The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 15, 1860, Image 3
- - FIFTH STREET', `.7l l c:Yaszclect Liz 3.840. 7,11 1 't ' Charteredby._t cps a we. -1 xygattLY 6000 STUDIGITS, , gromalnicist every State] 1.1 in the Union„ have been educated Tar buidness,:beix,: the only College of the kind In the United States conOtteta, by an experienced merchant." ' • ' Our Junior Principal, Wm U. Mrs, has lustbeen awar•-!, ded i bratir State and other Palm E'IQM First Pnisitiumai for Badness &Orriatriental Penteatiship, over compentom called the best penmen ill the - country. Samples of his; Businessand Ornamental Writing, a circular of 60 pages.l and an elegant engraving, mailed, post paid, on receipt of' 'ants In stamps. For sale.; by book-sellers, Harper'. Winged Edition oil BUMS BOOK KEEPING, 2V. pages, $150; awarded/burl Stiner -Jkdets, and sanctionedbv the chamber of commerce andAntericsnlastintbeof New York, air the best published I Derr & Dcicau`s new and elegantly engravedlchool :I Copy Books, elk number', 44 pages, du e cap paper as per Goren : Dem, edltkm, tiper dozen. J. B. Lip :-90 pitcott W. 0. Johnston I Pittsburgh. DUNCAN'S GEMS of Business and Onnunental.f manshlp, crown quarto, f 5. postpaid from the college. Address: P. DUFF & SONS. Principals. Or Buy your aPsolarship In town. Colleges that send themhbroaC, cannot sell them at borne, wliere they are known. c H2V-110(?)Ds. arg_ gt runs' ARRIVING ,SEI6. %3 KIEL[.: - -MONTROSE, P4E., - Norember 10th, 1860. AT - a.maxerraer; NEW, :MILFORD, RV, IS THETLIkE TO: BUY YOUR HARNESSES; CHEAP FOR. dam AND GET THE WORTH OF YOUR.MONEY NEW GOODS • JiTST ARRIVED AT THE ORIGINAL "ONE PRICE" STORE! HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, Rave a LARGE SPLENDID Stock of- :. N~E't7P~ G. 0 9 Cheaper than the Cheapest ! . CALL AND EXANINE OUR GOODS, MISTHERTOL* BUT OR NOT. IT PAYS YOU I TO GET POSTED UP. ISC.A.IXT/3412 1 e =FLOES. , NEW MILFORD. wovembei Bth 1880 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located over the Susquehanna Valley panic. BINGHAMTON -NL Y.. • .FACIL LTV: D W. LOWELL. Priheip3l, , iPraef..;,nr of the FlCirnee . of Accounts, Ai•countant. A tatlo4r of biweir.Treatiem;upon int?: IhnframA illustratinu the name:- 31/11N RANKIN. Commercial AVeountallt, Profes`r of Rook Keeping and PracOval Nl4theriaAtes. 3A' CURTIS. Assistsnt Protetsiibr. initha Book Keepint! Dettertownt. . A. J. WAnlir.R. Professor of Tracti4l arid Or nsmental Terintanphip: Cortmereial Calcula tions arid Correspnndence. LECTUIRWFS: Hon. Daniel S. Didri.rsott. Letlurer ori Commer: val. Law and Politicaleontlinray. Hon.- -Ransom - lialcom. U.O iiror nn Contracts, Promissory NotcS and Biiim of EY.•hange. Rev Dr. E: dlgdrew•s ; Lector4r on gum/gds.! Ethics. • 1 • 1 EXAMS ING COQ IMILTIcEE Hon. Sherman D. Phelpa; Tracy IL Morgan. •- R! • • The object of Vila College la to aftord to all an opportunity of qbtaining a thorough guaineas -- -Eduration. • . - The Books and Forms are iarefulli arranged by practical accountants exitessly fur ihips in stitution and smbrace all thet recent :iMprove ments. The course or inatructions comprises every department of businiss. The learner will be thoroughly taught tiro Rein* and practice of Double Entry Bonk•Keepins 0 applied" to the following kinds of businmut, vji :-General Mer chandising, :Manufacturing. ,Banking, Commis pion," Steaullicatint, Railroading, Fursarding; Freighting, Foreign Shipping.' 6 doc. : YOUN:G m&T. Can qoalify themselves in a short time, at this Institu tion, to 1111 important/slid lucrative • situations. Ample erences tan be given where graduates of 1000 are now • ing desirable situations mit/salaries from $5OO to $lOOO roprietore are in possession of testimonial/1 from • the fleet Commercial Souses in < the State, to whom • ye furnished book-keepers. showing 'their entire affection and eottidenee in the ability, ofthe graduates of this Institution. t• a~ntn~cs~ In all its brandies. taught by the moat skillful and thor ough masters of the art. SNo College in the country en joys a higher this department. De partment entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time. i.e - vacations. Time to complete the course, from tiVto- 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the - requisite examl&tion are presented with the moat elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma issued by any Commercial or Clausal Institution in the . 1 1 Union. Asstance rendered to graduates in procuring situation. For terms of talon, price of board. testimonials Of graduates t 1 In address the proprietors for oirmalani eon • big full particulars. LOWELL & WARNER. - ' Proprietors Binghamton Commercial College,• • - "bros. et, 1860. 7 -ly Binghamton, N". T. Mill Property FOR BALE. mH undersigned offers-for Welds 11.111 Property in Milford. two mile. east from the bdrongh. consists of a MUST HILL and SAW BULL, with anew' Stone - Dam nearly completed—W feet thick at bottom, likf feet wide at top. and 19 feet high. ; This is a very:de sirable locallan..both as to business and; poiser. t'or further Infotmation inquired ARCHIBALD HILL. New ISRford,Rov Ist 113017 But• i • ‘E ALLE Y RAVE this day opened newAhd beautiful assortment of Goode, selected . * New Wdt ,with the greatest care, captaining of sett* of Jewell,. of every_Veriety—Qt, ince. Carbuncle,. Florentine and Roman Mosaic, Law Diamond Enameled, Fine Gold and Jet: • I • (a beautiful article fte Ladles' ) Gold and, ..Ter Bunting 'cud Om Face Wiltebet, of - the boot ma kers, inelediet the -Am er ican watch:' Fob, Vest: CheV eleine and Neck Chains; oold,Jet, end rated Btecelete; shall assortment of 1 .. Silver and Platet • • Gold, OM Steel and Jet Blldet and Btidirele for Vadke. B e l ts sa d Bonnets ; a very largeatock otFtnger > Mn~ ~ rs , ill' prim, and *vies; . -Gold liandiutychief 'wcwel and ()then. Fans, of all colors. entirely new patterns_ and very:lth ; Shelf Combs, plain and inlaid aritblvdd. - torevenitto dress: Stade- and Sleeve buttons, of every r ern Gairand Tooth Brushes, Port MOIIIIIS, Lubin? Table end . Pocket - Cutlery,. Chess Boards and Men; and, In fact: everrthlnE belony bag to our floe of business. Thenrill ter PentisVore, tre cordially Invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of thie commu nity to call and 'examine onr , GoOds,. which we shal take pleasure la exhibittng. ~zraits- a ALLEN. No 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. Blngbamton:Oct* Van punt: CIDER vinonz for bile tir • • .faIEL Ma= GOO DS! 7 - . MCI STORES AT Tit N. T. I enbaunt, & (s . uttolinrg; .-1 40 1 ; sq'aDepotPa . themselTes with it Montrose, & S The underslghed have preni SSORTMENT SPLENDI ER GOODS! fill & WIN et of being the which they bn HANDSOMEST ND CHEAPEST- in this section of country. They also, flatter themselves that they ha v'e,the best timillaksiorobtidning‘ 'Xtlatktt. and are determined not to be undersold by any firm this aide of View Tot dry. Inftard to - - • READY MAN CLOTHING we would lay that being iirthia large ly 2.4 Coy Street, New York City *e can offer the Patine barptinvaot serpannEd by ant re tail deakN in eh% neaten, at we can veil here at retail prl cc* an cheap an those who theta to New York and perch:kw at whobatale and then bring theta here and hare to make a profit over that which thee bare already paid theaiselven. Call and nee eased we will Wee the fans. • , igutteitherg, 'gosenbanin, Cl 3. Arontnite, Pa. Aix. PM, lt6o. HillifiEßEOH & NQ. 30, COITRT ST. • 33inghaanton,N. Y. - I MOTTO: QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS: rm?. JUST RECEIVED QPP T 2Wr SO bat . • Fro* Au c tion , and Els e wh e re_ i. , - AND WILL SELL YOU • . Good lfa i dder Printa; Pad 'Colors ' 6as pr. yd. I Beet Ilchintan ...Prints • 10 .1 - jßeantifuA DeLaines 10 Beat Ibuthalton. and Pacific TiaLatnes. • • • • ...16 I Pine „Preach Iferenos, Plaln '' , 7 60 I Figured ido • ' • ' .75 " !Splendtdinka ' i, 10 Brown &beating, yd. wide 6 " Bleacheik . : -do ' 1 . • Good Feather Ticking ~ - 10 =. 'Denim,'.: - • , from 6•ii to 12ti " 1 Mena Wrippera and Drawera.L from 50 cta to '2.00 " .L.ieg , LaaMer;eno Vests ,. i . . VERY : THEAP! , , I ii_. c• iv ix is ka , • - •7' = • i i • . CASSIMERES. A LARGE STOCK OF B-10,ADCLOTIISI. _ 1 1 All CI $1 to $5 pr. yd. C I 1501.333.431"0S From'ss to. $l5O , • . :Lido Th'd Gloves from sto ' 18 3.4 Cents. .I,lk . lES GAUNTLETS Styles. -exitss ;. Glovest, ENDLE,SSNARIETY.' _ All the La t test Styles . LA-1)1-ES CLOAKS! constantly on hand. n V44 . 2jit\ tJ) Orkin; On Short Notice . .] Our iSftok is Full.' (01.61 And you will be convinced that the placet to get the Worth of Yoig Money, 1111AGERF0111) & -PAGE Esca cmotrivr P•I NGH A M TON. Public , Veiadue. jTin Sabscaiber offer for sale at Anctlon on Thum . day; the 22d day of November:llßA at 10 o'clock, a. pa., the following property, vizi_ Two Calves, ope pair two years oldSteera,matchedand broke, one, five 'years old • 31am, one young _Horse, good for all work; one two years bld ; Colt, one Cow,lkk Yearlings. twenty to thirty tons May, Straw, Cornstalks, a quantity of Corn, Oats, Buck `„ twheat, 100 bushels Potatcks, two two horse ./neigh, one bob Sleigh,. one two horse Wagon, one light. ppringiVagon, one Yenning 31111, one Cultivator, three Tiowe, two Harrow, onu Horse Bake, one sett two horse Tiarness, and other articles too numerous to mention ; also, g GOOD FARB, (Icabwn as the Kiniber farift,) torten pr• = • I ITER.II§: —All sums under Caandown ; all sums be. twetn $5 and $5O, Five hp:maw ,Credit; all over $5O; One 'Year, niih interest andarrovillitioxatrity. ' New Afilford:Oct.tkli, 050. ' JACOB WAYALAN. • Re,oister's - N'otiop. CIILIC NOTICE , Is ht.tetflten to all persona coo cerned b the followihg Estates, to wit; Estate of N. J. SWEET, dec'd. Wm. C. ItilosAdm r. . . Estate of SAMUEL RES,IOIIIE, - Charles Easigule and /tenbeal Whitnry.l.dnVe.! --- i . • Estate of' CILIMICCY.AL WRIGHT, E. S. . Drown, Guar dian, (Anal &cantina • ! - ,• . ,• .. 4 That the aceonntants hive settled Weir- seconnta 'in the Adt e nt% fi ti e i:Al n ti c ;=Tir ili " lu u re n s eh lo f i r ' i l e , haturCniut orsaitlConnty. an - TElli&W,..r.ov.r.'ith, 2 , for eondrandlon•and allowance. ,- - , • • CHARLES ' MULE; .2444ter. i • Registers Office; ' ; montrai L e,ort,iotb,lB6o. 1 - . Teachers' E*Euninaticins: MEETINGS for the Elwelllotion of the Teachers of V.I. Susquehanna County for MOO will be held In the 4111- . lerent-TTrnshipSita foliose: - - dafr. clur and }Nov,Ciry'SebOol Vous, 9i. ,Thin Ilarford, Nov. Mb, Harford Village, 1 p. tn. Bd Bridg ttose ewat a e n r. f -"v. Sid: 24 mtm e, "a. 0- lt htexpe cted that the examinedons - Will commence Pro. eisely at the time appointed 'No emendates will be.ex- IR:tined - who do not come In before 11, unless the tardi ness be intend No erste will 'be examined a does pot intend tovoidable. teach t he county. during the winter, te neither will any be examined that have attended email. Salons in other toirnaltips. , • . 1 Private examinations will Woo cases be granted except In set,ordence . with the provlslone of the School law as found on me 11. Lactyleacher will bring a reader, two pees fop paper, • • Director" are earnmUyinvit to lie present at Abe inninationain their respective own,sliips. BULLARD County - . Yoattaan,Oti.etballe. Staltalo .11,Obeil • _ . • - . . Sopekorlo-j4i rejair New 'Milford, Nor. Btb, 2860 i_sa. EUv rPog VEntiahle, betwid., • Yontrwe. ',Titsc9l, 1960 1 , . . TOQR CREDITORS. • T'tetl g in Itt i `auft.‘":"PglitiontliPl'ees for the Honorable tusnity of Susquehanna, for the betiefit,of thejnindyant taws ot the -Commonwealth of Pennsylsanht,.atid that 'they hare.nppointed Monday the 46th : day of November next, at ten o'clockin.-to:, to hear tutand our creditors; at the 'Coot Rotator In the borough of Montrose, when and where you tnayattendifyou think proper. tor: 1%0.—.5* 4 ' NELSON STEENEtACK. W :- agsquehaimli - OolintY Olassical and . Normak School, niticaziwriafam, HE SECOND TERM Of the'Acidemleyear hubs T on MONDAY,-NOVEMBER Seth. • 5.9 HARTWELL,' B. A., Principal. • . AIR. IL 0. CAMP, MISS A. M. ITAIITWELL, Assistanta. " • .. • .• . MISS L. RICHARDS* I - • MRS. A. M. RICILIRDS. wary Depanuent. •'•-MISS E: BLACKMAN, linstc ou Piano. G. Z. DI/dOcE, Lecturer on Anatoniy, Physiology. The : Trusteci would say of this School, noir under the direction of PROP.- HARTWELL, that it lain a flourish lug condition, and•offers truperioeindueetuents to all des! • tlnga thorough edncation: Those wishing a good prep aration forilollege for Teaching, or for other. pursuits Will do we ll to avail therarelvs Oita advantages. - They are referred to those who have already done ao. a s , not wait 'till the commencement of a term , as , they Will be received at any time , and charged accordingly. • For Particulars lie. Circulars.- C. P. READ, Sei y . - - • WIL IBS - SUP, Pro. _Tilontrose, Nor. nth. 1030.--Aw SHOE 1131 - 1C0.1 . 7. rinuE subscriber respectfulivgives notice that he has moved his 81108. 8110 P to the hose. Meet rooms opposite tbe Grocery of 8. S. Mott, in biontrose, where he will be happy to wait on all hia Old friends, and tut many others as see St to favor him With their patronage. • B.. Raving seal the servicettof one of the beat workmen in the emit' ,ho feels confident of giving per. feet satisfaction to .at who wish FINE or COARSE ROOTS. All work warranted,nzid vary cheap for Needy PAY. Repairing neatly done on short notice.; tidontrose, Nov. let, 1860.-3 w O.T. FARGO. • • ''... administrators' Arittice. - - VOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration 111 upon ,the estate of Goo. W. CROCKER, late of Bridgewater towbship, suncea Co., deceased, have been hereby - to the subecribers, and all persons indebted are hereby required to make immediate paynieut, •-and those hating claims to pre.ient them, duly attested, for settle. went. - • MARY A. CROCK•gIi, I DAVID ALLEN,%., Administrators. It. D. BARKER. ) • Brtrlgiscater, Oct. nth; 1860.6 w :Mrs. L. J. BIXBY . TTAvINGjut returned from Neu ; York with' a choice. beautiful, and estemove assortment sllf Fall 4h winter Ie , 11-'• Dir 111: ready to furnish the Ladies of Montrose t vicinity with FASHIONABLE: . BONNETS ! at good and as rich as can be purchased anywhere. keeps the very nicest goods, such as cannot fail to please the moat difficult. Prices very reasonable, '..The Ladles are invited to call and examine her Rohde. rfr Rooms oppoalte Mott's Saloon, (second door,) Main street. Montrose.,Pa. (sepirtf • RO'R A L E.• • 'LILY PAPER; Pazdcnia Worm Lozenge.; Mra. low's Soothing Syrup, for Children feeling ly ail the Popular 3edielnea In -market ; Bird Cage& Seed. and all thin. ace sears for keeping Canary Binh.; a great variety of Fancy Goo& ; 'and nearly everything tliat Mer e:Limb+ advertise In NewapapCra, are for gate be ' Montrone, Oct. tot, ISM.) „ ' ABEL TITRRELL. FRUIT . ..TARS, for said by Attici TURRELL. Dissolution. • THE Copartnership heretofore existine between A. C BLA.KESIX.E midi'. E. BRU§II. is by mutnsl con. sent this dissolved. "A. C. BLARESI.E.E. Dimock, Oet. Nth, IE4O. P. E. BRUSH. FALL STYLES NOW READY At Great Bargains ! POR.READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS! TT BURRITT, at :1 -Original New Milford Shawl and JUL. "Drcw Good.; Emporium," is now receiving a Large and . ctroic . E. STOCK of , FILL A TD WINTER Mer 4.1) Including a great variety of the newest and best atyles of liroax Good's, Shawls, Broadcloth.l:Winter Stuffs, &c., with ala4 , e assoitutent of other . Staple and Fancy +OOI.S I usuhl-, in Groceries;.rrockerT, Hardware, Iron and Sleet, Snilr. Stove.i. Drop. Paints, 011 s, Fluid. Boots, Shoes, Hata. Cape, Clocks. Carpetin7... Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Painted and Gilt Window Shades, alarge line OtKerosene Lamp and Oil :Fixturel,-;te., also Furs: and,Buirald Robes. p'7 - The Mitre-stock being. large and bongbffor CASH, and largely from MANUFACTritEns and FIRST HANDS, will give euprior oppottnnltie, for choice selections and le4V-down nriceF, and will ho told on the most favorable term for CASH. PRODUCE . , and to Prompt *lx-Months' 130yere.- An examination of the GOodm andPrlces w.lll-bc Imuld profitable to thoee %tilt) with to buy. ILOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 'L New Milford, October.: ISGO. I. . -.. ~ . , A HAN G E., c THE SUBSCRIDER, - HAVING PUR -4- chased the stack of , BOOKS AM) STATIONERY TOORMEELY owned by;,A.. N. - BULLARD, takes this 1, - method of informing "tame Wto tad vid papirs," that the stock has been removed to the store of J. iyonF & Son, otipoalte the • 3:lexims=scriat' Slllol2l.eneo, whefe.ho will. be. most happy to wait tilaan those svhu may , favor him with a call.l ' ;' ... ir, .., -; - AN-Y L 80011.. , ~ PVALISUED (and iii print) can be obtained by leaving your orders. with the pried of the book and publisher it name at the desk. Also, any article In the 'Book.and Stattoutiry" line. • NEWS OFFICE. HARPERS, Ceders; Leslie's: Peterson'A. Graham's, or am of the populazAagazines of the day. N. Y. Ledoer, N. Y. Weekly. Mercury, Clipper, Flag Wilkes' Spirit, and all the Illustrated Papers for sale. h ack num bers supplied. .- - ' ' . • SCHOOL NOOKB , -All the old and new editions. - BLANK BOoKs—A very nice assortment. ulnLEBY.—Tip top article of American. Y . GOLD PENS-Ye' Tine ones, Ladies at Gents.' I gifFITYVAY—ANT, Harrison'sand others. . 1,11V3EC.19 . . ("I'VE ME A CALIAT.,a, and' will endeavor to 1 slit have a alncle eye ,to. yoqr interest" and one to my own. 'Yount, evidentle, - .A.'s MC. $3ll/I[X'X'iMs Idorrrstosz, Pa.. September lst,•lBtio. —tf , , j r 2nd DOOR ABOVE mrtsorrn.s.-azia rpm: pußLlC. g etiern4:are informed that a FREE EX IIIBITION le given at all bourn of thoday. of NEW GOODS of All sorts„via: Dress Goods of Summer Prints,- POplins, Challis, 4E. in,patterns, cheap Bishop Lawns, Brilliants; Rook; Jiwonettg and Swills Ladles' Collars and Sleeves, amity, Marseilles, Moreens, Furni ture Fruits, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens. Summer Stuffs, Gents Shirts. Cotton bravierv, Collars. Cravats Neck-ties, •and Suspenders. A new and lame lot of LEATHER-WARE ! sorb as Genta Fine Calf Boots—good aloe heays• and -light Shoes. Splendid Ladies Gaiters from 5 to 18 Shillings warranted to fit..: , White, Brown, and Black 'HOSIERY. Pirasols arkUmbellas, Band Boum and Work Baskets. 33 1x x i ig 30 -1 1 - 1.11.1.(2. and Sperm, Adamantine and Talldw Candles. Braes and Japaned Lauters. Wash Boards and Coffee Mile, White wash Brushes, Bed Cords 80 feet long, whittled and spring • Clothes Pine, Pine and CEDAR PAILS, besides a PILE Of Ifigling&T AltetN4lllsgc, -. orevery variety: among which are Tupico and Corn Starch far glorious puddings'. Creata Tartar, Soda-swirl fbilemtus Castro' Oil, Epsom Salts, Black and Scotch Snuff, and lota of,things which won't]do to read atota, but please to call, examine and talk atvat. We are reads. und willing to show Gciods, eren,tkou,gh they may not stilt ; and thankful for tunall favors. li. C. MEM . Lather Furs. and *tn be;olifow4Or ' svaan7.. 7VattP4INT/9 Boa& • I.l4llWhentr. AT METION RUC -COTS. biays a bottle of 11•,e hair Totifc, It 14.1 beats azytbing ever shook ap. TYLER'S. MONTROSE, May , - , .. , AffAieted, -- Readt WILLIAMS'S COMPOUND SOLU .Lion for the - -PILES, is warranted to effect a Cure in eves,. cane, and In all stages (tithe disease, or the money reithaded. Furl directions accompany each bottle: For ale brAbel titre!: Montrose ; O. G. flempstead, Bnlmltlyn t - T,. J. Uaiicoclt, Blniocit; Petuel Carpenter. , Ebutoral G:G.Willlirnas.Jacksont J. B. Slocum. Dundsr; A.:13; Merrill. tionbottoto : Scranton. 40393ELICIXIstiC,JIOXIXEL. . This . is to certify, tbatitirs-Enaory basbeen afflicted for Years past with that distressing complaint known Se the "Plies." and that baring fatted in securing relief from vs. lidos Physicians, ehe was Induced from reports to try Mr. Williams' "Pile Solution," which we obtained at one of hie &rodeo in To o khannock, Ps. The revolt has been the most favorable. The trial was made with it last fall, and 'attar using as -directed for a fewi.laya,what webs,. 'goad reason , tothlok Was &permanent cure warn effected. beltera/ other cases of a similar !Ware in this vicinity hay& used it with restdts.• With Mr-Williants-tnutto ne cure nopay ":eutny One tin2t affiteted`milLl drtathly dOwell teirstt , Eljtwirr. •PatorofM.Z..flintroh, Tinachanneek,-WytoninCa.,Ta. 4nue sth, iSSO. • - Frptstliarrel, Pack'or Poand. ` 4'. WWII, , .4 , • ° T.O°' L- „ - • • j 4 :1 r • - -• g. (Hawingreceived from Auction! and - elsewhere,an addition to our Stock, of of GOODS, we are enabled to . ose hi want of , w 9rth oiler t YECO • 1 ro °La - cir,o ;ciD IS; g have , 20101 pieces small, figured DeLiines for is per yard, worth lOcts. 1 109 "pieces Plaid Valencies for is per yard, worth 25 cts:', - ,500 all wool. Blanket *1..881, worth *3. :lop nil silk and we broche Shawls for $3.50, worth $5.•50 ; together with a . . _ , . P rii , , . r LL •I S S OR i'.IIE.ArT. O F Usually Which we pledge 'ourselves to SELL CHEAPER Than 1 h any establishment in the county. - - Thankful for the ' - ' - i4Leliicillti ii-A Tl'l4.oA ' *I Of our many. Fric,rids in brstriet cittentin •tO tpeir o imerit a co n tinuance: of the • . Vie h wants same. ~ „ . . .• . . . B . . .. ~_ . ... , . .., . . . ._..•.. ... ~. .... - 11Li'. . , ... • G .. ..., .... . . . . . . - , ._. ' „ '-'.'. : It s ) gill: ....,.. •„: .• ....,...e.7. • _ ...., ~..,..,.„...,.,,, ...!...._, .4..„7:.. 1 .. :.'mu' B , 1 .'N• .. ~. . . ./- .:, , . . A..*llkliielli44 o ;:iiel l bove lace. of .6tifiiii. PpIE at ;the, h 9 ins Stock: Kept GOODS , , N T RI - - -:- s ii'• : FRANK Shawls' in a STOKE, : - 4 • ._ 1 i . i iStriryl-, , OM • • -hr _ . 7 "V.VeZ4"_ , iffk i , e 7 . 7t ...... ."' * :74 . 7 • ~rer‘ • • MoriCAttatitiiettobits; Asto LOW. Pricesl W E e r a lirr the.rise .tol yropttros' .al f th i pobti4ri i . tor iinellty. r "p t ge t e. tad ry g irCll2lllM- by any num vanbuablneutin ow section ofthii country. • • Viirner liraOMMt. YOII,NOW: KOO fds Beautiful titric coloreii 'eidrita "gored • • De Labe', usually sold krill eta., at - ' 19Met!: Bleb Vleana.Mohalr Wyat t ; for ' —1.2 X All Colors Paramettastor_; 11 1600 yds. Real.Freneb Merino:, warraatall yam wool. Worth SIX oes„ sold • • Vaielegsateoloredroulard , sDresssllks forASO Ax t=euso assortanutotillabopo Ilest.lllselt • • - "-Drees Salm 10 per neut. lower than elsewhere. • nkti Brodie square SluTle, warranted pure Wool - and Slll4 for. .. _ — • - -- Long do., wort h $lO, for ColoreduridEsak Bro•deloth. ill Wool, $142,16' y5.,05400 , • • • , `Cloaks;of - the - Latest Style, Cassaques, Seacidn's "and. Zouaves . from ~0 upwards. Immense quantities of all kinds of Wonftd, Moil own Importation. ' , , _ OratefUl forth. verylibizal pillions hitherto extend ed to as, we take pleasure In stating that our -fad:tides are augmented - ,Irr a - more thorough knowledge of the markets, and requirements of the trade, inntessed room. a very extenalve stock, and4sust,.hutnot least essential, as luerease of capital. • • T: PLEDGE OVZSPLIPWS TO DO ALL .Wir dD F.21212T1L: - -..__ • lircscniux tuttrs.,tc. co. N. B. IMPORTAirr 'TO MILLINERS. MILLINERY ' Goods of every description. sold at New York Wholesale Newby HIRSCHMAN BROS., & CO. _ YALIJO,LE.;G:TV.TS WITH .BOOILS GEORGE G. EVANS' CP.T3IGFIZTEL.T.a 61,11 BOOK, JNIERPRISE. THE LARGEST INTHE WORLD PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 439 Chestnut Strek, N).1111:2X.6416.1:131117.a1=17131AL. SIXTH YEAR-OF THE ENTERPRISE . . Raving purchased the spacious Iron Building, No 4.1 4 . Chestnut Street, and fitted it up with every convenience to facilitate my basiness, particularly that branch devoted to COUNTRY ORDERS ; and having a lerger canital than -any other party iniested in the buSineas. I am now pre.. pared to offer greater advantages, and better gifts than ever before to my'customers. I will furnish any boot (of a moral charleter) published in the United States. the regular .retaii_price of - which'is ono Dollar or upwards. and give a present. worth from 50 mats to 100 dollars with each book. and get's:matte to give perfect: satisfaction, as I am determined fo maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers.visiting 'Philadelphia are invited to call ad judge fur themselves. . • • -. . IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS SEND TO CA-eco . Reliable Gift Boilk Euteiprisii 489 Chensitmamit PUILADELPIIII, Where ell books are sold at the Publisher'r p:ilwftt prima, sad yon have the ADVANTAGE Of receiving_ • AHANDSONTII PR ES ESE NT WORTEI FROM 00• CENTS TO 100 DOLLARS wim 'EACH HOOK. G. G. EVANS 7 Original Gift Book Enterprise has inert endorsed by the Book Trude and all the • • leading city and counter newepapers in the United States. G. G. .E.V.S.ISTS' ruuctual, business transactions hart re coi ved. the approbation Of over 6,041),DJ0 citizens of the United Mates, each of whom have received substantial evidence of the benedt derived by purchasing wok 4 at thli ettablbhmerd. . • G. G. EVANS Ilia done more than any other pabilaher, or. bookseller in the enited .States, to / 'warde diffusim; knowledge to the people. By this vystem , many books are seed :not would nut have found their way-into the bands of ruciers.—Frank Latter Water : papa. G. G. EVA.:I9 per constantly on band, the most ox tensive stock, the greatut assortment-9f • Books, and circulates free to all who may ar o pjy, the most complete catalogue 'of l ha and Gifts in the United States. G. G. EVANS Ilan advantages offered Min by other pub- Ushers. and manufacturers which enable him to furnish hitipaCrons with a finer • quality and better assortment of gifts ttuin any other establishment. G G. EVA..." 49 Pablisbes nearly Two Hundred-Popular and interesting Books, therefore. as a publisher, be is better able td offer extra • premiums and commissions. 0. G. EVANS "Guarantees perfect sattfaction to all who - may send for books. O.G. EVANS` 'New - classified cataio oof books embrace 'the writings of-everydepartment of Liters - tore; and gives all the information rela tive to the pturhattng - and forwarding by . Mail or Express of books ordered from his establishment, together with fall direc tions how to remit money. -0. 0. EVANS' Catalogue of Books will be tent gratis and • free ofexpense to.any 'address to the Ifni ted States - . ' „ 'EVANS' inducements to Agents cannot be im puted. The most liberal commissions are offered.andhy soliciting sabicriptions to books in the manner-proposed, twenty - booklet= be sold in the same time that ft • • would take to sell one on the oldlashfon ed subscriptioff plan. Send fur a dant& ed Catalogue, and every-lnformation will • • be given in reference to agencies:. Select your books, enclose the amount of-money - required, and one trial will midst...lon that the best place in the country'to par `- chase books feat THE BITENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHE C CT OF .11E0. Q. EVANS, "No. 489 Culsverrr STREET, • PUMA . DELPHIA. where you can get books of all kinds. Hooka of Fact: " Books of Fiction! ' - - „ Books ot Boeotian! ' • . _ Books of Amusement! - - Books for the Old Folks h , _ • • ' Books for the Young Yolks! Books for Husbands!. Books tor Wisest • ' Books for Lovers t. Books for Sweetheiatfl' . BoOks.ibt Boys t • 1.. Books for Ghia! • • - Books of Humor I - BoOka of Poetryj . ' - ' Books Of Travel 1 -• • • • Booknot History! • ' ; . • • • Book, of Biography! •, Books of Adventure! Books about Sailors! •_ - Books about Soldiers • • Books about Indians! Books about Hunters! . Booktabout Rapes! -;•• • - ':Book about Patriots! . - Books ha Farmers I , Books for Mechanics! • • • " • - Books for Merchants! ' • • • Books for Physicians! - • • Book' for Lawyers! - • Balkh for-Stamens - • =al . . . . - . •ss Prayer Books 1 • Rya= Books! • ' -* • Jriientle Books! ' • -Aruseals - , • • ' Albums. etc.. etr:._ , gscn. a HAJlTusrts Interesting i t i l izn_phissa I ..• • UV: J. IL INGRAHAM'S Scrip Romani SNICKER'S Lives of Patriot* and Statesmen! J. T. LAUREN'S Revolutionary Stories ! _ • S. ARTIIIJECS Popular Tales! ••• . = ' DR. - ALCOTT'S Family Doctor!' - MRS. ;LENTZ'S Novels! - • MEILSOUTRWORTIPS ,Novaif . . • • COOPER'S Novels!. , .• ' DICKENS' Novels! WAVERLICIrI!XcefeIe • • • "?: All the writings of 'every standard author II every de. patoient .ot literature, Id evagatlieef binding, se the publisher's lowest-prises ' and remember that 'you pay no more than you woniCht anti:abet Eatabllshreent, and Yon have pstradvintagoef receiving Ali elegant Present, Which oftentimes is worth a hundred . fold more-!bars the amount paid for the book. 'V. - - SEND Pon AULASSIFTED CATALOOUE OF BOOBS. . , ' Oates any..b ook. amount that' you may want, remit the:tetail ce, together with the required ter postiqwerl a one triai will 8,11411 re you that the beat place In rho c ount r y to Martine boob la at the Gift. Book EatiMilabment of ' ' •-• GEORGE D. EvApts, - .• • = , Originator of the Gift Book Ertrife, -'=• ' ' No. 4Brettrattntit Mind, P'MWelphti. - - ' - . . . . or-AGENTS WA rrEpi to wholgigredirivineethialts" 1 lbw:tinter era offered.':Anypersoudlithef male or female,. * yob destroutoCell nin on Honorable . and Profit* i ble Itteploystumi.- • ittittlitathire, Mut lua outlay i of motiey, and by w Am own gn u s • i A YALDABLAVL Y , - , A - • ' A FINEVOLV Wahl AND DDAIN: -,-,. 'IA aniiiMIOIMMaVICS OF PLATE. —' i ' :• • " •=• •• • , AitIitTZGANT SirLS DI11:88-PAMV 's '',.' '-'''• : = e„ - ItSIAINDID BET -OP - Or many other choice art-icier enumerated in. the Liat or Glitectkir tiolcitry'actbag elite ••Amt papthi WWl*. mewl. • . AilittaiptiMS,'• Int any - pet °film country. nett-tier * aim I by forminta db, sending the a Barbi books.arna' Ma amount or money retplred forth. same.: . •. i or,. #ftWoguli, Alac4 contains ell Widest. rod lat,. fpnip ye,Mee tb egenclee and the formattenoretabeh Oa tarp prc rui!mxiciratudoeftelp, - aderepiaß, Tuz limb Q,BARTEBS ortiteCek . ekepar Oldiann Lamm. Gift manenUrtnakdse_N Book garlmprleW %• D 0., fia en Pkßa4alitblit ' • . IsaltMo = II • . AS Joju roc:that, a largo •ctOr.l:l ot naw Stoics lot Cooltiag•raltsficOtlc4aLd Shop poooaes, for ood o_ Coal, with tiltoe:4l4oo," Moe lc: "ifitatiladOrtlaiktttki•Oat Acid aealsabli, aid!!!!) . soid "ma tboVost Waal!** liaisti fur.' Cwil; or to Prript big Ire* , " Mord; Oci" - :` • • • Court St. WaferSt TAILYJ4aL ROUTE MONTRO3E4 RIENDSVILLL .nontax.Ermaryina , meuf f az 4 p—or be -4.- - • 310n.ttoise - end ..111/ Itsve. eutle's Mkt tit Moutrtm, daily, .it tuure 'We at lig'ckqE;p,lti. t • -•- • • • pirliorsei and orriagei car be procured at tlou Urea, Stable of the aubacriber is Mont:etc. on reasountlo terms. Monbrore : Aug. :6,1%4. It .D...C9 0 DIPLY ARE: .YOTP - ED? appdicittlars` fqr laci-itetuale Qul3Pittatt: - • - " WyOnIingiNSVRANCE C 61411117% WiL II 4.CS•It4 titiak;;• Chatter p erpe t u al.. • Capito.-...: . .5i00,c!00...- Surplus... .0,000 • or:lfiiitiZd 4.9iTtPl,, .6 1' F • ~ . • 0.-31.11ottenbaok% aP. Thitehnth. - .r:,., il: =fa, John Relobate, ;David Morgan,., Chan Durraote.: Snarl Wad:hung, D Licoe, IVra S FLOGB,.. L'D Shoe:taker, -Geo P fltecle. • 1r B.C. gatrar, say, : it noLLT2TPACIt. NC?! W,G,Sogussav ,Trfai. L.D.•BIIIICUAELX, Vies .ZTNA INSURANCE cormeast-r; - 'Hartford • Coonecticut. Pahl up Capital. " • • $ 1,000 .000 00 lett.i. • a,re,t,itya Quaker City IDsurance Compny, ,:* '-• ,With s capital of. NORTREII.V FIRE LIFE' AESITRANGIMOMPAIrt . No. 1 Moorgete street, London. Capita', $G.W?,000.... Annual Eronione,ll.l4o,ool. (JETTY, Ag.... 0.; Philadelphia: comNP.vricur MUTCAL miuftmccn _cox PANT of flartGnd, Conoot:::vat Accuroulnted Cap;taT, Any one'wfahlaz their twee In=nred do ;mil to all anal examine - their mode of iseitriug. urd their rata. whicb . are better than thole of snv other company. before .taklng Policies eleewbcree °nice over Chandler JitstWastnro; ve Vlttt tre _rat 4 ,1185 -O ,,tAVA %do "TONIC I D!URETIC;Cam: 44117 4 e i V ° ' •AAD - INVICORATINC, CORDIAL • To the citizens of Pennsylvania. • Apotbecarieg s . Drriarcigto, Grocers and. • Private Famines. Welfe'iPure Cognac Brandy. .Wolfe!s Pare Maderie., Sherry and Port:Witte. • Wolfe's' Pure Sauisic a end St. Croisßuni. Wolfe's Pureuticotch and Iria4 Whiskey... _I4I.X.Ms IN 33CrIL'IrL20181. IBEG LEAVE to mll the attention or the citizens of-the United State, to the above likana and Lattutat, - ,, input. ted by UVOLPII.I WOLFE. of ::ew York, wLow name Id la minar in every part of thi= country for the putt , of hie celebrated SCILNArft. Nit. tu a fetter to me. speaking of the parity' or Llquore.. says: " I will ~take ny• a. a man., mlundthg an tnerchent of thirty years' reelderice the' City of N. Y. that all the Brandy and V. which I. bottle air pure as .imported, and of the ka,Co,u.6litv, z0.,1 eat, Le r.lied npt,rl by e'very - pnectiaer.`:. Every beitle_tro. the p.oprit-tnee name on the Was . and a fa... , Andle of hi* ,ignatare oirthe certificate. The public are p_epeettnily to call & 'exlmine for•thetrlzea:. nt by all of the ipothemrietoand Grocers in Philadelphia. Gro. Aturon, )fork et t:.. f, , r Bead the fOloWine front the NeW Vorlt Courier: • " FsonNto us Brainto. , , rog N. 1 . nctiAs T..— WA 2113. happy. ta triforni our tlctt there is • one place fit ocr city . wbc.rc, the prkv unit country tocrchast, c WK. and virina pot , \5 inss ucti Liquors. ss pure im p.. Md. and of thoiss4 qualiti. . .do not intend to ;IV,. an ekilgtrate de.,, , ce. neon of 1111.5 mer• chant's exttn.ive althomM it will cspity tsr.itwer or citizen to . •,.•% ulre's warvgonse. 5 , ..18, 2a....l,le'ircr •t . and Nos. It, l 9 S 21, Marketitell.2t. Ilia Istock of f•• , ' -htn,.!.p , on turd nerdy for tnttipr.tent frivo he.-r, : tr.PO v.•at.,, -, 4 • the Brandy Porn.elo,olXle%ser--Villt lice+ , or 1k;oi 10 d 6; mad 1000 Ma ,. !eira: Sherry. Wins. f , ti.r.trh Irish Whisky, Juidalca and li.. Groin Ram, tome very old and am in thl. conntry. He bed al?o, three Argo cellar'', tilted wilh.Brandc; Wine, .@c.. in nnthl . the " CaFtom TlOtve regly for b(•!tilrvz. Mr. Wolfe's tale of Schflapp amonntod to 1,W,010 dnrec. •ind %ve bola in hiss "Wan Year,_he may he -ssinatly . with bin Brandie*and Wrneg, Ilia business merits the patron.nze of evors , lo7er of hies species. Private famillei , who pure Liquonl . for medical uAe ~ h ould send theirorders direct to Mr. W.. . . . until every Apothecary in t be. Land Mahe Up their mlnda" to discard the poSonons stuff trots their Fhelv,s,' and roe. place It with pure Win,y end I.l,lttorl. _ACP under.tami for th.• ro.conumndation small dealers in the country, puts u , ‘ asported Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchauC",` should ts , Fritli fled at-.llmt. 1113 ter., of tl.camtall of oppo.' nents in the United Stat es.wh (1 s ell not hint. , hut imitattfms, ruinous alika,to human health and .bappine Isetait; Mark These Facts THE TESTIMONY OF TEE WHOLE WORLD! IlpilowairslOintment Had TAO, Rad Breasts,' E ores and ttklra.• EL descriptions of sores are temedlable . .by the prep er and diligent use tif inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by„plastering the edges of, the wound together lea folly; for should the skin. boggy diseased condition realEtins undo-math to break out with tenfold fury In a few days, The only rational and ancecolfhl treatment, as indimted by nature. is tore , ducelbe Inflammation In and about the wound, and to soothe the neighboring parts by tabbing in plenty of the: Ointment as salt la forced in . , Dititheria i Ulcerated gore Throat, and Scarldb and otitez revers.' • ' MY..Of the abdie dlseaseamay_be cured by well rut- XL Meg the Ointment , three time, s' day, Into the chest, throat and neck of the patient; it will FeSaimetrate end ere Immediate relief. 'Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole system ere Its tatiaenee can • be felt in any local part, whereas the Ointmentde it, Work at once. Whoerer tries the tingnent In the above manner for the'diseasee named. or any similar dittorders affecting the chest and throat, will end themselves reliev ed as bp& charm.. TeTniv r e il elas ei; s- P o i l sg co ta m i rtaln t t r e i6 rl lin g 3 Mtn °red by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water: 'end then Most efibttnally rubbing in the Ointment. -Persona suelering from these direful complaints sheuld lose not a moment in arresting their proves, it should b e under stood that it is nut antlicient WM:Ty to smear the 171.t0 , meat on the affected parts; but it must be well rubbed In for some eonsiderable time two or three times a day,i that it may taken. into the syttem, whence it will *snore any bidden sore or wound as ellectually as-though palpable to the ere. There 'again bread and water.ponlitleea. alter the rnbbfag In of the Ointment, will_ do great service. This is the only awe treatment for females. auarzoi canctrdn the 'stomach, or where there osay, ; be a general bearinz -down. lubtetettohtellt yeti..`, ;44es and.liteets. ; BLOTCHES; at alto swellings; can, with certainty, be radically cared if. the Ointment be used freely, and the Pill/ be' taken:Men - and . Morning - as reetrfnmended . la the bathe printed-inaft -, ndShrat. Varri trewsd inlay other way they only dry _up in one place to' break otrt•na, !another r,.whercair Ointreent win remove the-humor from . the 431Itmil: and leave the patient a vigorous and bling; 'it :will remains with- the use - el the Pills to ensure a lasting care, Draintinid Svirellings,,aSalysis and Stiff Joints.. AA ',THOUGH the abort csrinplaitam diner . widely la theitotigin sad nature,- yet they all require Meal treatment; :hirusuorthrworst cares, of mien dlirnaty, Will riot In . a comparatively .short space of time 'when this Watauga le diligently robbed Into the carts affected, oretianer e other ramie hare /la all melon. =ladles th us should be taken wording. to the print , ed dintetloni secompaasing eseh hos. : ••• • nuti' the Ofrilimin t'esnd Pri‘s sky Ili: de- viied i7A - . . the.h/Loiribg - coaef Bad Levi.' -• • Cblere•foiai, . 1 1 . 4144, - • - • Bad Iknaltb;,l Bonk. . Duna.- CUPPodall4 l . ..Luntbnipa4. • Glantlaillmaiintglwerns. ( ) Pilo',• . • - Mee( licithilitoci.lmertmatpar,, an d , contracted ioni Cocq-bay,- • ' St l l l7 6lPilli. ' Enre ?quire, -s on ,Tb r ojita, Skin Thatimes, : • liairey.. • . pore , Mor k WeDdb,S. TOWS, , &C. .t CAVO/I=I: O DANINgentiIDOAMIONA,tby.W4II.I" nL , :AWAY, :4 re- ZORN AND LONDON." are nbrenalble as a watimeark la every Want the booker dtreettensamtand each pot or box • the acme may be plainly even by 4044 / 1 . - the UV (0 6 401144,dataddionle reward, OW bit eves to any one such information as roarbgef to „the detection of any party or Fontes Nanternoting; rho nowt- One* dirvllkilint Meanie, koorrlng Orem to be *porton. • • SoAattito Manufactory 'of tni,tossor 1104. 1 ...9wAY. 414•, , Xeir York, and by all reapaemble Pro&st4 and Was in Medicine. tbrooktwot inlaxseat.9s ftnte„ is cm*. -,•• • • - Illif`There la coasidemblo siW taking largerbereft- • 1 ft, I—Direttloaa tor,tbe _Attniflnsltifritair Matador. areaill)treitivaack , • .DITIEr:TORS $3.37t),000 Of A ; UPf RIATAIL