:101r-The populstioci itee:Ottneg to the eenVY!'9lloo;' , W --- • 1 2,011.M1 Popuration in 1850, - Inoiesse inerkieiiierJ. :* A30:4255. , • The reports goin theiouncla%of the pppositioa press,- thati calving daiii2,inany'leitt SotititOrn peatici A ns,..... f skii r )s'for nndor:kiir - nd- , tnirdstriitioo ) 'le - ,,shoct.4-4 o* , 4l , lo`;Aiseeive the people irte,ihr eft Act' only °iv ,dis ptised to endorse Le North 'ern omens*. yr ~ 1115A1b..._ _—D CUESIty is inocitiffovertibli theliatlitteikureitedy fur; - the cure of Cought3; Sore Thztmt BrOtiChitik-lO r ihn*, qi4dp„ Whooping C°tl ghl - 'antl.:4 lll6 l ) .iPt. C i onswaPtion) as *Ol askuv.er7 Nlieemo effecting the Throat, Oh64,:and L nga. Seth Fowle X CO., lh•oprietere;l3oston." Sol 4 by preiggiits aO 4 l , 4gents ererywhgm • - . `.:: ". COSItOPg., IT,A2C Ala ASEDCIATION, 4 t iei -: sevenyears - Of unrlvalleil 4iuce:eis . 14,ending - the - t, Cosmoriottu-Art,Aitioci ; anon ; ! haw made :it ~1 housiheld , word thrioughouteverTquarteriof the eauntfy. -.Under the- inaptoda of OBI: Poptilat' in i3ijoittiou, oyerThree,llan i plred,..TlOnsiad homes "havo:.leatued:: z tU. -.4PrePlate - : 2 bi Viaitifill Works of Art on ;their,*alls,:and choice literature on their t bles t -the great' bineEta 'derived from bed' 'Mug a aabacri: , ',Stabscriptions are now* Jibing receire.dln la ratio Unparalleled with ,that of air,- pie violas year. ~ ' • I `Tzsats.--.Any parson can become a Mein: her .by.. subscribing lllee 'Dollars, for• wlaieh sum they will receme . , - • ---, lt.—The large in ?.1 supbrb steel eugra-1 viik, 30 x 38 iaclies, entitled, " FALsTirr 31veratti.. - 6..iiis Ritatirs.7 : -': - / ,2d.—One copy, one year, of that 'ale-: gantlYllinstrated magazine, ” Tua Cos*o• Porxrair Ati lornma.t..' I • 3d. Four ` admissions, during the sea sou,.to "The . Gallery of iPairitings, 54 8 . Ifroadway, y." - - • .In a daitiOn tO-the . s„l.liive; benefits; there will. be given to subscribers; as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred BeautifaJ . works 'efAit ,00niprisingl valuable paint ings, marblesiparians, outlines, mg &truly . The superb engraving, which 'every se-b -scriber will receive, entitled, .‘, l •Falsfiff Mustering his Recruits,' is one of the most beautiful artd . PoPulat engravings evOnis-, sued.in this country. It IS done.on steel,; in fine line snit - stipple; and is ! printed on .hesiy plate piper, 30 by 38 inches, malting. A most choice ornament, sintnble for' the walls oreither the library; ipirlor'or offiee. Itkenhoject isthe celebrated scene. Sir, .T_ohirFalstaffieceiving,"34 = ,Ttintio.s Shish lo•Wesofflen, the'reeruits,`Whictliave gathered for his " ragged' tegirnent." It oouldnot be furnished by" -the trade Air than five dollars. 1 - • ' The Art Journal - is too. weltknoWn to' therwlsole conritry - to need domm*dmitim. It is' &magnificently ilhistreted 'Magazin e of Ark containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, arc., by the very %est writers in Americs. Thr ' .ae engraving-is sent to! any part Of the country:by mail, with safetV, being packed in a cylinder, postage prep * *. - • . Subscriptions will be received until the evening of the 31st of January,. 1661„ at Which time the books will !close and - the premiums be given to'subsimibers. • No perion is restricted to a single sub scription. Tliose remitting $l5, are enti tled to five memberships and to one extra Engvaving for their trouble: - = Subscriptions from CaliOrnia, the Cana du, and all Foreign countries, must. be. $3.50 instead of $3, in_ordOr to defray ,ex tra postage, etc. • - I - For farther particulars Send fora copy -O . C-the Elegantly Illustrated Art Jeurnal,• pronounced the Handsomest Magazine in America. It contains a catalogue of Pre miums, and numerous superb engravings: Regular price,' 50. cents per •nuniber. - Specimen copies, .however . will be Bent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt. of 18 cents t in ettmips or coin.! Address, C. L. Dritnr, C. A. A., • - - 546 Broodwa-v, New York. . - N. B:—Subscriptions received and for-. warded by A: H. Sxtrrit, agent for Mon tram,, Ind - Vicinity, Where [specimen gravinge and Art Journal can -aeon. A Thing Or Beauty,. Is a Joy Fortrier. —WI)* an be bastard with a Dimity pale complexion. -Keep the pores of the skin fremsuid the blowlPUre, end your cheeks: will. vie with tlullossand Lffy. The!skin Is formed with thin:wands afporea in evety inch of 'surface, whose office it latocirry!litheimpiltlelror the blood-rtbtineknowl -Wged aims of all diseases of mankind—when the akin is dry andparchad—wben it is covered iritderun tiona—st ei it is cold and clammy—wb en there Is inward fever or I neatiii. ZaldlOn—it is impomdbla for the skin under thew! eircum atancea toperform Its proper functions, and .carry off -the impmitiesoaf the body.aacie Igned by: our Creator. ..SO.LIT'S MOUNTAIN REIM .p.u,Ls . remove these obstructions; and produce [remand bealtbildami rertioce thr from the skin, and came h labrighten with thollush of youth and beauty. Beauty ao much admired *salmis& --intywlthout paint - . and cosmatica--beauty • produced by health andliappiness. dec- Judson's itonnialn Berb Pills are: sold by all Dealers: • liellifted by _ Dyspepsi a la to et more Skeleton: —Ctriutisse Haawk'w.HoLtAiroirdzreto."—ldr. A. Xatehett, a trade: probably_ae wets known ;Alwyn:An in Weate.mreitneylvalllli, states as follows; - Pinot with a farmer in Armstrong county who was ft &Weed Ly.Dysyseywia to d mere delete& _1 pernteded him td buy a bottle of the Bonturre Holland Bitters, beliecing 10yould cure him.— Hotting' him some months afterorhat, watt thyastonishmot &till:ding him* halc.heartrinan ; he told me he now welgtnetP4DvoundA; and that this wonderful change had been produced by Beerhave's Holland Bitters, to which he attributed gdely.ltla restoration." • : • • dee MOMare 14ith highland envied celebrity whleirddipreeminetit medicinchas aequiredfor itritutable eldeacy in all dire:see it priffealies to carip - haarenderecl the lunar practieeof ostmitatiouspilf&rdnetlicdrumeccs: wszy,bit intworthy of them. rhey are known' by their traits ; their good work s testify for and they thrive not bj ibe faith of the credulcms. In Semmes of - ecistiro -120111 billotti aid liver adOtionii, piles , fevers and egnes rheumatism, •ebstbaate heiiiisehes, and general dimingenteuts of beilth, these Pills bate hicariablyproved a certain and speedy remedy. sir.gle trial will place the LIFS•PILLI4 'beyond the reach of coMpotition in the esti; make of every patient. - - • , Da. MOFFAT'S PM:MX' BITTEIIS adii beibitad to be eglially *Andras in all owe of. diepeptia, headache, stereo= debility, 'sickles' Iticident *females irdelicate health, and every kimligarealmese ofthe digestiveorgais: For &MOFFAT; Ida iiitiadisay,Yi.Y.,and by matitelna dealers aid druggietetinerally throUghoni the coontry: - - - . Ascii lye. At .- • MEN Wigaili,S , •• • - TA-RTANOfttvo:WOOD N u APTHA - • • ; 1 uspMt.3tedidnain "reef Coughs and - Colds, cz.p, .••• , - • lirenebitia,DsthaukTheenitilrmittling - ' Palpitation of the/hart. , .• • Far ths rsli4rof pu4tafe;iisgideeiredfloges+2,:. Consumption together with . 141rDit._ Oules, • "cf thethroat and Cheat arid Ind . , qiiedispoia Conittinytion - • dad* de root of disioss; tind*dbritii:red • V ira =nr4= ludePProdft faikale Miami Atenserwo it cued *Am rt . .; redia4y ,lboip ted te the rallied' • • . •••• .„:_atere , pf ABTHILAI • oittifisigflkautneci leiogaseklaaMpertiowa uablA syR P QJtet it's; easetrademetauetakr - sating Stsdiesamearier. -Itteterypicagaiiv, - that tads. aglow*, Deareett. • Tnag,,,a Os eentenoietWaly-fa WeAtaitlie.thtevre qr • BiiiMetliMil.,!.`*reolloll3. • . Merle jaeLee_____ Avricr way ey - .4r. IL ozasaktihy.A. atimmish ecemerla mod POPUR &neck ilittacra, lb. -Pbr *de fallroannasay fh4191.01 , t0 4 8. d TDRAELL , • • • . . . . .. , . RIM .- "CT - : -. -n , .., : t ,- N .:l • „..."..„........„...!...„..z......,....1..„4:4,41...„.., - • AL I ) GREAT CROWD ; • .." THE SPORES ' 4 ;AT : 0 :,,i r •- - -- -• _ F ier~; ~~o~eiclt~tila~i; ,~ ~tt~Q., . ~__ _ ~~__ t; , ~ .....; .:AT - . _ , tgAttlin, Montiose .SutifalCountri" . 'ail Susquehanna, Depot Pa. AILTI; prociatii:to our. friends and the puillc in general_ ...TV Mkt Coneequence of the prenen t' tfreisiure in the lt lo z l F!r94 lll intM-d4Ti,.trAsan)) lll Thitne • — lll '" t 0 to_ .20 - pei• a: less than formerly. TbirifOre we are determined to oter'tbe public our • general stoek of - lIIIADY MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS, • • • . • ' 'whisk com '••• larrest and best OODS Kept in ANY. COUNTRY Store • this side of New York City, 'At PrTiOs which Dpty,,CTougigitiiion ae:ae wig ssli r for CrAlLienerj at fhe emits idraneo of-ten - percent:shore the whoissato obis*. - •We wW 'sell, thefollollog GOppSstgze snoexed pri,c(4l, Blaak. Tiook• Coat worth $ 9 for $6,00 Black :Frock Coat worth 10 for , 7,50 Black Frock Coat worth 1.2 for 9,50 •Baainesa,'Coit - worth - $5 for 42;75 I .Buiippis . Goat-.worth - 4;00 Over - Coat' worth $5 for 44,00' . Over - COat, worth • r for 0,.75_ '. Oyer' Coat worth -.10 for 7,50• Over Coat worth 15 for "11,50- Ov4r Coat : Worth -26 for .15;60 Black! Pants Black; Pants worth for e " —Blacli! •Pants v worth ' 6 for 4,50 Fancy Caßsitnere Pants worth 44 for $2.4 Fancy iDassirriere Pants worth .5 for 3j, Fancy eassiinere Pants worth 6 for: 4,1 Black Satin Vest worth f 3 for *245 '.! Black Satin Vest-wpriii, 4 for 3,00 . !I.3l.i'ek Satin Vest Worth 5 for lw OVER 7 S RTRTS & OVERALLS only 31 UNDT GARMENTS EQUALLY LO,NV Se fairy" appeared. Aso inirlda tyeattention of • X=l:+el iqt.T l XOtr - T.a.A. - rtr-Slr e Also GENTS - who wish tOrmail themselves of the pppor tura*, to make 'some Fair Ones, nice _ Christmas or New;Yoars_ '.e3r Jrz' ~tom* Sll Yet', tu'our laige assortment, of z • ' t4r- irr R. "‘ 14, . S - A 5... 4:-.IIIONNETS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMIN4S IS ALWAYS LARGE & COMPLETE, COMPRISING PIAAIN BLACK. . ' and - -FANCY SILKS, Zisl2r42`..S 9 ,of all colors and-shades. DL IJAANE, az.C. 44,,e. • OUR STOCTi Or • . CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN taLLITY tang. Good ,gbeetitti s, 4 to.kicia: . Pet-y'd BestjleayfSll6etingti; fito Siets. pr y'd DENlMB.frora eeuta.per yard 11CKTN(3 : from 10 to 15 eeno pet yard dINGII:AMS, from 10 to 15 eta: per yard c4tucoF.s, colors, 12„kyardssonly $1 1 , " Bear M s erriblackilo yards only $1 , XtElittig. A choice afAicie, 0n1i.124} cents • Pest Steel Spring Skirts; r . - nice"at - 4,cts. per spring:, aikdiestr4ixonyWoolVeitsiuid Drawers: LAMB - S , WOOL HOSE zadttaariams acixteszrziEs. .Of #tel4testSfyleg; *c. Amakfut to thentunerous custal4raTfoi ttilargetieroas-patronage. the past year; we respectfully solicit a continuance of - - ' Sgtttafurg, Tiosenhautnot.,67. - .5- Tlaevjuto of Illontittortp•la lilltirn for4latiMfpi in, e L ot Aoif kttafr.k Or tialid. lib to taco rta No: 4 aro 4 cedilla Oatol . ol 4 4olraia o the nroorietiaritatanreituitun d' Zplainwt Iteetnoves all eanilkgatfrenitkOltln i larOciauryirs Tenets - QM ty tothenerrods teni:glein It tit nia and enorgy solu t Mge to e reetorai,lon or headtll. Theittmieeetifselto , tidgetnibtretiloipe'rlokriettli eithenodlltere • hiVQ-Oini,d'lbeir6rerWts thhtit enunOttlifpreerh , alkeetuisAck ttitrilde A, and (=put vitality to the thotdogh'system• ' - Or Saertdeerthirtentinanother column. dee _ . -Aorecoerthe-Advertitemen of.Dgct: Sanforri I,'Prialfa,VOqP!Miiilo,44l4lo.l.nl,lll.4oll,q*inkA• • • • , . , • 41 " 1 " * MtfareredistONTROgi'lr (sundareicepted4 - frtmr the Faet - andt3onth.'by-Ratlroad Arai P.:31. • " Datin(aandar , ext;eptitf,) from the - West; - tyltaitroad„ .• Axon Illngbanttotidtrectoevery .. TP. oidenlihr -1 1 . 1daY'9id Baturitay,' , at Dm •, - -.Front - Tunkhantutek alreet: wen' llreedny; 'Thureday obi Saturday - at - . . , • From_ -TotAnda dtreet, every . Tneeday and Sattuday at from.Filendevple can - day eiteptettrat p:an. FF,4--Dtittv (suudayi exeeppid) thr the east and south; brrattroadtat:6 a. m. •• • - -- • - • DaUy (tontaay exeefitop -for the went, hrrattroati,lit . 4 For Binghariiton tilrict, every Monday , -- --WedtleaddY raid Frt day. at T a. m. . For Unkhatutock aired; every Monday, - Weduesilay.& For i'ekarida direct,. oyiry.Stputlayaud Prid.y.at Ta.m. Daily for Fileiulgrille (soodaY,.ex.) at 73i a. m. For.laecywllle (through Auhum) 7 learei 4tnitaaf. ar m'—arrces Wodneedav at 6 p: m.. • ' li. J 'WEBB F 'at - 7WcorLtr;cossie 3UtaxrlF-Ot. Wheut Lusbd , $1 01,1 x 2, Wheat flour V Woos V 3.00 Eve •- • cents -Rye Ittme evrt::%2o 50 Cam - emits. Cott meet V cwt-t.. 2 400'2,25 .Buckwheat • .• 40centa .Pork4l :101•Ze 12 setae Oats. -30 mita Lard V. - 12 cents Beane, ' asl Butter It 04s cents cents Egg ir ,doF 25-cents Musical bonfeUtion.—A Musical cottv cation - for Bradford, Sitaqiiehanna; and. Tioga countlea, .be held at Lc Rayaville, Bradford Co,. coiumencitig on TUESDAY Dec. ZS, et 9 'o'clock, a. tu„ to continuo.futir days; under the direttion of Prbf. Oen: Roo'r, of Boston, assiatod by Prot. GEci. B. LOOMS; of Providence, It, I. f 1! 'CONCERT , Dec. 29. evcninit, decia 2er WOOD WAITED, AT . TIIs OFFICE. AIC.B.~iFtI~.UI~I~6i. . ~ ln Lancia, on the 28th ult.; - by Rvv, Reda Pease, Mr. ZII4. CA WM, and Miss „LUCLNDa TlFFAitir, of Ilarford. ISSI733iS C:grtt33lM FOR TILE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. In Bridgewater, Oet. 26, Deacon C-015 Ran 13 Inns; itgqd 76 LATER FROM EUROPE. GARIBALDLTAKEN. THE - ,4_.ti.-t", - ,. - ..:NEw . loßto! lIRIVNO hero seeterdh:y. lirlngkig the startling News I:347.42l.VLl. os gaMarii 9ri me 4.o . oleo. 33.3 r, surpres Leartug Chat. 11:B. ISB .EL --; Ziltn - - nr purchaeed ii large araurtmeat of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, griND . W,E(gU - Rhlcl be cheap Zor CAA, at, Cliandle4, Jeesitit's gore, Eat aide of Public Avelino, 3iontmse, Pe. • M , Clocks; Watchis, and deseelry repaired, as Renal, on short nodes and reasonable Wow... _ __,., 6 Dea.D.l, 1960. - :L.-. -- 13..16DELL. • SPIEDING'S CROAK PHIS E the cure , of all kinds of .lElCors;clittobLet :-.. Scb advertisement in another column. For Bale by . biontrone, Pa. Dec. 13„ ABEL "FERRELL: Susquehanna County. musical. 44d . Normal School, istECOIVIIIII.OIIII2OIII, THE SEVOND TERM-Of the Aeade'tnic year'lvill begin onMONDAY; N.OVg...IIIIER 26th. .S, S HA.RTWELL, B. A., Principal. MM. lit). CAMP, -MISS A. M. 11ARTWELL,s(AssisteMta. • VISA I. ItittH ARDS • SIRS. A. M. RICH.A.RDS, I ) rimary beparment. MISS E. BLACKMAN, McLain On Piano. G. Z. DIMOCK, Lecturer on'Anatumi,Phyelology, The Traktee% would ear of this Schnol,now nnder the direction of PROF. fiAIinVIILL, that it to in a flourish. iug condition, and mrers superior induecments to all deal rings thomngh education, Those wishing a good prep aration for College, for Teaching. or for. Other punmits will tin well to avail thernSelvE. of ite advantaged, 'l;hey are referred to those who have alrtmtly done so. Pupae nerd not watt till the commencement of a term, as they. will bo received at any time, 'and chargod accordingly. For Particnlars see Circulars. • C. F, READ. Scey. - WM..37:661;P, Pres. Montrose Nov. 6010860,-6w HEAD QUARTERS ~ • WilOoFt.- DRY-GOODS! DRY-GOODS! Rirschmarm Bros. Br, Co., --AT THE - '4 `Bee-" * " .. " ' 4.4 3 .. hive.' No; 24 • • • .44" Conrt St. Corner 4e.. Water St. Bingham- . ," ton, N. T. Reeeivpd froni Auctioh this Day,' 1;004 yards Rich . Colored_ Dress Silks' . . 31f ets 3,soo'Yards BlackSitke,, - - • 10 11er - cent:antler price. 1,500 yards All Wool Meripoes, , • . . 621 - lets 8.000 yds. Delaines, confined 'ti-yjs, 10 to 1$ ets. 0,000 yd s.goo d Pets, warran tea fast colorii, -Gt-cts. 4 150 IN"rool itiul Silk Broche 600 Ifeai:-y I3l:pfket Shaw , • fr0m.82,00, A (worth *ice the monoy.), 50 piecs All Viro - ol Citimors, 400 fine Treco Beaver - Cloaks, • 0 frOm 92 ,00 to $5,00 0171%. .41-rtin MOWN: To correspond with, recent Large CASH - PU nCHAS ES. -„CLARGE AISSOUTMENT OR TRUNKS & VALICES TRAVELLING BAGSI Wepledse oaraelves to do all..we ridrertiao• ' NoT. qts.c],*.AlO4 Bps; 'co, Nil,W- . :GOODS - JUST ARRIVED AT THE ORISINAC I INE , PRICE" STORE! HAYDEN- BROTHERS, AGENTS, - Hate a Liktia So SPLENDID Stock' , - • IF 3 _ -- 9 Mummer than the .oheapest CALL AND EXAMINE , OUR GOODS, IsMcrifEp, Tots Bzr4r, on : NOT, IT PAS ler GET:IIteITED:"O. Nip"o.l7;l=UX, ITZWliZieoW,Novezew Mt, 1g7.: .'PalatcßibtiStWiq tUND :•,'NSIII 4ttentf4l**ifit"olll4444 4 siii4 o -'lA* 0 11 P 3 P 1 /0 54 4r:00 1 44, 11 .._. - . ,-.. ' - ' . ..'..'%‘•!•••iire , -" r-ca ' , ":"0'• l 'e4 - ' I , _ • '11,) • .1 -2) . S7j ~, ONE,-_,-- , ~,- •-1: ', ..., :=r . :::,:, ...=: , .' , viit opEN - A • c .-... • ...:-,..-.- :01 2 C 3 1 4XttLi I .W ' b. '4ts'ol.., .• 74' ,',.....`, .-- ••• i-: '. ; .9...:,•-c - ti• -,.;-.....- , e, - --„,, , Nichob*wyondag.-ckh,Aiii.,. 0,, , WrinqieBllo± - Dta2iniEti fati 16G0. - 14th orTraiiStevenweelcir. Tall:Writ , Primpxy,.ms3 Comm Eugg54.43,74; / 11 404. 4644, 4 4 1 400 .--. - -; .. /9 409: 1 "°'?*-Pee4 8 14... 18 , 4) . - ,4w • • PEEMANEXTSPIP . TRAVELLING' AGENT S WANTED.! eta' . sell , a aisw arid valaablaPpt VT anted Article, -either U ri .couiluisslun or at a liberal salary, Business lionoriblk usetil'arul lucrative. The artide larequlredlr - . , Ec ep artic 9larinqatuinpletOwaliuctiOisicaelost.tuop and address- - ' ." • delliat) • ..L - AV. TlARtild d CO`; Boston ; 3latrs. iiitai.rx - - rri HE WINTER TER3I of this btstitution lir lli commence ~t • on - WEDNESDAY,' A 7.0 V, 01th,18,60, under tha an rrision of Mr. B.,IL.ILAWLBY, afaiated by competent TEltidq--PER:QUARTLIC: . " ' HiComher mon Eng d lia o b lirszicbee ...$3.00 .. g - • Lanzuager - ' 4 5..0000' . Mimic wlth use of Plano • - - , ~,,20. 00 Drambig and Buffalo* on Liberal Terms. . J. DICKERMAN, JR. Pret , T: BOYLE, Sec. norB6tv 64 J °IN THE CLUB " iv co - civr F. co ra. 314. T. Iv a,- . . . TILE RURAL NEW fOßKET),.(Agrlcalturtdi at $1,25 " AMERICANA ItICULTURIST, - - ,BO INDEITYDr.N. , Oteligicius,) at - - 51,25 • GODLY'S LAMS' 1110 K, . „_ • . ATLANTIC MC)NTIII.Y. • ' • • . ' ' • )(ANTRIM 31ONTIITY MAGAZINE and PETERSON'S MAUAEINE. All at . '" EOWE T CLUB IFIATPW , at ' Snnwirs AtEivelortzotY Moattoss, Detentbsr Ist. 18a).-4a... PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS ! I :NEW AIIdANGIVSIIT.IsFTS IN THIS BL 0 T" und e r eiged. having taken the Rooms formerly ' occupied by W.II,I)EAIiS, is no w prepared to furidah .811 who May desire with a good and truthful Portrait. Being welipoepidinthe production of the inrioue kinds ,of Pictures of day,i flatter myself thxt triy work ji uot ettelledbv any in We eeetion of the cotmtry: • - .;" Anrong.ihe varions.kinda taken at,my Rooms are the AiIfBROTYPE,• PHOTOGRAPH ; .•. . , , 21f,1?L - 4 - I...VO,TYPE, ,kg.I.LLOGRAPH: , ioeketiPicturee down toilieeintillext sized ruinfattirO Ring. Traneferred ,Ainbrotypes—the finest thing out, for, eandiug by Poet to any part of the Wiarld 'without extra P4at 3 gei My Plcturea are bold,_,Tlgoreue, and expressive —not those faintZlifeless sha dows often sold abont the country... Pictures-taken !mail kiwis orweathee, equally excepttheik of Young children. is.io picture. ueed - be Liken unleen perfect e9tistadion glien. ln. demising for a -picture,' avoid light colors , --atfek Idariatrple, scarlet; pink, etc. Most others take well; as green. black, red, snuff, brown, orange, }fellow, etc. liemember.that the place taget your picture" Is in the Brick-Illock; over Read, Watrousht Poeteris store. • •• ! • .1, - ; 11.•11ACZLIETON. Montrose, Pa.,lalor. 2Gth, _ ,1 • MrCO NC 70 ~ ' , , INSU‘II-AN(E:(O.I.I.).ANTI OY wovv-- - Ir e enotqw... CASH CAPITAL,! ONE, MILLION DOLLARS, AssEngle, Tilly' 1880, - $1,481,819.27. LIABILITIES, 'f 43me8.68. 7. Milton Smith.Soey. Chas.'arartin, President John McGee. Ai% 'r A. F. Wilinarth, Vico '' Policies issued .sud renewed. by the undeigsigned, at hie office, one doh dou!''abf ve iirs,rlol 3inntroed, P.I. • n0 , .19Pr 13416L1NG8 STROUD, Agent. . - IRINGERfiRD & - PAGE, ,NO. 30, COURT ST. Binghnitoit;N. Y.. - Norm: ' '- QUICK SALE 7-SMALL: PROFITS. FIAT E JUST RFCEIVED Ha V, ebb2l)2 . , . .. . , . . Prom Auction and El s e wh e re I , ANDWILL SELL . YOU': Good Madder Printi, Fast Colon ' 6 cta pr. yd. • Beat Merrimac Prints . 10 Beautiful DeLainea . 10 ' " Iteet Ilemllton WI d ' Prictlic Del, ' alnea. -• • • ...16 " Flue Fr d ench Merenoa,;Plain . 60 g Fiure do 1 ^5 " Splendid Silks' 50 • Brown- Sheeting, yd:lt•lde • ' ' • 6 -. Bleached, do.. ' ' ' 6 Good Feather Tickitig ',. . . • ••• ' - ••10 Denims ......-:.. ..... ..:i . .... from c.g• to 12K ". . Mena WrappersandpriTers• r . from 50. eta to 2,00 " r ' Ladies Xeren.o VestS, VERY CHEAP! 40 ■ r II S ARD C A SSIMERES. AIARGE - STOCK OF BROAJ:)QI,CITHS All 7ool—Ykom s•to $5 pr. yd. za. is! m,a_r es From 4.5540 - 41.50' - Lisle Th'4ll4llovoS froze t o - - 18- -I- Cents.: - • LADIES GAUATTLVIN •StkieS f. . 7 ; arextus r.lcomres, IN Al the latest;; Otylop LADIES` -CLOAKS! constantly - on, hand. • 0 - Midefp Xirdei.,, on Simirt , Notice. .. , 18: . -1 1 01 7 1 • • . 14) - Witottli•AMYOUrlttiliel ifvfl RF etvrA: •.. *. i 41 1 k:PPIVe .:, . Al l 4lpOlii i ,'-..* 454444/4 4. a Wirt° " iiritailearai. I, mr i on owl owie " Avkitur rut f.etutlitx . - - ATE 4 M4t i r4ird i t y...4 +0. g i V er e logAtte . ,-: .. , dr ) er. • For fAr.rfOri„ , Wrim'S - 0. 1 : 4 W.S.'-MT.. - 1N q ?:._ ::"' , ;(0 eii . 4,-iii - i '7' t., a eTr 2' 'o tt i- ' i - ;C.. 1 ' 1 -: , .. :I'.e.:-"e4',` , 1 -'.-Lt :.. :41. ffp - A . I *.ii , ;,-...,, ;-,, 4 ' . Wi1f%., , i: .. it A r ...f.rti".- . t 4: . .. , 17 . . . jUS7I.7P - :.-71 - AttitlV-11.1qUI %lit HE L "V 13 R 11E1 -Ali. -'1- 41fN OTR*Nop,, q 4 igorgtOetifOth, 1860. ;. -.7. -":,..,.:-.."--, N'S'& 7 24:L LEN: - ETAVEalilidayopenpdAnew* beeetllisOrtment' 1.1. of °acids', selected hi -Now rk; with • e greatest: ears;;;•coultietturorsettworgettelrt, of afar:variety-4's trieo, (*haus% Florentine. liticlleuiact 31441 c, Diamond EnaulelediFltie Ocldaiul Jet„ - t WATriggS, la beautiful' article for. Ladles ;) auld and flitter Hubttng andlipeu Fuee.Wrgelfea, ortbe text ma kers; lutlddiug.thiS itdtbeiticattWatett.".l.os, Veit, Chat elaine Sud Neck chainS;•gßl4, Jet, ant pl:3ledvi!kezeriff : 4 hill assortment of , "'"?1311* - tie and Plated' L livatase Steel till Jet 9t4es Bella and Aloe:pits t Vei*larcestock'ofFliegatithag: viricet hod - 'Pica; "Geld 41audkercblefaitizigat; Wood aiutothef Fans. of all colors, elitkely usre. patterns and very;, 441 T cords; Oda and' inlaid. ler esentric . deess.:4lbidir tad Miele. Bettor* of: every; Trrf Z errrAl 4l "thlllitall'"4 Pc.rt '- -3r131201, - - POW and' , Pookot Cttlerw • Chesil -garde and /den ;"..aed,lii fact,: everytidaWbelotue: lag to ourlinsof busincise,„ : Thankful for,tusat favors, we cordia.Tly Incite the i.Nlles and Viuttonica of this Comely,' nity to ccill'and'examinoourtioods; whin sie:ahal,talfe, pleattirc /fa ishibittlig; ALLYN, - NO'.o,,Ottßi Fellows' Ltall Binoannton;oct.v. 1860. ; • - - ii.enrEfo Vocternimin.- ASPC2OXI.3III ilstAßCi - I,st..betssisin el and FAlt tits: Philadelphia, (late of titi ldstket frn- Ilbrter, - llanufacturer of and Derdielu all kinds of • ^ W r ' 3511 - 1 -kS; Having .removed-,1 tor Net:: Store,: 7" ArCli "st.,Philadelphia r being now engaged entii In the Mr.hufscturti and Y. of Fancy fora, which; tit.l cordanco With tliuNne Prinehrlo4ln. thare mutrt at the ton cat potuttble pfi cons istel4 with a rcnsona, prgelt4lArdstilielt a ii front thog In'ivank - orrri foreltherAndlee - or Chi ron'sweat' s 4 an inspect citan'3.„ selections' of .th goods; wit - Wed. lust axe; tad to please, in - es ditrired essential, • .- , OrreiliOns 61:ri'd1itatn. lent to cal) personally. , neeu _ wish, together with ibeirice, and Instructions — for mend ing, and foristrd order to mraddre4- - =money Raton]. panying-30, insure . 8 satistlictory cop: ton tine - with their wishes. 1- ' [Aug 30 189): ' 5m . . 1.11 ews . . ews HAVk You. itE4ll).. ThofICENVS3 wittiLTP'frtLiig.llTlT-"'osilrea2Ml g einbraellig in ihiPry• °beds Ilue - ,Afe. Labia ; Ctiaiitia toss. Puplitui, Prints, etc.,, etc., ~etem a a•wellas stock of llptac.itlck ; such as anuiruer cloths; formen and . wear; Shirtipgs, liekingsi - Denim* .Cottotilitm ;Carpet - Warp, Batts, etc. Groceries-A tall assq_rtittentrr Flah—Mackerel, Tr,out„Whibefish ; Codash, andg g. errin Traidwax,' building materialti f Ndibt;Cilatus, Petty, Paints, 0110,11)ye4alik. - .RCadylaade Clothing, the markmanship 'SrAItRANTEIII., fiats, Caps and Bonnets, of the latest style. Boots and!ahoes, worth from 12„Ii - • to $5. In rite - Calmat . every variete - of Goods usually In ufred forst arty country, store car.lse found at the * 1 • • anditls' dna.of tha 'T it is tiow' etra.of the proprietor to nuke lincit disposition of bte_Gooes khat neither his auricEs_por his pstrone will "onoen. 4 l ' • • L.- MERS.INAIC Upeatotklio. Ist, 1860„--te - Mit. L. :J. BIXBY, 'I Ert ,, e l:tdis a t n rr e u x r: e i tx n l e i from inZ e r7ta r er ° , l t .k of gi l t ',4 choice, 111111nr-'1 Dlifilll .. • I a reiclyt4 furnish the Tadke of Montrose & - vicinityivith PASIIIONABLE'.IONNETS I as goodnidna rietrin can he purcliseti . anyntere. t•She ktvpi the very nicest "goods, suet). as cannot fail to please the most chnteult. Prices very. reasonable. The Ladies are incited to call and examine her Goode. (qr . itoolll6 oppositellott`nßaloon; (second floor,) Main street, Morrose, - •- . feein2Ttf ' , _ Al - HAN G.E H • , E iSUBSCRIBEF4 iIIAVING FLIR- T chased the stock of • 1 FplaßelillE'ALTlE7Wned byotming , 41 0 ;f it iLlIlL o rD , , take , thit the, stoca l l u las again removed tti c t i rd s 'atand... below ,tloi 6 3 ://emaxidoctr , evt 9-,1002 1210eas where be *lll - he most • happy to wait upon .thosu - lwho may favort i tstha %aril nCall., M3LI4IIED (and !nimbi!) can be Obtained by leaving. P your, girders, with the price of thebooktuid ptibliahar'sl name at the desk. Also, any article Ju the . ..Book and Stationerr.line.' • • . - • • •., 1\ l i J S '0E1 1 40E; HARP 4 ma. :Clodefll; tellll.o'lilietersat's.' Graham's, or ans.. of the popular Ilagazines of the day, N. Y. Ledger. Na Y. Weekly, fdercury,:elipper.,7lag„Wllliea' Spirt, a:A all the Illustrated Papers for ado. , SCHOOL-BOOKA—All_the old and newaditione. BLANK 130010—A: very nice assortment. CUTLERY.—Tip top article of American... GOIID PENS—Vara Fine ones, I •Rdiee &Gents.' PERPIJAIERY—It.W. Earriiton's . and opera: (VIVI:4E A Cletti.Xsia, and I will ClodonTor to VW Lave einKle t•ye to your , intereatr and one to toy 't hi own. I ours, eontly, - - • - • - 19rA2IM"JEL% Mormon, P64.SepteinDqr Ist. IS6o.—ti„ er'parigmdM 2nd DOOR ABOyE. MDLFORD'S:. ; -hEI Trik PTIBLic 'mei/lily are IntOined that arPREE EX 111131'81tli1 l given.st all hours of the day. of- .lilt GOODS otlall aorta, viz: Drees GOoda of SulnuierPrintp, Poplins, Challis, lawns-in pdttente, nhoaltiDahn9 Lawn", Brilliant/1,04k, Dard,-Jaconetts and Steles Mull, Ladles' Collars and fileerer; Dimity,' • Matnelllen, Moreenp;•Parn fine Penh*, 'Kentucky Jeans; Ennkeentt. Sdniner, Staffs, Gentp Shits, Cotton . Thawers, Pollan; Cravattelsinelkle , , and Suppehders. - A new and largti lot,ot •• • • 1-i 1 4 •.• - • - •• - such ka (knits Pine. Calf 800 'tins, also heasTand , light hhoeP, Splendid tadleatfit fratan-to 18 &filings warranted.lott._ Whito. „Drown, And Black -HOSIERY. Parasols and Umbellew Band Do ca and 'Work - Mahan'. '3231.31:1"31,133.g:W1ir1at1. „, • and Spend, Adama n tine and Tallnw Candles. Braga and JaPhltdd Ltinlers,Waih flontds.4lo P4ml44ll24"*Witite trn, &Brushes. Iled' GorirsBl feat gm ,twhittleßand &Ping Clothe,: Ms. Pine and CEDAR PA besides 1 - PBLE of of eveijegiticiY,linWing which are '.tikii Bike& forglorloultintddings, taeatn Tartan,". hiliSahgittna Castor Epaoutlialia,-Dtaek: and Solietfliturit and lota of Whinhyon't dolt/Waal at tout, bat *Aso to sail, examine - attd tali'abont: Vire ate restlyand willing to show Gonda, evottliong.b.gtey zrofni4jsuit4 and ituntkrut tor kr two avore.' TyplL 12 : W i it a itg ja s i t t tilli bottie .6r oftig, itix : tont% It MONTROSm;)fayal ' E;6O; - 2 9 ..-- • ':- -14:udi .or • e g in ti..vvdoi,..A.,Edao, ..vr .r. mafrasatha, e v IntinithilatiagilariPiaiiitilr: - : 4'lolo . t-4. dlativitipto L: thifu4dolallie undp.W. *.amumramt. pi the gstatcorbettion a Welke r ; d' , 0 ittl4ololthe widow slid hebilwill meefthe 8 Wintered a Mt oifica in klldeptcapetorWrldayiWas 444081 ; tan pm., et wlslett tIV:0111 .peßgunt bintogAtir dittos ti r d i Ltia fluid afe. 1'0011'0430 treteet , (beet br De to elmted. fromAidoidg in 1 004, 1 q. fididg . 7 14; c•dOrt.4wit** Mozarmip,OsicaraigmAjMe' ' w.., : --, • , - -;•- • ••x''.. ,, 1 , .4011:11-• - 0 - 4.4:_1 1, • inlAte ' KditiiVilailigitea * ":4•l. • brittr.,a i nlateitsyWitorio distribute _a. theittis 'the. ot tho Administrator of the Estate et T. , AvreeseedeaMeetalindittseutdihnor i g th e creditors efnatd decedent, will meet tbp mtrtles faint& restailditiollaa'lluliontrosteces: Jaistnitiblh, st., Amadei!. time illirstatamistirsay W ier nat e ueltrMaltrA AlitegraethDilt.6 4711 k egt.;•. fie* et:t•C' , - • A im I• • .'"c• Ji.t i.' .: - B: • .1, $i - • - •10 , -,4..., Ag.,tvi .; ~,,..- ..,',...sr.:so.sx , FORkfteADYI 411r8M114tt". 4 ~,. i ' : .• , __.„;.•-r.Li tt di c.:. F E ; f . j ,.,,, Jos t - N And 'I%C. --; ".: ' .''- nWe r et.tV, 7l P . .11 , 14. • ~- \ . ' , : 13...,. -2 , „_ 4. •;:=.l l - , - r, .. wrN . ill :.: „;..,-a -,,g, -a- -,;, 4,1= • I r- .f. ,, - - _,' .. : ,-.-. Ly) ; -w r ) „-_, v. I - „))•• /D*0 4 41"4 10 - KOASOIut and biffiti;/4 4 i DlNl:lifißMlllafaii4l)Beroaaclotiii*l,v44jr cti Studis,"eiiiittia lairopijittliedt eirothiatei 4 '4' e --- - -^ n .;...,,, "-.* ..--..f..^' •,. 4 . .... . 1-4 0 St - o•4 3 Atilstrig:M3 — r cko - ritasi l rti:i. i,i," .. g , ~,;„,:e,,,,s , , ,,t toir i ttri t i . 444 2 . • ANA IF ut • • ••: -230111 = Val par, t 02.2140 ' ' fk• kr • •.. • eirgou /9Aero=. A 4 4 l - -... •Ic ' OWS:- : .atitgliffalw - •,11 - e;s; --viriuomoi..t.ilobaite 1" exidt6iittOi CAtir, alidlirtANUßA sod will voirsperkw opporMithurfor WC* -7 oremi . :• 1112 :11 , 4.1 1110 W 8 wntb itad4oli ikkg(r oeteltopM hitratoitarb ri *.th ble I - :f*r attire"; • •An ixitttflastion trilie goods alid - eruwe tet4peolltab,*toiliaterirEto..wilatB'betV; , -..• - . .. .---- nosEINDIat-toiniturnyvpr Eilsr.', _, - 4 14 0 0 4 1 04: 0 StObitta r.` l ,I`, .. ...2-;:: VAUTABLE • vuTH- , 13091c i 5. i---,.. .. .. ,- _C- - - i - .6' iitatp: - 0w%„: ..:...„, giitilitHIERPME - THR,WtOOTUT=EV, DUD. -PERN4ILEA,,P-f:!f:k9P4P.;D' - 4 439 Chest :L Stzteet, SIXTH' yt4t Olt Davin purchased the spacious iron. )3 :Do ;4:tg, Chestn Street had 'fitted It ttri s with eveit eenierdence. tofeclllt my buelnees„ particaletisithet branch devoted: to co . 'PitY DEMERS; andhavinra Itumescnnital than any other riirty Invested in the business, I hut nolv.pre• paredlo-otfergreater - advaittagee, and heirst .giftar than ever before to my custotesse; ' . I will tarnish any bookiof a merit character) published In the United States, tie regmler retail„price of which is One Dollar or upwards, and give a'preeei=from 50 cents to-100 tinre-with eauti.boolt. and - to give perfect -I . am .deteLtvelne totriudittsin the reputation aireitlybeetowed open my iitabliabment; Strangeritvialting *1111,1441ft ate fuiripx,Vto-..ca1l and judge for thercuielves. :::'.‘ - .lryflUVAN't, ANY iokS are srg, 5: 3- ;.411 13 Reliable' Gift Irprias • •Wc:r.'4ll. 430.:941Le Where all boolciare eeidii the Publisietee lriratprlees sad ;on have. ,ttte _ _ ADVANTA.Gg'. A HANDSOME rRESEINT • . - . - WORTS FROM &X t i ENTS TO 11:10 - , LtAkS • • :WITH ' • 0.-EVANK'brigitibl Gift vß6co . k:Eixitirpflikehea- been endorsed by the.-Boolazood the . -- • • , leading ultiir and c - country, newspapers ha "t • - 0.0. EVANS:' . ..rm•-• al Inidneettztaiietlows rtfitM e t . ARV_ whombicesitosived'suoscancsai.eoath vidence of the benout derived by pttripZig books at thliestabliithment. ' • G. O,, , EVANS Ms done ntorelhan an4:ot expyaallafie, . • ,of booksellerthe - Acct . States; tcF, 4 • ' warlatlffnehteitno* to the people. - - ,By thla - aystem,spanz boo %in read that • would not have thelr as into the - hande‘of retutezt-FtnitkEeshes - weirs. . • • • • • • : . 0; 0. Eviihs , frps conetnntlf on.• - jnost ex . • tenalve stock the greatest: easortnteut - of Books,'snd circulates free to aII Who may ro l l y a att e llillrin c ?t 'P u ttl t tk l c d at t i g es n . 0. 0. EVANS Hatadvantagee ' o ff egl frith by other pub. • -and' mgnuftettwere- which enable • -. him to-tarnish -his patranstssither Auer epnalt7 and better assortment of efts than - any other establishment: I G. 0. EVANS Publishes nearly Two }loathed' Popular • and Interesting Books; , th , !refore, as a - • • publisher,' hits better ship to offer-extra - . premiums and commitsibual • : G. 'G. EVANS ilittarantees "perfeettatudhetton to all who ma.t.seutl for beoks. • 0.„0. EVA. 20 14 New clasattled ettalogueof bboks eMbrice the writings& every depart:theta of SteSs , ture, and grres'all the•tnfotmitioniela tive to'tbe purchasing and tin:yarding by. .11111.0 f Bapreanof books otdertsi Imo biz establishment, together - Nyl,h .full 'three : • thins how to rehilf a:loner. ' 0. G. EVANS' Catalogue of Books will hirsint gratis and free of expense to any addr !tithe Cul. G. G. EVaNSI - TrulticeMents to Agenta cannot be our - i - - parsed. The most liberal bomthissiuns • sreoffered,and by sollcitang Subscriptions to books In the scanner proposed, twenty books can be sold in the atune time &silt - • would take to sell one on the old fashion. 'I • od subscription gut Send for a elsasit. • - ed Catalogue, and ereryleOrMatlo4,Will — ,be,gbren in reference to agendas; - Select , yOur books, enclose the amount of money required,--and one trial' will satiety you rot that the best place Billie country oar " k ' . chase - books Is at - S.• TUE EXTENSIVE GIPT BOOK RATABLI9IIENT oP ONO: G. EVANI3, , ,Nb: 439 'enr.sr Smelt P=l-. %. 153:Leitlajwhereyt nt , CNiUt get to . oka of all kinds : Books of. Fact . • •- : • ' Books ofFietion t . • ,t " - Books of 'mama: - ' ' • • • Books of Amtmeinent I Books for thq Old Polka! - Books for theXoung Folks t e.' , _Books for'Kusbandet . - • - 'Books lorlnvist' Hooke for;Loverer i • - • 4 Backs for Sweethearts? 'X • Bokefor,Glrla I • ' - , , Books - Of Humor! • - - ' Books of Poetry! - - .Books of Travel • - geolcs of Illstory I :1 - Books of ftlography Books of Adve nture!' • _ Balks about &COM/ -• , • -13oOks about Solite:rill ' pooksabout Indiaaet _ Books about Hunters f )looks about about fieroest Book about ratriote Bookso for Ferment! •. • - Books forlfeeliartics ..Books for Merchants t ' . - ' • : Books for Phyalcianat • 5 ' Books for Laiitert! Books for Statement , • . •• Presentation Brooke! • . Prker Books I *mu Books t„`• " • • • tfetienfle Books t• : Albums. etc. • 7 ' CECIL . _ApHARMTINIAGTRASR.IAnte'r' e f s i. V Bim a _Bhl_ear SO . IL SB te Q id= o at T:LgiNepalutionartatoriesl A ..- '8 Popular Taleti ;‘, 1 49f , f - ALOOTT'S Docto r : Fautll . y ' . • • •A)1.103. MINTZ'S :Sarah! ' • •' ' ' MRS: SOUTIIWOBTA'S .; • COOPER'S Novels!. • ' DIOKM4S` Novelel ' ' TrAVERLBY',SZToretIat. - . Q'S Works! ' r - All the writingit or Siery standard'aittlioriin every de , partment, of literature , ' ha every style of binding, at the publisher's-lowest prices; and remember thatyou pay no more than you would - at any other Nstatalahment, and you have the advantage of reeilvMg.al3 Present, Which oftentlmosis worth s.hun told more than the Mount paid for th &g ofbooke , - . ' MD 014eATAT.,6411Z9P1100FS. '1.40304_0$ thitth.44ll,l,. the tO n° p :ill urebesei tnt 7 4t" 7: lll‘ .boo :*l64"l"36lll l6! 'llg . _ll l. .. 4ll6 . 4l w ). o tl7::&:O ß lS. gbil an i4it lkme r"l" o l7 Wi j r ie ph .A.Ns; t :ebl l.4;rrt lehme 'P. : tit t . t ur i7 1 . 1 747 • the ow - Book Einevrin, orininstor or ,sttoe,,modclpl4;'.• • Zirg.ea-Ckei4T2t . -lirirtmerfWANTNKtowtenefin fteiduk ; Hum ewi o olfeed. , Aiypenon;eirni4detested t 4tho 1. 3. of ongmtrw far Gtmetiebkt tutd:pitots: tikantttdotaient; requlTthr !We Droll , attd'uoVktyty monmandbyirlitch he ?i41143 atatur-.A . _ A.VALDATILHALiHRART • r AMR GOLD WATCH:AND CRADO • '•A HANDSOWN SIMMS 01-PLein, ••••'-•.•:, • • Aff NLEGiNSHELIVDNISIFPARTZTUT:- . • sLENim aim otarricraty; Oi mkt other chotelrdstli:remnamou4 fritHiLtarof GM.; 4111 dor by .iFt.!ttut!,act_Agrtt fdrthisprildfith ment.' _ „ , , . Any i..'",inlasouqsz!*late, neat, ain2Rbt_ It."Htdifmr,far Httodnookk.and rroni . plo_pd; sts irmujnotforpto sum AnaranclUel w eanaluiralrtb fotTrit7t3l; poker to son *nail* formatlOn ordobsl rd.tdilwarlfont9l ada hatuableAlealftgo, AditrigiaU • TWOLlDillTili'itOeYr GEO. O.t• Prdi~oftlitMOntad - liartalCattlittea ru e d" -WpOrgl iti evA-14 ,11.411* .4 . 1.71. r-A ;Tit V.tiff • ii(OVVI.W.:VANck.: II kqe•Xem 4161 ..`imat • - MUM riallaitior4lnew-n,Atra: rt. , toaY _ rot INT • Actin opal, all thatrillte eitheftei Iniisatketv aigimo k ese& Cletirgii=fiiis , H l4ll 6 4l.4 l tenat i C tlWy idratbstbk thil l arti. a:PIM X tsouriOaLl*" -411 XL: t';_ 11 " 10 0,, 4 . a)8 - 141 Z 0' 41 ,•I m7am 'al , ..DARYZAIL )10:01,T4L7 W ENS 1 ' AIONTIOSE4IFBIENtitAtit: ... MS . Orrslog. Mane- ad - -Mentr9ii.e, andypendavllle,',vrtll efts 1 I trine f dilly; MI 0'e101t,,,. ter,. : atelaike 1 I,4lkuttA'elock, , , ~ , .# ' firDirnietikud" on NI. preicisred W 260 1 811adedratiso MOntrim;oettssemtua - „...Ar A jt______________ ........„ aftrere.. KO.. . ./1: •A D. Goon. .., i ARRTCPU—Ig SURELIsp, zr. Ts recvhing n;pllcadetur:for I.tautiatoirjp Ow 1 tug Coropanir Ny3 , qmin gIVSURANCECQUIPaIq, LtiE443Ati2Bt;-110' Pate - - pipit:4l. - ;-31 o a °ed. ' Stirhis:::- . .lilik* Prstßtix4:44V4e _mltr 2:i r :A. 4...104R, . , G . 3unimforria4, ' D. o..Ddeitaeh. - .i.*. • - John Reichard, \ David .11orgaa, Om Sam'l Witakams,l X/I Jame, Irm 8 Rom, 'L D Shoemaker, Gee P eWle. n *nom .R.C.-SkiTraog•e•Y r . ..' • "'(;LM LkaiskaaArgeeidt. VV. G. Srptuso, Irate L. D. Sacaxaamet, FIG I r ~Ft ATNA - INSURANCE-COMkillidr, .14111.00;.00411dOtiCIIt. - i'atiftlrydaPitia, ..Aa3ets, ..... Quaker Cit-y. Insurance' Company, •-• -wlegiecirAtatce.— NORMIETNIIIEE'A - Lreg AStitrlaNcsvaamANT No: 1 Noorgattotillet:Liiadoa. - FayltsF 64.29e,000:,:, -Annual aoresfao.:sl.l*.iak • : , - .W 34 GETTY. APents rtillafaktiik , .CONNBCTICIJT 'MUTUAL LIFE CO PAM' of Hartford, Coupecticut. . • Ateumulatid Capital' - $3,31 4 1.100 OG PRI,SE - Ariv ime iefehtng their Urea Inez:TA wilt do *mien to ie. and isaudof their mode. of 'neuritic and their helm which are better than those of any other eonepany. berm *talelligPellelesidtekrhere: 'll.' P. I LAM , faiN. , Mks over Chandler 6, Jeasup'e stem_ -. . 4 t ori vri ite „i ;Dom:47w: 4. - a - Ns - 4 a * jAIiUP*RtATIVE TON lc, D tuli Eric; 2444 EVCV DYSP iIIYIEDRATRia COM. To tit° titizehs. of -Pemisvlvit . nia. Drcri g urAi 0144i:iv 41 Private FamstUirir. ' ' . , Vona', Pure eta's* Brandy. - Pire2latiexte; Shunt axdPostViliatxt rrar.. - Japtitica.xxd at. Croix-Up:: Vforfo'li Ptiejegtai . ::adh•Xxr-e ' 3MI:. T BEd LEAVE` to mill the 'attention of ilittiatlzaus oft * etazei to the WWI WEL-inland tweets, ted by IlDoinfro Wetre, of New York, whose =Ala dee miliar to every pert of , this conntry for the gm•yry. antral 'eelehymed Scannas,. ECIINAPPIL Mr. Wolfe. In a letter to. me, apeaking Ora.. purity of hfs Wince and Liquon, "I will stake toy reputettoa as it 12 1/llA,atandttg Ix a merchant of thirty yearn ' residence in the ' City.01 . ...5 'Y. , that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pare ea itaported, and of the beat quality, and can. bristled apes lby.e,vgy.ipuscheacr." Every Lunde has the pubprsetere i L ftrne on idie Wax. and - a facsimile of hie atuatereen tte certiaptte: he public are reopstiCallyaxit.ettlidsak/1 examine fir them ,F sale at Betall try,1.8., of ILI Apo es and Grocers in Plilladelplida. • Gnu IL 4snrus r Cu: Market et.; - Fiarded - Siik:-Igesiff..* Read thefollowlng.frota the New York Constar: 17.NORMOC:ii lit:Jai:nes roe eau Ni Y. dliratimuts.-rWe KJ are happy to inform orr fellow eitlmme <hat thee one placein our City wheretbelihriltisa.lPOthitem,Y._ count rY rarrthent, ithu go find pure:m.2e psis-wines pury as Imported, and of the bes t quality. do not Intend to give an elaboraleileacipilon Of tlfilelne". chant's extensive brodr.iom. egh.it will well rs stlinger or eitisen to visit rdolpho; Wolfe's e ictGstwj warehobso Nos. IR, Beaver at. ; end Nos. 21,19 & Marketicid at. !ILIA , tC.CI7 of 'delmapps oa band rear for shipment et: not have been less than 151_0(4) cues; Ole Bran ly ifACClO,CAltaiN—Vritag:e o: ta and t 0.009 caw of liladeira, Sherry, rod Port Wine; Srratchi irieh Whisky, Jrinialta and Wit. erots ßtt tent- w_ and equal to an: in this country. ift had Liao:this, large sedate, Mislaid: Brundv. Wine, ire., inintakeottaier Custom lianas key. ,deny for hottlink sale of fichnaptis rear amounted to i 1 .000 dortra.and.are hope in less than years he may be equallyscaasesini With his 'Brandies and Maim. Hie busineas merits the patronage of' every later aids • apecica. Private families wbo isiehrattre Wines for medical use should need their orderedirest to lir._ until every Apothecary in the land make. up tbstp all to.plisuird the poisonous stuff Irma their idielves, eadat platx It with Wolfe's_ pore Win es and- Liguori.- ;We understand lir. Wolfe, for the attommodathee al entail dealers In the ecritetry, puts up arsortid - aria of Wines and Llano*. Such i man. and faith it Itaistßilat, should be rustained against hie terra of thousands oropoto nents In the lln ttcdstatee.who sell ritthingtrat CCa, tainotur alike to Mama health Ind bappimpt.. (fir EIALTg AND ITS Ox ,Pisease With Its - AkdniQlf Gam cocteso .1345tlaireleirs. Pb..,.x NERVOUS DISORDERS. hi more fearful Vilma Ire:king down. of the IV, nervous system t To Vezeila.bl• er.ner••• in • small degree isnnost dtatreaain„.•• for ul,erm can a rentedy be found? There Si no° :--drinkbut fittle wine, bele...ve 'spirits, or far better, none; take no cotit.e,--weak tea banwit preferable:Rot ell the froth air yon can ; take thaw *rim Pills every night ; eat plenty of eol:da , n voiding tVe nseot slops; and if these golden ralea. Ore Pd!owed.„ ton will be happy in mind, strong In Lodi. ana;forge you ha ve naves. 12110't3dicii-i3 eib arm. .. . . .. • , , ~. If them In One thing more than anOtheifoembleti these Pine are himons, it is their purifying pro'pertlegeopedally their power'oftleansing . the blood from alklimpttiltios. £ removing Mammons and suspcpded secralgopa Univer sally adopted as the grand vemedv for feendelkoplidatets, they never fall, never .tlte- Nyman, and . apvips bring about what is required, • • . •.. , Iv- ~.. Sick liiitifaehe and 'Waist oilkAssite. These feelings which so sadden tis, ipoat (Momently atlas from annoyances. oetrouble„ from pe-reptraLTom or dmra ..eoang aed driukkg what. la =torah= Yht afomarb and•llser. , Thesd ospahcm ter tf you wilds to Do swab ..TiroPilla, triakett bathe printed butructlons. rail quickly,. reef* a healthy actlott rt to both lire! and itomsch; whence fol Ims; ral eon.. sequence. a guoil appetite and - al:Sear sad ; ; ., the East and West ladies. scares] y any ogier "msdlAtall MIR tild for th en disopisny:,-. F., — 7 .."- , "-" - • . Insountaq,Ap 71111,111DM11. ,1 In all &asses sif,xting time Orgszor. slietbstibejle crew tog =drat WO *ill Bite r Or.wWliot Me/ ar dictedsOtlstetebripsseLer luta OARS and kidnessr i fil i S sholdahe taken toicertling to the printed dim 0121; this Ointment should be wets ribbed into the small of Um lisek at bed time. This treatment will fer , ssiniost tams, ate relief whim ill oasis MOWS bereAtiLtdi, ' ttozuebs out ot No Medicine will so efreetaan7 tittritoft the gasetedb efornaeb tea theataillsi they remove .11 wetilty, r amtl either by lotempemike or improper diet. They asp liver and reduce It to st bettlthy artion Mips la miring all disinters of the liver and stoma*, ZrdllaintjeSt - P4 l / 3 arc . 41 4 TOClftifY _i/a tie. world lax the fullcrteist, ge * , Y. '54 - sprbtiakt. A,,th roo , Gout, filtenesiitad areeak Butonaconapig4ut H .odArbe. - : errs - Biota** on skin, IncligestiOrt _ Bowel Champleittel inflammatfoir; Vaal - wins, - Jatadtee, • - "lnepeg_ couitspation of the L:M_CS.rn _IMMO. ?AMMOS= ' Eto vela, Lturtmtgo, w A yn ni of Onutemptlen, Ptler,', ' ithasie r i ei rfi ein erliedreer wok Dropsy,. l_LeteettiOP of_ " - Dysentery, rmat r c i ; Scrofula, orlang's t e r ff, Sit irregalarlaleas Perm ofalf kinds.. • (down' . Cistrrir t—ltengareimafrieutdreis tiAroitta "Ifetz LOWLY, 1,14K -4114D D4N," T04.5U/CellkiNe as a water leant the book oftireettega arcast alea pot or.box„aae eananumy be plainly sem b k i= alletftraetaigat. bandeome reward will be en oat rendering such information as may de army party or partiak.,cont aq nerfeitila eines rdsng be ewe, kagrti_ng ui& 5. , 5=11t branunaddrc of Mirage isreo mu * deg /41,114001411 W Tart agd fate andDealest 113 rdaintaa , 1: 1 3 beilatreat te: Id P P ' bozos LTALIPWW^Vice 4 1 1 1 T di.- orate affix to ter "i 41.1soisin ..vo„--al. 4600.etti as PILLS..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers