, gusqu' e ' htEt ' Colin ty ' ormal chool,. . Vassical . ant . ,•• • cosila ..v...tx. ntr4todtlix. • • • :he Academic's': telli biZtu PrILIE SECOND TE Atant : 6th. t ' A o n moNi . ).ty.N so S HAI:T.I4I . - ) B. A., Principal.= '. . . . MR. 11. 0. c4Oll ~ TWELL. V Aaalatanta. • . ' -- MISS A. 11 .ATins ; . • :MISS L. IthICDARDS, Prfintirr Deparment. '. ~3 t ,RS- A,l,tciilliN, Music on num: ; ,11 8 .,,,i.../Cli, Lecturer on Anatomy, Phrilulogy. G. '1 ould &It of thie School, .now under the at,,..,, T P.c'Frtis.,..*F. li AI T WELL, that it Min a faturisie -- "" 1 ` 411 u‘-"and offers ruperior inducements to till Jest ug co,kndi_tlitt education. Those tsfshinpa „good ' prep. ? ,,,..,, ia g,L', G ,,fiollege, fur :Teaching, or for other; pursuits ~,f i r,..,— „ •nntu avail thensselvs of its -advantiop.'s. : They ;,,:'„. — ,..'ed,to tttoiewho have ' already done •i,i,- Pupits 7,„,-,,,4 ‘ `fit . wait till the commencement of a.tkral. as they „Ti n "c :received at any time, end charged accordingly. Particulars see thrcuiare. :- • ::. F. 11F,ft:iY. &C . Y. wai. ntssur, ;Prez. Montrose., Nov. eat. /5 111 " L kvi - I Euffdo Robes & Ladies Furs.- ASuperior lot just reOeised,•and wilt low . for Cut, by • 11. IttatltlTT, New Ittlfore, NOt:Sth..l.Sr-0. .TO,Ollll . CREDITORS.- TEKE NOTICE, th a t we have m‘p:led to the Honorable the Judges of ithe Court• of Common Pleas, for the County of Susquehanna, for the benefit of the Indolvent- Laws of the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, and that they have appoluted Monday toe talth day a November next, at ten u'Llock, u. M., to hear tia and our creditu at the Court Muse to the borough of Ilentrosel when and where yon may attend If you think proper. , • 11. M. TIFF. i Noe..sth, ISGO.-3W NELS.ON STEEN IP.CII. 'NEW MILFORD, PIA., IS THE PLACE TO BUY •YOllft. EARN I ESSRS, Cl . zs74 .AND GET THE \NOB, OFjOUR MONEY. NEW - GOODS JUST ARRIVED 'II,T THE :Of in!. " 1 E NICE" STORE! HAYDEN. 'BROTIIMS, PEOPLE'S AGENTS. Have.s. LARGE S: SPLENDID Sto ck-'of ITT . w G p 9 Chsepzr than,the Cheapos! ' CALL AN D EXAMINE OUR GOODS, wnrznr.r. TOL' BUY OR NOT. I TT PAYS tOU TO GET POSTED UP 32r..416M - 37)=.,7 331=1.0143. IfEW MILFORD, 'l.:awake; Bth, WI • VNAMERCIAL ,C3LLESE. Le, - x.tecl orts Bank BINGHAiVITON N. Y. 1. 4 3 C. D. W. L WELI.. PrineipA, k.'rofe....br Sciene Practical Aoectunian:. .firth , of 1.w...t.ir," Treaties upon Bouk•li:,.,:ep ,-ingr. I);:,aratn.. illaslntting the t•szne, Jute : Acerinnitta;, Pr:Teslr , rt Keepiaz I;..ntt largciiegi M;theurAies. Cult:ei. ProieN'ser itt the 4eolt Depa:titi'eet. A.: J. 1`..',41!NF./::PrOf.- , Aor of Yractiryl rna or rzwerc.:ll bad Currepoadetlre.- LETUUE - tS: lion.: - Dmniel S. Dmicirmin. I...ectuer on Corntrwr- • ant and Po;aka: - itanfrann Letlurer no Contr , et.s, P,rotriss.ory Bok of Ex..d i a net 4l . Rev Dr. E. .4..pdrvws, Lretu s rer op Conaaiti;Cdad lAEA 'S. • • Ml\ !NG 'COMIIITT 110. Sherm:.n D.J'kelp%, Wm. R. Osborn, Rgq., Trnry H. Morian, ?'lie .0113. et. (.1 tais (.4;lle;tiP:ift to, Ofilrj to sii an opportunity of obtaip;t4, , , a thorough BUHihrds Education. 'l'h,• 8,e,lo; and 'Fi.rm% are carefully 'arrtriged bk practic..l aceoetapilt, exprevrly fur thii In ttitutia-u'and .rubrace c.:l this recent itnpriae ; • Thp couree of inaiructirot ei , ntpriseit every clepartirola of btis'ness. The' learner will be thoroinghle taut.tht filo science anii practice of Double. Entry Book Keepina as applied- t. 3 thia kinds of buslries..c;c : Geheral ;Bei chanctisi.,g, Mann tactorinz. Biinkine; _ tea talon i ng. Itaiiroadittz,o..'orviarding. Freighting; Foteizu Shio MT, &c. Y('.):GMEN Can qualify tliemselres ins short time. it Chin Iniltlta tinn-to&1 impertant and lucrative F . :Motions. Ample refer...net-eta:l roe giyah where gnsduates of 1M) are; now R11:n, den raVe s;tuations with sulurim , . Irom 6.0.3 to *llO per anulut. The Pr.,prietor4 are In pas. , Aslon or te, , tituonlaWfrom 80713:` of t . ..•.• first Commerclulllolves in the to litiont the, haVo furnished book-iteeperf , showinz their atire. sit.illtctiuo end con4tletse in the ability of the gratinates Of this Institution. • PENMANSHIP In all Its branchen, taught by the hun"Vskilifel and ,thor ough tuagtera of the nrt. No Colitge in toe eountr en- JovA Wgl.er reuu:ation Cab detx.rtrnent. Lad‘xe partMent entirely eeparate ;•rom tout of tit.: centi,,,n Students ea:: et:ter Col:ege ut anytime. No vacations. Time to thecnnele. !runt .1 to 10 ereekr, Stu dent" pat.tin..r the tequithe exa.a!rtatiou are pre-eared with toe ehrhorate. and aiegunt cngeave*:: Dili;oata fosued by any ComtnereAllor Ina!tutiOutn the Union, Asiiistunce rendered to graduate:4 in protnring, Emotions. • - •. • . .. . . Fortes* of tuition,. price of board, testinicr.ialx of grsdaares With.; .p,i-iti,riq,A.c. alireNi the prJor ietore for arcalitid cortainittg. rail p:rticalar, WV:ELLS.' WARNER, Proprietor! lEnghaniton. Commercial College; . Nov. ti, 1 . 860.-::ly i • Binghamton, .11; Y. Mi Propertlr X il lt:7 o .l M , • 6 1 .9.a•Mk.M0 , `HENeudersigeed Offers for sale Ids. Propeity it New Milford. two miles east from the borough. It: COTISIFU Of a GRIST MILL and F.AW MILL with n neve Btouelinni newly completed-0 feet thick at bottom.. 173( few. wit:.? et top. and p feet 14.:11. This a very de. nirablr 4ocation, - both Sig tO !wiriness and power. For further tufurtna.tiou Inquireof ARCHIBALD HILL. New Athlord.:Noe,lst.t.Bll-..lin* ' E V- A. N S . & H.N I ; T_TAVE this day opened -I n uric and beautiful assortment ; afGaoti., iteleettel in New York with the greatest re. consisting of seas of Jewelry of every variety:Ca eo. Carbuncle, Piero] tiue MA, Roman ')Eoaaic.,. Lava, • Esmond Enameled; Find Gold and Jet. ; - SiWATCHES.ta beautiful article for Ladle...) Gold and ltir flaming and Gtidu Fax %Catches. of the best • kers. including the .-Amelic.an r''Pob. Vest, Chat elaine and Neck' Chains; Gold, Jet, and Plated Dracelda Linn' assortment of . 1 and Plated Ware . GOid. Oat. Steel and Jet Slides and Backels for Ladies' 34te. and Minuets; a Very tr.rge stock of Pmgerttb4e. oIP Prices 344. Ofeld Handkerchief Mugs: Sandal Wood and other puns. of all colors. entirely new patterns and very rich ; Shell Combs', plain and inlaid with Fold, for c` l "inV dress: fituds find Sleeve' Battons. of every .pattern ; !lair and Tooth Brushes, Port Monate, X,utdna' 'Perfumery. . Table • and• Packet Cutler, ehey, Boards and Men: and. in fact. everything belong- . Inn to oar line or lwetnvss. • Thankful for 'past/aeon. we cordially Invite the Lushes and Gen - Amen of tit% contmu• pity to call andsexamine our Gond>, which we ghat take canal:l4'e la exhibit:l,g. EVANS & ALLEN. - • No R, Odd kenos' Bingiamton, Od. 22. 1660 HAYbEN ,13110THERS, i. WEDLESAL,E DEALERS IN "Inft...MJSZEIZI ZWCPPZCOZTIS FANCY GOODS: wm. HAYDEN. ) . - JOHN HAThEN. • TRdenIATDM. r ,mlx,ront, it. • GDOME RODI2I. $ ..:-zw-plvv. 011111S1 dirillElt thilintsToan 6uttelibtrg,llasenbaam, tti AT Montrose, & Susq'a Depot, Pa - The undersigned lore proideirthcmizlv:s with a flit & WHIN GOODS! which they boast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST to this veetton of eeeet.ey.i They alt ° flatter themselves that they. have the bait faelltUes uI ohtitiulog . _ oos frish from 11)r . aria ~4 111 . , .., end ere determined not to be undersold by any firm tble. side of New York thy. In regard to READY MBE CLOTHING • we would say that, being in this largely at ' 24 tep Street s New York City as eitn offer the public bargains out aurparsed by an re tail In OM, section. n. we can sell here zt retail pri ces astheop as those who go to Neav York and Porthole at wholesale and thin bring them here ar.d have to make a pprovt o v er that which they have already paid themselves. Lail and see 11 , 4 and we will prove the ficta. (61111 nib rill . , .Ifontrose, Pa. Nor. ;EC°. . • • 1111116EREORD & pot( SALEStSWAt‘ PROFIT'S. HIBV 6112)4L15Y Trom Auction and Elsewhere • 41 ND WILL SE LL YOU : Goad Madder Prints. East - Colors 6 eta pr. yd. Best Merrimac Prints , .......... - 10 •• •Dcaatirol DeLeinca. 10 Ben Hamilton and Pacific DcLaines. " • •'• ...16 rine 'French 31erepos. Plain ri cured do • Role:lda SiDrs Drown Sheeting. yd. wide.: Bleached do - Goodreather Ticking Denims from 6Ni - to 12V " Mens Wrappers and Vraweri.. from 50 eta to 0.00 ' " Ladies. "Me'ren.o Vests, VERY - 1 CITE AP /~~ f ` /%~1~~% CASSIMER'ES. 'A LARGE BROAD All Wool—Fro Froin Lido Th'd Gi . - • 183 ‘, LADIES GIUNTLETSI dU - ~'l S tyles. .. Gr-exitss 0-10-cross, IN EINIDLESSVAIIIETY. All the-Latest Styles . LADIES CLOAKS! constantly on httnd„ •6#4:Gt.--TP)o4iza• Made to Oraer,ri Short Notice. Our Stoc is Full. 1 1 ,. AM you IvRI be. consince4 t Übe placet to get the Worth of - uf Money, . Y P 4' ' 9 , , ts k rr. MAGERFORD & PAG 1 E. , No. ea 0.0. i iqvir l SlEkti•em:t, BINGELA NITON. • Public. 'l\Tendu.o.. . . n r •iic/l B mii , t; • ' 1(' l ow IN • • /A: • I t il d L . P ar S Z s7 4;i r av w o il f i in.. the folloWing property. y Two Cai‘ e , „ one pan* two •vv.ars old Steers, tnatehee and, hr,017.e. oi:e nye 'years old Nl3re, one young Horse, good roti c'eric. one two years old Colt, one Cow, IS tmtling.a. tuctitv to thirty tons Hay. Straw, Cornqtalks, a qUantitr of Cu:., Oats. Burk wheat, 10..11)54v:1s Potatoes, Inv° :Shoats. oni two horse Blelirh.rone hob SI elgh. Cale tico horse Wauon, one' I ight apring-Wagoa, one FanninFl Mill. one cultiv:Ator. thine Plows, two Harrows. one I.crtte Enke. settiwo horse Harness. and Other articles !too numerous to Mention also. a tiaQii FARM. (known as the Kimber far in,) to rent or sell. TE:IMSI,-,—All earns tinder $5. Cash down i all nirm'be tween $5 and,sso. Fine Monts Credit: all over VO, One Year, with Interest and aPPrdved security. :New Milford, Oct. `Anh, 156 Q. JACOB WAYMAS. i • . Regis \ tpr',., Notice. PtilLIC NOTICE Is ill•keto7 given to all persons coo, ceened in the followingb.etates. to wit: Eeta:e of N. 3. SWEET, dWd. Wm, C. Miles. A.dm'r. Estate oISANUEL RESICICIE, Clarice Resiguie and Itettben Whitney, Atitrir.—_ I Estate &VILA/NCI( A. WILIGOT., E. S. Wawa, Gnar than. (final account.) ' • Thal the accountabta have dettled thelr accounts' In the Register's Mice. in and for the County of Susquehanna. and that the mane will be preened to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of ea idVorin ty. on TEL' SDAY, Nov. 2:tb, 1124; fin col:dirt:nation and 'C ice. , IIARLES NEALE, Itegiste:r. Itegisier's Office. I I Montrose. pa.: 2.5th.1560.'1 Teachers' Ei.aatibrig.. --. M r:Er:N.OS for the EMunlnstionl nam- •of the Teachers, of Susquehanna County f0r31860 will be held in the dlf . . (event Township. as followl:• . Lerma, Nov. NIL Bell Schopi /louse. l 0 a. T. " . • Affileted, - ,Read! Braokl)ti. Nor. 10th. Centre. P3ann. • • ! • • . ' " - Gibson. Nor. 12th. Gibbon Hill, Ip. m. ' . ' . VVILLIAMS'S COMPOUND SOLU .Tnekion. Nov. 10th. No. 2.F.ichool House, 101. m. . 1 • TY Don for the PILES, is warranted to effect a Cure ' Thomson, Nov. 14th. Centre. 10 a. mi . lin every case. and in nll stages of the disease, or themoney Ararat. Nov. lath. Church. 19 a. m. . ..• i will bb ..funded. full directions accompany each bottle. Herrick. Nov. 16th, Uniondale, 14 a. tn. : • , For sale be Abil Turrell. Montrose; - G. G. Hempstead, - . Clifford and I • • ," . " ' By.koklys ; T. J. Babcock, Dimock ; Nutlet Carpenter, Dundar. ( Not, lith, C it y School Hons. pa. to_. ; Et.rfora ;G• G. Williams, Jackson ; J. 13. Slocum, Dundas; ' Mr:be', Nov . . ' , Wl • ••nixfo Village, - / P. Tn. . i A. IS.J4errill, Hopbotto:n ;A. J. Merrill. ScrnutiM. Montrose antsi N - t , . .., - Bridgewater. I • `•.e.". „ . 011 trime. iv a. In. . , cnimertizoxcues-Tra.- Iris expected that the examlnetlons will commence pie- This is to certify, that Mrs. Emory has been afflicted for cletely at the time appointed. INd candidates "will be ex- years past with • that distressing complaint known as the amined who do 'not conic in- before 11. unless the feral- • Piles," anitthat haring failed in securing relief from vs. DOS be unavoidable. No person will be examined who egos Physiclium, she was Induced front reports to try 1... tr. does not Intend to teach In the county during the winter. ' WBllams . •IPIle Solution," which we obtained at one, of neither will any be examined that have attended cumin.' bib Agencies in Tunkbannock, Pa. The result Ina been salons. in other townships. - , ,- .. the most favorable. The trial was made with it last faii, • Private evse-chnalions will in no oases be granted except and alter using an directed for a few days, what we have in. accordance with the provisions of the lichool law as good reason to think was a permanent cure was effected. foimd on page a . Each teacher will ; tenig a seader; two Several other eases of a similar nature in thin vicinity sheets foolscap paper . pen and ink. . - i have need it.with!ike result.. With Mr, Williams motto • Directors are earnestly invited to be presein it the trino claim:s . lo4' every one tbninSlicted will certainly ammatlens in their resnocePre townships .' • - i. do seall. ton"' it. - B. B. EMORY. A. N. =MOD. - Comfy a#terkitisOmi; home N.Z. Cluzieb; . Tosi2isaaodc. Wltatag Os. 1% , Xostross. Oct. egb..VM . - ' , , , • Aloe mb,UNICk • C SPLENDID 4.`,.;FORTMENTI' NO. pc), COURT ST. Bingham:tolf, N. Y. • ?ono: • ' lII#VE JUST RFCEIVIA) TOOK OF ISO NHS! $1 to $5 pr. yd., ast,s.l e r e to 2150 yes from 5 to Cents. SHERIFF'S SALES, BYvirtue'of iundry wets issued by tbe Courtof Com-', mon Pleas of 6u" charms County, and to me dime.: led, I expose to sale, lie public cendue, a; the Court. House, in Montrose. on }:rlday,. Nov. ..=d, 1860, at o'clock, p. in.. the following described pieces or parcels of land: to wit: ALL that certain piece or parcel of ]and situate,' lying and being in the township of Groat Bond, County of Sue- quelanua and State of INonsylvitnia, bounded and de- . 1 scribed as follows, to wit; beginning at an Ash, thence by land of 'David Taylor south, 'IV Vag, 1135 perches to tired oak; thence north 35,1,;• west, 143 perches to wpont ; thence by land of Wright. • Chamberlin and Scott andll West b rook south, 13!4• east: perches to a hemlock;.'' thence land of Oliver Tro wbridge north, liti* east. 22 pere', cline to stones “thence south, 44* emit; perches to a; hi.rulo7.lt theneh britod or C. Lvnis 44 - ei• wed,: ti pc rebels to stollen; thence nortu, WM' sort, 7tl perches; to a poet; thence north: 34X' tam, ba perches to u corner:. on the river; thence down the Susquehanna river north, Ir.•••• west, 24 perches; north, 49* meet, 96 perces ; north, I GOK , west.9o perches; north. 71* west, 13 perches; north, 717;‘, went, pciches to the place of beginning : contain ii - inn Wt . acres and altowance , ,•-with the appurtentince4,l hence. a barn, 'some fruit trees and Sbali. 13-nerve itto proved.. [Taken in execution nt the suit of Elia sY, Young to the use of Jonathan Ogden es. Cyrus .I'. Skinner.] ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of land situate, Icing and being it: the township of Aitburn, county ard State aferegaid, bounded and described as foliates, to wit: on the north by laud of Westly Ben.moter, va.q. by Abilarr Janes, E. J. 1..-tey and Seth Eddy. on the south by Jeluma Brown and Jolin4on :Batter, and on the west. be the Brad ford county line, containing one hhncired and iiinety3Cliel of land, tic the stone more or 1 wa, with the appurtenances, one framed house; harm shed. corn house; and about one Modred and twcoty :term+ Impru% ed: [Taken in execu tion at the suit of Albett-Beardslep va..jullus Brown.) • ALSO— , ..III that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the town.iblp of Jessup, county and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows. to wit' on the north by James Falun:. on the cast by Henry Wal bridge and Wm. ohelp. on tile south by Walw Chatfield, - ,and motile west by James Faure*, containing ninetystwo acres, with the appurtenances, one house., two barns, one orchard and about ten acres improved. [Takeo in execu- Hen atthc Halt of Increase Dewitt vs. Timothy Fauret.) ALSO—AB the equal half part of a lot of land alteateln the toSvmship of Great Bend. county and Suite aforesaid, situate on H:north side of the Great Bend and Cochccton turnpike road. adjoining land of Lowrie Green / on the north, by John Colston on the east, by the turn- A pike on the south, by land of IL. Crane on the west, being 1 in front thirty-tam:wand a half feet and in depth one. hun dred and twenty feet, and having thereon one three t ,story building for store and &Maim house. and out'{ buildings, and all. improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of Stillwell sl , lrown vs. Geo. W. flyer and Emory J. Simone late partners, #e.. as flyer ,t Simons.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land. sitnate in the' township of Greet Bend. county and State afore said, bounded and described as follows, to veltit:ieginning nt a point on the northerly line of Church street and westerly corner of li, T. Stephens lot one hundred feet to the somberly corner of Thomas Hay's lot; thence north, 27' west, along the line of Thomas Hay's lot fifty feet to the easterly curlier of:Richard Stack's lut ,• thence parallel with the described line one hundred feet to church street. and thence South..27' east. fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing about dye thousand square feet of land, be the awes mene or less, with the.npurte •nances, one dwelling 110115,, One barn, and all improved. [Taken , in execution at the suit of IL B. Little to the use of Wakeman C. Hendrick Williani Green.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the townshin of Bosh, county_ and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: 'on the north by land of Wm. Hose, on. the east by land of Charles Jerry., on the south by land of Dr.-iiiram Cogswell, and on the west by land of J. Sherwood, twin- the name land recently conveyed,by N. D. Snyder to S. IL CanEcld, with the appurtenances, one save mill, with lath machine attached, containing about eleven acres, be the same more or lens, and nearly all improved. ' [Taken in execution at . the • suit of Wm. .13. Taylor vs. James W. Bosworth and 1 N. P. Bosworth.) • TErtms - or Sian same on atleortf.ed elrewbere In this 113 per. JOHN' YOU NO, Sherie • Shales °lnce. ;siontroOe. October r)th, 1861 -Dissolution. • mllNCorartnerthip heretofore v.:Ming between'.. C: BLAKESLEE or.d P. E. BELTSII. 6 t tilutwS eon sent thi= day dh•solvert. A. C. BLAKESLEE. Dimeck, Oct..;:tith.lSCA). . I'. E. ERUSIL SI3E-1C:030 , 3 1-3 C C:, 35 2 ! Tlll7. subscriber r lld iepectfidly thaf 1. he - has mov his SHOE SHOP tolhe base. ment , roopt., oppoeite the Grocery of S. S. ldott, to Montrose.. where he will be happy to wait on all his old friende, and a' many other .$ ae see fit to favor • him with their patronage. N. B. 11?ving secuicd the servles of one of the best workmen-in the country, he feels confident of giving' per feet eattifaction to ail' who wish FINE or COARSE BOOTS. All work: warranted, and-very cheap for Ready ?Av. Repairing neatly done on short not lee: koßtrotie, Nov. lot, 1560.-3 w . tl. F. FARGO. FALL . STYLES NOW READY • At Great Bargains .- FOR..READY PAY - AND SMALL PROFITS! Ti RI:BRITT, et the. "Original New 'Milford Shawl Ind 1.1...Dre5• Gooth Em - now receiving a Large and CHOICE STOCK . • A, N-DIATICN:'TER . .,.r 7 3 Jr" - • (7 ' ; Including a great Variety of the newest and best styles of Dress Goods, Shawls. Broadclo‘h d: Winter. Stuffs, &c., with a large assortment a: other ). Staple and Fancy Goods, as usua'.. in Grororles. Crockery: Hardware, Iron and Pamt! , , Ui!”, Fluid.. Bouts, „Shoes, )(Hui, Cap,. Cioch.s. Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Pal and tt lit Window Shad's, a large line of Kerosene Lamp ang' Furs and -Buffalo Robes. re• The ent Ire stock lwlng larga and bought fortASII, and lirgely from .MANCFACTURERS and Plitsi will giVt ,tlpFrlOr opportunities for choiee seintlarat and low•down prier and twill So !Laid on the taut favorable term; for CAr,H. PROBCCE. and to Prompt Sla-Months' Buyers. An examination of the hoods and Prices will be .found profitable to tilos" who wish to buy. FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. New Milford.; Octob?r, •15f 4 0, - , • c A. CHANGE . rrHE SUBSCRIBER, lIAVIG PUR- L . chanA the s tock of BOOKS- AND . STITIONERY 100161E111X owned by ' A.N. rivumtn. takes this methodor Informing flow who &eke the paper ,*; that the stock has been removed to the state of J. I.rons*Son, opposite the 6 31:0092:0.C)Cre:VV . Ciga(?o, whqre he will be Most he i t4' to wait upon those • mho may tavor with a cal. ANY . Book P I7BLISIIED (and in print) can be obtained by lingyour order!. with the priesot the book and publ i sher's name at the desk. Also, any article in the •• Book and StAtioriery" line.• NEWS OFFICE. HARPERS. Godey'i, Leslie's, Peterson's. Graham's!, or any of the popular Magazines of the day. N. Y. Ledger, N.Y.. Weekly, Mercury. Clipper, Flag. Wilkes' Spirit, and ell ite - Glastrated Papers for sale. liael num bers impplied. SCHOOL BOOKS—AII tho old And new editions. BLANK BO JKS—A very nice assortment. • CUTLERY:--AI topartiele of American. GOLD PENtr-V.p_ry 'Fisk ones, Ladies' & Gents.' pEprryirvßy Ar.llarris on's and others. ' - (SINDNIE C7ALT-tiMll,:anct I Win eniteavoi to X.., have a sank. e‘e to' your intro:" and oa to lay . .owit. • Yount, e‘i;'.eatir, -•- • -• • - • x.. ISO IVtirii 3loyr.nosE. PA., September AT MIGITION MB! 2nd DO . OR.ABerNT. Isrvvronirs. „ A la, THE r PUBLIC gencrAlly aririnforrnce. that n FREE P_'S.• 11113ITION gircn at all,hoar4 of the day, of NEW GOODS oral' sorts, viz: Drees Saininer Print!, Poplins, patterns, chetn BishopLawria,. Book,Sard, Jaconetts and Swlsis Dlttll, indica' Collani and Sleeve=, lllmity, Mar ,, eilicV, Noreen, Furriro tare Freits..tientnchv Jeans, Naukzerlii, Slimmer Staffs, Gents Shirts. Cotton brawere. CollaN;Cra,ate Nenk-tlen, and Sttspenglers. A new and large lot of . LEATHER-1\ such as Gents Fine Calf Boots—good 'ans,',alt light Shoes, Splendid Ladies Gaiters from 5 tots chi tin -warranted to tit. White, Brown. and Black HOSIERY. Parasols and limbellas, hand Boxes and liaskets. 1E3.11. ra3.l.3ag 1 7 `.1111.4:51. awn Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Tires and Japaned Lancers, Wash Boards.and Coffee Mills; White ,wash Brushes, Bed Cords ell feet long, whittled anti spring Clothes Pins, Pine and CEDAR PAlLS,,besides a }ILE of R,olilit:44V OCAPRXte , of every variety, among which are %inlet* and Corn Stair-1i for gl ori ous ptuldings. Cream Tartar. S eda-sta rch Sal Mama , 'Castor Oil, Epsomßlack. and Scotch Snuff, mid 'ova I of things which won't do to read about, but please to tits, examine and talk about. We are ready and willing to shcw Goods, even thoughthey may not quit; and thankful for small favors. C. TYLER. Flair Tonic. FL I.2Visbaur:7 d i ii tk, ng ti f ,i t. o r f sl t 3. e u b u hl p l . l,in g MONTROSE., May:101, 1660. r'd • • Having received froin Auction and eisevithere,an addition io our stock,.of 1 '!--‘ it, i• . i,.??„.., ' ...,' S qz. ' - '• - ' 7 ' , F.. , .. , :-, ''' f'.. , ~ ..1 ' ,.- -_ •• . ~,..,./...'' '7,„.•%-, ,hi...A, .... ,1„ s . s ,/,-: I •,.:,,r0: ....: .i :',',;,,, ii , .• , • ~.:• ••• : et 11 I l ' , /' • ltrY,,::: ' , ', 7, - , i ' • it; , 'Z' -, •1'::.., ~....: ~!-; :::. ;. : : \'''f ri!i-1., • 1 --- 7 '',6 , :' : I'll:: .1j . .; - . .•'.:;....'• ''' '; ' '.:', , :;0. 1 .... ,? . • - ...>: - 4 :" • - „-_.i4;:!:':i!. I.• • •, : il''' . 4 . :^ l - .1- :', :' ' ' : :' l -, • ~.-'',' :-.'-':'. ~ : --".".., , . ...„,, ,•,-- A;:C. ' . 4.:, ', , t c . - - 0' t;:- • 7: '':.q!' ••••• , worth of GOODS, wei are en bled to offer'those in want of -„ VW.;14(0-Qi . BAR .*5 2110 . pieees smallfigured DeLttines for Is per yard, worth IllOcts. 109 pieces Plaid ValeticieS foe Is per yard, worth 25 ctsi, 500 all wool Biank f et Shawls for $l.BB worth Is 3. • 500 all silkaad woolibroiche Shawls for $3.50; 3.50; worth $5150 e". tog ether 1 7 • FII'LL •ISNORIVIEMT OF DRY 5 „,‘... 11 . • CHE L\• Than any establi!hmen Thankful for the 10212241116 . . . . . . . . 1 1. , .:. :• • ..., ~ 7 : . . .• T--7:-k.---ilii- t-i- '4l, v . 1 I .- . ' - . 1 - 17re hope by strict attentiOn .1 wants;to.merit a cOuttauance .1. same. :, . r tRE, •• 1 • • ..J ,r ;i " "".4 N. B. IIR: FRAMK, IL PEENS will he glad toisee his at theabove place of busiktess.- TO ALL' ave, Usually GOON 14 , Which we pledge ourselveo to 1 Plif Of, our many Fr ends id p r u • V. 1 A _LA. Stock: Kepi, in a STIR in the c ounty, ookom their, of the '~ ! it t t 1 ; *._ 4l V ‘ STE !lends `Bee- 'lets hive. 1 • _o'er.. .1 „ . - 1, • ‘'woo.lrt.rt,47l - VOiterSt, 4,75. No. 20 Corner Illasiam- Nora Au!tton, Goods. • ' Astonishing Pricesi 111 TM refer the eltliens or Montrose. and the pubtle gen- I tinily, to the fallowing estslozue. of Geode whist tOr quality, prise, and style, cannot to eurpassed by any other.establishment In this section of the eutl*.tr7-. ...., vim OPFER YOU NOW : - . 200 yds. Benutiful dark colored, ch:nts IlgOed . 3 ... De Lalnes, may sold for it eta.. at • 1:IX cis. Rich Vienna Mohair. Leos., for lt.w - ". All Colors Paramettas for . - ' .. 15 " 1600yds. Real French Merino:, warranted One - wool, worth fr7X eta, sold at Very elegant colored Foularditiress Silks for 37 a 50' " .An immense assortment of 11 opp's Beat Black . Drew; Silks, 15 per cent. lo er than elaiw.here. Rich Uroche square &Awls,- warranted pure Wool iind. Silk, to.. I. . 1 3-1 " 3 Long do., worth $ lO.-tor ' , . 7.50 Colored and Black Broadcloth; all Wool, $l.lOl to $1..00 Cloaks of the Latest Style, EucVac esseaquee,,Bedoutit's and Zonsiree from - 6.2.50 upwards. Immenee quantities of all kinds of Worsted, of onrown Importation. • . • - • GratefuLfor the very llbernipatronage bitherto extend. alto us, arc take pleasure in etating tbat our facilities .areaugmented by n more thorottcb knowledge of Om markets, and requirement' of the trade, increased room', • very eztensive stock, and-last, but.not kart essential, an increase of capital. PLEDGIE OURSELVES TO DO ALE WE 41> 'rEETISE. • DnoA.. a. co. • N. D. LXPOIITA ‘ NT TO .IfILLINCItt Goods of. every description cold at New York Wholesale Prices by an 0.1., a co. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE G. EVANS' CirtMarTZT.ll6.3ta GIFT BOOK THE LARGESSTA THE WORLD! PERitANENTtY N LQcATED . . - 439 Chestnut Street;. .ViZe1=.9.133223:17-MiIECE.A.. SIXTH YEAR OF THE ENTEEPRIS • 49.35E7a. • • . Having srurchamed the spacious ken : ?..;;; 439, Chestnut Street, and fitted it np with every convenience to facilitate my buminese, particularly that branch devoted to COUNTRYORDERS; and having a larger ea rifa than any other party inveeted In the bo..vmess. I now pre pared to offer greater advantages,. and better; gifts than ever before to my envtomere. I will furnish any book (Ora moral character)pablimbed In the , Untted States, the regular retail price of which is One Dollar or upward& and give a present worth from SD centato 100 dollars with each book. and varantee to give perfect malefaction. as I am detenr.lued to maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Philadelphia cfeinvited to cal sad judge for themselves. IF YOU WANT . ANY iiOOKS, SEND TO 4C/reco. .Reliable Gift Book Euterpr*e NO. 4.130 °hoist=Ast Fit. • PIIIMADIELPII7I/1., 'Where all books are sold at the Publisher's lowest yrieea, and you have the i • ADVANTAGE' rteetvtult • • A HANDSOME PRESENT IVORTE FROM 'A 9F-NTS 7.0.100 DOLLARS WITH EACH HOOK. • G. G. EVANS' Original Gift. llobk. Enterprise has been encioreedlky the Book Trade dud ail the leading city and country newppapers in the United-States. . .1 G. G. EVANS' Punctual business trantactions hat'e re • ecived the approbation of over ti 3 OCW,OOO citizens of, the United States. r.ich ,of whom have received tuh.stantial evidence of the baneSt derived by purdia'sing books at this estatlishment: (11:\ EVANS 11. as done more than any ether publisher, •‘‘ or bookeeller in the enited prates, to wards difusing knowledle toe people. • By this syttem, mane homes thread that wou:d not have found their way into the Lands' et readers.--Frank Laqu's Nitre ' yyrr G. G. EVA.NS Keeps eonshantly 6n hand, the most ex - the greatest asap:tine/A of Book*, and elraulates free to an who Italy apply, the most complete catalogue of -BMA* and Gifts In the Crilted G. G. EVANS 1116 advantages offered him by other Pub. liimers. and manufactiirers sitg.ca enable ' him to furnish bie patrons. with it Mier quality anti better assortment of gifts than any other establishment. G C. Ki ; ./iNS Publishes nearly Two Hundred ropular aid interesting Books, - thcrefore. :as publisher, he to better able to otter extra premiums and commissions. 40.- G. EVA:NO. 6'uarintees perfect satistactlonto allwho may send fur books. • EV,&2is' New,classified catlllngtic of beaks embrace the.writir,gs of every department of Liter a. - tare, and gives rill the information rein -. •tire to the purchasing and funithrdlng•by Mall or Express of hooka ordered from lila estali4shment, together with Tull direc lions Low to remit money. 0: G. EVANS' Catalogue of ItOoks will be Fentrrat6 and free; of expmwe to any addrisa be the CM - ted States. G. G. EV.A.N.S' Inducements 'to Agents cluna be sin , passed. The moot liberal commissions • • arc offeredmad, hy. km:kiting suliscrip dons to books In the manner proposiM, twenty books can be sold in the name time that it - • would take to sell one on the old fashion . • ed subscription plan. Send forth classlE _. ed Catalogue, and, every itifermation will - be given In reference to 3,70.1C10. Select your books. enclose the arts owl: of money 'required, and . one trial will satisfy you • that the best place In the cOuntly to per .. Mutsu books is at i THE EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISIIMCT cr GEL). G. EVANS, No. at Currrxrr Sumac, I'nuta . zastruu. where you can get books of all kinds. , • Bookrof kat! - Books of Fiction I -, Books of Devotion t- i - ' Books of Amusement: _ Books for the Old Folks.l ' .1 Books for the 'Young Yolk . ' Books for Husbands ' Books tor.Wiv ‘ es i; Books. for LOvers I - Books for Sweethearts: Books for Boys: Books for Girts I Books of Humor t Book* of PoeMyl Books of Travel!. . . Books of History - I. - . i. • - , Books Of Biography t .. : Books dfAdventuiel . . Books about Sail ". • Books about Soldiers; • •Bookhabout Indians: .t .. , Books about Mantua I . !. _, Boob; about liercer t . t _. Book about Patriots! Books•for Partners! • ' ' Books for Mechanics! . " I 'I . Books for Merettantai •• . Books' for Physicians I Books tor Lawyers! • . '• - Itooks for Statesnien! . , _ • • - 1 Bibit . , '_ Presentation B ooks I " Prayer Books: t, • Hymn Books! : `• ' Juvenile Books: . • .. Annuals t • . . . • Albums, etc., etc. ' .. CECIL 8.. HAItTLEY'S Interesting Djographicil I • REV. J. H. INGRAHAM'S Scriptitral liontutucca I , SMUCKER'S Lives of Patriots and Statrossen J. T. LAUREN'S Revolutionary !Ivories f T. S. AUTIICIFS Popular Taletil ' DR. ALCOTT'S Family /Maori MRS. RENTZ'S Novels, . • MRS. SOUTHWORTIFS Novara! COOPER'S Novels! v •DICKENS' Novels! . - 't• ~ WAVERLET 5 Novels I • ' . t IRVDIG'S Works I • ,t All the writings of every standard author In a-very-de partment of literature, in every style of .binding,at the publisher's lowest prices. and remember that you paypo more than you would at any other Establishnient, and you have the advantage of receiving an elegant:Present, witien oftentimes IC worth a•handred fold more ',than the amount paid for the book. ' - . In sit diseases affecting these organs. whether, ti.:" . ÷ see crete too much or too little water; or whether tee) be at nicted with stone or h , raveloorwitli ache..and *IL" , tti't4 In the loins over therogieni of the kidnevv. Ore halt should be taken according - to the priaird diary.. es. and the Ointment should be wen. rubbed !moils. twat - Ji of the back at bed time. This treatment will gibs alma.[ intro- ate relief when all ether maths' hate Luicd. . . . For Sternachs .out of Order. No medicine will so cffectnallk improve the tone Oohs stomach. as these Pills; they retno.e. all acidity , oceas.ond either by lute plperance or improper diet. They reach the liver qua reduee it to a healthy Jethro; they neve fulio • . • I curing ail disorderS of the liver and stomach. .4, . SEND FOR CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF • ~_ ,BOOKS. , • i Holloway's Pills are the bed remedy f T:/ mote* - Order any book. that you May want, remit lbc retail pee°, together with the amount required for postage, and in the world for the following discneee: • One trial - Will assure you that the beat plate in the country Agn e . . Fifi, - 7 .' -. - borethroata, to purchase books is at the Gift Book Establishment of . A e th m s ; -.' GEORGE G. EVANS, 1. - • - , orm Gord, , Stone and Genial. Bilious Complaints„llesd.acle. • Sce'n ptata Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise, • Blotches on Skin. indigestion, Tlo.llnuloul'eur - No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . , B o , e 'd complaints, InitammatiOn. Tamers, ' ' ' o , • . c o ll o . - Jaundice, . - Ulcers.- . ' MAGENTSWANTED, to whom greaterhaddeentents c on ej o atiOn of the Liver Complaints , Venereal Aff.ction than ever are offered. Any person, either male or female, Soirols. Lumbago, . Worms ofsilkinds ' who is desirous of engaging in an honorable and " Weakness from, Profit 4 ^ ' .. Consnuiptlon, Piles. . ble Employment, requiring but little time and noonday - 4 Debility, - - 'Rheumatism. . . whatever c. sae, of moneT,vindny which be can obtain gratis '.• •• D 7 , , I ropsy, . Reicsitith of lac.. de A VALLABLM. .IBRARY. ' . Urine, • i .tc.. .te. A FINE GOLD WATCH AND CRAM', '' :' ' 7 I D :r S y ' a e irtra: - Scrofula. or Tines Evil. 1341 - A lIANDSOIIE SERVICE OF PLATE • ' I Female Inm:dull:es. Fevers of all kinds. - (cowl ' . AN ELEGANT SILK DRESS PA .TYRILV, . . • A SLENDW SET OF JEWELRY, CAUTION !-Notto sretennine ttqloss the weir. •• I lint. Or many other choice articlenenumerated In the List of . LO*AY. Niair•YOES /.3CD- Li3NUON." are diocrutble 3,.4 a .oifte, can do co by acting as an Agent fur this estaelliatel watermark in every,kof of the book of directions ergoc,l meat.. ,1 each pot or.boi; the same may be plainly seen by 6041:47 Any permit, la any part at thecountry, am be agent Ladkaftetll4 figill. A handsome reward will be given to soundy'by forming • club, sending for a !Mt of boOluhrhid . any one rendering such information' as may lead to the rea n y r the amount of money required forthee-,Same. detection tidally party or parties counterfeiting the mat, acad o•Cktroforte. - which contains all the desired in.: clues or vending the-same. knowing therolo be spurious. i 'to on relative to agencies and the formation tiLeluba; -••• Sold at the lilanufeoorr of Professor liouirwAr. an and to laws pmenpt and honorable dealings; address a lt . Maiden Lane, New York, an by allresdkciabis DritgOrts order•LA - • and Dealers th Medicine. thromrhout e civilhasd worlds TEM RIAD TIMM" OF OEO , 4 Mtn. • .1 in boxes at gi cents. 62 csvnta . and.Stsach. , , eif the Chdest and . targmt GM Dooklinterprie, e. 1. • There Is considerable oaring by Wang largerboszo. itltagrill°7 l°W9644' Va. it... I lo...Dirouloostortruk &damps at I to eval, . • . . tont i Sao ditonte ato *mot to on on. - • ... . . STOIES! SIM! S. 33 TT XL XL X 'LI ir HAS Just received a large stock of AM Storm tot Cooking, Yarlor, ()lice and 6boy pi:rouses, fat Wood of Cool, With Store Mo. Moe, jto., Ills assortment is select and desirable, and mill be told 'on the moat favorable terms for. Cashier to heave Slz Montha Neve=pct. 26tb, 1660. doort St. DAILY MAIL aorrE. BlarwEEsr MONTROSE & - FRIENDSVILLE. - iNCIACTIES 'carrying malls aid passengers tetwesns Montrole and friend:title, will - leave Searle'. Hotel, in Montrose. daily; at 7 o'clock, a. m. and leave Frioada. st o'clotls, p s m. Or - Horses and wrisgeicsn b i b procured at tLe Livery Stable of - the sttbstribersn Montrose. on responsbP: twat.. Sfonense. dt47.16. TS 'J. D. 000.DICa.. ARE YOU INSURED ? % ax. .13X14064:: redelytk ai,pll=tons fur Invarascs IL* fu:l4w. Jaz C6=panies: • Wyoming INSURANCE Ctmpany, • ~ t S fix. - 01.11 A, It RE, Pa. Charter PerpetizaL • Suiplus.. —47,000 .1 Vryanizrci 41'evrint,r 2/, '.:A:I4 .G. 11. Ilaktabseit, D. G. Decibr3h, Z. DtTacts,.. . Job., mthard. DaY±d 51tarcs; Clss Lorrancll. ICadhams,'D Luce,Wra F Coo, .Ll.) Shoe:zit:as. • .aeo'Y Steer!. c; LI H ort . It C. Siam Scey. G. Y. Ilotz.vraxcePr:tet.' w. 0.-STErs.ma. L.D. Sacmi.stra, Vico Piv't. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY; Hurt - 143rd; Connecticut. „ Paid lip Capital, ' t1,500.0)0 00 um:, 1 IKIOO quaker City Insoranco Company, - PhiladelpLia, Pa .:171.r.da Capittl Norrnzrx FIRE ,t Lrrz ASCP.ANCZ COXPL:Vr, • • No. 1 Moor',;•ate. ctreet. Lowlttn. Capital, ...Ant tall:oer ce. 11. 1 03,01 0 ). 3 • W3l GETTY . 47ent.rtil.adul,;,Ma. ' CONNECTICUT m s t,"ram. LIFE rscr..INCE cc, PANY of Ilartford, Cornee.lct.t. - • - Accumaizted C.roltal , V.Z0,06)‘C.3 Any One wishing their lives Insure-el will do well taesll and examine •their tevile of liimirinz. and their rate.. which are better than tit o. ahs other *cooper:v. talons POI:CitsP. 11LACiiIIA:';:. wll'6ol • liar lChalsti.ti S iresecie 00 44°) 04 6 43- #4441 4111P N • ,A,AO " I N ' 45 73( 5t 7 . 4.. t „ A CUBE RLAVVE k TONIC, Co lUR ETIC' 4 it RIVICNIMINt CORDIAL - \', - "91% To the Citizt9s.ef Pentiiylvania. P9thecarlea; Dru Ijit,.Grocersand Private FaniUlci. . Wolfe's Pure Cognao Eraudy: Wolfe's Pure It.adoria; Skerry Port 'Yam `ArblL.l's Pro Jamaica and 5... C:ois. aux: Wolfo's Peru Scotch and. Irish liClaiske.7., • . ' , MINT 3:3CAT9L I 7..sEJEL. IBEG LEA%F. to call the attention of tic citLiPas • :hi United States to thc'above Win rs and Li. rons. - tad be Unor_rito 'XOLFE, 44 New York, whets L 4. mill*e in every part of :a:o'er...mu , 4./.7 am: purity of Lai ', Celebrated SCItILD....II - r , cliNArr,. Sir. wolf,. :a a fetter:, me, it.eaking of the purity orti. Wines ace. Liquors. sa , s: "I will rube my reputaitou as a man. my stancht.; at • merchant a thirty years' rc , ridenee - in CILy Y that all the Branify and Wa.nes walch I Gott;, a. pl.re as imported, and of,the Lest quality. anti eau tie roi(it ;: p an by every purchaser.". Y.: try bolt;.; ha name on the Was. anti it far of Us TLepubl:c are r.- stint: lurtt. rn examine for the.i...1,,i. at by a.. of tt.a Apdthecarles and Keri , In _ • Gun. Astrroii, No. Market st.. _ tntp.r Read the followlttn . from. th. Ne'.v . . T,INO/tMOUS itt:4M7:l9 rc osr A-4 are happy to inior:r. or.r , ; ; t . :a one ciao.: in in.: city whcre _country mereliant. can i'o'ar.e. pa'rCvn..c tkit.e.. sad ic3Orli: MS pure as I:Lrnrt.d.and do not intend to rat: chant's eitetlS . ce 1,2:1 f - - a ntratitte . r or citlice' tc, t!tt::,sls t'';ti-;arc=s; ;;;; N., 4 . 21, 41dark4tf. e.161t. , stock !•_• , :taapr , hat. Ir• for shipment could n o t s ; the Brandy ~ o rne -:7; to : -..d 10.6(i) CL-er , madeira. erry.. Is•rt Wit e, ! Irish Whi - skr, Jr.ninica and it. Croit Rom. eor”• and equal to in thh corns,{. lie livtalto tar, ceilam 1111.. d with Brandy. W:-. ' e , sc. in cls.L., tossa Cu-tom nous , . key. rtvtoy . forbottlizr. Mr. Of Schnapps bit year arn.Tunted r.. lkt , ft) hone , in twini.e may Id, t•--:c2. • w:th his B.r.liaries arts - :': • Ilis buslnecs T:V.Tit• pntrM7ll.7c tit 4w.7 spedei. Prt , ate hirrji.es ne 'ph 1.i.,n ,, ra 'for ntedica: use shot:4: , en,! Ca , it ti!rvit 'n until every Apothec.u7 in the Lot make up Their to discard thetole-onoui• anSite. p:ce irith ‘Velre's 5.1.1 Lif • We uutientaad f, ( f PM3II dytt:Cl'S tr, the c , :hr.try.,. nut,. tin at-t, rte.! 1%1,, of I Win.* and I.h:licrs. Such a Man. and otgif rarrrhata. should tel ,mstainetlatininst hit. ton+ or than-ar d • r,;.,..0- 1 tient , In the CLited,:stgtes.wi, noth!n", } nit •' tuiuocp allke to 'human It/salth and Lappine.. HE .P:Lird AND IT'S PLEASURES ' Or Disea:sn Wittrits Agonies: • Cl.l2.pcotwojEt otwo olis Thom. ,r- , ", • x• - .;i ~t_A 1 itz.,%. v.-, . ....-, !,-,,, 1 I t.t - .' , 11q li' 4 4 - -:'• ''''' - I , X:- Y. Alka k ? , - • , HOLLOWAY'S 'PTT tS NERVOUS DISORDMS :VITA AT is more ( - earful than a bid dosrn'of VII nervous sy.tem ' To be 'at:tunic or r.ervc-nern . small degtfie Is most di stresNin";. fur. when, ten a re.ll'y be fpatd? There Is one :-,d'ciuk• but wire. spirdg, or far bette:. none take u., co:T.se,—u ea:: ter. preferable ;';. , ,et all the : tsk , iLree Pills every sn ^ht; cat;..enty of th, slops; and If those rniis f.ilicisani. you - 4;li ho harpy innaind, stroaz in body. anti:.orget. LA.: .Motions eta 138z:3.G - 32i:torn. - If there is ona more than at oth,:r for u t!lese Phis are famous, Ah th r 14irif:Fun; their ro*.ver ef'elear.t.iug the t:ood - from a!r rentovinr: datigerou.; Lt.:se:- sally adopted a; toe ;It fvr femslo comp:. tney fid. Lever v. cak...e. tine system, and. a.v.ays . btanz ;Lout what is ree;tia!d; Sick Ifeadaelie sand Trout of Appetite. ; These feedings wideb to ksdden us, mold frequeratlszrtie from -Annoys:ices or trunt.ie. front pErspiration, sir fr,c3 &Win; amid:qui:Mg what is ut.dt for us. tbast: , srd...e.ats..... the . tem a e h ;.,all;yer.. These orrans must be - If y ou syi,ti to b, Tar if Liken , printed iu,truction's, rentoro :.(bealthyraith.n to both liver arditottach. whence folhor han.r.,l ehn sequer,ee, a Coed appetite mid a Zie.tr head. In the.Zut. r.nd West Indiza stAree2y any other rdedteir.o is - ever for ttese disorders, DIS&B.DEBS OP T= Fah} 573. DIIirCTOP.3 IZOLCOO CO