The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 15, 1860, Image 4
'I WOULDN'T 'TAKE A WORM FOR THIS; a lady remarked to us.a day or two' done, as abiiikxhibited the portrait of an only ebild,gone to the " spirit land ;," whichAras one of . IMIMITABIE "I"I7I33EISEST imgßollp[sj, " How I should regret it, had I not-securt:d ' this precious , memorial of that dear one." So thought we. The laved ones are not always with us, and while wucan call them ours, every pus should seeure such.* memorial; especially slice they can have them an truthfully taken by. that successful artist, A. 13. TUBBS. of Bing. hamton. sec HORATIWOARRATT; . , Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN, GROCER IES., PROVISIONS; YE 'WOODS. Staple DRUGS, • WOODEN' and STONE IVARE, ALL . KINDS of HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES cf.: YANKEE NOTIONS IN GENERAL.—nne door North of Bernutn's Hotel, New Milford: Pq., WOULD be pleased to see all his old filmes and many s new-ones at his NEW Store. fronting.the - DEPOT, where he is prepared to show them. sorb a stock of llte above attic vs as New Milford has long stood in need of "Division of trade has as many advent:if:es as division of lator."-- Any man confining .hintself to one branch of business,, giving' that branch his whole Capital and attention can keep a better assortment,-bay cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the same means and time was employed In a general trade. If you dont think so. ,call on the subscriber and he convinced. The sound . principle of • SMALL PROFIT MNO.PROMPT PAYMENT, will be strictly adhered to. illutter and -other Produce forwarded to New 'York to one of the bestcommission honey% in the City, and proMpt payments guaranteed. - HORATiO GARRATT. New Milford, Susq. Co. - Pa.. April, 1860 —y. MIRE NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1 Mio.: • GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE ' TOOT OF MAIN SiIIEET. THE extensive Furniture Establishivent of Stunt littoritrats having hEen *refitted and greatly impro - ved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of Montrose and vicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on Nita the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FITRNItITRE To be found - In the Country. We give the following, list °Connie of the sr• ticks which we will sell at greatly reduced prices, for CADH Or READY PAY: -• • Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with -glass, from $l6 to. $33: 'Bureaus with marble or brncntelle tops, from $lB to . $24; And - a large assortment, from 88. $lO. 12, 14, ta $lB, ' Wash Stands. Card. Stands, Comer and Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, o trom 7,Ve en t a to ten dollars:, • Deaks, Divantu,Tow el (kicks, FoobAnols,Otto. mans, Lounges. St.c.. ,2.Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen. and-Extension Tables. - Chaini—Cane and Wood Seats, Rockers— Cane, Flag, and Word Seats, of every variety and style. Sofas. tete a teiMt furnished at short Patie nt New York prices. • N. B. Rendc insole coffins on band or far. niched a t .short notice.—lkerses shays In readiness whin We nat.c hat - CAIIETUL and E.XPEET. EXCEEt WolzKur.s. We intend to do our %Vont: WELL, and hvil it a. Low a. it can he afforded. SY; T 11, - 3' A ...OTITIS, JR, E. U. sm ctn. Montr.-e. Jan-18th. NEW GOODS ! Lawsvills Centre. Sing. Co., Pa. WALL I , 4per, Wirtiittw- Papers rind Borders, a very large , stock this day received, by April 17th. It. KENYON. JR. & CO. hallio, lam n. and nnlittneS. an im mchse ki variety, by IL KENYON, & CO. VERY aty.)e..f Cott, :n Pant Goods. this E •:av rec'd hr R: KENYON, JR. & C . SILK; Brocha. shawls a huge stock, LOW. It KENYON, Ja. & CO. 08B1s. TonAcco thin day receirorl . sod lAI for sale lower than' elsewhere in SuNqu'a• county. . KENYO. JR. & CO. OOL". SAI...II.ATIJS in !pre and Or 'mit) in' Ihr I.ox nr • LARGE Stuck u FANCY - Dry Cuyak fur sale by • „ IL KENYON. JR. 4 5:.• CO. • • ripEA Sean—Five Elegant ntvlen, enintilete— from s . tn t. R. KENYON,IR. &,CO. Lawaville Centre. Pa., -April, 1860. ' 2..".4U7."0RD'S LIVER liI3IGORATOP., N err wan LIT iTR. TT I 4 .tritit po nag .7.11 cot Weir front finm., ral A Isas laceanne at. .... ,-0•11.,1 faxt,saa-t . rads ni le Itr:ne, k,rna la and approaat by all da4ll.Laila naaael H. suld is ra,.w. ra•- sasettal to tab a.m.:leans 11$ e i lab thetlumaars fax a Is reconananadoad. ! - It i.O cured tlrmisands• l p A , , vithln the las l tarn ;ratan. Se rho bal glocu np an tpa n a,s' I.t telnaf. as tie, numerous - 11.1.7killeli critilicitri 13 ml . Ei lawasa,al,ae alum. Ibe dnis3 out Waal Apia, to Ilse .I...tnj , crarn•llt or MR. Indirodual %akin:tilt-awl ns-i;al L. slay.' . up act MA* on the Itoar:a. 1 1 g Let tan dirtatea apun. tjudissient gcl.le Tr% In the ine eta,. 1 . 41VE./t Ili. ..., tVIGOIL ATOli; and it. 1.1.2 ewe Later Cont. : ,AtlF !plaints', halloos At. likehs„ Drip - ems. st,:l3 ;Chronic Di a rebore, Rummer Co na- ! :plaint., Dysente : ry..oroPsy. ..Sonr•iStarooehjlehltual toolleeness, Choi.' !le i Cholera; thole. 're Morino; Choliral !14:fantiont, Plato.: leper.' Jot:iodic '4 ;Venter tol'enknesa.' el, sot may Mooed ~... _leen:al. : ruin Online. ry Fa InlY :fedi-, tri: eine, /twifience tilt/S. It EADACJIE, Os: !tbousands can testify,' In twenty zolnutne, it - it wo or three Tea- • spoonfuls are talc- , r .... 4 ........ of =a t. it at whom. Aire ' givin g Pltir . . taislmooy --. Olga Seer , i • AIX WATER IT TINE norm WITH TUE ISSIGORATOLL, AND SW/MUM*, DOTI' toc ET111:11; . . ~ Pelee One Doter ver Dottie. • SANWORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS th Ati 4l l: • ItED y it Pure Vegetably It ileac ta. and poi imp cs. iilLhdli CASKS, Air Tight, amid twill hateco • in any' c limate. Thia Pa mil,' Ca.; .. a . thorn.. pic,c,,....... • Cr bat active eadnetir 'WI altri. the po o p r ka,,,, 'Vi a woo to Ids amine two„N th ou Vassar fr . . ,. The rawinantly het Ini &morel from tho. u t, lankneriendtin PITA.. .3 and the setsotartion orhkh all worms In regard la their •-• was. too Induced ate to pLioo ' thaw tettlat: the reecho( 241.! The Pentardon wed kyr • g ?bat ddreren Cadardes an si t arer"t ta-PA /Erie ' C r .r . `I I II e ANITIC PIE). lana, sin due renene tat thht sell estatatehert tawt, bon rennoundal from al rib, wiety of the:parrot rem • WA. • Extract& Wlerh set ._....' Puke ao 'retry port-or thu -.2toootory mud and an In good and sore In al) au,. - is snare • Dathatie Is El ornted- nub as Dr. raagemeata at tua' lit name h. alien'. a- est. Patna In the 'nark a 4.4 Loin. • . ho t.. Pain st. 4 Soreitens weer the whol• body.. from al :Wien gold. aehlrb I fr,,,".... ir pe0,,,..1. rut fun hat: maw Of Pe w. Lams of App. , . t i lar, a Cranial ad) n tn• ration at Cal 4.... err 1 tit et b.rly. 'Restless. ' , tin. Helid 2 rnv ; ~,,! -qiweigitif ... Ihe W I ars ii• ma ... • 1,071 4 4 Vintner. Werana la • Cid Idrest a•Ad a ) ts.; Mutated nal ism.. treat • Pnti nee oft e Moat'.... mad away Abrams awhirl' Seth lo heir. to numerous: igt to 0013 fi on to thetodstrtlate Met Dame. i 1.1. , . - PRICE Timms, Di mile*. ' - Tim. IA leeciartet , .....tar and Deattelly Ca. t. Chortle Pills am trudfid ny Dentists noway. and .add andesalaby the 1 rape In all We lute Intim • aT. w. sAx von ii,), M. D, - ' • • anti Broadway,- owl r r 34 Dreadw• y,- N•vir V coiV w. ' .. N la isle to Ditadruee by ABEL TURRELL, ...VAN/. MADAME SCIIWENDIS inNra gral 1310 r i caWaaenraii. the speedy and effictrad cure of all Allartunatkete, I' nee% Alignoodirra , . 1 4 1 14rodo• rte, Ma; Omni. - and all Mate and Chronti Diseases of Amen and Cnnaknw, end scan , t G dry o t . O her agent. inndradvot testimonials Box 9010, }ldle P.O. larAdenay, S. W. Ca. Third • AY* St& de4.loa • .BUSIN p*:S CARDK - - ' JOHN . tin rrER, r-tHIIIONABLE Tkil , o4l—idontrose, Pa. non over 1: . N. Butlard`s Grocery, 4M majoAtiv e L nankin! for past tiros, he solicits n contitmance —pledging himself to do all pork satistketarUs. Cut ting done on short notice, and warranted to At. _ Montrose. pa„ July 14tb,1800,—tt . , • C. O. Foßte". • 31 - IT l ZTerirife All kinds ' of work made to order, repairing done neatly, Jo21)1 . • DR. - WILLIAMI W. WiIEATON,. ECLECTIC PRYSICIA2t - ik SURGEON Minn-. -WITH PH Arr,Rolr WHEATON, • Mechanical and Surgical Thittlat,,tecently of Blochnmion, X. 17. tender their profeasional scram to a ll , whoappro elate the `'llefortned Practice of Physic: ' careful and al illfnl operaticnui on Teeth • with the mot sdentide and approved stylem of platewdrk. Teeth extracted without pain and all workwatranted. Jackson; Jnne Uthi mod L. B. SBELL, lop swims Clocks, Watchee. and Jewelry at the - .' It *big:lice. and on reasonable terms. All ."- • work ' etc& Shop in Chandler and Jessup's Er t iii store, Pa. J ess - *.Nt: At SNOW, I - i... • TUSTICE OF THE-PEACE .— Great ßed. Pa. Otnce tra,..ou *An street, opposite the Western Howse. apt . VASItIONATILEVI.II.OIi.--Montinee, F. Shop 1 In Mania Block; over otote of Read, Watrona & Foster. . All work warranted, no to tit and finish. Cutting dope on *bort notice, In bust atyle: jean)) .LDR. H. • 111TH jr, SON,. QrrtoEtiN DENTISTB,--:Montrose, Pa. f.:7o(llce fq Lathrope` new bnildlng, over the Dank. r hll Dental operations will be 0111141 performed la good style and warranted_ S. B. lI . COLIZ3I D W. SEARLE. OcCOLLIT3c tt; SEARLE, ATTORNEYS and Connanllonk at Law,-Olontrasa. Pa. Office In Lathrupe new buildig, i/Ver Ilan Bank. HENRY 1. McKEAN, TTORNEY and Counsellor a Law.—TowAvnA. Pa ii - 0111ccin the talon Bieck. :V if, E. F; W11.3101',. • • RATWATE of the Allopathic and lioreceopathie Col- VTe,. s of Medicine.—Great Bend, Ofliee, corner of Matti and Elizabeth-eta; nearly opposite the Methodist .church. ' . npsntt HENTEING....... ...HENRY nntstren. , WM. COPER 47 CO., • • B.KsKErts,—ltotit rope. pa. Sficeestors to Pont, Cooper fi Cu. Mee,. I.dthrops :new balding, JOHN ROVES, FASITIONABLE AlLol4—Montrose, Pa. Shop near the Itaptlst Meeting Honse, on Turnpike street. All orders tilled promptly - , in 'lra-We style. Cutting done an'short uotieq., and warranted to tit. DR. .101-1 X W. COBS, PTSICIAN KA) SURGEON,—Montrose, Pa. Office on Pahlle Arenue,,oppopite Searle's Hotel. told • .DR. G. 7. pIMOCK, 110ilYSItIAN SURGEON.—Montrose. Pa. .flitlre over Wl!eons• Store; .Ledginge at Searle'e llote!. • ABEL 'TURRELL, LER in Drugs, Mrticlnes. Chemirala, Dye- - Staffa„ Glans IN are, Palrita. Oils. Vamleh, Win dow Glues, Groceiies, Fancy; Goode, Jewelry Parra. mem fie,—,,knt for all 1.1161 - rioat pope.* PATENT i t 1 MEDICTNES.,—Montrwe, Pa. • augi . W3f. W. smmi-,t; C4IMNET AND CHAtli .vsurAcruitEns.—root or Main street, Montrose; Pa. ' . ougl tf J. C. OLMSTEAD :DRS. - OLMSTEAD 4.READ W OULD ANXQVNCE to the Ptibaie that tb6y.have entered into a partnership for thy Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery, andare prepared to attend tp all calla in the line of their profe,.sion. Oftice--the one fornierl3 occupied by Dr..l. thnstead, in: DUNDAFF. • myl PROF. J. W . TIARBER 1 1A11: DRESSER. offers his F emir,. to 1.11 the public, with the guaranty that his work shall he one in'the most skillful and arthfie manner. o'2" Slop iu the north front of the FRANKLIN HOUSL:. Nam rat-e, Pa. Open on Sundays Prom 6a. m. until 3p. in. July %, LOW Pl7lO H. H.S WIN °HIG OR(PRICE STORE! 12111=;==11 AYDEN BROTHERS, 1 'NEW 1,1111.F0R IR, Pa., RE NOW RECEIVING THE LAI:- A get-tand'hert stuck of GOO& ever brought into I hi. ~ ty: within we are initnid to i.ell claietp for co h or ready •ani" consietingi, of Maple and Fancy Dry Goods, . Ch 0 ICC Family GroCerlex t Ellatiy. Caps, Ready "lade Clothing, Crockery, 'Walt Paper, • , • • Window Shade s, Flour, Pork. s' Fish, Salt. P a int Oils;Glamo,,Fluid, - . Coal Oil, hoop Skirls, ' • • .liinkee Noll oils. Fauel•Goods4 Watches, JEWELIKV, Silver Ware, Tuba, Groonis,• Forks, Hoes, and and I Stacks ,of Goods ta,i ii•firfieram, to mention. VVE AICE NOT OLD FOGIES in !the business. chan,in_ a large milt and depending on keeping an old set of paeans who have not tried at other .places to sec how mach cheaper they can buy ; but we in tend to live up to the mark and believe - in felling many Good., and selling cheaperithan Old) FOGY mertliant, can bur ilium. Now is the time if von. want to save money and aei Ilargaitot. Call at the ON PRICE STORE. re - A large at wk of Goodwin & Bros.' yellow. Bank Tobacco always on hand—camp yen* cheat.. whole,ale'a. retafL• IiAYI).&N BROTHERS. New 3111 fort, Pa., May 17th, 1%0. I,IIAKER'S VEGETAUL > C.OI.IPOTNI). a earn cure fur 11 Dyaentaxy. - Wltolesale.and Retail. An 1 ) -111111Elt. WYOMING VALLEY ID PHILADELPHIA, N E W • YORK, BALTIMORE, And all PcdzetS North, & West. LACKAWANNA & BIOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER IikBANGEMENT, Two Daily Passenger Trains • ' WILL ScitANTOM AND*.IIOIIIIIITMINEULAIND, , rolu.9ws: *nem; •noirrn. - 110711i0 10C171. Phil'it TT. I • 'N. Y. Phil'a • Mail. Eipresi e Exprere. Leave Y. r. .• Leace _ 31. • r. Y. Scr 6 c l cie. :6.10 4.25 ' Nertbulancl, 6.30 A. 4.6 Arrive at 0 Arrive at' • Pittston, ti . 3B 4. • Danville, •• 6.05 8.20 • Blarney); 1.05 6.101 Rupert. 6.35 6.60 Bilickalinc,o', • , 6.Z Bloomsbnr e t; 6.45 6.00 Bernick _ 5.55 t Berwick.. 7.0 . 8.98 Biciiiras h "7, 8 -au 'i.Bol .sbkkabinny,l.4s • 7.05 Rupert, • 1/ 0 01.40; Kit:4olon, RIO 7 A 5 Da u rme, 9.21 • • 8.101 Pittatou. 8 -57 • &Li Northulana.lo.oo 6-451 lBcrenton, 9,26 0.45 TEE LACKAWANNA li - ELOON:6B1.1)10 BAILNOAD • couwacts Will ism . DEL. LACKAWANNA 4 WESTERN' ItAILBCiAD Atha:mien, for New YOrk mud Philadebbla. sad infer- Mediate bonds cart : also for Omit Bend - Binghamton: .eratame; Beal% Nieintr4 Fan& and in littortmit potato art' At Rub., ifiawbett.with the Catatatosa i Rath*: cos points h East and West: 4 • At Northumberland It Connecta With the Stumm: and Byte Railroad for twists West and Boots frafkaL&Pllll,Aurrisra ma' Pizerra: Brush , Am , bibs Foil, vandfl", dig, a view vaA,ply,lisut re ceivil. , ABEL TfrireZl,L. Jlontroa. Awn. leaki • , Q. At?' , by the Barrel, %eh or Poeta. • 1 • Trßneit.. 4 ra vauti. , l It.fiqtA • . e *A ..): ge ivt so Ar " —",- • , e...).,„ , • IL NOUTIIN HERB WORM • Herbs, Barks, and Root VERSL'H Poisonous Minerals and Drug& MOTHERS TAKE HEED 1. Doyen when observing , the twenty asthma of your . ehititern. conehier Diet It may be more than a mere (butte that ariets there! In nine owes out of tem tho cause of the tithe 'wiles- Pea anguish ts WO/LUlSi'nrid should to at once laded W.' HEADS OF iFAMILIES , Do not let your children fuller, when u present von in 11 - . JrDSON'S- WORM TEA , A SAFE AND PLEASAZ:F CURE FOR worms. How ranch better and, eater wdold it he to hare-it alwayi in the oar.. d little delay. when a Child in taken 111 may often he the caure of It* death, white aetinit without 'delay. and by giving_ the mon.mitT -HERR in me: diately, yea will not nnly MU,' the child a long and Wilmot illnem, andyaurnelf much esprit*, but a6o feel happier itikthiwlnlt that you bane done your duty, and perchance tared lie Shin medicine la eniimbitMd purely of HERBS AND ROOTS NOT A PARTICLE OF Colonut or glitter* TS USED IN IT, No more filthy Vermitype will be uses by those who met , use thls'Ten. ' The onh active principle Of all other Veroants 614 Worm lifllerx i. ArE ILL C 111 F. • OIVE NO POISON TOll yon - CHILDREN. Upe u Simple, Safe, Viiratalile Sfedicine. llifirVorm Ten alt. dificiitrared In an , Imr amour the-IVilcla of i Northern Waco—. 9, full account of it you will find in our Almanac", for the ••Rni-u. rot Alnmat,” of thet', Agent, and when you it, ',tend it to''' . . L". l r" . „:,ll,:il*.i i :l t tL t t b rltlZ.Vl l l "" of ad ~ JIT OSONIS• : 11'014111 TEA ,:., 1 l': K.:ILLS - WORMS,. Nerefllarms—ls Pleasant to Take. A , ;! ! -4 • CET A PACKAGE—PRICE ;25 (TS.. • o• Olt , rltUr..-Almays,lind the Name And Sign. ture of t). I. JUDSON k 1.70., and the portrait„ • of Town.. on ench•packsga of this Worm PA. ' ( . B. L. .71IDSON & C 0.,” • SOLE PROPRIETORS, 1 j, 50 Leonard St.,lNew York. • Jullinit's i%'orm Ten I• -maid by one , ;3 n ge 4-14 ' ' : " 1 1) 1 ;• s n ' Ir t .a r )L 1' 1 11 g 1. 1 7f. ""d Z ter . C i 7r: '• i 't7 li nc -:. 7. -, 7 1 ". --7,- "•-' •• - R 3, ''f... --- N...._: -- 6. - ^" , ?_•, - "1..;.__.\... , ' , ..'' -,;"'' SAYItE & 8ii.0 . , Agetaj, 1i0ntr.,.... ._. (dea2:3 .. .., ... 1 . J .1; READ HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of lIOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BI - TERS can appeal with perfect c‘onfulenCe to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion Or blazoning puffery. The consumption of, Iles;tetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last yearampunted to over a half million bottles; and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties son} ained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those 'sections of the cotftttry where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters o their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all mica of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. /This is not a temporarypopularity, obtained byl. extraordinary efforts: in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to bo as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other Wiliam complaints have counted their victims' toi hundreds._To be able to state confidently. that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a-source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach,. purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitalityta the nervous system, giving it that tone and;energj indispensable for the-restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildlibut powerfully, and soon restores them to x condition essential t 4 the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. ; Elderly permits may Use the Bitters daily as' per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peduliarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it itiVeasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally.. We have the evi dence of. thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit easing this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and generaldebility; acting under the advice of physiciana; they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of (this article. A fell words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when -their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the 'trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that/the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own-health iti her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive daring the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity fora stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up underher exhausting trials and responsibilities. If ursing mothers gene rally prefer.the Bitters Ito all other invigora tors that 'receive the endorseinent physi c4afis, because it - is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to .give :a permanent increase of bodily strength. All-Those persons, to whom we have particu- !fitly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever end ague, caused by malaria, diarrita, dysentery, indigestion,. loss of. appetite, and all diseases, or derangements of the stomach; - superannuated invalide, persons of sedentary oceupation, and narking mothers; will consult their own physical Welfare by giving to Hos tatter's Celebrated Stoniach Bitters a trial. CAUTIONI—We caution the public against : using any of the many, imitations or 'counter feits, but ask *for Hos,rirrza's CELEnPATEU !firo sacs %Trims, and pekthaf each bottle has the words "Dr. J . Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the aide of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap cOrering the cork, and observe that our autogriph signature-is on the libel. Air. Prepared and 'old by/ZOBTETTER SNEPPIE. Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United State, South Jana ries. and Germany. or" lur bale w ..10n!sogo by - A BEL TURREII Montrose Meatle-Yard. - SOUTHWORTEt & V:ADAKIN; A.NurAcitßiuts AND DEALER.% In Italian and Amerlean Marble for: Monuments, Desd,,to t " Tomb-Taldea. Mantles. .Sinks and Centre-Tables. Also dealers in Marbleized Slate for Mantles, Centre-Tables. te. ••• Strop a few doors east nf /Searle's Uotel on Tempi ke stniet, Pi.. ' • • 0011 Y. ~. PICTURE. GLASS. BED "any oFlench '''.fervißiTi,AuffitElzd A - dys, 18 90 . pun CIDER I .l2 , l2o#li i 'for sale tA cr. L Ayer's Sarsaparilla I FOR PURI:RING THE BLoop, And for tin) speedy cure of the ictiliJoined varieties of Disease s flernifula tin& Eitirotntorm Atr * eetion, sJnett R 4 Tumors, Ulcers, Soren. Eruption*. Pius plea, Pustules, Blotches, Donis, Dud all Diseases. I 1...1%, . rth June, 18%9 J. C. ATM kCO hts rod! it my duty to no knowledge what your Snranparllln lola noire for no liming Inherited aSt rofolona Infeetlon, h ,t and: nal from It In %allow, Irma for yew.) Soon Unica It hurat out In Vipers on my Monts awl Anna; aometinu 1% turned Inward and dlain•awl me at the atruma Two yenta ago It broke oat on my bead had 1.11V21141 Peulp and earn 'with one.sore %%Wale - tem% ptinnd and !oat haotne beyond di Pertptiali 1 t many medl, luta mid at ye nil physician', hut Ithout tom lt,r, llrt . from nut In act, the diaenh r uworse. At length I n trioh" , to n•rd the Gospel th n••• r von had ,mpan sl mt alb naive (Sarsaparilla), for I Liu •w from vonr rep, tathwt that any thin • yon atone mart rOmi Mnt to Inrlnnatl and gut it, a n d tuned It tilt It ruled me, 1 tooth It, an you 11111tP1*, In mall donna of a„ t•poonfol r month, and rts.•l almoot that Im•th•• u tart lo dilly PtiO noon het,"an to form moh r thf mirnft whin, aft,•r while fell MT 11. .klu Is now el -at., and 1 limo In my f.dhtge that 11w Mara.,• 114 gone frent my. Phut lon ran tirrlt ta %.• that 1 tel what I:mt /41%11,4' Ml7l`ll I till you, that 1 hold yon -to he one of tlu *must!, it of the ag , and retain e% t r gmh•fully, 1 oar., AI 1 io..r) R. r ti.i ry. 441. Aistlinot •11 Piro. Rmiel_or RI- +awing., Totter and Sn It Rite , Scald Ilendo Ring. warm. core E).ea, Dropsy. Dr Kola•rt M. hurtle writes front gelato, \ . Sept..llo IMP rtin.d lo“ tonic Lase or Dropsy M ill II, ul to tOrttlitral fntnlir, ty the peram. rl • coo• or nor S ersnia , rilbt. mot aloft r ona attn. k of ,lf e /of/or/ox P of the Immo, aaya he curt fo tin. tont:non s optiona 111, it con bluntly Itronehocele, Goitre. or Ravelleill'lteek. 7tbitlon , duan of, Proam t . Trtcaa, rito•m • Three NOM of our S wrap wfll crivo4l mt. from /1 rrOrir,—n om av‘i on the oak, Ishii 11tvP,uRrred from near two V. Len 4 ourhtrn or 'Whiten. dilation 'rumor. j. . r u ' ' ' ~ ' , l ~ L 1 Dr..T. B. S. Clownlntr. of :tit - ne Tork City. writer+ : "1 rnottt thecrfolle comply with. the rehttiott. of your agent In uttylon'T tome fountryttur S3rptiontilln n most excellent Alterative fit the nuntertme comph.lote for which we em ploy towlk a renteAr. but ~Ittrai itt renvtle il of the SerOflOO•t .IOIIPPk. 1 line cun , 4 minty Meet ernte ctote,t of I ...nos:written it, nod WOW' inure the compleint tv , e , eate ,,, l by ote, , , or the The ttleerht Inn Iroell Woo 1 , 000 eared.- I Notlslog within toy knowledge etro;tl.4 it fir I Iwo , Pin.l- P.,lw)uhl S. Marrliw,oF Newho re, `Ala.. write. "a tlnt gertnet ovarian tumor no OM- of the in my family, wlthlt tint defied nil the rentedleft See emiltl, employ, loot nt lenerth 6441 eompletely mired your extract of Sac attpnrilln. Our pity...lls+m thought :Imtliing hot extltpn ilun could afford hot 'lie ttelt - invil the itistl of your Snelonottilln no the Inst recort ctittltte., nod It proved effeentut.. - After tattitte; your remedy eight wn'tto no eymptotn of lite tlixeuse rem:dont" NEW 0111.1.:A N 4; ?MI, AuLynnt, 'S.I9. 1 5 .,. .1. C. AYI:lt. Sir: I cheerfully comply with the request of yhar nem, nod report Ito you 'some of the efforts I bare realized with your Stirsaparillne T hark. cared with it, in toy prnetirc, nnwt of thf. com plaints for whichit I, rroommendisL and hare hmuil tin ittierfs I nil)._ wonderful in the ear, of l'ettertwl ”11,1 Kri-- - rffriiii pi.:enge. (11w of my pat leokiil awl ttyllitilltie nieera in his throat, whiii; were ronsuntioir his palate awl the toll of 'his moults. Your , t:inr , apa dila, stemlllr taken, canal him in tiveWeeks. AnOther !was lithieked by see. mulary symptoms it, Ids un,r., runpllit• uleernti on l in d entot ninny n eotwnlernlllt , part al' it; ~., that I. believe the Ilinorth r IN . OIIIII soon reach hi, brain' awl kill hint. Rot it yIeIANI td tin n , ln'ilio.trnri , n of yaur ' 4 :ie.:Tann.; ; the oln e i,.; he a led. male Is well of:11in. for of emirs.. without norm. 411.1igurnt ion of the Met , . A WOlllllll Who• Mei 1 , 01.11 trent,' for 11.- saute 41garrler l•y ?It:wt.:my was notT,riner i ron* thj, p o k o ., In li, bow, Tlwyltni . l bevellie 'pi...n.l. llvo to ti, wvatlier Hurton a damp flay sho snifered'ex erneiating• pain in her Joints nod Rone,. sh e , t o n, its, cured entirely lit. your Snrsaparillti In a few weeks. I know from its formula - , whirl; von., mr.•ut gas, ITO, that thin Preparotion from your lal+orntory ninpt he n grout trromly,; consequently, them, truly remarkable . results with it bars not surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. V. t:A RIMER; M.P.t Illteulitothoin. Goat,,i•r Consplntiat. IN1 , 1:1.1ti5111 , N1 I:. Vrextral CO, .Yen.: nth.laly. 111:..1, f'. An',':- Sir: I linvolwon 41111..1.1 1, 101'apain• ful chronic Rhenarntion for a bing One, witip4sllll,l the skill of physleians, mid stark to in; In ;p . m t o orb all the renovlies I you'd Owl, until tided ysiurtimsnpakilla. thm bottle 'cured our In lira wicks, nal: tylgereol my ;potent! health so' noel; that 1 fun fiirpter quo; before I Wall Ilttneked. 1 think it n Ivonglvrtli oliriue. .1. FITE.% M. ~,,,rxo .lib's V. Gotehell; of St. I. .14, li.rit., , '. 1 barn tort afilietell for years with an in Otirll4 Or Mr 1 Pro..;, wlokli destroved my health. I , -I.•very Ilefliv, moo! evi.... thing fitije.lio relie, e Me; a. .1 I bin s ,y•c . .ii a !woken-4;1;611113a for - ndn, year.. 10,7110 °III,' ralloi.,lllall dent/re/We,/ r.f the Liver. My h e tormi romir. the lily. Mr. h:spv 00% bust me to try von .Sarsapartrila, iistiloe , lio .aid lie &M.- s you, and mr & ft You made wa, worth tryt'tg. Ry the tiles, Inv: of iif it tins cured 111.% mul bask. puritt'tl 'lr. , blood ...,.,.....k.. a 115.15 . rain or Mr, I fat v:mm: ~,,,1,1. Tice best shod can he raid or yon it lint I.pie g.,..1..n,,,0,. , ' Schirkaan. Cniteer Minoru. Farinrgrmetst. 11- erration, ('arisen, ned Exfolloilou or- the lions. A grent variety of elFellllftrt• }, ,,,, 1t [renorte.l to wih - liero ehreo.of floe, foomi table eumplatoi% I'm ‘ e reoullell n om the hoe of thil/ remedy, loft mil. ~.”:„a +• hero h 11l 'lot .1. i mit them. Some 'of them they lo• thew! le our Ani..e,-..e Alm:lone, whielt the agog,' h,loh mmett me I , l‘,lse.i to . furulolt gntik to 01l who ran for th in. Dympopsiz ! Heart IDlsea.r;l Fit., Epili,psy, _ . _ %Tnnv renincinble mires of those i.nill-etiotas have ltovn rondo by the alterative power of this merit - Atte. It st itts Isles the %nal Morticing Imo % hmcoos n,tion, not! :ti t .. overcomes disorder% witielt 4."%..",41 its renal. • Such oremetly has long! town r.-pdn•d by tl,l• necessities of the people, anti we nh rutuideat Waldo for them atlknt nuvlirlu.• riot. tin. MT: 'MK I: 11:11 , Coughs, Colds, Infinen,stn. Door/wiliest, 'Croup, Drone:llth.. In. iplent Cooonnnp• ' tion, owl for the rtel ief Cononnap. tivo. Poi'lento, In navnucett • stages, of the Insense. This Is it remedy MO nnivervells known to funfairs any other for the eine of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless here to publish the es idetme of its virtues. Its utuivalledsexcellenee for coughs ail colds, and itg t ru ly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized potions of the !earth. Few are the communities, or even 'families, aniong hum who have not some Is experience .if its ellivts some living_ trophy In their midst of oiler the subtle and dangerous disorders - of:flu:lilt-oat and bungs. As all know the dreadful finality of these disordecs. and as they' know, too, the efrvet, , of 11101 remedy, we nrsal not do more than to assure them that It has now all the lir tiles that it did have when makinglthe cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared - by Dr. J. C. Anal. CO., Loviell, gaga • ••• For',...ale by Abel Turrell. Moutrrie; Church S I limey 1/midair; WM1111:111 Auburn Centre. am by nil denier.: and everywhere. oclB cw • Uterine Illetratioti. Fetitnlo Dillensee. Syphilis and Mercurial Disc..., !Uri anelt al y,u'ynl g Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 4// Tt toOltzsm! , ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz.: 1 DEBILITY. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS,' :EMA CIATION. DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION SCROFULA. SALT AHEM SCURVY, JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT FEVERS. NEM.LOLft. clap c -HEADACHES. FEMALE WEArNESS. MENSTRUATION , WHITES. icaLosona, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, !ROUGHNESS F THE SKIN, etc.' - - i• _ The IRON being absorbed by the blood, a thus circulatitig through the whole system, o part of the - body ran escape their truly Won . ful influence. - The experience of thousandi daily proi'res t no preparation of Iron can (for a 'moment compared with it. Imtmrities.of the blood, e.• _presston of vital energy, pale and oche sickly complexions indicate its necessity in - Most every conceivable case; In all cases of fetuale.llebility door albus, chloroMl. etc.), t effects renovOtint. No reme y has over been discovered, in !the whole hi of medicine, which exerts each prompt, ha y,, ?-and fully reiterative effects. Oomi appetite, co . plete digestion, rapid acguiiition of stren ' .with an unusual dispoeitioh for • active d cheerful exercise, immediately follow - its -As a grand stomachic and general cesteral it has no superior and no substitute- Pettrip In neat flat metal baits contalid g 511) pills, pries .50 cents per box 3 six box a, 3'.03-one dozen !nests. it4loo. Par Pale Drngal.le generally. Will be sent free any addres4 on receipt of the price. All tees, orders, etc."; should be addressed soli. • R. B. LOCICB & CO.. General Agents. , 339 PUNA DIW . AIt, N Nat.—tho above is a Nie.dmile 'of .....Inb e t on each boz. Sold in Muntropphy AII4L ItliltELX., d • Is., . • -- '" ----- I ' l - I — '"-- I WHY STANot:YE ALL THE DAY IDLI - 1 AitY tady or dentlemin in the Vetted . utatespos from tut to jr. can ente'r into , easy and , hie loneineeee which tromp to 51(1 per doyen b' izek For cram address (with Iliantil ) Oct. 4th. . 3m - W. H. ACTON* CO. No. 3T. North SiMti PI Net. Made! •_.• - -•ABEL: TURRIELL.. rrAs jot retinrned from selecting and man , . Dig and!! .11 n ow receiving one of the largest and best stadc of • Goa • . . +. - 9 ever offered In this market. The quality of neatly every thing good; all warranted as represented. Terms: Ready. Cash and Low Pries% • A geneful Idea of the stock may be fornfed from the following emunleratlon : DRUGS, • ltignicturu, CUEIUCALS. PAINTS, OILS. Vat sure, . WINDOW: GLASS, DYE STEVER, GROCERIES - GLASS WARE, CROCEERY, • - • Mirrors, CIOCRS; WALL P4PEIFI. .W/WOW rsrsn. OaSRADV/YANCY GOODS, Musleal Instruments.Lautps,Jeweiry, Yerfturtery, Stone Wort, Brooms, Smalley, Whips. Bmbrefa Bird Cages, ' - Docket Knives, Gans. Pistols, Amnannitlon, Liquors, Trusses, Supported, Shoulder Bracco, ` pod manuals, _ Spectsciga, Silver'a plated - Spoons, Forks:, Ai'. Gold petis, Stationery, Violin, Guitar..BassNiol Strings. LithOgraphs, porCelaln Tee th . Artist's Tube paints, Brush us, &c. &c. Also some Dry Goods. Wooden Wire. hard midi:manned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Campbfne, Coal OIL Bunthig Fluid. Aicohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, neat foot. lard, olive, castor boiled and raw Itnek-ed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, nod all kinds of colored_ prtiatsVlne gar, Canary Seed, also all the popular PA :•=n NOVI LINES. and other thing. too numerous to mention. • It Is Impracticable 'to give-More than a general outline of my stock through the newspapers every ond wishing GOODS 1s invited to call and examine: Custdmers on enterin the store must not expect to And every', thing In sight;but nearly every article wanted will be produced inquiry: ; Thankful for the Mend patronage hitherto recived,-he hopes to merit a continuance and lateinereenie of the same.ABEL TUBEELL. Montrose, June s.ltifit • DR. N. Y..LEET, Ph avian and Surgeon. Frl/reille, Pa. -I)ffitycniorite the Jack* n Haw. i VAIL LEE*[' gives particular tention to the treatment dittenseanttbe EAR and Eta; and is 'confident that his knowledge of and ex periencv In that branch of prac tice %elite:table him - to effect a cure in the must dittlctilt cast , S4: For treating diseases of these organs n 0 ,.. fee will be eitafged unless the patient is benefitted he the treat- Meet, [AugnotAoth. • . BOARDING $C13001 1 ,.. • AT GREAT BEND I PA,I , HIS SCtiff% will*, opened for the recep tion of Ladies and- GetttleMim. tin the 29th day (Wednesday), of Fehriiary, 1860. • TE 11 PM- 0 Primqy ilranches per.Qetr of II weeka, $3.00 Common s 66 I 3 . 511 Common and Higher,, " . •'4,00 Higher" 66 64 I 5,00 Lessons on Pi a no, " ." ; 10.00 Use of 66 66 • ti 00 Ornamental, and Classical DepartmeritS, extra. The Prineipao leis had snitch .experience in teaching. in New York -and Penn'a for ;the last ten 'years, in Common. as well :is Seleet,iGraded or HighSamili4. References given .if ilequired —B c i tr d ht th e b.ilirtling hall, 1140 doll's per week. Lights and washing extra. Payments to be made quartioly in milhtnee. nth y . E. W POGERS. • xtror Lvtum. - 1. cTour, s 7 t,cl iJammu Store, v • •• •• A VIMONTROSE, En., grANE z doer below J. Ethridgn's Dralr, Store ILP , Public Avenue, .where will )1% round V " consOntly on hand a ceneral assortment of GROCERIE=S:I Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teat, Coffin. •. &c , &c. , . Also the choicest brands of I _' FAMILY FLOUR' Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candlex i &c. We solicit a share of the public patiotinge, and pledge ourselves to do the lair-thing, hOping by each, bargain to nciuce another. • BALDWIN &.AIZEN. ALFRED BALDWIN. ' WM. L ALLEN. MON.TROSE, •PE A. rir LIE subscrjoerhavin . g p j urchased •••• t refitted and newly furnished th • is s • . Amer , well known and popular Hot&, -_is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in lirst,e)as s Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pra prietor and his Assistants to ,make the , Hotel equal iu every paint to any:in the .colintry. . . , The !tar will always be supplied ;with' tni - Choicest Liquors. ; .. The Simi)leg, connected with ihbi Homo are large. roomy and. convtiunt, and eaiTful and attenti%e flomtrers are-always in charzeiof them. J. S. TAR. 41.11.1.. MEAT MARKET. Ou Public Airline, near Seurle'sjilulel. aT EEP cruise:lntl , / I , ll' band n good 14 - ipply of jl MEAT. of all kinds. CASH paid for Heel Callll.,Calvex,Slteliponti LanAbs. A ko for IlideN of all kicats. HENSTUCK"& A W LEY. y. T 11F.NsTocK. N. IIAWLET. NI cm , . r"se. )tarot 3nth. 's9.—tf. • KEYSTONF HOTEL; At Montrose, PAM WM.. IL HATCH.; Proprietor. r VMS new and commodious llotellaituated, 1 on ['Oldie Avenue, near the Court Hbuse,and nearly in Wrcentre..of the business pttirtion of Montrose; is tibw fu ly completed and furnished, and Was opened on Monday. the 27th day of September,' 1848...f0r the accommodation of the public - and travelers. The Proprietor feels confilent that .. is now prepared to cnterta:ii— guestOn a manner that cannot fail to Ova E Complete Satisfactio n . The Hotel and rtiAiiltire are new, -MP no ex pense has. been'spared to fender - it eqMtl. if not superior to any similar establishment inikhbvpart of, the :State.. It is well supplied with ,nilt the recent imprtivemerits and comforts. andloblilting waiters will always - be readyto respeMi -to Abe call of customers. The Stibles - connected with this ftouse are New and Corivenient. The Pr.,priethr rt•vecttully yolicnK the patron age of his bid friends, and the pithlie.gen!ernily. uEt ~1 11 'tall!! wIiOLESALIE. SALT- DEALER, 201 ' Wash i0,2100...5t, 1 - o)frprtly tipp . ip4ite Washiriginn Maikot,) • IVeVIDr: T I LI. CONTINUES to :oiler An 61.1 eke and . 13 COUNT RY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN - Coarse and Fine SALT, at the verylowetit figur - en; 400c0 sacks and bags. consisting in part of AO ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use Jeffrey & Darcy. Marshall's, Brownloiw's, &c,- and 'aiitiou bushels Turks Island,, Mauves, Cu. racoa, St. Titles, Lisbon. Cadiz, Irina, Nontes, &e.;, .1 all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store end storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a.gooff nsitortment will find it to his interest trY N. 8.— . -Fine table salt put small bags of different Sizes, and constantly on hand in ship.: ping order. Also a' splendid article lof Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity. in eases of five (town Each. News ! -New ! HAVE You HEARD The HEWS ? WH AT NEWS? wTILST J. T.. I.4IKkitIMANIe-NOW Its CEiIINO direct from New York. Another of his choice stockerdf \ etz G D 3. ° embracing in the Dry Goode line, de 1 ulna , Ctdlis, man-' HMIs, Silks. Poplins, Prints, etc.,. ctc„etc. as ellae a full stock ofUemeetick. each as summer clothe, (or men and boys' wear, Shlrtinge, Tiekin><e Dentine, Cotton Yarn, carpet Warp„Hatte. etc. Groceriea---a full artartutent.— Fish—Mackerel, Trout, W hitefish , Caddell, and Herring. Hardware, building materials,Glaaa,Pnttt, Paint Uile, Dyestuffs. Iteady‘made Clothlnz.the worimans p MARIIANI2D4 - Tint*, CAW add Bonnets, of the blest E la, Ilaute and ebace, worthirion 12,10 to Er. In fact oat eeory variety of Goode usually Inquired forst any try • atom can be found at the a. i .0 L \ and tt ts the aim of thoproiwietor tom stielvAlapasitlon \ , of hie Goods deal neither Pim. nor his "011,0 AN." - • .L. MAN. Ctioniritte: Pit.. Juno let, 11e' , 1 • i DYSPEPSIA, Dyspepsia; Debility of the System, flyspepda, Dyspepsia, Debliity of Ike System, DyspePoki• /440 r Complaint` , Acidity Liver Coniplaint, Acidity, • Bilk*" seatiplaials, Sick littulache, Inoue Complaints, Sisk Headache, .FLATULENeY, - LOS3 OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS .OF APPETITE, rout de mtmherlas other diseasei sirloins from h. digestion ma forndeenral disorders of the iiennexi, Put ready relief in that estahhalat tm aerttni remedy, - TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS: Ire call the attaitio' n,‘Pile reader to tha follci g ktter from :Presidot Sraifh, foimelitlf Wartias4 trairersily, aryl now of etaneriaorw. Md. ' • Pvt.!! W. forrLs. & Dn.— Gentlemen : tot made use of the Orygrestrd Mays some seven or 'ISM years' Ante. Having suffered for ninety Yeats from a form of dyspepsia. which was attended with o nervous headache , on an avenge of not less then ma day In a week; I eras Indoced, by the unpretending ne ornmendation. of Dr. Green, o to try . one bottle, and if' no benefit was received to disnuttione the used' The nee clone bottle warrantetralunher trial, to the eaten br PORT three or four, with a carefpl observance of the Accompanying. directions. -The result wee, an almost entire - relief from the meal dyspeptic symptoms and their. depressing, painful consequences. believe then Diners - produced an entire change in the habits of my system, and upon the active edergies of the digestive Orgies. , I now , deem myself as anoint hum Dyspepsia, as most penults: These Diners have also been of ses , vice to oilier members <drily family. Very reepectfolly yours, • AVGIUSTITS W. Sinn!: THE OXYGENATED Arrrurts. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. CEIMENtSI, After suffering for more than 044 lean! with 'Dyspepsia . ; .rind it jog many remedies rec. ommended fur that disease without any good result, I was indured;hy Dr. 1. - 11.'%Vtiire of Ala:Wield, to give the prygenotoik Billed a trial. I took two bottles, which gavo me so nieirh relie(that t purehistl two mare, which hive nearly or quite effected a cure; I ins now hearty seventy-five lest." of age. , and for three month+ past have 100 w, Inconvenienee froth my food. I take great pleasure horeeninmending the Bitteni to all aillieted with Dyspepsia and its contsaultaht drainers. -•hlauanELn, Tinge Co., Pa., Aug.2o,lßSfi. . I have used the Ocagesusted Baters-in my pectic* with decided euccees, in debility - aid general proeuation,. ice., and confidently 'recommend them fn general de bility, and daearee of the digestive organs. lUW . aa'f i 3UU . !JUIUIULISA THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Sold by Droggitto, Dookrs, tind .11iiThonts iriccery - tmcy Ow/ city thronhout the country. it4rFor rale by Abel Tamil and 'tend, Witt rano, al Irof ter. Mnotm.n; 11. 'WoodrulL.llitnoek ; Amos S'lcholt. Brooklyn: Wl!Huey a: Mom Iforford ; Weed a; Ward Great Bend; J. C. Olin:Avail, Dundntr; L. Griffin, Grea Bend. , -.. July BCERHAVE'S - HOLLAND BITTERS TUX CELERRATIth 1101.1. AND REMEDY FOit DY-SP FiPS . X , DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, • zivaln .voltipzwarm, 'WEAKNESS OF . ANY . KIND. 'FEVER AND AGUE, Ann the miens Affections coneequenkupoo a dleordered STOMAKII, OR LIVER, - Pich es Indigestion. Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky Palos, Headhunt. Low of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, - lined awl Inewling 'Piles, In all ,Ferrous, lilientnatte and Neunticie Affections. It 'boa In evens inshancue proved highly henelielal, and in others 'trotted a decided cove. This Da purely vegetable compound. prepared on strictly wieutitie-prDiriplea. after the manner of the celebrated Holland Prof...see. llcerhave. Its incitation at Annie pew( lured its Intusluction bent, the demand tommeneing,adth times of the Fatheriend scattered over the face prthle mighty country., many at whom brought with them and handed down the tradition'of Its valne. IL- is Nina mrcred to the ..tattn - nart public, - brewing tent its 016 , woncierlal wieficand rialuor omit be oriweicinhpd. It to particularly recommended to throne pereetet whose eonetftutione may have Liam Initsdrestby the continuous use of ardent spirit/. or other forma of-ilincipatioir. 'Generally Instantaneeux in effect. it finds its waj directly to the seat of life. tlailling and quitkrning every nerve, raising np the drooping apirit,,na, 6. s . 4 infusing new, health amt vigor In the ayatem. • ~,, NOTiCE.—Wbeever'empects to find this a beverage wit hE disappoluted: lAA to the Sick. weak acid low spirited; 1t - will prove a grAtiful aromatic cordial, Whammed of slugubis remedial preerties. ' - •' • READ CAREFULLY!` The" Genuine highly concentrated Thetis/wee Thailand Bitters le put tip in hilt-Plut bottles only. and retailed at Oce Dott.ta per bottle. or Ail &Mice for Five DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly celebrated Med:eine has induced many imitations, which the public should gtuird against prsrchaiing. . /fie Beware of impoaition. See that our name Is on the. label of every bane you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be !awarded )7 Uprose - to most points. • SOLE PROPRIETORS. =UM BENJAMIN PAGE, JR &CC!, pharmaceutists nod Clttntistn- • •PITTSBURGH, PA." These BITTERS are sold In Montrose by ' or 4 ly .AJ3EL TER ELL, Druggial. IF • Watches, Jewelry &Silver Ware. • .riore wogld respectfally Inform our friends and IV patron*. and tile generally"that we Ihave now hi Store, and offer WHOLESALE and RETAIL, 'at the lowest CASH PRICES, a large & very choice stuck of WATCHES, JEWELRY, rat rue PLATED WARE, of every Variety and style. • - i Every description oLDIAMOND WORK end other dew elr(4nade. to order at short notice. eta- Cioodi warranted todiaa represented.. :11.—Partictilar attentien given to repairing Watches , pnd Jewelry of every dew:Melon. sera Bat Rl‘ STAUFFER k HARLEY, . ':Co: cd 31erkst st. stuttilr '.ifte Reliable testimony. - • MIDDLETOVri, Conn., Feb. 28.18 g. RICIMOND, Tioga Co., Pa., Mg. 95, 18g. From Dr. White F. WHITE, M.D. 4"11/IPAR.ED IW R. R. SAME & CO, t 18. TTrmont Pure, Donna 50,000 Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER:. COUNSELLOR IN In/SINEW . By Frisuk Crosby, THE ritwangtnme. - 3A6: It tells you floW to draw up Partner-hip Pa. - pets and gives general forms • for Agreements of till kinds, Bills of Sale,_Leases and Pe. _ . • titions.. , It kilts you HOW- to draw np Bonds and Mintgages, Affidavitlt, Powers - • • „of A ttorney, Notes and Bills • ; , of Exchange, Receipts and Re .- leases. It tells.foss-The.LaWs for the Collection trf Debts, with the Statutes of to L ef i u pt i ri t o( lt e i i o rnt n .y . ,a nd toment and kind every E Exempt, from Ex- It tells you How. to make an Assignment . • p4,i,e) : t y , with forms fur Com ' • pOsition with Creditors, and • -• the -Insolvent Laws of every • State. . , It tells ,you The legitl relation existim be tween Guardian and Ward. • -Master': and Apprentice; and Landlord and Tenant. It tells-you What constitutes - Libel and • , Slander, and the Law-as to Msrriage Dourer. the• Wife's ' Right in Property, Divorce atid Alimonr.. It tells you The Law for 'Methitnis' Liens in - every State, and the Natural. ization Laws of this country, '• . and how to comply with the same. - . • Ittells , you The Law Coarsening Pensions • ... . and how to obtainotne, and the . Pre.Emption Laws to Public l ands. -It tells yon The, Law for Patents, with Mode of procedure in obtain._ _ • . irig one. with. Interferences,. Assignments and Table of • Fees. • It tells yon 110 v to- make your Will, linw to Administer on an Es . 14w:witl. - the law and require .. . 'mons thereof in every State. It tells you The meaning of Law Terms in. • nl.neral use, and explains to -, you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Govern. meats. It tells you 110* to keep out of Law,. by allowing'how to dd your bu sinesa legally, thus' saving a . • vnat amount of property, and ' vexat ious littgittion: by its time. -lt eon:mit:glom Single copies Will he sent by mail, postige to every Partner-, every Mechanic. every man' of_BUSiDeS4. and every body in every.titate,- on receiptot 8104; uric law style of binding at $1.2.5. - $lOOO A TE -- 1. Wean ,be made by enter priiiing lawn everywhere, in selling . the above work, as our induelements to all such are very -- 'liberal. For single ettpiaet of the Bonk, or for terms 'to agents, with other information, aoply to or address 3011 N ''E- POTTER, Publisher. . je71116.) . 61'7.SanomSt.,Pliii'a Pa. I=ol What Etiorybody Wants. THEFAMILY DOCTOR: SIMPLE R.FMEDIP.S I:ASII.Y .OBTAINED, THE . CUILE 01.'1InSEASi. IN.ALI. FOII3IS. • . _ • • ProfosSor Henry S. Taylor, M. D. It tells yen !row to. !Mend upon the sick, • dnd how to cook foriheni; how gp prepare _Brinks, POI/ Wee:. &c.. and how to giorcriiguinttt infections from , ,Centagiuus Di 4'n,,,em. • It tells you Of he 1169138 di*easem. of Chfl dren, dnd givesl he Lc-,.t and • Aimplert mode of trentment dnrine Teething. Convulsions, Vlit:eittati g-ettu , th on.Whoopin 0 , .- Mentsels,,,&c.. It tell% you The...pcp.totn%4 CrOnp,Cholera .. - Inf.intuni, ehmtie„ Diarrhcco, • " : . Worms. Scnicedlielbt,, King , • . - tyoria,- Chicken-110X, &c., a nd _kivesi sflii the Lest - Jemedies . .. 1 ,,, r their ccre. . 1 . It tells you Tkie gympt num ofF iVrue evercnd , , . • 44 :Bihiptts. Yellow. 'l)_phu - 4, . .. - ' Necrlet pici nth .r Fever., and _ 'gives son the best and simplest— rentedieg for their cure. It tells you:The r•ymplot . nm of Influenza, Ponnntnidiet, Dt:splvgi-s,Agth ina.-Drepsy„ Gent, Rhona:ism: I.Amtago,Erysipelus,&c.. and gives )Vityfhe bent remedies' ror pier/Ft ? re. It tells yotlt The t2-nipterns of f,7 - 0 era 111nr ' \l!tut, r itex," Dvsentery, Cramp. Dig. eageig of the BLidder, Kidneys. _ and_ Liver, and the best reute ?, dies for their core. It t t•li! . s you The nytnpt..lng of Pleurisy, ltfurnps, Netualgia. Apoplexy, Paralysis, the-warions Diseases , •of the T•firieit,.. Teal h. Ear and . . . ' . , - .• their rare. • .... . _ 11 tells you Tito r.ymptnins .of Epilepsy, Jaundiee. Piie.s*,-.ll.upture, Ms _ '... i:a - ses 01 — the Ileart,:kleutor, • .i,haae, Venereal . , - iljulroptuvidti., I.nd gichs,the ',best remedies for' tlu•ir cure.. .It tells yon The Let and sinfidest remedies ' . for Won nde, Broken Dunes and ' ;lltsiucniiidis t Nprninsinekjaw, . 1 0 . .4 - yr.:Sores, V%.` hit If Swedlin s, . .., Ney. Itorah,*arl scrotal*. • • It tells VOl,l Of the rations diseases pr4uliar to \Vowel,. and vie;>srilie hest .. ' :and simplest tern , ctiPs lUr their . .. ,l i able 14 , geflier wail many val. . ' ,uable frittis 7 l s 4 ( the . fireservit. hint of rival ft.• The work iii.written in ilain langna?e, free from medie.l- terms,' sr :1.14 to he ea,ily under stood, while its Siirip reeeipes ins vi soon pave yOu many times ;t curt of th e 1, 0 , i! It , j l , printed in a •eltr ( and (pen type; is illustrated with appropre 'engravings. -rind will he. for. warded to y r address. neatly-hound and post: see paid s on the ti-ceipi Of 81 uo . 81000 A' FEAR can he made hy" enter -prising men evei.ywkeie: in selling the'abovu Work; as'our inducements to all such are very liberal. . • r . ' For single copies of the - Book, or for terms to atfontis, with othor information, apply to or 'address JOHN POTTER: Pubiitiher, Jelin° I . Nd. fit 9 Samoan St„ !Mira Pa. WM. B. SIMPSON-, • ••. Shop in Boyci'd; lrehgter's mein badding," neat door dove:Keeter et Stoddard's. worked. for tho past nine years walt-the roost skillful workmen, he frek confident that hi can do the most difficult jobs on short notirh. • , - 11l Work Wairotard to Give Sotlifitetion.* • %V : B. SIMYSO4 hat worked-for mo for. some time, and I an tenorowend him us a careful and skitful„workmai,intoupetent to do as good work as can be done in the country, and worthy of Confidence. • WN: A. CHAR/MIMS. Towatida JunijOth. 1858. ' iw on. id cou dlcinal .1) and Drug- • Refer's to—Mtn. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E.. 1) blontayne,E,O. Goodrich , B. K ingahurk. 'rowan. •di ; B. 8. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop. J. Wittenherg, Montrone. ***Jeivelty neatly repaired on short nolie and on ronsonablr; terms. [Juno lath, 1858.-4. PROF. CHARLES MORRIS, in.tunmand ffifirprease . r. Montrose., ra. Shot. bateutent of Scal. e • ye. and the best reinetiio, fui• 'tows. Boiils;