Pittston, 8,57' 8.15 Scranton. • 9.25 8.45 iy wish'4Jaerii6i4A- TURELE4. EEEA 4 '4 REslotEli .c,ciR...m,9TT2 1 ( I .t;il.4ot* Vin:.' An aperient' and stomachic preparation of IRON parillsd of Oxygen and Carbon by , com bustion, in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints. viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFITCIIOIIII, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, COMM! PATION. SCROFULA. SALTimmuat i & m 3a nivy, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS UMA TISM, MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES INTER zarram FEVERS, NEURALGIA. &RONIC HEADACHES,' FERULE IMENESS, MENSTRUATION, WHITES,. CHLORAMIS, ete., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SEEN, etc. , The /RON being absorbed by the blood, anal thus circulating through the whole system, no; part of the body can escape their truly Wondevi ful influence. The marines of thousinds daily proves that no preparation oflren can for a moment bet compared with it. Impurities of the blood, d ' pression of vital energy, pale and sickly complexions indicate its necessity in most every conceivable case. • In all cases female debility (Mier albusr chlorosis, etc.), it 4 . effects are delightfully renoveting..No remedit has ever been discovered, in the whole history of, medicine, whisk exerts such prompt, happy l l and filly restagative affect'. Good appetite, comA plots digestion, rapid anuieition of strength, , with an unusual disposition for active ILO cheerful exercise; immediately follow its vein As a grand stomachic and general restorative it hat no superior and no substitute. • Ant up In neat flat metal boxes eorstalahit , 50 Mlle. price 50 rents per box t six boxes; II no; one dozen boxes .114 OD. For sale by 'Drop:alas generally. 11110.11 be sent-tlee to any ;address on receipt of the prtse. Ali Ism, ordeal; etc., aboald ba addressed to . . ' R. B. LOCKE - it Genekal Agents. 3391111.0A11WA.14,111 . .111.11.—Tbe aboin tie•iiinills label on each box. • , Sok liontsose by 1411g.LTURRELL.- _ 114 • WHY STAND. YE All. THE DAYAOLFiI • • 4 Zit Lady ar Gentlean In tbrithated States the AlL.,.teoro.its to V; out enter Into an easy and ;es ble 'lnstates, by which &dm IS to $lO per day.can be. tuft" For partiestSra*ddretarfaintstatena ,:.• . . ~- • Vet..s4tb: ISA Pra.,_ W: It, AMON 4.00.,_ ~ • rsig4 A:North Stith street, Phllaufelpata. . , Dire PEPS lA,- taptimPt f ikblily of the Spin!, Dm*. kilefigif MAI of abe tgrinritiP9lll4 pCiom 103 1 44chlitirs Liver COnplithitt:Aakft• Neu Ile Ski kaitele t Bilious Complaists, melt liesdoetie, FLATULEI4 LOSS OF AFPFITTA ..FLATULENO'f, L0813,0F awl du wimberie4i oder &11#1842 (1111401 from .1k alatia* oaa t fotch° 6 o trui 7 Ticni of do NiiiMat pa ready relief is that sok:Maid aad iterlo4 TUE oni*ExATED sTrizes, TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Reliable Testizaony. Ire coil As eteados < de rioter lo tir foam*/ letter from Praidagt formai/1f Wakipos t Ward% asi xi :Imo If Ailiivitr ' _ - IfWDLiTOwlt, Caus., MI; iN.1870. siva' W. reirthe & CO:-,-0,01.0114:—K IM mach see of the Orypoteted-/tlters tenausreeti et • eight pare Mutt., Lining iniforadjor.uoutty yam front a toile oldirsprpria, which was al, tided with . 0: narrow headache; on ins 'average d not hot Max dee !ley In a week, t teas bahnud, by the unpretending ete ommendinket of Pe. Gran. "to try no. bottle;and it no benefit was wanted to discontinue the me." ' • The afoot soe taiele.wanuned ailtriber uhtiellkatti\ • vas's of Nino ttor at tour, Wft wok; olioompoj locoompaiolog &roams. nee, malt oirasi•olf ' Mira milk,* setioc4rult am mixt driPePle snow . sa d law. &waft,aloonionces'• 1 berm • _ doer lastali;ratitereil ',aim thuoiihithii'bablisil , . . My whom, mid igloo the rititra toonOiscillwiftpgive orpa I sow dean wall( is Sumps from Dyimetsidi as mom pumas. lime Mears hays also boon of *alas to other mouths's of my family. • Vyrry respectfully yawn, AUGUSTUS W. MITI!. - THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXVpIENATED BITTERS. Etsttilattn, Aug. SS, Via LE*nal, After eutlbring for mace than OM if lawir with by riutia, and trying many 'remedies new oxunended for that dieetie without any good reinl - t, was induced, by Dr. F. H. Obits of Manstleld, M give the Ozygnated )3itura a trial. I took two bottles. 'which pro me es mach relief that I pit:chased two MOTII. !bleb bate nearly or quits effected a cure. lam pow. =ally sovicaty.fire years of age, and for three months part hive- felt to Inonnsealeneelfrolo my Mod. I take prat *mere In reannmeediog thelllttera to aD aillktedwith Dyepeptia end ion autecenitant diseases. . •. A. /MUM Dim Di. White Misamm.D, Tiop co., ra., hut. 46, I6SB. I have need the Orneeeted Bitters In nay pranks in i ith decided eneBtne hi debility-83e metal peostratke, sad eanddendy neamniend them In genera dd. Katy, and dtseetene of the digestive wpm. • _ n. w:Orrz; THE OXYGENATED HITTER& TICE OXYGENATED BITTERS. PREPARED BY B. W. FOXY= & COI 18 'Tremont Strobe, dantret: Sold by Dn/nisi s, Defilers, antritercliants is ;leery torn and eitg throughout tht rottatr3c arFor salo_hy Abel Trirrell and Bead, Watrona FOB ler, Montrose; L.: H. Woodruff, Moloch ; Antos Nichols, Brooklyn ; Whitney ff. Moxley, liarford • Weed it Ward. Great Boyd; J. Ct - Olmstctil, Dundaff; L. Gtiffla, Grunt Bend. - ; 411119 26-131. BCERHAYE'S DTSVMPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, - LIVER COMPLAINT, W:BAKIi t P3B - OF AwI , KIND.- FEVER AND AGUE,' Ane the varkenl affeetiena eousequent upon a Abonlenel STOMACH OR LIVER, Bach se Ind) yon, Acidity of Die . ltonisch, bins. Heartburn. Il.oW +of 'Appetite, DmpoWmcy, Blind and Bleeditrg Piles. In all :fermis*, llheumt- le, Neuralgic Affections, It bass in numemas Instances peered 'bighly h eneficial; and In others affected a decided cure.. This Is a purcl)r regetatderompound, repent oh strictly _ etiontifie principles, after the manner of the . celebrated ifollaud Pram*, Bonham. - L. reputation at home pew dazed its introduction here, the demand cansomming with , three of%the Fatherland scattered our the thee of this • mighty country' s many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of Its value. It 4 nmo offered. to Me American! public, lapwing that ifs truly tcondold ' Moticima eirtuts mud acknrardocirct It is particularly recommended to those reruns whose constitutiom may hare boon Impaired by the continuous use of ardent epititai or other forms of disalpatkm. Generally Instantaneous In effect, It finds its way directly to the omit of fife. thrilling turd quickening ererj; norm, ranting op the , drooping sstem irip . t, dad , In fact, taming new health and rigor' ," in e erg _1 • . NOTICILT-Mlustrer expects to dod this a beierage Ida bet-disappnipted ; bog to the elck, wee* and lcnr spirited, it Will lwore a grateful aromatic cordial, compereed ttritorpdar remedial prompts. •, , - - READ CAREFULLY! • The high/Y - concentrated Bterhare's Holland hitters!. put up is balf-phit bottles only, and retailed Si 0.41 DOLLAR perilmottip; or six bottles for Firx Douai& The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should-guard wing Pituing•' • - 4a-Beware of Imposition. Bee that our 111036 is MVO label of every beide you buy. Bald by Benx i gista genera,. It ilia be iingisr‘i by_Exprau to? ?nost.points, - • - SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN- PAGE, JR. & CO. _ XAVVFAC23II,O pharn T reutists and Chemists ; PITTSBURGH, PA. Thaw BrrTkns axe gold in Montrnise by - 0c4.1y I • AI3EL TERRELL, -Druggist \ I ~. • . N . ,C).. 1 1 11 X5111H. • - TRILVf mY wife ORRILLA. has left my bed and board without anyjusf, came or ortwocatiam,/ beta' forbid Pewter's Mrboring or, truatlog her on my amount Se I WM Ptlfl3o debts of het emaractlnitiftor axis date unleaa co*Pcikdhy_ laW ; ANSEL A. MEWL . New Itilford' Nor; Wk. 1800.7-4 W. - • _ • • _ , Digrativitiobes & loadi‘ ea The% A. tfOporkir Ipt Xst. iixitelred, and , will- be sold low los Cash , by ' , 11, PUIAITT, • Nov Mittorti, fan. Sib; yap. ' ' • , • SAYRE & BRO., Ages HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS The proprietors and inanufacturers of HOS TETTER:B CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence lo physicians and citizens genertdly of the United States, because the article has attained a repo- Cation heretofore unknown. A fetrfacts upon this point will speak. more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetterrs Stomach Bit - tarsier the lest scar aMountea to over &half-, million bottles, and front its manifest steady' increase in times past, it is evident that during the Coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles! This immense amount could never have bienisold . but- for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepare-- don, and the sanction bf the most prominent physicians in those secant* of the country - where the article is best known, whcrnot only recommend the Bitteri to their patients, but are ready at all times ta . give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases elf stomachic derangements. and fhe diseases resulting therefrom. • This is eota temporary popularity, obtained 'by extrisordtuary"efforts in the way Of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but itstaid estimation of an illTlratlilblo medicine, vrhielt is destined to lie as enduring as time itself. • Hostetter's Stomach *Bitter* have • proved a Godsend to regions :Where fever and ague • and various other. bilious complaints, have counted - their 'victims' by hundreds' 'To ,be able to - state cenfttletidy that. the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and Like diseases, isle the proprietarse source of un- • alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the ailimacit, petrifies • the blood, sad." imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, 1 giving it that tone and energy indispensable" for the resteration,of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver and 'other digestive organs, ' mildly but powerfully, and soon restores.them • to acondition essential to the healthy discharge 'of the 'functions Of nature.: - Elderly persons may i use the Bitters daily as ' per directions on the bottle, and they trill tad in it a stimulant peculiarly -adapted. to comfort • declining years, as itis pleasant to the palate, hrrigornting to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, • and rejuvenating generally. We have the mi. - deuce' of thousands of aged- men and Women - who have experienced t 4 betieSt of using this preparation -while _sutfertnefram stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice.of physicist*, they bait) abandoned all deleterious dings and fairlY tested the merits of this article., A: few words to the gentler sex. There ere 'certain periods when • theimmtres are so harassing that many at them sink under , the trial: The relation'of mother and Child is so absorbingly tender, that 'the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health inler extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity . series during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Litre, then, is a neeossity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable oho mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and reiponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene telly prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that, receive the, endorsement of physi- - 'Clans, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a perminenkincrease of bodily eirength. : • Ail those persons, to whom we have partien twly referred above, to wit: suffererp front fever and ague. cap* by, malaria, Merritt:ea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the - stomach; augerunnuated invalids, perstMs of sedentary ' occupation,- and nuising mothers, will consult . their own physical &literati). giving to Iles letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.;--We caution the public against - using , any of the *Many imitations or counter feits, but ask for lintrrerren.'s CRLEDRATEII Streit -ten thatr's cashStom bottle achhitte h rs a: blown on the eide of:the bottle, and stamped • on the metallic) cap" covering the cork, end observethat our autograph signature is on the label. - Yes Prepared and sold by DOSTETTED BLAME, Pittsburgh; Pa.,' and sold by-ail druggists, :grocers,. end ; dealers generally throughout the United States. South Alit" . rice. and Germany. • . . F ir For auto in Montroso by unit ty • ABEL TERRELL, ' MADAME SCEITMIYS • 3Pcovicreictreo- LIOIt the Ipecdi and etreCtialcure anti ikOarfinseamm. Fever/. fiAmmatlan, Dyspopkt, Llrar auriplaint. Gso&t and. OIL Mato and ' Chronic Dlsenees of fkinn.ra and If.annattr: Send 3 cad Rump to her Agent. Q. a JuNXEt i Hundred*. of testinvoniali: 130% Mo, Pldise P. O. VerhigoneV3.Yr. Cor.-Thlrd SS firch_Sts, ot4 low PICTURE GLASS EBT qua , fitr#C FrenetP/CTUJ/E for' 1.31 • • AR" -71414.41. L eT,tytee Multi, auk oi - To I )Joatrose. (deesl2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers